epidemic – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Many Young, Healthy Adults Falling Dead May Trigger a Black Swan Event that Collapses World Society! https://donboys.cstnews.com/many-young-healthy-adults-falling-dead-may-trigger-a-black-swan-event-that-collapses-world-society https://donboys.cstnews.com/many-young-healthy-adults-falling-dead-may-trigger-a-black-swan-event-that-collapses-world-society#respond Thu, 18 Aug 2022 23:43:49 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3144 We now know there is a mass of contradictory information regarding COVID after irreversible damage has been done following the vaccinations. Over 80% of Americans were baited, bullied, badgered, browbeaten, or blackmailed to get the jab without thorough knowledge and thoughtful consideration. We were assured by “the scientists” and “revered health officials” that the rushed vaccines were “safe and effective,” only to learn they are not safe nor effective.

The Expose on July 22, 2022, revealed that since the beginning of 2022, “the vaccinated population have accounted for over 9 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England, and a shocking 91% of those deaths have been among the triple/quadruple vaccinated.” That is super serious, even shocking, and scandalous. No honest person can assert that the vaccines are “safe and effective.”

This was a worldwide blunder (or as some say, plan as in plandemic) that has killed millions and disabled millions more. And when world citizens finally realize what was foisted off on them, resulting in so many personal health disasters, it may become the worst “black swan” event in history. Some say it might end history!

Most people have not heard of a “black swan” event, but it is an unlikely, unforeseen, and unstoppable event that causes outrageous consequences that are catastrophic. An example would be the results of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife on June 28, 1914, by a Bosnian Serb student while they were being driven through Sarajevo, the provincial capital of Bosnia. The obscure event triggered World War I.

Few people except some Europeans knew much about the couple or their empire. No one thought their deaths would result in an international conflict involving most major European nations, Russia, the United States, and the Middle East. The war led to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and set the stage for World War II. Additionally, the transfer of millions of soldiers and military equipment facilitated the spread of the Spanish Flu worldwide, killing 50 million people.

Influential people are concerned about a far worse “black swan” crisis simmering slowly and silently of economic, environmental, and political events that could result in the total collapse of world cultures—triggered by the consequences of the heavy-handed federal approach to the COVID pandemic.

The Covid-19 epidemic prompted U.S. (and most other nations) Government officials to demand free people be forced to permit their bodies to be injected with an unwanted, untrusted, and unneeded substance. As always, “the good of everyone” was justification for a massive overreach and heavy-handed attack on Americans.

Furthermore, the federal health agencies told us “the science” demanded their unprecedented requirements. Incredibly, Americans complied with the unsafe and ineffective vaccinations and the resultant lockdowns, mask-wearing, etc.

Now, even woke leftists know that many federal health officials are running around Washington with their pants on fire, and everyone knows what causes that. Major federal officials are congenital liars.

President Biden assured us, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” Then he got the shots and the boosters and announced, “I have COVID.” And he got it a second time! Of course, Biden’s pants have been in flames since he arrived in Washington. Jill tested positive on August 16.

Dr. Anthony Fauci promised, “When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe they are not going to get infected.” Then he tested positive for COVID two times.

Dr. Deborah Brix of the CDC and the White House influencer told Fox News, “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines.” Furthermore, she and Fauci made up information on the fly. There was no scientific evidence for “15 days to stop the spread,” six feet of social distancing and limiting oneself to groups of ten people. She also admitted to altering COVID weekly reports upon which the states made vital health decisions! Her pants are flaming.

While federal health officials, many state officials, and consequently many thousands of uninformed medical doctors stretched the truth, altered the facts, and lied about COVID, some independent, competent, and truthful physicians told the unpleasant truth: stay away from these vaccines like poison.

Drs. Mike Yeadon, Luc Montagnier, and Vladimir Zelenko believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades. Furthermore, “There is an absolute effect on fertility,” Zelenko (recently deceased) says, “We just don’t know to what degree yet.” Drs. Stephanie Seneff and Judy Mikovits agree with that claim.

