boycott – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customers Will Turn the Other Cheek But Not Write Another Check for Evil! Thu, 15 Apr 2021 16:51:44 +0000 According to the moderns, millennials, and malevolent, evil does not exist anymore. More subtlety and confusingly, they call good evil and evil good, and God warned us about that. He said, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil…”

The Homosexual Lobby has belittled, bullied, badgered, and blackmailed non-thinking Americans and Canadians into accepting, approving, and even applauding their deadly homosexual lifestyle. We are expected to believe it is only an alternative lifestyle. You know, you love one way. I love another. It’s still love and who can deny, debate, and denigrate love? However, it is “love that dare not speak its name.” It is so vile that decent people did not even discuss it in polite society until recent years.

Today, because of the successful con job by homosexuals, America has developed an infatuation with the rude, the crude, and the lewd; however, average citizens are waking up and speaking out in defense of centuries of common sense and Bible teaching. Astute people don’t (with the wave of the hand) turn their backs on thousands of years of civilization.

We are striking back and hitting pro-homosexual firms in their cash register. As Christians, we will turn the other cheek but not write another check to support evil. It is not very smart to fund your own demise. We don’t tip the executioner to use a sharp ax to expedite a clean cut of our neck as some did in centuries past.

I don’t drink Coke or eat Girl Scout cookies watching professional sports. I hope you will do likewise. Anyway, that kind of stuff might send you to Heaven quicker than your scheduled departure. I will survive not reading National Geographic after they promoted transgenderism; besides, they still haven’t heard that evolution is false, a failure, and a fraud. Another reason they should shut down their presses and quietly disappear. Moreover, we can survive very well without rushing to get Target’s weekend specials. Furthermore, I would not go to Disney if the entrance fee were a dollar.

I think it is more than a dollar.

I am sure many people who don’t identify with Bible-believing Christians will also get involved with boycotting Target, Disney, Proctor and Gamble, etc. No doubt, we will pick up a few stray nuts and others who loaf on the fringe of every group, but we will have to live with that. I am willing to admit that not all the nuts are in the Homosexual Lobby. Some are in the church lobby, carry a Bible, and wear a silly grin—and maybe a silver cross around the neck. For sure, not all nuts are on trees. No doubt, some of the Repulsive Radical Religious Right will get involved. However, we will disavow them with the understanding that it is still not illegal to be a religious nut in America—until they start mixing the Kool-Aid.

If Christians are silent, where will the pressure come from to do right? Some tell us that boycotts are ineffective, and when they fail, it only makes us look foolish. However, my boycotts always succeed because I know they are not living on my dollar. Nevertheless, I’d rather be perceived as a fool and a failure than a follower of the wrong side in this cultural war.

Christians have a responsibility to live daily lives so that those around us will know we do not support evil causes. We are in a war, and except for the final outcome, no one is guaranteed to be on the winning side of every battle. One thing for sure, I don’t want to be on the sinning side! Wars of principle must be fought even if there are battle loses; moreover, there have been some very successful boycotts by pro-family groups.

Target officials met with American Family Association leaders that produced a friendly but flawed, final, and fatal conclusion: Target will continue its insane, insensitive, and indecent policy of permitting make-believe women in real women’s restrooms and changing rooms! Target sees it as noble to provide admittance to restrooms for men who pretend to be women, and real women must live with it. Target officials are unconcerned with safety, privacy, and decency. Making people feel good is preferred over women’s safety!

The loonies have taken over. Such a business deserves to go belly up, and other companies—toying with twisted tolerance—may get the message that a gold star from the LGBT crowd is not worth going bankrupt.

The Target boycott should be permanent and stopped only after its burial. I won’t stop my boycott with rumors of its funeral, and after all, I believe in resurrection.

Christians are commanded to be salt and light in this world. The function of salt is mainly negative since it prevents decay, while the function of light is positive. Light always, without exception, drives away the darkness. Christians are failing this generation by not being the preserving salt and the prevailing light. Consequently, Americans are asking, “Where am I going in this handbasket?”

I think I know America’s destination.

As a Christian, everything I have belongs to God. I am a steward of all I possess and will one day give an account to God of how I used His resources. If the culture wars are won by the permissive crowd, it will change America forever. It will mean the killing of more innocent babies. It will mean general acceptance of immoral behavior that will destroy lives, damage our healthcare system, and deny Christians the right to express their faith in the marketplace. I refuse to leave such a society to my grandchildren without taking a stand–even if I fail.

We live in a society that refuses to recognize right from wrong; consequently, we must choose the right and oppose the wrong. However, opponents tell us that right and wrong cannot be established but are arbitrary. To those people, the Bible is not a guide for human behavior. After all, it condemns most people’s lifestyles; so shallow people think by not believing the Bible, they are free from its condemnation. The message from the media and many weaklings in the clergy is that God is dead, morality is irrelevant, and perversion is in everyone’s future. So, why fight it?

I choose to fight.

We will also have to live with some in the Christian community who will oppose our activities as being unchristian, unwise, and unnecessary. Furthermore, some asinine critics will use the Bible (which they don’t believe is trustworthy!) to tell us we are wrong! It is a misuse of English to call religious leaders leaders if they don’t lead! Usually, they are weaklings masquerading as leaders. Most Christians want a leader with hair on his chest, a working brain in his head, an understanding heart in his bosom, and a stiff bone in his back. Most loosey-goosey, effervescent Evangelicals are missing all four but do have a small yellow streak up their backs where a spine should be.

Astute, awake, and alarmed Christians will no longer be kicked around without expressing outrage by withholding our credit cards and cash. You remember cash; it’s a four-letter word not used much anymore.

Each person can use his influence to encourage others to apply pressure, kindly, of course. So business owners take note that Christians have learned something from Blacks, feminists, homosexuals, Hispanics, socialists, and others. We will be heard and will stop funding businessmen who kick us around as they accept our money; however, at the same time, we will never be unkind, unruly, untruthful, or unchristian—which includes attacking, looting, and burning.

When the next business owner decides to dance with the dandies of the LGBT lobby, we will not harass the business or try to force anyone to get involved. However, I will remind them that Target’s distress, decline, if not demise, was self-inflicted.

Don’t be neutral during the biggest battle America faces. Take a stand. Win or lose, I would rather lose standing with the right crowd than win standing with the wrong crowd. By doing the right thing, I will, in the end, be on the winning side.

