Cruz – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 I was Wrong; Cruz was Right! Sat, 23 Jul 2016 03:36:08 +0000 When Senator Cruz did not endorse Trump for president Thursday night, I remarked to my wife, “We just watched a man commit political suicide.” I had supported Cruz from day one because of his clear Christian testimony, his commitment to constitutional principles, and his courageous stand in the senate against almost everyone. I expressed concern in my columns about his wife having worked for the CFR but was willing to overlook that failure since everyone is flawed. He was far superior to Trump in every way except Trump’s business acumen.

After it was obvious that Trump was to be the nominee, I declared that I would hold my nose and vote for Trump; however, I soon realized that I couldn’t hold my nose that tightly. I began to wobble and waver, and wondered aloud if I should not vote for a third party or do a write in vote leaving the consequences to God. After all, He can manipulate events to put His choice in office.

Rather quickly, I experienced a seizure of common sense and decided that I could vote for Trump with the expectation that he might really build the wall; that he might really cut taxes; that he might really deal with terrorism; that he might really appoint conservative federal judges; and that he might really handle the debt crisis. So, I boarded the Trump Train albeit in the caboose.

I will do what I can to get Trump elected but I can’t get excited about it. The Republican platform is good, even exceptional, while the convention reached the highest highs and the lowest lows. The lows were having a homosexual speak and given a standing ovation (do I hear the GOP closet door creaking open?) and having a Muslim deliver the benediction. (This dude has four active Maryland court charges totaling more than $26,000 in unpaid bills against him.) But then I don’t have much right to complain since I stopped supporting the Grand Old Progressives many years ago. I often vote for them but stopped writing checks.

I was discouraged, disappointed, and disturbed when Ted refused to keep his pledge to support the nominee. I surmised that he was being petty, petulant, and personal for sure. And political, with his eyes locked on the future. Then I started thinking with my brain instead of my gut.

Ted was now in a quandary: He could not keep his commitment to support the GOP nominee and also give the honor due his wife and father. He chose to put his family first and I would have done the same—in a heartbeat. I believe he did it knowing it might ruin him politically.

I had joined the throng that demanded Cruz say the magic words: “I endorse Trump!” I wrestled with myself for twenty-four hours then applied the principle I have followed all my adult life: I put myself in Ted’s place and realized I, too, would have put family first under the same circumstances. Yes, Ted had promised to support the nominee but surely that was with the reasonable, responsible, and realistic caveat that the nominee did not turn out to be a closet communist or child molester, etc. Ted could not have known that Trump would insult his wife or accuse his father of being connected with the Kennedy assassination!

Trump supporters should keep in mind that Trump has never apologized for his scurrilous accusations. Trump needs to understand that money cannot purchase character or class. If he had either, he would apologize for his vicious, personal attacks on the Cruz family.

I think Ted could have been a little wiser during his speech without alienating anyone. He could have said, “I congratulate Donald Trump for a stunning win, an exemplary platform, and for an exciting convention. I will vote for the Republican ticket in November and I hope he and Pence win. I think he will make a great president even though he is as shameless as an egg-sucking dog.”

It is better to have principled division than a delusional, defective, or dishonest conformity. Trump for president and Ted Cruz for a lifetime seat on the U.S. Supreme Court!

Now that would give Hillary and her pathetic progressives perpetual palpitations.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Muslim Invasion, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Jerry Falwell, Jeffress, Robertson: Withdraw Trump Support! Fri, 22 Apr 2016 02:58:53 +0000 Everyone agrees that this is the most unusual election cycle in memory, maybe in history. One of the most surprising, shocking, shameful, and scandalous events was the endorsement of Donald Trump by Evangelical leaders such as Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr., Robert Jeffress Pastor of First Baptist, Dallas, and Pat Robertson of the 700 Club and former presidential candidate.

Joel Osteen Pastor of Lakeview Church in Houston, who arguably has never said a negative word in his life, was reported as endorsing Trump but Smil’n Joel only half-way endorsed him by calling Trump an “incredible communicator.” But there is more to being president than being able to communicate. Hitler was an incredible communicator.

The Trump endorsement is shocking in that each of those religious leaders has been preaching or standing all his life against many of Trump’s positions on gun control, abortion, marriage, etc.

I think it is time for the above men to reconsider their endorsement of Trump and withdraw it. Maybe even apologize for it! Surely they did not know, at the time of their endorsement, of Trump’s major peccadilloes. The latest may be his worst. This week Trump told Matt Lauer of the Today show that people should be permitted to use the restroom of their choice. So, that means if a sexual predator “feels like a woman” then he can use the ladies room!

Trump agreed that if Bruce Jenner (who claims to be a female but still has male genitalia as well as big shoulders, wide hips, and large hands) visited Trump Towers he could use any restroom he wanted. Of course, during the show Bruce was called “Caitlyn” and was a “she” rather than the correct “he.” After all, Bruce was a male in the past, is a male in the present and will always be a male in the future no matter what body parts he has mutilated by incompetent and greedy surgeons.

This position of Trump is not too surprising since he said that Kim Davis, who refused to issue a marriage license to homosexuals, should “follow the law.” He doesn’t seem to understand that making something legal does not make it right and Christians are obligated to always do right even if it means breaking the law and going to jail. Unprincipled people can’t understand that. What Trump knows about Bible principle would fit into the naval of a flea! Almost!

Donald Trump is a strong, impulsive, aggressive man without a moral compass or rudder and is sailing perilously close to deceptive, dangerous, even deadly shoals. He displayed that when his Trump Foundation donated $20,000 to the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in 2012 and another $10,000 to Gay Men’s Health Crisis. That alone should disqualify him from any Christian leader’s endorsement.

GLSEN promotes “fisting” to middle school students and recommended books that excuses homosexual pedophilia. Their proclaimed mission is “promoting homosexuality” in the public schools to children as early as kindergarten.

Equally damning is his marriage and divorce record. He has had two divorces (both initiated by him) and his philandering, his illegitimate baby, and sexual innuendos don’t seem to bother my evangelical brethren. For sure if Trump were a member of any of their churches he would be publically disciplined and be required to confess his very public sins to the congregation and ask them, as well as God, for forgiveness. If he refused to repent, he would be removed from the church membership and refused a recommendation to any other church.

I have problems with Trump in that he boasted about his sexual exploits even with married women. If a man won’t keep his marriage vows to his wife why should I think he will keep his promises to me made in the heat of a political campaign? He was dumb enough or arrogant enough to boast about his many sexual affairs, multiple marriages, and divorces in his book! His audacity, arrogance, and aggression are shocking.

