Uncategorized – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 What Harm Does the COVID Vaccine Do to Your Body? https://donboys.cstnews.com/what-harm-does-the-covid-vaccine-do-to-your-body https://donboys.cstnews.com/what-harm-does-the-covid-vaccine-do-to-your-body#respond Wed, 24 Nov 2021 22:50:28 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2971 I have not been vaccinated for COVID-19 and will not do so, but not because I am anti-vaccine. I have had dear friends die of COVID who had not been vaccinated, and others died who got the jab, dying of COVID.

Others did not get COVID but were sick in bed for weeks because of the vaccine.

One 64-year-old friend died a few days after being vaccinated. His death was listed as a heart attack, but can anyone guarantee the shot had nothing to do with his death? There have been thousands of such cases within hours of the jab, yet state and federal governments are forcing free citizens to take the jab without dealing with all the fall-out from failed, even fatal vaccinations.

It is shocking that any government official, especially liberals, would demand that free people be forced to permit their bodies to be injected with an unwanted, untrusted, and unneeded substance. What has happened to Liberals?

Some experts think the missionary zeal to vaccinate everyone is totally unnecessary, if not unlawful. Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Pfizer, declared, “There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic.  I’ve never heard such nonsense talks about vaccines.  You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from the disease.  You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.”

However, on with the crusade to convert everyone into a participant in the biggest power grab since Attila the Hun saddled up for his ride across Europe in the fifth century.

Everyone should know what happens to the body at the time of vaccination. Political physicians in Washington tell us the vaccines will protect against COVID or won’t be as severe if you get the disease. Well, not necessarily.

We are told the COVID-19 vaccines are different from others. The CDC website says, “to trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies.”  So, when the Chinese coronavirus vaccine is shot into a body, it is supposed to trick the body into thinking the disease is present; then produce antibodies to fight it off.

The Moderna website goes to the heart of the matter by saying, “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the ‘spike protein.’ The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.” The pitch is that vaccinated people get protection “without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.”

Alas, if only that were true.

It is commonly known that the vaccine protects no one from getting COVID. But the vaccine does not protect from COVID but causes COVID infections it is supposed to prevent! Yet, Moderna’s website promises mRNA, also called messenger RNA, “delivers the instructions your body needs to potentially prevent, treat, or cure a disease.”

Not in the real world. A shocking Israeli study revealed vaccinated individuals were 27 times more likely to get a symptomatic COVID infection than those with natural immunity!

Moreover, why should those who survive a COVID infection get a dubious, untested vaccine that doesn’t work when a study by the Yale School of Public Health offers the latest evidence that “the immunity acquired by COVID-19 infection is superior to the immunity from vaccination.”

Scientists tell us mRNA is naturally found in every cell in the body and carries genetic information from DNA in the highly protected nucleus to the rest of the cell. Structures called ribosomes can then build proteins according to the DNA blueprint.

Medical experts tell us, “mRNA medicines are sets of instructions. And these instructions direct cells in the body to make proteins to prevent or fight disease.”  The body is tricked into creating its own defense by pulling the trigger of your body’s immune system. Your body has the blueprint it needs to kick in its defense mechanism to fight off the invading virus. Moderna likens this to test answers. Whenever your body is attacked, it pulls up the answers to solve your health problem.

As is sometimes true in education, the answer sheet is wrong!

The mRNA stores genetic instructions our bodies need to produce proteins that permit the body to function. Without mRNA, there would be no proteins made, and the body would not perform.

We are told that the danger is the spike protein in the COVID-19 virus, and with the vaccines, the threat is the spike protein itself. However, while the spike protein found in the virus is bad, the spike protein your body produces in response to the vaccine is far worse. That is because the synthetic mRNA in the vaccine has been programmed to instruct your cells to produce an unnatural, genetically engineered spike protein. Specific alterations make it far more toxic than that found in the virus itself.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko says the whole body “becomes a spike protein factory,” many times more than if you were to get COVID.  The infected cells produce spike proteins that travel to every single cell in your body.  Zelenko also declared, “According to a paper published by the Salk Institute in San Diego, they’ve discovered that the spike protein that’s generated through the vaccination itself has negative health effects. It’s toxic…There’s plenty of evidence that shows that it spreads from the injection site and goes to the bloodstream, and basically comes into every single cell in the body.”

The vaccine does not stay in the shoulder but is distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream within hours. Dr. Byram Bridle, a Canadian immunologist, also cites recent research showing the spike protein remained in the bloodstream of humans for 29 days. He declares that both the vaccine and the spike protein are expelled in breast milk and could be fatal for babies. Bridle says vaccinated breastfeeding women are in danger of feeding a baby contaminated milk. Mothers are not doing good by transferring antibodies but are transferring the vaccine itself, as well as the spike protein, which could result in bleeding and/or blood clots in their child.

It is shocking and unprecedented to vaccinate pregnant women with an unproved vaccine, but that is the reality. Recently, the New England Journal of Medicine declared pregnant persons (women) “are at risk for severe coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), and infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) during pregnancy is associated with increased risks of preterm birth and other adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.”

Additionally, there have been “1,969 fetal deaths recorded following COVID-19 shots as of October 1, 2021. What sane woman would take such risks with her unborn child?

When the mRNA is injected into an arm, it hits the bloodstream and lodges in various organs, bone marrow, and females’ ovaries. Carried with it is the spike protein to the organs where blood clots or bleeding can take place. The spike protein and the vaccine are also expelled to a vulnerable child with deadly results in breast milk. Blood transfusions are dangerous since the vaccine and the spike protein are transferred to an unknowing victim, sometimes killing him rather than saving him.

In light of the above, the CDC still recommends COVID-19 vaccination “for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or who might become pregnant in the future.”

But it gets worse.

Drs. Mike Yeadon, Luc Montagnier, and Vladimir Zelenko believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy several decades. “There is an absolute effect on fertility,” Zelenko says, “We just don’t know to what degree yet.” Drs. Stephanie Seneff and Judy Mikovits agree with that claim.

Dr. Joseph Mercola reported that Byram Bridle, Ph.D., a Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher got access to Pfizer’s biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. He discovered previously unknown facts of a “huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines.”  Bridle found that Pfizer’s vaccine’s mRNA and subsequent spike protein are “widely distributed in the body within hours” rather than remaining near the vaccination site. Since the spike protein is a poison, it can “cause cardiovascular and neurological damage.” This can result in the toxin accumulating in the ovaries of females who received the injection, causing blood clots, abnormal bleeding, infertility, pain at the injection site, heart inflammation, heart attacks, severe allergies, diarrhea, etc. Additionally, 30,000 women reported their periods being altered after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We made a big mistake,” Bridle said in an interview with Alex Pierson. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” It appears to a non-medical person that it is strange to purposefully instruct the body to create the very thing (spike protein) that will destroy the body.

“We made a big mistake” is an honest confession not heard often from the soothsayers in Washington. Now, the world is living with their mistake. But then, medical mistakes are the third biggest cause of American deaths (250,000 annually) as reported by a Johns Hopkins study, while other reports claim the deaths could be as high as 440,000. If independent COVID physicians are correct, the total will be in the millions next year.

Now we are told vaccinated people may be more vulnerable to severe illness than previously thought. Bloomberg reported, “Scientists from the US have said vaccinated people appear to be contracting the coronavirus at a surprisingly high rate, according to a report in Bloomberg.”  It went on to say that there is a concern of more severe injuries being reported from the vaccinated. Vaccinated patients report serious reactions such as Bell’s palsy, herpes, blood clots, bleeding, heart attacks, paralysis, shingles, etc., following COVID-19 vaccination.

In short, when you get the COVID-19 vaccine, you are being injected with an agent that instructs your body to produce a bioweapon in its own cells.  Dr. Peter McCullough, a COVID expert at Baylor, declared it is “bioterrorism by injection.”

The latest government vaccine reporting system reveals there have been a total of 875,651 “adverse events.” Consisting of over 127,000 doctor visits, 18,461 deaths, 83,000 hospitalizations, 92,000 urgent care visits, 26,000 disabled, 12,131 Myocarditis, 10,981 Bell’s palsy, 8400 heart attacks. 2,887 miscarriages, plus many lesser effects.

Americans are surrendering their freedom, jobs, common sense, etc., for the possibility of an ounce of safety.

You now know that there is a mass of contradictory information regarding COVID. The thoughtful and concerned reader will not be bullied, badgered, browbeaten, or blackmailed to get the jab without a thorough knowledge and thoughtful consideration.

