communism – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dad, a Philosopher With a Sixth-Grade Education, Was Right About the World! Mon, 06 Jun 2022 22:26:06 +0000  

My father was a successful businessman but uneducated, although very well informed with abundant common sense. He often said, “This world is crazy as a bedbug.” Bang, he hit it out of the park; he rang the bell; he was right on target. Too bad he was not a world leader.

Common sense is basic honest appraisal based on life’s experience. It is represented in the statement, “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it is probably a duck.” Truth is stranger than fiction, and the following facts prove Dad was right: the world is crazy as a bedbug.

Any choice of daily news will confirm my dad’s correct assessment.

Dr. Robert Levine is a man who changed his name (but not his gender) to Rachel and was appointed by allegedly sane President Biden and allegedly sane legislators to be Assistant Secretary for Health. He/she/it said in an interview that “there is no medical debate about whether children who claim they are transgender should receive ‘gender-affirming’ care.” Say what? What a stupid statement.

Furthermore, Dr. Levine has a former wife and two children, although homosexuals have no interest in the opposite sex, so I was informed.

He will not admit taking hormones or having vital body parts chopped off by mutilating medical doctors. He also refuses to admit to having a “husband.” And he/she/it works for you.

I would love to know what my Dad’s reaction would have been to Levine’ sex change.

Pedophile is such an offensive word (for such a despicable crime as sexually abusing children) that an assistant professor at Old Dominion University says we “should refer to people who feel sexual attraction towards children as ‘Minor Attracted Persons.’” It sounds better to say, “he is a MAP” rather than saying, “He is a degenerate pedophile.”

There is no doubt what my philosopher father would call pathetic perverts who prey on helpless children, but I will not use his colorful but accurate language.

Without exploding in laughter, a congressional witness confessed that some men can get pregnant and have an abortion. Some commonsense congressmen showed admirable restraint by not falling to the floor, holding their sides in raucous laughter. They simply noted that all nuts are not on trees or in California.

Baby killers can boast of killing 62 million innocent babies since 1970 and screaming feminists yell about a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. However, their abortion decision also ends the life of a human being with all the rights any other citizen has. What happened to the baby’s right to life? Screaming feminists declare their decision-making right but refuse to take responsibility for their decision to climb into bed with a baby producer, also known as a man in some sane circles. Neither does the man have a say in the matter even though he has equal responsibility.

Some black racists have opined that killing an unborn black baby is better than permitting a white family to make an adoption. Again, no one has asked the babies.

All Oregon public schools must have “menstrual products” in boys’ bathrooms with “instructions on using them.” The lawmakers (I have many more colorful and accurate names) sought to “affirm the right to menstrual dignity for transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and two-spirit students.”

Remember Dad’s words.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and assorted reverends multiply their frequent travel miles prodigiously as they pop up anywhere a buck can be made from another person’s misfortune. Usually, a person of color is shot for refusing to obey a police warning and sent on to his reward, and no one wants to discuss his criminal record, his crime, or his refusal to obey a clear warning. Still, they delight in producing a litany of admirable, amazing, and attractive (as well as absent) attributes of the deceased. His long rap sheet is concealed or denigrated, and the deceased is usually presented as a Nobel Prize winner waiting to be discovered.

Black charlatans warn us palefaces of our latent or hidden racism since we don’t join a macabre march into a fantasy world of planned police persecution. They all possess a much-deserved Ph.D. in the art of buffoonery, tomfoolery, and chicanery. These self-righteous preachers go months without doing what preachers do—preach the Good News of Christ’s sacrificial death and victorious resurrection.  They specialize in preaching Black Liberation and successfully liberating U.S. dollars from guilt-ridden corporations. Of course, they always have time to preach a high-profile funeral and take time from their schedules to do television interviews.

I am sure what my dad would call them, but I want my article to be published.

University educators with a Ph.D. (purchased from the back of a cereal box) declare that Blacks cannot be racists and all white people, being white, are automatically racists. Some black leaders say it is a crime to burn down a building to collect insurance, and you go to prison; however, if you burn down a building because someone has offended you and you are trying to make a point, you go free and are even admired by halfwits.

Assemblyman Miguel Santiago, Democrat from Los Angeles, introduced a bill to guarantee seven fundamental rights for every dog and cat in California. Such rights would be posted at every animal shelter and rescue group. Other animal rights include “a life of comfort, free of fear and anxiety; daily mental stimulation and appropriate exercise.” Oh, each animal is to have guaranteed health care. Not sure if it is Medicare or ObamaCare.

An analysis of CDC data by Dr. Meryl Nass found that vaccinated people in California and New York were three times more likely to develop COVID than those who had had prior immunity and were unvaccinated. Yet we are told we may need boosters every six months. And children who have almost no danger from COVID must go through the whole program of shots!

Isn’t child abuse still illegal everywhere?

During the Pope’s recent visit to Malta, he purposely replaced his backdrop with plastic water bottles rather than the cross of Jesus Christ. The Pope is very sensitive and didn’t want to anger Muslim migrants, but he did not consult millions of Catholics to whom he owes his plush existence as to what they thought. But then, they’re only paying the bills.

They should stop writing checks.

Prince Charles, soon to become King of Great Britain, thinks we should put a mask on all cows to affect climate change. Charles, a longtime royal fornicator, will rule Great Britain soon.  There must be a political virus infecting only world leaders like Biden, Putin, Zelenskyy, Prince Charles, Trudeau, Macron, etc. No vaccine has been developed for such a condition.

Prime Minister of Sweden admits to “Parallel Societies” in multicultural Sweden following Qur’an riots. Remember a few years ago when conservatives were ridiculed for speaking of “no-go zones” in France, Sweden, England, etc.? I wrote in Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! that European society would be overpowered by illegal and legal migrants with a different language, religion, education, and social standards. I wrote that England will no longer be England; France will no longer be France; Sweden will no longer be Sweden; and Germany will no longer be Germany.

And America will no longer be America.

Well, that time has arrived, and we are experiencing one of the most amazing shifts in civilization ever recorded.

America has been marching, almost hurtling toward a Socialist nation for decades, and informed people, including my dad, knew Socialism was the foyer to Communism. Not only is Communism evil, but it also doesn’t work. Think Cuba, Laos, Congo, and North Korea. If Communists took the Sahara Desert, they would have to import sand in five years.

Our nation is being destroyed in front of our eyes, and Americans think, “it can’t happen here” while it is happening here. If we follow the path we are traveling and beat our swords into plow shears while the descendants of Mau, Marx, Lenin, and Hitler still live, we are fools and will become dead fools.

