Miscellaneous – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Not Throwing Rocks Today! https://donboys.cstnews.com/not-throwing-rocks-today https://donboys.cstnews.com/not-throwing-rocks-today#respond Mon, 16 Apr 2018 16:54:47 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2073 Ernest T. Bass was a rock throwing, rowdy, uncouth hillbilly with a fondness for breaking windows on the Andy Griffith Show. He greeted Andy and Deputy Fife with “Howdy do to you and you. It’s me, it’s me, it’s Ernest T.!” Ernest T. Bass’ main purpose in life was to break windows with rocks and he prided himself on being “the best rock thrower in the county.” He threw the rocks to get attention from the ladies in Mayberry. While engaged in this activity he admitted that he was “saving up to buy himself a gold tooth”! Trying to upgrade himself, I suppose.

Like Ernest T., I have been accused of being a rock thrower (and sometimes a grenade thrower) at those people with whom I disagree: abortionists, homosexuals, evolutionists, gun controllers, progressives, and liberals in general. I suppose, like Ernest T., I throw the rocks to get their attention. After all, I have a responsibility to oppose their errors with the hope they will see how vacuous, often vicious, and usually vain their positions are. They would then repent, stop financial support for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the ACLU, and join the Family Research Council (FRC) and the NRA!

I have been accused of not liking those radical leftists with whom I disagree and I want to set the record straight: I don’t. Progressives are the most unkind, unfair, and unreasonable people living; however, I love them since Christ loved them enough to die for them. I still don’t like them.

With a genuine conversion, those leftists might become likable, even desirable, to have as friends; however, take note that it would take a work of God to get that done!

But, today I’m not throwing rocks but roses after being on the road for six weeks throughout Florida and California doing speaking engagements, book signings, and two media events.

Before leaving for Florida, I broke a bone in my foot thereby requiring my wife to do everything: packing suitcases, loading the van, driving every mile, unloading at every motel, plus taking care of all my needs. On the trip, I was asked many times how my accident happened and I had to inform them that it was a stupid, careless blunder on my part. I looked diligently for a way to blame progressives or at least nominal Democrats but without success. I always make a valiant effort to blame leftists for everything I can: sun spots, leprosy, dandruff, El Niño, and plague. But not this time. I was at fault.

During our travels, I became aware that many people are handicapped! Oh, yes, I have friends who are in wheelchairs but I never really related to their problems: then I was in a boot and using a knee walker (scooter) and a wheelchair in the airports. I was aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 which provides handicap wheelchair ramp specifications, codes, and handicap access guidelines that most businesses are required to meet.

I made mental note of the Act’s passage but never thought about it since it did not apply to me. In fact, I had a suspicion that the Act was more government intrusion into a sphere where it had no business.

I have adjusted my views since our travels. Many motels and restaurants were accessible to me and my scooter while others required me to stop, lift the scooter to another level, then move on. It was exhausting for me. I began to appreciate what those permanently disabled have to experience daily.

I discovered that people were very thoughtful of my condition. In six weeks, including a week in Los Angeles, not one person was unkind! Or unhelpful! Even the luxury hotel in LA where few workers, from staff to managerial positions could speak English without an accent, every single person was thoughtful! Did I mention that it was downtown Los Angeles?

American Airlines personnel and airport employees and volunteers from Chattanooga to Charlotte to Los Angeles and back did far more than I expected. They met me at the street with a wheelchair and pushed me to the plane—a very long distance. I was delighted and shocked at such gracious treatment. In fact, they deserve a bushel of roses. The treatment was so unexpected and appreciated, I did not begrudge giving generous tips! That will be shocking to family and friends since I am very frugal or conservative when it comes to money. Oh, let’s be candid and admit that I’m tight as bark on a tree, and I greatly resent giving a tip for mediocre service or because it is the custom.

However, as I choose a well-shaped rock from my leather rock sack, (you knew it couldn’t last), I must go on record to say there is another side to the disability issue that few are speaking about. While I have no problem, even like the results, of the ADA, it should only apply to airports, city streets, public buildings, and those businesses that get any tax dollars for building, operations, expansions, etc. But the government at any level has no authority to require a businessman to be gracious, kind, and helpful to me! That is not government’s business.

If a businessman refuses to make it easy for me or any other incapacitated person to access his business, I will simply give my business to those who do. There are two motels in Florida that I will not use again because they were not thoughtful in their construction making it easy for access by the handicapped. That’s the American way.

