Carson – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Legitimate Questions for Muslim Members of Congress! Thu, 21 Mar 2019 21:41:12 +0000 I was always taught that honest, decent, civilized people could discuss any issue and remain calm, civil, and cordial; however, in recent years those on the left refuse to dialog or defend their outrageous beliefs but prefer to denounce opponents as bigots, fanatics, and racists (even when race is not a component). Leftists attack opponents because progressives cannot answer their valid questions.

Everyone seems to be supersensitive when any questions are asked of Muslims but why do they get a pass? Traditional Muslims have some very strange (even dangerous) beliefs and it is only reasonable to ask a Muslim candidate where he or she stands on beliefs that might be disruptive, dangerous, or even disastrous to our nation.

If a Christian Identity follower runs for office, we want to know how his belief will affect his or her political votes.

If a pacifist Mennonite runs for office, we have a right to know if he or she will retaliate if America is attacked and if foreign tanks will be permitted to roll down Pennsylvania Avenue and hoist a foreign flag over the White House.

If a KKK member becomes a candidate, we have a duty to ask his position on social issues and to repudiate his violent extremism. Well, we have made some exceptions such as Hugo Black, former senator and Supreme Court Justice and Senator Robert Byrd who served in congress for 60 years. No progressive leftist has suggested that Byrd’s photos and statue be removed from their place of honor in America.

In respect for equality, fairness, consistency, and the American Way, I wonder why they have not done so.

When Roman Catholic Jack Kennedy was running for President, he was often asked if his religion would conflict with his loyalty to America. There was fear that the Pope might have a dangerous access to the White House with Kennedy as President. Jack assured Americans that he did not speak for the Pope and the Pope did not speak for him. After he won (many say bought) the election, he humorously said that he telegraphed the Pope to pack his bags for his trip to America. There was no conflict; however, the concern was legitimate and the questions were rightly asked.

Thorough questioning of candidates is part and parcel of responsible journalism. It is incompetent, irresponsible, and immoral not to ask embarrassing questions of candidates. Piercing, probing, and persistent questions can keep Americans from electing thieves, thugs, and tyrants to political office.

The same would be true if Mitt Romney runs again (which I think he will). We have a right to know if the odd teachings of the Mormons are held by him and how they might impact his political decisions.

Americans would have every right to be assured that his religion would not negatively influence his performance as our leader.

If I as a Baptist, following a serious seizure of senility, decided to run for President, I would be expected to relate my views on immigration, homosexuality, abortion, capital punishment, welfare, gun control, etc. I would make my positions clear and admit that in event of a conflict with the U.S. Constitution and the Bible, I would support the Bible—and take my licks. The voters have a right to know what most Baptists believe.

Muslims are no exception.

Some Muslims may be as decent and patriotic as you and I and they are not a threat to anyone; however, it is Islamic doctrine that turns people into bombs. Americans have a right, even a responsibility to know of any Muslim (or otherwise) who may pose a threat to our nation.

Hence, I will try again to get some answers from Muslim members of congress—André Carson, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. While they have a right (and the record will prove that I would support their right) to believe whatever they choose, they are not protected from justifying the possibility of the negative consequences from their beliefs. Since the three legislators are Muslims, I want to know if they believe what traditional Muslims believe since their beliefs will be reflected in how they vote. The following questions (all based on fact) can all be answered with yes or no.

Honest people will not permit the elected officials to equivocate on this matter. Calling me a bigot (which really is irrelevant to the issue) does not deal with the problem. We have a right to know the answers.

Will you repudiate the Koranic teaching that those who convert from Islam should be killed?

Will you repudiate the Koranic teaching that Jews are “descendants of apes and pigs”?

Will you repudiate all “honor” killings?

Will you repudiate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?

Will you repudiate child brides?

Will you repudiate the attacks upon Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah?

Do you believe Israel has a legal and moral right to exist behind safe and definite borders?

Will you repudiate Mohammed’s marriage to six-year-old Aisha?

Will you repudiate the 51 percent of Muslim-Americans who say that Muslims should have the choice of being judged by sharia courts rather than courts of the United States?

Do you consider obeying the Koran more important than following the U.S. Constitution?

Do you believe that followers of other religions are going to Heaven?

Will you repudiate a man having multiple wives?

Do you believe that imams who advocate violence or finance terrorism should be imprisoned or deported?

Do you believe homosexuality is sinful and should be illegal?

Do you believe that the nearly one-third of Muslim-Americans who agree that violence against those who insult Muhammad or the Koran is acceptable, should be deported?

Do you believe that the 38 percent of Muslim-Americans who say that ISIS beliefs are Islamic or correct, should be deported?

Do you believe that non-Muslims are “dogs,” “donkeys,” and “cattle” as recorded in the Koran?

Do you believe that all mentally competent Muslims are required to practice jihad which according to the Koran is “holy fighting in the cause of Islam.” My official Koran published in Saudi Arabia reveals this truth, as do the New Encyclopedia Britannica and the Dictionary of Islam.

A problem arises when Muslim apologists declare that wicked people have twisted passages in the Koran to justify dangerous ideas. That is not true. Footnotes in official Koran translations make it clear that jihad, sharia, right to lie, and fighting Christians and Jews are the reality. Moreover, their top scholars support those facts.

Terror is a fact of life for almost everyone on earth. The fuse is burning and America and the world are holding their breath. We are in a lifetime conflict with Koranic Muslims. The fuse is burning and the clock is ticking!

And I want some honest answers to legitimate questions. If Americans don’t face the truth and ask and receive answers they will end up like a man wading waist-deep through the snake and alligator infested Everglades Swamp. And I don’t mean they will get wet.

They are going to get bit.

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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The Enemy: Christians or their Critics? Wed, 06 Jan 2016 15:26:16 +0000 In recent months the media and various non-thinking leftist politicians (in both parties) are dismayed about so many Christian candidates running for president in the Republican Party. While we can’t know for sure, we can look at the evidence and the evidence suggests rather strongly that the liberals hate those people who are outspoken about their faith in Jesus Christ. Cruz speaks comfortably about being “Born Again” and Carson and Huckabee proudly profess faith in Christ.

