morality – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shocking, Shameful, and Salacious Dress is Offensive to Decent People! Fri, 07 Oct 2022 21:33:16 +0000 By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Some females are without shame and have no sense of Christian propriety, common decency, and biblical principles.

Sharon Hodde Miller, a doctoral student at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, said, “A woman’s breasts and buttocks and thighs all proclaim the glory of the Lord.” Yes, we are fearfully and wonderfully made but God did not expect this “glory of the Lord” to be observed by everyone everywhere, especially in church.

She said, “Modesty is an orientation of the heart, first and foremost. It begins with putting God first.”  In that, she is correct; however, if God is first in one’s life, he or she will seek to do all to the glory of God.  A woman is very unchristian if she uses her bouncing breasts, swaying buttocks, or exposed flesh to influence any man other than her husband. It is also a blasphemous use of the female body.

Nutty, shameless feminists in Fort Collins, Colorado, have contended that male and female breasts are identical!  Women brandished their bare bouncing breasts along with signs proclaiming, “My breasts are no more sexual than my mouth or my hands,” “Honk for gender equality,” and “Free the NIP.”

This is not your father’s world!

My deceased philosopher father, with a sixth-grade education, would say, “This world is nuttier than a fruitcake.”  And he would have found it incredible that professing Christians would defend immodest dress.

Some Evangelical and Fundamentalist youth wear shirts declaring “Modest is Hottest” or the reverse, although I can’t imagine Christians wearing something like that.  Whatever one’s definition of “hottest,” it obviously has a sexual connotation.  Why send the wrong message to others?  I wonder what parents are doing in the parenting department.

Are Christians to be “hot”?  That kind of sexual suggestion is not conducive to the body being the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  However, non-thinkers tell us never to correct our children since it might stunt their development, and they might even throw a hissy.  Can’t have that.  They also may think they are unloved.

Christians are not to draw attention to self but to Christ.  In Matthew 23:5, Christ rebuked the scribes and Pharisees saying, “But all their works they do for to be seen of men…and enlarge their borders.”  Enlarge borders refers to Jews who wore fringes on their robes as commanded in Numbers 15:38-39 to remind them to keep the Commandments.  However, some Jews went beyond God’s command and enlarged the borders to draw attention to themselves.  Likewise, people dress outrageously and do strange things to their bodies to attract attention to themselves.

I have often wondered why a beautiful young woman would put metal in her face. For sure, while it will attract people’s attention, it is not attractive. Principled people should know why they believe and practice certain things and not make decisions without reasonable thought.

Paul’s command in Philippians 2:5 to have the mind of Christ will eliminate seductive clothing, inappropriate clothing, piercings, tattoos, expensive jewelry, green hair, Mohawk haircuts, and pants drooping below the 38th parallel.  Christians are not to draw attention to self but to Christ. Believers were called Christians in Antioch because they reminded people of Christ.  Many modern Christians remind me of circus performers.  Shocking, shameful, and salacious dress (or activity) should be unacceptable to decent people.

A Texas public school district announced that any tattoos must be covered, and only ear piercings would be accepted!  Are any churches teaching such honorable standards to their members?  Of course, visitors should be welcomed whatever they wear as long as it meets a minimum standard of decency.

Church of God in Christ is a formal Pentecostal denomination where ushers wear white gloves, and their denominational handbook says, “dressing in a sensually provocative manner produces inclinations to evil desires.”

I agree with this Church of God in Christ statement, although I am not a Pentecostal.

Even Catholic churches are battling this problem of undress. I saw this scores of times on my tours to the Middle East, especially in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and Nazareth. Tourists are asked to be modest when visiting famous historical and biblical church sites.

Often, Evangelicals and Fundamentalists are very careless, even indecent, in what they wear to church.  However, I contend that the concern should not only be on Sunday, but everyday indecent dress in public is always unacceptable, ungodly, and unnecessary.

Modesty should be a byproduct of genuine Christianity, although critics confuse modesty with prudery.  Prudery is as abnormal as exhibitionism is at the other extreme.  Modesty is Christian, common, and commendable.  Modest people have respect for their bodies (made in the image of God), respect for social norms, and respect for other people.

Both genders should consider proper dress as a sign of elegance, education, and erudition.  A silent statement is made by immodestly dressed people, male and female: “I don’t think much of myself, and I don’t expect you to value or respect me either.”

In many churches on Sunday morning, it is almost a Sunday Morning Slutwalk with bouncing boobs, cavernous cleavage, gyrating hips, skintight pants (male and female), and skirts slit front, back, and both sides.  It seems tempting, tantalizing, and taunting are parts of some modern women’s arsenal.

Feminists and others seek to remove all responsibility from women for the reactions they get from men because of seductive clothing, while most lusting men put the responsibility for their temptation totally upon the women!  However, smearing honey all over yourself and then strolling through bear country does invite attack by bears!

If the way women dress is not an invitation to men, then why do prostitutes dress the way they do? A good woman will dress to be modest and attractive, instead of modern and alluring. Street walking prostitutes feel a need to dress in salacious clothing to compete with other women.

Exposing the female body and doing the “come on” bit will also attract predator men. Immodest girls are like pigs rolling around in the mud and shouldn’t be surprised when men treat them like pigs.

Many women refuse to admit that their clothing sends a message to others. If they dress like a harlot, they will be perceived as a harlot even when it is not true. Proverbs 7:10 makes clear that dress is associated with prostitution: “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.”

All women who dress provocatively are not trying to attract men; some are simply careless, thoughtless, or trying to be relevant. However, it is wrong, and their husbands should remind them of the danger of advertising without trying to do so. Proverbs 11:22 says, “As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.” Principled women will seek to be appropriate, wise, and thoughtful of how they are perceived.

It is normal for men to react to exposed breasts and other parts of the female body.  That is the way God made them.  It would be abnormal if they did not react to the exposed female body.  However, men are responsible for their own impure, illegal, and iniquitous thoughts and actions.  Moreover, mere attraction is not lust, but it often leads to lust.

Normal men like to see female skin, but how much skin is permitted?  Some Muslim women are forced to cover their entire bodies except the eyes and hands; others even hide their eyes!  That would be considered going far past modesty to prudery.

The absence of modesty among females is an egregious problem, but I must emphatically state that however wickedly women dress, it does not justify lecherous men’s abusive actions.  While lust is natural, it is naturally sinful.  It dehumanizes the female when a man takes her for himself (even mentally), often to prove superiority over her as well as to satisfy unpermitted personal cravings.

Decent people should ask themselves not only what is acceptable but also what is appropriate for each occasion.  It is a joy to meet a person with a happy smile, pure heart, and noble intentions who is modest, kind, humble, and genuine.  Not many out there!

I’ll be considered naïve and self-righteous for even suggesting they should be out there!

Young boys used to look at National Geographic for naked bodies, strange piercings, and tattoos. In this day, it is easy to see about anything everywhere, even observing leading members of some Evangelical and Fundamentalist churches.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher

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Raunchy Event at Rock Concert:  Whatever Happened to Shame? Wed, 17 Nov 2021 02:16:04 +0000  

Well, I’ve lived a long life, traveled the world, was caught in the middle of a PLO funeral procession in Beirut, had two White House briefings, appeared four times on the Jerry Springer Show before it became a circus, had a hit piece done on me by a national news magazine, but I’ve had my most shocking incident in my long life:  A female rock star (someone who yells with loud background  noise) in the presence of thousands of people (who have too much time on their hands), urinated into a man’s mouth.

