China – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Have the Internationalists Maneuvered Russia and Ukraine Into a Plot to Produce a Globalist Regime? Tue, 29 Mar 2022 16:48:29 +0000 A Friend of mine once said, And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must need be; but the end shall not be yet.” Therefore, we should not be surprised by what is happening in Europe, but that does not mean we are unconcerned or supportive of an unprovoked war against the innocent.

There are no good guys in the Ukraine-Russia War. Both sides have blood on their hands, but both are victims of determined globalists committed to implementing their socialist/communist agenda. Russia and Ukraine have been sucked into a criminal, complicated, and conspiratorial trap. Franklin D. Roosevelt is credited with saying, “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

So, it is no accident that Ukraine has a war, and it was planned for someone’s benefit. Who benefits? Not Russia, since the Ruskies in St. Petersburg and Moscow are getting restless, and their leaders are concerned about a lazy, lethargic, and limp NATO awakening with some determination to do their job and protect Europe against the Russian Bear. Moreover, everyone can hear the roar of an angry, injured bear thundering and thrashing and trashing all within reach.

Ukraine can’t benefit since some of its major cities are demolished and its people are displaced, and its economy is destroyed. And its leader is an amiable authoritarian who is a tool of far, far leftists. He is famous as an actor, comedian, dancing in high heels, and playing the piano, not with his hands or even his toes. You can guess or even watch the debauchery.

Zelenskyy may be politically courageous, but he is also personally corrupt. Additionally, he is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders School that boasts other famous (or infamous) graduates such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Pete Buttigieg, Justin Trudeau, France’s President Macron, Chelsea Clinton, California’s Gavin Newsom, and others.

Hey, with brilliant people like the above willing to take control of the world, how can we lose?

America can’t benefit as Biden staggers and stumbles, studders and sputters his way through Europe handing out threats and billions of dollars with no guarantees.

NATO can’t win since its leaders want Putin out of Ukraine, but they don’t want to take the lead in tangling with the Russians. NATO officials want to be left alone to attend conferences, consultations, and conflabs in luxurious spots worldwide.

After thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens are dead and millions are dispersed around the world; after Putin is humiliated and devotes his time to stay in power and stay alive; after America shifts its attention from Ukraine to the next issue that pops up on the horizon; after NATO settles down to shuffling papers, leading cheers promoting their importance for the safety of Europe, and holding collaborations in luxury accommodations; after all that, China will emerge as the collectivist kingpin in the world, for the enslaved and free.

While Americans slept or watched the Gilligan’s Island rerun for the 89th time, the Chinese were dismantling our manufacturing base and developing their national production.

According to Fox News, China controls our health system since it produces 97 percent of our antibiotics and about 80 percent of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in American drugs. We also import about $5 billion in food products from China each year, and the Chinese now own Smithfield, the biggest hog producing company in the world.

China’s chokehold on the American sports and entertainment industry is well known, but few seem to care. Entertainers and athletes whimper, whine, and weep about every injustice in the world except the worst offender—China. But then, hypocrites are accustomed to the double standard when money and prestige are involved.

China’s other almost exclusively produced items include electric blankets, electric toasters, umbrellas, baby carriages, portable radio players and tape recorders, etc.

Americans have been fools to permit a powerful, committed enemy to out-produce and outsmart us.

China’s major cities are teeming with peasants, and the Chinese Communist Party is marching in your direction. They are already in our universities and own much of our land and businesses. Only 10% of land in China is farmable. They are running out of space, and they want your space. That would provide them with millions of acres of arable land to feed their hungry people.

Its cities are packed, and uneducated laborers continue to flood Shanghai, with 23.4 million people, Beijing with 18.8 million, Tianjin with 12.8 million, Shenzhen with 12.7 million, Guangzhou with 11.6 million, Chengdu with 10.2 million, and other cities with 8 million! And they all want to eat, so you’d better like chop suey, and it might be helpful to have a shoeshine kit and know a few words of polite Chinese. Like, thank you, sir, and have a good day, master.

Communists base their strategies on Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Sun Tzu says, “all war is deception,” and the ultimate victory is to win without destruction of enemy cities. Evidently, Putin didn’t read Sun’s famous book. With the present war, the Commies have obviously failed. We must not be deceived or distracted by the smoke and mirrors and must insist on looking behind the curtain to discover who is pulling the strings of the world puppets. Since deception is everywhere, it would be wise to believe only half of what we see and little of what we hear.

Both Putin and Zelenskyy are totalitarians, one is simply more brutish (at this time) than the other. Still, I feel queasy and very uncomfortable when I discover I am cheering for the same person the far-leftists in Washington and the mainstream media are cheering.

No freedom lover would ban his political opposition as Zelenskyy has done. The Opposition Platform for Life (43 seats in parliament and the largest opposition party in the nation) has been banned by Zelenskyy because of ties to Russia. He also banned ten other political parties. Why isn’t our media screaming about that? That is freedom and democracy? No, but it is what the globalists want for America and free Europe.

Zelenskyy has done what all “strongmen” or tyrants have done—take control of the media. He made all television channels into a single unit that he controls. Would you support such control in the U.S.? But wait, the radical leftists already control most of our media. The far leftists in America think they have the answer, and it is not found in free enterprise, free expression, or vocal opposition, but in their authoritarian control.

Putin, Zelenskyy, and Biden are all puppets, but who is pulling the strings? Decades ago, we would have replied, the Council on Foreign Relations or the Trilateral Commission. Today, it is Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other lesser lights who want America to lose its position in the world and everyone to live under a world authoritarian.

Of course, everyone will be happy—or else, and there will be no racism and no individualism. Everyone will be the same, except the special people at the top. The world will consist of rulers and servants, and you know where you belong, don’t you? In true socialist/communist nations, some are more equal than others.