And a dead nation.

America and the world are a farce, a fraud, and a failure because they departed from a strict standard—the Word of God. Personal feelings have become more important than profound faith in Christ.

Barna’s research thoroughly supports the conclusion that most people claiming to be Christians are totally confused. The poll reveals that “69% of American adults identify as ‘Christian,’ only six percent actually have a biblical worldview.” That amounts to 176 million people; however, what they believe is closer to an African witch doctor. Only nine percent of professing Christians hold a biblical worldview.

Even Born-Again Christians don’t believe biblical truth! “Fifty-one percent of theologically born-again Christians say that all faiths are equal. Forty percent say there is no absolute truth, and 37% say that people can earn their way to heaven by being good enough.”

Obviously, modern churches have lost their way or never knew it. The pastors of many mega-churches (and others) are hip, worldly, swearing, drinking, fornicating, publicity-driven, money motivated, and crowd-pleasing hypocrites whose church buildings would be better utilized if turned into bowling alleys.

No wonder this nation is crazy as a bedbug.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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There is a Reason Russian Leaders Have, Like Putin, Been Popular as a Snake! Mon, 14 Mar 2022 19:16:45 +0000  

It seems all Communist leaders of Russia, from Lenin to Stalin to Khrushchev to Brezhnev to Gorbachev, have been social swine and as popular as snakes. The last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, may have been a decent person who helped end the Cold War, earning him the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize.

For the first time in my life, I will say something good about a Communist leader: Gorbie seemed to be a decent man, especially as Communists go, but saying something good about a Communist caused me a severe case of heartburn.

The world was surprised when Gorbachev, leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), announced his resignation on live television to the nation on December 25, 1991. Boris Yeltsin had quit the Communist Party earlier in July of 1990. When Gorbachev walked out, he handed his power (and nuclear launch codes) to Yeltsin, who had become the president of Russia in June 1991, only months before Gorbachev’s resignation from the USSR.

Yeltsin was the first freely elected leader in Russia’s thousand-year history!

So, the immense power shift in the Communist world was passed from the USSR (consisting of 15 republics) to the new Commonwealth of Independent States under Yeltsin’s leadership. Russia began a messy shift from a communist dictatorship to capitalist multiparty democracy. At least on paper, but not in real life.

The following day (December 26, 1991), the Upper House of the Supreme Soviet voted the USSR out of existence—and itself! Not only did that surprise the world, but it shocked and stunned the world. That decision shouted to the world that more than 74 years of Soviet history proved to any sane person that Communism had failed.

But then everyone with the I.Q. of a fencepost knew that. Poland had thrown off their Communist shackles in the summer of 1989, blazing a trail for other former Soviet republics to follow and for the Berlin Wall to come down in November 1989. Yes, even the dullest person knew Communism was gasping for breath and struggling to stay alive.

Yeltsin was a lifetime Communist who resigned from the Party on July 12, 1990, during a dramatic speech and walked out of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Surprised members shouted, “Shame, shame!” Other members announced they too would leave the Party. It didn’t use to be that way. No one quit the Party, but many were carried away after the ritual of being shot, poisoned, hanged, etc., but no one quit.

The new President of Russia announced astounding reforms for Russia that included more liberal trade policies, limited private enterprise, removal of many price controls, private banks, a stock exchange, a more open society, and generally more freedom. Wow, not bad for a corrupt politician; evidently, the free enterprise system had impressed them after all.

Things were changing quickly in the world’s largest country.

No one knew there would not be a Communist Party in a few months because Yeltsin would issue a decree in August of 1991 banning the Party, nationalizing its property and assets, and condemning its activities. Yeltsin correctly saw his political future governing Russia, not perpetuating the Soviet Republic that was crumbling around him.

Yeltsin had no choice but to reject fundamental Communist theories since the Soviet system was a proven failure: people were hungry; the nationalists on the borders were getting restless, and Reagan’s preaching free enterprise and criticism of Communism still echoed in the halls of the Kremlin. Communism’s basic tenets had often been challenged and criticized by Reagan and other informed Conservatives generating spectacular success.

Yeltsin’s biggest personal problem was spending an unusual amount of time with a vodka bottle while former Soviet countries were rebelling, corruption was rampant, and people were hungry!

He permitted gangsters to take advantage of the nation producing oligarchs (“rule of the few”) who got vast wealth by taking or buying once state-owned businesses, utilities, etc. The unexpected unrestrained capitalism brought shattering poverty for many and stupendous wealth for the few. Along with that came crippling economic depression and rampant crime and corruption.

Near the end of Yeltsin’s eight-year rule, the nation collapsed in 1998, shocking Russian society. The following spring, Russia was in a death spiral as hungry workers went for months without being paid. By the summer, Yeltsin and his corrupt cronies were not sleeping well, fearing angry retribution from irate citizens when their terms were scheduled to end in a few months.

Russia was standing on the edge of a civil war.

Yeltsin made some good decisions during his eight-year rule but alas, lost his battle with the bottle and resigned on December 31, 1999, after getting a guarantee of immunity from prosecution from Putin. According to the Russian Constitution, Putin, Yeltsin’s prime minister Vladimir Putin became acting president. His first official action was to make official his immunity promise to Yeltsin and his cronies.

Yeltsin may have been a drunk, but he wasn’t an idiot.

Vladimir Putin was a true-to-life spy without morals but with one motive—power. In June 2000, Putin’s popularity was 2%, matching the outgoing Yeltsin, but a series of deadly bombings of apartment buildings in Russian cities turned the polls dramatically favorable to Putin. People overlooked the corruption and seizure of the nation by powerful oligarchs; they wanted peace and safety. Putin promised to find the bombers and bring them to justice. People in major cities were sleeping on the streets, fearful of being bombed in their beds.

Putin won the election as president overwhelmingly. He never did discover who was responsible for the many bombings that killed so many Russians, and few, apart from his family and personal entourage, believe the bombings were unrelated to his election victory.

The cold war had ended, and our enemy flattered us by trying to put America’s most important policies into practice.

It seemed the leopard could and did change its spots. Russians were now “free.” Criticism of the old regime, including Stalin, Lenin, and Marx, was now permitted. However, Putin showed his heavy, authoritarian hand when he closed two of the country’s most popular independent media outlets. You see, free doesn’t really mean free in the Communist nomenclature.

The times were changing for sure; however, Communism was and is still alive and well in Russia. Putin is legally president of Russia, which translates as a strongman, authoritarian, autocrat, top honcho, totalitarian, tyrant, despot, bully, and dictator.

