culture – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 July is Strong, Aggressive Male (SAM) Pride Month Honoring their World-Changing Contributions! Thu, 14 Jul 2022 18:54:38 +0000 Well, the sharp knives are out simply because of my title, but the facts are convincing to any honest, thoughtful, concerned person interested in truth—not an agenda from far-left field. I expect to be misjudged, misquoted, maligned, and misunderstood; however, I cannot be responsible for that since those depend on a reader’s mental ability, honesty, personal honor, and commitment to truth.

America has numerous special interest groups such as Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, athletes, homosexuals, normal people, unions, numerous religious groups, liberals, conservatives, and on and on and on. Each has a right to tout their successes, complaints, ambitions, etc. And all sane, honest, thoughtful people will agree that each group has an equal right to promote his or her own group. Of course, such promotions will have various degrees of success.

It would be shocking if a Hispanic did not think his culture was superior to all others. After all, that thought does not harm those in other groups who disagree with him. Blacks should be proud of their culture and shout their prowess in athletics, entertainment, and fashion except for the silly turnaround caps and trousers falling below the 38th parallel.

Well, I am a white male though I had nothing to do with it. Still, I am honored to be white and male although I can’t legitimately boast about it. I have also been ashamed many times of strong, and evil or stupid men, but alas, all groups have such despicable jerks.

I think it’s time to highlight the great achievements of strong males since they have been obscured, neglected, and denigrated lately by lesser men. Pseudo-intellectuals like using the term dead white males.

June is the special month for the Homosexual Lobby and the media constantly promotes their parades, special events, etc., and they have that right although I think it should be a month of shame instead of pride. But then, shame for sexual immorality is as old-fashioned as the automobile crank, ladies’ corsets, white wall tires, and the buggy whip.

Personal shame for personal conduct is as infrequent as white dinosaurs in Kentucky.

God prophesied this day in Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.”

A person will not be ashamed unless there is a tried and true standard that reveals his failure. The Standard is still there; however, few are willing to recognize it. It is so stifling, so restricting such as “thou shall not commit adultery,” “thou shalt not lie,” and the like.

In our day, it is considered quaint to always tell the truth and always keep your word.

I remember the day when all people were ashamed if it became known they were living in adultery, had a baby out of wedlock, or were attracted to young girls. Moreover, everyone was horrified if someone sexually preferred his or her own gender! And no one boasted about such aberration and rebellion against community (and biblical) standards.

Alas, those days are gone and almost forgotten.

By the way, how do you like this new, liberal, permissive, even perverted lifestyle that has been inculcated in our people? Are Americans happier, safer, kinder, and more prosperous and productive than before our wokeness?

It seems no one is horrified or ashamed of anything today. Abnormality is shouted from the rooftops and public parades. Naked bodies with bouncing boobs and protruding members have been paraded all over America during June so now it is time for normalcy to parade—the Strong Aggressive Male!

July is Strong Aggressive Male month (SAM), a time of reflection on the accomplishments of strong males. Although if the radicals on the left are awake and not in a drunken or drug-induced stupor, they will spit, sputter, scream, and squall if any recognition is given to the greatest men in history. I would think any person who has benefited from past accomplishments would be willing to take a few minutes to recall, recognize, and even reverence great successes no matter who was responsible.

Therefore, speak up with justified pride since SAMs have given the world freedom, free enterprise, and the highest standard of living in world history.

I see no reason to reach back to antiquity to provide detail of great, strong, aggressive males like Noah whose commitment saved the human race. Additionally, Moses delivered the Ten Commandments to mankind, the foundation for all laws that provided stability, safety, and security to governments smart enough to follow them. So, while giving credit to such men, I will deal with modern strong aggressive males.

Sam will be my representative of strong, aggressive males. He is married to Sue who is submissive, unique, and equal—although with different strengths, uniqueness, and not equal in function to her husband, Sam. There is little doubt that many women possess far more desirable attributes than most men. What they don’t have is physical strength, especially in their upper bodies nor are they as competitive or aggressive. They don’t need to be if they fulfill God’s purposes for them.

However, in recent months it seems a vile virus has infected the minds of people, especially people who lean left, to resent any suggestion that men are men and women are women. Frankly, I like it much better that way. We are told that men have periods, get pregnant, have babies, and are as efficient and successful in the home as any woman.

What a ludicrous, dangerous, and insidious mental virus! While men and women are equal before God and man, they function differently to produce a happy, successful, self-perpetuating society. Women are usually lighter, shorter, much more attractive, and less hairy than men and have a vagina. Men are bigger, stronger, competitive, and more aggressive, and God’s plan has worked well for millennia. Until wokeism infected most everyone.

SAMs in history are insulted, ignored, and indicted by lesser people who could not qualify to shine their shoes or carry their baggage.

