Don Boys – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Joseph Epstein’s Attack on Dr. Jill Biden Was an Attack on Higher Education! Thu, 17 Dec 2020 22:50:52 +0000 In his attack on Dr. Jill Biden, Joseph Epstein declared, “The Ph.D. may once have held prestige, but that has been diminished by the erosion of seriousness and the relaxation of standards in university education generally.” He is correct in his assertion, but that reflects on all higher education, not only on Jill’s.

About 40,000 Ph. D.s are given each year in the U.S., while only 337 were awarded in 1903. At the University of Georgia, a Ph.D. candidate in creative writing can submit poems instead of a dissertation. And at the University of Michigan, you can get a Ph.D. in literature without reading Shakespeare. You can get a degree in history without taking an American History course at Harvard University, Georgetown University, the University of Maryland, and many other highly regarded schools. The dumbing down continues in freefall.

American universities have produced 30,000 new Ph.D.’s a year since 1969. That means there are a million to a million and a half Ph.D.s in the United States. And while I respect the Ph.D., I have met some holders that can’t give directions to the restroom. Most people assume all Ph. D.s require a lengthy dissertation; however, there are numerous universities globally that do not.

The assumption is made that one must have a masters before entering a Ph.D. program, but there are many universities around the world where that is not true. However, no university would advertise that they offer Ph. D.s without a master’s degree even when they do.

The leftist media has displayed its true colors as if anyone deaf, dumb, and blind didn’t know them. They often ridiculed anyone with a “Dr.” title if they were not in the medical field, but there are exceptions with Dr. Jill Biden and a few of their pets. The media routinely referred to Cornel West (Ph.D.) and Maya Angelou as “Dr.” even though Angelou never had an earned doctorate, only honorary degrees. She insisted on being called “Dr.” and got away with it because she was black, female, and liberal.

The only way to beat that is to add lesbian, dwarf, and Muslim.

Bill Walsh of the Washington Post declared in 2009. “My feeling is if you can’t heal the sick, we don’t call you doctor,” but the hypocrites at the Post have their favorites. They are very gracious to their own crowd with doctorates, but they ridiculed Dr. Sebastian Gorka, the forceful and articulate conservative and Trump confidant with a Ph.D. Did I mention that liberals are the most illogical, inconsistent, and ignorant people in the world?

The media do the same putdown with Dr. Ben Carson, and he is a famous surgeon; that qualifies as healing the sick. The media mavens realize that any doctorate gives some credibility to a person (whether deserved or not), but they reserve that credibility for their crowd.

I forgot to mention that the liberal media are sanctimonious hypocrites.

I have had the same experience with the title of “Dr.” but faced down talk show hosts who identified my opponent as “Dr.” Smith but me as “Mr.” Boys. At least twice on national television shows, I stopped the discussion and said, “I’m not sensitive, but if we are to continue this show, and it is “Dr.” Smith, then it is “Dr.” Boys. Or we can both be called Mr. or by our first names, but I insist on consistency. I had to work as hard on my Ph.D. as my opponent did.”

When Newsweek and other publications quote me or do a hit piece on me, they never add my Ph.D. or Ed.D. Never. But with their crowd, they use a different rule. The only standard liberals have is the double standard which they almost always follow. While the media usually give support for their spokesmen and denigrate those on the right, they don’t care about truth and principle in the use of titles. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a Ph.D. from Boston University, a fully accredited, respected school of higher learning. However, I don’t know of one example when any of the media revealed that King plagiarized his Ph.D. dissertation.

Oops, I just touched the third rail. While all informed people know that truth, it is not to be mentioned in polite company. The liberal media adhere to that unwritten rule with missionary zeal and faithfulness.

King stole from others all his life. The scholars of the King Papers Project confessed: “King’s plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all of his academic writings.” King’s very friendly biographer David J. Garrow, stated: “King’s academic compositions, especially at Boston University, were almost without exception little more than summary descriptions…and comparisons of other’s writings. Nonetheless, the papers almost always received desirable letter grades, strongly suggesting that King’s professors did not expect more….” Wow, from a friend!

