AIDS – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cover-up at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention! Wed, 06 May 2020 16:05:42 +0000 My title is wrong or a little misleading. It should be “cover-ups” at the CDC because there have been many. Here are just a few of them.

It seems, ineptitude, ineffectiveness, insensitivity have always been the norm at the CDC. In 2014, the CDC senior research scientist Dr. William Thompson publicly admitted that he and his coauthors committed research fraud during the agency’s 2004 autism-MMR study. Republican Congressman Bill Posey pleaded with Congress to do an investigation without success. The intrepid politicians and mainstream media moguls were not interested in an investigation that would embarrass the health officials.

My critics will declare that the autism-measles connection has been settled; however, even if true, that is not the issue. The issue is the admitted cover-up.

While the scientists at the CDC are all highly credentialed with MDs and Ph.Ds., they often act like a bunch of elementary students. An October 25, 1986, UPS article revealed “infighting so severe among CDC researchers that some were sabotaging the experiments of their rivals. There were reportedly squabbles over who would get credit for writing certain papers. Some researchers charged high-level CDC officials with suppressing research. For example, one paper showing that commercially available spermicides will kill the AIDS virus within 60 seconds was blocked from publication.”

Can you imagine grown people, scientists yet, fussing over credit for a paper and sabotaging another’s experiments? Simply give credit to the person who wrote it! If there was more than one author, then credit each one! No big deal. But suppressing, sabotaging research, and blocking information the public needs is scandalous. Additionally, there was a significant fuss between two scientists as to which one had first discovered HIV as the cause of AIDS. Most people don’t know or remember that embarrassing fuss among the world’s top scientists.

That is no way to run a pig farm.

Dr. Gus Sermos, former Public Health Advisor and AIDS Researcher at the CDC, revealed in his book Doctors of Deceit that the “negligence, incompetence, arrogance and complete lack of leadership” during the AIDS epidemic by the Public Health authorities and the CDC have caused the American citizens to become nothing more than “unconsenting guinea pigs.” In the U.S., the AIDS epidemic infected 38,000 people in 2018, and in 2017, there were more than 16,000 HIV deaths.

Sermos was known as a “top U.S. expert in AIDS” and was an epidemiologist at the CDC having researched 850 cases of AIDS. He told me, “I worked eight years with the CDC on infectious diseases. We had guidelines we were always required to follow, but when AIDS came along, they disregarded their own guidelines! I was disillusioned.” In one of my four interviews with CDC spokesman Dr. Scott Holmberg, he denied the charge. I wasn’t surprised.

In my book, AIDS: Silent Killer!, on scores of talk shows, and in my columns in USA Today, I implored health officials to treat the AIDS plague as a health issue, not as a homosexual issue. I asked that the same procedures that had permitted U.S. health officials to discover, diagnose, and defeat the syphilis epidemic be followed in the AIDS battle. I asked for testing of all prisoners, all immigrants, all hospital patients, and all future patients so we could have an idea who was infected. That seemed fundamental to me.

It was not fundamental to leaders of our national health. In the January 16, 1987 issue, USA Today reported that Surgeon General Koop told Congress contract tracing of sexual partners would be “intrusive, impractical, and ineffective.” All sane people mocked his nonsensical statement. Note that no one is questioning that same protocol today with the Chinese coronavirus. Could it be because those carriers don’t have a powerful lobbying group as do homosexuals to defend their right to privacy?

During early HIV days when I was involved with the battle for common sense protocols, I stated that all who tested positive should be interviewed as to all their sexual contacts, then have those contacts interviewed and follow each of their sexual contacts. That was when I hit a stone wall.

However, that is precisely the protocols followed in the previous successful battle with the syphilis scourge. I then suggested that any AIDS carrier who had sex with anyone should be prosecuted. After all, dead is dead, whether by gun or germ. Bang! The stone wall came tumbling on my head.

Dr. Sermos declared that CDC ordered AIDS researchers not to notify the sexual contacts of AIDS patients about their exposure to HIV. That was insensitive and incredible and insane not to inform people that they were probably HIV infected for which there was no cure! That’s our public health organization! Health officials let people die rather than embarrass homosexuals—the foundation of HIPPA laws we live with today.

