Ferguson – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Why Will No Reporter Ask Dr. Fauci These Questions? https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-will-no-reporter-ask-dr-fauci-these-questions https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-will-no-reporter-ask-dr-fauci-these-questions#respond Wed, 20 May 2020 21:46:10 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2567 Dr. Anthony Fauci has become the answer-man for America and an expert on the Chinese coronavirus; however, there have many charges leveled against him, and if some of the minor charges are true, he should be fired for stupidity. If major charges are accurate, he should be fired for fraud. If the more massive charges are true, he should be stripped of his license and spend time in the slammer.

You decide—or wait for a jury’s decision. A thorough investigation may discover Fauci guilty of all charges, or guilty of some charges, or totally innocent of criminal accusations.

Whatever reason, Tony should be terminated at least for some of the following.

Dr. Judy Mikovits said she cooperated with the FBI during an investigation of Dr. Fauci and the National Institute of Health (NIH). She alleged Fauci was a “workplace tyrant who was under investigation for swiping scientific research, covering up tainted vaccines, doling out lucrative federal grants to feckless cronies, and much more.”

It gets worse, but remember her charge is not a conviction. Also, one’s gender alone is not a guarantee of honesty.

Let’s begin with a very personal question. I want to know if Dr. Fauci supports the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendation that 4-year-old children should be taught about masturbation? A simple yes or no will be sufficient. Moreover, I assume Fauci believes, as most sane, sensible people do, that not only is the subject not part of the health field but is the responsibility of parents and preachers, maybe psychologists and philosophers.

Another query is, why did the NIH in 2014 give $3.7 million of taxpayers’ money to the Wuhan lab in China? Such grants were prohibited in 2014. Did President Obama grant an exception? We know the money was given to a corrupt rogue organization, but did Obama authorize it?

We are still waiting for an answer, even a lame one.

Fauci said on February 29 that malls, gyms, and movie theaters were acceptable activities, and March 9, one could even attend large rallies and go on cruises. However, in a CNN interview, he said otherwise. The interviewer said, “You and other top officials wanted to recommend social and physical distancing guidelines to President Trump as far back as the third week of February, but the administration didn’t announce such guidelines to the American public until March 16th almost a month later. Why?”

He gave a non-answer that would only satisfy an indulgent wife.

Fauci’s emails show his inability to make sane decisions since he often told Hillary or her lawyer how much he loves her. “I Love Her More Than Ever.” He has shown that he has no discretion in whom he places confidence, such as his long time confidence in the very famous, failed, and flawed Professor Ferguson.

Fauci said on February 15 that the risk from coronavirus was “minuscule.” On March 15, he told Jon Karl on ABC that the U.S. could expect up to 1.7 million coronavirus deaths! On March 30, he stated that deaths could reach the infamous 2.2 million mark without mitigation! He had taken flawed information from the now-disgraced London epidemiologist Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College. The latter estimated that there would be “2.2 million dead people in the U.S.” from the coronavirus.

Newsweek reported of Ferguson’s fall from power when he “resigned from his position advising the British government after he broke social distancing rules with his married lover” during some illegal visits with her. Note that the disgrace was not having an illicit affair with a married woman but breaking social distancing law that he had recommended. Ferguson had recommended to London officials that people must stay home except for getting food, exercise, and other essentials. I suppose spending “quality” time with his lover could qualify as exercise.

Ferguson is known as Professor Lockdown.

His lover said she did not feel like a hypocrite in breaking the law based on what her lover had helped establish in Britain since “she considered the [two] households to be one.” Of course, a husband and wife have always been considered as one, but not two unmarried lovers, each with a family. That has always been known as adultery.

Moreover, it is interesting that Ferguson resigned in disgrace from his government consulting position, not his position at Imperial College. The college assured all Englishmen that he “continues to focus on his important research.” I really don’t think his focus was research.

Ferguson’s specialty is in modeling for statistical purposes that has proved to be outrageously wrong. His fellow-modelers ridicule him saying, “Ferguson has been wrong so often that some of his fellow modelers call him, The Master of Disaster.” Yet, Dr. Fauci makes decisions based on his work!

Ferguson was Fauci’s source for his wildest guesstimates. Fauci has finally settled on a new guess. He said in an interview on CNN, “Looking at what we’re seeing now, I would say between 100,000-200,000 [deaths].” No, one more guess. The Daily News reported on April 9 that he guessed America’s deaths “from upward of 240,000 [down] to 60,000.”