Of course, it is not politically correct to attack Muslims, atheists, witches, and others who get a free pass, but not Christian conservatives. Christian politicians must justify why they are believers and why they think evolution is a folly, falsehood, and farce. They even believe that abortion is baby killing! Gasp!

Liberals have whined for years about evangelical and fundamentalist Christians who spoke out on moral and political issues while liberals have been pontificating for fifty years on the same issues—all from the left. They fawned all over religious leftists such as Martin Luther King Jr., the Berrigan brothers, the Rev. Drinan, William Slone Coffin, Jesse Jackson, Jimmy Carter, etc., but when those of us on the right got involved in the political process, in any way, we were a threat to the Constitution! Hypocrites! Are Christians the enemy to freedom or are liberal critics the enemy?

Liberals have problems with real Christianity because political liberals are also religious liberals. You don’t think so? Quickly, name me three political liberals who are outspoken, unambiguous, clean-living Christians. All right, name one.

Liberals do have religion, but it is bloodless and Christless. The liberals’ Pope is Obama, their High Priest is Harry Reid (who, I hear, is writing a book on character—should be the shortest book in literary history); their Holy Place is Washington; their mission program is telling the world that Government saves. We already know it provides.

Have you noticed that when a conservative gets elected to public office, he always feels compelled to “reach out” to liberals, and hire them as advisors? (That’s like hiring Dracula to treat a bloody neck!) What possible profit can there be in “reaching out” to liberals and polluting an office with their discredited advice? All “conservatives” have done this—Nixon, Reagan and Bush I and II. In fact, at the close of Reagan’s term of office, he had appointed more members of the Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign Relations than did Jimmy (“I will never lie to you”) Carter! I wouldn’t hire a liberal to walk my dog!

Liberals have never built anything, except the United Nations. Name me any other organization the liberals have established. Beginning with Harvard University (built by Bible-believing Christians and taken over by Unitarians), the liberals built nothing, but they wormed their way into organizations and took them over. Liberals don’t build, they burrow, bungle, and burgle.

Slowly the tide is turning. Some Americans are beginning to recognize the media as “news twisters” and are beginning to ask questions and even question authorities. Major newspapers and magazines have folded while others are gasping for breath and running out of ink. The television networks are struggling to stay above water. Every year more and more people are getting their information from the Internet as I do starting with,,, the and scores of other conservative sites. Additionally, government is looked upon as a wildfire out of control, and that is good as long as it does not produce anarchists and haters of legitimate government.

But the kitty is out of the sack: liberals cannot be trusted, whether they are theological liberals with clerical collars or political liberals with lace handkerchiefs, silk gloves and a New England accent. Liberals keep booking passage on the Titanic, and it wouldn’t be so bad except they insist on all of us going along for the cruise. But I don’t want to go, nor do I want to pay for the “cruise.”

The revolt slowly is creeping in like a tide. Christians and conservatives are beginning to push back the audacious advance of liberalism. We have rejected mainstream media and carefully get information from Internet sites. We see our responsibility to truth, common sense, and our children. I don’t want my grandchildren to ask me at my 85th birthday party what it was like being free and secure in the old days of America. Nor do I want them to ask, “Grandpa, what did you do to keep America free, strong and independent?”

We should recognize liberals as the “enemy” but we must love them without buying the gold bricks they’ve been peddling around this nation for more than 50 years. Liberals are the enemy to Bible Christianity and a healthy, happy, and harmonious America.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Ben Carson: Fading Fast into the Dark Night? Thu, 26 Nov 2015 17:24:08 +0000 I have written a few columns recommending Ben Carson for President although I always let it be known that Ted Cruz is my first choice. First Ted, then Ben but recent information has caused me to doubt my initial decision. Ben may be fading fast into the dark night of political oblivion.

Carson has many admirable traits: his honesty, his courage, his intellect, his character; however, I am beginning to question his wisdom. One cannot get wisdom with a medical degree or purchase it with cash, check, or credit card as Trump has demonstrated. Wisdom comes from God for the Bible says in James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” Dr. Carson has not displayed wisdom in some matters, and it concerns me.

It is not necessary to detail where I agree with Carson. He is a good conservative with strong biblical overtones. But he has bumbled, fumbled, and stumbled and I and others must determine if he has crumbled so bad that he should be kept him far from the Oval Office.

No candidate is perfect and one must go with what is available; however, I have some questions about Carson as listed below.

Carson slipped, stumbled, staggered, and stalled when he declared that “Sharpton and I have the same goal. Just different ideas on how to get there.” I don’t understand how anyone–liberal or conservative, black or white, Christian or atheist could make such a statement. Everyone, not living in a cave, knows Sharpton is an incompetent, inarticulate, and insincere race baiter interested in publicity, power, and his purse. Similar to most television evangelists!

Carson admitted in the April, 2015 issue of National Review that he spoke at Sharpton’s National Action Network’s (NAN) national convention in New York City April 8, 2015 during its 17th annual meeting. He declared, “NAN is one of the leading civil-rights organizations in the United States. It was founded in 1991 by the Reverend Al Sharpton to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, nationality or gender.” Say what? Is that the same Sleazy Sharpton that everyone ridicules?

One thing about Sharpton, he does not try to conceal his distain, distrust, and disgust for the police, white people, and conservatives or maybe he is so dense that he is not aware how disreputable, disgusting, and despicable he is. And MSNBC officials are of the same breed or do not care about Sharpton’s disgusting behavior since he parrots the progressive Pablum of radical leftism. Under the threat of racism, he browbeats, bullies, and blackmails corporations to support his and other “civil rights” groups. How can any person with character come within a hundred feet of him without himself being sullied? Carson stumbled badly.

This is the reason I have always been careful about the groups I speak to lest I add some credibility to those that do not deserve it. Of course, no one agrees with anyone about everything but there must be some standard. Carson shared (and maybe lost) some of his credibility by aligning himself with a person and group that no reputable person would have any association with.

In his book, America the Beautiful, Carson opined, “I believe we have taken the moral low road on this issue (of illegal aliens). Some segments of our economy would virtually collapse without these undocumented workers–we all know that–yet we continue to harass and deport many individuals who are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families.” However, recently at Liberty University he agreed with Trump that the border should be secure but disagreed with him about returning eleven million illegal aliens back to Mexico. He was concerned about the huge farms that needed workers and hotels that needed people to clear rooms and serve tables.

