CAIR – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Hypocritical Democrats Charge Trump With Anti-Semitism While Giving Muslims a Pass! Thu, 01 Nov 2018 15:28:35 +0000 I have noticed in recent months that President Donald Trump has been blamed for disastrous weather, racism, mass shootings, a hostile citizenry, radicalizing more people than ISIS, and now anti-Semitism that resulted in murder of innocent Jews in the presumed safety of their synagogue. However, that opinion is obviously biased partisanship on the part of political opponents and radical leftist media—but then I repeat myself.

No one wants to really discuss hatred of Jews as expressed from the local mosques to the haters in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, et al. While all reasonable people believe in free speech, even offensive speech, no sane person can defend Muslim leaders who belch out poisonous pronouncements against Jews and Christians. Why the inconsistently? Of course, those on the left are notorious for their inconsistency.

When Mohammed pointed his toes upward as he anticipated seeing his assigned 72 green-eyed virgins, his followers began fighting for leadership of the nascent religion. He died (some scholars say poisoned by his favorite wife, Aisha) while cursing Christians and Jews and his invective had poisoned his followers. He had often proved his animus toward Jews and Christians by killing those critical of him. One such critic was Kab, a Jewish poet and Mohammed had him killed. Following the murder of Kab, Mohammed ordered, “Kill any Jew who falls into your power.”

As he built his army, having been booted from his home town Mecca but now in control in Medina, Mohammed discovered that Jewish towns were an easy and rich target. He and his holy robbers started attacking their settlements, especially those that specialized in gold and silver. Mohammed continued to raid Meccan caravans with sporadic success. Back at Mohammed’s hometown of Mecca there was concern that he was “getting too big for his britches,” so they attacked him. In 627, the Meccans were besieging Medina and the Battle of the Trench followed. Some Jews helped in defense of the city, but most were neutral. Mohammed questioned their loyalty, and after the battle, he had all the Jews in the crosshairs. He said that the judgment of God was, “the Jews shall be killed.”

During the night, ditches were dug across the market place of the city. In the morning, Mohammed ordered the male captives to be brought forth in companies of five or six at a time. Each company was forced to sit in a row on the edge of the trench (mass grave) and each captive was beheaded. The bodies were cast in the trench. Some of the women were given to his troops and others sold into slavery. The butchery lasted all day and into the night with the killing of more than 800 Jewish men. After the killing spree was over, Mohammed relieved his stress by sleeping with Rihana whose husband and all male relatives had just been beheaded! War is so stressful! And civilization marches on.

Of course, the above massacre (admitted by Muslim and Western historians) was very profitable. After Mohammed squirreled away his normal 20% of the booty, the rest was divided among his followers. And he got more followers. After all, ladies, loot, and land were available for the taking, and they took.

The above massacre is denied by some uninformed or dishonest Muslims, but it is a fact of history recorded in the New Encyclopedia Britannica: “Some of the evidence against him such as his connivance at assassinations and his approval of the execution of the men of a Jewish clan, are historical matters that cannot be denied.”

With the beheading of over 800 Jewish men following the Battle of the Trench, Muslims tried to make the most from a very bad experience and suggest that it was a battlefield decision. We are told the Jews were the enemy and suffered the brutal results of war but not so. The Jews were not involved in the fighting. Mohammed simply was not satisfied with their lack of enthusiasm for the battle. He hated Jews and so do his followers today.

The Koran is rife with hatred for Jews. Sura 2.88 says, “Our hearts are covered. Nay, Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief; so little it is that they believe.” Sura 5.51 commands, “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends.” Sura 5.60 reveals that Allah turned Jews into “apes and swine.”

Through the centuries, Muslims have made a conscious decision to only tolerate Jews and Christians. Often, they also humiliated them by forbidding them to ride horses (jackasses and mules permitted); their homes and houses of worship could not be as high or as elaborate as Islamic buildings; and often Jews could not hold public office. Over the course of more than ten centuries, the use of a special badge to mark Jews was to subdue and humiliate them. In the middle ages, Catholic bishops and, eventually, Nazi leaders did the same thing in occupied Europe.

Benny Morris writes that one symbol of Jewish degradation was the phenomenon of stone-throwing at Jews by Muslim children. Morris quotes a 19th-century traveler: “I have seen a little fellow of six years old, with a troop of fat toddlers of only three and four, teaching [them] to throw stones at a Jew, and one little urchin would, with the greatest coolness, waddle up to the man and literally spit upon his Jewish gaberdine [outer coat often worn by Jews]. To all this the Jew is obliged to submit; it would be more than his life was worth to offer to strike a Mahommedan.” (Morris, Benny, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881–2001.)

Speaking at a conference on anti-Semitism in Israel recently, the UK’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said something that would not normally be expressed among liberal interfaith circles in Britain: “The threat to Judaism and Jews from the world of Islam is one which can only be cured from within the world of Islam. And the leaders of Islam have to take a stand.”