On June 15, 1215, some English barons twisted the arm of King John and forced him to sign the Magna Carta, a document declaring that kings had to obey laws like other citizens. Among other things, the charter guaranteed trial by jury and habeas corpus. All the barons were strong, aggressive males. Those men challenged, contested, and changed the concept of all-powerful despots making freedom and prosperity possible for every human on earth.

A strong, male Johann Gutenberg (died 1468) invented the printing press thereby changing the world. He should be a hero to everyone even if he had two heads and was a registered Democrat.

The Industrial Revolution occurred between 1760 and 1840 when the standard of living advanced for the first time in history! With various inventions, work done by hand advanced to work done by machines powered by steam and electricity instead of water and air.

About 1764 James Hargreaves devised a yarn-spinning machine called the spinning jenny that changed and improved millions of lives. That was followed by James Watt’s steam engine and with that, the world changed again. These inventors were SAMs.

Cyrus McCormick invented several machines used to mechanize farming making it quicker and easier and requiring fewer workers. In 1846, Elias Howe’s sewing machine made the production of clothing less expensive. In 1859 Edwin Drake completed the drilling of the first productive oil well in the United States, near Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Charles Babbage (died1871) was the English inventor of the first mechanical computers. Babbage is considered the “father of computers” since his groundbreaking work made possible today’s world.

Michael Faraday (died 1867) was an English scientist who contributed to the development of electricity. Without him, we would be sitting in the dark without heat or air.

Henry Ford (died 1947) pioneered the use of assembly lines and mass production of motor cars, helping most Americans to own transportation.

Alexander Graham Bell developed his telephone in 1882 thereby pulling every American into one big family. The cell phone developed in 1973 completely changed the world similar to the printing press.

In 1879 Thomas Edison introduced the modern age of light when he invented the incandescent lightbulb.

At Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina on December 17, 1903, Orville Wright performed the first successful controlled human flight in history. Interestingly, the Scientific American sneered at the “alleged” flights of the Wright brothers in their January 13, 1906, issue, two years after they had flown their first airplane. Both brothers were strong, aggressive males.

Free enterprise, or the free market, has brought incredible possibilities to people fortunate enough to experience it. It is an economic system where private persons can form companies, buy, and sell competitively in the marketplace with a minimum of government interference. Adam Smith (died 1790) argued for an economic system based on individual self-interest led by an “invisible hand,” which would achieve the greatest good for all.

Soft, complacent males are doing their best to dismantle the Free Enterprise system that made America the most powerful, prosperous, peaceful, and philanthropic nation in the world. They go by the name of Socialist, Democrat, RINO, and moron. A better word is traitor.

After hundreds of years of contributions by various medical personnel, the first successful heart transplant was done by Christian Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa in 1967. The success gave hope to people worldwide, but today transplants are no longer news.

I am proud of strong aggressive males who led us into a world of production and prosperity, the highest standard of living in the world, etc.

Leftists will not respond to this column other than to accuse me of being a hater, bigot, know-nothing, white supremacist, and of course, racist. While doing so, they drool with hatred toward anything Christian.

But then, I have been called worse things by better people.

By the way, all the above SAMs were strong, aggressive, white males! Don’t know how important that is but it is part of SAM’s amazing story.

I hear knees jerking all over the world. Left ones, of course.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Is the Muslim Culture Superior, Similar, or Substandard to Ours? Tue, 09 Mar 2021 17:33:02 +0000 Taxpayers often support immigrants who arrive in America from other cultures, and those immigrants often demand that Americans recognize, respect, and almost revere the failed miserable cultures most of them left so willingly. They immediately adjust to our superior lifestyle and no longer pee into a hole in the ground or cook veggies sitting around a fire fueled by dried cow dung. They visit modern physicians instead of a version of the witch doctor with his bag of chicken bones and hippopotamus’ dung, prancing around a jungle campfire.

But most immigrants insist on clinging to their most offensive practices—no melting pot for them. They accept our opulent bounty but reject our obvious behavior, and they accept our cash but resist our culture. They have kept the cult in culture and removed the civil in civilization.

I smile when new immigrants, especially Muslims, speak glowingly of what they left behind. I may even fall to the floor, holding my sides with raucous laughter. I have seen what they left behind. I have seen the tragedies of multiple wives. I’ve seen their televised instructions on how to beat their wives. I’ve heard them try to justify molesting teenage girls. I have walked their dirty streets. I’ve sat around their Bedouin tents and tried to drink their thick black coffee as they spouted anti-Semitic nonsense and the false Palestinian myth.

Those new Islamic immigrants have a right to be offended at my critique, criticism, and condemnation, but I have a right not to care.

In recent years, the U.S. brought thousands of rustics to our cities that have changed the culture of those cities. It can be observed in any major city, especially in Minneapolis, Detroit, Chicago, etc. Leftists tell us that Americans must devalue their culture so the new immigrants don’t feel unwelcome and out of place. Some major publications declare that downplaying our culture is necessary to bring cultural diversity to majority-white American towns with a very small percent minority population. Their pathetic pitch is we must never embarrass other cultures by suggesting our way is the best way or even a better way.

