Biden – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hymns of Hate from Black Leaders! Thu, 03 Nov 2022 18:45:47 +0000 By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A few years ago, I thought a racist was a person—black, white, or polka dot—who disliked someone of another race because they were of another race. Of course, that’s hardly their fault. However, from the major media, it seems I have been wrong all along. It seems Blacks cannot be racists, and whites are always racists —because they were born into whiteness.

Racism is the blackjack used in an attempt to beat Whites and Conservative Blacks (called Uncle Toms by black racists) into submission. Black fanatics seeking an audience, advancement, and an advantage, usually look through rage-colored glasses. Moreover, I have been convinced in recent years that Black leaders are America’s most irresponsible, insincere, and inept people. They have surrendered any modicum of honesty to the god of wokeism. They will say anything, take any position, and support any person without consideration for their courage or cowardice, compassion or cruelty, facts or fantasy, or honor or hokum.

And white politicians, pundits, preachers, professors, and the press with enormous influence are too gutless to condemn their insanity and, in some cases, their insincerity.

Martin Luther King’s 1967 “The Other America” speech at Stanford University was two years after California and Harlem’s race riots. King vainly tried to explain the cause of rioting and looting to his mainly white audience. He said, “A riot is the language of the unheard.” No, rioting, looting, and burning are the results of destructive, devious, and demented minds and cannot be justified. King was not ridiculed for such a stupid statement because of his special status.

It is time for Blacks to look at where they are in America—not in bondage, not on a plantation, not second class but in the best situation they have ever been. They are free and have more prestige, power, possessions, property, and presence than at any time in their history. Many Blacks are in far better circumstances than ordinary white people. However, the rhetoric of their leaders does not indicate that reality.

Instead, many black leaders pretend Blacks live on an antebellum plantation waiting hand and foot on a vile, vicious, and violent Simon Legree.  While chattel slavery can never be justified, all slave owners were not so stupid as to kill those who did their plantation work. All Blacks are not heroes, nor are all Whites zeros.

History is full of dishonest, dishonorable, and devious Blacks that were charlatans—and worse.

LeRoi Jones declared, “they [Whites] owe us everything, including their lives.” It is astounding that anyone, especially Blacks, would consider that dude an icon of black history. However, Blacks are very careless and seem to support almost any popular Black, no matter how vile, vicious, or violent they are.

It seems color, not character is the deciding factor when choosing heroes.

Marcus Garvey, a famous Black leader, declared, “Every student of history, of impartial mind, knows that the Negro ruled the world when white men were savages and barbarians living in caves; that thousands of Negro professors at that time taught in the universities of Alexandria, then the seat of learning—that ancient Egypt gave to the world civilization and that Greece and Rome have robbed Egypt of her arts and letters, and taken all the credit to themselves.”

His inaccurate, incredible, and insane tirade continued: “It is not surprising, however, that white men should resort to every means to keep Negroes in ignorance of their history. It would be a great shock to their pride to admit to the world today that 3,000 years ago black men excelled in government and were the founders and teachers of art, science and literature.”

The racism in the above statement is only exceeded by his ignorance or his deliberate lies in rewriting history. Every informed Black should be embarrassed by his stupid comment, but I don’t know any civil rights leader who condemned his diatribe.

Of course, reversing Black and White would still be untrue.

I don’t mean to be unkind, but it is undisputed that Blacks are the only group in America who have not risen as a group during their tenure. Compare them to the Irish, Jews, Mexicans, Asians, Germans, Italians, and others. But I suppose it is racism to report that uncomfortable reality. Sure, numerous Blacks are very successful, but as a group, they have worsened.

Louis Farrakhan declared, “The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the lake of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman, or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years.”

Yet, Farrakhan, an outspoken Jew-hater, has been courted and promoted by numerous white and black leaders who consider him untouchable. Tragically, he has wasted his life being fat, racist, and stupid. But then, he does always dress well in costly clothes. Significantly, Joe Biden attended the funeral of a Capitol Hill Police Officer who was killed by a supporter of  Farrakhan and then participated in a meeting with supporters of Louis Farrakhan.

Such inane action proves Biden does not abide by my historical friend Bill Shakespeare’s statement, “Consistency, thou art a jewel.” In kindness, Biden’s excuse could be he has sadly slipped into the shadows of senility. However, that doesn’t excuse his advisors, his wife, and leaders of the Democrat Party for putting him in a position that exposes his pathetic recklessness.

Another black leader wrote, “Everywhere the white man may be, even in Europe, the earth belongs to the Black Man.” He also declared, “The Time of the Rise of the Black Man of America is NOW!”

The film “Why Don’t We Murder More White People” aired at a San Francisco museum for a month. A description of the film depicted it as “an examination of whiteness, its unassailable immortality, and how it permeates our daily lives.” It tells us that whiteness is violence, and that Whites are born “inherently evil.” One person said, “I think if you’re not supporting people of color and to end white supremacy, and you’re neutral, or you are that person that’s perpetrating it, then you shouldn’t — I think you deserve harm.”

Your tax dollars produced the film. Wonder what would happen if I suggested that police should kill more Blacks. Oh, I see. That’s different. Blacks can’t be racist, and we must forgive their racist ranting and only smile at their pathetic swaggering, breast-beating antics.

Black zealot Damon Young admitted he “Recite[s] the Lord’s Prayer with my family. But instead of ending it with ‘Amen,’ adds, ‘and then kill whitey.’” What apparent hypocrisy (and blasphemy) and such action in the presence of children is blatant child abuse.

Biden’s nominee to head the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Kristen Clarke, wrote, among other things, that “Black infants sit, stand, crawl and walk sooner than whites” and “Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities.” When she said that, no one yelled “racism” and demanded she be rejected. To their credit, all Republican senators except Susan Collins of Maine voted against her. Were those Republicans racists, or were the supporting Democrats racists?

I suppose it is bigotry for me to remind Kristen that only 16 Blacks have won Nobel Prizes, and 12 of those were awarded the easy-to-qualify-for Peace Prize. You know Obama, Mandela, King, Bunch, Tutu, etc. Since the desired prize began in 1901, 954 individuals (including 61 women) have received a Nobel Prize, so do we accuse the leftist Nobel Committee of racism?

When I hear such insane, inaccurate, and intolerable pronouncements as Kristen’s, I immediately think it is all a joke, or someone is clinically insane, or maybe only the spouting of a certified idiot. Obviously, truth is being sacrificed at the altar of pretended tolerance. It appears Kristen is incompetent even though she graduated from Harvard and Columbia Law School, which may tell you how far those schools have degenerated.

If I were a trustee of one of those schools, I would demand the return of her degree.

Race hustler Ibram X Kendi (born Henry Rogers) attacked Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett as a “white colonizer” for adopting two Haitian children. According to the jerk (Kendi, not Barrett), the justice thought such action would protect her from charges of racial bigotry.

Does any lucid person believe a prominent white family would adopt black children to score points with the woke crowd? Isn’t it possible, just possible, that the Barrett family loves children and wants to give desperate black kids an incredible opportunity to be loved and reared for personal success?

WorldNetDaily reported on the racism of a New York Times writer who believes white people are “bloodsuckers” and “barbaric devils.” Nikole Hannah-Jones, the reporter behind the New York Times’ 1619 Project declared America was “founded to preserve slavery.” She recently demanded and was paid a $40,000 fee for a speech at a Virginia high school. I might consider listening to her speech if I received a $40 listening fee. But on second thought, I would not. Hannah-Jones has proved to be a farce and a fraud and far from factual, in my opinion.

Is it racism to disclaim, dislike, and disparage the black subculture—what passes as music, living on welfare for generations, absent fathers, high prison incarceration, corrupted English, etc.? It is not racism to point out that Blacks are the only minority in U.S. History who has failed to improve after many generations; liberal politicians (mostly Democrats) are the reason.

Nigerian-born rap artist Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable believes only white people can be racists and called for his fans to “shoot” white people while urging, “Take them as slaves and treat them even worse.” He added, “We’ll take their bitches and we’ll take their money. To be perfectly honest, we will be the best race ever. We are African warriors, they are not on our level. This is just the beginning, black power.” Making the shape of a gun with his hand, Conable asserted, “If any white guy or white girl is trying to talk **** about you, shoot them! If they talk **** about your family, shoot them!”

If racist Blacks have their way, your future will forever be a boot on your face. Wishing does no good, but many Americans wish their ancestors would have picked their own cotton.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher

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Have the Internationalists Maneuvered Russia and Ukraine Into a Plot to Produce a Globalist Regime? Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:48:29 +0000 A Friend of mine once said, And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must need be; but the end shall not be yet.” Therefore, we should not be surprised by what is happening in Europe, but that does not mean we are unconcerned or supportive of an unprovoked war against the innocent.

There are no good guys in the Ukraine-Russia War. Both sides have blood on their hands, but both are victims of determined globalists committed to implementing their socialist/communist agenda. Russia and Ukraine have been sucked into a criminal, complicated, and conspiratorial trap. Franklin D. Roosevelt is credited with saying, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

So, it is no accident that Ukraine has a war, and it was planned for someone’s benefit. Who benefits? Not Russia, since the Ruskies in St. Petersburg and Moscow are getting restless, and their leaders are concerned about a lazy, lethargic, and limp NATO awakening with some determination to do their job and protect Europe against the Russian Bear. Moreover, everyone can hear the roar of an angry, injured bear thundering and thrashing and trashing all within reach.

Ukraine can’t benefit since some of its major cities are demolished and its people are displaced, and its economy is destroyed. And its leader is an amiable authoritarian who is a tool of far, far leftists. He is famous as an actor, comedian, dancing in high heels, and playing the piano, not with his hands or even his toes. You can guess or even watch the debauchery.

Zelenskyy may be politically courageous, but he is also personally corrupt. Additionally, he is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School that boasts other famous (or infamous) graduates such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Pete Buttigieg, Justin Trudeau, France’s President Macron, Chelsea Clinton, California’s Gavin Newsom, and others.

Hey, with brilliant people like the above willing to take control of the world, how can we lose?

America can’t benefit as Biden staggers and stumbles, studders and sputters his way through Europe handing out threats and billions of dollars with no guarantees.

NATO can’t win since its leaders want Putin out of Ukraine, but they don’t want to take the lead in tangling with the Russians. NATO officials want to be left alone to attend conferences, consultations, and conflabs in luxurious spots worldwide.

After thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens are dead and millions are dispersed around the world; after Putin is humiliated and devotes his time to stay in power and stay alive; after America shifts its attention from Ukraine to the next issue that pops up on the horizon; after NATO settles down to shuffling papers, leading cheers promoting their importance for the safety of Europe, and holding collaborations in luxury accommodations; after all that, China will emerge as the collectivist kingpin in the world, for the enslaved and free.

While Americans slept or watched the Gilligan’s Island rerun for the 89th time, the Chinese were dismantling our manufacturing base and developing their national production.

According to Fox News, China controls our health system since it produces 97 percent of our antibiotics and about 80 percent of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in American drugs. We also import about $5 billion in food products from China each year, and the Chinese now own Smithfield, the biggest hog producing company in the world.

China’s chokehold on the American sports and entertainment industry is well known, but few seem to care. Entertainers and athletes whimper, whine, and weep about every injustice in the world except the worst offender—China. But then, hypocrites are accustomed to the double standard when money and prestige are involved.

China’s other almost exclusively produced items include electric blankets, electric toasters, umbrellas, baby carriages, portable radio players and tape recorders, etc.

Americans have been fools to permit a powerful, committed enemy to out-produce and outsmart us.

China’s major cities are teeming with peasants, and the Chinese Communist Party is marching in your direction. They are already in our universities and own much of our land and businesses. Only 10% of land in China is farmable. They are running out of space, and they want your space. That would provide them with millions of acres of arable land to feed their hungry people.

Its cities are packed, and uneducated laborers continue to flood Shanghai, with 23.4 million people, Beijing with 18.8 million, Tianjin with 12.8 million, Shenzhen with 12.7 million, Guangzhou with 11.6 million, Chengdu with 10.2 million, and other cities with 8 million! And they all want to eat, so you’d better like chop suey, and it might be helpful to have a shoeshine kit and know a few words of polite Chinese. Like, thank you, sir, and have a good day, master.

Communists base their strategies on Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Sun Tzu says, “all war is deception,” and the ultimate victory is to win without destruction of enemy cities. Evidently, Putin didn’t read Sun’s famous book. With the present war, the Commies have obviously failed. We must not be deceived or distracted by the smoke and mirrors and must insist on looking behind the curtain to discover who is pulling the strings of the world puppets. Since deception is everywhere, it would be wise to believe only half of what we see and little of what we hear.

Both Putin and Zelenskyy are totalitarians, one is simply more brutish (at this time) than the other. Still, I feel queasy and very uncomfortable when I discover I am cheering for the same person the far-leftists in Washington and the mainstream media are cheering.

No freedom lover would ban his political opposition as Zelenskyy has done. The Opposition Platform for Life (43 seats in parliament and the largest opposition party in the nation) has been banned by Zelenskyy because of ties to Russia. He also banned ten other political parties. Why isn’t our media screaming about that? That is freedom and democracy? No, but it is what the globalists want for America and free Europe.

Zelenskyy has done what all “strongmen” or tyrants have done—take control of the media. He made all television channels into a single unit that he controls. Would you support such control in the U.S.? But wait, the radical leftists already control most of our media. The far leftists in America think they have the answer, and it is not found in free enterprise, free expression, or vocal opposition, but in their authoritarian control.

Putin, Zelenskyy, and Biden are all puppets, but who is pulling the strings? Decades ago, we would have replied, the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission. Today, it is Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other lesser lights who want America to lose its position in the world and everyone to live under a world authoritarian.

Of course, everyone will be happy—or else, and there will be no racism and no individualism. Everyone will be the same, except the special people at the top. The world will consist of rulers and servants, and you know where you belong, don’t you? In true socialist/communist nations, some are more equal than others.

However, the joy boys Soros, Schwab, Gates, Obama, Clinton will call the shots in Beijing—at least for a while. Long ago, they learned to eat with chopsticks. They will enjoy the perks that go with globalist leadership.

Interestingly, Ukrainians contributed $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, more than any other nationality. Like Gates, Clinton was a guest on 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express,” even apparently dumping his Secret Service detail for at least five flights, according to Fox News. It appears that the internationalists don’t adhere to the moral code espoused by your grandma.

Bill Gates is a do-gooder who wants to reduce world population although his former wife would disagree with his choice of friends—like pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Gates, the philanthropist has tried to downplay his association with Epstein, the pedophile; however, the New York Times reported they met “many times.” The Daily Beast claims the two men met “dozens of times” between 2011 and 2014. And remember Epstein had already admitted guilt to two Florida charges of “solicitation of prostitution” and one count of “solicitation of prostitution with a minor under the age of 18.”

Strangely, the world’s second-richest man and a convicted pedophile met many times, and inquiring minds want to know why.

It seems money (or world domination) makes strange bedfellows.

Ninety-two-year-old George Soros (“who broke the bank of England”) wants to install a world government headed by the United Nations, and he has given $32 billion to leftist causes such as Black Lives Matter, Defund the Police, etc. In a La Republica interview on August 11, 2020, he called for an American revolution against President Trump! He is ready to replace him with his own ilk.

The biggest bad daddy is Klaus Schwab founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) who wants to see the philosophical descendants of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin run the world. You know, like the excellent job they did in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, etc.

Schwab describes the WEF’s mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world.” He and his henchmen are not bashful in informing us what they plan to do. Schwab declared, “That it is now far easier to manipulate with precision the human genome within viable embryos means that we are likely to see the advent of designer babies in the future who possess particular traits or who are resistant to specific diseases.”

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari is a spokesman for Schwab and the WEF and is also the most dangerous and devious man I have ever heard. He declared rather nonchalantly, “Humans are now ‘hackable animals’” warning that humans no longer possess “free will” and are set to be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates.

This dude is no minor leaguer since he speaks of “creating non-organic entities.” That means they will make “entities” from non-human matter. Man has always wanted to play God. He can now create! Wow, we have now arrived.

Arrived where?

He and Schwab think grandiosely, grotesquely, and globally declaring, “The (COVID) pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” It will be done over again in their own image. They are often clever but seldom wise.

All in preparation for the universal Mark that will facilitate the purchase of gas, food, and all essential items.

All these Big Time Operators (BTOs) effuse wisdom, knowledge, empathy, and all the good stuff; but they only mention God or Jesus in derision and never speak of personal accountability. And they expect us not to laugh when they ask us to trust them with our nation, economy, freedom, Constitution, etc.

I wouldn’t trust these jerks to walk my dog.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Russia and Ukraine: Trying to Understand Both Sides Does Not Minimize Truth and Freedom! Mon, 21 Mar 2022 17:30:58 +0000 There is a simple answer for every difficult question, and it is usually wrong. After deciphering the bloody mess in Ukraine, I’m even more convinced that is true.

Most people think contentious, controversial, and complex issues can be decided by identifying the good and the bad; however, the worse conflicts happen when both sides are equally right and wrong or, in this case, some right and much wrong on both sides. The war in Ukraine is not a choice between good and evil but between evil and more evil.

Whatever the level of blame in the mess, the horrific bombing of innocent people is enough to make a stone cry.

It must be remembered that NATO was formed in 1949 after WW II to protect Europe from the aggressive Soviet Union consisting of Russia and 15 “republics.” Ukraine was one of the republics. Russia has been a source of trouble, even evil, since 1917. So, a rule of thumb is if Russia is part of an equation, it includes duplicity, danger, and destruction.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine quickly became an independent state, with over 92% of its citizens voting for independence. The international community recognized their independence. Since breaking from the Soviet Union, Ukraine has wavered between Moscow and the West, surviving compromises, conflicts, and corruption yet maintaining its “democracy” intact. Ukraine has long been known as the most corrupt nation in Europe and remains the third-most-corrupt country in Europe, after Russia and Azerbaijan.

After you think of the oligarchs, think Joe and Hunter Biden, the Ukrainian gas company, and the laptop caper.

Ukrainians moved closer to the West and away from Russia as violence continued in two eastern Russian-speaking provinces (Donetsk and Luhansk) on Russia’s border and when Russia took Crimea. Spouting independence, the two provinces (known as the Donbas) remain internationally recognized as part of Ukraine while President Putin now recognizes them as “Russian.” Crimea has already been swallowed by the Russian Bear.

In April 2014, Russian-supported separatist forces attacked government buildings in Donetsk and Luhansk (consisting of almost 4 million people) whose major industries are coal mining and steel production. Those are two significant products vital to Russia. On February 21, 2022, Putin recognized the two provinces as independent states, and leaders of the two regions asked the world leaders to accept their independent status. That recognition was probably to lay a foundation for moving Russian troops into Ukraine to “keep order.”

The deadly bombing today by Russians is them trying to “keep order!” No, it is Russian control.

The eight-year Donbas war against the people in the two Ukrainian provinces is hardly mentioned in the media! It seems the killing of Ukrainians by other Ukrainians is not newsworthy. It doesn’t fit the narrative that all Ukrainians are good guys wearing white hats while Russians are bad guys wearing brown shirts with attached swastikas—neo-Nazis.

It appears that most of Putin’s reasons for his invasion of Ukraine revolve around his insistence that the Donbas belongs to Russia since most of the citizens have Russian roots. Russian-backed separatists took control of the region in 2014, and the violence in eastern Ukraine has killed more than 14,000 people in the eight years since.

It seems the mainstream media has little knowledge of those deaths.

The democratically-elected (in 2010) Ukrainian President Yanukovych began to pursue closer ties with Russia in November 2013, causing major street protests in Kyiv. The Ukrainians know their history of the 1932-1933 Stalin-organized famine where at least 4 million Ukrainians starved to death. As Ukrainians were dying, 1 million tons of grain were exported to the West by Stalin, a reason for deep hatred and fear of Russia. It was a staged famine or genocide.

Possibly because Yanukovych nuzzled his head into the fur of the Russian Bear, his government was overthrown by the Obama administration in February 2014 with the direct assistance of Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State under Obama. She was the State Department’s lead person for Ukrainian affairs pushing European nations to take a harder line against Putin’s expansion into Europe.

To be very clear, a new Ukrainian government was installed in a coup d’état orchestrated by U.S. agents under the corrupt Obama administration, with Victoria Nuland (currently the under Secretary of State in the Biden administration) as the mastermind. Keep in mind the U.S. Government wanted and got a Ukrainian government rabidly anti-Russian.

