Communist – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Very Slowly, Informed People, Even Leftists, Admit the Shameful Truth About Martin Luther King, Jr.! Tue, 11 Jan 2022 17:08:32 +0000  

Historically, when despots take control of a free people, they always take guns from everyone and rewrite history. They try to make oppressors into national saviors and turn sincere patriots into thugs. This rewriting of history is happening as I write as leftists distort political and economic reality, destroy true patriots, and deify thugs.

The accurate image of Martin Luther King, Jr. has been reworked, repackaged, and remade into a secular saint by desperate people who can’t argue the issue on his merits but must stoop to manufactured mythology.

But that make-over mythology has been slowly changing with the obviously outrageous and overdone pitches that “vaccines are safe and effective,” “Democrats are naturally good political leaders for the little man,” “a man can become a woman and birth a baby,” and “a nation should welcome anyone and everyone to become citizens.”

Only non-thinking, far-leftist, semi-comatose progressives still believe such poppycock. Some are willing to say so even though honest Conservatives have been aware of the truth for many years. Such people have also looked anew at Martin Luther King, Jr., and admit he had major flaws even if they believe he made a lasting contribution to freedom.

The King issue has been seething, then simmering, then smoldering for decades but is now blazing with the freedom of the internet.

In 2014, Oliver Stone dropped out of writing and directing the much-anticipated MLK film because the King people in Atlanta rejected his script. They refused to permit the truth to be told since Stone planned to deal with “issues of adultery, conflicts within the movement, and King’s spiritual transformation.”

Incredibly, many allegedly honest people do not demand the unpleasant truth about their heroes. It seems many who lean left are basically dishonest people who will do anything to preserve their myths. King’s family and other leftists are still whitewashing his image; after all, big bucks are involved as everyone knows who has dealt with King’s family.

Since King’s birthday is a national holiday, I present the following indisputable facts about King in the interest of a faithful historical record. My readers can decide if I’m a racist or a realist interested in the truth. I would have the same distaste for any man guilty of the practices and principles of King.

King was a pinko, progressive, and closet Communist: King’s very liberal biographer, David J. Garrow, wrote: “King privately described himself as a Marxist.” King’s secretary during the early stage of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, The Rev. Uriah J. Fields wrote, “King helps to advance Communism. He is surrounded with communists.” If that doesn’t bother you, alright, but don’t claim he was only a Socialist.

Liberal black newspaper columnist Carl Rowan attended National Security Council meetings and was permitted to see confidential FBI files on King. Rowan said that King was known to be a Communist since May of 1962 when King’s name was “placed in Section A …tabbed Communist” in the FBI’s files. William Sullivan, Assistant Director of the FBI, concluded at the time that King was “the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro, and national security.” Sullivan was a significant supporter of King!

King was a philander: Roman Catholic priest Richard John Neuhaus said of King: “Dr. King was, for all that was great about him, an adulterer, sexual libertine, lecher, and wanton womanizer.” That’s from a friend!

King’s friendly biographer David J. Garrow revealed to USA Today King’s justification for his sexual immorality: “He [King] explained it as someone on the road 27 days a month and needing sex as a form of anxiety reduction and for emotional solace.”  Oh, well, that makes King’s adultery and betrayal of his marriage and ordination vows acceptable–maybe even commendable to desperate sycophants on the far left!

For those who worship at King’s image, an AP article should be a knockout blow with its heading, “FBI and Abernathy Say King Was a Sex-obsessed ‘Tomcat.’” That was followed by a graphic description of King’s last night on earth. “The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spent parts of the night before his assassination with two women and then fought physically with a third, according to the memoirs of the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, King’s top aide.” Preachers are supposed to “fight a good fight” but King perverted that teaching–in spades.

It says much about the King defenders who persist in trying to justify such vile practices.

Assistant Director of the FBI Charles D. Brennan wrote a letter to Senator John P. East of North Carolina stating that King’s activities consisted of “orgiastic and adulterous escapades, some of which indicated that King could be bestial in his sexual abuse of women.”

King was a pervert: Black columnist Carl Rowan reported that the FBI tapes suggest a homosexual relationship between King and his “best friend” Ralph Abernathy! Black talk show host and columnist Tony Brown added more light on this possibility when he reported on King’s banter to Abernathy in one of their hotel rooms. However, it was so vulgar, I will not even disguise King’s request to his “best friend,” Abernathy.

Martin was a prevaricator:  FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover said that King was the “most notorious liar” in America and that “King is a tomcat with obsessive degenerate urges.” King also lied about his name all his life since his name was Michael, not Martin. He lied to his ordination committee; he lied to his wife; he lied on his college and seminary papers; he lied in his books; he lied when he said he fired Communists on his payroll; he lied when he said that twice as many blacks died in Vietnam as whites. Hoover was right.

