Harris – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Mitch McConnell is a Member of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot! https://donboys.cstnews.com/mitch-mcconnell-is-a-member-of-the-ancient-infamous-order-of-judas-iscariot https://donboys.cstnews.com/mitch-mcconnell-is-a-member-of-the-ancient-infamous-order-of-judas-iscariot#respond Wed, 27 Jan 2021 15:50:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2759 Senator Mitch McConnell, the shameful member of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot (AIOJI), revealed his true calling—traitor, whose main claim to fame is backstabbing. He confirmed to all that he is one of the oldest and most dangerous of the Swamp Creatures. He, Mitt Romney, Liz Chaney, and others (members of the same club) seem to be desirous, determined, and dedicated destruction of the GOP. No weeping here since I left the party decades ago because they were so similar to the Democrats. It is not healthy for our republic to have two political parties taking almost the same positions. The difference is only in the degree.

Since the AIOJI membership requirements are embarrassingly low, it is easy for shameless politicians to be accepted. I understand that membership is automatic for cutthroats, child molesters, traitors, turncoats, and terrorists. Those on the left are associate members without applying for membership. Any Republican or Democrat who votes for Trump’s impeachment easily and quickly qualifies for membership in the Judas Order with the entrance fee waived.

I assume all self-respecting decent people will shun such reprobates without fear of being labeled self-righteous.

RINOs have survived by merely being less offensive, less objectionable, and less obnoxious to ordinary people. While they are against abortion up to delivery, they are not against abortion. And they sure won’t fight about it. I think killing innocent babies is worth fighting about. RINOs and some Democrats agree that abortion may be worth getting mad and stamping your feet, and perhaps even holding your breath since aborted babies lose their right to breathe. But, one can make too much of a losing issue, we are told. Killing babies is not worth losing an election or causing the opposition to lose face. And Democrats can always be expected to push the Planned Parenthood agenda.

Under Biden and what’s-her-name, we can expect many more abortions (even internationally) with taxpayers financing them through taxes. There is no question about this administration’s leaders being card-carrying members of the Judas Order.

RINOs are proud to claim a pro-family position; however, they refuse to take a clear-cut position on same-sex “marriage” (the radicals get indignant when I put quotes around marriage, but they’ll get over it, and if not, who cares). When forced by pushy conservatives to be more explicit, the soft Republicans suggest that a long-term homosexual relationship is better than hundreds of one-night-stands. That statement is wrong on its face, but most homosexuals in a “long-time relationship” reserve the right to reserve one or two nights a week for “extracurricular activities” with the boys at the local bathhouse. The LGBTQ crowd is too dumb or too dishonest to admit that fact.

A fair, honest, and brave reporter asks, “Do you think homosexuality is evil under all circumstances?” I don’t know a reporter willing to ask that question, and I don’t know a politician who will answer in the affirmative. And none are willing to use the correct and biblical term sodomy. My Dad would have called them gutless wonders.

As a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, I used biblical terms such as sodomy, but you’ll note that I am no longer a member of that august body.

If you think Trump was soft on perversion (and he was), wait until the new administration gets into high gear. Any “loving” relationship will be legal and acceptable, like maybe polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, promiscuity, or perversion or even a “loving” relationship with your favorite goat could be permitted with the caveat that no force is ever used. Radicals tell us their perverted, permissive, and progressive position is realistic since there is no recognized, reasonable, and reliable standard upon which such moral decisions can be made.

Well, there is a standard, and it starts with an uppercase B.

Soft Republicans are willing to vote against men who pretend to be women; however, the reason is usually pragmatic—the cost of remodeling all the restrooms, the confusion, etc. But they never opine that it is a mental aberration for a man, with all the right physical equipment, to pretend to be a female. Moreover, most politicians refuse to admit that it is insane to expect taxpayers to pay for surgery to chop off healthy and perfectly working organs that suggest maleness.

There are already indications that children who have surgery and get gender-changing hormones realize they have been irreparably damaged and mutilated. Moreover, they have significant bouts with suicidal feelings. When this tragedy becomes common, irrefutable knowledge (as it already is with educated people), it will be interesting to watch the proponents of sexual mutilation defend their quasi acceptance of modern medicine. It is reminiscent of witch-doctors with beating drums around a jungle campfire, shaking their gourds as they ply their cures consisting of ground chicken bones, monkey livers, and hippopotamus blood—with a pinch of garlic.

The same “doctors” who defend gender-changing are the same crowd as physicians who support lobotomies, shock treatment, leeches, and bleeding. But not to worry, they are board-certified.

With the Biden team in place, we will see a massive effort to continue making race the center, the cause, and the culmination of everything. Biden’s lineage is Irish and French, but he may declare himself black and trace his Irish-French lineage to imaginary Irish Hottentots from present-day Cape Province, South Africa. Or better yet, he might trace his linage to France via the Ivory Coast where he could claim a direct linkage to slavery! Wow, what credentials.

We have seen many attempts in America where history has been rewritten to make all Blacks feel good about themselves. It is forbidden to laugh when we are told that Beethoven was black, King George III’s wife was black, and that the Pharaohs of Egypt were black, thereby giving Blacks credit for one of the most ancient empires on earth.

There is a kernel of truth to the black Pharaohs’ myth, but it does not encourage black superiority when the truth is revealed. Egypt was founded in 3300 B.C. and held black Nubia as a colony; however, in the eighth century B.C., the Nubians marched about 700 miles north to Thebes (Egypt’s religious center) and took control. However, Egypt was already well over 2000 years old, an ancient empire. The Blacks of Nubia ruled Egypt for sixty years under five “black pharaohs.” The black rule did not add to the empire; instead, it began to collapse. This is documented by The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt, which supports the contention that Egypt’s founders were of European racial stock.

