abortion – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Dad, a Philosopher With a Sixth-Grade Education, Was Right About the World!      https://donboys.cstnews.com/dad-a-philosopher-with-a-sixth-grade-education-was-right-about-the-world https://donboys.cstnews.com/dad-a-philosopher-with-a-sixth-grade-education-was-right-about-the-world#respond Mon, 06 Jun 2022 22:26:06 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3101  

My father was a successful businessman but uneducated, although very well informed with abundant common sense. He often said, “This world is crazy as a bedbug.” Bang, he hit it out of the park; he rang the bell; he was right on target. Too bad he was not a world leader.

Common sense is basic honest appraisal based on life’s experience. It is represented in the statement, “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it is probably a duck.” Truth is stranger than fiction, and the following facts prove Dad was right: the world is crazy as a bedbug.

Any choice of daily news will confirm my dad’s correct assessment.

Dr. Robert Levine is a man who changed his name (but not his gender) to Rachel and was appointed by allegedly sane President Biden and allegedly sane legislators to be Assistant Secretary for Health. He/she/it said in an interview that “there is no medical debate about whether children who claim they are transgender should receive ‘gender-affirming’ care.” Say what? What a stupid statement.

Furthermore, Dr. Levine has a former wife and two children, although homosexuals have no interest in the opposite sex, so I was informed.

He will not admit taking hormones or having vital body parts chopped off by mutilating medical doctors. He also refuses to admit to having a “husband.” And he/she/it works for you.

I would love to know what my Dad’s reaction would have been to Levine’ sex change.

Pedophile is such an offensive word (for such a despicable crime as sexually abusing children) that an assistant professor at Old Dominion University says we “should refer to people who feel sexual attraction towards children as ‘Minor Attracted Persons.’” It sounds better to say, “he is a MAP” rather than saying, “He is a degenerate pedophile.”

There is no doubt what my philosopher father would call pathetic perverts who prey on helpless children, but I will not use his colorful but accurate language.

Without exploding in laughter, a congressional witness confessed that some men can get pregnant and have an abortion. Some commonsense congressmen showed admirable restraint by not falling to the floor, holding their sides in raucous laughter. They simply noted that all nuts are not on trees or in California.

Baby killers can boast of killing 62 million innocent babies since 1970 and screaming feminists yell about a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. However, their abortion decision also ends the life of a human being with all the rights any other citizen has. What happened to the baby’s right to life? Screaming feminists declare their decision-making right but refuse to take responsibility for their decision to climb into bed with a baby producer, also known as a man in some sane circles. Neither does the man have a say in the matter even though he has equal responsibility.

Some black racists have opined that killing an unborn black baby is better than permitting a white family to make an adoption. Again, no one has asked the babies.

All Oregon public schools must have “menstrual products” in boys’ bathrooms with “instructions on using them.” The lawmakers (I have many more colorful and accurate names) sought to “affirm the right to menstrual dignity for transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and two-spirit students.”

Remember Dad’s words.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and assorted reverends multiply their frequent travel miles prodigiously as they pop up anywhere a buck can be made from another person’s misfortune. Usually, a person of color is shot for refusing to obey a police warning and sent on to his reward, and no one wants to discuss his criminal record, his crime, or his refusal to obey a clear warning. Still, they delight in producing a litany of admirable, amazing, and attractive (as well as absent) attributes of the deceased. His long rap sheet is concealed or denigrated, and the deceased is usually presented as a Nobel Prize winner waiting to be discovered.

Black charlatans warn us palefaces of our latent or hidden racism since we don’t join a macabre march into a fantasy world of planned police persecution. They all possess a much-deserved Ph.D. in the art of buffoonery, tomfoolery, and chicanery. These self-righteous preachers go months without doing what preachers do—preach the Good News of Christ’s sacrificial death and victorious resurrection.  They specialize in preaching Black Liberation and successfully liberating U.S. dollars from guilt-ridden corporations. Of course, they always have time to preach a high-profile funeral and take time from their schedules to do television interviews.

I am sure what my dad would call them, but I want my article to be published.

University educators with a Ph.D. (purchased from the back of a cereal box) declare that Blacks cannot be racists and all white people, being white, are automatically racists. Some black leaders say it is a crime to burn down a building to collect insurance, and you go to prison; however, if you burn down a building because someone has offended you and you are trying to make a point, you go free and are even admired by halfwits.

Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, Democrat from Los Angeles, introduced a bill to guarantee seven fundamental rights for every dog and cat in California. Such rights would be posted at every animal shelter and rescue group. Other animal rights include “a life of comfort, free of fear and anxiety; daily mental stimulation and appropriate exercise.” Oh, each animal is to have guaranteed health care. Not sure if it is Medicare or ObamaCare.

An analysis of CDC data by Dr. Meryl Nass found that vaccinated people in California and New York were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had had prior immunity and were unvaccinated. Yet we are told we may need boosters every six months. And children who have almost no danger from COVID must go through the whole program of shots!

Isn’t child abuse still illegal everywhere?

During the Pope’s recent visit to Malta, he purposely replaced his backdrop with plastic water bottles rather than the cross of Jesus Christ. The Pope is very sensitive and didn’t want to anger Muslim migrants, but he did not consult millions of Catholics to whom he owes his plush existence as to what they thought. But then, they’re only paying the bills.

They should stop writing checks.

Prince Charles, soon to become King of Great Britain, thinks we should put a mask on all cows to affect climate change. Charles, a longtime royal fornicator, will rule Great Britain soon.  There must be a political virus infecting only world leaders like Biden, Putin, Zelenskyy, Prince Charles, Trudeau, Macron, etc. No vaccine has been developed for such a condition.

Prime Minister of Sweden admits to “Parallel Societies” in multicultural Sweden following Qur’an riots. Remember a few years ago when conservatives were ridiculed for speaking of “no-go zones” in France, Sweden, England, etc.? I wrote in Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! that European society would be overpowered by illegal and legal migrants with a different language, religion, education, and social standards. I wrote that England will no longer be England; France will no longer be France; Sweden will no longer be Sweden; and Germany will no longer be Germany.

And America will no longer be America.

Well, that time has arrived, and we are experiencing one of the most amazing shifts in civilization ever recorded.

America has been marching, almost hurtling toward a Socialist nation for decades, and informed people, including my dad, knew Socialism was the foyer to Communism. Not only is Communism evil, but it also doesn’t work. Think Cuba, Laos, Congo, and North Korea. If Communists took the Sahara Desert, they would have to import sand in five years.

Our nation is being destroyed in front of our eyes, and Americans think, “it can’t happen here” while it is happening here. If we follow the path we are traveling and beat our swords into plow shears while the descendants of Mau, Marx, Lenin, and Hitler still live, we are fools and will become dead fools.

And a dead nation.

America and the world are a farce, a fraud, and a failure because they departed from a strict standard—the Word of God. Personal feelings have become more important than profound faith in Christ.

Barna’s research thoroughly supports the conclusion that most people claiming to be Christians are totally confused. The poll reveals that “69% of American adults identify as ‘Christian,’ only six percent actually have a biblical worldview.” That amounts to 176 million people; however, what they believe is closer to an African witch doctor. Only nine percent of professing Christians hold a biblical worldview.

