reparations – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shameless Black Coalition Wants You to Pay for Slavery! Mon, 07 Jun 2021 02:50:55 +0000 The massive injustice done to Blacks during the days of slavery has been haunting America since that time, and it may get worse! Unfortunately, there are black opportunists (called “civil rights leaders” by the uninformed) who are using slavery to demand that all Blacks be awarded massive payments to “atone” for the slavery of more than 150 years ago!

This on-rushing bandwagon (full of explosives) may cause more racial strife than forced busing for school integration! Radical black leaders are demanding that U.S. taxpayers pay the descendants of slaves a suggested $1,000,000 each! And yes, I am serious, but it gets worse because those black leaders are serious.

The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA) was established in 1987 and is a gaggle of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of hustling reparations for black descendants in the United States. In February of 2001, hundreds of people attended the Reparations Convention in Chicago, where “Brother Howshua” proposed that blacks receive free education, free medical care, free legal advice, and free financial aid. Additionally, there would be no taxes, and if they wish to emigrate to Africa, they would each receive a million dollars!

Of reparations, The Washington Post admitted, “The subject is scalding hot, untouchable as public policy. Even the brave run from it.” Yes, it is “scalding hot,” but no, I am not running from this illegal, immoral, and incredible shakedown. And, make no mistake, it is just that: a shakedown, a scam of significant proportions.

The reparations scam has been simmering for decades, and it is scalding hot now that Democrats are running things. Many Democrats are for reparations, but then most politicians, to get votes, would promise young, tender missionaries for Sunday dinner to any cannibals in their district. And with the chaos at the southern border, we may have a few cannibals—and they will vote Democrat.

Of course, informed people are dazed and dazzled by their pandering to the lowest common denominator, but few are deceived.

At the National Reparations Convention in Detroit, it was a Muslim love fest with traditional Muslims and Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. Their website says, “You can never be totally free, until Mother Africa is recognized and respected. Free the land!” I have no idea what that means. One Black said when he gets his reparation check, he is going back home to Africa. Well, that would be one positive use of confiscated funds.

At the Detroit meeting, I did not see one white face in the forum of maybe 300 people who want access to your checkbook. Every time N’COBRA was mentioned, the Nation of Islam was mentioned. When the offering was taken, the Muslim leader said, the money would go to the “N’COBRA national movement and the local Nation of Islam.”

Farrakhan agreed, declaring, “Our reparations must be complete and total.” In other words, open your wallets, Whitey. Or, more correctly, give me your checkbook after you sign all the checks. Farrakhan also ranted in one of the most racist diatribes I have ever heard, but no one in the media discussed it. Was it too hot?

Farrakhan was introduced as “one of the greatest leaders in history.” He calmly ranted about Blacks being the original humans until they were corrupted by Whitey. He then said Blacks were “the original man, the cream of the planet, and the absolute God of the Universe.” He declared, “Blacks are liars, thieves, homosexuals, lesbians, etc., because the white man made them that way…And reparations were not only about money.” He asked, “What will a white man’s nigger do with money and no love for himself and his own people?”

Louis used nigger three times, but I’ll be scolded for using it rightly. He said when Blacks reach a certain point of success, “there will be Whites and the system will block any further growth…We want equal justice under the law applied equally to all regardless of creed, class or color…We want a full and complete freedom….”

He did not blame Jewish people for sending the United States to “hell” as he did in another speech. Instead, he warned Jewish people, “when it’s God who puts you in the ovens, it’s forever.” He has also repeatedly described Jewish people as “satanic.”

Farrakhan has a history of making bigoted statements against white people, once declaring that “white people deserve to die, and they know, so they think it’s us coming to do it” at a Milwaukee event. He also described white people as “potential humans” who “haven’t evolved yet.” In addition, he has said that Hitler was a “great man” overlooking his whiteness.

Farrakhan lives very well off the backs of Blacks. So what’s new? Haven’t most black “leaders” (and some white leaders) done that for generations? Louis has a 77-acre country estate in addition to two posh Chicago homes. For sure, race-baiting pays big time.