That shows she was not the only nut or slut on the stage.

The lead singer for the eight-member band told the crowd, “I gotta pee” during the group’s set at the “Welcome to Rockville” music festival in Daytona Beach, Florida. In the middle of a number, she said, “I can’t make it to the bathroom. So, we might as well make a show out of it.” Proving that people will do anything to get attention, the “singer” called a middle-aged man to the stage, telling the audience what she would do. She told the man to lie flat on the stage while she dropped her pants, she urinated into his mouth, all while continuing to sing.

The Jewish prophet Jeremiah covered such things when he wrote in Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore, they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.”

The prophet’s charge was a disparaging accusation; however, today, it is considered audacious, judgmental, and self-righteous to take such a stand. After all, to each his own.

There is plenty of shame to go around, but no one is blushing, an almost passé human reaction to offensive behavior. The exhibitionist rock singer knew she would get the much-desired attention for such outrageous actions. The poor slob who was so insecure, imbecilic, if not insane to permit such a dangerous, defiling, dishonorable act is to be pitied. After being sprayed for a few seconds, he did spit out some of the urine.

I wonder what his wife, girlfriend, mother, and sisters thought about his stupid cooperation in promoting an immoral stunt.

The band apologized, saying it wasn’t planned. Yeah, like the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade isn’t planned. So, now everyone knows of the band. The only band I know about is the Boys Marching Band in River City (that was supposed to keep the youngsters out of the pool hall).

The Florida crowd was disgusted, but does anyone really believe they will refuse to attend such a low-life event again? Only one person reported the incident to the police, but that person refused to follow up on it.

Evidently, the low-life singer will not be prosecuted for lewd behavior, and of course, her male participant can’t be prosecuted since stupidity is not a crime.

A few people were shocked, surprised, but few were shamed. It seems Americans have forgotten how to be ashamed. They don’t seem to understand that the inability to blush resulted in an ancient nation’s captivity for 70 years. The blush is especially revealing since it is an involuntary and uncontrollable response to embarrassment. A blush is totally normal.

Not many normal people around today.

Israel was on the cusp of being defeated and taken into Babylon Captivity for 70 years because they no longer delighted in the Word and rejected godly commandments, even thinking of them as a reproach. The nation—from the people to the priest to the prophets—dealt falsely, and everyone was “given to covetousness.” Having rejected biblical principles, “everyone deals falsely.” Even corrupt prophets preached “peace” when destruction was coming. Finally, the nation refused to admit their sin; therefore, not admitting their sin, they were not ashamed.

Why be ashamed? They had done nothing wrong!

Most of us have done something that caused our conscience to bother us, often resulting in a feeling of shame. Our action conflicted with our personal convictions, family, tradition, church teaching, and common-sense living. Experiencing shame indicates the person is not without hope.

Ordinary people blush when confronted with vile speech, immodest dress, off-colored stories, lewd acts, etc. The blush expresses a feeling that such activities are abnormal, abhorrent, and not acceptable. The unconscious blush says we are silently expressing our feelings that these acts are to be rejected by decent people.

However, in our day, anything is accepted. There is no right or wrong. There is your truth, their truth, and my truth instead of truth. So, when one blushes, he is considered naïve, old-fashioned, even quaint.

Adam and Eve were naked and unashamed, but they recognized their nakedness when they disobeyed the one command and were ashamed. Shame is closely associated with guilt. When we do wrong, we feel guilty. We often feel guilty because we are guilty. Shame is given by God to keep us from making fools of ourselves and doing irreparable harm to self, family, church, or nation.

Bill Clinton has always been an example of a male slut who disgraced himself, his family, his party, his church (from which he should have been expelled), and his nation with ongoing sleazy actions. Not only could he not blush, but he also looked the world in the face and lied—without shame. And yes, Donald Trump had similar problems.

As do many pastors, priests, politicians, performers, professors, and the press.

We hear people boasting of sexual prowess, hear advertisements for sexual objects, observe excessive repulsive sexual behavior by entertainers and athletes, all indications of a rotting society. Modern man accepts almost any activity except for child molestation, and there are examples of that being accepted. We are told not to make a judgment since nothing is really right or wrong. It just is. So, nothing is obscene, and anything goes.

Vile actions, vulgar talk, and violent movies are popular because the public approves of them. Shock art, repulsive trash to normal people, is highly valued. It seems many artists major on trash, and no one is supposed to say, “That is ugly, or a vile piece of trash, but within an impressive frame.”

Especially not to the President’s son.

Females dress like sluts and streetwalkers, and church members often show up in church in similar attire. We are told shame indicates an emotional problem, and repression is bad and causes hang-ups. Radicals tell us not to repress desires; after all, you are free. Don’t give up your liberty; do your own thing. Be your own self, whatever the cost. If others are offended, too bad.

I suppose I’m supposed to be ashamed of being ashamed. Being ashamed leads to feeling inadequate. Shame causes feelings of disgrace, dishonor, and disapproval. A person who feels shame wants to hide from everyone. Personal guilt involves self-condemnation for a wrong said or done, followed by confession and repentance.

Considering the wickedness in America, we will be wise to say with Ezra, “O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.”

Along with the loss of shame is the ability to blush has disappeared. After all, if nothing is wrong, then a blush is as unnecessary as a buggy whip in a Rolls Royce.

It appears America has begun to crumble since termites have been eating at its foundations for hundreds of years. The rot was clearly visible at the rock concert.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent,  Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Media Awards Prove Loss of Shame! Thu, 16 Sep 2021 18:43:20 +0000 In recent days at various award ceremonies and the Met Gala event, the voyeurs, deviates, degenerates, perverts, and wretched losers of the world watched attractive females (and silly, sissified, and senseless men) cavort at various venues strutting their stuff.

All done without shame on the part of the scantily dressed entertainers and the desperate viewers.

It seems the women have no sense of shame as their bosoms bounced hither and yon in danger of falling out. The ladies, or females in their forties, are obviously losing the battle to gravity as they parade braless for the world to see the Second Law operate in front of their eyes. Everything tends to go down, and for sure, everything that is considered an asset is heading that way.

Megan Fox said she’s been dressing nearly naked on the red carpet lately to fight “puritanical” projections of what women should be. No, she cannot pretend to have a high-minded motive. She realizes she has no other assets but a well-constructed body, so she wants to exhibit it as long as it is exhibitable. And that may not be very long without some paint-and-body professionals to keep it flauntable.

It is remarkable that one reviewer let her have it for her scandalous transparent dress by writing, “Megan Fox turned up to the VMAs wearing a transparent column dress with a bedazzled t*ong, a look that none of us asked for or wanted to see.” Not sure what the * is all about, I applaud his courage.

Megan Rapinoe (whose specialty is hating America, and I think she plays soccer) wore a gown emblazoned with “In Gay we Trust.” She is an outspoken lesbian. Her sponsors are Procter & gamble, BodyArmor, Hulu, etc., that every principled person should avoid. Sports Illustrated photographed her topless, almost naked; however, I don’t think many men are desperate or stupid enough to spend more than a casual glance at her topless photos as my wife and I did in preparing for this article.

