Fascists – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Street Thugs Shut Down Trump! https://donboys.cstnews.com/street-thugs-shut-down-trump https://donboys.cstnews.com/street-thugs-shut-down-trump#respond Sat, 19 Mar 2016 16:06:57 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1388 Anti-Trump Fascists in Utah Friday night tried to shut down Donald Trump during his campaign speech. They carried signs declaring, “No Racism, No Fascism.” Fascists deploring fascism! At one point, Black Lives Matter activists chanted, “Black Lives Matter!” while Trump supporters chanted, “Everybody’s life matters!” I’ll choose Trump before thugs every time.

Street thugs used their free speech right to close down the free speech of Donald Trump in Chicago where 25,000 people had gathered to hear his political pitch! As I watched the video I was ashamed of those Americans. Why can’t sane people discuss, debate, disagree, and even demonstrate without losing control and smashing the rights of others. Trump decided to cancel the rally which I think was a mistake. If you are intimidated by bullies and thugs, that emboldens them even more.

Had the protestors held up signs in silence they would have been very correct in their actions; however, they proved to be thugs. Every student who tried to disrupt the rally should at least be expelled from the university and those who were violent should go jail. However, that almost never happens and such events will continue to happen.

Some people accused Sanders of sending the thugs but I don’t believe that for a minute. Bernie may be a socialist but he is not a thug. In fact, he may be one of the more principled candidates in the race. His principles are all skewed and I would probably disagree with him if he said it was daylight but he is true to what he thinks is truth. Of course, he should have vociferously disavowed, disagreed with, and distanced himself from the thugs.

MoveOn.org took credit for the Chicago thuggery and George Soros, a thug for sure, wrote the check. Rich but still a thug. According to Conservative Truth, reporters revealed that the protestors didn’t have any idea whom they supported for president and they carried professionally produced signs proving it was all planned in advance.

Many protestors carried signs or wore T-Shirts “Muslims against Trump,” “Black Lives Matter,” and others. One doesn’t have to be too bright to know that it was not a spontaneous demonstration but well-planned and well-funded. Moreover, I heard a protester admit that they had planned the protest for more than a week. You will discover that the protestors were mercenaries in the service of Soros. When Trump choked (!), capitulated and cancelled the rally, the Sanders supporters yelled, “Bernie, Bernie, Bernie” and “We stopped Trump, we stopped Trump.” Trump supporters chanted, “We want Trump, we want Trump.”

Chicago community activist Quo Vadis confessed that hundreds of protesters had stationed themselves around the arena, and that they intended to demonstrate right after Trump took the stage. Their goal, he admitted, was “for Donald to take the stage and to completely interrupt him. The plan is to shut Donald Trump all the way down.” Ah, yes real Americanism there but what can you expect when far left university professors cram such repressive pabulum into their empty heads?

One organizer, Nathaniel Lewis, a 25-year-old graduate student, said the cancellation shows the “power of unity.” No, it shows the power of thuggery and a herd mentality.

Amalia Pallares is a professor of political science and Latin American and Latino studies, and director of the Latin American and Latino Studies Program at University of Illinois at Chicago. She’s an adviser to the Fearless Undocumented Alliance, a student organization at UIC that helped organize and participate in Trump protests on Friday. She admitted that groups planned for at least a week to close down the rally. I wonder if she even thought about how that was inconsiderate, immoral, and illegal.

At the Boca Raton rally, protestors chanted vulgar statements about Trump that I won’t even try to disguise. I would like to see a Ph.D. candidate write a dissertation on the tendency of leftists– more so than conservatives– to be vile, violent, and vulgar–especially vulgar. He or she will discover that their mommas never washed out their mouths with a bar of soap.

A Kansas City protestor admitted that the protesters had two goals – to disrupt proceedings as much as possible and signal their outrage over Trump’s divisive rhetoric. Is he so stupid to think that they have a legal right to disrupt a public rally? Who told him they have a right to silence “divisive rhetoric”? The answer to Trump’s “divisive rhetoric” is convincing rhetoric to prove its falsity, failure, or fakery. While Trump is sometimes divisive, no honest person can blame him for the violence.

John McGraw, a 78-year-old Trump supporter who slugged a black protestor at a North Carolina rally, should be arrested and tried for assault and Trump should insist on it. He should be in jail today. McGraw justified his thuggery by saying, “He deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.” Yes, or he might be a liberal Methodist preacher. John is a jerk.

At Trump’s Dayton rally a protester charged the platform where Trump was speaking and was stopped by authorities. Thomas DiMassimo, 22, of Fairborn, Ohio was charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic and appeared in court on Monday. Thomas is not only a thug but he also is not a cogent thinker since following his arrest, he called for peaceful protests! Let me get this straight: he was arrested for violently breaking through security and charging a platform to silence a public speaker who had paid for the building, security, sound system, etc.! He said, “We must nonviolently shut down every Trump rally.” He said. “We must stop this violent, foolish man from taking this country and destroying it.” I would be so embarrassed if that were my son or grandson!

One lawyer said that the protesters had a right to shout down Trump! Evidently not a Constitutional lawyer! Thousands of people drove many miles, stood in line for hours wanting to hear a man tell them why he should be the next president; and the protestors declared that they have the right to shout him down and prohibit many others from hearing him! That is America?

All the candidates came up short in their response to the protestors. Sanders, Clinton, Kasich, Rubio, and Cruz all spoke of Trump’s rhetoric as being the cause of the violence. They are wrong. They should have blamed the protestors who were determined to break up the rally, rip the constitution, and embarrass their families and universities–not blame Trump who has a right to say stupid stuff. Americans still have the right to be stupid and the protesters should be thrilled that is true since stupidity seems to be in their genes.

This was no one’s finest hour.

Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here. An eBook edition is also available.)

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