funerals – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 No Baptist Bulldogs, Presbyterian Poodles, Lutheran Labs, Catholic Collies, Pentecostal Pooches or Methodist Mutts in Heaven! Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:05:06 +0000 Churches are going to the dogs and dogs are going to church but they are not going to Heaven–like many church members. There are no Baptist Bulldogs, Presbyterian Poodles, Lutheran Labs, Catholic Collies, Pentecostal Pooches or Methodist Mutts in Heaven! Don’t mean to be mean, only truthful.

Pope Francis caused a major stir recently when he made an ambiguous statement about animals in Heaven. Even CNN admitted that “it’s unclear what he believes about this;” however, I am not unclear what I believe about this.

Christ declared that in the last days of mankind even church leaders would be “blind.” He said in Rev. 3:17: “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” I can testify to that since I have preached in a few thousand churches in my lifetime. Our churches are rather rich and think they have need of nothing and don’t know that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. And if that is true of Bible-preaching churches, it is sure true of churches where the Bible is not held in the highest esteem.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Rom. 1:28 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” That is obvious in many different ways but especially in churches where animals are considered almost like humans. While pets are desirable and even loveable, they are still pets and will not go to Heaven.

Ecc. 3:21 informs us “Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth.” That clearly teaches that animals go to the earth in death. However, modern church leaders have twisted the Bible like a pretzel to comport with confused desires of pet lovers. I call them the Fido-in-Heaven crowd.

The Associated Press ran a story about a Presbyterian Church in LA that “has turned God’s house into a doghouse” for one service each Sunday. Boy, that pastor knows what the Gospel is, doesn’t he! That dude should be out selling insurance or grave plots not discrediting, desecrating, and defiling God’s house. That church service is called “Canines at Covenant” and has individual doggie beds, dog treats, and canine prayers! Yes, that church has “gone to the dogs” and the dogs are going to church but not to Heaven!

The flakey pastor said, “Many Christians love their pets as much as human family members, but churches have been slow to recognize that love as the work of God….When we love a dog and a dog loves us, that’s a part of God and God is a part of that.” The AP article did not report any Bible verses to support the radical reverend’s rant. (I have a hunch where that pastor is going.)

The Roman poet, Juvenal, reported that as the Roman family disintegrated along with the empire, that wealthy women preferred lap dogs over children. Are there portents of that in America and Canada?

A Boston suburb has dog-friendly worship services called “Woof ‘n Worship.” Fido, Fluffy, and Felix may be made deacons or elders in the near future in some of those churches but those pets will not go to Heaven! Such Fido-in-Heaven pastors were greatly encouraged by the nonsense spouted by the Pope recently.

Well, since pets are going to church what happens when they die. For sure, they are not going to Heaven.

Today, there are nearly 600 functioning pet cemeteries in the United States and even some traditional funeral homes are now permitting companion animal burial. One dog’s tombstone promised, “Until We Meet in Heaven.” Another declared, “We Pray That We Will Meet Again.”

There are Catholic Collies, Methodist Malteses, Presbyterian Poodles, but they are not Christian and will not be in Heaven. Nor will Mormon Mutts, Baptist Bulldogs, Pentecostal pooches, or Lutheran Labs.

Priests and monks of the Franciscan Order bless animals on Oct. 4 on the feast day of Francis of Assisi. Even Episcopalians are trooping after the Catholics in this heretical practice.

Much of this absurdity is promoted by bestselling books such as Dog Heaven, followed by Cat Heaven, and The Heaven of Animals teaching that “when dogs get to heaven they’re welcomed by name, and angels know every dog’s favorite game,” and where “horses in heaven are never alone, and grass is much sweeter than grass here at home.” Gag! That was written by a nondenominational, evangelical Christian!

Face it: there will be no poodles in paradise! Even Saint Bernards won’t be in Heaven.

Not sure about Popes! Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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