The number of deaths has reached 90,000; however, that number must be very flexible because they are counting deaths caused from other diseases. Much more money, honey.

President Trump should not trust Fauci’s leadership when he has chosen sources carelessly and government officials made decisions that affect millions of innocent people based on bad guesses.

Why did Fauci balk when asked about the value of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), as a cure for the Chinese coronavirus when his own organization NIH knew it was an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses since 2005? The NIH on August 22, 2005, reported in Fauci’s Virology Journal under the heading, “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” The explosive report revealed, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.” It would cure and prevent a SARS-CoV infection.

But, here’s the kicker: If the treatment is used at the first symptoms, it has been 100% successful in treating about 500 coronavirus patients, according to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in March. Zelenko said, “We have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.”

Did Fauci sneer at the proven success of HCQ because of financial interest in the Remdesivir vaccine that he was promoting at that time? The cost for HCQ is only $20 and is generic so any company can produce it, but for little profit. Do Fauci and his buddies at the CDC have their sights on a new drug or vaccine with astronomical profit potential?

This answer may require more than a yes or no reply.

Let me preempt the obvious probable “answer” that a VA study showed the treatment was ineffective; however, that is somewhat distracting and disingenuous if not dishonest since the hugely successful drug was given in the VA study only when the patient was at the point of death! Furthermore, the HCQ was administered without azithromycin and zinc, which form a very effective combination. The proper protocol requires it to be administered at the beginning of the illness, not the end when the death angel shows up at the patient’s door.

The VA is still using the drug but not according to the proper protocols since “its use was now limited to extenuating circumstances, such as last-ditch efforts to save a coronavirus patient’s life.” Hey guys, follow the directions if you expect success. Lives are being lost unnecessarily.

One more HCQ expert is Dr. Didier Raoult, called “the Anthony Fauci of France,” who had spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2. Raoult said way back on February 25, that “it’s game over” for coronavirus. He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients.

Fauci’s former collogue, Dr. Judy Mikovits, charges: “The AMA was saying doctors will lose their license if they use hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug that’s been on the list of essential medicine worldwide for 70 years. Dr. Fauci calls that ‘anecdotal.’ It’s not storytelling if we have thousands of pages of data…this is essential medicine, and they keep it from the people…that’s exactly what’s going on with COVID-19. The game is to prevent the therapies until everyone is infected, and then push the [new] vaccine.”

Since Fauci likes to answer questions, I would like him to go into detail with that charge from a former colleague.

In Dr. Mikovits’ explosive YouTube that has been removed, she claims that Fauci and other top officials at the HHS, CDC, NIH, and NIAID all destroyed her life because of her scientific paper (which conflicted with the scientifically accepted but not scientifically proven AIDS’ message). She alleges Fauci demanded to see the as yet unpublished article. When she refused, Fauci had a hissy fit (my characterization for a screaming fit) right there in the office.

Consequently, Dr. Mikovits alleges she was arrested without a warrant and taken from her home and held in jail for five days without charges as the scientific Gestapo continued looking for her notebooks she was accused of taking from the lab. Subsequently, she was forced into bankruptcy and gagged for five years. She said Fauci directed the cover-up claiming fraud, and all the health officials were being paid big bucks to continue the cover-up and persecution of her. She charged, “Millions of dollars in funding were used to fund that cover-up by Fauci’s organization, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.”

The hassled, harried, and hated scientist said, “millions of people died of AIDS because U.S. health officials held up my paper. The present head of CDC Robert Redfield was involved.”

I’m sure a simple yes or no will not be a sufficient answer.

Fauci is a researcher, not a dedicated family doctor or surgeon. He knows nothing about taking out your appendix, and I would not trust him to take out the garbage. Moreover, he has no training in or experience in city or state management, the economy, or the history of social and health decisions on population centers, or societal impact on government lockdowns.

In light of the above, if proved in court, he should have some experience with a personal lockdown.

At least twenty years.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Ferguson: Who is Going to Jail? https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-who-is-going-to-jail https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-who-is-going-to-jail#respond Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:38:53 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=958 If there is any justice in this nation then some high profile individuals will to go to jail as a result of their ineptitude, incompetence, and irresponsibility as exhibited at Ferguson. But don’t hold your breath unless blue is your favorite color!