During a recent daily White House Chinese coronavirus briefing, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, “During that time, there was [an] extraordinary stigma, particularly against the gay community. It was only when the world realized how the gay community responded to this outbreak with incredible courage and dignity and strength and activism – I think that really changed some of the stigmas against the gay community, very much so.” Pathetic, pointless, pandering to perversion.

Fauci knows that the AIDS crisis was caused and driven by the absurd, abnormal, and abominable sexual practices of homosexual men. There is no legitimate comparison to the Chinese coronavirus that is usually contracted in an unknown, unknowable, unsullied way.

It is permissible to shame people to lose weight and to stop smoking, but one must never embarrass anyone for his deviant, dangerous, and deadly sexual practices. Scientists are not supposed to be sensitive to politics; however, that is a myth. The scientists at the CDC are dependent on federal funding; moreover, they also accept funding from Big Pharma. Wait a minute, isn’t that a significant conflict of interest?

My suggestions, demands, and requests were not only rejected, even ridiculed, but after the horse was out of the barn, the kitty was out of the sack, and the toothpaste out of the tube, some homosexual groups suggested the same protocols that I laid out in my book and on talk shows. But too late.

It appears that leading health officials are more desirous, dedicated, and determined to social management than truth and safety. Yet, most citizens are trusting them to put an end to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Never have so many trusted so few with so much— at such enormous costs.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today  for eight years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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South African Chaos: Rape and Murder! Thu, 20 Sep 2018 13:46:37 +0000 Leading black politicians in South Africa sing hate songs at public rallies that glorify killing white farmers so there is no surprise that thugs are carrying out their leaders’ threats. Former South African President Zuma sang the genocide song himself, leading a crowd in a musical chant: “We are going to shoot them with machine guns, they are going to run…The cabinet will shoot them, with the machine gun…Shoot the Boer, we are going to hit them, they are going to run.”

Deputy Minister of Higher Education Mduduzi Manana, a member of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), declared on the floor of Parliament during a discussion of the killing of white farmers, “Bury them alive.”

Black thugs are listening and following their orders.

An employee of the Gauteng Department of Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation took his cue from black leaders and posted a tirade against all Whites. Velaphi Vel-hova Khumalo launched a hate-filled tirade against white South Africans on Facebook stating, “I want to cleans (sic) this country of all white people. We must act as Hitler did to the Jews…White people in south (sic) Africa deserve to be hacked and killed like Jews. U (sic) have the same venom moss. look (sic) at Palestine. noo u (?) must be bushed alive and skinned and your off springs used as garden fertilizer.”

I don’t think Khumalo wants to hold hands with white South Africans and sing Kumbaya around a campfire.

More than 3,000 white farmers have been murdered since the end of apartheid, according to Genocide Watch. Today there are about 30,000 white farmers while there were 60,000 twenty years ago. Is it any wonder that the nation is forced to import food to feed its people?

Last year, South Africa had an astonishingly high murder rate of 31.9 per 100,000 people according to police statistics; however, for white farmers, the murder rate is 99 per 100,000! The murder rate is more than 100 times worse than in London. Just released stats reveal that 57 people are killed each day in South Africa!

According to new figures released by the AgriSA Agricultural Union in Pretoria and reported in The European Union Times, “Black criminal gangs have killed one white South African farmer every five days so far this year.”

No white person in South Africa feels secure. One woman said, “I don’t feel safe in my own home.” Many have fled the nation leaving their farms that have been in their family for generations.

Many white farmers and complete families have been brutally tortured and murdered and females of all ages have been raped with victims burned with electric irons and blow torches or had boiling water poured down their throats. Others have been disemboweled or dragged to death behind vehicles, forced to drink bleach, mothers raped in front of their children, and babies boiled to death. An elderly white woman was tortured with an electric drill and died after her attackers drilled holes in her body. Often, an open Bible is placed on their bloody bodies.

