guns – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 We Can Solve the Gun Violence Problem by Banning You Won’t Believe What! Wed, 18 May 2022 21:21:49 +0000  

Violence is out of control in most cities, especially Democrat-controlled cities, and much of the violence is unexpected, unexplained, and usually unprosecuted. The shootings are typically done by adolescents, yet not one has been executed since it would be too traumatic for the public to see a trembling, weeping teen executed.

I would also be horrified to see a young person walk “the last mile” to the death room. He sobs, he shouts, he’s sorry, but he dies; and his deserved death could save thousands of innocent lives if a nation’s impressionable young people realize that they would forfeit their lives if they kill.  Society is not ready or willing to have young people executed since that isn’t civilized; however, they are willing to continue permitting innocent people to be slaughtered in the name of civility.

And permit killers to grow old on death row.

Something must be done, and I have a partial answer. First, I must place my tongue firmly in cheek and then proceed with my solution to gun violence in America. While frivolous, it makes as much sense as our present policy.

It appears school leaders, church officials, prosecutors, police, and other officials have lost all common sense, or everyone is on drugs. Or maybe we now have a generation of uncaring adolescents reared by unprincipled parents, educated by unknowledgeable teachers, and impressed by unregulated social media to fulfill an elusive, temporary fame that will destroy them and our nation.

It seems everyone is pretending to stop gun violence without making the difficult decisions to solve or ameliorate the problem.

My solution makes as much sense as the current practice.

A 7-year-old student had the gall to use a pencil as a pretend gun, but a courageous school official quickly dealt with the threat by suspending the culprit. Another student was suspended for “shooting” fellow students with a pretend bow and arrow. Hey, those pretend bows can be dangerous.

Are you getting the point? Certified nuts are in places of authority.

In another dangerous incident, a first-grade teacher was suspended for “shooting” his students during recess. Still, another student was suspended for a year for pretending to throw a hand grenade—an explosive situation. That was a pretend grenade. The local sheriff was involved a couple of times, but no one went to jail.

No surprise that our cities are in trouble.

Anarchy reigns in America’s schools, and something, anything must be done to stop the pretend violence. Still, it is encouraging to know that we have such stalwart, aware, and dedicated school personnel to “nip it in the bud” before it worsens.

If school personnel can’t or won’t take charge, the local constabularies will handle it with their handcuffs, nightsticks, or whatever to put down the danger.

It’s getting worse and more dangerous. Two 6-year-old students in Maryland were suspended for pretending to throw rocks at each other on the playground. Children start by pretending to throw rocks, but tomorrow they will throw them. It’s about time we got serious right here in River City about the violence that rocks (especially “assault” rocks) play in our society, and we must act now for the children’s sake.

It may be rocks today, but tomorrow it will be pretending to shoot with a pencil or hand. Then, who knows? A kid may come to school with a make-believe bazooka.

I walked out of our post office and saw a nine or ten-year-old boy sitting alone in the front seat of a truck. As I walked by him, I raised my right hand and “shot” him, and he fell over “dead.” I suppose I could have been arrested, and many would say I should have been arrested. I suppose I am too thoughtless and careless about the violence in America.

If we are really serious about protecting people from violence, we should ban all guns, knives, hammers, clubs (far more people were killed last year with hammers and clubs than with assault rifles), frozen meat, bats, bras (since one man killed his wife with her bra), and rocks. Especially rocks. I even have a rock patio and rock garden, so I may be part of the problem.

Rocks are really dangerous since they are so plentiful and easily attained. It is good that schools make a pretend rock-throwing action unlawful. Stop the madness now with a ban on all rocks, even pretend rocks. To quote Mayberry’s famous philosopher Barney Fife, “Nip it in the bud.”

Let’s not play around with this issue when lives are in the balance. Get serious and eventually ban all rocks in all places, weights, and sizes. If we save even one life, it will be worthwhile. I know the conservative bleating hearts will scream, but they are mean, mad, and malicious people. Who cares what they think? They spend all their time clinging to their rocks as they read their King James Bible, so who cares about them? They drive around town in their pickup trucks with a huge load of rocks in the back. What does an honest person need with all those dangerous rocks?

All sane people know rocks are evil. Children, especially boys, tend to throw rocks at other children, birds, cats, and innocent animals. Rocks are evil and must be illegal, and even pictures of rocks should be unlawful. There’s a place near Chattanooga called Rock City, and people actually pay an entrance fee to see and support rocks.


Maybe not today, but soon, America will be rock-less except for the police, FBI, CIA, FEMA, IRS, BATF, military, security guards, celebrity bodyguards, senators, etc. Only the elite need rocks. For those fanatics who declare their right to have rocks, we can shame them into silence. Make them feel like criminals for having rocks. Put them on the defense; after all, only a fool says there is a natural right to have a rock. Many say they not only have a right to have a rock for self-defense or to kill dangerous critters, but they have a right to have a rock because they like rocks.

What normal person actually likes rocks? There are actually rock collectors out there.

It may be difficult to ban all rocks since the National Rock Association (NRA) is such a powerful and heartless organization, and all the rednecks belong to it. The NRA is getting rich from fees by selling memberships, coffee mugs, sweatshirts, etc. So, we may have to ban the biggest rocks and eventually ban smaller rocks when another tragedy happens. You know, “don’t let a crisis go to waste.” We must take advantage of every situation to finally take every rock away from every American. You know, a totally rock-less America.

For a while, we will require a license of all rock owners and have to settle for incrementally taking the rocks. We can charge large fees for their license; the bigger the rock, the bigger the fee. This will also give us a list of all rock owners and their locations. You know what happens next—confiscation. Why require a license if you don’t plan to pick up all rocks?

Arrest any person seen with a rock unless he has a permit to carry it until we can make it illegal to have a rock for any reason. Even with a license, the size and shape of the rock should be restricted. Some rocks are more dangerous than others. I remind the heathen out there that young David killed a giant of a man with a smooth rock, but David had a total of five rocks. It should have been illegal to have an excessive number of rocks. That is overkill. The law must stipulate that no licensed person can have more than one rock in his possession at any time. After all, why does a person need more than one rock? Such people are obviously up to no good, and innocent lives are at stake.

Rocks should be registered for size, weight, color, and sharp edges and kept under lock and key by rock owners. Of course, no felon or mentally unstable person should be permitted to possess dangerous rocks, but then no politician could legally have rocks. (Of course, politicians are accused of having rocks in the upper portion of their anatomy!) Not sure how small or large a prohibited rock should be, but we’ll leave that small detail to the regulators. Surely, we can trust them to be reasonable. Or a better idea is to put the Vice President in charge of all defense laws if we can tear her away from the border.

Until we can pass laws banning all rocks, we should close all Rock Throwing Ranges where the sole purpose is to become more proficient in rock throwing.  After all, such activities are dangerous and will destroy a neighborhood. Moreover, none of those ranges did an environmental impact study before they were built, so we can close them down without new laws! We should use any pretext to destroy the whole rock business—for the children, of course.

Rock fanatics will resist these common-sense suggestions and speak of never, never, never giving up their rock until it is pried from their cold, stiff fingers. Well, we can arrange that, can’t we!

There is little doubt that the first murder in history was perpetrated by a rock; let’s go to the root of the problem—ban all rocks!

And we might start our crusade with a rock buy-back program.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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The Tragedy of a Mentally Incompetent World Leader Whose Advisors and Family Refuse to Challenge, Confront, or Control Him! Thu, 02 Sep 2021 16:29:29 +0000 Various world leaders in history have been incredibly talented, ambitious, gracious, lazy, indulgent, vicious, perverted, brutal, incompetent, and crazy as a loon. Some of the above is true of Joe Biden, pretending to be President of the U.S. After all, if a man can pretend to be a woman, a black racist can pretend to be a lily-white person, then a fumbling, foolish, and failing lifetime politician can pretend to be the leader of the free world.

However, the catastrophic and tragic results are not pretended, temporary, or easily corrected.

As a world leader, Biden has been preceded by many others in different times and different places with whom he has a similar modus operandi.