The Communist Party had been banned by Boris Yeltsin in 1991, but Communism was still alive. Almost 74 years of Communist rule resulted in a failed experience, and in desperation, Putin permitted capitalism to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. He took advantage of the free flow of money by squirreling away 70 billion dollars for his retirement.

Biden could almost guarantee Democratic victory at the polls if he could deny Putin his ill-gotten gain. But then some Conservatives might demand he hold himself (and his debauched son Hunter) to the same standard regarding their investments in Ukraine!

When Russia was set free from shackles in 1991, free enterprise investors had rushed to invest in the new “freedom-loving” nation. Billions of dollars were invested in Russia, facilitating the funding of its aggressive moves globally. Communism was not dead, although many former Communist leaders were.

One of those former Communist leaders, Lenin, declared, “The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” We bought the rope when capitalists rushed in to pull Russia’s chestnuts out of the fire after the “fall of Communism.”

Of course, the investors were expecting to profit from the use of their money to prop up the Communist nation. However, I don’t think it is wise to help a vulture determined to pick out my eyes.

Yes, there is more freedom in Russia than before the condemnation of Communism, but corruption, poverty, and human rights abuse are still widespread. Under Putin’s leadership, secret service thugs still run the nation, and while the old prison system known as the Gulag is gone, harsh prison camps still exist.

Gulags (prison work camps and isolated “corrective labor colonies”) were populated with 18 million (some historians say 25 million) vicious convicts, child molesters, petty criminals, and political prisoners with many more inhabitants during Stalin’s rule. The series of penal camps numbered almost 500. Any citizen could expect to be hauled to prison with no trial or right to an attorney, and family members might never hear of them again.

Convicts and exiles (who had criticized or even joked about Communist leaders) were sent to the underpopulated areas, more notably Siberia, with few towns or food sources and no organized transportation system.  Even prisoners as young as twelve were required to work up to 14 hours a day, often in extreme weather (80 degrees below Fahrenheit), and were fed depending upon their work production. Less work, for whatever reason, meant less food. Many died of starvation, disease, or exhaustion—others were simply shot.

The movement of revolutionaries and troublemakers to the vastness of Siberia over 2000 miles from Moscow was a quick and easy way to eliminate problems and get free work done at the same time. This relieved the pressure of feeding (and controlling) troublemakers and served to populate inhospitable villages and towns far from the populated cities in the Soviet Empire.

The gulag prison system had been disbanded within days of Stalin’s death, and millions of prisoners were released. With the fall of the Soviet Union, most of the remaining gulags were closed with a few exceptions; however, Putin has 430 political prisoners in work camps at this hour.

Socialism/Communism (the same thing except Socialists don’t have guns, yet) doesn’t seem so attractive, does it?

Stalin assumed room temperature (probably with the assistance of some of his “friends”) in 1953, and when his toes pointed up, it was the only good thing he ever did for mankind. That day, he really served his country magnificently. If Putin would “go do likewise,” the world’s political health would improve immensely. That could be emulated by leaders in China, North Korea, and assorted African and South American dictators.

Putin, now popular as a snake, could cap his infamous career of evil-doing if his invasion of Ukraine convinces non-thinking Americans to vote for radical leftist Democrats. He would then be responsible for destroying America as well as Ukraine. His praise of Biden, America’s current Blunder-in-Chief, would rescue fellow leftist Biden from inglorious disgrace, defeat, and delay his departure back to the backwaters of Delaware.

However, Putin can rise a little, in my opinion, if he withdraws his lifeline to Biden and leaves Ukraine. Or Putin could throw Biden an anchor by praising the pure Socialist agenda of Biden.

No sane American would vote for a Democrat again.

But then, it depends on who counts the votes.  Joseph Stalin declared nearly a hundred years ago, “what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

In Putin’s Russia, even the poll workers must be members of Putin’s United Russia party, and all votes are counted behind closed doors. Somehow, Putin always wins.

Americans know about vote counting, especially in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Did Putin Throw Biden a Political Lifeline or an Anchor? Wed, 09 Mar 2022 15:45:43 +0000  

When Russian Communist Dictator Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, he may have thrown Joe Biden a political lifeline. Or maybe an iron anchor. Biden’s approval ratings were in the basement, inflation steadily climbed, the southern border was overrun by illegal aliens, and desperate Democrats announced their retirement like rats jumping from a sinking ship. You know, to spend more time with the family.

Those Democrats had visions of a massive defeat in 2022 and 2024. Maybe they were premature now that we have a war in Europe. The old political adage is you don’t change politicians in the middle of a war—especially a possible world war. However, the U.S. is far from Europe, but that’s another issue.

If Biden is smart, the U.S. will stay out of another European war. We can support Ukraine and pressure others to do so, but let Europeans do most of the spending and all the fighting. After all, isn’t that the reason for the United Nations? If not, then what? No one elected America to be the protector, provider, and parent of the world.

It would be especially unwise for us to fight a war with foreign commies supported by U.S.  parlor pinks, fellow travelers, and media moguls. This will be Biden’s theme song during the next two years: Trust me to stand up to tyrants and lead us safely to peace in our time.

Communism is a political and economic philosophy (some would also say a religion) that calls for a classless society in which everyone shares everything equally. However, as history has proved, equally doesn’t mean equal. Communist leaders, as cunning killers controlling the economy, lived a life of luxury compared to the hoi polloi in the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Communism failed in every instance.

When the Soviet Union fell on December 25, 1991, many American pundits spoke of the “death of communism” in the old Soviet Union and their new “freedom.” But the death of Communism was greatly exaggerated.

The Soviet Union’s economic, political, and internal difficulties had festered for decades, and death was inevitable. The Soviet Union was dying on the vine, but they drove their tanks and newest weapons through Red Square in the Kremlin on May 1 of each year even though they couldn’t afford the gas to run them. Furthermore, Russia doesn’t have a Costco or Sam’s. And from the videos of the Ukraine invasion, it seems some of the soldiers may be too young to have a driver’s license.

However, full speed ahead, after all, war turns boys into men. No, war turns live boys into dead boys.

By February 1989, the Soviets had fled from Afghanistan like an aging philanderer jumping from a second-floor bedroom window ahead of an angry, armed, advancing husband. The failed Soviet occupation (1979 to 1989) to shore up the pro-Soviet regime was an incredible drain on the Soviet war budget.

The Soviets installed their puppet, Mohammad Najibullah, in Kabul and promised future aid against the radical Mujahadeen (“those who engage in jihad”) whom the U.S. continued to support in the civil war between radical Muslim warlords. Two major groups, the Taliban and Mujahideen, gained acceptance having originated when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and forcibly occupied it for ten years.