However, the joy boys Soros, Schwab, Gates, Obama, Clinton will call the shots in Beijing—at least for a while. Long ago, they learned to eat with chopsticks. They will enjoy the perks that go with globalist leadership.

Interestingly, Ukrainians contributed $10 million to the Clinton Foundation, more than any other nationality. Like Gates, Clinton was a guest on 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express,” even apparently dumping his Secret Service detail for at least five flights, according to Fox News. It appears that the internationalists don’t adhere to the moral code espoused by your grandma.

Bill Gates is a do-gooder who wants to reduce world population although his former wife would disagree with his choice of friends—like pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Gates, the philanthropist has tried to downplay his association with Epstein, the pedophile; however, the New York Times reported they met “many times.” The Daily Beast claims the two men met “dozens of times” between 2011 and 2014. And remember Epstein had already admitted guilt to two Florida charges of “solicitation of prostitution” and one count of “solicitation of prostitution with a minor under the age of 18.”

Strangely, the world’s second-richest man and a convicted pedophile met many times, and inquiring minds want to know why.

It seems money (or world domination) makes strange bedfellows.

Ninety-two-year-old George Soros (“who broke the bank of England”) wants to install a world government headed by the United Nations, and he has given $32 billion to leftist causes such as Black Lives Matter, Defund the Police, etc. In a La Republica interview on August 11, 2020, he called for an American revolution against President Trump! He is ready to replace him with his own ilk.

The biggest bad daddy is Klaus Schwab founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) who wants to see the philosophical descendants of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Joseph Stalin run the world. You know, like the excellent job they did in Russia, Ukraine, Romania, etc.

Schwab describes the WEF’s mission as “shaping global, regional and industry agendas” and “improving the state of the world.” He and his henchmen are not bashful in informing us what they plan to do. Schwab declared, “That it is now far easier to manipulate with precision the human genome within viable embryos means that we are likely to see the advent of designer babies in the future who possess particular traits or who are resistant to specific diseases.”

Dr. Yuval Noah Harari is a spokesman for Schwab and the WEF and is also the most dangerous and devious man I have ever heard. He declared rather nonchalantly, “Humans are now ‘hackable animals’” warning that humans no longer possess “free will” and are set to be “re-engineered” by Bill Gates.

This dude is no minor leaguer since he speaks of “creating non-organic entities.” That means they will make “entities” from non-human matter. Man has always wanted to play God. He can now create! Wow, we have now arrived.

Arrived where?

He and Schwab think grandiosely, grotesquely, and globally declaring, “The (COVID) pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” It will be done over again in their own image. They are often clever but seldom wise.

All in preparation for the universal Mark that will facilitate the purchase of gas, food, and all essential items.

All these Big Time Operators (BTOs) effuse wisdom, knowledge, empathy, and all the good stuff; but they only mention God or Jesus in derision and never speak of personal accountability. And they expect us not to laugh when they ask us to trust them with our nation, economy, freedom, Constitution, etc.

I wouldn’t trust these jerks to walk my dog.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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America’s Financial House of Cards is Teetering: Pray, Plan, Prepare! Fri, 07 May 2021 16:22:02 +0000 I am yelling fire because fire is raging. Mixing metaphors, the storm is not coming; it’s already here. America’s financial house of cards will fall, taking other nations with her. Thoughtful Conservatives must inform people of imminent danger because families will be disrupted, businesses will fail, couples will be divorced, and children will suffer immeasurably.

The economy has faltered, is failing, and will fall.

I see no way out of the coming collapse. Sometimes politicians make such a mess of things that there is no way to correct or solve the mess. It’s almost like being in a small boat on a raging sea, unsure how far you are from the coast you left and the distance to where you hope to dock. You keep going hoping to stay afloat; however, our “boat” is overwhelmed with accelerating debt.

As of May of 2021, the outstanding national debt of the United States is $28,300,000,000,000.00. Every man, woman, and child in the United States owes $84,000 for their share of the U.S. public debt, plus $3,800 state debt and local debt of $6,300. That is overwhelming, outrageous, and obscene.

I no longer feel alone or like the boy who cried “wolf.” Since my earlier predictions of the end of the boom followed by gloom and doom, everything is screaming support for that position. It is my opinion the coming collapse will be worse than I thought!

As I’ve proved for decades while traveling throughout Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and Africa, the dollar is the world’s currency. I seldom change dollars into the currency of the nation I’m visiting, and I’ve never had dollars refused. However, the dollar is worth less and will soon be worthless!

A prominent Russian official prophesied that the U.S. will experience a moral and economic breakdown resulting in civil war and break into six distinct parts. In recent months, there has been much discussion of some parts of the U.S. withdrawing from the Union! It seems commentators and television hosts are making predictions more ominous than mine!

The current Second American Revolution, with its attendant riots, lootings, killings, political maleficence, financial opportunism, and partisan compromise, magnifies our problems.

Russia, China, and Iran are not disappointed or distressed with our financial woes but are delighted. However, the murderous, malevolent masters in Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran don’t seem to understand that as goes America, so goes the world.

Taking a slap at the dollar in 2019, China and Russia agreed to use their currencies instead of dollars for reciprocal trading. This action of the two major Communist nations reduced the dollar’s use from 90 percent in 2015 to only 46 percent in 2020. Our “friends” in the European Union are delighted with that decision to ditch the dollar.

Many nations have lost confidence in the dollar and joined the “ditch the dollar” club, including China, Russia, the UK, India, Turkey, Iran, Venezuela, France, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and others. Russia (the world’s largest natural gas producer and third in oil) has decided to sell its natural resources in rubles instead of U.S. dollars, although half its total trade with the U.S. is in dollars.

