FBI – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Many Serial Killers Among Us Are Being Overlooked! https://donboys.cstnews.com/many-serial-killers-among-us-are-being-overlooked https://donboys.cstnews.com/many-serial-killers-among-us-are-being-overlooked#respond Sat, 22 Oct 2022 18:02:49 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3180 By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Stockton, California police arrested Wesley Brownlee in connection with six unprovoked murders of men ages 21 to 54 over the last few months. Five of the six were Latinos. Brownlee is from a broken home and has a criminal record going back decades. At 14, he and friends sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl. If found guilty of the murders, he will not be executed but live decades in California’s prison system watching television, lifting weights, and breathing, things his victims no longer do.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) informs us that there are about 500 serial killers living among us at all times although most are inactive. Most of them are male and had an unusual relationship with their mother. However, a study reported in The New Yorker says it is 2,000! The tragedy is they could have been identified early if parents, teachers, and physicians recognized their problems.

Americans are always shocked, shaken, and often stunned when a serial killer is caught, followed by revelations that he captured, mutilated, raped, and killed many innocent victims. The question always follows: “Why would anyone do something so heinous?” Answers such as “he had been abused,” “he was on drugs,” or “he was insane” are forthcoming, and for sure, those are answers but only partial answers.

Every person on earth has an evil nature, capable of doing anything under the right circumstances.

In Romans 3, God built a case against man, proving his need for redemption. In Romans 6:23, Paul wrote, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” And that is followed in Romans 10:13 with “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” That is the answer to mankind’s major problems.

Man’s sinful nature is the short, sure, and simple explanation–but not an excuse or exoneration–for all sins, including serial killings. The real reason for human rape, murder, incest, theft, lust, and anger is that people are evil by nature; but why do only a small percentage of people commit serial killings? There are many secondary reasons for serial killings, and we must ascertain why only a few people become serial killers when everyone is evil by nature.  And we must be able to identify serial killers early.

According to the Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience, “A serial killer is someone who has murdered three or more people over a period of more than a month, with a cooling-off period between murders. The motive is usually based on psychological (often sexual) gratification, though the motives may also include anger, thrill, money, and attention seeking.” Furthermore, 40% of them will never be caught.

Michael H. Stone, M.D., in his The Anatomy of Evil, reveals the motives of serial killers generally fall into four categories: first is the visionary who feels compelled by God or the Devil or obscure voices to murder. The second is mission-oriented, seeking to rid the world of homosexuals, prostitutes, Christians, Jews, etc. The third is the hedonistic person who derives pleasure from killing. The fourth is one seeking control over others. The categories overlap considerably.

Is it nature or nurture that determines aggressive, deadly behavior? In other words, is “bad seed” a reality? Do some children inherit inappropriate, even criminal behavior (other than original sin) from their parents? A study that focused on a group of psychopaths who had been adopted as infants showed that their biological relatives were four to five times more likely to be psychopathic than the average person! Researchers note that it is easier for “bad seeds to blossom in bad environments.” Well, that is a given. I am convinced it is not nature or nurture but nature and nurture. This issue needs more in-depth research and goes to the heart of this issue. Whether nature or nurture, each person must be held accountable for his actions.

Serial killers have written gory biographies in blood that demand the attention of normal, decent people.

Dr. H. H. Holmes was America’s first serial killer in the 1890s. He confessed to killing 27 people but claimed that he could not keep from killing people anymore “than the poet can help the inspiration to sing.” Like most lawbreakers, he refused to take responsibility for his own crimes.

Dr. Harold Shipman is considered to be the most prolific serial killer in modern history. He was a British doctor who killed over 200 of his patients. He was arrogant and demanding of underlings at his hospital and never admitted any guilt, although the evidence was overwhelming. He finally hanged himself in his cell in 2004.

A common thread that runs through almost all serial killers is during their youth, they were cruel to animals. The Cohen study (Cohen, W., Congressional Register, 142(141), Oct. 3) confirmed that 46% of convicted multiple murderers admitted to torturing animals. Another study revealed that in every school shooting between 1997 and 2001, every perpetrator was a boy who had committed one or more acts of animal cruelty! More than 90% of serial killers are male.

A police study in Australia revealed that “100 percent of sexual homicide offenders examined had a history of animal cruelty.” Researchers consider this to be a red flag in the backgrounds of rapists and serial killers. FBI agent Robert K. Ressler declared, “These are the kids who never learned it’s wrong to poke out a puppy’s eyes.” Where were the parents of those children? Why would a normal child have to be told that it is wrong to punch out a puppy’s eyes?

