BLM – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Like France, the Second Revolution in Our Streets was Planned by Dishonest, Devious, and Dangerous Revolutionaries! Tue, 23 Nov 2021 03:44:35 +0000 America’s dirty, dangerous, and diseased cities are being destroyed by dirty, dangerous, and diseased animals trying to pass as principled protestors. Some people are so stupid or racist to believe BLM people have any principles. Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, Washington, Kenosha, etc., have been burned and looted by crazy radicals of BLM and Antifa. The lowlife rabble seized control from city and state officials responsible for safety, security, and stability.

After the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal, looting took place in San Francisco as several stores, including Louis Vuitton, was looted in the downtown area Friday night. Saturday night, 80 armed and masked thieves emptied the Nordstrom store in Walnut Creek in less than a minute as “mass looting” spread to the San Francisco suburbs.

Protests in Portland officially were declared a riot. Meanwhile, BLM lowlifes in Brooklyn marched through the streets chanting, “Every City, Every Town, Burn the Precinct to the Ground.”

Likewise, Chicago hoodlums looted stores on Friday night, followed by Jesse Jackson and his mob parading down Chicago streets on Saturday. Protesters carried a large sign that read, “Rittenhouse—Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! No Facist USA. Organize Now For Real Revolution.”  Others chanted, “The only solution is communist revolution! The only solution is communist revolution! The only solution is communist revolution!”

The dummies couldn’t even spell Fascist correctly.

The bought-and-paid-for revolutionaries did not get their pound of flesh—Kyle Rittenhouse’s flesh—but any white flesh will do. Their pretended outrage is positively outrageous.

Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all counts, and while the judicial system has spoken, the street people did not like what they heard. Note how asinine, arrogant, and angry these human termites are. They think they are above the law because they respect nothing except their racist ranting. They think the rabble-rousing harangues of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Benjamin Crump are equivalent to the Ten Commandments or at least the Declaration of Independence.

Of course, leftist politicians crawled from under their rocks and out of their caves to reinforce their membership in the radical left.

After the verdict, Crump called Rittenhouse “a racist, homicidal vigilante.”  The deaf, dumb, and blind know he, like Jackson and Sharpton, seems to always assume any black person is totally innocent and all Whites are racists. Any white person is guilty; after all, he is white. Crump has defended such stalwart citizens as the late Trayvon Martin and George Floyd—although the record proves they were thugs.

The race-baiters can be counted on to always excuse Blacks and accuse Whites in any altercation. If there is an issue between two Blacks, somehow, Whites will be blamed. After all, Whites are responsible for all black problems—black poverty, black illegitimacy, black crime, black prison population, black miseducation, etc.

Honest people admit the foul breath of prejudice is obnoxious even when coming from a black person.

BLM and others think they are above the law and are encouraged by those cowards who refuse to practice true equality, meaning equality of opportunity— not in results. The vicious black leaders are prize-winning hypocrites who think their racial status gives them the right to reject lawful proceedings, block streets, takeover neighborhoods, burn private property, and take anything of value that is not nailed to the floor.

They have no respect for or commitment to equality under the law, fairness to everyone, but every citizen has a right to disagree with anyone about anything. Their spiritual father, Vladimir Lenin, said, “While the State exists, there can be no freedom; when there is freedom, there will be no State.”

No state, no church, no family, no private property—anarchy.

This was planned long ago by their philosophical ancestors.

Like France in the eighteenth century, we are in revolution, our Second Revolution, and you don’t have to be an Old Testament prophet to see it coming.

Like France, the stage was set—the intellectuals sowed seeds of envy, greed, anger, resentment, and hate; national rulers abdicated personal responsibility; local officials denied, dallied, and delayed and looked the other way; law and order were mocked by all; the termites began eating away at our vitals; and confusion, chaos, and carnage taking control as the foundations of society begin to crumble.

It had happened before.

No one was safe. No one could be trusted. Peasants, the clergy, and the aristocrats all shivered in fear inside their homes. When one spoke to others, he was always guarded in his statements. No one joked about the bloody guillotine in the center of Paris. The fast, foul, and fearful instrument of death was permanently stained with fresh blood, often from high ranking, high living, and sometimes high-deserving members of the nobility. However, at least two-thirds of those victims had been peasants and artisans. No one was safe.

King Louis XVI had been convicted of high treason by the National Convention on January 17, 1793, with an almost unanimous vote, although a few deputies abstained. It was not their finest hour. Not one member dared to vote not guilty. Louis and his Queen, Marie Antoinette, were many things, including big spenders of other peoples’ money, but not traitors, which didn’t matter to the revolutionaries. Facts did not rule the day, but fear did. Each deputy was concerned about his own head since many of his friends had already lost theirs.

The king was declared guilty and marched to the guillotine, although he had been promised protection. When Louis’ head rolled off the scaffold, every monarch in Europe felt a chill run up their spine. Louis’ guards were slaughtered. The queen was later beheaded. Their children were imprisoned. At least 40,000 innocent persons in Paris were beheaded while almost 300,000 were shot, drowned, etc. ln Thomas Carlyle’s 1830 The French Revolution: A History, he declared at least two children were executed by the guillotine.

Fear stalked the streets day and night as expressed by eschewing the wearing of fashionable silk knee-breeches (known as culottes) of the upper class since that was the “uniform” of the aristocracy during the seventeenth century. And they were losing their heads. To be safe and send a message, most people wore work clothes known as sans-culottes. By doing that, they were telling the world that they were just simple citizens with no ties to the nobles and the Roman Catholic Church.

Historian Eric Hobsbawm declared that the sans-culottes were a “shapeless, mostly urban movement of the labouring poor, small craftsmen, shopkeepers, artisans, tiny entrepreneurs and the like.” Minor landholders were also part of the group.

The government had been destroyed with the King and Queen, and many government officials beheaded; church property had been sold and priests, bishops, and archbishops removed; and the father-led homes were devastated with parents reporting children and children reporting parents for antigovernmental statements or actions. It was “safe” to be critical of the government, and toppling monuments and statues were proof of one’s “wokeness.” Everyone was talking about “liberty, equality, and fraternity.”  Later, it was “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, or Death.” The idea was, “you love us like brothers, or we will kill you.”

One does not have to be brilliant to know that liberty and equality are never compatible; in fact, they are impossible to reconcile. Aristotle argued that it is an injustice to treat that which is unequal as an equal. It is unfair to both.

The street rebels in Paris and Kenosha were made that way by their radical parents, professors, and preachers who taught them a utopian view of the world, turning them into perpetual children degrading them into animals.

Frenchmen spoke to strangers only when necessary and spoke in carefully guarded words and never in a superior way.

In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens reveals how everyone in France was cautious about what was said and how it was said. He reveals that everyone was greeted with “citizen” in a personal and affectionate way lest their demeanor and inflection of voice gave another “citizen” cause to suspect a citizen of something. The ruling principle seemed that it was better to charge someone of anything (rather than being accused by anyone of anything), proving one’s strict allegiance to the revolution.

No one was to be degraded, disgraced, or depreciated. Everyone was equal; however, even a fool knows that is impossible. Everyone was careful not to rock the boat or make waves. Everyone was equal, but no matter the public façade, everyone knew his original birth status; he just did not talk about it. Or dress like it. Or act like it.

The philosopher/writers usually opined on almost everything, even publishing an encyclopedia on human knowledge, but they were strangely silent about, you know what, that bloody thing sitting in the center of Paris.  All the unpleasant, untrue, unlawful accusations made against people depended on their class. One was guilty if he belonged to a particular class—teacher, priest, physician, large landowner, etc.

That was true in Lenin’s day and today.

We are seeing that in our day of revolution. If you are a minority, you have special rights. You can make outrageous accusations, talk poor and live rich, make stupid statements, and not be held accountable by the media or the law. Because of special status.

While shopping, Dickens said one stopped at all shops and admired all merchandise and was careful not to raise the envy or anger of anyone. One must not be ostentatious or pretentious or give the impression of superiority. Now, everyone was simply citizen. Not royalty, not priest or bishop, not aristocrat, or landlord—just citizen.

BLM and Antifa lowlifes, aware of their inferiority and having no hope for a significant future rejected reality. They are rejecting the America-is-the-greatest principle and emulating the practice of the ostrich. However, unlike the radical racists, the ostrich is not stupid enough to put his head in the sand. After all, that’s an invitation to get your bottom kicked.