For those who plunge ahead and look, there will be little chance of mental fornication.

The Met Gala affair, like all the awards shows, was a clown show with AOC (the incredible gift to Republicans) in her Tax the Rich gown and another woman with a silly costume demanding Equal Rights for Women expressed on a long train. The affair cost $35,000 per person, and the Socialist Party ripped into AOC for attending while BLM protesters were doing their thing in the streets and being arrested. It seems the natives are getting restless; maybe a social revolution is simmering among the left.

Breaks my heart.

Many women wore transparent dresses revealing thong underclothes where decent women used to wear “bloomers,” as Grandma called them. Often, the attractive whores wore a silver cross around the neck to express whatever. That compounds the disgust many-fold since the cross normally speaks of redemption, commitment, forgiveness, and righteousness.

For the last three or four years, the naked look has been getting worse in festivals, media award presentations, and other venues.

Naomi Campbell walked the runway wearing a “full, naked gown” in 2019, and Rihanna (not sure of her full name; maybe like Liberace, Cher, and Alexander) got the attention she craved in her famous naked dress, with a matching thong. Commentators said these were celebrity naked dress moments that we’ll never forget. “They were daring, fun, and downright historic.” No, they were a pathetic collection of male and female tramps and are an example of the underground decadence that has always been available to the sick, the vile, the demented, and the degenerate if they are willing to slink into a degrading, dirty, dark social sewer.

Tinashe (whoever she is) wore a cross necklace and little else while Lil Nas X, an alleged male dressed in purple as a woman. Lil’ Kim wore a purple wig and one breast hanging loose, and Megan Fox was escorted by Machine Gun Kelly—a pathetic, possible male.

It was an expensive clown parade anticipating an early Halloween.

Some dresses were so outrageous, it is difficult to believe anyone would be seen at Trader Joe’s in them but on international television! We know shame, decency, discretion, modesty, and the like have disappeared, but what about taste? One man was wrapped in a blanket, and I wondered how much he paid for his “designer” blanket.

Since the Fall of man, the earth has been cursed with women (and men) who used their bodies in illicit ways. They have been called loose women, prostitutes, whores, hussies, fallen women, and sluts; however, there was a sense of shame and disgrace in their activities in earlier days. Even Hollywood lowlifes tried to be discrete. While these labels are considered offensive, so is the lifestyle.

Proverbs chapter seven reveals the tragedy of indecent attire: “I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding…And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot…So she caught him, and kissed him…With her much fair speech she caused him to yield…Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.”

Exhibitionist women are exposing to the world what should be seen only by their lawful husbands.

With the acceleration to nakedness along with the competition on television and movies for exhibitionism, grossness, and shock value, I foresee not only a loss of shame and decency but the loss of a nation.

If an unmarried woman got pregnant, she was sent to “visit her grandmother” for a few months when I was young. The family still loved her, wanted the best for her, forgave her, but there was a sense of shame for the family and the bastard baby. But those days are long gone. Society calls this change “reproductive freedom,” but God calls it whoredom: status, beauty, money, and education don’t change anything.

Yes, any of our unmarried daughters can get pregnant, and it is a heartbreaking situation, but when it happens again and again, the young woman is a slut, whether she is my daughter or yours. Of course, getting pregnant doesn’t make her a slut; being sexually immoral does. Sex outside of marriage is always wrong for male and female.

It is not illegal to be promiscuous (male or female), but a graduate law student shocked the nation with her advocacy for slutism. Her audacity and lack of shame are appalling. While she did not admit to casual sex, she did plead the cause of sluts everywhere. Loose women and men who sleep together take the risk of walking away with more than they expected! With all the STDs out there, I am amazed  prostitutes stay in business. It shows that many men think below, not above the belt.

No, they don’t think at all.

In her testimony to congressional Democrats in 2012, the advocate for casual sex (at taxpayers’ expense) appeared to have no shame, decency, self-respect, or morals. She was trying to force insurance companies to finance sexual activity by paying for birth control. The daughter of a Methodist pastor told Democrat representatives (since Republicans refused to hear her plea), “Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school.” Well, not really. For those dumb enough to use birth control pills, they can be purchased for $12 or so per month.

Rush Limbaugh called her a slut and prostitute, causing a major controversy, and later apologized for his choice of words. I thought they were right on target, and there will be no apology from me, fake or felt. President Obama got into the fray by calling her and giving his support.

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

Some people will do anything for 15 minutes of fame. Or infamy. She wanted me to pay for students’ roll in the hay! That is insanity. When you play, you pay. Not me.

It is scary to realize that she is now an approved, licensed, commissioned, and accredited attorney who ran (and lost) for the California senate and spoke at the 2012 Democrat National Convention. I remind everyone that this lady, oops, this woman wanted taxpayers to fund recreational sex because it is a health issue; however, taxpayers are not responsible for college students’ recreation. Honestly, we are not responsible for providing anything to them. The females or their parents could pay for any birth control, or the promiscuous girls could require their male sluts to provide their own protection.

I wonder if her parents are hiding in a dark cave somewhere! Maybe, just maybe, their permissive child-training contributed to and encouraged her sexual lunacy!

Feminists tried to make this a birth control issue, but few are limiting birth control availability. Normal people simply insist that the promiscuous should provide their own.

No birth control method is 100% accurate, but female sluts could solve their problems using the old American standby—keep an aspirin between the knees. That is a 100% sure way to prevent pregnancy and STDs.

Any woman can go to a government-financed clinic and get “free” birth control. But that would be “demeaning.”

Moreover, if women can’t pay for birth control, then their parents can do so. According to her testimony, a woman needs $3,000 to fund her recreation through grad school. The Bible calls such people (male and female) whores. Sluts might consider getting a J-O-B to fund their recreational expenses.

She whines about the need for financial help to the sexually active, but life is tough, and as that great philosopher John Wayne declared, “Life is tough…it’s even tougher if you’re stupid.”

If taxpayers pay for birth control, why not food, autos, hair spray, deodorant, vacations, daily paper, widescreen television, ad nauseam.

Our budding attorney said, “Women like her have no choice but to go without contraception” (speaking of a female college friend without insurance that pays for birth control). No, they can stop recreational sex. Problem solved and money saved.

The testifying co-ed is just a fluke, not representative of ladies I know. Her testimony shows that a graduate student demanding taxpayers fund illicit sex is a little nutty.

And very much slutty with no sense of shame.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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The Washington Monument is the Only Upright Thing in D.C.! Fri, 01 Feb 2019 17:31:55 +0000 The ancient Hebrew prophet Micah seemed to have Washington, D.C. in mind when he wrote, “The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net.” To the careful observer, it seems that passage might apply to Washington since it appears the only upright thing in Washington is the Washington Monument.

No doubt, many good Conservative men and women have been sent to Washington but it seems as soon as they arrive in town, they turn left. And as everyone knows, a left turn leads into darkness. It seems the drinking water is contaminated and everyone gets Potomac Fever that renders the victim incapable of telling the truth, acting honorably, living consistently, supporting equal justice, and sleeping with the proper person.

When some have tried to be honorable and upright, they are always scorned as Job discovered and recorded in Job 12:4, that “the just upright man is laughed to scorn.” Even many Conservatives feel uncomfortable when they defend decency, family values, hard work, equal treatment without special treatment, accountability, etc. Very few people will stand up for truth when everyone seems to be laughing and demeaning his person, his positions, and his proclamations.