Dr. Randall Lockwood reported that researchers, as well as the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, have “linked animal cruelty to domestic violence, child abuse, serial killings, and to the recent rash of killings by school-age children.”

The American Humane Association reported in a study of 57 families being treated for incidents of child abuse that 88% had also abused animals.

According to The New York Times (Aug. 7, 1991), the FBI revealed that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appears in its computer records of serial rapists and killers.

Alan R. Felthous reported in his paper “Aggression Against Cats, Dogs, and People”: “A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well, including one patient who had murdered a boy.”

Harold Hovel, Ph.D. of the New York State Humane Association wrote, “Every year, 4000 kids under 18 murder others and 5000 more commit suicide. Virtually all of them were abused and began abusing animals by their teenage years.” The evidence seems to prove that all serial killers were abused as children, and practically all of them tortured animals!  That sounds to me as if serial killers are made in the home by lazy, unconcerned, careless, or thoughtless parents.

Anthropologist Margaret Mead declared, “One of the most dangerous things that can happen to a child is to kill or torture an animal and get away with it.” That’s one of the few times I agree with loopy Mead, and I disagree if she was referring to a rat. Killing a rat or similar creature is good, normal behavior; however, torture is always an ominous warning. Why would any sane parent even think of permitting a child to “get away” with cruelty? Such failure contributes to producing a serial killer.

Animal rights extremists teach children to rescue spiders from the bathtub while I teach children to swat every spider, fly, mosquito, and roach in sight. Children must be taught to discern, to debate, and decide between right and wrong based on biblical teaching. While it is acceptable to eat an animal, it is not right to abuse any creature.

The mass killings of 13 and wounding of 20 others at Columbine High School in Colorado by Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris reveal that these boys did not wait until adulthood to kill. As teenagers, they progressed from animal abuse to killing their classmates.

The same is true for Kip Kinkel, 15, of Oregon; Kip killed his parents and 2 classmates and wounded 22 more. Luke Woodham, 16, of Pearl, Mississippi, killed his mother and 3 classmates.  Jose Hernandez, 17, killed his father, mother, 6-year-old brother, and 8-month-old brother. Jim Hardy, 17, and 2 friends beat a boy to death to see what it was like.

All of them were known to have tortured animals. No one did anything about it. The facts strongly suggest that all serial killers tortured animals as children after being abused themselves or observing violence in the home. That fact indicates murderers among us can be identified before they kill.

Various studies have consistently shown that mass killers are made in the home. If kids see a parent abuse a spouse, then the child may copy that behavior. In fact, statistics show that 30 percent of children who have witnessed domestic violence will act out a similar type of violence against their pets. If not recognized and treated, that aggression becomes more serious against other children and later against adults. Children who have been physically abused (not to be confused with loving, normal childhood discipline) often torture and kill animals.

There may be explanations for animal abuse by young children that don’t indicate a budding serial killer. Small or undeveloped children (as young as four and usually boys) often want to know “how an animal works,” thereby inflicting pain. Some children don’t understand that animals experience pain, considering them like toys. Others will abuse animals out of boredom which is a reason for children to be required to do chores, do their homework, be supervised, etc. Another explanation for abuse is peer pressure for gang membership. Others will try to identify with their abuser by abusing an animal or smaller child.

Although it is impossible to always predict if a child will grow up to be a serial killer, the three warning signs of future psychopathic behavior are animal torture, prolonged bed-wetting, and an uncontrollable urge to set fires. Criminologists call these symptoms, The Homicidal Triad. Some criminologists and psychologists believe that the combination of two or more of these three behaviors increases the risk of violent behavior in adulthood. While many children wet the bed, this behavior may be a sign of a deeper deviate condition when it continues beyond age 12. Shirley Lynn Scott revealed in What Makes Serial Killers Tickthat over 60% of serial killers were still wetting their beds as adolescents.

There is a common theme to all of the shootings of recent years,” says Dr. Harold S. Koplewicz, director of the Child Study Center at New York University. “You have a child who has symptoms of aggression toward his peers, an interest in fire, cruelty to animals, social isolation, and many warning signs that the school has ignored.”

Serial killers are being produced by careless, clueless, and often cruel parents, and the parents, teachers, and physicians must make it a priority to recognize and mitigate the problem.