Dr. Joseph Mercola reported that Byram Bridle, Ph.D., a Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher got access to Pfizer’s biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. He discovered previously unknown facts of a “huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines.”  Bridle found that Pfizer’s vaccine’s mRNA and subsequent spike protein are “widely distributed in the body within hours” rather than remaining near the vaccination site. Since the spike protein is a poison, it can “cause cardiovascular and neurological damage.” This can result in the toxin accumulating in the ovaries of females who received the injection, causing blood clots, abnormal bleeding, infertility, pain at the injection site, heart inflammation, heart attacks, severe allergies, diarrhea, etc. Additionally, 30,000 women reported their periods being altered after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.

“We made a big mistake,” Bridle said in an interview with Alex Pierson. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen; we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” To a non-medical person, it is strange to purposefully instruct the body to create the thing (spike protein) that will destroy their body.

Dr. David Martin asserted, “Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term ‘vaccine’ to sneak this thing under public health exemptions…It’s not a vaccine. It is made to make you sick… You are getting injected with a chemical substance to induce illness, not to induce an immuno-transmissive response…This is about getting you sick and having your own cells be the thing that get you sick…Our leadership who are actively participating in this malfeasance must be made aware that this participation will have consequences. This kind of complicity is no different than what the German doctors and scientists were accused of and went to trial for at Nuremberg.”

When citizens understand what health officials and politicians have done to them, they will do far more than demand a return to Nuremberg. I’m afraid every tree may become a lynching tree, but honorable people will leave punishment to the legal process. Many COVID victims may go from apathy to anger to anarchy with careless and callous health officials and complicit politicians being victimized. If this happens and in large numbers, we may have a black swan event in the works.

Many innocent people forced into unsafe and unproven vaccinations have reported serious reactions such as Bell’s palsy, herpes, massive blood clots, bleeding, heart attacks, paralysis, shingles, etc., following COVID-19 vaccination.

Each person must be awake, aware, alert, alarmed, and active in protecting their health.  If not, they will not be alive if a cadre of independent physicians is correct.

A coalition of 18 independent physicians makes up Americas Frontlinedoctors.com who sued the state of Alabama, alleging “that they have proof that there never was a COVID public health emergency.” They further allege that the CDC rigged the PCR tests to inflate the number of COVID-19 deaths. Those physicians had far more experience treating COVID patients than the political physicians in Washington health agencies.

It is a significant factor that the above doctors are not anti-vaccine, which removes the most damaging weapon from their critics. Unlike federal political physicians, private physicians risked everything to present what they consider life and death medical facts, while national health officials are charged with spinning myths, mistakes, and malice.

I’m not a physician, but if the highly qualified, independent physicians are correct, it sounds like some elite city slickers sold a pandemic to some country bumkins. And if found guilty, the elites will end up in the pokey for a few years. But I’m afraid it will be far worse for them and others.

People are slowly taking notice of the numerous young, healthy people dropping dead, which is happening globally. While people have dropped dead occasionally, it has never happened so often, especially with so many younger people. Indiana has seen an unprecedented rise in death for ages 18-64, up 40%. In Canada, six doctors from one hospital mysteriously died in two weeks.

An Alberta-based doctor said 13 Canadian physicians have died “suddenly” and “unexpectedly” after receiving the Covid vaccination.  Their ages ranged from 27 to 62. Dr. William Makis said on August 3, “I’ve now tracked 13 Canadian doctor ‘sudden deaths’… This is the most complete data set I’ve seen anywhere by far.” Makis added that he expects “many more deaths to come” due to the Covid shots.

Three doctors who worked at the same Ontario hospital died after receiving their fourth Covid shot on July 24, 2022. What village idiot wants even to suggest that those deaths were all coincidental?