Thus far, the Islamic stand on Jewish persecution has been like a chicken with two broken legs.

The hadiths are even more vicious than the Koran in anathematizing the Jews as revealed by Schweitzer and Perry: “They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odor emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent.” (Schweitzer, Frederick M. and Perry, Marvin, Anti-Semitism: myth and hate from antiquity to the present.)

It is no surprise that Jews are being persecuted today since that is their history. They have been the scapegoat for various plagues, natural disasters, drought, and any anomaly of nature. Muslims must share much of the blame for the vile, vicious, and vulgar treatment of Jews, but few are willing to put Muslims under the bright light of truth.

Instead of casting stones at President Trump, it is time to cast a few questions at the brutal, bloody, barbaric, and backward religion of Islam. The Democrat leadership should ask the Council on American-Islam Relations (CAIR) the following questions since they speak for all Muslims in America:

1. Does Israel have a right to exist as a free nation within secure borders?
2. Do you consider Jews to be “apes and swine”?
3. Will you repudiate all vicious statements made by anyone against Jews?
4. Will you repudiate the shelling of Jerusalem by radical Muslims in Gaza?
5. Will you challenge and renounce the statement in the Hamas Charter that declares, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it”?
6. Will you denounce the former President of Egypt who said in 1967, “Israel has continued too long… the battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel”?
7. Will you disavow the President of Iran in 2012 who said, “Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be ‘eliminated’”?
8. Will you disavow, dismiss, and denounce the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s 2012 statement that “Israel is a cancerous tumour that should be cut and will be cut”?

If CAIR refuses to make it clear where they stand on mistreatment, malevolence, and murder of Jews all over the world, then most people of goodwill will consider them sanctimonious hypocrites and the enemy of all people of goodwill.

And I suggest that the Democrats and media moguls stop blaming President Trump for everything including sun spots, leprosy, El Niño, black holes, and dandruff.

Today’s news report that Barbra Streisand accused Trump of making her fat. I kid you not!


Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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No Democracy, Republic, Monarchy, or Dictatorship is Safe from Islam! Sat, 28 Jul 2018 15:30:27 +0000 Polish lawmaker Dominik Tarczyński admitted on television that Poland had not received a single Muslim refugee! He also stated they had not had any terrorist attacks! He declared, “We can be called populists, nationalists, racists, I don’t care—I care about my family, and about my country.” That’s a smart, honest politician although not politically correct.

And his tribe is increasing at a rapid rate all over Europe—Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Hungary, with others arising in France, Germany, England, etc. And such patriotic leaders give heartburn to open border fanatics and all globalists.

Let me see if I understand this correctly: the nations that refuse to take in Muslims are having no problem with terror and the nations that have almost open borders and are being flooded by Muslims have had numerous terrorist attacks. Maybe America and Canada should take note.

All politicians had better face reality and not snuggle up to the political, social, academic, and media elite: Muslims have an agenda that seeks every nations’ capitulation to their influence.

A Muslim demonstrator in Dearborn, Michigan proudly held a sign stating, “We will use the freedoms of the Constitution to destroy the Constitution!” But political fools refuse to believe such “peaceful” religious people could really be telling the truth as to their intentions!

No democracy or republic or monarchy, or dictatorship is safe and many nations are even financing their own fall as in the United Kingdom. Sharia-practicing Muslim organizer Anjem Choudary of Islam4UK stated, as reported in the London Daily Express, “We have had enough of democracy and man-made law.…We will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system…and demand full implementation of Shariah in Britain.”

Hardline Iranian Judge Ayatollah Sadegh Khalkhali openly declared, “Those who are against killing have no place in Islam. Our Prophet killed with his own blessed hands…If the survival of the faith requires the shedding of blood, we are there to perform our duty.” He may be a bigot, barbarian, and butcher but he was honest about what Islam is.

Friends, it’s time to wake up!

Dr. Imran Waheed, the London spokesman for the international “peaceful” jihadist group Hizb ut-Tahrir, claimed in May 2005 that 99 percent of the Muslims worldwide want a caliphate to rule the world!

Shukri Abu Baker gave marching instructions of destruction to his followers in a secret meeting with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and it was taped by the FBI. “I swear by Allah that war is deception…We are fighting our enemy with a kind heart…Deceive, camouflage, pretend that you’re leaving while you’re walking that way. Deceive your enemy….” Note that he was speaking at a CAIR meeting–you know, the Muslim group that is only a public relations firm or civil rights group, or so they say. Their actions prove otherwise. Notice the use of war, deception, fighting, enemy, deceive, and pretend, all indicative of confusion, confrontation, and conflict leading to control.

Omar Ahmad is co-founder of CAIR and former Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) officer. FBI surveillance tapes at secret Hamas meeting in 1993 reveal that IAP could not admit support for the terrorist group Hamas since it would not be politically wise. Of course not. They may be terrorists but they aren’t stupid! The Holy Land Foundation paid for Omar’s travel and lodging for the meeting.