The street rabble are too dumb to understand that and police officers need to kick them where their brains are and drag them to jail.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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America’s Compromises, Concessions, and Corruption = Chaos! Fri, 05 Nov 2021 17:12:21 +0000 Yes, America is a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family; however, it is now in chaos resulting from numerous compromises and concessions that led to corruption. Consequently, confusion reigns, making America a place where—

if you ask the public anything, including the benefits of cannibalism or self-immolation, a certain percentage will think they are great ideas (Steven Greenhut.)

children in California can get an abortion and sex change operation without their parents’ permission.

we permit men to marry men and women to marry women and women can kill their unborn babies.

if we do the above then in three generations, there will be no more Democrats and RINOs.

according to a base spokesperson, the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada recently hosted its first-ever drag queen show at one of its on-base dining and entertainment clubs.

if you have two cows in our free enterprise system, you can sell one and buy a bull, and when your herd multiplies and the economy grows, you sell them and retire on the income.

our soon-to-be socialist government will take one cow and give it to your neighbor so everyone will be equal.

under pure Socialism, the government takes both cows and puts them in a barn with everyone’s cows that you must feed and milk; but the government gives you as much milk as you need.

our government, once it merges into Communism, will take your cows that you are still responsible for and then gives you some milk—and will shoot you if you don’t meet their milk quota.

the infamous New World Order is the Global Plantation, and you and I will be the cotton pickers.

the Ku Klux Klan dresses in white robes and scares black people, and the Supreme Court dresses in black robes and scares everyone.

immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you must prove your dog is vaccinated.

if you cheat to get into college, you go to prison; but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free.

people who have never been to college pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans to pay for their worthless degrees.

everyone is expected to pretend a man can be a woman, and you can be persecuted or prosecuted if you disagree and insist on calling him, he.

according to the Los Angeles Times, men can legally display their genitalia to children and women in health spas if the men claim to be women.

somehow, it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America, but we don’t care how many non-Americans illegally cross our southern border.

it seems all Democrats are concerned about voting rights but don’t seem to be worried about illegal voters.

the Russians influencing our elections is bad, but illegals voting in our elections is a good thing.

we are expected to hate white neighbors since all Whites are racists but love black rioters and looters.

the “insurrectionists” on January 6 are being prosecuted (some still in jail!), but the rioters, looters, and low-level animals of the BLM revolution went free.

Black Lives Matter unless they are shot one by one in Chicago, Washington, D.C., St. Louis, or Philadelphia.

famous civil rights leaders are really stupid or dishonest people and for sure are Black Supremacists.

the Philadelphia police now are required to first politely ask criminals to stop defecating in the street.

Hollywood sluts (male and female) with limited talent and an accidental attractive physical appearance get rich and continue to worship the modern version of the Golden Calf, known as Oscar.

illegal aliens have always been a problem, according to American Indians.

self-professed brilliant Americans are amazed at their supposed cleverness as they make soup out of the goose that lays golden eggs.

city mayors defund the police and are shocked when the criminals take control of the streets.

Nikole Hannah-Jones, the creator of the 1619 Project, asserted the destruction of property during the BLM rioting was “not violence.”

many Americans want to appear sophisticated as they support every leftist cause from abortion to zoophilia, not knowing they are not sophisticated but stupid.

radicals have taken “civil” out of civilization and put “cult” into the culture.

I am considered strange if I think it is none of a government’s (or unions’) business if I’m willing to work for a small wage and someone is willing to hire me.

most Americans think it is acceptable to demand a full week’s pay for a full day’s work.

the leader of the Free World has attained the disabilities but not the knowledge and experience of age and still has access to the nuclear football.

most politicians quickly learn the path of success: compromise, collusion, and corruption.

those paragons of virtue who love everyone, the Homosexual Lobby, are domestic stormtroopers who take no prisoners and only slightly try to disguise their hatred of normalcy.

our dirty, dangerous, and diseased cities are now destroyed by dirty, dangerous, and diseased low lifes.

Defund the Police activists complain that the police aren’t protecting them enough, and only a few people fall to the floor in raucous laughter.

Democrats tolerate deviant behavior while they trash Western Civilization.

burning at stake has gone out of fashion, but the political assassination of an opponent’s reputation is considered Machiavellian if not magnificent.

most Americans accept abortion, wage and price controls, rent control in large cities, federal income tax withholding, endless undeclared wars in the Middle East, etc., although such are clearly unconstitutional, therefore illegal.

everyone pretends it is normal, right, fair, and acceptable for a man to declare he is a woman and participate in female athletic contests.

a white man bashing a minority is as bad as molesting handicapped boys at a Trump rally, but a minority bashing of Whites is considered acceptable, even courageous.

married, white, male, work, faithful, punctual, honest, etc., are dirty words to Liberals.

Nevada chose a man pretending to be a woman as their choice for Miss America; so, what does that say about their women?

in Chicago, between January through July 2020, there were 2,240 shootings, including 440 homicides; furthermore, almost every shooter and victim was black, but BLM and Chicago’s Democratic politicians blame the police and systemic racism.

illegal immigrants cross the southern border in view of officials while those fleeing Communist Cuba are refused entry.

bleating heart Liberals whine about the execution of convicted killers but demand the death of millions of babies, even those who manage to survive an abortion attempt.

taxpayers fund the National Institutes of Health (headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci) program for the University of Pittsburgh to be a fetal tissue collection site harvesting the organs of full-term aborted babies, often while the babies are still breathing!

I still have the freedom to ask questions about the world pandemic, vaccines, and lockdowns without being burned at the stake.

that may not be true tomorrow.

pastors are arrested for having church services during a pandemic, but strip clubs and similar groups are permitted to operate.

Americans willingly permit medical personnel to inject into their bodies a vaccine that has not had years of rigorous testing as all other vaccines have had but accept it because it is designated as “emergency use.”

we can refuse vaccinations because of the Nuremberg code from WWII, which requires individuals “to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force….”

citizens accept the jab for COVID even though at least 25% of those infected recently had been vaccinated to keep from getting COVID.

at least 125,000 fully vaccinated Americans have tested positive for COVID, and 1,400 of those have died, according to data collected by NBC News, yet this is “not a sign of vaccine failure”!

in a recent  interview, Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chief of Internal Medicine at Baylor University, declared that the world has been subjected to a form of bioterrorism and that the suppression of early treatments for COVID-19 — such as hydroxychloroquine — “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.”

the courageous doctor above said, “Every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse.”

a whistleblower says in a suit filed by America’s Frontline Doctors, there have been 45,000 COVID vaccine deaths in the US since December, and the government has covered it up.

there were only 53 deaths in 1976 that brought an end to the botched vaccine experiment for swine flu, so maybe all this vaccination push is to sell hastily produced vaccines.

studies have proved that masks are unnecessary and don’t work, but they are also harmful, yet people like sheep obey masking and lockdowns.

high school wrestlers can grapple during a match but cannot shake hands afterward.

couples can have sex if they don’t kiss.

you can ride a New York subway, but restaurants must remain closed.

a father of three was refused a kidney transplant unless he took the experimental Chinese coronavirus vaccine.

I can ask such impertinent, insolent, and important questions without fear of prosecution.

For now!

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Liberals, Leftists, and Loonies Have No Sense of Decency! Tue, 18 May 2021 01:48:51 +0000  

When Senator Joseph McCarthy tried to warn America about Communist spies in our government and military, the Communists and fellow travelers came out of the woodwork. During the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, Chief Counsel for the U.S. Army Joseph Welch questioned Senator McCarthy’s sense of decency because the senator suggested a young attorney was a Communist. Gullible Americans swallowed that line along with the sinker and hook. It sounded so principled, but it was Welch playing to the gallery with his acting ability.

Maybe he was a better actor than attorney.

Liberals, leftists, and loonies liked the question and considered it the coup de grâce in their battle with the spy chaser. Therefore, I will use it to the advantage of truth as I ask those sitting to the far left if they have any sense of decency or any sense of shame.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they use the race card to silence any discussion or debate or disagreement with informed Conservatives? By suggesting it is a closed issue too sacred, too serious, too settled to permit questions, they don’t have to answer any questions! Have they no sense of shame when they declare that every white person is a racist and no Black can be a racist. For sure, they have no sense of decency.

Or, they have no sense.

By making everything racist, it draws attention away from actual racist acts committed by Whites, Blacks, and other haters.

Other indications leftists have no sense of shame (and no sense) is when the BLM mob disrupts, destabilizes, destroys, and tries to disband the police—yet call for the police when they need help. Not only do they have no shame, but they are also hypocrites.

But, we knew that, didn’t we.

Those who usually are found standing in left field also have no shame about gun control. What they want is people control. Tyrannical government fears guns in the hands of freedom-loving people.

For a good reason.

The gun grabbers usually blame the cop when he shoots a resisting or fleeing felon but blames the gun when a criminal shoots someone? Simple logic and common sense (missing in leftists) require consistency; however, they are not interested in reality. Leftists have to force every incident into their twisted agenda: racism is the cause of sunspots, tornadoes, arthritis, dandruff, a bad economy, and migraine headaches. They promote black racism and blame anything and everything on Whitey.

All without shame.

Don’t leftists have a sense of decency when they declare and demand a child’s right to decide whether they are male or female? That is determined at birth, so no choice needs to be made since it is either male or female. Genesis 1:26 speaks to this issue: “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Well, that settles that.

Most sane people realize it is not a decision to make. If in doubt, one only has to look down. A physician or committee or decree is not necessary. No decision is required since it is an observation.