For sure, win or lose, I will not be on the sinning side.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Supreme Court Rejected the Normal to Favor the Abnormal, Abominable, and Abhorrent! Tue, 23 Jun 2020 15:39:28 +0000 Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court smirked at thousands of years of civilization, scorned at millennia of accumulated knowledge and wisdom, and sneered at biblical truth by caving to the cultural ravings of the homosexual lobby. One does not need to be a lawyer to recognize the dangerous, divisive, and destructive decision to give priority to those who have chosen to live a degraded, diseased, depraved, and dangerous lifestyle.

The Court refused to raise a hand to help, support, and defend normal people; instead, they put their heel on every American’s neck. There is no longer any fear caused by hateful people in white robes; now we are being terrorized by hypocrites in black robes.

Because the Court illegally bypassed Congress and inserted homosexuality into the 1964 Civil Rights Act, homosexuals now hold a hammer over churches, schools, landlords, restaurant owners, and all businesses. You can hear the champagne corks popping, obese drag queens are giggling, and all are singing, “I Did it My Way.” Someone should hang black crepe over the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor. And while another lady, Lady Justice, has always been sightless, we now know she is stupid as well. The balance she is holding is no longer trustworthy and has been adjusted to support injustice.

Each careless renegade on the Court should have a faithful spouse who would kick him or her in the rear end every day for a hundred days. However, that could be dangerous since that’s where their brains are located.

You only thought this was the land of the free and home of the brave. We live in a nation when five men in black robes can terrorize us much more than the haters of the KKK in their white robes. You only thought you had the right to decide who would be your best employee. You now have to hire a man who thinks he’s a woman and believes every sensible person will believe him when he wears a slinky dress, false eyelashes, earrings, and a mustache. Look for a drag queen in heavy makeup and tight, low dress with false boobs exposed teaching your children—even in a Christian school. He will be the principal at the local public school.

I suggest we retaliate with our dollars and no court or legislative body can stop us. We may not succeed but we can fight the good fight. Let’s make it difficult for pro-homosexual businesses by supporting their competition thereby send a message that we will not support perversion.

Hallmark owes their success to American families, but the CEO jumped from decency to deviancy. After a backlash to their commercial that featured two kissing lesbians, they returned to the pro-family position and then jumped again to pro perversion. In addition to being incompetent, inconsistent, and illogical, they have a death wish that maybe we can help them with. The company has forgotten who made it what it is, so now normal, decent family people should totally destroy the company. That would send a message to other companies who are so stupid as to try to appease the unappeasable LGBTQ crowd.

Of course, this desire to destroy an LGBTQ devotee will be met with accusations of hate by a group that drips with hatred and specializes in bullying, badgering, and blackmailing!

The LGBTQ pressure group (and its running dogs of degeneracy) is a scab on the face of society. It is using its alleged concern for children as a club to beat its critics into silence if not submission. It has pressured non-thinking, docile Americans and Canadians into accepting, approving, and even applauding their perverted lifestyle.

Hallmark, Disney, Kellogg, et al., will not see the light until they feel the heat; however, even if they repent in sackcloth and ashes, they should not be welcomed back into respectable commercial life. We should destroy them with our credit cards—by not using them.

Normal, decent, principled people should financially destroy some of the companies that take an in-your-face position that is against family, free enterprise, personal accountability, general morality, or Western Civilization. Hold the money, honey.

Obviously, any person can support any business or organization they choose, and they can convince their friends to follow their folly; however, there is a similar right for me to do the opposite. I have no right to force my opinions on anyone, but to advocate for my position is not wrong or hate.

Since truth must be told, it is love to oppose perversion. It is love for family; love for normalcy; love for decency; love for history; and love for honesty and truth.

I choose not to support pro-homosexual businesses; however, those who scream the loudest about tolerance will not tolerate my taking that position! It seems toleration has its limits. The LGBTQ crowd and their acolytes are the biggest hypocrites in America. But to express that truth is considered hate.

I decided long ago not to watch television shows that are an enemy to truth, history, America, family, or that have regular characters who are openly homosexual. Same with transgenderism since that is clearly child or adult abuse and is producing a pathetic group of Frankenstein monsters. So, I almost never watch any regular network shows, except news—which is often false news. I have also decided to boycott all products whose commercials insult my intelligence or use sexual innuendos to make their pitch.

Movies haven’t had any effect on me since 1950 when I stopped going! I assume they no longer cost a dime and include a double feature, a cartoon, a three stooges’ comedy, and world news. From what I read, now you can be sure to see in almost any movie at least one philander, pedophile, or pervert—maybe all three high on booze or drugs.

Moreover, modern music has had little impact on me since Perry Como, and Nat King Cole died. At least I could always understand their lyrics, and whistle the melody without hearing a string of four-letter words.

The LGBTQ crowd’s big supporters are Chevron Corporation, Disney, Estee Lauder Companies, Goldman Sachs Group, Humana Inc., Mastercard Inc., Monsanto Company, AT&T Inc., Time Warner Inc., Xerox Corporation, Equitable Life Insurance Company, Bank of America, BASF Corporation, Bayer, Ben & Jerry’s, Best Buy Co., Starbucks, Kellogg, Hallmark, etc. So, spend your money accordingly.

I have every right to disagree with all their leftist decisions, despise all their products, and declare to friends that it would be a wise decision, in my opinion, to never shop again where LGBTQ support is known. That is freedom, and it comports with biblical principles.

Companies that are hated by the LGBTQ crowd are Hobby Lobby, Carl’s Jr., Waffle House, Walmart, Eden Foods, Exxon, Curves International, etc. I consider them my friends.

In October of 2019, the Kellogg Company jumped with both feet into the shameful world of identity politics by announcing a specially packaged cereal to support the left wing, pro-LGBTQ lobbying group GLAAD. It’s called All Together cereal: a limited-edition variety pack of Corn Flakes, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Raisin Bran, and Rice Krispies, with the mascots of each brand appearing together on the same box.

I stopped eating cereal when I first read their ingredients, but most families purchase cereals, so why not make your shopping an exercise in principle? Why support perversion and the destruction of our culture.

The LGBTQ website asks, “Why are you not investing with your values?” Good question for all thoughtful people. Why finance your own destruction?