King’s Ph.D. dissertation was “A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Nelson Wieman,” and over half of it was stolen! King found a similar dissertation by Dr. Jack Stewart Boozer (real name), a former army chaplain and later Professor of Religion at Emory University who had returned to Boston University to earn his Ph.D. King even copied mistakes from Boozer’s work The Place of Reason in Paul Tillich’s Concept of God!

When Boston University looked into the plagiarism, they wrote, “A committee of scholars at Boston University concluded yesterday that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. plagiarized portions of his doctoral dissertation, completed there in the 1950s.”

Boston University provost Jon Westling accepted the panel’s recommendation that a letter be attached to King’s dissertation in the university library, noting that numerous passages lacked appropriate quotations and citations of sources.” And nothing was done except the letter in his file. Do you think Martin Luther Smith would have been treated that way? No, he would have been expelled.

King also stole much of his “I Have a Dream” speech from another black preacher, but the media never, never, never mentions that fact when they quote the speech.

King copied from others, even their mistakes, and he made plenty of his own—misspelling, subject-verb agreement, wrong word usage. A sharp, high school senior at a Christian school would know better. Some of King’s papers written at Crozer Seminary and Boston University revealed his unbelief, his anti-Americanism, and his incredible shallowness and carelessness in grammar and facts. All this is documented in my e-book, Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character Not His Color! Available on Amazon.

King, like other leftists, is protected and promoted by the media. He is always “Dr.” King even with his spurious Ph.D. And to show how sacrosanct he is, some of the news sites that usually publish my columns will refuse to use this one.

While I disagreed with Mr. King as I do with Jill, I don’t mind calling her Dr. Biden.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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The Washington National Cathedral is STILL a Nest of Vipers! Sun, 04 Feb 2018 22:24:55 +0000 The National Cathedral in D.C. is a magnificent Gothic building but it is full of dead men’s bones. Christ’s comparable term was “whited (whitewashed) sepulcher.” The official name of the church is Cathedral Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in the City and Diocese of Washington, but I’m convinced Peter and Paul would not be welcome in their pulpit.

The cathedral’s website boasts that its purpose is “to serve as the spiritual home for the nation. The Cathedral is a national treasure and an architectural feat, a place of stunning beauty built to inspire.” No one asked me to vote on its being “the spiritual home for the nation.” It might be rude or even crude for me to remind my readers that the Episcopal Church was the major opponent of our War for Independence. More than half of their Colonial ministers left their pulpits in disagreement with our demand for a break with England.

A couple years ago, I wrote a column dealing with the Rev. Gary Hall’s leadership of the National Cathedral as Dean and I called it a nest of vipers. I did so because of Hall’s apostasy. Hall retired the last of 2015 and my appellation is still true. His legacy lives on–a nest of vipers. It may be worse!

I wrote, “Hall is a religious rebel without a cause other than the cause of apostasy. He said, ‘No sex before marriage is not realistic.’ He did not try to prove that fornication was Biblical. He has even opened the cathedral for homosexual nuptials! He really jumped into a cauldron of confusion when he opined, ‘It is not only just OK to be gay, straight, bisexual, or transgendered. It is good to be that way, because that is the way God has made you.’ Hall even invited a ‘transgendered priest’ to preach in his pulpit recently. Wonder if he would invite me to preach for him!”

In case you are wondering, he never did and neither did his successor. Maybe someday they will–when pigs learn to fly in formation and do backward somersaults over the White House, maybe.

Hall opined, “Every person is loved by God. We can preach that from the pulpit, but the most emphatic we can say it is to live it by uniting same sex couples in marriage at the altar in our Cathedral.” Of course, God loves everyone, but He has revealed His parameters for sex in  personal and family lives. Homosexuals are simply heterosexuals who refuse to accept His plan for their lives.

At least the church does in public what they teach because Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde and members of the Cathedral’s LGBT ministry group, among others in the diocese marched in the 2016 Capital Pride March “to honor the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.” Hand me a barf bag.

