Charlottesville – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Confederate Statue Removers Are Contemptible Hypocrites by Leaving Senator Byrd Alone! Fri, 23 Jul 2021 17:02:44 +0000 Wise men have said if we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it; however, if history is twisted like a pretzel by progressives, a confused generation will accept fables as facts. That is not accidental but planned and pernicious.

George Orwell warned, “The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of history.” That has been happening since the zealots, pretending to be sensitive about imperfect people, started removing portraits and statues of historical persons.

The anti-historical fanatics are tearing out the guts of this nation. They finally succeeded in removing the statues of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson from their place of honor in Charlottesville. These history-hating hypocrites pretend to be so superior; however, those twits don’t qualify to wash and polish the bronze statues of those two principled men or shine their boots while alive.

Charlottesville Mayor Nikuyah said the removal was “one small step forward” in dismantling White supremacy and reckoning with their past. The comatose mayor doesn’t know that we dealt with our past with something called the Civil War, resulting in the removal of slavery. More Americans died in that war than in WW I, WW II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the recent wars in the Middle East—combined!

Removing Confederate statues, rewriting history, and denigrating everything southern, misnamed “progressives” are whitewashing our history as we turn away from the inconvenient truths of our past.

I suggest the black zealots and black mayors be handed a copy of CliffsNotes or SparkNotes as a quick introduction to that war. Or, someone might read them the text since there are few pictures.

General Lee was one of the most talented, gracious, and conscientious men of the day. Before freeing his wife’s slaves and preparing them for freedom, General Lee’s wife taught the slaves to read and write and the women how to sew. Most Americans don’t know it was illegal to educate blacks in most of the south. This was especially true after the summer of 1831, following the massacre of 55 white men, women, and children led by Nat Turner, a slave and professed Baptist preacher—in reality, a religious nut. Many states made slave education illegal. Mrs. Lee refused to obey that law.

Following his surrender, Lee refused many lucrative job offers and, in 1865, accepted a small salary as president of Washington College (later Washington and Lee University) located in Lexington. One of their professors and other racial jerks want to remove Lee’s name from that institution because he was a “traitor.” Washington and Lee Professor James Casey (a self-hating white dude), said, “[Lee] betrayed that oath to the Constitution of the United States for one reason and one reason only, to protect the institution of slavery.”

Only a racist or a poorly trained person says the original and foremost reason for the Civil War was slavery. The professor had also said, “something is wrong with white folk.” His false claim about the war being fought over slavery became popular when it became politically expedient to do so after the south exploded over collection of taxes on imports at the Charleston port.

The civil war happened because two contending parties—the North and the South—disagreed on who would collect taxes on imported items at the ports of entry, specifically at Fort Sumter off the coast of Charleston, South Carolina. However, a war over taxes doesn’t sizzle but fighting to free slaves will cause men to march to their deaths. So, the South wanted independence, not the protection of slavery, and the North wanted an intact Union, not the abolition of slavery. And with an intact Union, the feds could continue to charge 40% tax, not the 10% South Carolina charged.

Southern leaders correctly asserted they had a legal and moral right to secede from the Union. In fact, New York, Virginia, and Rhode Island made joining the Union contingent on being able to leave. No colony would have agreed to be part of the Union if they did not have the right to return to their independent status.

In 1855, soon to be famous Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson broke the law every Sunday morning when he taught a Sunday school class of Blacks at the Lexington Presbyterian Church. He was also careful that even during the war, his tithe was sent to his church.

Compare Lee and Jackson with Senator Robert Byrd, a lifetime Democrat and an organizer in the 1940s of a chapter of the KKK in West Virginia. He wrote in the early 1949s, “The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.”

Byrd wrote to Senator Theodore Bibo in 1944, declaring, “I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side… Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

Senator Byrd was a member and the founder of that chapter and was elected Exalted Cyclops unanimously. While he repudiated the Klan in later years (after he was an established Washington insider), he and the Democrat Party vehemently opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 57 days! Senator Byrd filibustered for 14 hours against the legislation, yet Democrats still call him “the conscience of the Senate.” He was a typical politician—a bag of stale wind.

You see, that was when Democrats believed in and used the filibuster; however, today, the Democrats don’t believe in it when it is advantageous to the Republicans.