The black hustler did not tell the Detroit audience if he is still followed by a monstrous spaceship wherever he goes to protect him from harm. Farrakhan did not tell them that he also saw Elvis, Amelia Earhart, and Jimmy Hoffa on the ship, but had he done so, the crowd would have believed him. After all, “God” cannot lie. Louis told the crowd that the “wheel” ship would one day destroy the white man and bring Blacks into power. He also assured the adoring crowd that 1500 smaller planes from the giant “wheel” follow him at all times.

Now you know why he is called “Screwy Louie.”

How can anyone take such a nut job seriously? Why does the media give him any credibility? It is a major scandal that any politician or any civilized person would consider him anything but a low-life exploiter of naïve, careless, and gullible Blacks. (And of naïve, irresponsible, and gullible media personalities.)

Dr. Maualana Karenga, the founder of Kwanzaa, was a leading promoter of the shakedown conference in Detroit. He said in a N’COBRA convention announcement, “400 years of terror…fear when awake and when asleep… fear being brutalized, fear of being raped.. .nonstop terror committed by this nation…the terror has not stopped…after 400 years of terror, there’s a debt to be paid.”

Karenga’s dishonest demagoguery was deplorable and dangerous, but his rap sheet is more damning.

His legal record is a good introduction to those who don’t know him. On September 17, 1971, Karenga, then known as Ron Karenga, was sentenced to one to ten years in the slammer on counts of felonious assault and false imprisonment. The charges stemmed from a May 9, 1970 incident in which Karenga and two others tortured two women. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Deborah Jones, who once was given the title of an African queen, said she and Gail Davis were whipped with an electrical cord and beaten with a karate baton after being ordered to remove their clothes. She testified that a hot soldering iron was placed in Miss Davis’ mouth.”

Please remember that this is the dude who developed the “African-American holiday” known as Kwanzaa that some Blacks have decided to celebrate instead of Christmas. However, it is not African and for sure not American.

At his trial, Ron Karenga’s sanity was in question, and a psychiatrist declared, “This man now represents a picture which can be considered both paranoid and schizophrenic with hallucinations and delusions, inappropriate affect, disorganization, and impaired contact with the environment.” The psychiatrist observed that Karenga talked to his blanket and imaginary persons and believed that he had been attacked by dive-bombers!

My three-year-old grandson also talked to his blanket, had imaginary friends, and believed he had been attacked by peg-legged, one-eyed Caribbean pirates. Still, he has not been offered a position at a major university, as was Karenga! An irresponsible judge sentenced Karenga to one to ten years in prison; he served four years. Then he went from being a prisoner to a professor at California State University at Long Beach when he became head of its Black Studies Department! I think he should still be in prison making license plates.

Black Lives Matter supports N’COBRA along with Screwy Louie Farrakhan and wacko Karenga, so that should tell you something about the group that wants your money as retribution for slavery they never experienced.

When shrimp learn to whistle Dixie in four-part harmony.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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If Blacks Deserve Reparations, So Do Gays, Fundamentalists, Jews, and Others! Thu, 25 Jul 2019 17:25:43 +0000 The stage is set: everyone can probably qualify for reparations—not only living Blacks but even “gays” and I!

According to The New York Times, the New York Police Department apologized recently to the gay community for the 1969 raid of the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village of New York City. In 1966 it became legal for LGBTQ people to be served liquor in New York City but “engaging in gay behavior in public (holding hands, kissing, or dancing with someone of the same sex) was still illegal.” New York voters wanted such activities to be forbidden and illegal as decent people have for millennia.

In recent years, normal people have been bullied, badgered, and blackmailed into accepting homosexuality as normal, even desirable. Even so, the “Stonewall riots” did not require an apology since the police were doing their job and were resisted by patrons of the inn. Sodomy was illegal and the inn was selling drinks without a liquor license—law breakers. Police also found bootleg liquor and arrested 13 people, some bar employees.

When the nine police officers tried to close the bar, a lesbian fought with them and it went into the streets where others got involved. As she was shoved into the paddy wagon, she challenged bar patrons and bystanders to get involved. They did and hundreds of people rioted and tried to set fire to the bar where police and a journalist had barricaded themselves waiting for reinforcements. Police were pelted with bottles, rocks, and a parking meter that had been torn from its foundation.

