Comments on: Same Sex “Marriage” Will Destroy America! Common Sense for Today Thu, 12 Nov 2020 23:05:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Don Boys Fri, 09 Aug 2013 15:40:24 +0000 Please explain by your stupid statement that “America was a country free of religion.” Your answer is greatly desired. Moreover I keep bringing up values and God because I choose to do so. Live with it.

Pleased that you admit that homosexuality is a “preference” but it is the wrong, vile, unscriptural preference.

I will continue to say that God “said something” as long as I still have a Bible to prove that God “said something.” Sure hope that is alright with you.

Christianity is about many things, especially about how Christ died and rose again to keep your soul out of Hell. It is also about following Bible principles such as living right and being an example to others.

It is not hate to tell the truth. I would appreciate it if you can point out where I did not tell the truth. I will be waiting but you will not respond.

When you declared, “Your values are not christian at all, and it says no where in the bible that homosexuals aren’t allowed,” it became obvious that you are inhaling glue or smoking those funny cigarettes. Lev. 18:22 clearly condemns perversion and the following verse condemns sex with beasts. What’s your take on that? Is it alright if the animal consents?

If America is a “totally free country” why must I “shut my piehole mouth”?

I sit here with bated breath waiting for your answer. Please don’t disappoint me since I’m a very sensitive person.

By: Ihatedonboys Fri, 09 Aug 2013 06:42:30 +0000 wait a second, i thought america was a country free of religion? so why do you keep bringing up christian values and god. They are just people who do not have the same preference of people as you. Stop saying that god decided something. Christianity is about religion and family, not about hating, which is what you are doing. America will go forward with gays and it is bound to happen. I hope you know that. Your values are not christian at all, and it says no where in the bible that homosexuals aren’t allowed. Additionally, christianity should have no effect on america, if it’s truely a free country. So PLEASE SHUT YOUR IGNORANT PIEHOLE.
