evolutionists – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 A Little Discrimination Won’t Hurt Anyone! https://donboys.cstnews.com/a-little-discrimination-wont-hurt-anyone https://donboys.cstnews.com/a-little-discrimination-wont-hurt-anyone#comments Thu, 26 May 2016 16:19:50 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1447 A little discrimination won’t hurt anyone; in fact, it is a part of normal life. Every American has a right not to be harmed or defrauded but no one has a right not to be offended. Discrimination means “to distinguish between, to judge.” Prejudice means to make a judgment without looking at the facts. Discrimination is often bad; prejudice is always bad. Discrimination can be and often is normal even if it is illegal; but prejudice is always stupid but it is not illegal to be stupid. Not yet!

The following statement used to be seen on almost every business door: “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.” Of course, those days of freedom are gone forever and most Americans think that is good. I don’t. If a person starts a business, works day and night for a few years until he or she is successful, it is not the business of the local, state, or federal government to tell him or her whom they must serve.

Nevertheless, if a Black, Jew, Christian, or Eskimo is refused service why is that such a dastardly crime? After all, there are many other similar businesses where a refused person can go. But no, they were discriminated against and will take a “pound of flesh” out of the discriminator. I maintain that discrimination may be a sin but it sure shouldn’t be a crime. Plus, the anti-discriminators are almost always guilty of massive overkill. Of course, it is bad to not get a job because you are young, Black, Christian, female, or other but then do you really want to work with bigots? And don’t even bigots have a right to run their business the way they choose? They can even run it into the ground!

To tell the truth, everyone discriminates every day and there is biblical support for it. The Jews were special people and were required by God to maintain their special status. God discriminated against every other living man when He chose Abraham to become the progenitor of the Jewish race. Jews were forbidden to marry Gentiles; Gentiles were permitted in the Temple court but not inside the Temple under penalty of death; the High Priest was the only man on earth who could enter the Holy of Holies–once a year. Christ originally came only to the Jews and then offered His message to the world.

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul told the Galatians to discriminate in favor of other Christians in 6:10 “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” That is one reason I try to patronize Christian businesses. For fast food, Chick-fil-a is my choice even though I am not excited about some of their decisions. I choose to eat there not only because they have good food but because of their professed Christian faith. Same with Hobby Lobby and others. That is discrimination and no authority of earth will change that.

Members of the Masonic Lodge give priority to their fellow masons in business activities and while I do not believe any Christian should be a member of any secret order, the Masons have a right to freely assemble and go through their silly routines and worship any god they choose. They also have the right to patronize the business of a fellow Mason and that is discrimination but what sane person would want to make that a crime? Masons are criticized because they discriminate against women but then don’t they have a right to have an all-male club if they desire? Any male can be a Mason, I suppose, unless he is on the State Sex Offender Registry or the FBI’s Top Ten Wanted list. There is still some freedom left in America.

The most discrimination in America is against Christians but that seems to be “good” or “accepted” discrimination by the leftists. We are often called “fundamentalists” or “fundies” usually considered pejorative terms. Anyone who has spent some time in university classes, especially science classes, has seen the extreme brow-beating, harassing, and bullying of Christians by bigoted professors (soothsayers of science) who are unsure of their immature, unscientific, embarrassing lectures. Such professors should be considered uneducated, unscholarly, and unnecessary. And maybe they should become unemployed! They fall into the same category as flat-earthers, phrenologists, astrologers, and snake handlers!

Dr. Stephen J. Gould called creationists, “kooky,” “yahoos,” and “latter-day antediluvians” and he characterized scientific creationism as “the nonsense term of the century.” However, Steve refused to make those charges in public debate where informed creationists could make him look like a “yahoo.” He declared, “Creationist-bashing is a noble and necessary pursuit these days.” Isaac Asimov showed his hatred and bigotry (proof of hatred and bigotry on the left!) when he wrote that creationists “…are stupid, lying people who are not to be trusted in any way.” Richard Dawkins called us feeble-minded, pathetic, and intellectual cavemen in his book, The Blind Watchmaker. In a Times Literary Supplement, Dawkins called us a “gang of ignorant crackpots.” Obviously, many evolutionists are as mean as a junkyard dog when discussing Christians.

