election – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Donald Trump Has Put His Brand on the GOP! https://donboys.cstnews.com/donald-trump-has-put-his-brand-on-the-gop https://donboys.cstnews.com/donald-trump-has-put-his-brand-on-the-gop#respond Fri, 06 Nov 2020 19:58:40 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2710 Burning at the stake is out of fashion, so Democrats and RINOs decided to eliminate Trump in a squalid, sleazy, and shameful election. Whatever happens with the election results, Donald Trump owns the Republican Party.

Many weak Republicans (RINOs) never recognized Trump as a political leader, mainly because he was not one of them. He was an outsider. He spoke his mind about people, policies, and practices. He made ordinary politicians appear weak, inconsequential, compromising, and ineffective. An additional thing that teed them off was his insistence on putting America first.

Amazingly, he kept his promises!

The accepted wisdom proclaimed his first election a fluke, an anomaly that was simply inexplicable, even baffling. The RINOs and Democrats (who loudly profess to be honest and true patriots) have been fighting Trump since he and Melania walked down the escalator into the White House. Trump’s enemies had to go along since his election was a reality. Democrats and some Republicans would bide their time, and he would be gone.

The Democrats tried to render him impotent with the Russian hoax and three years of wasted time and money; however, it was determined that Trump and his people did nothing wrong. In fact, the scandal was financed by his opponent Hillary Clinton who ordered: “a campaign plan to stir up a scandal” by linking President Trump to Russia in 2016.

Question: why isn’t Hillary wearing pinstripes and getting her fan mail from the National Coalition of Feminists, Lesbians, and Other Men Haters at a federal prison?

Additionally, the Democrats tried to get rid of him by impeachment; but that proved to be a farce and embarrassed all honest Americans. Of course, doctrinaire Democrats are never embarrassed because one must have a conscience to be embarrassed.

Trump has been fought from the beginning, with almost every decision ridiculed, questioned, and opposed. He has been characterized as dishonest, devious, and depraved, yet he is responsible for an amazing economy; stopping the incessant wars; shrinking the unemployment rate to almost zero; stopping the bleeding in trade with China and others; getting members of NATO to pay for their own defense; bringing lowered taxes on most Americans; doing more for Israel than any other President; standing up to Muslim fanatics; shredding numerous unnecessary regulations; and eliminating or limiting excessive environmental regulations; and giving us three new conservative Supreme Court Justices as well as over 220 other federal judges.

No other President in history has had such profound accomplishments, but Democrats asked, “But what have you done for us recently?”

Democrats and RINOs are insolent, incoherent ingrates.

Then entered the Chinese coronavirus. But no honest person blames Trump for that. He acted fast to halt all travel to China and quickly forced private industry to provide the necessary supplies and equipment for treatment of the virus. Even when world health experts could not agree and even contradicted themselves, Trump tried to steer a steady course over uncharted waters.

So, the crowd standing in left field put up with him for four years, expecting to make a change this year. Democrats believed their own press releases, the corrupt and incompetent polls, and the deranged media that Trump could not win again. To make sure, they called upon the dead (again) to accomplish their nefarious desire, and true to history, the dead voted for Democrats.

Biden campaigned for a new gig at the expense of his honor. He concealed what he would have blushed to disclose. However, in a few months the world will be exposed to the depth of Biden’s corruption if there is any justice in this nation.

While the presidency is in question and will be for many weeks, in my opinion, few other races are in question. Astute politicians are surprised that the senate majority held; shocked at the ten additional GOP seats in the House; and further gains across the nation. Trump’s brand is on each one and will influence every future election.

He built a national political structure that will be there for the next election. They also have all the names on their data list and donation list. Other than the presidency, they should be delighted since some famous Democrats were replaced in the House, and the House Democrats did not add one to their number.

It is getting more complicated each day with the charges of fraud, machine mistakes, lawsuits, etc.; so no doubt, it will end up in the Supreme Court. That, in my opinion, is a tossup. But suppose the Court votes to support Trump; that will loose even more “peaceful” protesters in every major city. America will burn. The justices know that; however, they can’t permit that to influence their decision. In that event, Trump will crush the riots with the military, and the DOJ will put hundreds, maybe thousands of people in jail.

And the American Republic will survive.

Contrarily, if the Court supports Biden and his gang of thieves, I am afraid our streets will run with blood as Trump supporters refuse to surrender to the skullduggery. Biden and his transition team will plan his inauguration speech on January 20; however, Trump will refuse to recognize their illegal, unfair machinations. He will plan his own inauguration using his authority to keep Biden’s people from making inauguration plans.

The Court will require Trump to acquiesce, but he will refuse, knowing the Court has no ability to enforce its decisions. He will say to Chief Justice Roberts what President Jackson allegedly said concerning Chief Justice John Marshall’s decision about Indians in Georgia: “[The Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it.” I think President Trump will take that position.

I foresee the nightmare of both Trump and Biden being inaugurated on the same day to the same office. That’s similar to the College of Cardinals electing two Popes in 1378; one ruled from Rome, the other from Aviagen, France. Trump will use his authority to keep control and nullify Biden’s plans by ordering the military to keep the peace. The military will be required to make a decision: supporting Trump or Biden.