Each person must be awake, aware, alert, alarmed, and active in protecting their health.  If not, they will not be alive if a cadre of independent physicians is correct.

I think they are right.

Man is a free being who chooses between good and evil, beauty and ugliness, truth and error, and must live with the free choice he makes.

However, it must be his choice.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent,  Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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The French Revolution Happened Because Frenchmen Became Ashamed of their Nation!    https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-french-revolution-happened-because-frenchmen-became-ashamed-of-their-nation https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-french-revolution-happened-because-frenchmen-became-ashamed-of-their-nation#respond Tue, 27 Apr 2021 15:11:50 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2837  

Paris streets were filled with protesters; the city was burning; more than 15,000 federal troops were gathered to stand by for trouble; the people were starving; the king fired the dude in charge of finances without any impact; the Bastille (prison) was attacked and prisoners freed; the protestors paraded the heads of the Bastille defenders through the streets. When the news reached King Louis at his palace in Versailles, he exploded, “This is revolt!” An aide responded, “No, Sire, it is a Revolution!”

Major American cities have been under siege for months with semi-civilized rabble in control; officials are even defending rebellion with national leaders refusing to condemn it; innocent businesspeople are bankrupt, and citizens are denied access to city streets—it is not a revolt, it is a revolution.

In recent years the media moguls, university professors, and progressive politicians shamelessly told the world that America is a shameful, selfish, and sinful nation. Consequently, we are to believe all white people are racists and harbor guilt from their dark past and are obligated to flagellate themselves at least twice a day, trying all the while to be less white.

I suppose that is to make Blacks feel less black.

I have no guilt for what other Whites and Blacks did generations ago and I am generally proud of the generous, kind, and benevolent nation that is now on the threshold of losing a unique place in the world and crumbling into decay. All by design.

That crumbling from democracy to decay often happened in the past.

The period between 1789 and 1799 was the most boisterous time in European history. The most populous European nation, France, went from a monarchy to a republic to a dictatorship. The three years of the Reign of Terror was a bloodbath when about 40,000 people were beheaded in Paris by the newly installed guillotine, and up to 300,000 others were killed by firing squad, drowning, etc.

Since revolutions don’t start spontaneously, many ingredients give them birth.

France had spent billions of francs supporting our American Revolution (about 12 years earlier), and French debts multiplied because of ill-advised tax and spending programs. There were extreme weather problems in different parts of the nation; harvests failed, and food shortages were common; fear produced panic; bands of angry, fearful, hungry, disillusioned mobs roamed, then took over the streets, rioting and toppling monuments and statues.

That movie sounds familiar to me, and we might be seeing an updated American version at this time.

The French chaos was aggravated by disinformation, political propaganda, hatred, envy, and murder instigated or used by the self-styled intellectuals. The populous had been fed anti-church, anti-monarch, and anti-family propaganda for decades, beginning with a young Voltaire and Rousseau. Now it was paying off, as everyone was fearful and lived on the edge of panic every day.

Historian Otto Scott observed in Robespierre—Inside the French Revolution that the French decision-makers in the middle and upper classes became ashamed of their country, history, and institutions. He opined that such a phenomenon “had never before arisen in any nation or race throughout the long history of mankind. …a great loosening began; the country slowly came apart.”

Americans, are you listening?

Scott declared, “For the first time since the decadent days of Rome, pornography emerged from its caves and circulated openly in a civilised nation. The Catholic Church in France was intellectually gutted; the priests lost their faith along with the congregations. Strange cults appeared; sex rituals, black magic, satanism. Perversion became not only acceptable, but fashionable. Homosexuals held public balls to which heterosexuals were invited and the police guarded their carriages… the air grew thick with plans to restructure and reconstruct all traditional French society and institutions.”

Does that sound familiar?

Scott continued with incredible prescience when he declared, “The heirs of the Enlightenment of the late 18th century… launched the first Revolution in all history against the ideas of Christianity, and Christianity’s God. …the press… was spearhead, font, and fuel for these discussions… the journals were mixtures of politics and smut. They admired agitators extravagantly and never discussed the Church without mention of scandal, nor the government without criticism. They relied heavily on tales of sin in high places and high handed outrages of the court; no name, however highly placed and illustrious, escaped. …through its journals and pamphlets …it could distort, colour, plead, argue, lie, report, and misreport the information upon which the balance of the realm depended.”

America, we are looking in a mirror.

Scott revealed fake news, false history, and fallacious propaganda long before our present day. And it ended in a bloody,  nation-changing revolution. He, like other historians, makes clear that France was attacked long before the first renegade in Paris raised a fist against the Roman Church or the Royal Crown.

Now it was upon them. The citizens had been taught to hate the monarch, their national church, private property, aristocrats, strong families, and other traditions. Now, class was against class, family against family, workers against nobles. Chaos ensued with shortages of food, unemployment, wage and price controls, and other government interventions.

The bakers, candle makers, smiths, farmers, physicians, shop owners, weavers, etc., resented their inferior positions even though they paid most of the taxes. At the same time, church officials and the aristocrats received special treatment and lived privileged lives. The ordinary people had reasons to complain, but they went to excess. They were manipulated, moved, and managed by more astute and unscrupulous intellectuals—like today.

Historian Will Durant reports that when food started to disappear from the stores, family members stood in various lines to purchase first bread (since it made up half their food intake), then milk, meat, butter, soap, wood, and other items. Each item required standing in a different line often for hours, beginning at midnight. The shoppers tried to sleep, but they had to move with the line, so they got little rest. Professional prostitutes and those newly minted by the revolution worked the lines.

Durant revealed, “In many cases, strong-arm groups invaded the stores and marched away with the goods. Municipal services broke down; crime flourished; police were scarce; uncollected refuse strewed and fouled the streets. Like conditions harassed Rouen, Lyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux …”

That movie, the American version, is playing in our cities each night after its premiere in Portland.

Dr. Peter Hammond asserted, “The most fanatical extremists gravitated to Maximilien Robespierre, who was a strong devotee of the writings of radical philosophers Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire.” Of course, Voltaire and Rousseau would never have endorsed the extremes taken by Robespierre and later leaders of the revolution. One always gets more than expected from revolutions.

Hammond correctly said Robespierre promoted agitation for equality in order to develop an “atmosphere of fear where individual differences will not be tolerated.” However, individual differences should be acknowledged, appreciated, and applauded.

Often, disciples of armchair philosophers take their criticism much further than was planned or expected. Many of the fist-pumping leftist riffraff in American streets don’t know that they will be among the first to be trampled and ground up in the revolutionary machinery. Revolutions eat their own, as evidenced by the French (Jacobins), the Russian (Bolsheviks), and the German (Nazi) Revolutions.

Members of secret societies stormed the countryside to destroy the grain stores (while people were starving), and terrorists did what they do best and terrorized the people. Premeditated riots were started making the streets of Paris unsafe to travel for work, food, etc. The government simply folded, and everything came down.

The average Frenchman ate three pounds of bread daily in the mid-1700s, and according to Sylvia Neely’s A Concise History of the French Revolution, the average 18th-century worker spent half his daily wage on bread. Bread likely accounted for 60-80 percent of a wage earner’s family budget, so panic followed when parents heard their children crying for food.

The oft-repeated story about Queen Marie Antoinette’s response when told of the bread shortage, “Let them eat cake,” did not happen. Contrary to that famous but false story, she spent personal funds to feed the poor. When that let-them-eat-cake statement was made in 1766 in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Confessions, the queen was ten years old living in Austria.

In April and May of 1775, food shortages and high prices caused an explosion of peasant-based anger in the towns and villages of the Paris Basin, constituting the lowland area around Paris. There were more than 300 riots recorded in the space of a little over three weeks.

In the 1780s, the population exploded with no increase in grain production. With this and accelerating resentment, envy, and hatred fed to the people since Voltaire’s time, the French Revolution was a sure thing.

The revolution started in 1789 with a plot to replace the king and remove Catholic Church leaders. The radicals used a food shortage and the lack of bread to trigger the common people to revolt. The ordinary people believed they were forced to take up arms or go hungry. A rumor spread that grain and guns were being hoarded at a massive property of the Catholic Church, which functioned as a convent, hospital, and school. An angry mob broke into the property seizing 52 wagons of wheat while agitators roamed the nation looking for grain to destroy! That same day numerous mobs were plundering other places, as official government troops did nothing to stop the looting and killing.

