immigration – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Southern Border: Elegant Dinner Party While the Titanic Sinks! Tue, 21 Dec 2021 20:42:37 +0000 As I write, our southern border is chaotic, criminal, and costly. Thousands of illegal aliens walk across the border daily and vanish into our nation. Far leftists think that is a good thing and businessmen are delighted to have cheap labor.

Few national leaders are seriously concerned. They talk and talk and talk without doing anything substantial, but few even feign concern. They are like socialite fools on the sinking Titanic enjoying an elegant dinner, sipping expensive champagne as the ship’s rivets snap along the waterline and the doomed vessel lists to starboard.

As tables began to slide, a few diners looked worried but then remembered this was a ship “even God couldn’t sink.” However, it seems God didn’t read or believe their advertising.

The most elegant and largest ship sank into the icy North Atlantic and ruined the dinner party for everyone on a cold night on April 15, 1912.  More than 1500 died in the tragedy.

The tragedy at our southern border is far more tragic than the Titanic sinking and equally preventable.

Few of our gatecrashers plan to pick tomatoes or strawberries. Although a few will pick vegetables, many more will pick your pocket by crowding the public schools, overwhelming the hospitals, draining the welfare budget, filling the jails, and causing havoc on the highways.

Some obey our laws and contribute to our nation, but they are still illegal gatecrashers.

They don’t deserve to be hated or mistreated, but they should be sent home or to prison—a working prison with no television sets, gyms, or playrooms. And not a lawyer or social worker within 50 miles.

The massive invasion seems to be unending, and we are told there is nothing we can do to stop the incursion. Wait a minute. This is the nation that was carved out of the wilderness; we built huge cities with skyscrapers, major highways, hospitals, universities, and railroads that stretched from sea to sea; we went to the moon; we accomplished incredible things in the field of medicine; we endured a bloody civil war; fought two world wars and a litany of minor wars; we survived a shattering financial collapse and many minor ones. The U.S. can identify a person or location anywhere in the world and put a missile within five feet of the target. We maintain a massive army, navy, and air force, but we can’t stop a few thousand gatecrashers!

Someone doesn’t want to do so.

Future Americans will look back and be almost convinced that contemporary events were falsified since U.S. officials could not really be that stupid, incompetent, or treasonous.

But they are.

Illegal, illegitimate, and often infected gatecrashers are destroying America. Yes, I know non-thinking leftists want to call them “undocumented immigrants,” but calling an illegal alien an “undocumented immigrant” is like calling a heroin dealer an “unlicensed pharmacist.”

Leftists, even many loosey-goosey Evangelicals, believe there is a global right to live in America. That is obvious nonsense since our Constitution says America was founded “For Ourselves and our Posterity.” That leaves out everyone that is not “our posterity.” Not every Tom, Dick, and Hugo (or Mohammed) who wants to advance his financial position has a right to live here.

The lunatic idea of having nations without borders permitting anyone to freely move about inside a common boundary was promoted by President George W. Bush when he met in March of 2005 with the Mexican president and the Canadian prime minister at Waco, Texas. After that conference, the Council on Foreign Relations published “Toward a North American Community,” which called for a “seamless market” with “a more open border for the movement of goods and people.”

Such a policy has been true in the European Union for many years, whereby anyone can travel to any member nation without documentation. Such nations lose their nationhood and become a mass of land where chaos rules.

Biden doesn’t rule; chaos does.

Benjamin Franklin was shocked by the invasion of German immigrants into Pennsylvania. They did not possess the English culture or language or the same values. Franklin wrote, “why should the Palatine Moors be suffered to swarm into our settlements, and by herding together establish their languages and manners to the exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our language or customs, any more than they can acquire our complexion?”

In early America, Germans, Italians, etc., were not considered white. They were “less white.”

Franklin added, “But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.”

Was Franklin a racist or white supremacist since he wrote of the complexion and limitation of immigrants? Maybe he had a legitimate fear that the massive influx of foreigners would destroy the great American experiment in freedom. He would be shocked to know that in 2018, the foreign-born population in America was about 14% of the U.S. population! It was 6% in 1980.

As I write, we are witnessing the amalgamation, even the destruction of specific groups.  Black, White, Red, and Yellow groups will disappear.  While interracial marriages are not illegal or unbiblical, it is in the interests of Globalists to make everyone the same. Does anyone care? Is it racist to care? Is it racist to even ask the question? I suppose it is racist to reveal that I prefer the 1980 percent of foreigners.

America doesn’t need any nation’s uneducated, unskilled, and unmotivated people. It is not selfish but sane and sensible to permit only those who will contribute to our nation.

The illegal alien invasion of America is producing a dangerous, dark, decaying, and dying nation; and I see no return of America’s greatness—even if there is a return to genuine Christianity.

But frankly, it may be too late to close the barn door since the horses are galloping down the road. We have been soft rather than sensible; weak rather than wise; calm rather than confrontational; and relaxed rather than resolute. When America explodes, all bets are off, and a reign of terror may ensue, and the America we know will be gone forever.

Talk show hosts have asked me if my message causes people to panic, and I always reply that I am trying to make people awake and aware without being alarmed. However, at this time in the crisis, maybe it is time to be alarmed! No, not irresponsible, out‑of‑control panic. Just the everyday kind of alarm that makes your blood run hot, your adrenaline flow, your hands sweat profusely, and your mouth as dry as an oil well I invested in.

Stop trade with nations who permit illegal aliens to pass through their territory en route to the U.S. or nations that refuse to permit their citizens to return to their own country.

Freeze the national assets in Central America until they curb the efforts of their people to flee illegally to America.

Pull up the ladder and permit no more immigration for at least five years with only a few exceptions.

Close all the holes in our northern and southern borders, even using the military, drones, helicopters, and any new technology to get the job done.

Collect huge penalties from any business that hires an illegal alien. Double the fine for a second offense. Jail for the third. That won’t make me popular with the Chamber of Commerce, but I’m not in a popularity contest.

Illegal aliens do not have the same rights that Americans have; therefore, expel all who are here illegally. As a precaution, fingerprint and photograph them and imprison them if they return.

We should fingerprint and photograph all emigrants who come to America from any nation and fine them heavily if they overstay their visas. Then, send them back “home.”

It’s time to stop playing games and stop swilling the giggle juice and realize the party is over. The ship is going down, we are ankle-deep in icy water, and it’s time to bring out the lifeboats. As the ship splits in half, most Americans tell each other that God would never permit America to sink, since we are so strong, and so supreme, and so special.

And so stupid.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Cicero Warned About Danger of Immigration! Thu, 30 Sep 2021 17:15:54 +0000 Only fools believe the rules of warfare, welfare, and the way we deal with our borders do not apply to America. We are different, but not that different, and we are observing the same decline, decay, and disintegration that the Roman Empire experienced.

In fact, the comparison is eerie.

Rome was founded in 753 B.C. with Romulus as the first king ruling over erratic and violent citizens characterized by Livy as “a rabble of vagrants, mostly runaways and refugees, unrestrained by the power of the throne.” Rome’s early days are shrouded in mystery and myth and mistakes involving the “god” Mars, who fathered Romulus and his twin brother Remus and left them to die after their birth. The twin babies, washed up on a riverbank, were suckled by a she-wolf, and Romulus became king of Rome and killed his brother.

Wow, from miraculous birth to marvelous childhood to a mighty king in one generation!

Interestingly, city guides in Rome propagate that myth as fact to gullible tourists. When I kindly challenged them and finally ridiculed their promotion of a silly legend, they became indignant as if I also asserted the earth is flat, or even worse, that the city of Rome was overrated and overpriced.

After casting off the shackles of the Monarchy with the overthrow of the last of Rome’s seven kings who were absolute dictators, the Monarchy was followed by a Republic in 509 B.C.

The new Roman Republic was the period when the city-state of Rome was a republican government (from 509 B.C. to 27 B.C.). The Romans had replaced their last king with elected magistrates, which lasted until 27 B.C. It was one of the world’s first examples of representative democracy.

