Bush – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Democrats Ring Bells at Biden’s Success But Will Soon Wring Their Hands in Disappointment and Dismay! https://donboys.cstnews.com/democrats-ring-bells-at-bidens-success-but-will-soon-wring-their-hands-in-disappointment-and-dismay https://donboys.cstnews.com/democrats-ring-bells-at-bidens-success-but-will-soon-wring-their-hands-in-disappointment-and-dismay#respond Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:47:26 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2712  

On Oct. 19, 1739, Great Britain declared war against Spain in what is known as the War of Jenkins’ Ear! This war drove Spain into an alliance with France, an alliance that was a threat to England for ninety years. At the announcement, bells rang out from London churches, and the crowds thronged the streets, shouting their approval. The Prime Minister looked down upon the jubilant English mob from a window at 10 Downing Street and remarked, “They are ringing their bells now, but soon they will be wringing their hands.”

He called it right.

Following the Tuesday election on Friday evening and Saturday morning, the media announced Biden’s election, which had no basis in fact, is nothing legal or official, and will not be until all the charges of voter fraud are settled. Frankly, Trump or any such politician would be a fool to cave to the crowd before adjudication of the charges. After the media’s peremptory announcement, the city streets across America were filled by excited, energized, and almost euphoric people, car horns blared, and church bells began ringing.

But, recalling the British Prime Minister’s statement, I contend in a few months those same Americans will be wringing their hands and crying, “What have we done?” What they have done is loose two irresponsible people upon a careless populace. Joe Biden and what’ s-her-name Harris, if they keep their word, will destroy America. They promised to change America. In fact, Senator Chuck Schumer promised, “Now we take Georgia, then we change the world.”

Hey, no sane person says the Senate has a mandate to “change the world.” That is an out-of-control egomaniac spouting hogwash, balderdash, and a generous portion of hokum to hear the sound of his voice. But, if they try, what in the world would they do? Most Democrats are wearisome gasbags with delusions of grandeur, but they can be dangerous when they are awake. For sure, they are woke, and they are dangerous, devious, and dishonest people.

Biden and Harris will be more faithful to their promises than they were to their professed principles. Both, in their youth, used sex to get what they wanted. But I’m not supposed to write that. Biden tells a romantic tale of his marriage to Jill when he actually took her away from her husband, whom he made a cuckold while she worked in his first senate campaign. Harris is known for climbing to the top by spending an unusual amount of time on her back as the mistress of the California House’s former speaker, Willie Brown.

But what does that have to do with politics? Nothing, other than to show the kind of people bell-ringers, not me, put into the most important offices in the world.

Of course, no one in the national media has mentioned their immorality, calling them to account. One reason, no doubt, is because many of the media are also fornicators and adulterers. While, as far as we know, that is all history, it is galling to hear Biden and Harris talk about “truth,” “decency,” “character,” and “principles.” They are both gasbag hypocrites, in my humble opinion.  And to hear Meghan McCain say Joe is “Truly decent and moral” would gag a buzzard.

Of course, the careless, thoughtless, and narrow-minded Yellow Dog Democrats (people who would vote for a yellow dog before voting for a Republican), RINOs, Never Trumpers, and Trump Haters have foisted political terror upon the remainder of sane Americans (if the announced win stands). They are people who don’t forget and keep grudges forever and are determined to get even. They will metaphorically hang every Trumper from the maples on the White House lawn with ropes supplied by the feckless, fickle, and feather-brained RINOs.

When Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. are added to the fifty states, the Democrats will have four more senators and will be able to do anything they choose.

If Georgians are foolish enough to send two Democrats to the Senate as Stacey Abrams (who thinks she is Governor of Georgia) says is a sure thing, there will be no stopping the overwhelming surge of Socialism.

When our taxes are raised to the confiscatory level, blame the Democrats and cowardly RINOs.

