Borjas – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 U.S. Southern Border: Major Train Wreck Ahead! Mon, 30 Apr 2018 17:19:30 +0000 It is an undisputed fact that many immigrants from Central and South America could not qualify to become U.S. citizens on their merit; however, hundreds of them are at our southern border demanding entrance. They traveled through Mexico in a caravan (illegally) that accumulated as many as 1500 people from three or four nations. If their efforts are successful, other “caravans” will be as sure to follow as tweets from the White House.

Whatever their reasons for coming, these people have few and low skills making them much more likely to seek public assistance, gorge the school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Is that bigotry or hatred? No, it is a demonstrable truth.

A report by the Center for Immigration Studies revealed that children of immigrants compose the majority of the student population in 700 of the country’s largest school areas! No one knows how many are illegal. According to the report, “23 percent of all public school students enrolled in 2015 were from an immigrant household, compared to 11 percent in 1990, and 7 percent in 1980.” Even Senator Schumer can see a dangerous trend in that report.

But it gets worse. In large metropolitan areas such as northern Virginia, Houston, and New York City, “93 percent of all students are the children of immigrants.” That was 93%! Take that information as it relates to the public school system and extrapolate it to the welfare system, health care system, public libraries, etc. Obviously, there is a major train wreck in our future.

Concerned taxpayers should be concerned about illegal and legal immigration. Harvard professor George Borjas affirmed, “the United States has been granting entry visas to persons who have relatives in the United States, with no regard to their skills or economic potential.” He said that, “Immigrants today are less skilled than their predecessors, more likely to require public assistance, and far more likely to have children who remain in poor, segregated communities.”

The professor said that immigration is bad news for America’s poor, and that is supported when one understands that wages of U.S. high school dropouts have fallen 10% since the 1980s relative to the wages of more educated workers. Dr. Borjas declared that about a third of that decline is because of immigration. The empirical evidence strongly suggests that immigration is aggravating the problem of poverty according to Professor Borjas.

Furthermore, almost thirty percent of the immigrants now living in this country are of Mexican origin.

NBC News reported that the town of San Luis, Arizona has about 3,000 residents but has 20,000 post office boxes; but still stranger is the fact that most of those box holders live in Mexico! The reason for this unusual practice is because the Mexican citizens living across the border in Mexico use them as a permanent American address to collect public benefits from you. Are you surprised that you provide those benefits? Do you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that you go to work each day to support parasites across the border?

It is an obvious truth that if large numbers of Mexicans, legal or illegal, enter the U.S. it will relieve some of Mexico’s economic and social problems, but what will it do to America’s? How can anyone even attempt to defend the reprehensible practice of American citizens funding the policy of providing for foreigners, especially foreigners who break the law? Only pathetic people who worship at the shrine of global government would even attempt such defense.

The pro-immigration advocates tell us that immigrants don’t take jobs; they make jobs and pay taxes; however, while that is true in some cases, it is not true when one looks at the total picture. A report in August of 2004 revealed that illegals cost Americans ten billion dollars more than they pay in taxes! Professor Borjas suggests that the immigrants’ cash welfare benefits alone cost about $1 billion more than is paid by them in taxes annually.

Repeatedly we are told by pro-immigration advocates that Mexicans and others are needed to do work that Americans will not do–but a more correct statement is that they take jobs that Americans don’t want at the going wage! In difficult times, most Americans will take any job to put food on the table. I’m sure few Americans feel good knowing that illegal immigrants are working at entry level wages producing bigger profits for the agri-businesses.

It is long past time for America to take control of our borders as a basic responsibility. Public officials have a basic responsibility to keep out all non-citizens, arrest those now living here illegally, and demand that our friends south of the border stop playing the hypocrite and close their northern border. If Mexican officials have genuine concern for these immigrants, they could offer asylum to them and solve the problem for the immigrants, Mexico, and the U.S.