Shortly after that, the Bastille was stormed (commoners looking for guns and grain), and it was downhill for more than ten years of hardship,  harassment, hostility, horror, hunger and bloody homicide. As the explosive revolution ended, Napoleon stepped in to become Emperor of France and sought to be Emperor of Europe and was responsible for the loss of millions of lives during the following 25 years.

America is not in revolt or resistance, but revolution—the Second American Revolution for the same reason that caused France to erupt. Americans grew ashamed of America and permitted unprincipled riffraff to rule—in the streets, mayors’ office, governors’ mansion, and the Oval Office.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Election Day Changes Everything For America—Change, Conflict, Chaos! https://donboys.cstnews.com/election-day-changes-everything-for-america-change-conflict-chaos https://donboys.cstnews.com/election-day-changes-everything-for-america-change-conflict-chaos#respond Wed, 04 Nov 2020 17:40:39 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2705 Yesterday was Election Day, 2020. Last night, hundreds of protesters marched through Washington, D.C. with a sign demanding, “Burn down the American Plantation.” The crowd chanted, “F*ck Trump. F*ck Biden. No more presidents.” The mob wants a general revolution, not a genteel resistance.

When mobs rampaged through the streets of Paris burning and killing during the French Revolution, King Louis XVI said to an aide, “This is a revolt!” The aide said, “Sire, this is a revolution.”

We are having a revolution.

Your grandchildren will ask you one day how you voted and ask, “Where were you when America went up in flames, anarchy reigned, the Constitution was not only ridiculed and rejected but ripped up, and free Americans became serfs on their own land?”

You have very articulate grandchildren.

This day will be remembered for the rest of our lives! Each of us will have to live with his or her actions. Did you vote, and did you vote for freedom rather than Socialism? Did you vote for principle or party? Did you try to get others to vote for freedom? Did you base voting decisions on facts or fantasy? Did you support freedom-loving candidates? If not, you have sinned against your family, the future, and God. If you did not vote for freedom, you voted to take America from the category of freedom to slavery. You enabled (and will be partly responsible) for the deaths of millions of aborted children worldwide. You were responsible for extinguishing the light on a hill that serfs, slaves, and settlers have looked to for over 300 years.

Repentance, remorse, and restoration are required of you. But, then, if socialist totalitarians get into office because of your irreparable failure, restoration will be impossible. You have already handed America over to mob rule where education will openly become leftist indoctrination; where a baby will not be assigned his/her gender until age 16; where babies are butchered literally minutes after birth; where men pretending to be women will have access to all female sports, prisons, restrooms, etc.; where cities will be without police officers who have quit or been replaced with social workers; where taxes will be confiscatory; and where a trip into town will be as dangerous as a visit to the city market in Baghdad, Appelo, or Kabul.

Now, tell me again why you didn’t vote for freedom! Tell me how you dislike tweets. And, by the way, look out the window and see if your city is on fire or if protesters are burning and looting your local Walmart. Our dirty, dangerous, and diseased cities are now being destroyed by dirty, dangerous, and diseased animals.

And they come in black and white. Both are red.

If you failed to vote for freedom, you are like famous Jewish historian but turncoat Josephus, who supported Rome in the first century when Jerusalem was destroyed. The Romans killed over a million Jews, according to Josephus. More than 100,000 others were made slaves in the mines. Josephus rejected his own people and lived very well in lavish splendor in the Emperor’s palace.

While Josephus wrote two fantastic books, he wrote little about character and doing what is right, and standing against evil. You know all about that, don’t you?

You are like the Catholics and Lutherans who supported Hitler because he professed to be a Christian when his totalitarianism was known from his 1925 Mein Kampf. In that book, he contended that effeminate Jewish-Christian beliefs had weakened a formerly vigorous Europe, and a strongman like himself was required as the political leader.

Also, he promoted and built the Volkswagen, or “People’s Car,” that sold for $960. So, he made everyone happy, well, except the Jews. However, the average German could now drive an affordable car over to Switzerland or France on German roads for some vacation days.

Well, the Nazis didn’t seem so bad after all. And their loudest critics were Communists anyway (when it should have been Catholics and Lutherans). So if the Commies hated the Nazis (National Socialist German Workers’ Party), then Hitler must be all right. Please note that Nazis were not right-wingers as charged by American leftists, but were Socialists. And Socialists are simply Communists who don’t have enough guns to take control.

Hitler could count on Germans who thought it impossible for anyone to establish a dictatorship because of the “barrier, over which violence cannot proceed.” Germans thought that it just couldn’t happen there because the people would not live with violence beyond a certain point. Plus, Germans were known for the “freedom of speech and thought,” as expressed by an article in the Frankfurter Zeitung in January of 1933: “It is a hopeless misjudgement (sic) to think that one could force a dictatorial regime upon the German nation….The diversity of the German people calls for democracy.”

German Jews were cynical but not much concerned about Hitler’s rise to power. The major German Jewish group wrote that they were mistrustful of Hitler, but “nobody would dare to touch [their] constitutional rights.” The German Jewish newspaper Jüdische Rundschau wrote on January 31, 1933, “that also within the German nation still the forces are active that would turn against a barbarian anti-Jewish policy.”

Hitler was appointed Chancellor the previous day.

How did that work out for Jews? And all Germans? How about all of Europe?

Those Germans lived (some of them) to regret choosing Hitler as President of Germany. He had been appointed Chancellor in January of 1933, but he had eyes on the highest prize. Following the mysterious fire at the Reichstag (the German legislative building) in February of 1933, Hitler blamed it on the Communists. On August 19, 1934, he won the presidency with a 90% majority.

That was 90%.

The dummies didn’t have much time to spend driving around the French and Swiss Alps in their cheap Volkswagens for the next few years. Many were working in concentration camps or starving in their basements.

Will the U.S. election results permit America to remain a relatively free but damaged republic, or will it become a totally changed nation as Joe Biden has promised? For years, Revolutionaries have been undermining law and order while you have been going about everyday activities and watching televised garbage every night.

This is a planned insurrection against the morals, mores, and the meaning of America.

In a few hours or days, we will know what you have decided our future will be. Whatever the ballot decision is, it will be contested probably by both sides unless the winner blows the loser totally out of the box. Even then, the Second American Revolution will continue in the schools, churches, and media, if not the streets of our cities.

Socialists and Communists can be counted on to try again later. They can wait.

Many from left field will suggest that my Second American Revolution is hyperbolic and inflammatory; however, what else can it be called when more than fifty cities have experienced months of “peaceful” protests that turned into violent riots? While every American has a right to peacefully protest, no one has a right to use violence.

Chris Cuomo of CNN said, “Please, show me where it says that protests are supposed to be polite and peaceful.” He added, “Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time.” Wanting to help Chris, I will lend him my pocket Constitution, where page 36 guarantees every citizen the right “peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

CNN tried to put an innocent spin on the protests by asserting, “About 93% of racial justice protests in the US since the death of George Floyd have been peaceful and non-destructive.” CNN also believes China will not invade Taiwan, Muslims will learn to live peacefully with non-Muslims, Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, a high-quality vaccine for the Chinese coronavirus will be found, and the world will be returned to normalcy. Whatever that is.

If there is a total breakdown in our major cities, which is more than probable, it means many innocent people will be killed or injured with billions of dollars of damage to businesses—black and white-owned.

Normal Americans should remain calm in their own homes after they have provided necessary food, full gas tanks, and ammunition in the event the “peaceful” protests reach their homes. Stay out of trouble’s way. Permit the trained authorities to handle the crisis.

Have a battery-operated radio available so you can be aware of the crisis. Stay in contact with friends, neighbors, and church people, especially the elderly. Do not react to rumors, and be sure to always consider the source and then confirm that source.

Then, lash yourself to the masthead and expect a storm of biblical proportions.

A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government. This may be the time.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Columbus Was a Man of Vice, Virtue, and Victory! https://donboys.cstnews.com/columbus-was-a-man-of-vice-virtue-and-victory https://donboys.cstnews.com/columbus-was-a-man-of-vice-virtue-and-victory#respond Tue, 29 Sep 2020 15:56:29 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2667 Christopher Columbus didn’t know where he was going; didn’t know what he was going to do when he arrived; didn’t know where he was when he got there; and did it all with other peoples’ money. Like many progressive Democrats and pathetic RINOs.