Roman Emperor Caligula was known for his lavish projects, his sadism, and his eccentricity. He once had his army construct a two-mile floating bridge so he could gallop along it on his horse. I suppose he sold that to the Rome Senate as a much-needed “infrastructure bill.” But then, he didn’t need Senate approval since he often said, “Remember that I have the right to do anything to anybody.”

Caligula built a lavish house for his horse and attempted to appoint his steed to the prestigious position of consul. However, he (Caligula, not his horse) was assassinated before he could complete the promotion.

In the interest of discretion, I will not deal here with the many appointments Joe Biden has made that are regrettable, repulsive, and reckless to freedom nor with the RINOs that did not scream their objection. Although Biden did make much of his dogs that seemed to have the freedom to roam in his palace, I mean the White House.

Caligula had an odd physique, and his body was extremely hairy—except for his head. He was often ridiculed as looking like a goat. If anyone at court used the word goat, he was beaten to death with an iron rod. Suetonius alleges in his A.D. 121, The Twelve Caesars that Caligula made it a crime “for any person to look down on [him] from above or so much as to name a goat.” The emperor also dressed in female shoes and wigs, slept with his sisters, and paraded his fourth wife nude in front of his associates at court.

Biden’s decline has not reached the depraved depths of Caligula, but Joe’s irresponsible decisions have been far more devastating, disastrous, and deadly to the world.

Roman Emperor Nero (nephew of Caligula) became synonymous with madness. History reveals while persecuting and prosecuting Christians, he killed his stepbrother, his wife, and his mother (with whom he had sex). He was also charged with burning Rome to extend his palace, and he allegedly fiddled while the city burned.

Joe can’t play a fiddle.

Closer to modern times, King George III of England, whom a small group of future Americans spanked thoroughly in the late 1700s, reigned more than 59 years having great successes and massive failures. George was deeply devout and spent hours in prayer. He first met his wife on their wedding day and remained faithful to her throughout his life, unlike most European royalty. They had 15 children—nine sons and six daughters.

That’s something Biden can’t boast of since he broke up Jill’s first marriage with Bill Stevenson and has since pretended his courtship with Jill was a classic and classy romance. It was not. It was a sordid affair. Jill’s husband even gave Biden $11,000 for his first senate campaign, but I suppose he is no longer a Biden supporter. Fact is, he is writing a book about the whole affair.

King George had a keen interest in agriculture, earning him the nickname “Farmer George.” He was sincerely loved and applauded for his victory in the Seven Years War with France and other accomplishments, including not being dragged into the bloody French Revolution. His résumé would be more impressive if he had managed to stay out of the American Revolution or War of Independence.

While George was admired for living a virtuous life, he was troubled with the vile lifestyles of his sons, who became infamous for secret spouses, meddling mistresses, and bastard babies.

George was a brilliant, talented, and thoughtful king who, at various times, ruled, reigned, and ranted. Colonial Americans considered him a tyrant; however, much of the problem was with the English Parliament that George had to get along with.

When George drifted into violent insanity in 1788, lasting several months, his physicians forced him to wear a straitjacket while doctors blistered his skin in an attempt to rid the body of poisons. Blistering consisted of using James’ Powders (mostly arsenic). As is often true, the cure was worse than the disease and ended up killing him. A sample of the King’s hair in 2005 revealed high levels of arsenic from the powders.

The King’s final months were spent being bound in a straitjacket and sometimes chained to a chair. He died at Windsor Castle on January 29, 1820. He had an impressive funeral, but the tombstone should have read: Killed by unskilled physicians.

As the king’s health deteriorated, he developed dementia and became completely blind, and at Christmas of 1819, he talked nonsense for 58 hours. He had also gone deaf, so he was spared having to hear what he said.

Biden doesn’t have that luxury when he blabs gibberish.

Physicians and aristocrats who had contact with George noted that he often spoke nonsense when he was not well. It got so bad, it was not possible to comprehend what he meant to say. He would talk for many hours without stopping as he foamed at the mouth. On a special occasion, he walked to the podium, bowed, and said to the illustrious crowd, “My Lords and Peacocks.” But that was simply George. Everyone knew most of the European royalty had been interbreeding for decades, so many of them were quirky.

With George, it was more than being quirky or eccentric. He was sick and suffered bouts of mental instability as early as 1765 and lasted until he died in 1820.

Joe Biden is not just “sleepy Joe” or a “little quirky.” He, at times, seems to be in another world, not knowing whether he is pitching or catching. For sure, he should not be in the game. His first year in office proves he is way out of his league, and his failures are already devastating the world.

Biden delayed the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, giving terrorists control of Kabul, making the terrorists the de facto government. His decision, one of the worst in American history, resulted in bombing deaths, chaos at the airport, giving names of Americans to the terrorists, and finally leaving an unknown number of American citizens in the hands of the violent Taliban. This decision will live long in history as one of the most despicable, unnecessary, and tragic political decisions ever made.

A less severe consequence of the surrender was to leave billions of dollars of military equipment in enemy hands. Hey, I’m no military expert, I wasn’t even a real sharp Boy Scout (since I had just discovered girls), but I know you remove American civilians first, then support personnel, then the military and equipment. And as far as leaving the equipment behind, it should have been ferried to a nearby friendly nation. Even if that was not possible, you can destroy a huge airplane with one well-placed hand grenade. Or, using a shoulder-fired rocket launcher, one can destroy a fleet of planes, tanks, trucks, and a massive stack of automatic rifles in a few minutes.

Biden’s appalling decision is branded on his face, the Democrats, and the wobbly RINOs for the world to see and Biden’s nonsensical chattering will be rejected by all honest people. And he can’t turn his back and walk away from this fiasco.

Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline that cost Americans thousands of jobs with no concern for the far-reaching consequences. He also canceled oil and gas leases affecting thousands of jobs in the southwest states.

Biden’s border policy is an obvious disaster as to a record number of illegal aliens flooding into U.S. cities from sea to shining sea. He even permitted 900,000 deported aliens to return to America! Biden spent nearly $90 million, so illegal invaders could sleep well in nearby motels. The deadly results will be evident for decades to come.

To add to the confusion, he stopped building the wall costing us $6 million a day to not continue the work. He compounded his madness, and some say treason, by preventing most arrests and deportations of criminal illegal aliens. Biden reinstituted the catch and release program stopped by President Trump with the expected consequences of those aliens distributing the COVID virus among us.

Biden’s Department of Justice has been vigorously pursuing the “insurrection” on January 6 but smiles benignly as the rebels, rioters, and robbers of Black Lives Matter and Antifa fame have all charges dropped.

Biden is not totally unconcerned for everyone since he permits transgender people to serve in the military, even paying for sex-change surgeries. Biden is very generous—with our money. He also signed an executive order including “gender identity” in the enforcement of civil rights laws showing his rainbow colors by creating a White House Office on Gender Policy. Parents of girls in sports can now count on the feds enforcing Title IX eviscerating women’s sports, putting the radical LGBTQ agenda above women’s rights and safety. Furthermore, he ordered the State Department to make LGBTQI issues a foreign policy priority. He did not explain why giving legal permission for perversion was a foreign policy issue, but it made the LGBT crowd happy.

That’s all that matters; after all, they make up about 3% of the U.S. population. But they are loud, rich, and they vote—left.

I could go on and on and on about his cuddling up to Communist China, appeasing the fanatics in Iran, insisting on mask mandates, kowtowing to the leftist teachers’ unions, mailing stimulus checks to incarcerated felons, and sending $125 million to the Palestinian Authority.

Biden is a gun grabber who wants to make it impossible for Americans to defend themselves, totally contrary to the Constitution. Interestingly, the Taliban in Kabul issued orders for all citizens to surrender their guns within a week! I was going to add, they learned that from Biden, but all tyrants do that. After all, they may be tyrants, but they aren’t stupid.

So, it is time for Biden to go slowly into the night. No big deal. Just leave for the sake of America and the free world. If he is too far gone to be aware of his condition, his advisors must step in and convince him to move back to his basement in Delaware. It is past time for those in Congress to act in defense of their country and in obedience to their sacred oath to defend this nation. They must pull all the strings, push all the buttons, call in all favors, and sound all alarms to remove Biden.

