Comments on: My Friends Who Refuse to Vote or Vote for a Third Party are Wrong! Common Sense for Today Thu, 12 Nov 2020 23:05:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Boys Mon, 05 Nov 2012 22:41:18 +0000 Faith it is good to hear from you. I trust you are still living for the Lord and are active in His service.

I get all kinds of mail from all over the world. Some of it is fan mail but much of it is hate mail, all because of my opinions. They never, never attempt to prove me wrong but make accusations without any support. They often accuse me of hate (because of my published opinions) but they are the ones doing the hating!

Your message to me was very disturbing because it reflects on you, not me. I have a lifetime, plus 14 books and hundreds of columns and talk shows to support my desire for truth. I can honestly say that I have never hated anyone and never made a decision because of race. I have stated that I don’t like Liberals (black or white) but that doesn’t make me a hater.

Your use of the word “hate” is disturbing. Why would you even consider such a suggestion? I have never once in my life given anyone a reason to think I hated anyone, whatever their race. It is trite but true that we have very close friends who are black and we have fantastic fellowship with them. They visit in our home and we in theirs. That hardly seems to suggest hatred. You see it is bigots that choose their friends (or candidates) on something other than merit. You know my children and they can tell you that they never once heard me or their mother disparage blacks or any other racial groups.

I hope you did not vote for Obama simply because he is black. I support all black conservatives that have run for public office and would vote for one for President. It is exciting that so many blacks are getting involved and are so highly articulate and some are born again Christians. If Allen West, or Herman Cain (who I was planning to vote for) or Walter Williams, or Thomas Sowell were running for President, I would vote for them in a heartbeat, give them money to campaign, and get friends to vote and work for them. Now, if I hated blacks, would I not hate all blacks? You see, it has nothing to do with race but with who they are, what they stand for. Of course there are blacks I don’t like but it has to do with their lack of character: lazy, dishonest, immoral, narrowminded, etc. I hold whites to the same standard.

Faith, why not deal with my objections to Obama even if you are convinced of my lack of objectivity? Are you using your perception of me as having an unfair, unkind, and unscriptural attitude to excuse your lack of willingness to look at the facts that Obama is a disgrace to his race–the human race?

You said, “So the idea of a black president must really make you uncomfortable.” Well, first of all, he is half black, but does saying that make me a bigot? No, the thought of a black president does not make me uncomfortable. In fact, when he was elected, I wrote, “At least, that shows the world that Americans are not racists.” That was the only good thing I saw in his election. However, I’m afraid his huge support by blacks proves that many blacks are racists. In fact, any black who votes for Obama because he is black is as wrong as any person who votes against him for the same reason. They are perfect examples of bigots!

What made me uncomfortable is a President who is a compulsive liar and you can do your own research to support that. If you are well-informed you know the statement is true. I am uncomforable with a man who has repeatedly attacked Christians and consistently praised and supported Muslims, who even said, “My Muslim faith” on national television. I am uncomfortable with a man who takes control of private businesses just as Mussolini did in Italy. I’m uncomfortable with a man who puts us 16 trillion dollars in debt that your children will have to pay. I’m uncomfortable with a man who takes control of our health care system and will limit the care your parents and others will receive. I will stop here with my uncomfortablenss.

I have been quick to criticize jerks like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. who use blacks to build their own little kingdom. (By the way, if there are white jerks, there are black jerks, but bigots don’t want to hear that fact.) I have been critical of Martin Luther King, Jr. not because he was black but because he was an admitted adulterer, boozer, prolific plagiarizer, socialist, and friend of Communists in Viet Nam while our men (black and white) were dying there.

I discovered that blacks too often are careless in choosing their heroes such as W.E.B. Du Bois (first black Ph.D. from Harvard who leaned far left and who became a Communist); Paul Robeson, actor and writer who praised Stalin and Soviet Russia, and many in the entertainment and sports’ industry.