Omar declared, “Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam…Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Well, that’s clear.

Omar praised suicide bombers of innocent people, “Fighting for freedom, fighting for Islam, that is not suicide…they kill themselves for Islam.” Remember, that comes from the mouth of the co-founder of CAIR, America’s number one Muslim organization! Wake up!

However, CAIR is a front for Islamic terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and terrorists are as easily found in their company as a bowling ball in a bathtub. The Hamas Charter states their purpose is terror. “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.” The Bible in Psalm 83:4 predicted this hatred of Israel: “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”

Israel is the most hated nation on earth and is not even on the maps of many Islamic nations! Many Muslim leaders have boldly declared that Israel should be driven into the sea.

Nihad Awad is Co-Founder and CAIR Executive Director and former Public Relations Director for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP). He was born in Jordan and is now a U.S. citizen. He boldly declared, “I am in support of the Hamas movement.” He also said, “We do not and will not condemn any liberation movement inside Palestine or Lebanon.”

Randall “Ismail” Royer was CAIR’s National Civil Rights Coordinator and Communications Specialist who was convicted of terrorist crimes while working for CAIR. He was sentenced to twenty years in a Federal Prison. CAIR is a nest of rattlesnakes!

Ghassan Elashi was founder of CAIR-Texas and Chairman of Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development. He was convicted for committing terrorist crimes while working for CAIR and sentenced to 65 years in a Federal Prison.

Mo Hassan is a Pakistani-American and former CEO of Bridges TV who was convicted of beheading his wife in 2011! In 2007, he received a CAIR Award but his fellow prisoners aren’t that impressed with the honor. Mo will spend 25 years in prison. I wonder why he didn’t get life. After all, how can a beheading not be premediated?

I reported in my book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! that 60% of Muslim-Americans under 30 told Pew Research they’re more loyal to Islam than America! That is Muslims in America, not Egypt, Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia.

Islam has eyes on every nation in the world! Each one is to be part of their world system called the caliphate. It is already too late for some national leaders to wake up to the truth: Islam, true Islam, is our number one enemy with plans to destroy every legitimate government.

It is dumb, dangerous, and deadly for a nation to disregard Islam; after all, like rattlesnakes, they have warned us of their intentions!


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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How Can Trump Honor Absurd Islamic Beliefs With White House Dinner? Thu, 07 Jun 2018 15:50:05 +0000 Historic Islam (Koranic Islam) is America’s Trojan Horse full of an enemy that has clearly proclaimed plans to destroy America. If our leaders do not recognize that fact and act accordingly, they are like a man wading waist-deep through the snake and alligator infested Everglades Swamp. They are going to get bit.

President Trump, no doubt because of intense pressure, honored Islam at the White House with a Ramadan dinner to break their daily fast! The guests were “safe” Muslims all being diplomats and ambassadors from Muslim-majority nations. Of course, it was still giving credibility to a dangerous cult that is at war with America and all non-Muslim nations. It would be as reasonable to honor snake handlers from Appalachia! At least they are a domestic cult while Islam is a foreign cult. And snake handlers are only dangerous to themselves and don’t have plans for world dominance.

The Muslim front groups for terrorism were not invited to the White House so they decided not to attend the dinner to which they were not invited! Trump is to be commended for not honoring the most extreme Muslims as he is to be condemned for honoring their hostile religion. Such is politics and most Americans have no ability to discern the subtleties.

The ignorance of Americans toward Islam is shocking. We should at least have basic knowledge about those who plan to conquer or destroy us!

Muslims throughout the world are obligated to obey the Koran and the Hadith, the two primary sources of Islamic theology and laws for daily living. Muslims are obligated to follow the same path of Mohammed. So, the “perfect” Koran is required reading for all Muslims and absolute adherence to its teaching is demanded.

The Hadith is the collected sayings and actions of Mohammed; some Muslims reject the hadiths because they are so absurd and they cannot live with the ridicule that follows. But without the hadiths, much of Islam is lost. For example, the details on how to pray, how to perform the Hajj, and the five pillars of Islam all come from the Hadith, not the Koran.

Some of the outrageous beliefs of Muslims listed below are taken from my first book dealing with Islam: ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! (now available as an eBook). I assure you that the PBS Special and other media pieces dealing with Mohammed were mere propaganda pieces that revealed none of the following.

According to most Muslims, Judas died on the cross instead of Christ! “Yet they slew him not, and they crucified him not, but they had only his likeness.” (Koran, 4:157-158.) Obviously, from the beginning, the Koran cannot be trusted and is far from a “perfect” book.

I heard a Muslim cleric say that death does not sever the marital relations between a husband and wife so sex with the dead is permissible! Moroccan Muslim cleric Zamzami Abdelbair declared that necrophilia is religiously acceptable!