But then, our CIA has been removing and installing national “leaders” for decades, all financed by you and me. Yet, U.S. hypocritical leaders talk about honesty, integrity, legitimacy, fairness, and good government. Enough to gag a maggot.

Of course, an independent nation has a right to call the shots about what is a danger to their existence, but one must ask how independent Ukraine is after the U.S. installed its leaders. Furthermore, do U.S. officials want to control Ukraine to contain and conceal their own massive corruption?

Think, well, you know.

A January 28, 2014, recorded phone call was leaked on YouTube on February 4, 2014, between Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt. The call reveals that after reviewing the three opposition candidates for the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine, the U.S. State Department had selected Arseniy Yatsenyuk!

About this time, sane people ask why U.S. Government officials make decisions about who serves in a European government. You need to understand that this was not a legitimate revolution by dissatisfied citizens wanting to change their government. It was a bloody coup d’état. Revolutions are legal, and coups are illegal, immoral, and often impossible to be differentiated from a revolution. That coup literally makes Obama and his henchmen (and women) international criminals.

The record must be clear when and if a nuclear war breaks out: those responsible must be held accountable for the dislocation, destruction, deprivation, and deaths.

Yanukovych fled Ukraine in February 2014 ahead of an impeachment vote, eventually arriving in Russia. He was followed in office by Oleksandr Turchynov, a Baptist minister, who served as acting president for 115 days. Maybe he didn’t last long because he said people who use drugs or promote sodomy were practicing perversions.   I’m still trying to understand what is wrong with his statement. Don’t all sane, honest, moral, informed, and awake people believe that?

In May 2014, Petro Poroshenko was elected Ukrainian president and enthusiastically promoted the Ukrainian language, removed remnants of Communism such as street names, etc., and gave more authority to local leaders.

Sounds good to me.

In 2019, Poroshenko was defeated for president by comedian and actor Volodymyr Zelenskyy while the besieged nation suffered from a decaying economy and the conflict with Russia. Zelenskyy is being praised as brave, courageous, and fearless, and he may be. While he does not have the bloody history of Putin, he is not the brave warrior riding a white horse leading his troops into the fray.

One does not have to be a paragon of personal virtue to condemn the Russian invasion and constant bombing of civilians in Ukraine. Still, few wish to consider the Ukrainian government’s eight-year war on the Eastern Ukrainian provinces, which had refused to support the 2014 coup orchestrated by the U.S. State Department.

In an emotional speech on February 21, 2022, Putin made it clear that he believes all of Ukraine is a part of Russia. He also believes in Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and Peter Pan. Putin praises and promotes nationalism in Russia but resists it in Ukraine, and he doesn’t seem to realize by bombing Ukraine, he has thrust the nation deeper into the arms of the West.

Of course, Putin already has Crimea and Belarus as part of his rebuilding of the disbanded, disgraced, and despised Soviet Empire. Still, he wants to add other nations such as Moldova, Romania, Poland, etc. It seems the Russian Bear has an insatiable appetite.

However, NATO or the U.N. is responsible for stopping him, not America.

After the 2014 coup,  Ukrainian officials required the Ukrainian language to be used in courts, schools, politics, and most entertainment venues. Separatists in the eastern provinces threw a fit and rebelled against the government. And Russia invaded, backing the separatists, which led to a very bloody war that lasted eight years.

Alleged oppression of Russian-speaking Ukrainians was one of the key reasons cited by the Kremlin in spring 2014 to justify Russia’s seizure of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. The language issue has also been central to the ongoing Kremlin-led separatist war in eastern Ukraine.

I think both Russian and Ukrainian officials are authoritarian thugs, and no decent western leader should shake their hands and smile, seemingly giving them undeserved respectability. At times, respectable national leaders must deal with thugs in striped pants but should not treat them as gentlemen. But then, many of those “respectable leaders” (Russian, Ukrainians, Americans, etc.) are little more than thugs themselves.

In May 2014, Putin jubilantly accepted the independence vote in Crimea (who voted to be annexed to Russia), but he rejected the votes in Donetsk and Luhansk, located on Russia’s border. Russian-backed separatist forces have occupied the region since the 2014 invasion.

Ukrainian neo-Nazis and other right-wing militias and Islamic fanatics were supplied with a bounty of weapons to kill ethnic Russians in the east resisting the political leadership in Kyiv.

Putin and Russian officials became apocalyptic when they discovered plans to place nuclear missiles in Ukraine, less than ten minutes flight-time from Moscow. Russia was promised by NATO in 1991 it would not expand westward.

Maybe Putin remembers Lenin’s statement, “Treaties are like pie crusts, made to be broken.” While the pledge not to expand NATO was not a treaty, it was a pledge or promise. The secretary-general of NATO lied, saying, NATO “has never promised not to expand.”

But it is even worse because when the USSR disbanded, promises made included that Ukraine was to remain non-aligned, meaning Ukraine would not climb into bed with the West or the East. NATO was to protect Europe from Russia, so Russia considers NATO an enemy.

To be fair and consistent, one must remember that each nation must do what is best for that nation, whether or not the free world approves. But that never justifies corruption, broken treaties, and aggression.

During the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, America got her knickers in a knot when the Soviets placed nuclear missiles 103 miles from America’s border. Fact is, we almost went to war with the USSR because of those missiles. Similarly, after America’s Ukrainian coup in 2014, Russia has reason to fear NATO nuclear missiles not just near but on Russia’s border. To the Russians, that’s like a rattlesnake nest near a daycare center.

NATO promised in April 2008 that Ukraine would one day be a member of NATO without any definite promises as to when. From Putin’s perspective, he has a reason to be concerned if Ukraine joins NATO. After all, he has as much right to be concerned with missiles on his border as the U.S. has if missiles were placed in Mexico or Canada.

Do all nations have sovereignty or not? Do the bad guys have the same national rights as the good guys?

The mainstream media have twisted the events in Ukraine like a pretzel to convince their subscribers that the new regime in Kyiv consists of genuine, reformist, freedom-fighters, and committed patriots, standing against “Russian aggression.”  Some are, however, while Russian aggression is obvious, the liberal media are loath to admit many of the Ukrainian “patriots” are neo-Nazi fighters, Muslim warlords, and ultra-nationalists who demand a Ukraine without ethnic Russians.

On July 7, 2015,  even The New York Times admitted the importance of the neo-Nazis and other ultra-nationalists in waging war against cultural Russian insurgents in the east. The Times also reported that these far-right forces had been joined by Islamic militants. Some of those jihadists have been called “brothers” of the hyper-brutal Islamic State. It seems acceptable for a mixture of various separatist groups, neo-Nazis, and Islamic terrorists to kill Russians.

With the attacks upon innocent Ukrainians in recent weeks, it is easy to detest Putin and praise Zelenskyy but it is for sure not right versus wrong. They are both wrong.

War does make strange bedfellows.

Not mentioned by the media is that this Ukrainian-Russian War has been managed by elite globalists such as Obama, Soros, Schwab, Gates, etc., who are not interested in your peace and your freedom but their power and their money.

But that’s another article. As for now, a pox on both their houses and a prayer for the innocent.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)


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There is a Reason Russian Leaders Have, Like Putin, Been Popular as a Snake! Mon, 14 Mar 2022 19:16:45 +0000  

It seems all Communist leaders of Russia, from Lenin to Stalin to Khrushchev to Brezhnev to Gorbachev, have been social swine and as popular as snakes. The last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, may have been a decent person who helped end the Cold War, earning him the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize.

For the first time in my life, I will say something good about a Communist leader: Gorbie seemed to be a decent man, especially as Communists go, but saying something good about a Communist caused me a severe case of heartburn.

The world was surprised when Gorbachev, leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), announced his resignation on live television to the nation on December 25, 1991. Boris Yeltsin had quit the Communist Party earlier in July of 1990. When Gorbachev walked out, he handed his power (and nuclear launch codes) to Yeltsin, who had become the president of Russia in June 1991, only months before Gorbachev’s resignation from the USSR.

Yeltsin was the first freely elected leader in Russia’s thousand-year history!

So, the immense power shift in the Communist world was passed from the USSR (consisting of 15 republics) to the new Commonwealth of Independent States under Yeltsin’s leadership. Russia began a messy shift from a communist dictatorship to capitalist multiparty democracy. At least on paper, but not in real life.

The following day (December 26, 1991), the Upper House of the Supreme Soviet voted the USSR out of existence—and itself! Not only did that surprise the world, but it shocked and stunned the world. That decision shouted to the world that more than 74 years of Soviet history proved to any sane person that Communism had failed.

But then everyone with the I.Q. of a fencepost knew that. Poland had thrown off their Communist shackles in the summer of 1989, blazing a trail for other former Soviet republics to follow and for the Berlin Wall to come down in November 1989. Yes, even the dullest person knew Communism was gasping for breath and struggling to stay alive.

Yeltsin was a lifetime Communist who resigned from the Party on July 12, 1990, during a dramatic speech and walked out of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Surprised members shouted, “Shame, shame!” Other members announced they too would leave the Party. It didn’t use to be that way. No one quit the Party, but many were carried away after the ritual of being shot, poisoned, hanged, etc., but no one quit.

The new President of Russia announced astounding reforms for Russia that included more liberal trade policies, limited private enterprise, removal of many price controls, private banks, a stock exchange, a more open society, and generally more freedom. Wow, not bad for a corrupt politician; evidently, the free enterprise system had impressed them after all.

Things were changing quickly in the world’s largest country.

No one knew there would not be a Communist Party in a few months because Yeltsin would issue a decree in August of 1991 banning the Party, nationalizing its property and assets, and condemning its activities. Yeltsin correctly saw his political future governing Russia, not perpetuating the Soviet Republic that was crumbling around him.

Yeltsin had no choice but to reject fundamental Communist theories since the Soviet system was a proven failure: people were hungry; the nationalists on the borders were getting restless, and Reagan’s preaching free enterprise and criticism of Communism still echoed in the halls of the Kremlin. Communism’s basic tenets had often been challenged and criticized by Reagan and other informed Conservatives generating spectacular success.

Yeltsin’s biggest personal problem was spending an unusual amount of time with a vodka bottle while former Soviet countries were rebelling, corruption was rampant, and people were hungry!