How long has it been since you have heard an unapologetic, unashamed, and unwavering politician say, “I believe that it is always wrong to lie even if it is a politician, FBI, or IRS agent”? Or, “Down through the centuries, marriage has only been between one man and one woman for a lifetime.” Or, “Transgenderism is fictitious, false, and a farce. Or, “Islam is not a religion of peace but a political, judicial, and economic system of sex, control, terror, and death.” Or, “I promise never to vote to raise my own salary and if it is done, I will refuse to accept it and will never go to work as a lobbyist when out of office.” Or, “I will never vote for a bad bill even if offered by my own party and will always support a good bill offered by the opposition.” Or, “The killing of an unborn child is always, without exception, the taking of an innocent life and the perpetrators and supports are brazen baby killers.” Or, “I believe race-baiters such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Maxine Waters are discredited, dishonest, and disreputable people with whom decent people should not associate. They are a disgrace to their race—the human race.” Or, “People should be proud of their race whether white, black, red, yellow, or polka dot. I happen to be white and am proud of it.”


Even some Washington officials who would agree with some of the above are always mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy, and week-kneed in their agreement.

It seems Washington, D.C. is occupied and ruled by liars, loonies, losers, lackeys—almost all liberals. I am convinced that few people in power are ever bothered with deciding between right and wrong. According to today’s warped philosophy, there is no right and no wrong. Well, intolerance will be considered wrong but everything else is up for grabs. Of course, we must always be tolerant with people but never with truth.

It seems there are no absolutes since that would mean mankind would be responsible to study, think, and pray to discover what is right; then have the character to choose the right. However, that would mean those who disagree would be “wrong,” making individuals uncomfortable and dividing people.

In the past, most politicians at least pretended to be fair, honest, and balanced but not now. Like the people of ancient Israel, they cannot blush. They will do anything to promote their own agenda whatever it takes. If Charles Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, et al., discovered that they had cannibals among their constituents, they would promise them missionaries for Sunday dinner. And those “missionaries” for the cannibals’ pot would probably be white, armed, creationist, homeschooling, or Christian school parents.

Solomon wrote in Proverbs 11:3, “The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.” The Old Testament integrity is the same as character. It conjures up the idea of honesty, honor, rectitude, goodness, morality. In other words, uprightness.

For any person who is upright, Solomon promised in Proverbs 20:7, “The just man walketh in his integrity: his children are blessed after him.” One can hardly ask for much more than living an upright life, then seeing his children walking in the same direction.
Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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The War on Modesty, Decorum, and Appropriateness! Tue, 29 Jan 2019 04:45:20 +0000 I have asked but never received an answer why sane people are paying inflated prices for ugly clothes: faded, old, patched, muddied, holey, and raged clothes. Now there are shoes “dirtied, tattered, and seemingly held together by adhesive” selling for $535 a pair. Sorry, you can’t run out and purchase a pair since they have sold out. You can purchase a “ripped crewneck sweatshirt for $1,165.” Or, for less than a thousand bucks, you can own a frayed red fisherman’s sweater. T-shirts have bullet holes and have been buried in dirt for months to advance disintergration. For an additional premium, shirts and jeans are available that have been ripped by lions, tigers, and bears.

Is this a matter of style or sanity?

This is called the distressed look. My word would be depressed or disgusted look.

You have a right to look poor and be poor and designers and stores have a right to sell trash clothes but who in his or her right mind wants such trash and is willing to pay big bucks to get it?

When I was young—back when dinosaurs walked the earth—it was a delight, although infrequent event, to wear new clothes or shoes. Usually, I wore hand-me-downs. When a shirt was torn, it was immediately repaired by Mom. There was no possibility that a torn shirt or jeans with a hole in the knee would be worn. We were poor but not stupid. Shoes were worn as long as they held together. Often, I put cardboard in my shoes to cover the holes in the soles.

Now I see people with more cents than sense actually pay hundreds, even thousands of dollars for dirty, distressed, and damaged clothes. Wearing such articles is a major attack upon the poor and misappropriation of a culture. This is rich people who dress as to appear poor but do not want to be known as poor. Comparatively wealthy people wearing old dirty clothing is demeaning and a public insult to the poor. It is the epitome of arrogance.

Dirty jeans used to reflect toil, sweat, but now they are worn by people who are so guilt-ridden for having riches that they want to appear to live the way normal people live. Many of these people have no experience with hard work and dirty hands; however, many have massive problems with dirty minds. But then, that is a judgment call and I may be wrong in some cases.

Nancy B. Diehl, director of New York University’s Costume Studies program may have the answer why sane people want to look like bums. She said, “It’s an ‘I’m going to expose my body if I want to’ type of ethos. In a way, it’s a protest against propriety.” It displays rebellion to what is proper and acceptable and often a rejection of one’s upbringing.

Charlene Lau, a fashion historian who has taught at Parsons School of Design, said, “At the same time, distressed, tattered and dirty clothing also tends to work against middle-class norms of cleanliness and propriety. In this sense, they are symbolic of rebellion—whether real, contrived, or imagined.”

Bingo! I think they are right. This “distressed” trend seems to be youth-driven and has now become acceptable even promoted by the fashion world of London, Paris, New York, and Hollywood. The world of high fashion has now embraced “distressed” clothing as chic. Of course, their motive is the buck suckered from people too stupid to think for themselves.

One distressed-wearing female said of trash clothes, “They lend an air of super casualness to your personality and make you just a bit more careless and carefree.” That’s what people need today—more carelessness.

Youth have always wanted to show their independence (while they live in Mom’s basement and live off parents and the taxpayers) but the distressed look is not an expression of individuality but of submission. By accepting what is currently fashionable they become a slave to fashion, not independent thinkers.

Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber, Hollywood and television actors, famous athletes, and even Michele Obama; everyone who’s anyone is seen in the “distressed” look. Most people want to be accepted by the crowd and will follow the herd to be accepted—even if they have to pay big bucks to look like a fool.

Do such people ever ask themselves: “Why am I doing this?”

Most non-rich, but non-thinking and distressed jean wearers say that they wear such clothes because “they are comfortable.” However, that dog won’t hut. Clothes are about protection and modesty, not being “comfortable.” That’s like eating a meal because it is tasty not nutritious and necessary to stay alive. While it is good that food be tasty, that is not the purpose of eating.

The reason for clothes is to protect us from the elements and to present us in a decent way to our friends, neighbors, and others. God warned His people in Exodus 20:26, “Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.” Priests, at that time, wore wide, loose robes; and when climbing steps, they could easily expose themselves. Later, God told them to wear linen breeches to protect against that possibility.

God was teaching Israel that modesty and decency are important to people of character. It was also to remind people of the vast differences in Jehovah worship and the heathen priests in surrounding nations who performed worship in the nude at pagan altars.

Clothes send a message and are not to be used as a deception according to Zechariah 13:4. God warned about false prophets who, as did true prophets, wore rough clothing to pass as true prophets. About 500 years later, some men might dress as did John the Baptist but that did not make them a prophet of the wilderness.

More than 200 years ago in England, nonconformist preachers and Church of England preachers were criticized for wearing “ruffles, powder, and fribble” as did the wealthy and powerful. Adam Clarke said of them, “Thus the Church and the world begin to shake hands, the latter still retaining its enmity to God.” Such preachers, accustomed to flattery and fawning and fame, were found in palaces, not in a wilderness.