Mohammed slept with his dead aunt! Narrated by Ibn Abbas: “I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and I slept with her in her coffin (grave) that I may lessen the pressure of the grave. She was the best of Allah’s creatures to me after Abu Talib.” Mohammed was referring to Fatima, the mother of Ali. Mohammed was trying to give his aunt a ticket to Heaven or make it easier for her after death.

You never heard that from the spokesmen at CAIR or other Islamic public relations groups who have a love affair with terrorists.

Mohammed had sexual relations with every wife every day! “The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number. I asked Anas, ‘Had the Prophet the strength for it?’ Anas replied, ‘We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty men.’” (Sahih Bukhari (5:268.) Mohammed was not only dishonest; he was delusional! He seems to have had delusions of adequacy!

Islam permits cannibalism according to Al-Shafie, who is considered to be the founder of Islamic jurisprudence. He declared, “We allowed the eating of the flesh of dead humans… under necessary conditions. It [dead human flesh] must not be cooked or grilled to avoid Haram (wrongdoing) …and he can kill a murtadd (apostate) and eat him.” Again, “One may eat the flesh of a human body. It is not allowed to kill a Muslim nor a free non-Muslim under Muslim rule (because he is useful for the society), nor a prisoner because he belongs to other Muslims. But you may kill an enemy fighter or an adulterer and eat his body (716 in volume 1, Al-Kortoby).”

That’s something else CAIR officials never discuss.

Since the Koran in 6:37, 17:59, 28:48 and 29:50-51 states that Mohammed did no miracles, Muslims looked for proof of his prophethood. They point to a huge growth on his back as proof! (That might make the hunchback of Notre Dame a Muslim prophet!) The growth was big as a “pigeon’s egg.” (Sahih Muslim, Book 030, Number 5790 Shaikh ‘Abdu ‘l-Haqq.) Sure, a growth on the back is proof of prophethood; that makes sense–to an uneducated, uncivilized, and unsophisticated seventh-century Bedouin.

Mohammed hated the cross and according to al-Waqidi, “Muhammad had such a repugnance to the form of the cross that he broke everything brought into his house with that figure upon it.” (Dictionary of Islam, p. 63.)

Mohammed didn’t think a woman had much of a mind. In Vol. 3, Book 48, Number 826, “The Prophet said, ‘Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?’ The women said, ‘Yes,’ He said, ‘This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.” Mohammed said, “I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you women.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Book 6, No. 301; Vol. 2, Book 24, No. 541.) I’m still waiting to hear from the screaming feminists about their reactions.

Mohammed said that wives “are as a tilth (property) unto you, so approach your tilth when or how ye will.” (Koran 2:223.) Since women are property, men are free to have sex with them at any time or beat their wives as per the Koran in 4:34. Husbands are told to first admonish the wife, then refuse to sleep with her, then to beat her. Occasionally, Muslim men will take time from beating their wives to lecture others on how sensible, sensitive and sophisticated they are!

Mohammed clearly taught that it was acceptable to beat wives so he had no problem with beating drunks! Narrated Abu Huraira: “A drunk was brought to the Prophet and he ordered him to be beaten (lashed).” (Bukhari Vol. 8, Book 81, Number 772.) Don’t think that practice will put AA out of business even though few people like such meetings.

Mohammed knocked on the door of Hell in trying to speak with the dead. Muslims who overheard him asked, “Are you calling the dead?” and the Prophet answered, “They hear me no less than you do, except that they are unable to answer me.” (Haykal, The Life of Muhammad, Translated by Isma’il Razi A. al-Faruqi, p. 74.) The Bible condemns all witchcraft including speaking with the dead.

It seems Satan urinates in the ears of those who sleep during prayer time! (Hey, don’t look at me like that. I don’t explain them; I only report them. Ask a Muslim to explain it to you.) Narrated Abdullah: “A person was mentioned before the prophet and he was told that he had kept on sleeping till morning and has not gotten up for the (fajr–early morning) prayer. The prophet said, ‘Satan urinated in his ears.’” (Vol. 2, Book 21, No. 245.) Be careful about missing mosque services or slumbering in church!

Mohammed believed that yawning comes from Satan: Narrated Abu Huraira: “The prophet said, ‘Yawning is from Satan and if anyone of you yawns, he should check his yawning as much as possible, for if anyone of you (during the act of yawning) should say: ‘Ha,’ Satan will laugh at him.’” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 509 – see also Vol. 8, Book 73, No. 242.)

Muhammad even claimed that Satan actually lives in the upper part of a person’s nose during the night and therefore it needs to be flushed out every morning by snorting water in and out of one’s nose! Narrated Abu Huraira: “The prophet said, ‘if anyone of you rouses from sleep and performs the ablution, he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice, because Satan has stayed in the upper part of his nose all the night.’” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 516.)

