ANC – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 South Africa Rife With Politicians Lying About Their Qualifications! Wed, 29 May 2019 09:00:35 +0000 The speeches are over, the marches have ended, the votes have been counted, and South Africa is in the same condition it was before the national election on May 8. It is unlikely to continue another four years in its present condition. The African National Congress (ANC) lost some seats and the far left made a shocking advance. The once great nation, South Africa, is in deep trouble and each day they slide even deeper.

This week there has been another killing of a white farmer activist who spoke out against attacks on white farmers. The 51-year-old woman was found dead having been repeatedly stabbed and beaten with a hammer. Annette Kennealy was found on her farm a few days after reporting on Facebook of 10 attacks in four days on white farmers including one death. She was a publicly outspoken supporter of the Afrikaner community and a former councillor with the opposition Democratic Alliance party.

A 40-year-old man has been arrested. His race was not reported but that is now government policy.

The national election is over but the nation continues on its slide into the black hole of rebellion, recession, and revolution.

South African mines, once leading producers, are producing far less than in recent years; the transportation system is being deserted by riders because of thugs and sporadic schedules; rolling blackouts are commonly causing despair and disruption in the railway system and industrial complexes; South African Airways is gasping for breath; agriculture is on a slippery slope and food must be imported; the educational system is in disarray; government bonds are almost rated as junk bonds; the rand is in a free fall; Blacks and Whites stand in line for jobs with the matter made worse by the legal preferences of Blacks over Whites; and thousands of white farmers have been butchered by black thugs who not only rob but rape and torture and kill.

As if South Africa didn’t have enough trouble with crime, poverty, corruption at highest levels, unemployment, lack of housing, sporadic power, lack of water, racial tensions, declining economy, etc., now enters a major scandal as to qualifications for major officials.

Joe Samuels, chief executive South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), declared that fraudulent qualifications “are a problem on the African continent.” He added, “Everyone battles fraudulent qualifications, African countries are also faced with the growing problem of qualifications fraud.”

Many ANC officials lied about their degrees that qualified them for top government positions—with enormous perks and salary. Daniel Mtimkulu, Head of Engineering Services at PRASA lied about having a Ph.D.; former Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Sicelo Shiceka lied about having a Master’s Degree, and Tembakaze Mnyaka lied about having a Master’s Degree in town planning.

Vincent Mdunge was spokesman for the South African Police Services (SAPS) and was sentenced to five years in jail for fraud. It seems the top cop bought a fake Matric certificate (high school graduation diploma).

The aforementioned rail system is collapsing because of its irregular schedule (a result of scandal at the state-owned power system Eskom) and black thugs harassing and robbing passengers. Now we are told that Daniel Mtimkulu head of engineering does not hold a doctorate in engineering from a German university. SABC News reported that Mtimkulu was responsible for the purchase of 20 (other reports say 70) diesel locomotives from a Spanish manufacturer at a cost of six hundred million rand but the trains are the wrong size for South African railways! Mtimkulu denies it but has resigned under pressure.

The railway agency reports that 13 of the trains were too high for their system and would result in knocking out the overhead cables and signals. You know, I don’t think one would have to be an engineer to say, just before the deal is signed, “By the way, I assume the locomotives are compatible with our present system.” The “doctor” evidently did not ask that question or make compatibility a stipulation in the deal.

Hlaudi Motsoeneng, South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) Chief Operating Officer, claimed to have finished high school when interviewed for an important position. He’s been described as “a delusional tyrant, a man driven by self-enrichment and egoism.” The SABC confesses that Hlaudi was “the worst thing to happen” to the broadcasting company. It seems the SABC is bankrupt and Hlaudi gets the “credit.” He “almost singlehandedly, managed to sink the SABC from within.”

But so what? After Hlaudi was fired, he announced the formation of his African Content Movement, (ACM) and his candidacy for President in the national election. He was given a hard time because his ACM membership form had misspelled membership and was circulated via social media by his opponents. Let’s hope he doesn’t do for the nation what he did for the SABC. The votes have been counted and Hlaudi got 0.02% of the votes!

Ellen Tshabalala is a former chairperson of SABC who claimed to have undergraduate and postgraduate degrees from the University of South Africa (Unisa) but the Mail & Guardian reported that Tshabalala does not have the qualifications she claimed in her curriculum vita, and that she failed most of the modules at Unisa. Tshabalala resigned as chairperson of the board of the SABC.

Pallo Jordan’s curriculum vita reveals that “Dr Jordan studied at the University of Wisconsin in the United States of America in 1962 and he acquired a postgraduate degree from the London School of Economics.” However, the facts are somewhat different because News24 reported “Former minister of arts and culture and ANC stalwart Pallo Jordan has routinely used the title of ‘Dr’ for years only to now be exposed as a fraud.” It seems he did not finish his degree at Wisconsin nor does the London school have any record of him. Jordon evidently has “no formal academic qualifications.” The popular politician apologized and resigned from Parliament and the ANC.

Mohau Pheko was South Africa’s ambassador to Japan, who admitted to South African Broadcasting Corporation that she does not have a Ph.D. as claimed. She professed to have received the degree from La Salle University in 2,000; however, the dubious and disgraced university closed in 1996. The university was selling university degrees and other academic qualifications over the internet. Pheko told the SABC that she “still addressed herself as doctor.”

This is not the only time Pheko has been involved with disgraceful, dishonest, deplorable activities; she admitted that she was fired from the Sunday Times in 2008 after plagiarizing material in a column. Nor was it the only time she took material without giving credit.

Sicelo Shiceka was Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs who claimed to have a Master’s degree in political economy from the University of the Free State; however, the Mail & Guardian revealed that was not true. The paper suggested that he was one of the most “corrupt politicians” in South Africa.

Now, that’s saying a mouthful.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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South African President Tainted with Corruption Charges! Fri, 03 May 2019 18:04:38 +0000 South Africa has been bleeding money in recent years, but they’ve also lost professionals and the wealthy Whites that have kept the nation running. The fleeing Whites have been running to the safety of other nations because of poor working conditions in South Africa including legal affirmative action making jobs and job advancement impossible for Whites. The South African Fin 24 reported, “About 3,000 super-rich have left SA in the past 10 years.”

Sensible Whites are fleeing the nation because of multiple problems with race relations, banking, crime, unemployment, health problems with 19% of the population infected with HIV, educational problems with inadequate buildings and dangerous latrines where kids have fallen in and drowned, and political corruption. It is a seething volcano about to explode.

Rape is common in the major cities with one man in three admitting to having raped at least one woman, and over 25% of women have been victims. A woman is more likely to be raped than to learn to read. The crimes are seldom investigated and litigated. If litigated, seldom are there any serious consequences.

Thievery abounds in all areas of society and every person looks out for himself. Everyone in any place of authority seems to have his or her hand out not for a shake but for a shekel. There seems to be a mania to get the bribe before someone else does as recent hearings have proved.