National Geographic asserts, “The Republic began to engage in wars with its neighboring rivals, slowly eliminating threats to its superiority in the Mediterranean. By the first century B.C., the Roman Republic stood alone as the dominant power in the Mediterranean region.”

During the middle of the first century B.C., Rome was marked by civil wars and the dictatorship of Julius Caesar. Caesar asked the statesman Cicero to work with his dictatorship; however, Cicero refused being a republican and desiring a return to traditional republican government.

Cicero knew an authoritarian ruler, like Caesar, could bring stability, safety, and success to a nation, but dictatorship always results in loss of personal freedom.

Caesar (who never lost a war) defeated Pompey in a civil war and led the nation out of a Republic into a dictatorship until his assassination in 44 B.C. Thus, he played a significant role in the events that led to the ruin of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Following Caesar’s death, his adopted son Octavian won some major battles (defeating Mark Antony and Cleopatra), and the Senate proclaimed him Emperor Augustus Caesar in 27 B.C., followed by an unprecedented 200 years of peace.

Then, it was downhill to the emperors who were morally corrupt, mentally incompetent, and murder prone—often using assassination as a standard political tool.

Cicero was, for his day, a principled Roman, famous for his oratory. He vigorously criticized Caesar, Mark Antony, and other politicians who thought the Republic was passé and constantly grabbed personal political power. Antony was often criticized by Cicero, and Cicero was finally assassinated while leaving for a sea voyage. Cicero’s hands, which had penned the famous harangues against Antony, were cut off, and he was beheaded. His hands and his head were nailed to the podium in the Roman Forum. Antony’s wife pulled out the dead orator’s tongue and repeatedly thrust a pin through it, letting all know what she thought of his powerful speaking.

Before Cicero was killed in 43 B.C., he declared, “Rome’s swollen population of unemployed immigrates from the country-side was a bonfire waiting to be lit.” Rome was constantly on the march taking new territories of people whose language, religion, personal habits, and general culture differed from Roman citizens. As the conquered territories were farther and farther distant from Rome, it became more difficult to control them.

The Republic was followed by the Roman Empire ruled by numerous incompetent, immoral, even incestuous Emperors and only five good ones under whom there was impressive success and growth from 96 A.D. to 180. A.D. Rome’s control rapidly expanded during this period—from the city’s immediate surroundings to control of the entire Mediterranean world. The period witnessed a considerable expansion of the Empire into northern Britain and east to Mesopotamia.

The great Mediterranean Sea became a Roman lake.

By the end of the third century, Rome was still a powerful empire, but all was not well below the surface. The foundations were cracking and crumbling, and dangerous ideas were invading the Empire. The cities were decreasing, and industry was declining, and agriculture was being destroyed by excessive taxation. Peasants could no longer make a living by farming.

Travel was no longer safe. Under Caesar’s rule, he had produced peace, and “there are neither wars, nor battles, nor great robberies, nor piracies; but we may travel at all hours and sail from east to west,” according to Epictetus. That was no longer true, and the value of Roman citizenship was devalued since no one was safe and justice was only a word.

Outside Rome’s borders, vast numbers of barbarians had become more sophisticated in warfare and surged through the Empire, causing restless sleep in the Emperor’s palace. The Huns, in the 370s, invaded along the Danube River, driving the Germanic tribes into the Roman provinces. Rome was willing to accept that, but the desired controlled relocation of barbarians within the Empire’s borders ended as an invasion.

I’ve heard of that happening recently.

Small farmers of central Italy had been the foundation of Roman life but could not compete with imported grains from around the Black Sea. Therefore, they sold their land and moved to the city, and lived on welfare. They joined the mobs who demanded more bread and vicious contests and more exciting games. The government used public taxes and provided the mobs free grain at public events, including chariot races, gladiator contests, and mock naval battles.

Cicero wrote: “The evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease.” One Roman is recorded as saying: “Those who live at the expense of the public funds are more numerous than those who provide them.” That could not continue.

Rome was no longer Rome.

The civilization of a thousand years could see the handwriting on the wall: the brutal barbarians were at the gates of Rome, and collapse was imminent. In 410, Rome, the city of the Caesars, fell to the uncivilized, uneducated, uncouth Barbarians. With the collapse of Rome, a chill was felt through the civilized world.

If it could happen to mighty Rome, it could happen to any nation.

The Germanic clans 600 miles north of Rome did not want to destroy the Empire, but they were attracted to the “good life,” a consequence of civilization. Moreover, they liked the prestige and protection of Roman citizenship. Roman historian Tacitus in 98 B.C. was the first historian to mention Germanic tribes who were moving into southwestern Germany about the same time the Romans were conquering present-day Gaul—France, Switzerland, Belgium, and northern Italy.

Caesar defeated a barbarian clan in 70 B.C., making the Rhine River the boundary between Roman and German territory.

Some Germanic tribes lived outside Rome’s boundary and over the first few hundred years of the Christian era had been Romanized through trade and travel. As tribes prospered in their trade and made adjustments to their rugged lifestyle, they drew attention to the Huns who rode in from the Asian steppes. Roman citizenship looked very profitable to the German tribes since they would be protected by the greatest power on earth and the weather was much warmer, an advantage to farmers.

Rome was not opposed to taking the tribes into their Empire, and many Germans adapted well to the Roman Army. However, all immigrants had to assimilate. They were forbidden to live in cliques, perpetuating their old culture. They were dispersed throughout the Empire and had to become Romans, the price of citizenship.

Great, grand, and grandiose plan, but it didn’t work.

Bill Federer wrote, “Illegal immigrants poured across the Roman borders: Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Franks, Anglos, Saxons, Alemanni, Thuringians, Rugians, Jutes, Picts, Burgundians, Lombards, Alans, Vandals, as well as African Berbers and Arab raiders.”

After a slow deterioration process, the Romans lost control of the immigration procedure during the Fifth Century. Defeated Persia (Iran) felt frisky and lively again and made sounds like a powerful nation. Rome sent its troops to put the Persians back in their place as a failed empire. The Germanic tribes were permitted into the Empire, but they continued their political and cultural identities. They did not assimilate, even uniting with other tribes to form armies within the Roman Empire!

Will and Ariel Durant wrote, “If Rome had not engulfed so many men of alien blood in so brief a time, if she had passed all these newcomers through her schools instead of her slums, if she had treated them as men with a hundred potential excellences, if she had occasionally closed her gates to let assimilation catch up with infiltration, she might have gained new racial and literary vitality from the infusion, and might have remained a Roman Rome, the voice and citadel of the West.”

America has not learned from Rome’s many mistakes, and it is insane to expect a favorable result. Last week, the U.S. has absorbed over 15,000 Haitians of a different language, religion, personal habits, and race. This mass was added to the hundreds of thousands of others from Central American nations, plus an unknown number of Muslims whose religion demands they do not assimilate or cooperate with their new surroundings.

America’s politicians still do not understand that true Muslims can not and will not assimilate—they always dominate.

Many churches, like those today, had only a temporary influence on the dying Empire.

Richard A. Todd wrote in The Fall of the Roman Empire, “The church, while preaching against abuses, contributed to the decline by discouraging good Christians from holding public office.” And while we have some of that today, it seems the problem is not lack of Christians in office but lack of Christians in office with backbone.

The Fifth Century historian Salvian shockingly wrote, “For all the lurid Roman tales of their atrocities … the barbarians displayed … a good deal more fidelity to their wives.” He declared, “O Roman people be ashamed; be ashamed of your lives. Almost no cities are free of evil dens, are altogether free of impurities, except the cities in which the barbarians have begun to live. … Let nobody think otherwise, the vices of our bad lives have alone conquered us. … The Goths lie, but are chaste, the Franks lie, but are generous, the Saxons are savage in cruelty … but are admirable in chastity. … What hope can there be for the Romans when the barbarians are more pure than they?”