Dr. Makis declared, “Three doctors died while exercising (two swimming, one running), two of them were very high-level athletes. Three doctors died ‘in their sleep’ unexpectedly. Two doctors also had aggressive cancer that had arisen within the past year. All of them were at least triple vaccinated.

“Remember, these are YOUNG, healthy individuals who are always first in line to get jabbed. The vast majority of doctors will get their fourth and fifth jabs this summer and fall. Sadly, I expect many more deaths to come,” Makis added.

Doctors in the U.S., Canada, the UK, and around the world are warning the public about a strange and mysterious rise in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.”  SADS is a condition where apparently healthy adults suddenly drop dead of heart failure. Sometimes two or three die in the same week. Well, this has happened before, but no, it hasn’t. “Before 2020, there were never more than 10, and typically fewer than five, sudden on-the-field deaths among high-level athletes. Suddenly, in 2021, there were more than three hundred such cases, and more of them are pouring in this year.”

I think I see a black swan waddling down the street.

The National Vaccine Information Center recently published shocking numbers of COVID deaths and dangerous and deadly reactions to the vaccines. In the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Events Recording System (VAERS)  reported 30,162 deaths and 1,379,438 injuries following COVID-19 vaccinations. Do you think maybe they should have stopped the vaccination push after a few recipients had died?

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) database of adverse drug reactions reports 46,999 deaths and 4,731,833 injuries following COVID-19 vaccines. Evidently, the vaccines are causing death, disability, and disease instead of preventing the same.

Some cynics think money and ego might have something to do with the massive vaccine push.

Wayne Root, a conservative talk show host, was married a few months ago and revealed an incredible COVID connection. Eight months after his wedding, some of his friends and attendees started dropping dead. “People we know and love have been dying and suffering deadly non-Covid illness in huge numbers,” declared Mr. Root. He added, “33 dead, or injured, crippled or disabled in only eight months. That’s a lot of friends and relatives.” But the kicker is, all 33 were vaccinated! And among his family and friends who were not vaccinated, “not one of them has died or been sick since my wedding eight months ago.”

I can see hundreds of thousands of angry, fearful, and resentful citizens rushing through the streets and parks looking for someone to collect a “pound of flesh” for their damaged physical condition or a relative forced into an unwanted vaccination. Don’t be one of them. There might be a black swan in their midst. If so, Katie Bar the Door.

However, on with the crusade to convince and require everyone to accept a booster every few months in the most significant power grab since Attila the Hun saddled up for his ride across Europe in the fifth century. Attila killed 100 million people, but if peoples’ reaction to forced COVID vaccinations results in the collapse of many cultures, it will be far worse.

Always be aware of black swans.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher





https://donboys.cstnews.com/many-young-healthy-adults-falling-dead-may-trigger-a-black-swan-event-that-collapses-world-society/feed 0
How Will You React to Major Terrorism? https://donboys.cstnews.com/how-will-you-react-to-major-terrorism https://donboys.cstnews.com/how-will-you-react-to-major-terrorism#comments Mon, 09 Nov 2015 19:16:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1275 Decaying corpses were stacked all over the burial ground and the streets were littered with the dead. When trains arrived at railroad stations, they had to be cleared of the dead and dying passengers. Five million people died in the nation of India! In the U.S., about 500,000 people died! The killer was Spanish influenza of 1918-19.

From the dawn of history, mankind has experienced times of sickness, sorrow, and suffering. Disease was often deadly and left as quickly and mysteriously as it appeared. Sometime, it stayed for months. Now, we face a more deadly possibility: modern terrorists with the ability, equipment, funds, and commitment to wreak destruction, disease, and death on a massive scale.

Throughout history people often reacted out of fear and ignorance, and that only compounded the problem, extending the pestilence. They ran from the towns, but found that when they arrived in a “safe haven” they were met by the same pestilence! Of course, the pestilence had been a traveling companion. Hopefully, I will provide some insight as to the mistakes made in the past so they will not be repeated in the future.