There are numerous examples of discrimination in academia against Christians especially in graduate and post graduate programs. One professor of physics at the University of California waited until he had his Ph.D. before “coming out of the closet” about origins. He declared, “Well, now that I’ve got tenure, that means I can’t be fired for simply believing in recent six-day creation and the world-wide Noahic Flood. If I had been outspoken on the issue before, I doubt I would have obtained tenure….I am convinced there is far more evidence for a recent, six-day creation and a global Flood than there is for an old earth and evolution.”

Then there was the well-publicized case of Forrest Mims, a highly-qualified scientific writer whose employment by Scientific American was “openly denied on the grounds of his creationist views.” But that kind of discrimination is acceptable by the hypocrites on the left.

Dr. Jerry Bergman, author of Slaughter of the Dissidents: The Shocking Truth about Killing the Careers of Darwin Doubters interviewed over 300 scientists and educators with advanced degrees and all admitted to receiving some kind of discrimination because of their biblical beliefs! Bergman estimates that on average about 400 cases of flagrant discrimination occur annually in America, and that the vast majority are not contested in court by the victims because they recognize the impossibility of getting justice.

Another example of flagrant discrimination is that of Dr. Raymond Damadian who invented the MRI diagnostic machine that has saved thousands of lives. Yet, Dr. Damadian was bypassed by the Nobel Prize that was given to two other men who made improvements on his device! Many academics, even some who disagree with Damadian’s Christian views (he was born again in the 1957 Billy Graham Crusade in NYC), maintain that he should have received the prize. If not alone, then at least as one of the three since Nobel rules permit as many as three to be named for a prize. Honest people are asking why he was refused since there would not be an MRI without Damadian!

Famous atheist philosopher Michael Ruse suggested that Damadian might have been denied a Nobel Prize because of his creationist views, saying: “I cringe at the thought that Raymond Damadian was refused his just honor because of his religious beliefs. Having silly ideas [six-day creationism] in one field is no good reason to deny merit for great ideas in another field. Apart from the fact that this time the Creation Scientists will think that there is good reason to think that they are the objects of unfair treatment at the hands of the scientific community.”

Obviously many people experience discrimination so chill out, lighten up, don’t be so sensitive, stop whining; a little discrimination won’t hurt you and if it does, you’ll get over it.

After all, you didn’t invent the most important diagnostic medical device with the glory going to subordinates because you believe in true science and the Bible.

Bigots are as easy to find in science, academia, and the media as a bowling ball in a bathtub.

Boys’ new book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Scientists Prove Creationists Right–Again! https://donboys.cstnews.com/scientists-prove-creationists-right-again https://donboys.cstnews.com/scientists-prove-creationists-right-again#respond Fri, 04 Dec 2015 17:57:26 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1297 Well, we creationists have been vindicated–again by evolutionary scientists. This week in Australia’s Herald Sun scientists reported on “new” evidence regarding the human appendix: “Its removal is one of the most common surgical procedures in Australia, with more than 70,000 operations each year. However, we may wish to rethink whether the appendix is so irrelevant for our health.”

The article continued to relate that the appendix harbors “good” bacteria and when the intestines are emptied during a bout of diarrhea, the appendix “reseeds” the intestines with “good” bacteria and restores the body back to good digestive health.

Creationists have known the benefit of the appendix and tonsils for decades! I wrote in the 1994 edition of Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? (new, expanded edition to be published this month by Barbwire Books) the following:

“Another major error made by evolutionists is that of allegedly useless organs in man that are supposed to be withered memorials of man’s past evolution. As late as the 1960s, evolutionary textbooks listed over 200 ‘useless’ organs, but later information has proved that almost all ‘vestigial organs’ have some function during our lifetime. The tonsils, appendix, and thymus gland are known to protect us against infections, especially during our younger years, but until recent years, they were thought to be unnecessary.”