At that time, the “Christians” were quibbling over who was to be the supreme leader, what language would be used, the use of indulgences, Purgatory and Limbo, whether Jesus was human and divine; etc. While the various religious groups continued to win adherents, they made little impact on the direction of the Empire. It is agreed that the religious authority of the now developing Roman Catholic Church held the barbarians at bay for a while, which was only temporary.

I wish I had the talent of Gibbon to graphically write The Decline and Fall of the American Empire as a warning. I see no hope, and history gives no example of a nation, once on the slippery slope, ever recovering its greatness on its own.

Rome was an empire of legions and law devolving into luxury and license and became a hodgepodge of conquest and cruelty.

Personal virtue determines national values, and Rome permitted itself to become worse than Barbarians whose presence they welcomed.

America, are you listening?

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Thanks to Biden, We Are Seeing the Decline and Fall of the American Republic! Mon, 15 Mar 2021 22:55:37 +0000 Will and Ariel Durant wrote in their eleven-volume Story of Civilization, Volume 3: “If Rome had not engulfed so many men of alien blood in so brief a time, if she had passed all these newcomers through her schools instead of her slums,…if she had occasionally closed her gates to let assimilation catch up with infiltration, she might have gained new racial and literary vitality from the infusion, and might have remained a Roman Rome, the voice and citadel of the West.”

However, they did not do so, and the great Roman Empire crumbled. Rome was no longer Roman because of lack of assimilation, and America and many of the free nations are doing what Durant warned of Rome’s fall. Struck giddy with feel-goodism, we have opened our gates for tribes of uneducated, uncultured, and often uncouth peoples that are quickly transforming America into another nation. America is no longer American. We are seeing the decline and fall of the American Republic!

Many free nations are making the same mistake as massive hordes of emigrants with alien cultures, languages, religions, etc., are swamping and overwhelming European populations. England is no longer English, France is no longer French, and Germany is no longer German.

Muslim leaders generally have not tried to educate their people in civilized behavior. If they want to live among decent, civilized people, they should discard the Arabian Desert mentality. They should dress normally, lighten up, and realize that most of us are not going to agree with their theology or seek to emulate the sayings and actions of “the prophet.”

We have a culture and theology of our own, thank you.

It is nonsense to promote policies that are dangerous, detrimental, and destructive to one’s homeland. There is no validity in the arguments used by liberals/progressives in this debate. Our primary interest must not be to promote a social policy. Helping relieve the social and economic problems of another nation is not relevant. Nor is it desirable or in our best interest to appease and serve an elite group of U.S. businesspeople. Nor do we make policy decisions to make whiners feel good. What is best for our nation must be the criterion.

U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Jordan was a black liberal Democrat who headed the Jordan Commission in 1995. Although a liberal, she said, “Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave.” Can any honest, sane person disagree with that?

Evidently, Biden and what’s-her-name Harris and most Democrats disagree since they have installed metaphorical signs at the southern border declaring, “Welcome to America, the land of endless freebies thanks to Democrats and RINOs. Join the line to the left.”

And the line is endless.

America has more immigrants than any other country in the world. Today, “More than 40 million people living in the U.S. were born in another country, accounting for about one-fifth of the world’s migrants.” We are the most concerned, compassionate, and careless nation on earth. All other nations are more careful about who comes and goes and who stays than America is.

Pew Research Center reported, “more than 1 million immigrants arrive in the U.S. each year.” What is shocking in that report is more people came from China (149,000) than any other nation in 2018! Mexico sent us her best 120,000 people. No one knows how many illegal aliens are coming via the Biden Expressway at the southern border.

We accept a million legal immigrates each year—a number that should be reduced to zero for five years. If migrant workers are needed, then temporary worker cards can be awarded using strict supervision. When the time has expired, each case can be evaluated, and if workers are still needed, then the cards can be renewed. Everyone wins since the necessary laborers are found; poor foreign workers have temporary jobs; money is sent home; etc.

We must admit that if large numbers of immigrants, legal or illegal, enter the U.S., it will relieve some of the other nations’ social and economic problems, but what will it do to America’s problems? By what twisted logic are U.S. citizens expected to forfeit their hard-earned money to provide for foreigners, especially those foreigners who are criminals?

Should U.S. taxpayers be expected to finance millions of uneducated, unskilled, and often un-American illegal immigrants? I can defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants. The Biden administration’s legalization of at least eleven million illegal aliens (some say it is more than 20 million) will destroy a once-great nation. By stopping all immigration for five years and plugging the hole in our borders, we would permit “assimilation [to] catch up with infiltration.”

While many of the aliens are decent, hardworking people, many are not. I think this tragic immigration policy will create political, financial, and cultural anarchy. For sure, it is changing America.

The school system, fire protection, police protection, etc., generate vast expenses that the taxpayers pay; but poorly educated immigrants, legal or illegal, do not pay their share. They are tax consumers receiving in services far more than they pay in taxes. That means other taxpayers must “carry” on their backs the non-payers.

In times past, most immigrants melted into the pot, but not today. They have no desire to assimilate and become Americans. Harvard immigration expert George J. Borjas declared, “In fact, the evidence suggests that there has not been any economic assimilation for the cohorts that entered the country in the 1990s.” Illegal aliens get lost in a massive group of their own kind and don’t need to melt into the pot. They sit, soak, and sour in the salad bowl.

We are told that the U.S. economy depends upon foreign workers; however, Borjas reveals that legal and illegal immigrants in the labor market produce $1.6 trillion per year; however, 97.8% of that money goes to the illegal workers, and only “2.2% accrues to native-born Americans.” Borjas suggests that there is more cost to America than financial benefit.

The pro-immigration people tell us that immigrants don’t take jobs; they make jobs and pay taxes. However, while that is true in some individual cases, it is not true in the aggregate. Borjas estimates that the immigrants’ cash welfare benefits alone cost about $1 billion more than is paid by them in taxes each year.

Illegal immigrants take jobs at lower wages, thereby subsidizing the American businesses that hire them illegally. If laws were enforced against hiring illegals, Americans and legal workers would be the source from which businesses hire their workers, paying them the going wage and benefits. High-paid workers “willing to work hard” are often laid off because illegal immigrants are willing to work just as hard for much less money. Whom do you think a business owner is going to hire under those conditions?

We are told that immigrants are needed as agricultural workers—work that Americans will not do. Still, a more accurate statement is that they take jobs that Americans refuse to accept at greatly reduced wages! Furthermore, when an American gets a job, he must be paid the minimum wage with all required benefits. No wonder businessmen prefer to hire illegal aliens. When times get tough, Americans will work at any job to put food on the table. Don’t you feel good knowing that foreigners are working at very low wages to make more profit for those agribusinesses.

There are many negative results from illegal immigration: bankrupt hospitals, burgeoning schools, astronomical welfare funds, soaring crimes, lower wages, fewer jobs for legal Americans, and invasion of violent gangs even into northern cities.

American businessman gets cheap illegal labor; the illegal immigrant gets low wages but far more than possible in Mexico; and he or she often sits, soaks, and sours in America’s salad bowl–while we finance it all!

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. ; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Loosey Goosey Evangelicals Misuse, Misinterpret, and Mangle Bible to Defend Open Borders! Fri, 27 Nov 2020 18:43:41 +0000 Joe Biden said, “I respect no borders!” Well, neither do thieves, thugs, tyrants, and totalitarians. Nor do drug lords, terrorists, pedophiles, disease carriers, and job seekers. Thinking Americans know that there must be order in everything. Without borders, there are no nations, but then, that’s what leftists want. Protestors chant, “No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” Their demand for amnesty, sanctuary cities, and open borders is a plan for anarchy.

Amnesty is a program pushed by pathetic progressives, even Evangelical progressives, to decriminalize millions of illegal aliens giving them citizenship. Many of the migrants are diseased, deranged, and dangerous as thousands of Americans have discovered. With this vast number of people from other cultures, languages, and religions, we are seeing a massive shift in American culture not experienced in our history.