He permitted gangsters to take advantage of the nation producing oligarchs (“rule of the few”) who got vast wealth by taking or buying once state-owned businesses, utilities, etc. The unexpected unrestrained capitalism brought shattering poverty for many and stupendous wealth for the few. Along with that came crippling economic depression and rampant crime and corruption.

Near the end of Yeltsin’s eight-year rule, the nation collapsed in 1998, shocking Russian society. The following spring, Russia was in a death spiral as hungry workers went for months without being paid. By the summer, Yeltsin and his corrupt cronies were not sleeping well, fearing angry retribution from irate citizens when their terms were scheduled to end in a few months.

Russia was standing on the edge of a civil war.

Yeltsin made some good decisions during his eight-year rule but alas, lost his battle with the bottle and resigned on December 31, 1999, after getting a guarantee of immunity from prosecution from Putin. According to the Russian Constitution, Putin, Yeltsin’s prime minister Vladimir Putin became acting president. His first official action was to make official his immunity promise to Yeltsin and his cronies.

Yeltsin may have been a drunk, but he wasn’t an idiot.

Vladimir Putin was a true-to-life spy without morals but with one motive—power. In June 2000, Putin’s popularity was 2%, matching the outgoing Yeltsin, but a series of deadly bombings of apartment buildings in Russian cities turned the polls dramatically favorable to Putin. People overlooked the corruption and seizure of the nation by powerful oligarchs; they wanted peace and safety. Putin promised to find the bombers and bring them to justice. People in major cities were sleeping on the streets, fearful of being bombed in their beds.

Putin won the election as president overwhelmingly. He never did discover who was responsible for the many bombings that killed so many Russians, and few, apart from his family and personal entourage, believe the bombings were unrelated to his election victory.

The cold war had ended, and our enemy flattered us by trying to put America’s most important policies into practice.

It seemed the leopard could and did change its spots. Russians were now “free.” Criticism of the old regime, including Stalin, Lenin, and Marx, was now permitted. However, Putin showed his heavy, authoritarian hand when he closed two of the country’s most popular independent media outlets. You see, free doesn’t really mean free in the Communist nomenclature.

The times were changing for sure; however, Communism was and is still alive and well in Russia. Putin is legally president of Russia, which translates as a strongman, authoritarian, autocrat, top honcho, totalitarian, tyrant, despot, bully, and dictator.

The Communist Party had been banned by Boris Yeltsin in 1991, but Communism was still alive. Almost 74 years of Communist rule resulted in a failed experience, and in desperation, Putin permitted capitalism to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. He took advantage of the free flow of money by squirreling away 70 billion dollars for his retirement.

Biden could almost guarantee Democratic victory at the polls if he could deny Putin his ill-gotten gain. But then some Conservatives might demand he hold himself (and his debauched son Hunter) to the same standard regarding their investments in Ukraine!

When Russia was set free from shackles in 1991, free enterprise investors had rushed to invest in the new “freedom-loving” nation. Billions of dollars were invested in Russia, facilitating the funding of its aggressive moves globally. Communism was not dead, although many former Communist leaders were.

One of those former Communist leaders, Lenin, declared, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” We bought the rope when capitalists rushed in to pull Russia’s chestnuts out of the fire after the “fall of Communism.”

Of course, the investors were expecting to profit from the use of their money to prop up the Communist nation. However, I don’t think it is wise to help a vulture determined to pick out my eyes.

Yes, there is more freedom in Russia than before the condemnation of Communism, but corruption, poverty, and human rights abuse are still widespread. Under Putin’s leadership, secret service thugs still run the nation, and while the old prison system known as the Gulag is gone, harsh prison camps still exist.

Gulags (prison work camps and isolated “corrective labor colonies”) were populated with 18 million (some historians say 25 million) vicious convicts, child molesters, petty criminals, and political prisoners with many more inhabitants during Stalin’s rule. The series of penal camps numbered almost 500. Any citizen could expect to be hauled to prison with no trial or right to an attorney, and family members might never hear of them again.

Convicts and exiles (who had criticized or even joked about Communist leaders) were sent to the underpopulated areas, more notably Siberia, with few towns or food sources and no organized transportation system.  Even prisoners as young as twelve were required to work up to 14 hours a day, often in extreme weather (80 degrees below Fahrenheit), and were fed depending upon their work production. Less work, for whatever reason, meant less food. Many died of starvation, disease, or exhaustion—others were simply shot.

The movement of revolutionaries and troublemakers to the vastness of Siberia over 2000 miles from Moscow was a quick and easy way to eliminate problems and get free work done at the same time. This relieved the pressure of feeding (and controlling) troublemakers and served to populate inhospitable villages and towns far from the populated cities in the Soviet Empire.

The gulag prison system had been disbanded within days of Stalin’s death, and millions of prisoners were released. With the fall of the Soviet Union, most of the remaining gulags were closed with a few exceptions; however, Putin has 430 political prisoners in work camps at this hour.

Socialism/Communism (the same thing except Socialists don’t have guns, yet) doesn’t seem so attractive, does it?

Stalin assumed room temperature (probably with the assistance of some of his “friends”) in 1953, and when his toes pointed up, it was the only good thing he ever did for mankind. That day, he really served his country magnificently. If Putin would “go do likewise,” the world’s political health would improve immensely. That could be emulated by leaders in China, North Korea, and assorted African and South American dictators.

Putin, now popular as a snake, could cap his infamous career of evil-doing if his invasion of Ukraine convinces non-thinking Americans to vote for radical leftist Democrats. He would then be responsible for destroying America as well as Ukraine. His praise of Biden, America’s current Blunder-in-Chief, would rescue fellow leftist Biden from inglorious disgrace, defeat, and delay his departure back to the backwaters of Delaware.

However, Putin can rise a little, in my opinion, if he withdraws his lifeline to Biden and leaves Ukraine. Or Putin could throw Biden an anchor by praising the pure Socialist agenda of Biden.

No sane American would vote for a Democrat again.

But then, it depends on who counts the votes.  Joseph Stalin declared nearly a hundred years ago, “what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

In Putin’s Russia, even the poll workers must be members of Putin’s United Russia party, and all votes are counted behind closed doors. Somehow, Putin always wins.

Americans know about vote counting, especially in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Incredible Corruption at NIH, CDC, and WHO That No One Talks About! Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:35:34 +0000  

During an interview in May, Dr. Francis Collins, former Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), admitted that the NIH “has a stake” in intellectual property used in the COVID vaccine. He went on to say of the pharmaceutical companies, “nobody sees this as a way to make billions of dollars.” He added they can expect a “tiny profit, maybe one-digit percent.” Well, obviously, that has not proved true.

Collins announced his resignation just weeks after documents revealed he made “untruthful” comments about U.S. federal funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Richard Ebright of Rutgers University bluntly said that Collins had not told the truth when asked about this research: “assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.”

To those educated in public schools, that means Collins (and Fauci) lied and has been forced out of his position as head of the NIH, although Collins claimed it was time to step down. At least he didn’t talk about “spending more time with the family.”

Collins has publicly professed to be a “serious Christian” and sees no conflict between being a scientist and a “believer.”  But then, there is a conflict between being a Christian and a liar. Collins said he had been a Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, and Episcopalian.

Collins was the boss of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who, like Collins, has a reputation of lying even before Congress. Fauci is known for flip-flopping with a record that shows he changes sides more often than windshield wipers.

If a court proves they lied to Congress, they should both go to prison; but the chance of that happening is like Hunter Biden admitting his “art” work is amateurish and is being used to coerce money out of access seekers—lobbyists.

Over the years, there have been numerous scandals in the CDC, NIAC, NIH, but the media manages to look out for their reputation. The media will continue to use Collins’ expertise and never introduce him as “the formerly disgraced Director of NIH.”

Former Director of the CDC, Dr. Tom Freidman, was arrested and confessed to committing a sex crime but escaped jail time. However, the media still go to Tom for his opinion and never introduce him as the “former Director of the CDC and admitted sex offender.” He was hired to a cushy job at the Council of Foreign Relations.

They take care of their own.

Some would say that was in the past and is not germane to the issue at hand. But isn’t it strange that whenever David Duke is mentioned, without exception, he is always “a former member of the KKK?” Although that was more than 40 years ago. And when he ran for Louisiana Governor, he had the support of black civil rights leader James Meredith.

While the liberal/malicious media constantly refer to Duke’s KKK association, the media never reveal that former president Harry Truman was a member of the Klan or Senator Robert Byrd was a KKK official, or that Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black was a Klan member–all Democrats! Nor do they ever mention that Nelson Mandela was a lifetime Communist agitator imprisoned for espionage and sabotage, which he admitted at his trial. Maybe some media mogul will explain that to me, but I won’t hold my breath.

Not only are straying Liberals always forgiven but their infractions are buried by the media—if the culprit was far enough to the left.

You see, the problem is hypocrisy and honesty with an abundance of the former and the absence of the latter.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Director is former Ethiopian Minister of Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and Foreign Affairs, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ph.D. Tedros is often seen on television pontificating on world health issues. However, it is never mentioned (full disclosure?) that he is accused in his own country “for the role he played in systematic genocidal violence and gross human right violations including but not limited to arbitrary detentions and extrajudicial execution.”

Another major bit of information that is never revealed is Tedros was “the 3rd ranking member of the politburo (governing body) of the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF) Terrorist Organization.” The TPLF is an organization founded as a communist revolutionary party that came to power in 1991.

Since no one else will, I should mention that Tedros is part of the Tigray ethnic group. But then, that is no reason to support Communists, although it is an excellent reason to oppose them. Of course, there is a method to his madness since he must have China’s support for re-election as Director of WHO.  Tedros is a puppet “made in China” who can always be counted on to spout praise for the Commies behind the Bamboo Curtain; after all, puppets always say what the person whose lap they sit on wants them to say.

One of the first things Tedros did after taking the job at WHO was to nominate dictator Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe as a goodwill ambassador to the WHO. Mugabe, 93 years old, was appointed, yet Zimbabwe’s healthcare system collapsed along with the economy under his watch! Remember the Zimbabwean 100 trillion-dollar bill in 2008 when inflation reached 231,150,888.87 percent? If you missed that, you might be about to see something similar in the U.S.

You are about to become a billionaire. Your $300,000 home will be a million-dollar home in a few months.

Mugabe ordered the killings of 20,000 people in Zimbabwe during the 1980s, yet the WHO Director appointed him goodwill ambassador “because of his contributions to public health.” I don’t suppose the WHO Director tried to get the opinion of the 20,000 victims Mugabe had killed.