Soviet aid stopped in January 1992, consequently, the Afghan air force could not purchase fuel for their planes. The U.S. and Pakistan supplied the Muslim warlords with economic and military weapons, one of the reasons a third-world county managed to chase the mighty Soviet Union out of the nation in disgrace.

When the Taliban took control of Kandahar, Afghanistan in 1994, people soon realized that the Taliban were not benign rulers since they brutally punished those who did not follow Sharia laws.

The Taliban had been in power and governing Kabul, Afghanistan since 1996 when the U.S. in 2001 declared war on the nation. Two months after the U.S. dropped its first bombs on Afghanistan, the Taliban was defeated and forced to flee Kabul on December 6, 2001.

The Soviets had promised “absolutely all of the military infrastructure would be handed over to the DRA armed forces” when the Soviets withdrew their troops. While the Soviet departure from Afghanistan was shameful, it was not tragic, as was the U.S. departure under Biden. That hasty and badly planned departure caused a civil war and an emerging Islamist movement. The Taliban was shockingly successful in their swift success to consolidate power so soon after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

With the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Afghanistan’s Soviet-backed regime was toppled. Following that attack, Al Qaeda and the Taliban consolidated forces and seized most major cities, including the capital, Kabul.  The Taliban, Al-Qaida, Mujahadeen, and other Muslim sects are all led by Muslim fanatics but have many similarities and many Islamic differences.

Unlike the Russians, we left thousands of Americans and American friends to the mercy of the followers of Allah when we left Afghanistan in August 2021. Our departure precipitated a civil war among various Muslim groups. The Taliban retook Afghanistan’s capital almost twenty years after they were driven from Kabul by U.S. troops in 2001. When American troops moved out, Allah moved in and is still there as you read this article.

After spending $2 trillion of taxpayers’ money and nearly 2,000 dead Americans, the U.S. left Afghanistan (the graveyard of empires) where they found it—with the Taliban in control.

The Soviets kept their agreement (!) and left the promised war equipment in the hands of their Muslim friends. When the U.S. disgracefully left the same country, numerous weapons and vehicles were left for our enemy’s use.

While the Soviet departure from Afghanistan was a surprise in 1988, the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, shocked and thrilled freedom lovers everywhere. The ugly but effective wall separated communist East Berlin from democratic West Berlin for almost 30 years. Finally, all free people rejoiced as East Germans climbed over the rubble into free West Berlin. President Ronald Reagan’s robust demand for Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 to “tear down this wall” was successful in less than two years.

Gorbachev was the final leader of the Soviet Union as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991. Surprisingly, he slowly leaned away from Marxism-Leninism toward “social democracy.” The world was further surprised, shocked, even stunned when Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991, saying, “We’re now living in a new world.”

Wow, what a Christmas present to the world, especially people in Russia and the now-former Soviet republics.

The Soviet Union fell but Communism is alive and well. Even leading American politicians have a longtime love affair with Socialism/Communism. Furthermore, Americans are being led to their slaughter by self-serving leaders who pretend to be interested in their welfare when their commitment is to a New World Order.

Biden’s buddy in Moscow, by his invasion of Ukraine, has given careless voters a reason to think Biden should stay in office to lead in our war effort. But it’s not our war effort. And for sure, Biden is not a qualified leader—in war or peace. He is old and ill, and a compassionate nation will return him to the backwaters of Delaware.

Whatever happens in Ukraine, all Democrats and RINOs should be retired permanently. If not, we will live in the land of Bevis and Butthead, not Washington and Jefferson.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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China Has Declared War on America But Soft, Stupid, Sanctimonious, and Sickly U.S. Politicians Don’t Believe Them! Sat, 03 Jul 2021 15:48:55 +0000 China’s war against America has already started; however, the bombs have not been released— yet; but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is serious and has plans to conquer America. World domination has been their vision for almost a hundred years and still is as the CCP celebrates its 100th anniversary this month. Last Thursday, Communist Butcher-in-chief Xi Jinping promised to bash any nation that threatened China’s sovereignty or threatened reunification with Taiwan.

What will Biden do when China takes Taiwan? According to his emails, Hunter Biden has had a longtime lucrative business relationship with the commies. (Been a long time since you’ve read that word.)

Fools, simpletons, and traitors ridicule the possibility of war and suggest such talk is divisive, dangerous, and destructive to a happy, cooperative, and safe society. They are wrong. China entered the 21st century as a benevolent giant trying to get along with everyone, so we are told. China makes its own people get along—or else.

China has been hesitant to be more aggressive with America because she is winning and doesn’t see a reason to hit the release button yet.

Scholars tell us that there has always been a China as long as man has “walked upright.” Extremely resilient, the Chinese survived centuries of numerous kingdoms, dynasties, warlords, military incursions, civil wars, floods, typhoons, and earthquakes. For example, the deadliest earthquake on record in 1556, in Shaanxi, China, killed 830,000 people and caused up to 66-feet-deep crevices. A 520-mile wide area was destroyed.

Millions of uneducated Chinese survived the climate catastrophes, internecine struggles, local warlords, and external attacks by developing small-scale industries. They produced silk, paper, gunpowder, and cotton that was traded for food while others farmed, trading food for shoes, tools, and other necessary items.

Millions were not successful in survival, thus making China a massive sepulcher.

China has attacked, absorbed, or acquired smaller groups and some massive groups of people and now shares international borders with 14 sovereign states such as India, Mongolia, Afghanistan, North Korea, Russia, Pakistan, etc. Over 1500 years, the reclusive nation built a 13,000-mile wall to protect it from foreign infiltration along its northern border from nomadic Mongolian tribes on horseback. Walls are known to stop cavalry attacks as well as most illegal immigrants. Additionally, the wall helped keep the natives down on the farm.

China’s first dynasty started in 2100 B.C., and the last dynasty ended in 1912, becoming the Republic of China. After many years of civil unrest and rebellion followed by WW II, the People’s Republic of China was birthed in 1949 after a bloody multi-year struggle with freedom-loving nationalists.

Chairman Mao Zedong led the CCP with an iron fist, and Chiang Kai-shek, leader of the opposing Nationalist Party, challenged the Chinese people for their loyalty. Chiang was born into a devoted Buddhist family but trusted Christ and was baptized in a Methodist Church in 1930. Finally, when Mao took control of the bleeding nation, Chiang absconded with about 2,000,000 followers (and the treasury) to the island of Formosa (now Taiwan) and established a Provisional Government.