“Necklacing,” has made a comeback especially in the black villages. This form of murder was made infamous by Minnie Mandela (yes, that Mandela) where killers placed a gasoline-soaked automobile tire around a person’s neck, cut him under his arms, and set fire to the tire. They jeer as they watch him burn. This is getting more frequent as frustrated black villagers catch accused criminals, try, and execute him on public streets. Vigilante justice is what happens when law and order do not prevail and political leaders encourage violence.

Such uncontrolled violence has chased one million South Africans to the United Kingdom and other nations between 1995 and 2005. While lack of employment for Whites is one reason for the emigration, the main reason given is the black on white crime. A straw poll conducted by the Afrikaans online news service News24 which serves the Afrikaans-speaking community in South Africa revealed, “over 85 percent of whites would leave the country immediately if the opportunity presented itself.”

Transparency International found that 74 percent of people think all public officials and civil servants are corrupt or extremely corrupt, while 70 percent believe the whole political system is corrupt. During the hated white government that ended in 1994, they were racist in some policies but there was stability, safety, and a soaring economy.

No one feels safe in their own homes anymore.

The British newspaper The Telegraph asserts that up to 40% of women experience rape in their lifetimes. This includes “corrective rape” performed by allegedly concerned men to “cure” lesbian women of their homosexuality. “Blow the Whistle,” a non-government group, reports that almost one in three girls will be raped before she turns 18.

Other savages rape babies as young as three thinking it will cure their AIDS as they were told by their local witchdoctors (holders of Wi.D., I suppose). The World Health Organization reported on HIV infection in South Africa in 2017, “1 in every 25 adults (4.1%) [is] living with HIV and accounting for nearly two-thirds of the people living with HIV worldwide.”

About 37 million people in South Africa have HIV and 30% don’t know it! About 18% of the adult population is infected with HIV, the cause of about half of all deaths in South Africa. Almost 35 million South Africans have died of AIDS.

AVERT reported in 2016, “Men who have sex with men, transgender women, sex workers and people who inject drugs experience even higher HIV prevalence rates.”

Interpol says South Africa is “the rape capital of the world.” The Telegraph for Sept. 3, 2018 reported “For every 25 men brought to trial for rape, 24 will walk free.” Moreover, in a related survey, “a quarter of Soweto schoolboys described ‘jackrolling’—a local term for gang rape—as ‘fun.’” The attackers said that they were making the women feel like “real women.”

A 2010 Medical Research Foundation survey found that more than 37 percent of South African men admitted to raping at least one woman.

The BBC alleges that more South African women are likely to be raped than will learn to read.

Much of the rape and the killings involve vicious torture by roving black thugs. A 3-year-old-girl was raped by four men who wrapped her in newspapers, doused her in gasoline, then set her on fire. A 4-year-old-girl was gang raped and crucified on the kitchen table while her parents died on the kitchen floor.

The oppressed Blacks have become the oppressors of Whites and no one in the West seems to care.

Why has the United States not offered asylum to these desperate South Africans? Russia and Australia have already done so.

America is silent. Well, there was one tweet but nothing about accepting harassed and endangered white people, many who profess to be Christians.

Could the reason no one seems to care be because they are white and Christian?

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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History Lesson: Greek Empire Fell Because of Disease! Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:01:31 +0000 Civilizations have experienced more devastating blows from sickness than from swords–more heartache from bugs than from bombings.

The face of the world has been changed more through the louse, the flea, and the mosquito than by marching armies and flying missiles. When the daily count of the dead reached the breaking point (different in various societies and ages), responsible people became irresponsible, tranquil people became terrified, and the borderline paranoid became dangerous. As people fled their homes, social and political organizations disappeared, crops were left to rot in the fields, populations were displaced, civil war was fomented, and major shifts in religious thinking occurred. Some of that is taking place in African nations at this time.

After major plagues mysteriously left a nation, interest in religion decreased because of the many deaths among the clergy and because of so many unanswered prayers. Of course, unbelievers have used unanswered prayer as an excuse for unbelief since the beginning of time. J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson wrote, “It is beyond the bounds of possibility for anyone to estimate the influence of epidemic disease on religion and philosophy. Nor can we clearly assess its influence on the material course of human history.”