Blame the Democrats and RINOs when our First Amendment rights are gone. Print media and radio/television talk shows will be eliminated or controlled by government, and church people will be forced to keep worship within their four walls. It will be illegal and dangerous to call a man pretending to be a woman, an idiot. And other such speech control.

When the mass media and social media are in the pockets of leftists and crank out false news daily, you can blame—wait a minute: that has already happened.

When the nation is shut down again, jobs are lost, businesses close, and church leaders are jailed for refusing to obey government orders to close, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When military troops require ordinary citizens to receive vaccinations, detain unmasked patriots, and patrol the streets to regulate truly peaceful marchers, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When you must always wear a mask to have a job, travel on any public transportation, or walk in any public park, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When Biden mandates a national lockdown and then climbs into bed (again) with the Chinese Communist with all that involves, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When guns are removed from your home, leaving you helpless against marchers, marauders, muggers, and murderers, you will blame Democrats and RINOs.

When gatecrashers from third world nations take your job, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When people who never owned slaves must pay reparations to people who were never slaves, and people who have no college education are forced to pay the debts of partying, protesting college students for their worthless degrees, then blame Democrats and RINOs.

When your kids’ classroom is double its current size and taught by a teacher who is English-deficient, blame Democrats and RINOs.

When you can’t walk through your city parks without stumbling over druggies and perverts, blame Democrats and RINOs.

The bell-ringing will have long stopped, and Democrats and RINOs will be wringing their hands as America reverts to a wasteland.

But don’t stick your head in the gas oven or jump out your second-floor window because Trump will not permit the election to be stolen from him and us without legal protestations in the courts. The dishonest, devious, and designing political thugs will be exposed as a sudden light reveals roaches on a food-strewn kitchen floor.

Let me remind you that Al Gore was recognized by the media and others as “President-Elect” for about thirty-five days in 2000 until it was official—George Bush was the winner. None of the medias’ authority is official; it is all presumptive.

Moreover, you may remember that Amy Coney Barrett was asked in her hearings about her work in the Gore-Bush controversy, and she admitted she was part of the Bush team. What was not mentioned is that two other members of the Supreme Court were part of Bush’s legal team: Chief Justice John Roberts and Brett Kavanagh!

Now, isn’t that interesting! The Court and College have yet to speak. I want to remind you of the famous words of my sixth-grade educated philosopher-father who said, “It ain’t over ‘till the fat lady sings.”

And, less crudely, as Dr. Tom Barrett said on Conservative Truth, “It ain’t over ‘till the electoral college sings.”

With truth on our side and dedicated lawyers before the Supreme Court, we might be ringing church bells and rejoicing in the streets this time.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Bush, Graham, Romney, Others Convert to Cruz! https://donboys.cstnews.com/bush-graham-romney-others-convert-to-cruz https://donboys.cstnews.com/bush-graham-romney-others-convert-to-cruz#respond Thu, 24 Mar 2016 00:42:35 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1392 People from all political spectrums are astonished, aghast, and angered at how some Republicans have come to the support of Senator Ted Cruz after consigning him to Dante’s lowest Hell, i.e., the treachery realm. It seems Cruz critics have even endorsed the sign over Dante’s Hell, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” But evidently Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Senator Lindsey Graham of S.C., Reps. Chris Collins, N.Y., and Jeff Duncan, SC., and other recent converts have not lost all hope–and have entered! They see a glimmer of hope with Cruz.

What would make people turn and run in the opposite direction after being so publically adamant against Cruz? It’s called desperation. Fearful that Trump’s success would consign the Grand Old Progressives to outer darkness for another eight or more years, the rats (not a good analogy, but adequate) are jumping on board! Of course, a loss by Trump would have the same effect on the GOP–oblivion. With Cruz they would at least have some legitimacy and even in a loss would retain some respectability. Such “conversions” and unusual companionship are not unprecedented as our history proves.