In June of 2015 Carson told a major assemblage of Latino officials that he supports giving illegal immigrants a path to legalization and eventual citizenship. Would I appear crass, crude, or even cruel if I reminded everyone that 10,000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens each year?

It is generally believed that his denomination is not in the mainstream of orthodox thought when they teach Saturday worship, pacifism, soul-sleep, etc., but it might be worse. Steve Deace, writing for, declared “There was Carson posting on Facebook that Easter wasn’t about Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world, and ensuing resurrection proving He was the only Son of God. Rather, Carson posted Easter was about ‘acceptance’ and said Christians and Muslims are children of the same God. That, of course, would be news to Christians and Muslims alike. Since one side says the basis for their faith is Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and the other side claims he was never crucified in the first place.” Steve is right on target.

Carson slipped out of the ranks of orthodox Christianity when he told Adventist Ministry magazine in Oct. of 1981: “We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other.” If he has changed his mind then he should say so.

Carson supports mandatory vaccinations telling The Hill: “Vaccinations should be mandatory, with no religious or philosophical exemptions, and schools should check to make sure children have received them.” I have written a lengthy report on vaccinations and it is a fact that childhood diseases were all falling before massive vaccinations because of improved sanitation, vitamins, better health care, and cleaner environment. Moreover, there is a risk with all vaccinations that many consider not worth the risk. Plus, mandatory vaccinations is totalitarian.

Ben got further into left field when he came out in support for the President’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); then topped that when he decided not to rid the nation of the abomination known as the Department of Education; and then he even wants to use college classrooms to spy on professors to make sure they are not biased. Of course, bias is always in the eyes of the beholder. Why should any monitoring be necessary in a college classroom unless overthrow of the government is promoted?

The good doctor has been fuzzy as to when an unborn child begins to live, consequently he suggested abortion for rape and incest which is a major stumble. He further alienated most Americans when he suggested that semi-automatic weapons should be restricted to rural areas, etc. Not only do conservatives disagree with him on these issues but I question his political savvy in light of his running as a conservative candidate. Nor can I understand why his campaign manager and other advisers would lead him to enter such frigid political waters.

American Thinker quoted Carson saying, “I was proud to see groups such as the Black Panthers standing up to brutal police tactics, and though I never joined any radical student organizations, I kept abreast of the activities of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Weathermen, and other groups willing to use aggressive tactics to accomplish ‘social justice.’” Dumb!

I can live with some of the above but not when he climbs into bed with the race baiter, white hater of the century: Louis Farrakhan! Yes, the one who called Hitler, “a very great man.” The one who tried to get his followers to kill the Washington Post reporter who reported Jesse Jackson’s infamous anti-Semitic Hymietown comment in the 1980s. Carson’s top advisor is Armstrong Williams who has close ties with Louie. Armstrong has advised Chicago to hire Farrakhan’s group to work security and to fight crime–funded by taxpayers. Williams attended Farrakhan’s 1995 anniversary of the Million Man March and did his radio broadcast this year from that annual event.

Anyone who needs advice about any connection with Farrakhan has major discerning problems. Farrakhan even delivered his shrill diatribe to an independent Baptist Church in Miami! The angry, acrimonious, and asinine Farrakhan who is the epitome of a racist motor mouth belched out his venom again, demanding, “If the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them. Let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.” I think Louie has an attitude problem and anyone who gives him any support has a problem with principle. Had I said such a thing about killing Blacks, I’d be making license plates at this time.

So, realizing that there are no perfect candidates, what do I do? I listen, read, and watch each candidate then vote for the one who most reflects my principles. Since Carson has slipped, staggered, stumbled and stalled, I will rearrange my choices: Ted Cruz then Mike Huckabee then Trump, then Carson–for today but subject to change!

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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How Can I Support Carson If I’m a Racist? Fri, 13 Nov 2015 18:18:29 +0000 I’ve been called a racist (by racists) so many times on radio and television talk shows that sometimes in deep introspection I wonder if I might harbor latent racism. I have never hated anyone, even the low brow, non-thinking leftists whom I have encountered in my political life and media contacts. Such people are pathetically hopeless, helpless, and hapless individuals who always stand with the loudest crowd. They seldom if ever disagree with their friends and supporters as a matter of principle.

According to modern mythology only white people can be racists and we must admit our racism in remorseful tones when discussing race. If we are not contrite enough to satisfy the self-appointed black leaders (who have Doctorates in Hypocrisy) then we will be hated, labeled, and drawn and quartered at sunset.

Black militants in the North, with help from liberal Whites formed the NAACP in 1909 to be a more militant, strident voice headed by W.E.B. Du Bois, a black radical Socialist who joined the Communist Party in 1961. Du Bois was probably the best educated Black in the past hundred years (first Black to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard) and a vocal critic of Booker T. Washington, a leading Black moderate–and my boyhood hero. Du Bois left America for Ghana in 1961 and died there on Aug. 27, 1963. I didn’t give a flip about his race or color. I disliked him intensely because he was a Red. But I’m not supposed to say that.

But how can I be a racist if I support Ben Carson for President? Moreover, how can George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington be lifetime heroes of mine? How can I hate blacks when I supported Herman Cain for President and wish Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell were friends and neighbors? And how can I be a bigot when I have very close friends who are black? So, evidently, it is not racism but something else that determines whom I like, will vote for, and want as neighbors and friends. What I like is character– which is missing in most, yes, most people and most politicians.

I think Ben Carson would make an excellent President even though he is not politically sophisticated. But then, that might be in his favor. He is very intelligent so he knows he doesn’t have the knowledge and experience of seasoned politicians but he knows he can rent brains. Same with Trump, no one can be fully informed and experienced, but such people can be hired.

Most liberals are unaware that they are unaware and that’s dangerous. They usually have no knowledge that they have no knowledge. Carson is aware of his inabilities since he is an honest man. It is a good thing to be honest when honesty is popular but to be honest when it is out of fashion is magnificent. Honesty is often out of fashion in the political world.