In 2019, the South China Morning Post reported that Beijing and Moscow intend to “ditch the U.S. dollar and switch to local currencies in international trade,” trying to cut their dependence on U.S. currency.

I think all this is headed toward a worldwide currency à la the world court, world church, and world government with a world military. With that in mind, it might be wise to join the “ditch the dollar” club for something more reliable such as precious metals. Russia’s flight from the dollar “has pushed the share of gold in Russia’s $583 billion international reserves above dollars for the first time on record.”

I believe in a few months, we will be where the Egyptians were in Genesis 47:15 when “the money failed.” During those days in Egypt, the main concern was food. That is what I have been saying for years. Your concern will not be vacations, television, sports, hobbies, or even your job but “how will I feed my family today.”

When the dollar has totally collapsed, you will understand why informed people have always purchased gold and silver for survival during turbulent times. After the currency fails, anything of value will be held rather than unwanted, unusable, and unsupported dollars, marks, pesos, rubles, etc.

Between WW I and WW II in Germany, the people lost confidence in the German mark and ran from it as if their hair was on fire. By November of 1923, it took 4,210,500,000,000 German marks to equal one U.S. dollar! Germans literally burned paper marks to heat their homes since that was cheaper than buying coal.

By then, the Germans rushed away from the mark toward “things.” That is things that could be felt, seen, used, sold, or traded if necessary. Accordingly, they wanted the highest value item with the least volume—diamonds, gold, antiques, art, vacation homes, even “useless items—bric-a-brac, soap, hairpins.” Fearful and desperate Germans bought things that could be bartered for necessary items like food, water, soap, lumber, tools, etc.

I think that barter will become the norm for Americans in the next couple of years, if not sooner.

Furthermore, I think the Dow will plummet below 5,000, but that opinion is not based on economics or some financial formula. It is a general conviction based on numerous criteria. My opinions are philosophically and theologically based.

It is impossible to justify the reckless spending of trillions of dollars. Few are asking about whether or not massive expenditures are constitutional. I don’t know one politician who is concerned about the massive giveaway being justified by COVID.

No health issue or any other issue has priority over the U.S. Constitution.

The giving of thousands of dollars to families (many not in financial need) would have been rejected, even ridiculed, a few decades ago. Public money is being used to cover private losses without any constitutional support. Furthermore, massive corporations considered too big to fail are being bailed out by taxpayers to protect shareholders who morally and legally should take the risk. The shareholders bought into companies hoping for huge profits and are now being protected against massive losses.

Something seems to be askew here for a free enterprise republic. But that is very normal for a Socialist nation.

Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and all Socialists of the world would stand up and cheer Biden and what’s-her-name Harris for implementing their far-left agenda.

No one asks why the Los Angeles Times should receive a $10 million loan for salaries and benefits to employees even though it is owned by a wealthy couple. The top honcho whined, “We lost tens of millions of dollars in advertising revenue pretty much instantly in March 2020.”

So what! Americans are not responsible for propping up private businesses. It’s called “free enterprise,” where each businessperson takes financial risks to make it or go belly up.

Thousands of bars and restaurants received grants of $10,000 to keep them afloat. Why? If they fail, others will take their place. When I started a publishing company to produce Christian school and home school curricula in Indianapolis decades ago, it never entered my mind that someone might artificially keep me afloat. When sales were low in the winter, my people went without salaries, as they understood that would happen. They were paid when business improved in the early spring and summer.

Recently, billions of dollars bailed out cities and states that spent tax dollars as if they were going to expire, and most of those cities and states are run by irresponsible Democrats. Plus, they took tax dollars and dumped them into state pension plans that have lost money for decades while paying generous pensions.

Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing you helped bail out Democrat-controlled cities and pension funds that have been used to radicalize Americans for decades?

Even Utah was given 1.5 billion dollars, yet they have a 1.5 billion dollar surplus and a Republican governor.

Wow! Why are crowds not marching in the streets with pitchforks and buckets of tar and bags of feathers for those who voted for such nonsense? Where is President Grover Cleveland with his veto pen when he is needed? We must stop spending money without constitutional support. The reluctance to spend other peoples’ money used to be a virtue; now, it is considered a vice.

Someone needs to tell Biden he cannot spend his way to national prosperity, just as you can’t fornicate your way to virginity.

However, most officials and most Americans don’t seem to be concerned about gross unfairness and illegal use of federal funds forcibly taken from beleaguered taxpayers. Present-day conservatives are not very conservative. And present-day Christians are not very Christian.

When resentment reaches a critical mass by people who lose their jobs, homes, businesses, and autos, it often prompts strikes, food riots, racial hatred, civil disobedience, and anarchy. Angry homeowners will resist being evicted, darkened streets will be vacated, and malls will become black holes after dark.

Schools will be almost empty as teachers are laid off, and it will not be safe for kids to be on the streets even during the day, as is true in London now. Home invasions will be as common as ants at a picnic. Without state funds, the streets and roads will become almost impossible to navigate.

Roaming bands of criminals will take advantage of the situation preying upon helpless citizens first in the cities then on the countryside. They know people in the country usually have more food than city folks do. Local police and deputized civilians will be stationed at each city’s interstate interchanges to keep the thugs from entering smaller towns around metropolitan areas.

If Biden and the anti-gun crowd have their way, there will be shootouts reminiscent of the O. K. Corral. Probably, the National Guard will enforce oppressive gun laws. In that case, most of those soldiers will probably refuse to shoot their neighbors, with possible United Nations troops replacing them to enforce unconstitutional laws.

With fewer jobs, there will be less state and federal tax revenue, so don’t look to the state or federal government for help. If Social Security checks fail to arrive, look for a big bunch of gray-haired guys storming the courthouses in every county.