King was a plagiarist: He stole from others all his life, as was revealed by King’s people in Atlanta who admitted, “King’s plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings….We found that instances of textual appropriation can be seen in his earliest extant writings as well as his dissertation. The pattern is also noticeable in his speeches and sermons throughout his career.” Note King’s family excused his plagiarism calling it “textual appropriation.”

King’s biographer David J. Garrow states: “King’s academic compositions, especially at Boston University, were almost without exception little more than summary descriptions…and comparisons of other’s writings. Nonetheless, the papers almost always received desirable letter grades, strongly suggesting that King’s professors did not expect more….” Why did they not expect more? It is a fact that King stole 66% of his Ph.D. dissertation! It seems Boston University wanted to give a doctorate to an unqualified and dishonest black man, therefore playing the game of “Let’s pretend we are scholars in this academic enterprise.”

In his seminary papers, King copied the research and writings of others, but he also incorporated their many grammatical and theological errors! That is not only academic fraud deserving expulsion, but it is patently stupid and deserves lavish ridicule.

King was a phony: In another paper, King wrote that “the orthodox view of the divinity of Christ is in my mind quite readily denied.” In other papers, King denied Christ’s virgin birth, vicarious death, victorious resurrection, and visible return, as well as the verbal inspiration of Scripture. Martin Luther King was an unbeliever, and that makes him a phony preacher and a phony Christian!

What would be the reaction if a national holiday were suggested to honor a man, even a good man, who had past ties with the Klan or Nazis? Would it not be expected that everyone would demand that he answer some questions and his life be looked at very closely? Why is King an exception? And why did conservatives play this game of whitewashing King’s reputation? Why do important Conservatives continue to praise King without any qualification? Why will some Conservative websites refuse to publish these facts? Obviously, truth is unimportant to unprincipled people.

To sum up: There is no argument about King’s scoundrel-hood. As usual, I’ll be accused of racism, but facts are unmalleable: King was a pinko, a philander, a pervert, a prevaricator, a plagiarist, and a phony. That doesn’t bother most people, but it does bother honest people. Regardless of my motives, truth must be the driving force for left and right.

I will be accused of holding the Archie Bunker Chair for Political Science at Far-Right University because of this article. Still, the cause of truth is not helped when truth is rejected, repackaged, and ridiculed. Principled people can handle the truth, even unpleasant truth.

(All documentation for the above comments is in my eBook, Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character Not His Color! available at

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)



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Financial Storm Now Hitting South Africa! Thu, 27 Sep 2018 13:35:25 +0000 Dark, ominous clouds have hovered over South Africa for many years; those clouds have developed into a raging storm that may become a destructive cyclone.

The South African financial slowdown has now accelerated into a plunge into an official recession this month as second-quarter growth domestic product (GDP) figures showed a shrinkage of 0.7%, the second straight quarter of decline. This, after a decade of economic stagnation.

Such a slide into a financial nightmare will only accelerate into political rebellion and anarchy.

The main culprit causing the recession, according to South Africa’s Business Day, was a sharp contraction in the agricultural sector which has been under political assault this year as the ruling African National Congress (ANC) pledged expropriation of farm land “without compensation.” Consequently, the nation is “reeling” because of an unexpected recession following the government’s reported worse-than-expected GDP numbers.

South Africa’s long-term foreign currency credit rating is rated junk by S&P Global Ratings and their currency has been battered. Platinum prices are flagging near the lowest in a decade while diamond and gold production are now well below their peaks, although South Africa is number 5 of the world’s gold producers. It used to be ranked number one. Moreover, the most shocking number in the statistics is the “precipitous 29.2% decline in agricultural production over the second quarter.”

Could the Communist government’s taking land from white farmers and giving it to Blacks who often know nothing about farming, have something to do with the slowdown at least in agricultural production? A London Times journalist wrote, “Once-productive maize fields now grow only weeds. Citrus orchards are dying, their valuable fruit rotting on the branches. Machinery lies about rusting. Irrigation pipes have been looted and farm sheds are derelict and stripped of roofing.”

You think maybe that would have an impact on farm production rates?

Minister of Finance Nhlanhla Nene said growing the economy is “now critical” to expand the tax base. If tax collections stumble—a portent of bad times ahead—the government will have difficulty in borrowing money at reasonable interest rates. Tax collections have been down in recent years but does anyone question why? Since the government has not been receiving tax income they need in recent years, they did what most politicians do: they raised personal income taxes and increased the value-added tax (VAT)!

Over 6,000 white South African workers kicked off a go-slow protest that is now a full strike with the support of their Solidarity Union. The Whites who work for a petrochemicals firm are protesting against discrimination over a share scheme offered exclusively to Blacks. The ANC whined that the white workers are obsessed “with perpetuating racial polarization.” Sure, they demand they be treated equally since that’s what the liberation was all about under Mandela.