Did I mention that Democrats are certified hypocrites? They have a well-earned Ph.D., Doctor in Hypocritical Pomposity.

Now, since the very sensitive progressives want to correct all wrongs of the past and live in a pure society without offensive proslavery statues, why have they left Senator Byrd untouched. His busts and photos in Washington have not been removed. Is there a crusade in West Virginia to change the numerous streets, parks, and schools that bear his name? If not, why not?

Would my critics not be too hard on me if I suggest that Democrats are the sleaziest, most despicable hypocrites ever? They do irreparable damage to truth and present and future generations by manipulating historical reality.

Tyrants have always preferred fiction over facts and write history to please themselves. I revealed in my book The God Haters an example of politicians manipulating history when Caesar tried to obliterate the memory of Pilate because he had offended Caesar. Pilate, therefore, did not exist since Caesar said so, and officials and historians willingly obeyed by removing Pilate’s name from all records.

Mark Antony had a similar experience with his memory being formally expunged from Rome’s official records after his affair with Cleopatra. Antony and Cleopatra agreed to commit suicide, and Antony stabbed himself with a sword and died in Cleopatra’s arms. She then killed herself with the bite from a poisonous serpent.

Antony had antagonized Cicero, and the powers that be, so his name was removed from the history books. “His name was obliterated from the…state registers of official events. His statues were removed. It was to be as if he had never existed. The Senate …voted that no member of the Antonius clan should be named Marcus….His birthday was made …an unlucky day, on which public business could not be conducted.”

However, that was not Cicero’s opinion when he wrote in 80 B.C., “The first law is that the historian shall never dare to set down what is false; the second, that he shall never dare to conceal the truth; the third, that there shall be no suspicion in his work of either favoritism or prejudice.” Antony was a toddler at the time and many years later, Cicero did the opposite to punish Antony. Such was politics along the Tiber—as well as the Potomac. The same has been true for more decades along the Moskva and Volga Rivers in Russia.

Soviet despot Joseph Stalin sent fellow Communist Leon Trotsky into exile and airbrushed him out of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia; then to finish the matter, assassinated him in Mexico. For decades, when a Soviet official fell out of favor with the sitting Soviet tyrant, the offender was painted out of the official photos of the most recent May Day Parade in Moscow.

There is no end to such catastrophic and wretched activities of little men using their temporary authority to strike back at their real or perceived enemies. Officials with little minds, guilty consciences, enlarged egos, and gobs of personal insecurity will always use their power to accentuate their positives and modulate their negatives.

However, the past is always with us. Sane, secure, and stable leaders will not rewrite history for political, personal, or pecuniary reasons; but we can count on the misfits, malcontents, and malefactors to distort history.

I suggest today’s lowlife rabble-rousers stop desecrating and removing historical heroes and patriots or be consistent (for a change) and destroy every vestige of Senator Robert Byrd, former Exalted Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Hypocrites on the Left and Right in Charlottesville! Mon, 14 Aug 2017 16:33:13 +0000 There is no justification for the anarchy in Charlottesville in recent days. The killer, after he is found guilty, should be forthwith executed after one appeal. And I would take that position if he were a Baptist preacher.

This is America and everyone has a right to express his or her opinion but no one has a right to violently suppress the opinions of others. A large group of white supremacists had a uniting rally in Charlottesville, and they had that right. An opposing group had every right to express their opinion of disagreement. However, no one had a right to push, beat, hit, spit on, and get physical with others. And of course, the driver of the automobile that killed one and injured many others is a despicable person.

However, those on the left usually refuse to admit to any complicity in such matters. If an event advances their cause, they support it and downplay any culpability on their part. A good example is “Black Lives Matter,” a leftist group that makes much noise but little sense. It is shocking that anyone could support them over “All Lives Matter.” However, racists look for their preferred skin color in order to support them–no matter how clearly they were wrong. That is dishonesty and hypocrisy.

Black Lives Matter protestors in Minnesota and Texas chanted to police officers: “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon.” Would some leftists please try to justify that for me? Could those black protestors be racists? But the black racists went further chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now.” What is the difference in them and the jerks in Charlotte?

An acknowledgment of wrong on both sides would not excuse the haters and bigots on either side. In this particular case, the driver of the car was one of the haters and bigots. I wonder how the hypocrites on the left would have responded had the driver been a leftist bigot instead of a far right bigot?