We are told that people from a better culture should modulate and subdue their higher standards to keep people from an inferior culture from knowing the differences causing them humiliation. However, unless we are idiots, everyone already knows the differences. All right, maybe a very sensitive person will not boast about his perceived higher standards but to purposefully distort reality to help someone save face is absurd, awkward, and asinine.

A quick look at Sweden, France, Germany, England, and others will easily prove that a massive influx of less developed people will change a higher culture almost immediately.

My culture is far more advanced than the culture of the Muslims as indicated when they tried to purchase my wife and daughters for ten goats or five camels, the normal price for that period. That happened in Syria and Jordan during some of my 14 tours of the Middle East. They wanted to purchase any blond woman in my group.

But it didn’t happen in Israel.

It is telling that such an incident never happened in Israel, where we spent most of our time. Is it because of a difference between the Muslim culture and the Israeli culture? Of course, there were some sophisticated Muslims whose homes I visited who would not make me such an offer because other advanced cultures had impacted them.

That same biased, backward, and bloody Muslim culture still mutilates little girls to keep them “sexually pure” for marriage to any lewd, crude dude willing to purchase them. Of course, the old dudes don’t pay as much for the small girls since they are not blondes. That culture teaches that any non-Muslim girl or woman is available to them, and they have expressed surprise when arrested for rape in civilized nations of Europe! They defend rape because they believe they have a right to those females! And some Muslims who don’t participate in the above refuse to condemn it, making them a part of the evil.

The Islamic practice of “honor killings” is enough proof for my premise of inferior cultures. It is considered acceptable, even expected, for a rape victim to be killed by family members. Not the rapist, but the raped is killed! Too often, a family kills a daughter who has been raped. I know of a case where a son raped his sister, and the girl was killed by her family, not the son/rapist!

The Koran commands Muslims in sura 9:4-5 to ambush the “Mushrikun,” who is identified in verse 6 as “the polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah.” That covers everyone who is not a Muslim! He is to fight in advancing the cause of Islam, not simply in a time of war or defense; all Muslims are to fight to advance Islam. Moreover, each Muslim is obligated to fight for Islam with enthusiasm, or he will be penalized at the last judgment.

Now you know why traditional Muslims are so contentious, confrontational, and cruel. They are on a “holy” mission to force Islam down the throats of every person on earth. They are taught to kiss the hand of the enemy (every non-Muslim) when they are in the minority but to break his fist when in control. We are in a clash of civilizations, not only a clash of cultures.

Western culture is far superior to Muslim culture shown by their celebration of the death of Mohammed’s grandson 1300 years ago. Ashura Day is an annual day that Shia Muslims mutilate themselves and their children. It is a very bloody and traumatic scene as scores of Muslims whip themselves and cut their heads open. Some do that to their small children. If you dare, look at the bloody scene and tell me that all cultures are the same.

Many Muslims want us to think living in mud huts, bathing in a river, marrying our nine-year-old daughters to old men, ripping out a young daughter’s clitoris, and peeing in a hole in the ground is an advanced culture. Or maybe another culture. No, compared with America, it is a substandard culture, not similar, and for sure not superior to ours.

No, thank you. I’m satisfied with my Western Christianized Culture with its admitted failures.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Native American Indians Did Not Own Land Because They Rode Across it on Horseback! Fri, 05 Mar 2021 00:27:05 +0000 Daegan Miller’s This Radical Land is said to be “an outstanding literary achievement”; however, that can’t be true since it is based upon a whopper. The reader is told, “we are reminded of the true origin story of the American landscape: we all live on land stolen from Native people.”

Afraid not. That is fake history to make snowflakes feel good.

Another writer referred to white men who “took over their [Indian] world,” but where did he get the idea that this world (America) belonged to the Indians? There is an abundance of evidence that today’s Indians replaced another group altogether. How far back must we go to be highly principled—doing the right thing?

However, let’s assume the commonly held belief that the Indians were the original occupiers and “owners” of the land until we choose, at another time, to get into the almost unknown, undesirable, and unpleasant details of prior ownership.

Merely living on the land does not confirm ownership. This issue is the most important factor in the discussion. Riding on horseback across land does not confer or confirm ownership. The land is “owned” when occupied by families in homes and is controlled, defended, tilled, and fenced.

After expulsion from the Garden, God told Adam and Eve that in the future, they and all ancestors would have to live by the sweat of their brow. God was saying, Adam, this is your new home, and as punishment, you will live by the sweat of your brow to produce food to keep your family alive. You will have to fight the bugs, beetles, briers, and brambles until you return to the ground from which you were taken.