If all else fails, Jill should do what she should have done months ago and demand he leave. How can a wife, family member, or friend permit a loved one to continue in such a powerful position impacting millions of people while every sensitive person feels sorrow for him?

Joe Biden is fiercely derided on the one side and weekly defended on the other side because he has no defense. He has attained the frailties without the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of age. His friends and relatives must admit that and take responsibility to render him harmless—at least to America, which he has sworn to protect.

Biden must go—now.

Leaving us with what’s-her-name Harris in the Oval Office! Well, I’ll deal with that later.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 19 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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White South Africans Did Not Give Up their Weapons—Looming Racial War! Wed, 03 Oct 2018 23:22:08 +0000 People all over the world sat on their hands, fretted, clucked their tongues, were saddened, then collectively ignored the genocide of almost a million Rwandan Tutsis during a hundred day period in 1994. UN officials watched, waffled, and waited for someone, anyone to do something. No one did.

I’m afraid the sequel to that real-life African horror movie is being shot in South Africa as I write but with new characters.

The white farmers’ groups in South Africa were appalled at the illegal land-grab promoted by the ruling African National Congress (ANC) saying its members would consider land expropriation without compensation as “a declaration of war.”

They mean a shooting WAR as in bang, bang and they have the weapons that cause big bangs.

In 2010, the government passed gun-grabbing laws requiring that all guns be re-registered and in the process of registration, more than half the applicants were refused and their guns were confiscated. However, only a fool believes the white farmers willingly got rid of their only means of defense.

All unregistered weapons are to be surrendered to the nearest police station. But often the police stations are the most dangerous places. Robbery and rape are frequent as crime victims go to the station to make their claims. There have been many reports of crime victims reporting crimes only to have investigating police rob and rape them when they came to their homes in response to a call to the authorities or when they went to the police station to report a crime.

Transparency International found that 74 percent of people think all public officials and civil servants are corrupt or extremely corrupt, while 70 percent believe the whole political system is corrupt. So, what sane person (black or white) would trust corrupt police to do anything right when choosing to surrender to them expensive guns thereby leaving themselves vulnerable to vicious violence?

The South African Police Service (SAPS) revealed in 2013 that 1,448 serving police officers (many were top brass) are convicted criminals—among them a major-general, ten brigadiers, 21 colonels, ten majors, 43 lieutenant-colonels, 163 captains, 84 lieutenants, and 716 warrant officers. “The 1,448 police it uncovered had all been convicted of ‘serious crimes’ ranging from murder and attempted murder to rape, assault, corruption, theft, robbery, house-breaking, drug trafficking, domestic violence and aiding escapees.”

The SAPS was given one year to clean out the stable but failed to do so.

It is no surprise that Whites and Blacks refuse to report crimes to corrupt, even violent, police officers. It is also no surprise that no one believes even the very high crime statistics are close to being accurate.

Since it is not safe to report crimes requiring having police come into their homes, many crimes are never reported.

Many white farmers own vast farms with no close neighbors and have always relied on themselves and their farm hands to police their own neighborhoods. They have traditionally been well armed. After all, it is Africa! You know—lions, elephants, rhinos, Nile crocodiles, snakes, Cape buffalo, and hippos, the most dangerous of all.

Authorities who expect farmers to live without weapons have to be insane, heartless thugs, or are embracing a nefarious agenda.

Even if a gun license is permitted, it is so restrictive that it is almost useless. The two most requested permits require a “shotgun which is not fully or semi-automatic; or handgun which is not fully automatic.” Now, take such a weapon and protect yourself from a charging black rhino at 34 miles per hour, or worse, two charging black rhinos running 34 miles per hour.

Normal people might think that if a case can be made for gun control in the cities, it sure can’t be made for the farms and jungles. Maybe, it is not about gun control but as always, it is about people control. It must be kept in mind that South Africa is run by the Communist Party.

The Communist-controlled government is on record to take farms from white farmers and give them to Blacks. But white farmers will not go there without force being used. Black thugs have been intimidating and killing white farmers for years and the lethal attacks are accelerating.

Since the end of apartheid, more than 3,000 white farmers have been killed. Twenty years ago, there were 60,000 white farmers; now there are 30,000 according to the BBC. And the black Communist government demands they have no protection in their isolated areas.

The BBC reported, “In South Africa you are twice as likely to be murdered if you are a white farmer than if you are a police officer—and the police here have a particularly dangerous life. The killings of farmers are often particularly brutal.” Andre Botha of the farmers’ union Agri SA (founded in 1904) says there have been 11,785 attacks and 1,804 farmers murdered since the ANC assumed power, an average of two murders per week. Many of these have been gruesome.

And the Communist-controlled government refuses to permit white farmers to have guns!

Dr. Gregory H. Stanton of Genocide Watch said, “The rates at which the farmers are being eliminated, the torture and dehumanization involved—all point to systematic extermination.”

I reported in a recent column that Stanton in 2012 conducted a study in South Africa and came to an incredible conclusion: “There is a coordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against white farmers.” Many of the Whites surrendered their guns when the ANC government passed gun laws to confiscate the farmers’ weapons. Genocide Watch said, “Disarmament of a targeted group is one of the surest early warning signs of future genocidal killings.”

The Economic Freedom Fighters led by radical, racist, and revolutionary Julius Malema unashamedly displays the banner, “A revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate” and that is being seen every day as the most recent stats reveal there are 57 murders per day!

In light of the above, let’s look at gun control in that dark and troubled land in relationship to gun control in Australia.

Australia’s compulsory gun confiscation/buyback program collected more than 650,000 (some say almost a million) guns during 1996 and 1997. They also sharply restricted legal ownership of guns, established a gun registry of gun owners, and required a permit for any new gun purchases. There is no purpose to discuss that program per se other than to say it was not the unqualified success Aussie officials claim.

I have been to Australia four times spending a month or more each visit. We spent most of our time in the provinces (states) of New South Wales, Queensland, and limited time in Victoria and a few days on the resort area of the Great Barrier Reef. We did spend some time in the outback and in the bush which is anyplace outside metropolitan areas. We had dinner with some of the ranchers who revealed a different perspective on the gun program that I’ve not heard before (and am revealing here for the first time) that relates to South Africa’s gun control attempts.

We were told that the federal government of Australia was snookered by wily Aussies who sold their junk guns and later replaced them with better guns. We were also informed that some of their expensive antique guns sold in the buy-back program were collector’s items that were not destroyed but ended up in the basement or den of local police authorities.

So, Australians have not disarmed themselves and neither have the white farmers of South Africa. Even more so, the South Africans have not because of the vast difference in the ever-present danger. South Africans have good reason to believe their own weapons may be used against them or against other innocent people. Or at least the guns may become prized possessions of black politicians.

And the very likely possibility they will be tortured and killed by black thugs motivated by government leaders is a probability, not possibility.

How will citizens react when a flunky of the ANC goes door to door saying, “Well, hello there. I’m from the federal government and I’m here to take your guns today”? That will happen in some cases but not often outside the cities on land owned, cut out of the jungle, and defended for over 300 years by white farmers.

That will be especially true when they realize they will be devoured as surely as fresh meat in a shark tank.

South Africa is rushing pell-mell toward coercion, conflict, and chaos; hundreds of thousands of all tribes and races will die while the silence on this issue in America is deafening.

And the United Nations will be as effective in keeping order and saving lives as they were in Rwanda.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Students in Gun Control Crusade Like Children’s Crusade in Middle Ages! Sat, 17 Mar 2018 00:40:19 +0000 The New York Post on March 14, 2018 reported, “Nearly 3,000 coordinated walkouts — at elementary schools, high schools and universities — began at 10 a.m. in local time zones and were to last 17 minutes to honor the 17 killed, according to Empower, the youth branch of the Women’s March that is behind the walkouts.”

Oh, so these 3,000 plus school walkouts did not rise spontaneously without adult leadership! It was intricately planned, preached, and promoted by radical gun haters who used the tragedy of 17 deaths at Parkland to advance a leftist agenda. The student walkout was birthed and directed by the screaming feminists of the Women’s March!