Potential serial killers don’t have to become killers, but it will require courage, commitment, and consistency to save them and their victims.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blogSend a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)


“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”  John Bunyan, Baptist Preacher

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The Answer to Mass Shootings is MORE Guns in Responsible Hands! https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-answer-to-mass-shootings-is-more-guns-in-responsible-hands https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-answer-to-mass-shootings-is-more-guns-in-responsible-hands#respond Wed, 24 Mar 2021 22:55:35 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2813 America is shocked (again) as ten people, including one police officer, were brutally murdered by Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, who shot up a King Soopers supermarket in Boulder, Colorado, Monday afternoon. The suspect is a resident of Arvada, Colorado, and all media reports reveal he has “lived most of his life in the United States.” Tuesday afternoon, the Sun reported he was “born in Syria” before he “came to the USA in 2002.” So he has lived almost his whole life in America.

The shooter’s brother said Ahmad “had a history of paranoid, disturbed and anti-social behavior.” But being paranoid, disturbed, and showing anti-social behavior is no excuse for planning and carrying out a mass shooting. But that will set up his defense—he was nuts.

The National File reported Ahmad’s Facebook page included “pro-Islam and anti-Trump messages.” He is a Muslim Jihadist who hated Trump and was known by the FBI! I believe the FBI connection is getting to be a pattern.

The radical racists caused a stir when they jumped on what appeared to be an issue—a white male shooter who was handled gingerly by police when a black man would have been shot down on the spot. Then it was announced that he was a Middle Eastern man, not white. Many tweets were deleted by embarrassed racists. One was the niece of what’s-her-name Harris who tweeted, “The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.”

Whatever, losing the racial component, there was regret from the progressives because the shooter was not white; consequently, all the major gun-grabbers jumped on the gun control issue. What did you expect? They take advantage of every crisis to preach, push, and promote their leftist agenda.

Democrat Congressman Joe Neguse, who represents the Boulder area, said the slaughter “is truly heartbreaking and unimaginable.” He sobbed once for the victims, then added, “enough is enough.” Not wanting to refuse to take advantage of a crisis, he opined, “If we are truly invested in saving lives, then we must have the willpower to act and to pass meaningful gun reform.” Neguse added, “The time for inaction is over.”

Professional gun-grabber Senator Dick Durbin commented that the shooting spree and one in Atlanta last week have left the nation “reeling.”

Someone awakened Biden in the Oval Office giving him the information, and he responded, “As president, I’m going to use all the resources at my disposal to keep people safe.” However, gun control laws do little to keep people safe because they don’t control the bad guys. If they don’t have guns, they will use whatever is available.

Progressives rant and rave and rail against guns, but they really don’t hate guns. What they hate is “guns in the hands of those who will not march in lockstep with their ideology,” as so aptly said by Stanislav Mishin, writing in Pravda. That was Pravda as in Moscow.

If all of us beat our swords into plow shears while the descendants of Mau, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler still live, we are fools and will become dead fools.

However, this recent tragedy has pumped up the gun grabbers, so they are at it again. Seeking to “protect the children,” they illegally, illogically, and insanely trash the Constitution providing succor to killers, and persuading non-thinkers that the trashers are the good guys, almost deserving sainthood. This is especially true of disgusting, devious, and divisive politicians who walk on the graves (as well as the natural rights) of victims to toady to the feebleminded for their votes.

The gun grabbers are reaching for our guns while the FBI, reported, “more than five times as many people were killed in 2018 by knives, clubs and other cutting instruments than with rifles.” But it gets worse: The data also shows that “in 2018, there were 672 deaths from ‘fists, feet and other ‘personal weapons’” which is once again more than with rifles.

Maybe we should ban hammers or at least register every hammer in every workshop. However, they will get my hammer when they pry my cold, stiff fingers from the handle. As to the fists and feet, I’m not sure what the dummies will do about them. I suppose they could be registered, but not banned and for sure not confiscated.

But who knows what Biden and Company will attempt in removing all guns from our homes.

Let me focus on the real issue: Is it constitutional for an American to defend himself against evildoers? All sane people will agree that it is, so how will that be done without a weapon? The left insists that only police and military should have guns; however, that is not constitutional, nor is it common sense. When you are staring at an intruder in your home, it is too late to get help from the police. As someone aptly said, “A gun in your hand is better than a cop on the phone.”

The non-thinking left really believes that you don’t have a right to defend yourself; however, politicians, entertainers, and others usually have well-armed bodyguards to protect them. We need more good people with guns.

The politicians are incredibly dishonest about guns, especially when they declare firearms as being “evil,” but guns are inanimate objects, neither good nor evil, but they can be used for good or evil. Likewise, humans can use drugs, automobiles, knives, clubs, etc., in a good or evil way.