Not too sure about Trump’s awareness. The very rich have a tendency to think that they can do anything and Trump may be that type. Since the wealthy make quick decisions, Trump may have a tendency to circumvent congress and issue executive orders willy-nilly. I don’t want that even if the orders are good ones. I’m concerned about precedent and am worried about my posterity.

I have been asked whom I support for President and since Ronald Reagan and Larry McDonald (a Democrat!) are dead, I must choose from what is available. My first choice is Ted Cruz. He is a Christian (Baptist), a Constitutionalist, and a Conservative. He has also shown commitment, courage, and character in his public and private life. I could get very excited about a Cruz-Carson ticket or a Carson-Cruz ticket. I will support Cruz if he manages to rise in the polls but as of today, I choose Carson.

Next on my list would be Mike Huckabee who probably has the same characteristics as Carson and Cruz and he is also a Baptist! Well, if I am a bigot then he should outrank Carson; however, Mike seems to be too quick to “let government do it.” I think government has done too much already. The federal government should coin money, protect us from our enemies, and maybe run the Interstate system. I don’t want a theocracy even if run by a Baptist but I do want a republic as envisioned by our founding fathers. Our republic has been totally perverted by politicians of both parties in the last hundred years, especially the last twenty-five years.

My choice may change as new revelations are made regarding other candidates but right now this “racist” has chosen a black man to be his President! Moreover, numerous other Fundamentalists and Evangelicals have made the same decision. I know I don’t hate Blacks and I assume other Christians don’t either.

We had a good example of racism when 93% of Blacks voted for Obama but it is not polite to say such things. In 2016, let all Americans think, pray, and work to put another black man in the oval office–absent a Cruz stampede. Carson will govern as a conservative and might give us a little more peace, financial stability, and harmony.

And he doesn’t golf, so that will save us a pile of money.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Richard Dawkins Attacks Ben Carson for Being a Creationist! Wed, 04 Nov 2015 03:25:28 +0000 Well, Richard Dawkins is at it again. On Sunday, he attacked Ben Carson for not believing in evolution! CNN quoted Dawkins as saying about evolution: “It’s just as much of a fact as the Earth goes around the Sun. You can’t not believe it unless you’re ignorant.” Dawkins has labeled as “ignorant” almost a thousand highly qualified scientists who publically stated that they do not accept Darwinian evolution. Those scientists, all holding doctorates from major universities signed a statement titled “A Scientific Dissent from Darwinism.” Dawkins disregards them and their claim.

However, Dawkins wrote, “Nowadays there is nothing to debate. Evolution is a fact.” Nothing to debate! What about the origin of everything? How did “nothing” create something that became everything? How did life first begin on Earth that was solid rock? What about the Cambrian Explosion? What about all the frauds perpetrated by fanatic evolutionists in the last 100 years? What about the now discredited “horse series”? What about the absence of transitional fossils? What about peppered moths? What about the scandal of radiometric dating with the vast inaccuracies and discrepancies? What about the origin of the various laws of “nature”? No, nothing to debate!

The New Atheists throw a hissy when Creationists suggest that belief in the Bible is necessary for a foundation of morality. They maintain that an atheist can be as honest, decent, kind, gracious, etc., as a Bible believing Christian. But then those atheists who are kind, gracious, and honest have been influenced by Bible teaching for a lifetime. For those interested in Dawkins’ integrity they should punch in their computers, “Dawkins stumped.” Because of his deception even fellow atheists have broken with Dawkins. My new book, The God Haters deals with that incident.

To accomplish their desired results, a world without religion, New Atheists deny, denigrate, distort, and seek to destroy anyone who believes God “did it” instead of “nothing did it.” After all, if the Bible is not true then Christians are without a story, succor, or a Savior. With the atheists’ farcical attempt, they prove they are disingenuous, deceptive, and dishonest lowlifes.

Richard Dawkins ran off the rails when he wrote, “there is no good historical evidence that he [Jesus] ever thought he was divine.” Dawkins really stepped in deep doo-doo here. He would have non-thinkers believe that highly intelligent Christian believers willingly went to the stake and to the wild beasts of the arena believing that their Leader was a mere human and remained in the grave! Nonsense! Dawkins is brilliant in his field of biology but out of his field he is dumb as a sack of hair from a barbershop floor.

Jesus said in John 14:9, “He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father.” Also, John 5:58, “Before Abraham was, I am.” In John 10 Christ declared, “I and my Father are one.” Moreover, Dawkins is so uninformed that he doesn’t know that Christ was crucified because of His profession of deity! There is no reason to pile on supporting texts in this regard.

Furthermore, only a sovereign, omnipotent God can forgive sins. The Apostle Paul surely taught Christ’s divinity in I Timothy 3:16, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.” I think that settles that.

Dawkins declared that the Gospels are not reliable accounts “of what happened in the history of the real world.” He clearly asserts that they were written “long after the death of Jesus.” He tells us that they were written after Paul’s epistles. I have dealt with this elsewhere but will provide one proof that it is Bible haters who are dishonest or uninformed. Dr. John A. T. Robinson launched the “Death of God” movement (taken from Nietzsche), so he was far from being a conservative; yet, even he confessed that the complete New Testament was written before the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70: “One of the oddest facts about the New Testament is that what on any showing would appear to be the single most datable and cli¬mactic event of the period–the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, and with it the collapse of institutional Judaism based on the temple–is never once mentioned as a past fact.” It is impressive when a major enemy confirms the validity of your belief!

The destruction of Jerusalem and the most magnificent Temple in the world is not mentioned in the New Testament books because they were written before that world-shattering event! Dawkins and his New Atheist comrades are wrong; probably intentionally wrong.

Then Dawkins takes a hatchet to Luke’s Gospel, where he deals with the birth of Christ, claiming that there was a local census but not one decreed by Caesar Augustus for the Roman world. Therefore, the Bible is unreliable. No, it is Dawkins who is unreliable. Augustus decreed three empire censuses during his 40-year rule. Dawkins asks, “Do these people never open the book that they believe is the literal truth? Why don’t they notice those glaring contradictions?” Those “contradictions” are not glaring contradictions and Dawkins makes a fool of himself by using anti-biblical arguments that have been answered for hundreds of years.