The health care system will finally fail, leaving us on our own to deal with plagues imported from Mexico and other third-world nations. The Mexican Government will probably fall within a few months with even more illegal aliens crossing our border to “safety.” That safety could be an illusion as Americans take the law into their own hands and defend their property. The Rio Grande may run red with blood.

The entertainment industry will be bare-bones as sane people stop paying to attend silly third-rate movies, and television will be mostly news, reruns, and documentaries. Professional sports will become history, having run themselves into the ground. Female sports will be the first to go because of the transgender insanity.

Churches will experience a rise in attendance and a steep decline in revenue. Missionaries will be (actually are now being) sent home to discover they have traded one disaster for another. Some will remain in their countries to live and serve. However, this time will be an opportunity for Christians to act like Christians as we seek to help those who are hurting most.

As in the early church days, pagans were amazed at Christians suffering without complaining and reacting with concern for their enemies. During times of epidemic diseases during the Middle Ages, Christians cared for the dying, often giving their lives in support of others.

Many megachurches will fold and be turned into government distribution centers.

Life will come down to this: you must have God, groceries, gold, and guns. That fact makes knees jerk across America (left ones, of course).

Rich in oil, Texas has a 16 billion barrel crude-oil reserve, yet it was no comfort for Texans recently who shivered in the unheated homes (without water). When the power came back on, some homeowners received power bills of $17,000! Astute citizens of the U.S. should get the message: you must protect yourself. Don’t trust the government or any entity to take care of you and your family.

Batten down the hatches and lash yourself to the mast. Go out today and purchase necessities, i.e., what you must have to survive. The storm will rage for years.

The fat lady is standing in the wings, clearing her throat.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Is COVID-19 Vaccine Safe and Effective, and Should You Get It? Tue, 24 Nov 2020 14:23:03 +0000 The world is spinning, staggering, and struggling from the Chinese coronavirus now called COVID-19 to conceal the fact that it came from China. The jury is still out whether it was manmade or natural and whether it was released accidentally or used by the Chinese Communist Party as germ warfare. As of today, there have been more than 12 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the U.S. and more than 260,000 deaths.

However, many of the deaths are suspect since gunshot deaths, heart attacks, etc., were classified as COVID-19. Hospitals are paid much more if deaths are COVID deaths. As always, follow the money. It would be helpful (and honest) if any health official speaking to the media, be required to inform the public if that official holds any relevant patents or any stock in any relevant drug or vaccine company.

It is not commonly known that 56 individual patents were discovered to be owned or shared by one or more members of committees within the Centers for Disease Control. However, I don’t think the CDC sells masks—yet.

There has been much controversy as to whether masks are useful or useless against COVID; however, a Danish study, released November 18, suggests “face masks did not significantly protect wearers from the coronavirus compared to those without masks.” The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, may determine and terminate the mask debate.

The issue is bigger than whether a mask helps protect from COVID or not: does any entity of government have the authority to require masks? The “experts” have been all over the map about this. Moreover, the worldwide lockdowns have been one of the most contentious, challenged, combative, and caustic decisions government officials have made. The charge is made that Socialists in the U.S. government want to destroy the present system to build upon its ashes a utopian society.

Whether true or not, the lockdowns have destroyed most of America’s restaurants and almost crippled travel-related businesses. That is true globally. It seems the cure is worse than the curse by destroying society.

President Trump pushed and bribed health officials and pharmaceutical companies to accelerate efforts to develop a vaccine that would be given freely to Americans. Many billions of tax dollars were spent to accomplish that purpose. We are told that two vaccines are about ready, and both are 95% effective. Another one will be ready in January.

Let me remind you that we have been given medical assurances regarding other diseases with some massive medical failures such as the thalidomide scandal in the 1950s, the HIV-tainted blood scandal in Japan in the 1980s, the swine flu in 2009, and others. WebMD admitted the flu vaccine for the 2018–2019 season was only 29 percent effective and the vaccine for the 2014-15 flu season was only 19% effective.

But you can trust the COVID vaccine.

Only medical morons or political physicians (but then I repeat myself) would assert that any vaccine or drug is always safe for anyone.

Recently, a nurse at Neighborcare Health clinic in Seattle incorrectly administered a flu shot to a lady instead of her quarterly birth control injection, and she was permanently disabled.

I have some pertinent questions: Are these new vaccines safe? Are they effective? Are there any side effects? Do they contain mercury or formaldehyde, or aluminum, or are they made with aborted baby parts? Do I have a right to refuse vaccination if I think there may be more harm in the vaccine than in the disease? Will my government that permits mothers and physicians to kill over a million unborn babies annually, often at taxpayers’ expense, permit me to choose not to be vaccinated?

It is a confirmed fact by the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University that current vaccines “for hepatitis A, chickenpox, smallpox, measles, rubella, rabies, poliomyelitis are all made using a cell line from fetuses aborted long ago.”

So, society killed healthy, unborn babies, but the corollary is COVID victims can live because of their deaths.

The package of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine clearly admits: “MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5),” which is “a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts, originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted Caucasian male fetus.” The mother was a healthy 27-year-old who aborted for psychological reasons. That usually is a cover for the fact the baby would be an inconvenience to the mother, so get rid of the baby, so mom can fit into her best party dress.

The following vaccines contain these MRC-5 cells: “Polio vaccine (inactivated/IPV) & Oral Polio (live virus) drops; Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine/MMR (Rubella component); Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis vaccine (DTaP/TdP); Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine & Shingles (zoster) vaccine; Hepatitis A vaccine; and Rabies vaccine.”

Bishop Joseph Strickland of the Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas, courageously objected to the use of aborted babies to produce vaccines. He wrote, “So sad…even with Covid-19 we are still debating the use of aborted fetal tissue for medical research…let me go on record…if a vaccine for this virus is only attainable if we use body parts of aborted children, then I will refuse the vaccine…I will not kill children to live.”