In April 2016, Target stores publicized a policy that said transgender customers were welcome to use the bathroom or fitting room that matched their gender identity. That meant any man pretending to be a woman could dress and undress with the women. Some of us called for a boycott of Target, and it worked. Target’s CEO confessed, “The boycott cost the company millions in lost sales and added expenses.” Breaks my heart.

We have made and are making a difference with our boycott of Target, J.C. Penney, and Sears. I don’t expect them to survive through this year. Serves them right. Hallmark should be next. Dedication to principle will bring success as they go out of business.

During Cato the Elder’s time (born 234 B.C.) in the Roman Senate, he ended each speech (whatever the subject) with, “And Carthage [on the coast of North Africa] must be destroyed.” After many years, Carthage was defeated and destroyed. Carthage had been defeated twice before but quickly rebuilt, revived, and returned to threaten the Roman Republic. So Cato thought it best to destroy them for good. This was accomplished in the Third Battle of Carthage in 146 B.C. when the city’s entire remaining population was sold into slavery; consequently, it never again posed a threat to Rome.

I trust our battle against the Perversion Lobby will be as lasting as Rome’s was against Carthage.

For sure, I want my grandchildren and others to know what side I was on; and, when they hear me or others speak of our battle with Sears, Target, J.C. Penney, etc., in future years I hope to hear them ask, “What did you do in that battle, Grandpa?” I want the failure of pro-LGBTQ businesses to be an example for others since I am interested in victory, not a truce.

Let me assure everyone that the road to America’s moral garbage dump is paved with bad intentions. The Perversion Lobby wants to destroy your way of life. A successful boycott is a way to make a difference instead of whining about our “mistreatment.” But if they don’t fail, at least you will know they are not thriving on your dollar.

While there must always be a willingness to talk and witness to the LGBTQ crowd, they must realize that Conservatives and Christians consider this as a war for survival. We are adamant, alarmed, and actively seeking to destroy their position and even their organization in order to save our children, our churches, and our communities from their deleterious, devious, and destructive message of perversion.

Perversion was first espoused in Sodom (you know what happened to them) and was encouraged last week by the U.S. Supreme Court.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Principled People Should Boycott All Anti-family Businesses! Thu, 05 Jan 2017 04:22:12 +0000 We have been exposed to all kinds of business owners who have arrogantly thrust their own radical views upon others. Therefore, it is time for normal people to close their wallets and not use their plastic thereby putting the offenders out of business. If we don’t put them out of business, we can reduce their profits thereby sending a clear message: if you go public with anti-family, pro-perversion, or anti-American positions then it will cost you dearly.

When a business owner takes a public position that is anti-family, anti-American, or anti-biblical, then he or she deserves to be a very lonely person because so many potential customers refuse to purchase his goods or services. Sure, business people have a right to be stupid but they also have a right to go bankrupt. I’ll help them.

That is what should happen to National Geographic Magazine that has insulted every pro-family person in America. In January, they have a nine-year-old boy’s photo on the cover; however, he thinks he is a she! The magazine is known for its amazing photos and articles of exotic and often unknown animals but now they are promoting the deceitful, dangerous, and destructive falsehood of transgenderism! They have disregarded the scientific evidence that people who think they have another person inside them are deluded, deceived, and demented people. As many as 40% of “trangenders” have tried to kill themselves! They don’t need to have surgery; they need spiritual, emotional, and mental help.

So, now National Geographic, by supporting transgenderism, is anti-science and encouraging child abuse with junk science! Who would have thunk it?

National Geographic needs to go out of business and I will help them do so. I have cancelled my subscription and will no longer purchase their upscale clothing line. I will no longer support child abuse and pernicious pro-perversion propaganda.

Normal people need to decide that we are in a battle and will take measures to win by refusing to do business with any business that supports any issue that is perverse or promotes abortion and other anti-family issues. We should not wait for some group to start the boycott ball rolling and when enough of us immediately refuse to patronize such businesses and we inform them and others why we are no longer customers, then even the dullest and most ardent leftist will get the message. Most of them must understand that there is a connection between their anti-family positions and an empty cash register.

It seems large businesses can be very successful then do some very dumb things. Look at Target as an example. They are tottering on the brink of failure. So are J.C. Penney and Sears.

The LGBTQ lobby lists those businesses that do not support their cause and Exxon was number one on the unfriendly gay list followed by Dollar General, Family Dollar; Dick’s Sporting Goods and others. The MOST friendly businesses to perversion are Procter & Gamble; JPMorgan Chase & Co; IBM; Citigroup; Bank of America; AT&T; Ford; General Motors; Starbucks; Google; Men’s Warehouse; General Mills; American Express; Marriott; Disney, and others. Do your own research and stay up-to-date.

Some of my crowd, even preachers, will suggest that they are too busy to get involved in a boycott. Say what? Those same pastors give the impression that they work day and night preaching the Gospel, visiting the sick, feeding the hungry, knocking on doors, etc. Of course, everyone knows they spend time on the golf course, bowling alleys, hunting, fishing, and watching some of the new vile television shows. So, I think all religious leaders and decent laymen can spare a couple hours every couple months to take a public position on decency as supported by the Bible they profess to believe. Preachers who are critical of boycotts are willing to preach from the pulpit but not practice in the public and on social media what they say they believe.

Others will tell us that they can’t be involved in boycott because it is not right to demand a business owner serve them as did the Civil Rights demonstrators. But that’s the point: we don’t want them to serve us. We want to serve them! We want to convince them that it is a stupid business decision to antagonize 98% of their customer base. We want to help them, not hurt or harass them. An aggressive and successful boycott is “tough love.”

It is declared that we cannot know the position of every business firm so it is impossible to be consistent. That is true but it is a senseless argument. If I am uninformed about a firm’s position on homosexuality, abortion, etc., then it must not be a big problem and a boycott is unnecessary; however when we know a firm is actively anti-family then we must react.

We who are committed to using money as a weapon will do our best to encourage pro-family firms by telling our friends about them and spending our money at their businesses. At the same time, we will boycott anti-family (usually pro-homosexual) firms and tell our friends about it. That is the Christian thing to do.

We are determined to remind all who will listen that we are the people who love homosexuals and transgenders enough to tell them the truth about perversion. We are in the ministry of nudging, not pushing, other decent people to get involved.