He says “rapture Christians” yearn for nuclear war since it (“this Armageddon”) will bring on the Second Coming of Christ. In my entire ministry I have never met one per¬son who yearned for Armageddon nor have I met one who believed that that great battle will hasten Christ’s return to rapture His saints. The battle of Armageddon does not precede the Rapture of the saints but the Revelation of Christ; however, Dawkins evidently has never heard of the two aspects of Christ’s coming. Dawkins is much more reliable with bugs than with the Bible. What Dawkins knows about the Bible would fit into the navel of a flea.

I document scores of Dawkins’ and his fellow-atheists’ mistakes in my book, The God Haters: Angry Atheists, Shallow Scholars, Silly Scientists, Embattled Evolutionists, and Pagan Preachers Declare War Against Christians! It is shocking, startling, and surprising that scholars would be so careless, clueless, and crazy to make so many mistakes in their polemic against God. It seems these people who call themselves the “brights” (as opposed to us dims!) are more evangelistic in their hatred of a God “who doesn’t exist” than those of us who believe in Him with all our hearts, minds, and souls!

New Atheists would say that they are trying to set the record straight and correct everyone’s false thinking; however, they don’t believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Peter Pan, and the Tooth Fairy yet they haven’t mounted a crusade against those iconic figures. Dawkins and his buddies know the aforementioned characters don’t exist but they know God does, hence their declaration of war against Him.

Their war is a lost cause.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Debate Revelation: Ben Carson is a Black! Fri, 30 Oct 2015 19:41:09 +0000 What a revelation; watching the GOP debate Wednesday night I realized that Dr. Ben Carson is a black man! I had seen and heard him many times but since I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, I never said, “Well, Ben Carson is a black man.” He is a surgeon and a man of character and a professing Christian and he is actually a black man. Not half black, but black. He’s the real thing, not the Great Pretender. Wow, where have I been? But then, I don’t care if a person is black, white, or polka dot. Racists make a big deal out of it.

Telling the truth about Blacks (or Whites) is not a good career move since most people want to be comfortable and don’t want confrontation and conflict from anyone at any time. It seems black fanatics demand that they not be held to the same standard as Whites. That kind of thinking used to be known as racism. It still is.

It seems I am not “sensitive” to the feelings of others when I deal with famous black leaders. Political correctness requires us to not repeat facts, easily substantiated facts, if those facts might offend others, especially minorities. I refuse to play such childish games.

I have always been critical of civil rights leaders who seemed to be more interested in “a buck and a broad” (their term) than in equal rights while young idealistic acolytes lost their lives in the civil rights struggle. Many of those “reverends” (who seldom preached the Gospel and did not believe the Bible) used the ministry to con gullible Blacks to their cause. And at times managed to accomplish something positive. While it was past time for Blacks to have the same rights as Whites, it was not good that Blacks began receiving special treatment at the expense of white people. After all, if discrimination was and is wrong against Blacks (and it was and is) then discrimination against Whites was and is also wrong. But I’m not supposed to say that.

About this time the government forced its way into every business to enforce civil rights laws and began to regulate salary, benefits, working hours, hiring and firing standards, etc. Many think that was good for America; I think it was a major tragedy. The government has no constitutional authority to set any standards for business unless tax money was used to start the business. Yes, it did provide jobs for minorities but business owners lost the freedom to run their own business.

Preachers King and Abernathy did not believe the Bible they quoted, as their public statements and writings easily prove. Hypocrites such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would have been tarred and feathered in earlier days. However, it seems to be prima facie evidence that my making the statements–that all informed people know to be true–proves racism!

When I took the position that forced busing of school children was insensitive, intrusive, and insane I was called a racist by Indiana Democrats and leftist Republicans. I said that it was an insult to Blacks to suggest that they would do better in school if they sat in the same classroom with white students.

When I said that abortion was killing a huge proportion of black babies and it would be devastating to black families I was right then, as I am now.

When I said that black students must stay in school, get a job, any job, work hard, get married and have babies, I was right. In 1965, 25% of black births were out of wedlock. Today, 72% of all black births in the US are out of wedlock! That is compounded by the Huffington Post reporting, “There is nothing ‘immoral’ or ‘pathological’ about deciding not to marry.” Even if one agrees (and I don’t) that making bastard babies is not immoral, then surely all sane people believes it is pathological.

When I suggested that black men should stop fathering illegitimate babies and stay faithful to their wives rather than selling dope, looting stores, and mugging others I was right. And black men have filled our prisons as a consequence.

Ben Carson is a fantastic example of one coming out of Detroit’s inner-city because of a concerned mother (a third-grade dropout who worked three jobs at the same time) who instilled character in him. If he can make it, then anyone can make it. Did I mention that Ben is black?

Non-thinking fanatics tell us that any criticism of Barack Obama is positive proof of racism but it might be that his policies are so leftist, they would make Marx, Lenin, and Stalin stand up and cheer.

I said that Attorney General Eric Holder was/is a wild-eyed racist dedicated to defend anything blacks do no matter how guilty they are. His replacement seems to be a female clone.

Even if decent people disagree with some political decisions mentioned above, no honest person, black or white, can defend the vicious racist tirade of Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam–known as black Muslims. If a clown in the KKK had said the same thing about killing blacks that Louie said about killing whites, the KKK member would not put on his sheet for many years because they don’t have sheets in the pokey. Where are the media on this?

Our nation has experienced many unnecessary conflicts between police officers and young black men with too many blacks being killed. In every incident a death would not have occurred had the young man obeyed police orders. That problem is not a police problem but a home problem. Obviously parents are not teaching their children to obey them, school officials, or the police resulting in chaos in the home, in our schools, and in our streets.

It is also interesting that in every case, the dead youth is touted by family and friends as a “good” boy, “kind,” and “gentle.” But then the police record reveals that he was more of a thug than an eagle scout who has committed himself to lifetime celibacy, poverty, and working with lepers in the world’s last leper colony in Romania.

America’s homes–black, white, Hispanic, etc.—are all in trouble. However, single parent homes statistically are in worse condition because of the lack of disciple. Of course, a dash of Bible training in home, church, and school would be a major improvement. Sure couldn’t hurt.