Very few Baptist pastors have taken such a courageous position.

American, Canada, and the United Kingdom are being ripped apart by the longtime controversy of vaccine safety. There are educated, honest people on both sides of this debate, as well as deep-pocket publishers, pharmaceutical companies, research universities, and medical bigots.

And a few fringe fanatics on the left and right who have more toes than teeth add controversy, color, and conflict to the discussion.

What often goes unmentioned is that the American Medical Association does not insist on mandatory vaccinations! Keep that fact in mind while reading this column. The thought of forcing any American to take a drug, or treatment, or vaccination is nothing short of tyranny, totalitarianism, and a substantial amount of thuggery.

Every American has the liberty to decide what he or she wants to do with their body as long as a pregnancy is not involved. In a day when the argument is made that a woman can decide to kill her own unborn baby, a person can decide what gender he/she/it is, whether one can decide if he or she is black or white; then a substantial argument can be made that I have a right to decide if I am to have a foreign substance shot into my body or the body of my child.

Vaccine fanatics are almost cultic toward those who are critical of vaccinations; they are almost as bad as those who believe one is irresponsible if he refuses to take chemotherapy or radiation for cancer. Admittedly, some anti-vaccine zealots are almost as forceful as their opponents; however, their passion is understandable since it is their children (or themselves) being dragged, kicking and screaming to get the shot that they think may injure or kill them.

From the beginning, everyone must admit that it can often be dangerous when anything is added to a human body. One of American’s greatest thinkers and theologians, Jonathan Edwards, died because of a smallpox vaccination. Plus, there have been many deaths following a flu shot, and others have been paralyzed. No one but a fool or fanatic will allege that vaccinations are always safe.

Peter Doshi is a postdoctoral fellow from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who was critical of flu shots in his first paragraph of “Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease” published in the British Medical Journal. He wrote, “Closer examination of influenza vaccine policies shows that although proponents employ the rhetoric of science, the studies underlying the policy are often of low quality, and do not substantiate officials’ claims. The vaccine might be less beneficial and less safe than has been claimed, and the threat of influenza appears overstated.”

Doshi closed his article with, “It’s no wonder so many people feel that “flu shots” don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.”

Even if the new vaccines are successful, the virus is mutating and could even become more lethal, making the much-vaunted vaccines totally unreliable or even deadly. We have been told that there were no major side effects from the top three vaccine makers, though no person on earth can guarantee no long-term side effects. No one.

However, the Observer reported in late October, “In the U.S., there are four companies that are in the final stage of testing their COVID-19 vaccines: Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson. All of them have reported side effects in trial participants after giving the shots.”

The AMA’s Code of Ethics states, “Physicians should sensitively and respectfully disclose all relevant medical information to patients.” However, that is not being observed by some health personnel today. I know of patients who have been berated, bullied, and booted from a physician’s office for asking questions about a vaccine’s ingredients and side effects. Of course, patients should leave such a doctor’s office without paying and warn others of his arrogant ignorance and belligerency.

Other medical dummies (M.D.s) have even threatened to report challenging parents to the authorities for refusal to vaccinate a child while some children have been removed from their homes because of an ignorant, immature, and insensitive physician.

I am against using any vaccine on recently ill children or multiple vaccines on small children. Nor should any vaccine be used that contains aborted baby cells, formaldehyde, mercury, or aluminum. Producing vaccines is like making sausage; you don’t want to watch them dump numerous dangerous ingredients together.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is “one of the most closely watched COVID-19 vaccines” and is expected to be available in January. The notice on the packaging of the AstraZeneca Vaccine warns, “The MHRA Urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Software tool to process the EXPECTED HIGH VOLUME of Covid 19 Vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and insure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction tests are missed.” (Emphasis in the original.)

I assume you took note of the EXPECTED HIGH VOLUME of adverse drug reactions.

Most Americans don’t know that if a vaccine kills or injures a person for life, they have no way to hold the maker or health provider responsible. Vaccine makers have federal immunity from prosecution! Wonder why they need federal protection if the vaccines are safe and effective.

To be effective, the Pfizer vaccine must be kept at minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit to remain useable. What happens if a careless health worker inoculates a patient using a sample that has lost its cool? At what temperature does it become ineffective or dangerous? According to the Daily Mail, the vaccine “has no serious side effects,” but no expert knows what happens if a non-frozen dose is given.

Natural News reported, “A new paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) attempts to make the case that people who refuse a future vaccine for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) should no longer be allowed to work and make a living….” Or even travel to see your grandkids. It is strange that a health magazine is now doing politics.

In a BBC article Will Travel Be Safer By 2022?, travelers are told what to expect when they travel in the age of COVID. Namely, that they will need to present their vaccination record via a “digital tattoo.” When they arrive at their destination, they “would present the customs officers with an entrance visa and a vaccination record. That could be a paper card – or a tiny tattoo on their arm, invisible to the naked eye but readable by an infrared scanner.”

If you take the vaccine to protect your life, you will be setting a precedent to take a little mark on your hand to buy, sell, work, travel, use insurance, etc.

Especially etc.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Historically, Officials Lied About Looming Disasters as China Is Doing! Thu, 02 Apr 2020 00:09:10 +0000 In my study of major disasters in history, the normal reaction of city, state, and national leaders was to dismiss, delay, disparage, deny, and deceive. I am trying to be gracious but many officials lie to cover their incompetence, inadequacies, and inaction.

It has happened in all ages, in all societies, in all circumstances.

During the London plague in 1665, it was no different, although no doubt the city officials were fearful of panic. Politicians usually think they are far more responsible than are ordinary citizens.