Conservatives have been consistent in taking umbrage toward erring conservatives because that is simple honesty. We screamed like a stuck pig when John McCain returned home from prison and dumped his overweight wife for a newer model but at least he admitted that it was the worst moral failure of his life. But with Trump, he sees no need for confession and repentance because he did nothing wrong!

When Jerry Falwell endorsed Trump, Falwell declared, Trump is a wonderful Christian brother “who reminds me of my dad.” Well, maybe but only because both were men and public figures but surely that’s all the resemblances. I knew Jerry Falwell from the early 1960s until his death. He was one of the kindest, most gentle, humble, informed, consistent, courageous men I ever met. He would never be mistaken for Donald Trump if one were comparing their character traits. And as for Trump being a “Christian brother,” even his closest associates are aware that he displays no evidence of being a Christian. He may be, but his life doesn’t show it.

I will vote for Trump only if the alternative is Hillary or Sanders. If the Democrats manipulate their convention and nominate a sane Democrat, I will vote for the Democrat–for the first time in my life. That will not happen so I am stuck with Trump unless Cruz pulls it out and Cruz is not a perfect candidate. And I refused to run!

Trump is anathema to the GOP because he cannot be controlled, which is laudable. If the GOP leaders are stupid enough to take away the nomination after he wins it, then Katy bar the door! We will have what Soros and the race baiters have been striving for: riots in the streets. Every group has its fringe people–the crazies and Trump has some for sure.

Furthermore, with chaos in the streets, Obama could very well justify martial law and cancel the general election (for the “good of the people,” of course) permitting his rule to last into the Tribulation Period, if not the Millennium.

I hope and I have prayed that Cruz wins but if not then Trump should be the nominee. Some of my friends and readers are dismayed, displeased, and disagreeable over my reluctance to support Trump. They want to understand my reasoning in supporting Trump only if I must.

Trump has some good attributes. He is independent, not depending on the donors, lobbyists, or the GOP leadership. He is as independent as a hog on ice. He can’t be controlled so he gives party officials perpetual heartburn. That is good. He is not politically correct, which is good, and “says what he’s thinking” which is good and bad. It depends on what he’s thinking. Moreover, I believe he will probably keep his word and will do many of the things he has promised to do. And if he only solves the border problem, takes on the terrorists, and solves the tax and spending problem, then we are winners.

But then Cruz would do all that. So, I have many problems with supporting Trump when Cruz is available.

I have problems with his many hotels, casinos, etc., where liquor is sold and gambling is the purpose for being there. Only God is aware of all the homes he has damaged and the lives he has destroyed.

I have problems with his abortion position where he makes exception for rape, incest, or life of the mother. Those exceptions have been used for decades to kill innocent babies. Many products of rape and incest are very productive citizens. It is always wrong to take the life of an innocent unborn child. After all, if you were the product of rape or incest, you would sure agree with me!

Trump seems to embody the New York City values that Ted Cruz spoke about.

If Trump is elected to the presidency he will know when to wear a white tie and tails and what fork to use to eat garden green beans with shallots and toasted almonds at a formal dinner with a foreign leader, but he probably won’t know the name of the foreign leader or know his capitol city.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published this month by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Cruz: Political Parties Demand Control! Tue, 12 Apr 2016 15:48:01 +0000 The Republican and Democrat Parties are each having a massive party and conservatives, especially Christians, are not invited to attend. The two parties (mainly Republicans since there are only seven conservatives in the Democrat Party!) will permit conservatives to purchase the noise makers, decorations, the food, and booze and permit us to decorate the hall, but we have to leave through the back door before the elites arrive. People of principle are persona non grata.

While there are some policy differences in the two parties, there is little difference in their modus operandi. Former Louisiana Governor and U.S. Senator Huey P. Long rightly said: “The only difference in Republicans and Democrats is one is skinning you from ankles up while the other skins you from the neck down.” It seems many Americans are tired of being skinned.

I discovered this elitist tendency when, as a political novice, I decided to take on the Republican machine in Indiana. As administrator of a large Christian school at the time, I was asked to run for the Indiana House of Representatives. I agreed to run and signed my name on the proper form at the Secretary of State’s Office. My district was the southern suburbs of Indianapolis.

I did what was expected and paid a courtesy call on the Republican County Chairman telling him of my intentions to be a candidate. He figuratively tapped me on the head and told me that I had every right to run for that office. He basically said, “Go to it son, we republicans live under a big tent so there’s even room for an active Christian.” Well, there was room under the tent for active Christians to arrange the chairs, clean up after meetings, and serve the Kool Aid, especially serve the Kool Aid. But there was no excitement about an active Christian being in leadership.

Then he did everything he could to frustrate my efforts. I tried to circumvent his efforts by personally calling on all the precinct chairmen and asking for their support and asked them to give me their official list of Republicans. Some did, some did not. About half of them at least agreed to stay neutral during the primary battle. Some did, some did not.

I ended up winning by 76 votes in the primary and by many thousands in the general election. I won because I had a large team of people, all Christians, who knocked on doors, looked up phone numbers, made phone calls, stuffed envelopes, gave money, and worked the polls on election day.

After my win, I did not fight the GOP but I did my own thing. Party officials asked me to submit one bill and since it would help farmers without expanding government or cost the taxpayers any money I introduced it and got it passed with the Governor’s signature. Other than that, they left me alone to do my own thing: a bill to expunge the ERA that made national news as we had thousands at our committee hearing that usually would attract 30 or 40 interested parties; also a bill to reinstate sodomy as a felony (without cameras in every bedroom); a bill to require creation and evolution be taught on an even basis in public schools; a bill to require life for rape without possibility of parole specifically taking authority from the governor; an amendment to reinstate the death penalty; and many motions to quash bills that encroached on Christian schools, churches, bus ministries, home schooling, etc.

I was a loose cannon and always shot from the right and was hated by many Republicans almost as much as by the Democrats. That could not continue and it didn’t.

After winning, the party “put up with me” and promptly fought my reelection preferring anyone but me. Even though I was far ahead in the polls, I lost reelection by about 700 votes. Only days before the primary, my opponent’s brother, a commercial pilot, crashed his plane south of the city while transporting five major 500 Mile Race Officials from Atlanta to Indianapolis. Even my enemies opined that I lost because of the accident. Whatever, the fact remains that the party wanted me out because they could not control me–plus I did have an agenda that was reflected in my reputation as being the “most conservative member of the General Assembly.” I had been elected as a “Reagan Republican” in 1976 but I was more conservative than Reagan! So, I had to go.

A coalition of public school teachers, liberal preachers, and the trial lawyers’ group came after me with a whip and with help from the plane accident, they managed to whip me out of the House. Poor me! However, it was a very good thing for me since it opened wide the doors for me to write/direct/edit a total Christian school curriculum and write columns for USA Today which produced invitations to appear on hundreds of radio and television talk shows all over the world. The GOP plan for my defeat became a catalyst for an enhanced ministry.