It is so simple; it is embarrassing: People are dying because others are evil. Guns are not evil, and frankly, it’s stupid to suggest they are. If crooks don’t have guns, they will find another weapon. A man strangled his girlfriend with his dreadlocks. I suppose we should ban all dreadlocks, but that would be deemed racist. People have been killed with a frozen fish, frozen turkey, vacuum sweeper, etc., so do we ban fish, turkeys, and vacuum sweepers. Oh, all right, maybe those items should only be registered and licensed.

The best gun control law is to have many more Americans in the workplace trained and willing to use their guns. Cops can’t be everywhere, but Americans are everywhere. Yes, there will be some mistakes as innocent people get killed trying to help others, but not nearly as many being killed now with all the gun laws in place.

Gun grabbers refuse to tell us how passing gun laws will take guns from criminals. If guns were illegal today, how would that make anyone safer? If there were no guns available, the bad guys would use knives and swords as the Jihadists are doing in England. If every gun were confiscated, which is impossible, the attempt would precipitate another uncivil war between the gun grabbers and gun owners. Would all knives be confiscated? How about ball bats, clubs, rocks, etc.? There’s always that etc. to worry about.

Wimpy liberals lose total control of their thinking process when it comes to guns. It is better to have a gun and not need it than need one and not have one. Many wimps would stand by and permit intruders to harm, rape, even kill their family!

I took a vow to protect my wife, which means anyone in our home uninvited late at night will be presumed a thief, rapist, and killer. He will be shot graveyard dead. The following day, I will contact the governor of Georgia and ask him when he wants me to come to Atlanta for an awards ceremony. I assume he will give me the key to the city of Atlanta and maybe designate the day, “Don Boys’ Day,” in honor of my removing scum from our state and making innocent people more secure.

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t want to harm anyone and will go out of my way not to do so, but if anyone is injured, it will be the thug or thief in my home, not my wife or me. Is that too difficult for critics to comprehend? You see, all the bad guys have to do to stay alive is to not break into homes or steal property or shoot people, but obey the laws.

After all, that’s what I do.

So, let’s have more guns in the workplace, not fewer.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. ; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Martin Luther King, Jr.: Bombshell that Media Refuses to Handle! https://donboys.cstnews.com/martin-luther-king-jr-bombshell-that-media-refuses-to-handle https://donboys.cstnews.com/martin-luther-king-jr-bombshell-that-media-refuses-to-handle#respond Mon, 10 Jun 2019 17:02:02 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2365 The world media, except in the U.S., are awash with the depressing, deplorable, and disturbing revelations about Martin Luther King, Jr. David J. Garrow, King’s very friendly and very liberal official biographer, revealed up to 45 sexual encounters by King and the observation of and encouragement by King of the rape of a church member by her pastor! All supported by FBI surveillance tapes.

One FBI memo reported, “King maintains intimate relationships with at least three women, one in Atlanta, one in Mt Vernon, New York, and one in Washington, DC,” making him very susceptible to blackmail. He also had a long time mistress in Los Angeles, wife of a dentist, in addition to his many one night stands. It goes on and on. In 2010, Kentucky State Senator Georgia Davis Powers recounted her intimate relationship with King in her book, I Shared the Dream.

Garrow also reported about King’s “love child” with a girlfriend in Los Angeles and King “continued to support this child” and called the mother every Wednesday.

When Coretta King complained about her husband’s affairs, he told her she “should go out and have some sexual affairs of her own.” According to one of my contacts, Coretta got fed up and went after Martin with a butcher’s knife. He wrote me saying, “I am from Atlanta, and my grandmother’s neighbor was head of nursing at St. Joseph’s Hospital [now Emory St. Josephs]. One morning she told my grandmother that they had brought MLK into the emergency room the night before because “Coretta caught him with another woman and cut him up with a butcher’s knife.”

But evidently, Martin didn’t get her point and continued to fornicate.

Standpoint, where the original article appeared, reported, “he preferred to perform unnatural acts on women and that he had started the ‘International Association for the Advancement of P**** Eaters.’” Such an evil mind and mouth makes me ashamed of his being a Baptist.

The FBI doesn’t usually show any interest in the sexual proclivities of citizens but when a person of interest gets in bed with Communists, U.S. officials show an interest. This was especially true while we were in the middle of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The FBI got interested in King’s activities because many of his associates were members of the Communist Party USA.