No one has a right to expect government to force businessmen and women to make it easy for me; however, I will do my part to put insensitive businesses out of business by giving my business to other businesses!

I just can’t help myself. It seems to be an irresistible force that compels me to throw a rock or two when I want to throw roses. Maybe there should be a government program to help me with my rock throwing problem.

And I won’t be surprised if some progressive out there really takes me seriously and promotes such a law.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Did You Know? https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-you-know-20 https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-you-know-20#respond Thu, 30 May 2013 14:04:44 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=486 …that you should not marry for money since you can borrow it cheaper?
…that you should be wary of the man who doesn’t talk and a dog that doesn’t bark?
…that Nathaniel Hawthorne lost his government job and came home depressed but his wife put paper and pen on a table and said, “Now you will be able to write your book.”? (Scarlet Letter)
…that men should be more concerned about losing their heads than losing their hair?
…that finally the New England Journal of Medicine asked for tracing and registering of HIV carriers?

…that I demanded that of Surgeon General Koop in the late 1980s?
…that if you laugh alone the world will think you are an idiot?
…that it is as bad as you think and they are out to get you?
…that women soldiers can’t throw a hand grenade outside its blast radius?
…that hand grenades should come in two strengths, color coded pink and blue for obvious reasons?
…that inept, incompetent and insane judges have ruled that convicted felons and boozers have a “right” to be hired like normal people?
…that some entertainers are so ugly they look like they fell from an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down?
…that if teachers taught, why haven’t preacher praught?
…that when a house burns up, it really burns down?
…that when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible?
…that marriage may be an institution, but it’s not a reform school?
…that you are doing your best only when you are trying to improve what you are doing?
…that you should be kind to your kids  since they will choose your nursing home?
…that there’s nothing quite as empty as a stuffed shirt?
…that temper is a funny thing that spoils children, ruins men and strengthens steel?
…that a just war is better than an unjust peace?
…that a pastor I know discontinued long sermons because of his throat: some people threatened to cut it?
…that I’m not surprised at man’s evil, but I am amazed at his lack of shame?
…that Jesus Christ is still the hope of the world?

https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-you-know-20/feed 0
Did You Know? https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-you-know https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-you-know#respond Thu, 10 Jan 2013 20:39:26 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=284 Each Thursday I will use one of my “Did You Know?” columns that have been so popular in my monthly “Preacher Helps.”

Did You Know….

…that in 1990, the University of Arizona poison control center treated a man who was bitten on the tongue while kissing a rattlesnake?

…that no matter how dumb you feel at times, you will not feel so stupid if you never kiss a rattlesnake on the mouth?

…that billiard champion Louis Fox, was playing a big money match in upstate NY in 1865 when a fly landed on his cue ball and unable to shoo away the fly, he miscued, lost the game, fled the hall in shame, jumped into the river, and drowned?

…that in Assyria, the heads of important people were hung from trees in the king’s garden and the king and his lords saluted and drank to their health?

…that a Brazilian man walked in penance and thanksgiving halfway across the country, carrying a big cross in gratitude for his fiancée recovering her health; however, she married another man while he was on his walk?

…that in ancient Babylonia, the death penalty was imposed for murder, banditry, kidnapping, rape, incest, protecting a run-a-way slave, stealing from a temple, casting a spell upon a person, and charging too much for a beer?

…that in 1929, a man had stomach surgery and the surgeon removed buttons, nails, thimbles, safety pins, tacks, beads, pins, nail file and other items?

…that suicide is considered a long-term solution to a short term problem?

…that the commissioner of the U.S. Office of Patents said in 1899, “Everything that can be invented has been invented”?

…that Oxford professor, Erasmus Wilson said in 1878, of the new electric lights, “no more will be heard of it”?

…that the Literary Digest reported in 1899 that the automobile “will never, of course, come into as common use as the bicycle”?

…that in Mesopotamia there were about 65,000 distinct pagan gods, each one represented by a physical idol?

…that Jesus Christ is still the only hope for the world?

https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-you-know/feed 0
Did PETA Supervise a Roach-Eating Contest in Florida? https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-peta-supervise-a-roach-eating-contest-in-florida https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-peta-supervise-a-roach-eating-contest-in-florida#comments Fri, 14 Dec 2012 19:08:53 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=253 There was a Big Affair at Ben Siegel’s Reptile Store north of Miami recently when 30 of the future leaders of America (young adults) competed in a roach-eating contest. The grand prize was a python and was won by a 32-year-old of Palm Beach man.