Our present threat could come from a nuclear blast, an EMP device, poisoned water or food supply, an ancient (or modern) exotic plague, or biological agents sprayed over a metropolitan area. Federal authorities declare that terror is in our near future and will be far worse than the September 11 attacks.

In the plague of A.D. 302, the pestilence had a companion–famine. The people resorted to eating grass, and the deaths from famine almost matched those dying from disease. Hungry dogs fought over the bodies of the human dead. Hieronymus tells us that the human race had been “all but destroyed,” and that the earth was returning to a state of desert and forests.

The first instance of a true pandemic (worldwide epidemic) began in A.D. 542 at Pelusium, Egypt during the reign of Emperor Justinian. In sixty years it spread to all parts of the known world. Seibel tells us that the plague was preceded by many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions–Vesuvius, in 513, was one–and famines that dropped a blanket of terror and death over Europe, the Near East, and Asia. The worst natural occurrence was the earthquake and fire that destroyed Antioch in A.D. 526, killing almost 300,000 people.

When the plague arrived in Constantinople in A.D. 542, it stayed for four months killing so many people that it was impossible for the living to bury the dead. The dead lay unburied in the streets with ten thousand persons dying each day at Constantinople. By A.D. 565, half of the citizens of the Byzantine Empire had died! Gibbon suggested that perhaps 100 million people (in Europe alone) died of this plague!

In the early 1300s, the population of Europe had outrun the food supply, and in a few years, the poor were eating cats, dogs, and other animals. Some say they even ate their own children! People were dying, but rather slowly. Bubonic plague (Black Death) would prove to be more efficient and quicker than famine, much quicker.

The poet Petrarch reported about the effects of the plague on Florence: “We go out of doors, walk through street after street and find them full of dead and dying, and when we get home again we find no live thing within the house! All having perished in the brief interval of our absence.”

George Astor wrote that, “Almost half of Europe died from the black death between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries.”

The preceding litany of deaths could be a portent of what the world faces if Muslim terrorists carry out their threats. No sane person thinks they are playing games. It is not demagoguery to suggest that the earth could become a mass graveyard.

When the daily count of the dead reached the breaking point (different in various societies and ages), responsible people became irresponsible, calm people became terrified, and the borderline paranoid became dangerous. As people fled their homes, social and political organizations disappeared, crops were left to rot in the fields, populations were displaced, civil war was fomented, and major shifts in religious thinking occurred.

Many historians have taught that disease has changed the condition of this world more than wars. Ancient Greece might not have fallen into the hands of Rome if it had not been for malaria. Are we not fools if we don’t consider the same or similar results from possible biological terrorism we face today? If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

Maybe we can learn from the plague of Saint Cyprian and not make the same mistakes people of that day made. In A.D. 250, the Roman Empire was in turbulence. The Goths had just won a major victory and the barbarians were at the gates of Rome. Then the plague of Saint Cyprian lashed the empire for fifteen years. There were problems in the palace and bickering on the battlefields. The soldiers were often unpaid because the pestilence sapped the wealth and the cash flow slowed. Rebellious soldiers broke rank and fled into the forests, and took what they wanted from those trying to eke out an existence from the land. Military insurrections, civil disorders, and civil wars became common, and the empire continued to crack along its foundations.

Zinsser, among others, believes that the Plague of Justinian (A.D. 541) was partly responsible for the demise of the Roman Empire. He wrote that the plague was “perhaps the most potent single influence–-which gave the coup de grâce to the ancient empire.”

The plague of Justinian finally ended about 590, but by that time most of Italy was controlled by the Lombards. The barbarians were no longer at the gates of Rome but inside the gates. The mighty Empire had crumbled, and when the Muslim armies swarmed out of Arabia in 634, the Roman and Persian forces gave only token resistance.