The distressed clothing is another fad that empty, hopeless, purposeless youth pursue to show their rebellion to normalcy, modesty, propriety, and common sense.

Likewise, some Evangelical preachers wear distressed clothing to make them appear stylish while they really look silly—like the youth they are trying to impress.

Clothing has always sent a message from the wearer to the observer as the toga of the Roman youth. It was white, striped, or fringed with purple and was worn until they were seventeen years of age when they changed it for the toga virilis, or toga pura, which was all white.

According to The World of Roman Custom, Romans’ outer garments primarily “signified rank, status, office, or authority. . . . The dress worn by the participants in an official scene had legal connotations. . . . The hierarchic, symbolic use of dress as a uniform or costume is part of Rome’s legacy to Western civilization.”

A person’s garments have always carried a message. Today’s message from distressed clothing is one of carelessness, crassness, coarseness, and is somewhat cloddish.

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Notions So Outrageous Only a Pseudo Intellectual Would Believe Them! Mon, 06 Aug 2018 00:57:58 +0000 George Orwell declared, “There are notions so foolish that only an intellectual will believe them.” Make that pseudo intellectual.

The following consists of incredible, outrageous practices revealed by the media that some will wonder if normal people should even know about them; however, that is a head-in-the-sand view. Some of my friends will even suggest that I should not comment on these perverse trends.

However, the last ten years produced many examples of the absurd becoming the accepted. No one would have suggested that homosexuality would be accepted, almost promoted, by any sane person especially Evangelical Christianity! Same with same-sex “marriage.” How about anyone suggesting with a straight face that transgenderism is a biological fact or that a person is normal if he/she decides to be identified as she/he.

We are witnessing incest being promoted as normal even loving by some in the media with Time’s major article “Should Incest be Legal”? I have an article by a psychiatrist going back 30 years promoting incest! It will be legal in your lifetime. But maybe we should not discuss that since it will upset people. People need to be upset!

Read and weep, and pray, and get involved.

*The New York Post ran a feature story titled, “I poured drain cleaner in my eyes to blind myself.” This alarming incident refers to Jewel Shuping, a young women who struggles with “body integrity identity disorder or BIID. I think she struggles with more than that. This alleged disorder describes people who are sure that they “should have” a disability! Some even think they should be amputees so they have their limbs amputated when they can find a criminal surgeon who will comply with their insane desires.

Shuping as a child became convinced that she should have been born blind, saying, “I should have been blind from birth!” She pretended to be blind for years (called “blind-simming”), but this wasn’t enough for her fantasy. She found a “sympathetic psychologist” in 2006, who counseled her for several weeks before agreeing to place drops of lye drain cleaner in both of her eyes to destroy her eyesight! Shuping finally got her lifelong wish–she is now blind. The “psychologist” is still free.

“I was so happy, I felt that this was who I was supposed to be,” Shuping explains. That is one young woman with major problems. She needs to be in a mental hospital and the “sympathetic psychologist” needs to be in prison. (Maybe we should reconsider “an eye for an eye!”)

Whistleblower, November 2015 reported, “A Canadian university teacher is arguing that doctors should amputate the limbs of able-bodied, physically healthy individuals who consider themselves ‘transabled,’ maintaining that such extreme procedures will help those people feel ‘empowered.’” The teacher said that some people want to be paralyzed not wanting their legs to work! Others might want a below-the-knee amputation or “a right-below-elbow amputation.”

I think that professor needs a brain transplant!

*Rachel Dolezal the white former NAACP chapter head in Spokane, Washington who pretended to be black, says we’re whatever race we think we are! Dolezal is an American former civil rights activist and former Africana Studies instructor who resigned from the NAACP position after it was revealed that she had lied about being a Black and many other aspects of her biography. She also lied about hate crimes perpetrated against her.

The non-black woman now admits that she was born into a white family but still identifies as a Black! So, by affirming a lie, she becomes something she is not. Rachel Dolezal, now known as Nkechi Diallo, was booked into the Spokane County jail July 2 on counts of first-degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second-degree perjury. Rachel will learn that it is easier to change her name than change her location—since she is facing 15 years in the slammer.

Well, why not permit Rachael to declare herself a Black since Brown University is now allowing prospective students to “self-identify” as people of color on their applications. Furthermore, Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry. I suppose one can be black, white, red, yellow, or even purple. Facts don’t seem to matter anymore.

*The London Guardian reported a trend among homosexual men who like to wear leather and dog-like hoods. They also like to have their stomachs rubbed and their ears tickled. These humans-who-identify-as-dogs “fetch squeaky toys and eat chow out of dog bowls.” There is a British documentary about this perversion called, Secret Life of Human Pups and it is reported that there are at least 10,000 such people in the United Kingdom!

One such person is Tom and the United Kingdom Mirror reported that Tom left his fiancée when she demanded that he act like a man and not like his alter ego, a Dalmatian named Spot. Tom may have lost his fiancée but he won the title of “Mr. Puppy U.K.” and is featured in Secret Life of Human Pups. We also read that Tom (or Spot, if you prefer) eats from a dog bowl and sleeps in a crate with puppy incontinence pads.

One of the weirdos said, “Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt.” Never heard of that approach to making friends.

Two or three will walk through London in their doggy outfits and pretend to pee on trees and lampposts! They do that to make the statement–“we are here.” Well, they may be here, but they aren’t “all there.”

And they have sexual relationships with their human “handlers.” Well, that’s not surprising since it is obvious they are perverts.

It is now legal for a man to declare himself a woman and can use female restrooms so it is logical to identify as a dog but will they demand a separate restroom in every public facility? Maybe every public restroom will provide a fire hydrant for them.

Since a man can declare he is a woman, why can’t a man declare he is a dog? But then, responsible dog owners ensure their pups are castrated. Now that’s a thought.

*Now, pedophilia is slowly being accepted as was same-sex “marriage.” Lutheran pastor Dr. Ralph Underwager, founder of the Institute for Psychological Therapies in Northfield, MN was interviewed by Paidika, the infamous Dutch journal of pedophilia. Question: “Is choosing pedophilia for you a responsible choice for the individual?” The reverend’s answer: “Certainly it is responsible….Pedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose. They can say what they want is to find the best way to love. I am also a theologian and as a theologian, I believe it is God’s will that there be closeness and intimacy, unity of the flesh, between people….” He went on to add, “Pedophiles need to become more positive and make the claim that pedophilia is an acceptable expression of God’s will for love and unity among human beings.”

A pastor should not have to be reminded what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah!

*But the perversion continues toward the disgusting extreme. People marrying dogs!

A British woman after a failed marriage finally found the partner of her dreams, her pet dog! She was married in a ceremony that was attended by 200 people. Nobody barked their objection. The 46-year-old divorcee wore black stockings while Sheba wore a more traditional white bridal frock.

In 2006, a man in Sudan was forced to marry a goat after being caught in a sexual interaction with the goat. Then in 2010, an 18-year-old Balinese man, Ngurah Alit, was found having sexual intercourse with a cow, but the cow initiated it by flirting with him!