Since then, China considers Taiwan a part of China, but Taiwan considers itself a sovereign nation. Even some U.S. “friends” refuse to call Taiwan a nation because it angers mainland China’s Communist tyrants. Nevertheless, America has promised to support Taiwan, and therein are the sprouting seeds of WW III.

Following WW II and the bloody struggle with the Nationalists, even a thuggish Communist like Mao knew the new nation was in trouble, so he kicked off the Great Leap Forward, hoping to change the rural agricultural society into an industrial one. His first mistake (other than taking the Communist oath) was to force simple farmers to set up “backyard steel furnaces” and meet strict production quotas; however, their steel production was a farce, failure, and fatal. The backyard steel was so brittle that it was useless.

Sure, it was stupid but remember, Mao was a Communist. The Great Leap Forward became a disastrous Fallback into Famine, resulting in the deaths of 56 million Chinese. Three million were suicides.

Chinese Communism differs from the old Soviet Communism, with the Chinese model adjusted from Marx to create state-controlled capitalism. Mao decided Marx was wrong because some capitalism (if controlled by the state) would be desirable. It might help the peasants think they are free even though the CCP owns a piece of everything. Chinese officials believe the “fat of the land” should be shared with the state. At one time, the power of the state was wielded behind the scenes; now, “the power would also be exercised explicitly.”

The CCP leaders admit the cooperative effort of the state with individuals is working. Everyone is happy, except those struggling to survive in the very rural hinterland. However, the residents of Hong Kong, Christians in the underground church, and assorted dissents are not thrilled with the repression of the CCP.

According to the Black Book of Communism, Communist policies in China have killed more than 65 million of its own people since its beginning in 1949. Plus, millions more died in its civil war, the Korean War, and in Tibet. Moreover, in recent years, China has harvested the organs of thousands of its prisoners, proving China is a horrific house of horrors.

China used to be our friend. Now, it is our enemy, along with Iran, Cuba, Russia, etc. The Soviet Union maneuvered China into its Communist orbit with the help of American traitors in our government in the 1940s. It is noteworthy that Senator Joseph McCarthy was not the first U.S. politician to warn about spies and the loss of China. A young Congressman from Massachusetts raised his voice a year before McCarthy.

The young Congressman sounded a clear, correct, and courageous voice because of the tragic loss of China. He placed a significant part of the blame on “a sick Roosevelt,” General George Marshall, and “our diplomats and their advisors, the Lattimores and the Fairbanks.” He concluded, “This is the tragic story of China whose freedom we once fought to preserve. What our young men had saved, our diplomats and our President have frittered away.” That Congressman was John F. Kennedy.

Kennedy was right and wrong. He was right that FDR was sick, but he was also soft on Communism and had Soviet agents whispering in his ear what they had heard from Stalin’s henchmen.

John Stewart Service was a U.S. diplomat stationed in Chungking, China, during the 1940s and lived with two Soviet agents. The song they constantly sang to the U.S. State Department was “we can’t trust the Conservative and Christian Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Government, but we can trust Chairman Mao to do the best for China and the U.S.”

At the Cairo Conference on November 22-26, 1943, the tragic decision was made to follow Roosevelt’s demand that Chiang Kai-shek put Chinese Communists into his Nationalist Government! That’s worse than putting a fox in the henhouse. Changing metaphors, it’s worse than putting a homosexual pedophile in charge of a boys’ boarding school.

Compromised, corrupt, and cowardly U.S. diplomates convinced high Washington officials to withhold promised gold shipments to Chiang that would have supported his freedom fight. That treason permitted the Communists to get control of China. The traitors in high places kept aid from Chiang, assuring his defeat. When the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, asked why Chiang wasn’t getting U.S. aid, he discovered it was because of a Soviet spy in the Treasury Department. Harry Dexter White was a significant player in the U. S. Treasury. White was considered the highest placed asset the Soviets possessed in the American government. Unfortunately, he died before meeting the hangman. However, he is paying for his treason at this moment!

Another Communist agent, Lauchlin Currie, a key advisor to President Roosevelt, worked hand in glove with White for the Soviets against freedom and was unalterably opposed to an American agreement with Japan in December 1941. Disloyal Americans hoped for a Japanese attack upon America, which happened on the 7th. This war in Asia was a significant boost to the Soviets, primarily assuring that Soviet troops in Siberia would not be bothered by Japanese troops since they would be engaged in fighting the Allies.

On November 25, 1941, Soviet spy Owen Lattimore, whom President Roosevelt had appointed special advisor to Chiang Kai-shek at Currie’s urging, sent a cable to Currie protesting against any settlement between America and Japan. The Soviets wanted war between America and Japan. They got it with the help of American traitors in the pay of the Soviet Union.

The despicable termites Currie (who emigrated in 1950 to Colombia and renounced his American citizenship), White (died before his trial), Hiss (spent a few years in prison), and others were busy doing their destructive work to help the Soviet masters and hinder freedom. The FBI sent President Truman a report of White’s espionage activities on December 4, 1945, with copies to Attorney General Thomas Clark. The FBI reported a “substantial spy ring” operating in the government involving White. Well, that should clear out one nest of termites, but no, on January 23, 1946, President Truman announced White’s appointment to head the International Monetary Fund!

No, all Democrats are not spies or senile. Most are simply stupid.

China fell to Communism because of Soviet agents in the U.S. State Department. Consequently, Chiang relocated his Nationalist Government, air force, navy, and the government‘s gold to Taiwan about 70 miles from mainland China.

One and a half billion people live under Chinese Communism today because the U.S. government failed to deal with spies in high leadership positions. It is the reason there is a “two China” policy where the Peoples’ Republic of China controls the mainland and the Republic of China located in Taiwan claims to be an independent nation. Mainland China considers Taiwan part of China. With only 24 million population, Taiwan is like a minnow about to be swallowed by a giant shark.

If the CCP received the nod, they would destroy Taiwan or the U.S. with nuclear bombs or, more likely, with an EMP weapon whereby our cities would be unscathed but literally forced back into the 1800s. That means no cell phones, no computers, no heat or air, no elevators, and probably no modern automobile would function. Forbes reported, “China now has super-EMP weapons, knows how to protect itself against an EMP attack, and has developed protocols to conduct a first-strike attack, even as they deny they would ever do so.”

Communist agents in our government were very successful in turning China over to Communism’s orbit, damning the lives of millions of unfortunate souls, and setting the stage for the final drama facing the free world. It could happen tomorrow and kick off WW III.