The Biden team has committed itself to pay reparations to living Blacks for more than 200 years of slavery even though all Blacks don’t have a slave ancestor; moreover, many Blacks are wealthy; furthermore, none of us living today have any culpability in the slavery issue. Here is one good-old-boy who has no guilt for slavery or the mistreatment of anyone, anywhere, at any time. None. I’m embarrassed about slavery and embarrassed that some professing Christians were slave-owners, but I have no guilt.

Furthermore, let me suggest if the Biden-Harris administration promotes the lunatic lurch to the left, especially with these issues dealt with here, it will universally anger, antagonize, and alienate American taxpayers. Consequently, Americans will simply refuse to fund the shocking, shameful, and senseless government programs. The tax coffers will become empty as Biden’s head.

Some say the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot morphed into the Deplorable and Disgraceful Order of Benedict Arnold, but such people have only a cursory acquaintance with history. The AIOJI is still viable, vainglorious, if not a visible reality. Readers of the daily news see this every day as AIOJI members strut through Congress’ hallowed halls.

I believe McConnell, Romney, Biden, Harris, et al., get their instructions from the same source Judas Iscariot did.

Interestingly, when Judas was proved to be a traitor, he went out and hanged himself. Now, that is a little extreme, although it would have the same effect of being a benefit to society. I’ll be satisfied if the members of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot simply resign. If not, then sane voters should take care of that at the next election.

An honest election.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Biden’s Election is as Stinky, Shady, and Spurious as Persia’s Darius the Great! https://donboys.cstnews.com/bidens-election-is-as-stinky-shady-and-spurious-as-persias-darius-the-great https://donboys.cstnews.com/bidens-election-is-as-stinky-shady-and-spurious-as-persias-darius-the-great#respond Tue, 08 Dec 2020 14:35:43 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2733 Niccolò Machiavelli has impacted world politicians since publication of The Prince in 1513, in which he advised political leaders to consult the past because human events are similar in all ages. He added, “This arises from the fact that they are produced by men who ever have been, and ever shall be, animated by the same passions, and thus they necessarily have the same results.” Will Durant seemed to agree when he said, man “changes his habits, but he does not change his instincts.” He can’t change his instincts.

Men change their behavior depending on many influences, but their basic human nature does not change. All honest theologians and philosophers would agree. All men are flawed (the Fall), so each will do the least work to get the best results. Cheating, lying, manipulating, and maneuvering can be justified in warped minds to achieve their desires.

Election cheating by public officials is not new. Even Darius the Great was chosen King of Persia, like Biden, through incredible, insidious, although innovative corruption.

The nation of Persia is now called Iran and is in the news daily. It is considered the enemy of the world except for their support from Syria. Both are Muslim but of opposing sects. Iran is an extreme Shiite Muslim state, and Syria is a secular state with a mixture of Muslim sects (70% Sunni Muslim and 12% Shiite) and a few Christians. But the good relations between Iran and Syria do not depend on religious similarities but political concerns: they both hate America and Israel—the great and little Satan. Syria does not have both feet in Iran; only one and has been skittish about Iran’s extreme hostility; taking hostages, etc. It’s a marriage of convenience.

Persia had an incredible influence upon the Mediterranean world, having spanned a timeframe from the sixth century B.C. to our day. It should be remembered that while Iran is Muslim, it is not Arab.

The Persian Empire had an inauspicious beginning with a few semi-nomadic tribes on the Iranian plateau. They didn’t have much with which to begin an empire; only goats, cattle, and sheep. One tribe boasted of a man of authority and leadership abilities who was called Cyrus; later to be known as Cyrus the Great. Cyrus was very ambitious and began to cajole, harass, and control the tribes one after the other until he ruled Lydia, Babylon, and Media in 550 B.C.—the genesis of the great Persian Empire. It would soon become the first world superpower comprising Egypt’s Nile Valley, all of Mesopotamia (the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers), and a large part of India.

The Old Testament praises Cyrus the Great for helping free the Jewish people of Babylon from captivity and allowing them to return to Jerusalem. With few exceptions, Persia’s leaders were tolerant of all religions and this was one of the reasons for their long periods of peace.

Cyrus the Great was followed by Cambyses in 530 B.C., who ruled to 522 when Bardiya, or as Herodotus calls him Smerdis (a wild, wild story worth researching), became king for ten months and was assassinated by Persian aristocrats. Following a suspicious election as Emperor, Darius I, who became Darius the Great, ruled from 522 B.C. to 486 B.C. with an impressive 36-year reign, during which time the empire reached its zenith.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Darius led campaigns into Europe, Greece, and India. He also built impressive projects through his vast empire and introduced a legal system (based on the famous Code of Hammurabi), a postal system, and a new international currency that simplified business and trade.

One of his greatest projects was his Royal Road that permitted travelers to travel over 1700 miles from his administrative capital Susa to Sardis, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia in modern Turkey. The Royal Road was a major intercontinental thoroughfare that had postal stations and relays at regular intervals. The trip usually took three months on foot, but with fresh horses and riders ready at each relay, royal couriers carried messages and mail from Susa to Sardis in eight or nine days. By this road, Darius was in contact with his entire empire; however, ironically, this same road was used by Alexander the Great to conquer the Persian Empire 150 years later.

And civilization moved along.

The Royal Road moved all kinds of trade from east to west with offshoots to major cities. This extended into the famous Silk Road that connected Persia with China, Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and Rome. This ancient trade route linked China with the West. Jade and silk from China, spices and precious stones from India, highly bred horses from Kazakhstan, gold from central Asia, bronze buckles from Greece, and many other objects plus religion and philosophy were traded like objects. Archeologists have found Greek bronzes and Chinese silk in Germany dating back to the time of Cyrus the Great.

Obviously, Darius was a successful ruler; however, he cheated like Joe Biden to gain the office.