As every schoolchild knows, Columbus had difficulty funding his trip to the New World. He asked for funding from various kings, but he found them reluctant to write him a check. Maybe it was because he was so demanding, even arrogant. He demanded the title of Admiral, the rulership of all lands he might discover, and one-tenth of all things of value in those lands. He then demanded the sponsoring king make him a knight. Yes, he was demanding.

The merchants of Europe were excited over the possibility of a short water route to Asia. If they could shorten the journey, their profits would be multiplied enormously. Products from the Far East were greatly desired throughout Europe but difficult to get. When they could be purchased, they were highly-priced. Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper, and cloves were of major importance not so much to enhance the flavor of food but to disguise the taste of spoiled meat in a world without refrigeration. Wealthy Europeans paid huge prices for figs, dates, oranges, and rice to pamper their palates and stuff their stomachs. They were desirous of silk and fine textiles to cover their bodies.

A short journey to the east by sailing west was a merchant’s dream come true. Marco Polo had written about seeing great quantities of gold in Japan, and Columbus took that book on his first voyage. Gold was the answer to Spain’s major problem after fighting a war for ten years. They needed vast sums of money. Columbus talked about finding gold, but the Spanish sovereigns had to wait for Cortez and others to produce prodigious amounts of gold from Peru, Mexico, and other places.

Columbus was a very religious man, as his diary proves, and he was committed to spreading Catholicism everywhere, although he became less religious as gold, spices, and fame increased. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, Spanish sovereigns, agreed to finance his journey, and they were pleased with his spirituality. In a letter from the New World to Isabella, he wrote, “I think they [Indians] can very easily be made Christians, for they seem to have no religion. If it pleases our Lord, I will take six of them to Your Highnesses when I depart, in order that they may learn our language.”

Ferdinand and Isabella were very religious (outwardly), and they were determined to spread Catholicism and persecute Islam and Jews. In fact, all Jews (Spain’s bankers) were expelled from Spain on the day Columbus sailed west. Of course, all the loans made to the king and queen and other Spaniards were canceled.

Isabella was the decision-maker (an early feminist) and loved her husband, although it was a political marriage. Ferdinand was unfaithful to her and fathered at least two children by mistresses. Immediately after her death, he married a very young, very pretty French girl generating much criticism although he was the king and rank hath its privileges.

The queen decided to fund Christopher Columbus’s voyages leading to the discovery of the New World; she also supported the Pope in the brutal Spanish Inquisition that continued 300 years after she died. That means she made the best decision and maybe the worst decision ever made by a sovereign.

Columbus was now plying the ocean, sailing farther from the coast than any other man. He was going to make everyone happy except some natives.

None of his sailors had been more than 300 miles from land; now they were 3,000 miles away, and they started to be mutinous until they sighted land on October 12, 1492. It was one of the Bahamian Islands that Columbus named San Salvador. He thought he had found India, and as friendly natives approached, he called them Indians. He decided to take six of them back to Spain without thinking they might not want to go.

Boarding his ship, Columbus sailed to Cuba, thinking he had found China. On landing, no one greeted him except an old dog that paid no attention to him and his men. As always, he planted a cross in the sand “as a token of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and in honor of the Christian faith.”

He still had not found the gleaming cities of gold that he was looking for, and that failure would prove embarrassing when he arrived home. He finally found gold on the island of Haiti and took the king and queen a chest full. He left a crew of men to supervise the panning for gold since Isabella and Ferdinand were expecting an inexhaustible supply.

With his gold, Indians, parrots, peacocks, etc., he set sail eastward and home. On a calm July day in 1493, Columbus was led by an honor guard toward the winter palace in Barcelona to report to the king and queen. The crowds grew ever larger as he approached the palace. Beautiful senoritas threw roses from upper balconies as the people shouted, “The Admiral! The Admiral!” Shops closed, and church bells rang throughout the city in his honor.

The Admiral made his way to the magnificent throne room and was greeted by Ferdinand and Isabella as “Admiral of the Ocean Sea and Viceroy of the Indies.” The royal couple rose to meet him as he approached the throne, an unusual honor. Additional honor came to him as he was invited to sit beside the royal couple.

The court listened in silent reverence as Columbus told of his difficult journey, fear of mutiny, and the excitement on sighting land. He then presented the court with fruits, parrots, and six dark-skinned natives. When he finally opened the chest of gold, the king and queen got on their knees, followed by everyone in the court, and wept and sang, “Oh Lord, in thee have I trusted, let me ever be confounded.”

What they were thinking was, we can now pay some of our bills. The Pope had given the king and queen control over “the funds in the Americas.” However, it was not the popes to give. The sovereigns and the Pope had a quid pro quo agreement—you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours. It worked; the Pope gave them the income from the New World discoveries since they had supported his horrendous inquisition years earlier.

Columbus could now have anything he wanted and what he wanted was a fleet of ships to colonize the islands. He had lost or forgotten most of the high idealism he had at the beginning of his adventure. He was too much impressed with himself and overly concerned with the results of success: possessions, power, and position.

The discovery of limited gold in Haiti had salvaged his first trip, but the successive voyages were disasters taking many lives, ships, and reputations of famous men. The supporters of his second journey were not thrilled with him spiritualizing his trip and talking about planting a cross on each island. They were interested in products, profits, and prestige.

The mighty Admiral’s reputation was tarnished, and his momentum had fizzled. His virtues were not as impressive; his vices were magnified; his victory was limited to his first trip.

Whatever his failures and they were many, Columbus was the first man who was willing to risk his life to prove a theory and had discovered what would become the greatest civilization that has ever blessed mankind—America.

He should be honored for that, not cursed, criticized, and condemned by lesser men.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Racism, Rebellion, and Revolution Promoted by Prissy Prostitutes of the Press! https://donboys.cstnews.com/racism-rebellion-and-revolution-promoted-by-prissy-prostitutes-of-the-press https://donboys.cstnews.com/racism-rebellion-and-revolution-promoted-by-prissy-prostitutes-of-the-press#respond Fri, 11 Sep 2020 16:58:54 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2654 It seems the only standard now used by the media is a double standard. I remember when reporters (in all media) took pride in their independent, balanced, and accurate reporting. You know, the hard-hitting reporter who could not be bought, and was often underpaid, but one you could trust. His agenda was truth. He or she would never report an untruth and would never refuse to reveal the truth.

Recently, I saw a network reporter interview the attorney for Jacob Blake and neither one mentioned anything negative about Blake who is recuperating in the hospital after being shot seven times. The video shows him resisting arrest; there was a knife in his vehicle; he had been charged of entering the home of a teenager and sexually molesting her but none of that was mentioned. Don’t you think a real reporter would have thought the public should hear that part of the story? But no, the motive was to accuse police with shooting a young black man who, according to friends and family, was destined to receive the Nobel Prize. Such reporting does not reveal the truth; it simply tells the story that leftists want the public to hear—then have them retaliate and join the mob for “justice.”

The days are long gone when journalists could be counted on to tell the whole truth. Some younger people can’t remember those days. And this downward slide toward mediocrity is getting swifter each year. It seems an honest reporter appears on the national scene as often as a chaste prostitute.

Many courageous reporters lost their lives revealing the truth about crime, political corruption, etc. Maybe today the absence of courage, not lack of character and convictions, is the reason for not telling the whole truth.

Americans believe “that 62% of the news they consume on TV, in newspapers, and on the radio…is biased,” according to a survey from the Knight Foundation and Gallup. Americans don’t hate the media for what they write; they hate them for what they don’t write. And for twisting the facts to meet their leftist narrative promoting racism, rebellion, and revolution.

General William T. Sherman, who had many problems, also hated the press more than a 150 years ago. The reports of his march from Atlanta to Savannah burning everything he could not carry were true. He wrote, “I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If I had my choice I would kill every reporter in the world, but I am sure we would be getting reports from Hell before breakfast.”

Senator Barry Goldwater, not as violent as Sherman, during his presidential bid in 1964 said, “I won’t say that the papers misquote me, but I sometimes wonder where Christianity would be today if some of these reporters were Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.” Of course, politicians have complained about the media for more than 2,000 years. Most with good cause.

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”

A good example of this twisting of the facts is seen in the shooting of Blacks by police officers. Every celebrated shooting of a black man has been the ostensible cause of protests and rioting; without exception, the black “victim” has been a thug or was resisting arrest. Yet, the media and liberals play the same old record over and over because they think it moves non-thinkers to the left.

That is dishonest, despicable, and dangerous. It is dangerous because they are playing with peoples’ minds. Often, they are weak minds or minds that seldom think and it continues the violence with more people killed and injured and more property being destroyed.