George Washington served two terms as president and refused a third term–and some declare that he could have become king! Washington’s vice president had been John Adams, a Federalist, who became our second president after being endorsed by Washington in the 1796 election. However, Washington thought it not proper to campaign for candidates but his endorsement assured Adams’ election. Adams’ vice president was Thomas Jefferson, a longtime friend and Democratic-Republican. This was the only time in our history when the President and Vice-President were members of different parties.

Adams and Jefferson had been very close friends before their involvement in presidential politics. They had worked closely together in Congress and while in Pairs on diplomatic assignments their friendship grew. When Jefferson was U.S. Minister to France and Adams was the U. S. Minister to Great Britain, Jefferson (then a widower) crossed the channel to vacation with the John and Abigale.

America, as a nascent nation, had knockdown elections although not as lengthy as today. In the election of 1800, John Adams tried to keep his office another four years and Jefferson, his vice president the previous four years, was trying to replace him. Both were aristocrats so decorum required them to stay above the battle, consequently their hirelings did the dirty work.

During the election of 1800, their friendship cooled somewhat. Adams’ men, wanting to stay in power, took a hatchet to Jefferson; and Jefferson’s surrogates did the same to Adams. Adams was called a monarchist with plans to become America’s first royal family and Adams’ crowd called Jefferson “a weak, wavering, indecisive character.” He was depicted as “a howling atheist” and “infidel.” Some preachers told of Jefferson’s alleged bizarre worship services at his home where Jefferson prayed to the Goddess of Reason and “offered dogs on a sacrificial altar.”

But it got worse! Jefferson’s spokesmen characterized Adams as a “hideous hermaphroditical character” and a “fool” and “criminal.” Adam’s men gave as good as they got with accusations Jefferson was an “atheist, a libertine, and a coward” and was “the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.” No one repudiated such accusations but surely most sane people, like today, were embarrassed.

Jefferson won and Adams became a hermit in the White House during his remaining weeks in office. He had been rejected by the voters, plus he didn’t have a job and was too old to reestablish his Boston law practice. His anger and frustration at losing was strangling him. When it was time to transfer the office to Jefferson, Adams could not be found. Rather than greet the new president and attend his inaugural, Adams arose early while still dark, and caught the four o’clock stage to Boston!

President-elect Jefferson walked from Conrad and McMunn’s boarding house to the Capitol where he gave his inaugural speech, received the congratulations of the attendants, and promptly walked back to his boarding house where “he stood with fellow boarders awaiting a chair so that he might have his dinner.” My, my, the days were so simple back then.

But everyone did not appreciate, approve, or applaud Jefferson’s success. One journal declared that he had ridden “into the temple of Liberty on the shoulders of slaves.” Moreover, he was called the “Negro President.” Like all politicians Jefferson was both hated and loved and his friends were devoted and some were disloyal. It is interesting that after the bitter battle for the White House, Jefferson and Adams resumed their friendship that lasted until July 4, 1826, both dying on the same day–Independence Day!

The past and present prove that politics makes strange bedfellows. Lindsey Graham is even going to raise funds for Cruz while other former critics are getting into bed with Trump! More shocking, surprising, and even sickening, Ben Carson had a very sudden “come to Trump” moment (or received a great quid pro quo–that’s Latin, loosely translated, “I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine.”). This conversion is all the more unusual in light of Trump’s comparison of Carson overcoming his violent temper as a youth to the difficulty of a pedophilia being cured. Very strange bedfellows indeed.

You can be sure that many other members of the House and Senate will come out of the closet in a steady stream for Cruz any day.

Will Rubio have the next epiphany?

Boys’ new book, was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Shut Down Government if Necessary! https://donboys.cstnews.com/shut-down-government-if-necessary https://donboys.cstnews.com/shut-down-government-if-necessary#respond Thu, 22 Aug 2013 16:44:18 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=596 Each Wednesday I publish one of my earlier columns that I hope will be informative, instructive, inspirational, and sometimes infuriating. The following was first published in 2010:

Republicans are giddy with their recent success at the polls and have the opportunity to effect the greatest change in a hundred years. But don’t count on it. Like all politicians, they have a propensity to foul their own nest. When it comes to human nature, I expect people to act as they always have–with an exception now and then.