Folks, it is time for honesty, to treat all people with kindness, respect, and equality. It’s time to hold ourselves to a standard of personal honor, excellence, duty, kindness, tolerance, and not question the motives of those who disagree with us.

It’s still shocking to know that Ben Carson is a black man!

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Trump or Carson for President: A Reflection on Religion! Tue, 27 Oct 2015 14:16:30 +0000 There is no religious test for elective office and I would rather have an honest Atheist for President than a dishonest Adventist or Baptist or Methodist or Catholic or Jew! Obviously if I chose presidents by their religious affiliation then I would choose Mike Huckabee since he is a Southern Baptist but he is my third choice. Only later did I discover that Cruz is also a Southern Baptist, member of First Baptist in Houston. At this time, my choice is Cruz, Carson, Huckabee, Trump, etc., and their church membership is a minor matter in supporting them.

Furthermore, I would have chosen Truman (a Baptist) over Thomas Dewey (an Episcopalian) and Baptist Bill Clinton over Methodist George Bush. However, I preferred Dewey and Bush, both non Baptists. Truman was a cursing Baptist and Clinton was a carousing Baptist and both, in my humble opinion, never had a New Birth experience. Yes, I know it is dangerous to question motives; but I believe that Christians act, talk, and live like Christians with sporadic momentary digressions. Both Truman and Clinton indicted by their lives that they were simply members of Baptist churches.

Today’s CBS national poll has Carson leading Trump 26% to 22%! Donald Trump has been leading the pack until now. Trump might make a good president; at least he gives the Grand Old Progressive establishment nightly heartburn. However, Dr. Ben Carson, a member of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is leading for the first time. While there is no religious test to be President, it is not smart to elect a candidate without considering his or her religious beliefs. In fact, it is irresponsible not to consider what every candidate believes.

It would be irresponsible not to ask a dedicated Quaker his position on using force in protecting U.S. citizens from terrorists and other enemies.

It would be irresponsible to not ask a Muslim candidate if he accepts the traditional, radical view of the Koran as interpreted by radicals in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, etc.

It would be irresponsible not to ask a Buddhist if he would try to make all of us vegetarians since they refuse to kill anything. They don’t eat meat because they may be eating a dead relative! What impact would a Buddhist have upon our pork, beef, chicken, and turkey industry?

An Orthodox Jew should be asked if he would refuse to work on Saturday in event of a major national problem that threatens America’s safety. Similarity, it is not unreasonable to ask Ben Carson if he has convictions to that extent against working on the Sabbath.

Last week Trump opined that he did not understand why he is losing support among evangelical Christians in Iowa. He told CNN on Sunday, “I can only speak for myself. I don’t like to talk about somebody else’s faith. I can say that I’m a Presbyterian. I’m a believer.” On Saturday in Jacksonville he said, “I’m Presbyterian. Boy, that’s down the middle of the road folks, in all fairness.” Trump said. “I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about.” I have a problem with Presbyterians and Adventists but a problem I can live with if they meet my other criteria for President.

An evident fact: most of Christianity looked upon Adventists as a cult; however, many Adventists now claim to be mainline Christianity believing in Christ’s substitutionary death and His physical resurrection. Sure, they are way off on some other matters but since I am choosing a President not a pastor, I will live with that.

Trump professes to be a Presbyterian but he’s been reported as having been a Catholic, a member of the Reformed Church of America, and he married his third wife in an Episcopalian church. He admits going to church on Christmas and Easter and some other Sundays. Politically, he registered as a Democrat in 2011.

With his admission to being a Presbyterian, he picks up baggage that he obviously did not consider. The Presbyterian USA was at one time a biblically true group but like all mainline denominations, it fell (or jumped) into the snake pit of unbelief in 1923 when the Presbyterian General Assembly rejected the “Auburn Affirmation.” They rejected the veracity of Scripture, the virgin birth, the victorious resurrection, the vicarious atonement and the validity of miracles.

Following this apostasy, the conservative theologians and pastors fled the denomination, as Baptists and Methodists left their groups for the same reason, and formed conservative off-shoots of the parent groups. Those “off-shoots” (original Baptists, Presbyterians, etc.,) are now flourishing while the mainline churches can’t pay their light bill. Since 2011 almost 700 churches left the Presbyterian USA because of apostasy.

In 2014, the Presbyterian USA voted to accept practicing homosexuals into church membership and moved their headquarters to Sodom. With a branch office in Gomorrah.

Recent Iowa polls showed Trump running second to Carson and Trump was surprised at that and the fact he is second to Carson with evangelicals. Trump commented, “I match myself against just about everybody. I am a believer.” He added that evangelicals “like me. I’ve gone to many meetings. We’ve had 28 of the great ministers last week. … And pastors from all over the country, and so many and they really — I’ve had a great relationship with Christianity, and frankly, I would say every bit as good as his.” I hope Trump has a relationship with Christ, not Christianity; that is far more important than where he goes to church.

While I have major differences with Carson, I believe his testimony that he is a genuine Christian, not simply a church member. I am not confident that is true of Trump. I would like to hear an intrepid reporter (remember them) ask all candidates: “Was there a time in your life when you repented and placed faith in the death and resurrection Jesus Christ?” I won’t hold my breath.

When asked if he ever asked God for forgiveness, Trump replied, “When we go in church and when I drink my little wine … and have my little cracker, I guess that’s a form of asking for forgiveness.” That is a flip, frivolous, false answer since real Christians know they commit sin daily if “only” the sins of arrogance, anger, or avarice. Plus, his frivolous reply displayed his lack of knowledge about and/or his lack of respect for the Lord’s Table or as some call it communion. Others incorrectly call it the Eucharist.

Additionally, Trump is uninformed as to what that “wine” and “little cracker” are all about. The Bible does not teach there is forgiveness in partaking in the memorial ceremony (of the death of Christ) but in preparing for the partaking of the “wine” and “little cracker” by repenting of sins before participation.

Carson is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and his critics have suggested that he is in conflict with his denomination since they have a record of being conscientious objectors to all war. The Adventists declared in 1865 that Christians should have “nothing to do with carnal instruments of war.” Due to this history, Adventists like Alexander Carpenter claim Carson “is not an authentic Adventist…The language of [Carson’s] support for guns is totally outside the rhetoric and beliefs of the Adventist church.” However, Carson has served as elder in his denomination so evidently the church leadership did not consider Carson a heretic.