Tens of thousands of students walked out of their classrooms last Wednesday to demand action on gun violence and school safety, with some students protesting in Washington, D.C. saying adults have failed them. A major demonstration is planned for March 28. Most nonthinkers consider it a noble crusade. I do not.

The student action reminds me of the Children’s Crusade in 1212 when about 50,000 children walked across nations in inferior shoes to take the Holy Land from Muslims. That crusade ended in confusion, controversy, and catastrophe.

King Philip II of France was holding court in May of 1212 at Cloyes, a small town in the province of Orléans, when he was approached by a 12-year-old shepherd boy named Stephen. The sincere but deluded boy gave the king a letter that had allegedly been given to him by Christ ordering the boy to lead a crusade to Jerusalem to remove the infidel Muslims from the Holy Land. However, the King knew there was no postal service from Heaven to France and told the boy to go back to his sheep.

Stephen disregarded the king’s command and began to preach a children’s crusade to “take up the cross” in defense of the faith and announced that children would meet at Vendome in 30 days for their journey to Jerusalem. At the end of June, about 30,000 boys, some as young as six, with a few girls, adults, and priests gathered as ordered by a 12-year-old delusional boy!

The crowd moved south, almost all of them on foot except a few of noble birth riding horses and Stephen who demanded a decorated cart in which he could ride. It was hot and no provisions were taken. They expected to be fed and bedded by the peasants who were struggling to provide for themselves during a serious drought. Many children died and others tried to return home but the remaining ones arrived in the Mediterranean seaport city of Marseilles on the southern coast of France.

When the crusaders gathered at the northern Mediterranean port, they were disappointed that the sea did not open so they could walk to Jerusalem as Stephen had promised. More crusaders left for home; however, most of them remained believers. Two merchants, Hugh the Iron and William the Pig, made ships available to them and when the children boarded to sail toward Jerusalem to convert the Muslims and take control of the Holy City, they actually sailed to what they thought were the holy lands but actually turned out to be slave markets in Muslim nations. Thousands of innocent crusaders were sold as slaves to Muslim sultans.

At the same time, another mass of child crusaders was gathering in Germany under the leadership of a boy from Cologne named Nicholas. He is reported to have attracted about 50,000 followers including more adults than did Stephen! These crusaders traveled from Germany to Italy across the Alps, and are said to have even met the Pope in Rome. The Pope praised their dedication and sincerity and told them to go home. Many did and died on the way. Others boarded ships expecting to sail to the Holy Land but disappeared from history. Nicholas decided to go home but did not survive the second attempt across the Alps. Back in Germany, his father was arrested and hanged under pressure from angry families whose children had perished while following his son.

The Children’s Crusade was the product of superstition, ignorance, and religious fanaticism. Children are not leaders and only thoughtless fools would follow a child across a continent! While they should be heard, it must be remembered that they are immature, inexperienced, shallow children. While the Bible teaches “A child shall lead them,” that refers to the millennial Kingdom. Children are to be loved, taught, and directed but never in a leadership positon.

The Children’s Crusade was a spontaneous and sincere, yet stupid movement opposed by or at least not supported by the Pope; but this modern children’s crusade is sponsored by the most disreputable, disingenuous, and devious radicals in America—the organizers of the Women’s March. Linda Sarsour (supports Black Lives Matter, sharia law, and teaching about Muslim holidays in public schools), Carmen Perez (said she admired a Black Panther that attempted to kill multiple police officers), and Tamika Mallory (praised Fidel Castro), are co-chairs of the Women’s March. Sarsour also refused to apologize for sharing the platform with Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted killer of Jews!

Mallory and Perez are big fans of Louis Farrakhan, minister of the Nation of Islam. All informed people know that Farrakhan is the poster boy for haters of Whites and Jews.

Rasmea Yousef Odeh was one of eight who organized the Day Without a Woman. She is a Palestinian who planted four bombs in Israel that killed two men! She agreed to leave the U.S. rather than spend time in prison for lying on her citizenship application. She joined with several other militants as co-authors of a manifesto for a new, more radical form of feminism. Odeh’s co-authors included Angela Davis who supported the Black Panthers, was a former leader of the Communist Party USA, and wants to abolish prisons. A real sweetheart!

Such are the people who are manipulating the modern children’s crusade to remove guns from Americans but you didn’t hear that from the mainstream media.

This student crusade is even wrong on its face. Schools are a place of learning–not for indoctrination or social experimentation. Students cannot be permitted to decide when to disrupt the educational process. If they are permitted to do so, who decides what issues will be supported? Will it be the superintendent, principal, a consensus of teachers, the teacher’s union, or parents?

Would leftist media personalities praise a crusade to promote limited government, family values, Christian education, the death penalty, traditional marriage, adoption not abortion, and other conservative and Christian issues? The answer is obvious to all honest people. School officials would not permit students to do a walkout to support such causes.

Are all leftists hypocrites or are all hypocrites leftists? For sure, they are delusional! So were Stephen and Nicholas!

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. An eBook edition is also available.

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It’s Past Time: Armed School Personnel Will Save Lives! Thu, 15 Feb 2018 15:29:40 +0000 This week, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida shot and killed at least 17 students and adults and injured more than a dozen others. Recently, a student shot and killed two fellow-students and wounded twenty others at Marshall County High School in Benton, Kentucky. This follows a shooting the day before in Texas of a girl by a male student. Everyone agrees that something must be done.

However, few agree on the solution. The only workable solution is to train willing school personnel in the use of guns but they must have a willingness to use them in defense of others!

The more good guys with guns mix with the general population at school, church, theater, work, etc., the less likely the bad guys will go on a shooting spree. Or, the bad guys can be stopped by one of the good guys before they kill.

Every school system should arm any teacher or administrator and pay them an extra stipend for carrying a gun to school surreptitiously. The bad guys will have to assume that all school personnel are packing. That will slow the number of school shootings. It’s only human nature. Cowards with guns don’t want to face trained gun owners. Remember that schools are “gun free zones.”

Dr. John Lott’s seminal study, published as More Guns, Less Crime, clearly proves to any sane person that the more guns that are in the hands of the good guys means more safety for the average citizen. You see, guns don’t kill people. Are you ready? People kill people—using guns, knives, clubs, frozen fish, turkey, etc. Gun control advocates are a menace to all and must share responsibility in the wanton killing of innocent people.

It is not difficult to understand that when crooks know citizens are unarmed, the unarmed good guys will become targets for the bad guys in schools, malls, workplace, and streets.

We have an example not far from my home that proves my contention. Since 1982, every home in Kennesaw, GA, has been “required” to have a weapon except felons, nuts, and those opposed for religious’ reasons. That law made the knees of every liberal in America jerk. Left ones, of course. Now if I’m a thief and want some loot, I have to make a choice what homes to rob in what city. Will I choose homes in Kennesaw or the suburb down the Interstate? Of course, I will stay away from Kennesaw, although no one says thieves are very smart—just as gun control advocates are not the brightest bulb in the house.

Twelve years after the gun law, Kennesaw doubled its population; tax rates fell while tax receipts soared. It now has a population of 30,000 and is home to a university. They did have a homicide in 1989 but it was committed with a knife, while a shooting which occurred at a motel in 1986 involved two out-of-state young men. They each dared the other to shoot and one did. They were drunk as a politician at a free booze bar. Kennesaw has had no murders in the last six years. Their biggest crime problem is theft from unlocked cars.

When a reporter asked the part-time mayor if the Kennesaw gun law would work in New York City, he replied that he wasn’t sure but New York’s gun control laws sure weren’t working now! Good response. Also, Kennesaw’s overall violent crime rate dropped by 50%, and they still have a crime rate about half the average of the rest of the country!

An article in USA Today dealing with Kennesaw revealed, “Still, the crime rate, not that high to begin with, plummeted after the law was enacted — by 89%, compared with a 10% drop statewide, according to published accounts.” After all, crooks may be crooked but most are not stupid. They know it is dangerous to do their thing when citizens are armed.