Our American Republic may not survive!

No doubt, China, Korea, and Iran will take advantage of our chaos to further their nefarious agenda, and only God can know how that may play out.

If we survive, a damaged, disgusted, and defiant electorate will throw the Democrats out of the House and Senate in 2022 after Biden’s extensive corruption is revealed to the public, and Americans finally awaken to the reality of Socialism. Then in 2024, Trump will descend the same escalator and offer himself as the Presidential candidate.

He will win by a landslide that will bury Democrats and RINOs forever.

Or, maybe not.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Mail-in Voting is an Engraved Invitation for Corruption and Democrats Will Vote From the Grave! https://donboys.cstnews.com/mail-in-voting-is-an-engraved-invitation-for-corruption-and-democrats-will-vote-from-the-grave https://donboys.cstnews.com/mail-in-voting-is-an-engraved-invitation-for-corruption-and-democrats-will-vote-from-the-grave#respond Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:41:31 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2624 Politicians and babies both need to be changed often and for the same reason, and Americans will be attempting to make changes in November. America’s future depends on what change if any, we make at the voting booth. And the results will depend on whether we go to the polls or mail in a ballot. The long-honored absentee ballot is generally safe, but a massive mail-in vote is an engraved invitation for vote corruption.

Often, a politician may indicate a need for a change, but in reality, it’s only a bad odor. Not yet. While it might be premature to change a baby’s diaper impulsively, it might be perilous to do the same for a politician. Hence, the need to not be hasty in the November election.

While there are thousands of hopeful politicians on the ballots, the most vital is the presidential race, but does that position need to be changed?

We have a choice of Donald Trump who has a checkered past bedding various women but who has kept many of his promises he made to us. In that, he is a very unusual politician. For me, this is a replay of 2016—choosing the one who will do less damage, stabilize our economy, keep the baby butchers at bay, return peace to our cities, keep China behind her famous wall—without bankrupting our nation.

His vice-president Mike Pence is a good man. After caving to the LGBTQ tyrants in Indiana pre-election, he has done better than any other politician in standing for family and morality. While he could be more forceful, we all know the LGBTQ crowd specializes in bullying, badgering, and blackmailing decent opponents. He has done a respectable job with the other chores Trump assigned him.

As an Independent, that is the team I will vote for again, understanding that no candidate is perfect. I decided not to run this time.

The other ticket is abysmal, and it is difficult to understand how any honest American could put them in office. Joe Biden has a history of plagiarism, lying, very loose hands around girls and women, fanatically desirous of grabbing every gun in America and putting us in debt quadrillions of dollars. Biden is the description of a Throttlebottom—an innocuously inept and futile person in public office.

Biden is pathetic and surely will only get the sympathy vote and maybe his wife’s.

Kamala Harris is his choice for Vice-President, and she has a record that is far, far left. She is the most radical U.S. Senator. She climbed to power in California with the help of her lover Willie Brown, thirty years her senior and Speaker of the House in California. Brown has been separated from his wife since 1976 (but not divorced), and Kamala is only one of many women with whom he fornicated. Her appointed job required no credentials, no work, and she was “paid the equivalent of a full-time [state] senator for arriving at a one- to two-hour meeting each month.”

A Republican member of the state assembly at the time said, “Screwing the speaker has its rewards. Stevie Wonder could have seen through that play.” However, whatever hours she has logged in bed, she is far more dangerous to America than Hillary.

Senator Harris went after Judge Kavanaugh relentlessly like a pit bull going after a porterhouse steak. She believed the unsupported, unreal, and unchaste charges because “a woman would never lie about such a thing.” Now that it is to her benefit, she refuses to believe the senate aide’s accusation of Biden—because it is in her interest not to believe.

There is little benefit of listing all the decadent, dangerous, and deadly positions Kamala has taken; however, her willingness to be on the ticket with Biden, who has refused to answer a charge of sexual abuse, shows her lack of character. She has always played to the gallery and reverses positions to meet her immediate needs. During the primary race, she believed Joe was guilty of sexual abuse of his senate aide Tara Reade. Now, she is partnered with a predator! That used to be known as being two-faced and would require her spending extra time each day putting makeup on her two faces.

Before the Never-Trumpers and Hate-Trumpers remind us again of Trump’s aggressive, appalling, and adulterous affairs, he never slept around to his political or monetary advantage. However, moral issues do not seem to concern most people.

On the political issues alone, the Biden-Harris ticket would literally destroy America! So, the choice is simple.

America deserves and must have more decent, qualified, honest officials. Still, mail-in-voting will only make a bad problem even worse, allowing into office many incompetent, indecent, and ignominious scalawags and lowlifes. It is no surprise our cities, states, and nation are a mess.

Headlines on July 24, 2020, in USSA News screamed, “Democratic Ex-Congressman Charged With Rigging Votes, Bribery, Falsifying Records And Obstruction.” The article revealed that a former congressman had been charged by the federal government with ballot stuffing, bribery, and obstruction. Michael Myers, 77, was charged with conspiring with and bribing a former elections judge in Philadelphia to add votes to favored candidates over several elections.