The government is finally looking into corruption charges against one of the major corporations. Corruption charges have even reached the sitting President and the top six leaders of the ruling African National Congress (ANC). ANC leaders admit that the Zondo Commission corruption hearings will have a major impact on the national election in May.

South Africa is about to become South Zimbabwe in my humble opinion. It seems what we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history and Zimbabwe, a northern neighbor of South Africa, is in death throes as I write. However, South African officials—which means the Communist-controlled ANC that has misruled since the fall of apartheid—have refused to look reality in the face. Their motto seems to be “continue to loot while there is anything available to loot.”

The world’s media seems to be oblivious to the death of a great nation; the media coverage in Britain, Canada, and the U.S. is insignificant. The New York Times finally published an article, “Hit Men and Power” highlighting that “corruption and divisions have flourished within the A.N.C. in recent years.”

But the corruption is not only in the ANC but also in every facet of the nation: the schools, local governments, the utilities, the mines, the police, the unions, South African Airlines, the rail service, and the banks. Plus, the political corruption in the ANC bleeds into all areas of national and local governments.

Jacob Zuma was forced to resign as President after eight years of corruption that shocked everyone in its extent and its audacity, charges that still have not been litigated. His trial has been postponed until after the election in May. Zuma was replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa (one of the leading candidates for president in May) who as noted by the New York Times, is “a veteran A.N.C. insider, and early signs have not been encouraging.” The article admitted that Ramaphosa has “amassed extraordinary wealth” since the presidency of Nelson Mandela.

Two basic necessities of life are a place to live and food to eat and black and white South Africans are having a major struggle to attain both. Mandela and the ANC promised jobs to everyone and to build one million new homes; however, the unemployment rate is over 27% and only 40,000 houses were built between 1994 to 1999 when Mandela left office. People have been waiting in line for many years for a home with few results. Blacks have priority over Whites in jobs, housing, welfare, etc. Blacks don’t envy starving Whites, but they cast lustful eyes toward successful white farmers. I have seen posters warning white land owners, “Everything you have is ours. We’re coming for it.”

Black thugs are encouraged by black politicians to take land from Whites thereby providing the ingredients for a bloody uprising.

The official “legal” decision of the government to take land from white farmers and give it to Blacks, who often know nothing about farming, has something to do with the slowdown at least in agricultural production and the alienation, anger, and antagonism between the races. Aidan Hartley, a London Times journalist wrote, “Once-productive maize fields now grow only weeds. Citrus orchards are dying, their valuable fruit rotting on the branches. Machinery lies about rusting. Irrigation pipes have been looted and farm sheds are derelict and stripped of roofing.”

But enough is enough and the government is being forced to try to control the corruption since it seems to be like a noxious fog that has permeated every part of the nation.

Bosasa was a company that provided services (and bribes) for the government primarily in the prison industry; however, recent testimony, if true, suggests that some of the company’s officials may end up in one of their facilities along with top ANC leaders. Angelo Agrizzi was the company’s chief operating officer (COO) who recently spent nine days giving testimony that implicated the top six officers in the ANC of corruption.

Agrizzi admitted that the corruption started long before Zuma’s administration but that Zuma received monthly payments of R300,000 from the former chairwoman of the South African Airways, Duduzile Cynthia Myeni, known as Dudu. She was a very good friend of Zuma and has been charged with corruption after almost bankrupting South African Airways according to Forensics for Justice.

Agrizzi admitted he stuffed bags of cash that amounted to between $300,000 to $440,000 a month in bribes to senior ANC officials to secure lucrative government contracts. Agrizzi also testified to the Zondo Commission of a R500,000 “donation” to Cyril Ramaphosa during his 2017 campaign for president of the ANC. Ramaphosa said the money went to his son as consultant but later admitted it was a contribution to his election 2917 campaign. Ramaphosa had pledged to clean up the nation’s corruption problem but appears to have benefited along the way.

Campaigning in Cape Town on February 28, 2019, Ramaphosa blamed the nation’s many problems on apartheid, the mantra of most black politicians—blame Whitey. Of course, there is plenty of blame for everyone involved. The President, aspiring to being reelected in a few weeks, declared, “Land in cities and towns must be identified for seizure without compensation upon which high-density housing can be developed so that ordinary South Africans can live close to their places of work.” So, the much touted plan to take farms from white farmers (without compensation that has resulted in thousands of white deaths by black thugs) has been expanded to the cities.

According to ANC officials, all of South Africa’s problems are because of apartheid even though the ANC has ruled for 25 years. It is believed that the Whites are the reason the economy is dying, rape and murder are commonplace, and the nation can no longer feed its people, consequently any corruption is acceptable as payment for past mistreatment.

News24 reported that it is estimated that over R40 million was “donated” by Bosasa over the years to the ANC representing a significant source of revenue for the party. The Communists in the ANC have proved that they are as dishonest as highway robbers. The Communist slogan, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” is a slogan to justify taking from the haves and giving it to the have-nots; but in South Africa, it is the powerful taking even more away from the poor—white and black.

The voters will decide on May 8 if President Ramaphosa and his cronies at the ANC will be standing in the employment line or continue to snort, scuffle, and struggle at the public trough for their share of the public loot.

Greek philosopher Diogenes with his lighted lantern in broad daylight, looking for an honest man in the streets of Athens, would have little success walking the streets of South African cities.


Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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The Deadly Truth About South Africa! Wed, 27 Mar 2019 11:50:29 +0000 The corruption in South Africa is so bad, it’s like a noxious fog that has settled on a once peaceful, prosperous, and prejudiced nation. South African’s President Cyril Ramaphosa is being pilloried, pulled, and pushed from many sides, and many of the political players are more radical than he. He is busy trying to stay in power and get reelected later this year, but he has to deal with many warring factions inside and outside the African National Congress (ANC), plus the murder for hire of wayward members and multiple acts of sabotage in many major cities. Everyone seems to carry guns or has bodyguards even low-level provincial (state) leaders.

The ANC no longer stands for African National Congress but for Accumulation, Nepotism, and Cronyism. Corruption is one of the most used words by South Africans. Of course, this does not surprise anyone since one-party rule always results in cronyism, chaos, and corruption.

The corruption is ubiquitous, especially in the ANC, the political party that has been controlled by Communists from its earliest days and has governed South Africa since the end of the white minority government in 1994. The ANC is infamous for sabotage in earlier years and now that there are many factions within, it has returned to sabotage plus assassinations—of longtime comrades. It is now a fractured party with occasional episodes of the “Shoot Out at the O.K. Corral.” It seems every member in the national government and in the provinces has his hand out or worse—even putting out contracts on fellow members with whom they serve!

The New York Times last fall published an article, “Hit Men and Power” highlighting that “corruption and divisions have flourished within the A.N.C. in recent years.” It admits that too many have lost the vision of earlier years and are struggling for “influential positions and the spoils that go with them.” Thus far, few of the ANC officials in charge at the national or local levels have been held to account.