However, Mugabe has gone where all Communists go when their toes turn upward, but thinking people ask, “What kind of a moron appoints Robert Mugabe as a goodwill ambassador for health?” You know WHO.

But the WHO debacle continues to accelerate.

Tedros announced on October 21, 2021, a “profound transformation” of WHO’s culture after the revelation that at least 21 WHO staff members sexually abused and exploited local citizens in the Democratic Republic of Congo from August 2018 to June 2020. Female victims told of being raped, becoming pregnant, and forced into an abortion.

Nothing new here. This has been the modus operandi for United Nations’ groups for decades. The U.S. has financially supported 15% ($400 million in 2019) of WHO’s budget until President Trump stopped it and pulled out of WHO. In one of his first acts as president, Biden rescinded former President Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO and sent them a $200 million check.

More wisely, on October 28, 2021, world news reported the European Commission (EC) suspended funding for WHO programs in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) “over concerns about mismanagement of W.H.O.’s massive sexual abuse scandal.”

Obviously, the almost sacrosanct feelings American and world citizens have towards the leading health officials seems to be misplaced, mistaken, and misappropriated. These highly trained officials may act like buffoons; may talk like buffoons but don’t get the wrong idea, they are buffoons.

You and I still fund their activities.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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The Tragedy of a Mentally Incompetent World Leader Whose Advisors and Family Refuse to Challenge, Confront, or Control Him! Thu, 02 Sep 2021 16:29:29 +0000 Various world leaders in history have been incredibly talented, ambitious, gracious, lazy, indulgent, vicious, perverted, brutal, incompetent, and crazy as a loon. Some of the above is true of Joe Biden, pretending to be President of the U.S. After all, if a man can pretend to be a woman, a black racist can pretend to be a lily-white person, then a fumbling, foolish, and failing lifetime politician can pretend to be the leader of the free world.

However, the catastrophic and tragic results are not pretended, temporary, or easily corrected.

As a world leader, Biden has been preceded by many others in different times and different places with whom he has a similar modus operandi.

Roman Emperor Caligula was known for his lavish projects, his sadism, and his eccentricity. He once had his army construct a two-mile floating bridge so he could gallop along it on his horse. I suppose he sold that to the Rome Senate as a much-needed “infrastructure bill.” But then, he didn’t need Senate approval since he often said, “Remember that I have the right to do anything to anybody.”

Caligula built a lavish house for his horse and attempted to appoint his steed to the prestigious position of consul. However, he (Caligula, not his horse) was assassinated before he could complete the promotion.

In the interest of discretion, I will not deal here with the many appointments Joe Biden has made that are regrettable, repulsive, and reckless to freedom nor with the RINOs that did not scream their objection. Although Biden did make much of his dogs that seemed to have the freedom to roam in his palace, I mean the White House.

Caligula had an odd physique, and his body was extremely hairy—except for his head. He was often ridiculed as looking like a goat. If anyone at court used the word goat, he was beaten to death with an iron rod. Suetonius alleges in his A.D. 121, The Twelve Caesars that Caligula made it a crime “for any person to look down on [him] from above or so much as to name a goat.” The emperor also dressed in female shoes and wigs, slept with his sisters, and paraded his fourth wife nude in front of his associates at court.

Biden’s decline has not reached the depraved depths of Caligula, but Joe’s irresponsible decisions have been far more devastating, disastrous, and deadly to the world.

Roman Emperor Nero (nephew of Caligula) became synonymous with madness. History reveals while persecuting and prosecuting Christians, he killed his stepbrother, his wife, and his mother (with whom he had sex). He was also charged with burning Rome to extend his palace, and he allegedly fiddled while the city burned.

Joe can’t play a fiddle.

Closer to modern times, King George III of England, whom a small group of future Americans spanked thoroughly in the late 1700s, reigned more than 59 years having great successes and massive failures. George was deeply devout and spent hours in prayer. He first met his wife on their wedding day and remained faithful to her throughout his life, unlike most European royalty. They had 15 children—nine sons and six daughters.

That’s something Biden can’t boast of since he broke up Jill’s first marriage with Bill Stevenson and has since pretended his courtship with Jill was a classic and classy romance. It was not. It was a sordid affair. Jill’s husband even gave Biden $11,000 for his first senate campaign, but I suppose he is no longer a Biden supporter. Fact is, he is writing a book about the whole affair.

King George had a keen interest in agriculture, earning him the nickname “Farmer George.” He was sincerely loved and applauded for his victory in the Seven Years War with France and other accomplishments, including not being dragged into the bloody French Revolution. His résumé would be more impressive if he had managed to stay out of the American Revolution or War of Independence.

While George was admired for living a virtuous life, he was troubled with the vile lifestyles of his sons, who became infamous for secret spouses, meddling mistresses, and bastard babies.

George was a brilliant, talented, and thoughtful king who, at various times, ruled, reigned, and ranted. Colonial Americans considered him a tyrant; however, much of the problem was with the English Parliament that George had to get along with.

When George drifted into violent insanity in 1788, lasting several months, his physicians forced him to wear a straitjacket while doctors blistered his skin in an attempt to rid the body of poisons. Blistering consisted of using James’ Powders (mostly arsenic). As is often true, the cure was worse than the disease and ended up killing him. A sample of the King’s hair in 2005 revealed high levels of arsenic from the powders.

The King’s final months were spent being bound in a straitjacket and sometimes chained to a chair. He died at Windsor Castle on January 29, 1820. He had an impressive funeral, but the tombstone should have read: Killed by unskilled physicians.

As the king’s health deteriorated, he developed dementia and became completely blind, and at Christmas of 1819, he talked nonsense for 58 hours. He had also gone deaf, so he was spared having to hear what he said.

Biden doesn’t have that luxury when he blabs gibberish.

Physicians and aristocrats who had contact with George noted that he often spoke nonsense when he was not well. It got so bad, it was not possible to comprehend what he meant to say. He would talk for many hours without stopping as he foamed at the mouth. On a special occasion, he walked to the podium, bowed, and said to the illustrious crowd, “My Lords and Peacocks.” But that was simply George. Everyone knew most of the European royalty had been interbreeding for decades, so many of them were quirky.

With George, it was more than being quirky or eccentric. He was sick and suffered bouts of mental instability as early as 1765 and lasted until he died in 1820.

Joe Biden is not just “sleepy Joe” or a “little quirky.” He, at times, seems to be in another world, not knowing whether he is pitching or catching. For sure, he should not be in the game. His first year in office proves he is way out of his league, and his failures are already devastating the world.

Biden delayed the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, giving terrorists control of Kabul, making the terrorists the de facto government. His decision, one of the worst in American history, resulted in bombing deaths, chaos at the airport, giving names of Americans to the terrorists, and finally leaving an unknown number of American citizens in the hands of the violent Taliban. This decision will live long in history as one of the most despicable, unnecessary, and tragic political decisions ever made.

A less severe consequence of the surrender was to leave billions of dollars of military equipment in enemy hands. Hey, I’m no military expert, I wasn’t even a real sharp Boy Scout (since I had just discovered girls), but I know you remove American civilians first, then support personnel, then the military and equipment. And as far as leaving the equipment behind, it should have been ferried to a nearby friendly nation. Even if that was not possible, you can destroy a huge airplane with one well-placed hand grenade. Or, using a shoulder-fired rocket launcher, one can destroy a fleet of planes, tanks, trucks, and a massive stack of automatic rifles in a few minutes.

Biden’s appalling decision is branded on his face, the Democrats, and the wobbly RINOs for the world to see and Biden’s nonsensical chattering will be rejected by all honest people. And he can’t turn his back and walk away from this fiasco.

Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline that cost Americans thousands of jobs with no concern for the far-reaching consequences. He also canceled oil and gas leases affecting thousands of jobs in the southwest states.

Biden’s border policy is an obvious disaster as to a record number of illegal aliens flooding into U.S. cities from sea to shining sea. He even permitted 900,000 deported aliens to return to America! Biden spent nearly $90 million, so illegal invaders could sleep well in nearby motels. The deadly results will be evident for decades to come.

To add to the confusion, he stopped building the wall costing us $6 million a day to not continue the work. He compounded his madness, and some say treason, by preventing most arrests and deportations of criminal illegal aliens. Biden reinstituted the catch and release program stopped by President Trump with the expected consequences of those aliens distributing the COVID virus among us.

Biden’s Department of Justice has been vigorously pursuing the “insurrection” on January 6 but smiles benignly as the rebels, rioters, and robbers of Black Lives Matter and Antifa fame have all charges dropped.

Biden is not totally unconcerned for everyone since he permits transgender people to serve in the military, even paying for sex-change surgeries. Biden is very generous—with our money. He also signed an executive order including “gender identity” in the enforcement of civil rights laws showing his rainbow colors by creating a White House Office on Gender Policy. Parents of girls in sports can now count on the feds enforcing Title IX eviscerating women’s sports, putting the radical LGBTQ agenda above women’s rights and safety. Furthermore, he ordered the State Department to make LGBTQI issues a foreign policy priority. He did not explain why giving legal permission for perversion was a foreign policy issue, but it made the LGBT crowd happy.

That’s all that matters; after all, they make up about 3% of the U.S. population. But they are loud, rich, and they vote—left.

I could go on and on and on about his cuddling up to Communist China, appeasing the fanatics in Iran, insisting on mask mandates, kowtowing to the leftist teachers’ unions, mailing stimulus checks to incarcerated felons, and sending $125 million to the Palestinian Authority.

Biden is a gun grabber who wants to make it impossible for Americans to defend themselves, totally contrary to the Constitution. Interestingly, the Taliban in Kabul issued orders for all citizens to surrender their guns within a week! I was going to add, they learned that from Biden, but all tyrants do that. After all, they may be tyrants, but they aren’t stupid.

So, it is time for Biden to go slowly into the night. No big deal. Just leave for the sake of America and the free world. If he is too far gone to be aware of his condition, his advisors must step in and convince him to move back to his basement in Delaware. It is past time for those in Congress to act in defense of their country and in obedience to their sacred oath to defend this nation. They must pull all the strings, push all the buttons, call in all favors, and sound all alarms to remove Biden.