Only one example is sufficient to support the above—the Michael Brown shooting. The media continues to dishonestly portray Michael as a victim who was surrendering to police with his hands upheld and saying, “Hands up, don’t shoot.” That did not happen and those who continue the falsehood are dishonest racists who are fomenting additional violence for which they will not be held accountable.

Some actually suggest that police officers leave home each day looking for a young Black they can kill! That is a good example of minds not being used. Yet, Conservatives are blamed for the racial tensions! Gutless public officials must take some of the blame but the lack of truth from the media is the main reason for the racists’ and conspirators’ incredible success.

The irresponsible media dwell on spurious numbers to convince the moron voters that there is a war on Blacks; however, the most recent available FBI crime numbers reveal that “black male teenagers were nine times more likely to commit murder than were their white counterparts. That’s right, nine times, and the gap in these urban areas is undoubtedly even larger.”

Now, if Black teens are nine times more likely to commit murder then it is reasonable that there would be nine times more Blacks teens in prison. Therefore, the reason for black teen incarceration, immorality, abortion, drugs, rebellion, and deaths, etc., is not with the police but with parents.

Let me be clear as possible for the slowest person: if young Blacks (as with all groups) were taught to obey police officers, they would live longer. Sure, there are some bully cops but they must be obeyed then torn down in a court of law. But usually, the Black in question is himself, a felon.

The media are cheerleaders for the Democrat Party so they usually twist any news to make it unfavorable to Trump, knowing it will be pleasing to all liberals.

Trump did not praise white supremacists at the Charlottesville rally; however, that is believed (or is reported) by the dishonest media.

The New York Times reported that Bret Kavanaugh had a new sexual misconduct accusation while a student at Yale University. No, there was no new allegation.

Time magazine reported that the bust of MLK was removed from the oval office; but it was a lie.

I know of no exception that all major media declared as a fact that the Trump campaign “colluded” with Russia. Now we know it didn’t happen.
Honest reporters will change their minds when they discover the evidence demands it. Allen Weinstein began researching the Alger Hiss case to prove his innocence, but the evidence did not support that result so he wrote Perjury to prove Hiss’ guilt making every liberal in America grit their teeth, stomp their foot, and hold their breath until they turned blue.

Well, they were already blue.

Honest people will tell the truth even if it affects their salary, status, or security.

The degeneration in the quality of the media has been developing for more than a hundred years as John Swinton’s experience shows. John was a former chief editorial writer for the New York Times, and he made some true but shocking statements on the condition of America’s media at the New York Press Club.

“There is no such thing, …in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it….If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone….The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread….We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

John said that at the New York Press Club.

In 1880.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Freedom of Speech Means Discussing Any Issue—Even Jews! https://donboys.cstnews.com/freedom-of-speech-means-discussing-any-issue-even-jews https://donboys.cstnews.com/freedom-of-speech-means-discussing-any-issue-even-jews#respond Tue, 08 Sep 2020 17:48:45 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2652 In 1649, when Maryland, founded by Roman Catholics, was still a colony, they passed a law titled, “A Law of Maryland Concerning Religion.” It was the first hate speech law passed in the New World. Anyone who “insulted” the Virgin Mary, the apostles, or the evangelists could be whipped, jailed, or fined. And if you denied the Trinity or the divinity of Christ, you could be punished by execution or the seizure of your lands. No Jews or Unitarians were permitted, and they were not very excited about seeing Baptists.

The pro-Catholic law was repealed in 1654 when Protestants took control of the colony and made it illegal for Roman Catholics to practice their religion openly. What goes around comes around.

All tyrants of all ages have tried to restrict freedom of speech.

Modern politicians in the U.S. and Europe are desirous of again becoming the gatekeepers of free speech.

Chancellor Angela Merkel told the German Parliament that the government must decide what can be considered free speech to keep society free! However, her government will decide what hate speech is! Merkel has been ridiculed and called “stupid” for her silly and dangerous declaration; however, her problem (one of many) is not a thinking problem but one of tyranny. She, like many leftist leaders, does not trust people to make up their own minds because they will often oppose the leaders—the totalitarians.

Shockingly, everyone must think alike in this Orwellian day. Moreover, if there is disagreement, it means someone may be offended. Thinking people realize that not everyone will agree or must agree. In fact, people have a right, especially in America, to believe outrageous things but don’t have a right to do outrageous things that can hurt others.

You have a right to be offended, but I have a right not to care. You have a right to deride, disagree, and defy me as long as you don’t harm me. Wimps and those who can’t defend their obnoxious positions use hate speech as a club to retaliate against the truth.

Progressives tell us that freedom of expression can only exist if it’s limited by a government that gets to define what extreme speech is! I don’t agree, but there seems to be an unspoken agreement among the media not even to discuss specific issues; however, I believe there is nothing to fear from asking questions and openly discussing any subject.

In this surreal world, we are told we must believe certain things since, after all, everyone says they are true. Strange that we must believe something that is banned from discussing, debating, and maybe disbelieving—or even debunking!

In our tame, twisted, and tortured culture, it is not acceptable to question the presence, prominence, and power of Jews. It has been said many times that Jews control the media; however, that does not mean they are in control, nor does it mean they are nefarious.

Let’s discuss it.

For decades the charge is made that Jews dominate Hollywood as if that alone is devious, dangerous, or deleterious. There is no question about the accusation, as proved by two famous Jews: Ben Stein and J. J. Goldberg. It is a given: Jews do dominate the entertainment industry. It is obvious the Jews control Hollywood since Universal, Columbia, Warner Brothers, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Fox, and Paramount were all founded by Jews.

Is this dominance because they are more talented or work harder or are more determined, or is it more sinister?

Let’s discuss it.

The Jerusalem Post reported that 20% of the respondents to a survey among Europeans from 16 nations believe “a secret network of Jews influences global political and economic affairs.” They also believe that “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own needs.”

The discussion intensifies when orthodox Jews and their involvement with pedophilia is mentioned, but that may be a “third rail” that must be avoided.

It must be emphasized that Jews have made an incredible contribution to discoveries that impact everyone every day.

Let’s have a public discussion on why Jews are so accomplished. Is it their education, their religion, or is it in their DNA? It is right, reasonable, and responsible to discuss this matter civilly.

The New York Times reported that Jews “make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates.” Moreover, Nobel Prizes have been awarded to over 900 people, and 20% of them were to Jews. Sounds impressive to me.

It is very interesting that twelve Muslims have received the Nobel Prize, but Jews have received almost 200. Furthermore, there are only 6.5 million Jews in the world and over 1.8 billion Muslims!

I would like to moderate such a discussion.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Democrats Will Control Congress Forever if Vote-by-Mail is Rammed Through! https://donboys.cstnews.com/democrats-will-control-congress-forever-if-vote-by-mail-is-rammed-through https://donboys.cstnews.com/democrats-will-control-congress-forever-if-vote-by-mail-is-rammed-through#respond Fri, 14 Aug 2020 13:58:31 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2621 While Bigfoot, flying saucers, unicorns, and green, hairy monsters under your bed don’t exist, voter fraud is real as taxes and almost as certain to happen in November. Anything will be acceptable if it sends Trump from the Oval Office back to his New York Penthouse.

Democrats have long stuffed ballot boxes, bribed voters, “lost” ballots, and other nefarious acts to illegally steal elections from Americans. Republicans have also been caught stuffing ballot boxes, but Democrats perfected it over decades.

Young Americans have no knowledge that Lyndon Johnson stole his senate election in 1948. He was running against a former governor, and it appeared that Lyndon lost; however, a box of uncounted ballots was “found” in the small town of Alice in south Texas. When the votes were counted and added to the total, Lyndon had “won” by 87 votes. That’s how he got the name Landslide Lyndon.

He had served in the House from 1939 to his run for the Senate in 1948. Even the very liberal New York Times published an article on July 30, 1977, that was titled “Ex-Official Says He Stole 1948 Election for Johnson.” Of course, that was long after the 1948 election, and Lyndon had served twelve years as senator, two years as Vice President, then became President after the assassination of John Kennedy.

Kennedy, like Lyndon, was a political thief, but unlike Johnson, Kennedy had a very rich and ambitious daddy.

Joseph Kennedy, the progenitor of the Kennedy clan and one of the most vile and corrupt men in American politics, had numerous affairs and never blushed at his audacious behavior. He had the morals of King Louis XV, and he passed his revolting bed-hopping to his famous sons—Jack, Bobby, and Ted. The dad’s most infamous affair was with actress Gloria Swanson, the star of Sunset Boulevard. The pair ran around together for two years, and the affair was commonly known.