Yet, we are told over and over that voting fraud is no problem, but public facts disprove that.

According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, “there are 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there and old enough to vote.” I’m math deficient, but I don’t think that is possible.

“According to one study, by News21, there have been 2,068 cases of alleged election fraud since 2000.” Yet, Democrats declare there is very little election fraud!

Electronic voting was supposed to improve the election process in making voting more efficient, quicker, and less fraud, but Rhode Island voters uncovered fraud. Rock Island County Republican voters gathered outside of the Rock Island County Clerk’s office on Friday, October 24, alleging a voting machine switched their vote. “Voters said when they selected a candidate on the electronic voting machine, the machine would switch their vote to the opposing candidate.” Is that fraud, or is it failure since Democrats had the same problem?

Voting machines are not as reliable as touted to be according to the Salina Journal on November 26, 2014 issue. “A malfunction of electronic voting equipment left 5,207 votes out of the original Nov. 4 Saline County, Kansas vote total.”

Brad Friedman of the very liberal Huffington Post admitted, “What we have here is an extraordinarily compelling case that our electoral system has gone terribly wrong…We’ve got one election after another that makes no sense whatsoever. They may have been rigged, they may have failed due to error – (but because they can’t be audited) it’s 100 percent faith-based voting.” This is the reason we now print out our machine ballot in Georgia, sign, and deposit it.

Recently, a local television station experimented with vote-by-mail, and it exposed the deficiencies of the system. WRDW in Philadelphia sent 100 “mock ballots” from across the city to a post office box set up specifically for the test. The results showed 21 percent of the votes hadn’t been delivered within the same city after four days. Some mailed a week prior were also missing.

The Times report goes on to reveal voter corruption in Texas, Indiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. Yet, dishonest, desperate, and distressed Democrats keep telling us that there is no problem with voter fraud.

On August 8, the media reported, “more than 223,000 mail-in ballots sent to registered voters in Clark County, Nevada, were bounced as “undeliverable” in the state’s June primary election, newly released data reveals.”

Also, on August 8, the New York City Board of Elections disqualified 84,208 vote-by-mail ballots in the June 23 Democratic presidential primary, “according to a report cited Wednesday evening by the New York Post.

It is obvious to anyone deaf, dumb, and blind that mail-in-voting is not reliable. So, even the most rabid Democrat can understand that fact.

The Washington Times reported on voter fraud in Virginia. “A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote.” But it gets worse. “Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states.”

Another longtime problem, especially among Democrats, is the strange determination of dead people to vote. The Times reported on this phenomenon: “A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting.” But then, dead Democrats have been voting in Chicago for decades.

This November election, because of the hatred of Donald Trump, there will be massive problems: lost ballots, stolen ballots, late ballots, machine failures, machine malfunction, intimidation, multiple votes from the same people, alien voters, and of course, many dead people will rise and vote—all Democrats.

This week the Detroit News reported that Michigan clerks rejected 846 mailed ballots during the August 4 primary “because the voter was dead.” But the Democrats keep saying there is little voter fraud.

I just heard the shocking, surprising, and even startling news that my lifetime Republican cousin in Cook County, Illinois, is voting Democrat this November. But it would never happen if he were still alive.

A quote from one of my ebooks dealing with voter fraud is very appropriate here:

We stumble along to democracy’s demise, following along behind those “boys” from the Democratic clubhouse in Chicago. Two of their finest were in a graveyard in the middle of the night, copying names from tombstones to bring them back to life, at least politically. One of them fell two rows behind the other in getting the names.

“What’s the matter?” shouted the name-taker in the lead. “Hurry it up, will you?”

His teammate, who was lagging behind, complained, “The name on this tombstone is one of those long, complicated ones, probably Polish.”
“Well,” shouted the other, “Forget about that one. Go on to the next one.”
In a burst of righteous democratic zeal, the laggard yelled, “What do you mean, ‘Go on to the next one’? This guy has as much right to vote as anybody else in this graveyard!”

Alas, there is more truth than humor in that apocryphal incident. With vote-by-mail making it even easier for the dead to vote, we could be on a downward slide into the darkest days of our republic.

CNN opined, there is very, very little evidence of any sort of widespread voter fraud in the country.” They chastised Trump for declaring vote-by-mail would result in cheating, pointing out that he had voted absentee ballot. Absentee voting is no problem, but there is a huge difference in that and everyone voting by mail. It has even been stated that ballots be provided for every person in the country, with no mention of citizenship or age. Or voter registration. It is an engraved invitation for illegal voting.

Any Republican voting for vote-by-mail is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Trump and The Fallacy of the Lesser of Two Evils! https://donboys.cstnews.com/trump-and-the-fallacy-of-the-lessor-of-two-evils https://donboys.cstnews.com/trump-and-the-fallacy-of-the-lessor-of-two-evils#respond Mon, 26 Sep 2016 00:40:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1571 Charles Spurgeon was the premier English preacher in the late 1800s, known as the “Prince of Preachers.” He statement, “Of two evils, choose neither” has been widely quoted by preachers, politicians, and pundits during this political season. However, Spurgeon’s actual quote from The Salt Cellars: A Collection of Proverbs & Quaint Sayings has nothing to do with voting. It relates to when a Christian is faced with a choice of obvious sins such as lying or stealing–he is to choose neither.

