homosexual – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 No Court, Legislature, or President Has a Right to Decide on Perversion—Let Alone Approve it! https://donboys.cstnews.com/no-court-legislature-or-president-has-a-right-to-decide-on-perversion-let-alone-approve-it https://donboys.cstnews.com/no-court-legislature-or-president-has-a-right-to-decide-on-perversion-let-alone-approve-it#respond Sat, 13 Aug 2022 19:42:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3141  

I realize this issue is debatable, delicate, and as dangerous as an attempt to shave a bobcat in a phone booth. Millennials should do their research about phone booths.

Same-sex “marriage” was wrong yesterday, today, and tomorrow regardless of what any court, church, legislative body, or professor declares. If a million experts claim an error, no one is expected to believe it but must call out their mistake, even with a lonely voice.

The U.S. Supreme Court decided in 2015 that same-sex marriage was legal. However, they could not determine if it was right or moral. After the Court recently decided abortion was not in the Constitution, there has been speculation that the Court may realize that same-sex “marriage” is also absent. Hence, the stir, especially in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, New York City, and various cities in the hinterland.

In a seizure of common sense, the Court might decide that pretending to be a different gender is insane, attempting to change genders is illegal, and drag queen shows for kids are illicit, illegitimate, insane, and illegal.

The natives on the LGBTQ reservation are restless, raging, and rebellious.

Most people will assert that I am beating a dead horse because almost everyone believes in same-sex “marriage,” but that does not deal with the issue.  Cities have been destroyed by flaunting their wicked behavior in the face of God. You may faintly remember Sodom and Gomorrah.

Many decent people are experts at straddling the perversion fence, while the LGBTQ crowd profess motives of love, inclusion, equality, and justice. Informed people know that that crowd only thinly disguises their hatred of all things normal. Hatred for Christians is blatant. They enthusiastically wave the colorful LGBTQ flag reminiscent of a Jim Jones Peoples’ Temple cult rally. Although the grape Kool-Aid would be absent.

I suggest the muted response to perversion by usually decent, even Christian people is motivated by fear of being laughed at, ostracized, and an inadequate ability to defend the biblical position.  So, it’s easier and more popular to go with the flow–even if it’s over Niagara.

It is dreadful that any court, especially the U.S. Supreme Court, would discuss, debate, and presume to decide same-sex “marriage”!  God decided it a long time ago!  Even 20 years ago, the subject would not have been discussed in polite company, and anyone who predicted that sane people would seriously discuss homosexual “marriage” would have been hooted out of the marketplace of ideas.

When the U. S. Supreme Court said that same-sex “marriage” is legal, it was a sad day in the U.S. and signaled a dark, dismal, decadent future. Frankly, I don’t believe we have a future.  The fact that same-sex “marriage” is debatable indicates our depravity, disobedience, and destiny.  Disobedience to God is costly.  I think payday is coming, and the chickens are about ready to roost.

I believe the above because, as a nation, we rejected the Bible as our standard and guide.  We expelled God and the Bible from our schools, making them incompetent nut factories.  Until recently, we have been killing innocent, helpless, unborn babies for decades, even after they survived abortion!  For decades, the media have ridiculed genuine Christians dismissing principled living, Christian schools, biblical authority, personal conversion, etc.  Now we have national leaders of both parties, who have endorsed, encouraged, and engaged in perversion.  Maybe it would be helpful if I reminded everyone that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of those evil activities.

We are at this juncture because the American people have rejected God’s standard and now base their decisions on how they “feel” or “think” about something.  Nothing can be affirmed, advocated, and approved when there is no absolute standard.  But where does it end? Some things are wrong if done by anyone, at any time, under any conditions. Murder, rape, perversion, cursing, thievery, and personal hate are always wrong.  Same with drunkenness, abortion, and illegal drugs.

It matters not how one feels, thinks, or believes.  Nor does it matter if some misfit, cowardly preacher gives such offensive (and sinful) behavior a pass and seeks to make such behavior acceptable and respectable.  No person on earth has the right to do those things even if they don’t believe in a Supreme Being.  To say otherwise is to drive society to the place where “everyone did that which was right in his own eyes.”  With the present debate about same-sex “marriage,” we are at that place.

Can anyone defend multiple wives or husbands or sex with children?  How about sex with a favorite goat? Aren’t some things naturally, unquestionably wrong? How about heterosexuals living with barnyard morals? Preachers of permissiveness ridicule those questions, but they don’t reply to them!  It matters not what I think, or anyone else thinks, but it sure matters what a holy, all-powerful God thinks.  And we will all stand before Him and give a personal account of what we believed and how we lived.  The Bible is the only safe, sure standard by which anyone can decide any issue.  To live any other way is anarchy and treason against God and the Bible.

Since homosexual “marriage” is still lawful (but never right), I wonder if the broadminded proponents will be broadminded and tolerant of preachers who refuse to marry Fred to Frank and Frick?  Will the LGBTQ paragons of equality support those churches that refuse to hire homosexuals as staff persons?  Of course, they will not support resisting churches since most of the proponents of perversion are hypocrites. They are defending a castle in ruins. Inconsistent homosexuals tell Christians not to moralize about perversion while they moralize about those who moralize about perversion.

Therefore, those who want to live without any restraints and support homosexuality proving their broadmindedness, are defending the indefensible.

Apostles of permissiveness denounce marriage inequality, not knowing that inequality came from God’s original creation as humanity was divided into separate but equal genders, man and woman.  The earliest civilizations followed this pattern because it was best for society.  Differences between men and women will not disappear because some court changes laws or definitions.

No court or politician can change basic math. Under all conditions, four plus four will always equal 8. It doesn’t matter how anyone feels about it and what laws are passed. No court can successfully require a man to produce a baby. No court can successfully change a male into a female or a female into a male. Names can be changed; documents altered; everyone can pretend; celebrations can be held, but human nature will not change.

Furthermore, dedicated Christians will never adjust their convictions whatever the price, privation, pressure, persecution, or prosecution. Weak, sniveling, compromising Christians may embrace and even defend sodomy, adultery, pornography, etc.

No Christian can choose to be exempt from this warfare and live peacefully with their conscience.  Consenting to unquestioned evil is a disgrace, disobedience, and disaster for the cause of Christ and the compromising person.  Many EvanJellycals, not wanting to swim against the tide of public opinion, have taken a cowardly stand; others, including some Fundamentalists, are standing in safe shadows, having taken a vow of silence–at least on this hot issue.

Silence may be golden, but in this case, it is yellow.

In this case, a definite stand should not require any defense to thinking people because it is so evident that old-fashioned Christians are on the right side. The honest Christian realizes that personal integrity is dearer than life itself and is more important than receiving awards, especially from a corrupt, compromising, and craven populous.

Many silent preachers are not morally bad or scripturally deficient but are simply cowards.  Most people fear someone or something; thus, leaders live in fear and stand silent in safe shadows or join the herd on controversial issues.

Evangelical writer Philip Yancey said, “I’ve met wonderful, committed Christians who attend MCC churches [Metropolitan Community Churches], and I wish that the larger church had the benefit of their faith.” Grovel, crawl, cower.

Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions, saying: “Homosexuals are children of God and have the right to be in a family.”

Evil is evil if everyone says it is good, and the Pope cannot change it. Evil is still evil even though some Fundamentalists and Conservatives are bigots, haters, and unchristian. That doesn’t change the fact that evil is always evil and will be punished by God. And it can be forgiven by God!

Deviant behavior, if left unchallenged, always becomes the accepted norm. We have observed this in free nations over the last few years.

There is a natural tendency for some critics of perversion to take a stand against it without taking a stand against it. They tell us it is all right to be a homosexual as long as homosexuality is not practiced! Others will say it is acceptable to believe perversion is wrong but will not go a step further and say perversion is always sinful.

Advocating everyone’s rights is not enough. Fight also for what is right. Grab the Sword and join the fray. Don’t whine in safe shadows. Don’t simply defend the right of LGBTQ critics to be critical but make it clear that the defense and practice of perversion are always wrong under all circumstances.

I just lost most of my readers, even Christians.

Martin Luther said, “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him.  Where the battle rages there, the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefront besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”

I stand with Luther and God. Pretty good company.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former Indiana House of Representatives member who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogPlease send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher

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Drag Queen Story Hours are Permissive, Perilous, and Perverted! https://donboys.cstnews.com/drag-queen-story-hours-are-permissive-perilous-and-perverted https://donboys.cstnews.com/drag-queen-story-hours-are-permissive-perilous-and-perverted#respond Sun, 03 Jul 2022 22:18:36 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3118 When a vile, vicious, and venomous crime is committed, many horrified people ask, “How could a human treat another human that way?” Whether it is a mass shooting, Muslim parents beheading a daughter for marrying a non-Muslim, or a parent who slaughters a spouse and children; it is difficult for decent people to comprehend the motivation. The answers are multiple: unbridled rage, legal or illegal drugs, or insatiable greed; but more often than not, it is simply evil.

Man, apart from God, is capable of doing anything. Jeremiah 17:9 reveals, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” It is also a fact of human nature that vile individuals almost always try to assuage their own guilt by enticing others to participate in similar evil practices as the present push to promote perversion through Pride parades and drag queen depravity.

Make no mistake: drag queens and their defenders, especially with children present, are despicable, depraved, and dangerous people.

For decades, decadent men have dressed as women (even though the Bible forbids cross-dressing), but today unprincipled men have taken it to a new level. Homosexual men, dressed as women, with false breasts and garish makeup, perform lewd dances for children’s entertainment. Moreover, such lewd activities are even sponsored by the military, schools, churches, and libraries! Spectators are expected to push money into the waistband or brasserie as tokens of appreciation. Those who do so are as perverted as the “drag queens.”