But we are led to believe by people without knowledge or commitment to truth that the bar patrons were peacefully defending their rights. For police officials to apologize for police actions at that time is sad, shocking, and shameful.

There were six days of violent clashes in the neighborhood between bar patrons and police officers; however, almost every media story makes the homosexual lawbreakers the good guys and police as the bad guys. More fake news—so, what else is new?

This resistance by homosexuals is widely credited with spurring the contemporary “gay” rights movement at home and abroad; however, it is dishonest to make homosexuals look like victims and the cops as venomous and villainous.

One veteran of the riots told ABC News, “We were fighting for our lives.” No, they were fighting for the right to commit sodomy.

And they won because sodomy is now legal in America and now they are fighting to force approval, even acceptance and maybe some applause by normal people.

One Democrat presidential candidate has suggested that “gays” should be paid reparations for past and present discrimination! So where does it stop?

Well, it shouldn’t stop until I get paid; after all, we Fundamentalists have been reproached, ridiculed, and rejected for at least 50 years because we believe the Bible is the only authoritative standard by which mankind should live. We believe it is the inspired, inerrant, and indispensable Word of a sovereign God. Movies have ridiculed us with depictions of Elmer Gantry types and most television productions show preachers as effeminate, unlikable, even despicable, deceitful, and never dynamic persons. Never handsome, articulate, intelligent, or impressive.

I’m unfairly called a Bible-thumper but I seldom thump my Bible and if I do, it isn’t really hard. And it is always the King James Version.

No wonder I have a complex.

If reparations (for long-past mistreatment) can be justified, then why shouldn’t Jews demand payment from Egyptians who kept them in slavery for hundreds of years? Some black extremists tell us that Egyptians were black so that makes a whole “black” civilization slaveholders! That means we have two “victim” groups who are involved. A “black” civilization kept the whole Hebrew nation in slavery for 400 years! So, all Blacks everywhere owe Jews everywhere.

Blacks (or any group) are striking matches in a roomful of gunpowder by insisting on reparations since all sane people know they are unacceptable, unworthy, and unworkable.

The allegation is made that present day America has benefited greatly from the slavery of 150 years ago; and consequently, it is only reasonable that we should pay the descendants of those who “built this nation.” Hold it. If that is true, then how can one say that only white Americans have benefited? Haven’t Blacks also benefited? After all, American Blacks, as a group, have more money than many of the nations of the world! Their income is more than twenty times what they would have if their ancestors had never been sold into slavery. Therefore, if present day Whites have benefited from slavery, so have present day Blacks.

The whining black reverends tell us that reparations were paid to the Jews for mistreatment during WW II and to the Japanese for their internment during the war, so why no payment for Blacks? But the payments to the Japanese and Jews went to the actual deserving people who suffered.

The demand from Blacks for reparations says to Blacks, Asians and others that Blacks simply can’t make it on their own. They want permanent “victimhood” status. Others must push them up the ladder. Many of the “others” are people who have more baggage than the aggrieved Blacks. After all, immigrants from totalitarian countries come here from totally different cultures, not speaking English, and they often surpass modern day American Blacks who don’t have the disadvantages that Asian and other newcomers have!

Anyone want to explain that to me?

I suggest that black leaders stop using the race card to enlarge their bank accounts, enlist more followers, and expand their egos. They should spend their time helping build the black family structure and help improve black/white relations. (Some of those black reverends might even do some preaching since they are supposed to be preachers.) They would do well to be honest and admit that many problems in the black community have not developed from slavery or mistreatment by “Whitey” but by the personal failures of black society.

If slavery was the main cause of black problems, then why would those problems have been less dramatic 60 years ago than they are today? Sixty years ago, there were fewer problems among blacks than today. There is a 75% black illegitimacy rate but in 1940, it was only 14%! In 1960, “only” 23% of kids were born to female-headed homes but today it is 62%! And there, I believe, is the major cause of black problems.

Over three years of data from 2011 to 2013 reveals 38.5% of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. And Blacks make up only 13% of our population. Furthermore, the data shows “93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.” Hey, if black lives really do matter, why is it that so many Blacks are killing Blacks?

There were almost 6,000 Blacks killed by other Blacks in 2015 and “only” 258 Blacks were killed by police that year. One death is too many but this focuses on the real problem.