But the corruption is not only in the ANC but also in every facet of the nation: the schools, local governments, utilities, the mines, the police, the unions, South African Airlines, the rail service, and the banks. Plus, the political corruption in the ANC bleeds into all areas of national and local governments. Everyone seems to demand a bribe to do anything.

The corruption is so dissolute, it has nauseated the famed New York Times to the point of publishing another scathing article almost a year ago headlined, “‘They Eat Money’: How Mandela’s Political Heirs Grow Rich Off Corruption.”

Wow, that was the Times of New York City!

The article charged, “Corruption has enriched A.N.C. leaders and their business allies—black and white South Africans, as well as foreigners.” The statement is easily verified in the life and administration of former President Jacob Zuma who had climbed into bed with the corrupt Indian Gupta family. The Times rightly said Zuma’s connection with the shady family, “contributed to the A.N.C.’s recent electoral losses and helped lead to Mr. Zuma’s ouster….”

Zuma was forced to resign and was replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa who as noted by the Times, is “a veteran A.N.C. insider, and early signs have not been encouraging.” The article admitted that Ramaphosa has “amassed extraordinary wealth” since the presidency of Nelson Mandela.

Former President Zuma hopes to take the office back from Ramaphosa in this year’s election to continue his pilfering of the people.

It seems the seeds of corruption were in the transition from white minority rule to black majority rule under Nelson Mandela. When the transition took place, the Blacks took political power in the national and local governments, but Whites still held the reins of economic power. The biggest burr under the saddle is that most of the arable land belongs to Whites; and Blacks want that burr removed. Hence, the Parliament has voted to take land from white farmers (without compensation) and give it to Blacks. That bit of political thievery has turned the nation into a powder keg as white farmers including children and the elderly have been tortured, raped, and killed by roaming black thugs. As of 2014, four thousand white farmers have already been killed, according to The Times of London.

Much of the New York Times article is old news to South Africans; however, the news is that they are dealing with the news! But more shocking is that they are willing to tarnish the image of Mandela with charges of self-dealing. The Times admitted, “In the early years of A.N.C. rule, Mr. Mandela and other top leaders, who had helped defeat apartheid but had no personal savings, received houses, vehicles and money from white business leaders — essentially bribes, critics say.”

Again, the Times is right on target declaring, “Almost no one comes out of this looking good.”

Mandela is still considered their national hero, but the failure to keep his promise of jobs and homes is a growing, festering boil on the backside of most Blacks. Stating what all South Africans know, the Times declared, “While Mr. Mandela is still revered in the West, his legacy is regarded more critically in South Africa, especially by some young black people. To them, he sold out the country’s black masses to the white business elite.”

Ace Magashule is now the Secretary-General of the ANC, but he was weaned on early corruption in the Free State province. At the demise of apartheid, he was in charge of economic development in the cabinet of Mosiuoa Lekota the premier of the Free State. The premier said he caught Magashule stealing government money which Magashule denied. The premier fired his underling, but the firing was overruled by the ANC deputy Secretary General, Jacob Zuma, who would become the President and take corruption to a shocking level.

At the end of apartheid, Zuma campaigned for corruption because all the other leaders were getting rich — people like Ramaphosa and others who were on Mandela’s A list. Zuma showed all politicians how to major on sleaze and now faces 16 counts of corruption, money laundering, racketeering and fraud related to a government arms deal in the late 1990s. Plus he has been charged with other corruption accusations including spending $24 million of public money to remodel his private home. With all this facing the former president, he will either go to prison or back to the presidency this year.

Premier Lekota acknowledged, “Zuma did go to some of the other guys and said to them, ‘This is what Mandela is doing. We must wake up and we must go for the money ourselves’” This is the same Zuma that posters and banners declare, “Zuma is like Jesus!” I’m afraid not. Jesus was not a thief.

Lekota left the ANC to establish his own party, the Congress of the People, in 2008.

The nation is in turmoil as election day approaches with assassinations, unrest in the black population, and reports of coups in the works. Reuters reported on September 10, 2018, “The ruling African National Congress (ANC) on Sunday labelled reports that top ANC officials, including former President Jacob Zuma and the party’s secretary-general, were plotting in secret to unseat Cyril Ramaphosa as party leader as ‘Shameless gossip.’” However, photos have been published with the alleged plotters together at a local hotel; but were they conspiring to oust the President or playing dominoes?

Obviously, President Ramaphosa is busy trying to stay in power and get reelected, but he has so many warring factions inside and outside the ANC, plus the murder for hire of wayward members and multiple acts of sabotage in many major cities. Everyone seems to carry guns or has bodyguards — even low-level provincial (state) leaders. If one complains about the shoddy work done on a government project or publicly complains about political corruption, he ends up dead in a few days. Of course, the culpable politicians often attend his funeral and may even weep copious tears.

President Ramaphosa pledged to clean out the massive, malodorous mess from South Africa’s “stables” he inherited from former President Zuma, but thus far, he has only added to the pile.


Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! Is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at CSTNews and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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The Sky Over South Africa is Dark with Gathering Vultures! Fri, 01 Mar 2019 08:00:09 +0000 My wife and I watched as huge, ominous Old World vultures circled overhead while elephants, giraffes, hippopotami, and water buffalos struggled for life as they grazed along the bank of the Zambezi River in Zambia. Southern African nations were experiencing a major drought reflected in the grazing animals along the river. Their ribs could be easily seen as they struggled to find enough food to keep them alive. The circling vultures were waiting to do what vultures do: devour the dead. Even I, always more concerned with people than with animals, was emotionally affected as we pitied the plight of the desperately hungry beasts on the banks of the Zambezi.

South Africa is about to be devoured by black vultures. The nation is dying or more precisely, it is being killed by its own leaders who will pick it to pieces like a flock of disgusting vultures.

But the U.S. media are silent and less so in the United Kingdom. Maybe, just maybe if the revolting affair is ignored, the vultures will go fly back to wherever vultures nest.

The mainstream press in the U.S. is once again silent after major politician Velaphi Khumalo, declared, “I want to cleanse this country of all white people…They deserved to be hacked and killed. You must be skinned alive and your children used as fertilizer.” The African National Congress (ANC) party member and government official was forced to apologize and pay a fine for his incendiary threat. He was suspended with full salary but is now back to work—a paid vacation. This case has been a major issue for about two years in South Africa but U.S. media seem to be so busy with a possible “Russian collusion” that they don’t have enough ink or media time to deal with the death of South Africa.

The U.S. media has also been silent about the president of a South African political party who called for the deaths of white people. Andile Mngxitama is the president of South Africa’s socialist Black First Land First Party (BFL) and it is shocking that he is not in the hoosegow. He yelled, “You kill one of us, we kill five white people,” at a Saturday rally where he called for revolution. “We kill their children, we kill their women, we kill their dogs, we kill their cats, we kill anything we find in our way.”