We have two parties to keep the U.S on an even keel, not going to excess in either direction. Need I remind anyone that we have seen both parties swinging to extremes in recent years? Bush spoke of “compassionate conservatism” that was neither compassionate nor conservative. We saw him proclaiming a desire to spread democracy all over the world, without any constitutional authority to do so. Moreover, he had no historical precedent to think that Muslims would be willing to live in a democracy. Evidently, neither Bush nor his advisors had ever read the Koran or Hadith. We saw a “conservative” implement a massive prescription drug bill that alone may destroy us.

His bipartisan law, No Child Left Behind, was a farce that had no basis in law or practical application. It is time to stop throwing dollars into the rat hole of public education. Isn’t it about time to realize that public education is a failure, a farce, and a fraud and we should let it fall like a rotten apple? The feds and the states should get out of the education business, a business that went bankrupt many years ago. I did not weep to see Bush ride off on “ole paint” into the western sunset.

Then Obama, with both guns loaded, rode into town surrounded by a motley crew of socialists, communists, racists, incompetents, and opportunists. But they looked good and voting for them made Americans feel good about themselves. Maybe Whites were not racists after all (but what about more than 90% of Blacks who voted for him?) In two years, we have seen Obama and his crowd bring America to the cusp of the abyss with government takeover of private businesses that would make Mussolini proud. Moreover, passing the massive healthcare bill makes us about as socialist as the various socialist European governments.

Then the Tea Party came to town and sane, sensible Americans felt a stirring of hope again. Maybe we can undo some of the damage done by dangerous demagogues. I am also hopeful, but realistic. There is an old adage in Christian education that “You get what you inspect not what you expect.” Or something like that. We had better make it clear to all conservative legislators that this is their last chance. If the Republican Party doesn’t get it right this time, they will be graveyard dead by 2012. If legislators waver, they will be looking for new jobs. No more chances.

That means no compromise on basic principles. Now that does not mean that legislators cannot be a little flexible with issues such as the amount of tax cuts, how many federal departments to bury in an unmarked grave, how quickly to totally eliminate the abominable Obama health care bill, etc.

If Obama is as socialistic as I think, he may not be willing to cooperate, so the House will have to refuse to fund the massive bills that no one read before they were passed. (Not reading bills should be illegal!) If Obama and his acolytes don’t blink, buckle, and back off, it will mean gridlock and a shutdown of the government. Then shut it down! Then the good guys must be prepared to take their case to the American people. Yes, there will be political risks, but that’s part of governing.

Thinking, concerned citizens should make it clear that we are watching every vote and are taking notes of every compromise. We must let politicians know that we are weary of sending people to Washington (or the state house) only to find them moving to the left upon their arrival in Washington. Have you noticed that “conservatives” usually move to the left (a la Orrin Hatch, et al.) but liberals almost never move to the right?

We must inform politicians that we are weary of politicians who are so enamored with their positions that they will compromise any principle to stay in office or to get peer approval, or maybe even to be on the cocktail circle “A” list.

We are weary of hearing GOP leaders talk about the “big tent” being big enough for perverts, baby killers, socialists, etc., but then those same leaders ridicule the Christian right. How much longer will we put up with such uncivil, unreasonable and unfair treatment? Even a dumb dog can tell the difference in being kicked around and being stumbled over. Republican leaders have “used” Christians long enough.

We are weary of having Republicans buckle under to Democrats’ threats. The two parties are supposed to have different philosophies so that means confrontation, conflict, and sometimes combat. We have sent fighters to Congress, not lovers. At least, that was our intention.

Any Republicans who keep voting for “pork” projects in their districts while they criticize other politicians who want pork for their own districts will be sent back home before they get settled in Washington. I suggest that they not sign any long-term leases. Stop bringing home the bacon hoping to ensure re-election. Simply do the job according to constitutional mandates.