Ted Cruz, take note. The powers that be will do their best to keep you out or chase you out of the Oval Office for the same reason: they demand control. They are now doing their best to derail Trump and will accept you if they must; however, if you become President, be sure to hire a food taster and never walk alone in dark alleys.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published this week by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Bush, Graham, Romney, Others Convert to Cruz! Thu, 24 Mar 2016 00:42:35 +0000 People from all political spectrums are astonished, aghast, and angered at how some Republicans have come to the support of Senator Ted Cruz after consigning him to Dante’s lowest Hell, i.e., the treachery realm. It seems Cruz critics have even endorsed the sign over Dante’s Hell, “Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.” But evidently Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Senator Lindsey Graham of S.C., Reps. Chris Collins, N.Y., and Jeff Duncan, SC., and other recent converts have not lost all hope–and have entered! They see a glimmer of hope with Cruz.

What would make people turn and run in the opposite direction after being so publically adamant against Cruz? It’s called desperation. Fearful that Trump’s success would consign the Grand Old Progressives to outer darkness for another eight or more years, the rats (not a good analogy, but adequate) are jumping on board! Of course, a loss by Trump would have the same effect on the GOP–oblivion. With Cruz they would at least have some legitimacy and even in a loss would retain some respectability. Such “conversions” and unusual companionship are not unprecedented as our history proves.

George Washington served two terms as president and refused a third term–and some declare that he could have become king! Washington’s vice president had been John Adams, a Federalist, who became our second president after being endorsed by Washington in the 1796 election. However, Washington thought it not proper to campaign for candidates but his endorsement assured Adams’ election. Adams’ vice president was Thomas Jefferson, a longtime friend and Democratic-Republican. This was the only time in our history when the President and Vice-President were members of different parties.

Adams and Jefferson had been very close friends before their involvement in presidential politics. They had worked closely together in Congress and while in Pairs on diplomatic assignments their friendship grew. When Jefferson was U.S. Minister to France and Adams was the U. S. Minister to Great Britain, Jefferson (then a widower) crossed the channel to vacation with the John and Abigale.

America, as a nascent nation, had knockdown elections although not as lengthy as today. In the election of 1800, John Adams tried to keep his office another four years and Jefferson, his vice president the previous four years, was trying to replace him. Both were aristocrats so decorum required them to stay above the battle, consequently their hirelings did the dirty work.

During the election of 1800, their friendship cooled somewhat. Adams’ men, wanting to stay in power, took a hatchet to Jefferson; and Jefferson’s surrogates did the same to Adams. Adams was called a monarchist with plans to become America’s first royal family and Adams’ crowd called Jefferson “a weak, wavering, indecisive character.” He was depicted as “a howling atheist” and “infidel.” Some preachers told of Jefferson’s alleged bizarre worship services at his home where Jefferson prayed to the Goddess of Reason and “offered dogs on a sacrificial altar.”

But it got worse! Jefferson’s spokesmen characterized Adams as a “hideous hermaphroditical character” and a “fool” and “criminal.” Adam’s men gave as good as they got with accusations Jefferson was an “atheist, a libertine, and a coward” and was “the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.” No one repudiated such accusations but surely most sane people, like today, were embarrassed.

Jefferson won and Adams became a hermit in the White House during his remaining weeks in office. He had been rejected by the voters, plus he didn’t have a job and was too old to reestablish his Boston law practice. His anger and frustration at losing was strangling him. When it was time to transfer the office to Jefferson, Adams could not be found. Rather than greet the new president and attend his inaugural, Adams arose early while still dark, and caught the four o’clock stage to Boston!

President-elect Jefferson walked from Conrad and McMunn’s boarding house to the Capitol where he gave his inaugural speech, received the congratulations of the attendants, and promptly walked back to his boarding house where “he stood with fellow boarders awaiting a chair so that he might have his dinner.” My, my, the days were so simple back then.

But everyone did not appreciate, approve, or applaud Jefferson’s success. One journal declared that he had ridden “into the temple of Liberty on the shoulders of slaves.” Moreover, he was called the “Negro President.” Like all politicians Jefferson was both hated and loved and his friends were devoted and some were disloyal. It is interesting that after the bitter battle for the White House, Jefferson and Adams resumed their friendship that lasted until July 4, 1826, both dying on the same day–Independence Day!

The past and present prove that politics makes strange bedfellows. Lindsey Graham is even going to raise funds for Cruz while other former critics are getting into bed with Trump! More shocking, surprising, and even sickening, Ben Carson had a very sudden “come to Trump” moment (or received a great quid pro quo–that’s Latin, loosely translated, “I’ll scratch your back if you’ll scratch mine.”). This conversion is all the more unusual in light of Trump’s comparison of Carson overcoming his violent temper as a youth to the difficulty of a pedophilia being cured. Very strange bedfellows indeed.

You can be sure that many other members of the House and Senate will come out of the closet in a steady stream for Cruz any day.

Will Rubio have the next epiphany?

Boys’ new book, was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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What if President Cruz Appoints Only Conservatives? Tue, 02 Feb 2016 06:03:02 +0000 Senator Ted Cruz took on the Grand Old Progressives (GOP) establishment and a billionaire in Iowa and won. If he doesn’t stumble and keeps good advisors he may get elected and out-Reagan, Ronald Reagan. He has a long way to go and many will try to discourage, denigrate, and defeat him but he may be the next President of the United States!

Every U.S. President has the authority, after winning a national election, to appoint people of his choosing to various positions in his administration. That is only fair and proof of the adage, “to the victor go the spoils.” Obama has taken that principle and run with it far into left field. All his main appointees have been to the left of Harry Reed, yet no Democrat or media person (but then I repeat myself) has screamed about balance and fairness. No one has lectured Obama about “reaching out” to conservatives and Christians. But the lectures and interviews, and columns about “reaching out” to Democrats come fast and furious (oops) when a conservative gets elected.

Let’s say that Ted Cruz becomes President Cruz and did the same thing but only appointed conservatives and Christians–you know, normal, competent people. Maybe he could find a place for a couple of professors or graduates of Liberty University and Bob Jones University, Hillsdale, or from one of the smaller schools. I will get to what his administration might look like in a minute.

What does Obama’s list of progressive appointees look like?

Cass Sunstein is a far leftist who was appointed the Regulatory Czar who said, “We ought to ban hunting.” Rushing farther into left field he said, “Animals should be permitted to bring suit…” and he thinks government should regulate the airwaves. But Cass does not stand alone in left field.