Furthermore, no lucid individual says it is wrong for a person to be selective in the spending of his own money. If he does not like the business owner, does not like the service, or the excessive charges, etc., he can choose to spend his money elsewhere. So, why is that perfectly legitimate if done by one person but wrong if multiple people do the same thing?

So, no Coke and Girl Scout cookies, and I hope you will do the same. Anyway, that kind of stuff might send you to Heaven quicker than your scheduled departure. I will survive not reading National Geographic; besides, they still haven’t received the message that evolution is false, a failure, and a fraud, another reason they should shut down their presses and quietly disappear. Moreover, I would not go to Disney if the entrance fee were a dollar.

I think it is more than a dollar.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Target Boycott: Keep it Going into Bankruptcy! Thu, 19 May 2016 16:15:20 +0000 Recently Target officials met with American Family Association leaders that produced a friendly but flawed, final, and fatal conclusion: Target will continue its insane, insensitive, and indecent policy of permitting make-believe women in real women’s restrooms! Target sees it as noble to provide restrooms for men who don’t know they are men to be in the presence of women rather than a safe place for women. Making people feel good is preferred over safety! The loonies have taken over. Such a business deserves to go belly up.

More than a million people have signed a petition to boycott Target but I believe the boycott should be continued even if they capitulate. I think the math will prevail: the boycott will grow, Target’s parking lots will become empty, their stock will continue to plummet, shareholders will rebel, and Target officials will cave. Of course, they will justify it but they will relent but not repent. I say, “Keep the boycott in place until Target goes the way of numerous businesses that went belly up.” That will be a clear signal to other businesses to not climb in bed with the LGBT crowd. Pun intended.

Christians are commanded to be salt and light in this world. The function of salt is largely negative since it prevents decay while the function of light is positive. Light always, without exception, drives away the darkness. Christians are failing this generation by not being the preserving salt and the prevailing light. Consequently, Americans are asking, “Where am I going in this handbasket?” I think we know America’s destination.

If Christians are silent, where will the pressure to do right come from? Some tell us that boycotts are ineffective and when they fail, it only makes us look foolish. Well, I’d rather be perceived as a fool and a failure rather than a follower of the wrong side in this cultural war. Christians have a responsibility to live their daily lives so that those around them will know they do not support evil causes. We are at war, and except for the final outcome, no one is guaranteed to be on the winning side of every battle. One thing for sure, I don’t want to be on the sinning side! Wars must be fought even if they are not won; moreover, there have been some very successful boycotts by pro-family groups. The Target boycott should be permanent.

As a Christian, everything I have belongs to God. I am a steward of all I possess and will one day give an account to God of how I used His resources. If the cultural wars are won by the permissive crowd it will change America forever. It will mean the killing of more innocent babies. It will mean general acceptance of immoral behavior that will destroy lives, damage our healthcare system, and deny Christians the right to express their faith in the market place. I refuse to leave such a society to my grandchildren without taking a stand–even if I fail.

We live in a society that refuses to recognize right from wrong; however, we have an obligation to choose the right and oppose the wrong. However, opponents tell us that right and wrong cannot be established but are arbitrary. To those people the Bible is not a guide for human behavior. After all, it condemns the lifestyles of most people; so shallow people think by not believing the Bible, they are free from its condemnation. The message from the media and many weaklings in the clergy is that God is dead, morality is irrelevant, and perversion is in everyone’s future. So, why fight it? I choose to fight.

I am sure many people who don’t identify with Bible-believing Christians will also get involved with boycotting Target. No doubt, we will pick up a few stray nuts and others who loaf on the fringe of every group but we will have to live with that. I am willing to admit that all the nuts are not in the Perversion Lobby. Some are in the church lobby, carry a Bible, and wear a silly grin. For sure, all nuts are not on the trees. No doubt, some of the Repulsive Radical Religious Right will get involved, especially in Kansas, but we will disavow them with the understanding that it is still not illegal to be a religious nut in America.

We will also have to live with some in the Christian community who will oppose our activities as being unchristian, unwise, and unnecessary. Furthermore, some asinine critics will use the Bible to tell us we are wrong! It is a misuse of English to call religious leaders, leaders if they don’t lead! Usually they are weaklings masquerading as leaders. Most Christians want a leader with hair on his chest, a working brain in his head, an understanding heart in his bosom, and a stiff bone in his back. Most loosey-goosey religious leaders are missing all four but do have a small yellow streak up their backs where a spine is supposed to be. They won’t boycott Target and for sure will not destroy it.

Astute, awake, and alarmed Christians will no longer be kicked around without expressing our outrage by withholding our credit cards and our cash. You remember cash; it’s a four-letter word not seen much anymore.

When the next business owner decides to dance with the dandies of the LGBT lobby, we will not harass the business or try to force anyone to get involved. However, I will remind them of Target’s demise: business suicide. Is a gold star from the LGBT crowd worth going bankrupt?

Each person can use his influence to influence others to apply pressure, kindly of course. So business owners take note that Christians have learned something from Blacks, feminists, homosexuals, Hispanics, socialists, and others: we will be heard and will stop funding businessmen who kick us around as they accept our money; however at the same time, we will never be unkind, unruly, untruthful, or unchristian.

Our message to all businesses: You have a right to support whatever cause you like but Christians and all Americans have a right to refuse to patronize your store. Get in bed with the LGBT crowd and we will do our best to put you out of business. Choose your friends wisely.

This is still America and the choice is yours. I have made mine.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Target Must be Destroyed–Boycotted into Bankruptcy! Mon, 02 May 2016 02:43:50 +0000 Every time Cato the Elder (born 234 B.C.) spoke to the Roman Senate, whatever the subject, he ended each speech with, “And Carthage [on the coast of North Africa] must be destroyed.” After many years, Carthage was defeated and destroyed. Carthage had been defeated twice before but quickly rebuilt, revived, and returned to threaten the Roman Republic. So Cato thought it best to destroy them for good. This was accomplished in the Third Battle of Carthage in 146 BC, and the cities’ entire remaining population was sold into slavery, consequently it never again posed a threat to Rome.