Around your time at Baptist Academy I wrote “Is God a Right Winger?” (1984) that deals, in part, with race and interracial marriage. For my chapter “Are Fundamentalists Anti-Black?” I interviewed a white female friend who married a black man. I asked her if interracial marriages can work and she said, “You have to work twice as hard at a mixed marriage.” (She knew she would be quoted in my book.) They were (and maybe still are) active members of a well-known independent Baptist Church in Indianapolis, and were well accepted according to her. However, their racially mixed children have been persecuted in the public school they attended in one of the cities’ better areas.

Marriage is the second most important decision a person makes in a lifetime, so it should be entered into carefully, thoughtfully and biblically. Here is a principle: the greater the differences in a couple, the greater will be the hurdles they must jump in their race for marital success. If one is a Christian and the other is lost; if one is well educated and the other is not; if one is wealthy and the other is poor; if one is a Baptist and the other is not; if one is lazy and the other is a self-starter; if one white and the other is not, it will make it much more difficult to have a happy and lasting marriage.

Note I did not say that a mixed marriage could not work, but that it is much more difficult for it to work. Of course, with the best of circumstances, marriage is difficult and must constantly be worked at.

You closed by saying, “You still believe that people should stay with their own kind don’t you?” Faith, as an American I believe people should stay with whomever they choose – their own kind or any kind! It’s their decision. It is a fact that people usually feel more comfortable with people who are like them.

I close with informing you of one of my dear friends, a fellow evangelist, who happens to be black. Now, with him I don’t feel uncomfortable at all. In fact, I don’t think about his blackness. He is one of the finest men I have ever met; a man of ability, character, dedication, and mental acumen. We eat together, fellowship together and I would consider a loss of his friendship a major loss in my life.

Faith, you are wrong. You owe me an apology. You exposed yourself for the world to see your warped thinking and the world should see that you are willing to repent. I am eager to hear from you.

By the way, you may be interested to know that I have two very beautiful interracial grandchildren!

By: Don Boys Mon, 05 Nov 2012 20:11:33 +0000 You have a right to vote for anyone you want, but if you are a Christian, you will answer to God. Surely you are not suggesting that Paul is a perfect candidate for President! Everyone knows that no one is, so we have to make a choice. That choice should be one that has a chance of winning. Paul does not. By voting for Paul or whomever, you give Obama a bigger chance to win. If he wins, those who supported him will be partly responsible for the chaos that will follow plus the continued support of the murder of unborn babies.

As to peer pressure, you have assumed something that you cannot support. Some of my closest friends do not agree with me and are supporting a third party candidate. One of those friends was a candidate for President in 2008.

As to ramming Romney down the throats, I don’t know what you are referring to unless you think my columns in his support have that much weight! I wish it were true.

Romney was not my first choice for President but he is what we have, and it is incredible that any sane, concerned citizen would do anything that would give Obama and his comrades four more years.

If Obama wins I will go to bed that night and sleep peacefully since I know a sovereign God has permitted us to be inflicted with him four more years. However, it will not be because I voted for a man who is a known liar, socialist, supporter of perversion, big spender, etc. Nor will it be that I voted very foolishly for a man who could not win.

By: Dale Gribble Sun, 04 Nov 2012 16:32:45 +0000 I am voting for a principled man… His name is Ron Paul… Weren’t we taught as children that peer pressure is wrong??? Had you not rammed Romney down everyone’s throats and chosen Dr Paul, you would’ve won… Can’t wait to see the look on your faces when Obama gets another four… Rand Paul 2016!!!

By: F. Hollowell Sun, 04 Nov 2012 12:10:04 +0000 I cant take much of what you say about Obama objectively because I wonder if you hate him because he is black. I remember all to well how you feel about black people. While you were the Principal of the Baptist Academy you let me know what you think of inter-racial relationships. So the idea of a black president must really make you uncomfortable. You still believe that people should stay with their own kind don’t you?