John Holdren was appointed Science Czar and recommends compulsory abortion in event of an overpopulation crisis. He advocated government taking of newborn babies, and suggested adding a sterilant to the drinking water! Oh, yes, he wants the government to dictate the size of families! I believe that has been tried before.

Mark Lloyd as Chief Diversity Officer, FCC worked for far leftist George Soros. Lloyd has praised the late Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s revolution as “incredible…democratic revolution.” He opines that there are too many white people in the media. He wants to “balance” the media by fining conservative radio stations up to $250 million and give the proceeds to National Public Radio. I suggest Mark spend his time, effort, and capital getting rid of all subsidized public communications. Left field is getting crowded.

Eric Holder as Attorney General chose not to prosecute black thugs who intimidated whites at a polling place. During his stint in office, he did what he could to promote Black extremists and denigrate white police officers. He always came to the defense of blacks who resisted police and condemned police officers who did their jobs and protected themselves.

Jeh Johnson, chief of DHS has Communist connections through his grandfather who testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1949 to deny being a member of the Communist Party. Jeh compared the alleged discrimination Muslims are facing today to the 1940s and 1950s when Senator Joseph McCarthy and others charged that communists had infiltrated the U.S. government during the Cold War with the Soviet Union.

I hope Jeh doesn’t mind if I remind all my readers that Joe McCarthy was right! There were Communists in the Federal Government at the time. American Soviet spies were FDR’s closest aid, Harry Hopkins, another aid, Laughlin Currie, and top Treasury official Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, (both executed for providing atom bomb secrets to Russia), David Greenglass, Harry Gold and other traitors.

Elena Kagan was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court even though she had no judicial experience. As Dean of Harvard Law School her job was to raise money and make students comfortable. The Boston Globe wrote of her: “Some of her initial acts as dean were small-scale improvements, like offering free coffee in classroom buildings and free tampons in women’s bathrooms.” No, not sterling qualifications for a seat on the Supreme Court.

CBS News first reported that Elena Kagan would be the “first openly gay justice” which would please Obama’s liberal base. BAM! The network heard from the White House then CBS officials amended the report: “I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted–odd, because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles.” That was even worse and CBS finally pulled the report entirely! She is very comfortable in left field with or without her black robe.

Kevin Jennings was appointed Assistant Deputy Secretary at the Department of Education. Jennings founded the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) that is dedicated to making homosexuality acceptable to children as young as five years old! The news reported that Jennings told a boy who confessed to having sex with an older man that he should use a condom!

Susan Rice was appointed Ambassador to the United Nations and is known for her infamous appearance on five network shows explaining that the terrorist attack on Benghazi was really a reaction to a video critical of Mohammed. The crowd in left field is getting larger.

Samantha Power was appointed to the National Security Council and is outspokenly anti-Israel. She ridiculed the possibility of Iran having nuclear weapons! She also favored sending U.S. troops to Israel to force a Palestinian state on them. She is now Ambassador to the UN and married to Cass Sunstein.

Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s Assistant to the President for Public Engagement and Inter-governmental Affairs and is responsible for vetting all the extremists Obama has appointed! She recruited Van Jones as Green Czar knowing his longtime love affair with the Communist Party. That didn’t bother Valerie since her father “had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals” according to FBI files. Her father-in-law “was also another big-time Chicago Communist.” All in the family.

David Axelrod, political advisor to Obama, has been a leftist all his life promoting socialism at every opportunity.

Admittedly, Obama had legal authority to appoint every leftist above and he was being consistent since he promised us that he was going to fundamentally change America. In that, he has kept his promise. Note that he has accomplished his goal without a peep from the mainstream media. No one pointed out that his appointees were far leftists, abortionists, Muslims, and Muslim sympathizers. No one suggested that he should have a few conservatives, even Christians (gasp), on his team. By Christians I don’t mean simply church members.

Now, transfer yourself into the next administration. Suppose, no let’s pray, that it is a very conservative President, maybe Ted Cruz with Mike Huckabee as Vice President. Moreover, his every appointee supports his basic positions! Do you think the media would remain silent? They would scream about reflecting the real America and he is supposed to be “president of all the people.” But he refuses to listen and appoints the following:

Surgeon General is Ben Carson; Secretary of Defense is Allen West; Attorney General is Trey Gowdy; White House Spokesman is Donald Trump; National Security Advisor is Marco Rubio, Secretary of Treasury is Rand Paul; Head of the Federal Reserve is Ron Paul; Secretary of Interior is Sarah Palin; Secretary of State is Mark Levin; Secretary of Homeland Security, David A. Clarke, Democrat Sheriff of Milwaukee; Secretary of Health and Human Services, Michele Bachmann; Secretary of Agriculture, Senator Rick Santorum; and maybe throw in a few of the conservatives from Bush’s administration.

You get the idea–a great idea! Such appointees would guarantee intelligent counsel, common sense, wisdom, and diversity. Ah, yes, the much demanded diversity. Let’s see, we have a Democrat; two Blacks; two women; a Jew; a Southern Baptist; two evangelical Catholics; at least two non-denominationalists; a lapsed Presbyterian, sometime Episcopalian (at least at Christmas and Easter); and now we need a Fundamentalist to really prove diversity.

I would suggest that he appoint me as Secretary of Education at $1.00 per year and I would dismantle that department in 30 days. Ditto the Department of Energy; ditto the Department of Commerce. I’ll look for more dittos!

After taking care of those matters, back home to Ringgold.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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Trump: a Rude, Crude, Lewd Dude! Fri, 22 Jan 2016 21:15:40 +0000 Full disclosure: I don’t like Donald Trump as a person or performer or politician although I have said that I would vote for him (very reluctantly) given the Democrat choices. Nevertheless, being an Evangelical (more precisely a Fundamentalist) I am amazed at the Christians who have drunk Trump’s brand of Kool-Aid. They need to wipe their lips and rethink their support for him.

He is bold, blunt, brash, boastful, and bombastic none of which would eliminate him but I don’t like his gambling empire which is associated with booze and prostitution. He, of course, is not a conservative since he has been all over the map. He appears to be an opportunist. He doesn’t seem to know what he believes about abortion, but he knows that it is permissible to take private property for his own use! No Conservative, no Constitutionalist, no Christian can agree with that.

He told “60 Minutes” on Sept. 27, 2015 that he is for universal health care: “I am going to take care of everybody.” He added, “the government’s gonna pay for it.” That’s you and me. As to abortion he would continue government support of Planned Parenthood but not their abortion efforts. Of course, that is insane. Last year he told “Meet the Press” that he would not rescind the Iran Nuclear Deal. He is mushy on the Israeli question and refused to agree to Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol. As to immigration, he told Newsweek last year that he wants amnesty: “I want to move ’em out, and we’re going to move ’em back in and let them be legal.” That is amnesty after a quick visit back home. Whatever Trump is, he is not a Conservative.