A statement made by Michael Marcavage is often attributed to Spurgeon in an attempt to trash Trump. Marcavage said, “Christians must turn from the endless cycle of voting for the lesser of evils and expecting an unrighteous act to produce a righteous result. From a communist to a cultist, choosing the lesser of two evils is still evil, and never should we do evil that good may come.” The attribution to Spurgeon is used to thump Trump.

Spurgeon declared in his sermon Particular Election: “Let us, whenever we shall have the opportunity of using the right of voting, use it as in the sight of Almighty God, knowing that for everything we shall be brought into account, and for that amongst the rest, seeing that we are entrusted with it. And let us remember that we are our own governors, to a great degree, and that if at the next election we should choose wrong governors we shall have nobody to blame but ourselves, however wrongly they may afterwards act, unless we exercise all prudence and prayer to Almighty God to direct our hearts to a right choice in this matter. May God so help us, and may the result be for his glory, however unexpected that result may be to any of us!”

He also said, “Discernment is not simply a matter of telling the difference between what is right and wrong; rather it is the difference between right and almost right.” All men have at times lusted but is a wife to be nonchalant, noncommittal, and nonresistant if her husband watches porn every night? Both are evil, but one is less odious than the other is. No, all sins do not carry the same penalty and are not rated equally offensive. As Spurgeon suggested, discernment is required to differentiate between options–the difference between right and wrong and the difference between wrong and very wrong–ergo, Trump or Clinton!

At the 9/11 terrorist attack, people in the burning Twin Towers had a choice between being burned alive or jumping out the windows. More than 200 people jumped to their deaths. They found themselves in a position where no decision was the “right” decision but had to make a decision. They had to make a choice and they each chose the most preferable one although each decision produced a horrible death. They considered one death less offensive than the other.

John Barber wrote, “Imagine our two families are miles from land in a sinking boat. Suddenly, out of the mist, come two boats to save us. One is captained by an adulterer; the other is captained by a thief. Which boat will you get into? You say, ‘Neither one. I’m waiting for the evangelical boat which is captained by a devout Christian who will end abortion.’ I say, ‘You’re kidding, right?’ You reply, ‘Both these guys are reprobates and I’m not going to choose between two evils.’”

There are no other sane options so which captain do you permit to save you? Of course, you prefer to give your business to a born again, anti-abortionist, conservative, constitutionalist, free enterprise, King James Bible quoting, creationist captain who homeschools his kids and tithes to his local Bible-preaching church. But you don’t have that option and it really doesn’t matter since you are going to drown or be devoured by hungry sharks. You choose the boat that appears to be stronger, safer, and swifter and believe that the character of the captain is irrelevant at this time. However, his ability, his availability, and his agreement to save you are very relevant.

Matt Barber of Barbwire.com wrote, “These are perilous times, and we’ve got difficult choices to make. When we’re sinking, sometimes God sends us a boat with a reprobate at the helm. He has a history of doing quite a lot with reprobates.” That He does.

Many Christians and Conservatives demand perfection but perfection doesn’t exist. Many profess to be principled people who demand a “whole loaf” insisting on getting everything they want instead of something. The “half-loafers” see the big picture and are willing to accept small victories always keeping their eyes on their goal. One good example is the Homosexual Lobby. Look where they were only 20 years ago and today they are in the catbird seat. They had one failure after another punctuated occasionally with small victories until they won. Now they have convinced the American people that a hormone-infused teenage boy has the right to ogle nude young girls in bathrooms, shower rooms, etc., and those of us who disagree are brutes, bigots, and bullies! The homosexual crowd accepted less than what they wanted until they got what they wanted.

As a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, I did not always get what I wanted. I never voted for evil but I had to make decisions: a full loaf or half a loaf.

I ask the Never Trumpers and the critics of “the lesser of two evil” principle what a legislator should do when confronted with voting for an imperfect abortion bill as happened in North Carolina.

In the NC legislature, a bill was before the Joint Finance Committee of the House and Senate dealing with abortion funding for poor women. A famous Pro-life leader came to town and convinced the pro-life crowd that they should go for the whole loaf; after all, it was the right thing to do. No abortions. The alternative to the bill was to add an exception for the life of the mother and fetal deformity. The problem was that about 100 babies would be killed if they had a known deformity in the womb. A long-time friend of mine was a full-time lobbyist for the Christian school movement in the state and had the authority to speak for them and the pro-life people. He and another preacher decided to go with the “whole loaf” people who didn’t want any babies killed. They decided that the “lesser of two evils” is still evil.

Senator Harris was manager of the bill and asked my friend and the local pastor in private, “Is this what you want me to do? I’ll do whatever you say.” They told him “No exceptions.” My friend knew they had the votes to pass the bill with the two exceptions that would greatly limit abortions. The Senator followed their admonition and the vote was taken and they lost bigtime. My friend said, “I was standing against the concrete wall inside the room and I was sick inside. We had just sounded the death knell for 8,000 babies through tax-funded abortions. I have never gotten over that. We clearly had the power of life and death in our tongues when we talked with Senator Harris. In order to save 100 babies, we sacrificed 8,000 babies.” I wept when he told me that.