While he was Dean at the church the Rev. Hall identified himself as a “non-theistic Christian,” but that is a silly statement, not scholarly, and certainly not Scriptural. Hall continued to expose his heresy and rejection of Bible truth by saying, “Jesus didn’t try to convert. He just had people at his table.” The leader of a mainline denominational church, even a radical leftist one, should know that Christ said, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Moreover, Christ told Nicodemus that he “must be born again” in order to enter Heaven. Of course, anyone can enter the National Cathedral and most other churches without that qualification.

Recently, The Daily Caller reported that the governing body of the Episcopalian Diocese of Washington, D.C., approved three very controversial measures: to adopt gender neutral pronouns for God, to embrace transgenderism, and to promote open borders. They passed the three resolutions within an hour! More about that in another column. Could a thinking person suggest that such radical, unbiblical, and out-of-the-realm-of-common-sense actions be the reason the Episcopal Church is dying on the vine?

One Episcopal rector, Rev. Alex Dyer, put up banners suggesting the church was “a progressive church for a progressive city” but more appropriately “a dying church for a decadent city.”

The denomination displayed obvious signs of disintegration in 1974 when, despite objections of the denomination’s hierarchy, the church ordained eleven female deacons. It has been downhill ever since at a breakneck speed.

The Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, a divorced female priest, was hired as Canon Precentor of the National Cathedral in September of 2013. In November of 2014, she invited 100 Muslims to say their Friday prayers at the National Cathedral! She said: “This needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamaphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.” Obviously, the teaching of the National Cathedral is the antithesis to Christ and the Bible.

Ms. Campbell even had all the crucifixes covered and closed the church to Christian worshipers for four hours. She had armed guards at the church doors to exclude Christians who might want to attend. She even removed the pews so the Muslims would not be offended. She wanted the Muslims to pretend to be in a mosque where they sit and kneel on the floor. When she welcomed the Muslims she said, “Salaam, shalom, peace, you are all so very welcome here….Let us stretch our hearts and let us seek to deepen mercy for we worship the same God.” Maybe she worships that god, but I don’t!

The Muslim cleric, with no attempt at being sensitive to the location and the circumstances, said, “God has no son, that Jesus Christ cannot be his son, and that there is no god like Allah.” It is a wonder the massive cathedral did not fall on his head. Does any sane person think Ms. Campbell will receive a similar invitation to do her thing at the local mosque? Especially if she tells the truth about Islam!

Last week I watched two hours of a dialogue held at the National Cathedral Oct. 26, 2016 dealing with the two Cathedral windows that depict Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson. The Cathedral officials had been wrestling with this for a long time, and in September of 2017, the windows were removed.

The media and the panel discussion I watched were concerned about the windows telling an “incomplete and misleading account of our history. An official said, “”We are committed to finding ways to offer a richer, more balanced expression of our nation’s history.” I’ll buy that; however, I demand some consistency, something that never concerns liberals.

During the panel discussion, the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Canon Theologian at the Cathedral spoke approvingly of Nat Turner and another spoke positively of W. E. B. Du Bois. The panelists also agreed that one must know about Thomas Jefferson’s ownership of hundreds of slaves to really know the man. Okay, I’ll accept that but no one seemed concerned to tell the whole story about Turner and Du Bois, so I will. Maybe the panel consisting of two white people and two black people does not know the full story about those two men.

Nat Turner, a black slave in Virginia, was an educated Baptist preacher who always felt destined for greatness and his parents encouraged him, considering him a prophet. They were convinced of that because of certain marks on his head and breast! Turner reported seeing spirits fighting in the sky, and he allegedly heard voices. Being a “prophet” he communicated “revelations” to fellow slaves. One of the “revelations” was to “take up the cause of Christ.” I don’t need to emphasize that these are signs of a nut case not a prophet.

Then, when Mount St. Helens erupted Feb. 12, 1831, nearly 3,000 miles away (most historic reports dealing with Turner wrongly call it an eclipse) the atmospheric conditions convinced Turner that God wanted him to kill his enemies! About seven months later on August 21, 1831, he and other slaves attacked and killed 55 white people including men, women, and children–some as they slept. One victim was a baby in its cradle. Some of the victims were beheaded, including children. The killers used axes, clubs, swords, and guns. Armed citizens confronted the attackers and Turner, after hiding for two months, was captured, tried, and executed by hanging. His corpse was flayed, beheaded, and quartered. It seems the slaveholders wanted to send a message to their slaves.