Even Born-Again Christians don’t believe biblical truth! “Fifty-one percent of theologically born-again Christians say that all faiths are equal. Forty percent say there is no absolute truth, and 37% say that people can earn their way to heaven by being good enough.”

Obviously, modern churches have lost their way or never knew it. The pastors of many mega-churches (and others) are hip, worldly, swearing, drinking, fornicating, publicity-driven, money motivated, and crowd-pleasing hypocrites whose church buildings would be better utilized if turned into bowling alleys.

No wonder this nation is crazy as a bedbug.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Liberals, Leftists, and Loonies Have No Sense of Decency! https://donboys.cstnews.com/liberals-leftists-and-loonies-have-no-sense-of-decency https://donboys.cstnews.com/liberals-leftists-and-loonies-have-no-sense-of-decency#respond Tue, 18 May 2021 01:48:51 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2849  

When Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn America about Communist spies in our government and military, the Communists and fellow travelers came out of the woodwork. During the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, Chief Counsel for the U.S. Army Joseph Welch questioned Senator McCarthy’s sense of decency because the senator suggested a young attorney was a Communist. Gullible Americans swallowed that line along with the sinker and hook. It sounded so principled, but it was Welch playing to the gallery with his acting ability.

Maybe he was a better actor than attorney.

Liberals, leftists, and loonies liked the question and considered it the coup de grâce in their battle with the spy chaser. Therefore, I will use it to the advantage of truth as I ask those sitting to the far left if they have any sense of decency or any sense of shame.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they use the race card to silence any discussion or debate or disagreement with informed Conservatives? By suggesting it is a closed issue too sacred, too serious, too settled to permit questions, they don’t have to answer any questions! Have they no sense of shame when they declare that every white person is a racist and no Black can be a racist. For sure, they have no sense of decency.

Or, they have no sense.

By making everything racist, it draws attention away from actual racist acts committed by Whites, Blacks, and other haters.

Other indications leftists have no sense of shame (and no sense) is when the BLM mob disrupts, destabilizes, destroys, and tries to disband the police—yet call for the police when they need help. Not only do they have no shame, but they are also hypocrites.

But, we knew that, didn’t we.

Those who usually are found standing in left field also have no shame about gun control. What they want is people control. Tyrannical government fears guns in the hands of freedom-loving people.

For a good reason.

The gun grabbers usually blame the cop when he shoots a resisting or fleeing felon but blames the gun when a criminal shoots someone? Simple logic and common sense (missing in leftists) require consistency; however, they are not interested in reality. Leftists have to force every incident into their twisted agenda: racism is the cause of sunspots, tornadoes, arthritis, dandruff, a bad economy, and migraine headaches. They promote black racism and blame anything and everything on Whitey.

All without shame.

Don’t leftists have a sense of decency when they declare and demand a child’s right to decide whether they are male or female? That is determined at birth, so no choice needs to be made since it is either male or female. Genesis 1:26 speaks to this issue: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Well, that settles that.

Most sane people realize it is not a decision to make. If in doubt, one only has to look down. A physician or committee or decree is not necessary. No decision is required since it is an observation.

This same crowd says a child (boy or girl) can choose to be either one or something else, and his parents have no right to say anything about medical treatment, including physical mutilation and life-changing hormones. We are told that it is illegal if a parent refuses to call Harold by his new name, Harriot.

A father in Canada was convicted and sent to jail for “family violence” after refusing to call his daughter by her new male name.

That is the same mentality that says there is no such thing as gender, yet demanded a female vice-president! I understand they finally got one, but I keep forgetting her name.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they try to champion men who pretend to be women and claim a right to women’s restrooms, showers, and the right to participate in women’s sports? Don’t they have any sense of decency as they insist even young children have a right to decide their own gender and the right to get hormone treatments and mutilating surgery? Thanks to Blather-in-Chief Biden’s executive order, transgender surgery is now free for military, prisoners, and illegal immigrants—and taxpayers pay the enormous bills.

Doesn’t that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they demand taxpayer funded abortion on demand and even demand the right to kill a child after their birth if the mother decides it is too sickly—or too much trouble. You know—feedings during the night, changing diapers, babysitters, and all those inconveniences. Moreover, they demand the right to kill a newborn baby that manages to survive the murder attempt. Baby killers tell us no efforts should be made to permit the baby to live.

Well, does that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend that a family is two men or two men and a woman or even one man and three women? God clearly told Adam that a man would leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. Not his neighbor’s wife. Not to his favorite goat. But to his wife and they would be a family until parted by death. No, no shame, no decency.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend the U.S. Constitution gives them permission to take money from some of us to give to all of us? They don’t even consider they are doing something most Americans will like, but it is absolutely illegal. If leftists want a Socialist Government, why don’t they change the Constitution to make it legal? Evidently, they want to make America Socialist, and when we get accustomed to the freebies, they will make the giveaways and bailouts constitutional.

Don’t race-baiters have any sense of decency when they, like what’s-her-name Harris, accuse Americans of racism when we twice elected a half-black President and elected Harris the first partially Asian American and partially Black American Vice President? Someone is not thinking straight here.

Don’t the mainstream media have any sense of decency when they refused to deal with John Kerry’s refusal to wear a mask on a commercial flight but a few months earlier gave Senator Ted Cruz fits for doing the same thing? Yet another example of bias from those who claim to be neutral and balanced in their reporting.

The media continued to show bias when the Blunder-in-chief fell three times while boarding Air Force One. MSNBC, CBS News, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times made no mention of the stumbling incident. But they made a big deal when Trump walked slowly and carefully down a ramp at West Point. Biden also ridiculed Trump at the time, saying, “Watch how I run up ramps, and he stumbles down ramps.” The mainstream media have no shame.

Doesn’t the Biden White House have any sense of decency when they fired five staffers for having used marijuana when Vice President Harris (I’ve almost memorized her name) admitted doing the same thing?

No, the leftists have no shame; they have no sense of decency; they cannot blush as was true millennia ago when Jeremiah wrote in  Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?  nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.”

Principled people can blush because they have a sense of decency—that progressive Liberals don’t possess.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)




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Mitch McConnell is a Member of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot! https://donboys.cstnews.com/mitch-mcconnell-is-a-member-of-the-ancient-infamous-order-of-judas-iscariot https://donboys.cstnews.com/mitch-mcconnell-is-a-member-of-the-ancient-infamous-order-of-judas-iscariot#respond Wed, 27 Jan 2021 15:50:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2759 Senator Mitch McConnell, the shameful member of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot (AIOJI), revealed his true calling—traitor, whose main claim to fame is backstabbing. He confirmed to all that he is one of the oldest and most dangerous of the Swamp Creatures. He, Mitt Romney, Liz Chaney, and others (members of the same club) seem to be desirous, determined, and dedicated destruction of the GOP. No weeping here since I left the party decades ago because they were so similar to the Democrats. It is not healthy for our republic to have two political parties taking almost the same positions. The difference is only in the degree.

Since the AIOJI membership requirements are embarrassingly low, it is easy for shameless politicians to be accepted. I understand that membership is automatic for cutthroats, child molesters, traitors, turncoats, and terrorists. Those on the left are associate members without applying for membership. Any Republican or Democrat who votes for Trump’s impeachment easily and quickly qualifies for membership in the Judas Order with the entrance fee waived.