It’s past time to get started. If Mexico refuses to cooperate (and continues to encourage such illegal activity) then Trump should close Mexican consulates, restrict tourism into America and Mexico, and stop or reduce aid and trade with Mexico. Hit them where it hurts.

Americans have a major train wreck ahead at our southern border!

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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America: a Banana Republic Without Bananas! Fri, 21 Nov 2014 22:22:15 +0000 Should U.S. taxpayers be expected to finance millions of the 12 million uneducated, unskilled, and often un-American illegal immigrants? I can defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants? With Obama’s legalization of at least five million illegal aliens, he will turn America into a banana republic–without bananas. While many of the aliens covered are decent, hardworking people, many are not. I think this tragic immigration policy will create political, financial, and cultural anarchy.

Since people from Mexico and South America have lower skills, they are more likely to request public assistance, gorge the public school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Bigotry? Not at all. Just the facts. We know that 15% of California K-12 students are children of illegal aliens. Furthermore, they cost California citizens over 11 billion dollars per year for health, education, and incarceration! No wonder, the state is bankrupt! Did you know that 26% of U. S. Federal prisoners are illegal aliens? They are not in prison for being gatecrashers but for committing crimes in the U.S.!

We should be concerned about illegal and legal immigration since there are 35 million immigrants in the U.S. Harvard economist George Borjas affirmed that “the United States has been granting entry visas to persons who have relatives in the United States, with no regard to their skills or economic potential.” He said that, “Immigrants today are less skilled than their predecessors, more likely to require public assistance, and far more likely to have children who remain in poor, segregated communities.” Obama was correct when he said that immigrants have been a “net plus for our economy and our society,” but is a total fabrication if one looks at the last fifty years or illegal immigration. This new policy will cost us plenty in many ways.

Borjas says, immigration is positively bad news for America’s poor. The wages of America’s high school dropouts have fallen 10% since the 1980s relative to the wages of more educated workers. Borjas declares that about a third of that decline is because of immigration. Almost 30 percent of the immigrants now living in this country are of Mexican origin. Borjas can be trusted with his stats since he is “America’s leading immigration economist” according to BusinessWeek and The Wall Street Journal.

The empirical evidence suggests that immigration is exacerbating this problem of poverty according to Professor Borjas. Surely all thinking people would agree that any immigration policy should not be detrimental to the present population. That is suicidal.

We must admit that if large numbers of Mexicans, legal or illegal, enter the U.S. it will relieve some of Mexico’s social and economic problems, but what will it do to ours? By what twisted logic are U.S. citizens expected to take their hard-earned money to provide for foreigners, especially foreigners who are criminals? Maybe it can be justified if you worship at the shrine of global government, but no thinking person does that, do they?

Obama responded to the medical needs of the avalanche of illegals by immediately requiring Arizona to ship federal emergency medical supplies to a holding center in Nogales. He has not been so swift to provide for veterans who risked their lives for us. Moreover, Obama set up housing for the illegals on military bases at a cost of $225.00 per person per day! He was quick to promise, during his reelection in 2007, that he would not permit inaction regarding homeless vets but he has yet to open any military bases to house one family.

The pro-immigration people tell us that immigrants don’t take jobs, they make jobs and pay taxes. However, while that is true in some individual cases, it is not true in the aggregate. George Borjas estimates that the immigrants’ cash welfare benefits alone cost about $1 billion more than is paid by them in taxes each year. Almost 30% of California’s immigrants from Mexico are on welfare!

We are told that Mexicans are needed as agricultural workers, work that Americans will not do, but a more correct statement is that they take jobs that Americans don’t want to work at the going wage! When times get tough, Americans will work at any job to put food on the table. Don’t you feel good knowing that Mexicans are working at very low wages to make more profit for the agri-businesses?

In recent years your income slowed while immigration did not. It is suicide to continue on the path of disaster we are traveling. Take action now. If not, we will see dozens of “Detroits” across the nation.

Congress must stop Obama’s “Get Out of Jail Card” and “Pass Go, Collect Welfare” schemes. Impeach the President!  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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