gun control – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Texas Massacre Requires Resolute, Responsible, and Radical Reform! Fri, 27 May 2022 01:35:01 +0000  

Uvalde, Texas, is draped in dreary, black crepe as city funeral homes struggle to schedule somber funerals for 19 children and two adults. Numerous families weep at the unnecessary, useless, and almost unbelievable loss of so many children and adults.

I want to know how an unemployed school dropout got about $5,000 to purchase two “assault rifles.” Furthermore, I want to know why it took 150 law enforcement officers about an hour before anyone entered the school and took down the shooter.

According to the Washington Post, the killer had shot his grandmother in the face, then wrecked her truck near the elementary school and shot at two people near a funeral home across the street. He arrived at the school at 11:28 a.m. According to the Washington Examiner, he carried a “semi-automatic rifle and ‘encountered’ a school district security officer, but it’s not clear whether they exchanged gunfire” as he entered the unlocked school at 11:40. Entering the building, the killer shot and wounded two Uvalde police officers as they approached the building. The carnage with the children began at about 11:45. Border patrol agents arrived at 12.45, and at 1:06, the school dropout was killed.

Numerous police officers had stood outside the school for at least 40 minutes after the gunman entered the school, causing dismay and anger in many parents who asked police officials why they did not charge the classroom. According to a Facebook video recorded by a witness and verified by the Washington Post, a group of adults began yelling at officers just before noon to let them inside since the police refused to enter the school and arrest the suspected shooter.

Border Patrol agents could not enter the classroom until a staff member opened the door with a key, a law enforcement official told the Associated Press. I think there was enough gun power there to shoot down or at least knock down any door. With 150 officers there, they could have easily gained entrance to any room. But the 150 officers were seen holding down parents who wanted to charge the school, but cops told them, “We’re taking care of it.” It took an hour for police to announce a Border Patrol team had killed the killer.

At 1:06, 21 people were dead, many wounded, and the killer was blasted into eternity.

Finally, after about 40 minutes.

One would be a callous monster not to be horrified at the event; however, unprincipled politicians, as usual, use the tragedy to promote their agenda, which is not safety but control of honest people. Decent people don’t kill innocent people. Bad, evil, wicked, deranged, selfish, angry, and despondent people kill with abandon.

And people taking a huge variety of legal and illegal drugs, including cannabis.

Many vacuous, vicious, and vile young people look for 15 minutes of fame on social media. If a state publicly executed one of those youth, others might get the message: if they drive a car or purchase a gun, they are astute enough to be held accountable for their actions.

My critics will suggest it is barbarous for a state to execute a teen and even more barbarous to do so publicly. Fine, then stop complaining and live with the barbarism as we have for 20 years.

The very liberal Mother Jones magazine sponsored a gun study revealing that two-thirds of mass killings since 1980 were committed by the “mentally unstable.” When such a person kills others, a court would have to decide the degree of culpability to decide the legal path to follow.

In addition to most mass killers being mentally unstable, gun-free zones almost invite killers to make the zones the target of their dastardly deeds. A killer is not necessarily an idiot, and of course, he will seek the softest target. Get rid of gun-free zones. It would be wise for schools, churches, malls, and corporations to announce they are gun-friendly, not gun-free.

If every gun in America could be confiscated and stored in a secure location, that would help alleviate most of the problems—except for being illegal, insane, and impossible. And then they would confiscate kitchen knives, meat cleavers, tomahawks, and swords as Australia has done. However, that can never happen, and any stupid politician or group of politicians attempting such a move would cause a bloodbath.

I am weary of hearing radical leftists whine about how guns corrupt young people and are a deadly threat to everyone, especially those in schools. However, the problem is not with guns but with people. Some woke parents are horrified to see their small children playing with guns and “shooting” each other. Has the world gone insane? I grew up “shooting” other kids. I shot them with wooden guns, cap pistols, sticks, and even my finger! I never considered getting my dad’s shotgun or .38 revolver and actually shooting anyone.

Gun safety and shooting were taught by the Boy Scouts and many public schools without any known cases of shootings.