China’s war against America has already started; however, the bombs have not been released— yet.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Why Have Jews Always Been Hated? Mon, 31 May 2021 14:12:07 +0000 The current anti-Jewish violence seen in many major cities of the world is sickening, surprising, and shocking, but then any violence against the innocent is shocking. The 4,100 deadly rockets that Hamas recently deployed over Israel is a war crime that progressives seem to think is standard operating practices of modern warfare. There is no defense for killing non-combatants now or by Hitler or Churchill, or Roosevelt during WW II.

Moreover, it must be understood that one can be critical of the Jews and Israel without being a hater. I hold Jews to the same standard as any other group. Christ was very critical of the Jewish leaders in His day, calling them “vipers,” “liars,” “fools,” “blind,” “hypocrites,” and “ye are of your father, the Devil” in John 8. Those leaders were far from the godly Jews who genuinely loved God and tried to follow His commandants. The two major Jewish leader-groups, Pharisees and Sadducees, were hypocrites and biblical heretics, respectively.

I believe it is time to stop funding Israel but that doesn’t make me a Jew-hater. Biden’s budget even plans to fund the “Palestinians.” That is madness. Since Israel stands for freedom, we should sell weapons to them; but they can stand on their own feet after almost 75 years. To fund Hamas terrorists who have promised to drive Israel into the sea is insensitive, incredible, and insane. The U.S. should only send welfare to nations if it is in our national interest to do so.

Furthermore, decent people can disagree with many of Israel’s policies, such as the Mossad, national politics, vaccinations, etc., without hating Jews. The most prominent critics of the secular Jewish state are orthodox Jews! So, of course, there can be room for disagreement without being a hater.

When Christ declared Himself to be God, the Jewish religious leaders only had one of two choices: they could either bow down and worship Him, or they could kill Him. You know their choice. While it is true that the vile, violent, virulent anti-Jew, anti-Israel hatred is rooted in the Jewish crucifixion of Christ, hatred of Jews has been endemic for thousands of years.

However, the hatred of Jews is more complex than a reaction to Christ’s death since it goes back to their beginning.

Unbelievers and wicked men hate certitude, and the Jews, while not always being right, have always been certain. While the rest of the world worshipped multiple pagan gods, the dedicated Jews demanded faithful and exclusive worship of Jehovah. Well, there goes the pagan vote!

God forbade them to marry into the unbelieving pagan nations, and that suggested Jewish superiority. That refusal to be absorbed into the culture has been a reason for their perpetuity as a people and a cause of universal hatred. Jews seemed to be pretentious, and they still do! Their critics often resented it and still do.

God gave the Jews a code of personal conduct known as the Ten Commandments, and nothing could be more absolute; they were not resolutions or recommendations but requirements. Men still chaff under “Thou shalt not.” Because of such holy demands and their uniqueness, the Jews were usually considered outcasts.

A substantial Jewish rebellion against Rome was prompted in A.D. 66 when a Jew-hater dumped a pot of urine outside a synagogue. Jews were rightly furious at this desecration, and a riot broke out during which some Jews insulted the Roman Governor of Judea. He ordered his soldiers to destroy the market and kill everyone in sight. What had been occasional acts of rebellion became a full-scale national revolt. It was all downhill from there. Josephus reported that 40,000 Jews were killed in Jotapata, a city he was defending as a Jewish leader. He wrote, “From one end of Galilee to the other, there was an orgy of fire and bloodshed.”

Fighting continued, and in A.D. 70, the Roman Army destroyed Jerusalem, including their sacred Temple, killing more than 1 million Jews. About 100,000 Jews were taken into slavery, thousands sent to the mines, and thousands scattered over the known world. All because of a pot of warm urine! A second rebellion in 135 caused by a false Messiah resulted in 500,000 more Jews being killed.

The Roman Empire experienced more opposition when Jews were forbidden to read the Torah, circumcise their sons, and other restrictions. When Emperor Constantine the Great (more appropriately, Constantine the Hypocrite) published his Edict of Milan in 315, providing tolerance to Christians, Jews discovered they lost some rights. With Constantine’s Council of Nicaea, the first worldwide religious conclave in 325, Jews lost the right of Sabbath worship and the right to Roman citizenship. Constantine said, “Let us then have nothing in common with the detestable Jewish crowd.”

Constantine couldn’t make up his mind whether he was a preacher or a potentate, so he was pathetic as both. He was not a Bible believer, trusting in his empty, powerless reasoning, but his legs were not long enough to straddle the chasm between reason and revelation!

Another Roman Emperor issued the Edict of Theodosius in 391, declaring that Christianity was the only legal religion in the Roman Empire, bringing more pressure and persecution to Jews, although relief to Christians. Many Jewish synagogues had been destroyed earlier under the fiction that the land was “necessary.” By the end of the sixth century, Jewish children in Spain over seven years old were removed from their parents and educated as “Christians.”

No one, however bigoted, can defend such treatment.

Jewish persecution has been extensive, excessive, and always egregious but never excusable. However, the killing of Christ is not the only cause of such hatred since the persecutors had no real commitment to Christ. In many European nations, Jews were forbidden to own property, so they often became wealthy bankers. They were charged with usury which triggered envy, jealousy, and hatred. They spoke a strange language and usually kept to themselves, resulting in wild accusations followed by additional persecution.

Since Jews were “different,” “strange,” and “reserved,” they were convenient scapegoats to explain bad weather, accidents, wars, and plagues. The fear, envy, and hatred prompted massive persecution, torture, ghettoization, and massacre even from professing Christians. But then, no real Christian would do such a thing—but some Popes did.

During these problems, persecutions, and prosecutions of the Jewish people, it must be remembered that these were done by a state church run by religious tyrants or secular bigoted rulers, not by genuine, committed Christians teaching the truth in love to every man, especially “to the Jew first.”

Martin Luther defended Jews in his early ministry; however, he turned violently against them as he got older. He answered the question, “What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews,” and his reply has been used by the haters for centuries. “First, to set fire to their synagogues or schools…This is to be done in honor of our Lord and of Christendom, so that God might see that we are Christians …”

Luther was a brilliant, informed scholar who helped change the world, but his tirade against Jews is proof that Christians are also very human and often do evil. I wonder if he ever repented of his folly.

Luther then suggested Jewish houses be “razed and destroyed.” Their prayer books and Talmudic writings should be taken from them. Moreover, their rabbis should be forbidden to teach “on pain of loss of life and limb …” Luther suggested that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews “for they have no business in the countryside …” Then all “cash and treasure of silver and gold be taken from them …” Lastly, he suggested they be ejected from the country if there is reason to be fearful of them.