Highly placed officials such as President Obama, Attorney General Holder and Governor Nixon were the epitome of irresponsibility. Frankly, they are responsible for much of the looting, burning, and other illegal activities and should be held accountable. Obama met with the protestors and told them to “stay the course”! He also called for better police training rather than greater personal responsibility, stronger family values, and more church involvement.

Eric Holder went to Ferguson and told college students that he understood “their mistrust” and while he was the Attorney General, he was also “a black man”! Who cares? Moreover, he began a civil rights investigation! Holder is divisive, derisive, and may be a deranged Attorney General.

Soon after the shooting, Governor Nixon made a video promising “A vigorous prosecution must now be pursued.” What incredible malfeasance! He had assumed that Wilson should be tried before the facts were known!

Obama, Holder, and Nixon are the Larry, Curly, and Moe of Ferguson!

If a Tea Party official were to say that the illegitimate usurpation of power in Washington, the out-of-control IRS, DOJ, BATF, etc., require a call to arms to begin the “Second American Revolution,” he would be visited by a cadre of FBI, Homeland Security, and other Jack-boot-wearing federal agents. The Federal Government would deem him irresponsible and illegal resulting in him being imprisoned.

Police officers, like everyone, must be held accountable for their actions but they must feel secure, safe, and supported when they must use their weapons even at the cost of a life. Frankly, a police officer should be “forgiven” even if he makes an obvious mistake that takes a life. After all, when handed a shield and gun they don’t automatically receive perfection.

Speaking of accountability, it will be interesting to see if Big Mike’s step-father goes to jail for inciting to riot as when he repeatedly shouted for the crowd to “Burn this b**** down.” And how many looters and arsonists will spend any time in prison? How many of the “useful idiots” in other cities will go to jail for blocking traffic and causing general unrest?

Furthermore, all identified looters (undocumented shoppers) and arsonists should be required to reimburse the innocent store owners who had their lifetime of work destroyed by the thoughtless thugs parading as principled protesters.

Minister Louis Farrakhan has many opportunities to make a fool of himself and he never misses a one. This was evident when the bellicose, boisterous, and bizarre leader of the Nation of Islam, made many Klan fanatics look like Pee Wee Herman. Louis spoke at Morgan State University on Nov. 29 and ranted and raved as he frothed at the mouth about the non-indictment of Officer Wilson. Without taking time to wipe the foam from his mouth, the black “minister” yelled, “We’ll tear this g** d*** country apart!” He opined that violence was justified as a result of the non-indictment of Wilson. The crowd roared its approval!

The invitation of Farrakhan by the university and the support of the superficial student body reveal much about this nation. Farrakhan also teaches that the Ebola virus was invented to kill off all black people! It is astounding that anyone would listen to that jerk. And for any allegedly responsible institution or group to give him a platform is beyond the pale.

Farrakhan went on to say that white people will only listen to the concerns of black people when more violence is perpetrated against whites by blacks. Did I mention that he is a minister?

The black “minister” then advised the students to teach their children to throw Molotov cocktails as he imitated the throwing of a cocktail. Hey, wasn’t there one courageous student present willing to stand up and challenge the religious thug? What about some professors or administrators? Surely some of them had a modicum of character and were willing to call him out and criticize his extremism. None. And thus far, no remorse, regret, or repentance by the administration for their obvious blunder in giving Louis a platform to express his hatred, humbuggery, and hypocrisy. Shouldn’t Farrakhan be charged with inciting to riot?

So, will any of the above high profile people be held accountable with jail time or financial accountable? Don’t count on it. You see, while everyone in America is equal, some are more equal than others. That’s especially true if you are a liberal black, and in spades if you are courageous enough to come out of the closet.

The New York Times reached the highest level of irresponsibility or the lowest level of villainy when they published the street where Wilson lives and the suburb. They did that knowing that protesters had demanded Wilson’s death! Slate even published a photo of his home. The Washington Post and CNN also revealed Wilson’s address. CNN and these leftist publications often lecture others regarding journalistic values, decency, etc., but they will not go to jail or pay a fine, but maybe decent people will cancel subscriptions and refuse to patronize them in any way.

If harm comes to Wilson or his pregnant wife, the onus falls at the front door of each of the above media outlets. No, they won’t go to jail or pay a fine, but everyone knows them to be scum who pander to the left and condemn anyone on the right.