I believe the world has gone nuts. Don’t the “experts” know that girls like playing house with dolls and miniature furniture and boys like to be more aggressive and play with guns? Males are more aggressive because of their God-given nature as a protector of the family. Kids should grow up with knowledge of guns and have experience handling them.

I am weary of gutless politicians, even “conservative” Republicans, who are so uninformed or desirable of liberal approval that they cannot defend the ownership and use of guns.

Guns are protected by the Second Amendment, which is the heart of the argument. Why do politicians act as if the Second Amendment is not part of the Bill of Rights? Moreover, the Second Amendment guarantees the First Amendment.

To suggest that the Constitution refers only to an organized military organization is an abdication of reality. The “militia” of the Second Amendment was simply thousands of farmers with a gun over the fireplace. The Second Amendment is there to protect us against the tyranny of government. Our founding fathers were well aware of the government’s propensity to evolve into tyranny, and they knew a well-armed citizenry mitigated that possibility.

As knees begin to jerk all across America (left ones, of course), let me clearly say that our founding fathers knew what might someday be required: our government could eventually become so despotic that citizens must do what they did in 1775! Yes, it could be that Americans might have to defend themselves against their government, and that could only be possible if those Americans were armed! That is the reason that politicians constantly whine about guns.

Despotic government must always be fearful of alert, alarmed, and armed citizens.

Radical leftists’ ultimate goal is to control people, not guns. Guns are the excuse. And their tears and jeremiads after school shootings are pure hypocrisy since they refuse to speak of the gun violence in major Democrat-controlled cities.

Guns are not evil, and only a fool or fanatic says they are. In fact, honest citizens use guns over two and a half million times per year to protect themselves against criminals determined to do them harm. Armed citizens kill about 3000 criminals each year, while the police kill about 1000.

I have never heard a gun controller (read: confiscator) tell me what they will do about the bad guys who will continue to have their guns when supine Americans are browbeaten into surrendering theirs. Does any sane person think the criminals will register or surrender their weapons? Since the police show up after a crime, each citizen is responsible for protecting his family.

So, what do I want to see? I would enforce present laws and keep violent felons in prison. People who are rebels against society should be separated from society, and that means throwing away the key for those who are incorrigible, violent crooks.

I would also like to see more guns in the hands of honest citizens! When the bad guys realize that the good guys are armed, they will be a little slower to act out their hostility.

When a shooting took place in a Mississippi school a few years ago, the assistant principal ran to his car, grabbed his gun (good thing the gun-grabbers didn’t get there first), and stopped a massacre. He should be commended, not criticized! Every school in America should have a couple of armed teachers or staff, and they should be paid a bonus for being protectors as well as educators.

A question for the gun-grabbers: Would it not have been desirable for one or more of the teachers at the Texas school to pull their guns and drop the killer before he killed so many innocent victims? Silence!

Moreover, every school should have only one public entrance with an armed guard at the door.

All sensible people would agree that fewer deaths would be preferable, but no one says the gun-grabbers are sane, sensible people. At least, I don’t. Gun-grabbers are fallacious, frivolous, fruity, foggy, fluttery, flushed, flimflamming, flagellating, feverish, frightful, frenzied, fraudulent, and foolish fascists.

For those educated in public schools, I am saying that gun-grabbers are fools, and intelligent people will not permit failed politicians to use a gut-wrenching tragedy to promote their leftist agenda of disarming Americans resulting in serfdom.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan


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Students in Gun Control Crusade Like Children’s Crusade in Middle Ages! Sat, 17 Mar 2018 00:40:19 +0000 The New York Post on March 14, 2018 reported, “Nearly 3,000 coordinated walkouts — at elementary schools, high schools and universities — began at 10 a.m. in local time zones and were to last 17 minutes to honor the 17 killed, according to Empower, the youth branch of the Women’s March that is behind the walkouts.”

Oh, so these 3,000 plus school walkouts did not rise spontaneously without adult leadership! It was intricately planned, preached, and promoted by radical gun haters who used the tragedy of 17 deaths at Parkland to advance a leftist agenda. The student walkout was birthed and directed by the screaming feminists of the Women’s March!

Tens of thousands of students walked out of their classrooms last Wednesday to demand action on gun violence and school safety, with some students protesting in Washington, D.C. saying adults have failed them. A major demonstration is planned for March 28. Most nonthinkers consider it a noble crusade. I do not.