Many of the crimes in America come from “33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs [that] are criminally active in the U.S. today.” The most recent figures provided by law enforcement are “46 percent Hispanic/Latino gang members, 35 percent African-American/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity of gang members.”

So, if black problems are a legacy of slavery, why would the numbers have been better 60 years ago? Could it be a problem of choices, commitment, and character? Put the normal, biblical family back together and we will see a major change in white and black households.

I suggest black politicians and black reverends have much work to do before they try to lay guilt at the feet of Whites. In fact, let me be very clear: Here is one white Christian male who is guilt-free. I have never done any harm to any Black, and I treat all people as people.

I am embarrassed at the white involvement in the slave trade (as Blacks should be of black involvement) but I harbor no guilt. None, zero, zilch.

It’s way past time to stop the silliness because if reparations are paid to anyone, we will have the biggest tax protest movement ever in America.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog.)

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Reparations: Obvious Thievery, a Scam by the Unscrupulous! Fri, 28 Jun 2019 15:11:39 +0000 It’s the silly season when political lightweights think because they have a constitutional right to run for political office, they seem to think that makes them qualified to run for office. This political cycle we are seeing a host of Democrats running for President when they should be running for the hills—or the state line. To break away from the crowd of clowns, some have espoused socialist, scandalous, and silly programs only to become more ridiculous.

Reparations or paying huge sums of money to living Blacks for slavery of deceased Blacks is one promise that meets all three criteria: socialist, scandalous, and silly. Even the European Union demanded its members pay reparations to fight “structural racism” in the EU.

Professor Walter Williams asked, “What moral principle justifies punishing a white of today to compensate a Black of today for what a White of yesterday did to a Black of yesterday?” No one seems to want to answer to that question. Asked by a black man, by the way.

Of course, slavery has always (under all conditions) been a scar on the face of humanity. There can be no excuse or exoneration although there can be some explanations.

Some Conservatives suggest that there are no negative residual effects from slavery but that is fallacious thinking. Of course there are. During slavery, it was illegal to teach slaves to read. Later, their schools were inferior as was the education. There were Jim Crow laws that prohibited Blacks from riding in the front of a bus, requiring them to drink from “Colored” water fountains, etc. There were lynchings by bigoted, vicious Whites who often tried to justify their crimes with the Bible.

The Klan was formed by Democrats and intimidated, even killed, “uppity” Blacks. I refuse to be identified with that white crowd, but I believe that too much time has passed, too much money has been funneled into the black community, and there is too much risk for a racial explosion to consider any additional reparations. Blacks have received enough “reparations” and few have been willing to say, “thank you.”

A Jamaican attorney by the name of Anthony Gifford delivered a paper titled, “The legal basis for the claim for reparations.” It was very interesting and extensive although not convincing. In the lengthy treatise, he never dealt with the black chiefs who were responsible for selling black slaves! After all, you can’t have a buyer unless you have a seller. In this case, the sellers were black. Gifford tried to put all Whites on a guilt trip, but without success.

American law has supported the thesis that sellers are even more responsible than buyers are and their feet have been held to the fire. It started with tobacco companies who forced no one to buy their products but were forced to pay billions for tobacco-related deaths. Then it was the food industry that provided to consumers unhealthy products which hastened death. So, let’s hold black chiefs responsible for slavery because if there were no sellers, there would be no buyers.

Gifford really made a dumb statement when he said, “What figure can be placed on the psychological damage inflicted by a system which is still deeply racist?” Sorry counselor, it was not about race but about people enslaving people. Blacks owned Blacks and Whites as slaves! Whites owned Blacks and Whites. Slaves of all races were taken in war for thousands of years. Slavery was a matter of being conquered and sold. In Rome, there were more slaves than free Romans!

While there is racism in America, Canada, and England (evidenced by affirmative action laws!), institutional racism (except in Islam) is a thing of the past unless you happen to be a white, Christian, home schooler, creationist, gun owner, and male. Then racism is permitted, even encouraged, by many elements of society.