This same crowd says a child (boy or girl) can choose to be either one or something else, and his parents have no right to say anything about medical treatment, including physical mutilation and life-changing hormones. We are told that it is illegal if a parent refuses to call Harold by his new name, Harriot.

A father in Canada was convicted and sent to jail for “family violence” after refusing to call his daughter by her new male name.

That is the same mentality that says there is no such thing as gender, yet demanded a female vice-president! I understand they finally got one, but I keep forgetting her name.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they try to champion men who pretend to be women and claim a right to women’s restrooms, showers, and the right to participate in women’s sports? Don’t they have any sense of decency as they insist even young children have a right to decide their own gender and the right to get hormone treatments and mutilating surgery? Thanks to Blather-in-Chief Biden’s executive order, transgender surgery is now free for military, prisoners, and illegal immigrants—and taxpayers pay the enormous bills.

Doesn’t that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they demand taxpayer funded abortion on demand and even demand the right to kill a child after their birth if the mother decides it is too sickly—or too much trouble. You know—feedings during the night, changing diapers, babysitters, and all those inconveniences. Moreover, they demand the right to kill a newborn baby that manages to survive the murder attempt. Baby killers tell us no efforts should be made to permit the baby to live.

Well, does that make you proud to be an American?

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend that a family is two men or two men and a woman or even one man and three women? God clearly told Adam that a man would leave his father and mother and cling to his wife. Not his neighbor’s wife. Not to his favorite goat. But to his wife and they would be a family until parted by death. No, no shame, no decency.

Don’t leftists have any sense of decency when they pretend the U.S. Constitution gives them permission to take money from some of us to give to all of us? They don’t even consider they are doing something most Americans will like, but it is absolutely illegal. If leftists want a Socialist Government, why don’t they change the Constitution to make it legal? Evidently, they want to make America Socialist, and when we get accustomed to the freebies, they will make the giveaways and bailouts constitutional.

Don’t race-baiters have any sense of decency when they, like what’s-her-name Harris, accuse Americans of racism when we twice elected a half-black President and elected Harris the first partially Asian American and partially Black American Vice President? Someone is not thinking straight here.

Don’t the mainstream media have any sense of decency when they refused to deal with John Kerry’s refusal to wear a mask on a commercial flight but a few months earlier gave Senator Ted Cruz fits for doing the same thing? Yet another example of bias from those who claim to be neutral and balanced in their reporting.

The media continued to show bias when the Blunder-in-chief fell three times while boarding Air Force One. MSNBC, CBS News, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and New York Times made no mention of the stumbling incident. But they made a big deal when Trump walked slowly and carefully down a ramp at West Point. Biden also ridiculed Trump at the time, saying, “Watch how I run up ramps, and he stumbles down ramps.” The mainstream media have no shame.

Doesn’t the Biden White House have any sense of decency when they fired five staffers for having used marijuana when Vice President Harris (I’ve almost memorized her name) admitted doing the same thing?

No, the leftists have no shame; they have no sense of decency; they cannot blush as was true millennia ago when Jeremiah wrote in  Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?  nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.”

Principled people can blush because they have a sense of decency—that progressive Liberals don’t possess.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)




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Our Culture is Under Attack and Must be Defended! Mon, 01 Mar 2021 16:52:50 +0000 Our culture is now under attack and must be defended. While there were many failures of Western Civilization, there is much more that honors us than horrifies us. Western Civilization is a product of hundreds of years of trial and error, resulting in advanced and free nations.

The developing culture started going downhill when Cain killed his brother with a rock. From that day, man would struggle with divine revelation and his conscience when making choices—good and bad. That is man’s story down through the millennia, as his choices become the culture, morphing into a civilization.

Western Civilization gave us individual freedom, democracy, personal responsibility, advanced agriculture, the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution, ease of travel, organ transplants, space exploration, etc., and yes, vulgar rap music, the woke culture, sleazy entertainment, and the drug culture.

Civilization is always a mixed bag with progression and retrogression. With passing centuries, the hope is that the good will be appreciated, accepted, and applauded while the bad will be recognized, repudiated, and finally rejected.

For sure, all cultures are not the same and are always changing.

Did the first Europeans in the early days of America think they were superior (more advanced) than native Americans who sometimes graciously greeted them and sometimes fiercely fought them? Of course, the white Europeans thought they were superior because they were superior! The Indians in North America had no written language, had no knowledge of the wheel, scalped their enemies, kept other Indians as slaves, eating them during bad times, and basically lived in a Stone Age.

Only a fool, a liar, or one looking to win the trophy for being the most politically correct wacko on the planet would say otherwise. Of course, as far as God is concerned, each person has worth and is part of His plan on an equal basis with everyone else. But of course, the Whites were far superior to the Indians, and the Indians often emulated the worst of the Whites they met.

Other Indians were impressed with some of the white culture and learned from them. Of course, the white people also learned some basic survival techniques from the Indians, proving that many circumstances impact a culture. Both the Indian and white cultures changed—some for the good, some for the bad.

Cultures have slowly changed over hundreds of years to civilizations. Men, even kings, realized that sleeping around was irresponsible, even vile; women realized that sex was not acceptable for acquiring or advancing their profession—it was, in fact, slutty to do so.

Obviously, modern entertainers’ culture has not caught up with our civilization.

Over time it was unacceptable, even shameful, to have babies out of wedlock. It was normal when I was a teen for a pregnant, unmarried girl to be sent to “visit a relative” for a few months. I didn’t know one personally. Today, unmarried pregnancy is often planned and discussed without shame, and the most admired personalities are often, too often, the most slutty.

Young men finally realized that everyone should contribute to society and should, therefore, work even if family status did not require it. In the late Middle Ages, knives, forks, and spoons were invented, and civilized people stopped using their fingers. Changes came slowly.

Over the centuries, all cultures changed, primarily for the better, but many societies are still undisciplined, unprincipled, and uncontrolled. And some of the better cultures have streams of uncouth, unkind, and unlawful behavior. Even in our day, probably half the citizens are fornicators or adulterers; however, in a moment of honesty, I think most of them would agree what they are doing is wrong, but most have no plans to change. That has always been true.

I’m still embarrassed when I see the legislative bodies in South Africa brawl while the Speaker yells, “This honorable body will come to order. This honorable body will come to order.” And the mêlée continues, and one honorable member throws a punch at another honorable member. The same thing happened in the South Korean legislature in 2015.

Such actions are disgraceful, and those who defend such behavior are part of the culture clash.

It was also disgraceful last year when politicians in Taiwan threw punches, pig guts, and water balloons during a legislative session. It was the third brawl in that parliament in two weeks.

U.S. culture would never permit that; however, we will permit adulterers, sodomites, thieves, drunks, and consummate liars in our Congress and the Oval Office.

And too often in our classrooms and pulpits.

I was embarrassed when South Sudan’s ambassador to the U.S., Gordon Buay, in an eight-man video conference, urinated during a live zoom discussion panel! The seven other African leaders found it impossible not to laugh as the world watched him using the potty. At least he did not use a typical hole in the ground, so I suppose one could say that some progress has been made.

I’m embarrassed when rappers use filthy language to perform their gutter rap “music” and am shocked that they are considered distinguished and courted by the public and are considered musicians. No, not in the same class as Nat King Cole and Perry Como.

I was embarrassed when a hillbilly in West Virginia, in the presence of my wife, unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and tucked in his shirt as he spewed numerous four-letter words—not in anger but as if it was the normal thing to do. That was acceptable to him and his clan in that area, but my culture was far above his, although I had lived in a log cabin 20 miles from that location.

I’m embarrassed when professing Christians act, talk, and dress in vain, vile, and vicious ways. I see athletes, politicians, and entertainers wearing a decorative cross around their necks as they dishonor the real meaning of that cross. One prominent black entertainer promised that his wife would no longer prance around in her underwear (that she designed), yet she often appears almost naked as a jaybird (as my dad would say.)

Evidently, that husband has no problem permitting his wife to degrade herself, disgrace Christianity, and deprecate his authority as the family leader. Of course, she always wore a silver cross around her neck. That family is now divorced.

Yes, some cultures are better than others are, and every society has a vast mixture of various levels of culture in the mix.

Radicals don’t want you to be comfortable with your values. They will call you self-righteous and bigoted as they do me. They will get you to question your superior values, and then they will try to convince you that your values are not superior. They demand that all values have equal value; then, they will move on to cultural domination when they have the upper hand and acceptance. They are determined to make you approve of their vile habits to give them comfort in their vileness. Radical leftists tolerate deviant behavior while they condemn Western Civilization.

So, yes, I think America’s conservative values are better than others are, although the BLM, Antifa, and the LGBTQ crowds will consider that the ultimate crime.