The student action reminds me of the Children’s Crusade in 1212 when about 50,000 children walked across nations in inferior shoes to take the Holy Land from Muslims. That crusade ended in confusion, controversy, and catastrophe.

King Philip II of France was holding court in May of 1212 at Cloyes, a small town in the province of Orléans, when he was approached by a 12-year-old shepherd boy named Stephen. The sincere but deluded boy gave the king a letter that had allegedly been given to him by Christ ordering the boy to lead a crusade to Jerusalem to remove the infidel Muslims from the Holy Land. However, the King knew there was no postal service from Heaven to France and told the boy to go back to his sheep.

Stephen disregarded the king’s command and began to preach a children’s crusade to “take up the cross” in defense of the faith and announced that children would meet at Vendome in 30 days for their journey to Jerusalem. At the end of June, about 30,000 boys, some as young as six, with a few girls, adults, and priests gathered as ordered by a 12-year-old delusional boy!

The crowd moved south, almost all of them on foot except a few of noble birth riding horses and Stephen who demanded a decorated cart in which he could ride. It was hot and no provisions were taken. They expected to be fed and bedded by the peasants who were struggling to provide for themselves during a serious drought. Many children died and others tried to return home but the remaining ones arrived in the Mediterranean seaport city of Marseilles on the southern coast of France.

When the crusaders gathered at the northern Mediterranean port, they were disappointed that the sea did not open so they could walk to Jerusalem as Stephen had promised. More crusaders left for home; however, most of them remained believers. Two merchants, Hugh the Iron and William the Pig, made ships available to them and when the children boarded to sail toward Jerusalem to convert the Muslims and take control of the Holy City, they actually sailed to what they thought were the holy lands but actually turned out to be slave markets in Muslim nations. Thousands of innocent crusaders were sold as slaves to Muslim sultans.

At the same time, another mass of child crusaders was gathering in Germany under the leadership of a boy from Cologne named Nicholas. He is reported to have attracted about 50,000 followers including more adults than did Stephen! These crusaders traveled from Germany to Italy across the Alps, and are said to have even met the Pope in Rome. The Pope praised their dedication and sincerity and told them to go home. Many did and died on the way. Others boarded ships expecting to sail to the Holy Land but disappeared from history. Nicholas decided to go home but did not survive the second attempt across the Alps. Back in Germany, his father was arrested and hanged under pressure from angry families whose children had perished while following his son.

The Children’s Crusade was the product of superstition, ignorance, and religious fanaticism. Children are not leaders and only thoughtless fools would follow a child across a continent! While they should be heard, it must be remembered that they are immature, inexperienced, shallow children. While the Bible teaches “A child shall lead them,” that refers to the millennial Kingdom. Children are to be loved, taught, and directed but never in a leadership positon.

The Children’s Crusade was a spontaneous and sincere, yet stupid movement opposed by or at least not supported by the Pope; but this modern children’s crusade is sponsored by the most disreputable, disingenuous, and devious radicals in America—the organizers of the Women’s March. Linda Sarsour (supports Black Lives Matter, sharia law, and teaching about Muslim holidays in public schools), Carmen Perez (said she admired a Black Panther that attempted to kill multiple police officers), and Tamika Mallory (praised Fidel Castro), are co-chairs of the Women’s March. Sarsour also refused to apologize for sharing the platform with Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted killer of Jews!

Mallory and Perez are big fans of Louis Farrakhan, minister of the Nation of Islam. All informed people know that Farrakhan is the poster boy for haters of Whites and Jews.

Rasmea Yousef Odeh was one of eight who organized the Day Without a Woman. She is a Palestinian who planted four bombs in Israel that killed two men! She agreed to leave the U.S. rather than spend time in prison for lying on her citizenship application. She joined with several other militants as co-authors of a manifesto for a new, more radical form of feminism. Odeh’s co-authors included Angela Davis who supported the Black Panthers, was a former leader of the Communist Party USA, and wants to abolish prisons. A real sweetheart!

Such are the people who are manipulating the modern children’s crusade to remove guns from Americans but you didn’t hear that from the mainstream media.