In 1992, Mark Matthews married his pony named Pixel and in December 2005, Sharon Tendler, a 41-year-old eccentric British millionaire, married the love of her life, a dolphin named Cindy at an Israeli resort.

In December 2010, Joseph Guiso, a 20-year-old Australian man, married his best friend, a five-year-old Labrador. Joseph and Honey were “joined in matrimony” at Toowoomba’s Laurel Bank Park in Australia – and the real surprise is that 30 friends and family members turned up to witness the event. Guiso calls himself “religious” and claims that he felt guilty living with Honey out of wedlock! Even so, he assured people that “it’s not sexual. It’s just pure love.”

*In a lawsuit against the state of Colorado, a coalition of environmental groups has asked a federal court to grant “personhood” to the Colorado River! Yes, what the abortion industry in America refuses to grant to unborn children, a lawsuit now is seeking for a river and its tributaries!

*Finally, there is news of a 52-year-old man who abandoned his wife and seven children to live an alternative lifestyle. I mean really alternative. Paul Wolscht is now living as a 6-year-old girl! He wears colorful, lacy dresses, sleeps with a huge doll, sucks on a pacifier, drinks from a sippie, and skips around the house like a, well a 6-year-old girl!

For sure, all the nuts are not on trees or in the universities.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Britain’s Royal Wedding Requires Proper Dress! Thu, 26 Apr 2018 18:01:05 +0000 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be married in a few weeks and their wedding announcements clearly state that there will be a dress code! The strict royal wedding dress code that guests will have to follow requires men wearing uniforms or mourning coats that include waistcoat and striped trousers and very conservative dress for the ladies: No open toed shoes, no bare shoulders, and dresses below the knee or just above. No black dresses and no wedges “since the Queen hates them.”

That’s a more decent standard than what I see in very Conservative churches weekly! This concern for proper attire is even popping up in secular organizations and businesses!

I never expected to see the day when secular organizations were concerned with proper clothing! But it’s here. Psychology Today published an article, “The First Impression,” revealing that decisions are made about us in 20 to 30 seconds so our dress must be appropriate. For office work men should wear suits with black or brown shoes–no tennis shoes. Women’s blouses should not be sleeveless or see-through and skirts should not be “too tight” and no more than two inches above the knee! I prefer the middle of the knee.

Many Christian schools and Christian colleges don’t have such tight standards! What’s going on? Maybe folks are finally willing to say that there should be some parameters in everything. Maybe we should exercise some discretion in dress, speech, and actions. Although to watch female entertainers parade around on the red carpet it seems they have not received the message: there are some standards that decent people won’t break.

Recently, I walked into a room where the television news had been on and one of the award shows was on. What I saw was pure exhibitionism as female after female exposed themselves to the world. It seems some people have no standards.

Yes, I spend much of my life in a bubble but anyone should be able to agree that a woman should not expose her breasts to anyone except her husband. And with splits and see-through dresses, they almost expose other special parts of the female body. Of course, the human body is not “dirty” but it should be private.

It is noteworthy that men are still dressing basically as they did a hundred years ago but women seem to have been bitten by the slutbug that some say originated in France but its source is questionable.

I don’t hear many preachers, priests, or rabbis saying much about the exhibition on television. Maybe we need another Jerome who, in the fourth century, scolded a female Roman church member: “Your vest is slit on purpose….Your breasts are confined in strips of linen, your chest is imprisoned in a tight girdle…your shawl sometimes drops so as to leave your white shoulders bare; and then it hastily hides what it intentionally revealed.” His statement, “intentionally revealed” seems right on target to describe female entertainers today. Not many preachers like Jerome today, but there are a few.

In his Sunday sermon, a Baptist pastor in Chattanooga said to his congregation (and to the woman in question): “There’s a woman here who I’ve seen more of [while preaching] than any man should see who is not your husband–and you know who you are.” That takes courage.

Major secular magazines and newspapers are discussing (and cussing) modesty in dress. Who would have thunk it? Jews, Roman Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, Fundamentalists, and even Evangelicals are talking about modesty.

In a speech, former actress Jessica Rey (I don’t know her but then, the last actor I knew about was John Wayne) discussed the evolution of the swimsuit and her opinions on modesty. Her video caused a mini storm–even some Christians responded negatively. She mentioned that the first bikini was publically introduced by a stripper because no other models would wear it indicating devolution in modesty. But now, even Christian women wear one without concern. Where are the parents or husbands of those women?

We know that at the dawn of the twentieth century, women wore bathing suits that covered most of their bodies. Some women were taken to the water’s edge in a kind of outhouse pulled by horses (or people) so the women could exit into the water without being seen by the public.

Of course, a better answer if a woman is concerned with modesty is not to go swimming in public. That’s better than exiting from a floating outhouse. After all, is public swimming such a major thing is one’s life?

Jessica stopped wearing a bikini and started her own line of modest one-piece swimsuits. Of course, she is not alone since others have done the same thing. Everyone seems to have an opinion and even their own line of clothes! Even the Mormons have their own line of modest clothing sold in high-end department stores, and the Muslims also have their own line–sold at Macys. The Mormons’ dresses are much more stylish than the Muslims since you can’t do much with black sheeting except cut two eye holes in them. With that, voilà, we have a dress!

For many years some Roman Catholics, Mormons, and Jews have tried to combat the rise in immodest dress. On some of my tours to the Middle East, we stopped for a couple days in Rome and when I took the large group to the Vatican, there was a notice that informed us what was acceptable and unacceptable dress. At other Catholic churches, women were given wraparounds if they wore shorts or scandalous skirts. None of my group was dressed scandalously.

But feminists and many modern Christian leaders argue that the Bible’s demand for modesty refers to display of things such as wealth, not seductive clothes. It is both! We should be more concerned with modesty and neatness in our garments than elegance, cost, and fashion. However, if church leaders are immodest, ordinary members will follow their bad example.

Maybe strict Bible-preaching churches should take a lesson from the Royal Family (at least in this regard) and require all church leaders, choir members, special singers, instrumentalists, etc., to meet the Queen’s standard.

I think the King would be pleased!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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False Sexual Accusations: Remember Potiphar’s Wife! Thu, 14 Dec 2017 23:57:34 +0000 Joseph, the highly principled Old Testament patriarch, was faithful in the pit, the prison, the palace. After being sold by his jealous brothers into slavery from a deep, muddy pit, he was taken to Egypt and was sold to Pharaoh’s Captain of the Guard. Joseph was given total control over all his master’s property and business, and Genesis records that he was a “goodly person and well favored.” The attractiveness of Joseph was celebrated over all the East and the Persian poets competed with each other in descriptions of his comeliness.

However, young Joseph was sexually assaulted by Zuleekha his master’s wife who tried to seduce him repeatedly. Women have always been capable of that. Moses reported this story and told how Joseph fled from the woman leaving his coat in her hands. Joseph lost his coat but not his chastity or character. He refused the seductions because of his gratitude for his master trusting everything into his hand and his concern that God knows everything and that wrong is always punished if not here then for sure, hereafter.

Well, we all know about a woman scorned and she falsely reported to her husband that Joseph tried to rape her. She had tried in vain to make him a fornicator, then she sought to characterize him as such to her husband. In that, she succeeded. No doubt, she felt repelled, reproved, and resentful by his virtue. She accused him to his peers who no doubt resented Joseph’s high esteem from his master. Not everyone who has a spotless conscience can keep a spotless name if a conniving woman is determined to smear him. It is no new thing for the best of men to be falsely accused of the worst of crimes by those who themselves are the worst of criminals.