I assume all self-respecting decent people will shun such reprobates without fear of being labeled self-righteous.

RINOs have survived by merely being less offensive, less objectionable, and less obnoxious to ordinary people. While they are against abortion up to delivery, they are not against abortion. And they sure won’t fight about it. I think killing innocent babies is worth fighting about. RINOs and some Democrats agree that abortion may be worth getting mad and stamping your feet, and perhaps even holding your breath since aborted babies lose their right to breathe. But, one can make too much of a losing issue, we are told. Killing babies is not worth losing an election or causing the opposition to lose face. And Democrats can always be expected to push the Planned Parenthood agenda.

Under Biden and what’s-her-name, we can expect many more abortions (even internationally) with taxpayers financing them through taxes. There is no question about this administration’s leaders being card-carrying members of the Judas Order.

RINOs are proud to claim a pro-family position; however, they refuse to take a clear-cut position on same-sex “marriage” (the radicals get indignant when I put quotes around marriage, but they’ll get over it, and if not, who cares). When forced by pushy conservatives to be more explicit, the soft Republicans suggest that a long-term homosexual relationship is better than hundreds of one-night-stands. That statement is wrong on its face, but most homosexuals in a “long-time relationship” reserve the right to reserve one or two nights a week for “extracurricular activities” with the boys at the local bathhouse. The LGBTQ crowd is too dumb or too dishonest to admit that fact.

A fair, honest, and brave reporter asks, “Do you think homosexuality is evil under all circumstances?” I don’t know a reporter willing to ask that question, and I don’t know a politician who will answer in the affirmative. And none are willing to use the correct and biblical term sodomy. My Dad would have called them gutless wonders.

As a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, I used biblical terms such as sodomy, but you’ll note that I am no longer a member of that august body.

If you think Trump was soft on perversion (and he was), wait until the new administration gets into high gear. Any “loving” relationship will be legal and acceptable, like maybe polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, promiscuity, or perversion or even a “loving” relationship with your favorite goat could be permitted with the caveat that no force is ever used. Radicals tell us their perverted, permissive, and progressive position is realistic since there is no recognized, reasonable, and reliable standard upon which such moral decisions can be made.

Well, there is a standard, and it starts with an uppercase B.

Soft Republicans are willing to vote against men who pretend to be women; however, the reason is usually pragmatic—the cost of remodeling all the restrooms, the confusion, etc. But they never opine that it is a mental aberration for a man, with all the right physical equipment, to pretend to be a female. Moreover, most politicians refuse to admit that it is insane to expect taxpayers to pay for surgery to chop off healthy and perfectly working organs that suggest maleness.

There are already indications that children who have surgery and get gender-changing hormones realize they have been irreparably damaged and mutilated. Moreover, they have significant bouts with suicidal feelings. When this tragedy becomes common, irrefutable knowledge (as it already is with educated people), it will be interesting to watch the proponents of sexual mutilation defend their quasi acceptance of modern medicine. It is reminiscent of witch-doctors with beating drums around a jungle campfire, shaking their gourds as they ply their cures consisting of ground chicken bones, monkey livers, and hippopotamus blood—with a pinch of garlic.

The same “doctors” who defend gender-changing are the same crowd as physicians who support lobotomies, shock treatment, leeches, and bleeding. But not to worry, they are board-certified.

With the Biden team in place, we will see a massive effort to continue making race the center, the cause, and the culmination of everything. Biden’s lineage is Irish and French, but he may declare himself black and trace his Irish-French lineage to imaginary Irish Hottentots from present-day Cape Province, South Africa. Or better yet, he might trace his linage to France via the Ivory Coast where he could claim a direct linkage to slavery! Wow, what credentials.

We have seen many attempts in America where history has been rewritten to make all Blacks feel good about themselves. It is forbidden to laugh when we are told that Beethoven was black, King George III’s wife was black, and that the Pharaohs of Egypt were black, thereby giving Blacks credit for one of the most ancient empires on earth.

There is a kernel of truth to the black Pharaohs’ myth, but it does not encourage black superiority when the truth is revealed. Egypt was founded in 3300 B.C. and held black Nubia as a colony; however, in the eighth century B.C., the Nubians marched about 700 miles north to Thebes (Egypt’s religious center) and took control. However, Egypt was already well over 2000 years old, an ancient empire. The Blacks of Nubia ruled Egypt for sixty years under five “black pharaohs.” The black rule did not add to the empire; instead, it began to collapse. This is documented by The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt, which supports the contention that Egypt’s founders were of European racial stock.

The Biden team has committed itself to pay reparations to living Blacks for more than 200 years of slavery even though all Blacks don’t have a slave ancestor; moreover, many Blacks are wealthy; furthermore, none of us living today have any culpability in the slavery issue. Here is one good-old-boy who has no guilt for slavery or the mistreatment of anyone, anywhere, at any time. None. I’m embarrassed about slavery and embarrassed that some professing Christians were slave-owners, but I have no guilt.

Furthermore, let me suggest if the Biden-Harris administration promotes the lunatic lurch to the left, especially with these issues dealt with here, it will universally anger, antagonize, and alienate American taxpayers. Consequently, Americans will simply refuse to fund the shocking, shameful, and senseless government programs. The tax coffers will become empty as Biden’s head.

Some say the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot morphed into the Deplorable and Disgraceful Order of Benedict Arnold, but such people have only a cursory acquaintance with history. The AIOJI is still viable, vainglorious, if not a visible reality. Readers of the daily news see this every day as AIOJI members strut through Congress’ hallowed halls.

I believe McConnell, Romney, Biden, Harris, et al., get their instructions from the same source Judas Iscariot did.

Interestingly, when Judas was proved to be a traitor, he went out and hanged himself. Now, that is a little extreme, although it would have the same effect of being a benefit to society. I’ll be satisfied if the members of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot simply resign. If not, then sane voters should take care of that at the next election.

An honest election.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Washington Post Attacked Mother Teresa! https://donboys.cstnews.com/washington-post-attacked-mother-teresa https://donboys.cstnews.com/washington-post-attacked-mother-teresa#respond Sat, 02 Sep 2017 16:37:42 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1897 On the twentieth anniversary of “Mother” Teresa’s death, it is noteworthy that the Washington Post, and the British medical journal Lancet, Showtime, and even Roman Catholic media were critical of “Mother” Teresa, sometimes unfairly in my opinion!

The Washington Post reported of Teresa, “Her saintly reputation was gained for aiding Kolkata’s poorest of the poor, yet it was undercut by persistent allegations of misuse of funds, poor medical treatments and religious evangelism in the institutions she founded.” However, in her defense, what is wrong with her religious evangelism? After all, she was a Catholic nun! Not only is the Washington Post guilty of fake news, it also has an antireligious agenda.

Moreover, the British medical journal Lancet published a critical account of the care provided in Teresa’s facilities in 1994, repeating what many others have reported. Many former volunteers have testified of patients receiving no pain medicine and nuns washing needles in cold water to be used again!