Englishman John Locke lived in the 17th century and agreed with God. Locke is known as the “Father of Liberalism,” who greatly influenced the French and American Revolutionary leaders. He argued in the late 1600s in his Second Treatise of Government that God gave the earth for man’s common good, but land can only be “owned” when a man’s labor, which obviously belongs only to him, is mixed with the land to improve it. That would be removing stones, swamps, trees, and other obstacles. It would involve building a home or other structures on it. The land would be his when he tills the ground, plants seed, and brings in a harvest.

Locke taught that each person has property in his own person—that is, each person literally owns his own body. With that body, he can acquire or own property by using his body to improve the land. That means a man purchases land not with silver but with the sweat of his brow.

With that accomplished, the land is his. He has put himself into the land. He has removed it from common property and made it his by working it with his own hands.

Locke lived when the king claimed a divine right to rule everything and everyone, and the king owned everything. The land was held by tenants who used the land and served in the king’s army when needed. The tenants had sub-tenants who actually worked the land, but the king owned everything.

After 1492, Spain and Portugal started making outrageous ownership claims throughout the Western Hemisphere. They claimed vast territory that they had not seen and had no plans on settling. Pope Alexander VI stepped into the morass, hoping to untangle the knots by dividing the hemisphere between Spain and Portugal. Of course, Alex had no authority to deal with international and national land claims. Unless a nation built a substantial permanent settlement on the land they claimed and were willing and able to defend it, a claim meant little to nothing.

On the North American continent, the various Indian tribes made the same bogus claim as European kings about owning the land.

The same principle of land ownership applicable to our world would also apply to the Moon or Mars. Who can claim ownership of either? The first nation that landed on the Moon was America, followed by Russia and Japan; however, landing there could not justify ownership. However incredible it was, only a fool would suggest that success could qualify as ownership.

If a nation lands on the Moon, it must explore the land, erect buildings, build streets, water systems, power stations, and produce breathable oxygen from the soil and rocks since there is no breathable atmosphere. Oxygen on the Moon is abundant, but it is very difficult to become usable to men. There is more than 40 percent oxygen on the Moon’s mass, but the soil and rocks must be heated, thereby forcing oxygen to emerge so it can be useful to humans. Various scientific entities are looking at different ways for extracting oxygen from Moon rock, so researchers are examining potentially cheaper ways to produce oxygen on the Moon.

NASA scientists have many ideas about how to extract it. Simply heating lunar soil to a very high temperature causes gaseous oxygen to emerge. Or, they can collect the rocks and “either treat it with chemicals or blast it with heat, and you can free up unlimited quantities of oxygen both for breathing and for rocket fuel.”

The first nation to make the Moon livable can claim “ownership” to that portion of it.

The Indian tribes who fought for “ownership” of the land could not legitimately claim ownership only because they rode across the land on horseback or claimed to have been the first men to occupy the land. Furthermore, they believed if any land was not used or occupied for a year or more, anyone could claim it. War between Indian tribes was almost constant because they believed that the stronger tribe had a natural right to subdue the weaker ones. Fighting was a way of life for Indians. They kept resisting the Whites because to admit Whites were stronger was to admit the white man’s right to occupy the land the Indians had traditionally used.

Unquestionably, the Indian/White conflict about land is a mixed bag. There was a clash of cultures and disagreements as to right and wrong. Moreover, there were many failures and massacres on both sides, with numerous treaties made and broken by each group. Fools and bigots claim that it was the Indians’ fault, while others declare it all the fault of Whites.

According to Indian law, the white men owned the land because they were stronger and could hold it by force. Of course, white men were not bound by Indian law, but they are bound by discovering (or claiming) land, removing the stones, trees, and debris, building homes, barns, and corrals, farming and fencing it.

Early Americans “bought” the land by their own sweat. They didn’t steal it from anyone.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Our Culture is Under Attack and Must be Defended! Mon, 01 Mar 2021 16:52:50 +0000 Our culture is now under attack and must be defended. While there were many failures of Western Civilization, there is much more that honors us than horrifies us. Western Civilization is a product of hundreds of years of trial and error, resulting in advanced and free nations.

The developing culture started going downhill when Cain killed his brother with a rock. From that day, man would struggle with divine revelation and his conscience when making choices—good and bad. That is man’s story down through the millennia, as his choices become the culture, morphing into a civilization.

Western Civilization gave us individual freedom, democracy, personal responsibility, advanced agriculture, the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, ease of travel, organ transplants, space exploration, etc., and yes, vulgar rap music, the woke culture, sleazy entertainment, and the drug culture.

Civilization is always a mixed bag with progression and retrogression. With passing centuries, the hope is that the good will be appreciated, accepted, and applauded while the bad will be recognized, repudiated, and finally rejected.

For sure, all cultures are not the same and are always changing.