Target must be destroyed, not just boycotted and humbled into submission regarding their love affair with the LGBT crowd. Target’s statement said, “We welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity,” the retailer said. “Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.” No, everyone deserves to be protected and have privacy; and the situation of sexual predators with a camera in female restrooms is not protection or privacy.

Now, there should be no mistake about Target’s rights in this matter. They have every right to do exactly what they are doing. I have advocated many times for the right of business people to run their business without government interference. They should be able to open and close when they desire, hire whomever they please, sell to whomever they please, pay any amount they want, and fire anyone for any reason whenever they choose. This is assuming there is no contract. That is the way America used to be. Moreover, I have every right to disagree with all their decisions, despise all their products and have the right to tell all my friends that it would be a wise decision, in my opinion, to never shop there again. That is also freedom and it does not conflict with any biblical principle.

I support the present boycott of Target; however, it is not a winning strategy. If we hold to the boycott and it grows with intensity until Target’s parking lot is almost empty then Target’s CEO will be forced to back down, but we will have only won a temporary victory. My desire is that Target should be destroyed even if they relent (not the same as repent) and ask to be accepted back into decent society again. However, I say that there should not be a rush back through their doors as if Target had not declared war on our women and girls.

I don’t want to be misunderstood. I do not agree with Rome’s total war of elimination at Carthage, but we should pursue the Target boycott all the way to bankruptcy! In our “war” with Target, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Ford, Disney, and hundreds more, we should not be motivated by hate or self-righteousness but by principle: those groups chose the wrong side in this cultural war; and they must take the consequences. For sure, I want my grandchildren and others to know what side I was on; and, with Target, I want their failure to be an example for others since I am interested in victory not a truce.

Critics will suggest that that is unchristian since the theme of the Bible is redemption; however, that is for persons, not entities. Others are free to rush back to Target but I choose not to do so, even if Target’s CEO weeps copious tears, throws dirt over his head, and rips his Brooks Brothers’ suit on national television. I believe the boycott should not cease! At least if we are serious about winning this cultural war. After a few years, if Target walks the walk I might reconsider my decision. Others will choose to make various decisions which is everyone’s right. And it might help in my decision if their checkout ladies started dropping a KJV Bible into each shopping bag.

When considering the status of America, the power of the LGBT lobby, and the brainwashing of Americans, I believe the best procedure is to sacrifice a business–that frankly does not deserve any consideration–and leave its wreckage along the business highway as a warning to others: don’t think you can disregard the people whose ancestors build this nation–without paying a price.

People have a right to expect God to fulfill His promise of redemption but businesses don’t have that right. When Target goes belly up, it will send a loud message to other businesses that it is not wise to use perversion to antagonize principled people.

Numerous businesses need to get the message that decent people will not accept perversion as normal or a female restroom being used by a man who thinks he is a female. If a business wants to be LGBT friendly, that is one thing but to take an aggressive, asinine, and arrogant anti-family position as Target has done, is another.

Let me assure everyone that the road to America’s moral garbage dump is paved with bad intentions. The Perversion Lobby wants to destroy your way of life. A successful boycott is a way to make a difference instead of whining about our “mistreatment.”

Hey, even a dog knows the difference in being stumbled over and kicked around. We have been kicked too many times and we expect acknowledgement and respect as we make our purchases. We will take public action to make the anti-family crowd feel our muscle at their cash registers. It’s a matter of principle. If Target goes bankrupt, it will be a lesson to others that they reaped what they sowed and it will be an example to others not to jump on the LGBT bandwagon.

Even the dullest of business leaders should get the message: choose your friends carefully.

I hope and pray that this boycott is as permanent as Rome’s success at Carthage.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published last week by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Target is the Target: Boycott! Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:48:35 +0000 The LGBT pressure group is a scab on the face of society. It has bullied, badgered, and blackmailed non-thinking, docile Americans and Canadians into accepting, approving, and even applauding their perverted lifestyle. Or is that death style? The Bible says “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…” That is where we are today because of the successful con job by homosexuals in collusion with the media and academia.

Much of America has developed an infatuation with the rude, the crude, and the lewd in music, movies, literature, art, and television; however, average citizens are waking up and speaking out in defense of centuries of common sense and Bible teaching. We are striking back and hitting pro-homosexual firms in their cash register. As Christians, we will turn the other cheek but not pay another check. It is not very smart to fund your own demise or to feed a buzzard that is determined to peck out your eyes.

Target has decided to continue its slide into further support of degeneracy by taking the side of cross-dressing men who are so confused that they think they are women. Or are so stupid as to think sane people will permit them to enter restrooms and changing rooms with little girls and women.

Target’s April 19th corporate announcement declared that “inclusivity is a core belief at Target,” and that the retailer stands “for equality and equity, and strive[s] to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.” However, they totally dismissed, denigrated, and denied the right to privacy and protection of innocent and often helpless females. Hypocrites control Target.

Target also made an insane business decision: they will capitulate to less than 2% of Americans and anger, antagonize, and alienate 98% of potential customers. The dummies deserve to go belly up.

Americans have responded overwhelming with a boycott of Target. The word “boycott” comes from an 1873 incident in Ireland when retired British army Captain Charles Boycott became agent for a large estate in Ireland. It was bad timing because the farmers were being gouged with low wages and high taxes. They had formed the Land League to seek relief from their financial burdens but received no help from the new agent. Boycott refused to lower land rents causing the residents and farmers to refuse to speak to him, provide him laundry service, sell him supplies, or work his fields. Even his mail carrier threatened him. The ploy spread across Ireland and newspapers referred to the tactic by his last name: boycott.

All Americans still have the right to boycott and freedom to take their business anywhere. You can decide that you will only patronize an atheist if you want. Or, you may choose to only purchase from a Baptist or Buddhist or Baháist if you want, or from any religionist from Anglicanism to Zoroastrianism. You have that right. However, it would be no surprise if the amateur golfer, acting as our sitting president, might be convinced by his buddies down at the Down Low Club to force us to switch to homosexual-friendly businesses. As for me, I will fight rather than switch!

The day may soon arrive when we are told what kind of automobile to purchase or what kind of cereal or milk to purchase. After all, some Californians are now told that they cannot smoke in their own homes. New York City outlawed large drinks, while all Americans are told what kind of light bulb to purchase and even how much water can be in our toilet! And you thought this was still a free America! You are dreaming. But generally, we can still spend our money the way we choose. I choose to not support pro-homosexual businesses; however, those who scream the loudest about tolerance will not tolerate my taking that position! After all, toleration has its limits. The LGBT crowd and their acolytes are the biggest hypocrites in America. But to tell that truth is “hate.”