If all else fails, Jill should do what she should have done months ago and demand he leave. How can a wife, family member, or friend permit a loved one to continue in such a powerful position impacting millions of people while every sensitive person feels sorrow for him?

Joe Biden is fiercely derided on the one side and weekly defended on the other side because he has no defense. He has attained the frailties without the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of age. His friends and relatives must admit that and take responsibility to render him harmless—at least to America, which he has sworn to protect.

Biden must go—now.

Leaving us with what’s-her-name Harris in the Oval Office! Well, I’ll deal with that later.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 19 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Will COVID Push America Off a Financial Cliff? Fri, 30 Jul 2021 18:27:45 +0000 Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warned in a Wall Street Journal article the coronavirus crises could lead to global economic doom. He wrote an opinion piece with a catastrophic proclamation that “failure could set the world on fire,” The elderly internationalist believes the Trump White House did “a solid job in avoiding immediate catastrophe.” He says the US needs to work quickly to find a cure, pitch in to rebuild the global economy, and protect the “liberal world order.”

Others express the same conclusion as expressed in headlines I’ve gathered: Complete collapse of economies’ ahead in Africa; Recession Bread Lines Forming; The evidence is clear: Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster; and others.

If this economy brings America to her knees–it might be a good thing!

In an interview for his New York Times best-seller, Aftershock, Robert Wiedemer said, “The data is clear, 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market drop, and 100% annual inflation . . . starting as soon as next year.” Wiedemer has an outstanding record in that in 2006, he and a team of economists foresaw the coming collapse of the U.S. housing market, equity markets, private debt, and consumer spending and published their findings in America’s Bubble Economy. So, it would be prudent to assume he knows of which he speaks.

Hidden in the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is a new $570 million family leave account exclusively for federal workers. It provides a payment of $1,400 for a single taxpayer ($2,800 for joint filers), in addition to $1,400 per dependent. It provides National Endowment for the Arts $135 million; National Endowment for the Humanities $135 million, Institute of Museum and Library Services $200 million; Native American Language Preservation $20 million; Assistance to State Governments and District of Columbia $195.3 billion; Local governments $130.2 billion; to Tribal Governments $20 billion; and Territorial Governments $4.5 billion. There is over $166 billion to various boondoggles for public education; and much, much more.

I don’t usually write obscene statements, but the above paragraph is outrageously obscene. It is shocking that taxpayers have not flooded the Capitol and confronted the House and Senate and assorted bureaucrats. It seems Socialism is the drug of choice for leftist radicals in both parties.

Wow, in the past, such a spending bill would turn the town folk into raving anarchists rushing down the streets with flaming torches and pitchforks to tar and feather every Congressman and Senator who voted for such a monstrosity. But it was no big deal which shows how far we have traveled on the Road to Socialism.

We are almost there.

With the massive federal bailouts and loans to almost any entity, it is evident that we are slowly becoming a socialist nation functionally. The federal government is bailing out various cities and states that spent money like a drunken sailor. A good example is Chicago, where their deficit in 2019 was over 8 million dollars! Don’t you delight in bailing out cities or states that have been misruled by corrupt Democrats? We are also going to underwrite many insolvent pension funds and may forgive student loans.

But then, you paid your student loans, sucker. Or maybe you didn’t go to college, but you get to pay for those who did.

Of course, the money give-away is no surprise to many of us. After all, Socialists are in control. Obama told us he wanted to spread the wealth, and all informed people knew he was a Socialist. In fact, his talk and actions smell like old-fashioned Marxism! His former fellow comrade, Joe Biden is now Spender-in-Chief, and he is proving what we have always known him to be.

With the COVID lockdowns, hundreds of thousands of businesses have been permanently closed, while others are teetering on bankruptcy. Home foreclosures and job losses will continue in a free fall resulting in more business failures, and that will result in more job losses! Fewer autos, homes, television sets, appliances, etc., will be purchased, accelerating the slide into massive national and international chaos. Power bills and accelerating gasoline prices will push most suffering families over the edge. This will require families to live together, possibly even three and four generations.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the economic worth of all finished goods and services produced within the U.S. during a quarter or annually. With so many businesses and industries shut down or bankrupt, the GNP growth in the U.S. will increasingly look like other dying nations in Africa and Latin America.

The debt ceiling is the maximum amount of money the United States can borrow cumulatively by issuing bonds. It limits how much debt the federal government can carry at any given time but does not permit additional spending. Once the ceiling is reached, the Treasury Department cannot issue any more bonds to pay the national bills already incurred. The debt limit suspension expires July 31, and the debt limit must be raised (again) if federal obligations are to be fulfilled. However, raising the ceiling does nothing to address what caused the problem. Raising the ceiling in the past is the reason America is over 27 trillion dollars in debt! Consequently, Republicans are saying they don’t want to raise the debt ceiling again, fearful that the Democrats will show no restraint on additional spending.

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke opined that not raising the debt ceiling is “like a family saying, ‘Well, we’re spending too much—let’s stop paying our credit card bill.’” How about cutting spending and paying the debts!

If you came home tonight and found your house full of sewage to the ceiling, would you remove the sewage or raise the roof? I would start shoveling the sewage and do whatever is necessary to stop the constant inflow. That means paying off our national debt, but that is like making payments on a new automobile you recently wrecked. Or making monthly payments on a dead horse. Moreover, raising the debt ceiling to get us out of trouble is like committing suicide because of fear of death!

This government is being run by Curly, Larry, and Moe resulting in all kinds of corruption and administrative failure. Moreover, it may become the most destructive, deceptive, and dangerous administration in American history. Biden’s star is fading fast, very fast, and he will be stumbling around in a dark White House long before his term ends.

If you are planning on Social Security or a corporate pension to support you, you may be standing on a bridge of mist.

With more masking mandates and more lockdowns, our economy appears to be blindly stumbling toward a precipice. It is so bad, big city businesspeople have restricted themselves to one, not a two-martini lunch, and big time CEOs are now playing miniature golf. And billion-dollar corporations cut their monthly bribes to various Congressmen; moreover, young Mormons are only taking one wife. But the worst is Motel Six won’t leave the light on for you.

The party is over, and you are in the dark.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Palestinians Have No History, No Coinage, No Culture Except What Was Absorbed From Arabs! Sat, 22 May 2021 02:38:34 +0000  

Bombs are falling, missiles are flying, and people are dying in the Middle East. As I write this, over 4,100 rockets have fallen on Israel from the “Palestinians” in Gaza and Lebanon. The long-range rockets that can hit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and the Ben-Gurion Airport originated in Iran, which is the origin of the rocket technology.

Biden and what’s-her-name Harris have managed to destroy our economy, terrorize everyone with unproven vaccines (not safe and effective but dirty and dangerous), and destroyed the relative peace in the Middle East. The Hill opined, “Just over 100 days into office, President Joe Biden has drawn America’s enemies — Iran and its terror proxies — close to the U.S. administration, all while distancing from U.S. allies Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the peacemaking Gulf Arab states.”

The obvious is—well—obvious that Biden and Company are worthless, gutless, mindless, spineless, and toothless. Of course, I may be wrong since I don’t know if they are toothless.

The Biden administration promised in congressional testimony for a stronger and better deal with Iran, but his team is accelerating toward accommodation with the terrorist regime. However, American politicians voting for the Iranian deal is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported the Biden administration is considering “lifting terrorism-related sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran.” Even honest Liberals (a few still alive) admit that Biden’s weakness and ineptitude have brought this new acceleration of conflict to the Middle East.

When Israel began retaliating against the terrorist attacks, far-leftists in the U.N. and America’s congress demanded Israel stop defending herself!

Obviously, such people are leftist loonies. And apparently, not all the nuts are on trees, but tragically they appear to be multiplying in our government. Everyone has a right to be stupid but in this instance, American politicians have abused the privilege.

The world has been conned by Muslim leaders pleading the case for a separate nation in the Holy Land for the “Palestinian people.” Israel, desperate for peace, agreed to a two-nation arrangement whereby Israel and the “Palestinians” would coexist in the same land area, known as Israel. It is a trade of land for peace and a significant mistake, in my opinion.

The “Palestinians” will have land, but Israel will not get peace. Moreover, the “Palestinians” will be ruled by Muslim tyrants as they have been for generations. This truth is not admitted: Palestinians as a historic group do not exist. Displaced people exist, most of them Arabs, but the “Palestinians” have no history. In the beginning, Palestinians referred to anyone living in what is now Israel.

As war was approaching in 1947, many Arabs living in what is now Israel fled to neighboring Arab nations expecting to return in a short time since the Jews were vastly outnumbered. When Jewish victories multiplied, the Arabs, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire, stayed with friends and relatives in other nations.

John Bagot Glubb, the commander of Jordan’s Arab Legion, was quoted in the London Daily Mail for August 12, 1948, saying, “Villages were frequently abandoned even before they were threatened by the progress of war.” So, contrary to “Palestinian” propaganda, the Arabs were not forced from their homes.

Jewish leader David Ben-Gurion (and soon-to-be Prime Minister) sent Golda Meir to Haifa to persuade the Arabs to stay, and was unsuccessful since the Arabs thought they would be considered traitors if they stayed. Jewish officials warned fellow Jews of severe penalties if any Arab property was molested and enacted a law to guarantee that protection. That fact is never mentioned by bogus “Palestinians.”

As the fighting continued, the trickle of fleeing Arabs became a torrent, with more than 200,000 leaving, expecting to return when the fighting ceased. Israel declared itself an independent nation on May 14, 1948, and after May 15, an additional 300,000 Arabs fled the new state leaving about 160,000 Arabs in Israel. About the same amount of Jews entered the new nation as Arabs who left. Arabs who stayed became Israeli citizens.

The Arab quarter in Haifa became a “ghost town” by May 3. Even in November 1948, after the fighting had ceased, a village of 3,000 Arabs between Tel Aviv and Beersheba decided to flee.

Syrian Prime Minister Haled al Azm admitted that Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave Israel saying, “Since 1948, we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave. Only a few months separated our call to them to leave and our appeal to the United Nations to resolve on their return.” Again, the Arabs were not robbed of their land but fled as ordered by their leaders, as Jordan’s King Abdullah admitted in his memoirs.