My critics declare that I am unkind, unreasonable, and even unchristian for opposing amnesty and sanctuary cities; however, their charge is not based on solid reasoning or the Scripture. They distort the Scripture to make it fit their unreasonable, unconstitutional, and unbiblical demands.

We are told that the illegal immigrants are trying to escape Islamic tyranny, gangs, and poverty so America should make room for them since we are a Christian nation. Well, first of all, only people can become Christians; however, a nation can become Christianized or influenced by the Bible. Secondly, almost all my critics and supporters of amnesty and unlimited immigration confuse what a person should do with what a nation should do. All people who interpret ancient literature know one of the first questions that must be answered is, “To whom was this written and why.”

Pro-amnesty Evangelicals are not asking that question. Exodus 23:9 is usually used by the Bible-twisters to support their cause; however they use a flawed hermeneutic to build their case. “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” That passage is dealing with a person’s obligation, not national obligations. Of course, those religious leaders who use that verse know that but are being deceitful to establish a very shaky principle.

It is easy to prove my contention about this being a personal obligation. Verse 3 of that chapter warns the ancient Jews (and us today), “Neither shalt thou countenance (give approval) a poor man in his cause.” Moses was warning us about showing favor to a person because of his condition, whether rich or poor. We are not to be swayed by our emotions but by justice. The ancient maxim is, “Let justice be done, though the heavens should be dissolved.”

I heard one of the great evangelists of the last generation say, “Do right though the stars fall from Heaven.” The illegal aliens have not done right. They resolutely broke our laws and crashed our gates and forced themselves in front of others who have followed our laws and procedures. There are four million people who are waiting in line legally. The illegal aliens refused to wait. Their arrogance and audaciousness is astounding.

Furthermore, no one will tell me just how many immigrants are we expected to admit? Is there a limit? Do we wait until the ship is sinking before we realize that there are limits? If an overcrowded ship goes down then everyone is lost. Do gooders (as opposed to those who do good) are not the most logical thinkers.

Jim Wallis (another do gooder who doesn’t think logically) is the president of the leftwing religious outfit Sojourners who declared, “Evangelicals finally realize that how we treat the stranger, these 11 million undocumented people, [No, it is now 22 million] is how we treat Christ himself.” Jim must have been sleeping during his hermeneutics class in seminary because he did not get that from the Bible. Of course, Christians are to be kind, gracious, helpful, but that does not translate into being suckers, softies, and sycophants. We could really show how kind, gentle, gracious, and generous—as well as unwise, unreliable, and unhinged—we are by emptying all our prisons!

Radical Andrew Gillum, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others want to empty prisons while Joe Biden pledged to cut the U.S. incarceration rate by more than 50%.

And the most hard core felons could move into their neighborhoods.

Wallis went on to say the leadership of the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT which includes the National Association of Evangelicals and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Convention of the Southern Baptist Convention) and the evangelical community have “never been more united on an issue.” Jim has one of two problems: he is either disingenuous or uninformed because the vast majority of evangelicals want illegal immigrants to go home. A Pulse Opinion poll revealed that 78% of Evangelicals surveyed believed that the biblical command to “love the stranger” means “to treat the stranger humanely while applying the rule of law.” Additionally, a recent Pew Research Center poll showed only 25% of white Evangelicals believed the U.S. had a “responsibility” to accept refugees into the country.

Wallis is wrong again but then, he is used to that.

Christians are commanded by Christ to treat others the way we want to be treated. Let’s return to Exodus 23:9: “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” But that has nothing to do with illegal aliens. Fuzzy preachers neglect to tell their congregations that the Jews were in Egypt by invitation and were not trespassers as our modern invaders. In fact, the Jews were special guests as long as Joseph was alive and a friendly Pharaoh reigned.

They were strangers in Egypt (but not illegal aliens) even though they ended up as slaves. These verses do not apply to the immigration issue even slightly. Illegal aliens purposefully chose to break our laws, even arrogantly demanding entrance into our nation expecting to be cared for upon their arrival. They are not sojourners or strangers but scoundrels and are encouraged to break our laws by many leftwing religious groups, even some Evangelicals.

Of course, some of these leftwing Evangelical groups get paid $1 850.00 for each immigrant they settle in an American city. Follow the money.

Other desperate defenders of open borders tell us Joseph, Mary, and baby Jesus were migrants fleeing into another land for safety so American immigration laws should reflect that fact. However, it is not a fact. The family were not aliens since they were part of the Roman Empire as was Egypt at that time. Moreover, it was perfectly legal to travel from one Roman province to another. Loose Evangelicals should be ashamed of their distortion of Scripture to support a very tenuous position.

While the Evangelicals are correct in that the Kingdom of God has no borders and welcomes all who qualify through faith in Christ, the city of Jerusalem, the nation of Israel, and all other nations, states, cities, and villages and their gated estates do have distinct borders.

This is another example of how far left many Evangelicals are. Evangelical churches are wallowing in diversity and choking on heresy.

Many soft Evangelical leaders are hypocrites but it pays well.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Loosey Goosey Evangelicals Misuse, Misinterpret, and Mangle Bible to Defend Open Borders! Tue, 27 Oct 2020 16:44:57 +0000 Joe Biden said, “I respect no borders!” Well, neither do thieves, thugs, tyrants, and totalitarians. Nor do border-crossing drug lords, terrorists, pedophiles, disease carriers, and job seekers. Thinking Americans know that there must be order in everything. Without borders, there are no nations, but then, that’s what leftists want. Protestors chant, “No borders, no walls, no USA at all!” Their demand for amnesty, sanctuary cities, and open borders is a plan for anarchy.

I have been accused of being unreasonable, unkind, and even unchristian to my opposition of amnesty and sanctuary cities; however, the accusation is not based on solid reasoning or the Scripture. Leftist Evangelicals misrepresent the Bible to make it fit their pathetic, perverted, progressive, and political positions.

Bleating heart Evangelicals want us to believe that we should have open borders because the undocumented aliens are trying to escape tyranny, gangs, and poverty, so our nation should overlook their illegal entry into our nation. After all, we are a Christian nation. No, first of all, only people can become Christians; however, a nation can become Christianized or influenced by the Bible. Furthermore, most of the enthusiasts for open borders and amnesty purposefully confuse an individual’s responsibility with a nation’s obligation.

Everyone who wants to understand ancient literature knows he or she must discern who wrote it, to whom it was written, and when it was written.

Trump’s religious critics are not asking those questions. Exodus 23:9 is often used by the Bible-twisters to support their cause; however, they use a defective hermeneutic to construct their false anti-Trump position. “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” That passage is dealing with a person’s obligation, not national obligations.

Most of those Evangelicals who quote that passage know that but are being less than honest to establish a very shaky political principle.

It is easy to prove my contention about this being a personal obligation. Verse 3 of that chapter warns the ancient Jews (and us today), “Neither shalt thou countenance (give approval) a poor man in his cause.” Moses was warning us about showing favor to a person because of his condition, whether rich or poor.

Believers must be ever vigilant not to be swayed by emotions but by justice. The time-honored truism is, “Let justice be done, though the heavens should be dissolved.”

I heard one of the great evangelists of the last generation say, “Do right though the stars fall from Heaven.” The illegal aliens have not done right. They resolutely broke our laws and crashed our gates, and forced themselves in front of others who have followed our laws and procedures. There are five million people who are waiting in line legally, but illegal aliens refuse to wait. Their arrogance and audaciousness are astounding, while their advocates are angry and appalling.

Is there a limit to how many immigrants we are expected to admit? Do we wait until the ship is sinking before we realize there are limits? If an overcrowded ship sinks, then everyone is lost. Do-gooders (as opposed to those who do good) are not the most logical thinkers.