At school or church, or library drag queen story hours, debauched men dressed as women teach children there are no boundaries and no absolutes.  We are told the story hours teach literacy, personal expression, self-acceptance, and other positive attributes. But they teach far more.

Everyone knows this push for deviate, degrading, and damaging story hours for kids is to make perversion acceptable and groom kids for future degeneracy.  Hey, if you can be arrested for taking a child to a strip show, why can’t you go to prison for exposing innocent kids to depravity in a library?

The New York Post reported a group incorporated as Drag Queen Story Hour NYC “has received a total of $207,000 in taxpayer funds since 2018 from the city and state.” So, kids are being groomed for homosexuals at public institutions and funded by stupid taxpayers.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said, “Drag storytellers, and the libraries and schools that support them, are advancing a love of diversity, personal expression, and literacy that is core to what our city embraces.” No, NYC reflects lawlessness, danger, depravity, high taxes, and sane citizens have been fleeing the city in droves for years.

While schools, churches, and libraries are exposing children to such vileness, San Francisco Bay area authorities are investigating a possible hate crime because a group of men shouted anti-LGBTQ slurs during Drag Queen Story Hour at the San Lorenzo Library. Wow, those local authorities sure know what’s important. But then San Francisco has been run by descendants of Sodom for decades.

The Speaker of the House gave enormous credibility by appearing on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars reality show. Nancy Pelosi groveled saying, “My honor to be here, to say to all of you how proud we all are of you. Thank you for the joy and beauty you bring to the world. Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about.”

That maggot-gagging statement will be read at America’s funeral. And maybe at hers. Anyone who gives any credibility to such child-damaging events is lower than a snake’s belly in a deep well.

A few days ago, Pelosi added to her debauched résumé, by being honored by pathetic Pope Francis at St Peter’s and received communion that her principled local archbishop had refused her since she is a major voice supporting baby killers. Her husband, presumed to be sober at the time, accompanied her.

It seems American Legion halls have higher standards than most churches.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said during a drag event in Lansing that “drag queens make everything better” and there should be “a drag queen for every school.” Yes sir, a drag queen for every school. Schools don’t need the Ten Commandments or the Golden Rule, or a phonics’ chart, or McGuffey’s Reader. They might grow up to be honest, decent, kind, principled, even Christian. And know how to read.

A popular drag queen, “Kitty Demure” issued a stark warning to parents about drag queen shows saying, “There is a lot of filth that goes on, a lot of sexual stuff that goes on.” That is obvious from watching any drag queen performance or homosexual parade.  It was a characteristic of Sodom as Isaiah wrote in 3:9, “they show their sin as Sodom; they hide it not…”

One pervert performer whined, “It’s a way to make people feel happy. It’s to entertain. It’s to make people smile.” No, it’s to make kids be more pliable to sexual deviancy and acceptance of perversion and reject biblical, normal living. Another promoter of perversion said the story hours are “lifesaving.” No, they are life-twisting.

The media reported last week that a Pennsylvania drag queen was charged with 25 counts of pornography. He could not post bail and was locked in the pokey. That’s where he/she/it belongs. Now, they should throw away the key.

Parents are told that while the men are pretending to be women, the story hour is not about sexuality or sexualizing children or grooming children. But that is dishonest. That should not surprise anyone since people who twist, confuse, and harm children are capable of doing anything. We must remember the words of Christ who said in Luke 17:2, “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.”

Stories are read, sometimes benign, however, there is always dancing, bouncing, bright colors, singing, sparkles, glitter, etc. While those things can be interesting and alluring to children, kids should not be taught to associate sex with glitter and sparkles, balloons, and music.

And it is parents’ responsibility to teach sex and sexual awareness to their children. Parents decide on when a girl wears a brassiere, makeup, and high heels. Parents decide how short a skirt is and how it fits a daughter. Parents decide on when a child goes on sleepovers (almost never) and starts dating and what music is heard. It is parents who instill in children about physical contact such as holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc., not any other group. Parents, not teachers, teach children that sex is one of the greatest gifts to mankind but dangerous if abused outside of marriage. Parents should teach children that sex is not sinful but sacred and special and follows a lifetime commitment of marriage.

Children are in school to learn the basics of living in a corrupt world. Their values about sex, morality, religion, etc., are not the bailiwick of educators but of parents. It is shocking that parents have shown such restraint in response to drag queen hours exploiting their children. If parents took a school apart, brick by brick, I would be averse to finding them guilty as a jury member. Maybe a $20 fine—suspended.

Of course, children are sexual beings, but that does not mean they need to know and experience the many complicated sexual facts that would be appropriate when older. Forty-two to seventy-three percent of children exhibit sexual behaviors by age 13 according to an article in the National Library of Medicine.  At a very young age, children begin to examine and explore their body by touching, and rubbing various body parts, including their genitals. It is parents’ obligation to provide guidance and knowledge about these body parts and their functions. Small children commonly try to view the genitals or breasts of others, stand too close to other people, and touch their own genitals; however, after age five, “sexual behaviors become less common, less frequent, or more covert.”

Children, at a young age, should be taught to respect each other, and it is not acceptable to touch anyone else’s private parts. Children need age-appropriate explanations. They must be strongly advised to always tell if another child or adult touches their private parts. Children should know that private parts are covered by a swimming suit. Furthermore, younger children should be taught to respect the privacy of their older siblings and parents. Your child knows it’s also your job to protect them. Never permit a child to have access to a television or computer in seclusion.

Proponents of perversion defend the offensive story hours in another attempt to make degeneracy acceptable to normal people. They accuse normal people of hate, bigotry, narrow-mindedness, etc., not even giving a nod to the possibility that we love our kids and want them to be normal. Moreover, cross-dressing, multi-genders, transgenders, perversion, and any sexual activity before marriage is wrong. Any parent who willingly permits a child to be exposed to such story hours should be investigated by proper authorities. I remember when kids were removed from their homes because a television set was not permitted and many examples of parents losing children for a smack on the rear end.

No one ever accused Democrats of being very bright, and now they are positioning themselves as defenders of drag queen shows. Good, that may be the only positive thing that comes from this deviant debacle. They can ride this all the way to crushing defeat in November and in 2024.

God created us, male and female, and planned for it to remain that way. To pretend to be the opposite gender is rebellion against God. Teaching such depravity to children is even worse in my opinion than the depravity at Sodom, and everyone knows what happened to Sodom.

Much archeology is going on near the Dead Sea site of ancient Sodom so it would not surprise me if archeologists uncover a worn, dirty, faded rainbow flag providentially protected (and discovered) in the debris of ancient Sodom. Maybe not, but I’m sure such flags will be discovered in the ruins of the greatest experiment in history—the once-great American Republic.

Maybe someday in the future, after freedom has disappeared from the earth, freedom-seeking immigrants exploring what used to be New York City and New York Harbor will find a portion of the 450,000 pound Statue of Liberty. No longer a symbol of freedom and broken but still clearly discernable protruding out of the water. It would be apropos if a rainbow flag should be found wrapped around the broken torch of the lady.

Of course, the lady’s torch will no longer shine since freedom was surrendered much earlier thanks to the LGBTetc. crowd, a distinct group who only faintly disguise their hatred of normal families.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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New York Times: Christian Smugness about AIDS More Grossly Immoral Than What Goes on in Homosexual Bathhouses! https://donboys.cstnews.com/new-york-times-christian-smugness-about-aids-more-grossly-immoral-than-what-goes-on-in-homosexual-bathhouses https://donboys.cstnews.com/new-york-times-christian-smugness-about-aids-more-grossly-immoral-than-what-goes-on-in-homosexual-bathhouses#respond Wed, 22 Jun 2022 00:15:40 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3114  

June is the month when homosexuals and their media lackeys promote the homosexual lifestyle, which they have a legal right to do, but I also have a concurrent right to claim that homosexuality is a deathstyle. The bigots and non-thinkers will quickly charge me with hatred and bigotry as if a caring and sincere person cannot hold an opinion unacceptable to the radical left.

Honest readers will understand that my motives, qualifications, and lack of empathy have nothing to do with the truth. They will ask, “Is it true, and if so, what are the implications?”

A New York Times pro-homosexual article published in 2008 prompted me to respond; however, I did not publish a response. With the astounding ascendency of the Homosexual Lobby and the craven capitulation of politicians, pundits, professors, preachers, and a pope, it is very germane at this time to finish the column.

The writer was Nicholas Kristof, a card-carrying, certified liberal who wrote, “Evangelicals a liberal can love,” that threw kisses to Dr. Rick Warren and his ilk and threw bricks at Fundamentalists and conservative Evangelicals. He quoted Warren saying, “My only interest is to get people to care about Darfurs and Rwandas.” Well, being a cynic, I suspect Rick also wanted to sell a few books, increase his church membership, and enhance his persona.

Kristof opined that it is intrinsically repugnant to scorn people for their faith then he proceeded to do that very thing! He called profamily Christians “self-righteous zealots,” “Moralizing blowhards,” and “religious right windbags.” But we should  never scorn people for their faith! What hypocrisy, but of course, hypocrisy is a tenet of the religion of liberalism of which Kristof is a high priest!

Kristof must have a Ph.D. in Hypocrisy, Duplicity, and Obfuscation.

But permit me to get to the heart of the matter. Kristof characterized religious leaders, critical of homosexuality, as “self-righteous zealots,” and their position on AIDS “constituted a far grosser immorality than anything that ever happened in a [homosexual] bathhouse.”  Now, I don’t know what Nick was smoking when he wrote that or if he is simply uninformed about what goes on in homosexual bathhouses. Let me assume he is merely dumb as a box of rocks, and with my research I will seek to educate him about what homosexuals do in city-licensed bathhouses.