And we all know them to be incompetent, irresponsible, and immoral media outlets who are in bed with Obama, Holder, Nixon, Sharpton, ad nauseam.

They really should be in jail together!

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Ferguson Fiasco: Rebellion, Riot, Revolution! https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-fiasco-rebellion-riot-revolution https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-fiasco-rebellion-riot-revolution#respond Mon, 01 Dec 2014 20:13:46 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=957 The Ferguson Fiasco was not simply a rebellion of decent citizens who wanted to protest what they saw as injustice (there were those people) nor was it rioting of overwrought people, but is an attempted revolution committed by angry anarchists who utilized Mike Brown’s unfortunate death as cover. Of course their attempted subterfuge deceives only the uneducated, the unsophisticated, and the unthinking. The perpetrators should spend 20 years at hard labor after a swift trial. That was hard labor.

Michael Brown, who developed thugery to perfection, was killed by Officer Darren Wilson. One was a knight, the other was a knave. One was a hero, the other a zero. For honest people, there is no question that the right person died that day although no one had to die. It was not a “death-by-cop” but death-by-choice, Mike’s choice.

Does anyone believe that radical leftists would be so involved, so incensed, or so irrational if both men had been black? Obviously, they would not because they don’t care about the many Blacks that kill other Blacks every day in Chicago and other cities. On that issue, the race baiters are silent. It doesn’t fit their agenda.

Mike would be alive if he had not been high on marijuana and robbed a store only 15 minutes before he was lawfully accosted by the officer. Maybe the drug was the cause of his refusal to obey the reasonable and lawful order to stop walking in the middle of the street; the reason that he tried to take the officer’s gun; and the reason he continued to charge the officer who was armed and had already shot at him.

Radical leftists, especially in the media, are not interested in justice for Brown and, for sure, not interested in Wilson who simply did his duty and fought for his life. They are interested in their agenda regardless of the facts. They are the biggest hypocrites in America–people without principle. They found Wilson guilty from the start long before anyone knew the facts! Then after hearing the truth, they continue to regurgitate the same dishonest propaganda.

Mike Brown’s mother characterized her dead son as one who would “never do anything to anyone.” Her lawyer told ABC News, “I don’t worry about the due process for Officer Wilson.” Benjamin Crump went on: “I worry about the due process for the little black boy dead on the ground.” So, the Brown attorney is not interested in justice; it seems he wants to lynch a white police officer. Then he characterizes big, burly, boisterous Brown as a “little boy”! What a jerk!

A black celebrity called Brown “merely a child.” The true story is that he was a 292 pound bully who flashed gang signs in photos and took drugs, at least marijuana.

Informed people have always known that liberals have problems with thinking but it seems they also cannot read because I have never seen such distortion, deception, and dishonesty as in the media coverage of the Brown shooting.

Officer Wilson’s life is destroyed because of Big Bully Brown and he will always have a target on his back. Moreover, all police officers will hesitate before defending their own life or an innocent person’s life because of the Ferguson Fiasco. Other potential police officers will refuse to subject themselves to such treatment and will choose a less stressful profession.

To those people who still have praise for Brown and seek persecution and prosecution for Officer Wilson, I want to ask whether they honestly think the world would be better if Brown had successfully taken the gun and killed Wilson? Surely, no honest, clear-thinking person takes that position.

The rampage in Ferguson must not be used by frustrated patriots as a reason for revolt to begin “America’s Second Revolution” because that would play into the hands of America-haters who take advantage of every crisis to “totally remake America” in the image of other totalitarians.

There is no doubt that Brown chose to die as a thug who resisted authority. His parents obviously raised a rebel and must take some, not all, maybe not much, but some blame for rearing a young man who did not respect authority and that lack of respect caused his death.

I would believe the same thing if Brown had been white and Wilson had been black. Race only matters to the racists.

For those trying to decide on the right and wrong of this issue, I ask: would you want to live in a city without any Officer Wilsons? For sure, considering all the facts, the right person died in Ferguson.