This student crusade is even wrong on its face. Schools are a place of learning–not for indoctrination or social experimentation. Students cannot be permitted to decide when to disrupt the educational process. If they are permitted to do so, who decides what issues will be supported? Will it be the superintendent, principal, a consensus of teachers, the teacher’s union, or parents?

Would leftist media personalities praise a crusade to promote limited government, family values, Christian education, the death penalty, traditional marriage, adoption not abortion, and other conservative and Christian issues? The answer is obvious to all honest people. School officials would not permit students to do a walkout to support such causes.

Are all leftists hypocrites or are all hypocrites leftists? For sure, they are delusional! So were Stephen and Nicholas!

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. An eBook edition is also available.

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It’s Past Time: Armed School Personnel Will Save Lives! Thu, 15 Feb 2018 15:29:40 +0000 This week, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida shot and killed at least 17 students and adults and injured more than a dozen others. Recently, a student shot and killed two fellow-students and wounded twenty others at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky. This follows a shooting the day before in Texas of a girl by a male student. Everyone agrees that something must be done.

However, few agree on the solution. The only workable solution is to train willing school personnel in the use of guns but they must have a willingness to use them in defense of others!

The more good guys with guns mix with the general population at school, church, theater, work, etc., the less likely the bad guys will go on a shooting spree. Or, the bad guys can be stopped by one of the good guys before they kill.

Every school system should arm any teacher or administrator and pay them an extra stipend for carrying a gun to school surreptitiously. The bad guys will have to assume that all school personnel are packing. That will slow the number of school shootings. It’s only human nature. Cowards with guns don’t want to face trained gun owners. Remember that schools are “gun free zones.”

Dr. John Lott’s seminal study, published as More Guns, Less Crime, clearly proves to any sane person that the more guns that are in the hands of the good guys means more safety for the average citizen. You see, guns don’t kill people. Are you ready? People kill people—using guns, knives, clubs, frozen fish, turkey, etc. Gun control advocates are a menace to all and must share responsibility in the wanton killing of innocent people.

It is not difficult to understand that when crooks know citizens are unarmed, the unarmed good guys will become targets for the bad guys in schools, malls, workplace, and streets.

We have an example not far from my home that proves my contention. Since 1982, every home in Kennesaw, GA, has been “required” to have a weapon except felons, nuts, and those opposed for religious’ reasons. That law made the knees of every liberal in America jerk. Left ones, of course. Now if I’m a thief and want some loot, I have to make a choice what homes to rob in what city. Will I choose homes in Kennesaw or the suburb down the Interstate? Of course, I will stay away from Kennesaw, although no one says thieves are very smart—just as gun control advocates are not the brightest bulb in the house.

Twelve years after the gun law, Kennesaw doubled its population; tax rates fell while tax receipts soared. It now has a population of 30,000 and is home to a university. They did have a homicide in 1989 but it was committed with a knife, while a shooting which occurred at a motel in 1986 involved two out-of-state young men. They each dared the other to shoot and one did. They were drunk as a politician at a free booze bar. Kennesaw has had no murders in the last six years. Their biggest crime problem is theft from unlocked cars.

When a reporter asked the part-time mayor if the Kennesaw gun law would work in New York City, he replied that he wasn’t sure but New York’s gun control laws sure weren’t working now! Good response. Also, Kennesaw’s overall violent crime rate dropped by 50%, and they still have a crime rate about half the average of the rest of the country!

An article in USA Today dealing with Kennesaw revealed, “Still, the crime rate, not that high to begin with, plummeted after the law was enacted — by 89%, compared with a 10% drop statewide, according to published accounts.” After all, crooks may be crooked but most are not stupid. They know it is dangerous to do their thing when citizens are armed.

It is so simple that it is embarrassing: innocent people are dying because some people are evil and the gun grabbers are gullible, putting good people at greater risk. They don’t understand that the bad guys always choose to prey on unarmed victims as proved by Kennesaw. Moreover, if violent bad guys don’t have guns, they will find some other weapon. Recently a man strangled his girlfriend with his dread locks. I suppose we should ban all dread locks; but would that be deemed racist? Men have been killed with a frozen fish, frozen turkey, etc., so do we ban or license fish and turkey?