An indication of the extent of national trouble during times of disease, destruction, and death can be seen in desperate laws passed during Diocletian’s reign (ruled 285-305). Farmers were forbidden to leave the farms to take up other jobs and some occupations were made hereditary. Would Americans support such laws under similar circumstances? We have been told that terrorism justifies unconstitutional laws!

The Black Death raged throughout Europe in the fourteenth century, wiping out from two-thirds to three-fourths of the population! This loss of population impacted the work force, but at first, only the more skilled positions. However, when the second and third wave of pestilence swept across Europe, every job was affected. Farmers, servants, tinkers, and others were in short supply. J.L. Cloudsley-Thompson wrote that, “some 50,000 persons died in London alone, so that all public business was interrupted for two years” and the war with France had to be discontinued.

During this time, inflation skyrocketed. Goods became difficult to obtain and very expensive because so many people had died. Gary North wrote that “overnight in Pistoia [Italy], rents fell from up to half of the harvest to about five percent. So did interest rates. Wages shot upward. All over Europe governments passed wage controls. They made it illegal for people to move to new parishes. And all over Europe this legislation failed.”

In times of terror free people must be careful that we do not forget what made us a great nation, forgetting principles of justice, kindness, generosity, innovation, etc., and become what we detest in the terrorists!

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

https://donboys.cstnews.com/how-will-you-react-to-major-terrorism/feed 1
Pestilences Produce Plenty of Problems! https://donboys.cstnews.com/pestilences-produce-plenty-of-problems https://donboys.cstnews.com/pestilences-produce-plenty-of-problems#respond Mon, 03 Nov 2014 14:47:59 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=912 Pestilences have a horrific record in mankind’s history having produced massive problems of civil disorder, disruption of labor, economic disaster, insurrection, and demise of whole populations. Maybe we can learn from the plague of Saint Cyprian and not make the same mistakes people of that day made.

In A.D. 250, the Roman Empire was in turbulence. The Goths had just won a major victory and the barbarians were at the gates of Rome. Barbarians originally meant any non-Greek people but eventually came to mean “a brutal, cruel, warlike people.” Then the plague of Saint Cyprian lashed the empire for fifteen years with wave after wave smashing the same areas. Its spread was facilitated by numerous military activities that were going on throughout the provinces. It was a time of terrible tragedy that pushed people to the brink of despair.

An indication of the conditions prevalent at the time can be seen in the statement of Heinrich Häser, a German medical author: “Men crowded into the large cities; only the nearest fields were cultivated; the more distant ones became overgrown, and were used as hunting preserves; farm land had no value, because the population had so diminished that enough grain to feed them could be grown on the limited cultivated areas. Hieronymus wrote that the human race had been all but destroyed.”

Much of the face of Italy was changed because of this epidemic. Large parts of the land were depopulated and left vacant. Swamps appeared and the earth was returning to a state of desert and forests. Disease was changing the face of the earth in every way. There were problems in the palace and bickering on the battlefields. The soldiers were often unpaid because the pestilence sapped the wealth and the cash flow slowed. Rebellious soldiers broke rank and fled into the forests, and took what they wanted from those trying to eke out an existence from the land. Military insurrections, civil disorders, and civil wars became common while the Roman Empire continued to crack along its foundations.

An indication of the extent of national trouble during times of disease, destruction, and death can be seen in desperate laws passed during Diocletian‘s reign (ruled 285-305). Farmers were forbidden to leave the farms to take up other jobs and some occupations were made hereditary. That simply meant that a son had to follow his father’s trade or profession. Yes, it was tyrannical but when you are poor without much of a future, the chain doesn’t seem too heavy! Just one more burden to bear.

Caesar had trouble “keeping them down on the farms” once they had been to the city. Moreover, after mutinous soldiers had robbed the country people and tax collectors had confiscated their money and crops (calling it–like today–taxes), the country people looked for other means to make a living. Those laws, forcing people to work at certain occupations, were passed because famine and epidemic had killed so many of the workers leaving critical jobs vacant.