Let’s run out of office any legislator who continues to fund the National Endowment for the Arts when it promotes perversion, blasphemy, but mainly, bad art! Even if it were good art, even noble art, the government has no constitutional authorization to fund it. If artists can’t sell their art then let them sell shoes or flip hamburgers. .

I try to vote for people who use the criteria I used when I was in the Indiana House of Representatives. Before voting on any bill, I asked, Is it Constitutional? Is the proposed law really necessary? Can we afford it and do we need it now? Will this bill expand government? And how will this bill impact families? Moreover, I would never vote for any candidate for any office if he believed it was right to butcher unborn babies.

We are watching all of you and judgment day comes in 2012!

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Negative, Naughty, Nasty Political Ads in Early America! https://donboys.cstnews.com/negative-naughty-nasty-political-ads-in-early-america https://donboys.cstnews.com/negative-naughty-nasty-political-ads-in-early-america#comments Fri, 12 Oct 2012 19:42:23 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=151 It seems to be generally accepted that political ads of yesteryear were more serious, sober, and even straight-laced than ads of today but that is not correct. In fact, the early American political ads were more negative, naughty, and nasty than today!

During the 1796 election between Jefferson and Adams, Adams’ backers called Jefferson a “howling atheist,” while Jefferson’s people charged that Adams would rip up the Constitution and make himself king and his sons would be princes; one son was going to allegedly marry the daughter of King George III! Adams won and did not make himself king.

During the 1800 rematch campaign, Jefferson’s people declared that Adams had ordered an American warship to bring his two mistresses from Europe for President Adams. Jefferson was called, “the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father,” and Jefferson would put opponents under the guillotine. Jefferson’s supporters countered that opponent Adams was accused of being a “hideous hermaphroditical character”—half man, half woman. I think they were taking mean pills–double doses!

Newspapers that supported Adams warned that if Jefferson won the presidency “murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and incest will all be openly taught and practiced.” He was also accused of fathering children with one of his slaves, and evidence seems to support that charge. They further charged that Jefferson would burn Bibles and churches. Jefferson was never accused of being a Bible thumper, and he was not a Bible burner. Jefferson won the election and never burned any Bibles or churches. In fact, he was very friendly to a small Baptist Church near Monticello.

John Q. Adams–son of President John Adams–beat Andrew Jackson in the 1824 race for President. In a rematch in the 1828 Presidential campaign, Andrew Jackson’s men called Adams “the Pimp” and accused him of putting pressure on a woman to have an affair with the Russian czar when Adams was the U.S. Ambassador to Russia about ten years earlier. Adams’ backers retorted that “General Jackson’s mother was a common prostitute” at a young age and he had “Negro” ancestry. It was charged that his mother “intermarried with a Negro, and [that his] eldest brother [was] sold as a slave in Carolina. Furthermore, Jackson was accused of being a drunkard and a crazed killer, having killed some men in duels. Both the candidate’s wives were accused of sexual immorality. Andrew Jackson was called “a bigamist” whose wife was “a slut.” The campaign was heating up and many people expected a political explosion. Not quite.

There were more firecrackers as Jackson was accused of having been a war criminal during the war of 1812 because he allegedly committed atrocities against his own men. It was also suggested that Jackson, our first non-aristocrat President, had practiced cannibalism! Since he was such an uncouth ruffian, I suppose he didn’t even use knife and fork, and probably used his shirt sleeve as a napkin!

During the election, Adams’ people referred to Jackson as a “jackass,” a term Jackson liked and used the jackass as his symbol for a while, but it died out. However, it later became the symbol for the Democrat Party. Good choice but I don’t think today’s jackasses feel honored.

In 1860 and 1864 Lincoln was depicted as a primate and he was called “Honest Ape.” He was called a buffoon, ignoramus, thief, tyrant, and butcher. He won the election and lost his life when John Wilkes Booth shot him at Ford’s Theater.