Many historians believe that the empire of ancient Greece fell into Roman hands because of malaria attacks, not because of marching armies. Malaria was endemic throughout the Greek world by 400 B.C. The malarial parasite (passed to man by the female mosquito) killed infants, weakened unsuspecting children, forced the vacating of the best farmlands, and helped produce Greek citizens who were listless, lazy, and licentious. As a result, the power and glory of ancient Greece became a mocking memory.

Greek historian Polybius (204-122 B.C.), called the most reliable ancient historian, reported that the whole of Greece had been visited in his time by childlessness and a general decline of the population that resulted in the emptying of the cities and the failure of the land to render its produce. He said that men refused to marry or, if they married, refused to have children. If they had children, they refused to rear them. He said that men went out of their way to be ostentatious, avaricious, and indolent.

Quite an indictment! Will Western civilization learn from the past or will we have the same experience? If Americans must live daily with the threat of terror (as do the Israelis) will that further erode our culture and destroy our homes and churches?

Some historians, in my opinion, give too much credit to the mosquito for the fall of Greece. It was a major factor, but men must always be held accountable for their actions. Today, a man gets drunk and kills a carload of people and pleads that he was not in control and should not be held responsible. Others tell us that sugar impaired their ability, and they lost control and should not be accountable for the results they produced. No doubt, there is some truth to those claims, but we must all be held accountable for our actions. The same was true in Greece. Malaria did make them listless, therefore lazy, but they chose to be licentious.

The Greeks slowly lost their brilliance which was thought to be epitome of original thought. This degeneration is obvious in their art and literature and other areas of creativity. W.H.S. Jones wrote, “Their initiative vanished; they ceased to create and began to comment. Patriotism, with rare exceptions, became an empty name, for few had the high spirit and energy to translate into action man’s duty to the state. Vacillation, indecision, fitful outbursts of unhealthy activity followed by cowardly depression, selfish cruelty and criminal weakness are characteristics of the public life of Greece from the struggle with Macedonia to the final conquest by the armies of Rome.”

Jones, De Sanctis, Celli, and others taught that disease has changed the condition of this world more than wars. Ancient Greece would not have fallen into the hands of Rome if it had not been for malaria. Are we not fools if we don‘t consider the same or similar results from possible contagious diseases and biological terrorism we face today?

We can now add AIDS, flu, and the Ebola viruses to the scourges that have smitten mankind, taking their dreary toll. As of today 36 million people have died of AIDS! The death toll from Ebola is climbing daily and will be 1.4 million by January according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)! Of course, they have been wrong so many times during these days.

Africa gave us Ebola, AIDS, and Obama, so what’s next?

If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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CDC Ebola Battle is Nonsense on Stilts! Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:26:50 +0000 Dr. Tom Frieden, Director of the CDC declared: “In my 30 years in public health, the only thing that has been like this is AIDS,” and “We have to work now so that this is not the world’s next AIDS.” That was nonsense on stilts from a health official fearful of a health tsunami that might be ready to smack the U.S. It was nonsense because the CDC fight on AIDS was a fatal fiasco from the first. And the CDC Ebola response seems to be a rerun of their AIDS effort.

AIDS and Ebola (EVD) are alike in that they are both killers but unlike in many other ways. Almost all the AIDS cases were caused by the way men lived, behaved, acted, etc. Sixty percent of HIV infections were caused by perverted sex between males. Those sexual acts are some of the most deranged, dangerous, and deadly imaginable. Another 22 percent of HIV cases were caused by illegal drug use, followed by a very small percent from blood transfusions, mother’s milk, and unknown factors. Ebola is contracted by contact with the sick, washing dead bodies, etc. It has little to do with choice of lifestyle although the virus can be passed from sperm to a woman.

If the CDC is as incompetent, insensitive, and inconsistent in dealing with EVD as with HIV then we are in big trouble. I wrote AIDS: Silent Killer in 1987 and did more than 200 talk shows trying to pressure health officials to act wisely but they did not. Thirty-six million people have died worldwide since that time.