Read again the previous paragraph then call your ear, nose, and eye specialist and inform him.

Fevers come from Hell. Narrated Aisha: “The prophet said, ‘fever is from the heat of the Hell-fire so abate it with water.’” (Vol. 4, Book 54, No. 485 also Vol. 1, Book 10, No. 514.)

Mohammed practiced medicine without a license when he ordered people to drink camel’s milk and urine! Narrated Abu Qilaba: “Anas said, ‘some people of ‘Ukal or ‘Uraina tribe came to Al-Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine) …” (Vol. 1, Book 4, No. 234.)

Mohammed gave explicit instructions on when and how to urinate. He said, “One of the major sins is not to protect oneself [one’s clothes and body] from one’s urine [i.e., from being soiled with it].” (Vol. 1, Book 4, No. 215.)

Mohammed believed that people would be tormented in their graves for soiling their clothes with their urine: Narrated Ibn Abbas: “Once the prophet while passing through one of the Heytan (gardens or graveyards) of Al-Medina or Makka, heard the voices of two persons who were being tortured in their graves. The prophet said, ‘These two persons are being tortured not for a major sin (to avoid).’ He then added, ‘Yes! (There they are being tortured for a major sin). Indeed, one of them never saved himself from being soiled with his urine while the other used to go about with calumnies (to make enmity between friends).’” (Vol. 1, Book 4, No. 215.)

Mohammed took a green branch from a date tree, broke it, and placed a piece on each grave to relieve the pain of those being tortured for careless peeing!

Muslims are taught that soiling their clothes with urine is a major sin yet they don’t blink at killing Muslims who leave Islam–even their own children!

So, how can sane people believe the “holy” books of Islam that are filled with such mistakes, mishmash, and madness? They can’t, yet they are trusting their eternal souls to its teaching!

If it weren’t for terror being the major impetus of this cult, much of its teaching would be slightly gigglesome yet Islam was honored by President Trump in the White House! At least the President did not say, “Muslim Americans have been part of our American family since its founding” as Obama did.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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The False Teaching that Islam is a Religion of Peace Invites Terrorism! Sun, 07 Jan 2018 00:41:28 +0000 The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) purports to be “America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization.” Its stated mission is to “enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.” However, it is really a front group to implement sharia and to defend almost any Islamic activity no matter how perverse. At the drop of a hat, they will defend Islamic acts of terror–and they always make sure they have a hat to drop following terrorist attacks.

It is incredible that U.S. politicians take international Muslim spokesmen and other Islamic toadies seriously when they speak of peace. U.S. officials smile, talk, and shake hands with Muslim terrorists and treat them like gracious gentlemen with whom they have some minor disagreements. “Moderate” Muslim leaders have made it clear that they plan to take control of America! So, they are the enemy! U.S. officials who don’t recognize their enemy are fools on the slippery slope to disaster. The problem is that they are taking all of us with them. Such U.S. politicians are overt Quislings who will be recognized as such if the next terrorist attack is deadly enough.

If an American city is reduced to rubble, the blinders will fall from the eyes of non-thinking Americans and their long held leftist theories will be discarded as quickly as long underwear in a Texas heat wave. But the damage will have already been done.

There is an incredible rule that says you can’t be critical of Islam–even if the facts are out of the Koran! If you do, you are a bigot, a bully, and a base person. There are many examples of world politicians who jump to defend Islam immediately following a terrorist attack before any facts are known!

A good example of politicians being played like a fiddle is the Mohamed Merah affair. He was a 23 year old Frenchman of Algerian descent. Merah shot three French soldiers then killed a teacher and the man’s two young sons, followed by the killing of an 8 year old girl. He killed seven people and wounded five, four seriously and was finally killed by French police. He got what he thought was an introduction to 72 dark-eyed virgins in Paradise. But if the Bible is true (and it is) or if there is any justice in this world, then he is not sleeping with his virgins tonight.

Merah had said he wanted to “bring France to its knees” and was associated with al Qaeda and had taken training trips to Afghanistan, Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan; yet French officials said he was a lone fanatic! French spokesmen basically said, “For heaven’s sake, don’t blame terrorism on France’s peace-loving Muslim community.” Such naiveté is shocking!

Pathetic politicians who pander to radical Muslims thereby contributing to massive terrorist attacks on America are guilty of criminal stupidity. Such people who have provided a false peace are traitors making Tokyo Rose look like a misguided school girl and Benedict Arnold look like a rebellious Boy Scout.

Turkey heads the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, a body of 57 nations that has demanded a resolution prohibiting any criticism of Islam. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan belched, the “West hasn’t recognized Islamophobia as a crime against humanity.” First of all, there is no such word as Islamophobia. It was cobbled together by fanatics to suggest that any criticism of Islam constitutes fear and hatred of the “peaceful” religion of Islam. Erdogan and other Muslim stooges demand that the U.N. should “ban criticism of Muslims worldwide.”