Principled people should not need someone to organize a boycott of businesses that choose to support vile causes. We should be so sensitive that we decide on our own to be selective in where we spend our money. But it seems most Christian Americans are too busy or lazy to think for themselves so this boycott will prompt them into action.

We stopped shopping at Target, Sears, and J.C. Penney many years ago because those businesses climbed into bed with the LGBT crowd. I stopped drinking Coke, Pepsi, and similar drinks fifty years ago because I am convinced they are poison; but, if that were not the case, I would really not drink Coke after a Super Bowl ad flaunting their support for perversion or drink Pepsi because of their LGBT support. I am suggesting that all sane people boycott firms that grovel at the feet of homosexual lobbyists. That includes the Girl Scouts that now pander to feminists and lesbians; so I will sit down and NOT drink a Coke and NOT eat Girl Scout cookies. Ahh, yes, we still have some freedoms left (for now) and boycott is one of them.

A boycott is usually considered threatening to a business so can any Christian legitimately participate in such action that results in that kind of pressure? One must first prove to himself whether a boycott amounts to force and if it is to be allowed. Most people realize that if they don’t go to work tomorrow, they will be fired or at least not be paid. That is a mild form of force; however, it is legitimate. It is not wrong for your employer to tell you that you will be fired if you do it again.

In a commercial exchange, the buyer is almost always in control. He decides whether he will purchase the item or service and how much he is willing to pay for it. That is coercion (force, compulsion, pressure) that tends to produce a lower price.

Not only are Christians to prod people to do right, we are to pressure them when they do wrong. The Bible commands us to “shun” some (II Tim. 2:16); and to “turn away” from others (II Tim. 3:5); then “mark them . . . avoid” those who are not doctrinally correct (Rom. 16:17); furthermore, we are to “receive them not into your house neither bid them Godspeed…who do not hold to the doctrine of Christ (II John 10). We are even told to not be involved with and to separate from Christians who walk in disobedience (II Thes. 3:6). At times, we are to “come out from among” compromisers and evil doers (II Cor. 6:17). That would require all who are members of an unbiblical church or denomination to leave that group. That means leaving family and friends and joining a fellowship that teaches truth. That is coercion and it means boycott activities are scriptural.

While all businesses have the right to choose depravity over decency even though they present a very pro-family image, sane people can see through their duplicity. After all, it is not illegal to be a hypocrite! If so, Washington, D.C. would be a ghost town! Such businesses may also go bankrupt but that too is their right.

Going bankrupt is still, at this moment, legal although that could change too.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published last week by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Christians Should Support the Neutrals in the Cultural Wars! Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:46:56 +0000 In the cultural wars relating to sex, there are three possible approaches: One is a pro-family position and the second is a pro-homosexual position, and the third is a neutral position. I am almost always critical of a neutral position; however, while I prefer for people to support family-friendly firms, I will patronize those firms that appear to remain neutral.

If I know that by purchasing an automobile from John, he will then take the profit and pay for his girlfriend’s abortion or fund his same sex “marriage,” I would be complicit in his sin by knowingly providing the funds. I will also tell others what John plans to do with funds received from a sale. We are told that it may be acceptable for a person to not purchase from an offending firm but for others to join him in a boycott makes it wrong. That would mean that something done by one person is legitimate, but when done with others, it becomes sinful!

Is it permissible to use our Christian influence in an attempt to make abortion illegal and to prosecute those who break that law? Is that not coercion? If God expects us to impress lawmakers to make abortion illegal so that fewer babies will be killed then surely it is all right to simply join together to acknowledge God’s law regarding perversion. That is legitimate coercion.

It doesn’t seem smart or scriptural to support those who would destroy our nation and damn future generations. Love for future generations, if not love for the truth, should compel us to make a difference. I ask the question that Jehu asked erring King Jehoshaphat, “Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD?” Will you help the evil and hinder the good?

The Apostle Paul was involved in a boycott at Ephesus as recorded in Acts 19 because he preached that the pagan gods were false and people should not worship them. The silversmiths were fearful that they would suffer poor earnings if Paul continued his ministry because they knew that was the result in other cities. Does anyone suggest that Paul should have gone to another city or changed his message because the local Chamber of Commerce complained of poorer pagan god sales? I think not.

Every American has the right to make business decisions based on many criteria: price, availability, quality, service, and other more controversial criteria such as race, sexual preferences, etc. We know this has been happening for many years as many Blacks choose to patronize black firms and I don’t fault them for that; after all, I frequent Christian firms when I have the necessary information–white and black. I noticed recently that Blacks have their own television networks that feature black films and shows. Hey, that’s America; however, I wonder if it would be acceptable to suggest that there be an Asian network, Eskimo network, etc.

Of course, we know that homosexuals zealously support homosexual firms. That is perfectly acceptable. Literally, I would fight for their right to do that because I believe in free enterprise and genuine freedom–the freedom for people to make even stupid decisions.

The above being true, I will sometimes patronize people with whom I disagree. I prefer to purchase goods and services from people who are born again Christians, who attend a Bible-preaching church, who give generously to Christian and conservative causes, who live decent lives, who vote very conservatively, and who are patriotic. I don’t find many who fit all my criteria but I patronize those that more closely match what I’m looking for.

With high technology it is unlikely that we would need to apply pressure by marching on a business when it can be done much easier and quicker. We organized STOP (Stop The Oppressive Persecution of Christians) on Dec. 24, 2013 and had an immediate response from almost every state and two foreign countries. When I send out an alert suggesting that we do a little nudging of a particular business, we can produce a hundred thousand nudges on the offending business in a few hours. Hopefully that firm will appreciate the nudges; and feeling the heat, will see the light and at least become neutral in the culture war. If they don’t back off from their anti-family activity, we will not patronize them and ask our friends to do the same.

A pro-family group produced 470,000 signatures to Home Depot’s CEO asking the firm to be neutral rather than pro-homosexual; however, the spokesman was rebuffed and the CEO reaffirmed the company’s position to be very supportive of the homosexual agenda. That CEO and the board members must be dumb as a box of rocks because the homosexual crowd is less than 3%; however their support is growing daily. To be safe, why not simply keep their personal and corporate mouths shut about the culture war? From their perverse perspective, are they saying that they are putting their convictions above cash? I am arguing for the same thing with Christians!