Darius, just before his election, was the lancer of King Smerdis, who was a false king, the brother of Cambyses. The false king was assassinated and the seven killers met to decide who would run the empire and the kind of government it would become. After expressing opinions for different kinds of government, they agreed on a contest where the winner would take the throne and form the kind of government he wanted. They agreed to meet the next morning, each on his horse, and the first horse to neigh at the sunrise would be the new king.

Well, that’s about as reasonable as the 2020 farce with a major candidate campaigning from his basement.

Herodotus, the “father of history,” tells us that the servant of Darius cheated by making Darius’ horse neigh by letting the animal smell his hand that he had previously rubbed over the genitals of a mare. That settled who would run the great Persian Empire. The neighing was followed by a thunderstorm and lightning, so it was obvious to everyone, including the media, that Darius had won and was declared the new king in 522 BC.

On reflection, overall, there are great similarities between the U.S. 2020 election and the election of Darius the Great.

They both were done in the dark and both stank to high Heaven.

Radical Democrats would say that the Darius election proves that a suspect king could still have a long and productive reign. Yes, but those Democrats are looking at this comparison out of their left eyes. No one knew the views of Darius since he was a simple but talented soldier. Biden has an exhaustive résumé after 45 years at the public trough that would make Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Castro stand up and cheer. Biden also has a long history of corruption, political and financial manipulation, lying, loose lips, as well as loose hands for females, etc. Harris is the most leftist Senator in America. We know what they will do, because they have done it, or promised to do it.

You will love Biden and Harris if you like higher, even confiscatory taxes; open borders; illegal immigrates on welfare and voting rolls; forgiveness of college debts; return to environmental fanaticism; confiscation of your guns; and lockdowns into the Millennium. It is shocking that anyone would have voted for Biden and Harris except the hangers-on and grafters looking for a glory hole.

Another comparison to our day is while Darius’s fraudulent election turned out good for the empire, one of the other cheated conspirators might have done an even better job. No one will ever know. However, President Trump had already proved his superiority by putting America first, making it great again, reducing taxes, shredding strangling regulations, ending endless wars in the Middle East, strongly supporting Israel, achieving the lowest unemployment in history and the highest employment of Blacks and Hispanics in history, limiting abortions, slowing illegal immigration, and supporting religious rights.

Even Ronald Reagan could not boast of such accomplishments.

Trump did all that in four years, being fought by Democrats and many Republicans who refused to accept his legitimacy and fought him every step of the way. Additionally, he had to defend himself from irrational media attacks, an accusation of being a tool of a foreign government without any supporting evidence, and an impeachment that was the closest to a coup in our history.

The coup came election night when many “servants” of Biden had their hands where they should not have been (on the genitals of the Democrat jackass), and Biden, like Darius, “won.”

A famous high-achiever once wrote, “My policy is to learn from the past, focus on the present, and dream about the future. I’m a firm believer in learning from adversity. Often the worst of times can turn to your advantage – my life is a study of that.” That was Donald Trump, who is poised to give every liberal perpetual heartburn by winning in 2024 what was stolen from him in 2020.

And an aide will not have to handle the genitals of a mare to accomplish the task.

Since hope springs eternal in the human breast of the valiant, Trump may yank victory for 2020 from the jaws of defeat via the courtroom. If not, he will Make America Great Again in 2024.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for U SA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Regardless Who Wins the Election, America Faces the Second American Revolution! https://donboys.cstnews.com/regardless-who-wins-the-election-america-faces-the-second-american-revolution https://donboys.cstnews.com/regardless-who-wins-the-election-america-faces-the-second-american-revolution#respond Thu, 22 Oct 2020 16:48:57 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2695 You may not be interested in this revolution, but this revolution is sure interested in you.

The script was written many years ago; the producer is a well-known, foreign-born Jewish liberal; the director has been chosen; the location is set; and the hostile actors are already committed—America will fall. The script has been written with two endings—both disruptive, destructive, and even deadly to our republic.

The first one is if Biden wins and there is no widespread voter fraud, then Trump will exit the White House and turn over the house keys to Biden. Joe probably won’t last six months until he is asked, threatened, and forced to enter an assisted living facility, making way for Harris to settle into the Oval Office. Since there are no limits to her leftist views, she will take the nation far, far left, but most sincere, sensible, and sane Americans will refuse to go.

Contrary to the thinking of many, refusal to obey government is not the unforgivable sin. It can be the only thing a principled person can do. Disobedience to an administration is not disloyalty to our nation.

Harris has promised to take charge of the gun problem if elected. She promised, “Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws, and if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action.”

The Second Amendment guarantees all the other amendments. Patriots must not fall into the false or weak argument that the Second Amendment is to protect our homes, right to hunt, plinking, etc. That amendment is to protect us against an obtrusive, obsessive, and overreaching government. The time may come when true Americans must defend our nation against our administration.

That is what harelips every leftist in government.

Face it, the leftists want your guns, but they will take them progressively. They will register all “assault rifles”; tax each one; require them to be locked up; require gun insurance; promote a massive buy-back program; and finally confiscate all remaining guns—for the good of the children, of course.

If Democrats are so stupid to try the above, the streets will run with blood, and the blood of Blacks and Whites, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and rich and poor all runs red. Normal Americans know what has happened in other nations where guns were taken and will not permit it without a valiant effort to stop it.

Additionally, the acceleration of Democrat-sponsored baby-killing, high taxes, offensive regulations on business owners and individual citizens, public perversion and transgenderism, invasion of our borders, etc., will only exacerbate the gun confiscation into a civil war.

The left (the BLM and Antifa crowd) wants a revolution where they are in control, the homes are decimated, the churches are powerless, and the poor are forever poor and always vote Democrat.