Andile is a real sweetheart.

Another BFL official, Lindsay Maasdorp, stated his views reflecting his party’s belief that all white people in South Africa are criminals by virtue of their existence.

Why would anyone think South Africa is on a suicidal road to destruction?

The sky is dark over South Africa as vultures, buzzards, and other birds of prey are gathering for a feast.

In a social media post, Mampuru Mampuru, a member of the South African Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, called for white genocide in his country. Mampuru wrote in his own vernacular, “We need to Unite as black People, there are less than 5 millions white in South Africa vs 45 million of us. We can kill all this white within two weeks. We have the army and the police. If those who are killing farmers can do it what are you waiting for. Shoot the boer, kill the farmer.”

Here was another public call to kill all white people in South Africa and the media is silent.
He also said, “Who is the devil? A white man is the devil.” Again, he wrote, “It’s time our people organize n kill wives, sons n daughters of any white USA police officer.” Showing his twisted knowledge of history, he wrote, “Never shall we forget how white people took our land away from our great grandfather’s. when time is right we will implement ‘Dubull_bhunu.’ [shoot, shoot] All white are evil.”

Such irresponsible racism was only encouraged when they heard their President Jacob Zuma singing the genocide song himself, leading a crowd in a musical chant, “We are going to shoot them with machine guns, they are going to run . . . The cabinet will shoot them, with the machine gun . . . Shoot the Boer, we are going to hit them, they are going to run.” The high court has declared the song a hate crime (oh, really) but it is impossible to charge thousands of people who sing it at political rallies. And when the song leader is the president.

Deputy Minister of Higher Education Mduduzi Manana, a member of the ruling African National Congress, declared on the floor of Parliament during a discussion of the killing of white farmers, “Bury them alive.”

Black thugs are listening and following their orders.

“My grandfather says a good farmer is a dead farmer,” declared Jason Mfusi the leader of the South African Students Congress of the North-West University. The Times of London reported in 2014 that four thousand white farmers have already been killed, and five are being killed each week.

Mseleni Mogolwane Gwabeni, who is a member of police force in Port Elizabeth, declared, “then we must continue to kill more of their farmers at least to make up for what they did to us.” Policeman Chris Gumotso, who works at the South African Police Service youth crime prevention desk placed the following on Facebook: “All white man…deserve to die…in future..f*©k u..Mr white man.”

The sky gets darker every day.

Julius Malema, Member of Parliament and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) commented, “The time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice. We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.” He told his supporters he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now.”

On Nov. 26, 2018, Malema “launched a brazen attack on ANC leaders (who had expelled him from the ANC), referring to them as “baboons.” Well, they may be thugs, thieves, and tyrants but they are not baboons. However, when you watch the televised sitting of their parliament and watch the fistfights and chaos on the floor, you might agree that baboons don’t act that way.

The nation’s first black president Nelson Mandela promised jobs and homes but he and his successors failed to keep the promise. Millions of poor Blacks have stood in line for years waiting for homes that cannot be produced. They are tired of waiting; and hunger and fear make their frustrations turn to dangerous anger.

What is usually overlooked by the media is that there are about half a million Whites living in abject poverty along with millions of Blacks. Now that the nation has been “liberated,” the Blacks have priority over Whites. Blacks don’t envy starving Whites, but they cast lustful eyes toward white farmers. I have seen posters warning white land owners, “Everything you have is ours. We’re coming for it.”

So, every problem of Blacks is blamed on apartheid; however, honest Blacks know this is not true. Even The New York Times did an article recently stating, “The African National Congress, always a Communist political party, has controlled South Africa since the ascension of Mandela in 1994.” The ANC is run by thugs, thieves, and tyrants, but internecine fighting has erupted into one faction putting murder contracts on others. The thieves are killing each other.

Since the once prosperous nation is swiftly moving into chaos, the now black-controlled government (remember how terrible it was for the government to be white-controlled) recently voted overwhelmingly to take land owned by whites without compensation and give it to Blacks. In polite circles, that is known as thievery but now it is legal thievery.

White farmers in South Africa go back to the 1600s when their white ancestors drained the swamps, leveled the jungle, dispensed with malaria and other diseases, and build roads, railroads, homes, hospitals, airports, schools, and modern infrastructure whereby South Africa became a great nation—until greedy Blacks (with some greedy Whites) stole everything that wasn’t nailed down.

On March 23, 2018, the Daily Mail reported that white farmers in South Africa “have the most dangerous job in the country, are twice as likely to be murdered than police and are killed at four times the rate of the wider community, a rights group claims. …Some of the killings are reported to have been barbaric, with farm owners tortured, raped, burned alive and slaughtered in front of their families.”

The conditions are ripe for revolution as millions of Blacks and Whites are hungry, out of work, and living in shanties as they watch ANC leaders living in gated mansions, driving around in expensive Mercedes from which they dispense fistfuls of money out of their trunk to the low level thugs.

It is one thing to browbeat and dismiss even half a million starving Whites but it is another thing to take land from white farmers and do so without compensation. White farmers are well armed and will fight. Gangs of black thugs have attacked hundreds of white farms killing as many as five per week. The farmers are taking measures to resist the “legal” taking of their land. They have organized, strategized, and regularly practice weapon handling.

They have vowed not to go quietly into the dark night.

The sky over South Africa is dark with birds of prey—waiting—more aware than the U.S., England, and the United Nations that weeks of feasting on the decaying flesh of hundreds of thousands of people is imminent—Blacks and Whites.

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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White South Africans Did Not Give Up their Weapons—Looming Racial War! Wed, 03 Oct 2018 23:22:08 +0000 People all over the world sat on their hands, fretted, clucked their tongues, were saddened, then collectively ignored the genocide of almost a million Rwandan Tutsis during a hundred day period in 1994. UN officials watched, waffled, and waited for someone, anyone to do something. No one did.

I’m afraid the sequel to that real-life African horror movie is being shot in South Africa as I write but with new characters.

The white farmers’ groups in South Africa were appalled at the illegal land-grab promoted by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) saying its members would consider land expropriation without compensation as “a declaration of war.”

They mean a shooting WAR as in bang, bang and they have the weapons that cause big bangs.

In 2010, the government passed gun-grabbing laws requiring that all guns be re-registered and in the process of registration, more than half the applicants were refused and their guns were confiscated. However, only a fool believes the white farmers willingly got rid of their only means of defense.

All unregistered weapons are to be surrendered to the nearest police station. But often the police stations are the most dangerous places. Robbery and rape are frequent as crime victims go to the station to make their claims. There have been many reports of crime victims reporting crimes only to have investigating police rob and rape them when they came to their homes in response to a call to the authorities or when they went to the police station to report a crime.

Transparency International found that 74 percent of people think all public officials and civil servants are corrupt or extremely corrupt, while 70 percent believe the whole political system is corrupt. So, what sane person (black or white) would trust corrupt police to do anything right when choosing to surrender to them expensive guns thereby leaving themselves vulnerable to vicious violence?