Did the first Europeans in the early days of America think they were superior (more advanced) than native Americans who sometimes graciously greeted them and sometimes fiercely fought them? Of course, the white Europeans thought they were superior because they were superior! The Indians in North America had no written language, had no knowledge of the wheel, scalped their enemies, kept other Indians as slaves, eating them during bad times, and basically lived in a Stone Age.

Only a fool, a liar, or one looking to win the trophy for being the most politically correct wacko on the planet would say otherwise. Of course, as far as God is concerned, each person has worth and is part of His plan on an equal basis with everyone else. But of course, the Whites were far superior to the Indians, and the Indians often emulated the worst of the Whites they met.

Other Indians were impressed with some of the white culture and learned from them. Of course, the white people also learned some basic survival techniques from the Indians, proving that many circumstances impact a culture. Both the Indian and white cultures changed—some for the good, some for the bad.

Cultures have slowly changed over hundreds of years to civilizations. Men, even kings, realized that sleeping around was irresponsible, even vile; women realized that sex was not acceptable for acquiring or advancing their profession—it was, in fact, slutty to do so.

Obviously, modern entertainers’ culture has not caught up with our civilization.

Over time it was unacceptable, even shameful, to have babies out of wedlock. It was normal when I was a teen for a pregnant, unmarried girl to be sent to “visit a relative” for a few months. I didn’t know one personally. Today, unmarried pregnancy is often planned and discussed without shame, and the most admired personalities are often, too often, the most slutty.

Young men finally realized that everyone should contribute to society and should, therefore, work even if family status did not require it. In the late Middle Ages, knives, forks, and spoons were invented, and civilized people stopped using their fingers. Changes came slowly.

Over the centuries, all cultures changed, primarily for the better, but many societies are still undisciplined, unprincipled, and uncontrolled. And some of the better cultures have streams of uncouth, unkind, and unlawful behavior. Even in our day, probably half the citizens are fornicators or adulterers; however, in a moment of honesty, I think most of them would agree what they are doing is wrong, but most have no plans to change. That has always been true.

I’m still embarrassed when I see the legislative bodies in South Africa brawl while the Speaker yells, “This honorable body will come to order. This honorable body will come to order.” And the mêlée continues, and one honorable member throws a punch at another honorable member. The same thing happened in the South Korean legislature in 2015.

Such actions are disgraceful, and those who defend such behavior are part of the culture clash.

It was also disgraceful last year when politicians in Taiwan threw punches, pig guts, and water balloons during a legislative session. It was the third brawl in that parliament in two weeks.

U.S. culture would never permit that; however, we will permit adulterers, sodomites, thieves, drunks, and consummate liars in our Congress and the Oval Office.

And too often in our classrooms and pulpits.

I was embarrassed when South Sudan’s ambassador to the U.S., Gordon Buay, in an eight-man video conference, urinated during a live zoom discussion panel! The seven other African leaders found it impossible not to laugh as the world watched him using the potty. At least he did not use a typical hole in the ground, so I suppose one could say that some progress has been made.

I’m embarrassed when rappers use filthy language to perform their gutter rap “music” and am shocked that they are considered distinguished and courted by the public and are considered musicians. No, not in the same class as Nat King Cole and Perry Como.

I was embarrassed when a hillbilly in West Virginia, in the presence of my wife, unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and tucked in his shirt as he spewed numerous four-letter words—not in anger but as if it was the normal thing to do. That was acceptable to him and his clan in that area, but my culture was far above his, although I had lived in a log cabin 20 miles from that location.

I’m embarrassed when professing Christians act, talk, and dress in vain, vile, and vicious ways. I see athletes, politicians, and entertainers wearing a decorative cross around their necks as they dishonor the real meaning of that cross. One prominent black entertainer promised that his wife would no longer prance around in her underwear (that she designed), yet she often appears almost naked as a jaybird (as my dad would say.)

Evidently, that husband has no problem permitting his wife to degrade herself, disgrace Christianity, and deprecate his authority as the family leader. Of course, she always wore a silver cross around her neck. That family is now divorced.

Yes, some cultures are better than others are, and every society has a vast mixture of various levels of culture in the mix.

Radicals don’t want you to be comfortable with your values. They will call you self-righteous and bigoted as they do me. They will get you to question your superior values, and then they will try to convince you that your values are not superior. They demand that all values have equal value; then, they will move on to cultural domination when they have the upper hand and acceptance. They are determined to make you approve of their vile habits to give them comfort in their vileness. Radical leftists tolerate deviant behavior while they condemn Western Civilization.

So, yes, I think America’s conservative values are better than others are, although the BLM, Antifa, and the LGBTQ crowds will consider that the ultimate crime.

A lesser offense would be if I were caught wearing a dirty MAGA cap while sexually molesting autistic three-year-old girls during a Nazi torch rally.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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This Elephant in the Living Room is Out of Control—All Cultures Are Not Equal! Thu, 25 Feb 2021 22:27:26 +0000 All cultures are constantly changing at various speeds, depending on the circumstances: famines, wars, pestilence, economy, etc. It is now considered racist to think one culture is better than another is but all sane, honest, informed people know there is a vast difference in cultures.