The “far right” protestors were there to protest the city’s decision to remove a statue of General Robert E. Lee. Some of them wore “Make America Great Again” hats. Does it surprise anyone that Trump has some far right nuts supporting him? It is admitted that both sides were violent by throwing bottles, hitting with sticks, etc.

Participants of both the white supremacist rally and counter-protesters traded blows and hurled bottles at one another, according to news accounts. I say, “A pox on both groups.”

President Trump criticized the event but not to the satisfaction of Democrats and some Republicans. Critics strongly accused the President of not singling out white supremacists. Of course, the Trump-haters would have castigated him for whatever he said.

One report commented on the “violence incited by the hundreds of protesters toting flags with swastikas and the Confederate flag.” The reports did not tell us that there were scores of swastikas and scores of Confederate flags. Or maybe scores of Confederate flags and a few swastikas. There is a world of difference in the two although non thinkers disagree.

Former President Obama (wow, it is so refreshing to write that) got into the issue by quoting Nelson Mandela; however, he did not mention that Mandela was arrested with his handwritten copy of “Why I am a Communist.” I wrote at the time of his death, “Very few in the media are willing to tell the truth about this very soiled secular ‘saint.’ In fact, this will probably be the only thorough, truthful, and thoughtful information you will find on Mandela. Those bowing at the shrine of political correctness will suggest that it is tart, tacky, if not tasteless.”

For the young and the uninformed, it should be known that Mandela spent 27 years in prison because he was a saboteur (which he admitted at his trial) and espionage agent working against his government. He was not imprisoned because he fought for freedom but because he was involved in 23 different acts of sabotage and conspiring to overthrow the government. He should have been executed, but a soft court went wobbly at his 1963 trial.

Nelson Mandela was a Black terrorist, but after his release by the hated white regime, he became rather docile and assumed a statesman-like persona. Except when he had seizures of stupidity by praising black tyrants from Angola to Zimbabwe. Mandela never saw a black dictator he didn’t like. That’s true of American Liberals also!

No, Obama “forgot” or chose not to reveal those facts about Mandela. It seems it is acceptable to be a terrorist, or saboteur, etc., if one is a black leftist. I don’t like black or white leftists.

Cities and states have the right to remove whatever monuments they choose; however, they are not consistent in doing so. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were two of the most godly and principled men to ever live. Following the war, an insurance company offered Lee its presidency at a whopping annual salary of $10,000. They assured him that he would not have any duties since they only wanted the use of his name. But Lee told them his name was not for sale, declaring, “I cannot consent to receive pay for services I do not render.”

He later accepted $1,500 a year as president of Washington College in Lexington, Va., refusing to take any more than what the school could afford. That’s character–by which we should judge everyone.

If the left insist on removing monuments to white supremacists then they must also remove the Lincoln Memorial and all the cities and streets named for the Great Emancipator. Lincoln wrote to Horace Greeley, “If I could save the Union without freeing any slaves, I would do it.” Lincoln was quite prepared to either perpetuate or end slavery to save the Union.

Lincoln’s white supremacist views are clearly expressed in his famous debates with Sen. Stephen Douglas, Lincoln explained to the crowd: “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.”

Will the hypocrites on the left try to rehabilitate Lincoln? No, they will pretend he was not like David Duke. After all, it is easier to hate Duke. Have you noticed that when Duke is mentioned, he is always identified as a “former Klan member”? Have you also noticed that when Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Hugo Black was mentioned, it was never revealed that he was a former member of the KKK? Have you noticed the same thing with former Senate leader Robert Byrd of West Virginia? He is never mentioned as a former member of the Klan! Wonder why? Could it be because they were the darlings of the Democrat Party and the Main Stream Media?

Just another example of the hypocrisy of the left. The Hill reported, “Protesters rallying in the name of the Charlottesville victims on Sunday night protested Trump at Trump Tower in New York City and Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. Demonstrators held signs that read ‘No Free Speech For Fascists’ and ‘Make Racists Afraid Again…Smash White Supremacy!” I have heard no whining leftist rebuke those demonstrators and their demand to squash free speech.

Since the leftist crowd is going after all white supremacists and slave owners, then they will be consistent and honest and demand that the Egyptian pyramids be razed to the desert sand since they too were built by slaves.

Don’t hold your breath unless you like the color of blue.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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