My big concern is that he seems to be without character. He obviously has an inferiority complex and has to always tell everyone that he has the most, the biggest, the richest, the nicest, the shiniest of whatever. To inflate himself, Donald boasted that his Las Vegas hotel is the “tallest, most beautiful building in town” when there are three taller buildings. He boasted that his jet is “bigger than Air Force One” when his plane is about 75 feet shorter. It seems he hasn’t had much of a relationship with truth.

For sure I am not a supporter of Hillary Clinton but it was totally crass for Trump to make an issue of her potty trip during the televised debate. Concerning her trip to the potty he said, “It was disgusting…. Where did she go?” It had nothing to do with political issues or the debate. Trump simply slugged Hillary below the belt. Some say it was only politics; however it only proved Trump is a thug and a rude dude.

Donald said Ted Cruz was a “total hypocrite.” And, “He’s a nasty guy. Nobody in Congress likes him.” Well, that could be a recommendation after all, Christ said in Luke 6:26 “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!” Cruz should wear that like a merit badge given to him by Donald the Rude.

Moreover, he refuses to deal with issues but majors on insulting people. I am not a fan of Rosie O’Donnell but a wise person does not say everything he thinks even if they are true. He was out of line to say Rosie was a “nice fat little Rosie,” or to say she is “crude, rude, obnoxious and dumb.” He has characterized women as “fat pigs,” “dogs,” “slobs” and “disgusting animals.” Rosie called him a “snake-oil salesman” but that is unfair–to snake-oil salesmen. Trump has a problem with women resulting in the moniker of Donald the Crude.

His problem with women is obvious since he has been married thrice. Trump has had big problems with his personal choices. He fathered a child out of wedlock with the woman who became his second wife with the birth taking place two months after the wedding. He was married the third time to a Slovenian model in 2005. While that history does not seem as bad as Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton’s many foolish, filthy, feral flings, it is part of his résumé and must be part of the equation. It would be pathetic but not precedent-setting to have such a man in the Oval Office.

Trump uses foul language proving he is an uncouth, unthinking, uncaring, and uneducated person. A few years ago, even the most rude, crude, and lewd men did not use vulgarity in decent company especially in the presence of women. Even non-Christians should not use vulgarity.

My critics will accuse me of living in a religious bubble and that has been generally true for most of my adult life. However, that does not mean that I have had no exposure to the real world with all its corruption. After all, I have traveled worldwide, shopped, dealt with businessmen, was a life insurance salesman, served in the Indiana House of Representatives (where I reprimanded the cursing wife of a judge in front of him and their legislative friends), and appeared on hundreds of television and radio talk shows where I was called many vulgar words that I had no idea of their meaning! So my “bubble” has not meant total seclusion.

All my close friends and associates are very kind, honorable, honest, educated, cultured, urbane, sensitive people who eschew “gosh,” “heck,” “darn,” although we do lose control at times and utter “cool” or “neat.” Gasp! Maybe we say “cool” to appear cool in the eyes of others!

I am not suggesting that people who use dirty four letter words are living in the depths of depravity, although I am saying that such words are unnecessary, uncouth, uncivil and a poor example to others, especially the young.

Whatever we say should be unambiguous and not be embarrassing or an insult to others. The Bible teaches that our yea should be yea and our nay should be nay. Vulgar (even non-vulgar) curse words are proscribed and never acceptable by civil, cultured, or Christian people.

The Apostle Paul commanded us in Colossians 3:8 “Put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communications out of your mouth.” He also said, “Evil communications corrupt good manners.” Swearing results in a coarsening of society.
Evidently Trump’s momma never washed out his mouth with soap as was commonly done years ago! That worked for thousands of us. Donald the Crude needs his mouth washed out with soap.

But it gets worse.

He referred to oral sex on “Celebrity Apprentice All-Stars” twisting a female star’s comment to appear she referred to oral sex when she did not. Recently, he used a Yiddish vulgarity to slam Hillary. And he insulted Megyn Kelly referring to her monthly period. He’s a lewd dude. So that makes him Donald the Lewd.

Speaking of Arianna Huffington he said, she is “unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man–he made a good decision.” Say what? Homosexuality is never justified. Was that an endorsement of same-sex “marriage”? Alas, the irrational, irrepressible, and irresponsible Trump is Donald a rude, crude, lewd dude.

When asked if he ever asked God for forgiveness for his actions he said, “I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don’t think so,” he said. “I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture. I don’t.” That is an asinine, arrogant, and atrocious reply. Even a shallow Christian would not make such a statement. Christ said we should pray, “Forgive us our trespasses.” Why? Because everyone sins and needs forgiveness. Even Donald Trump, probably more than anyone knows. Moreover, it could be dangerous to put a narcissist like Trump in control of U.S. military machine. A man who thinks he is always right is a very dangerous person.

When Trump is challenged for his lack of decency, decorum, or discretion, he always seems to justify it by pointing out his high polling numbers among Evangelicals. Americans can support whomever they please; however, for a Christian to vote for Trump is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Trump the rude, crude, lewd dude has proved the old adage that money and power can’t buy class or real friends but they may buy votes; however he won’t get my vote unless the alternative is a Socialist or a future resident of a federal prison.

Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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The Enemy: Christians or their Critics? Wed, 06 Jan 2016 15:26:16 +0000 In recent months the media and various non-thinking leftist politicians (in both parties) are dismayed about so many Christian candidates running for president in the Republican Party. While we can’t know for sure, we can look at the evidence and the evidence suggests rather strongly that the liberals hate those people who are outspoken about their faith in Jesus Christ. Cruz speaks comfortably about being “Born Again” and Carson and Huckabee proudly profess faith in Christ.

Of course, it is not politically correct to attack Muslims, atheists, witches, and others who get a free pass, but not Christian conservatives. Christian politicians must justify why they are believers and why they think evolution is a folly, falsehood, and farce. They even believe that abortion is baby killing! Gasp!

Liberals have whined for years about evangelical and fundamentalist Christians who spoke out on moral and political issues while liberals have been pontificating for fifty years on the same issues—all from the left. They fawned all over religious leftists such as Martin Luther King Jr., the Berrigan brothers, the Rev. Drinan, William Slone Coffin, Jesse Jackson, Jimmy Carter, etc., but when those of us on the right got involved in the political process, in any way, we were a threat to the Constitution! Hypocrites! Are Christians the enemy to freedom or are liberal critics the enemy?

Liberals have problems with real Christianity because political liberals are also religious liberals. You don’t think so? Quickly, name me three political liberals who are outspoken, unambiguous, clean-living Christians. All right, name one.