Samuel Tildon was called a syphilitic drunk during the election of 1876. His opponent that year was Rutherford B. Hayes. The Tildon side went so far as to suggest Hayes shot his own mother and somehow got money from dead Civil War soldiers.

In 1884, Grover Cleveland ran against James Blaine and was expected to become the winning candidate, but a past scandal under the Grant Administration stayed with Cleveland making the outcome very unsure. The Cleveland supporters came up with the slogan, “Blaine, Blaine, the Continental Liar from the State of Maine.” It was not a secret that Cleveland had fathered an illegitimate child, so the Blaine spinners made sure that everyone knew about it. Their jingle had Cleveland’s illegitimate child crying, “Ma, Ma, Where’s My Pa?” The opponents added their own jingle, “Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!” Cleveland had the last and best laugh because he did go to the White House.

In 1888, Democrat President Grover Cleveland ran for re-election and Republicans accused him of being a drunk who beat his wife and even pitched her out of the White House during the winter.

George H. W. Bush went after Michael Dukakis in 1988 using the “Willie Horton” issue. Horton was serving time for murder (without possibility of parole) in Massachusetts in 1974 but got a “get out of jail card.” He was released in 1986 on a “weekend pass” taking advantage of Governor Dukakis’ (then Bush’s presidential opponent) lenient prison policy. Horton enjoyed his “weekend pass” and decided to pass up going back to prison for the rest of his life. He was a killer, rapist, and liar but he wasn’t stupid. He skipped to Maryland and raped a young lady twice, and gagged, bound, pistol-whipped, knifed, and tortured her fiancé. Willie is still alive and living off the taxpayers of Massachusetts.

Oh, by the way, Willie is black and when the Willy Horton ad was aired, the Liberals went ballistic: It was racist! (Isn’t everything?) Everyone knew that the ad was factual but it was insensitive and even racist to mention the facts against a soft-on-crime presidential candidate. It is incredible that Republican officials were so defensive about it! After all, don’t all sane people want to know why Willie was not in prison? I want to know why he is not in a grave.

Shameless Liberals still play the same song over and over as if Bush did a dirty, dishonest, and disreputable trick. He simply told the facts, just the facts, but Liberals and non-thinkers (but then I repeat myself) can’t handle the facts.

Keep the negative ads running; the media needs the stimulus.

I am Don Boys and I approve this message!

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Bailouts: Compassionate Conservatism or Loony Liberalism? https://donboys.cstnews.com/bailouts-compassionate-conservatism-or-loony-liberalism https://donboys.cstnews.com/bailouts-compassionate-conservatism-or-loony-liberalism#respond Wed, 03 Oct 2012 17:06:53 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=112 [Flashback to one of my timely and germane columns will apprear each Wednesday depending on how they are received. Most blogs should be (according to experts) less than 600 words. My columns are almost twice that length. Anyway, let me know what you think of these old columns. The following column was published in 2008.]

Well, the Federal Welfare Agents (members of Congress, Bush, Obama, etc.) are at it again—giving away money that is not theirs. Even little children know that it is stealing to take from the haves and give to the have-nots. Do sane people really believe that it is right, by any standard, to take from the producers and give to the parasites? By what logic should taxpayers bailout banks and mortgage companies? After all, the feds don’t rescue a small businessman who doesn’t make it in the food business or a machine shop.

I don’t want to be cruel, condemning, or critical but the people who signed a loan for a home should be held personally accountable. Why must taxpayers who have paid their loans faithfully, often sacrificing to do so, have to come to the rescue of those who did not read the fine print or were caviler in taking the loan?