A bath is the last thing homosexuals want in a “bathhouse;” the main thing is anonymous sex and homosexuals confess that fact. It goes with their freedom.

The Health Hazards of Homosexuality and other research journals and studies reveal the kind of sex commonly experienced in bathhouses that interests the average homosexual: 

 *Anal intercourse between two men has been the most common activity of homosexual men since antiquity, and all informed people know it is a dirty, diseased, dangerous, and deadly practice.  Only a few years ago, all religions were critical of such a practice, as were all countries and all medical associations. With today’s twisted values, perversion is simply “another way of loving.” For the record, my position on perversion is historic, biblical, and traditional, so I believe what past generations believed. I refuse to believe past ancestors did not know the difference between right and wrong.

*Oral sex is another common practice of homosexuals. See the previous four descriptive D’s above. The National Library of Medicine reveals that “mutual masturbation, and oral and anal sex” is the commonest mode of gay sexual expression reporting that “two thirds (sic) of gay men have anal sex.” However, a study at Indiana University found that changes are taking place and most homosexuals find oral sex more popular than anal sex.

*Up to 22% of homosexuals admit to participating in fisting, which is too vile to describe and the videos too vivid to watch. I have never heard a homosexual or one of their ardent advocates defend the practice; however, they will question my honesty,  qualifications, motives, sexuality, etc. But then, that is much easier than dealing with the despicable practice.

*According to The Gay Report, authored by two homosexuals, about 23% of homosexuals admit they participate in “golden showers” or “water sports” when they urinate on a partner or drink his urine. Moreover, the report admits that 82% participate in “rimming.” Do your own research but have a barf bag handy.

*About 10% of homosexuals “have eaten or played with the feces [e.g., enemas, wallowing in]” of their partners! (Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do.)

*25% admit to sadomasochism or torture. Often one man chains or ties his partner and then whips him into a sexual frenzy. The Sacramento Bee reported that a workshop was offered to San Francisco homosexuals teaching how to be involved in sex torture without killing each other. Many universities have similar workshops. Not your father’s university education.

*90% admit to illegal drug use. They sniff amyl nitrite, which allegedly prolongs sexual ability and excitement. The Los Angeles Times reported in 2007 that the frequency of methamphetamine use is 20 times greater among homosexuals than in the general population.

*According to Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence reveals that homosexuals are violent people and violence is “the third biggest problem in the ‘gay’ community (after AIDS and drug abuse).” As many as 50% of male homosexuals have no respect for and therefore abuse their “lovers,” more than double the rate among heterosexual couples.

*About 46% of homosexuals had sex with minors although it is illegal in all 50 states, even if the youngster is a willing participant. Classic studies have revealed that homosexuals always prefer young boys to older men. About half the practicing homosexuals were seduced into perversion before they were 14 according to J.C. Coleman’s Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life.

*In a twenty-year period, homosexuals, including a Texas engineer, the California Trash Bag killer, and the Chicago contractor, killed about 70% of victims of mass killings All informed, honest professionals know the prevalence of homosexual violence.

*According to the Journal of Sex Research, homosexuals consist of about 2% of the population yet sexually abuse children “16 times the rate of the normal population.” Think the Boy Scouts, Catholic priests, teachers, youth workers, etc.

Considering the above facts, it is not surprising that 75% of homosexuals have had one STD according to Straight and Narrow?: Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate.

Big city hospitals report it is common to nightly remove bottles, flashlights, carrots, light bulbs, and even small animals from men’s rectums after their playtime goes awry!

Hey, don’t look at me like that. I only report the perversion, not explain it. Such practices are dumb, dirty, dangerous, and even deadly and go on nightly, often between complete strangers. Note that  the root of strangers is the word strange.

Many homosexual encounters occur in bathhouses, back rooms of adult bookstores, and public restrooms, even though all such encounters are illegal in all 50 states. When I called for city officials to close bathhouses at the beginning of the AIDS plague (back when it was called GRID or Gay-Related Immune Disorder) because bathhouses were breeding grounds for AIDS, I was ridiculed and called a Nazi, bigot, hater, and homophobe. Moreover, those were the least offensive names I was called! Honest homosexuals grudgingly admit closing bathhouses would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

In my USA Today columns, I demanded that President Reagan’s Surgeon General Koop (an active Christian), stop dancing around the issue, stop talking about condoms, and yell, “Stop your sodomy and illegal drug use.” But he refused and must bear some of the responsibility for the steady spread of the world plague. So, I was not a hater but a lover because I told people the truth while health officials and politicians groveled at the altar of political correctness.

I believe homosexuality is not a sickness or a quirk of the genes, but an evil abomination as taught in the Bible. In society all opinions should be considered, except when the truth is revealed about homosexuality. While many things contribute to homosexuality, it always results from an individual choice. Frankly, homosexuals don’t really exist; only heterosexuals who chose a perverted lifestyle (deathstyle)!

However, because homosexuality has always been so abhorrent, most homosexuals learned early to say, “I was born this way. It isn’t my fault.” They sing that famous old ballad, “My Genes Made me Queer!”

But that’s a fairy story.

In 2015, the American Psychiatric Association admitted that “to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology [cause] for homosexuality.” Furthermore, the American Psychological Association declared there is no scientific evidence that homosexuals are “born that way.”

California psychologist Laura A. Haynes declared that the “battle to disprove ‘born that way and can’t change’ is now over, and [Lisa Diamond, a top researcher at the American Psychological Association and lesbian activist] is “telling LGBT activists to stop promoting the myth.” (Cited from The Health Hazards of Homosexuality.)

Even infamous sex expert Dr. Alfred Kinsey (an expert of bugs, not sex and a homosexual child sex abuser) confessed, “homosexuality is largely a matter of conditioning.” He also admitted there was less homosexuality in devout families whether Protestant, Mormon, or Jewish. Well, that’s one time Kinsey was right.

It must be noted that the fact of less homosexuality in religious families belies the myth of being “born that way.”

Churches, still faithful to Bible teaching, teach that homosexuals are sinners like all mankind and require a Savior. We believe homosexuals must, like everyone else, recognize their sin, repent of sin, and receive the Savior. When they experience the New Birth, there will be a transformation in their lives that breaks the bonds of their sins.

God warns us not to be deceived in I Corinthians 6:9, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate [men who have sex with men], nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you.” Note, his readers used to be drunks, thieves, homosexuals, etc. So, there is hope for everyone.

Any homosexual can change to normal sexuality if he is motivated to do so. Dr. Irving Bieber, a psychoanalyst best known for his study Homosexuality: A Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals believed homosexuality was an acquired characteristic. His research reveals that non-religious psychotherapy claims a 30% success rate while Masters and Johnson claim 72% success; and Gay Community News reported on a survey claiming 40% successful conversion.

Clearly, homosexuality is not inherited but chosen.

Even some homosexuals are wondering if maybe they are in a fast lane on a dead-end road. The homosexual authors of After the Ball asked, “Is this a lifestyle to encourage?” Obviously not, and there is nothing gay in the homosexual way.

The New York Times and Nicholas Kristof were way off base, and their closing statement is an example of hypocrisy, poor thinking, or doing the very thing they railed against in their attack: “We can disagree sharply with their [Christian] politics, but to mock them underscores our own ignorance and prejudice.” Yeah, ignorance and prejudice. Hope they don’t forget how to spell hope!

There is hope for all people including homosexuals, and hope is spelled J E S U S!

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

https://donboys.cstnews.com/new-york-times-christian-smugness-about-aids-more-grossly-immoral-than-what-goes-on-in-homosexual-bathhouses/feed 0
Newsweek Hit Piece Attacks and Slanders Me Because of My Question to Pete Buttigieg! https://donboys.cstnews.com/newsweek-hit-piece-attacks-and-slanders-me-because-of-my-question-to-pete-buttigieg-2 https://donboys.cstnews.com/newsweek-hit-piece-attacks-and-slanders-me-because-of-my-question-to-pete-buttigieg-2#respond Wed, 15 Jun 2022 17:30:43 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3106  

Since June is Pride Month for the LGBT etc. crowd, I expanded and rewrote a 2019 column that produced late-night phone calls, death threats, and scores of hate-filled emails from the “peace-loving,” “all opinions have equal worth,” “fair-minded,” and always “compassionate” homosexuals.

No doubt, many homosexuals—maybe most of them—agree with the thesis of my article while disagreeing with my criticism of homosexuality which is still legal in America. Both homosexuality and my right to disagree with it are legally protected—for now. But the Homosexual Lobby will not permit any honest disagreement with their positions.

You know, like the knee-jerk response of some homosexuals to the Tampa Bay baseball players who refused to give credibility to perversion by wearing a rainbow version of the team logo on the team’s “Pride Night,” because of their religious beliefs. It seems everyone has a right to make up his own mind as long as you don’t imply that homosexuality is wrong.

The journalists at Newsweek had every right to accuse me, attack me, and even assassinate me (symbolically) but not use illegitimate and spurious and twisted information to do their job.

I’m not whining about Newsweek, just wanting to hold their feet to the fire. After all, they did spell my name correctly and pulled a good photo from one of my lectures at the University of North Dakota.

The Newsweek piece, about my article published on numerous conservative websites, was filled with errors. Even the first word of the headline was wrong! It yelled, REPUBLICAN PREACHER RUNS SHOCKING BLOG POST ABOUT PETE BUTTIGIEG, CLAIMS GAY PEOPLE DIE YOUNGER THAN ‘NORMAL PEOPLE.’ I have not been a Republican for decades, although I admit to voting Republican most of the time, I’m politically independent as a hog on ice.

Journalists, including news magazines like Newsweek, should try that sometime.