The Christian lobbyist said he can still hear the Senator, a godly Baptist deacon ask, “Is this what you want me to do?” My friend said, “It still haunts me to this day.”

He told me, “We tried to respect the position of Christians who would not go the route of the lesser of two evils. We were such nerds! It was the stupidest thing I ever did in my whole life! So, I’ve got a tumor in my soul when it comes to deciding ‘the lesser of two evils.’ I have to be patient with Christians who struggle to escape the ‘lesser of two evils’ dilemma. But there is no escaping it. When that’s what it is, that’s what it is.” God never promised all our decisions would be easy.

Most people don’t understand that in every election we must choose between the lesser of two evils since no two candidates are equally principled. Our choice is not usually between an openly vile person and a virtuous person who loses his temper at times but between people who in totality are at different places on the general moral spectrum.

I don’t like Trump but I will vote for him even though I’m not sure he is trustworthy; however, I know I can trust Hillary to do what she has always done and she has the cash and consultants if not the character and charisma to actually win the presidency! She will continue America’s slide onto the garbage heap of history so I’ll go with the “lesser of two evils” or “half-loaf” since the other loaf is wormy, worthless, and wicked.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Should Principled People Vote for Trump? https://donboys.cstnews.com/should-principled-people-vote-for-trump https://donboys.cstnews.com/should-principled-people-vote-for-trump#respond Tue, 12 Jul 2016 15:46:37 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1500 Donald Trump may be a tall Mussolini with a New York accent who will destroy the Republican Party, devastate Conservativism, and disgrace America. Or, he might be the one non-politician who can lead us out of the wilderness into the Promised Land.

I have made the argument many times in my columns that Trump is a terrible candidate for President–of anything! I have always taken the position that Cruz was far more preferable even with the problem of his wife working for the CFR for a time. I pointed out to a friend that at least she did not pose nude as did Trump’s present wife. And Trump has been married three times and has boasted of his affairs with married women!

However, Trump has been chosen by millions of Republicans as their nominee. So, now what do we do? I took the position that if the choice were between Hillary and Trump, I would hold my nose and vote for Trump. But, I wonder if I can hold my nose that tightly. Now, understand that I think he would be far better than Hillary, but that is not the question. The question is, since Trump has changed his positions so many times and is obviously not born again or a Conservative, is it time to cast a principled (rather than a pragmatic) vote and acknowledge the results are in God’s hands? I will have to decide that question soon.

I have used the argument that we are electing a president not a pastor and I have used the “lesser of two evil” argument but the choice is still an evil. Charles Spurgeon said, “Of two evils, choose neither.” Maybe it is time to see if we really believe what we have been teaching: that men are responsible to do right, leaving the consequences with God as happened with the Hebrew nation.

Solomon was dead after a 40 year reign and was known for his wealth, his women, his wisdom, his writings, his works, wantonness, and his wine. He experienced the greatest success and the greatest failures of any man on earth and finally died after acquiescing to his pagan wives and the rejection of his great spiritual heritage of his father, King David.

Solomon’s son Rehoboam ascended the throne among strong criticism of his recently deceased father. Solomon had laid heavy taxes on the people to support his many works, including the erection of pagan chapels for his heathen wives! Apostasy! Solomon’s older advisors politely suggested that the newly crowned Rehoboam lift some of the tax burden but Rehoboam rejected the old men and heeded the young men: tax and spend even more. He did and the nation split like a very ripe watermelon. That lesson has been forgotten by modern politicians.

It was God’s will for the Hebrew Kingdom, the greatest on the face of the earth that stretched from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates, to split into Israel the Northern Kingdom and Judah, the Southern Kingdom. So the great Kingdom of David and Solomon split because it was God’s will although the increased taxes was stupid, but leaders do stupid things–often.

After the split, God told Rehoboam, “Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren the children of Israel: return every man to his house; for this thing is from me.” God brought judgment upon the nation because they followed after pagan gods and forsook His commandments. God was getting their attention.

Maybe that is what God will do with America. A litany of departures from God and Biblical principles is not necessary since we read of them every day in the newspapers. Nor is there serious debate about whether God brings judgment upon nations. He does and we get what we deserve. Maybe we deserve Trump or Hillary!

The Bible teaches that God puts men on the throne as He chooses. Dan. 2:21 reveals, “And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings.” Verse 37 reveals “Thou, O king, art a king of kings: for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory.” So, Daniel clearly teaches that God puts on the throne those whom He chooses; moreover, the Scripture and history reveal that Nebuchadnezzar was a boastful, bigoted, and blasphemous candidate, er, king. It was God’s sovereign will for him to be king of the first world empire and to be a chastening agent for the rebellious Hebrew nation.

If God wants Trump or Hillary to be president then He can provide the circumstances to produce enough votes to accomplish His will. If there is another terrorist attack on America before the election then Trump’s election will be a “cake walk.”