The marching armies, fleeing populations, and famine all contributed to conditions that were inviting pestilence. The empire was crumbling and dying by the fifth-century with the Vandals, Goths, and other barbarians still beating on the gates of Rome. (Many were already in the Empire having crossed the Pyrenees into Spain.) The first of the barbarians to sack Rome were the Visigoths, led by Alaric in 410. Alaric‘s hopes of glory faded when he developed symptoms of malaria and soon died. His successful storming of the city signaled the final decline of the Roman Empire in the West, but it had been crumbling for many years from various internal problems. The mighty Alaric fell because of a mosquito bite!

In 455, the Vandals appeared at the gates of Rome, entered for a few weeks, and then left the city for Carthage! Angelo Celli suggested they were driven out by malaria. Thousands of infected people threw themselves into the Tiber River to hasten death and escape lingering pain. It was a time of famine, fear, and fighting–and pestilence. At this time, as if Rome were not having enough trouble, faraway Britain experienced a relentless epidemic.

The barbarians had been moving in human waves from east to west during the troubled early fifth century and were now settled along the Danube–in Roman territory. They had already knocked down the gates of Rome and had settled in Italy, Gaul, and Spain. Now they were interested in Britain. Vortigern, Britain‘s leader, had his back to the wall as he faced other barbarians from the north (the Picts and Scots), and the Venerable Bede reported that Vortigern called upon the Saxon chiefs, Hengist and Horsa, for help. Desperate leaders thought it wise to settle barbarians within their empire to furnish troops to aid in the defense of the empire. It worked–for a while.

Bede wrote: “…a severe plague fell upon that corrupt generation [Britain], which soon destroyed such numbers of them, that the living were scarcely sufficient to bury the dead….They consulted what was to be done, and where they should seek assistance to prevent or repel the cruel and frequent incursions of the northern nations; and they all agreed with their King Vortigern to call over to their aid, from the parts beyond the sea, the Saxon nation; which, as the event still more evidently showed, appears to have been done by the appointment of our Lord Himself, that evil might fall upon them for their wicked deeds.”

Apparently Britain‘s fighting forces were greatly depleted by the plague. The Saxons arrived in 449 and acted as mercenary guards for the Britons. The Brits discovered that their “help” was to be another “plague” upon their island. Everything would be different because of the Saxons, who came to help but ended up being a plague. Bede recognized that the pugnacious Saxons were a curse from God because of Britain’s wickedness.

Hans Zinsser, physician and author concludes: “It requires little exercise of the imagination, therefore, to conclude that the history of the British Isles in all its subsequent developments of race, customs, architecture, and so forth, was in large part determined by an epidemic disease.” Britain would never be the same because of an invisible bug!

And neither will we!

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

https://donboys.cstnews.com/pestilences-produce-plenty-of-problems/feed 0
Mankind Has Suffered More from Bugs than Battles! https://donboys.cstnews.com/mankind-has-suffered-more-from-bugs-than-battles https://donboys.cstnews.com/mankind-has-suffered-more-from-bugs-than-battles#respond Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:04:55 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=908 Decaying corpses were stacked all over the burial ground and the streets were littered with the dead. When trains arrived at railroad stations, they had to be cleared of dead and dying passengers. The killer was Spanish influenza of 1918-19. In the U.S., about 500,000 people died, mostly young adults! This plague started (at least in the U.S.) in a Kansas army camp and within a week it was in every state! It then jumped the Atlantic Ocean to cut down millions. Five million people died in India! Total world deaths are estimated to have been up to 100 million people and this pandemic has been called “the greatest medical holocaust in history.”

More people died as a result of the Spanish flu than died in World War I–on both sides! During the Crimean War (1854-56), ten times more British soldiers died of dysentery than from all the Russian weapons combined! Moreover, 50 years later, during the Boer War, there were five times more deaths from disease than from enemy fire.