Jim Wallis is another do-gooder who doesn’t think logically and is president of the leftist religious outfit Sojourners. Jim, no longer editor of their journal, declared, “Evangelicals finally realize that how we treat the stranger, these 11 million undocumented people, [No, it is now 22 million] is how we treat Christ himself.” Wallis was evidently napping during his seminary hermeneutics class because he did not get that from the Bible. Christians are to be thoughtful, gracious, kind, and helpful, but that does not translate into being softies, suckers, and sycophants. We could really show how gentle, gracious, and generous—as well as unwise, unreliable, and unhinged—we are by emptying all our prisons!

Well, some governors have tried that, and how has it worked?

Wallis went on to say the leadership of the Evangelical Immigration Table, which includes the National Association of Evangelicals and the Ethics and Religious Liberty Convention of the Southern Baptist Convention and the evangelical community, have “never been more united on an issue.” Jim has one of two problems: he is either disingenuous or uninformed because the vast majority of evangelicals want illegal immigrants to go home.

A Pulse Opinion poll revealed that 78% of Evangelicals surveyed believed that the biblical command to “love the stranger” means “to treat the stranger humanely while applying the rule of law.” Additionally, a Pew Research Center poll showed only 25% of white Evangelicals believed the U.S. had a “responsibility” to accept refugees into the country.

Wallis is wrong again, but then, he should be used to that.

Christ commanded everyone to treat others the way they want to be treated, but that has nothing to do with how a nation deals with illegal aliens. Let’s return to Exodus 23:9: “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

Incoherent preachers neglect to tell their parishioners that the Jews were in Egypt by invitation and were not gatecrashers as are modern fence-climbers. What is never mentioned is the Jews were special guests as long as Joseph was alive, and a friendly Pharaoh reigned.

The Jews were strangers in Egypt (but not illegal aliens) even though they eventually ended up as slaves. Exodus 23:9 does not apply to the immigration issue even slightly. Unlawful foreigners choose to break our laws, also arrogantly demanding entrance into our nation expecting to be cared for upon their arrival. These lawbreakers are not sojourners or strangers but scoundrels and are encouraged to do wrong in breaking our laws by many leftwing religious groups, even some Evangelicals.

Some of these leftists’ religious groups get paid $1850.00 for each immigrant they settle in an American city. Follow the money.

Other desperate defenders of open borders tell us Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were migrants fleeing into another land for safety, so American immigration laws should reflect that fact. However, it is not a fact. The family were not aliens since they were part of the Roman Empire, as was Egypt at that time. Moreover, it was perfectly legal to travel from one Roman province to another. Careless religious leaders should be ashamed of their misrepresentation of Scripture to support a very unsubstantiated position. These people seem to think they exhale divine revelations, but they expel a mish-mash of immature babbling and purposefully distorted theology.

While the Evangelicals are correct in that the Kingdom of God has no borders and welcomes all who qualify through faith in Christ, the city of Jerusalem, the nation of Israel, and all other nations, states, cities, and villages and the Evangelicals’ gated estates do have distinct borders.

Even walls! Gasp.

This is a good example of how far left many Evangelicals are. Evangelical churches are wallowing in diversity and choking on heresy. Evangelicals have proved to be what astute people knew they always were: a hodgepodge of theological lightweights (with a few heavyweights), philosophical cripples, and devotees of political correctness.

Alas, soft, left-leaning Evangelicals are part of the family of God if they have been born again, and I am required, as a member of that family, to warn them, even rebuke and shun them if they continue in their sinful behavior.

Many soft Evangelical leaders are sad, smug, and sanctimonious hypocrites, but it pays well.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Evangelical Leaders Are Dishonest In Pushing, Promoting, and Preaching Open Borders! Thu, 29 Aug 2019 12:04:48 +0000 Many Evangelical leaders are dishonest in pushing, promoting, and preaching open borders and twisting Bible passages like a pretzel to support their tenuous position.

It is so tiresome to constantly hear the caterwauling from the secular and the religious left about immigration policies. On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough, a lackluster and lapsed Southern Baptist, whined about the “shameful” white Evangelicals (Yes, Virginia, everything has to do with race.) “who don’t follow Jesus’ commands on Immigration.”

What Joe meant was we don’t follow his comments, concessions, and conclusions on immigration.

Poor old Joe, I feel sorry for him as he tries to keep his show on the air and keep his thousands of viewers. So, he dips into demagogy and goes after white Christians who don’t accept his twisted interpretation of Scripture to prove an unbiblical position—open borders! The Bible teaches that borders are a necessary fact of life and are reasonable, reachable, and required.

Progressives speak endlessly about “children in cages” yet have advocated, approved, and even applauded the butchering of helpless unborn babies and even voted to have them killed after birth if parents so desire.

Joe quoted an Atlantic article by Peter Wehner, a professing Conservative Christian who served in three administrations in the White House. Wehner spoke of the “core” of Christ’s message as being whether or not the poor were helped. Well, all Christians are told to help the poor, visit those in prison, give a cup of water, etc., but that is not the “core” of His message. The core is that He came to save that which was lost. Following personal salvation, a new Christian is then expected to live the new life that is within him.

Joe went on and on about how Evangelical Christians don’t think they have a responsibility to give a cup of water in Jesus name; however, no Christian is saying that. Joe and open border fanatics are saying that. While each Christian must help those in need, that has nothing to do with a government’s immigration policies that permit open borders and their land to be overwhelmed with people of known and unknown conspiracies, hatreds, creeds, and illnesses.

The Atlantic article was full of feel-good activities that are normal for Christians but not the “core” as professed. Wehner refers to Matthew 25 “where Jesus says if you want to know whether you’re going to go to heaven or not, it’s whether you help the poor.” I’m very pleased that a media person was discussing people going to Heaven; however, Wehner was singing the right melody but the wrong lyrics. He was spouting heresy with which no informed person would agree.

Helping the poor has nothing to do with going to Heaven. Helping the poor is a normal result of knowing Christ in a personal way.

Wehner told of his viewing the results of Hurricane Katrina and noticed the “evangelical organizations” that were doing a good job but he added, “This is a pretty radical departure.” No, it is what real Christians have done for 2000 years! Wehner is obviously uninformed about how history shines a bright light on Christians in time of disaster, disease, and death—when Christians fed the injured, gave water to fevered victims, even carried out the bedpans while unbelievers fled for safety.

Julian the Apostate, Roman Emperor during the fourth century, was the first to note, “Christians cared not only for their own poor but for the pagans as well.” Christian kindness, often during times of persecution, was shown to everyone, not simply their own.

Christians have always believed they had a responsibility to help others as a Christian duty, so during times of famine they shared their food; in times of sorrow they wept with the bereaved; and in times of pestilence, they nursed the sick and dying. The non-Christians and the pagans took notice of such kindness–and at a time when other institutions were damaged, discredited, and often dissolved, the Christian churches were deployed and developed. William McNeill wrote, “Pagans fled from the sick and heartlessly abandoned them.” Christians stayed and served–and died.

That’s what real Christians have always done.

Wehner wrote about Evangelicals who criticized Clinton yet “turn a blind eye to the ethical and moral transgressions of Donald Trump, but also constantly defend him?” I think his arrow missed its target because the Christians I know haven’t turned a blind eye toward Trump and don’t “constantly defend him.” We admit Trump has a sordid, sorry, and sinful past and has present problems yet he must have support to do the job he was elected to do. We did the same with Clinton and Obama—supporting them when possible while also holding their feet to the fire. Trump is running a nation, not leading a prayer meeting.

Wehner mentions that people who are strong on family values are so eager to give a man “with a sordid personal and sexual history” a mulligan as in golf, “not counting that one.” I don’t give Trump a mulligan but do give him space to protect Americans and fulfil his difficult job.

In an earlier Atlantic article Wehner dealt with how Pete Buttigieg’s “faith” will impact his presidential aspirations. Again, he charged Evangelicals with not “holding Trump accountable.” While there may be such a crowd, I don’t know of any influential leaders who would be so negligent. Reasonable appreciation for America-first leadership does not mean Trump is not recognized as a very flawed person.