A quick phone call or email from the author would have kept him from adding to the escalating charges of fake news. All journalists are taught to verify the facts; maybe he was sleeping during that class.

The author called my article “Pete Since You Brought it Up, How ‘Gay’ Are You?” offensive, and of course, it was. It is impossible to deal with perversion (and politics) without being offensive; however, if we deal with the details, it would be disgusting.

The author suggests I was offensive because I mentioned that homosexuals don’t live as long as normal people. Well, that may be offensive, but it is also a fact according to Columbia University. Of course, they suggested homosexuals died early because of an anti-homosexual environment rather than their perverted practices.

Another widely cited study from Vancouver revealed, “life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men.” This was supported by a study done by Paul Cameron, Ph.D. It revealed the latest CDC report “tends to strengthen the overall finding based upon obituaries: that the lifespan of MSM [males who have sex with other men] is shortened two to three decades by AIDS and, possibly, other causes.”

However, the last study was done by a Christian psychologist who is viciously hated by the LGBT crowd. Cameron is allegedly biased by his biblical worldview, but somehow, homosexuals are not biased, blinded, and bigoted by their twisted lifestyle which they cannot defend. The Homosexual Lobby doesn’t understand that facts don’t lie, but that can’t be said about the radical left.

Most mainstream journalists like the ones in Newsweek deal in fantasy, falsehood, and fiction—not facts. They have an agenda that must be disseminated without regard for reality.

Homosexuals die about 20 years earlier than normal people because their lifestyle is really a deathstyle. The human body was not made to endure violent attacks—their use of illegal drugs; their autoerotic playtime; their bondage and sadomasochism; their fisting; ad nauseam—all shorten lives. After all, if eating fried foods will shorten your life, living the dangerous, diseased, and depraved life many homosexuals live will be more deadly than eating fried chicken.

The hit piece charged, “The former lawmaker [this writer] said it was his right as a voter to ask ‘how gay Pete is’ and if his medical records would be made public. Boys, asserting that ‘homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous,’ made a series of baseless claims and suggested Buttigieg should address them.”

It is interesting but common that Newsweek did not list any baseless claims, and they rejected my well-documented charges knowing few readers would discover their deception. And, yes, a politician must answer questions (most Democrats are sorry they did not ask about Biden’s health) but then maybe Pete has been given a No Obligation to Answer Card. That isn’t surprising since homosexuals have demanded and received numerous special rights from cowardly judges, legislators, college presidents, media personalities, and Hollywood.

And everyone, even some Conservative and even Christian websites are careful not to offend them by suggesting that perversion, like fornication, is always wrong, even wicked. The safe pitch is that each person can make his own decision about such issues and then we will all “live and let live.”

The almost universal message is to be very careful what you say about homosexuality. However, an American does not have to worry what he declares as long as it is truthful. Moreover, no one, especially a Christian, should be malicious, hateful, or even unkind.

Newsweek’s use of claims suggests that my assertion about homosexual promiscuity is not true when everyone with an I.Q. equivalent to his ring size knows it is true. It’s like saying some people claim the earth is round.

The hit piece suggested that homosexual promiscuity is dubious, so let me be clear: no honest, informed, and sane person disagrees, debates, or even sees a need to discuss the issue—homosexuals change partners as often as they change socks—almost.

A 2006 study of 2,294 homosexuals in the homosexual magazine The Advocate reported that 248 men admitted to having more than 300 sexual partners with fewer partners for the others.

The classic Bell and Weinberg study, produced with the help of the American National Institute of Mental Health, consisted of about 1100 men. That pre-AIDS report revealed that 83% of the homosexual men in their survey said it was likely they had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, while 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners. But it gets worse because 28% had sex with 1,000 or more partners!

Even if they are “married,” male homosexuals set aside a “night with the boys.” Of course, there are exceptions, but let’s say it all together now, “Homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous.”

The claim that homosexuality is not influenced by family or trauma was shot down by Neil E. Whitehead in the Journal of Human Sexuality: “It is simply a myth that there are no sociological data showing influence on adult sexual orientation.”

Newsweek reproduced significant points of my column, which added some much-needed juice to their article: “Purporting to cite ‘the largest study ever conducted,’ he said 23 percent of homosexuals ‘participate in golden showers.’” The writer was careless in his use of purporting. He used the wrong word because I did not purport—or claim or assert or allege to cite “the largest study ever conducted” that revealed that 23% of homosexuals “participate in golden showers.” I cited the report and received no rebuttal.

He was trying to denigrate the study without dealing with it, which is common among desperate people. The Gay Report was done by Karla Jay and Allen Young and involved 4,400 respondents. In that study, homosexuals admitted to their usual vile practices, and homosexual leaders criticized it from its publication. Critics never have revealed that the authors were “gay!”

It is much worse today. In a 2006 study of a group of “male S&M practitioners,” 47.3% admitted participation in “watersports” according to The Health Hazards of Homosexually.

Since Pete said: “I’m gay as a… I don’t know, think of something really gay, that’s how gay I am.” I want to know what he meant. No doubt some homosexuals are fairly strait-laced compared to others but just how “gay” is Pete? No one expects him to go into details, but on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most degraded, diseased, and dangerous, where is Pete?

Most people expect a national magazine to produce quality work but not this time. Newsweek’s source, the Friendly Atheist, is such an embarrassment it would make any honest reader run for a barf bag.

My article appeared on May 15, and was picked up by Joe.My.God. on the 17th, the Friendly Atheist on May 18, and was critiqued by Newsweek on May 21. Newsweek did not do any original reporting, just some ramblings from the Friendly Atheist and some of my brilliant comments. So, it was not a total loss.

The Friendly Atheist piece supports the would-be censors out there who want to eliminate bad writing. The blogger is Hemant Mehta, whose claim to fame is “selling his soul on eBay.” He titled his blog “Christian Bigot: Pete Buttigieg Can’t Be President Because Gay People Die Young.” Hemant is right in calling me a Christian but completely wrong using the B-word. Evidently, he is infected with the virus that makes leftists lash out rather than support their position. Accusations are much easier to make than answers and argumentation. Hemant probably doesn’t even know he is infected. Tragic.

Far leftists don’t seem to understand that an American can disagree with their agenda and not be a hater. Disagreement is healthy. It is good to challenge people to analyze an issue and produce their reasons for believing it. Facts are not emotional. Unstable, dishonest people often are.

He then accuses me of declaring that Pete would not be a good president, but I never suggested that. Far leftists have a difficult time reading or comprehending or telling the truth.

In response to my demand that Pete release his medical records, Hemant seems to run off the rails. He charged, “His bigotry [mine] isn’t worthy of a response, but it should be noted that Donald Trump never released his proper medical records.” However, the president is examined annually, and his medical reports are released.

Voters have an obligation to make decisions about a candidate’s total life: his family, education, associations, criminal record, politics, etc., when deciding whether to vote for him.

After many embarrassing gaffes, Hemant dug a deeper hole by writing, “The rest of the article is no better, with Boys arguing that we should know everything about Buttigieg’s sex life.” I did not write that we should know everything about Buttigieg’s sex life. As a voter, I want to know if his “gay” lifestyle will affect his effectiveness as president.

Buttigieg is in Biden’s cabinet, and will no doubt be a national candidate again so I still want to know if his lifestyle might affect his ability to serve Americans.

Hemant continued with his convoluted tirade by charging, “Boys doesn’t bring up how Donald Trump had an affair with a porn star (without protection).” Hemant failed (again) to research the facts. Had he not been so lazy or incompetent, he would have discovered many of my critical articles about Trump. I voted for him because the alternative was Horrific Hillary. Trump’s affairs were despicable, deplorable, dumb, and double dumb without protection— just as homosexual perversions are dumb and disgusting.

Finally, Hemant runs out of steam, takes a deep breath, wipes the foam from his quivering lips, and writes, “This is conservative Christian ‘logic’ for you. A gay guy in a monogamous marriage is somehow a threat to family values, but President P****grabber is somehow a man of virtue.” I wrote nothing about Pete’s “monogamous marriage,” and neither Hemant nor I know if Pete’s “marriage” is monogamous or not, although many studies do not reflect faithful monogamous homosexual “marriages.”

The national homosexual magazine, The Advocate reported in 2006 that less than half of homosexual “couples” were monogamous, a fact supported by the Male Couples Study and others.

It is a fact that homosexual “marriages” or live-in arrangements last two to three years, according to Male and Female Homosexuality, by Saghir and Robins and other studies.

Moreover, I did not refer to family values nor refer to Trump as “a man of virtue.” I doubt if Trump can spell virtue, but he at least did what he promised, something few presidents have done in a hundred years.

Is Pete traveling in the homosexual fast lane that always comes to a dead-end?

Voters have a right to know just how “gay” Pete is.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

https://donboys.cstnews.com/newsweek-hit-piece-attacks-and-slanders-me-because-of-my-question-to-pete-buttigieg-2/feed 0
Supreme Court Rejected the Normal to Favor the Abnormal, Abominable, and Abhorrent! https://donboys.cstnews.com/supreme-court-rejected-the-normal-to-favor-the-abnormal-abominable-and-abhorrent https://donboys.cstnews.com/supreme-court-rejected-the-normal-to-favor-the-abnormal-abominable-and-abhorrent#respond Tue, 23 Jun 2020 15:39:28 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2587 Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court smirked at thousands of years of civilization, scorned at millennia of accumulated knowledge and wisdom, and sneered at biblical truth by caving to the cultural ravings of the homosexual lobby. One does not need to be a lawyer to recognize the dangerous, divisive, and destructive decision to give priority to those who have chosen to live a degraded, diseased, depraved, and dangerous lifestyle.