It is so simple that it is embarrassing: innocent people are dying because some people are evil and the gun grabbers are gullible, putting good people at greater risk. They don’t understand that the bad guys always choose to prey on unarmed victims as proved by Kennesaw. Moreover, if violent bad guys don’t have guns, they will find some other weapon. Recently a man strangled his girlfriend with his dread locks. I suppose we should ban all dread locks; but would that be deemed racist? Men have been killed with a frozen fish, frozen turkey, etc., so do we ban or license fish and turkey?

Wimpy liberals lose total control of their thinking process when it comes to guns. It is better to have a gun and not need it than need one and not have one. I want my grandchildren to be in a school room with a trained, armed teacher. As I consider this, I realize that most of my grandkids and great grandkids are either in a Christian school or are home schooled but I want your grandkids to be safe as well.

Many wimps would stand by and permit intruders to harm, rape, even kill their family! I took a vow to protect my wife so that means anyone in our home late at night will be presumed a thief, rapist, and killer. He will be shot graveyard dead. The following day, I will contact the governor of Georgia and ask him when he wants me to come to Atlanta for an awards ceremony. I assume he will give me the key to the city of Atlanta and maybe designate the day, “Don Boys’ Day” in honor of me removing scum from our state and making innocent people more secure.

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t want to harm anyone and will go out of my way not to do so, but if anyone is going to be harmed, it will be the thug in my home, not me or my wife. Is that too difficult for critics to comprehend? You see, all the bad guys have to do to stay alive is not to break into homes or steal property but obey the laws. After all, that’s what I do.

Liberal wimps, pacifists, and cowards looking for succor, flee to the Garden of Gethsemane in John 18:11 where Peter cut off the man’s right ear (he was aiming for his head!). Jesus told Peter to put his sword into its sheath; however, He didn’t tell him to throw down his sword or sell it in a silly buyback program sponsored by Jerusalem Anti-Sword Society. Christ told them that His time had come to die for our sins. No self-defense was required. However, liberals twist that passage like a pretzel to support fanatical gun laws and excuse their cowardice.

Gun critics don’t know or refuse to admit that one of the last things Jesus said in Luke 22:36 was for the Disciples to sell their coats and buy a sword! Why did He command that? Obviously, because they didn’t have shotguns in that day! A sword would suffice and He told them to have two.

In 1997, the Australian government took many guns off the streets in a failed buy-back scheme. Since then, the crime rate has soared! One year after the 1997 $500 million dollar buyback there was a 44 percent increase in armed robberies; an 8.6 percent increase in aggravated assaults; and, a 3.2 percent increase in homicides. That same year in the state of Victoria, there was a 300 percent increase in homicides committed with firearms. Not unusual since the good guys were at the mercy of the bad guys. While the police are often helpful, they are no help when a gun is pointed at you or your child. I would rather have a gun in my hand than a cop on the phone! Wouldn’t any sane person?

In fact, the Australian government told police departments not to discuss crime statistics with anyone. The Aussie actual crime statistics are twice what is reported in the media. Some American cities use the same subterfuge to hide their crime rates. Here in the states we call that deception which of course is stock and trade of politicians.

In Australia, the police can enter any house and search for guns without a search warrant and they can go door to door searching for weapons that have not been surrendered! The officials used registration lists to see if citizens are in compliance. In 1998, even knives and handcuffs were banned. I think the Aussies have spent too much time in the sun and it steamed their brains.

We have been to Australia four times, have traveled from Queensland to New South Wales to Victoria even a couple times into the outback, and have been informed that the buyback plan was a farce. Many people sold their junk weapons and purchased better, higher priced guns on the internet. Moreover, some fools who surrendered very expensive guns discovered that they were not destroyed but ended up in the basement of various police chiefs! Furthermore, various people have told me that guns have been buried on the property of judges and legislators, without those officials’ knowledge, of course, and when necessary that information will be reported to other authorities! When that happens, the judges and legislators will have to defend themselves against the charge of hiding contraband! Breaks my heart!

Heinrich Himmler of the German SS said, “Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA – ordinary citizens don’t need guns, as their having guns doesn’t serve the State.” However, we are not obligated to “serve the state.” The state is here to serve and protect us. School children should be safe as they study Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic.

No, gun control is not about gun control. The right kind of gun control is a person using both hands to control his weapon. Traditional gun control is about people control as accomplished by the British and Aussies. The people have surrendered control to their government, and a government tries to control its citizens only if it fears them. We should love and support our government but be suspicious of and fear any administration that feels a need to control its people.

Too bad. Australia and England used to be great nations, and I’m afraid America is headed in the same direction and will reach the same unsafe, undesirable, and unfortunate destination.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Are Schools Run by Idiots? Thu, 31 Aug 2017 17:05:16 +0000 Schools days are here again so horror stories will start spilling from the ignorance factories–kindergartens through graduate schools. The past has proven that public schools have become dispensaries of the uncultured, the uncivil, and the uneducated; consequently, we will see more mayhem, madness, and mockery of all things decent.

Are schools run by idiots? Well, the short answer is yes and the long answer is “without a doubt.” All certified, accredited, and commissioned public schools are supported by duped, defrauded, and desperate taxpayers.

A Maryland high school punished a student for refusing to profess faith in Islam, gave her failing grades for a series of assignments that violated her Christian beliefs, then threatened her father with arrest for complaining. That is the Maryland in the U.S.A.

Obviously, something is wrong when Public School 189 in Manhattan handed out a stunning 19 suspensions to four-year-olds. Professional teachers can’t handle four-year-old kids!

With the teacher only a few feet away, a mentally challenged 15-year-old girl was gang-raped beneath her desk during class at an Elmont, N.Y., school. The girl was allegedly sexually assaulted for 10 minutes under her desk by two teenage boys. Another hit her on the head when she tried to escape. The boys tried to anally sodomize her as one of them danced on her desk and the deaf, dumb, and blind teacher saw, heard, and said nothing! The teacher was certified.

A World Geography teacher at a Texas high school encouraged students to dress in Islamic clothing and instructed them to refer to the 9-11 hijackers as “freedom fighters” not as terrorists.

At the University of California San Diego, the students in a visual arts class are required to come naked for their final exam! The professor is also naked as a jay bird. I suppose he believes he has nothing to hide.

A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who told another girl she was going to shoot her with a pink “Hello Kitty” toy gun that blows soap bubbles has been suspended from kindergarten. But she didn’t get thrown into the hoosegow.

A 6-year-old kindergarten student in Massachusetts is accused of causing a “disturbance” and “traumatizing” other students by bringing a very small plastic toy gun to the school. The “gun” brandished by the young boy was about the size of a quarter! Massachusetts is having a crime wave!

There was another dangerous gun incident when a second grader at Driver Elementary in Virginia was suspended for two days for making gun noises while pointing a pencil! A spokesperson for Suffolk Public Schools defended the school’s decision by saying, “A pencil is a weapon when it is pointed at someone in a threatening way and gun noises are made.” Sure.

A Harvard professor wrote in the Harvard Magazine, “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition….” We are told that only Whites can be racists but obviously, anyone can be stupid!

A University of Iowa professor recently argued that if you like white marble that was used in classical artwork then you are contributing to “white supremacist ideas today.”

Yale University had a “Sex Weekend” workshop to encourage an “open discussion of incest, bestiality, prostitution, and consensual pain during intercourse.”

University of Michigan kicked Inter-Varsity off campus because they required members and leaders to be Christian! How dare a Christian group require its members and leadership to be Christian!

A public school in Massachusetts refused to listen to parents’ protests and permitted a performance of the pro-homosexual play, “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told” that mocks the Bible and promotes perverted sex. The sex comedy ran in New York City theaters and was ready for the big time: public schools.

“The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told” corrupts the Genesis account to include homosexual couples Adam and Steve and Jane and Mabel in the Garden. There is also a “horny” rhinoceros that tries to seduce Noah and his sons on the Ark. But it gets worse. Mary, the mother of Christ, says that she can’t be pregnant because she’s a lesbian “bull-dyke.” Financed by tax dollars!

The Theater Mirror, a New England theater guide, gave this play a glowing review stating the play “gets so specific as to be a gay how-to sexbook” and summarizes it as “a goofy gay romp with a serious sting in its tale.” Students may not be able to read, think, and make change (as in money), but they will be conversant in perverse sex.