It has been suggested that the Roman Church used Teresa’s image of compassion to support Catholicism and to distract from the priest pedophilia scandals around the world. I’m not sure that is a legitimate criticism.

Teresa was strongly criticized, even by some of the Roman Catholic media, when she endorsed Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s suspension of civil liberties in 1975. Teresa said of Gandhi’s India, “People are happier. There are more jobs. There are no strikes.” She was often careless in her statements.

Penn and Teller’s Showtime show whose title is obscene did an episode titled “Holier than Thou” in 2005 that criticized Teresa, Gandhi, and the Dalai Lama! Their main concern was her association with Keating and the Duvalier family as well as the quality of medical care given in her homes. That complaint has been made by many.

To her credit, Teresa was a long-time anti-abortionist and, after winning the Nobel Prize in 1979, she said in her acceptance speech that the “greatest destroyer of peace is abortion.” She also angered Bill and Hillary Clinton when she spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington in February 1994, where she argued that abortion was a mother murdering her own child! Peggy Noonan, the former speechwriter of former President Ronald Reagan, wrote that Bill and Hillary “sat there, in the glare of the hot lights, all eyes in the crowd fixed upon them, as they tried not to move or be noticed, conspicuous in their lack of response, clearly uncomfortable as the applause raged on.” Bill, Hillary, and Al Gore were as uncomfortable as a dog in hot ashes.

Teresa had theological problems as well as problems with principle. She was asked if she ever converted people (or only fed the hungry, lifted the poor, etc.) and she replied, “Of course I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you’ve found God, it’s up to you to decide how to worship him.” That is heresy. No real Christian believes that.

But then, maybe I was correct on a London talk show when I suggested that she was not a Christian but only a Catholic. (Just as there are many Baptists who are not Christians.) Following her death, her letters to various confessors of the past 60 years were read and caused a major stir world-wide. Author Rev. Brian Kolodiejchuk revealed Teresa’s emptiness since “the last nearly half-century of her life she felt no presence of God whatsoever.” He adds, “Neither in her heart or in the Eucharist.”

Teresa expressed her anguish, doubt, and fears when she bemoaned the “dryness,” “darkness,” “loneliness” and “torture” she was undergoing. The author wrote, “She [Teresa] compares the experience to hell and at one point says it has driven her to doubt the existence of heaven and even of God.”

In one letter Teresa wrote, “Where is my Faith — even deep down right in there is nothing, but emptiness & darkness — My God — how painful is this unknown pain — I have no Faith.” This was expressed by a woman who became a “saint” in 2016, but I am a Baptist who became a saint the day I trusted Christ. Furthermore, I have never had a similar dark, foreboding experience in over 65 years of being a Christian.

She lived in a period of darkness all her life and cried, “If there be no God — there can be no soul — if there is no Soul then Jesus — You also are not true.” As she smiled to the world, she wrote to another confessor, “I have come to love the darkness.” John 3 tells us that men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil.

My critics will be angry that I did not call her Mother Teresa but she was not my mother. My mother was Emma and while she was not an activist in the slums of Zanesville, nor did she lift the sick and poor from the gutters, she was a godly woman who knew Christ as her Savior. I am convinced she is in Heaven.

I’m not positive where Teresa is today.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Principled Principal Properly Penalized Pregnant Pupil! https://donboys.cstnews.com/principled-principal-properly-penalized-pregnant-pupil https://donboys.cstnews.com/principled-principal-properly-penalized-pregnant-pupil#respond Sun, 28 May 2017 23:17:13 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1818 I can’t win this argument but then I’m used to that. (I can’t even express the title to this column without tying my tongue in a square knot!)

I can’t help but be sympathetic for everyone in this situation: A senior girl at a Christian School in Maryland got pregnant and was refused permission to walk at graduation with her class to receive her diploma. It would be sent by mail in a few days.

She thought about getting an abortion but changed her mind. Good for her. A prolife group has come to her defense and objects to the school policy not permitting her to participate in the graduation ceremony. But they are supporting the unsupportable.

Maddi Runkles said that when she discovered she was pregnant earlier this year she had the support of her parents and her church when she chose life instead of death for her baby. It is good she had that support for choosing life, but surely they did not support her immoral behavior. She is to be commended for choosing life, but Maddi should be confronted, corrected, and censured for breaking school rules and God’s rules. They’re there to be obeyed not broken.

It is understandable that parents support their children (although they should not support bad behavior), but it is incredible that her church would support her–other than for her decision to refuse an abortion. Every Christian church should be holding the line for the highest personal behavior.

Furthermore, Maddi “discovered” she was pregnant but that is disingenuous. It’s almost as if she had nothing to do with the pregnancy! One “discovers” he or she has cancer, diabetes, or a tumor but pregnancy is a normal result of frequent sex. It is discovered only in the sense the rabbit died.

It is astounding that her parents and church would support her over their school. The media reported that even though she chose life, “Her school, however, chose to punish her.”  No, her school chose “to hold her accountable for her immorality”–for her own sake.

Note that the onus is put on the school, not the perpetrator but then it is easier to blame a school rather than a person.

Her parents should have responded to her sad news by saying, “Sweetheart we love you and you will always be our daughter but you know you did wrong. We discussed the dangers of premarital sex and you made a bad choice. You knew the school rules and the consequences if you broke those rules. We are delighted that you chose to not kill the baby and that showed character but choosing to be immoral showed a lapse of character. This is not the end of your life and we will help you and welcome our grandchild into our home until you get settled in a job. We forgive you just as God has forgiven you. However, we also love the school and want the best for them and the cause of Christ; so the best thing would be for you to take the initiative and voluntarily follow the school handbook’s disciplinary consequences without forcing the school administrators to address the issue.”

Maddi says that the punishment is unfair and more severe than other punishment for breaking other rules. She suggests in-school suspension or suspension from school athletics. While some corrective chastisement would be appropriate for talking back to a teacher or fighting, sexual immorality is something else. Besides, while she may have an opinion, she has no vote as to what discipline is appropriate.

She said, “They’re seeing my actions as worse because there’s a visible consequence to it,” but no, the fact that she is getting bigger each day with the growing baby has nothing to do with the discipline. The issue is immorality not the pregnancy. No sane person places any blame on the only innocent person in this incident–the baby.

Maddi avers that other students are immoral but are not being punished because they are not pregnant. Of course, if that is true (which she does not document), it does not justify her but does condemn school officials for such unequal treatment.

School principal David Hobbs said, “A wise man told me that discipline is not the absence of love, but the application of love.” He also said. “We love Maddi Runkles. The best way to love her right now is to hold her accountable for her immorality that began this situation.” Hobbs is exactly right.

Maddi said, “There has to be a way to go about it where you’re not making girls feel shamed for choosing to give her baby life.” No, they should feel shamed for choosing fornication. When faced with the choice, they should be proud to choose life for the baby. Again, the issue is not choosing life but fornicating.

Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life said, “When we heard about Maddi’s situation, we wanted to not only help her, but also show all of her peers at the school, and in schools across the nation, that choosing not to have an abortion is a good thing and should be supported as such, not made into a cruel embarrassment.” Surely, Kristan is being disingenuous because the issue is not abortion but disobeying a very clear command. And it seems as if many are telling Maddi that her decision not to abort ameliorates or absolves her of sin.