But there are more reasons for the poor economy than lack of tax income and strikes.

Remember South Africa has a Communist-run government. The Communist-controlled ANC has been in power starting with President Mandela’s election. He promised them, “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. Political, economic, and social rights will cease to be enjoyed by whites only. They will be shared equally by whites and non-whites. There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation, and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.”

That did not happen, as everyone in South Africa knows. Poor people do get some freebies and that’s one reason for the spiraling economy. Poor people and some wealthy people receive a minimum of free water and electricity but at the end of the day, someone has to pay the bills. There has been some success in providing housing for the poor but 2.3 million poor Blacks are still standing in line waiting for a free home and a set of house keys.

This, after 24 years of waiting for the Gravy Train to stop at their station, but that train is already loaded with Members of Parliament and their cronies and officials at the province level and their cronies.

Planned and unplanned blackouts are common with hundreds of people stranded on electric trains and hundreds more standing on train platforms. Such a consequence, happening often, would impact the production rates in all sectors of the economy.

Leon Louw head of the Free Market Foundation, a major South African think tank said, “This is a simple manifestation of the breakdown of the state,” he said. “Government is just appallingly bad at everything it does: education, healthcare, infrastructure, security, everything that is a government function is in shambles.”

There are quota laws mandating that all government townships, cities, utilities, transportation companies, schools, civil service, police, and businesses hire non-whites first and keep white percentage to 10%. It’s called Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) that mandates businesses to adhere to quotas on black ownership, employment, and acquisition. The motive was to increase job opportunities for Blacks at middle and managerial levels within the public and private sector of the economy. Small businesses are not mandated since many would be run by families.

ANC parliamentarian Mario Rantho declared it “imperative to get rid of merit as the overriding principle in the appointment of public servants.” That was to “get rid of merit”! As a result, municipal budgets in the billions are now often under the control of uneducated Blacks. The black editor of the Sunday Times has admitted, “My African colleagues who manage large companies or government departments tell me that to get a job done, you usually have to employ a white.”

Sounds racist to me, but that can’t be since he’s a rather famous black newspaperman.

But there are other ramifications of the BEE because many white-owned companies go to corrupt black ANC officials who do a lucrative business renting themselves out as front men to white companies seeking government contracts. The law applies to formerly all-white companies that must have Blacks in their top management even though the black manager may not even know what the business does! About 91 percent of publically traded companies are still owned by Whites and this requires a large number of black front men.

Private companies must apply the codes if they want to do business with any government entity.

Government officials tell everyone who will listen that BEE is not affirmative action and not discriminatory; however, all honest people know it is affirmative action on steroids.

According to international banking and affairs analyst Dennis Santiago “reverse apartheid” is a “strategic mistake for the country….This is a ticking time bomb.”

The government has a land reform process in which it uses tax revenue to purchase land owned by white people to give to Blacks. However, it is not happening fast enough and Blacks are getting restless.

Even South Africa’s one time world-class mining industry is declining. It was the world’s biggest gold producer but since Communists got control, it is now fifth on the list and tumbling. Does one have to be a rocket scientist to understand that international investors don’t want to develop mines in a nation where the political party Black First Land First motto is “Land or Death!”

Nor are foreign investors encouraged to write a check when Lindsay Maasdorp, the Black Land First spokesperson, yells that all white people in South Africa “are criminals by virtue of their existence.” He also repeated his party’s slogan, “land or death,” as reported in The Citizen on September 17, 2018.

International investors are smart enough to know that a blood-bath is in the future of South Africans, so they wisely invest elsewhere.

Nedbank provides a wide range of wholesale and retail banking services and asset management services in southern Africa, and according to The South African, farmers have been warned that their debts will have to be paid in full even after their property is confiscated by the government!

Of course South Africa in headed for financial turbulence because the pendulum has swung to the opposite extreme. Deep in the human heart of all people is the desire to be treated equal. President H. W. George Bush, applying pressure for all globalists during the hated apartheid days, told President de Klerk that black South Africans should enjoy not merely “equal opportunity” but “equality of outcomes.” Marx, Lenin, and Stalin could not have said it better.

Well, the Blacks are in control and they are purposefully working to produce a system of reverse apartheid.

But, like the white apartheid, it is discrimination—even hate—with pigmentation.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Martin Luther King, Jr.: Whitewashed by Radical Leftists! Sat, 18 Jan 2014 23:53:46 +0000 When tyrants take control of a free society they always do two things: they take guns from everyone and rewrite history. They make the tyrants into national saviors and turn those opposed to tyranny into thugs. This rewriting of history is happening as I write. Martin Luther King, Jr. has been reworked, repackaged, and remade into a secular saint by desperate people who can’t argue the issue on its merits but must stoop to manufactured mythology.

