civil rights – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MLK’s Seminary Papers Prove He was not a Scholar–or Believer! Tue, 10 Jan 2017 04:12:06 +0000 A person’s writing reveals much about himself or herself. I have spent many days reading Martin Luther King’s Crozer Seminary papers. They are very revealing as to what he believed and what his motives were. Note that these are not emails or notes to friends but academic papers with the presumption of scholarship. Furthermore, he had already been graduated from Morehouse College.

In plowing through King’s writings during the holidays, I found that he was very careless and poorly educated. He often started a sentence with the first two letters in caps, he repeated words, and he left the suffix or “s” off words. Misspellings are numerous and he seldom used commas! He evidently did not know the difference in led and lead since he made that mistake many times. He also did not know that there is no word undermind confusing it with undermine. His work is not the quality of a seminary student but maybe an average college freshman!

King’s major problem was his heresy. He easily disassociated himself from traditional Christianity and it is shocking that so many Christians and Conservatives refuse to hold his feet to the theological fire. Principled people traffic in truth and eschew error in anyone and everyone. Such people do not bow to “sacred cows.”

In a paper written on the “Light on the Old Testament from the Ancient Near East,” I discovered eight spelling, punctuation, and composition mistakes in nine consecutive lines! Moreover, King posited the theological error that Scripture was subpoenaed to “appear before the judgement [sic] seat of reason.” He continued: “They realized that if they wanted to get an objective standard of reference they would they would [sic] have to go beyond the pages of the old [sic] testament [sic] into the path that lead [sic] to that locked door.” King was favoring the position that the Old Testament is not a reliable historical record.

He clearly asserted that the book of Jeremiah was not infallible. He also espoused the heretical view that the non-canonical books were as good as or better than the Old Testament books! “To my mind, many of the works of this period were infinitely more valuable than those that received canonicity. The materials to justify such statements are found mainly in the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha. These works, although presented pseudonymously, are of lasting significance to the Biblical student.” He is saying the contradictions, conflicts, and confusion of non-biblical books are better than the God-inspired books!

He also decided that the Genesis accounts of man’s creation and the Flood were not original–or accurate. King concluded that the writer of Genesis took information from the Gilgamesh Epic. King was like all unbelievers who jump at the opportunity to denounce, deny, and denigrate the Word of God and praise pagan literature.

King concludes his paper dealing with archeology and the Old Testament: “If we accept the Old Testament as being ‘true’ we will find it full of errors, contradictions, and obvious impossibilities–as that the Pentateuch was written by Moses.” No, the “contradictions” were in King’s life, not in the Scripture. And Moses did write the Pentateuch.

In a paper titled “What Experiences of Christians Living in the Early Christian Century Led to the Christian Doctrines of the Divine Sonship of Jesus, the Virgin Birth, and the Bodily Resurrection,” King let the kitty out of the sack as to his heresy. Note the title alone is incriminating. The doctrines of Christ did not come about because of “experiences” of the early Christians! They came about because the Holy Spirit moved upon men to write about eternal truths.

King declared, “But if we delve into the deeper meaning of these doctrines, [Christ’s deity, virgin birth, and physical resurrection] and somehow strip them of their literal interpretation, we will find that they are based on a profound foundation. Although we may be able to argue with all degrees of logic that these doctrines are historically and philolophically [sic] untenable.” Untenable means something that cannot be defended or maintained. You only thought you could defend the doctrines surrounding Christ.

He added, “Saint Paul and the early church followers could have never come to the conclusion that Jesus was divine if there had not been some uniqueness in the personality of the historical Jesus.” So the early Christians had no other reason to believe He was deity? What about His miraculous birth? What about walking on water? What about raising the dead? What about giving sight to the blind? What about rising from the dead? What about Christ’s declaration: “I and my Father are one.” No, no reason at all!

Returning to the divinity of Christ, King concluded: “So that the orthodox view of the divinity of Christ is in my mind quite readily denied. The true significance of the divinity of Christ lies in the fact that his achievement is prophetic and promissory for every other true son of man who is willing to submit his will to the will and spirit og [sic] God. Christ was to be only the prototype of one among many brothers.” So all men have the potential of being divine!

King was a great speaker, a crusader, and had courage but he was not a believer! He had no regard for truth. He can be respected for his contribution to civil rights but not revered, respected, and remembered as a Christian leader for that he was not.

My critics should remember Socrates’ concept that “a man must not be honored above the truth.” So, I won’t be honoring King this year as I have not in past years.