Liberals do have religion, but it is bloodless and Christless. The liberals’ Pope is Obama, their High Priest is Harry Reid (who, I hear, is writing a book on character—should be the shortest book in literary history); their Holy Place is Washington; their mission program is telling the world that Government saves. We already know it provides.

Have you noticed that when a conservative gets elected to public office, he always feels compelled to “reach out” to liberals, and hire them as advisors? (That’s like hiring Dracula to treat a bloody neck!) What possible profit can there be in “reaching out” to liberals and polluting an office with their discredited advice? All “conservatives” have done this—Nixon, Reagan and Bush I and II. In fact, at the close of Reagan’s term of office, he had appointed more members of the Trilateral Commission/Council on Foreign Relations than did Jimmy (“I will never lie to you”) Carter! I wouldn’t hire a liberal to walk my dog!

Liberals have never built anything, except the United Nations. Name me any other organization the liberals have established. Beginning with Harvard University (built by Bible-believing Christians and taken over by Unitarians), the liberals built nothing, but they wormed their way into organizations and took them over. Liberals don’t build, they burrow, bungle, and burgle.

Slowly the tide is turning. Some Americans are beginning to recognize the media as “news twisters” and are beginning to ask questions and even question authorities. Major newspapers and magazines have folded while others are gasping for breath and running out of ink. The television networks are struggling to stay above water. Every year more and more people are getting their information from the Internet as I do starting with,,, the and scores of other conservative sites. Additionally, government is looked upon as a wildfire out of control, and that is good as long as it does not produce anarchists and haters of legitimate government.

But the kitty is out of the sack: liberals cannot be trusted, whether they are theological liberals with clerical collars or political liberals with lace handkerchiefs, silk gloves and a New England accent. Liberals keep booking passage on the Titanic, and it wouldn’t be so bad except they insist on all of us going along for the cruise. But I don’t want to go, nor do I want to pay for the “cruise.”

The revolt slowly is creeping in like a tide. Christians and conservatives are beginning to push back the audacious advance of liberalism. We have rejected mainstream media and carefully get information from Internet sites. We see our responsibility to truth, common sense, and our children. I don’t want my grandchildren to ask me at my 85th birthday party what it was like being free and secure in the old days of America. Nor do I want them to ask, “Grandpa, what did you do to keep America free, strong and independent?”

We should recognize liberals as the “enemy” but we must love them without buying the gold bricks they’ve been peddling around this nation for more than 50 years. Liberals are the enemy to Bible Christianity and a healthy, happy, and harmonious America.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Trump is Right: Baghdadi Says Islam is a Religion of War! Wed, 09 Dec 2015 22:53:34 +0000 Donald Trump’s declaration that all Muslims should be refused admittance into the U.S. has resulted in most of Washington’s effete prissy politicians and media moguls getting their knickers in a knot–a tight knot. Note that he did not demand that all politicians tell the truth or go to jail–or worse, resign and go back to their backwater towns and live in obscurity. Nor did he demand personal accountability. Nor did he demand that each one take an oath of poverty or even an oath to be faithful to one’s own wife. Nor to take a pay cut! He simply demanded that Muslim immigration be stopped until someone somewhere, somehow can determine what is going on in our population. To date, no American has stepped up to that plate.

One major Muslim leader stepped up to the plate and ridiculed the “religion of peace” mantra that know-nothings spout. ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi said in a May 15 audio message: “Islam was never for a day the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of war. Do not think the war that we are waging is the Islamic State’s war alone. Rather, it is the Muslims’ war altogether. It is the war of every Muslim in every place, and the Islamic State is merely the spearhead in this war. It is but the war of the people of faith against the people of disbelief.” So, a top Muslim says Islam is not peaceful! He knows the Koran better than you. He may be a bigot, barbarian, and butcher but he’s being honest about what Islam is. He is more believable than CAIR spokesmen!

What sane person interested in security, safety, and stability can disagree with Trump’s demand? Muslims would not be rejected because of mere religion but all that goes with that religion. Islam is a political system, an economic system, and a legal system all totally adverse to freedom–our freedom!

It must be affirmed that no foreigner has a right to enter the U.S. It doesn’t matter that he or she is highly intelligent, a freedom lover, hard worker, or needs asylum. All those circumstances should be considered; however, would he or she be a positive addition to our nation? If not, I don’t want them if they are all Baptists.

Most Americans have been conned and neutered by the entertainment industry, the public school system, higher education, etc., to react emotionally to every issue. Few will work at garnering the facts, then thinking the issue through, then making a decision–often a difficult decision. Islam wants no discussions, deliberations, or debates because they can’t explain the distortion, destruction, and death that has pulsated through Islam since its beginning. Moreover, they are fearful that someone will point out the mistakes, misinformation, mishmash, and madness in their “holy” books.

So, there will be no discussions, no deliberations, no debates–because they can’t defend their seventh century religion that refuses to be dragged into the 21st century. Instead, we have U.S. officials threatening those of us who tell the truth about Islam!

The following facts can be ignored since they don’t impact our lives but other facts must be faced. It is a fact that Mohammed took his son’s wife, slept with his Coptic slave (that caused havoc in his harem), and had a nine-year-old wife. See Encyclopedia Britannica; Encyclopedia of Islam; Tabari (most famous Muslim historian); and Hadith vol. 7, book 62, number 65 where Aisha admitted, “My marriage (to Mohammed) was consummated when I was nine.” She should know!

Forget the above but these following incontrovertible truths must be dealt with by everyone using the same facts. Each one can have his or her opinions but not his own facts. Some crucial facts:

*Islam permits lying! It’s called Al-taqiyya. With America’s future in view, we must keep this principle of Islam in mind whenever we deal with Muslims.

*It is a fact that Islam teaches that no one has a right to worship anyone but Allah. See Sura 9:29; 2:691; 47:4; etc. In fact, a Muslim is to be killed if he or she leaves Islam. See Hadith vol. 9, book 84, #64. Will some national official ask “moderate” Muslims to repudiate that teaching?

*It is a fact that jihad is considered the “sixth pillar” of Islam, and while jihad can mean inner struggle, etc., it has always meant, “holy fighting in the cause of Islam.” See New Encyclopedia Britannica; Dictionary of Islam, and footnote on page 39 of my official Koran published in Saudi Arabia.

*It is a fact that Muslims true to the Koran (and Hadith) are not moderate. The terrorists are carrying out the commands of Mohammed, and those terrorists are targeting true moderates (who would be considered the equivalent of modernists in Christian circles) with death.

*Koranic Islam (historic Islam) is America’s Trojan Horse (see my book by that title here) full of an enemy that has clearly proclaimed ambitions to conquer or destroy America. If our leaders do not recognize that fact and act accordingly, they are like a man wading waist-deep through a snake and alligator infested Everglade swamp. They are going to get bit!