Recently, Oliver Stone dropped out of writing and directing the much anticipated MLK film because the King people in Atlanta rejected his script. They refused to permit the truth being told since Stone planned to deal with “issues of adultery, conflicts within the movement, and King’s spiritual transformation.” It is incredible that honest people do not demand the truth, however unpleasant, about their heroes. It seems that those who lean left are basically dishonest people who will do anything to preserve their myths. King’s family and other leftists are still white-washing his image; after all, big bucks are involved as everyone knows who has dealt with King’s family.

Since this is a national holiday, in the interest of truth, I present the following incontrovertible facts about King. My readers can then decide if I’m a racist or a realist interested in truth.

King was a pinko: King’s very liberal biographer, David J. Garrow, wrote: “King privately described himself as a Marxist.” The Rev. Uriah J. Fields, King’s secretary during the early stage of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, wrote, “King helps to advance Communism. He is surrounded with communists.”

Liberal black newspaper columnist Carl Rowan attended National Security Council meetings and was permitted to see confidential FBI files on King. Rowan said that King was known to be a Communist since May of 1962 when King’s name was “placed in Section A …tabbed Communist” in the FBI’s files. William Sullivan, Assistant Director of the FBI, concluded at the time, King was “the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro, and national security.” Sullivan was a major supporter of King!

King was a philander: Roman Catholic priest Richard John Neuhaus said of King: “Dr. King was, for all that was great about him, an adulterer, sexual libertine, lecher, and wanton womanizer.” That’s from a friend!

King’s friendly biographer, David J. Garrow revealed to USA Today King’s justification for his sexual immorality: “He [King] explained it as someone on the road 27 days a month and needing sex as a form of anxiety reduction and for emotional solace.” Oh, well, that makes his adultery and betrayal of his marriage vows and ordination vows acceptable–maybe even commendable!

An AP article should be a knockout blow for those who worship at King’s image with its heading, “FBI and Abernathy Say King Was a Sex-obsessed ‘Tomcat.’” That was followed with a graphic description of King’s last night on earth. “The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. spent parts of the night before his assassination with two women and then fought physically with a third, according to the memoirs of the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, King’s top aide.” Preachers are supposed to “fight a good fight” but King perverted that teaching–in spades.

Assistant Director of the FBI Charles D. Brennan wrote a letter to Senator John P. East of North Carolina in which he stated that King’s activities consisted of “orgiastic and adulterous escapades, some of which indicated that King could be bestial in his sexual abuse of women.”

King was a pervert: Black columnist Carl Rowan reported that the FBI tapes suggest that there was a homosexual relationship between King and his “best friend” Ralph Abernathy! Black talk show host and columnist Tony Brown added more light on this possibility when he reported on King’s banter to Abernathy in one of their hotel rooms. However, it was so vulgar, I will not even disguise King’s request to his “best friend.”

Martin was a prevaricator: The head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, said that King was the “most notorious liar” in America and also said that “King is a tom cat with obsessive degenerate urges.” King also lied about his name all his life; he lied to his ordination committee; he lied to his wife; he lied on his college and seminary papers; he lied in his books; he lied when he said he fired Communists on his payroll; he lied when he said that twice as many blacks died in Vietnam than whites. Hoover was right.

King was a plagiarist: King stole from others all his lifetime as was supported by King’s people in Atlanta! “King’s plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings….We found that instances of textual appropriation can be seen in his earliest extant writings as well as his dissertation. The pattern is also noticeable in his speeches and sermons throughout his career.” Note King’s family excused his plagiarism calling it “textual appropriation.”

King’s biographer David J. Garrow states: “King’s academic compositions, especially at Boston University, were almost without exception little more than summary descriptions…and comparisons of other’s writings. Nonetheless, the papers almost always received desirable letter grades, strongly suggesting that King’s professors did not expect more….” Why did they not expect more? It is a fact that King stole 66% of his Ph.D. dissertation! It seems Boston University wanted to give a doctorate to an unqualified and dishonest man, therefore played the game.

In his seminary papers, King reproduced the research and writings of others but he also incorporated their many errors, grammatical as well as theological!

King was a phony: In another paper King wrote that “the orthodox view of the divinity of Christ is in my mind quite readily denied.” He other papers King denied Christ’s virgin birth and vicarious death and visible return of Christ. Martin Luther King was an unbeliever! He was a phony preacher and phony Christian!

What would be the reaction if a national holiday were suggested to honor a man, even a good man, who had past ties with the Klan or Nazis? Would it not be expected that everyone would demand that he answer some questions and his life be looked at very closely? Why is King an exception? And why are conservatives playing this game of whitewashing King’s reputation? Obviously, truth is unimportant.