PETA (is that People Eating Tasty Animals?) and other animal rights groups became famous for defense of whales, spotted owls, baby seals (no concern for baby humans), snail darters and yellow belly sapsuckers, but where do they stand on cockroaches? (Of course, I doubt that they would actually stand on the defenseless creatures.) It is a serious question: did PETA know about the contest and that the contestants were eating live roaches? My sources could not confirm whether the live roaches were eaten with or without a special sauce.

If the roaches had to be dead, must they have died of natural causes? Would it have been acceptable if they had been crushed? If it was alright for disturbed humans to eat dead roaches, would it have mattered how the roaches left this world? Did PETA even know about this cruel contest? Aren’t they concerned about less impressive creatures? PETA sure makes a big deal about dogs, deer, and dolphin; wolves; whales, and wallabies; bats, bears, and beavers; crabs, crows, and cheetahs but not the cockroach!

So why all this discrimination against roaches? Sounds like elitism to me and the state legislature should hold hearings to guarantee equal rights among creeping, crawling creatures. I’m not referring to politicians, but to cockroaches. But come to think of it…

Did the Florida Board of Health approve and supervise the contest? After all, they are the last protection between the consumer and what is consumed whether it is roasts or roaches. Is a license required to have a roach-eating contest and if so, what is the cost? I assume the owner must display the license in a prominent place so all contestants can be assured that all state requirements have been met. What are those requirements? If there aren’t any regulations then what is going on? How dare the legislature not jump into the roach-eating business. Let’s have some new regulations.

Is there an open season on roaches in Florida and if so, how many can a hunter (or is he a “roacher”) take in a day? If he takes more than his limit, is he fined? Does he lose his “roach pouch” and lose his license? How much does the license cost, and is an out-of-state license available?

Are the roaches hunted with a nail at the end of a stick or is it kosher to simply step on the running creatures with a number 12 brogan? But then, that would be messy to eat such a mashed creature.

With many species, only the males can be hunted, so is that true with roaches? But then, how does an honest hunter (as opposed to a poacher who wouldn’t care) delineate between the male and female? Is the male roach, like the male peacock, adorned with shocking beauty or is he dull, dirty, and dismal like the females (roaches, of course,) that most of us know about?

So where was PETA in all this, after all they have always taken the position that all animals, not just the cute, furry ones, need protection from thoughtless, crude, cruel, hateful, humans? Surely some state law if not federal law was broken during the contest.

I may antagonize some folk by reminding my readers that God would not approve roach eating for He gave instructions about eating in Lev. 11:43, “Ye shall not make yourselves abominable with any creeping thing that creepeth, neither shall ye make yourselves unclean with them, that ye should be defiled thereby.” That settles it for me. I won’t be competing in a roach-eating contest regardless of the grand prize. I might be convinced to go roach hunting (and permit others to do the eating) if the license is not too costly and the price paid for my roaches is high enough.

The store owner said that the roach-eater winner was very nice, adding that Edward was “the life of the party.” Not anymore. Ed dropped dead as he left the scene. Not sure if he had his python in hand. His roach-eating days are over. Recently the media announced that Ed died of suffocation. He tried to eat and breathe at the same time. He may have been nice but not too smart.

I suppose the winner’s family got his winnings: the snake. The world is crazy. Some people die on the battlefield, protecting freedom; others die on American streets trying to protect innocent citizens and apprehend the bad guys; still others die in pursuit of discovery of cures for exotic diseases and this guy dies after stuffing his mouth full of live roaches!
I remind you that people like Ed and the other contestants can legally vote for officials who run our governments! Moreover, such people continue to contribute to the gene pool.

Maybe we can blame roach eating contests on the farce of evolution–their brains did not develop, consequently the roaches have larger brains than the roach eaters. That would explain many things.

I try to have a thought in each column for readers to ponder and gain from, in addition to being informative, instructive, and sometimes inspiring, with a touch of humor. The “take away” today is: Don’t cram your mouth full of live roaches and try to breath at the same time. It will be a “grave” mistake.