London officials deceived the populace by underreporting the number of deaths in the city. Daniel Defoe wrote in A Journal of the Plague Year, “The burials in St. Giles’s were fifty-three, a frightful number, of whom they set down but nine of the plague. But on an examination more strictly by the justices of the peace, and at the lord mayor’s request, it was found there were twenty more who were really dead of the plague in that parish, but had been set down of the spotted fever, or other distempers, besides others concealed.”

The city officials concealed the number of deaths of plague and identified other plague deaths as having other causes. Astute residents of the part of London where the deaths were happening noticed that there were far more funerals than deaths reported.

Evidently, politicians don’t think ordinary citizens can count.

During the influenza epidemic of 1918, so much of the poor handling of the official response stemmed from the fact that newspapers were encouraged not to write anything that would damage “morale” during World War I. Government censors played down the epidemic using the war as a reason.

Few Americans will believe it but our government, in fact, the United States Public Health Service permitted 399 black men to die without giving them the medicine that could have totally cured them! It started in 1932 and was called the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.” Health officials wanted to know the natural history of untreated syphilis so they went to Alabama and found 600 poor black sharecroppers from Macon County.

In late 1932, Macon County was flooded with fliers promising “colored people” special medical treatment for “bad blood.” Blacks in the “colored” part of town read the government pitch: “Free Blood Test; Free Treatment, By County Health Department and Government Doctors,” the black and white signs said. “YOU MAY FEEL WELL AND STILL HAVE BAD BLOOD. COME AND BRING ALL YOUR FAMILY.”

There were 600 Guinea pigs divided into two groups: 200 without syphilis and 399 with syphilis. Over 40 years, the men were watched by health officials as they died. At their death, their ravaged bodies were examined to discover what the vicious disease had done to them.

The victims were told that they would get free medical care from the government plus meals and free burial insurance and the study would last six months. It lasted 40 years. The victims were told they had “bad blood” a euphemism for syphilis, anemia, and other illnesses. None were told it was a syphilis study or that they would never be treated. The treatment at the time had 50% success. Penicillin had been discovered in 1941 and every life could have been saved with a shot of penicillin. But the researchers wanted to know what advanced syphilis would do to the human body.

The 399 Blacks were not even told they had a deadly disease, one that could now be cured easily; however, they were permitted to die an agonizing death—by their government!

In 1997, President Bill Clinton formally apologized and held a ceremony at the White House for surviving Tuskegee study participants. It did not help the dead victims or the 40 wives that were infected by their husbands or additionally, alleviate the pain, sorrow, and the horror of the surviving children, nineteen of whom were born with syphilis.

We must remember that even health officials, at best, are human with all the human frailties: they make mistakes, lie, exaggerate, and can be incompetent. The Wall Street Journal revealed that the official figures reported by Chinese officials for this pestilence are vastly underreported by simply falsifying death certificates. Coronavirus deaths are listed as pneumonia.

There have been many reports of stacks of body bags at hospitals in Wuhan that were taken to crematoriums and burned without being added to the official record. At one hospital, a woman said, “I have been working all day long. Now I am off duty. I took off around 4 p.m. I have been crying my eyes out. The infection is much more horrible than it’s reported on TV.”

Continuing their path of deception, China is now accusing America of being the source of the coronavirus! But then, Communists have a record of lying as the World Health Organization (WHO) got the Chinese officials to admit that the SARs problem in 2003 was “nearly 10 times worse than had been admitted.” But then, you can always trust Communists to lie. It’s part of their DNA.

Furthermore, from television news, it would not be surprising if this virus were started by the toilet paper industry.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Your Future: Economic Meltdown for Decades! Thu, 17 Sep 2015 00:14:24 +0000 My predictions are not based on special revelation from God, just common sense and knowledge of public affairs. I also believe you can’t go wrong if you depend on sinful man being sinful man! My four-fold prediction for the next 12 months: (1) there will be major political battles in Congress that will bruise egos and destroy careers. (2) there will be very bloody racial killings in many major cities that will be considered a race war. (3) I also think that Islamic terrorists will strike the U.S. mainland with repeated, devastating blows turning most Americans against all Muslims. (4) I think the economy will meltdown with results lasting for decades! And I’m an optimist!

In the last few years the world has seen one economy grow like never in world history—China has exploded on the world scene. A few years ago China made no laptops and now makes more than 40% of them that are sold worldwide. They produce about 40% of the world’s cell phones and half the shoes of the world! The Chinese make the television sets and Americans watch them. Chinese peasants are saving 40% of their meager incomes and Americans are saving none! Of course, since we spend 10% more than we make, it is impossible to save.

China’s economy has slowed and they have sold 520 billion dollars in U.S. Treasury Bills in the past 15 months! They are dumping their U.S. debt; moreover, this month China announced that they purchased 600 tons of gold in one month! What does China know that others don’t know? Furthermore, economists believe that China is not dumping dollars because of retaliation against the U.S. but because of massive internal problems.

Millions of U.S. jobs have been lost to Mexico, India, and the rest of the world. Bankruptcies, personal and corporate, are at an all-time high. Detroit; Jefferson City, AL; Orange County, CA; Stockton, CA; and San Bernardino, CA have gone bankrupt to the tune of billions of dollars. And note that three of the five are located in California ruled by “Moonbeam” Brown.

Montgomery Ward, a solid fixture in America’s past, has been long dead and not even known by many Americans. Gone is Enron, Pacific Gas and Electric, Radio Shack and others! A & P is gasping for breath and will be dead in a few months; a sickly Kmart (who bought sickly Sears) and J.C. Penny are in their death throes; Abercrombie & Fitch is dying for which no one should mourn; even IBM is valiantly struggling to stay alive. GM and Chrysler are still breathing only because U.S. taxpayers (Obama) bailed them out of deep water. The clock is ticking and Americans are sleeping. But “after all, this is America” and “it can never be like it was during the Great Depression.” Can it?