King admitted to being a Marxist to Communist bag man Stanley D. Levison, a white man, who served as his speech writer, ghost writer, and tax preparer. Levison, in addition to bankrolling the Communist Party in America, also gave King $10,000 in two years which is equivalent to $87,000 in today’s money. Levison gave the Communist Party $76,500 equivalent to $650,000 in today’s money. Remember that Levison worked for King while working for the Soviet KGB secret police!

In my eBook Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character Not His Color!, I deal with King’s wild sex parties, his perversion, his drunkenness, his plagiarism, his many sexual exploits including his perversion and his admission of being a Marxist. All documented by his “best friend” Ralph Abernathy, FBI files, etc. My book highlights the person, the preacher, the politician, the party, the plagiarist, the prevaricator, and the philanderer.

Garrow, a liberal, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and official biographer of Martin Luther King, Jr., dropped the literary bomb on the world a few weeks ago, and it is still reverberating around the globe except in America! His article “The Troubling Legacy of Martin Luther King” was rejected by the Guardian, Washington Post, The Atlantic, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The story from a highly recognized author was too hot to handle. It still is since none of the media moguls in the U.S. have reported the story!

What happened to the fearless reporters who try to be “fair and balanced”? What about “all the news that’s fit to print”?

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh was willing to take it on but made a serious mistake. Rush, speaking of Democrats said, “They have totally reconstructed what Dr. Martin Luther King believed in, starting with his devout Christianity, his devotion to Christ. They have totally remade the image of Dr. King. The Democrat Party has become exactly what he hoped to overcome. They have become wedded to and embedded in racial identity and sexual identity politics. The content of one’s character is of the least consequence.”

Rush was correct except the reference to King’s “devout Christianity, his devotion to Christ.” Rush was in the right ball park but not in the right seat.

I have spent many hours in King’s original papers at both Crozer Seminary and Boston University and the most generous person in the world could never identify King as a historic or biblical Christian. Of course, that is difficult for people to believe if they also believe church membership, baptism, etc., make one a Christian. King rejected, even ridiculed, all the doctrines that genuine Christians have always believed including Christ’s virgin birth, His virtuous life, His vicarious death, His victorious resurrection, and His ascension to Heaven. He also rejected the verbal inspiration of Scripture.

Obviously, Rush, the man who is usually right on target when dealing with political matters, was wrong but then everyone is from time to time.

Well, The New York Times took a swing at this explosive story, but it was from out in left field by black feminist history professor Dr. Barbara Ransby. She suggested the highly acclaimed author was “turning readers into historical peeping Toms by trafficking in what amounts to little more than rumor and innuendo from F.B.I. files.” Of course, the FBI has been known lately to be somewhat ideological but it is usually in favor of leftists.

Dr. Ransby made it clear that she believed the unsupported rantings of Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford but questions FBI motives in the King case.

Frankly, the issue is not the motives of the FBI but King’s morals—his philandering, perverted, pathetic lifestyle and how it might have made him a target of blackmail by Communists.

Considering how these revelations might impact society, Garrow said, “It poses so fundamental a challenge to his historical stature as to require the most complete and extensive historical review possible.” Of course, thinking people will ask if there should be a national holiday for him in light of King’s disgraceful life.

Decades before King’s holiday was thrust upon an uninformed nation, I voted against honoring him in 1977 in the Indiana House of Representatives. Every day we honored someone’s achievements or the success of an athletic team but one day a memorialization was introduced to honor King. It was a voice vote since it was no big deal and involved no expenditure or change in a law. It was a loud vote for the memorialization but when the Speaker asked for any no votes, I shouted the only, “no.” The House got as silent as a graveyard.

A shocked reporter for the Associated Press asked me, “Representative Boys, why did you vote no on the vote to honor Dr. King?” While my conservative friends surrounded me to make various excuses for not voting with me, I told her that King did not deserve to be honored.

Across the hall in the Senate, there was total silence on the no vote. And the next year, the same thing happened. My conservative friends in the House said that my vote was right but was not worth the negative repercussions from the Speaker who held any bills hostage if he was displeased with a bill’s author.

I am dubious about Liberals treating King as they have treated other women haters since Liberals are the most unprincipled people on earth with no concern for fairness, honesty, consistency, and truth.

I was right about King in 1977 and 1978, and I am right today. They should dump King’s holiday and replace it with National Civil Rights Day.

Socrates’ concept that “a man must not be honored above the truth” is applicable here.


Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years and authored 18 books. His eBook Martin Luther King, Jr.: Judged by His Character, Not His Color! can be viewed and purchased here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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