What should U.S. authorities do to escape planned Islamic terror? First, recognize that our enemy is Koranic Islamists (not genuine moderates) because the first principle of war is to identify your enemy. Second, apprehend and arrest every person associated with terrorist groups. Third, freeze all terrorist funds in the U.S. and free world with cooperation of our European allies. Fourth, thoroughly investigate all Muslims in the military and academia, and then arrest those having terrorist connections. Fifth, stop playing games at the airports. Realize few Americans are terrorists and spend time on those who are more likely to cause harm. Sixth, stop all immigration for five years. Build the wall then patrol the wall with high tech equipment. Seventh, fine astronomically the first time then arrest the second time any American businessman who hires an illegal alien.

Put this column aside for I guarantee that when the first U.S. city is bombed and burned, the above suggestions will be implemented–but too late.

I have been called a “hater” because I have reported the historical facts about Islam, Mohammed, and the Koran. I am not a hater, but a lover. It must be remembered that love without truth is not love. I am interested in truth not political correctness, unity, diversity, pluralism, multiculturalism, ecumenism, or making Muslims feel warm and fuzzy with their 7th century religion. Truth and honesty are still important.

In America, there is no guarantee that one will not be offended or embarrassed. Catholics don’t have to like Jews, Jews don’t have to like Baptists, and God knows some Baptists don’t like religions with names that don’t start with B.

If Americans do not wake up, we will go the same way many European nations are going. A recent survey of Muslims in America shows exactly where we are headed. The Center for Security Policy reported:

“A majority (51%) agreed that ‘Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.’ Even more troubling is the fact that nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, ‘It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed. Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make sharia the law of the land in this country.” Better read that again!

Peaceful religion hijacked by extremists? For an American to vote for unlimited Muslim immigration is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders.

Any politician who does not know or believe the above facts should run, not walk, to hand in his or her resignation. Then get a real job where they can’t do irreparable harm to future generations of Americans.

My first choice for President is Ted Cruz but I will vote for Trump if the other choice is Hillary or Sanders. When you are in a battle where freedom is in the balance, you will even support as a reasonable temporary alliance a blind butcher with St. Vitus ’ dance wielding a sharp meat cleaver.

The U.S. and the free world are at war with Koranic Islam!

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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Ben Carson: Fading Fast into the Dark Night? Thu, 26 Nov 2015 17:24:08 +0000 I have written a few columns recommending Ben Carson for President although I always let it be known that Ted Cruz is my first choice. First Ted, then Ben but recent information has caused me to doubt my initial decision. Ben may be fading fast into the dark night of political oblivion.

Carson has many admirable traits: his honesty, his courage, his intellect, his character; however, I am beginning to question his wisdom. One cannot get wisdom with a medical degree or purchase it with cash, check, or credit card as Trump has demonstrated. Wisdom comes from God for the Bible says in James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” Dr. Carson has not displayed wisdom in some matters, and it concerns me.

It is not necessary to detail where I agree with Carson. He is a good conservative with strong biblical overtones. But he has bumbled, fumbled, and stumbled and I and others must determine if he has crumbled so bad that he should be kept him far from the Oval Office.

No candidate is perfect and one must go with what is available; however, I have some questions about Carson as listed below.

Carson slipped, stumbled, staggered, and stalled when he declared that “Sharpton and I have the same goal. Just different ideas on how to get there.” I don’t understand how anyone–liberal or conservative, black or white, Christian or atheist could make such a statement. Everyone, not living in a cave, knows Sharpton is an incompetent, inarticulate, and insincere race baiter interested in publicity, power, and his purse. Similar to most television evangelists!

Carson admitted in the April, 2015 issue of National Review that he spoke at Sharpton’s National Action Network’s (NAN) national convention in New York City April 8, 2015 during its 17th annual meeting. He declared, “NAN is one of the leading civil-rights organizations in the United States. It was founded in 1991 by the Reverend Al Sharpton to promote a modern civil rights agenda that includes the fight for one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people regardless of race, religion, nationality or gender.” Say what? Is that the same Sleazy Sharpton that everyone ridicules?

One thing about Sharpton, he does not try to conceal his distain, distrust, and disgust for the police, white people, and conservatives or maybe he is so dense that he is not aware how disreputable, disgusting, and despicable he is. And MSNBC officials are of the same breed or do not care about Sharpton’s disgusting behavior since he parrots the progressive Pablum of radical leftism. Under the threat of racism, he browbeats, bullies, and blackmails corporations to support his and other “civil rights” groups. How can any person with character come within a hundred feet of him without himself being sullied? Carson stumbled badly.

This is the reason I have always been careful about the groups I speak to lest I add some credibility to those that do not deserve it. Of course, no one agrees with anyone about everything but there must be some standard. Carson shared (and maybe lost) some of his credibility by aligning himself with a person and group that no reputable person would have any association with.

In his book, America the Beautiful, Carson opined, “I believe we have taken the moral low road on this issue (of illegal aliens). Some segments of our economy would virtually collapse without these undocumented workers–we all know that–yet we continue to harass and deport many individuals who are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families.” However, recently at Liberty University he agreed with Trump that the border should be secure but disagreed with him about returning eleven million illegal aliens back to Mexico. He was concerned about the huge farms that needed workers and hotels that needed people to clear rooms and serve tables.

In June of 2015 Carson told a major assemblage of Latino officials that he supports giving illegal immigrants a path to legalization and eventual citizenship. Would I appear crass, crude, or even cruel if I reminded everyone that 10,000 Americans are killed by illegal aliens each year?

It is generally believed that his denomination is not in the mainstream of orthodox thought when they teach Saturday worship, pacifism, soul-sleep, etc., but it might be worse. Steve Deace, writing for, declared “There was Carson posting on Facebook that Easter wasn’t about Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for the sins of the world, and ensuing resurrection proving He was the only Son of God. Rather, Carson posted Easter was about ‘acceptance’ and said Christians and Muslims are children of the same God. That, of course, would be news to Christians and Muslims alike. Since one side says the basis for their faith is Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and the other side claims he was never crucified in the first place.” Steve is right on target.

Carson slipped out of the ranks of orthodox Christianity when he told Adventist Ministry magazine in Oct. of 1981: “We believe the revelation and inspiration of both the Bible and Ellen White’s writings to be of equal quality. The superintendence of the Holy Spirit was just as careful and thorough in one case as in the other.” If he has changed his mind then he should say so.