The South African Police Service (SAPS) revealed in 2013 that 1,448 serving police officers (many were top brass) are convicted criminals—among them a major-general, ten brigadiers, 21 colonels, ten majors, 43 lieutenant-colonels, 163 captains, 84 lieutenants, and 716 warrant officers. “The 1,448 police it uncovered had all been convicted of ‘serious crimes’ ranging from murder and attempted murder to rape, assault, corruption, theft, robbery, house-breaking, drug trafficking, domestic violence and aiding escapees.”

The SAPS was given one year to clean out the stable but failed to do so.

It is no surprise that Whites and Blacks refuse to report crimes to corrupt, even violent, police officers. It is also no surprise that no one believes even the very high crime statistics are close to being accurate.

Since it is not safe to report crimes requiring having police come into their homes, many crimes are never reported.

Many white farmers own vast farms with no close neighbors and have always relied on themselves and their farm hands to police their own neighborhoods. They have traditionally been well armed. After all, it is Africa! You know—lions, elephants, rhinos, Nile crocodiles, snakes, Cape buffalo, and hippos, the most dangerous of all.

Authorities who expect farmers to live without weapons have to be insane, heartless thugs, or are embracing a nefarious agenda.

Even if a gun license is permitted, it is so restrictive that it is almost useless. The two most requested permits require a “shotgun which is not fully or semi-automatic; or handgun which is not fully automatic.” Now, take such a weapon and protect yourself from a charging black rhino at 34 miles per hour, or worse, two charging black rhinos running 34 miles per hour.

Normal people might think that if a case can be made for gun control in the cities, it sure can’t be made for the farms and jungles. Maybe, it is not about gun control but as always, it is about people control. It must be kept in mind that South Africa is run by the Communist Party.

The Communist-controlled government is on record to take farms from white farmers and give them to Blacks. But white farmers will not go there without force being used. Black thugs have been intimidating and killing white farmers for years and the lethal attacks are accelerating.

Since the end of apartheid, more than 3,000 white farmers have been killed. Twenty years ago, there were 60,000 white farmers; now there are 30,000 according to the BBC. And the black Communist government demands they have no protection in their isolated areas.

The BBC reported, “In South Africa you are twice as likely to be murdered if you are a white farmer than if you are a police officer—and the police here have a particularly dangerous life. The killings of farmers are often particularly brutal.” Andre Botha of the farmers’ union Agri SA (founded in 1904) says there have been 11,785 attacks and 1,804 farmers murdered since the ANC assumed power, an average of two murders per week. Many of these have been gruesome.

And the Communist-controlled government refuses to permit white farmers to have guns!

Dr. Gregory H. Stanton of Genocide Watch said, “The rates at which the farmers are being eliminated, the torture and dehumanization involved—all point to systematic extermination.”

I reported in a recent column that Stanton in 2012 conducted a study in South Africa and came to an incredible conclusion: “There is a coordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against white farmers.” Many of the Whites surrendered their guns when the ANC government passed gun laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons. Genocide Watch said, “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”

The Economic Freedom Fighters led by radical, racist, and revolutionary Julius Malema unashamedly displays the banner, “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate” and that is being seen every day as the most recent stats reveal there are 57 murders per day!

In light of the above, let’s look at gun control in that dark and troubled land in relationship to gun control in Australia.

Australia’s compulsory gun confiscation/buyback program collected more than 650,000 (some say almost a million) guns during 1996 and 1997. They also sharply restricted legal ownership of guns, established a gun registry of gun owners, and required a permit for any new gun purchases. There is no purpose to discuss that program per se other than to say it was not the unqualified success Aussie officials claim.

I have been to Australia four times spending a month or more each visit. We spent most of our time in the provinces (states) of New South Wales, Queensland, and limited time in Victoria and a few days on the resort area of the Great Barrier Reef. We did spend some time in the outback and in the bush which is anyplace outside metropolitan areas. We had dinner with some of the ranchers who revealed a different perspective on the gun program that I’ve not heard before (and am revealing here for the first time) that relates to South Africa’s gun control attempts.

We were told that the federal government of Australia was snookered by wily Aussies who sold their junk guns and later replaced them with better guns. We were also informed that some of their expensive antique guns sold in the buy-back program were collector’s items that were not destroyed but ended up in the basement or den of local police authorities.

So, Australians have not disarmed themselves and neither have the white farmers of South Africa. Even more so, the South Africans have not because of the vast difference in the ever-present danger. South Africans have good reason to believe their own weapons may be used against them or against other innocent people. Or at least the guns may become prized possessions of black politicians.

And the very likely possibility they will be tortured and killed by black thugs motivated by government leaders is a probability, not possibility.

How will citizens react when a flunky of the ANC goes door to door saying, “Well, hello there. I’m from the federal government and I’m here to take your guns today”? That will happen in some cases but not often outside the cities on land owned, cut out of the jungle, and defended for over 300 years by white farmers.

That will be especially true when they realize they will be devoured as surely as fresh meat in a shark tank.

South Africa is rushing pell-mell toward coercion, conflict, and chaos; hundreds of thousands of all tribes and races will die while the silence on this issue in America is deafening.

And the United Nations will be as effective in keeping order and saving lives as they were in Rwanda.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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South Africa’s Failure: Cruel, Corrupt, Communist Leaders! Thu, 13 Sep 2018 00:23:39 +0000 I had a good friend who often said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” He built one of America’s first mega churches, a large Baptist University, a free summer camp for children of all races, a long running radio ministry, and a very active city mission that helped thousands of homeless people.

With that principle in mind, we can understand why South Africa is in chaos today. Their leaders have been disastrous, deceitful, and dangerous Communists. Under the white minority government of apartheid, many of the white officials were racists but they were efficient educated, leaders. The Blacks that have ruled since the end of apartheid have been dishonest, decadent, even dumb. That is obvious when reading their bios.

Nelson Mandela promised all South Africans: “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey….There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.” Well, every person in South Africa knows that did not happen and the mendacious, malicious, and murderous terrorists in the African National Congress (ANC) had no plans to keep that promise. The ANC has controlled the nation since apartheid officials were sent back to the farm and Mandela became President.

Even Archbishop Desmond Tutu refused to vote for ANC candidates in the last election according to South Africa’s Mail and Guardian newspaper in May of 2013. Tutu described South Africa as “the most unequal society in the world” and he added that corruption, unaccountability, and weaknesses in the constitution were key issues that needed to be addressed.

That’s one time, and maybe the only time, I’ve agreed with Tutu.

Mandela and other terrorists at the ANC and the South African Communist Party (SACP) got a free ride on the Gravy Train while poor Blacks were left standing at the station covered with soot with the echoes of We Shall Overcome ringing in their ears.

Fools in the free world put their trust is a corrupt, cruel, combative Communist with an appealing smile and kind voice and now the once productive nation is on the toboggan slide to disaster. And it seems unlikely for anyone anywhere to do anything about the chaos that is swiftly approaching.