Joseph, although totally innocent, was sent to prison for many years; but after a difficult time he became the number two man in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh!

No doubt, a few of the women accusers of sexual abuse at this time are among the worst of characters seeking to bring down innocent men in high places. Lesson for the ages going back to the ancient Hebrews: Not all men are predators and some women will lie for various reasons. The reason may be for revenge, resentment, or revenue.

In this time of super sensitivity toward sex, I suggest we first be thankful for the wave of awareness of the problem but not jump off the precipice. Some interesting concepts have been revealed during this time. I am shocked that so many powerful men are so stupid. They have a deadly case of arrogance to think they can grope, molest and sexually assault a woman and never be exposed. It is amazing that such stupid men can be successful–at anything. They deserve to be ridiculed, rejected, and ruined because of their dumbness if not because of their depravity.

Such actions prove the maxim that power corrupts and the more powerful the man, the more likely the corruption that results.

And for men to film their genitals or send nude pictures to women or to film a sexual experience has to be irresponsible, incomprehensible, and insane. For a few illicit moments of gratification, these powerful men lost everything–reputations, jobs, families, incomes, etc. They finally learn the high cost of low living. What fools men are who have not learned self-control and the difference between right and wrong with the overwhelming desire to do what is right.

It has been almost universal that men seem to lose their memory when sexual accusations are made. “I have no recollections of that.” Or, “I don’t remember it happening that way.” Almost all the offenders reply, “I thought it was consensual.” Only fools or their family members pretend to believe such nonsense in most cases.

Then I am shocked that women profess they did not know how to react to men who glare, grab, grope, and grapple them. But of course, they do. Women know instinctively how to protect their honor: screaming, shouting, slapping, spitting, slugging, and stabbing with a finger, pencil, or hat pin. If a woman does not resist, I will not believe her without a film of the event.

Now, we are standing on a dangerous precipice where even telling a woman she looks good is sexual harassment! Has the world gone crazy? England is now considering making it a hate crime to whistle at a woman! Now, the infamous wolf whistle is not gentlemanly but it is hardly a hate crime. In fact, some women have found it complimentary! Does an act become a crime depending on how a woman reacts? If so, we are on a slippery slope into a deep pit.

We are warned that it is sexual harassment to tell a woman that she really looks good! Well, let me confess to the world that I am guilty! Recently my wife and I had our hair cut at a shop owned by a friend of more than 20 years. Her daughter had lost a lot of weight and I promptly told her that she “really looked great.” I even called her “bones” or “skinny” to highlight the fact that she was doing so well. I also told her that she would no doubt live an additional 10 years for the weight loss. So, what’s wrong with encouraging a young woman in her weight loss program? A sane person says, “Nothing.” Fools scream, “Sexual harassment.”

There is a whirlwind of anger blowing across America but it is a wind that blows out the light of reason and common sense.

We know that there is a wrong way to do a right thing but never a right way to do a wrong thing. We may be doing the wrong thing while we think we are doing the right thing as we declare men guilty when, like Joseph, they have done nothing wrong.

Boys’ new book  Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy,  click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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A Return to a Modest, Moral, Mannerly America! Sun, 10 Dec 2017 00:05:02 +0000 The pendulum is swinging back, thank God. The revulsion, rejection, and repudiation of sexual molestation, rape, and assault is shocking but thrilling and something I have never witnessed. Scores of prominent, powerful, and prestigious people have been charged with varying degrees of sexual offenses. The whispers are getting louder and louder about famous people guilty of hideous sexual offenses!

The next earthquake in California may be in Hollywood where the elite pedophile ring might be exposed. But don’t count on it. That may be expecting too much of a return to sanity and decency.

However, in the heterosexual world, no one is talking about the women, victims for the most part, some of whom helped perpetuate the sexual assaults by their silence. Yes, they were fearful but they were complicit. Other women went along with the system to get to the top by climbing into bed with moral lepers–and are surprised they got “infected.” If they are screaming now, they are classic hypocrites and opportunists. They subscribed to the heresy that they could reach the stars by crawling in the mud and reach the top by going to the bottom. They are almost as repulsive as the moral lepers who took advantage of them.

Only God knows the few men who are totally innocent. Surely a few. While I am thrilled at the trend against sexual offenses, I must remind my readers that a charge is not a certainty and for sure not a conviction.

I find myself thinking the unthinkable: that we may see a return to yesteryear when life was simple, secure, and safe–when men were men and women were women. We liked it better that way.

I liked it when men stood in the presence of a lady; when men opened doors for all females; when a man always asked if it was all right to smoke in the presence of a lady; and when a man apologized profusely if he cursed in a lady (or a gentleman’s) presence.

I liked it when a young man asked permission of parents to date their daughter; when a young man always went to the door to get his date; when double-dating was the norm for couples thereby limiting the possibility of immoral behavior; when a date was taken home at a reasonable hour–set by the father; and when girls were modest and not rolling in mud with the pigs understanding that if they roll in mud with the pigs, then men will treat them that way.

I liked it when “thank you” notes for kindnesses done were sent after times of sickness, death, marriage, birth, and other life events; when anyone older was called Mr., Mrs. or Miss.; when Ms. was unacceptable; and when anyone in uniform was respected–even the mailman.

I liked it when Catholics, Jews, Protestants, and Baptists could disagree without being disagreeable; when you expected people of other religions to disagree; when there could be strong disagreement and not hatred of your challenger; when different races could actually disagree without some vacuous jerk throwing out the term racist, using it as his only defense; when feelings didn’t matter as much as facts; and when one could love his country but fear and criticize his government without it being considered treason.

I liked it when political correctness (raw intimidation) was unknown, unwanted, untoward and unnecessary–when no one forced us to think in an acceptable way; when one could think for himself without being considered ignorant, insensitive, and intolerant; and when the words bigot and racist were seldom used–only for bigots and racists.

I liked it when the most offensive word heard in the movies was damn; when actors kissed with their mouths shut; when you could watch television all day and never hear a curse word; when it was assumed by everyone that no sane person accepted same-sex “marriage”; when there was no doubt what gender a person was; when it was illegal for a man to be in a motel room with an unmarried, unrelated female; when a woman stayed at home if she and her husband chose to do so; when a wife knew she had a right to stay home without being considered a female wimp; when daycare was unnecessary; when families ate dinner together–at home and the menu was “Take it or Leave it”; when you married first then lived together; and when a husband’s major responsibility was to his wife–to love her, lead her, and lift her.

Yes, I admit my nostalgia for an America long gone.

I liked it when $20 would purchase groceries for a week; when gasoline was 30 cents per gallon and maps, air, and information were free–with a smile; when you went out at night unafraid; when you went out in daytime unafraid; when “made in Japan” meant junk; when “made in China” was unthinkable; when criminals went to jail and killers, rapists, traitors, and kidnappers went to the chair; when newspapers thrived on investigative reporting and usually it didn’t matter about the political party involved; when it was common to always have a gun in your car without someone calling a SWAT team; and when doctors made house calls.