To sum up: There is no argument. As usual, I’ll be accused of racism but it’s only the facts. King was a pinko, a philander, a pervert, a prevaricator, a plagiarist and a phony. That doesn’t bother most people but it does bother honest people.

(All documentation is in my eBook, Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character Not His Color! available at for $4.99.)  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!” And pass it on!

Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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South African Communists Can be Trusted to be Communists–Always! Mon, 09 Dec 2013 17:05:30 +0000 When the Dutch arrived in South Africa in 1652 to found a hospital and refreshing station for their sailors passing the Cape, they found unoccupied land near the Cape of Good Hope at the very tip of Africa. There was not a railroad, highway, building, hospital, or school. French Huguenots arrived in 1688 followed by the English in 1795, so white South Africans go back more than 300 years. They were not colonialists and did not displace any Blacks. The Germans arrived in 1857. Add to the mix a huge group of Pakistanis, Indians, and Chinese known as Coloreds, and you have a boiling pot.

There is talk of how five million South African Whites kept 20 million Blacks under their thumb but the fact is that Blacks are not a homogeneous force. There were five million Zulus; about 5 million Xhosa (pronounced Koza); two million Tswana; etc. plus about three million Coloreds (from China, India, Pakistan, etc.) who have mixed blood that could be called, “mulattoes.” Blacks hate the Coloreds more than they do the whites.

The hostility among the black tribes is legendary: A white doctor who established a hospital for Blacks in Durban declared, “When a Zulu who has been in an accident is brought in, we must have a Zulu nurse for him. If we have a Xhosa nurse, she will pull off his bandages at night and let him bleed to death.”

South Africa became a British colony in 1806 and the Brits and the Dutch turned it into one of the most advanced, modern, and safest nations in the world. They built a civilization that lifted millions of Blacks from poverty to the highest standard of living (2 to 5 times greater) than anywhere in Africa.
Yes, many white men got rich but so did some Blacks. In fact, about a million Blacks from surrounding black nations try to enter South Africa each year–many illegally. No other African nation has a problem with people trying to slip across their borders to live and work. Even today with the transfer of power from white minority to the black majority, the white minority still controls most of the wealth in South Africa. Thus, the pot is simmering and the top is ready to blow. Following the funeral of Mandela, I see major bloodshed there as the jockeying goes on to replace the “hero” and “inspiring leader.” That’s about like the junior officers on the Titanic fighting for the opportunity to replace Captain Smith as the giant ship was sinking!

In Africa’s colonial nations, the Blacks threw off the yoke of the hated colonists but they could not feed themselves, a problem in much of Africa. South Africa is the murder and rape capital of the world. South African men rape very young females, even babies, thinking it will cure their AIDS! They need a cure for their stupidity and brutality. An encounter with Christ, called the New Birth, will always solve the brutality problem, but there is little hope for stupidity.

Blacks throughout Africa were much better off under colonial, white rule. Why are leftists not screaming about the crime, rape, and mistreatment of white farmers? They were sure concerned when Blacks didn’t own many farms and had little political power. It seems Liberals, black or white, have a major problem with consistency. Maybe if it were lions, tigers, and elephants that were being killed, the radical leftists might get concerned.

Mandela and the Communists in ANC and SACP also called for the nationalization of mines, banks, and other major industries in South Africa and black leaders are demanding that white farmers surrender their farms that have been in their families for 300 years! If that happens, “Katie Bar the Door.” The major civil war between Blacks and Whites that Mandela allegedly diverted has obviously only been delayed. That is exactly what has been happening in that “garden of paradise” called Zimbabwe.

Many Zimbabwean white farmers and their families have been butchered by official representatives of the Communist, totalitarian (forgive the redundancy) regime and their farms stolen. Only 300 white farmers remain of a total of 4,000! The crops are not being harvested and expensive equipment rusts in unplowed fields. The life span has plummeted with the average native expected to live in good health for 39 years. About one and a half million Zimbabweans are dying with AIDS.

South Africa is well on its way to being another black tragedy because of power, pride, position, and possessions. South Africa and Zimbabwe are rich with coal, platinum, iron, chrome, gold, diamonds, etc. And if the Communists get total control of the minerals that are crucial to the free world, then free leaders will have to go, hat in hand, to totalitarians for what is needed for their survival. So, the battle in Africa is not only a black-white issue.

Jacob Zuma was re-elected to head the corrupt ANC, the ruling party in South Africa, so he will reign as President for seven more years. Zuma has multiple wives and recently fathered a child by the daughter of a close friend. Yet, he still has “overwhelming” support. It seems that morality, decency, and character, don’t matter if you are the right color and carry the right card–Black as to color and Red as to politics.

