Gillum – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Everyone Seems to be so Easily Offended! Thu, 30 Aug 2018 16:04:36 +0000 I’m disgusted with non-thinking leftists who look for ways to be offended and in the process press their unworkable agenda on other non-thinkers. The most recent of a plethora of examples is GOP Florida governor candidate Ron DeSantis’ innocent remark that most of us have used for a lifetime. After winning the GOP primary, DeSantis told Fox News, “The last thing we need to do is to monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.”

DeSantis’ opponent is Democrat Andrew Gillum whom the far left media have already chosen as Florida’s next governor. Of course, a “firestorm” immediately followed the monkey remark. Since Gillum is black, the leftist media assumes DeSantis was calling him a monkey. DeSantis was making an off-the-cuff remark and had no thought of racism. Maybe the problem is in the minds of the racist media who always see racism even when it is absent. Me thinks they protest too much.

Obama even used the term in the same way in 2008 but that was acceptable to the hypocrites.

It seems leftists are looking for an excuse to be offended but Obama’s remark doesn’t bother them. Oh, I forgot that it is impossible for a black to be racist.

I’m weary of the feigned anger, abundance of hypocrisy, and political opportunism. It is my opinion that all these people are basically dishonest people who will do anything to punch a Conservative below the belt, especially one wearing a MAGA hat.

Fox News cowardly capitulated to the rabble rousers from left field.

It was recently reported that race car driver Conor Daly lost his sponsor because of a racially insensitive remark made by his father in the 1980s. That is incomprehensible but it’s worse by ten: Daly wasn’t even born when his father made the remark!

Daddy was right: the world is crazy as a bedbug. Daddy was a philosopher with a sixth grade education.

The Washington Post reported on a male professor who offended a female professor in a crowded elevator. Someone asked what floor he wanted and he replied “Ladies lingerie.” He is now facing disciplinary charges after a female professor who was on the elevator filed a formal complaint. She was offended at his joke. He has refused to apologize.

Good for him. It wasn’t even a good joke and for sure was not offensive.

Canada is now fining its citizens for offending people of the Islamic faith. John Alabi, 53, is a Christian and a landlord who lives in the Toronto area and has been ordered to pay a fine of $12,000 by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal because he failed to remove his shoes when he entered the apartment he was renting to a Muslim couple.

University students are being punished for using the wrong pronouns when referring to a he/she/it. The St. Louis Dispatch reported that college students should report any “hurtful” words. They should do the following: 1. Call the police immediately at 573-882 7201. (If you are in an emergency situation, dial 8911.) 2. Give the communications operator a summary of the incident, including location. 3. Provide a detailed description of the individual(s) involved. 4. Provide a license plate and vehicle descriptions (if appropriate). Hurtful words include “illegal immigration,” “man up,” and “welfare queen.”

Media headlines revealed that Portland, Oregon schools have declared peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist and an example of white privilege! Verenice Gutierrez, the principal at Harvey Scott K-8 School, discussed her bizarre brand of logic in an interview with the Portland Tribune.

“What about Somali or Hispanic students, who might not eat sandwiches?” Gutierrez asked. “Another way would be to say: ‘Americans eat peanut butter and jelly, do you have anything like that?’ Let them tell you. Maybe they eat torta. Or pita.”

Verenice is allegedly a highly educated principal of a public school. This proves what I have believed all my adult life–certification does not equal qualification.

Cotton is now racist because it reminds snowflakes of the past. But not their past. A university president in Tennessee apologized for having used some cotton in his home decoration. Wimp! It is supposed to be racist since cotton was picked by slaves over a hundred years ago. Of course, we know that a racist is someone wining an argument with a liberal.

An off-campus Greek Life event held by leaders of Ole Miss recently was cancelled after many students became troubled and disturbed by a banana peel which was hanging from a campus tree! Many students were “in tears” over the banana peel because it didn’t make them feel “safe.” According to The Daily Mississippian, many members of the community were “hurt, frightened, and upset by what occurred.”

Such people are not only jerks but also wimpy jerks, the worst kind of jerk. And/or they are emotionally and socially underdeveloped. Whatever, they are still jerks.

Toronto’s airport has removed an advertisement after animal rights activists complained it disrespects cows. The airport poster said, “You’re precious cargo, not cattle.” I’m not sure whether the cows complained or the Cattlemen’s Association, or PETA.

Senator Dick Durbin told President Trump that his use of the term chain migration was painful to many people because “African-Americans believe they migrated to America in chains and when you talk about chain migration, it hurts them personally.” I hardly think you could call it migration when one is forcefully kidnapped or sold by a black chief to a white slaver. Finally, no living American was every brought to America in chains.

Blacks who were never slaves or and have no slave history other than visiting a slave museum obviously hate white people for being white–and the Whites are called racists.

Recently students with fair skin at Georgetown University were told that they could not attend a recent “community dialogue” session about racism that was held on the campus because the black racist campus group that organized it wanted it to be a “safe space” accessible only by browns and blacks.

That is a classic example of racism by racists who major in calling all whites racists!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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