The family of a 7-year-old New York City boy is threatening to sue police for $250 million after they say cops treated him more like a hardened criminal than a third-grader. Wilson Reyes’ family claims police hauled him out of class at Public School 114 in the Bronx, hauled him down to the police station, and handcuffed him to a wall while they “interrogated” him for a total of 10 hours about a schoolyard fight over $5.

Folks, all the nuts are not in California. Some are running your public schools.

And you still have your children in a public school!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Are all Liberals Stupid or Are all Stupid People Liberals? Thu, 01 Dec 2016 16:22:32 +0000 Everyone has a constitutional right to be stupid but politicians have abused the privilege. Liberals/progressives have been taking control of America’s institutions for over a hundred years: churches, public schools, universities, entertainment, politics, etc. So how has that worked out? Are we better off now than we were 25 years ago?

Churches are supposed to be the moral compass of this nation but the churches have lost their way. Most of the mainline denominational churches are led by educated fools who are afraid to make any definitive statement about anything. Well, they surely are definite in stating that what churches taught 50 years ago was too much controversy, conflict, and control. Almost all modern pulpits disperse fluff, foolishness, and falsehood.

Most denominational churches could be turned into bowling alleys with little harm done to the moral climate of America. Even Fundamental and Evangelical pastors often deliver a muted message and have refused to deal with erring (sinning, but that’s so quaint) members. Thieves, fornicators, liars, gossips, drunks, absentee members are seldom dealt with by their churches–even churches that boast of being Bible-teaching! Is that stupid or what?

The public school system takeover started many moons ago by John Dewey (died 1952), a humanist philosopher and educator. He has been aided immensely by pathetic facsimiles coming out of Colombia, University of Chicago, and other left wing institutions. Children are often taught by tenured teachers who are dumb as a bag of hair as they often graduate students unable to read or write a check. Is that stupid or what?

We now have activist professors from the wacky 1960s whose brains were fried on drugs pitching a leftist agenda to shallow, silly, and shiftless youth. Many graduate without knowing anything about life or how to make a living. They sit around in their “safe places” demanding that no one challenge their silly beliefs foisted on them by morally and academically bankrupt professors. Leftists have touted women in combat yet males and females are so fragile that they can’t handle the hearing of contrary views!

Moreover, “dangerous” words are “forbidden” by the thought police from stinging their sensitive ears. Words that are not approved, appropriate, or acceptable are “American,” “homosexual,” “illegal alien,” “Caucasian,” “mothering,” “fathering,” “foreigners,” “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman,” “chairman,” etc. And now we are told that their “education” will be free, a euphemism for taxes extracted from hard working taxpayers. Is that stupid or what?

After every mass shooting (but not the multiple daily shootings in Chicago) there is mass hysteria among the gun grabbers who try to pass as sensitive, thoughtful, bleating hearts. They tell us they do not want to ban all guns but no sane, honest person believes that. Some fools even use the Bible to defend the indefensible but guns are a lot like parachutes; if you need one and don’t have one, you’ll probably never need one again! They tell us America should “beat [our] guns into plow shears” but if we beat our weapons into plow shears while the descendants of Mau, Marx, Lenin, and Hitler still live, we are fools and will become dead fools. Is that stupid, or what?

We have been amused by wealthy, low-life, no-talent entertainers with the morals of an alley cat. They are paid astounding, absurd, and abusive amounts of money to infect society with promotion of drugs, barnyard living, filthy lyrics, and anti-American, leftist propaganda. Is that stupid or what?

We have heard the caterwauling from baby killers for decades as they present their case for baby killing although they call it abortion. They even refuse to make it legal to save the life of a fortunate baby who somehow survives the doctor’s attempt to kill it! They tell us, with a straight face, that the baby is not a baby until he or she pops out of the womb so it is permissible to kill the innocent one on the same day he or she would be born! That is baby killing! However, the abortionists have been converted to crony capitalism (but only in this instance) and are now selling baby parts harvested from aborted babies, courtesy of Planned Parenthood and American taxpayers! Is that stupid, or what?

We have listened with bated breath to sociologists who told us that children will be warped, even twisted if they are made to do chores, clean their rooms, speak respectfully, eat what is put before them, stay in school, and do their homework. And it would be catastrophic if their little bottoms are thumped from time to time for rebellion so we let them develop like wild animals and we are surprised when they act that way. Is that stupid, or what?

We listened to the strutting sissies for 25 years telling us that they were “born that way” as they tell us that love is love no matter who or what it is. And they pretend that the Bible teaches such balderdash! So, it is all right if they love the same sex or two or three of the same sex. Or, if they love someone who is not male or female at least not permanently. In fact, recently, they have put normal people on the defensive for suggesting that if same sex activity was perversion in every culture and nation and religion then it is still perversion today–no matter what Obama, Hillary, or Dr. I. Will Tryanything teaches. We are expected to believe and advocate that it is normal and desirable for two (or three) of the same gender to be married. Thousands of years of civilization, culture, and Christianity are regretted, rejected, and ridiculed. Is that stupid or what?

We always thought our borders should be secure and only immigrants having something to offer America should be accepted as citizens. We especially thought no sane person would defend the unlimited influx across our border by undisciplined, uneducated, and uncultured barbarians determined to kill us and establish a world caliphate. If people crossing our border were white, home schooling, creationist, Christians, Obama would use the marines to control the border. We are told that the “refuges” are not barbarians but are simply refuges from tyranny. Those who demand a strong border and stringent vetting and no immigration for a few years are said to be ignorant, insensitive, and intolerant. Is that stupid, or what?

We are told that Muslims worship the same God as Christians only with a different name and there’s really not that much difference between the two religions. Let’s see about that. Muslims do not believe that Christ is God; He did not die on the cross; He did not rise from the dead; the Bible is not the very Word of God; Muslims should be killed if they leave Islam; men can have four wives who can be beaten at times. Muslims take time from beating their wives to pick up their welfare checks to finance their desert lifestyle. Is that stupid, or what?

We are told that mankind (or womankind, if you will) has been wrong since the beginning of time in identifying a male as a male and a female as a female by their genitals. It has been decided by “experts” that an obvious male can have a female living inside and he must be true to himself (herself) and assert his/her true self. We are supposed to believe that poppycock, even though it simply doesn’t work. Kids who try to adjust to the opposite gender are troubled, sick, and suicide prone. But we are supposed to applaud, appreciate, and approve their “courage.” Is that stupid, or what?

A lie doesn’t become truth; wrong does not become right; and evil doesn’t become good because it is accepted by the majority.

I’m not suggesting we send out a posse to corral all stupid people and jail them. Maybe we could simply remove all labels from every item and the problem would work itself out. You know, like on chain saws, “Do not grab blade while it’s running.” Or, a Superman costume contained the warning, “Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.” It’s really a tragedy because stupid people don’t realize how stupid they really are–because they’re so stupid.

If I offended you by calling you stupid, I’m really sorry, but I thought you already knew!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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If Hillary Wins, Democrats Will Ring Bells; Everyone Will Wring Their Hands! Thu, 18 Aug 2016 16:25:00 +0000 In a column last year, I asked if Hillary Clinton’s Social Security checks would be sent to Sing Sing or Folsom Prison; but it seems they may be delivered to a big White House on Pennsylvania Ave. That is, unless Americans have a seizure of common sense and take back this nation in November from Obama the Oppressor. If Hillary wins the presidency, you can count on our federal government becoming even more oppressive.

The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 B.C.) and some of his disciples were expelled from one state to another one. They came upon a woman weeping beside a newly dug grave. He asked her why she wept and was told that a tiger had killed her husband, father-in-law, and now her only son. Confucius asked why she lived in such a dangerous place and she replied, “Because there is no oppressive government here.” Walking away, Confucius told his disciples, “My children, remember that oppressive government is worse than a tiger.”

If you think Obama is oppressive, wait until Hillary takes control and attempts to wipe out the “vast right-wing conspiracy.” A right-winger is anyone with a Bible, a gun, a flag, a backbone, and a touch of common sense.

If Hillary wins the presidency, the Democrats will be ringing bells in a victory celebration singing “Happy Days are Here Again” but those days will fade. Within months, we will all end up wringing our hands, not bells.