Mandela promised all South Africans: “Under a Communist Party government, South Africa will become a land of milk and honey. …There will be enough land and houses for all. There will be no unemployment, starvation and disease. Workers will earn decent wages; transport will be cheap and education free.” Well, every person in South Africa knows that did not happen and the mendacious, murderous, malicious terrorist had no plans to keep such a promise.

Mandela and other terrorists at the ANC and the SACP got a free ride on the Gravy Train while poor black were left standing at the station covered with soot with the echoes of “We Shall Overcome” ringing in their ears.

Fools in the free world put their trust is a corrupt, cruel, contentious Communist tyrant with a pretty smile and it is too late for anyone, anywhere to do anything about the chaos that is coming.

Mandela and his cronies at the ANC and SACP are/were not fools, just Communists and you can always trust a Communist–to be a Communist. Why are even many Conservatives afraid to tell the truth?

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D. Videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota; “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Nelson Mandela: Secular Saint Gone to His Reward! Thu, 05 Dec 2013 23:04:05 +0000 A secular saint has just died as his family fought a bitter public battle over his money and his graveyard. Nelson Mandela turned his toes skyward this week and went to his reward. No doubt the main stream media’s love affair with him will be accelerated now that he has assumed room temperature. Many will cringe at my caviler attitude about his death and while I would not actually rejoice in anyone’s death (since it is so permanent) I am grateful when nature does the human race a favor. Very few in the media are willing to tell the truth about this very soiled secular “saint.”

The gushing has already started from the non-thinking, non-principled international media who are very careless with the facts that are known by all informed South Africans. Mandela has been called, a “prisoner of conscience,” “miracle worker,” father of democracy,” “icon,” “one of the greatest men of the 20th century,” “statesman,” “regal,” and “freedom fighter.” Obama called him the “hero of the world” and compared him to George Washington! Of course, Obama is wrong more often than he is right. One journalist admitted Nelson’s “ordinary weaknesses” but concluded that those weaknesses made him “all the more remarkable”! Hand me a barf bag.

Almost all the articles I read about Mandela refer to him as a “political prisoner” or “prisoner of conscience” for 27 years in a quest for racial freedom. No informed, honest journalist would write such a farce. For the record, let me clearly declare that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison because he was a saboteur (which he admitted at his trial) and espionage agent working against his government.

He was not imprisoned because he fought for freedom but because he was involved in 23 different acts of sabotage and conspiring to overthrow the government. He should have been executed, but a soft court went wobbly at his 1963 trial. It is said by his worshippers that he experienced “inhumane incarceration,” yet his Red buddies of the banned and Communist controlled African National Congress (ANC) and the South African Communist Party (SACP) were charged with 193 acts of sabotage! What should saboteurs expect? They were charged with the preparation and manufacture of explosives, according to evidence submitted, including 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate, etc. It is telling that an official in the Carter administration called the ANC, “freedom fighters.” And that was said at a Congressional Hearing!

Mandela always denied being a member of the South Africa Communist Party (SACP) but now the kitty is out of the sack. But then, the kitty was out of the sack when Mandela was arrested with a document in his possession titled, “How to be a Good Communist” written in his own handwriting! It said, in part, “The people of South Africa led by the South African Communist Party will destroy capitalist society and build in its place socialism.” He even characterized himself as a “well-disciplined member of the Communist Party.”

On Dec. 12, 2012, the London Telegraph admitted that yes, Nelson was, in fact, a member of the SACP. In fact, he held “senior rank” in the party! So that reveals Mandela as a liar as well as a Communist. If I had the choice, I would prefer being known as a liar.

Mandela could easily say “no” to apartheid but not to anarchy. He was pretty good (with his leftist buddies writing for him) with speeches, sermons, and slogans but not with solutions that did not include violence. When he became the first black South African President, he did not do much for Blacks, one reason for their dissatisfaction of him in recent years.

It is also interesting to note that in his later prison years Mandela was offered his freedom many times by the white minority government if he would simply renounce the use of terror, but Mandela refused to do this in obedience to the Communist Party. His payoff: President of South Africa. He chose to stay in prison until his release by the white government in February of 1990, thereby becoming a lifetime martyr. What fools! They released a man dedicated to overthrow their own government!

Nelson Mandela was a Black terrorist, but after his release by the hated white regime, he became rather docile and assumed a statesman-like persona. Except when he had seizures of stupidly by praising black tyrants from Angola to Zimbabwe. Mandela never saw a black dictator he didn’t like. That’s true of white American Liberals also!