Yes, committed, concerned, and cognizant Christians will patronize pro-family firms and those that remain neutral and boycott all others who have publically announced support for homosexuality. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Arizona Governor Caves to the Homosexual Lobby! Fri, 28 Feb 2014 16:56:37 +0000 The Arizona legislature passed a bill that would protect any businessperson from being bullied, badgered, blackmailed, or bankrupted for refusing to serve a person based upon religious beliefs. My first reaction is how any sane person could disagree with such a law. It is one thing to serve a customer and another thing to support his cause.

Of course, such a law should be unnecessary since an American should have the right to serve anyone he or she pleases! Many restaurants display a sign, “No shoes, no shirt, no service.” That authority goes with ownership. However, in our permissive society, a firm can refuse service to one not wearing shoes and shirt but can’t refuse service to two men who display public affection for each other and in private, play in very unusual places!

Other firms used to declare, “We reserve the right to deny service to anyone.” That sign disappeared long ago along with basic common sense and freedom. True freedom demands that a person can refuse a customer even if the owner dislikes the way the customer combs his hair! Of course, that is stupid and he will soon go out of business, but that’s his right. Americans have a right to be stupid and to comb their hair anyway they choose! For now!

The Arizona House Republican Caucus released a statement after Governor Jan Brewer’s veto, saying it respected Brewer’s decision, “especially in light of the concerns brought up over the past week.” The “concerns” were the threats from the business community, professional football, etc., to boycott the state if she signed the bill. Those Republicans should be reminded that decisions should be motivated by character, not cash. But then, they are politicians.

Three republican senators who voted for the bill backed off because the new law would cause “much confusion.” Those weak, wobbly, and wavering wimps changed their position because the opposition (mainly the Homosexual Lobby) misrepresented the bill. The Homosexual Lobby got support from Mitt Romney and Arizona’s U.S. senators, John McCain and Jeff Flake–the Larry, Curly, and Moe of the Grand Old Progressives.

The bill, backed by Republicans in the state Legislature, was designed to give added protection from lawsuits to people who assert their religious beliefs in refusing service to homosexuals, or other controversial circumstances. It was not an anti-gay bill but a pro-religion and pro-business bill. But dishonest opponents of the bill called it “an open attack on gays that invited discrimination.” Well, the veto invites discrimination but against religious businesspersons! But that is acceptable, even admirable to all leftists and non-thinkers. Maybe Christians should be a little louder and more demanding, even threatening in promoting pro-family issues like the meek and lowly Savior who whipped the money changers out of the Temple.

With the passage of this bill, a business would have been immune to a discrimination lawsuit if a decision to deny service was motivated by “sincerely held” religious beliefs. This bill was thought necessary because of highly publicized discrimination suits by homosexuals against Christian businesspeople in various states.

Since the wobbly governor’s veto, any homosexual “couple” can walk into a bakery and demand a cake that “honors” their “wedding.” Now, Christian bakers would have no problem selling a birthday cake to homosexuals since birthdays are normal; however, a cake to celebrate same sex marriage is not normal. But there is an additional problem here: Arizona does not permit same sex marriage! Let me go through this slowly: a couple can demand that a Christian bake them a cake that honors illegal activity! Is something wrong here?

The bill’s critics waxed eloquent in their dishonest campaign saying that Blacks also could be refused service; however, that is disingenuous. Blacks don’t choose to be black. Homosexuals choose to do dangerous, diseased, deviate, and deadly things. All religions and all societies for thousands of years proscribed perversion as an attack upon society and upon God until society was plagued in recent years by seizers of insanity. Homosexuality was a sin that was not to be discussed in civilized company.

Now, Christians are “haters” if they refuse to celebrate perversion! Man alive, times are sure a changing.

This very emotional battle between right and wrong at least takes the discussion off border security and the border will be overwhelmed tonight by illegal aliens.

Since professional football (is that an oxymoron) and others threatened to boycott Arizona, I guess I will also. In fact, I would pull my grandchildren out of the state if I could!

(Next column: Would Christ Bake a Cake for a Homosexual “Wedding”?) Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Should Christians Boycott Anti-Family Businesses? Sat, 22 Feb 2014 01:09:01 +0000 I stopped drinking Coke, Pepsi, and similar drinks fifty years ago because I was convinced they were poison, but, if that were not the case, I would really not drink Coke after their Super Bowl ad flaunting their support for perversion. I am suggesting that all sane people boycott Coke and other firms that grovel at the feet of homosexual lobbyists. That includes the Girl Scouts that now pander to feminists and lesbians; so I will sit down and NOT drink a Coke and NOT eat Girl Scout cookies. Ahh, yes, we still have some freedoms left (for now) and boycott is one of them.

The word “boycott” came from an 1873 incident in Ireland when retired British army captain Charles Boycott became agent for a large estate in Ireland. It was bad timing because the farmers were being gouged with low wages and high taxes. They had formed the Land League to seek relief from their financial burdens but received no help from the new agent. Boycott refused to lower land rents causing the residents and farmers to refuse to speak to him, provide him laundry service, sell him supplies, or work his fields. Even his mail carrier threatened him. The ploy spread across Ireland and newspapers referred to the tactic by his last name: boycott.

A boycott is usually considered threatening to a business so can any Christian legitimately participate in such action that results in that kind of pressure? One must first prove to himself whether a boycott amounts to force and if it is to be allowed. Most people realize that if they don’t go to work tomorrow, they will be fired or at least not be paid. That is a mild form of force; however, it is legitimate. It is not wrong for your employer to tell you that you will be fired if you do it again.

In a commercial exchange, the buyer is almost always in control. He decides whether he will purchase the item or service and how much he is willing to pay for it. That is coercion or pressure.