The second ending is if Trump wins, his tenacious, even vicious enemies, will charge election fraud and demand the election to be nullified. While election fraud happens in every election, it seems the Democrats get concerned about it only if the Republicans win. It is not wrong if the Democrats win. The stuffed ballot boxes, the dead voting from the graveyards, the lost ballots, the ballot harvesting, the forged ballots, and other shady and illegal practices are overlooked, even promoted and practiced and protected by Democrats.

So, with Trump’s win, wild charges will be hurled into the air along with firebombs, bricks, rocks, and Molotov cocktails. The radical fanatics will have their cause célèbre to justify their “peaceful” protest of burning, looting, and killing. After all, it’s a good, even great cause to revoke an undesirable election result according to the vicious, virulent, and vile social Democrats, their hordes of fellow travelers, and their useful idiots. So, they will have their justification—in their warped minds—for violence and taking over a free nation.

Radical leftists will file numerous lawsuits to keep Trump’s team off guard doing defensive work. They will make outrageous accusations to keep him, and his team occupied with trying to prove that he did not drown a litter of puppies in 1989 in the Hudson River, nor did he shove a blind, crippled, elderly Hispanic lady onto the subway tracks, nor did he ridicule a stuttering, black, female, AIDS-infected Native American midget at a birthday party for his best friend who was jailed the next day for child molestation.

Legal officials across the nation will take sides—judges, lawyers, attorneys general, and others; hundreds will resign or be removed from office, accelerating further chaos in the nation.

A challenge to Trump’s legitimacy will get on a fast track to the U.S. Supreme Court that will become a wild donnybrook. The justices will be harassed and threatened by nuts on both sides, but conservatives will be suppressed and ridiculed by the mainstream media.

If the Supreme Court rules in Trump’s favor, they will be castigated by unprincipled Democrats and the media (but then, I repeat myself.) The ruling will not be accepted by the losers. Marchers will march; looters will loot, and shooters will shoot. No citizen will be safe. Police officers will resign en mass, and cities will spiral out of control.

That’s what the leftist crowd wants—anarchy.

If the Supreme Court rules against Trump and issues an order for him to be removed from office so Biden and Harris can be ensconced, the diehard Trumpers will lose their composure and make trouble for the media, universities, and entertainers. No doubt, the extremists on the right will join with reasonable but angry Trumpers, and Trump will be blamed for any disorder—of course.

It should be remembered that the federal judicial branch is authorized to try controversies related to the Constitution, where the United States is a party or between states or citizens of different states. Since no state court would have the authority to do so, any controversy involving the President’s reliability, responsibility, or removal must be decided by the Supreme Court.

The highest Court in the land may rule against a sitting President, but who will enforce the order? It must be remembered that the Supreme Court is not the law of the land, although Americans and even Congress have assumed that misconception. Our wise founders devised a government of three almost equal branches with checks and balances to keep one branch from assuming power over the others. However, the Court is somewhat weaker than the other two branches since it has no enforcement power. Moreover, the Court assumed additional ungranted authority in 1803 with Marbury v. Madison when the Court started down a path of judicial review, which was, in reality, the path of usurpation.

Referring to the Court, Alexander Hamilton strongly declared in The Federalist Papers, it had “no influence over either the sword or the purse, …It may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL, but merely judgment.” Wisconsin strongly informed the Court that it was not all-powerful when they rejected the Court’s Dred Scott decision. President Lincoln accepted the decision regarding Mr. Scott but not as a precedent for the nation.

The extent of the Supreme Court’s power or lack thereof was evidenced when Lincoln suspended habeas corpus (illegally since only Congress can do that); arrested more than 14,000 political prisoners (the Columbia Law Review says 38,000); suppressed more than 300 newspapers, arrested and imprisoned numerous legislators, and defied a Supreme Court decision. He is now loved by everyone. Trump never came close to being unconstitutional, as was Lincoln. However, the hatred for Trump is incredible, irrational, and almost insane, demonstrating that the more society drifts away from constitutional truth, the more it will hate those who speak the truth.

The Court’s lack of power was also seen when President Andrew Jackson said to Chief Justice Marshall in a highly charged case involving Indian removal, “The Chief Justice has issued his opinion. Now let him enforce it.” Of course, Chief Justice Marshall had no power to do so, just as the Roberts’ Court has no power to remove Trump.

Any President would be a fool to pack his bags and move from the White House when there was obvious election fraud, and anarchists had taken over the cities. In fact, such action would be malfeasance of authority.

If the Court rules against Trump’s reelection, and he refuses to leave office, what can the Court do to enforce their order? In that scenario, the nation will be divided, with the military and intelligence agencies taking sides.

Under such conditions, only God knows how it ends. Whichever way it ends, it will probably end the exceptional example of a “city on a hill” as a beacon of hope for the hopeless. The greatest nation on earth who will no longer be able to honestly promise, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

In that event, everyone loses and is destined to have a tyrannical foot stepping on everyone’s face forever—or until the Third American Revolution.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Is Adultery Required for Being a U.S. Presidential Candidate? https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-adultery-required-for-being-a-u-s-presidential-candidate https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-adultery-required-for-being-a-u-s-presidential-candidate#respond Tue, 20 Oct 2020 17:09:36 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2691 Adulterers have served as U.S. President almost since our beginning. Our present leader is an admitted adulterer; however, he’s all we have. And he has kept his promises and has had unusual success in domestic and foreign affairs, the economy, COVID-19, and there is no reason to think he would stop keeping his word. As to any sexual affairs in the present, no one knows.

Nothing would shock me.

However, I am weary of reading about Joe Biden’s decency and his faith. If Joe—longtime swamp critter—is so decent and true to his faith, why does he stand opposite to what his Roman Catholic Church teaches? He has supported the slaughter of innocent unborn babies all his political life and now even supports killing the kids up to the time of birth!

The church also stands against fornication and adultery, but that hasn’t changed Biden’s personal morality.