Nelson believed in the Hug-a-Thug philosophy and he never missed a chance to do so. His most ardent friends were Communists and dictators such as Fidel Castro, Moammar Qaddafi, Yasser Arafat, and Saddam Hussein. They were his hugging buddies. There is truth to Daddy’s statement, “When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.” Daddy was a philosopher. And Nelson has been scratching all his life. This “advocate for freedom” has always been in bed with Communists and tyrants (who specialized in taking freedom) of all kinds and has used every opportunity to kiss the bad guys and kick the good guys.

But maybe Mandela mellowed during his prison years, and became repentant and resolute in his pursuit of freedom. No, afraid not. He traveled around the world with his bag of goldbricks slung across his shoulder to peddle to gushing hero worshippers. He visited Cuba in 1991 and said, “Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro.”

Hopefully, Castro’s toes will turn skyward soon and he will join his comrade so they can both get what they deserve.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.  Videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges the New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

Following columns dealing with Mandela:

“Mandela Lived in a 30-Room Mansion While Dying Sister Lives in One Room with 11 Relatives!”

“South African Communists Can be Trusted to be Communists–Always!”

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Churches in China: Complex, Confusing, Convoluted! Sat, 13 Jul 2013 18:20:29 +0000 China has a complex, confusing, and convoluted religious structure; however, there is no question that it is having one of the greatest revivals in history! There are more real Christians in China than in America! Chinese Christians have been crushed since the Reds took over (with the help of the U.S. State Department!) in 1949, and that persecution has resulted in prodigious spiritual fruit. Could the “good life” that U.S. churches have experienced be one reason we aren’t seeing much fruit in America?

The Chinese leaders are atheists who hate the churches but realize that it is impossible to wipe out all Christians, so they are trying to control them through registration. (In the U.S. the powers-that-be control churches through 501(c) (3) status!) The Chinese leaders consider all groups they cannot control as a threat to their power which, of course, is true.

The Religious Affairs Bureau tries to control all religion and insists that all churches register with the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM). Three Self refers to self-supporting, self-perpetuating, and self-governing. “Self-governing!” That’s a joke but Christians aren’t laughing–only languishing in prison.

The Communist leadership permits registered churches to exist but doesn’t permit worship outside of the approved churches and limited designated hours. It is illegal to teach the Bible to children under 18, and preaching “excessively” about the Second Coming of Christ and other eschatological issues is also frowned upon. Admittedly, TSPM has many dedicated Christians and many evangelical pastors; however, they are controlled in many areas of religious activities. And that control varies from city to city and time to time.

On the other hand, there are millions of Chinese Christians who refuse to register with the government and they meet in illegal “house churches.” China has far more of these illegal churches than there are legal, registered churches. In the U. S. and Canada, almost all churches are registered through incorporation.

According to Christianity Today (Feb, 2013), “Most Protestants in the ‘house church’ movement have vast theological differences with the TSPM and view its leadership as complicit in past and ongoing persecution.” But the defining issue between the two groups is registering with the government thereby getting official approval to do God’s work.

UPI on February 6, 2004 reported that China’s official Protestant denomination boasts that the Communist government is giving $3.5 million to help build two large church buildings each of which will seat 1500 people. So the Commies (haven’t heard that word in a long time, have you?) have decided that they can’t destroy them so they will join them as long as they can control them. And those capitulating Chinese Christians don’t know that what the government (any government) funds, it runs.

To qualify as a “registered” church they must have a committee of five to run the church and the committee must be approved by the Religious Affairs Bureau. Moreover, the pastor must have the approval of the TSPM. Alex Buchan says there are three formal restrictions called the “three designates” that govern the churches. They are: “designated pastor, designated place of worship, and designated sphere of ministry.” In some provinces an approved church must have a preacher’s certificate, a baptism certificate, and a registration certificate, all issued by the Three Self Patriotic Movement! They must also use only books that are government approved.

All thinking Christians would conclude that those restrictions are outrageous; however, many Chinese Christians in the government-approved churches defend them as progress! They are quick to point out that official churches did not exist 25 years ago, and since 1990, they have increased from 6,000 to more than 13,000 churches under state control. Their membership during that time has increased from 5 million to almost 15 million. So what’s the big deal about some state control? It seems that American pastors ask the same question!

While there are many committed Chinese Christians in the registered churches (as there are in U.S. registered churches) there are still massive problems, not the least of which is the Scriptural position of Christ as Lord of His church. If the government (any government) is head of the church, it is impossible for Christ to be. After all, anything with two heads is a monstrosity.

One pastor told about Religious Affairs Bureau officials who came to his legally registered church and sat in the front where they drank beer, smoked and talked while TSPM pastors treated them royally and almost kissed their rings. As a result, numerous laymen left the church to join with illegal “house church” Christians.