Hillary was a high-school Young Republican and “Goldwater Girl” in 1964 but gave her support to Democrat Eugene McCarthy’s campaign in 1968 and George McGovern’s in 1972. She has been going downhill ever since. Her main activity in law school was helping the Black Panthers who were being tried for torturing and killing a federal agent! According to Dick Morris, a close advisor to Bill Clinton, she “went to court every day as part of a law student monitoring committee trying to spot civil rights violations and develop grounds for appeal.” She was looking for an appeal to free vicious Black Panthers!

Hillary talks much about working after graduating from college to better the condition of poor kids; but the fact is she “interned with Bob Truehaft, the head of the California Communist Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take an internship with him” according to Morris.

Hillary will immediately do the second amendment thing if she is elected. She voted for the Brady Bill and voted to permit gun manufacturers to be sued if someone misused one of their guns! The feds already know where many of America’s guns are so they will attempt confiscation, making criminals out of decent resisting Americas. Many gun owners will not submit to confiscation. Hundreds, maybe thousands, could be killed but the do-gooders will justify the bloodshed because they “finally handled the gun problem.” However, anyone with the IQ equal to the circumference of a gun barrel knows that the criminals will still have their guns! Gun grabbing fanatics never answer this problem–because they can’t.

She wants to close GITMO and move the terrorists to mainland USA where they would be treated as American citizens with all a citizen’s legal rights! The fact is she wants all terrorists captured on any battlefield to have the same constitutional rights as Americans! Moreover, she wants to eliminate the monitoring of suspected Al Qaeda phone calls to and from the USA making it more difficult for US officials to do their jobs and easier for the terrorists to do theirs!

Hillary has always been in bed with the LGBT crowd as if she were their spokesperson. She and Bill’s sexual proclivities have always been suspect. Of course, Bill’s is an open book while Hillary’s is covert. She changed her mind and now supports “gay” marriage since that helps raise money; she marched in a “gay” pride event; and says “gays” deserve domestic partnership benefits from employers. She is rated 0% by the Christian Coalition for her anti-family voting record.

Hillary is pro-abortion meaning she is anti-life. As a senator she voted the liberal line on partial birth and harm to an unborn child; she voted against prohibiting minor girls from crossing state lines to get an abortion; she voted against informing parents when a daughter leaves the state to get an abortion; she voted against making it a criminal offense to harm an unborn child during another crime; and she voted against preventing partial birth abortions except to save the life of the mother. Hillary is not baby friendly but Planned Parenthood loves her.

She will push America into bankruptcy by requiring companies to pay for family leave and limit and destroy businesses with her cap and trade policies. She will allocate $28 billion annually to improve the infrastructure and raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour although everyone knows it will eliminate threshold jobs and close small businesses.

Hillary supported the National Endowment for the Arts; she wants a New Deal for Communities of Color; she wants to re-introduce the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA); she says that we needed to bail out AIG and Lehman; and she would stop prison time for marijuana users, end harsh sentences for crack use, divert nonviolent drug users away from prisons, and have more treatment and special drug courts. She says that vaccines work; she wants an increase in US global commitment for AIDS; and wants women to register for the draft.

Clinton wants debt-free college for all young people; she wants to refinance all college loans for 40 million students; she will forgive student loans for national service; she wants another $28 billion annually to provide preschool for 4-year-olds thus making the teachers’ unions ecstatic; she opposes merit pay for teachers; she supports charter schools but not vouchers; and she rates 82% by the National Education Association (NEA) so when the teachers’ unions ring Hillary’s bell, she comes running.

Hillary wants half a billion solar panels in her first four years; she opposes the Keystone Pipeline; she is unsure about nuclear power; but she thinks climate change is obvious in the Arctic, voted to factor global warming into federal project planning, and voted to ban drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She regrets that the US is not part of International Criminal Court; she wants to establish strong funding for international development and supports micro-loans to third-world women. Now that would be an incredible boondoggle and impossible to monitor.

Hillary wants the US to accept 65,000 Syrian refugees. She voted not to require photo ID to vote. She is against building a southern wall and wants a path to citizenship for illegals. She is for sanctuary cities and voted to continue funding them. She wants illegal alien children covered in state college tuition and in healthcare coverage. She voted against English as our official language, voted to support illegal aliens to receive Social Security, and voted to provide social services for noncitizens.

Confucius never saw such an expansive, expensive, and exasperating government as we may have next year. Plan on doing a great amount of hand-wringing although hand-wringing, like foot-stomping and breath-holding don’t do any good–but voting makes a difference.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Muslim Invasion, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Famous Preacher Becomes De facto Pacifist! Tue, 12 Jan 2016 16:01:21 +0000 John Piper is a well-respected, almost revered, preacher especially in Reformed groups; but recently he ran off the rails resulting in a minor train wreck. He discussed “Guns and Martyrdom” using the 1956 killing of five dedicated missionaries deep in the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador as basis for his blog. There is no doubt that that Ecuadorian event had a major impact on the world. The missionaries had guns yet only shot into the air not at the savages who were throwing deadly spears. All five men died in the piranha and crocodile infested Curaray River as it carried their innocent blood downstream into the jungle.

Dr. Piper reasons that the young men knew they were ready for Heaven but the savages were not so they basically committed suicide rather than take lives. But John is assuming that what the brave men did was the right thing to do; moreover that it was precedent-setting for all Christians to follow. That is two major leaps of logic.

Now I must add that there is no doubt God used that event to impress many hundreds of Christian workers to commit to missions. One of the widows and a sister of one of the men even went back to that heathen tribe and lived among them. Many in the tribe trusted Christ and two of the killers baptized the child of one of the missionaries in the river where the father died! After the son’s training, he ministered to the tribe who killed his father.

Their deaths impacted my life as a college student. And maybe what they did was God’s will; however, there is another side to this issue. Had the missionaries protected themselves and served another 30 years they might have reached multitudes more for Christ.

Whatever was “right” in that tragedy, it is no precedent for us today. We don’t decide “right” by human experiences. Lifetime principles are decided by the Bible.

Piper concluded that if someone breaks into his house the thief is “probably not ready for Heaven” so John would not use a gun to protect himself and his family! He ended his blog with, “I hope you don’t use your economic stimulus check to buy a gun.” No doubt he is sincere but he is also senile! His explanation doesn’t explain his position.

The threat of being killed will deter many criminals. Criminals gravitate to “No gun Zones” and our homes should not be such. If a criminal is “not ready for Heaven” he had better not be found in our home. Piper is a Calvinist so why is there a problem shooting an intruder “not ready for Heaven?” I thought the elect were going to Heaven whether they wanted to or not.

Moreover, if you have children ten or twelve years old, can you be sure they are “ready for Heaven”? By not shooting the criminal, he may rape and shoot your children who “are not ready for Heaven”! You have sent your own child to Hell by such vapid thinking.

Piper obviously has placed the possible salvation of a rapist at a higher premium over everything, even the lives of family members. Therefore, to be consistent, he should demand the state do the same. No villain, no serial killer, or terrorist should be executed. That means anarchy. God commands government to execute criminals without regard for their souls. After all, society is at risk.

He said, “No, I am not a pacifist. I am not a pacifist principally, and I’m not a pacifist actively.” He believes hunting is permissible and cops should use billy clubs and guns to capture or kill bad guys. He believes in the military to counter aggression but he is confused as to personal protection. A homeowner should not kill an intruder; however the state can kill with impunity. He has fallen into the trap that many shallow thinkers have fallen into: the state can be trusted but individuals cannot be. He is really saying, “The state is the final authority. I bow to the state and submit to it.”

When asked if he would use a gun to protect his daughter, he answered, “probably.” Probably! John, your daughter and wife are going to be raped, maybe killed! Probably! When you took a wife you accepted responsibility to pamper, provide, and protect her.

He then asked whether he should shoot the bad guy in the chest, head, or leg. Or throw the gun at the bad guy. He opined, “And I believe that fathers should protect their children, even using force. But if they can avoid killing somebody, of course they should avoid killing somebody. And having a gun is a good way not to avoid killing somebody.” That is the epitome of fuzzy thinking.