Carson supports mandatory vaccinations telling The Hill: “Vaccinations should be mandatory, with no religious or philosophical exemptions, and schools should check to make sure children have received them.” I have written a lengthy report on vaccinations and it is a fact that childhood diseases were all falling before massive vaccinations because of improved sanitation, vitamins, better health care, and cleaner environment. Moreover, there is a risk with all vaccinations that many consider not worth the risk. Plus, mandatory vaccinations is totalitarian.

Ben got further into left field when he came out in support for the President’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP); then topped that when he decided not to rid the nation of the abomination known as the Department of Education; and then he even wants to use college classrooms to spy on professors to make sure they are not biased. Of course, bias is always in the eyes of the beholder. Why should any monitoring be necessary in a college classroom unless overthrow of the government is promoted?

The good doctor has been fuzzy as to when an unborn child begins to live, consequently he suggested abortion for rape and incest which is a major stumble. He further alienated most Americans when he suggested that semi-automatic weapons should be restricted to rural areas, etc. Not only do conservatives disagree with him on these issues but I question his political savvy in light of his running as a conservative candidate. Nor can I understand why his campaign manager and other advisers would lead him to enter such frigid political waters.

American Thinker quoted Carson saying, “I was proud to see groups such as the Black Panthers standing up to brutal police tactics, and though I never joined any radical student organizations, I kept abreast of the activities of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the Weathermen, and other groups willing to use aggressive tactics to accomplish ‘social justice.’” Dumb!

I can live with some of the above but not when he climbs into bed with the race baiter, white hater of the century: Louis Farrakhan! Yes, the one who called Hitler, “a very great man.” The one who tried to get his followers to kill the Washington Post reporter who reported Jesse Jackson’s infamous anti-Semitic Hymietown comment in the 1980s. Carson’s top advisor is Armstrong Williams who has close ties with Louie. Armstrong has advised Chicago to hire Farrakhan’s group to work security and to fight crime–funded by taxpayers. Williams attended Farrakhan’s 1995 anniversary of the Million Man March and did his radio broadcast this year from that annual event.

Anyone who needs advice about any connection with Farrakhan has major discerning problems. Farrakhan even delivered his shrill diatribe to an independent Baptist Church in Miami! The angry, acrimonious, and asinine Farrakhan who is the epitome of a racist motor mouth belched out his venom again, demanding, “If the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them. Let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.” I think Louie has an attitude problem and anyone who gives him any support has a problem with principle. Had I said such a thing about killing Blacks, I’d be making license plates at this time.

So, realizing that there are no perfect candidates, what do I do? I listen, read, and watch each candidate then vote for the one who most reflects my principles. Since Carson has slipped, staggered, stumbled and stalled, I will rearrange my choices: Ted Cruz then Mike Huckabee then Trump, then Carson–for today but subject to change!

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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How Can I Support Carson If I’m a Racist? Fri, 13 Nov 2015 18:18:29 +0000 I’ve been called a racist (by racists) so many times on radio and television talk shows that sometimes in deep introspection I wonder if I might harbor latent racism. I have never hated anyone, even the low brow, non-thinking leftists whom I have encountered in my political life and media contacts. Such people are pathetically hopeless, helpless, and hapless individuals who always stand with the loudest crowd. They seldom if ever disagree with their friends and supporters as a matter of principle.

According to modern mythology only white people can be racists and we must admit our racism in remorseful tones when discussing race. If we are not contrite enough to satisfy the self-appointed black leaders (who have Doctorates in Hypocrisy) then we will be hated, labeled, and drawn and quartered at sunset.

Black militants in the North, with help from liberal Whites formed the NAACP in 1909 to be a more militant, strident voice headed by W.E.B. Du Bois, a black radical Socialist who joined the Communist Party in 1961. Du Bois was probably the best educated Black in the past hundred years (first Black to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard) and a vocal critic of Booker T. Washington, a leading Black moderate–and my boyhood hero. Du Bois left America for Ghana in 1961 and died there on Aug. 27, 1963. I didn’t give a flip about his race or color. I disliked him intensely because he was a Red. But I’m not supposed to say that.

But how can I be a racist if I support Ben Carson for President? Moreover, how can George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington be lifetime heroes of mine? How can I hate blacks when I supported Herman Cain for President and wish Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell were friends and neighbors? And how can I be a bigot when I have very close friends who are black? So, evidently, it is not racism but something else that determines whom I like, will vote for, and want as neighbors and friends. What I like is character– which is missing in most, yes, most people and most politicians.

I think Ben Carson would make an excellent President even though he is not politically sophisticated. But then, that might be in his favor. He is very intelligent so he knows he doesn’t have the knowledge and experience of seasoned politicians but he knows he can rent brains. Same with Trump, no one can be fully informed and experienced, but such people can be hired.

Most liberals are unaware that they are unaware and that’s dangerous. They usually have no knowledge that they have no knowledge. Carson is aware of his inabilities since he is an honest man. It is a good thing to be honest when honesty is popular but to be honest when it is out of fashion is magnificent. Honesty is often out of fashion in the political world.

Not too sure about Trump’s awareness. The very rich have a tendency to think that they can do anything and Trump may be that type. Since the wealthy make quick decisions, Trump may have a tendency to circumvent congress and issue executive orders willy-nilly. I don’t want that even if the orders are good ones. I’m concerned about precedent and am worried about my posterity.

I have been asked whom I support for President and since Ronald Reagan and Larry McDonald (a Democrat!) are dead, I must choose from what is available. My first choice is Ted Cruz. He is a Christian (Baptist), a Constitutionalist, and a Conservative. He has also shown commitment, courage, and character in his public and private life. I could get very excited about a Cruz-Carson ticket or a Carson-Cruz ticket. I will support Cruz if he manages to rise in the polls but as of today, I choose Carson.

Next on my list would be Mike Huckabee who probably has the same characteristics as Carson and Cruz and he is also a Baptist! Well, if I am a bigot then he should outrank Carson; however, Mike seems to be too quick to “let government do it.” I think government has done too much already. The federal government should coin money, protect us from our enemies, and maybe run the Interstate system. I don’t want a theocracy even if run by a Baptist but I do want a republic as envisioned by our founding fathers. Our republic has been totally perverted by politicians of both parties in the last hundred years, especially the last twenty-five years.

My choice may change as new revelations are made regarding other candidates but right now this “racist” has chosen a black man to be his President! Moreover, numerous other Fundamentalists and Evangelicals have made the same decision. I know I don’t hate Blacks and I assume other Christians don’t either.

We had a good example of racism when 93% of Blacks voted for Obama but it is not polite to say such things. In 2016, let all Americans think, pray, and work to put another black man in the oval office–absent a Cruz stampede. Carson will govern as a conservative and might give us a little more peace, financial stability, and harmony.

And he doesn’t golf, so that will save us a pile of money.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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