A lesser offense would be if I were caught wearing a dirty MAGA cap while sexually molesting autistic three-year-old girls during a Nazi torch rally.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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America, Be Warned: Revolution in France and America Planned, Preached, and Promoted by Leftist Thugs! Tue, 12 Jan 2021 17:24:38 +0000 Revolutions in France, Russia, or Cuba didn’t happen by accident because they were planned, preached, and promoted by leftist thugs. Those thugs did not know that all revolutions devour their own.

In the eighteenth century, some eloquent, highborn French wanted a national makeover that stemmed from their hatred of Christ and the Bible, Christian morality, property rights, orderly government, and strong father-led homes. There were some legitimate complaints against the government but none that justified anarchy and wholesale executions without a trial.

The promoters of the French resistance, rebellion, and revolution were willing to wait for the time to strike. It took decades, but it came.

It took decades in America, but it is here.

Waiting gives revolutionaries time to organize and gather their cadre of conspirators. The French were led to the guillotine by suave, sophisticated, and often sincere spokesmen such as Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and other brilliant, immoral, but arrogant conspirators who detested revelation and deified reason. With the passing years, the leaders who replaced Voltaire and Rousseau were more vicious and deadly. They spoke about liberty, equality, and fraternity while they mocked their essence.

Voltaire and Rousseau would have been horrified if they had lived to see the Reign of Terror—heads rolling hour after hour in the middle of Paris; thousands of innocent people killed, usually without trial; climaxing in the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte. Voltaire was known for freedom, independence, and defense of the little guy as expressed in his alleged comment, “I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” He would not have approved of the revolution that became a repulsive river of blood emanating from the guillotine in the center of Paris.

Rousseau famously wrote, “Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains,” so he would have vetoed the revolution. Both men would have been aghast, even ashamed with the destruction, deception, and death. However, their humanism, secularism, and distrust, distaste, and disdain for the crown, the church, and the cottage set the stage for what followed decades after their initial attack.

But they started it and are stuck with it. That’s what happens when a nation rejects heavenly revelation and snuggles up to human reasoning.

I wonder what Voltaire and Rousseau would have thought of present-day America where one is condemned for what he did, wrote, or said 30 years ago! Where you can’t say, “All lives matter” or “Blue Lives Matter,” but must say, “Black lives matter.” Where historical monuments are being destroyed, and history is being rewritten to resemble a fairy tale.

The French should have seen it coming over the decades as critics of the crown, the church, and the cottage became progressively louder, bolder, and shriller.

Local and clandestine Jacobin clubs (consisting of Philosophers, Freemasons, and Illuminati) were the workhorses of the Reign of Terror in 1793 during the dictatorship of the revolution. At the time, there were up to 8,000 clubs in France consisting of about 500,000 members. They were no longer merely civic or social clubs but instruments of terror.

Their ostensible responsibility was to help with the running of local governments, policing the local markets, and raising supplies for the military and local police departments. They presented themselves as the epitome of public virtue and were quick to point out anyone suspected of disloyalty to the cause. And, with missionary zeal, they helped destroy all vestiges of Christianity. They became the tool of terrorist leader Robespierre whom he manipulated to his advantage.

Members of the Jacobin clubs were “snake in the grass” Frenchmen who had been radicalized over decades and were waiting for the signal to rebel, resist, riot, and revolt. All leaders of the plot had secret names for one another in their private correspondence. It was arranged so that no one knew many members.

Most historians smile at the suggestion that the French Revolution was promoted by conspirators decades before the streets exploded and the guillotine blade became dull with constant use. Just another conspiracy theory.

Those historians are wrong.

Yale President Timothy Dwight was an American educator, Congregational minister, and President of Yale from 1886–1898. He documented the origin of the revolutionary Jacobin organizers who agitated for a brutal revolution. He declared, “About the year 1728, Voltaire, so celebrated for his wit and brilliancy and not less distinguished for his hatred of Christianity and his abandonment of principle, formed a systematical design to destroy Christianity and to introduce in its stead a general diffusion of irreligion and atheism. … With great art and insidiousness the doctrines of … Christian theology were rendered absurd and ridiculous; and the mind of the reader was insensibly steeled against conviction and duty.”

Dwight continued, “The fabrication of books of all kinds against Christianity, especially such as excite doubt and generate contempt and derision. … The being of God was denied and ridiculed … The possession of property was pronounced robbery. Chastity and natural affection were declared to be nothing more than groundless prejudices. Adultery, assassination, poisoning, and other crimes of the like infernal nature, were taught as lawful…provided the end was good. … The good ends proposed … are the overthrow of religion, government, and human society, civil and domestic. These they pronounce to be so good that murder, butchery, and war, however extended and dreadful, are declared by them to be completely justifiable.”

Note the similarities: There was a design to destroy, as today. There was an attack on Christ and the Bible, as today. There was an attack on property, as today. Horrible crimes were permitted if they were for a good cause, as today. If the end was desirable (to them), then the means were justified, like today. The worst crimes, even murder, were acceptable, as today.

The slow but sure erosion of the foundations of France began with Voltaire and was continued by the self-righteous philosophers and anti-crown, anti-church, anti-family fanatics over the following decades.

They dispensed with the corrupt Roman Catholic Church and installed the Cult of Reason. A prostitute was enthroned at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris as the goddess of the French people. France was renamed The Republic of Virtue! The press and theaters were turned into tools for state propaganda. More than 2,000 churches were renamed Temples of Reason and became the voice of this cult. Crosses offended some people, so they were outlawed; religious monuments and statues were destroyed; public and private worship and education outlawed; Christian graves were desecrated. Churches were closed or used for immoral, lurid, licentious, scandalous depravities; and priests and ministers (along with those who harbored them) were executed on sight for a while.

What was their theme again? Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.

The Apostle Peter warned about this in II Peter 2:19 when he wrote, “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.”

All secret societies are dishonest, deceptive, and dangerous to any society, whether it be the KKK, the Freemasons, or the elitist Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale University society originally known as the Brotherhood of Death. All sober people should flee such groups as if their hair was on fire. However, insecure elitists gravitate to such groups where they wallow in supposed superiority and delight in awarding and receiving honors. They spend much time patting each other on the back and stroking each other’s egos.

The secretive Jacobins (who met on Jacob Street in Paris) were sensitive to public virtue but thought personal virtue repugnant. They reported people who were suspects or who were not sufficiently pro-terror. It was an ideal time to take revenge on someone by suggesting to others about his or her suspicious political positions.

Many top-level aristocrats who had suspicious political views were beheaded or imprisoned, while those who remained alive lost all special treatment and privileges. The middle class took control following the much-touted program of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. That was great for a while, but when Robespierre took control, terror reigned. Civil war followed as believers of the monarchy (upper class) fought the revolutionaries (mainly lower-class except for leaders) for control. About half a million people were imprisoned between 1793 and 1794, and up to 300,000 were killed by firing squad and drowning. The bloody guillotine claimed 40,000 lives (without trial) in Paris, most of them because they held the wrong political views.

The basic philosophy behind and driving the Revolution was an attack on all authority—the church, the crown, the cottage. It was a deliberate conspiracy or plot to overthrow the throne, altar, and authoritarian family structure in Europe. The motive was the dissolution of all civil society. They would not need government because they believed in man’s perfectibility; consequently, no government would be necessary. This belief resulted from the influence of the Illuminati, who became leaders in the Jacobin clubs.

America stands at the crossroads. Revolutionary leaders in the U.S. make their destructive contributions to national disruption as Robespierre and Denis Diderot did in France. All revolutionaries plan change, control, and chaos in their nation.

They must be stopped, but revolutions, once started, are almost impossible to stop.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Storming of the Bastille in Paris started the French Revolution While Storming of the Capitol is Proof of America’s Second Revolution! Fri, 08 Jan 2021 02:13:34 +0000 The Second American Revolution has continued for many months with massive resistance, rebellions, and riots “in 48 out of the 50 largest cities in the United States.” However, the mass media considered those riots and looting as mere protests. One media personality standing in front of a burning business said, “The protests have been mainly peaceful.” Such hypocrisy would gag a maggot.

Some of those “protests” went on for months with hundreds and thousands of businesses destroyed, public buildings, including a post office and police station, damaged. Spineless, soft, and stupid mayors and governors refused to arrest the rioters since they were bedfellows. Law enforcement watched as leftist thugs disrupted, destabilized, destroyed public and private businesses. The politicians’ response was to denounce, defund, and disband police.

On January 6, a portion of Trump’s supporters got out of control and broke into the U.S. Capitol, taking over some offices, breaking windows and doors. It will be no surprise if we discover BLM and Antifa operatives had infiltrated the rally. One woman was killed, and four others died during the brawl. There was no justification for the violence. While the massive crowd supporting President Trump was legitimate, those who forced their way into federal buildings were thugs in MAGA hats. Hopefully, they will spend years in prison to contemplate their form of political activity and “patriotism.”