Wehner goes off the rails when he opines, “None of Trump’s high-profile evangelical supporters speak out against his cruelty and dehumanizing style, his pathological lying and bullying manner, or his Nietzschean ethic—and in some instances they celebrate it.” No, most of us hold our noses and are embarrassed with some of Trump’s antics; however, no matter how offensive, he is far better for our nation than Hillary. And at least, Trump is keeping his promises to nominate conservative judges, reduce taxes, cut regulations, defund abortion, salvage religious freedom, drain the swamp, etc. But then, maybe some of these Evangelical writers and religious leaders don’t want such reform.

Buttigieg’s insistence that the “Christian faith is going to point you in a progressive direction” was a “bright-red flag, and ought to worry Christians regardless of their politics” rightly confessed Wehner, the Evangelical. Progressive—as in free college tuition, free health care, free health care for illegal immigrants, voting by prisoners and immigrants, acceptance of the LGBTQ agenda, abortion up to and after birth, reparations for Blacks, etc.

Progressivism is retrogression into a dark, dismal, and dangerous past and no sane person wants to go there. Progressivism is certainly not biblical but desperate leftists think pleading a bogus biblical position will give them much needed credibility.

It doesn’t.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Trump’s Wall Will Produce Stability, Security, and Survival! Fri, 21 Dec 2018 18:55:58 +0000 Representative Roger Marshall (R-KS) shocked Americans recently on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” when he said, “This border is all about national security. Every day, over 10 terrorists and 40 criminals try to cross that border.” Other officials have made the same statement.

Every sane person agrees that we must do whatever is necessary to keep bad people out. A wall, barrier, fence, hedge, railing, screen, paling, partition, barrier, barricade, or whatever you choose to call it will stop most of the bad guys. That will result in America’s stability, security, and survival.

It will also stop or slow down “good” guys who refuse to follow U.S. rules, regulations, and requirements to enter. Coming to America is not a right but a privilege: a privilege we choose to grant to those who will become a help not a hindrance.

Donald Trump has promised to build a wall on the southern border to keep drug pushers, terrorists, and tomato pickers from gatecrashing into America without following U.S. rules. Progressives (former liberals who lost the immigration debate and changed their name thinking none of us would notice) have resorted to ridicule but that is easier than addressing the problem.

Moreover, ridicule is the last resort of the dumb, the deceived, and the demented.

Walls have been used since the beginning of time for defense, privacy, and “to protect the people of a certain region from the influence or perceived danger posed by outsiders.” In fact, an ancient city without walls was an invitation for disaster. Walls discouraged some barbarians, delayed others, and defeated still others.

A well-fortified city with high, wide walls, watchtowers, and iron gates was a good guarantee of peace and prosperity, but never a panacea. The Psalmist said in 122:7, “Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.” Who would want to live or start a business in a vulnerable city? A walled city offered security, stability, and sociality—even survival. People who lived outside walled cities were known as “pagans,” and were “rustic,” or “of or relating to the countryside,” and later were thought to be uncivilized or unenlightened people. Yes, I suppose if people chose to live in a violent, unprotected area, they would qualify as “unenlightened.” And dead.

In other words, thinking intelligent people lived behind walls, big walls if possible. So, today’s progressives such as Hillary Clinton live in gated or high-rise communities yet ridicule a wall on our southern border. Clinton’s New York mansion has a high, attractive wall. In many parts of the world, homes are commonly built surrounded by walls topped with wire or glass for protection. That is to keep them away from us.

The Pope lives in the Vatican, a walled enclave within the city of Rome, yet wants us to build bridges instead of walls.

Pope Francis, tear down that wall! And open your palace and the Vatican to the poor, oppressed, and those looking only to better themselves. Practice what you preach.

When Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land of Canaan, they returned and informed him of the conditions of the land. Most of them spoke of an incredible land of very large people living within walled cities. They spoke from exaggerated facts and fear, not faith. The spineless spies warned in Deut. 1:28, “the cities are great and walled up to heaven”–a slight hyperbole! They declared, “All these cities were fenced with high walls, gates, and bars.” They were saying, “Moses, you are a dummy if you think we can take those walled cities. We have no battering rams, no ladders, and no trees to provide the necessary siege instruments. Let’s go somewhere else.”

But the first walled city to be taken was Jericho, the “world’s first city.” Most people are familiar with the wall of Jericho that was miraculously destroyed to permit Joshua and the Israelites to conquer the city and the land. I have been to the excavation site of those ruins many times. It was a well-fortified city but it fell by faith, not by force because the walls of Jericho fell in obedience to God. The people within the city thought they were safe because of their protective walls; they were wrong. This is no argument for not building a wall.

It is an argument to prove that ancient people used walls to protect themselves, sometimes unsuccessfully, especially when God wanted the wall destroyed to bring judgment upon a people.

King Nebuchadnezzar II (reigned 605-562 B.C.) is famous mainly because of his association with the Hebrew prophet Daniel and his three buddies. Nebuchadnezzar built three walls around Babylon and one was so broad that a four-horse chariot could turn around on it. The Ishtar Gate in the wall was said to be more impressive than any of the Wonders of the Ancient World.

Herodotus the Greek historian declared, “Babylon surpasses in wonder any city in the known world” and said that the wall was 56 miles long, 80 feet thick and 320 feet high! That is higher than a football field is long! Even allowing for the usual exaggeration which afflicted ancient historians, it was a very high wall. There was a wide and deep moat that encircled the entire city. No wonder it was commonly believed that Babylon was impregnable. But no one told two Hebrew prophets and King Cyrus that “fact” and the city fell to the Medes and Persians—but the wall stood! A wall will not guarantee survival but it’s a great beginning.

Jerusalem is one of the oldest cities in the world and during its long history it has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times, attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. It is one of the oldest walled cities. The wall has been built many times but the rock foundation and a few rows of original Herodian stones can still be seen. The wall is less than 3 miles long, the average height is 39.37 feet, and the average thickness is 8.2 feet. The wall also contains 34 watchtowers and 8 gates. On some of my 13 tours that I have led to the Middle East, I took some of the group for a trek along the top of the wall to provide a different perspective of the city and its surroundings.

Even with the wall, the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple was accomplished by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. and the city and Herod’s Temple, also known as the Second Temple, were destroyed by Titus in A.D. 70. The destruction in A.D. 70 was prophesied by Christ in Mark 13:1-2 when He said, “And Jesus answering said unto him, Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” Note how precise He was in that not one stone would be left upon another. That was not poetic. Some of the Temple stones were 37 feet long, 12 feet high, and 18 feet wide. According to a PBS special, one stone weighed over 300 tons and they wondered if modern equipment could move such stones! It would take hundreds of men to move one stone but why would weary soldiers even try to do so after an exhausting battle?

The prophecy was fulfilled literally when the Romans completely destroyed Jerusalem and the temple buildings. One reason for the fall was the Jews were divided into three groups, even killing each other as the Roman Army was outside the wall! Rome prevailed and according to historian and eyewitness Josephus, the massive stones were moved by the soldiers, pried apart to collect the gold leaf that melted from the roof when the temple was set on fire. The city was taken after a four year siege! The prophecy was precisely fulfilled.

Like Jericho, Babylon, and Jerusalem, the walls did not guarantee safety but then there are no guarantees in life. You do the best you can to protect yourself; but to invite thieves, thugs, and terrorists with open borders is insane. Borders are biblical and reasonable and a wall is needed along our southern border.

The Great Wall of China with all its branches is 13,171 miles long extending east-to-west across the northern border of China and it was built to protect a nation not a city. And like city walls, it had a measure of success. It was built over the centuries beginning in about 221 B.C. to protect the Chinese against raids from nomadic groups from Mongolia. It was finished in the 17th century but fell into disrepair until recent years. The wall was also used to control immigration and permitted the imposition of taxes on goods that were transported along the Silk Road from Europe to China. When China extended its northern border, the wall became obsolete–except as a tourist attraction. It has four million visitors annually. The 2,500 watchtowers and garrison stations permitted watchers to send smoke signals to alert inland troops of approaching danger.