Joe is a major supporter of sodomy when his church stands against it. He stands for same-sex marriage, which is contrary to biblical teaching, standards of moral behavior, and common sense. He equates sodomy with love and romance when it has always been known as a crime against nature. It is an aberration and abomination and is appalling, yet Joe applauds it.

God warned all of us about calling good evil and evil good.

Moreover, Biden even supports children deciding whether they are male or female, although that can be decided by each doubtful person with a quick downward glance.

Joe stands with the male athletes who pretend to be female while they humiliate all females in various competitions. He asserted, “Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time…There is no room for compromise when it comes to basic human rights.” Recently he came out for transgenderism for children, even to permitting an 8-year-old to make the decision!

So, how can Biden be a Catholic when he stands against what the church stands for? What does a Catholic have to do to be kicked out of the church? But then Hitler and Mussolini died in the arms of that church. I hope Americans have higher standards for their President than church officials have for members. (To their credit, some Catholic leaders have declared that Biden should be refused communion, but he should be excommunicated since he does not support his church’s teaching.)

Joe is known for lying and cheating from his youth. He is known for touching and hugging girls and women. A decent person cannot watch some incriminating videos taken at White House events without cringing in disgust.

A Secret Service Agent declared, “We had to cancel the VP Christmas get together at the Vice President’s house because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend’s a****.” The agents said Biden always swam in the nude when his wife was absent and female agents resented his nudity. “He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible,” the agent said.

In 2009, Biden “cupped” the breast of a Secret Service Agent’s girlfriend, and other agents had to hold back the agent from assaulting him. While I believe in turning the other cheek, I would not do so under those circumstances. I would have decked the Vice President.

Yes, Virginia, there is a time for violence even for an active Christian. While I haven’t been violent since high school, I could get there quickly if anyone touches my wife, daughters, or grandchildren inappropriately.

Additionally, the agent claims that Biden would walk around the VP residence naked at night. “I mean, Stark naked… Weinstein level stuff,” he added. No Christian or decent pagan does things like that in the presence of other people.

And he may become your President!

The mainstream media refuses to deal with such base, brazen, and bizarre activities. At least seven women have charged him with unwanted touching, kissing, smelling their hair, etc. Nor has the accusation of sexual assault by Tara Reade been addressed. It was not mentioned in the debates and town halls.

Shocking, but it is even worse.

Joe often tells a romantic tale of meeting Jill on a blind date following the death of his wife and child in a car accident. But, it was just another one of Joe’s lies. You can’t trust Joe Biden when you ask him about today’s date. Lying seems to be in his blood, as does cheating.

Bill Stevenson and his wife Jill gave themselves to work for Joe’s first run for the U.S. Senate, plus Bill gave Joe “$10,900 in cash.” Jill especially gave herself to Joe and his campaign. She got sexually involved with Joe, according to Bill. Joe got elected, Bill had his home wrecked, and Jill married a U.S. Senator. Bill claims, “‘Biden Stole my Wife.’ Joe Biden and his wife Jill ‘had affair when she was still married’” was the headline of The Sun.

So, the home wrecker wants to fix America. What he wants is to turn America into a Socialist state to satisfy Bernie, AOC, and that Indian woman from the Peoples’ Republic of Massachusetts.

Jill admitted in her 2019 autobiography Where The Light Enters that Joe really pushed her for a date, and after repeated refusals, she accepted. That date went further than they planned, and they spent the next two nights together as well.

So, Jill admitted to adultery on their first date. It didn’t happen that way since it started with a work-place affair during Joe’s first senatorial race.

Biden’s running mate, what’s-her-name Harris, is no better.

Everyone in California except a few disoriented homeless street people know 29-year-old Harris slept her way to the top. Her former lover, 60-year-old Willie Brown (the very definition of slime ball), said, “Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was [California] Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.”

However, the married Willie Brown sees nothing wrong in their fornication or in giving her positions that were not based on her ability but her willingness to fornicate. Harris was Brown’s escort at many social and political functions and even had her at his 60th birthday party where his wife was present.

Brown’s much-mistreated wife declared, “Listen, she may have him at the moment, but come inauguration day, and he’s up there on the platform being sworn in, I’ll be the b***h holding the Bible.”

One commission that Brown appointed her to paid her over $97,000 for a six-month stint, then another board paid $72,000 and met once a month. The work required little knowledge, skill, or commitment but gave her something to do when she wasn’t taking care of Willie, plus gave her a generous income. Harris is a shameless, brazen hypocrite.

More than that, she is an ingrate. After getting to the top with the help of Brown and no longer under him, she now said, “His career is over; I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing.” Well, no, I suppose she has already paid him; they both got what they wanted.

Brown admits to helping other Democrats get elected or appointed to public office, but “The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I ‘so much as jaywalked’ while she was D.A.,” Brown wrote. “That’s politics for ya.”

The Biden-Harris team declared, “There is no vaccine for racism.” I followed that with a column declaring neither is there a vaccine for lying and hypocrisy!

As to where Harris would take America, she is Hillary Clinton in blackface, according to a black pastor. She is worse than Hillary since she can always play the race card.

Will any reporter ask, “Mrs. Harris, how many different men have you slept with to gain personal or political advantage?” That question would be followed, if the intrepid reporter was still alive, by “Mr. Biden did you break up the home of Bill Stevenson because of an affair with his wife Jill, and how much money has accrued to you through the machinations of your son Hunter and his work with Ukrainians, Russians, and Chinese?”

Ah, yes, remember when real, honest, hard-hitting journalism was alive and well.

It seems America’s next President may be Dead Man Walking Biden and/or I Served Under Willie Brown Harris.