Wonder what these Muslim leaders fear? Could they fear being challenged to explain how they can promote a religion that majors in distortion, destruction, and death? They are fearful that they will be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century. They will have to admit that their “holy” book is filled with mistakes, mishmash, and madness. They will be challenged to treat women in a respectful, reasonable, even reverential way. Not willing to change their act, they demand that no one challenge them. They are crude, craven, cowardly, and contemptuous bullies.

The Prime Minister of Turkey and other non-thinkers want us to believe that our criticizing Muslims for what they believe, teach, and practice is equivalent to Muslims’ hatred of Jews for simply being Jews! Someone has some screws loose. They tell us the U.N. effort to “ban criticism of Muslims worldwide” is a civil rights issue. No, it is a “protect-Islam-at-all-costs-since-Islam-can’t-be-rationally-defended” issue.

It is pointed out that Pakistan and other nations have laws about speaking ill of the “prophet” or the Koran. Oh, yes, Pakistan is a great example for us! Like honor killings of daughters if they are raped! Or beheading those who convert to Christ from the “peaceful” religion of Islam! Or mutilating baby girls in what is called, “female circumcision.”

Daily, Muslims are rioting, burning, and killing someplace in the world. You know, they are acting like peaceful religionists seeking to honor their prophet who robbed and killed people all his life. Desperate, fearful politicians have repeatedly pushed for the passage of a Defamation of Religions resolution but does any sane person think Muslims will stop defamation of Jews and Christians? This is a desire to protect Islam from scrutiny from fair, decent, and concerned people. Muslims know that their 7th century pagan religion (encompassing business, government, culture, etc.) cannot be defended by sane people.

Turkey was a major threat to Europe during the reigning Ottoman Empire when Mehmed II (a firm proponent of sharia and who was considered a hero in Turkey) at age 21 captured Constantinople (seat of the Roman Empire) in April of 1453 with up to 200,000 men and 320 ships. That victory destroyed the last remnant of the Roman Empire. He then extended his reign into Asia and Europe. The Turks still have visions of grandeur and would like to return to those glory years.

I’m saying that Turkey may be the main player in all the Islamic mess that is developing today. Look for Turkey’s Erdogan to proclaim a world caliphate with Istanbul as its center of power.

I wouldn’t trust Erdogan to walk my dog. I predict that he will lead Turkey to constantly, consistently, and completely move away from partial freedom into the full fanatical Muslim orbit. The Hebrew prophet Ezekiel prophesied that a coalition of nations, headed by Russia (which is about 20% Muslim), will join with Iran (including Iraq), Turkey, Sudan, Ethiopia, Algeria, Libya, and Germany to attack Israel. I believe the planning is going on before our eyes.

Erdogan said that he is the “prime minister of a nation…that has declared anti-Semitism a crime against humanity. [Of course, no one living outside a special institution with padded walls believes him.] But the West hasn’t recognized Islamophobia as a crime against humanity– it has encouraged it.” Well Turkey can do what they want but they should not expect a modern, sophisticated, diverse, and civilized nation like the U.S. to be lectured about freedom by barbarians from the Middle East.

As to criticizing Islam, I will do so at any opportunity whatever law may be passed. If I end up in jail, that is my problem. If I present facts that offend Muslims, that is their problem. They can always move back to the Middle East where there is plenty of living space on the Arabian Desert (900,000 square miles) where the days are flaming hot and the nights are freezing cold.

Not as nice as Southern California but there are no fruits, flakes, or nuts there. Well, a few nuts.

Many politicians have been intimidated by Muslim leaders to accept the “let’s not criticize any religion” ploy that will make us vulnerable to a major terrorist attack. For Muslim fanatics to criticize and lecture Americans about civil rights and fair treatment of others is like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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No True Muslim Should be a U. S. President! Sat, 26 Sep 2015 21:47:19 +0000 Americans need to understand, contrary to all the radical leftist propaganda, that the barbarians are not at the gates; they are inside the gates while U.S. politicians and religious leaders stand around sucking their thumbs as a strange wooden horse has been pulled even deeper inside our national borders.

Few people know what lurks behind the Black Curtain of Islam. Muslim lackeys in America dance, joke, sing, and pretend to be normal Americans; however, they never show the true face of Islam–until they take control. The plan is: take total control of every nation peacefully if possible through conversion, immigration, high birth rate, but with the sword if necessary. If any educated Muslim (or non-Muslim) denies that fact, he is a liar, lackey, or lunatic–literally.

My Madinah-approved (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Koran clearly admits in a footnote, therefore being an official proclamation: “All mankind will be required to embrace Islam with no other alternative.” One does not have to be a Muslim scholar to understand that–World caliphate!