Dr. Everett Koop was President Reagan’s Surgeon General and he was an active Christian and outspoken opponent of abortion; however, he and Reagan were totally deficient in the AIDS fight. Koop did an outstanding job in fighting tobacco and obesity and often advised, “Stop your smoking” and “Stop gaining weight,” but he refused to even whisper, “Stop your sodomy.” Remember, sodomy was the major cause of the disease! Koop and the CDC were complicit in a tragic, massive medical cover-up.

The CDC is supposed to function in the best interests of the public health but it is often an office of propaganda as they seek to protect their turf and Big Pharma. And never, never antagonize the Homosexual Lobby.

I interviewed a high Washington official (who was very close to the Oval office) for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer, who told me, “We can’t get anything from the CDC. They want to give the impression that AIDS is a general disease, but it’s basically a homosexual disease.” We discussed the need to close all homosexual bathhouses and he agreed replying that the “greatest battle is waged by members of Congress and others in various departments of government to firmly establish in American life the warped philosophy that homosexuality is just as good and normal as heterosexuality.” Obviously, the homosexual message has been successful since now the good guys are out and the bad guys are in. You are condemned if you are pro family and courageous if you are a homosexual!

While the scientists at the CDC are all highly credentialed with medical degrees and Ph.Ds. they acted like a bunch of elementary students. A UPS article revealed “…infighting so severe among CDC researchers that some were sabotaging the experiments of their rivals. There were reportedly squabbles over who would get credit for writing certain papers. Some researchers charged high-level CDC officials with suppressing research. For example one paper showing that commercially available spermicides will kill the AIDS virus within 60 seconds was blocked from publications.”

Can you imagine grown people, scientists yet, fussing over credit for a paper? Simply give credit to the person who wrote it! If there was more than one author then credit each one! No big deal. But suppressing research and blocking information the public needs is scandalous.

Dr. Gus Sermos, former Public Health Advisor and AIDS Researcher at the Centers for Disease Control, explains in his book Doctors of Deceit, that the “negligence, incompetence, arrogance and complete lack of leadership” in the AIDS epidemic by the Public Health authorities and the Centers for Disease Control have caused the American citizens to become nothing more than “unconsenting guinea pigs” in an epidemic that will kill millions more people.

Sermos was known as a “top U.S. expert in AIDS” and was an epidemiologist at the CDC having researched 850 cases of AIDS. He told me, “I worked eight years with the CDC on infectious diseases. We had guidelines we were always required to follow, but when AIDS came along, they disregarded their own guidelines! I was disillusioned.” In one of my four interviews with CDC spokesmen, Dr. Scott Holmberg, he denied the charge. I wasn’t surprised.

In my book, on scores of talk shows, and in my column in USA Today, I implored health officials to treat the AIDS plague like a health issue not as a homosexual issue. I asked that the same procedures that had permitted U.S. Health Officials to detect, diagnose, and defeat the syphilis epidemic be used in the AIDS battle. I asked for testing of all prisoners, all immigrants, all hospital patients, and all future patients so we could have an idea who was infected. That seemed basic to me.

I then demanded that all who tested positive be interviewed as to all their sexual contacts then have those contacts interviewed and follow each contact. I then suggested that any AIDS carrier who had sex with anyone be prosecuted. After all, dead is dead whether by gun or germ.

My suggestions, demands, and requests were not heeded; then after the horse was out of the barn, the kitty was out of the sack and the toothpaste out of the tube even some homosexual groups began to suggest the same protocol that I laid out in my book and on talk shows. But too late.

Dr. Sermos declared that CDC ordered AIDS researchers not to notify the contacts of AIDS patients about their exposure to HIV. That is not only insensitive and incredible but insane to not inform people that they were probably HIV infected and would die of AIDS! That’s a public health organization!

Sermos also charged that CDC officials obstructed the investigation of possible mosquito transmission in Belle Glade, Florida. I was also involved in investigating that possibility by interviewing some of the medical personnel who believed mosquito transmission possible!

I’ve been convinced with the corrupt record of the CDC that the officials don’t know whether they are pitching or catching as they refuse to prohibit flights to and from Africa. And the head of WHO reminds us that Ebola is not an African disease! Well, let’s see: all the contamination has come from African nations so that would seem to any rational person to make it an African disease. But the racists insist on making everything racist!