So there! That qualifies as an “I told you so” event.

Atheist David Mills asserted that the human appendix is harmful to our well-being! However, he is wrong because scientists have finally discovered that the appendix serves an important function in the human immune system. If evolutionists had declared these organs as having an “unknown purpose” rather than being unnecessary (there is a difference, you know) I would have agreed; however, now we know that those organs are necessary for proper functioning of the immune system, etc.

Because of their ignorance, for a hundred years doctors took out those “unnecessary” healthy organs to the detriment of their patients. If those scientists had not been controlled by an atheistic worldview, they could have done an enormous amount of research, but since they did not believe God designed those organs with a purpose in mind, the “experts” perpetrated crimes upon children and adults and furthered their crimes by not researching those organs for a hundred years.

Irreparable harm has resulted from this teaching as hundreds of thousands of tonsils, adenoids, appendixes, etc., were removed from children and adults in the past hundred years. How much research has not been done on various “useless” organs because scientists taught other scientists that many organs and glands were useless? We should pity the distraught evolutionists who had all their “vestigial” organs removed only to discover, post-surgery, that they were all important! Not essential but important. I have been told that some of the more desperate, dogmatic, and depressed evolutionists/atheists had their brains removed, but that hasn’t been confirmed!

One’s worldview changes everything. If a person is convinced that he evolved from the animals, then it is understandable when he acts like an animal. If he thinks life is accidental, then he will face each day without purpose to life. It surprises no one that he will live a hedonistic, selfish life. Since he assumes that he and others are not made in the image of God, he has no obligation to treat others in a kind, gracious, and friendly manner.

Evolution is supposed to be an advance from the simple to the complex; however the vestigial organ argument militates against that position! After all, if many human organs were needed and worked well in the past but are now useless and unnecessary, that is not evolution! Evolution would be the appearance of new organs not the degeneration of old ones.

Only four or five organs are now believed, by some evolutionists, to be unnecessary and those are questionable. And of course, just because an organ may not be necessary does not mean that it is useless. A thumb is not really essential, but it is surely handy when you have to grasp or pick up an object.

Zoologist S. R. Scadding asserted: “The ‘vestigial organ’ argument uses as a premise the assertion that the organ in question has no function. There is no way, however, in which this negative assertion can be arrived at scientifically….I conclude that ‘vestigial organs’ provide no special evidence for the theory of evolution.” That means none, zero, zilch, and nil evidence for evolution based on vestigial organs.

Those human organs may not be necessary for life, but non-thinking evolutionists are unnecessary and should be unemployed.

If evolutionists had followed their much touted scientific method, they would not have made fools of themselves so many times. An honest scientist will keep an open mind so that he will not “jump to conclusions” (often wrong conclusions) until he has made many observations with the same results. He must be very careful to base any conclusion on what he has actually seen, rather than what he wanted to see. And he must always be willing to change his mind. To the credit of most evolutionists, they have done that regarding the recapitulation theory and vestigial organs; however, there are some poorly trained scientists (or scientific fanatics) hanging to those silly, discredited theories like an insecure kid clutches a security blanket. It has been over 65 years since the Recapitulation theory was shown to be a fraud but still being taught; so, how long will it take for doctors to stop removing healthy “vestigial” organs?

No, there are no vestigial organs. God provided man with an incredible body that has the astounding ability to not only reproduce itself, but also to repair itself! But before the body can repair itself, it must review the injury (or illness), report on the problem, then resolve the problem before repair begins. What machine can do anything similar to that? Only fools would suggest that no design was involved!

While I don’t believe in vestigial organs, maybe, just maybe, the atheists/evolutionists have encased inside their skulls a vestigial organ that is shrunken and stunted from disuse for decades.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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