Hawkins said. “Not allowing Maddi to walk in her graduation ceremony sends the message that being pregnant in a Christian school is an embarrassment that should be hidden away.” It is not a matter of “being hidden away,” it is a matter of “not being paraded.” A girl getting pregnant (or a boy causing a pregnancy) is an embarrassment to any school especially a Christian school. At least it should be. What has happened to a sense of shame?

The social media has overwhelmingly supported Maddi and castigated the school officials. Of course, if there were others doing the same thing without the results of pregnancy then all fornicating students should be expelled. If not, why have any rules? What kind of message does a church or school send if illicit sex is on the level of talking back to a teacher?

I think the school showed too much grace in sending her a diploma. Frankly, Maddi got off too easy. She had little disciplinary action for her sin and breaking the school standards. Many Christian schools would not have permitted her to graduate.

I was administrator of a large Christian school for eight years and would have expelled her as per the handbook when her behavior was discovered. After all, it is a Christian school.

This issue reflects that many Bible believing churches have been seduced by this present evil age where truth and principle don’t matter. These church leaders have been convinced that the Bible is about tolerance and love but they are wrong. The message is tolerance and repentance and love.

Maddi, her parents, and her supporters are being praised for fighting back and standing up for what is “right” but the praise is misplaced. Their support for immorality is proof that it is always easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.

Maddi failed to live up to what she professed to believe but she did learn that actions bear consequences. It won’t hurt for all of us to be reminded of that truth.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Are all Liberals Stupid or Are all Stupid People Liberals? https://donboys.cstnews.com/are-all-liberals-stupid-or-are-all-stupid-people-liberals https://donboys.cstnews.com/are-all-liberals-stupid-or-are-all-stupid-people-liberals#respond Thu, 01 Dec 2016 16:22:32 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1663 Everyone has a constitutional right to be stupid but politicians have abused the privilege. Liberals/progressives have been taking control of America’s institutions for over a hundred years: churches, public schools, universities, entertainment, politics, etc. So how has that worked out? Are we better off now than we were 25 years ago?

Churches are supposed to be the moral compass of this nation but the churches have lost their way. Most of the mainline denominational churches are led by educated fools who are afraid to make any definitive statement about anything. Well, they surely are definite in stating that what churches taught 50 years ago was too much controversy, conflict, and control. Almost all modern pulpits disperse fluff, foolishness, and falsehood.

Most denominational churches could be turned into bowling alleys with little harm done to the moral climate of America. Even Fundamental and Evangelical pastors often deliver a muted message and have refused to deal with erring (sinning, but that’s so quaint) members. Thieves, fornicators, liars, gossips, drunks, absentee members are seldom dealt with by their churches–even churches that boast of being Bible-teaching! Is that stupid or what?

The public school system takeover started many moons ago by John Dewey (died 1952), a humanist philosopher and educator. He has been aided immensely by pathetic facsimiles coming out of Colombia, University of Chicago, and other left wing institutions. Children are often taught by tenured teachers who are dumb as a bag of hair as they often graduate students unable to read or write a check. Is that stupid or what?

We now have activist professors from the wacky 1960s whose brains were fried on drugs pitching a leftist agenda to shallow, silly, and shiftless youth. Many graduate without knowing anything about life or how to make a living. They sit around in their “safe places” demanding that no one challenge their silly beliefs foisted on them by morally and academically bankrupt professors. Leftists have touted women in combat yet males and females are so fragile that they can’t handle the hearing of contrary views!

Moreover, “dangerous” words are “forbidden” by the thought police from stinging their sensitive ears. Words that are not approved, appropriate, or acceptable are “American,” “homosexual,” “illegal alien,” “Caucasian,” “mothering,” “fathering,” “foreigners,” “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” “chairman,” etc. And now we are told that their “education” will be free, a euphemism for taxes extracted from hard working taxpayers. Is that stupid or what?

After every mass shooting (but not the multiple daily shootings in Chicago) there is mass hysteria among the gun grabbers who try to pass as sensitive, thoughtful, bleating hearts. They tell us they do not want to ban all guns but no sane, honest person believes that. Some fools even use the Bible to defend the indefensible but guns are a lot like parachutes; if you need one and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again! They tell us America should “beat [our] guns into plow shears” but if we beat our weapons into plow shears while the descendants of Mau, Marx, Lenin, and Hitler still live, we are fools and will become dead fools. Is that stupid, or what?

We have been amused by wealthy, low-life, no-talent entertainers with the morals of an alley cat. They are paid astounding, absurd, and abusive amounts of money to infect society with promotion of drugs, barnyard living, filthy lyrics, and anti-American, leftist propaganda. Is that stupid or what?

We have heard the caterwauling from baby killers for decades as they present their case for baby killing although they call it abortion. They even refuse to make it legal to save the life of a fortunate baby who somehow survives the doctor’s attempt to kill it! They tell us, with a straight face, that the baby is not a baby until he or she pops out of the womb so it is permissible to kill the innocent one on the same day he or she would be born! That is baby killing! However, the abortionists have been converted to crony capitalism (but only in this instance) and are now selling baby parts harvested from aborted babies, courtesy of Planned Parenthood and American taxpayers! Is that stupid, or what?

We have listened with bated breath to sociologists who told us that children will be warped, even twisted if they are made to do chores, clean their rooms, speak respectfully, eat what is put before them, stay in school, and do their homework. And it would be catastrophic if their little bottoms are thumped from time to time for rebellion so we let them develop like wild animals and we are surprised when they act that way. Is that stupid, or what?

We listened to the strutting sissies for 25 years telling us that they were “born that way” as they tell us that love is love no matter who or what it is. And they pretend that the Bible teaches such balderdash! So, it is all right if they love the same sex or two or three of the same sex. Or, if they love someone who is not male or female at least not permanently. In fact, recently, they have put normal people on the defensive for suggesting that if same sex activity was perversion in every culture and nation and religion then it is still perversion today–no matter what Obama, Hillary, or Dr. I. Will Tryanything teaches. We are expected to believe and advocate that it is normal and desirable for two (or three) of the same gender to be married. Thousands of years of civilization, culture, and Christianity are regretted, rejected, and ridiculed. Is that stupid or what?

We always thought our borders should be secure and only immigrants having something to offer America should be accepted as citizens. We especially thought no sane person would defend the unlimited influx across our border by undisciplined, uneducated, and uncultured barbarians determined to kill us and establish a world caliphate. If people crossing our border were white, home schooling, creationist, Christians, Obama would use the marines to control the border. We are told that the “refuges” are not barbarians but are simply refuges from tyranny. Those who demand a strong border and stringent vetting and no immigration for a few years are said to be ignorant, insensitive, and intolerant. Is that stupid, or what?

We are told that Muslims worship the same God as Christians only with a different name and there’s really not that much difference between the two religions. Let’s see about that. Muslims do not believe that Christ is God; He did not die on the cross; He did not rise from the dead; the Bible is not the very Word of God; Muslims should be killed if they leave Islam; men can have four wives who can be beaten at times. Muslims take time from beating their wives to pick up their welfare checks to finance their desert lifestyle. Is that stupid, or what?