Wimpy liberals lose total control of their thinking process when it comes to guns. It is better to have a gun and not need it than need one and not have one. I want my grandchildren to be in a school room with a trained, armed teacher. As I consider this, I realize that most of my grandkids and great grandkids are either in a Christian school or are home schooled but I want your grandkids to be safe as well.

Many wimps would stand by and permit intruders to harm, rape, even kill their family! I took a vow to protect my wife so that means anyone in our home late at night will be presumed a thief, rapist, and killer. He will be shot graveyard dead. The following day, I will contact the governor of Georgia and ask him when he wants me to come to Atlanta for an awards ceremony. I assume he will give me the key to the city of Atlanta and maybe designate the day, “Don Boys’ Day” in honor of me removing scum from our state and making innocent people more secure.

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t want to harm anyone and will go out of my way not to do so, but if anyone is going to be harmed, it will be the thug in my home, not me or my wife. Is that too difficult for critics to comprehend? You see, all the bad guys have to do to stay alive is not to break into homes or steal property but obey the laws. After all, that’s what I do.

Liberal wimps, pacifists, and cowards looking for succor, flee to the Garden of Gethsemane in John 18:11 where Peter cut off the man’s right ear (he was aiming for his head!). Jesus told Peter to put his sword into its sheath; however, He didn’t tell him to throw down his sword or sell it in a silly buyback program sponsored by Jerusalem Anti-Sword Society. Christ told them that His time had come to die for our sins. No self-defense was required. However, liberals twist that passage like a pretzel to support fanatical gun laws and excuse their cowardice.

Gun critics don’t know or refuse to admit that one of the last things Jesus said in Luke 22:36 was for the Disciples to sell their coats and buy a sword! Why did He command that? Obviously, because they didn’t have shotguns in that day! A sword would suffice and He told them to have two.

In 1997, the Australian government took many guns off the streets in a failed buy-back scheme. Since then, the crime rate has soared! One year after the 1997 $500 million dollar buyback there was a 44 percent increase in armed robberies; an 8.6 percent increase in aggravated assaults; and, a 3.2 percent increase in homicides. That same year in the state of Victoria, there was a 300 percent increase in homicides committed with firearms. Not unusual since the good guys were at the mercy of the bad guys. While the police are often helpful, they are no help when a gun is pointed at you or your child. I would rather have a gun in my hand than a cop on the phone! Wouldn’t any sane person?

In fact, the Australian government told police departments not to discuss crime statistics with anyone. The Aussie actual crime statistics are twice what is reported in the media. Some American cities use the same subterfuge to hide their crime rates. Here in the states we call that deception which of course is stock and trade of politicians.

In Australia, the police can enter any house and search for guns without a search warrant and they can go door to door searching for weapons that have not been surrendered! The officials used registration lists to see if citizens are in compliance. In 1998, even knives and handcuffs were banned. I think the Aussies have spent too much time in the sun and it steamed their brains.

We have been to Australia four times, have traveled from Queensland to New South Wales to Victoria even a couple times into the outback, and have been informed that the buyback plan was a farce. Many people sold their junk weapons and purchased better, higher priced guns on the internet. Moreover, some fools who surrendered very expensive guns discovered that they were not destroyed but ended up in the basement of various police chiefs! Furthermore, various people have told me that guns have been buried on the property of judges and legislators, without those officials’ knowledge, of course, and when necessary that information will be reported to other authorities! When that happens, the judges and legislators will have to defend themselves against the charge of hiding contraband! Breaks my heart!

Heinrich Himmler of the German SS said, “Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.” However, we are not obligated to “serve the state.” The state is here to serve and protect us. School children should be safe as they study Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

No, gun control is not about gun control. The right kind of gun control is a person using both hands to control his weapon. Traditional gun control is about people control as accomplished by the British and Aussies. The people have surrendered control to their government, and a government tries to control its citizens only if it fears them. We should love and support our government but be suspicious of and fear any administration that feels a need to control its people.