The Court refused to raise a hand to help, support, and defend normal people; instead, they put their heel on every American’s neck. There is no longer any fear caused by hateful people in white robes; now we are being terrorized by hypocrites in black robes.

Because the Court illegally bypassed Congress and inserted homosexuality into the 1964 Civil Rights Act, homosexuals now hold a hammer over churches, schools, landlords, restaurant owners, and all businesses. You can hear the champagne corks popping, obese drag queens are giggling, and all are singing, “I Did it My Way.” Someone should hang black crepe over the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor. And while another lady, Lady Justice, has always been sightless, we now know she is stupid as well. The balance she is holding is no longer trustworthy and has been adjusted to support injustice.

Each careless renegade on the Court should have a faithful spouse who would kick him or her in the rear end every day for a hundred days. However, that could be dangerous since that’s where their brains are located.

You only thought this was the land of the free and home of the brave. We live in a nation when five men in black robes can terrorize us much more than the haters of the KKK in their white robes. You only thought you had the right to decide who would be your best employee. You now have to hire a man who thinks he’s a woman and believes every sensible person will believe him when he wears a slinky dress, false eyelashes, earrings, and a mustache. Look for a drag queen in heavy makeup and tight, low dress with false boobs exposed teaching your children—even in a Christian school. He will be the principal at the local public school.

I suggest we retaliate with our dollars and no court or legislative body can stop us. We may not succeed but we can fight the good fight. Let’s make it difficult for pro-homosexual businesses by supporting their competition thereby send a message that we will not support perversion.

Hallmark owes their success to American families, but the CEO jumped from decency to deviancy. After a backlash to their commercial that featured two kissing lesbians, they returned to the pro-family position and then jumped again to pro perversion. In addition to being incompetent, inconsistent, and illogical, they have a death wish that maybe we can help them with. The company has forgotten who made it what it is, so now normal, decent family people should totally destroy the company. That would send a message to other companies who are so stupid as to try to appease the unappeasable LGBTQ crowd.

Of course, this desire to destroy an LGBTQ devotee will be met with accusations of hate by a group that drips with hatred and specializes in bullying, badgering, and blackmailing!

The LGBTQ pressure group (and its running dogs of degeneracy) is a scab on the face of society. It is using its alleged concern for children as a club to beat its critics into silence if not submission. It has pressured non-thinking, docile Americans and Canadians into accepting, approving, and even applauding their perverted lifestyle.

Hallmark, Disney, Kellogg, et al., will not see the light until they feel the heat; however, even if they repent in sackcloth and ashes, they should not be welcomed back into respectable commercial life. We should destroy them with our credit cards—by not using them.

Normal, decent, principled people should financially destroy some of the companies that take an in-your-face position that is against family, free enterprise, personal accountability, general morality, or Western Civilization. Hold the money, honey.

Obviously, any person can support any business or organization they choose, and they can convince their friends to follow their folly; however, there is a similar right for me to do the opposite. I have no right to force my opinions on anyone, but to advocate for my position is not wrong or hate.

Since truth must be told, it is love to oppose perversion. It is love for family; love for normalcy; love for decency; love for history; and love for honesty and truth.

I choose not to support pro-homosexual businesses; however, those who scream the loudest about tolerance will not tolerate my taking that position! It seems toleration has its limits. The LGBTQ crowd and their acolytes are the biggest hypocrites in America. But to express that truth is considered hate.

I decided long ago not to watch television shows that are an enemy to truth, history, America, family, or that have regular characters who are openly homosexual. Same with transgenderism since that is clearly child or adult abuse and is producing a pathetic group of Frankenstein monsters. So, I almost never watch any regular network shows, except news—which is often false news. I have also decided to boycott all products whose commercials insult my intelligence or use sexual innuendos to make their pitch.

Movies haven’t had any effect on me since 1950 when I stopped going! I assume they no longer cost a dime and include a double feature, a cartoon, a three stooges’ comedy, and world news. From what I read, now you can be sure to see in almost any movie at least one philander, pedophile, or pervert—maybe all three high on booze or drugs.

Moreover, modern music has had little impact on me since Perry Como, and Nat King Cole died. At least I could always understand their lyrics, and whistle the melody without hearing a string of four-letter words.

The LGBTQ crowd’s big supporters are Chevron Corporation, Disney, Estee Lauder Companies, Goldman Sachs Group, Humana Inc., Mastercard Inc., Monsanto Company, AT&T Inc., Time Warner Inc., Xerox Corporation, Equitable Life Insurance Company, Bank of America, BASF Corporation, Bayer, Ben & Jerry’s, Best Buy Co., Starbucks, Kellogg, Hallmark, etc. So, spend your money accordingly.

I have every right to disagree with all their leftist decisions, despise all their products, and declare to friends that it would be a wise decision, in my opinion, to never shop again where LGBTQ support is known. That is freedom, and it comports with biblical principles.

Companies that are hated by the LGBTQ crowd are Hobby Lobby, Carl’s Jr., Waffle House, Walmart, Eden Foods, Exxon, Curves International, etc. I consider them my friends.

In October of 2019, the Kellogg Company jumped with both feet into the shameful world of identity politics by announcing a specially packaged cereal to support the left wing, pro-LGBTQ lobbying group GLAAD. It’s called All Together cereal: a limited-edition variety pack of Corn Flakes, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Raisin Bran, and Rice Krispies, with the mascots of each brand appearing together on the same box.

I stopped eating cereal when I first read their ingredients, but most families purchase cereals, so why not make your shopping an exercise in principle? Why support perversion and the destruction of our culture.

The LGBTQ website asks, “Why are you not investing with your values?” Good question for all thoughtful people. Why finance your own destruction?

In April 2016, Target stores publicized a policy that said transgender customers were welcome to use the bathroom or fitting room that matched their gender identity. That meant any man pretending to be a woman could dress and undress with the women. Some of us called for a boycott of Target, and it worked. Target’s CEO confessed, “The boycott cost the company millions in lost sales and added expenses.” Breaks my heart.

We have made and are making a difference with our boycott of Target, J.C. Penney, and Sears. I don’t expect them to survive through this year. Serves them right. Hallmark should be next. Dedication to principle will bring success as they go out of business.

During Cato the Elder’s time (born 234 B.C.) in the Roman Senate, he ended each speech (whatever the subject) with, “And Carthage [on the coast of North Africa] must be destroyed.” After many years, Carthage was defeated and destroyed. Carthage had been defeated twice before but quickly rebuilt, revived, and returned to threaten the Roman Republic. So Cato thought it best to destroy them for good. This was accomplished in the Third Battle of Carthage in 146 B.C. when the city’s entire remaining population was sold into slavery; consequently, it never again posed a threat to Rome.

I trust our battle against the Perversion Lobby will be as lasting as Rome’s was against Carthage.

For sure, I want my grandchildren and others to know what side I was on; and, when they hear me or others speak of our battle with Sears, Target, J.C. Penney, etc., in future years I hope to hear them ask, “What did you do in that battle, Grandpa?” I want the failure of pro-LGBTQ businesses to be an example for others since I am interested in victory, not a truce.

Let me assure everyone that the road to America’s moral garbage dump is paved with bad intentions. The Perversion Lobby wants to destroy your way of life. A successful boycott is a way to make a difference instead of whining about our “mistreatment.” But if they don’t fail, at least you will know they are not thriving on your dollar.

While there must always be a willingness to talk and witness to the LGBTQ crowd, they must realize that Conservatives and Christians consider this as a war for survival. We are adamant, alarmed, and actively seeking to destroy their position and even their organization in order to save our children, our churches, and our communities from their deleterious, devious, and destructive message of perversion.

Perversion was first espoused in Sodom (you know what happened to them) and was encouraged last week by the U.S. Supreme Court.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

https://donboys.cstnews.com/supreme-court-rejected-the-normal-to-favor-the-abnormal-abominable-and-abhorrent/feed 0
LGBTQ Crowd Responds to Pete Buttigieg Article in Vicious, Vile, and Vulgar Hit Pieces! https://donboys.cstnews.com/lgbtq-crowd-responds-to-pete-buttigieg-article-in-vicious-vile-and-vulgar-hit-pieces https://donboys.cstnews.com/lgbtq-crowd-responds-to-pete-buttigieg-article-in-vicious-vile-and-vulgar-hit-pieces#respond Sat, 19 Oct 2019 00:05:34 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2431 LGBTQ people are a distinct group who only faintly disguise their hatred of normal people and their hatred was recently revealed in their responses to my article dealing with Pete Buttigieg.

My earlier article, “Pete, Since You Brought it Up, How “Gay” Are You?” loosed a plethora of vile comments and repeated vicious phone calls. Almost every critic identified me as a hater. I expected that but the articles from the LGBTQ websites were shocking in their detestation, distortion, and dishonesty. Not one of my critics identified any errors in my assertions dealing with perversion.

It is not hate to tell the truth about anything. It is love, not hate, to help break the chains of a dangerous, deranged, diseased, and deadly lifestyle. It is not hate to help one find a life of forgiveness, joy, satisfaction, normalcy, and purpose.

It seems my critics and proponents of perversion can’t read, or comprehend, or they have mental problems. Maybe all three. They all sing the same lyrics and same melody—off key. All, without exception, were dissonant, divisive, dark, and dirty.

I had scores of attacks and they were all vicious, vulgar, even vile. No one gave me credit for being honest and sincere. No one sought to correct me. No one was kind or thoughtful. Almost all their mothers failed to wash out their mouths with Ivory Soap for dirty talk. Of course, dirty talk comes from a dirty mind.

One site attempted to reply but was so incompetent, even I was embarrassed for the writer: “In news both stupid and stupefying, a former Indiana politician has called on Pete Buttigieg to denounce fisting and rimming as part of his political platform….calling on the presidential candidate to disclose more about his sexual practices.” No, I don’t know if Pete and his “husband” practice the disgusting practice of rimming and fisting. I only mentioned that 22% of homosexuals do so and it would help voters decide if they knew his opinion about such disgusting practices.