Illustrating his brazen audacity, Joe took both his wife Rose and Gloria on vacation to Europe and during that trip, he made his wife watch while he fooled around with Gloria.

He was a very rich male tramp who gave his sons everything except a good example; Gloria was a very talented whore.

His son, Jack, also had an affair with Gloria after Joe bought the Oval Office for him! Furthermore, both father and son bedded German actress Marlene Dietrich.

Jack Kennedy’s entrance into politics was in 1948 when he ran for congress and won because his daddy cheated. JFK ran against a candidate named Joe Russo, and Joe Kennedy paid a custodian with the same name to run in the election. Of course, that split the votes, and an immature and inexperienced Jack became a U.S. Congressman. And an unimpressive and uneducated custodian was flashing new hundred dollar bills around his neighborhood.

Jack jumped from the House to the Senate and from there to the Oval Office—with daddy’s money and influence.

On November 8, 1960, John F. Kennedy was elected President, defeating Republican Richard Nixon. Jack received 34,226,731 votes to 34,108,157 for Nixon. The popular vote margin, 118,574, was the equivalent of a win by one vote in every precinct in America! Yet, numerous voters say, “My one vote won’t make a difference.” But it does.

Joe passed out suitcases of cash to Chicago Democrats and purchased the election for his son.

Mobster Mickey Cohen declared, “Actually, and this goes without saying, the presidency was really stolen in Chicago, without a question, by the Democratic machine.”

Jack joked to reporters about that election, saying, “I just received the following wire from my generous daddy, ‘Dear Jack, Don’t buy a single vote more than is necessary. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay for a landslide.’” I suppose Jack thought jesting about stealing an election would be taken by the non-thinkers as, “Well, he sure wouldn’t call attention to it if he actually did steal it.”

Jack, like his evil daddy, had lost the ability to blush if he ever could. Of course, if a man is so immoral that he would purchase votes, it is not unusual that he would sleep around.

Jack had the morals of an alley cat. He slept around all his life. The Oval Office made it more accessible. He had infamous affairs with Marilyn Monroe, who his brother Bobby was involved with about the same time; actress Gene Tierney; Judith Campbell, former wife of Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana; Dane “Inga Binga,” his long-term girlfriend while he was in the navy; actress Anita Ekberg; and East-German-born Ellen Rometsch, thought to be a spy for the Soviet Union and expelled from U.S. was also one of his bed partners.

That’s an explosive list of bed partners for a U.S. President.

Jack had no scruples, even seducing nineteen-year-old Mimi Alford, White House intern. Mary Meyer, who had a well-known affair with JFK, was shot and killed in mysterious circumstances in 1964, a year after the President’s death. He seduced Priscilla Wear and Jill Cowen (known as Fiddle and Faddle), White House secretaries whom Jack took on many foreign trips; stripper Blaze Starr; Jackie Kennedy’s press secretary Pamela Turnure; Swedish socialite Gunilla Von Post; and actress Angie Dickinson.
Plus scores of assorted international whores.

Jack thought he was the Cock of the Walk strutting about the barnyard, asserting his rule over hens and chicks when he was only a Banty Rooster trying to convince himself and everyone else that he was special.
While Jackie was also a fornicator, she did not deserve Jack.

She had torrid affairs with Warren Beatty, Paul Newman, Gregory Peck, Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, Marlon Brando, and William Holden. She had affairs with both Bobby and Teddy Kennedy at the same time! The Daily Mail reported Jackie “romped with European princes, decadent millionaires, writers and artists.”

It appears that politicians and the Hollywood crowd like to appear to be sophisticated, smart, and special while they are loathsome maggots in the wounds of society.

It is no surprise that America is in a mess when we have been entertained by moral lepers in Hollywood and are ruled by fornicators in many public offices. In light of the Democrats’ propensity to buy votes, stuff ballot boxes, convince the dead to do their part, now Democrats want to cheat by mail.

Trump is right. Don’t make it easy for Democrats to steal another election. They should at least be required to stand in line to vote; after all, this time it is the nation that they will steal, not simply another election.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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China Promised, then Planned and is Now Prepared to Kill Millions of Americans With Biological Weapons! https://donboys.cstnews.com/china-promised-then-planned-and-is-now-prepared-to-kill-millions-of-americans-with-biological-weapons https://donboys.cstnews.com/china-promised-then-planned-and-is-now-prepared-to-kill-millions-of-americans-with-biological-weapons#respond Thu, 26 Mar 2020 16:45:20 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2533 The premise for this article is not outrageous and readers who ridicule the possibility of my headline must get their mail at the nearest cave if they think no “civilized” nation would be so barbarous. And they have no knowledge of recent history. My premise is that China may have plans to destroy most of America’s citizens and repopulate our cities with loyal Chinese nationals. That may appear to be irresponsible, impossible, and inaccurate, but there is too much at stake to dismiss, denigrate, or deny any possibility out of hand.

These facts are not disputed: China has been working on biological weapons for decades and has the “largest Level 4 Biohazard Lab in Asia, which studies directly into the world’s deadliest pathogens including SARS and coronavirus. In 2017, experts warned that a virus could escape the labs in Wuhan because of lax containment standards.” Did the deadly virus escape or was it released as the following information seems to indicate?

Be careful, future events may prove you jumped too quickly—in the wrong direction. We need to keep in mind that the Martians did not invade New Jersey in 1938, but Orson Welles did laugh all the way to the bank.

Did China purposefully release the coronavirus upon the world as a means of reducing their population or was it accidentally (and prematurely) released? One of my readers who is a highly placed, highly informed, highly principled, and highly active American wrote me recently saying that one of his Chinese acquaintances (in regular contact with residents in Wuhan) revealed to him that the coronavirus was designed by Chinese scientists as a “biological weapon” that was originally designed to drop over Hong Kong to kill off all the population and to “re-populate with Chinese Communist loyalists (that would exclude Christians.)”

He also said, and later confirmed, that the original whistleblower who exposed the coronavirus, Dr. Li WenLiang “was a Chinese Christian who exposed the plague (a scientist) who mysteriously died.”

By the way, the Chinese source of this accusation is also highly placed, highly informed, highly principled, and highly active and trains leaders in the underground, unregistered church in China. I do not know him but I do know of his impeccable reputation and his dedicated, deserving, and dangerous work with the underground evangelical churches in China.

I have read thousands of books, most of them were historical, philosophical, or theological; many thousands of articles and columns but today I read the most important, shocking, and prophetic speech of my life that supports the premise of this article! In December of 2005, elite officials of the Chinese government met in a large, garish room to hear a world-shaking diatribe by General Chi Haotian, the Vice-Chairman of China’s Military Commission.

His threats are being demonstrated throughout the world as you read this. Moreover, the General is still alive and in good standing in the Chinese government and his shocking speech has not been repudiated by the Communist government. British and American China-watchers, with fingers crossed, have declared the speech a forgery—without any proof.

General Chi began by referring to a national survey taken in China as to how the populace would respond to war. He was not speaking of a “normal” war when a few million die, but many millions die. More than 80% admitted that they would shoot women, children, and prisoners of war. He told the elites that the good times “had come to an end.” He wondered if the people would support the Party if China’s global development necessitated “massive deaths” in enemy countries. The survey gave them the support they wanted although Communist tyrants don’t usually ask the people what they will support.

But this was different, very different.

China is hugely overpopulated and must do something. The keyword is must. They are convinced they have no choice but to involve the whole world in their “global development.” They believe their backs are against the wall and they must push out across the world. After all, they have that right since, according to Chi, they did not originate in Africa (as most modern evolutionists teach) but they arose “independently in the land of China” and have roots going back “millions of years.”

They will expand to other lands whatever the cost in lives—Chinese and others.

Chi reminded them that they were at the peak of civilization during the Tang Dynasty that thrived from 618 to 907 A.D. because of their “natural superiority.” He told them their “natural superiority” would be at its peak again.

He told them their ancestors left them with “the two most essential heritages, which are atheism and great unity,” so based on that foundation they are ready to claim their heritage and conquer the world. The Chinese must look to other nations because the “pressing issue facing us is living space.” He told them that most wars in history were fought because of the need for space.