Adultery may not be a requirement to run for the Presidency, but it seems not to hurt, especially if accompanied with a generous dose of hypocrisy.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Joe and Kamala—There is No Vaccine for Hypocrisy! https://donboys.cstnews.com/joe-and-kamala-there-is-no-vaccine-for-hypocrisy https://donboys.cstnews.com/joe-and-kamala-there-is-no-vaccine-for-hypocrisy#respond Sat, 22 Aug 2020 16:23:57 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2629 The Democratic National Convention (DNC) last week was unusual in that they twice removed “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance to placate their Muslim and LGBTQ constitutes who claimed the mention of God is “offensive” and “nonsense.”

The Biden-Harris team declared, “there is no vaccine for racism.” Neither is there a vaccine for hypocrisy or lying!

Moreover, no one at the convention thought someone should at least refer to the fact our major cities (run by Democrats) are burning at the hands of BLM and Antifa revolutionaries.

But we were permitted to hear from Donna Hylton, a 55-year-old woman who is one of “America’s most impactful community leaders.” However, Donna was “convicted for the kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of a 62-year-old Long Island real estate broker in 1986.” The torture involved using plyers on the victim’s testicles. Most honest people would think the DNC should have at least suggested that Donna had been a little violent in her past.

However, the purpose of the convention was to choose and present to the voters the Democrat’s choice of President and Vice-President of the United States. While Joe and Kamala did an acceptable presentation of themselves with their usual careless and vitriolic attacks upon President Trump, their hypocrisy would gag every buzzard east of the Black Hills of South Dakota.

I had to fight my body’s retching reaction whenever Joe and what’s her name used such hallowed terms as moral, decent, values, and principled. Joe’s “decency is on the ballot” and to “tell the truth” would gag a maggot.

Those above qualities are all highly admirable attributes to be acquired; however, they are only notable in people who have character. Unprincipled people never exemplify them. Joe and Kamala have spent a lifetime denigrating and desecrating and dodging those same desirable principles.

However, they tout them during political campaigns since they work with dummies, demagogues, and Democrats. But I repeat myself.

While in law school at Syracuse University in 1965, Joe was caught plagiarizing and admitted taking five pages from a law review article for his 15-page report. He said his “mistake” was neither intentional nor “malevolent.” He didn’t steal a thought or phrase but five pages, word for word. He asked the university for permission to leave the school so he would not be labeled “a cheat.” Of course, he got an F but was permitted to take the class again and passed. Moral, decent, truth? Whatever the university did, Joe was still a cheat.

His lying continued after college when he told a reporter that he was in the top half of his class when he was at the bottom of his class. He said he was involved in civil rights marches then admitted that he did not march. But he admitted that he worked as a lifeguard at an all-black swimming pool. He declared he had been “shot at” during a visit to Iraq then had to admit it was not true. He told of being arrested in South Africa when trying to visit Nelson Mandela but admitted it was not true. Sorry, but it’s a fact that our next possible President is a fabricator. That sounds better than using liar.

He was forced to drop out of the 1988 presidential race after it was revealed that he stole some of JFK’s and Bobby’s speeches. Following Joe’s acceptance speech, even liberals like HuffPost accused him of stealing a Canadian politician’s words! Joe is a slow learner. Maybe a vaccine for lying could help him.

Joe is on the record as saying migrants who cross the border illegally “should have to get in line” unless they are seeking asylum, but he does not believe that today. What does he really believe? Do we believe flip or flop?

Joe teamed with Senator Strom Thurmond in a joint effort to oppose integrating schools in the 1970s. That action horrifies Joe today, but more importantly, it horrifies all on the left. If Joe wants us to know the truth, let us have the truth.

Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says, “They lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.” Joe, what was that you said about decency? And, what about “telling the truth?” What about breaking up a man’s home by sleeping with his wife since that is not normally associated with decency, morality, or principled? But then, the way words have lost their meaning and the way unprincipled politicians use anything to make themselves look good, maybe such deception is acceptable in our Brave New World.

A female Democrat in Nevada revealed Biden’s “demeaning and disrespectful” smelling her hair and kissing her head with hands on her shoulders.

The media have been very quiet about the numerous incidents of Biden handsy, handling, and hugging numerous children even in the presence of their parents and recorded on television! One YouTube video presents numerous incidents of him being “Creepy Joe.” One headline screamed: “Dad Confronts ‘Creepy’ Joe Biden Over Child Molestation,” but Joe did not answer his question: “What about the girls you molested on C-SPAN at the Senate swearing-in?” Moreover, the man was removed from the public meeting.

March of 2020 was a bad day for Biden when Tara Reade, one of his former Senate aides, publicly charged Biden with sexually assaulting her in 1993. According to the Business Insider, Biden pressed her against a wall in a Capitol Hill hallway, reached under her skirt, and digitally penetrated her. The report quotes her saying, “she filed a complaint with the Senate personnel office concerning Biden’s alleged ‘sexual harassment and retaliation,’ but didn’t mention the alleged assault.” Biden has unequivocally denied assaulting or harassing Reade.

Seven other women accused Biden of “touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. [They] said Biden’s behavior did not amount to sexual harassment or assault.”

He later said he’s “not sorry for anything that I’ve ever done.” He doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong.

Whatever happened to the Me Too Movement?

Joe’s vice-presidential choice said she believed the women who accused Biden of inappropriate contact, including touching and kissing. “I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.” Does she still believe that?

Joe Biden’s son Hunter assured us of his father’s “honesty” and integrity at the convention while introducing his father. But that’s like Italian Benito Mussolini vouching for his German buddy with the bad haircut and funny mustache: “Yea, Adolph is a misunderstood former choir boy who always keeps his word.”

The same Hunter made $1.5 billion on a questionable foreign deal. Joe can settle this fiasco once and for all: tell the whole truth about it, open all appropriate records, and ask for all involved to be candid.