A modern myth has prevailed and is believed by most people that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made structure on earth that can be seen from the moon. But that is not true. Modern day scholars and scientists, as well as those who have traveled to the moon, have debunked this claim repeatedly but it is still often repeated.

But then there are many myths about walls that are espoused today in political discussion: we don’t really need a wall; a wall is an insult to our Mexican friends; a wall will not accomplish anything other than anger others; if people want in, they will get in; and at a cost of $25 billion, it is too expensive. Not if Mexico pays for it. Mexico has clearly and bluntly said that they will never pay for it but they will if America increases fines for overstaying visas and imposes a tax on every dollar sent to Mexico by workers in the U.S. About $20 billion per year is sent to Mexico from the U.S., usually by electronic transfer typically in about $300 amounts. Taking a small fee at the place of origin from each transaction will soon pay for the wall. After all, much of that money was never taxed.

Trump’s Wall, like the Great Wall of China, can be successful and provide a measure of peace and prosperity but it is not a panacea.

(This is an expanded rewrite of my article published a few years ago.)

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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U.S. Southern Border: Major Train Wreck Ahead! Mon, 30 Apr 2018 17:19:30 +0000 It is an undisputed fact that many immigrants from Central and South America could not qualify to become U.S. citizens on their merit; however, hundreds of them are at our southern border demanding entrance. They traveled through Mexico in a caravan (illegally) that accumulated as many as 1500 people from three or four nations. If their efforts are successful, other “caravans” will be as sure to follow as tweets from the White House.

Whatever their reasons for coming, these people have few and low skills making them much more likely to seek public assistance, gorge the school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Is that bigotry or hatred? No, it is a demonstrable truth.

A report by the Center for Immigration Studies revealed that children of immigrants compose the majority of the student population in 700 of the country’s largest school areas! No one knows how many are illegal. According to the report, “23 percent of all public school students enrolled in 2015 were from an immigrant household, compared to 11 percent in 1990, and 7 percent in 1980.” Even Senator Schumer can see a dangerous trend in that report.

But it gets worse. In large metropolitan areas such as northern Virginia, Houston, and New York City, “93 percent of all students are the children of immigrants.” That was 93%! Take that information as it relates to the public school system and extrapolate it to the welfare system, health care system, public libraries, etc. Obviously, there is a major train wreck in our future.

Concerned taxpayers should be concerned about illegal and legal immigration. Harvard professor George Borjas affirmed, “the United States has been granting entry visas to persons who have relatives in the United States, with no regard to their skills or economic potential.” He said that, “Immigrants today are less skilled than their predecessors, more likely to require public assistance, and far more likely to have children who remain in poor, segregated communities.”

The professor said that immigration is bad news for America’s poor, and that is supported when one understands that wages of U.S. high school dropouts have fallen 10% since the 1980s relative to the wages of more educated workers. Dr. Borjas declared that about a third of that decline is because of immigration. The empirical evidence strongly suggests that immigration is aggravating the problem of poverty according to Professor Borjas.

Furthermore, almost thirty percent of the immigrants now living in this country are of Mexican origin.

NBC News reported that the town of San Luis, Arizona has about 3,000 residents but has 20,000 post office boxes; but still stranger is the fact that most of those box holders live in Mexico! The reason for this unusual practice is because the Mexican citizens living across the border in Mexico use them as a permanent American address to collect public benefits from you. Are you surprised that you provide those benefits? Do you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that you go to work each day to support parasites across the border?

It is an obvious truth that if large numbers of Mexicans, legal or illegal, enter the U.S. it will relieve some of Mexico’s economic and social problems, but what will it do to America’s? How can anyone even attempt to defend the reprehensible practice of American citizens funding the policy of providing for foreigners, especially foreigners who break the law? Only pathetic people who worship at the shrine of global government would even attempt such defense.

The pro-immigration advocates tell us that immigrants don’t take jobs; they make jobs and pay taxes; however, while that is true in some cases, it is not true when one looks at the total picture. A report in August of 2004 revealed that illegals cost Americans ten billion dollars more than they pay in taxes! Professor Borjas suggests that the immigrants’ cash welfare benefits alone cost about $1 billion more than is paid by them in taxes annually.

Repeatedly we are told by pro-immigration advocates that Mexicans and others are needed to do work that Americans will not do–but a more correct statement is that they take jobs that Americans don’t want at the going wage! In difficult times, most Americans will take any job to put food on the table. I’m sure few Americans feel good knowing that illegal immigrants are working at entry level wages producing bigger profits for the agri-businesses.

It is long past time for America to take control of our borders as a basic responsibility. Public officials have a basic responsibility to keep out all non-citizens, arrest those now living here illegally, and demand that our friends south of the border stop playing the hypocrite and close their northern border. If Mexican officials have genuine concern for these immigrants, they could offer asylum to them and solve the problem for the immigrants, Mexico, and the U.S.

It’s past time to get started. If Mexico refuses to cooperate (and continues to encourage such illegal activity) then Trump should close Mexican consulates, restrict tourism into America and Mexico, and stop or reduce aid and trade with Mexico. Hit them where it hurts.

Americans have a major train wreck ahead at our southern border!

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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U. S. Immigration, a Ticking Time Bomb! Tue, 24 Apr 2018 01:30:17 +0000 London (some call it Londonistan) is having a massive crime wave with rape up 18%; theft up 34%; murder up 27%; gun crime up 16%; knife crime up 31%; and youth homicide up 70%! Yet, in light of those facts, the London Muslim mayor says it is the “safest [city] in the world”! Of course, Muslims are permitted to lie if the lie advances the cause of Islam!

When Sadiq Khan was first elected mayor of London, the back slapping, non-stop parties, and the popping of champagne corks were ubiquitous but the rejoicing has stopped as reality has set in. Their “See, we aren’t racists since we elected a Muslim mayor” crusade has flopped. Khan can’t run a city with his Muslim prejudices, principles, policies, and practices. London is fast becoming a Muslim city!

Even British singer and author, Steven Patrick Morrissey stated that London “is debased” and that “civilisation is over.” All the attacks in London have been done by non-white criminals! A newspaper headline screamed, “London is ‘DEBASED’ Morrissey rages at Sadiq Khan after violent epidemic”!

Islam has caused problems in other major European cities in Germany, France, Sweden, and others. Recent headlines screamed, “Forty per cent of residents in Sweden’s now 61 no-go ‘troubled areas’ fear for their safety when walking outside after dark.” And, “Migrants turn Germany’s streets into warzone. Two groups attack each other with machetes in Duisburg.” France is having riots because Muslims take over and fill major streets each Friday to pray.

And the same movie is coming to America.

U.S. borders have been leaking like a sieve for generations and we are reaping what we have been sowing. It is not healthy for a nation to have unrestricted immigration; and during wars, national pestilences, or terror, it is doubly insane not to have strong borders! With a massive increase in crime, burgeoning welfare rolls, cities and states whining about being out of money, and hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work we still have non-thinkers who demand almost open borders! We might as well erect a huge flashing sign on our southern border: “All illegal aliens are Welcome! Follow the arrows to Tucson!” We could add an additional sign promising “free medical care and education”!

The Border Patrol catches over 300,000 illegal crossers at the southern border each year and often those immigrants bring with them disease, drugs, and destructive plans to the U.S. During fiscal year 2017, the Border Patrol apprehended deportable aliens along the U.S.–Mexico border who came from 84 countries that are not in the Americas! Only 42.1% of “deportable aliens” caught along our southern border were Mexicans.

Furthermore, there is a massive amount of Fentanyl coming across our southern border. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid 50 to 100 times stronger than heroin which is the number one killer drug in America. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, nearly all of the fentanyl in America is from Mexico. A border wall would stop or at least slow down this killer drug.