From the dawn of history, mankind has experienced times of sickness, sorrow, and suffering. Often, times of pestilence were mysterious, sudden, and without remedy. Lack of knowledge, superstition, and poor sanitary conditions often contributed to the progress of the pestilence. Men often felt that God was visiting them with plague to punish their evil deeds. The disease was usually dreadful, devastating, and deadly and often left as quickly and mysteriously as it appeared. Now, we face another deadly possibility: the Ebola virus (EVD). Plus, there are Islamic terrorists with the ability, equipment, funds, and commitment to wreak destruction, disease, and death on a massive scale.

Throughout history, people often reacted out of fear and ignorance, and that only compounded the problem, extending the pestilence. They ran from the towns, but found that when they arrived in a “safe haven” they were met by the same pestilence! Of course, the pestilence had been a traveling companion. Hopefully, the mistakes make in the past will not be repeated in the future. Our present threat could come from Ebola, a nuclear blast, poisoned water or food supply, or biological agents sprayed over a metropolitan area. It might simply be numerous suicide attacks in scattered malls and churches.

The further one goes back into history, the less reliable are the numbers of dead, and the less assurance we have of the pestilence that took them; however, it is a fact that mankind has suffered far more from bugs than from battles.

My use the word plague is a general term for any deadly epidemic disease since even the experts can‘t identify some of the major plagues of the past.

We know that malaria hit Italy in the first-century B.C., and that the dead were in all the houses, and the streets were crowded with funeral processions. Many who had mourned a stricken relative died themselves with such rapidity that they were burned on the same pyre as those they had mourned.

An epidemic that lashed the whole world started in Verus’ Roman army while his troops were fighting in the East in A.D. 165. According to Ammianus Marcellinus, the original infection came from a chest in a temple which Roman soldiers had looted. God warned about those who are greedy for gain in Proverbs 1:19, reminding us that it would cost the lives of the greedy souls. The results of this thievery cost the lives of millions of innocent souls. Verus’ army carried the disease homeward, scattering it everywhere, and by the time they reached Rome, the disease had spread from Persia to the shores of the Rhine, a world plague. Hans Zinsser, American physician, bacteriologist, and prolific author, quoted Orosius’ report that deaths were so many that some cities in Italy were abandoned and fell into decay.

There was so much terror of the disease that no one dared nurse the sick and dying. It even killed Marcus Aurelius, the Emperor of Rome, who was among the 2,000 per day that died in that city.

In the epidemic of Cyprian about A.D. 251, the plague skulked through Egypt, leaving the dead and dying, and then boldly attacked Rome and Greece where the daily dead rose to 5,000! It spread over the entire world, from Egypt to Scotland. It was during this plague that the custom of wearing black as an indication of mourning became common, according to Roman Catholic historian Baronius (1538-1607).

The pestilence of A.D. 302, had a companion—famine. The people resorted to eating grass, and the deaths from famine almost matched those dying from disease. Hungry dogs fought over the bodies of the human dead. Hieronymus tells us that the human race had been “all but destroyed,” and that the earth was returning to a state of desert and forests.

Headlines last week reported: “UN predicts global famine” if Ebola continues to explode. Anthony Banbury, head of the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response revealed that “Ebola got a head start on us.” He also said, “It [Ebola] is far ahead of us, it is running faster than us, and it is winning the race,” adding “We either stop Ebola now or we face an entirely unprecedented situation for which we do not have a plan.” Note, “We do not have a plan.”

So, maybe Ebola [EVD] or terrorism will do to us what Hieronymus reported about the human race in 302 A.D.–it had been “all but destroyed,” and the earth was returning to a state of desert and forests.

God help us! World health officials have not been very helpful!