Moreover, why should American taxpayers go into debt to provide aid to anyone especially in other countries? Senator Obama’s Global Poverty Act, now before the Senate, is a Give-a-Way Program that will cost every U.S. taxpayer at least $2,500.00! Furthermore, the $50 billion AIDS bill (sponsored by Obama and McCain) was passed by the Senate and amendments were rejected that would have forbidden the funding of abortions and sterilization in China! The bill also lifted the ban on HIV infected immigrants entering the U.S.! Have our lawmakers gone mad or are they simply carrying on as usual? Even without a major depression looming in the U.S., such a bill should be shot down in defeat. “Conservatives” who voted for it are dumb as a box of rocks!

It is easy to give away someone else’s money; however it is wrong, evil, wicked, immoral, illegal, etc., to give it away when the owner of the money has not authorized it. While I will be accused of being unchristian, unkind, and uncaring, I cannot be accused of being unconstitutional when I declare that public money (taxpayer’s) should not be used to bail out flood or tornado victims! Or any other victims. Nevertheless, Bush and other politicians are always quick to dip into the pot, using “federal” money for altruistic purposes. It also helps one’s next election or legacy to point to “all I did for the poor victims.”

Many will say my position is cruel, crass, and contemptible. However, no one has convinced me that public money should be used for private bailouts or to support AIDS victims in Africa, or in the U.S.! Federal politicians seem to look for opportunities at home and abroad to send in the cavalry with saddlebags full of money to rescue some needy group.

As horrendous as the nine-eleven attack was, it was not the obligation of the federal government to rush money to those victims and their families. That is what insurance and lawsuits are all about–holding accountable those responsible. The horror of the incident does not justify a generous but illegal reaction. Of course, private contributions are another matter.

My critics cannot stand on the “general welfare” clause of the Constitution to support these efforts. It is a misreading, misinterpretation, or mishandling of that document to suggest otherwise. Thomas Jefferson aptly said, “Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”

Many later presidents had the moral courage to stand foursquare on the Constitution and veto welfare benefits for private, yes, even hurting individuals. President Cleveland correctly said of one bill that came to his desk: “I can find no warrant for such an appropriation in the Constitution.” In fact, he vetoed numerous unconstitutional spending measures during his presidency. George Bush seldom uses his veto pen! Any future Republican politician who talks about “big-government Democrats” or “tax and spend Democrats” should be horsewhipped on the steps of the Capitol.

Bush admirers will suggest that he is only doing what he promised: to be a compassionate conservative. However, I must point out that he does not even come close to being a conservative. No true conservative would support the No Child Left Behind education bill, his prescription drug bill, his many huge spending bills, his outrageous border policy, his appointment of many homosexuals, ad infinitum.

As to being compassionate, I am all for that but he cannot be compassionate with my dollar. He cannot honestly and constitutionally give away money that is not his to give. He is only the president of the United States, not the CEO of a charity organization with unlimited funds. What is different in principle with the federal government giving aid to Africans with AIDS, or mortgage bailout money and giving aid to a local businessman who was attacked and burned out by hoodlums?

When David Crockett was a member of the U.S. Congress from Tennessee, he was asked to vote to provide a financial benefit to a widow of a distinguished naval officer. It seemed everyone was in favor of the bill; however, Crockett rose to the floor and spoke against the bill! He said, “We must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living.” He pointed out that every member of the House knew there was no constitutional authority to give public money to private individuals. The bill was defeated.

He ended his speech by saying that he was the poorest man in the House but he would be willing to give a week’s salary to the widow and if every member did the same, the amount of money would be more than the bill would have provided. Not one member of the House agreed to give anything to the widow! It seems hypocrisy was a requirement for political office then, and now.

Mr. Bush, it is easy to give away money that belongs to others, but Mr. Bush, the money isn’t yours to give and congress has no right (power yes, right no) to give a dollar to victims of any disaster unless the federal government directly caused the disaster. Moreover, the federal government no matter what the Rev. Jeremiah Wright says did not cause the AIDS plague nor did the feds force the banks to make loans to people without checking their ability to make the payments.

As Daddy always said, “This world is crazy as a bedbug.” Daddy was a philosopher.

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