Millions of dedicated Chinese Christians have done the same thing: They refuse to be identified with registered churches and have fled them to serve Christ and worship in illegal “house churches,” and to suffer the consequences. Government persecution of churches is not simply a few political thugs throwing their weight around but is a definite policy of the Communist Government to take control of all religious institutions. They have discovered that the “house churches” are impossible to control and have stepped up harassment, arrests, fines, beatings, loss of jobs and property, detention, rape and torture while detained, and long prison terms–for refusing to register down at the local commissar’s office.

These committed Chinese Christians are excellent examples to Christians in the free world who are members of approved, accredited, and accommodating churches. Most of these Christians in the free world are so uninformed that they don’t even know there is an issue of cowardice, compromise, and capitulation.

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I Will Not Obey the Law! Wed, 17 Apr 2013 03:03:14 +0000 Each Wednesday I publish one of my earlier columns that I hope will be instructive, informative, inspiring, and maybe infuriating. The following column was first published in 2008:
Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not then be false to any man.” If you can’t be true to self, can you be true to anyone? Of course, in being true, we must be true to the Scripture. That will cost us dearly.

One must be true to himself as well as to the truth. Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand (a Lutheran pastor in Romania) were that kind of people. I met them in the 1980s when they came to Indianapolis three or four times. I heard his story, bought his book, saw the scars on his back where he was tortured by the Communists in a Romanian prison, and became a great admirer of them both. Few people know how he became a Christian activist.

In 1944, the Soviets took control of Romania and began to establish a Communist government and when they tried to control the churches, Richard began to minister illegally to the “underground church.”

He and Sabina were at a meeting where 4,000 priests and ministers of all denominations had gathered. Soviet Dictator Joe Stalin was the honorary president of that group. Many speakers spoke about how Christians and Communists can get along with each other. After a few minutes of antichristian rhetoric,  Sabina nudged Richard in the ribs and said, “They are spitting on the face of Jesus. Go wash the shame off His face.” Richard said, “If I speak against the Communists, you will no longer have a husband.” His wife replied, “I do not wish to have a coward for a husband.” She was true to self, the Scripture and the Savior.

Richard slowly arose from his seat, went to the microphone and shocked his friends and co-laborers by advocating only loyalty to Christ. He would not coexist, cooperate, or compromise with Communists. He was arrested in 1948 and again in 1959 and spent about 13 years in prison, three of those years in solitary confinement, and was tortured by his captors. Sabina was also arrested and spent three years in a labor camp. They were both people who lived by the truth.

I don’t profess to have the courage, character, or commitment that the Wurmbrands had but there are some things I will not do. I will not permit the government to run my ministry or control my beliefs.

No person, or entity or authority will ever control my ministry for two reasons: the First Amendment and the Bible. Many Christian leaders in other nations seem to think that they don’t have the obligation to be militant since they have no legal protection; however, Christians are to be responsibly militant wherever they live. They should be wise, discrete, and in the case of Muslim nations, secretive but Christians must be Christians under all circumstances.

When it becomes illegal to preach, teach, talk, or write anything negative about homosexuality, Islam, abortion, etc., I will break that law. It is appalling that there are not a hundred Baptist preachers in jail in Canada at this time. Have they all lost their voice? Here’s what they are saying: “It is unfortunate that we can’t teach the truth about perversion, Islam, etc., but since we can still preach the Gospel, I’ll go along with the new laws. But if they ever tell me not to preach Christ as the only means of salvation, I’ll….” Sure. What kind of nation are they leaving for their children and grandchildren? I will preach against homosexuality, abortion, Islam, etc. if it means a loss of everything including my freedom.

When a judge tells me, as one told a preacher/friend in Canada, that I cannot preach about a particular issue, I will tell that judge that he has no jurisdiction in this matter! And go to jail. The incredible gall of a judge to tell a preacher what he can preach! A non-thinker yells, “You think you are special and above the law.” That’s exactly right!

When I was a member of a Select Committee during the summer of 1978 at the Indiana House of Representatives, we were commissioned to look into the school lunch program; WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program; and the matter of day care licensure in the state. I listened to the head of the day care state licensure group make his pitch for the safety of children, quality pre-school care, etc. then I told him and the committee that licensure protects no one and provides no guarantee of quality. In fact, I was at that time administrator of a large Christian school in Indianapolis and also ran an unlicensed day care that fed into our pre-kindergarten program. He said, “You church people seem to think that you are special and don’t have to submit to state controls like everyone else.” I leaned into my microphone and said, “You are exactly right and if you don’t like it go change the state and federal constitutions.” We remained unlicensed, unbothered, and uncontrolled.

We must be true to self and the Savior whatever the circumstances, the crowd, or the consequences. Otherwise, we are a tragedy in the making. I decided at age 22 that I would do what I’m convinced is right if I lost everything and spent my last days in prison. I still believe that and am prepared to disobey any law (and take the consequences) without whining about suffering for Christ.

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