We are told that mankind (or womankind, if you will) has been wrong since the beginning of time in identifying a male as a male and a female as a female by their genitals. It has been decided by “experts” that an obvious male can have a female living inside and he must be true to himself (herself) and assert his/her true self. We are supposed to believe that poppycock, even though it simply doesn’t work. Kids who try to adjust to the opposite gender are troubled, sick, and suicide prone. But we are supposed to applaud, appreciate, and approve their “courage.” Is that stupid, or what?

A lie doesn’t become truth; wrong does not become right; and evil doesn’t become good because it is accepted by the majority.

I’m not suggesting we send out a posse to corral all stupid people and jail them. Maybe we could simply remove all labels from every item and the problem would work itself out. You know, like on chain saws, “Do not grab blade while it’s running.” Or, a Superman costume contained the warning, “Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.” It’s really a tragedy because stupid people don’t realize how stupid they really are–because they’re so stupid.

If I offended you by calling you stupid, I’m really sorry, but I thought you already knew!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Should Christians Boycott Anti-Family Businesses? https://donboys.cstnews.com/should-christians-boycott-anti-family-businesses https://donboys.cstnews.com/should-christians-boycott-anti-family-businesses#respond Sat, 22 Feb 2014 01:09:01 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=725 I stopped drinking Coke, Pepsi, and similar drinks fifty years ago because I was convinced they were poison, but, if that were not the case, I would really not drink Coke after their Super Bowl ad flaunting their support for perversion. I am suggesting that all sane people boycott Coke and other firms that grovel at the feet of homosexual lobbyists. That includes the Girl Scouts that now pander to feminists and lesbians; so I will sit down and NOT drink a Coke and NOT eat Girl Scout cookies. Ahh, yes, we still have some freedoms left (for now) and boycott is one of them.

The word “boycott” came from an 1873 incident in Ireland when retired British army captain Charles Boycott became agent for a large estate in Ireland. It was bad timing because the farmers were being gouged with low wages and high taxes. They had formed the Land League to seek relief from their financial burdens but received no help from the new agent. Boycott refused to lower land rents causing the residents and farmers to refuse to speak to him, provide him laundry service, sell him supplies, or work his fields. Even his mail carrier threatened him. The ploy spread across Ireland and newspapers referred to the tactic by his last name: boycott.

A boycott is usually considered threatening to a business so can any Christian legitimately participate in such action that results in that kind of pressure? One must first prove to himself whether a boycott amounts to force and if it is to be allowed. Most people realize that if they don’t go to work tomorrow, they will be fired or at least not be paid. That is a mild form of force; however, it is legitimate. It is not wrong for your employer to tell you that you will be fired if you do it again.

In a commercial exchange, the buyer is almost always in control. He decides whether he will purchase the item or service and how much he is willing to pay for it. That is coercion or pressure.

Not only are Christians to prod people to do right, we are to pressure them when they do wrong. The Bible commands us to “shun” some (II Tim. 2:16); and to “turn away” from others (II Tim. 3:5); then “mark them . . . avoid” those who are not doctrinally correct (Rom. 16:17); furthermore, we are to “receive them not into your house neither bid them Godspeed…who do not hold to the doctrine of Christ (II John 10). We are even told to not be involved with and to separate from Christians who walk in disobedience (II Thes. 3:6). At times, we are to “come out from among” compromisers and evil doers (II Cor. 6:17). That would require all who are members of an unbiblical church or denomination to leave that group. That means leaving family and friends and joining a fellowship that teaches truth. That is coercion and it means STOP’s boycott activities are scriptural.
Furthermore, no lucid individual says it is wrong for a person to be selective in the spending of his own money. If he does not like the business owner, does not like the service, or the excessive charges, etc., he can choose to spend his money elsewhere. So, why is that perfectly legitimate if done by one person but wrong if multiple people do the same thing?

Christians are commanded to be salt and light in this world. The function of salt is largely negative since it prevents decay while the function of light is positive. Light always, without exception, drives away the darkness. Christians are failing this generation by not being the preserving salt and the prevailing light. Consequently, Americans are asking, “Where am I going in this hand basket?” I think we know America’s destination.

If Christians are silent, where will the pressure to do right come from? Some tell us that boycotts are ineffective and when they fail, it only makes us look foolish. Well, I’d rather be perceived as a fool and a failure rather than a follower of the wrong side of this cultural war. Christians have a responsibility to live their daily lives so that those around them will know they do not support evil causes. We are at war and except for the final outcome, no one is guaranteed to be on the winning side of every battle. One thing for sure, I don’t want to be on the sinning side! Wars must be fought even if they are not won; moreover, there have been some very successful boycotts by pro-family groups.

It is declared that we cannot know the position of every business firm so it is impossible to be consistent. That is true but it is a senseless argument. If I am uninformed about a firm’s position on homosexuality, abortion, etc., then it must not be a big problem and a boycott is unnecessary; however when we know a firm is pro-homosexual then we must react.

As a Christian, everything I have belongs to God. I am a steward of all I possess and will one day give an account to God of how I used His resources. If the cultural wars are won by the permissive crowd it will change America forever. It will mean the killing of more innocent babies. It will mean general acceptance of immoral behavior that will destroy lives, damage our healthcare system, and deny Christians the right to express their faith in the market place. I refuse to leave such a society to my grandchildren without taking a stand–even if I fail.

We live in a society that refuses to recognize right from wrong, but with the ancillary that we have an obligation to choose the right and oppose the wrong. However, opponents tell us that right and wrong cannot be established but are arbitrary. To those people the Bible is not a guide for human behavior. After all, it condemns the lifestyles of most people; so shallow people think by not believing the Bible, they are free from its condemnation. The message from the media and many weaklings in the clergy is that God is dead, morality is irrelevant, and perversion is in everyone’s future. So, why fight it? I choose to fight.
We who are committed to STOP will do our best to encourage pro-family firms by telling our friends about them and spending our money at their businesses. At the same time we will boycott anti-family (usually pro-homosexual) firms and tell our friends about it. That is the Christian thing to do.
So, no Coke and Girl Scout cookies, and I hope you will do the same. Anyway, that kind of stuff might send you to Heaven quicker than your scheduled departure!

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”
Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Dr. Dobson Will Shut Down His Ministry Rather than Compromise! https://donboys.cstnews.com/dr-dobson-will-shut-down-his-ministry-rather-than-compromise https://donboys.cstnews.com/dr-dobson-will-shut-down-his-ministry-rather-than-compromise#respond Fri, 31 Jan 2014 15:33:22 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=704 The deadly, dangerous, and defective juggernaut known as ObamaCare (ObamaScare!) is rushing through the streets of a once-great nation and is about to crush hundreds of Christian ministries. A principled religious leader, Dr. James Dobson, vows that he will never capitulate to the requirement to provide abortion coverage to his employees. His ministry Family Talk is suing the Feds and Dobson said of the command to cover abortions, “We’ll close down before I’ll do it.” In a recent letter, Dobson declared, “the killing of babies is something we absolutely cannot do.” Of course, no real Christian would do that. But professing Christians will do it. Just wait and watch, then weep. Only a few Christians will refuse to obey what is purported to be a lawful order.