This was a continuation of the Second American Revolution.
July 14, 1789, the Storming of the Bastille in Paris (an armory, fortress, and political prison where only seven prisoners were discovered) is considered the beginning of the bloody French Revolution. It continued with the bloodstained guillotine severing about 40,000 heads without the benefit of trial, with another 300,000 dying by drowning, firing squad, and other forms of mass execution. The Revolution ended when Napoleon (its major benefactor) stepped into the political vacuum it created. Furthermore, millions of Europeans were killed during his twelve-year reign.

Ninety-eight attackers and one defender were killed in the initial assault of the Bastille, followed by Governor de Launay, who ran the prison, and a few other victims. As the heads of the Bastille defenders were paraded through the streets, and the explosive news reached King Louis at his palace in Versailles, he exploded, “This is revolt!” An aide responded: “No, Sire, it is a Revolution!”

America is not in revolt or resistance, but in a revolution for the same reason—identity politics or pitting class against class. In France, it was the common people (who paid most of the taxes and fought the wars) against the combined corrupt and privileged clergy and aristocracy.

American leftists have been pandering to Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ crowd, college students, Muslims, effervescent Evangelicals, dwarfs, Eskimoes, and deaf tuba players for years, stroking their tender feelings. Now, the shallow-minded among them have placed themselves in the forefront of the battle—cannon fodder proving they have always been “useful idiots.”

In recent years, conservative Christians and conservative pagans, and all sane people who believe in a robust America-first position have generally gravitated to President Donald Trump. Trump is known for being a rude, crude, lewd dude; however, ordinary people can separate his personality from his policies. He managed to keep his promises, something that embarrasses most politicians of all parties.

After all, Trump’s promise-keeping might suggest that all politicians should do the same. Wow, how would that work? An honest promise-keeping politician appears on the scene as often as a chaste prostitute does.

Trump’s enemies (all who spend most of their time in left field) opposed him from his announcement as a presidential candidate; refused to recognize his lawful election; accused him of being a Russian agent; frequently compared him to Hitler; and impeached him in the House but failed in the Senate. With the total support of social media, the mainstream media, and all leftists, they successfully stole the 2020 election. After their victory, those same sanctimonious hypocrites asked for Conservatives to forget their vicious, virulent, and vile actions over the past four years and join them around the flagpole singing kumbaya. The Democrats are willing to bury the hatchet—in Trump’s back.

The leftist Democrats and anemic Republicans rightly identified the January 6 activists as “thugs,” “a mob,” and “terrorists”; however, those same people refused to show such anger over the “peaceful” protests that have continued since the George Floyd killing on May 25, 2020.

President-elect Biden said of the January 6 rally, “This is not a protest; it’s an insurrection”; however, he was quiet as a mouse about the months of violence. Was that because it was his crowd doing the violent acts, burning businesses, looting stores, and killing innocent people?

Our new Commander-in-Chief is the Hypocrite-in-Chief.

Shockingly, of the massive demonstrations in 2020 across the United States following the death of George Floyd,  95% were connected to the Black Lives Matter movement! But we are not supposed to say that since it embarrasses the hypocrites in the media and politicians standing around sucking their thumbs while the cities burned and innocent people died.

While there is no excuse for the excesses at the Capitol, there is an explanation.

All will agree that over half of Americans have lost confidence in our elections. They have many unanswered questions and no answers. Furthermore, there is no doubt that dead people and unregistered voters voted. And some voted many times. All these voters, except the dead, should go to prison. I don’t know, and neither do you, about the reliability of the voting machines; whether or not there was a conspiracy; whether or not there were massive failures; but there were enough dubious, disputed, if not dishonest actions that demand an investigation.

Trump haters quickly assure us that there was no overwhelming evidence of fraud, but who defines overwhelming? We have been told repeatedly that scores of state and federal courts looked into the matter and found nothing amiss. No, the courts did not hear the evidence. They refused to look; therefore, they could not see any problems. I have not heard anyone try to defend the apparent unconstitutional voting procedures in Pennsylvania.

Doesn’t truth matter anymore?

What would be wrong with having a commission look into the matter if there is nothing to hide? If the election were fair, that would support the accusation that Trump supporters are a bunch of zealous know-nothings and members in good standing at the local Flat Earth Club.

If there was corruption with Biden and others fraudulently elected, it means an illegal regime will rule us. Our wise Founders knew that the day might arise when it is time to do it all over again and throw off a tyrant worse than King George. It does not mean we revolt because of high taxes, paying reparations to Blacks, support of the LGBTQ crowd, forgiving college loans, or going even deeper into debt. Still, there could be a time to “dissolve the political bands” which bind us together. But never for frivolous reasons.

True patriots must understand that historically republics and democracies have always come under attack with the threat of losing freedom; thus, requiring another quest for liberty. Jefferson clearly declared in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, …That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Are we really there yet?

In his 1787 letter to William Stephens Smith, Jefferson declared, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

But not yet. I dread the time I have to make the decision the Founders had to make, and if fair elections are not possible, then the time is close at hand.

The Capitol rebellion did not have to happen, and much of the blame must fall on Trump. He failed to organize and prepare for a vast crowd that could easily be infiltrated by rogue, ruthless, and revolting rabble. He should have informed the crowd that they should always obey authorities and follow instructions from appointed marshals with communication devices and wearing red MAGA coats. Moreover, they should have been cautioned never to be involved in violence. He did not take such simple, obvious precautions.

King Louis VI failed to take precautions when he visited the Bastille without his Swiss bodyguards on July 15, 1789, the day following its fall.  Then, on August 10, 1792, a mob stormed the King’s residence and massacred over 600 hundred of the royal Swiss guards. On January 21, 1793, the King was beheaded on the guillotine, followed later by Queen Marie Antoinette. The King’s family was imprisoned, and the bloody Revolution ended years later with Napoleon assuming control of France and much of Europe.

Trump may not get his head handed to him; only get a hatchet in his back from Democrats, and many backstabs by former friends.
France turned from the God of the Bible at their Revolution, and following America’s Revolution, America experienced a religious revival called the Second Great Awakening which spread from shore to shore across the fruited plain.

I’m fearful what may spread from shore to shore following this Second American Revolution.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Regardless Who Wins the Election, America Faces the Second American Revolution! Thu, 22 Oct 2020 16:48:57 +0000 You may not be interested in this revolution, but this revolution is sure interested in you.

The script was written many years ago; the producer is a well-known, foreign-born Jewish liberal; the director has been chosen; the location is set; and the hostile actors are already committed—America will fall. The script has been written with two endings—both disruptive, destructive, and even deadly to our republic.

The first one is if Biden wins and there is no widespread voter fraud, then Trump will exit the White House and turn over the house keys to Biden. Joe probably won’t last six months until he is asked, threatened, and forced to enter an assisted living facility, making way for Harris to settle into the Oval Office. Since there are no limits to her leftist views, she will take the nation far, far left, but most sincere, sensible, and sane Americans will refuse to go.

Contrary to the thinking of many, refusal to obey government is not the unforgivable sin. It can be the only thing a principled person can do. Disobedience to an administration is not disloyalty to our nation.

Harris has promised to take charge of the gun problem if elected. She promised, “Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action.”

The Second Amendment guarantees all the other amendments. Patriots must not fall into the false or weak argument that the Second Amendment is to protect our homes, right to hunt, plinking, etc. That amendment is to protect us against an obtrusive, obsessive, and overreaching government. The time may come when true Americans must defend our nation against our administration.

That is what harelips every leftist in government.

Face it, the leftists want your guns, but they will take them progressively. They will register all “assault rifles”; tax each one; require them to be locked up; require gun insurance; promote a massive buy-back program; and finally confiscate all remaining guns—for the good of the children, of course.

If Democrats are so stupid to try the above, the streets will run with blood, and the blood of Blacks and Whites, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and rich and poor all runs red. Normal Americans know what has happened in other nations where guns were taken and will not permit it without a valiant effort to stop it.

Additionally, the acceleration of Democrat-sponsored baby-killing, high taxes, offensive regulations on business owners and individual citizens, public perversion and transgenderism, invasion of our borders, etc., will only exacerbate the gun confiscation into a civil war.

The left (the BLM and Antifa crowd) wants a revolution where they are in control, the homes are decimated, the churches are powerless, and the poor are forever poor and always vote Democrat.

The second ending is if Trump wins, his tenacious, even vicious enemies, will charge election fraud and demand the election to be nullified. While election fraud happens in every election, it seems the Democrats get concerned about it only if the Republicans win. It is not wrong if the Democrats win. The stuffed ballot boxes, the dead voting from the graveyards, the lost ballots, the ballot harvesting, the forged ballots, and other shady and illegal practices are overlooked, even promoted and practiced and protected by Democrats.

So, with Trump’s win, wild charges will be hurled into the air along with firebombs, bricks, rocks, and Molotov cocktails. The radical fanatics will have their cause célèbre to justify their “peaceful” protest of burning, looting, and killing. After all, it’s a good, even great cause to revoke an undesirable election result according to the vicious, virulent, and vile social Democrats, their hordes of fellow travelers, and their useful idiots. So, they will have their justification—in their warped minds—for violence and taking over a free nation.