I liked it when closets were for clothes, not for coming out of; when having a meaningful relationship meant getting along with your cousin; when you never locked your car or house; when schools were safe and peaceful; when girls never hitched rides with strangers; when babies were born out of wedlock but there was shame and regret; when a man went to the hospital if he desecrated the flag and was bruised and battered and almost buried if he burned or spat on it; when welfare was for the elderly, the sick, and the blind–not the young, the healthy, and the lazy; when the poor were too proud to take welfare; when grass was cut not smoked; and when AIDS were young volunteers in local hospitals.

I liked it when we went to church and heard truth–not leaving church at noon with the depths unstirred, the heart untouched, and the conscience unpricked; when pastors were the moral voice and the churches the moral compass of a city; when preachers were preachers, not psychologists, politicians, propagandists, or publicists; and when men did right because it was right to do right without any concern about the results.

We live in a tired, troubled, and trembling nation. The more violent the storm rages around us, the more we must depend on God to remain secure, sure, and steadfast. Without a return to biblical standards, there is little chance of survival.

Yes, those were days of decency, but we now live in a vicious, vile, and violent nation–a natural consequence that follows the rejection of biblical principles. After all, you can’t kill the golden goose and still collect golden eggs.

Maybe, just maybe, we are seeing a measure of, if not revival, at least a return to decency.


Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Extremism in the Defense of Morality is No Vice! Thu, 23 Nov 2017 16:42:41 +0000 The morality of America, as seen in the Hollywood sex scandal, has sunk to the place where I believe extremism in the defense of morality is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice for women is no virtue! With apologies to Presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.

We have permitted the prissy preachers of permissiveness to take control of the nation’s morality and it needs to return to biblical standards. When there is an absence of or very limited pornography, sexually explicit books, magazines, and television shows there is more kindness, peace, and cooperation among our people. With ubiquitous sex being used and abused, our nation is a sleazy, sex-absorbed nation in need of a genuine revival of godliness.

In this battle against male sexual aggression of women, we must differentiate between rape and molestation. Foolish feminists are careless in this regard; but of course, no man should presume to take advantage of women. As I mentioned in a recent column, the answer for unwanted touching, kissing, caressing of a woman is a simple, strong, swift, stinging slap to the face. That would end most of the problems in my opinion. A sexually abused woman loses credibility every day she waits to report an incident, and I wouldn’t believe a 40-year-old charge without video evidence.

I felt of a girl’s back in the third grade and she stabbed me in the knee with a sharp pencil. I got the message that she wasn’t too pleased. In the fifth grade, I lifted Mildred’s pretty, purple, pleated skirt and saw stars as Mrs. Horn paddled me on the back of my lower legs. The message got louder. As an eighth grader, I was shoved through a glass door by Phyllis while dancing (my last dance) with her. Don’t remember what I did, but I deserved the shove. Women must react immediately when men take advantage of them. Men are a little slow when they think they are irresistible to women.

Most problems between men and women will be solved with a shout, a stab, a slap, or a shove. Women who fail to do that should not be believed when they make accusations. After all, women do lie from time to time. And not all men are lechers.

Then if you eliminate the drugs and alcohol most of the conflict between men and women will be solved.

No man should be convicted of rape if the woman did not yell and fight him. Deut. 22:23 commands, “If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed unto an husband, and a man find her in the city, and lie with her; Then ye shall bring them both out unto the gate of that city, and ye shall stone them with stones that they die; the damsel, because she cried not, being in the city; and the man, because he hath humbled his neighbour’s wife: so thou shalt put away evil from among you.” That was God’s practical, proficient plan to handle sex abuse in ancient Israel.

We are not under an obligation to execute fornicators today but we are obligated to understand the necessary requirements in finding a person guilty. The innocent one must resist. There is no rape without resistance. A woman’s charge of rape or molestation should not be accepted if she did not scream, scratch, or shove her assailant. That provides some protection for men against untrue sexual assault charges. Honest, fair people want protection for women and men.

One of the first steps is to protect women is to punish rape more severely. Most people don’t know that at one time in America we executed rapists! Seemed to work. We didn’t have many rapes. And for sure, there were no second offenses!

As a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, I introduced a bill to require life in prison for rape with the stipulation that the Governor had no authority to pardon a rapist. Well, almost no one liked the bill–especially rapists and liberals. Of course, the liberals began whining about it and the Republicans didn’t like it mainly for encroaching on the authority of Governor Bowen. At an impromptu news conference in the rotunda of the State House, a reporter asked me, “Representative Boys why do you want to imprison rapists for life?” I replied, “Because I can’t get the death penalty for their crime.” I got neither.

In 1977, the U.S. Supreme Court in Coker v. Georgia, held that the death penalty for the rape of an adult was “grossly disproportionate” and an “excessive punishment,” and hence was unconstitutional. The court dealt a blow to women’s rights and common sense and lost an opportunity to give some protection to innocent women. But then, it had done that before. Does any sane person believe men would be so sexually aggressive if they knew they would get the death penalty if they raped a woman? Or life in prison?

Furthermore, surely anyone can support the death penalty for any man who would rape a child! In fact, they should get the death penalty twice if that were possible.

In recent years, there has been a virus I call the “hugging” virus that has especially infected younger people. It seems everyone hugs everyone for any reason. Many young women even hug the mailman. I believe there should be no touching between the genders. Extremist? Well, maybe but I prefer that to the present condition of relations between the men and women.

I have followed the no hugging dictum all my adult life thinking it is presumption of me to touch a woman or hug her. I have been accused of being aloof but I can live with that. That’s better than being accused of adultery!

Orthodox Jews refuse to shake a woman’s hand or even touch it! I think that is wise. A female medical doctor and friend wrote me of her experience with a Jewish rabbi: “I forgot this [rabbis not touching a female] and reached out to shake the hand of a Hasidic rabbi – he kept his hands to his side, bowed graciously and said, ‘The last time I touched a woman’s hand I ended up with eight children.’ It was charming, we laughed, and I didn’t mind.”

Modern sophisticates say, “How quaint.” I say to the “sophisticates” that they are partly responsible for the “anything goes” atmosphere in America. God and the Bible were expelled from our schools and we are surprised that schools have become ignorance factories where students sleep with students and students sleep with teachers. Greedy media people produce movies and television shows that are pornographic, uninteresting, and stupid; and careless parents permit their children to watch the visual garbage. Such parents are heedless of the admonition in Psalm 101:3–“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes.”

America is rolling in filth because of the failure of pastors, parents, teachers, legislators, media, and others. Many are so blind they don’t even know filth when they see it.

The media have been quick to rebuff any criticism of Hollywood and television as if society will suffer if a nude scene is removed from a film. In defending soft porn, they try to give a tone of sophisticated substance to empty drivel. It surprises me that people don’t fall to the floor gasping and choking with laughter at their sick sophistication. Intelligent people see an obvious link between watching immorality and practicing immorality.

G. K. Chesterton wrote in 1926 the “the madness of tomorrow is not in Moscow, much more in Manhattan.” He added, “It has been left to the very latest Modernists to proclaim an erotic religion which at once exalts lust and forbids fertility. The next great heresy is going to be simply an attack on morality, and especially on sexual morality.” We are there!

Toleration of sexual immorality is the first stage of decadence. Acquiescing to the pathetic cries of the preachers of permissiveness is a rejection of thousands of years of civilization, biblical teaching, and an acceptance of pigpen morality.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. An eBook edition is also available.

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