Maybe this is evidence of a Black Klan led by Obama, Holder, and Nixon (white man) with Rev. Al as their Kludd (chaplain). Welcome to the new thugocracy where thugs rule and fools follow faithfully.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Ferguson Riots: The Death Rattle of a Great Nation Marching into the Dark Night of Racial Wars? https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-the-death-rattle-of-a-great-nation-marching-into-the-dark-night-of-racial-wars https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-the-death-rattle-of-a-great-nation-marching-into-the-dark-night-of-racial-wars#respond Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:10:11 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=852 Michael Brown was a black thug, no better or worse than a white or Hispanic thug. As I reflect on this I think of a similar incident in Florida. If Michael Brown had a brother, he would look like Travon Martin. In both cases, non-thinking, bigoted Whites and Blacks jumped to the wrong conclusion. They praised the villains (Martin and Brown) and persecuted the victims (Zimmerman and Wilson). I will remind my readers that both Zimmerman and Wilson had blood running from their head wounds. They shot their assailant as any sane person would do.

Obama felt a need to jump into this affair as he did in the Martin case. Obama reproached the Ferguson cops saying, “There’s also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights.” That is correct; but there is no reason to assume, and for sure no proof, that excessive force was used and there is never a right to rob, resist, rampage, and riot. Obama should call for an unbiased investigation.

The U.S. Attorney General, himself an outspoken black racist, is in Ferguson with a cadre of Department of Justice workers who are investigating the incident. No, they are laying a foundation for a predetermined verdict! Holder has not been reticent to speak out on the matter of race. He called America a “nation of cowards” on racial issues in 2009. Holder has sent a signal that he wants the “correct outcome.” Because of his and Obama’s missionary zeal to “get” the white guy, it sends a signal to irresponsible Blacks to “do their thing.” Holder should do his duty for a change and investigate the Blacks who make a game of cold-cocking Whites. After all, that is a “hate” crime if any crime is.

The spineless governor, Jay Nixon, made an incredibly irresponsible and stupid statement when he declared, “a vigorous prosecution [of the shooting] must now be pursued” thereby absolving the thug and accusing the cop! What an idiot! I think he is a Democrat. Had he done his duty he would have demanded an unbiased, thorough investigation but fearful of a greater racial explosion, he took the cowardly way out.

The mother of Travon Martin, another black thug, has jumped into the fray with her two cents and it really wasn’t worth that. She tried to paint the two dead teens as victims of gun violence without admitting their complicity in crime. In a letter to Michael Brown’s parents she declared, “If they refuse to hear us, we will make them feel us.” Sounds like an ominous threat.

Travon’s mother along with Brown’s mother seems to have the same motivation–to get a pound of flesh and a pot of money when they deserved nothing but scorn for turning a tragedy of a son’s death and the destruction of an innocent man into a farce. Both families are an example of what a broken home and the absence of a strong father with biblical convictions can do.

Protesters have demanded justice for Brown, but they want justification for their own violence. To them all white cops are brutal beasts with a vendetta against all sweet, innocent, unarmed, college-bound blacks. Isn’t it strange that most of these black thugs who get themselves killed are always “innocent,” “a real nice guy,” “wonderful son,” etc.!

If a cop commits a crime, then he should pay the price. Everyone agrees with that but too many Blacks and almost all liberals would not agree that Blacks must be held to the same degree of accountably as everyone else. Special racial treatment for anyone is a perfect definition of racism.

The media is not interested in justice, only a good, on-going story. Most of them are gutless wonders who are lazy, incompetent, or are committed zealots to social engineering. That includes race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the NAACP. Of course, the Black Panthers are thugs that should be behind bars. None of the above seem to be concerned with the twelve people who were shot and killed in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend! But then that was black on black killings.

I suggest that the police announce that there will be no protesting except during daylight and all protestors who refuse to disperse on the first order will be arrested and jailed.

Moreover, I suggest that the NAACP and similar black groups stop pandering to the haters and spend time and money helping black families stay together, kids stay in school, promote a work mentality, and preach Bible morality to everyone. The answer to hating, robbing, looting, shooting, racism, and violence is Christ. When men trust Christ, there is a change in their morals, mores, manners, and motives. Many of the protesters seem to have problems with all of them.

We’ve come a long way baby–in the wrong direction. The noise of the protestors (cursing, fighting, and chanting) is the death rattle of a once-great nation marching into a dark night of racial wars.