Most illegal aliens come to America to work in agriculture; however, if farmers can come, so can fanatics. Most of the illegals are not from Mexico, but they are coming through Mexico. With that in mind, President Trump wants to give amnesty to 1.8 million illegals that came as children! That was not what he promised to do.

Many Americans don’t realize that we are sitting on a bubbling volcano that is about to explode, or to change the metaphor, the ticking time bomb is about to explode! It seems few citizens have read what immigration has done and is doing to European nations such as Sweden, Norway, England, France, and Germany.

There are an estimated 100,000 illegal aliens from terror-friendly nations hiding in the U.S. and Americans will hold national politicians, especially the GOP, responsible for terrorism resulting from inaction, ineptitude, or incompetence relating to border security. Observant people know that our immigration situation is a ticking time bomb about to explode!

Should American taxpayers be expected to fund illegal immigrants? Informed people can defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants! But, it’s too late because the Washington Post reported the Obama administration gave about 541,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants under his original 2012 deportation amnesty for Dreamers! We have insensitive, insane, and incompetent officials in Washington.

But you knew that.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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England’s Immigration Nightmare Coming to America? Thu, 08 Mar 2018 15:11:04 +0000 It was a misty morning on June 22, 1948, that the Empire Windrush steamed up the Thames to the Tilbury Dock in London. Within minutes, 492 passengers (and a few stowaways) from Kingston, Jamaica scrambled down the gangplank to a new life. The new arrivals, most of them black, were the first wave in Britain’s post-war effort to recruit labor from their Commonwealth -nations to solve the worker shortage caused by World War II.

The arrival of the Windrush immediately prompted complaints from some Members of Parliament, and the Colonial Office, the Ministry of Labor and other national agencies expressed concern about the impact the passengers on their almost totally white society. Public officials stumbled all over themselves trying to escape responsibility for the newcomers.

There was fear among the passengers that they might be turned back but the Colonial Secretary in the Labor government of the time, pointed out: “These people have British passports and they must be allowed to land.” He added that they would not last one winter in England anyway, so there was nothing to worry about. He was wrong. It was only the beginning and Britain waited until 1962 to add immigration restrictions.

In 1948, the British Empire was collapsing. In 1947, India had received her independence and an exhausted, extended, and encumbered Britain was busy trying to stay alive after an incredible effort to lead the free world in opposition to Nazi Germany. America entered the war and, along with the Allies, saved the world from German, Italian, and Japanese totalitarians.

England was struggling to recover from the ravages of war after it was bombed nightly for eight months by Germany’s Luftwaffe. The enemy first bombed military and industrial areas but after German planes drifted off course and bombed London’s inner city, Churchill responded the next night with bombing of Berlin. Now, there would be unrestricted bombings by both sides. The dogs of war were running wild because they were accidently released! During eight months of September of 1940 to May of 1941, 18,000 tons of high explosives were dropped on English cities. A total of 18,629 men, 16,201 women, and 5,028 children were killed along with 695 unidentified charred bodies!

When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June of 1941, the Luftwaffe attacks on England were diverted, permitting relief for the English. About 43,000 civilians were killed in British cities by Luftwaffe bombing during the war.

Because of the bombing of English cities, housing was a major problem for long after the war ended because more than a million homes were destroyed or damaged! When these new immigrates arrived in 1948 from Jamaica, they would cope although they were often met with slurs, slander, and strife by Englishmen who were concerned that so many people of color and different customs had eagerly accepted the invitation to emigrate to the mother country.

The swiftness of immigration increased considerably because Britain needed workers and offered British citizenship in 1947 to thousands of Poles, many of whom had fought for Britain. The 1951 census recorded 162,339 Poles living in Britain.

The government, seeking workers from the Commonwealth, introduced the British Nationality Act of 1948 which granted subjects of the British Empire the right to live and work in the UK. They came in vast numbers from India, the islands of West Indies, African colonies, South American colonies and colonies in Asia. England quickly changed into a different England.

Because so many hundreds of thousands of English citizens had been killed, there was an increasing need for all kinds of laborers related to the building trades. So many men had been killed and injured there was a pressing need for teachers, truck drivers, salesmen, laborers, managers, etc. England’s officials tried to solve the problem by importing immigrants from their colonies starting with the Empire Windrush group in 1948. The importation of workers from the colonies, many of them non-white, solved some problems and made new ones.

Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. wrote about the non-white 1948 immigration to England in The Occidental Observer on July 12, 2015. Joyce wrote, “In some respects it signalled the beginning of mass, organized non-White immigration into northwest Europe.”

Winston Churchill seemed to be concerned with so much non-white immigration and its impact on British culture. He declared to his cabinet in 1954, “Problems will arise if many colored people settle here. Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems in the UK? Attracted by Welfare State. Public opinion in UK won’t tolerate it once it gets beyond certain limits.” (Cited in S. Pollard in Ten Days That Changed the Nation: The Making of Modern Britain (Simon & Schuster, 1999), p. 4.)

By 1956, there were over 40,000 immigrants from the colonies that had made England their home. The minority population increased while many white Britons looked at these new arrivals in disapproval, disgust, and disdain–much of it driven by discrimination. As the years passed and Britain worked her way out of vast destruction, the job problem became less severe; therefore, native Englishmen thought the colonial natives were stealing their jobs since immigrants worked for a lower wage. Housing would always be a problem and the fact that many white landlords wouldn’t rent a room to the black population didn’t help the problem.

England is in trouble in 2018 because they mishandled their immigration problem in the past. A major new survey taking stock of the state of the country reveals that immigration is regarded by the English public as the biggest issue facing British society! The BBC reported on explosive research commissioned by the U.S. and European think-tanks that reveals the people in the UK are much more likely to say there are “too many” immigrants. Oddly, the percent in Great Britain of concerned people is 59% and in Germany and the Netherlands, it is 27% yet both countries exceed Britain with a higher level of foreign-born residents.

The BBC reported on the disclosure by the London School of Economics that there are about 863,000 people living illegally in Britain, with about 604,000 (70%) of those living in London! Consequently, more than one-third of inner London’s children do not have English as their first language; they speak Afghan to Zulu. The Inner London Education Authority discovered over 100 languages being spoken domestically by the families of the inner city’s school children.

Moreover, there is a major housing shortage in the UK as well as a job crisis. Any normal, thinking person would agree that the more minority immigrants that arrive the more those problems will be exacerbated. The present problem in the UK is similar to the one following World War II and British officials are making the same mistake they made at that time!

When honest liberals review the facts in England and the U.S., they understand that we have immigration problems for many reasons, not simply because of the color of the immigrants. An honest person will realize the shock to a mainly white, mainly English speaking, mainly Christian society when it is inundated with a large number of non-white, non-English, non-Christian immigrants. It is deemed racist to say (but I will say it anyway) that America can more easily absorb 500,000 Scandinavians than 500,000 Zulus. To say otherwise, is to deny reality.

Moreover, while the racists will accuse me of racism, it is also true that the Scandinavians will absorb into society quicker, with few problems than Zulus. Churchill’s question is still applicable: “Are we to saddle ourselves with colour problems in the UK?” When faced with a choice, why choose the one that will produce more problems? However, in the U.S, the issue is compounded beyond color to language, work ethic, religion, and the big difference in a Constitutional Republic and a Socialist Government!

Ben Franklin in the 1750s voiced concern over so many Germans arriving in Pennsylvania! He spoke of their “swarthy complexion.” Germans call it Uberfremdung or “overforeignization.” It’s a fear that their homeland will be changed to where it is no longer home. It’s not just a foreign language and foreign practices but the extent of the changes that are overwhelming Americans.

If America is always to be put first, as all sane people will agree, (a principle that all nations should embrace for themselves) we should consider color, culture, caste, and their communication skills when doing any immigration reform. Moreover, immigration should be based on merit, assuring a benefit to America.

However, all immigration should be stopped for five years until we have a handle on the problem. After all, we should learn from the Brits; but it seems that what we learn from history is that we do not learn from history.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. An eBook edition is also available.

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