My critic wrote that I insisted that Buttigieg should make clear that “he is not into golden showers. Apparently, Boys doesn’t mind that Donald Trump actually is into the practice according to an MI6 dossier.” However, every honest, sane person in the free world knows the referenced Steel “dossier” was a fabrication commissioned and funded by the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton’s campaign committee.

The Jerry Springer Show had more credibility than Steel.

Nor did I say Buttigieg should admit to golden showers, only that 23% of homosexuals practice such dangerous behavior.

Since he was on a roll (of course, one always rolls downhill) he added to his gaffs by saying of me, “In lectures, he has also claimed that if a woman doesn’t scream during rape, a man has done nothing wrong.” He was misquoting another article where I cautioned people to prove all things, not to take anyone’s word that another person has committed a crime; however, non-thinking Progressives maintain that any male or Conservative is guilty until proven innocent. All women are innocent, fair, and honest.

I mentioned that the Bible requires a woman to scream if she is being raped. No scream, no rape charges against a man. I did not say or suggest that the man was guiltless, but he could not be prosecuted if she did not resist and scream. My critic got “a man has done nothing wrong” out of thin air.

Of course, a man is guilty if he kisses and hugs making sexual advances to a woman; but in this dangerous day, it must be understood that just because a man may be guilty does not mean that a complaining woman may be innocent. That seems to be too nuanced for homosexuals to comprehend.

The only thing that was almost right in his article was the headline: “Totally straight Indiana politician Don Boys is obsessed with Pete Buttigieg’s kinks.” For sure, I am “totally straight”; however, I am no longer a politician, am no longer living in Indiana, but I’m not “obsessed” with Pete’s alleged kinky lifestyle. I simply responded to a politician who wants normal people to vote for him, and since he boasted about his “gayness,” voters should know just how “gay” he is. That is not being obsessed but maybe the writer doesn’t know the meaning of “obsessed.”

One thing for sure: his writing would never drive a reader to a dictionary.

An article in the LGBTQ Nation yelled “Indiana Republican asks Buttigieg ‘how gay are you?’” in shockingly vulgar diatribe about sex.” It went on: “He also managed to accuse Buttigieg of supporting pedophilia, eating feces, and putting animals in his rectum.” Again, another example of delusion, dishonesty, or simply dumbness.

I wrote nothing about Pete supporting pedophilia, eating feces, and putting animals in his rectum. What I did was document that half of homosexuals were seduced by perverts before age 14, 17% of homosexuals admit to rubbing or ingesting feces, and 41% put flashlights, carrots, and at times gerbils in the rectum of a “lover.”

Maybe PETA should get involved since this is animal cruelty unless—unless the gerbils gave consent.

The writer also charged me with writing, “Buttigieg will therefore die while in office. Obviously, the claim is untrue.” I did not suggest Buttigieg will die in office; I only said that stats prove that homosexuals live 20 fewer years than normal people because of drug use, violent behavior with partners, carrying numerous infectious diseases, alcoholism, and other deadly practices.

Right Wing Watch (a far left project of People For the American Way) chastised me suggesting I am on an anti-Buttigieg campaign but provided a link to my blog and article, “Why Will No Reporter Ask Mayor Pete these Questions?” and that triggered “Christian Bigot: Why Aren’t Reporters Probing Pete Buttigieg’s Sex Life?” by Hemant Mehta.

But then, I never called for Pete to answer questions about his sex life but I did ask him to repudiate perverted practices. The writer sarcastically asked, “Where the hell does this guy get his information?” Of course, he is aware of scores of academic and medical studies that support what I have written about homosexuality. Some of them done by homosexuals! I’m smart enough not to make untrue, unproven, or even unfair statements in print or on talk shows knowing my opponents would treat me like fresh meat in a shark tank.

He made a statement that is laughable, but isn’t funny, when he said “Christian fundamentalists think about gay sex far more than gay men.” Normal people don’t ever think about such perversion unless one of them gets in their face with his perverted demands. Why is it that homosexuals think anyone wants to know about their sex life?

Since Pete has publically talked of how “gay” he is, I simply asked him how “gay” is that. Seems reasonable to me since he mentioned it. I was quoted saying, “Since homosexuals are seven times more likely to use illegal drugs, will Pete repudiate their illegal drug use (to heighten sexual pleasure), and will he demand prosecution for those who use illegal drugs?” Good question but no answer.

My critic quoted me again, “Since many homosexuals have a urine and feces fetish bringing them into contact with numerous lethal bugs, will Pete repudiate that unhealthy practice to save lives? And possibly save the health care system from bankruptcy?” Another good question but no answer. Note that I did not ask Pete if he did some of the dangerous, dirty, and dumb things homosexuals do but I asked him to repudiate those deadly practices.

The LGBTQ crowd’s defense of perversion is almost as respectable, reasonable, and right as a witch doctor with his bag of chicken bones and hippopotami dung.

I have cast enough pearls today.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Fellow Baptist Says Jerry Falwell, Jr. Got His Dad’s Position But Not His Principles! https://donboys.cstnews.com/fellow-baptist-says-jerry-falwell-jr-got-his-dads-position-but-not-his-principles https://donboys.cstnews.com/fellow-baptist-says-jerry-falwell-jr-got-his-dads-position-but-not-his-principles#respond Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:56:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2428 The leftists, loonies, and lavender crowd smell blood—Falwell blood—and they, like a flock of vultures, are circling over Liberty Mountain ready for the kill. The tragedy is that Jerry Falwell, Jr. has not acted wisely and is responsible for some of the mess as this article and following articles will document.

However, just because some charges may be true or partially true does not mean the charges of nepotism, family feuds, giving political support to Trump’s candidacy in 2016 as payback for Trump’s lawyer effecting the destruction of “racy” photos of Jerry’s wife, fiduciary bungling, self-dealing in Liberty University construction projects, Jerry Jr. and his son dancing and drinking at a Florida nightclub, etc., are true. I will delineate those charges in future articles.

A recent article of mine dealt with Jerry’s support for GOP Congressman Denver Riggleman from Charlottesville for reelection next year. The congressman is a whisky producer who performed a wedding ceremony for two homosexual men who worked for his candidacy. Jerry endorsed him knowing he could have supported another candidate (even choosing a candidate) in the coming primary, but he chose to support the same-sex “marriage” congressman.

That is not the Falwell I knew for decades. As the Brits cried out for centuries, “The [old] King is dead; long live the [new] King.” But while Jerry got his father’s position, he did not get his father’s principles. Sad.

Jerry’s dad for sure would never support homosexuality. In fact, many Republicans stay out of primaries and permit each candidate to take his or her message to the GOP voters. Jerry Jr. decided to jump in very early to give his support after the county GOP refused to support his reelection! I predict Riggleman will become a Democrat following his reelection.

There is no question that Falwell made a hasty and dangerous political decision, but to justify his support of perversion by his immature nonsense about the Supreme Court having already made same sex “marriage” legal is embarrassingly shallow. Whatever the circumstances, any support, and in fact, the lack of condemnation of such a ceremony has no defense. Jerry blew it.

But then, Jerry and Liberty University have waded into these muddy waters before.

In 2014, many friends of Liberty were concerned that university officials (that means Jerry, Jr.) hired a homosexual advocate to teach students choreography in its presentation of Mary Poppins. Additional concerns developed when Brandon Ambrosino, a Liberty student, crawled out of the closet as a homosexual and was allowed to enroll as a graduate student in Liberty’s seminary program. That was a mistake.

Surely if God decreed the death penalty for sodomy in ancient Israel under a theocracy, He obviously would not want any kind of encouragement or support to them in our day of grace except to demand they repent and “sin no more.” For any Christian to give any encouragement to homosexuality is to support evil deeds. Dishonest critics will twist that to suggest that is a dog whistle for haters to mistreat homosexuals. As usual, they are wrong.

The Brandon Ambrosino article reported that Trey Falwell, Jerry Junior’s son, also a Liberty vice-president, “co-owns a gay-friendly hostel in Miami Beach known as the Miami Hostel! The article’s author reported that he spent a weekend at the establishment that displays the warning, “No Soliciting, No Politics, No Salesmen, No Religion.” Ambrosino called it a “flophouse” saying that one can stay at the hostel for $20.00 per night (in Miami Beach!). It boasts a bar/lounge and pool and provides bed sheets; you make your own bed. Parking garage is two blocks away.

The hostel website boasts, “You can hang out in the Jacuzzi or after you have had a few drinks join the club tour for that night with your friends. There is a liquor store connected to the hostel with almost anything you need for partying!”

A gay-friendly hostel that sells booze owned by a Liberty University vice-president! But it gets worse. It was allegedly funded by the President of Liberty University!

The Daily Mail reported, “A representative for Falwell Jr told BuzzFeed that he [Jerry] had loaned a company the downpayment (sic) to purchase the property on Alton Road for $4.65 million, but that Falwell Jr. himself was not a partner in the hostel.” Reuters reported, “Falwell [Junior] filed an affidavit in 2018 saying he used his own wealth to lend $1.8 million to the $4.65 million project….”

If so, Jerry is a participant, promoter, and pimp for perversion.

Jerry can contact scores of theology experts at Liberty who will validate that II John 1:11 warns all Christians, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” Not only are Christians warned not to encourage perversion (or those who encourage rebellion against Christ), they are required to condemn it. Hebrews 11:7 reveals that Noah condemned the sin of his day but Lot refused to do so. Lot was “vexed” by the sodomites in Sodom but he was like many Christian Conservatives who would never support the LGBTQ crowd and they speak strongly for “family values” but refuse to say, “Sodomy is evil.”