I am concerned that Trump may be a disaster leading us into wars, reneging on building a wall, devastating the economy because of high tariffs, etc. and the “etc.” scares me. I don’t want to bear any guilt for his “accomplishments.”

While I am not sure what I will do, I may justify not voting for Trump with the above principle as my reason. Not sure right now. So, depending on the circumstances during the next few months and my conscience, I may vote for someone other than Hillary or Trump. After all, if God is in control, then He will also handle the consequences.

Who am I to think I can thwart the plan of a sovereign God!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published last week by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Muslim Invasion, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Jerry Falwell, Jeffress, Robertson: Withdraw Trump Support! https://donboys.cstnews.com/jerry-falwell-jeffress-robertson-withdraw-trump-support https://donboys.cstnews.com/jerry-falwell-jeffress-robertson-withdraw-trump-support#comments Fri, 22 Apr 2016 02:58:53 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1421 Everyone agrees that this is the most unusual election cycle in memory, maybe in history. One of the most surprising, shocking, shameful, and scandalous events was the endorsement of Donald Trump by Evangelical leaders such as Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr., Robert Jeffress Pastor of First Baptist, Dallas, and Pat Robertson of the 700 Club and former presidential candidate.

Joel Osteen Pastor of Lakeview Church in Houston, who arguably has never said a negative word in his life, was reported as endorsing Trump but Smil’n Joel only half-way endorsed him by calling Trump an “incredible communicator.” But there is more to being president than being able to communicate. Hitler was an incredible communicator.

The Trump endorsement is shocking in that each of those religious leaders has been preaching or standing all his life against many of Trump’s positions on gun control, abortion, marriage, etc.

I think it is time for the above men to reconsider their endorsement of Trump and withdraw it. Maybe even apologize for it! Surely they did not know, at the time of their endorsement, of Trump’s major peccadilloes. The latest may be his worst. This week Trump told Matt Lauer of the Today show that people should be permitted to use the restroom of their choice. So, that means if a sexual predator “feels like a woman” then he can use the ladies room!

Trump agreed that if Bruce Jenner (who claims to be a female but still has male genitalia as well as big shoulders, wide hips, and large hands) visited Trump Towers he could use any restroom he wanted. Of course, during the show Bruce was called “Caitlyn” and was a “she” rather than the correct “he.” After all, Bruce was a male in the past, is a male in the present and will always be a male in the future no matter what body parts he has mutilated by incompetent and greedy surgeons.

This position of Trump is not too surprising since he said that Kim Davis, who refused to issue a marriage license to homosexuals, should “follow the law.” He doesn’t seem to understand that making something legal does not make it right and Christians are obligated to always do right even if it means breaking the law and going to jail. Unprincipled people can’t understand that. What Trump knows about Bible principle would fit into the naval of a flea! Almost!

Donald Trump is a strong, impulsive, aggressive man without a moral compass or rudder and is sailing perilously close to deceptive, dangerous, even deadly shoals. He displayed that when his Trump Foundation donated $20,000 to the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in 2012 and another $10,000 to Gay Men’s Health Crisis. That alone should disqualify him from any Christian leader’s endorsement.

GLSEN promotes “fisting” to middle school students and recommended books that excuses homosexual pedophilia. Their proclaimed mission is “promoting homosexuality” in the public schools to children as early as kindergarten.

Equally damning is his marriage and divorce record. He has had two divorces (both initiated by him) and his philandering, his illegitimate baby, and sexual innuendos don’t seem to bother my evangelical brethren. For sure if Trump were a member of any of their churches he would be publically disciplined and be required to confess his very public sins to the congregation and ask them, as well as God, for forgiveness. If he refused to repent, he would be removed from the church membership and refused a recommendation to any other church.

I have problems with Trump in that he boasted about his sexual exploits even with married women. If a man won’t keep his marriage vows to his wife why should I think he will keep his promises to me made in the heat of a political campaign? He was dumb enough or arrogant enough to boast about his many sexual affairs, multiple marriages, and divorces in his book! His audacity, arrogance, and aggression are shocking.

Conservatives have been consistent in taking umbrage toward erring conservatives because that is simple honesty. We screamed like a stuck pig when John McCain returned home from prison and dumped his overweight wife for a newer model but at least he admitted that it was the worst moral failure of his life. But with Trump, he sees no need for confession and repentance because he did nothing wrong!

When Jerry Falwell endorsed Trump, Falwell declared, Trump is a wonderful Christian brother “who reminds me of my dad.” Well, maybe but only because both were men and public figures but surely that’s all the resemblances. I knew Jerry Falwell from the early 1960s until his death. He was one of the kindest, most gentle, humble, informed, consistent, courageous men I ever met. He would never be mistaken for Donald Trump if one were comparing their character traits. And as for Trump being a “Christian brother,” even his closest associates are aware that he displays no evidence of being a Christian. He may be, but his life doesn’t show it.

I will vote for Trump only if the alternative is Hillary or Sanders. If the Democrats manipulate their convention and nominate a sane Democrat, I will vote for the Democrat–for the first time in my life. That will not happen so I am stuck with Trump unless Cruz pulls it out and Cruz is not a perfect candidate. And I refused to run!