When Mandela died, he was replaced by Thabo Mbeki, also a member of the ANC who served from 1999 to 2008. He had a year of military training at the Lenin International School in Moscow. During his tenure, the South African economy grew an average of 4.5% per year and the black middle class was greatly expanded because of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE).

The BEE policy requires any company seeking government contracts to have only 8% white workers. It is affirmative action on stilts. Highly educated white engineers and scientists fled the country for greener pastures. This is just one of many reasons why the water, electric, and other utilities are not producing what is required of them.

Archbishop Tutu declared that Black Economic Empowerment only serves a few black elites, leaving millions in “dehumanising poverty.” That’s the second time I’ve agreed with the Archbishop!

In 2004, President Thabo Mbeki attacked the media who argued that violent crime was out of control in South Africa. He called the media white racists who wanted the country to fail. He said crime was falling but some journalists were distorting reality by depicting black people as “barbaric savages” who liked to rape and kill. Sounds as if he was accusing the media of fake news and I know another President who has made the same charge.

Mbeki received heaps of symbolic coals of fire on his head worldwide when he questioned the link between HIV and AIDS. Then his popularity plunged further when he banned antiretroviral drugs in public hospitals. In November 2008, The New York Times reported that due to Mbeki’s rejection of scientific consensus on AIDS, an estimated 365,000 people had perished in South Africa.

The President felt impressed to resign.

At the resignation of Mbeki, Kgalema Motlanthe ruled about seven months from September of 2008 to 2009. Although raised by Anglican parents (with plans to enter the priesthood), he was influenced by the Black Panther Movement in the United States and the rising Black Consciousness Movement in South Africa. He was a member of the SACP and ANC. The former altar boy had been found guilty of terrorism and sentenced to ten years in prison being released in 1987.

He was a member of the militant wing of the ANC. For a while, he espoused the discredited views of Mbeki on AIDS but soon backed off. After he resigned as President, he served as Deputy President in the next administration.

The fourth President was Jacob Zuma (who ruled from 2009 to 2018) who has six wives and 22 children. With an incredibly corrupt past, he was chosen President, and he made the most of it for himself and his cronies. He was tried for raping the AIDS-infected daughter of an ANC friend according the Daily Mail. The Mail quoted Zuma as telling the court in 2006, “In the Zulu culture, you cannot just leave a woman if she is ready. To deny her sex, that would have been tantamount to rape.” He told the court the sex was consensual and it was his duty to have sex with her because she wore a short African wrap and he could not leave her “unfulfilled.”

What happened to all the feminists in South Africa? No, what happened to decent men and women of all tribes and races in that beleaguered nation? Honest voters would not elect him to clean out village latrines.

A Johannesburg court declared him not guilty of rape which I think was a correct decision but they did not declare him not guilty of stupidity. Nothing can help with stupidity.

He shocked everyone by admitting he knew she was HIV positive but said he wasn’t afraid of being infected since he took a shower following the alleged rape! (See end of previous paragraph.)

But then, it is South Africa.

He challenged parliament to change South Africa’s constitution to allow the expropriation of white owned land without compensation! Of course, honest people knew that was usually called thievery in polite circles. But Zuma is known as a thief having spent 15 million rand of government funds to remodel his private home.

Zuma ruled like an ancient, oriental king as President for nine tumultuous years. The scandal-ridden President whose middle name means “one who smiles while causing you harm” in Zulu still faces 783 charges of corruption, fraud, and racketeering. Moreover, he alienated all white land owners and even principled Blacks when he said, “People of South Africa, where you see a beautiful land, take it, it belongs to you.”

His outrageous counsel is said to be justified because Blacks make up four-fifths of the population but only own 4% of the farms. However, those farms have been in many of those white families for more than 300 years! Their Dutch and British ancestors carved those farms out of the jungle. They did not take any land from any Blacks yet unprincipled politicians are playing the role of dishonest demagogues to win support from the unsophisticated, uneducated, and unaware black voters.

The white farmers’ groups were appalled at the illegal land-grab saying that its members would consider land expropriation without compensation as “a declaration of war.”

Zuma’s land-grab should not have surprised anyone since he had been a member of the Communist Party since he was a youth–an active ANC member.

Zuma staggered from one scandal to another after being elected to office in 2009 and reelected in 2014. His ANC party has been challenged and pulled even further left by pressure from the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), led by Julius Malema. Zuma boasted that his ANC party would stay in power until “Jesus comes.”

At Zuma’s State of the Nation address to Parliament after his reelection, members of the EFF interrupted his speech and a fistfight broke out in an incredible, chaotic display of politics. It seems the EFF leader Julius Malema insisted on knowing when Zuma would repay the 15 million rand he illegally spent on updating his home. The brawl looked as if it was staged by Larry, Curly, and Mo. There was some eye poking and hair pulling but I did not see any pies thrown at the “loyal opposition” leaders.

Zuma received “overwhelming” support from the ANC until they could not live with the embarrassment and humiliation caused by his scandalous actions. After years of outrageous behavior, his buddies at the ANC turned on him and forced him out of office in 2018. I suppose he left to spend more time with his family (isn’t that always the reason?); but with his many wives and 22 children, he needs a lot of time. It seems that morality, decency, and character are not necessary if you are the right color and carry the right card–Black as to color and Red as to politics. But then, even Communists must face reality eventually.

Cyril Ramaphosa succeeded Zuma as President in 2018 and, following the lead of the ANC, promoted a change in the constitution to allow the government to confiscate farms owned by white people! He has said that a “legal” confiscation without compensation will encourage economic growth! Of course, it will not help the economic growth of white people but in a racist government, that doesn’t matter. Furthermore, no sane person believes the economy will improve, the stock market will soar, and everyone (Whites and Blacks) will sing Kumbaya around a Maypole.

According to City Press last month, authorities began their land grab against white land owners of two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties failed. The government usually offers one-tenth, if anything, of what the land is worth. In early August, City Press reported the government had drawn up a list of 139 farms the government planned to seize “to test out” the constitutional right to confiscate land from unwilling sellers.

A government audit conducted in 2017 found that Whites owned 72 per cent of private farmland in South Africa, a nation with 4.5 million white people which is almost 9% of the population. But then, those farms have been in those white families for generations! Their Dutch and British ancestors cleared the land, drained the swamps, and build their farms and don’t plan on walking away from them.

AgriSA said about 20 per cent of South Africa’s farms produce 80 per cent of the food that feeds millions of people in southern Africa. However, that is not enough to feed the population and the struggling nation is importing food.

According to a UN report Why Has Africa Become a Net Food Importer?, the main reasons are “population growth, low and stagnating agricultural productivity, policy distortions, weak institutions and poor infrastructure.” Of course, that is obviously true in South Africa.