It is understandable that witless, guilt-ridden Whites and gullible Blacks seek to make every Black a hero but surely ministers of the Episcopalian denomination would not do that. Would they? After all, should not all the pertinent facts about a man, even a black killer, be known? The panel at the National Cathedral did not think so. One of the panelists was an historian but he said not a word!

Another black hero is W. E. B. Du Bois (who insisted on being called, “Dr. Du Bois”) an impressive intellectual who in 1895 was the first Black to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard. He was a founder of the NAACP (most of the executive officers were white) in 1909 and he was hired as editor of their journal The Crisis. He later resigned (some say he was dismissed) in 1934 over his reversal of his segregation position to accepting the “separate but equal” position as a satisfactory goal for Blacks. He had rejected Frederick Douglass’ plea for black Americans to integrate into white society. He also sparred with Booker T. Washington, the number one black leader in America who was highly respected by Whites and Blacks.

Du Bois thought Booker T. Washington was too slow and patient in dealing with segregation. Washington was an accommodator and Du Bois was an agitator. Du Bois was an effective advocate for civil rights but leaned far to the left defending and joining many socialist causes. He taught that capitalism was a major cause of racism. He was a peace advocate and promoted nuclear disarmament. He began to support the Communist Party and warmed to Marx’s atheism and many of Du Bois’ friends and supporters shunned him especially after the FBI continued to investigate his actions, associates, and his advocacies. He ended up joining the American Communist Party, traveled to Russia and China (and praised them), and became a citizen of Ghana, where he died in 1963. Shouldn’t Blacks know those facts when Du Bois is being presented as a Black hero?

It seems many Blacks are careless in choosing their heroes. However, black leaders, especially black leaders who insist on telling the whole truth about Confederate heroes and founding fathers should be very careful about holding up killers and Communists to be emulated by young Blacks! Or, maybe it is racist for me to hold their feet to the fire in this matter. Church leaders should not have consistency forced upon them. Their character should require it.

One headline tells the story of what’s happening: “Episcopalians Continue Bleeding Members, Attendance at Alarming Rate.” However, it seems the denominational bigwigs haven’t connected the dots. Members are fleeing their churches as if their hair is on fire because of the outrageous, anti-biblical, and leftist positions taken by the leadership.

The denomination’s website says nothing about reaching people for Christ with the Gospel but it does boast about their activity on Ash Wednesday of going to the streets, no not with Gospel literature, but to put ashes on the foreheads of people! However, there is no, absolutely no biblical foundation for such a church activity.

However, there is no Bible support for most of what is going on in mainline denominations: a church hierarchy; massive salaries, special clerical vestments, relics, and involvement in leftist political causes.


Boys’ book  Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy,  click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Knock-Out Questions Romney Should Have Asked Obama! Wed, 24 Oct 2012 03:08:08 +0000 I don’t question Romney’s sincerity, ability, and determination but I question his tactics in debate. Of course, the fact that John McCain is coaching him was his first mistake. McCain seems to be committed to the proposition that no one will ever accuse him of being a real conservative.

While I would not run if nominated and would not serve if elected, I wish I had been Obama’s opponent Monday night. Following are some questions I wish Romney would have asked:

“Mr. Obama, no patriotic American would make politics out of the Libyan disaster, but our citizens have a right to know why there was no protection at the consulate especially in light of the previous attacks. If you did not know about the previous serious attacks, it is incredible and inconceivable, and you should be impeached. If you did know about the previous attacks, it is incredible and inconceivable and you should be impeached since you did nothing to protect our people and property. If we could have Marines in consulates at places like the peaceful and placid Caribbean then why was there no protection in hot spots such as Benghazi? Do you think, in light of the attacks, that you should have attended your intelligence briefings rather than playing on the golf course?”