Jesse Jackson and a Texas legislator charged that the death of the Liberian in Dallas was caused by racism! There is a little hope for an Ebola victim but not for professional racists whose income and popularity come from making everything a racial issue.

While the band plays on, race baiters and people in power at the CDC waltz around with the professional racists and the cover-up goes on and on.

The CDC initial approach to EVD seems to be following the AIDS path that indicates ominous signs of an impending disaster. Yes, it is nonsense on stilts. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Ebola: Can the CDC be Trusted? Thu, 18 Sep 2014 23:42:16 +0000 A recent CNN poll reveals that only about 12% of Americans think the government can be trusted most of the time and about 75% trust the government some of the time. Evidently our government is the most untrustworthy, unresponsive, and unreliable in history. And most government is sure unnecessary!

Every federal agency is not corrupt, incompetent, or scandal ridden–only most of them. Everyone knows about the IRS, the State Department, the Veterans Administration, the FBI, the White House, ad infinidem. The CDC has a better reputation but it is not without warts, scars, blemishes, etc., and needs scrutiny and overhaul.

My experience with the CDC goes back to research for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer! when I had four interviews with CDC spokesmen. That period was not their most stellar performance especially for a conservative administration that I supported. In fact, the handling of the HIV-AIDS plague was a major failure of the CDC and the Reagan Administration in the person of Dr. Koop, the Surgeon General.

Koop and other health officials were prolific in denouncing the tobacco industry and obesity but they sadly failed with the AIDS plague. Koop and others were quick to yell, “Stop smoking” and “Stop gaining weight” but they refused to even whisper, “Stop your sodomy.” Koop was a committed Christian who had taken principled positions but failed miserably in the war on AIDS.

Another major CDC failure was their refusal to demand testing and tracing of HIV carriers, a time-honored and proven procedure in dealing with and beating the syphilis epidemic–until its resurgence with HIV. After it was too late, many of my opponents on talk shows agreed that I was correct in demanding that AIDS carriers be treated the same as syphilis carriers. But the horse was out of the barn; the kitty was out of the sack; and the toothpaste was out of the tube. It was too late.

Wonder why HIV infected homosexuals were not treated the same as people with syphilis? Everyone admitted that AIDS came to America through the homosexual community and 87% of HIV infected people were homosexuals and IV drug users. However, government officials tiptoed through the tulips so they would not offend homosexuals. Even today 78% of new HIV infections are homosexuals.

The reason for the different treatment is simple: syphilis carriers were not organized and the tobacco industry was easy to hate since no one could defend putting fire to your mouth and sucking it into your lungs. Cancer, you know. Also the obesity crowd didn’t have a lobby to attack those who criticized fatties. But to attack sodomy, that’s so, so, well, so biblical! And scary. Think of Sodom and Gomorrah!

That was a failure of Reagan, Koop, and others when they chose to do wrong because it was practical, popular, and political: give an open hand (full of cash) to the homosexual movement and a fist in the gut to Christians and decent people.

The CDC has also shown itself many times to be incompetent. In highly publicized incidents the CDC made major mistakes with the deadly anthrax and flu viruses. In an internal CDC review, the people commissioned to protect us admitted they shipped infectious agents to other labs–five times!

In yet another incident, the smallpox pathogen was supposed to have been sent to a CDC lab back in the 1950s yet remained unsecured at a facility for decades! Another incredible fiasco happened when CDC scientists stored the deadly anthrax virus in plastic bags! Say what? Highly qualified scientists placed a deadly pathogen in plastic bags! I should think they could have used mayonnaise jars.

Now enters the Ebola virus from West Africa although the head of WHO told us not to call it an “African virus.” Is that political correctness because the 2500 deaths have all been in Africa? Just for the record, the HIV virus also originated in Africa.

Wonder why such deadly viruses came from Africa and in the last 50 years! It may be because of two very simple and easy to solve problems: their water they drink and outdoor defecation!

Next column: “Can the CDC Handle the Worst Possibilities of Ebola?” Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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