I predict that this will simply be another version of Zimbabwe: murder, terror, chaos, economic disaster with investments and Whites fleeing South Africa as it plunges into darkness.

Fearful and disgruntled farmers are unable to sell their land because everyone knows it will be taken by the government sooner or later. Probably sooner than later. Earlier this month, cattle farmer Jo-an Engelbrecht told the ABC’s foreign correspondent his farm just outside Johannesburg was now “worth zero.” Engelbrecht said, “We had several auctions in the last two or three weeks cancelled because there was no people interested in buying the land. Why would anyone buy a farm knowing the government was going to take it?”

There has also been no consideration of what forced expropriation of private farms would do to the already anemic economy. It would produce a tsunami of defaults on real estate mortgages that would precipitate a world-class banking crisis and inevitable recession.

Fact: If there are no farmers, there is no future; and with such leaders, it is no surprise to any realist.

The Daily Mail ended an article with this cryptic comment that if the nation continues on its downward path, “it won’t matter who ends up president of this magical, troubled country. They will be fighting to be King of the ashes.”

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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South Africa was Not Colonized—Critics Are Wrong! Thu, 06 Sep 2018 18:55:59 +0000 Were early Americans wrong to come to this continent and form a new society without getting permission from the Indians? Suppose we wanted to do the “right thing” after we had been here for 75 years and had built a thriving nation. First, we must discover what the right thing is. Even admitting the many failures of the Europeans, would anyone argue that it would have been better if our ancestors had not landed at Plymouth Rock, Jamestown, and Salem? Even if everyone agrees that we were wrong to come here (and I refuse to admit that silly proposition), how can we change it since we are here?

In 1700, there were about 300,000 white Americans located in the eastern part of the country from the settlements in Florida, Jamestown, north to Boston and along the northeast and as far west as Kentucky and Georgia. All estimates of the number of Indians are from two million to many millions, and many of those tribes hated other tribes similar to the hatred between various black tribes in South Africa.

Suppose in 1700, the National Association of Self-righteous Hypocrites convinced the leaders in each colony that all the wrongs done to the Native Americans had to be made right. Since white leaders could not all close the cities and sail back to Europe, it was decided that the Indians must have a voice in running each colony–one man, one vote. Any idea how that would have turned out?

Some argue that the Indians did not own the land simply because they were here. What determines land ownership? Many would say ownership of the land would depend if the land has been cleared, permanent homes established, animals domesticated, the land worked, and relevant taxes paid. Surely, riding around on a horse does not establish ownership.

After cataloging and confessing our many, many failures, surely almost everyone would agree that the world would be a vastly different and miserable place had Europeans not come to these shores. So, to atone for their mistakes and to move on with their lives, modern Whites recognized their failures in the 1800s and early 1900s and gave land for reservations to the Indians with many freebies. But that, too, has failed. There is no value in living with self-hate, sorrow, or guilt because of the many Indians’ present deplorable conditions; but we should learn from the failed attempts to help the Indian tribes.

There are shocking similarities with South Africa. Even if the left wingers were right about how greedy Whites chased out the black “owners” of what is now South Africa, they would have to live with where they are now. However, liberals have made that difficult by rewriting South African History to present most white people as vile and most Blacks as virtuous.

Uninformed or prejudiced commentators on South Africa often refer to the white population as “colonialists” but history totally refutes the concept of Whites taking control of or taking land from indigenous people. When the Dutch arrived in South Africa in 1652 to found a hospital and refreshing station for their sailors passing the Cape, they found unoccupied land near the Cape of Good Hope at the very tip of Africa. If the Whites had trekked far enough north, they would have found tribes of Blacks but does any sane person suggest those Blacks owned the unoccupied land where the Dutch settled?

When Blacks discovered that white people were established south of them, they moved southward amazed with the white people and their strange appearance, habits, tools, and inventions. The simple natives were drawn to the strange, pale visitors and were fascinated with their trading items.

It was a learning experience for both Blacks and Whites and the beginning of a dubious, dangerous, and deadly relationship that forever affected both races.

There was nothing there, not a railroad, highway, building, hospital, or school. Some French Huguenots arrived in 1688 followed by the English in 1795, so white South Africans–Dutch, French, and English–go back more than 300 years. They were not colonialists and did not displace any Blacks. The Germans arrived in 1857. Add to the mix a huge group of Pakistanis, Indians, and Chinese known as Coloreds, and you have a boiling pot in our day.

The ignorant or uninformed often speak of how five million Whites dominated about 20 million Blacks but the fact is that Blacks are not a homogeneous force. There were five million Zulus; about 5 million Xhosa (pronounced Koza); two million Tswana; etc., plus about three million Coloreds who have mixed blood that could be called mulattoes. Blacks hate the Coloreds as much as they hate the Whites.

The hatred displayed among the various black tribes is legendary and pathetic and ancient.

The anger, agitation, and aggression among the black tribes are well known. A white doctor who established a hospital for Blacks in Durban declared, “When a Zulu who has been in an accident is brought in, we must have a Zulu nurse for him. If we have a Xhosa nurse, she will pull off his bandages at night and let him bleed to death.”

Now, that’s black on black hatred.

The Brits and the Dutch turned the barren tip of South Africa into one of the most advanced, modern, and safest nations in the world. They built a civilization that lifted millions of Blacks from poverty to Africa’s highest standard of living–2 to 5 times greater than anywhere in Africa.

While it is true that many white men got rich, so did some Blacks. About a million Blacks from surrounding black nations used to illegally enter South Africa each year to work in the mines. No other African nation has a problem with people trying to slip across their borders to live and work.

Even today with the transfer of power from a white minority to the black majority, the white minority still controls most of the wealth in South Africa. Thus, the pot is simmering and the top is ready to blow. Following the funeral of Mandela, Blacks jockeyed to replace him but that’s like the junior officers on the Titanic fighting for the opportunity to replace Captain Smith while the giant ship was sinking!

South Africa is sinking!

South Africa is the murder and rape capital of the world. South African men rape very young females, even babies, thinking it will cure them of AIDS! They need a cure for their stupidity and brutality. A personal encounter with biblical principles will often solve the brutality problem, but there is little hope for stupidity.

Blacks throughout the African continent were much better off under white racist government but since Whites were in control, the local Communists and international globalists screamed that it was unfair for a minority to rule a majority. So, they demanded an end to colonial rule and the now-black controlled nations have experienced famine, insurrections, genocide, Islamic terrorism, and black dictatorships. But that is acceptable to globalists because Blacks are in charge.

The U.N. Human Development Index (HDI), reveals the downward spiral of South Africa. It reveals that before 1994 during the years of white minority government, South Africa’s HDI ranking was progressively climbing and the nation was ranked far ahead of the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa. It was also higher than the world average. However, by 2001, their HDI score had fallen below the 1975 level.

Communism has historically failed. If Communists were in control of the Sahara Desert, it would be running out of sand in three years.