It seems Jerry Falwell Jr. would never wave the LGBTQ flag but he will wave the white flag of surrender and say, “Can’t we all just—you know—just get along!”

No, Jerry, we can’t. Christians are required to take a stand and go to the heart of the issue: Sodomy is wrong whether by two men or two women. It is wrong for married couples. You call a news conference, admit your softness on the issue, even speak about your repentance for compromise, cut all ties with any support for perversion, and lead the charge in a battle against the LGBTQ crowd as your dad did.

After all, your dad may be watching and if not your Father is for sure.

Martin Luther’s attributed statement is germane here: “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him. Where the battle rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved.”

On the most pressing social/moral issue of our day, all Christians should stand with Luther and God. Pretty good company.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Christian University Caves to the State and the LGBTQ Crowd Cheers! https://donboys.cstnews.com/christian-university-caves-to-the-state-and-the-lgbtq-crowd-cheers https://donboys.cstnews.com/christian-university-caves-to-the-state-and-the-lgbtq-crowd-cheers#respond Sat, 06 Jul 2019 13:46:14 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2381 You don’t win battles when there is an abundance of white flags in your arsenal but Christian universities haven’t grasped that concept. One after the other, Christian schools have hoisted the white flag of surrender regarding their practices, policies, and precepts. That’s called apostasy.

Last month, California passed a resolution calling on religious leaders to affirm homosexuality and “transgenderism” and to accept that Christian efforts to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion are “ineffective, unethical and harmful.” Eager to please, Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University (APU) chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals, kissed the LGBTQ ring and genuflected under the rainbow flag by “directing pastors and counselors to reject biblical views of sexuality and deny counseling for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.”

And another white flag went up.

Earlier, Azusa had shamefully and cowardly lowered the banner of Calvary and raised another white flag of surrender after hoisting the rainbow flag of perversion. (Last week I did a national radio show dealing with homosexuality and perversion and the host said, “It’s been 30 years since I’ve heard perversion and homosexual used in the same sentence.”)

Azusa Pacific University “specifically removed language that barred LGBTQ relationships as part of a standing ban on pre-marital sex” from its student handbook, according to media reports. That is the third time the Christian university changed its position on “gay” relationships.

Moreover, the Christian school with Christian professors, Christian staff, and meeting in buildings build by Christian donors will now accept non-Christian students. Most Christian schools require potential students to sign a clear statement that they are born again Christians.

The school promises to treat everyone “with Christ-like care and civility. Our values are unchanged.” Well, not exactly. Of course, their values have changed at least three times. First they were against perversion since the school’s inception in 1899. Then they weren’t against perversion. After further thought and donor pressure, they were against it. Finally, they voted to satisfy the LGBTQ crowd and make everyone welcome—as long as they don’t sodomize each other in the restrooms and don’t carry the multicolored LGBTQ flag through the dining hall naked as a jay bird.

The school’s position is shocking especially since APU has a Wesleyan tradition that has always put an emphasis on holy living. But hey, that’s as old fashioned as other Bible values such as not fornicating, lying, stealing, or sodomizing.

About two hundred students gathered on campus “in support of LGBTQ students who may have been hurting as a result of the reinstatement of the ban.” Been hurting, seems to be an overstatement. They were simply told that perversion was not permitted on campus just as fornication was not permitted. Even two professors met with the students and “prayed” with them. They, along with the students, should have been sent packing.

The school also declared that the “APU community remains unequivocally biblical in our Christian evangelical identity.” That is dishonest double talk since they have departed from a clear biblical position. That is obvious when the LGBTQ crowd crowed there would be no more “stigmatizing of queer people specifically.”

Christian institutions need to use biblical terms in such matters. They can clearly require no sexual relations of any kind between two (or more) unmarried individuals. All sex is wrong without marriage and homosexual acts are wrong under all conditions. Of course, the schools are trying to stop the plunge in enrollment and the bleeding of school bank accounts so they give a little here and give much more there—soon they have a secular school whose biblical past embarrasses their progressive leaders.

APU has antagonized its financial base and it announced early this year that it plans to cut six percent of its faculty positions. Moody’s Investors Service downgraded their bonds to junk bonds and last fall, the school admitted it had almost a $10 million operating deficit.

So, it’s time for damage control.

APU and more than 170 other Christian schools are members of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). President Shirley Hoogstra is dealing with a simmering insurgency of its members because the group did not take action against two member schools who went on record to permit same-sex “marriage” couples on faculty and staff—Goshen College and Eastern Mennonite University. Schools have bailed out of the CCCU because of the biblical apostasy of permitting schools to go soft on sodomy. Other schools are ready to pack up and move out of the CCCU unless changes are made by this August.

Of course, the nightmare position for the universities is that the LGBTQ crowd will use their legal clubs to beat them into submission—they will lose their tax exempt status, student aid, property tax exemption and other goodies from the state and Federal Government. Maybe then, they will only have God upon whom they can depend.

Cedarville University’s President Thomas White said that Cedarville “will not compromise on the biblical view of marriage.” Good for them but we will see what Cedarville, Liberty, Biola, and scores of other Christian universities do if the court says, “accept homosexuality or close your doors.”

All these Christian universities have walked the same path, a path of compromise that promised more students, more acceptance, more prestige, and government money. All the schools, such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc., were highly motivated but lost sight of their commitment to a high view of Scripture. One of their first and biggest mistakes was to seek secular accreditation. At least the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities was supposed to be biblical. But that always led to approval by secular regional accrediting associations. Even the long time hold-out Bob Jones University has caved and has joined the rush for the Good House Keeping Seal of Acceptance in the august field of Education. About 90% of the CCCU’s member-schools hold secular regional accreditation.

It is wrong for a Christian institution to surrender some of its autonomy to get a little reward. Christian colleges made a Faustian bargain to give a little autonomy for the grand prize and now it is time to pay the devil his due—capitulate to federal demands or close your doors. It is my opinion the schools will collapse like a house of cards to retain their tax advantages and regional accreditation. No, none of the schools would fall down and worship the golden calf—but they will worship the gold of the calf. If Christian institutions surrender their tax exempt status, there will be no more leeks, garlic, and onions—federal handouts.

There is open rebellion on the Christian university campuses causing rejoicing by the LGBTQ crowd but resulting in revulsion, repudiation, and rejection by a Holy God!

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. ; and visit his blog.)

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Why Will No Reporter Ask Mayor Pete these Questions? https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-will-no-reporter-ask-mayor-pete-these-questions https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-will-no-reporter-ask-mayor-pete-these-questions#respond Sat, 22 Jun 2019 23:04:40 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2374 Journalists are supposed to investigate and interrogate political candidates but that has not been done by the main stream media for many years. Most of them have sold out and are like the ladies of the night continuing the oldest profession in the world. Of course, the journalists don’t dress like the ladies of the evening and they are not usually as crass and crude in deciding on payment for their services; other than that, the similarities between journalists and prostitutes are obvious.

The media can be very helpful keeping politicians’ feet to the fire by asking questions that reveal facts that voters need to make good decisions about a candidate. Some questions will be embarrassing to the candidates but that is a risk of their profession. The political candidate will try to evade revealing anything negative about himself or herself. Politicians learn very early not to answer a dangerous question but provide an answer beneficial to his candidacy. Petty, poorly trained, or prostitute journalists permit that evasion and refuse to ask follow-up questions that may embarrass candidates.

Most politicians, in all parties, are afraid of the truth. They will flirt with it, but never follow truth all the way. They will spin the truth, play with it, distort it, but never follow it to its conclusion whatever the results. Real journalists are supposed to resist, report, and even ridicule that gambit.

Since a preponderance of evidence clearly proves that the homosexual lifestyle is deadly, shouldn’t all people of goodwill seek to help them out of it? And homosexuals can be helped since there are no biological causes. The American Psychiatric Association admitted as recently as August of 2015, “to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology [cause] for homosexuality.”

No honest, informed person declares homosexuals are “born that way.”

Dr. Lisa Diamond, a top researcher of the American Psychological Association tells LGBTQ activists at the close of her lecture, “I feel as a community, the queers have to stop saying, ‘Please help us. We’re born this way, and we can’t change’ as an argument for legal standing…and that argument is going to bite us in the a**, because now we know that there’s enough data out there, that the other side is aware of as much as we are aware of it.” That’s from a lesbian!

Practicing homosexuals, because of many factors in the home, environment, associates, media, etc., made a choice to enter the dark world of perversion. Pete Buttigieg is no exception and having made that choice and the choice to offer himself as a candidate for president, he needs to inform us how his abnormal lifestyle may affect our nation if he is elected.

Obviously, if a pacifist runs for office, a real reporter will ask where he stands on the death penalty and what he would do if America were attacked again by a foreign nation.

A Socialist running for the presidency will have reporters pointing out the many failures of Socialist nations and how a Socialist is simply a Communist without a gun. Honest journalists would never try to hide the innate dangers of Socialism unless they are socialists also.

If a Baptist runs for the presidency, surely an honest journalist would ask if he or she would require all cabinet members to be Born Again and require all appointees to be baptized in the Reflecting Pool at the National Mall. And he should be asked if the White House would become a smoke-free and booze-free zone.

A Roman Catholic candidate should be asked how much influence the Vatican or the College of Cardinals would have in any religious matter that might have any bearing on them.

A Jew running for president would be asked where he stands on the Middle East and his stand on the “Palestinian” problem.

Should an Adventist become a candidate, any honest journalist would ask him if he would work on Saturday in event of an international crisis requiring his presence in the War Room. And if he would require vegetables only at all White House dinners.