Advocates for “Palestinians” refuse to discuss the Jewish citizens who were forced from Arab nations at that time. That number of displaced Jews following Israel’s independence was about the number of Arabs leaving the new nation. Many displaced Jews were forced to leave with little more than the clothes they were wearing. Of the 820,000 Jewish refugees, about 586,000 of them were resettled in Israel at great expense. The Arab officials confiscated their possessions and provided no compensation.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is the official voice of “the Palestinians,” and they demand all Jews leave Israel permitting Arabs to occupy the land. The Palestinian National Authority is officially recognized as a state occupying land in the West Bank and Gaza. But they want all the land. Their maps show all the land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan as “Palestine.” Much of the world has tried to get the PLO to agree to an Arab nation adjacent to Israel on land given by Israel.

That would mean Israel would only be nine miles wide in one area. Evidently, Jewish leaders are desperate or deceived or dumb to agree to such an arrangement, and for the record, Jewish politicians can be as stupid as American politicians.

Most people think of Palestine as being the region located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. That region is mostly Israel made up of 75% Jews, 21% Arabs, and 4% others. Israeli Arabs live in Israel as citizens and even serve in Israel’s legislature.

However, Jews are not even permitted in some Muslim nations and, when permitted, are often persecuted, being forced to flee leaving everything. Jews living in Muslim nations have been forced to pay an added tax (as were Christians) and always experienced subordination, degradation, and humiliation.

Everyone, Jew or Arab, living in what was known as Palestine was known as a Palestinian; however, since Israel became a nation in 1948 and the Arab’s massive attack, those Arabs who fled the new nation have been known as Palestinians. They pretend to be a people like Jews, Italians, Americans, etc.; however, this is all a pretend game.

Pugnacious “Palestinians are phonies, a political show, and it’s time to pull the curtain on the charade. Palestinians as a historic group have never existed, do not exist now, and will not exist in the future. Muslims may give themselves that label and, with the help of non-thinking leftists in the media, pretend to be what they are not; however, facts are stubborn and unbending. “Palestinians” are the only people in history that came into existence in a single day! Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist, admitted: “Why is it that on June 4, 1967 I was a Jordanian, and overnight I became a Palestinian?” He added that he did not mind Jordanian rule.

Shoebat and his comrades were Jordanians “until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians.” He was saying that when the Jews re-took their historic and biblical homeland, the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created out of thin air and promoted worldwide. The gullible media, too lazy to do the research, still spout the PLO line about the pathetic plight of “Palestinian people.”

It is political humbug. Those identified as “Palestinians” are simply refugees from Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. However, millions of these people were born in refugee camps and have been convinced they are “Palestinians,” but they are not. There are no Palestinian people, or history, or culture, or coinage, or language, or uncovered artifacts. Their official flag only goes back to 1964. Palestinians don’t exist and never have. Muslims and media who promote the “Palestinians” are repeating a falsehood, resisting the facts, and are responsible for further bloodshed.

In 1948 through the early 1950s, displaced Arabs lived in wretched squalor in the refugee camps (supposed to be temporary) under the custodial care of the United Nations. Muslim leaders did not care about them until it became politically expedient to do so. Why didn’t Egypt, Jordan, or Syria joyfully absorb those refugees into their care and accept them as citizens? After all, they were the same people. Arab nations intentionally refused to help their own people. They simply did not care what happened to them, but now it is politically expedient to “use” this issue to express their hatred of Israel.

As a young man in the early 1950s, I remember seeing news reports of Muslims in filthy refugee camps and wondering why the United Nations permitted it to continue. Two generations have grown up in those camps, often seething with hatred and encouraged by political opportunists.

Israel was originally called the “land of Canaan” (Gen. 12:5), the “land of Israel” (1 Sam. 13:19), and the “land of Judah” (Isa. 19:17). First-century Jews had a thing about being under the thumb of the Romans (or anyone), so they seethed in constant hatred and rebellion against their oppressors. The Roman Emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117 to 138) was understandably (from his totalitarian view) displeased with the rebellious Jews. He wanted to erase the name of Israel and Judah from history and the face of the Earth.  He decided to ridicule them by renaming the land of Israel Syria Palaestina, identifying them with their hated enemy, the Philistines.

It is from the term Philistines that the name Palestinians has been taken. Emperor Hadrian knew that Philistines were ancient enemies of the Jews, and therefore the emperor showed his hatred and spite by giving Israel a new obnoxious name. The Philistines were not Arabs or Canaanites (and were, in fact, invaders from Crete), and there is no mention of Palestine until the first century with Hadrian.

Before the British set up the 30-year-long Palestine Mandate, Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih declared, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” If there was no Palestine, there were no Palestinians.

On March 23, 2012, the Hamas Minister of the Interior and National Security Fathi Hammad linked the Palestinians’ origins to Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula: “Who are the Palestinians?… We are Egyptians; we are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are part of you. Egyptians! Personally, half my family is Egyptian – and the other half are Saudis.”

In A.D. 135, Hadrian put down a Jewish rebellion by killing 580,000 Jews, leveling 985 villages and 50 fortified towns. That is why Jewish writers always refer to him by saying, “may his bones be crushed.” Psalm 83:3-4 probably prophesied Hadrian’s oppressive actions: “They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”

The “Palestinians” could have had their independent nation years ago, but they refused to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Their religion requires them to hate and kill any Jew “wherever you find them, and take them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush.” The PLO’s Charter still calls for the destruction of Israel. Muslim maps don’t even show Israel; moreover, their leaders have often promised to “drive Israel into the sea.”

Those Muslim leaders don’t have the ability, acumen, or aplomb to drive a go-cart.

Everyone has a right to be stupid but in this instance, politicians have abused the privilege as the rockets fall and innocent people die.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)


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Liberals, Leftists, and Loonies Have No Sense of Decency! Tue, 18 May 2021 01:48:51 +0000  

When Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn America about Communist spies in our government and military, the Communists and fellow travelers came out of the woodwork. During the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, Chief Counsel for the U.S. Army Joseph Welch questioned Senator McCarthy’s sense of decency because the senator suggested a young attorney was a Communist. Gullible Americans swallowed that line along with the sinker and hook. It sounded so principled, but it was Welch playing to the gallery with his acting ability.

Maybe he was a better actor than attorney.

Liberals, leftists, and loonies liked the question and considered it the coup de grâce in their battle with the spy chaser. Therefore, I will use it to the advantage of truth as I ask those sitting to the far left if they have any sense of decency or any sense of shame.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they use the race card to silence any discussion or debate or disagreement with informed Conservatives? By suggesting it is a closed issue too sacred, too serious, too settled to permit questions, they don’t have to answer any questions! Have they no sense of shame when they declare that every white person is a racist and no Black can be a racist. For sure, they have no sense of decency.

Or, they have no sense.

By making everything racist, it draws attention away from actual racist acts committed by Whites, Blacks, and other haters.

Other indications leftists have no sense of shame (and no sense) is when the BLM mob disrupts, destabilizes, destroys, and tries to disband the police—yet call for the police when they need help. Not only do they have no shame, but they are also hypocrites.

But, we knew that, didn’t we.

Those who usually are found standing in left field also have no shame about gun control. What they want is people control. Tyrannical government fears guns in the hands of freedom-loving people.

For a good reason.

The gun grabbers usually blame the cop when he shoots a resisting or fleeing felon but blames the gun when a criminal shoots someone? Simple logic and common sense (missing in leftists) require consistency; however, they are not interested in reality. Leftists have to force every incident into their twisted agenda: racism is the cause of sunspots, tornadoes, arthritis, dandruff, a bad economy, and migraine headaches. They promote black racism and blame anything and everything on Whitey.

All without shame.

Don’t leftists have a sense of decency when they declare and demand a child’s right to decide whether they are male or female? That is determined at birth, so no choice needs to be made since it is either male or female. Genesis 1:26 speaks to this issue: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Well, that settles that.

Most sane people realize it is not a decision to make. If in doubt, one only has to look down. A physician or committee or decree is not necessary. No decision is required since it is an observation.

This same crowd says a child (boy or girl) can choose to be either one or something else, and his parents have no right to say anything about medical treatment, including physical mutilation and life-changing hormones. We are told that it is illegal if a parent refuses to call Harold by his new name, Harriot.

A father in Canada was convicted and sent to jail for “family violence” after refusing to call his daughter by her new male name.

That is the same mentality that says there is no such thing as gender, yet demanded a female vice-president! I understand they finally got one, but I keep forgetting her name.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they try to champion men who pretend to be women and claim a right to women’s restrooms, showers, and the right to participate in women’s sports? Don’t they have any sense of decency as they insist even young children have a right to decide their own gender and the right to get hormone treatments and mutilating surgery? Thanks to Blather-in-Chief Biden’s executive order, transgender surgery is now free for military, prisoners, and illegal immigrants—and taxpayers pay the enormous bills.

Doesn’t that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they demand taxpayer funded abortion on demand and even demand the right to kill a child after their birth if the mother decides it is too sickly—or too much trouble. You know—feedings during the night, changing diapers, babysitters, and all those inconveniences. Moreover, they demand the right to kill a newborn baby that manages to survive the murder attempt. Baby killers tell us no efforts should be made to permit the baby to live.

Well, does that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend that a family is two men or two men and a woman or even one man and three women? God clearly told Adam that a man would leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. Not his neighbor’s wife. Not to his favorite goat. But to his wife and they would be a family until parted by death. No, no shame, no decency.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend the U.S. Constitution gives them permission to take money from some of us to give to all of us? They don’t even consider they are doing something most Americans will like, but it is absolutely illegal. If leftists want a Socialist Government, why don’t they change the Constitution to make it legal? Evidently, they want to make America Socialist, and when we get accustomed to the freebies, they will make the giveaways and bailouts constitutional.

Don’t race-baiters have any sense of decency when they, like what’s-her-name Harris, accuse Americans of racism when we twice elected a half-black President and elected Harris the first partially Asian American and partially Black American Vice President? Someone is not thinking straight here.

Don’t the mainstream media have any sense of decency when they refused to deal with John Kerry’s refusal to wear a mask on a commercial flight but a few months earlier gave Senator Ted Cruz fits for doing the same thing? Yet another example of bias from those who claim to be neutral and balanced in their reporting.

The media continued to show bias when the Blunder-in-chief fell three times while boarding Air Force One. MSNBC, CBS News, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times made no mention of the stumbling incident. But they made a big deal when Trump walked slowly and carefully down a ramp at West Point. Biden also ridiculed Trump at the time, saying, “Watch how I run up ramps, and he stumbles down ramps.” The mainstream media have no shame.