The Big Question: How much loyalty do Christians owe to local, state, and federal governments when their laws conflict with biblical teaching? Few people understand that all Christians are to be totally submissive to Christ in all matters (Col. 1:18). Even all governments are subject to Him! (That won’t play well in Washington and all places of power.) Consequently, what kind of loyalty do we owe any human ruler?

Rome had changed rulers frequently and often violently. Caligula had been assassinated; Claudius had been put to death by poison; and Nero was, at that time, reigning as a bloodthirsty tyrant. Jews were known to be as difficult to control as a roomful of angry cats. Jerusalem was always known as a rebellious city (Ez. 4:15, 16) and to compound the problem, Jews, who were to be ruled only by a Jewish king according to Deut. 17:15, now were ruled by a Roman tyrant. All that made them ripe for rebellion.

The early Christians were Jewish converts who had been under Roman rule for hundreds of years, often rebelling without success, resulting in much bloodshed. The Roman system was founded upon paganism so Jews and Christian Jews even wondered if they owed any obedience to pagan rulers, especially since Nero was killing Christians by the thousands. Pagan religion had been woven into the Roman civil government; hence, early Christians refused to serve in any capacity as judges, soldiers, civil workers, etc. It would be insane to serve in a government that is determined to destroy you; moreover, they could not swear supreme allegiance to Caesar.

In spite of the above, there was no question what Christians should do: God commanded them to submit to pagan rulers! In fact, Paul told those early Christians that they must obey those in authority even if the rulers were ungodly and sinful. That command was given so that there might be a calm, correct, civil society–even if it were pagan. However, it was clearly understood that no Christian should obey an immoral order.

But to resume the subject, and conclude the argument: while I have had disagreement with some of Dr. Dobson’s past positions, I respect his courage, commitment, and convictions in this matter. However, he did not go far enough. He should add: “We will not comply with your order and you will have to come close us down!” I hope he doesn’t’ think that is too militant. It takes courage to challenge the government but it takes super courage to tell them, “Come and get me.”

Christian militancy is missing in most churches even those who identify with fundamentalism! Some have stood such as Dr. Greg Dixon and his son Pastor Greg A. Dixon who were pastors of the 8,000 member Indianapolis Baptist Temple, one of America’s largest and most influential churches. The Dixons refused to withhold FICA taxes from their school and church workers who paid their own taxes. Some misinformed or uninformed people have accused the church leaders of refusing to pay taxes. The problem was not in paying the taxes due but how the money was collected and paid. The Dixons did not believe the government had the authority to force church leaders to be tax collectors and their stand is supported by the First Amendment and the New Testament!

The Bush administration disagreed, and after a 93-day siege in 2001, sent 100 heavily armed federal marshals (after all, these were dangerous Christians) to take their property, valued over six million dollars. While the church leaders, along with scores of other leaders from around the nation were praying, the Feds carried them out of their building. The government then sold their Christian school building (that had enrolled 700 students) to a Charter School and bulldozed the other buildings and the large auditorium down to the dirt–a first in American History. The church leaders told the government, in essence, “Come and get us.” They did and the church folk lost everything except their faith and character.

The Dixons have been friends of mine since 1960 and I have preached for them many times. After the Federal Government stole their buildings and 22 acres of land, the church moved to a better location near Interstate 65 on the south side of Indianapolis and still has a thriving ministry.

While there is no legitimate comparison of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple to the Branch Dravidian cult in Waco where 55 adults and 28 children were slaughtered by their government, there are some parallels. While the Waco cult was weird, warped, and wacko, there is no law against being such. After all, many names, mostly Democrats, come to mind. Even though the cult was weird, they did not deserve to be burned and shot by their government. For sure, the Feds came after them, but the world watched the unprovoked, unlawful, and unnecessary brutal suppression of a religious cult who refused to bow to the government. Charges of child abuse and illegal gun possession were used by the Feds to justify the brutal killings but such charges were discovered to be untrue–after 83 innocent, helpless Americans were slaughtered!

Dr. Dobson, Catholic Hospitals, Liberty University, and other universities and religious groups should live up to their convictions or turn off the lights, lock the doors, and everyone go home. Those ministries (and there will be many) that cave under government pressure do not deserve to be mentioned in the same context as the faithful Christians who have died and are dying today for their convictions. Some things (like unborn babies) are worth fighting for, even worth losing everything.

CEOs of the ministries that cave will hold news conferences to explain (rationalize) their surrender to federal pressure: “Well, we fought a good fight, but lost the battle; however, everyone knows where we stand. We will obey the government in order to continue our valuable ministry.” Others will declare: “Well, we tried and made it clear where we stand; however, as we look at the issue again, we believe we can live with the decision. After all, the feds have a point.” Still others will say: “Our board of directors has prayed about this and while it is unpleasant, we have looked at the scriptures again and believe we can live with the order. After all, we are commanded to obey every law of man.” Others will declare: “We fought, even sued the government but we lost so we will obey the law under duress.” Those are many words that justify nothing.

Unsolicited advice for Dr. Dobson and other ministries: Don’t close down your ministries; force the feds in jackboots to close you down. They won’t use tanks and guns–probably.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!” And pass it on!

Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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I’m Offended and I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore! https://donboys.cstnews.com/im-offended-and-im-not-going-to-take-it-anymore https://donboys.cstnews.com/im-offended-and-im-not-going-to-take-it-anymore#comments Sat, 21 Dec 2013 02:26:10 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=674 I’m not easily offended but in recent months I have become very offended. After all, if homosexuals, Indians, Blacks, Hispanics, sports nuts, radical leftists, atheists, media moguls, and others can be offended, then I have that right also. It has become axiomatic that the right not to be offended is in the U.S. Constitution; however, I have read our Constitution, memorized some of it, studied it, but cannot find in it the right not to be offended. Maybe it’s in the same place the Court found the right to an abortion and the right to homosexuality.

I wonder if being a Bible believing Christian disqualifies me from being offended. Maybe I’m not permitted that luxury. Whatever the answers to the above, I want to go on record to the world that today I am not just offended, but very offended. I may even stomp my feet and hold my breath!

I’m offended that everyone is so panicky about offending Muslims, Methodists, and Manichaeists but consider it open season on Fundamentalists. From Atheism (which is a religion although it doesn’t have any holidays except April Fools’ Day) to Zoroastrianism, everyone seems to be very “touchy.” Well, I’m also “touchy” and I want everyone to know about it.

I’m offended that the God Haters (note the shameless use of the title of my eBook!) are offended by a manger scene while I can’t be offended by movies and television shows that present fornication, adultery, and perversion as accommodating, affirmative, acceptable, if not admirable; and at politicians whose first and most important qualification seems to be the ability to lie? I mean, I’m really offended.

I’m offended by homosexuals and the media who bully, badger, and blackmail decent people to accept, even approve, perversion?

I’m offended that perversion has been accepted as normalcy and those of us who believe it is wrong (as sane people have believed for thousands of years) are considered to be abnormal and haters.

I’m offended that radical leftists can spew out vile, violent, vicious vitriol with impunity against Christians but a Christian like Phil Robertson gets fired from a television show for stating his opinion about immorality. (I think it was not only opinion but facts, but then leftists can’t deal with facts.)