Furthermore, I found a good recipe for barbecued spotted owl breast with a tangy snail darter sauce that PETA followers might enjoy. Contact me at DBoysphd@aol.com  for further information. Right now, I must return my tongue (that was placed firmly in cheek) to its normal position. There, that’s better.

https://donboys.cstnews.com/did-peta-supervise-a-roach-eating-contest-in-florida/feed 1
Barry Farber Rang the Bell, Knocked the Ball Out of the Park, and Hit the Bull’s Eye! https://donboys.cstnews.com/barry-farber-rang-the-bell-knocked-the-ball-out-of-the-park-and-hit-the-bulls-eye https://donboys.cstnews.com/barry-farber-rang-the-bell-knocked-the-ball-out-of-the-park-and-hit-the-bulls-eye#respond Thu, 20 Sep 2012 14:14:48 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=58 My friend, Barry Farber, author of Cocktails with Molotov, national talk show host and columnist at World Net Daily really “rang the bell”; “knocked the ball out of the park”; and “hit the bull’s eye” in his column yesterday. He wrote:

The late writer, social critic and friend and champion of humane and decent treatment for animals, Cleveland Amory, gave us a brilliant example of how to handle shameless, lying advocates of unworthy causes. His targets were those researchers who have no concern whatever for sparing laboratory animals pain and abuse. One such research scientist, whom Amory considered the most villainous of all, was faced off against him in a television debate. That scientist would admit to no abuse or improper treatment of any kind in any experiment involving animals anywhere.

“What about that awful experiment,” asked Amory, “in which they tied a dog’s front paws to an iron ring in the wall and beat his hind legs mercilessly until the poor animal passed out?” The scientist was quick to reply, “Mr. Amory, you have no idea how much human suffering was averted by the very lessons they learned about people whose legs are pinned down by fallen beams after an earthquake or the explosion and collapse of a building in wartime.”

Amory then closed the trap by saying, “Doctor, there never was such an experiment. I just wanted to show you would defend anything!

https://donboys.cstnews.com/barry-farber-rang-the-bell-knocked-the-ball-out-of-the-park-and-hit-the-bulls-eye/feed 0
Christian Apologist Jumps into the Blogosphere! https://donboys.cstnews.com/christian-apologist-jumps-into-the-blogosphere https://donboys.cstnews.com/christian-apologist-jumps-into-the-blogosphere#comments Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:59:55 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=4 Don Boys

I have been connecting with people all my life as a preacher, educator, columnist (U.S. Today), author of 14 books (Amazon.com), legislator (Indiana House of Representatives), website columnist, television commentator, and guest on hundreds of television and radio programs. (Free: The God Haters, an eBook of 365 pages to the first 25 people who comment and subscribe. This book deals with the New Atheists’ charges against God and the Bible.)

Today, something new! I’m starting a blog! I will do my best to make my blogs informative, interesting, and inspiring; but they may be infuriating at times! I strive for accuracy, balance, and fairness; however, I have some strong opinions that I have espoused and defended all my life in books, columns, debates, and talk shows.

For sure, you will never ask, “What did he mean by that statement?” I will never try to anger people but I have no political correctness in me. I will continue to do my work so that at my funeral people can say, “Don chased the truth all his life and couldn’t be ‘bought’ by family, friends, or foes.”

I deal with “hot” issues from a very, very conservative and Christian perspective such as evolution, Islam, crime, family life, reverse discrimination, abortion, homosexuality, modern churches, Christian living,  guns, education, and on and on and on.

I am a Fundamentalist Christian. I believe the Bible to be the very Word of the Living God. In my newest book, The God Haters, I answer all the major and some minor criticisms spewed out by atheists, evolutionists, the uninformed, and general unbelievers.

I will never try to “force my beliefs” down anyone’s throat as my critics often charge. They make that charge rather than deal with the issues at hand. I believe conservative and Christian positions can be easily defended and am willing to discuss, debate, and dissect any issue. Moreover, I will consider you a friend if you point out any error.

I have been a Christian Apologist all my adult life facing the most liberal opponents on the floor of the House, both Democrats and Republicans; university debates; and hundreds of showdowns on television and radio shows such as “The Sally Raphael Show” (three times); “Crossfire”; “The Jerry Springer Show” (four times); “NBC Nightly News”; “CBS Morning News”; Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) (four or five times); “The Morton Downey Show” (three or four times); and many other national shows that only lasted one or two years. Radio shows were “The Barry Farber Show” (14 times); “Crosstalk” (two or three times); “The Pat Buchanan Show”; “The Black Avenger Show”; “The Mike Gallagher Show”; and hundreds of others.

I won’t dilly or dally and for sure, I will never flim or flam you. I will from time to time write with tongue placed firmly in cheek. I assume my readers will be educated enough and sophisticated enough to recognize those times.

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