Too bad. Australia and England used to be great nations, and I’m afraid America is headed in the same direction and will reach the same unsafe, undesirable, and unfortunate destination.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Quack Doctors Are Carriers of Social Disease! Wed, 26 Dec 2012 18:32:11 +0000 Each Wednesday I publish one of my early columns that I hope will be informative, instructive, and maybe inspirational. This column was published early this year.

Some highly respected doctors seemed to validate our suspicions about quack doctors when they declared after the Sikh shootings in Wisconsin, that gun violence is a social disease! I think the quack doctors are actually the carriers of social disease.

I would like to know if I had to shoot an intruder in my home at night would these doctors support my plea that I am not responsible since I am diseased? It might be a safer defense than “stand your ground.”

The white-coated “experts” say that the disease pattern spreads “much like an infectious disease circulates.” The surprise is not that the stupid statement was made but that the hearers did not fall to the floor holding their sides in raucous laughter. One physician even said, “There’s sort of a contagion phenomenon” after a shooting, where people feel they need to have a gun for protection or retaliation. Do I also see this “contagion phenomenon” as we hear so many professionals calling for gun control?

These “experts” should take off their white coats and come into the real world and admit that the healthy normal reaction to danger is to protect. No sane person wants to be a victim, so he buys a gun, learns to use it, and determines that he will use it to protect himself and his family. Is protecting one’s family an indication of a disease? Really now! If so, just how would they treat or contain such a disease?

If these doctors succeed in making their gun problem a national health issue then they will expect the government to regulate guns to stave off the infectious disease. Some will think that is farfetched; however, some doctors are already asking new patients if they have a gun in their home. A patient should inform that doctor that it is none of his business or the government’s business. Teachers have asked students if there are guns in their homes! I think that is straying from the usual Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic or more correctly, baking, basket-weaving, and basketball. The schools have become nut factories, athletic clubs, and social clinics and children should be taught by their parents to refuse to answer any personal questions and to report to their parents any teacher who asks personal questions.

I predict that within five years, every insurance policy will ask a question about gun ownership, and every IRS form and other federal forms will ask the gun question under penalty of perjury! If Liberals rule much longer, you can count on that becoming reality.

Liberals demanded their way and the world has become a nut house: they wanted the Bible out of the schools since the kids might actually believe that it is wrong to fornicate, steal, and kill; they wanted no Christian prayers since any religion is acceptable, even an obscure pagan religion in the Amazon jungle; they demanded we not spank children since it would warp their personalities; they made Dad a joke and Mom the hero; they ridiculed Dad as head of the home; they made movies that are extremely violent and full of sex where the bad guy often wins and ends up in a beach house on a Caribbean island drinking mint juleps; they developed video games that went from innocent Pac Man to the most vicious, vivid, and violent possible with no holds barred; they highlighted villainous, vulgar, vile rap and rock music with no personal or social value; and taught kids that they came from animals so it would be reasonable for them to act like animals.

There seems to be an incurable disease eating out the brains of many scientists and doctors. They lose ability to think coherently when they put on a white coat. They assume a Messianic Complex, thinking they always know best, speaking with “divine” authority, even labeling a tragic incident as an indication of a spreading disease!

Someone should tell these doctors that putting on a white coat does not improve their intelligence or ability to think coherently. Maybe that white coat spreads social diseases! They make fools of themselves. They are board certified but not qualified. Makes one wonder about that Board. Most liberal doctors are social disease carriers; maybe they should be quarantined. Their silly thinking is almost as bad as the clergy!

Questions for the gun grabbers: Had they been at a mass shooting, would they not prefer that a law-abiding, praying, Bible-clinging man be there to pull his gun and with excellent aim, gripping his gun with both hands (the best kind of gun control) kill the killer before the killer shot and killed them and others? Hopefully, the legally armed person would drop the killer before he drops others.

Gun owners should stop being on the defensive. They don’t need to justify gun ownership because they are “hunters,” “shooters,” “collectors,” etc., but because they have a right to keep guns whatever their reasons and it is no one’s business as long as they live lawfully.

If honest citizens surrender their guns then the bad guys will have all the guns. What protection do we have since, in emergencies, seconds count, but the police are many minutes away? I await their answer but won’t hold my breath until the answer comes since blue is not my favorite color.

Many doctors are dangerous people. Maybe we should license them! Oops, I believe that has been done.

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