It should be noted that no German or European ruler implemented all of Luther’s suggestions. However, there is no doubt Jew-haters including some German Nazis for centuries used his statements to anger, abuse, and assault Jews,

Luther was a good, great, and even godly man, which only proves that good, great, and godly men can do and say ungodly, stupid things at times.

Often, the Jewish people almost invited persecution by their own actions, and I’ll be criticized for saying that. But then, burning at the stake has gone out of fashion, so I’ll survive.

Jews have financed wars charging kings and ordinary people outrageous interest; moreover, the Talmud (not an inspired book) is full of hatred, filth, and shameful charges against Christians and Gentiles. (But, then, I am not supposed to relate that fact since it will offend some Jews—but not honest Jews.)

The Talmud is a book that Jews have difficulty defending. Talmud normally refers to Babylonian Talmud, although there is also an earlier collection known as the Jerusalem Talmud compiled in the 4th century in Galilee. The popular Babylonian Talmud was compiled about the year A.D. 500.

Even some Jews are critical of the Talmud, as are many others with good cause. There is much anti-Christian and anti-Gentile content, but it was not the Torah that taught the Jews to criticize and hate Gentiles. The Talmud is also accused of absurd, immoral content and distorting Scripture. Orthodox Jews and, to a lesser extent, Conservative Judaism accept the Talmud as authoritative but have difficulty defending its implacable hatred of all non-Jews.

Jews brought much criticism to themselves because of their unusual influence in violent revolutions in France and Russia. Jews in Russia during the early 20th century occupied many leading positions, although they made up only a small percentage of the population.

Communism, as espoused by Karl Marx (also a Jew who died in 1883), got its impetus when a sealed train left Zurich, Switzerland on April 9, 1917, carrying 32 Russians (including Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin) through wartime Germany. Lenin had lived in Switzerland since 1900 as an exile.

Germany was losing WW I and saw a chance to cause further havoc in Russia by permitting Lenin’s return to Russia following their almost leaderless revolution in March (now sputtering and leaderless). In March, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, and he and his family were butchered by the revolutionaries. Russia was in turmoil and praying for a strong leader.

He was already on the train.

Lenin’s train included 19 members of his Bolshevik Party and six Jewish members of the Jewish Labor Bund. Almost half the passengers on the train were Jewish. In less than a year, Vladimir Lenin would be running Russia following the bloody revolution in November led by him and Bolshevik revolutionaries.

The train took Lenin to Petrograd (now St. Petersburg), and that train ride is the most critical and relevant one in history. It took 8 days to travel 2,000 miles taking Lenin from relative obscurity in a cheap Zurich apartment to the absolute leader of Russia. His return to Russia turned their sputtering revolt into the world-shattering Russian Revolution. Millions died because of that train trip.

That was when a major train wreck would have been an enormous benefit to the world.

Jews were by far the largest group involved in the Bolshevik (Russian) Revolution. Half of some revolutionary committees in Russia were Jews, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn declared that half of the secret police were Jews. He confessed, “Without Jews, there never would have been Bolshevism. For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth. The bloodthirsty Jewish terrorists have murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” While a world-renowned hero, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and survivor of the Soviet gulag, Solzhenitsyn received much flack for his revelation about Jewish influence.

In an article in the Illustrated Sunday Herald in 1920, Winston Churchill emphasized the Jewish role in the Russian Revolution, declaring it “probably outweighs [the role] of all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews.” And Lenin’s grandfather was a Jew.

Thousands of Jews were executed in Stalin’s purges in the 1930s, not because they were Jews but because Stalin was a paranoid killer who mistrusted everyone. Jews multiplied in the Russian leadership, not because they were Jews, but because they showed more enthusiasm and commitment to the cause.

Small-minded men hated Jews and envied their success as they do today, not realizing the foul breath of prejudice, bigotry, and hate are deadly to the soul.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Billy Graham: Liberals More Helpful than Fundamentalists! Fri, 23 Feb 2018 17:35:10 +0000 Billy Graham often spoke well of radical unbelieving preachers such as Norman Vincent Peale who did not believe the virgin birth was required for salvation and did not believe the New Birth was necessary; apostate Leslie Weatherhead who taught that Christ was a bastard and Mary was a temple prostitute; and Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam who called God a “dirty bully” and was identified at a Congressional Hearing as one “who served God [not the God of the Bible] on Sunday and the Communist front for the balance of the week.”

Graham had kind words to say about preachers Henry Van Dusen (who did not believe that Christ was God and who committed suicide with his wife); John Sutherland Bonnell, who did not believe in the virgin birth, physical resurrection, etc.; and Bishop Pike who was a drunken adulterer, married three times plus had three mistresses, disbelieved the major doctrines about Christ, and died during a fall while wandering alone in the Israeli desert near the Dead Sea while on his honeymoon. (I don’t think I would want Graham to say anything good about me! Sounds dangerous.)

Graham honored as chairman of the Los Angeles Crusade Bishop Gerald Kennedy who was a rank unbeliever. He called Kennedy one of the “ten greatest preachers in America” even though he did not believe in the virgin birth and had endorsed Nels Ferre’s blasphemous book that posited the possibility that Christ was the son of a German soldier, making Mary a whore and Christ a bastard. Graham promoted E. Stanley Jones who denied the virgin birth, the trinity, etc. Graham referred to Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury, as a “giant of a man.” Mike didn’t believe in the virgin birth and said he expects to see atheists in Heaven. Afraid he won’t see anyone in Heaven!

Graham told USA Today that he looked forward to seeing Roman Catholic Bishop Fulton Sheen in Heaven along with Elvis Presley!

It should be noted that all the leaders in his crusades were leaders in the National and World Council of Churches. In 1948, Graham opined he thought the World Council of Churches would “nominate the antichrist” at their August meeting! That attitude changed very quickly.

Graham often spoke of Godless Communism (into which the NCC and WCC were hip deep) even declaring in 1949, “Communism is inspired, directed, and motivated by the Devil himself.” But that didn’t play well in Peoria so he modified his stand on Communism. He was even invited to Communist Russia, North Korea, and China where he had kind words to say about those massive slave camps where freedom is only a word!

The Associated Press reported Graham saying, “For years I have not spoken about that [Communism]…I cannot go around the world and say who is right and who is not right.” Then in 1973, he was quoted by the Tokyo Mainichi Daily News, as saying, “Mao Tse-tung’s eight precepts are basically the same as the Ten Commandments. In fact, if we can’t have the Ten Commandments read in our schools, I’ll settle for Mao’s precepts.” Hand me a barf bag.