I could go on and on about flip flops and other charges; however, the question demands an answer: Is this man qualified, apart from his famous gaffs, to be the leader of the free world? If not, and it is discovered after he is elected, the office will go to Senator Kamala Harris, a woman of color—as if that matters. Evidently, it does matter to many Democrats, thereby proving they are racists.

Harris was Attorney General of California and had the reputation of sleeping her way to the top of the heap. She was openly the mistress of Willie Brown, former mayor of San Francisco, so our possible Vice-President is a fornicator. More than that, she is an ingrate. After getting to the top with the help of Brown, she now says, “His career is over; I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing.” Well, no, I suppose she has already paid him; they both got what they wanted.

That’s why prostitution is still the oldest profession. The quid pro quo works.

Some of the leftist press, seeking to mitigate her fornication, say the charges “are technically true but given Brown had been separated for about a decade, the claims are misleading.” No, the fact Willie was separated from his wife makes no difference at all. They were both fornicators.

Kamala lied about smoking weed in college while listening to the “music” of Snoop Dogg and Tupac. It was untrue because Harris graduated college many years before their albums were released. Senator Gabbard (who was nowhere near the DNC) said, “She put 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.” Harris has admitted to its use. There is another need for a vaccine for hypocrisy.

Kamala is not a descendant of slaves but of a slave owner! The Jamaica Globe quoted her father, professor Donald Harris saying, “My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town).” Brown’s Town is an inland town a few miles from the Jamaica coast.

It would seem there will be no reparations for Kamala.

So our possible next Vice-President is not only a fornicator but also a hypocrite. Maybe Dr. Fauci can develop a vaccine for hypocrisy.

Kamala Harris and Joe Biden make a perfect choice for the pot smokers, fornicators, baby killers, open border fanatics, reparation zealots, and Democrats with terminal brain rot.

If the normal, moral, decent, liberty-lovers stay home on November 3, Joe and Kamala will be moving to Washington.

Where can I move?

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Mail-in Voting is an Engraved Invitation for Corruption and Democrats Will Vote From the Grave! https://donboys.cstnews.com/mail-in-voting-is-an-engraved-invitation-for-corruption-and-democrats-will-vote-from-the-grave https://donboys.cstnews.com/mail-in-voting-is-an-engraved-invitation-for-corruption-and-democrats-will-vote-from-the-grave#respond Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:41:31 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2624 Politicians and babies both need to be changed often and for the same reason, and Americans will be attempting to make changes in November. America’s future depends on what change if any, we make at the voting booth. And the results will depend on whether we go to the polls or mail in a ballot. The long-honored absentee ballot is generally safe, but a massive mail-in vote is an engraved invitation for vote corruption.

Often, a politician may indicate a need for a change, but in reality, it’s only a bad odor. Not yet. While it might be premature to change a baby’s diaper impulsively, it might be perilous to do the same for a politician. Hence, the need to not be hasty in the November election.

While there are thousands of hopeful politicians on the ballots, the most vital is the presidential race, but does that position need to be changed?

We have a choice of Donald Trump who has a checkered past bedding various women but who has kept many of his promises he made to us. In that, he is a very unusual politician. For me, this is a replay of 2016—choosing the one who will do less damage, stabilize our economy, keep the baby butchers at bay, return peace to our cities, keep China behind her famous wall—without bankrupting our nation.

His vice-president Mike Pence is a good man. After caving to the LGBTQ tyrants in Indiana pre-election, he has done better than any other politician in standing for family and morality. While he could be more forceful, we all know the LGBTQ crowd specializes in bullying, badgering, and blackmailing decent opponents. He has done a respectable job with the other chores Trump assigned him.

As an Independent, that is the team I will vote for again, understanding that no candidate is perfect. I decided not to run this time.

The other ticket is abysmal, and it is difficult to understand how any honest American could put them in office. Joe Biden has a history of plagiarism, lying, very loose hands around girls and women, fanatically desirous of grabbing every gun in America and putting us in debt quadrillions of dollars. Biden is the description of a Throttlebottom—an innocuously inept and futile person in public office.

Biden is pathetic and surely will only get the sympathy vote and maybe his wife’s.

Kamala Harris is his choice for Vice-President, and she has a record that is far, far left. She is the most radical U.S. Senator. She climbed to power in California with the help of her lover Willie Brown, thirty years her senior and Speaker of the House in California. Brown has been separated from his wife since 1976 (but not divorced), and Kamala is only one of many women with whom he fornicated. Her appointed job required no credentials, no work, and she was “paid the equivalent of a full-time [state] senator for arriving at a one- to two-hour meeting each month.”

A Republican member of the state assembly at the time said, “Screwing the speaker has its rewards. Stevie Wonder could have seen through that play.” However, whatever hours she has logged in bed, she is far more dangerous to America than Hillary.

Senator Harris went after Judge Kavanaugh relentlessly like a pit bull going after a porterhouse steak. She believed the unsupported, unreal, and unchaste charges because “a woman would never lie about such a thing.” Now that it is to her benefit, she refuses to believe the senate aide’s accusation of Biden—because it is in her interest not to believe.

There is little benefit of listing all the decadent, dangerous, and deadly positions Kamala has taken; however, her willingness to be on the ticket with Biden, who has refused to answer a charge of sexual abuse, shows her lack of character. She has always played to the gallery and reverses positions to meet her immediate needs. During the primary race, she believed Joe was guilty of sexual abuse of his senate aide Tara Reade. Now, she is partnered with a predator! That used to be known as being two-faced and would require her spending extra time each day putting makeup on her two faces.

Before the Never-Trumpers and Hate-Trumpers remind us again of Trump’s aggressive, appalling, and adulterous affairs, he never slept around to his political or monetary advantage. However, moral issues do not seem to concern most people.

On the political issues alone, the Biden-Harris ticket would literally destroy America! So, the choice is simple.