Trump is anathema to the GOP because he cannot be controlled, which is laudable. If the GOP leaders are stupid enough to take away the nomination after he wins it, then Katy bar the door! We will have what Soros and the race baiters have been striving for: riots in the streets. Every group has its fringe people–the crazies and Trump has some for sure.

Furthermore, with chaos in the streets, Obama could very well justify martial law and cancel the general election (for the “good of the people,” of course) permitting his rule to last into the Tribulation Period, if not the Millennium.

I hope and I have prayed that Cruz wins but if not then Trump should be the nominee. Some of my friends and readers are dismayed, displeased, and disagreeable over my reluctance to support Trump. They want to understand my reasoning in supporting Trump only if I must.

Trump has some good attributes. He is independent, not depending on the donors, lobbyists, or the GOP leadership. He is as independent as a hog on ice. He can’t be controlled so he gives party officials perpetual heartburn. That is good. He is not politically correct, which is good, and “says what he’s thinking” which is good and bad. It depends on what he’s thinking. Moreover, I believe he will probably keep his word and will do many of the things he has promised to do. And if he only solves the border problem, takes on the terrorists, and solves the tax and spending problem, then we are winners.

But then Cruz would do all that. So, I have many problems with supporting Trump when Cruz is available.

I have problems with his many hotels, casinos, etc., where liquor is sold and gambling is the purpose for being there. Only God is aware of all the homes he has damaged and the lives he has destroyed.

I have problems with his abortion position where he makes exception for rape, incest, or life of the mother. Those exceptions have been used for decades to kill innocent babies. Many products of rape and incest are very productive citizens. It is always wrong to take the life of an innocent unborn child. After all, if you were the product of rape or incest, you would sure agree with me!

Trump seems to embody the New York City values that Ted Cruz spoke about.

If Trump is elected to the presidency he will know when to wear a white tie and tails and what fork to use to eat garden green beans with shallots and toasted almonds at a formal dinner with a foreign leader, but he probably won’t know the name of the foreign leader or know his capitol city.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published this month by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Obama’s Loss or Win: Will The Cities burn? https://donboys.cstnews.com/obamas-loss-or-win-will-the-cities-burn https://donboys.cstnews.com/obamas-loss-or-win-will-the-cities-burn#respond Fri, 02 Nov 2012 19:39:51 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=177 I am not a prophet, fortune-teller, or soothsayer, nor am I clairvoyant. But I do know people and history. Upon that foundation I will “stick my neck out” and predict major problems in our largest cities for 48 hours after November 6 whether Obama wins or loses! Detroit, Newark, Los Angeles, and New York will burn. If you live in a large city, it might be wise to go visit grandma in the country for a few days.

We have observed irresponsible actions of unruly, unlawful, and unrestrained mobs (often called “fans”) after the win or loss of a sporting event! That speaks volumes about the condition of people around the world. I mean such people really know what is important! Maybe one can stretch his morality and his mind to believe that the disappointment of a loss could trigger a riot, but how can a win-triggered riot be defended on any grounds? It is called a “celebrating riot” that too often occurs in America, England, and South American cities.

The U.S. has seen major rioting in Boston, Los Angeles, Columbus, and rioting is common following sporting events. A riot in Egypt resulted in 79 fans killed following a soccer match.

The political riots are far worse than sports’ riots as we saw following the murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4,1968. At least 110 cities for five days experienced a nightmare as rebellious Blacks took vengeance against what they perceived as the white establishment. Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Chicago were among the worst, primarily in black urban areas.

In Washington, things deteriorated quickly as the White House sent about 13,500 federal troops to assist the District police force. The city was a war zone as Marines set up machine guns on the steps of the Capitol while the Army guarded the White House. Newspapers reported that rioting took place within two blocks of the White House.

By Sunday, April 8, twelve people had been killed, about 1,097 injured, and over 6,100 arrested along with 1,200 buildings burned. Damages were estimated to be $27 million.

In Chicago, it was another nightmare of violence. The Chicago Tribune blared, “City Erupts.” The day following King’s death, huge mobs of men, women, and children lunged from store to store, breaking plate-glass windows and taking what was not screwed down. The Tribune reported, “Television sets, clothing, food and liquor were carted away from largely white-owned businesses.” Some black businesses escaped damage by writing “soul brother” on their windows.

About 210 buildings were burned to the ground, 11 people (all black) were killed with 500 injured. Mayor Richard Dailey ordered police “to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand . . . and . . . to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting any stores in our city.” An astounding 10,500 police were sent to protect the fire fighters, and were soon joined by 6,700 Illinois National Guard troops. That was followed by President Lyndon Johnson who ordered 5,000 federal troops into the city.

I believe the November 6 election will produce something similar whether Romney or Obama wins! And for sure, there will be multiple lawsuits by the losing side.

During the last four years Obama has presented himself as the savior who provides whatever is needed or wanted, be it cell phones, foot stamps, housing, etc. Added to that, the “entitlement” attitude that many Americans (white and black) have and you have a dangerous, explosive situation when such freebies are threatened.