He even said that evolution is possible and that belief in the virgin birth was not necessary to be a Christian. Furthermore, he said the Bible is inspired but refused to say it was infallible or inerrant. Modernists are willing to say it is inspired. Graham seemed to always play to the gallery; after all, it opened numerous religious, social, and political doors.

Graham often declared that he did not respond to criticism; however, he often asked others to come to his defense! And he had paid defenders as well, even one professor who wrote Cooperative Evangelism that was an unabashed defense of Graham-type mass evangelism. However, we were not supposed to know he was Graham’s paid hack. The book was given away by the thousands.

Graham’s defenders often charge that his critics are unscriptural because they did not speak with him before their criticism. That is not true. I have evidence that his friends such as Rice, Jones, Riley, Bennett, and others spoke with him face to face about his defense of unbelieving pastors and their support of his crusade. Plus, his sending of decision cards to apostate churches! Moreover, a personal contact before criticism is not required since the issue was not personal. It was a public issue involving people across the nation and statements in books, letters, news releases, etc. That criticism with no scriptural justification is a red herring used by unprincipled men.

It is often said that Graham has been the “pastor” to all presidents since Harry Truman. His infamous interview with Truman in the summer of 1950 was hilarious and Graham frankly mentions this in his autobiography, Just as I am. He and three of his team showed up at the White House, wearing white suits, white bucks, and floral ties. They immediately antagonized the President. Truman told them that he was a Baptist and was trying to obey the Golden Rule and Graham started preaching to him. Truman used profanity interrupting Graham and cut off the meeting, but not before Graham put his arm around him and asked if he could pray with him.

The Graham team left the White House and met with reporters to whom they revealed the whole conversation! The reporters asked them to reenact their prayer meeting which they obediently did! I have a photo showing the four men kneeling on the White House grounds reenacting for the photographers how they prayed for the President. Not a good scene. Truman was furious!

But Graham learned quickly how to snuggle up to powerful people using them and being used of them.

Boys’ new ebook The Rise and Decline of Billy Graham: He Tried to do Right the Wrong Way! is available here.

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Liberals Are Sanctimonious Hypocrites! Thu, 25 Feb 2016 14:40:57 +0000 Most liberals (all are about five months pregnant with Communism) are sanctimonious hypocrites who weep copious tears over the “mistreatment” of whales at Sea World, slaughter of baby seals in Newfoundland, and closely caged chickens while they demand the slaughter of innocent unborn babies—so they won’t suffer at the hands of uncaring, abusive parents! Liberals seem to keep tears near the surface of their eyes to run on cue for a television camera whether campaigning for the environment, fur-bearing animals, or dogs and cats in animal shelters.

Liberals demand that vile perverts be permitted to teach in schools but vocal Christian teachers should be gagged! Homosexuals and lesbians should have access to the classrooms, but Bible Christians must never mention Christ nor should teachers keep a Bible in the classroom or read it during free time!

Most liberals tell us that any kind of filth must be permitted at state universities, but conservative school newspapers must be banned and the editor and reporters suspended from school.

Liberals become apoplectic when Christians and conservatives demand that vulgarisms in textbooks be cleaned up, yet the liberals rewrite the Bible and other literature to excise words such as husband, wife, manhood, mankind and manhole cover. It is now personhole cover!

Windbag liberals told us it was good to boycott South Africa (before a Communist became president) but it is wrong for us to boycott Red China, Red Korea, Red Vietnam, and Red Cuba or Radical Iran! However, it is not too bright to feed a buzzard (of any species) determined to pick out your eyes.

Liberals don’t have any tears for one and a half billion people in China with its slave labor, forced abortions, two-child limit, and no majority rule, but weep copious tears for baby seals, yellow belly sapsuckers, trapped whales, and fur-bearing animals.

Liberals tell us that rightwing dictators are corrupt (have you noticed that all rightwing dictators are always corrupt, while leftwing dictators never are?) and the right-wingers should never be encouraged by the U.S. Government, but left-wingers are to be encouraged? So the American government has been kicking our friends and kissing our enemies for more than 40 years! Not very bright, is it?

Liberals tell us Hitler was a monster (and he was), and he is always called a right-winger, but the fact is Hitler was a socialist! In fact, we have a presidential candidate who is an unabashed socialist! Most people don’t know that Nazis were members of the National Socialist Party. While Hitler was a bad guy, Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Company were simply misunderstood choir singers (who murdered over 100 million people)!

Folks, it is time we recognize our enemies as our enemies and stop playing “footsie” with Communists in North Korea, China, Cuba or Vietnam. We have been playing the dangerous, disastrous and deadly game of “Let’s Pretend to Stop the Communists” while we support their economy with trade and gifts. Is that treason or only stupidity?

It’s always interesting to ask a liberal to name 10 things wrong with America, and watch him smack his lips and go down his “laundry list” of complaints. Then ask him to provide 10 things wrong with Russia, Cuba, North Korea, or South Africa and watch him gulp, snicker nervously, and then excuse himself as he slips into the restroom to wash his sweaty hands.

We must remember that communists can always be trusted to be communists, and keep in mind that communism is not dead, although it has appeared to be rather puny until Putin flexed his muscles recently. And keep in mind that appearances are often deceiving.

Liberals sometime talk of patriotism; however, when they hear songs such as “America,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “Stars and Stripes Forever,” and slogans such as “Better Dead than Red,” “America, Love it Or Leave It,” they get as uncomfortable as a dog in hot ashes.

Those Bozos of the Busybody Roundtable have preached for 60 years that Washington, D.C. is the Fountain From Which All Blessings Flow, have helped murder more than a million babies each year, helped produce an astronomical crime rate by pampering criminals, and have relegated generations to slavery via a welfare system that is nothing less than plunder of working citizens.

These members of the League of the Willfully Blind tell us that children should hear all sides of an issue since ideas cannot hurt them; however, that does not hold true when creationism is taught in the public schools!

So where is the ACLU when they are needed to correct an injustice? They are busy writing news releases about their dedication to fairness, equality, and the American Way. Hypocrites! (It’s always fun to remind them that their founder was a Red.)

Lest I seem to be biased, let me assure all that liberals come in all varieties: Democrats, Republicans, and Independents with Democrats being dishonest (and hopeless), Republicans being deceptive (and helpless), and Independents being disordered (and hapless).

Sanctimonious liberals are divisive, dopy, and dangerous people and they are the enemy to good government and common sense.

Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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