However, financial experts like James Cook say otherwise: “In a country where savings are negligible, spoiled and pampered people are commonplace, millions of people enjoy subsidies and half the people can’t scrape a thousand bucks together, you have the formula for national bankruptcy,… and confiscatory government.”

Michael O’Higgins, Money Manager answers, “When you say it can’t be like 1929 through 1931 [when stocks lost 89 percent of their value], you’re right. It could be worse.” Fear mongering? No, just the facts.

Dr. Kurt Richebacher, financial wizard was asked: What’s the nature of this recession you predict? He answered: “It will prove unusually severe and long.”

Bill Buckler, wrote, “Asian Central Banks alone hold $US 1.4 TRILLION in liquid U.S. ‘paper.’ If just a part of this immense stock of funds lent to the U.S. were to start to run for the exits, the entire U.S. financial system would be forced up against a wall and then off a cliff.” The stampede has started. In the January 23, 2004 issue of the Asian Times they opined: “All Beijing has to do is to mention the possibility of a sell order going down the wires. It would devastate the U.S. economy more than any nuclear strike.”

We are told by the talking heads on television that the stock market will bounce back, but they don’t tell viewers that the market also bounced back following the crash in 1929 only to crash later! Besides there is more to the economy than the stock market.

While I am by no means a financial expert I can read graphs and make comparisons. I would not be in the stock market except for gold and silver stocks or unless the funds I invested in had some kind of insurance guarantee. But then if the whole economy goes down the tubes, most “guarantees” would be worthless. I would use any “bounce” in the market to get out especially if I could make a profit. Then I would put that money in rental property. In most areas you can purchase doublewide mobile homes for a very reasonable amount and rent them for $600 or more per month. Before making a commitment you should check all local ordinances to make sure there are no prohibitions regarding mobile homes.

Try to scale down your lifestyle in preparation for difficult times ahead. Do you (or your adult children) really need such an expensive home? Or automobile? Why not purchase a smaller home or smaller car? It is incredible that so many homeowners are paying $1000 and $1,200 per month for a home when they can hardly make the payments. Many have second mortgages having been told to “take your cash value” in your home; however, your home isn’t a life insurance policy. It is your home. And home prices fluctuate. Very foolish people take a second mortgage on their home to purchase other items or to pay monthly bills! That is a scenario for disaster. You can’t borrow yourself into financial freedom just as you can’t fornicate your way back to virginity.

The money managers in the U.S. Government have kept interest rates down so that young couples find it difficult to resist borrowing to finance their high standard of living, but such decisions are insane. Thus far, it has worked. In fact, that has probably been what has kept our nation from going bankrupt but Ludwig von Mises was right when he advised: “Expansion of credit does lead to a boom at first, it is true, but sooner or later this boom is bound to crash and bring about a new depression.”

Those of you who are in your 60s should look very closely at your finances. If you have a choice of taking a lump sum retirement or monthly payments, I would go with the lump sum. Many pension plans are billions of dollars underfunded. I don’t mean to scare you but some funds may not survive the next two years. Washington insiders are very concerned about pension plans, and the federal insurer undergirding 31,000 U.S. pension plans confessed that there are “multi-faceted and profound challenges” ahead for Americans.

It is time to reevaluate your financial position, and make decisions to cover various contingencies whenever possible. Simplify your life, scale down your lifestyle, and get out of debt.

The party is almost over. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Churches in China: Complex, Confusing, Convoluted! Sat, 13 Jul 2013 18:20:29 +0000 China has a complex, confusing, and convoluted religious structure; however, there is no question that it is having one of the greatest revivals in history! There are more real Christians in China than in America! Chinese Christians have been crushed since the Reds took over (with the help of the U.S. State Department!) in 1949, and that persecution has resulted in prodigious spiritual fruit. Could the “good life” that U.S. churches have experienced be one reason we aren’t seeing much fruit in America?

The Chinese leaders are atheists who hate the churches but realize that it is impossible to wipe out all Christians, so they are trying to control them through registration. (In the U.S. the powers-that-be control churches through 501(c) (3) status!) The Chinese leaders consider all groups they cannot control as a threat to their power which, of course, is true.

The Religious Affairs Bureau tries to control all religion and insists that all churches register with the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM). Three Self refers to self-supporting, self-perpetuating, and self-governing. “Self-governing!” That’s a joke but Christians aren’t laughing–only languishing in prison.

The Communist leadership permits registered churches to exist but doesn’t permit worship outside of the approved churches and limited designated hours. It is illegal to teach the Bible to children under 18, and preaching “excessively” about the Second Coming of Christ and other eschatological issues is also frowned upon. Admittedly, TSPM has many dedicated Christians and many evangelical pastors; however, they are controlled in many areas of religious activities. And that control varies from city to city and time to time.

On the other hand, there are millions of Chinese Christians who refuse to register with the government and they meet in illegal “house churches.” China has far more of these illegal churches than there are legal, registered churches. In the U. S. and Canada, almost all churches are registered through incorporation.

According to Christianity Today (Feb, 2013), “Most Protestants in the ‘house church’ movement have vast theological differences with the TSPM and view its leadership as complicit in past and ongoing persecution.” But the defining issue between the two groups is registering with the government thereby getting official approval to do God’s work.

UPI on February 6, 2004 reported that China’s official Protestant denomination boasts that the Communist government is giving $3.5 million to help build two large church buildings each of which will seat 1500 people. So the Commies (haven’t heard that word in a long time, have you?) have decided that they can’t destroy them so they will join them as long as they can control them. And those capitulating Chinese Christians don’t know that what the government (any government) funds, it runs.