Not only are Christians to prod people to do right, we are to pressure them when they do wrong. The Bible commands us to “shun” some (II Tim. 2:16); and to “turn away” from others (II Tim. 3:5); then “mark them . . . avoid” those who are not doctrinally correct (Rom. 16:17); furthermore, we are to “receive them not into your house neither bid them Godspeed…who do not hold to the doctrine of Christ (II John 10). We are even told to not be involved with and to separate from Christians who walk in disobedience (II Thes. 3:6). At times, we are to “come out from among” compromisers and evil doers (II Cor. 6:17). That would require all who are members of an unbiblical church or denomination to leave that group. That means leaving family and friends and joining a fellowship that teaches truth. That is coercion and it means STOP’s boycott activities are scriptural.
Furthermore, no lucid individual says it is wrong for a person to be selective in the spending of his own money. If he does not like the business owner, does not like the service, or the excessive charges, etc., he can choose to spend his money elsewhere. So, why is that perfectly legitimate if done by one person but wrong if multiple people do the same thing?

Christians are commanded to be salt and light in this world. The function of salt is largely negative since it prevents decay while the function of light is positive. Light always, without exception, drives away the darkness. Christians are failing this generation by not being the preserving salt and the prevailing light. Consequently, Americans are asking, “Where am I going in this hand basket?” I think we know America’s destination.

If Christians are silent, where will the pressure to do right come from? Some tell us that boycotts are ineffective and when they fail, it only makes us look foolish. Well, I’d rather be perceived as a fool and a failure rather than a follower of the wrong side of this cultural war. Christians have a responsibility to live their daily lives so that those around them will know they do not support evil causes. We are at war and except for the final outcome, no one is guaranteed to be on the winning side of every battle. One thing for sure, I don’t want to be on the sinning side! Wars must be fought even if they are not won; moreover, there have been some very successful boycotts by pro-family groups.

It is declared that we cannot know the position of every business firm so it is impossible to be consistent. That is true but it is a senseless argument. If I am uninformed about a firm’s position on homosexuality, abortion, etc., then it must not be a big problem and a boycott is unnecessary; however when we know a firm is pro-homosexual then we must react.

As a Christian, everything I have belongs to God. I am a steward of all I possess and will one day give an account to God of how I used His resources. If the cultural wars are won by the permissive crowd it will change America forever. It will mean the killing of more innocent babies. It will mean general acceptance of immoral behavior that will destroy lives, damage our healthcare system, and deny Christians the right to express their faith in the market place. I refuse to leave such a society to my grandchildren without taking a stand–even if I fail.

We live in a society that refuses to recognize right from wrong, but with the ancillary that we have an obligation to choose the right and oppose the wrong. However, opponents tell us that right and wrong cannot be established but are arbitrary. To those people the Bible is not a guide for human behavior. After all, it condemns the lifestyles of most people; so shallow people think by not believing the Bible, they are free from its condemnation. The message from the media and many weaklings in the clergy is that God is dead, morality is irrelevant, and perversion is in everyone’s future. So, why fight it? I choose to fight.
We who are committed to STOP will do our best to encourage pro-family firms by telling our friends about them and spending our money at their businesses. At the same time we will boycott anti-family (usually pro-homosexual) firms and tell our friends about it. That is the Christian thing to do.
So, no Coke and Girl Scout cookies, and I hope you will do the same. Anyway, that kind of stuff might send you to Heaven quicker than your scheduled departure! Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”
Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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STOP: Stop The Oppressive Persecution is Now in Operation! Tue, 24 Dec 2013 22:54:28 +0000 STOP is a very loose coalition of Christians and other decent people who demand a Stop To Oppressive Persecution of Christians. We will take public action to make the anti-family crowd feel our muscle at their cash registers. It’s a matter of principle. We are nudging others to get involved in the pro-family battle mainly through the use of social media.

All Americans have the right and obligation to take their business anywhere. You can decide that you will only patronize an atheist if you want. Or, you may choose to only purchase from a Baptist or Buddhist or Baháist if you want or from any religionist from Anglicanism to Zoroastism. You have that right. However, it would be no surprise if the amateur golfer, acting as our sitting president, might be convinced by his buddies down at the Down Low Club to force us to switch to homosexual-friendly businesses. As for me, I will fight rather than switch!

The day may soon arrive when we are told what kind of automobile to purchase or what kind of cereal or milk to purchase. After all, we are now told that one cannot smoke in his own home, cannot purchase large drinks, what kind of light bulb to purchase and even how much water can be in our toilet! And you thought this was still a free America! You are dreaming. But generally, we can still spend our money the way we choose. I choose to not support pro-homosexual businesses; however, those who scream the loudest about tolerance will not tolerate my taking that position!

Principled people should not need someone to organize a boycott of businesses that choose to support vile causes. We should be so sensitive that we decide on our own to be selective in where we spend our money. But it seems most Christian Americans are too busy or lazy to think for themselves so I will try to prompt them into action with the help of their religious leaders.

While all businesses have the right to choose depravity over decency even though they present a very pro-family image, sane people can see through their duplicity. After all, it is not illegal to be a hypocrite! If so, Washington, D.C. would be a ghost town! Such businesses may also go bankrupt but that too is their right. Going bankrupt is still, at this moment, legal although that could change too.

I have been a frequent customer of Cracker Barrel for many years and I decided to refuse to patronize them anymore. It seemed their officials weren’t concerned with their hypocrisy, their poor business acumen, and their lack of appreciation of their customer base (98% normal people) so maybe they would understand when the cash register got silent. Because Cracker Barrel did a seriously repentant apology and returned to the fold, I have forgiven them but that is the last business I will forgive without sufficient evidence of sincere repentance. STOP is now my operating system.

I have contacted thousands of pastors in all the states and asked them to get involved in STOP. We only need a few people in each state. I am not interested in any money or any position. There are no dues, membership cards, salaries, expense accounts, monthly meetings, or officers. I’m mad as I can be and I refuse to take it anymore. When the next business takes a pro-homosexual, anti-family position (a death wish), I will issue an alert to pastors (and other leaders) across the nation and ask for a public boycott against the offending business. Those pastors will use their church bulletin, newspaper, websites, social media, and their pulpit to encourage others to participate. Even the dullest of business leaders should get the message: Don’t mess with Christians.

Thankfully, Cracker Barrel publically repented in sack cloth and ashes so I will still eat their Old Fashioned breakfast although I am a little offended at their use of “cracker” in Cracker Barrel!

Hopefully, STOP will help stop the persecution against Christians by nudging others to get involved. Watch my eight-minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota as I challenged New Atheists to put up or shut up.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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