Radical leftists will file numerous lawsuits to keep Trump’s team off guard doing defensive work. They will make outrageous accusations to keep him, and his team occupied with trying to prove that he did not drown a litter of puppies in 1989 in the Hudson River, nor did he shove a blind, crippled, elderly Hispanic lady onto the subway tracks, nor did he ridicule a stuttering, black, female, AIDS-infected Native American midget at a birthday party for his best friend who was jailed the next day for child molestation.

Legal officials across the nation will take sides—judges, lawyers, attorneys general, and others; hundreds will resign or be removed from office, accelerating further chaos in the nation.

A challenge to Trump’s legitimacy will get on a fast track to the U.S. Supreme Court that will become a wild donnybrook. The justices will be harassed and threatened by nuts on both sides, but conservatives will be suppressed and ridiculed by the mainstream media.

If the Supreme Court rules in Trump’s favor, they will be castigated by unprincipled Democrats and the media (but then, I repeat myself.) The ruling will not be accepted by the losers. Marchers will march; looters will loot, and shooters will shoot. No citizen will be safe. Police officers will resign en mass, and cities will spiral out of control.

That’s what the leftist crowd wants—anarchy.

If the Supreme Court rules against Trump and issues an order for him to be removed from office so Biden and Harris can be ensconced, the diehard Trumpers will lose their composure and make trouble for the media, universities, and entertainers. No doubt, the extremists on the right will join with reasonable but angry Trumpers, and Trump will be blamed for any disorder—of course.

It should be remembered that the federal judicial branch is authorized to try controversies related to the Constitution, where the United States is a party or between states or citizens of different states. Since no state court would have the authority to do so, any controversy involving the President’s reliability, responsibility, or removal must be decided by the Supreme Court.

The highest Court in the land may rule against a sitting President, but who will enforce the order? It must be remembered that the Supreme Court is not the law of the land, although Americans and even Congress have assumed that misconception. Our wise founders devised a government of three almost equal branches with checks and balances to keep one branch from assuming power over the others. However, the Court is somewhat weaker than the other two branches since it has no enforcement power. Moreover, the Court assumed additional ungranted authority in 1803 with Marbury v. Madison when the Court started down a path of judicial review, which was, in reality, the path of usurpation.

Referring to the Court, Alexander Hamilton strongly declared in The Federalist Papers, it had “no influence over either the sword or the purse, …It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment.” Wisconsin strongly informed the Court that it was not all-powerful when they rejected the Court’s Dred Scott decision. President Lincoln accepted the decision regarding Mr. Scott but not as a precedent for the nation.

The extent of the Supreme Court’s power or lack thereof was evidenced when Lincoln suspended habeas corpus (illegally since only Congress can do that); arrested more than 14,000 political prisoners (the Columbia Law Review says 38,000); suppressed more than 300 newspapers, arrested and imprisoned numerous legislators, and defied a Supreme Court decision. He is now loved by everyone. Trump never came close to being unconstitutional, as was Lincoln. However, the hatred for Trump is incredible, irrational, and almost insane, demonstrating that the more society drifts away from constitutional truth, the more it will hate those who speak the truth.

The Court’s lack of power was also seen when President Andrew Jackson said to Chief Justice Marshall in a highly charged case involving Indian removal, “The Chief Justice has issued his opinion. Now let him enforce it.” Of course, Chief Justice Marshall had no power to do so, just as the Roberts’ Court has no power to remove Trump.

Any President would be a fool to pack his bags and move from the White House when there was obvious election fraud, and anarchists had taken over the cities. In fact, such action would be malfeasance of authority.

If the Court rules against Trump’s reelection, and he refuses to leave office, what can the Court do to enforce their order? In that scenario, the nation will be divided, with the military and intelligence agencies taking sides.

Under such conditions, only God knows how it ends. Whichever way it ends, it will probably end the exceptional example of a “city on a hill” as a beacon of hope for the hopeless. The greatest nation on earth who will no longer be able to honestly promise, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

In that event, everyone loses and is destined to have a tyrannical foot stepping on everyone’s face forever—or until the Third American Revolution.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Black Lives Matter Ridicule, Renounce, and Reject Western Civilization and Plan to Rescind it! Wed, 22 Jul 2020 16:52:13 +0000 The radical revolutionaries in the BLM movement are a greater threat to freedom than the Communist threat of the Cold War. That is true because they may not have missiles, but they do have committed youth with a perceived cause (racial injustice) and the financial support of old, Marxist, almost dead white men.

Thinking people know that revolutionaries are fanatics that only have a revolution in mind. To enlist compatriots, revolutionaries will use any cause that will be accepted by people too lazy to work and too bombed to think.

Plus, they have the advantage of the U.S. having been softened up over the previous 50 years by socialist termites in the mainline churches, the public school system, higher education, and the media.

Jesse Jackson and his gang chanted, “Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western culture’s got to go!” Yes, I know Jesse is a known opportunist using civil rights for self-aggrandizement and to fund his dubious civil rights organization. Yes, his immorality is documented, but remember he was a candidate for President of the USA in 1984 and 1988, and a few people think he is a legitimate religious and political leader. But he has shrinking credibility with sincere, thinking people.

People like Jackson have attacked America for decades, and even academics have bought their package of deception. And students and most Americans have paid the price by diminishing respect for what has taken thousands of years to develop—the greatest civilization in the world even with its flaws, fallibilities, and failures.

Removal and destruction of paintings and statues and flags are the symbols of perceived “racism” that are the objects of black hatred. The haters have no concern about the symbols; it is only an excuse to destroy America.

Black Lives Matter is not a group of kids with more time on their hands than brains in their skulls; it is a cluster of American-haters with a commitment to destroy America and replace it with a Marxist-style government. Antifa and BLM are only two of more than twenty communist groups who are using the unreasonable treatment of a black man as an excuse to loot, burn, and destroy our cities and nullify our Constitution.

No honest, informed person supports or defends BLM.

The leading cause of death of young black Americans is young black Americans. But it seems that does not concern the thuggish protesters. Moreover, maybe they should modify their signs to read, “Black Lives Matter So Defund Planned Parenthood.” After all, 247 black babies are butchered in the womb each day in America. But Black Babies Don’t Matter to the rabble.

However, more than our government is in the balance; our European-based Western Civilization is being threatened. The lowlifes throwing bricks and lighting fires are useful idiots doing the work of the check-writers safely standing in the shadows. These left-leaning leaders have a deep hatred for western culture.

The major universities in the U.S. in 1964 required all students to take a Western Civilization class, but by 2010, not one did. It seems Western Civilization had to be eliminated because Jackson, scores of professors, and other mental midgets demanded it.

There are two groups in America: those of us who know what we are losing and those who will have no concept of the loss until it is gone.

Western Civilization is all about who we are, the basis of what we believe. Solzhenitsyn remarked, “to destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” America’s roots are being severed, so it is no surprise that the tree is dying.

Western Civilization is important because it is our roots and reflects the values developed over millennia. To understand the present, we must go back to the very beginning, which would be the Jerusalem model in ancient Israel. Ancient Jews provided a stable family, based more on commitment rather than romance. Instead of marrying the one they loved, they loved the one they married.

Marriages were always arranged by the father, often at a very young age, and this was true until modern times. Moderns don’t like that concept; however, how has the present system been working? Divorce was difficult, and adultery was punished by the death of the two culprits. Slavery was allowed, but not approved or authorized by Jehovah. The Jerusalem way was not a perfect system, and it has been cursed, challenged, and changed.

The trajectory of Western Civilization after fifteen hundred years jumped from Jerusalem to Greece for a few hundred years with much emphasis on democracy, then to Rome for a while. The course led back to Jerusalem (Christ and His challenge, command, and commission to His disciples to preach and change the world), then the shift was to Europe.

We can trace our ideas and ideals about democracy, civic responsibility, personal deportment, and freedom to Greece where the stain of slavery was still endemic to the world. Athens and Sparta had vast differences in training children and the treatment of the elderly.

So, the road to Western Civilization was slow and crude, taking centuries for desirable values to be ensconced into society. The upward path was somewhat improved when society shifted away from Athens and Sparta to Rome; even though slavery still thrived, perversion was still acceptable, and everyone looked to the government for protection and provision. The shift then went back to Jerusalem that impacted the culture, as the influence of Christ was so powerful, it forced the culture at least to frown on slavery.

They heard the Apostle Paul say to a slave owner about a runaway slave Paul was sending back: He has been a help to me so, based on our friendship, don’t receive him back as a slave or servant but as my son. Furthermore, if he owes you anything, “Put that on mine account.” The culture significantly improved with the command of Christ to treat others the way we want to be treated. And, forgive your enemies even if they mistreat you. Yes, something new was stirring in the world.

In Jerusalem, a light was flickering in the world’s darkness.