If a fanatic snake handler from Appalachia becomes a candidate (and I am not sure the Democrats don’t have one running this year) would he take his sack of snakes into the White House? While I strongly believe in religious freedom and my range of social relationships is wide, I would not want snakes in the Peoples’ House.

If a Muslim runs for president, real journalists would ask if Sharia should ever supersede U.S. laws; will he repudiate killing of apostates; will he repudiate jihad which is holy fighting in the cause of Islam; will he agree that Israel has a right to definite and secure borders; will he repudiate “honor” killings; will he repudiate and prosecute female sexual mutilation of little girls; and would he support my right to found the Trinity Baptist Church in Mecca? After all, we have permitted over 3,000 mosques to be built in the U.S. Furthermore, there is not one church in Saudi Arabia.

Since a “gay” Indiana mayor is running for president, journalists should ask him some questions that bear on that office; however, their cowardice and fear of being politically incorrect will keep them from asking these very legitimate questions of Pete Buttigieg.

Pete needs to say if it is possible to believe that homosexuality is a diseased, dangerous, even deadly lifestyle without being a hater? If it is true, as experts have concluded, that homosexuality is dangerous, then is it not true that Pete’s critics are showing love not hate?

Pete has boasted that he is very “gay” and voters have a right to know what that means. Just how extreme is that since it could reflect on or impact the office of president? However, it is very interesting that the LGBTQ crowd complains that Pete is not “gay” enough.

Will Pete assure the voters that there is no possibility of blackmail i.e., pictures of him in a very compromising position?

Since homosexuals are seven times more likely to use illegal drugs, will Pete repudiate their illegal drug use to heighten sexual pleasure, and will he demand prosecution for those who use illegal drugs?

Since many homosexuals have a urine and feces fetish bringing them into contact with numerous lethal bugs, will Pete repudiate that unhealthy practice to save lives? And possibly save the health care system from bankruptcy?

Advocates for perversion refuse to accept the current stats that refute their narrative but they can hardly say homosexuality is normal. It is abnormal to get pleasure from contact with body waste and in spades when that involves another person. Homosexuals use human organs in an abnormal way so no one should be surprised when the results are tragic. They insist on trying to get out of life what God never intended to be there, thus contracting many more diseases. Usually, the taxpayers are expected to pay their medical bills.

Homosexuality is a public health issue and not simply what two same sex individuals do in the privacy of their bedroom. One has to pay when he plays but why should I pay when you play?

If Pete is elected president of the USA, will he respond the way many homosexuals do by giving priority to homosexuals in his appointments? Any chance of any Fundamentalists like me getting a top cabinet position? I would be willing to accept Secretary of Education or Secretary of Energy and would have either one totally disbanded in 60 days. Would sure help reduce the deficit.

Since homosexuals live shorter lives because of illegal drugs, abusive sexual practices, etc., will Pete assure the voters that he will not participate in any sexual practice that might limit his ability to serve his term if elected?

However, no journalist is willing to ask Pete these very important questions since journalism is dead and truth lies in the street gasping for breath.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys wrote 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! and is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.)

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World’s Leading Gay Biblical Theologian Defends Pete Buttigieg! https://donboys.cstnews.com/worlds-leading-gay-biblical-theologian-defends-pete-buttigieg https://donboys.cstnews.com/worlds-leading-gay-biblical-theologian-defends-pete-buttigieg#respond Fri, 14 Jun 2019 13:21:36 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2371 Radical homosexuals, with missionary zeal, declare that David and Jonathan were lovers but the LGBTQ crowd must twist the Bible and common sense like a pretzel to spin their myth and excuse their foul practices.

Homosexuals hope they can spin it enough to send one of their own to the White House but if Pete and Mrs. Pete make it to the White House, they are almost inviting God’s judgment on America.

Surely, sane, sensible, and sober Americans would not send a sodomite to the White House.

I received a missive from a man who claimed to be “World’s Leading Gay BIBLICAL Theologian Who is Gay.” This was his reaction to my article titled, “Pete, Since You Brought it Up, How Gay Are You?” The “gay” theologian declared that David and Jonathan’s “first Gay marriage in the Bible is the MOST DOCUMENTED MARRIAGE and BEST DOCUMENTED MARRIAGE in the entire Bible.”

Homosexuals do much yelling but he’s dreaming, disingenuous, or delusional.

In his first 10 lines, he managed to misspell Jonathan’s name twice. However, I am not concerned with his ignorance (or carelessness) or even his arrogance but his blasphemous, dishonest, and reckless treatment of the Bible.

This dude is really ripe. He wipes the purple Kool Aid from his lips and asserts, “I especially like I Samuel 18:4 where Jonathon (sic) takes off all his clothes and shows David his naked genitals.”

But, of course, the Bible does not say anything similar to that. It is a perversion of Scripture. That perversion is reflected by homosexuals in all areas—they pervert history, sex, the Bible, and common sense. Anything to justify their chosen, wicked lifestyle.

My critic declares that this is the first “gay” marriage in the Bible and is “the most documented marriage and best documented marriage in the entire Bible, including the heterosexual ones.” He thinks that his hyperbole will impress me and hopes to appear almost normal by making the Bible say something it does not say. There was no marriage, no sex; only a brotherhood covenant between two friends.

In I Samuel 18:4, Jonathan took off his outer garments and gave them to David along with his sword, girdle, and bow continuing a very ancient practice. For sure, he did not expose his naked body to David.

David, having married Jonathan’s sister, had developed a relationship with him that was closer than a brother. This is shocking when you realize that Jonathan was the heir to the throne and David was a young, poorly dressed, awkward shepherd who was a rival to that throne. Yet, it was a friendship that grew so much that Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Jonathan was fearful that his mentally disturbed father might actually take the life of David.

Jonathan removed his robe and put it on David so that David was now clothed in princely attire instead of his rough, country attire. Such covenants of brotherhood were frequent in the East and were confirmed in the presence of witnesses that the persons covenanting would be sworn brothers for life.

For an ordinary person to receive any part of the dress which had been worn by a sovereign, or his eldest son was deemed the highest honor which could be conferred on a citizen. The girdle, being connected with the sword and the bow, was considered as being part of the military dress, and great value was attached to it in the East. Jonathan was recognizing David as a dear friend and a military hero. After all, he had recently killed a giant that no one else was willing to attempt.

If anyone in Israel had reason to dislike David, it was Jonathan. David was not trained for a royal court. He pitched aside his common staff and sling replacing them with Jonathan’s sword and bow. David was now ready for any court appearance and for any battle.

This giving of apparel by an authority is revealed in Esther 6:8, “Let the royal apparel be brought which the king useth to wear, and the horse that the king rideth upon, and the crown royal which is set upon his head.”

Another biblical example is seen in Genesis 41:42 when Pharaoh removed his ring and put it on the finger of Joseph after Pharaoh had placed him over all the land of Egypt.

The giving of clothes and military equipment was practiced in the days of Homer and the Trojan wars. This was done to confer dignity and distinction to a deserving person. Homer revealed this practice, among other examples, when Ulysses received a gift of the armor from Meriones.

Obviously, sex was not involved in the ancient practice of covenant friendship by the giving of personal items as a token of brotherhood. David and Jonathan were not homosexuals.

Obviously, homosexuals are not good Bible expositors—not even the “world’s leading ‘gay’ biblical theologian who is ‘gay’.” I wonder if our “leading ‘gay’ theologian” knows the meaning of superfluous. How about redundant? Surely he is familiar with unnecessary.

Another reason David and Jonathan were not homosexuals is because the Bible condemned David’s adultery with Bathsheba, so it would surely not be silent about sodomy. But there is no condemnation of David’s homosexuality because he was not a homosexual. You may remember that David was attracted to women especially Bathsheba. Moreover, he had seven wives plus concubines according to I Chronicles 3. David was not sexually attracted to men; however, God never approved of his multiple wives and concubines or of perversion between two men or two women. In fact, God showed hot anger at perversion as per the case of Sodom and Gomorrah.

I remind my readers that the parties have stopped in Sodom. Sooner or later, they all end.

God’s clear plan for the human race is for a man to have one wife and treat her like a queen for a lifetime.

The “gay” clown posing as a Bible scholar even says King Saul accused Jonathan of “being gay and having sex with David in I Samuel 20:30-32. And Jonathan doesn’t deny it.” All right, I’ll admit that Jonathan did not deny it but he didn’t deny it because Saul never accused him of it. There was a very important annual family dinner that David missed causing a fuss at the royal table between Saul and Jonathan. Saul tried to kill his son and Jonathan left in a huff without eating. But it had nothing to do with sex.

Have you noticed that with homosexuals everything has to do with sex?

But it gets worse because the “World’s Leading Gay Biblical theologian Who is Gay” further wrote, “David and Jonathan laid in the field having sex until David climaxed.” He made that up out of I Samuel 20:41 which does not mention sex. National events were moving fast and King Saul was often mentally unstable and had tried to kill both his son and David. Soon, Israel would be humiliated and defeated in battle and Saul, Jonathan, and his brothers would be dead on the slopes of Mount Gilboa.

Both David and Jonathan knew events were moving toward a showdown and they wept and kissed each other before they separated. The text says that David “exceeded” not “climaxed.” David was more emotional than Jonathan knowing that Jonathan would soon be dead. David knew he was about to lose his dearest friend and wept bitter tears more profusely than Jonathan.

It was a climax but not a sexual climax.

The only acceptable, appropriate, and approved sex in the Bible is between a married man and woman. All other sex is evil.

Homosexuals, peddling their hokum like the world’s leading “gay” theologian, are trying to use darkness to extinguish the light but it won’t work—light expels darkness.

That goes for Pete as well.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years and authored 18 books. His eBook Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character, Not His Color! can be viewed and purchased here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.)

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