To qualify as a “registered” church they must have a committee of five to run the church and the committee must be approved by the Religious Affairs Bureau. Moreover, the pastor must have the approval of the TSPM. Alex Buchan says there are three formal restrictions called the “three designates” that govern the churches. They are: “designated pastor, designated place of worship, and designated sphere of ministry.” In some provinces an approved church must have a preacher’s certificate, a baptism certificate, and a registration certificate, all issued by the Three Self Patriotic Movement! They must also use only books that are government approved.

All thinking Christians would conclude that those restrictions are outrageous; however, many Chinese Christians in the government-approved churches defend them as progress! They are quick to point out that official churches did not exist 25 years ago, and since 1990, they have increased from 6,000 to more than 13,000 churches under state control. Their membership during that time has increased from 5 million to almost 15 million. So what’s the big deal about some state control? It seems that American pastors ask the same question!

While there are many committed Chinese Christians in the registered churches (as there are in U.S. registered churches) there are still massive problems, not the least of which is the Scriptural position of Christ as Lord of His church. If the government (any government) is head of the church, it is impossible for Christ to be. After all, anything with two heads is a monstrosity.

One pastor told about Religious Affairs Bureau officials who came to his legally registered church and sat in the front where they drank beer, smoked and talked while TSPM pastors treated them royally and almost kissed their rings. As a result, numerous laymen left the church to join with illegal “house church” Christians.

Millions of dedicated Chinese Christians have done the same thing: They refuse to be identified with registered churches and have fled them to serve Christ and worship in illegal “house churches,” and to suffer the consequences. Government persecution of churches is not simply a few political thugs throwing their weight around but is a definite policy of the Communist Government to take control of all religious institutions. They have discovered that the “house churches” are impossible to control and have stepped up harassment, arrests, fines, beatings, loss of jobs and property, detention, rape and torture while detained, and long prison terms–for refusing to register down at the local commissar’s office.

These committed Chinese Christians are excellent examples to Christians in the free world who are members of approved, accredited, and accommodating churches. Most of these Christians in the free world are so uninformed that they don’t even know there is an issue of cowardice, compromise, and capitulation.

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Church Conditions in China: A Little Compromise is Acceptable! Tue, 09 Jul 2013 01:19:01 +0000 Many Christians in China attend an officially registered church and an illegal house church and there are even incidents of the government-approved Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) churches permitting unregistered house churches to meet in their building! But not very often! The illegal house-church movement has about 100 million worshippers nationwide, experts agree, and the registered churches have about 15 million! The outstanding success of the unregistered churches is one reason for resentment and suspicion between house churches and state-controlled congregations.

Sadly, there have been many cases of TSPM pastors who have turned in their pastor/brethren across town who served in illegal churches! WORLD magazine reported that “government crackdowns on local house-church networks often begins after a registered church official complains to local authorities about the underground worship activity.” What a tragedy, but that only shows what envy and jealousy produce.

Not only do unregistered church pastors get pressure from the Communist officials and TSPM pastors but evangelicals in the Free World are pressuring them to not be so “hard headed,” telling them to join the registered churches! It is said that the TSPM is not as bad as it used to be and Chinese Christians, especially the older ones, have been influenced too much by American hard-liners–Fundamentalists! Gasp! It seems Fundamentalists are the cause of leprosy, sun spots, and arthritis!

But the issue is not how bad the movement is or how corrupt the officials are. The question always comes back to, who is head of the church. Is it possible to serve two masters? Can church leaders permit any government entity to control them and still be true to the Word of God? Is a little compromise acceptable?

Christianity Today suggested critics of the official, government-controlled church in China consider TSPM as a “caged bird.” Is that what we are becoming in America? Have American pastors been locked into a cage called “tax deductibility”?

Thousands of China’s church leaders have been imprisoned in recent years, some for more than ten years. In November of 2003, Chinese officials closed 125 places of worship, affecting 3,000 Christians, and in March of 2004 more than 12 house churches were destroyed and over 300 Christians arrested and put on trial—secret trial. Another sign of a totalitarian regime. As of early 2013 at least one pastor is under a death sentence. Catholic churches are also controlled and have no contact or ties with the Vatican.

In September of 2004 32-year old Cai Zhuohua, leader of six unregistered churches in Beijing was arrested after the Chinese “Gestapo” found 200,000 Bibles in his warehouse. His wife, her brother and another relative were arrested earlier and are in prison. It is interesting that the government thugs did not charge them for illegal religious activities (for which they were obviously guilty) but for tax evasion and illegal business activities! The Bibles and religious literature were not to be sold but were given free to all. Hmmm, tax evasion and illegal business activities. Sounds familiar to me. Of course, thugs are thugs whether they are American or Chinese.

Samuel Lamb is a 70-year-old leader of an unregistered church in Canton who keeps a black case by his bed. It is packed with clothes and a toothbrush. He said, “If they want me to register, I just pick up the case and say, ‘take me to jail, I’m ready….I will never register.’ ” In fact, these courageous leaders consider jail as their seminary training!

George Chen is almost 70 years old. After the 1949 Communist revolution, Chen’s Christian work grew increasingly dangerous. He was jailed for religious activities in the 1950s, and in 1960, he was sentenced to hard labor at a prison in eastern China. His wife and son were still in Shanghai, and he saw little hope for survival. “They tried to make things really bad for me by putting me to work in the cesspool,” Timothy Morgan, in a Christianity Today article quotes Chen as saying. “I spent my days deep in human waste, turning it with a shovel to make compost. They thought I’d be miserable, but actually I was happy. It smelled so bad that no one would come near me, so I could pray and sing aloud all day.” In 1978 Chen was finally released, and discovered that the churches he planted had grown from the original 300 members to 5,000! All that time in prison because he would not be controlled by the state!

And of which the world is not worthy!

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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