If Obama wins on November 6, the jubilation may be as extreme as a loss might be. Look for fires to rage, stores to be looted, police and firemen to be killed during the celebrating riots. Thousands will be arrested; however, if the norm takes place, few violators will go to the slammer for arson, looting, and rioting.

I have discovered that you will usually be correct if you count on the worst in mankind. Sounds cynical but it is correct. Man has been on a slippery slide since the Garden of Eden. Riots will manifest that fact following the November 6 election because of the failure of the rioters’ homes, schools, and churches to inculcate them with Christian, or even civilized, values. Rioters have no respect for self and no respect for others so violence is a natural result. The rioters and looters have been trained to hate, kill, loot, and burn. The innocent will suffer for that failure.

I hope, I pray that I am wrong, but don’t count on it.

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Negative Political Ads Are Useful! https://donboys.cstnews.com/negative-political-ads-are-useful https://donboys.cstnews.com/negative-political-ads-are-useful#respond Thu, 11 Oct 2012 14:33:29 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=148 Political ads should never be vile, vicious, or vulgar but informative, instructive, and inspiring. Negative ads are very desirable and necessary to have an informed electorate. Most Americans never read anything except the sports page and comic page and watch reruns of “I Love Lucy” for the 18th time so they need to get all the information they can before they vote. That means: hit them hard, hit them early, but don’t hit them below the belt.

The non-thinking do-gooders are clamoring for a ban on negative ads but to suggest a ban is incredible. What about the Bill of Rights? Television shows and commercial ads feature vulgarities and nudity yet the viewers are too wimpy to hear vivid, vigorous, even vicious (but true) political ads!

However, the general opinion (so I will almost automatically believe to the contrary) is that negative ads are so distasteful, disgraceful, and deleterious that they should be illegal. I don’t defend untruthful, uncouth, or even unkind ads, but I do want to know the truth about the candidates without any spin. Just the facts, please.

If a candidate is a bum, I want to know; however, if he is a bastard, I don’t care. After all, he can hardly be blamed. Every family has one or two in the shadows. If a candidate is distasteful, I don’t care; however, if he or she is a drunk, I want to know since that will affect performance. If a man is fastidious, I don’t care; however, if he is a fornicator, I want to know because if he will break his marriage vows, he will break his promises to the voters. If a man is poor, I don’t care; however, if he is a pervert, I want to know because if he is so dumb as to misuse his personal organs, then he will misuse his office. If a man is unimpressive, I don’t care; however, if he is undisciplined he will be a poor leader. If a man is handicapped, I don’t care; but if he is a hack, I will vote against him. If a man is crude, I don’t care; but if he has character, I will vote for him. I don’t care if a man is listless; however, I do care if he is lazy.

Negative, truthful, hard-hitting ads are a great service to everyone. It is easier to make intelligent decisions about politicians if we know a great amount of information, even negative information, about them. If the voters want officials who are drunks, deadbeats, druggies, and deviates, then they have a right to elect them. (And have done so, in spades.) Likewise, if I want decent, honest, family loving, patriotic, hardworking officials, then I have a right to choose them. I also have a right to convince my sphere of influence to vote for those I think are preferable.

It is dishonest, disreputable, and divisive for a politician to lie or even distort his record or his opponent’s record, and voters should be intelligent enough to know those politicians who are aggressively honest and those who are aggressively dishonest. That is easy to know about Democrat, Republican, or Independent Liberals; if their lips move, they are lying.

This government is the most incompetent, inefficient, irresponsible, immoral, and inept in American History. No exaggeration. So bring us more truthful, negative ads. I don’t want any more Hope and Change. Most Americans have lost all hope and are left with only a little change.

Some have declared that this is the worst election in history; but they overreach and overstate the issue. Other political elections have been worse!

The editor of the Aurora called George Washington a hypocrite, a fool, a liar, and a coward, a tyrant and a murderer, and Alexander Hamilton was “the Judas Iscariot of our country.” Hamilton’s affair with Maria Reynolds was used against him. Tom Paine hoped George Washington would die telling him “the world will be puzzled to decide whether you are an apostate or an imposter, whether you have abandoned good principles or whether you ever had any.” Paine had been a valuable patriot during the war but ended up being simply a pathetic pain in the posterior.

Does it really matter if a candidate is bright, bold, and brave or careless, crass, and craven? Yes, it matters to me. History provides many examples of character making a difference. Aaron Burr, who killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel (Burr lost his chance at the Presidency because of Hamilton), is the most controversial of our Founding Fathers who served as Vice-President; U.S. Senator; and valiant officer during the War. His problem was not a lack of courage but lack of character.

Burr despised Washington, characterizing him as a “man of no talents and one who could not spell a sentence of common English.” Men of Burr’s caliber should be careful about making offensive judgments of other men especially men of stature. Cheetham’s American Citizen reported that his (Cheetham’s) staff had a list of “upwards of twenty women of ill fame with whom [Burr] has been connected.” He had another list of married ladies who were divorced due to Burr’s seductions as well as “chaste and respectable ladies whom he has attempted to seduce.” Burr had a character problem that resulted in zipper problems.

George Washington couldn’t spell but he didn’t seduce!

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