Boys’ eBook, Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character, Not His Color! is available at for $3.99.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Bruce Jenner Was Not, Is Not, and Will Never Be a Woman! Fri, 15 May 2015 15:36:50 +0000 Bruce Jenner is a former 1976 gold medal Olympic decathlon champion turned television personality. He achieved minor fame in various television episodes, but on national television, he recently professed to be a woman! He said that he has never been attracted to men and has always been heterosexual but now considers himself asexual. In a television interview he identified himself as a “transwoman.” It seems Bruce doesn’t know what he is.

“For all intents and purposes, I am a woman,” he told Diane Sawyer. “I was not genetically born that way and as of now I have all the male parts… But I still identify as female.” This kind of talk reveals that he has simply refused to accept reality. He can call himself a goat but that doesn’t change anything.

He was married for 24 years to Kris Jenner and fathered six children! Now, to most sane people that qualifies him as a male. For sure, he is not a female. Bruce, and others are rebelling against themselves in refusing to accept reality. His dream world is becoming a nightmare and you can watch it unfold on national television. Bruce seems to be grasping for some fleeting fame no matter how tawdry.

Former Senator Rick Santorum opined that we should “love and accept” Bruce whatever gender he decides to be! Rick has been correct on most of his comments on public issues; however, he is way out in left field with Jenner. Of course we must love Bruce no matter how many dumb decisions he makes but it is another thing to “accept” his body modification and any mutilation.

The former senator said “If he says he’s a woman, then he’s a woman,” but that is a stupid, senseless, silly statement. I can say I am the most handsome man in America; however, no one believes it and my own mirror refutes the statement.

Transgenders can self-identify as male, female, neither or both! Gender identity means an “individual’s actual or perceived gender,” but that is modern psychobabble. How about my self-perception as a concert pianist? I couldn’t sell enough tickets to fill a telephone booth! (Remember those?) Or a 40 year old who perceives himself as 70 and demands social security benefits. Or a community organizer who thinks he is president of the U.S.? Opps, got off topic. Daddy was right when he said, “The world is crazy as a bedbug.” Crazier.

While I have no official documentation of Jenner’s maleness, I can assume he is male. He looks male, sounds male, and has fathered children so most reasonable people, not driven by a perverse agenda, would declare his maleness. Bruce should look closely at the men who had their bodies mutilated to “become the woman they were” and note that they are still male. Note their large hands, wide hips, Adam’s apple, and their obvious other male features. No amount of mutilation or hormones can change that.

Radical leftists, always looking for a cause that proves their broadmindedness, have jumped on this bandwagon as the newest battle for “civil rights.” But it’s not civil and it’s not rights and if America keeps hurtling down the Road to Sodom, it will not be rights but rites. With the gross immorality, nudity, vulgar entertainment, pornography, same sex “marriage” and “anything goes” attitude this great nation is becoming Sodom with electricity.

The madness seems to be contagious and it is “caught” in the schools, media, the courts, and the legislatures. California has ruled that male athletes in public schools can play on girl’s teams if they identify as a female and will have complete access to the girl’s locker rooms! The ruling also applies to physical education classes. In fact, any teacher or other school employee is permitted to come to school in drag and boldly proclaim his or her “sexuality” and use the restroom of his or her choice. California is Sodom west.

San Francisco Democrat Tom Ammiano told the Los Angeles Times some parents may be uncomfortable with their children sharing restrooms with students of a different sex, but he said, “It’s also important to protect our children from prejudice.” Most parents are more concerned about protecting them from perverts and predators, not prejudice.

“There’s no trampling of other people’s rights,” he said. “There’s a recognition that other people have the same rights that you do.” Just a minute. Did he say that there was “no trampling of other people’s rights?” What about the rights of little girls to use a restroom without being leered at or worse by boys who don’t even know what they are?

Will churches be forced to provide transgendered restrooms? Of course they will, and some “evangelical” churches will try to justify it by “love,” “kindness,” and “Christlikeness.” One church in Washington, D.C., Calvary Baptist Church, ordained a woman who was previously ordained as a man, to the gospel ministry! That was “Baptist,” folks. It makes my skin crawl. He, she or it was educated at the George W. Truett Theological Seminary and pastored a church in central Texas. She is married to a woman who supports her change of life! Hand me a barf bag.

And a word to Bruce: You are a handsome man but a homely woman. You should get your mind fixed, not your genitalia! Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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