Comments on: South African Communists Can be Trusted to be Communists–Always! Common Sense for Today Thu, 12 Nov 2020 23:05:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jack Weinberg Thu, 12 Dec 2013 00:34:19 +0000 The fact is that White farmers keep the Blacks fed, just like they did in Zimbabwe. They’ve allowed the Black population to expand far beyond what it was when the Dutch arrived there over 300 years ago and the Blacks were hunter gatherers. If you’re going to kill the white farmers and “redistribute” their land, you’d better learn how how to grow large amounts of food. Don’t go asking the US to help you with food aid because you killed the White farmers and now you’re all starving to death…and your medical care is substandard, your infrastructure is falling apart, you electrical grid is failing and your water isn’t safe to drink! You can always blame the white man for every problem, but if you rely on him to feed you and keep the gears turning, it’s not a good idea.