As missionaries took that light into Europe, discipline, order, love, respect in the home caught on followed by charitable living as hospitals were established, followed by universities, grammar schools, and homes for the elderly. A few hundred years followed with chaos in civic and church affairs going through the Dark Ages entering into the early Middle Ages, as the light began to shine with the Bible becoming available in the local languages.

The flickering light had become a beacon for the world.

During the Middle Ages, the culture had been vastly improved. People still lived ungodly lives with days of endless toil and nights of horror. As jobs and craftsmanship raised their status, they desired a higher quality of life. The Catholic Crusades (obviously a detour en route to civilization) introduced Europeans to different kinds of food, clothing, tools, furniture, etc. But the availability of the Bible and the accompanying Renaissance, when ordinary people thought more about the Bible, religion, and education, was a harbinger of a better day for Europe.

In Italy, there was a Renaissance but little Reformation.

Some courageous preachers in Germany, France, Switzerland, and elsewhere demanded a rejection of the Roman Church and a return to a simple and informal church based only on the Bible. The Reformation spread into northern Europe like a prairie fire and changed every facet of society while Italy had to settle for a significant advance in religious art, sculpture, and music.

The nations of Europe were totally changed in that it impacted education, family life, treatment of each other, their politics, work, and the way they did church. The light that flickered for hundreds of years was now so bright, it chased out much of the darkness and produced the Reformation, one of the most impacting events since the Flood.

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and other leftists groups want to dismiss, denigrate, and disassemble Western Civilization, the effects of thousands of years of man’s slow climb from barbarism.

Western culture has produced success, safety, and security, while BLM is producing suspicion, spite, and separation.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Christianity Today is Wrong—As Usual—About Slavery, Racism, and Trump! Wed, 17 Jun 2020 13:00:30 +0000 Recently, Christianity Today (CT) published an article they thought was adding to the racial solution but it only made it more confusing, convoluted, and combustible. The title “Justice Too Long Delayed” suggested, “it’s time for the church to make restitution for racial sin.” While there were some thoughtful points, it was typical leftwing propaganda.

CT’s history of condescending false intellectualism is pitiful, nauseating, and embarrassing. The magazine has been progressively leaning left since its founding by Billy Graham and some lifetime Fundamentalists. Most of those Baptists and Presbyterians were ashamed of their church heritage and had insatiable desires for acceptance and respectability in the religious world.

CT is known for being spineless and for decades has been known for not having strong opinions about anything—except an undisguised loathing for biblical Christianity, and now Trump. This has been a steady regression since Billy Graham gave the first $10,000 to start the magazine in 1956.

Long ago, Evangelicals at Christianity Today digressed, departed, and deserted biblical Christianity; so their unfair, untrue, and unprovoked attack on President Trump in December of 2019 was not surprising. Some of what they wrote was legitimate; however, they did not make a successful case for his removal. They did not think his defense of unborn babies, a strong judiciary, and a strong economy, tax cuts, protecting religious freedom, and other promises made and kept were impressive enough to vindicate his mistakes.

The writer did not deal with the alternative to Trump being Hillary nor with the fact that the leftist haters have made many undisguised efforts to drive him from office however unfair, unlawful, and untruthful those efforts. Trump is hated for his abortion stand, his strong America- first agenda, and his willingness to reprove, rebuke, and ridicule the false media. Leftists don’t like strength, consistency, and willingness to fight for right.

Evangelicals are wimps, not warriors, and they don’t understand that principled people love truth enough to fight for it. Most Evangelical leaders will not fight unbelief and corruption, but they gladly fight committed Christians over anything—especially their support of Trump! As a Christian virtue, love is greater than faith and hope (1 Corinthians 13:13), but it is not greater than truth! When truth is absent, love, hope, and faith will produce a cult.

Soft Evangelicalism has become as cultish as far right Fundamentalism.
The very loose CT crowd wants to present a soft, sophisticated, and scholarly persona to the world. That’s why compromising Evangelicals broke away from traditional orthodox Christians whom they perceived were not sensitive (enough) to social justice, ecumenism, climate change, etc.

There is concern on the part of Evangelicals that Bible believers are not cognizant, concerned, or committed to social problems; however, astute Christians know that their main message is Christ and His death and resurrection. They remembered the debacle in the 1920s when the social gospel was preached and it destroyed leading denominations; therefore, concerned Christians wanted to steer away from that deadly mistake.

Christianity Today has been pushing full steam ahead toward a political utopia from its inception.

Christianity Today is more dedicated to “love” than truth which is the main reason they don’t have convictions and they can run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. They seek peace and unity at all costs and with that attitude, truth is always the casualty. Consequently, CT devotees are fearful of strong personalities who know what they believe. According to the philosophy of CT, Christians must never be perceived as definitive, strong, determined, confrontational—hence the CT hatred of these qualities also in Trump who is certainly no Fundamentalist.

Evangelicals write about civility and usually practice it with unbelievers and fellow-Evangelicals, but often are most unkind, unfair, and uncivil when dealing with Fundamentalists. After all, tolerance only goes so far!

Weak Evangelicals have proved to be what astute people knew they always were: a hodgepodge of theological lightweights (with a few heavyweights), philosophical cripples, and devotees of political correctness.

This recent article was correct in that Christian leaders were complicit or very silent about slavery. I will further and say that Baptist pastors, a powerful presence at the time, failed in raising a loud voice in protest. But the article did not have balance and it appeared to be written by an uninformed writer or one wishing to present a distorted, disingenuous, even dishonest picture.

The article was a hit piece and could have been written by the most radical Black Lives Matter hustler. The pitch is that all slave owners were brutes and barbarians, and all slaves were mistreated. Of course, slavery is wrong under all conditions; however, a journalist is expected to be honest especially in an alleged Christian magazine.

If a reader didn’t know, he might think it was a guest editorial by Al Sharpton in his weekly bid to inflame the issue, to appeal for support for his racist cause, and to justify the behavior of BLM haters. However, the article was written by CT’s President and CEO Timothy Dalrymple.

In his desire to endear himself to the radical left, Dalrymple placed himself on the side of the race-baiters often known as “civil rights leaders” who are using slavery to demand that all Blacks be awarded massive payments to atone for the slavery of more than 150 years ago! This on-rushing bandwagon (full of explosives), may cause more racial strife than forced busing for school integration! Radical black leaders are demanding that U.S. taxpayers pay the descendants of slaves a suggested $1,000,000 each!

Not if pigs learn to fly. Or even, hippopotami.

Some slave owners saw the wisdom in taking care of their slaves, even encouraging marriage to the extent of giving them a house, a plot of ground, and household goods. A slave with a family, home, garden, and some farm animals would be less inclined to rebellion. Slaves were not worked from daybreak to sundown. The Natural History reported, “Slaves spent their hours away from the field doing household chores, making handicrafts, hunting, and fishing, cultivating their own food, and entertaining themselves with dancing.” Archeological research at slave cabins in Georgia and Florida reveals that some slaves even had firearms!

However, rumors that an NRA sticker was found on a window pane have not been substantiated.

Black leftists would have us believe that all slaves were worked to death and were practically starved to death. However, that only happened when the owner was a sadist or an idiot! Two liberal (very liberal) professors tell us in their book, On The Cross: The Economics Of American Negro Slavery that some planters instituted a profit-sharing for their slaves. They also tell us, “the average pecuniary income actually received by a prime field hand was roughly fifteen percent greater than the income he would have received for his labor as a free agricultural worker.” Wonder why public school books and race-baiters on television never mention that?

On some plantations, the best workers were given tobacco, whiskey, cash, holidays, and trips to town on the weekend. Rather substantial year-end bonuses were sometimes awarded.

However, the CT article indicated the editor was uninformed or purposely sought to mislead its readers. The article also spoke to the issues of black prison incarceration and the wage gap. Dalrymple did not suggest that there are more Blacks in prison because they commit more crimes. But I suppose that is a truth that everyone knows but is supposed to be suppressed. The data shows that 93% of black homicide victims are killed by other Blacks. Blacks, consisting of 13% of the population, commit violent crimes at 7 to 10 times the rate that Whites do. Maybe, just maybe that is the reason more Blacks than Whites are in prison.

Of course, he did not mention the trillions of dollars America has poured into helping Blacks but without impressive or obvious results—or without a degree of appreciation. The gap would soon disappear if the black families were intact, kids stayed in school, Blacks worked at any job responsibility, enrolled in college or trade school, etc.

CT was wrong. Many of the black problems are the fault of black leaders who make a good living riding on the backs of poor Blacks. Also, some white and black politicians have a vested interest in keeping the Blacks down on the plantation. Many Blacks are living today in far worse conditions than did some black slaves on Virginia tobacco farms.

The article declared, “Black lives matter. They matter so much that Jesus sacrificed everything for them. Are we willing to sacrifice as well?” He favorably mentions the exploitive term Black lives matter with no criticism of the concept that black lives are any more important than white, yellow, or polka dot lives. Neither does he suggest that BLM should be repudiated by all decent, thinking, caring persons.