Since each Christian is the temple of the Holy Spirit, it is unwise to value the life of a law breaker over one’s own life for the dubious prospect of the thief trusting Christ in the future. The odds are unlikely since most people choose to not trust Him. That means the practical pacifist sacrificed the life of his family and his own life without accomplishing anything other than feeding the morticians or maybe purchasing them a new hearse. It also may mean that the killer will kill others who “are not ready for Heaven.” Moreover, there is no guarantee that the criminal will get saved after the pacifist has spared his life at the expense of his own!

Piper said, “We don’t need guns in our houses.” He is wrong. It is irresponsible not to have a gun. A gun is like a parachute: if you don’t have one when needed, you won’t need it again. Moreover, I would rather have a parachute and not need it than not have one when I need it. Same with a gun.

He finally said, “Those who live by the gun will die by the gun.” But those who permit the bad guys to have guns and refuse to arm themselves may die by the gun carried by the thief or rapist who can’t even spell pacifist. But they can fire a gun!

Although Jesus tells his followers in Luke 22:36 to go buy a sword, Piper argues that Jesus did not intend for his apostles to have swords in order to use them to “violently defend against persecution.” Maybe they intended to use the swords to cut their meat, to open envelopes, and to trim their nails!

Piper and those like him can choose whatever they please but they must give account for their actions. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord and I will protect them with the help of two good friends: Smith and Wesson.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Trump or Carson for President: A Reflection on Religion! Tue, 27 Oct 2015 14:16:30 +0000 There is no religious test for elective office and I would rather have an honest Atheist for President than a dishonest Adventist or Baptist or Methodist or Catholic or Jew! Obviously if I chose presidents by their religious affiliation then I would choose Mike Huckabee since he is a Southern Baptist but he is my third choice. Only later did I discover that Cruz is also a Southern Baptist, member of First Baptist in Houston. At this time, my choice is Cruz, Carson, Huckabee, Trump, etc., and their church membership is a minor matter in supporting them.

Furthermore, I would have chosen Truman (a Baptist) over Thomas Dewey (an Episcopalian) and Baptist Bill Clinton over Methodist George Bush. However, I preferred Dewey and Bush, both non Baptists. Truman was a cursing Baptist and Clinton was a carousing Baptist and both, in my humble opinion, never had a New Birth experience. Yes, I know it is dangerous to question motives; but I believe that Christians act, talk, and live like Christians with sporadic momentary digressions. Both Truman and Clinton indicted by their lives that they were simply members of Baptist churches.

Today’s CBS national poll has Carson leading Trump 26% to 22%! Donald Trump has been leading the pack until now. Trump might make a good president; at least he gives the Grand Old Progressive establishment nightly heartburn. However, Dr. Ben Carson, a member of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is leading for the first time. While there is no religious test to be President, it is not smart to elect a candidate without considering his or her religious beliefs. In fact, it is irresponsible not to consider what every candidate believes.

It would be irresponsible not to ask a dedicated Quaker his position on using force in protecting U.S. citizens from terrorists and other enemies.

It would be irresponsible to not ask a Muslim candidate if he accepts the traditional, radical view of the Koran as interpreted by radicals in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, etc.

It would be irresponsible not to ask a Buddhist if he would try to make all of us vegetarians since they refuse to kill anything. They don’t eat meat because they may be eating a dead relative! What impact would a Buddhist have upon our pork, beef, chicken, and turkey industry?

An Orthodox Jew should be asked if he would refuse to work on Saturday in event of a major national problem that threatens America’s safety. Similarity, it is not unreasonable to ask Ben Carson if he has convictions to that extent against working on the Sabbath.

Last week Trump opined that he did not understand why he is losing support among evangelical Christians in Iowa. He told CNN on Sunday, “I can only speak for myself. I don’t like to talk about somebody else’s faith. I can say that I’m a Presbyterian. I’m a believer.” On Saturday in Jacksonville he said, “I’m Presbyterian. Boy, that’s down the middle of the road folks, in all fairness.” Trump said. “I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don’t know about. I just don’t know about.” I have a problem with Presbyterians and Adventists but a problem I can live with if they meet my other criteria for President.

An evident fact: most of Christianity looked upon Adventists as a cult; however, many Adventists now claim to be mainline Christianity believing in Christ’s substitutionary death and His physical resurrection. Sure, they are way off on some other matters but since I am choosing a President not a pastor, I will live with that.

Trump professes to be a Presbyterian but he’s been reported as having been a Catholic, a member of the Reformed Church of America, and he married his third wife in an Episcopalian church. He admits going to church on Christmas and Easter and some other Sundays. Politically, he registered as a Democrat in 2011.

With his admission to being a Presbyterian, he picks up baggage that he obviously did not consider. The Presbyterian USA was at one time a biblically true group but like all mainline denominations, it fell (or jumped) into the snake pit of unbelief in 1923 when the Presbyterian General Assembly rejected the “Auburn Affirmation.” They rejected the veracity of Scripture, the virgin birth, the victorious resurrection, the vicarious atonement and the validity of miracles.

Following this apostasy, the conservative theologians and pastors fled the denomination, as Baptists and Methodists left their groups for the same reason, and formed conservative off-shoots of the parent groups. Those “off-shoots” (original Baptists, Presbyterians, etc.,) are now flourishing while the mainline churches can’t pay their light bill. Since 2011 almost 700 churches left the Presbyterian USA because of apostasy.

In 2014, the Presbyterian USA voted to accept practicing homosexuals into church membership and moved their headquarters to Sodom. With a branch office in Gomorrah.

Recent Iowa polls showed Trump running second to Carson and Trump was surprised at that and the fact he is second to Carson with evangelicals. Trump commented, “I match myself against just about everybody. I am a believer.” He added that evangelicals “like me. I’ve gone to many meetings. We’ve had 28 of the great ministers last week. … And pastors from all over the country, and so many and they really — I’ve had a great relationship with Christianity, and frankly, I would say every bit as good as his.” I hope Trump has a relationship with Christ, not Christianity; that is far more important than where he goes to church.

While I have major differences with Carson, I believe his testimony that he is a genuine Christian, not simply a church member. I am not confident that is true of Trump. I would like to hear an intrepid reporter (remember them) ask all candidates: “Was there a time in your life when you repented and placed faith in the death and resurrection Jesus Christ?” I won’t hold my breath.

When asked if he ever asked God for forgiveness, Trump replied, “When we go in church and when I drink my little wine … and have my little cracker, I guess that’s a form of asking for forgiveness.” That is a flip, frivolous, false answer since real Christians know they commit sin daily if “only” the sins of arrogance, anger, or avarice. Plus, his frivolous reply displayed his lack of knowledge about and/or his lack of respect for the Lord’s Table or as some call it communion. Others incorrectly call it the Eucharist.

Additionally, Trump is uninformed as to what that “wine” and “little cracker” are all about. The Bible does not teach there is forgiveness in partaking in the memorial ceremony (of the death of Christ) but in preparing for the partaking of the “wine” and “little cracker” by repenting of sins before participation.

Carson is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and his critics have suggested that he is in conflict with his denomination since they have a record of being conscientious objectors to all war. The Adventists declared in 1865 that Christians should have “nothing to do with carnal instruments of war.” Due to this history, Adventists like Alexander Carpenter claim Carson “is not an authentic Adventist…The language of [Carson’s] support for guns is totally outside the rhetoric and beliefs of the Adventist church.” However, Carson has served as elder in his denomination so evidently the church leadership did not consider Carson a heretic.

Other Carson critics have brought up his teenage days of violence when he used bricks and bats in assaults; moreover he admitted that he tried to stab someone. Therefore, according to some, they asked if his anti-gun control beliefs make him “a fake.” No, it makes those asking the question a fraud. He trusted Christ and it changed his life. As an adult, he used a knife for better things than stabbing an opponent, like brain surgery!

No, one does not have to be a theologian to be President. Good thing because neither Trump nor Carson would have a prayer!

However, when Trump boasts about being a Presbyterian and puts down Carson’s Adventism, well, that’s like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath!

(Boys’ new book, was recently published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy: The God Haters click here An eBook edition is also available.)

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