Abu-Jamal – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Cop-Killer Speaks to College Graduates! https://donboys.cstnews.com/cop-killer-speaks-to-college-graduates https://donboys.cstnews.com/cop-killer-speaks-to-college-graduates#respond Mon, 06 Oct 2014 16:39:14 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=885 Cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal was born Wesley Cook and raised a Methodist but converted to the “peaceful religion” of Islam while a teenager. At age 15, he became one of the organizers of Philadelphia’s Black Panther Party. In spite of that, he was the commencement speaker at Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont last Sunday! The graduates were not even born when Mumia shot a Philadelphia police officer between the eyes!

He is serving a life sentence without parole (after his death sentence was commuted) for killing Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. He spoke via a pre-record message. Abu-Jamal had received a BA from the school via correspondence in 1996 followed by an MA from California State University.

Abu-Jamal has been a busy boy but then taxpayers have provided him everything he needed so he could finish school, write columns, and appear on radio shows–while in prison! He has written six books and is an advocate for prisoner rights and civil rights. You see, the killer doesn’t have to get up early and get ready for a day of hard work. You provide him the environment and tools to become a new Renaissance man.

The slain officer’s widow said, “It’s not appropriate. His freedom was taken away when he murdered a police officer in the line of duty. It seems like our justice system allows murderers to continue to have a voice over the public airwaves and at college commencement. It’s despicable.” Sorry Maureen but it’s more than despicable. It’s nuts.

Abu-Jamal shot Faulkner in the back then shot him between the eyes when he (Abu-Jamal) interjected himself in his brother’s traffic arrest. But of course, racism was the catalyst for the whole incident according to the racists! The slain office was white. Abu-Jamal was also injured by a shot from Faulkner and when further police arrived on the scene, he was arrested and charged with first degree murder. When the arresting officers arrived at the scene, Abu-Jamal was sitting on a curb near Faulkner’s corpse. Unfortunately, the cop’s shot was not fatal to the black thug.

Five witnesses saw Abu-Jamal shoot Faulkner and the bullets that were taken from Faulkner’s chest and brain matched the .38 caliber handgun that was registered to the killer. Abu-Jamal’s gun was at his feet when the police arrived at the murder scene. Furthermore, the gun had five empty cartridges when investigators found it.

The killer’s brother refused to defend him at the trial! He told investigators at the crime scene: “I ain’t got nothing to do with this.”

The U. S. Supreme Court has ruled against the cop-killer three times as have lesser courts. But of course, everyone involved in trying to put Abu-Jamal where he can do limited harm is accused of being a racist. But then, sane people don’t care whether a killer is white, black, or polka dot; he should be strapped down in “Old Sparky” within a year or so after he kills.

A T-shirt was sold in the Philadelphia area with the blunt message: “Officer Danny Faulkner was murdered by Mumia Abu-Jamal who shouldn’t be in an 8 x 10 foot cell….He should be 6 feet closer to Hell.” I don’t usually like T-shirts with a message but I would buy that one.

His defenders include many of the looney left in Hollywood, San Francisco and Paris. Fidel Castro, the Berrigan brothers, Ramsey Clark, James Cone, Angela Davis, Snoop Dogg, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones, Norman Lear, Archbishop TuTu, Gloria Steinem, ad nauseam.

Another Abu-Jamal defender is Debo P. Adegbile whom Obama nominated in 2013 to become the U.S. Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s civil rights division; however, in an unusual seizure of sanity, the nomination was rejected by a Senate committee because he was working with the NAACP to overturn the killer’s sentence.

Within days, Obama renominated the cop-killer’s defender again. When the nomination went to the full senate, even with Harry Reid’s objections, obfuscations, and obstructions, the senate refused to approve the candidate. Adegbile withdrew his nomination and announced he would join a prestigious law firm instead of working for you and me.

Every person who approved this sorry excuse for a commencement should be fired–from school board members to administrators. It seems Abu-Jamal is on the short list of college commencement speakers since he has already delivered his oratory at Evergreen State College in Washington and Antioch College in Ohio, Kent State University, Occidental College, and Merrill College.

The killer has been made an honorary citizen of approximately 25 cities around the world, including Copenhagen, Montreal, Palermo, and Paris. The New College of California School of Law even presented him with an honorary degree “for his struggle to resist the death penalty.” Abu-Jamal published an essay in the Yale Law Journal in 1991 dealing with the death penalty and some of his death row experiences. He has done numerous broadcasts for the online Prison Radio and written many columns for Jungle Welt, a German Marxist newspaper.

Wimpy, whiney, Goddard College President Bob Kenny said, the college holds twenty commencement ceremonies each year to provide personalized graduation ceremonies in each degree program. He added that each graduate acts as his own valedictorian– so everyone is a star. No one is last since everyone is first. There are no tests and no grades. The additional advantage is that each student builds his or her own curriculum! Isn’t higher education great?

In a HuffPost Live roundtable Wednesday, Will Creeley — the Director of Legal and Public Advocacy for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education — said that no matter how controversial, universities have every right to select whatever commencement speaker they want. Right, but parents have every right to not send their children to such a school or to financially support it. However, the students chose this speaker!

Students should not be inviting commencement speakers. And no college should be a cheerleader for a cop killer.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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