Other Carson critics have brought up his teenage days of violence when he used bricks and bats in assaults; moreover he admitted that he tried to stab someone. Therefore, according to some, they asked if his anti-gun control beliefs make him “a fake.” No, it makes those asking the question a fraud. He trusted Christ and it changed his life. As an adult, he used a knife for better things than stabbing an opponent, like brain surgery!

No, one does not have to be a theologian to be President. Good thing because neither Trump nor Carson would have a prayer!

However, when Trump boasts about being a Presbyterian and puts down Carson’s Adventism, well, that’s like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath!

(Boys’ new book, was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy: The God Haters click here An eBook edition is also available.)

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No True Muslim Should be a U. S. President! Sat, 26 Sep 2015 21:47:19 +0000 Americans need to understand, contrary to all the radical leftist propaganda, that the barbarians are not at the gates; they are inside the gates while U.S. politicians and religious leaders stand around sucking their thumbs as a strange wooden horse has been pulled even deeper inside our national borders.

Few people know what lurks behind the Black Curtain of Islam. Muslim lackeys in America dance, joke, sing, and pretend to be normal Americans; however, they never show the true face of Islam–until they take control. The plan is: take total control of every nation peacefully if possible through conversion, immigration, high birth rate, but with the sword if necessary. If any educated Muslim (or non-Muslim) denies that fact, he is a liar, lackey, or lunatic–literally.

My Madinah-approved (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Koran clearly admits in a footnote, therefore being an official proclamation: “All mankind will be required to embrace Islam with no other alternative.” One does not have to be a Muslim scholar to understand that–World caliphate!

Dr. Ben Carson is to be respected for his courageous stand that no Muslim should ever be President of the U.S. It is astounding how high level people have expressed feigned anger and disgust at his alleged bigotry. It is even said that he took an unconstitutional position. However, no true Muslim could be true to the Constitution and the Koran. Is that too complicated for radical leftists to understand? Carson said, “I would never support a candidate who supported Sharia law, or any Muslim who failed to denounce Sharia law.”

The founder of the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Omar Ahmad, made a damning, infamous statement that has come back to bite him in his derrière: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.” Omar denies making this contemptible statement; however, the reporter and editor stand by the quote. Omar is telling all who listen that the paper recanted the story but that is not true.

Keep in mind that Muslims are permitted to lie if it furthers the Islamic push toward a world caliphate and make no mistake, that’s where they are headed.

Question for the bigots on the left: If a Quaker, who believes one should always turn the other cheek, were a candidate would it not be permissible (even required) to ask what he would do about defending America against a terrorist attack? Would a fundamentalist Christian be asked about his or her position on the end times and how that might conflict with duties of the President? If a Nazi or Communist were a candidate (and don’t laugh, we have a socialist candidate running and beating the Democrat!) surely they would be quizzed about where they stand on government affairs, economics, and liberty.

There is no doubt about the reactions to such candidates; but it seems to be unthinkable, unforgiveable, and un-American to declare that a Muslim might have problems with freedom of religion, press, and assembly! The leftist loonies are not thinking straight which is symptomatic of their mental disease. It is political correctness that should embarrass every honest person.

Ibrahim Hooper, National Communications Director for CAIR appeared on Michael Medved’s radio show declaring, “If Muslims ever become a majority in the United States, it would be safe to assume that they would want to replace the U.S. Constitution with Islamic law, as most Muslims believe that God’s law is superior to man-made law.” That’s from the horses’ mouth!

A May 2015 poll showed that 51 percent of U.S. Muslims prefer Shariah courts instead of normal state and county courts and nearly 25 percent believed the use of violent jihad would be justified in establishing Shariah! What did Bush and others say about Islam being a “peaceful” religion?

Islam is not compatible with freedom. All over the world their crude signs expose the fact that they hate democracy: “To Hell with democracy,” and “No Democracy–We Just Want Islam!” Mesbah Yazdi, said “democracy, freedom, and human rights have no place” in Islam. Muslim cleric Ibrahim Saddiq Conlan said, “Democracy is evil, the parliament is evil and legislation is evil.”

Moreover, two Muslim groups in Denmark called on Muslims to boycott their elections explaining, “We are committed to being active participants in our society, but it has to be on Islam’s terms, without compromising our own principles and values. Democracy is fundamentally incompatible with Islam, and it is a sinking ship.” The Grimshøj mosque in Aarhus agreed, issuing a statement saying that “people should stay clear of the voting booths. We have concluded that only Allah can pass laws, as he says himself in the Koran that this is so.”

So, what would a nation ruled by dedicated Muslims be like and how would it be contrary to the Constitution? Read and weep:

In court, for a woman to prevail in a rape case she must have four men to testify she was raped. Has anyone asked why four men would permit a woman to be raped? Often the rape victim is punished!

All females will be sexually mutilated by removing the clitoris. This “surgery” is illegal yet common in England and no one has been prosecuted! However, it is illegal to spank a child and there are numerous prosecutions!

Everyone will be a Muslim or pay an excessive tax.

Any Muslim who wants to convert to Christ will be killed and the one who led him away from Islam will be killed!

A Muslim man can divorce his wife but the wife must have permission to divorce her husband.

No pork, no rock music, no booze, no nudity on television or movies. Well, I didn’t say that everything about Islam was bad!

No skin will show on female bodies. Ladies will no longer wonder, “What will I wear today?” You know what you will wear! It is black and covers your whole body.

There will be no separation of mosque and state. You will be controlled by the Muslim imam down at the local mosque.
Your state and nation will be run by Muslim clerics.

There can be no criticism of the Koran or Islam, or even joking about it under penalty of death!

Four wives will be permissible and if necessary, they can be legally beaten.

All school children will memorize the Koran and repeat each day, “In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate” and you will hear the call to prayer five times each day.

Now, in light of the above facts, it would be insane to permit any Koranic Muslim to run for any U.S. office. The illiterate camel-driver Mohammed, wants to totally revolutionize your world.