I’m offended at megapastors and television evangelists who distort, denigrate, and even deny the Bible to build a personal empire while living as drunks, deviates, and dopeheads!

I’m offended by loosey-goosey Evangelicals who polish Obama’s apple trying to make him look “religious” while they pretend to wear the mantle of Old Testament prophets.

I’m offended by educators who threaten children who bring a toy gun the size of a quarter to school and expel students who only draw a picture of a gun!

I’m offended at stupid educators who arrive at school each day and park their brains at the door along with their common sense.

I’m offended by the incredible incompetence of public educators from Kindergarten through graduate school.

I’m offended that over a million unborn babies are butchered annually in America and those of us who want to protect helpless children and women are considered cold, callous, and cruel!

I’m offended that an animal-rights group has filed a lawsuit seeking “legal personhood” for chimpanzees in the state of New York, the state with the nation’s highest abortion rates!

I’m offended that robbers, rapists, and racketeers walk our streets while the bandits, boozers, and bunglers in Washington are praised, pursued, and pampered.

I’m offended by PETA and other animal fanatics for trying to shame me for believing that animals are not children when PETA kills 2,000 dogs and cats each year!

I’m offended that the media and self-seeking politicians have made Nelson Mandela into an international icon when he was a Communist terrorist and traitor to his own nation.

I’m offended that politicians quickly lead our nation into foreign wars that are no threat to us and then are not called to an accounting in their desire to force “democracy” upon uneducated, uncouth, and unresponsive people.

I suppose I am naïve to think that there is an antidote for my offense-propensity and no doubt it is silly to think decent people will be treated fairly by others. But I’m a believer. I also believe Muslims will actually become peaceful; the Middle East nations will become Gardens of Paradise where civility, kindness, justice, and biblical principles will prevail; Obama will be impeached, then become Born Again and become a missionary to Pakistan; Taiwan will retake Red China; Pepsi will sell for a nickel again and any day they’ll find Jimmy Hoffa, Judge Parker and Amelia Earhart playing Monopoly in a Bronx yogurt joint?

Yes, I’m as easily offended as anyone and I’m not going to take it anymore. You ask, “What are you going to do about it?” Well, I’m not sure but I’m offended that you asked.

And to the drooling New Atheists and the God Haters (there, I did it again) out there, I wish even them a Merry Christmas and if that offends them, too bad. They’ll get over it.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch my eight-minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota as I challenged New Atheists to put up or shut up.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Christians Cave to a Confused, Corrupt Culture! https://donboys.cstnews.com/christians-cave-to-a-confused-corrupt-culture https://donboys.cstnews.com/christians-cave-to-a-confused-corrupt-culture#respond Sun, 25 Aug 2013 13:30:10 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=598 The early Christian churches captured and transformed the Roman Empire with the Gospel! Famous historian Will Durant wrote, “Caesar and Christ had met in the arena and Christ had won.” That would not be an accurate statement of contemporary Christianity in view of the major mischief of the U.S. Supreme Court recently, the Congress, and the President. It appears that Churches have lost their power, Christians have lost their purity, and the culture is in the pits. Christians have caved to the confused, corrupt culture and the reason is massive pulpit failure.

Many loosey-goosey Evangelical preachers teach that Christians should be deeply involved with the culture: sing all the popular songs, attend all the vile Hollywood movies, watch the most popular television shows, wear the newest clothes (however seductive, ugly, and revealing they may be), and be able to “jive” with the most ungodly people even if normal listeners have no comprehension of what is said.

However, that is not the way it is supposed to be. Christians are not to be moved by the culture; they are to move the culture. That is not happening today. Professing Christians, even members of Bible-preaching churches, are among the most worldly, weird, even wicked people in town! Most show no shame at their ungodly life and even defend it!

The prophet asked in Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.” As years have passed, I have been surprised then shocked and stunned at what I have observed in good churches: the general worldly attitude, the aping of the world’s dress standards, the use of four letter words, the loose handling of the opposite sex even in public. I wonder if parents have tried to instill in their children any kind of character. When reproved, they usually are offended and hardly ever are ashamed. Is shame passé like guilt, gratitude, and grace?

Those who declare that “It’s always been this way” are wrong. While there have always been some people without character, it has not been general until recent years. Early Christians influenced society by treating slaves, children, and women compassionately. Christians picked up abandoned babies left on the street to die and raised them as their own even when it was illegal to do so! Christ placed women on a high pedestal and Paul continued to move the culture of his day. The early Christians “turned the world upside down!” Pagan religions had the Empire by the throat and Christians broke that hold and destroyed the pagan religions with the truth. Christ’s birth even designates the date.

Christ established the Good Samaritan ethic to sacrifice so as to help others who were suffering. He also told us to treat others the way we want to be treated. He taught His followers to be gracious and generous to the less fortunate. Moreover, He taught us to pray for our enemies and do good to those who despitefully use us. Such teachings changed the culture and set the tone for two thousand years. The emphasis on doing one’s best, striving for success, developed into the university system of the Middle Ages; and the major left leaning, anti-Christian, socialist, anything-goes American universities were begun by the sacrificial giving of Bible believing Christians. Such institutions today are without shame, spirituality, and little scholarship.

High standards of justice going back to the Old Testament and continuing into the New were unknown in Egypt, Ur, Nineveh, Greece, and Rome. Our world has been influenced far more by Jerusalem than Rome or Athens. But today the influence is Hollywood, New York, and Paris. Few Christians choose to be numbered as a “peculiar” people so they are just odd instead.

Jim Daly of Focus on the Family told the media it would be “foolhardy not to recognize that the culture is moving more” in the direction of support for same-sex marriage. He also signaled a willingness to work with abortion-rights groups to find common ground on adoption. Such is the successor of Dr. James Dodson who was forced out of Focus for being too confrontational with the culture. Daly doesn’t understand that Christians are supposed to challenge, confront, and change the culture!

Recently the head of Exodus International apologized for his stand against homosexuality and their attempt to help sodomites become normal, decent people. He and his board closed down their work and faded into the corrupt culture. One reason given for the shutdown is that the culture is changing. Sure it is because of people like him who have no anchor and no chart to guide them.
Most Christians are mental zombies gorging junk food in front of a television set. Seeking liberty, such carnal Christians bounce from liberty to license to licentiousness.

H. L. Hastings, in 1844, visited the Fiji Islands and was shocked to find that a human could be bought for $7.00 (or a musket), less than the price of a cow! Moreover, the purchased human could be beaten, worked to death then eaten. Then, the Gospel came to the islands and about 1200 churches were established and no human could be bought for any price. The true Gospel changes the culture.

During World War II, on a remote Pacific island, an American soldier met an English-speaking native carrying a Bible. The G.I. pointed to the Bible and sneered, “We educated people don’t put much faith in that Book anymore.” The islander grinned, patted his own belly saying, “Well, it’s a good thing for you that we do, or else you’d be in here by now.” Christ changes the culture but modern Christians have been moved by the culture into a corrupt, cowardly, compromising life.

Christians should not only be right when the world is right but be right when the world is wrong.
We don’t want or need a church that moves with the world but a church that moves the world. There is movement today but movement is not always progress. All movement seems to be in the wrong direction. At least, in the USA.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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