The UK’s Channel 4 presented a documentary of an “artist” eating the corpse of a baby. Is that practice to be applauded? Is it beyond criticism? What does it say for a culture where that is permitted? Does acceptance of that not prove the English culture is reverting to its primitive past?

Is it wrong for a superior culture to change an uneducated, unethical, unsafe, or unsophisticated culture?

That is the elephant in the living room. We prefer not to recognize it, and most people are afraid to admit it or even discuss it, but it is there. So, let’s face it. Some cultures are far better than others are, and inferior ones should be helped. That change should be accomplished by confronting, challenging, and convincing, but not compelling.

There, it’s been said. If I am perceived to be a bigot or a white supremacist or a kloset Klansman, so be it. However, intellectual honesty and personal character will require an answer.

Of course, some cultures are better than others. And I may think my culture is preferred to yours, but I have no right to force you to acquiesce to mine. Nor do you have the right to force me to yours.

Culture doesn’t have to be related to race, but it often is. However, culture always has to do with values, and values always require judgment. And that is what leftists detest: they cannot defend their values or lack thereof. Since they can’t or won’t defend their values, they resent anyone who professes values, especially if they are vastly different from their own.

Moreover, they get indignant when we declare that personal virtues determine society’s future values. And our certitude causes them to be indignant.

Values are personal, sincere, and important beliefs that must not be forced on anyone. Of course, people of principle who think values are important will seek to convince others of their importance. That goes with the thought that those desired values are superior to others. If they are not, then it is unnecessary and wasted effort to try to pass them on.

Did the bloody Aztec and Mayan Empires have a right to do their own thing, sacrificing thousands of people yearly and often eating them? When an Aztec wanted to have you for dinner, he really wanted to have you for dinner! Most people have some reservations about that. To further show the human-eating Aztec’s deplorable values, they didn’t use a knife and fork—or napkins.

No, that is not very important, but it is part of a culture.

Was Spain racist in trying to change the Aztecs’ behavior? Does Spain’s looting of the Aztec gold mitigate the bloody practices of the Aztecs? Do headhunting and cannibalistic societies have a right to be left to their vicious cultures? Upon what basis?

All cultures are not equal.

Yes, I think the values of Western Civilization are superior to others. One could add Western Christian Civilization. When we think of values, we don’t think of the Eastern religions or Islam; we think of Christianity. You know—the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, and such. That’s why the left hates Christianity; they don’t want any restrictions on their living; hedonists think life is much more fun when there are no rules. Although, I have discovered the reverse is true.

Just because a group—Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, LGBTQ crowd—has been cloaked with the appellation of collective rights because of immigration status, racial deprivations, persecution, etc., does not mean I must accept their values. Some of the groups I reject in whole or in part because of their absence of high, honest, and honorable values. If I think their values are hostile to mine and are abhorrent, I will not pretend we are equal. Moreover, I will not invite them to visit my dinner table in the presence of my family to push, promote, and preach their hostile and abhorrent values as acceptable.

People with values respect their bodies; therefore, they dress appropriately, not for the jungle or desert, but in a civilized matter, thinking of their own dignity and respect for others. I have seen crude, classless, and corrupt women go topless (and some almost topless) in public and others urinate in major cities of the world. Some at least turn their backs, while others let it all hang out. In Paris, a well-dressed black mother permitted her child to defecate on the sidewalk beside the Notre-Dame Cathedral while a police officer turned his head away.

All cultures are not equal. Some are more equal than others as you see radical Communists being pampered, promoted, and protected by the mass media and even high-level officials. BLM and Antifa followers are of the same caliber as those in the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

Every major university used to teach a course on Western Civilization, but few schools do so anymore. The New York Post reported, “By 2010, none of the 50 top universities required Western civilization, and 34 didn’t even offer the course.” Black civil rights leader Jesse Jackson led chants that demanded, “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Western Culture’s got to go.”

It did.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Should Western Nations Send Missionaries to Backward Nations Seeking to Change their Values? Tue, 05 Jan 2021 18:05:06 +0000 Captain Cook discovered Hawaii in 1778, and on his third trip in 1779, he was killed during a brawl on the beach. A few years later, the Second Great Awakening began, and there was great interest by Christian enthusiasts from Yale who were concerned for the Hawaiian people.

On one of my visits to Hawaii, I heard the famous quip, “American missionaries came to Hawaii to do good and ended up doing well—very well.” No, they ended up changing a pagan, savage people into a lawful, Christian society. King Kamehameha died just before the first missionaries arrived. His wife, Kaʻahumanu, and his son, Liholiho (King Kamehameha II), abolished the pagan religion with its kapu rules or code of conduct. To break even a minor rule meant immediate death. They also practiced human sacrifice. The islanders were ready for a new code, and the timing was perfect as 14 New England missionaries sailed into the harbor in 1820 after a 164-day journey.