The General then did an unusual thing: he spoke of how bad things were in China! That seldom happens without a one-way trip to the local re-education camp or a trip to the bang-bang wall. He admitted, “Our resources are in very short supply. The environment is severely polluted, especially that of soil, water, and air. Not only our ability to sustain and develop our race, but even its survival is gravely threatened.…Anybody who has been to Western countries knows that their living space is much better than ours. They have forests alongside the highways, while we hardly have any trees by our streets. Their sky is often blue with white clouds, while our sky is covered with a layer of dark haze. Their tap water is clean enough for drinking, while even our ground water is so polluted that it can’t be drunk without filtering. They have few people in the streets, and two or three people can occupy a small residential building; in contrast our streets are always crawling with people, and several people have to share one room.”

Translation: We gotta do something, fast.

He confessed, “We are now relying on imports to sustain our nation” so Chinese leaders “must lead the Chinese people outside of China.” Snatching some land from Taiwan or some other nation would not be enough but he lifted his eyes and saw Australia, Canada, and America. Those are places where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can colonize thereby removing millions from their swarming cities. He asserted, “United States, Canada and Australia have the vast land to serve our need for mass colonization.” He went on to say, the Chinese were “entitled” to the foreign lands.

Chi made it very clear that China does not want to destroy America, only colonize it with millions of their people. So, we don’t have to worry about bombs, only bugs. He admitted, “Only by using special means to ‘clean up’ America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. Only by using non-destructive weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves.” Over half of American citizens must be left alive to serve the advanced Chinese that will live in the former America.

The general was overcome with a dark foreboding: “Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place. …This yellow land has reached the limit of its capacity. One day, who knows how soon it will come, the great collapse will occur any time and more than half of the population will have to go.”

General Chi characterized the Chinese as “revolutionary humanitarians” who did not wish millions of Americans to die but if there is a choice, it should be Americans, not Chinese. He closed saying, “Marxism pointed out that violence is the midwife for the birth of the new society. Therefore war is the midwife for the birth of China’s century.”

And war it is, although biological war. In Wuhan, the birthplace of the coronavirus is located the largest Level 4 Biohazard Lab in Asia. Did the virus escape as has happened before? Was it released by Chinese agents? Was it accidentally released?

Whatever, the virus is loose on the world and is lashing the face of more than 140 nations at this moment and unlike bombs, bullets, and battalions, the coronavirus has no return address that exposes its origination in China.

Keep in mind that the speech may be bogus; however, with China’s history of genocide for centuries and the hatred by China’s leaders as represented by the CCP, the speech could be false at the same time they are actually planning to implement its general proposals!

China does have a biological lab in Wuhan but it is difficult to focus on a snowflake during a blizzard.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Ancient Jewish Health Rules Can Defeat the Coronavirus! https://donboys.cstnews.com/ancient-jewish-health-rules-can-defeat-the-coronavirus https://donboys.cstnews.com/ancient-jewish-health-rules-can-defeat-the-coronavirus#respond Wed, 05 Feb 2020 15:49:49 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2499 The dreaded coronavirus has been connected to some nasty, even shocking culinary habits of the Chinese—primarily their consumption of snakes and bats. A shocking dietary reported this week in the Daily Mail revealed the barbecuing of a live dog in a Chinese market. Eating cats and dogs is considered perfectly acceptable and delicious by many citizens!

Chinese eat snakes, worms, and water bugs boiled and soaked in vinegar. The wealthier eat live scorpions soaked in strong liquor. Chinese connoisseurs delight in roasted bee larvae and fried silkworm moth larvae after a steaming bowl of ant soup. Others eat large water beetles, stinkbugs, and fly maggots. They raise the larvae of flies in heaps of rotting fish.

Live scorpions are placed on a bed of noodles and gourmets say they taste like potatoes. I’ll take their word for it.

The Chinese mainland has about 100 cockroach farms, and new ones are opening frequently. Even many Chinese were surprised when a million cockroaches broke out of one of those farms! This Great Escape made headlines around the world. Cockroaches are considered a succulent delight and are farmed like chickens in Georgia.

However, health experts reveal that the coronavirus is connected to bats that are considered a delicacy; a viral video has emerged online of a Chinese woman devouring a bat. A second video features a woman eating “bowl of bat soup.” There is little doubt these filthy creatures play a critical role in transmitting the deadly coronavirus.

After a careful review of the habits of ancient Jews, I suggest that Jews were thousands of years ahead of all nations, and a return to their diet and sanitary habits might limit or eliminate many of the world’s diseases.

Some uninformed health officials teach that Egypt was the medical center of the ancient world. This mistake was advanced by the ancient historian Herodotus who recorded that during the days of the Medo-Persian Empire, it was King Darius’ practice “to keep in attendance certain Egyptian doctors, who had a reputation for the highest eminence in their profession.” However, Egypt was not nearly as medically informed as ancient Israel. Egypt was more skillful in building (think, pyramids) than medicine, but Israel was far advanced of all nations in health issues.

An example of Egypt’s medical backwardness is their instructions on removing splinters from the flesh. It consisted of “worm blood, mole, and donkey dung.” However, Doctors S. I. McMillen and David Stern noted that dung “is loaded with tetanus spores” and “a simple splinter often resulted in a gruesome death from lockjaw.”

The ancient Egyptians’ prescription for skin disease was “A hog’s tooth, cat’s dung, dog’s dung, aau-of-samu-oil, berries-of-the-xet-plant, pound and apply as poultice.” (Ancient Egyptian, 1930, p. 92.) Other remedies included dried excrement of a child, hog dung, and a farmer’s urine. One recipe to prevent hair growth included lizard dung and the blood from a cow, donkey, pig, dog, and stag.

It was said that the urine of a faithful wife was effective in the treatment of sore eyes. It seems ancient Egyptians had a thing about dung and urine! Israel was not so backward.

The Encyclopedia Britannica’s conclusion regarding the Bible’s instructions on sanitary and medical practices is very revealing: “The Old Testament is a mine of information on social and personal hygiene. The Jews were indeed pioneers in matters of public health.”

The Jews’ strict regulations regarding sexual activity along with their sanitary regulations plus their treatment of infectious diseases were millennia ahead of all other nations. God gave specific instructions to Israel regarding human waste. They were to relieve themselves away from the living area and to carry a tool for covering excrement! People in third world nations still don’t follow that basic practice!

The Encyclopedia of Medical History declares, “The idea of contagion was foreign to the classic medical tradition and found no place in the voluminous Hippocratic writings. The Old Testament, however, is a rich source for contagionist sentiment, especially in regard to leprosy and venereal disease.” Maybe, just maybe, we should use the Bible to manage our personal lives, not because it is ancient but because it is accurate.

When one looks at the book of Leviticus for treatment of infectious disease he does not see dirty, dangerous, and deadly remedies and ingredients prescribed by Egypt and other ancient civilizations. In fact, the Pentateuch reveals awareness of germs and disease that “modern” medicine did not grasp for 3,500 years after the book was written!

For thousands of years, doctors denied that disease could be transmitted by imperceptible means; but in the 1860s, Louis Pasteur confirmed it in his Germ Theory of Disease. He proved that most infectious diseases were caused by microorganisms originating from outside the body.

Moses gave specific instructions to prevent the spread of disease from dung and dead bodies thousands of years before modern man understood the danger. Moses instructed Jews that diseases such as leprosy were dangerous to everyone and such infected people were to “dwell alone without the camp.” Leviticus 13:45 commands when an infected person came near an uninfected person, the infected person was to “cover his upper lip, and shall cry, ‘unclean! unclean!’” That was not unkind; it saved thousands of innocent lives.

It is obvious that the covering of the upper lip was to keep the infected person from coughing, sneezing, or spitting on non-infected people. On Oct. 9, 2014, it was announced that researchers found that a patient showing no symptoms of the disease “can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.” That is contrary to what major health officials were saying!

It was 1873 that mankind finally realized that leprosy was infectious instead of hereditary but then, Moses and the Israelites knew about it 3,500 years earlier! If a Jew was suspected of being infected he was examined by a priest who confirmed whether or not he was infected. If so, then he was to be removed from the living area until he was healed. That meant quarantine and while it was unpleasant and uncomfortable, it was not unreasonable.

Because of Israel’s advanced knowledge they were the only culture cognizant of infectious diseases with the knowledge of how to deal with them. They were the only group to practice quarantine until the Black Death (bubonic plague) smacked the face of Europe in the 14th century. Millions were dying of plague until church leaders in Vienna thought about the Bible’s plan to stop the spread of infectious disease. Officials required all ships entering Vienna’s port on the Danube to be isolated 40 days to ensure that none of the sailors or passengers was infected. Other cities followed the plan and the Black Death was stopped.