Welcome to a new brave world where right is wrong; up is down; in is out; and bad is good and justice is demanded–if you are black.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Ferguson Riots: Principled People Repudiate Rioters! https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-principled-people-repudiate-rioters https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-principled-people-repudiate-rioters#comments Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:21:11 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=850 America’s melting pot is seething and about to explode. Two generations have been taught that Blacks are special because they were slaves more than a hundred years ago. Because of that they are to be considered a special group and not held to the same standard of others. That is classic racism.

We are watching lowlifes in Ferguson, Missouri turn a serious local incident into a witch hunt and a national campaign of racial bigotry that would make the most rabid Kleagle (organizer) of the KKK blush with shame–with abundant help from the Moguls of the Media.

While consisting of 14% of our population, we know that about 60% of black births are illegitimate but we must not discuss it. We know that prisons are full of black criminals but that is embarrassing. We know that many black areas are so dangerous even police officers are fearful to enter.

But Blacks were slaves. No, they were not. Not one person now in America was a slave. It is time to realize that the disgraceful time of slavery in the U.S. (a product of Whites and Blacks) is not an excuse for affirmative action, parasitic welfare, violence, immorality, looting, vandalism, school absenteeism, etc. Many of us would find slaves in our ancestry if we traced it because slavery had no racial boundaries.

I am so weary of racial bigots making race an issue when it is not an issue. Let’s ask the honest question: Did the suspect (whatever his race) do the dastardly deed or not? People with character will stand with truth not with emotion–even when a friend or family member is the culprit.

How can America be racist when we have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black? Furthermore, more than 40% of all federal entitlements go to black Americans and that’s more than three times the rate that go to Whites. Moreover, the top entertainment “stars” are black as well as being among the wealthiest of Americans.

Every American has a constitutional right to discuss, disagree, and debate anything in America. I have always defended that right. However, no one has a right to shoot at police, throw bottles and Molotov cocktails, burn, loot, and destroy to express their views. Only thugs do such things and since I don’t like thugs, I suppose I’m a thugaphobe.

It is always tragic when someone is killed and more so when it is a young person; however, even young people must be held accountable for their actions. In the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Michael Brown, known as the “gentle giant,” was killed by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9 and the streets have been full of protesters and looters. Armed rival gangs are involved and at least two people have been shot. Many protesters were seen with guns. The protest area has been called, a “battle zone.” The governor has called out the National Guard and a midnight curfew was imposed. The pot keeps simmering.

Even though the “teenager” was unarmed, he was 6’ 4” and weighed 292 pounds, had just robbed a store, and was walking in the middle of the street with a friend. According to reports, a police officer told them to move to the side of the street. The officer did not know about the robbery. There was an altercation and Michael fractured one of the office’s eye sockets and tried to take his gun. He failed and was shot six times; however, more than a dozen witnesses confirm that he was charging the officer. The officer shot six times (not knowing whether he hit him or not) and Mike finally fell dead in the street. A county autopsy revealed that marijuana was in his system. The “gentle giant” had problems with decision-making.

The protesters say they want “justice” but they really want the blood of the officer who was defending himself and following police protocol. They are demanding the death penalty for the officer! A police official was intimidated into releasing the name of the police officer although everyone knew it was putting a target on his back. So much for profiles in courage! A television station even showed where the officer lived, putting his life in additional danger.

A thousand people marched and Black Panthers chanted: What do we want?– Darren Wilson! How do we want him? – Dead! Such people are scum. Others chanted, “Time to kill a cop!” The New Black Panthers led a large crowd of “useful idiots” in chanting, “Black Power, Black Power.” Why aren’t those lowlifes in jail?

Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson was placed as head of the police response team and seems to be a qualified black officer; however, he made matters worse by hugging and commiserating with the protesters! A rookie cop knows better than that.

During confrontations with police the protesters refused to disperse and police fired tear gas thereby breaking up the crowd of hundreds of people. Principled people know that many of the protesters are simply thieving looters who would have been shot 80 years ago. Looters have historically been shot!

Decent, law-abiding citizens will always defend the right to protest in America but no person with character will defend the looting, burning, robbing, and shooting of people. When the explosion happens, such people–the protesters and their supporters–will have bloody hands. That goes for Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, NAACP, and cowardly politicians who made racist decisions for personal benefit.

Principled people will repudiate the violent protesters in Ferguson and honor a courageous police officer who did what he was trained to do.

(Next column: “Ferguson Riots: The Death Rattle of a Great Nation Marching into the Dark Night of Racial Wars?”

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-principled-people-repudiate-rioters/feed 4