Dr. Ben Carson is to be respected for his courageous stand that no Muslim should ever be President of the U.S. It is astounding how high level people have expressed feigned anger and disgust at his alleged bigotry. It is even said that he took an unconstitutional position. However, no true Muslim could be true to the Constitution and the Koran. Is that too complicated for radical leftists to understand? Carson said, “I would never support a candidate who supported Sharia law, or any Muslim who failed to denounce Sharia law.”

The founder of the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar Ahmad, made a damning, infamous statement that has come back to bite him in his derrière: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar denies making this contemptible statement; however, the reporter and editor stand by the quote. Omar is telling all who listen that the paper recanted the story but that is not true.

Keep in mind that Muslims are permitted to lie if it furthers the Islamic push toward a world caliphate and make no mistake, that’s where they are headed.

Question for the bigots on the left: If a Quaker, who believes one should always turn the other cheek, were a candidate would it not be permissible (even required) to ask what he would do about defending America against a terrorist attack? Would a fundamentalist Christian be asked about his or her position on the end times and how that might conflict with duties of the President? If a Nazi or Communist were a candidate (and don’t laugh, we have a socialist candidate running and beating the Democrat!) surely they would be quizzed about where they stand on government affairs, economics, and liberty.

There is no doubt about the reactions to such candidates; but it seems to be unthinkable, unforgiveable, and un-American to declare that a Muslim might have problems with freedom of religion, press, and assembly! The leftist loonies are not thinking straight which is symptomatic of their mental disease. It is political correctness that should embarrass every honest person.

Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director for CAIR appeared on Michael Medved’s radio show declaring, “If Muslims ever become a majority in the United States, it would be safe to assume that they would want to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law, as most Muslims believe that God’s law is superior to man-made law.” That’s from the horses’ mouth!

A May 2015 poll showed that 51 percent of U.S. Muslims prefer Shariah courts instead of normal state and county courts and nearly 25 percent believed the use of violent jihad would be justified in establishing Shariah! What did Bush and others say about Islam being a “peaceful” religion?

Islam is not compatible with freedom. All over the world their crude signs expose the fact that they hate democracy: “To Hell with democracy,” and “No Democracy–We Just Want Islam!” Mesbah Yazdi, said “democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place” in Islam. Muslim cleric Ibrahim Saddiq Conlan said, “Democracy is evil, the parliament is evil and legislation is evil.”

Moreover, two Muslim groups in Denmark called on Muslims to boycott their elections explaining, “We are committed to being active participants in our society, but it has to be on Islam’s terms, without compromising our own principles and values. Democracy is fundamentally incompatible with Islam, and it is a sinking ship.” The Grimshøj mosque in Aarhus agreed, issuing a statement saying that “people should stay clear of the voting booths. We have concluded that only Allah can pass laws, as he says himself in the Koran that this is so.”

So, what would a nation ruled by dedicated Muslims be like and how would it be contrary to the Constitution? Read and weep:

In court, for a woman to prevail in a rape case she must have four men to testify she was raped. Has anyone asked why four men would permit a woman to be raped? Often the rape victim is punished!

All females will be sexually mutilated by removing the clitoris. This “surgery” is illegal yet common in England and no one has been prosecuted! However, it is illegal to spank a child and there are numerous prosecutions!

Everyone will be a Muslim or pay an excessive tax.

Any Muslim who wants to convert to Christ will be killed and the one who led him away from Islam will be killed!

A Muslim man can divorce his wife but the wife must have permission to divorce her husband.

No pork, no rock music, no booze, no nudity on television or movies. Well, I didn’t say that everything about Islam was bad!

No skin will show on female bodies. Ladies will no longer wonder, “What will I wear today?” You know what you will wear! It is black and covers your whole body.

There will be no separation of mosque and state. You will be controlled by the Muslim imam down at the local mosque.
Your state and nation will be run by Muslim clerics.

There can be no criticism of the Koran or Islam, or even joking about it under penalty of death!

Four wives will be permissible and if necessary, they can be legally beaten.

All school children will memorize the Koran and repeat each day, “In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” and you will hear the call to prayer five times each day.

Now, in light of the above facts, it would be insane to permit any Koranic Muslim to run for any U.S. office. The illiterate camel-driver Mohammed, wants to totally revolutionize your world.

Dr. Ben Carson did not belch the foul breath of prejudice but the fresh breath of preference, precision, and perspective. However, a man of convictions is so unusual, he is seen as unnatural and unacceptable by the non-thinkers.

(Boys’ new hardback book, The God Haters will be published Oct. 26 by Barbed Wire Books and available as an eBook at

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So You Don’t Think There’s a War on Christians? Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:51:30 +0000 Christians are not wimps, whiners, and weepers; but that has been an accusation made by atheists when we complain about the attacks against us and our beliefs. Those attacks multiply this time of year. We are told that there is no war–that we are too sensitive and should keep quiet and go back to our hot chocolate huddles in our church basements.

But our critics are wrong. There is a concerted effort to hurt our effectiveness, hinder our efforts, and hamper our evangelism. Those attacks usually come from heathens, homosexuals, and humanists.