U.S. and world health officials must realize they are health officials not politicians dedicated to making everyone feel good, safe, and fuzzy. We must prohibit anyone from entering the U.S. who has been to any Asian or African nation unless they have been in isolation 21 days. That also includes our southern border where people are entering our nation daily without any physical examination. Even animals have to have shots to enter and kids have to have vaccinations to attend school. You think maybe we could be a little stricter with so many deadly viruses? It is time to act now. If the coronavirus reaches a critical mass, it could become a medical tsunami that will burn itself out after killing millions of people.

Ancient Israel told us how to stop infectious disease: confirm, contain, and confine the disease. Maybe physicians should add the Bible to their medical references.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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The Media are Beginning to Tell the Truth about Martin Luther King! https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-media-are-beginning-to-tell-the-truth-about-martin-luther-king https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-media-are-beginning-to-tell-the-truth-about-martin-luther-king#respond Fri, 11 Jan 2019 22:48:33 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2270 Martin Luther King, Jr. was a popular, persuasive, and polarizing preacher who has been scrutinized even criticized by his friends in recent years. The years after his death his friends in the major media censored most criticism of King but that is changing. It seems truth does matter to some; and since the facts of his life simply won’t go away, more sources are revealing the facts.

Martin Luther King is considered a “saint” although Protestants and Baptists don’t choose saints for idealization. A major black leader called King “one of the greatest patriots” this nation has produced. It is not surprising that a Gallup Poll revealed that 94% of Americans have a favorable view of King. That is not unusual since he has been honored with a national holiday and thousands of streets and schools are named for him.

Liberal, black Professor Michael Eric Dyson declared, “I think we have to face right in the center of the hurricane, if you will, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s foibles and faults. I think that we do no good to ourselves and do no honor to him by pretending that he did not fail, that he did not wrestle greatly and, at times, surrender to his own sins and his own faults and failures.” Dyson went on to say in his book that King was “no saint.”

But informed people have always known that.

Dyson confirmed King’s many egregious personal failures in his book about King although he tries to justify them, usually insulting many Blacks. He admits King was a flagrant plagiarist although it was because of his “black heritage.” He admits King was a philanderer but he blames in all on the government’s social policies.

Sure, the government made him do it.

King was eloquent and some good came from his civil rights protests. Of course, no sane person can condone or defend his murder. King’s statement that a person should be judged by his character not the color of his skin is a majestic thought. I will do that as I look at King, and I challenge radical leftists, King worshipers, white liberals, black non-thinkers, media moguls and others will to do the same.

Some “conservatives” need to do likewise! Some who flew the conservative flag more than fifty years ago and were critical of King have in recent years spoken very positively of him—but that is changing more and more as the main stream media have been forced to deal with King’s dark side.

Critics will question my motives but do my motives really matter? Truth is supposed to be the important issue. People of character have always cared about truth. Now, some very outspoken Liberals have finally recognized the truth about King although they usually try to excuse his faults, failures, and foul-ups.

David J. Garrow is a well-known leftist author and very friendly King biographer who revealed King’s justification for his sexual immorality to USA Today: “He [King] explained it as someone on the road 27 days a month and needing sex as a form of anxiety reduction and for emotional solace.” Anxiety reduction and emotional solace are now excuses and justification for immorality—as least if you are a black icon!

Richard John Neuhaus was a well-known Roman Catholic liberal theologian and writer who wrote, “Dr. King was, for all that was great about him, an adulterer, sexual libertine, lecher, and wanton womanizer.” My research for my eBook dealing with him indicates that King was a drunk, plagiarist, bisexual, and Marxist. Try to remember that we are not concerned with his race or complexion, but his character.

ABC News reported that Jackie Kennedy was so angry with King that “she could barely look at images of him.” It seems President Kennedy was told that King tried to arrange a sex party while he was in town for the March on Washington. Moreover, Jackie was told that King had “made derogatory comments” during the president’s funeral—very crude, sexual remarks as Jackie bent over and kissed her husband’s coffin.

Even CBS News reported on a book of interviews with Jackie where she called King “terrible,” “tricky” and “a phony.”

The black Bishop C. Fain Kyle said that King was “directly or indirectly responsible for the chaos, anarchy, insurrection, and rebellion brought about through demonstrations and rioting throughout the United States in recent years, months, weeks, and days.”

An AP article headline should be a knockout blow for those who worship at King’s image—“FBI and Abernathy Say King Was a Sex-obsessed ‘Tomcat.’” Ralph Abernathy was a black pastor and King’s “best friend.”

Critics responding to my eBook Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character Not His Color! suggested that King’s life work counterbalanced his human flaws and imperfections. It was charged that we expected him to be perfect but no, we expected him and others to keep their marriage vows and ordination vows. If not, he should have dropped the “Reverent” and become a civil rights leader, not a Baptist pastor.

If I were looking at David Duke and did not deal with his past involvement with the Nazi movement, I would be accused of bias or poor research. In the interest of truth, am I not required to do the same with King? If not, then why is he exempt from a careful, honest look at his past to make a decision about him and the validity of his national holiday? If I am wrong, I assume my critics will tell me.

No person deserves to be called a journalist if he refuses to look at both sides of an issue or if he or she refuses to give proper weight to all arguments. If a writer is fearful of where the truth will lead him, he should be selling insurance.

Why was there so little debate regarding the life, peaching, and practices of King? During the eight years I wrote columns for USA Today, the editor would not permit me to do a column on King although every year in early January, they always published a page dealing with his life. The January 17, 1986 issue had five columns dealing with King without one critical word on the whole page about him! That is a disgrace to all honest journalists everywhere. The paper’s refusal to deal truthfully with King was the reason I eventually refused to sign another annual contract with them.

After returning from a trip to the Middle East and the United Kingdom I asked the opinion editor if I could do a column on King’s unknown (at the time) plagiarism; however, I never received permission. I had read of King’s literary thievery in the London papers during my travels. The editor of USA Today either did not believe me or more probably did not want to take the heat for breaking the story. A couple months later, The Wall Street Journal broke the story on November 9, 1990 although they did so gingerly.

It is noteworthy that the American main stream media was then forced to deal with King’s plagiarism, but even then they defended him! One main defense was that it was a “black thing,” which was an insult to honest, decent Blacks. His literary thievery was so rampant, you can never be sure King wrote a statement you quote.

Evidence proves that King had numerous affairs with various women plus frequent one night stands with prostitutes; two black columnists reveal that FBI tapes support the charge that King was bisexual. That fact was ascertained during a sex orgy with his “best friend” Ralph Abernathy and others. The night before he was killed, he spent the night with two women and fought with a third, according to his “best friend” Ralph Abernathy. If a man will not keep his marriage vows, he is not worthy to walk my dog.

According to King’s academic papers written while at Crozer Seminary and Boston University, King was not even a believer in Christ! He rejected Christ’s deity, His Virgin Birth, and his physical resurrection, making him a classic unbeliever.

Furthermore, I challenge anyone to produce one example of King, a Baptist preacher, preaching the necessity of the New Birth. Never happened because he did not believe that was essential.

King, like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and assorted Republicans was a man without character, and informed, honest, decent Americans should not be honoring him with a special day each year. We don’t even have a special day for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

When I was a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, a member introduced a bill to memorialize King before we had his national holiday forced upon us. The memorialization meant nothing since we did them almost every day as routine.

When the King vote came up (it was a voice vote since it was no big deal) mine was the only negative vote out of a hundred. No one in the senate voted no. I wondered where all the conservatives were. Soon they surrounded me saying that they should have voted with me but didn’t think it was worth the flack.

The following year the same thing happened in exactly the same way! I started to speak to the issue on the House floor and demand a recorded vote but did not do so. Why? I don’t know. Some might say it was peer pressure. My conservative friends told me, “Don, it won’t do any good and could hinder your chances of getting your bills even assigned to committee.”

King does not deserve a national holiday but instead his “dark side” should be exposed and I would feel the same about a white conservative with a similar record. Truth does matter as Socrates declared when he said, “a man must not be honored above the truth.” People of all stripes should be delighted that more and more people are learning the truth about many former leaders.

As for celebrating King’s birthday, I will not do so but I will take the day off and visit our favorite Italian restaurant since it is my birthday!

Boys’ eBook Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character, Not His Color! can be viewed and purchased here.

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