The failure and decline of South Africa was put in the spotlight when headlines shrieked, “King Of The Zulus: Slams ‘So-Called’ South African Democracy, Says Country Was Better Off Under Apartheid!” The long-time and respected black king found himself in hot water with his praise for the former white minority government.

Liberals squealed like a stuck pig when any credit was given to the white minority government known as apartheid. However, now that Blacks are in total control of a failing nation, the injustice by Blacks against white farmers is far worse than Whites against Blacks during apartheid. Why are leftists not screaming about the crime and mistreatment of white farmers?

Leftists were sure concerned when Blacks didn’t own many farms and had little political power. It seems Liberals, black or white, have a major problem with consistency. Maybe if it were lions, tigers, and elephants that were being killed, the radical leftists might get concerned. But white people don’t seem to matter.

The Communists in African National Congress (ANC) and the South Africa Communist Party (SACP) also called for the nationalization of mines, banks, and other major industries in South Africa and black leaders are demanding that white farmers surrender their farms that have been in their families for many generations! The first two farms were taken in August, just the beginning, so “Katie Bar the Door.” The major civil war between Blacks and Whites that Mandela allegedly diverted has obviously only been delayed.

South Africa is well on its way to being another black tragedy because of power, pride, politics, and possessions. South Africa and Zimbabwe are rich with coal, platinum, iron, chrome, gold, diamonds, etc. And if the Communists get total control of the minerals that are crucial to the free world, then free leaders will have to go, hat in hand, to totalitarians for what is needed for their survival. So, the battle in Africa is not only a black-white issue.

While apartheid was horrendous, the nation’s primary problem was politics, not prejudice. It was Communism not colonialism.

Mandela and his cronies at the ANC and SACP are/were not fools, just Communists, and you can always trust a Communist–to be a Communist. Contrary to what the ANC and leftists in the free world have said, South Africa was not a colony. It was founded on unoccupied land by Whites–some good, some bad.

Why are even Conservatives afraid to tell the truth?


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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South African Communists Can be Trusted to be Communists–Always! Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:05:30 +0000 When the Dutch arrived in South Africa in 1652 to found a hospital and refreshing station for their sailors passing the Cape, they found unoccupied land near the Cape of Good Hope at the very tip of Africa. There was not a railroad, highway, building, hospital, or school. French Huguenots arrived in 1688 followed by the English in 1795, so white South Africans go back more than 300 years. They were not colonialists and did not displace any Blacks. The Germans arrived in 1857. Add to the mix a huge group of Pakistanis, Indians, and Chinese known as Coloreds, and you have a boiling pot.

There is talk of how five million South African Whites kept 20 million Blacks under their thumb but the fact is that Blacks are not a homogeneous force. There were five million Zulus; about 5 million Xhosa (pronounced Koza); two million Tswana; etc. plus about three million Coloreds (from China, India, Pakistan, etc.) who have mixed blood that could be called, “mulattoes.” Blacks hate the Coloreds more than they do the whites.

The hostility among the black tribes is legendary: A white doctor who established a hospital for Blacks in Durban declared, “When a Zulu who has been in an accident is brought in, we must have a Zulu nurse for him. If we have a Xhosa nurse, she will pull off his bandages at night and let him bleed to death.”

South Africa became a British colony in 1806 and the Brits and the Dutch turned it into one of the most advanced, modern, and safest nations in the world. They built a civilization that lifted millions of Blacks from poverty to the highest standard of living (2 to 5 times greater) than anywhere in Africa.
Yes, many white men got rich but so did some Blacks. In fact, about a million Blacks from surrounding black nations try to enter South Africa each year–many illegally. No other African nation has a problem with people trying to slip across their borders to live and work. Even today with the transfer of power from white minority to the black majority, the white minority still controls most of the wealth in South Africa. Thus, the pot is simmering and the top is ready to blow. Following the funeral of Mandela, I see major bloodshed there as the jockeying goes on to replace the “hero” and “inspiring leader.” That’s about like the junior officers on the Titanic fighting for the opportunity to replace Captain Smith as the giant ship was sinking!

In Africa’s colonial nations, the Blacks threw off the yoke of the hated colonists but they could not feed themselves, a problem in much of Africa. South Africa is the murder and rape capital of the world. South African men rape very young females, even babies, thinking it will cure their AIDS! They need a cure for their stupidity and brutality. An encounter with Christ, called the New Birth, will always solve the brutality problem, but there is little hope for stupidity.

Blacks throughout Africa were much better off under colonial, white rule. Why are leftists not screaming about the crime, rape, and mistreatment of white farmers? They were sure concerned when Blacks didn’t own many farms and had little political power. It seems Liberals, black or white, have a major problem with consistency. Maybe if it were lions, tigers, and elephants that were being killed, the radical leftists might get concerned.

Mandela and the Communists in ANC and SACP also called for the nationalization of mines, banks, and other major industries in South Africa and black leaders are demanding that white farmers surrender their farms that have been in their families for 300 years! If that happens, “Katie Bar the Door.” The major civil war between Blacks and Whites that Mandela allegedly diverted has obviously only been delayed. That is exactly what has been happening in that “garden of paradise” called Zimbabwe.

Many Zimbabwean white farmers and their families have been butchered by official representatives of the Communist, totalitarian (forgive the redundancy) regime and their farms stolen. Only 300 white farmers remain of a total of 4,000! The crops are not being harvested and expensive equipment rusts in unplowed fields. The life span has plummeted with the average native expected to live in good health for 39 years. About one and a half million Zimbabweans are dying with AIDS.

South Africa is well on its way to being another black tragedy because of power, pride, position, and possessions. South Africa and Zimbabwe are rich with coal, platinum, iron, chrome, gold, diamonds, etc. And if the Communists get total control of the minerals that are crucial to the free world, then free leaders will have to go, hat in hand, to totalitarians for what is needed for their survival. So, the battle in Africa is not only a black-white issue.

Jacob Zuma was re-elected to head the corrupt ANC, the ruling party in South Africa, so he will reign as President for seven more years. Zuma has multiple wives and recently fathered a child by the daughter of a close friend. Yet, he still has “overwhelming” support. It seems that morality, decency, and character, don’t matter if you are the right color and carry the right card–Black as to color and Red as to politics.

Mandela promised all South Africans: “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. …There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.” Well, every person in South Africa knows that did not happen and the mendacious, murderous, malicious terrorist had no plans to keep such a promise.

Mandela and other terrorists at the ANC and the SACP got a free ride on the Gravy Train while poor black were left standing at the station covered with soot with the echoes of “We Shall Overcome” ringing in their ears.

Fools in the free world put their trust is a corrupt, cruel, contentious Communist tyrant with a pretty smile and it is too late for anyone, anywhere to do anything about the chaos that is coming.

Mandela and his cronies at the ANC and SACP are/were not fools, just Communists and you can always trust a Communist–to be a Communist. Why are even many Conservatives afraid to tell the truth?

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D. Videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota; “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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