When Christianity Today had a chance to take a principled stand against all evil and for true equality, they caved to political correctness which is personal cowardice.

CT is a very loosey-goosey magazine that wants to present a soft, sophisticated, and scholarly persona to the world. Their attempt to appear brief, bright, and brotherly came across as meek, mild, and motherly.

I wonder if Billy Graham would think his $10,000 founding gift was a worthy investment!

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Everyone Should be Agitated, Angry, and Appalled Over the Treatment of George Floyd! Thu, 11 Jun 2020 17:13:41 +0000 America is in trouble. Some say we are at the start of the Second Civil War. Leftist America-haters, always quick to use any reason to denigrate America, took advantage of a scandalous, shocking, and shameful crime in Minneapolis to protest, i.e., destroy, burn, loot. As of today, downtown Seattle has been taken over by arrogant Black Lives Matter (BLM) revolutionaries who have demanded the mayor resign.

No, not a farce, no, not a South American nation but in the USA! And leading politicians and media people still think it is about racial injustice.

For the record, I’m for the fair and equal treatment of everyone. All corrupt cops should be held accountable and jailed if guilty of illegal activities. I believe strongly in the right to protest. I have protested as a citizen and as a member of the Indiana House of Representatives against officials (mostly Republican colleagues) because of misuse of power against Christian schools.

I must first establish my bona fides for me to speak to this issue. As a Christian, I believe no one should be mistreated, and I must treat everyone the way I want to be treated. The most evidence to be used against me was when I went into the rundown store in Wayne County, West Virginia, owned by “Uncle Charlie,” the only black man in the county. As a nine-year-old innocent, I stood at the candy counter and pointed to the chocolate covered candy drops saying to Charlie, “I’d like to buy five of those nigger-toes.” That was what I always heard them called.

That was the time when Booker T. Washington became my hero after I read his Up From Slavery. I was as innocent as the driven snow.

There, I have admitted it for the first time, but I never used the offensive term in derision or hate so you do not have a race card to play. My grown children never heard me use that term. Their black friends at the Christian school I ran were always welcome in our home. It didn’t matter, and it never occurred to me that we were doing something unusual in having black guests. They were simply friends.

I would be delighted to have Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Clarence Thomas, or Lloyd Marcus as a neighbor. Not being privileged to have as a neighbor one of the aforementioned blacks, I do have a black neighbor. One Sunday morning, I drove down our driveway, and at the street, I saw water spewing into the air near the water meter. I also saw two neighbors, one white and the other black, digging at the spot where water was shooting out. They had noticed and started to work on repairing it for me. They knew I was totally incompetent about things like that and knew we were ready to leave for church. When we got home, the repair had been made.

It didn’t matter to me what color my neighbors were, where they went to church, whether they were liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican.

My wife and I don’t just talk about helping blacks, but we have given thousands of dollars to black friends who have specialized ministries in America and the West Indies, to support blacks in African nations of Zambia, Liberia, and others. We helped blacks in devastated Haiti and in providing water wells in African villages.

I wonder how many white liberals, who often pull out the race card, also pull out their checkbook to actually help blacks. Their lack of support would not surprise me because leftists are the biggest hypocrites, gasbags, and phonies alive.

So, I have a lifetime of not caring about race when it comes to friends, neighbors, or co-workers. But, the main reason I can’t be a racist is that I have a minority daughter-in-law and two sweet interracial grandkids.

There, I’ve just ripped up your race card; however, the racists will try to put it back together. I will be castigated by my critics as being a racist. However, I might be wrong; I might be ignorant; I might be unkind or thoughtless; but I am not a racist. You have no race card to play.

Now, to speak to the issue of low-lifes using protesting as an excuse for hooliganism and rioting.

Americans have been awakened, agitated, angered, and appalled at the killing of Floyd, and that includes me.

I’m appalled that everyone has been so quick to make a judgment without knowing all the facts. Yes, it looks bad, very bad, but I want to know the whole story. No one has suggested that everyone involved could be wrong! Floyd, the four cops, even the bystanders who were too intimidated to physically confront the police.

I’m appalled that innocent, legal protesting by whites and blacks became an excuse to burn, loot, and destroy over 300 stores, thereby destroying the jobs of innocent people. It is obvious that it is not a skin problem but a sin problem.

I’m further appalled that the same thing has happened in scores of other cities when low-lifes used the tragic death of Floyd as an excuse to steal from others—often Blacks. Floyd was sent to prison five times for possession of drugs, armed robbery, and possession of cocaine. He was released from prison in 2014 and left for Minneapolis to work with a Christian group. At his arrest, he was high on illegal drugs, dropped a bag of drugs, used a fake $20 bill, resisted arrest, and died as a result. Not the actions of a “hero” or an “example.” Of course, none of his offenses deserved the death penalty. Nor does his death make him a hero.

I’m appalled that far-left opportunists have made a hero and martyr out of Floyd even portraying him with wings and a halo. First of all, people who go to heaven go there only by trusting in the death and resurrection of Christ, not by good works, turning over a new leaf, baptism, or joining a church. Humans don’t become angels, but additionally, angels don’t have wings or have a halo.

Pastor P.T. Ngwolo, of Resurrection Houston Church, who held services at the projects, said, “I have hope because just like Abel is a Christ figure, I see my brother [Floyd] as a Christ figure as well.” Ngwolo may speak the truth at times, but he spoke blasphemy then.

I’m appalled that Blacks have been kicked in the teeth, often by other Blacks, for centuries. If black lives matter, what about the millions of innocent black babies aborted? What about the many black youths who drop out of high school and get involved in drugs? What about 70% of black babies born without a father.

I’m appalled that a professor said looting was not really a crime but is an “expression of power,” and mistreatment of Blacks justified the looting and burning. And very few criticized the jerk who said it.

I’m appalled at seeing police officials, even a couple of chiefs, FBI agents, U.S. military, and politicians abasing themselves in support of the protesters. They are not grieving but groveling to BLM hooligans. And it’s appalling to hear them reject and ridicule All Lives Matter. It was appalling to see the mayor of Minneapolis grovel, kneel, and sob for a full minute at a Floyd memorial service, but the mob was dissatisfied with his humiliating gesture and ridiculed him. The mayor is so uninformed not to know that such bullies are never satisfied.

I’m appalled that Minneapolis and other city officials are so stupid (sorry, but no better word) as to close down their police departments to be replaced with social workers. Don’t these officials know that black neighborhoods make seven times more distress calls for help than do white neighborhoods?

I’m appalled that irresponsible civil rights leaders still use Travon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and Freddie Gray, as black heroes. However, all had not learned a simple lesson: don’t resist a man with a gun. Yet, their family and friends always portrayed them as being loving, always there, unselfish, having a great future, etc. All of them were dumb as a post and were not good examples for others to follow.

I’m appalled any principled person would propagate the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” scenario since it did not happen and was the catalyst for BLM fanatics. Leftists continue to assert that Michael Brown was gunned down by a white cop as Brown held up his hands to surrender. No, Brown was reaching for the cop’s gun, so he was not only a thug but a stupid thug. BLM came out of that incident, all based on a lie. Yet, dishonest people still call BLM a civil rights group.

BLM are cop-killers who chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!” at the Minnesota State Fair. Following the death of Eric Garner, BLM protesters chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now!”

As I see it, Black Lives Matter is a domestic terrorist group.

I’m appalled that alleged Evangelicals like Christianity Today refused to tell the truth about Floyd but did a distorted puff piece headed, “George Floyd Left a Gospel Legacy in Houston.” No, he left a life of crime in Houston. CT characterized Floyd as “a person of peace who…opened up ministry opportunities in the Third Ward housing projects.” Without mentioning his very long rap sheet, the magazine said, “But in Houston’s Third Ward, they know Floyd for how he lived for decades—a mentor to a generation of young men and a ‘person of peace’ ushering ministries into the area.” He would be remembered as “a mentor to a generation of young men and a ‘person of peace.’”

With no similarity to reality, the piece declared, “The people who knew him personally will remember him as a positive light. Guys from the streets look to him like, ‘Man, if he can change his life, I can change mine.’” But Floyd had a multi-year history of criminal activity that had put him in prison five times. He may have been a temporary example for a while after his last release from prison but he reverted to his life of crime and is no example for anyone.

I’m appalled that civil rights leaders take advantage of every shooting, fair or unfair, of a black person. Such losers as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan have built financial empires on the backs of poor blacks, and the media and others sit down with them and treat them as successful celebrities. In reality, such men are only a step above the New York and Chicago Mafioso who sold protection to mom and pop businesses in the first half of the 20th century. If a businessman didn’t want “protection” his leg was broken. If he refused a second time, both legs were broken. If resistance continued, his store exploded.

See, he should have bought the protection. That is the business civil rights leaders are in. They are selling protection but wearing $1000 suits and $400 shoes.

Black leader Booker T. Washington wrote, “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays.”

It does pay and very well. And I’m still appalled.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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