A public school in Southern California removed all books from the school shelves dealing with Christian themes or written by Christian authors or published by Christian publishers! One of the books was Corrie Ten Boom’s Hiding Place telling of saving Jews during World War II in Germany. Fox News commentator Todd Starnes said it’s “hard to imagine that any school would have a problem with a book about a Christian family that helped Jews escape the Holocaust.”

A California school district has public school students “bowing to the sun god” and participating in “liturgical/ritual religious practices” aimed at having them “become one with god,” according to a brief filed with an appeals court. I wonder what kind of reaction there would be if a teacher reproduced for his or her students a typical Sunday service in a Bible preaching church including the invitation to trust Christ as Savior! Does any sane person believe school leaders, city officials, and the fanatics at the ACLU would defend that? Wonder why? It’s called a “war” against Christians and their God.

High school senior Chase Windebank has been meeting with other students for three years during a free period to discuss their Christian faith, pray, and sing together. Then a Gestapo official at the Colorado Springs school ordered them to stop because it violates the “separation of church and state.” Sieg Heil!

School textbooks across the fruited plain have been expunged removing any positive mention of Christ and Christianity from them. After all we must not distort, deceive, and dull the pliable minds of the state’s children, you know. In the past 20 years there has been a determined effort to replace Christianity with Islam in textbooks. You know, the peaceful religion that specializes in decapitating innocent children and civilians.

The books mention Mohammad as a great and innovative leader but fail to mention that he was a pedophile, thief, and killer who advocated multiple wives and the beating of them. The books never deal with female genital mutilation and honor killings, and never mention that Muslims were into the slave trade hundreds of years before Europeans were. That is because the enemy is in control.

World Net Daily found textbooks used in Florida taught the following: Jesus was a “Palestinian Jew” who grew up in Galilee amidst “militant Zealots.”; It was “a few followers” of Jesus who “spread the story” about his resurrection, not that more than 500 people were witnesses to His resurrection; While Islamic Arab warriors “rarely imposed their religion by force,” Christian monks “by contrast,” were busy converting “peoples of Central and Eastern Europe”; Israel is to blame for terrorist attacks by Palestinians because they were “angered over the loss of their territory”; It was because of the “loss of their territory to Israel” that “militant Palestinians responded with a policy of terrorist attacks” rather than because all Muslims have determined to drive Israel into the Sea; “The Quran permitted fair, defensive warfare as jihad, or ‘struggle in the way of God’” and this was how Muhammad and his successors expanded their territory; And while Jesus is “believed” by followers to be the messiah, it’s a fact that “Gabriel continued to send revelations to Muhammad over 22 years.” Are you mad yet?

Some Tennessee school districts use texts that praise Islam but those books have no authors and no publisher! What book doesn’t provide those vital facts? Propaganda pieces do that. Slides with the book give credit to CAIR that was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood as a Muslim terrorist front. CAIR has been identified as an unindicted co-conspirator to raise money for Hamas, the Palestinian jihadist group.

In another Tennessee school, kids were taught about the “glorious” black leader of the Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and his egregious accusations against George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. Farrakhan is an unbalanced jerk who said he was taken board a giant UFO filled with thousands of people including the deceased former leader of his group, Elijah Muhammad. Louis did not report seeing Elvis, Judge Parker, Amelia Earhart, or Jimmy Hoffa but stay tuned for his next diatribe. He also assured his followers that he is constantly followed by 1500 smaller planes that protect him from his enemies! Louis is loony!

A public school in Tacoma, Washington permitted a “gay”-straight alliance to put up posters in the halls but when pro-life students wanted to put up their posters, the school refused to permit them. They ended up banning all posters. Ah, yes, educators who believe in diversity, tolerance, fairness, and balance seeking to teach students to think for themselves and defend their sincere beliefs. Hypocritical cowards.

The California State Assembly passed a bill mandating schools permit boys to play on girls’ athletic teams and use the girls’ locker room if they gender identify as girls or vice-versa for girls identifying as boys. The bill’s author is a confessed pervert telling the Los Angeles Times some parents may be uncomfortable with their children sharing bathrooms with students of a different sex, but he said, “It’s also important to protect our children from prejudice.” How about protecting them from sexual predators? Does it take a mental genius to know what unregenerate, uncouth, unrestrained, and uncivil males will do? This is an invitation for disaster.

“There’s no trampling of other people’s rights,” the legislator said. “There’s a recognition that other people have the same rights that you do.” Now, that is perverted thinking. He is more concerned that a young man professing to be a female be permitted to shower with the ladies than safety and modesty! What about the young ladies’ right to privacy? Or protection? And this jerk is making the laws in California! Well, that explains a lot.

The evidence is overwhelming that there is a war against the Master, message, and morals of the Bible and I’m in this war to the end–and God wins! Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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