“Mr. Obama, if you knew immediately that the 9/11 attack was in fact a Muslim terrorist attack, why did you permit Ambassador Rice to appear on five television shows on Sunday and state categorically that it was a protest that got out of hand? Moreover, why did you, during your UN speech, use the silly video as the cause of the attack when you knew it was not so? (By the way, no one has claimed the video was inaccurate, only insensitive and inane.)”

“Mr. Obama, in light of the tragedy in Libya, why have no heads rolled in your administration? In such a situation, it has been traditional that the culpable persons should lose their positions. Saying, ‘I am responsible’ is not sufficient. Were those underlings following your orders? Many Americans want to hear a metaphoric guillotine blade fall a few times. It would send a powerful message to Americans and others. Yes, many in your administration have lost their minds but some should lose their ‘heads’ as well. You might start with a certain female!”

“Mr. Obama, are you finally willing to say the words, ‘Muslim terrorists’? No doubt you can mouth the words but you refuse to do so. Will you admit that Muslim terrorists are at war with the free world? Everyone else, except you, seems to be aware of that fact.”

“Mr. Obama, will you admit that every Koranic Muslim has an obligation to make the nation in which he lives, a Muslim nation? All educated people know that is a fact, but you seem to be reluctant to admit that fact. Why?”

“Mr. Obama, will you take the position tonight in front of the watching world that Sharia law must never be enforced in America and in fact, should be repudiated all over the Muslim world? If not, why not?”

“Mr. Obama, would you also state that Muslim women throughout the Muslim world should have equal rights and privileges in every area as men? If not, why not?”

“Mr. Obama, will you please tell Americans why there have been scores and scores of known radical, terrorist-supporting Muslims who have visited the White House, meeting with top administration officials? Those people are well known to the FBI and other agencies yet they have been honored to have multiple visits to the peoples’ House. I would also like to know if even one Fundamentalist or Evangelical has been so honored? Any Mormons?”

“Mr. Obama, as you know, many Americans believe you to be a not-so-secret Muslim because you were born into a Muslim family, educated as a Muslim, repeatedly said, ‘Allah is God and Mohammed is his prophet.’ That statement, said sincerely, is what makes one a Muslim if done before witnesses. Moreover, you have worn a Muslim ring all your adult life and even said on national television, ‘My Muslim faith,’ and you were ‘corrected’ by the interviewer! Sir, how can any sane person not believe you to be a Muslim? Does asking the question make me a bigot?”

“Mr. Obama, will you look us all in the eyes and declare firmly, ‘I am not a Muslim, have never been a Muslim, and will never be a Muslim. I trusted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, placing faith in His death on Calvary and faith in His bodily resurrection. I followed him in public baptism indicating my desire to be identified with Him and to live a committed Christian life as revealed in the Holy Bible. I am only a sinner saved by grace.’”

“Mr. Obama, Dr. Don Boys of North Georgia has been trying to get Muslim approval to start the Trinity Baptist church in Mecca and has received no help from any Muslim. Would you be willing to use your influence to help him start a Baptist Church in Mecca? After all, as a Christian you surely believe in missions, don’t you? Moreover, the Saudis have built 2,000 mosques in the U.S., so surely it is only reasonable that Mecca should have one Baptist Church. Boys would be willing to rent a store-front in Mecca or maybe he could rent the Kabaa since it is not used on Sundays. Maybe you and I could give an initial gift of $10,000 to get the church started! Let’s both agree to kick-start this worthy project. I have my checkbook with me, so let us show an ecumenical spirit and help the Baptists in this project.”

“Mr. Obama, you are aware of the many rumors circulating, especially in the Chicago area, that you have a very shady past. No doubt those scurrilous rumors are untrue and I am sure you can lay them to rest tonight. Please tell us what relationship you had with Larry Sinclair and with the murdered, openly homosexual choir director at Wright’s Trinity Church. Did you know those men and what was your relationship with them?”

Too bad those questions were not asked, but then most politicians, in all parties, are afraid of the truth. They will flirt with it, but never follow truth all the way. They will spin the truth, play with it, distort it, but never follow it to its conclusion whatever the results.

Now you know why I am no longer in politics!

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