Attorney Gifford asked, “Can it be proved that the slave system destroyed old and flourishing African civilisations [British spelling], and if so, how is their value to be measured?” Gifford is assuming that removing the slaves from their homeland resulted in Africa being a “dark continent.” He is suggesting that Africa would be a flourishing continent had it not been for slavery. However, what had they done during the previous thousand years before the major slave trade started?

And what could the good attorney be referring to when he spoke of “flourishing African civilisations”? Rejecting the ridiculous claim that Egyptians qualify as Blacks, name any “flourishing” black civilization. Africa was called “the dark continent” because the lights were out. White colonists came to a jungle and built towns, highways, railroads, hospitals, schools, churches, farms, etc., and eliminated some diseases that had lashed the face of Africans for centuries. They built great cities and established order and real civilization and, yes, got rich doing it. A big bunch of Blacks also got rich.

Then the colonialists went home a few years ago and the cities are now decaying, decadent, and deadly places to live; the jungles are overtaking the villages; modern machinery is rusting on overgrown farms; elevators don’t function; people are starving by the millions with others killed by strange, vicious diseases. These “nations” are ruled by black opportunists with huge foreign bank accounts and a large appetite for luxury that would make a Byzantine emperor blush with shame. Whites are being raped and murdered and their farms confiscated while the media, black politicians, and preachers in America are as silent as the Sphinx. They are silent because they are sanctimonious hypocrites, and it is bad enough to be a hypocrite but to be a sanctimonious hypocrite is appalling.

Let me remind black extremists that white Englishmen and Americans abolished the slave trade that had been going on for thousands of years among all races. To be more accurate, it was white Christians who led the charge in abolishing slavery in England and the U.S. That’s not a racist statement but a fact that all educated people know but are too timid to admit in “polite” company.

It is not unreasonable to remind all interested parties that “reparations” were attempted during Reconstruction and have already been paid during our day in the form of welfare! Remember the war on poverty? American taxpayers have spent trillions of dollars in welfare payments with an inappropriate percentage going to Blacks. (I’m critical of welfare to whomever: Blacks, Whites, corporate, international, etc.) Over 41% of welfare recipients are black and they only paid about 6% of the total welfare budget and they only make up 13% of the nation. Then you must add to all the federal money, the fellowships, grants, loans, etc., to promote black advancement in our nation. There are more Blacks on welfare than Whites, despite being only 13% of the population! Enough reparations have already been paid!

Get prepared for a major political battle. The late Congressman John Conyers of Michigan annually introduced reparation legislation since 1989 to set up a commission to study whether reparations should be paid, and he received support from the Congressional Black Caucus to do just that. A column in the Chicago Tribune (at one time a great conservative paper) commented on reparations: “The tide may have turned on this issue, and the country will be much better for it.” Only an opportunistic black leader or white guilt-ridden bigot would come to such a conclusion.

Cities such as Dallas, Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, etc., have passed resolutions supporting the study of reparations. Their conclusion is pre-determined. The September 2016 issue of Harper’s did a story entitled, “Making the case for racial reparations” and gave 14 pages to the issue with four attorneys who have been involved in large class-action suits. Those attorneys are going to file a class action suit to require racial reparations. And those attorneys will receive up to half of any awards!

Add to all that, some black Harvard intellectuals are acting as cheerleaders for this massive shakedown. Randall Robinson’s The Debt is being used as the “bible” to justify the scam. Other attorneys are preparing litigation against large businesses that allegedly made a fortune on slavery. I suppose that means ship manufacturers since slaves were brought here on ships, manufacturers of handcuffs and manacles since slaves were chained together, whip-makers since whips were used on some slaves, and on and on it goes. And where it stops, nobody knows. I say, “It should stop here.” Americans will not stand for it, plus there is not enough money to satisfy the “victims.”

Black reverends should stop trying to extort hard-working Americans but spend their valuable time exposing and extricating slavery in Sudan and West Africa. But those Blacks don’t seem to be important, probably because they don’t have bank accounts.

Honest, decent Americans of all races should tell those politicians and preachers to keep their hands in their own pockets and stop picking ours. There is a principle I used in one of my books dealing with welfare: “Anytime I get money I did not earn then someone earned money he or she did not get and that is thievery.”

Reparations are undisguised thievery, a scam by the unscrupulous.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog.)

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