They produced a written language for the islanders, and other missionaries established education, an organized government, medical assistance, and forms of entrepreneurship. They solidified the culture away from human sacrifice, drunkenness, and prostitution to a stable government under the queen. After a time of teaching, the queen and six leading chiefs professed faith in Christ and requested baptism.

The Hawaiian Constitution of 1840 reflects a new culture: “God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth (Acts 17:26), in unity and blessedness…God must be our aid, for it is His province alone to give perfect protection and prosperity…All men of every religion shall be protected in worshiping Jehovah, and serving Him, according to their own understanding, but no man shall ever be punished for neglect of God unless he injures his neighbor, of (sic) brings evil on the kingdom.”

Would any honest person suggest that the missionaries’ arrival did not make a significant improvement in the natives’ lives?

The Daily Caller reported that archaeologists in Mexico discovered the first pre-Hispanic temple devoted to “The Flayed Lord,” a fertility god whose priests skinned fallen combatants and wore their skins for a while then stored them. Did those Indians in about A.D. 1000 have the right to strut around wearing the skin of their victims? It is admirable, not reprehensible, that people with a superior ethic or culture would want to take those people a philosophy or theology that would stop such repugnant activity.

The missionaries, risking their lives, and often living in poverty, have even higher motives than physical. They wanted to expose people to the Gospel of Christ, knowing that it would change every area of their lives and prepare them for eternity.

It is not wrong to change cultures as some second-rate, biased anthropologists have charged (think, Margaret Mead and her farcical book on the Samoans). Instead of respecting dedicated missionaries who leave their home for distant foreign lands to live among strange, often dangerous people, the missionaries have been characterized as bigots who presume to have better and higher standards for benighted natives to follow.

The natives are taught to have one wife; put clothes on naked bodies; stop collecting heads from surrounding tribes; stop eating humans; build better homes for protection from snakes and other dangerous creatures; stop drinking from a polluted river; build an outhouse for potty use; build that potty downstream from their village; learn to read and write; teach children to live a better more productive life; teach children right from wrong; punish criminals; permit second chances; teach accountability and restitution. Go to church and learn more about obedience to the truth, treating others the way you want to be treated, and work hard, work smart, and work long.

Sure, some cultures are better than others are.

William Carey went to India in 1793 and won thousands to Christ, although he failed to have one convert his first seven years. He also built schools, improved their way of farming, and influenced the government to forbid sati (or suttee), which required a widow to cast herself upon the funeral pyre of her husband. Yes, some cultures are much better than others are. And generations of Indian widows were thrilled that Carey cared enough to suffer a lifetime of difficulty to convince their government that his values were superior to theirs.

During World War II, on a remote Pacific island, an American soldier met an English-speaking native carrying a Bible. The G.I. pointed to the Bible and sneered, “We educated people don’t put much faith in that Book anymore.” The islander grinned, patted his own belly, saying, “Well, it’s a good thing for you that we do, or else you’d be in here by now.”

Christ changes an unethical, unsophisticated, and uneducated culture, always improving the morals, manners, and mores of people who have been contacted by disciples who obeyed His command to go into the entire world and preach the Gospel.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Black Lives Matter Ridicule, Renounce, and Reject Western Civilization and Plan to Rescind it! Wed, 22 Jul 2020 16:52:13 +0000 The radical revolutionaries in the BLM movement are a greater threat to freedom than the Communist threat of the Cold War. That is true because they may not have missiles, but they do have committed youth with a perceived cause (racial injustice) and the financial support of old, Marxist, almost dead white men.

Thinking people know that revolutionaries are fanatics that only have a revolution in mind. To enlist compatriots, revolutionaries will use any cause that will be accepted by people too lazy to work and too bombed to think.

Plus, they have the advantage of the U.S. having been softened up over the previous 50 years by socialist termites in the mainline churches, the public school system, higher education, and the media.

Jesse Jackson and his gang chanted, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western culture’s got to go!” Yes, I know Jesse is a known opportunist using civil rights for self-aggrandizement and to fund his dubious civil rights organization. Yes, his immorality is documented, but remember he was a candidate for President of the USA in 1984 and 1988, and a few people think he is a legitimate religious and political leader. But he has shrinking credibility with sincere, thinking people.

People like Jackson have attacked America for decades, and even academics have bought their package of deception. And students and most Americans have paid the price by diminishing respect for what has taken thousands of years to develop—the greatest civilization in the world even with its flaws, fallibilities, and failures.

Removal and destruction of paintings and statues and flags are the symbols of perceived “racism” that are the objects of black hatred. The haters have no concern about the symbols; it is only an excuse to destroy America.