Dr. Ben Carson did not belch the foul breath of prejudice but the fresh breath of preference, precision, and perspective. However, a man of convictions is so unusual, he is seen as unnatural and unacceptable by the non-thinkers.

(Boys’ new hardback book, The God Haters will be published Oct. 26 by Barbed Wire Books and available as an eBook at

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Of Course Obama is a Muslim! Mon, 21 Sep 2015 02:33:37 +0000 Last week Dr. Ben Carson opined that he did not think a Muslim should be President of the U.S. and the media reaction might make you think he had endorsed perversion–but wait, that’s already been done by the “beautiful” people of the media and academia. The fact is, the U.S. already has a Muslim president! But what’s the big deal? We have no religious test for the presidency–well, except for born again Christians, at least unofficially! However, isn’t it acceptable for a man to believe that some religious beliefs might tend to militate against American ideals?

The “fair and balanced” (and those not so fair and balanced) media went after Donald Trump for his failure in not crucifying his supporter who declared President Obama is a Muslim. Of course, he is a Muslim, but then according to political correctness there’s nothing wrong with that. Is there?

Obama admitted he was a Muslim on ABC television when he referred to “my Muslim faith.” The ABC host gently “corrected” him. Muslims have not received the most positive press in recent years with their propensity to behead civilians, rape small girls, burn captured soldiers alive, and destroy centuries-old monuments. It would be wiser for him to wear a cross around his neck and have “Onward Christian Soldiers” played when he is introduced rather than admit being a Muslim.

Informed, educated people know that people can mistakenly say, “He has went” or “You was,” or “I seen” but for a Jew to mistakenly say, “My Christian faith,” or a Hindu to say, “My Baptist faith,” or a Methodist to say, “My pagan faith,” is downright silly. No one believes that is possible.

Obama’s official campaign site had a page titled “Obama has never been a Muslim, and is a committed Christian.” I would say, “Obama, I know thousands of committed Christians. They are my friends, and I can tell you that you are not a committed Christian. Committed Christians are truthful, consistent, gracious, kind, thoughtful, generous, Bible-reading, and church-going people who have surrendered to following Christ. Everything you are not.” And don’t demand that I apologize or backtrack because that would only happen if I have a seizure of senility.

His site also does damage control when it falsely states, “Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ.” However, being a member of Trinity United Church of Christ gives him no credibility since it is probably the most unchristian church in America. In fact, a church official said, “we have so many members of our church who are Muslims.” No one becomes a Christian by baptism, church membership, giving, or living right. It requires faith in Christ.

Obama’s campaign released the statement that the senator “has never been a practicing Muslim.” However, the facts indicate otherwise. He was listed as a Muslim while a young student in Indonesia and often attended a mosque.
He was enrolled in the Besuki Primary School, a public school in Jakarta, as a Muslim. Didn’t his mother know what religious affiliation her young son had when she filled out the enrollment forms?

Obama clearly admitted to studying the Koran and identified his school as “a Muslim school” in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father. Many of his childhood friends commented on his Muslim religion, and the media in Indonesia made many references to his Muslim faith.

Obama acknowledges in Dreams that his grandfather was a Muslim (page 104) and that he spent two years in a Muslim school in Indonesia studying the Koran (page 154). In The Audacity of Hope, he says (page 204) that “my father had been raised a Muslim” but that by the time he met his mother, his father was a “confirmed atheist.” However, Muslims teach that children become Muslims because of their father’s religion. Moreover, no one can testify as to when he repudiated Islam. Nor is there a record of his Christian baptism!

Obama really let the kitty out of the sack when he allegedly told the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit that he was a Muslim! In mid-January of 2010 the Foreign Minister revealed on the “Round Table Show,” a Nile telecast that “he had had a one on one meeting with Obama who swore to him that he was a Moslem, the son of a Moslem father and step-son of Moslem step-father, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Moslems, and that he was loyal to the Moslem agenda. He asked that the Moslem world show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American problems (Healthcare), that he would show the Moslem world what he would do with Israel.” This conversation probably happened when Gheit was in Washington for Middle East peace talks in early January of 2010.

Alright, the above seems to be prima facie evidence that America has a Muslim as President and while that is not illegal, it would be if he were born in Kenya but that’s another column. The following circumstantial evidence is also overwhelming proof of his Muslim faith and his antagonism for the Christian faith.

Fox News reported that Obama told the NASA administrator Charles Bolden before his appointment that he was to do three things. The third was “He wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science…and math and engineering.” The White House verified the conversation in June of 2010. NASA is in the “feel good” business!

Obama asked Georgetown University to remove a religious symbol for the name of Jesus where Obama was to speak about the economy on Apr. 14, 2009. He has not asked for the removal of Muslim symbols when speaking at Islamic events.

The Obamas’ annual White House Christmas cards are never traditionally Christian dealing with Christ’s birth rather they focus on things such as the family dogs. And the White House Christmas tree ornaments include figures such as Mao Tse-tung and a drag queen! He seems to be sending a not-too-subtle message: Christians don’t matter. Muslims do.

Pastor Louie Giglio once preached a sermon supporting the biblical definition of marriage and when that was revealed he was pressured to remove himself from praying at Obama’s inauguration in 2013. Believers in traditional marriage are anathema but homosexuals receive major appointments to federal positions. Know any, I repeat any, outspoken Christian appointed to even low-level positions by Obama?

In January 2012, the Obama administration maintained that the First Amendment does not protect churches and synagogues in the hiring of pastors and rabbis. That would surprise James Madison.

On November 2011, President Obama opposed inclusion of President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous D-Day Prayer in the WWII Memorial.

In 2010 Obama began to deliberately omit the phrase about “the Creator” when quoting the Declaration of Independence and has done so many times.

In May of 2009, Obama refused to host services at the White House for the National Prayer Day even though the day was established by federal law.

One thing is positive that all honest people can agree on. The record clearly proves Obama is a Muslim sympathizer, spokesman, and sycophant.

I could go on and on with many other indications that Obama uses every opportunity to denigrate, disparage, and deny biblical principles and promote, preach, and pander to Islam. It is not becoming for the President of the United States to be a shill for a brutal, bloody, barbaric and backward religion even if he sincerely believes their principles.

Daddy said, “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck.” Daddy was right. Obama is a Muslim. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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