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

https://donboys.cstnews.com/mankind-has-suffered-more-from-bugs-than-battles/feed 0
History Lesson: Greek Empire Fell Because of Disease! https://donboys.cstnews.com/history-lesson-greek-empire-fell-because-of-disease https://donboys.cstnews.com/history-lesson-greek-empire-fell-because-of-disease#respond Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:01:31 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=905 Civilizations have experienced more devastating blows from sickness than from swords–more heartache from bugs than from bombings.

The face of the world has been changed more through the louse, the flea, and the mosquito than by marching armies and flying missiles. When the daily count of the dead reached the breaking point (different in various societies and ages), responsible people became irresponsible, tranquil people became terrified, and the borderline paranoid became dangerous. As people fled their homes, social and political organizations disappeared, crops were left to rot in the fields, populations were displaced, civil war was fomented, and major shifts in religious thinking occurred. Some of that is taking place in African nations at this time.

After major plagues mysteriously left a nation, interest in religion decreased because of the many deaths among the clergy and because of so many unanswered prayers. Of course, unbelievers have used unanswered prayer as an excuse for unbelief since the beginning of time. J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson wrote, “It is beyond the bounds of possibility for anyone to estimate the influence of epidemic disease on religion and philosophy. Nor can we clearly assess its influence on the material course of human history.”

Many historians believe that the empire of ancient Greece fell into Roman hands because of malaria attacks, not because of marching armies. Malaria was endemic throughout the Greek world by 400 B.C. The malarial parasite (passed to man by the female mosquito) killed infants, weakened unsuspecting children, forced the vacating of the best farmlands, and helped produce Greek citizens who were listless, lazy, and licentious. As a result, the power and glory of ancient Greece became a mocking memory.

Greek historian Polybius (204-122 B.C.), called the most reliable ancient historian, reported that the whole of Greece had been visited in his time by childlessness and a general decline of the population that resulted in the emptying of the cities and the failure of the land to render its produce. He said that men refused to marry or, if they married, refused to have children. If they had children, they refused to rear them. He said that men went out of their way to be ostentatious, avaricious, and indolent.

Quite an indictment! Will Western civilization learn from the past or will we have the same experience? If Americans must live daily with the threat of terror (as do the Israelis) will that further erode our culture and destroy our homes and churches?

Some historians, in my opinion, give too much credit to the mosquito for the fall of Greece. It was a major factor, but men must always be held accountable for their actions. Today, a man gets drunk and kills a carload of people and pleads that he was not in control and should not be held responsible. Others tell us that sugar impaired their ability, and they lost control and should not be accountable for the results they produced. No doubt, there is some truth to those claims, but we must all be held accountable for our actions. The same was true in Greece. Malaria did make them listless, therefore lazy, but they chose to be licentious.

The Greeks slowly lost their brilliance which was thought to be epitome of original thought. This degeneration is obvious in their art and literature and other areas of creativity. W.H.S. Jones wrote, “Their initiative vanished; they ceased to create and began to comment. Patriotism, with rare exceptions, became an empty name, for few had the high spirit and energy to translate into action man’s duty to the state. Vacillation, indecision, fitful outbursts of unhealthy activity followed by cowardly depression, selfish cruelty and criminal weakness are characteristics of the public life of Greece from the struggle with Macedonia to the final conquest by the armies of Rome.”

Jones, De Sanctis, Celli, and others taught that disease has changed the condition of this world more than wars. Ancient Greece would not have fallen into the hands of Rome if it had not been for malaria. Are we not fools if we don‘t consider the same or similar results from possible contagious diseases and biological terrorism we face today?

We can now add AIDS, flu, and the Ebola viruses to the scourges that have smitten mankind, taking their dreary toll. As of today 36 million people have died of AIDS! The death toll from Ebola is climbing daily and will be 1.4 million by January according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)! Of course, they have been wrong so many times during these days.

Africa gave us Ebola, AIDS, and Obama, so what’s next?

If we don’t learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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