Black Lives Matter is not a group of kids with more time on their hands than brains in their skulls; it is a cluster of American-haters with a commitment to destroy America and replace it with a Marxist-style government. Antifa and BLM are only two of more than twenty communist groups who are using the unreasonable treatment of a black man as an excuse to loot, burn, and destroy our cities and nullify our Constitution.

No honest, informed person supports or defends BLM.

The leading cause of death of young black Americans is young black Americans. But it seems that does not concern the thuggish protesters. Moreover, maybe they should modify their signs to read, “Black Lives Matter So Defund Planned Parenthood.” After all, 247 black babies are butchered in the womb each day in America. But Black Babies Don’t Matter to the rabble.

However, more than our government is in the balance; our European-based Western Civilization is being threatened. The lowlifes throwing bricks and lighting fires are useful idiots doing the work of the check-writers safely standing in the shadows. These left-leaning leaders have a deep hatred for western culture.

The major universities in the U.S. in 1964 required all students to take a Western Civilization class, but by 2010, not one did. It seems Western Civilization had to be eliminated because Jackson, scores of professors, and other mental midgets demanded it.

There are two groups in America: those of us who know what we are losing and those who will have no concept of the loss until it is gone.

Western Civilization is all about who we are, the basis of what we believe. Solzhenitsyn remarked, “to destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” America’s roots are being severed, so it is no surprise that the tree is dying.

Western Civilization is important because it is our roots and reflects the values developed over millennia. To understand the present, we must go back to the very beginning, which would be the Jerusalem model in ancient Israel. Ancient Jews provided a stable family, based more on commitment rather than romance. Instead of marrying the one they loved, they loved the one they married.

Marriages were always arranged by the father, often at a very young age, and this was true until modern times. Moderns don’t like that concept; however, how has the present system been working? Divorce was difficult, and adultery was punished by the death of the two culprits. Slavery was allowed, but not approved or authorized by Jehovah. The Jerusalem way was not a perfect system, and it has been cursed, challenged, and changed.

The trajectory of Western Civilization after fifteen hundred years jumped from Jerusalem to Greece for a few hundred years with much emphasis on democracy, then to Rome for a while. The course led back to Jerusalem (Christ and His challenge, command, and commission to His disciples to preach and change the world), then the shift was to Europe.

We can trace our ideas and ideals about democracy, civic responsibility, personal deportment, and freedom to Greece where the stain of slavery was still endemic to the world. Athens and Sparta had vast differences in training children and the treatment of the elderly.

So, the road to Western Civilization was slow and crude, taking centuries for desirable values to be ensconced into society. The upward path was somewhat improved when society shifted away from Athens and Sparta to Rome; even though slavery still thrived, perversion was still acceptable, and everyone looked to the government for protection and provision. The shift then went back to Jerusalem that impacted the culture, as the influence of Christ was so powerful, it forced the culture at least to frown on slavery.

They heard the Apostle Paul say to a slave owner about a runaway slave Paul was sending back: He has been a help to me so, based on our friendship, don’t receive him back as a slave or servant but as my son. Furthermore, if he owes you anything, “Put that on mine account.” The culture significantly improved with the command of Christ to treat others the way we want to be treated. And, forgive your enemies even if they mistreat you. Yes, something new was stirring in the world.

In Jerusalem, a light was flickering in the world’s darkness.

As missionaries took that light into Europe, discipline, order, love, respect in the home caught on followed by charitable living as hospitals were established, followed by universities, grammar schools, and homes for the elderly. A few hundred years followed with chaos in civic and church affairs going through the Dark Ages entering into the early Middle Ages, as the light began to shine with the Bible becoming available in the local languages.

The flickering light had become a beacon for the world.

During the Middle Ages, the culture had been vastly improved. People still lived ungodly lives with days of endless toil and nights of horror. As jobs and craftsmanship raised their status, they desired a higher quality of life. The Catholic Crusades (obviously a detour en route to civilization) introduced Europeans to different kinds of food, clothing, tools, furniture, etc. But the availability of the Bible and the accompanying Renaissance, when ordinary people thought more about the Bible, religion, and education, was a harbinger of a better day for Europe.

In Italy, there was a Renaissance but little Reformation.

Some courageous preachers in Germany, France, Switzerland, and elsewhere demanded a rejection of the Roman Church and a return to a simple and informal church based only on the Bible. The Reformation spread into northern Europe like a prairie fire and changed every facet of society while Italy had to settle for a significant advance in religious art, sculpture, and music.

The nations of Europe were totally changed in that it impacted education, family life, treatment of each other, their politics, work, and the way they did church. The light that flickered for hundreds of years was now so bright, it chased out much of the darkness and produced the Reformation, one of the most impacting events since the Flood.

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other leftists groups want to dismiss, denigrate, and disassemble Western Civilization, the effects of thousands of years of man’s slow climb from barbarism.

Western culture has produced success, safety, and security, while BLM is producing suspicion, spite, and separation.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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