Doesn’t the Biden White House have any sense of decency when they fired five staffers for having used marijuana when Vice President Harris (I’ve almost memorized her name) admitted doing the same thing?

No, the leftists have no shame; they have no sense of decency; they cannot blush as was true millennia ago when Jeremiah wrote in  Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?  nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.”

Principled people can blush because they have a sense of decency—that progressive Liberals don’t possess.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)




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America’s Financial House of Cards is Teetering: Pray, Plan, Prepare! Fri, 07 May 2021 16:22:02 +0000 I am yelling fire because fire is raging. Mixing metaphors, the storm is not coming; it’s already here. America’s financial house of cards will fall, taking other nations with her. Thoughtful Conservatives must inform people of imminent danger because families will be disrupted, businesses will fail, couples will be divorced, and children will suffer immeasurably.

The economy has faltered, is failing, and will fall.

I see no way out of the coming collapse. Sometimes politicians make such a mess of things that there is no way to correct or solve the mess. It’s almost like being in a small boat on a raging sea, unsure how far you are from the coast you left and the distance to where you hope to dock. You keep going hoping to stay afloat; however, our “boat” is overwhelmed with accelerating debt.

As of May of 2021, the outstanding national debt of the United States is $28,300,000,000,000.00. Every man, woman, and child in the United States owes $84,000 for their share of the U.S. public debt, plus $3,800 state debt and local debt of $6,300. That is overwhelming, outrageous, and obscene.

I no longer feel alone or like the boy who cried “wolf.” Since my earlier predictions of the end of the boom followed by gloom and doom, everything is screaming support for that position. It is my opinion the coming collapse will be worse than I thought!

As I’ve proved for decades while traveling throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and Africa, the dollar is the world’s currency. I seldom change dollars into the currency of the nation I’m visiting, and I’ve never had dollars refused. However, the dollar is worth less and will soon be worthless!

A prominent Russian official prophesied that the U.S. will experience a moral and economic breakdown resulting in civil war and break into six distinct parts. In recent months, there has been much discussion of some parts of the U.S. withdrawing from the Union! It seems commentators and television hosts are making predictions more ominous than mine!

The current Second American Revolution, with its attendant riots, lootings, killings, political maleficence, financial opportunism, and partisan compromise, magnifies our problems.

Russia, China, and Iran are not disappointed or distressed with our financial woes but are delighted. However, the murderous, malevolent masters in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran don’t seem to understand that as goes America, so goes the world.

Taking a slap at the dollar in 2019, China and Russia agreed to use their currencies instead of dollars for reciprocal trading. This action of the two major Communist nations reduced the dollar’s use from 90 percent in 2015 to only 46 percent in 2020. Our “friends” in the European Union are delighted with that decision to ditch the dollar.

Many nations have lost confidence in the dollar and joined the “ditch the dollar” club, including China, Russia, the UK, India, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and others. Russia (the world’s largest natural gas producer and third in oil) has decided to sell its natural resources in rubles instead of U.S. dollars, although half its total trade with the U.S. is in dollars.

In 2019, the South China Morning Post reported that Beijing and Moscow intend to “ditch the U.S. dollar and switch to local currencies in international trade,” trying to cut their dependence on U.S. currency.

I think all this is headed toward a worldwide currency à la the world court, world church, and world government with a world military. With that in mind, it might be wise to join the “ditch the dollar” club for something more reliable such as precious metals. Russia’s flight from the dollar “has pushed the share of gold in Russia’s $583 billion international reserves above dollars for the first time on record.”

I believe in a few months, we will be where the Egyptians were in Genesis 47:15 when “the money failed.” During those days in Egypt, the main concern was food. That is what I have been saying for years. Your concern will not be vacations, television, sports, hobbies, or even your job but “how will I feed my family today.”

When the dollar has totally collapsed, you will understand why informed people have always purchased gold and silver for survival during turbulent times. After the currency fails, anything of value will be held rather than unwanted, unusable, and unsupported dollars, marks, pesos, rubles, etc.

Between WW I and WW II in Germany, the people lost confidence in the German mark and ran from it as if their hair was on fire. By November of 1923, it took 4,210,500,000,000 German marks to equal one U.S. dollar! Germans literally burned paper marks to heat their homes since that was cheaper than buying coal.

By then, the Germans rushed away from the mark toward “things.” That is things that could be felt, seen, used, sold, or traded if necessary. Accordingly, they wanted the highest value item with the least volume—diamonds, gold, antiques, art, vacation homes, even “useless items—bric-a-brac, soap, hairpins.” Fearful and desperate Germans bought things that could be bartered for necessary items like food, water, soap, lumber, tools, etc.

I think that barter will become the norm for Americans in the next couple of years, if not sooner.

Furthermore, I think the Dow will plummet below 5,000, but that opinion is not based on economics or some financial formula. It is a general conviction based on numerous criteria. My opinions are philosophically and theologically based.

It is impossible to justify the reckless spending of trillions of dollars. Few are asking about whether or not massive expenditures are constitutional. I don’t know one politician who is concerned about the massive giveaway being justified by COVID.

No health issue or any other issue has priority over the U.S. Constitution.

The giving of thousands of dollars to families (many not in financial need) would have been rejected, even ridiculed, a few decades ago. Public money is being used to cover private losses without any constitutional support. Furthermore, massive corporations considered too big to fail are being bailed out by taxpayers to protect shareholders who morally and legally should take the risk. The shareholders bought into companies hoping for huge profits and are now being protected against massive losses.

Something seems to be askew here for a free enterprise republic. But that is very normal for a Socialist nation.

Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and all Socialists of the world would stand up and cheer Biden and what’s-her-name Harris for implementing their far-left agenda.

No one asks why the Los Angeles Times should receive a $10 million loan for salaries and benefits to employees even though it is owned by a wealthy couple. The top honcho whined, “We lost tens of millions of dollars in advertising revenue pretty much instantly in March 2020.”

So what! Americans are not responsible for propping up private businesses. It’s called “free enterprise,” where each businessperson takes financial risks to make it or go belly up.

Thousands of bars and restaurants received grants of $10,000 to keep them afloat. Why? If they fail, others will take their place. When I started a publishing company to produce Christian school and home school curricula in Indianapolis decades ago, it never entered my mind that someone might artificially keep me afloat. When sales were low in the winter, my people went without salaries, as they understood that would happen. They were paid when business improved in the early spring and summer.

Recently, billions of dollars bailed out cities and states that spent tax dollars as if they were going to expire, and most of those cities and states are run by irresponsible Democrats. Plus, they took tax dollars and dumped them into state pension plans that have lost money for decades while paying generous pensions.

Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing you helped bail out Democrat-controlled cities and pension funds that have been used to radicalize Americans for decades?

Even Utah was given 1.5 billion dollars, yet they have a 1.5 billion dollar surplus and a Republican governor.

Wow! Why are crowds not marching in the streets with pitchforks and buckets of tar and bags of feathers for those who voted for such nonsense? Where is President Grover Cleveland with his veto pen when he is needed? We must stop spending money without constitutional support. The reluctance to spend other peoples’ money used to be a virtue; now, it is considered a vice.

Someone needs to tell Biden he cannot spend his way to national prosperity, just as you can’t fornicate your way to virginity.

However, most officials and most Americans don’t seem to be concerned about gross unfairness and illegal use of federal funds forcibly taken from beleaguered taxpayers. Present-day conservatives are not very conservative. And present-day Christians are not very Christian.

When resentment reaches a critical mass by people who lose their jobs, homes, businesses, and autos, it often prompts strikes, food riots, racial hatred, civil disobedience, and anarchy. Angry homeowners will resist being evicted, darkened streets will be vacated, and malls will become black holes after dark.

Schools will be almost empty as teachers are laid off, and it will not be safe for kids to be on the streets even during the day, as is true in London now. Home invasions will be as common as ants at a picnic. Without state funds, the streets and roads will become almost impossible to navigate.

Roaming bands of criminals will take advantage of the situation preying upon helpless citizens first in the cities then on the countryside. They know people in the country usually have more food than city folks do. Local police and deputized civilians will be stationed at each city’s interstate interchanges to keep the thugs from entering smaller towns around metropolitan areas.

If Biden and the anti-gun crowd have their way, there will be shootouts reminiscent of the O. K. Corral. Probably, the National Guard will enforce oppressive gun laws. In that case, most of those soldiers will probably refuse to shoot their neighbors, with possible United Nations troops replacing them to enforce unconstitutional laws.

With fewer jobs, there will be less state and federal tax revenue, so don’t look to the state or federal government for help. If Social Security checks fail to arrive, look for a big bunch of gray-haired guys storming the courthouses in every county.

The health care system will finally fail, leaving us on our own to deal with plagues imported from Mexico and other third-world nations. The Mexican Government will probably fall within a few months with even more illegal aliens crossing our border to “safety.” That safety could be an illusion as Americans take the law into their own hands and defend their property. The Rio Grande may run red with blood.

The entertainment industry will be bare-bones as sane people stop paying to attend silly third-rate movies, and television will be mostly news, reruns, and documentaries. Professional sports will become history, having run themselves into the ground. Female sports will be the first to go because of the transgender insanity.

Churches will experience a rise in attendance and a steep decline in revenue. Missionaries will be (actually are now being) sent home to discover they have traded one disaster for another. Some will remain in their countries to live and serve. However, this time will be an opportunity for Christians to act like Christians as we seek to help those who are hurting most.

As in the early church days, pagans were amazed at Christians suffering without complaining and reacting with concern for their enemies. During times of epidemic diseases during the Middle Ages, Christians cared for the dying, often giving their lives in support of others.

Many megachurches will fold and be turned into government distribution centers.

Life will come down to this: you must have God, groceries, gold, and guns. That fact makes knees jerk across America (left ones, of course).

Rich in oil, Texas has a 16 billion barrel crude-oil reserve, yet it was no comfort for Texans recently who shivered in the unheated homes (without water). When the power came back on, some homeowners received power bills of $17,000! Astute citizens of the U.S. should get the message: you must protect yourself. Don’t trust the government or any entity to take care of you and your family.

Batten down the hatches and lash yourself to the mast. Go out today and purchase necessities, i.e., what you must have to survive. The storm will rage for years.

The fat lady is standing in the wings, clearing her throat.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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