America deserves and must have more decent, qualified, honest officials. Still, mail-in-voting will only make a bad problem even worse, allowing into office many incompetent, indecent, and ignominious scalawags and lowlifes. It is no surprise our cities, states, and nation are a mess.

Headlines on July 24, 2020, in USSA News screamed, “Democratic Ex-Congressman Charged With Rigging Votes, Bribery, Falsifying Records And Obstruction.” The article revealed that a former congressman had been charged by the federal government with ballot stuffing, bribery, and obstruction. Michael Myers, 77, was charged with conspiring with and bribing a former elections judge in Philadelphia to add votes to favored candidates over several elections.

Yet, we are told over and over that voting fraud is no problem, but public facts disprove that.

According to Judicial Watch’s analysis of data released by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) this year, “there are 378 counties nationwide that have more voter registrations than citizens living there and old enough to vote.” I’m math deficient, but I don’t think that is possible.

“According to one study, by News21, there have been 2,068 cases of alleged election fraud since 2000.” Yet, Democrats declare there is very little election fraud!

Electronic voting was supposed to improve the election process in making voting more efficient, quicker, and less fraud, but Rhode Island voters uncovered fraud. Rock Island County Republican voters gathered outside of the Rock Island County Clerk’s office on Friday, October 24, alleging a voting machine switched their vote. “Voters said when they selected a candidate on the electronic voting machine, the machine would switch their vote to the opposing candidate.” Is that fraud, or is it failure since Democrats had the same problem?

Voting machines are not as reliable as touted to be according to the Salina Journal on November 26, 2014 issue. “A malfunction of electronic voting equipment left 5,207 votes out of the original Nov. 4 Saline County, Kansas vote total.”

Brad Friedman of the very liberal Huffington Post admitted, “What we have here is an extraordinarily compelling case that our electoral system has gone terribly wrong…We’ve got one election after another that makes no sense whatsoever. They may have been rigged, they may have failed due to error – (but because they can’t be audited) it’s 100 percent faith-based voting.” This is the reason we now print out our machine ballot in Georgia, sign, and deposit it.

Recently, a local television station experimented with vote-by-mail, and it exposed the deficiencies of the system. WRDW in Philadelphia sent 100 “mock ballots” from across the city to a post office box set up specifically for the test. The results showed 21 percent of the votes hadn’t been delivered within the same city after four days. Some mailed a week prior were also missing.

The Times report goes on to reveal voter corruption in Texas, Indiana, Oklahoma, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. Yet, dishonest, desperate, and distressed Democrats keep telling us that there is no problem with voter fraud.

On August 8, the media reported, “more than 223,000 mail-in ballots sent to registered voters in Clark County, Nevada, were bounced as “undeliverable” in the state’s June primary election, newly released data reveals.”

Also, on August 8, the New York City Board of Elections disqualified 84,208 vote-by-mail ballots in the June 23 Democratic presidential primary, “according to a report cited Wednesday evening by the New York Post.

It is obvious to anyone deaf, dumb, and blind that mail-in-voting is not reliable. So, even the most rabid Democrat can understand that fact.

The Washington Times reported on voter fraud in Virginia. “A study by the watchdog Public Interest Legal Foundation found in just eight Virginia counties, 1,046 alien non-citizens successfully registered to vote.” But it gets worse. “Nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania had potentially duplicate registrations in either Pennsylvania or other states.”

Another longtime problem, especially among Democrats, is the strange determination of dead people to vote. The Times reported on this phenomenon: “A report in Denver exposed multiple incidents in recent years where dead Coloradans were still voting.” But then, dead Democrats have been voting in Chicago for decades.

This November election, because of the hatred of Donald Trump, there will be massive problems: lost ballots, stolen ballots, late ballots, machine failures, machine malfunction, intimidation, multiple votes from the same people, alien voters, and of course, many dead people will rise and vote—all Democrats.

This week the Detroit News reported that Michigan clerks rejected 846 mailed ballots during the August 4 primary “because the voter was dead.” But the Democrats keep saying there is little voter fraud.

I just heard the shocking, surprising, and even startling news that my lifetime Republican cousin in Cook County, Illinois, is voting Democrat this November. But it would never happen if he were still alive.

A quote from one of my ebooks dealing with voter fraud is very appropriate here:

We stumble along to democracy’s demise, following along behind those “boys” from the Democratic clubhouse in Chicago. Two of their finest were in a graveyard in the middle of the night, copying names from tombstones to bring them back to life, at least politically. One of them fell two rows behind the other in getting the names.

“What’s the matter?” shouted the name-taker in the lead. “Hurry it up, will you?”

His teammate, who was lagging behind, complained, “The name on this tombstone is one of those long, complicated ones, probably Polish.”
“Well,” shouted the other, “Forget about that one. Go on to the next one.”
In a burst of righteous democratic zeal, the laggard yelled, “What do you mean, ‘Go on to the next one’? This guy has as much right to vote as anybody else in this graveyard!”

Alas, there is more truth than humor in that apocryphal incident. With vote-by-mail making it even easier for the dead to vote, we could be on a downward slide into the darkest days of our republic.

CNN opined, there is very, very little evidence of any sort of widespread voter fraud in the country.” They chastised Trump for declaring vote-by-mail would result in cheating, pointing out that he had voted absentee ballot. Absentee voting is no problem, but there is a huge difference in that and everyone voting by mail. It has even been stated that ballots be provided for every person in the country, with no mention of citizenship or age. Or voter registration. It is an engraved invitation for illegal voting.

Any Republican voting for vote-by-mail is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Amateur Hour in the Democrat Primaries https://donboys.cstnews.com/amateur-hour-in-the-democrat-primaries https://donboys.cstnews.com/amateur-hour-in-the-democrat-primaries#respond Thu, 04 Apr 2019 15:00:19 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2325 The Original Amateur Hour was an American radio and television program in the 1940s that had similarities to the Democrat Primary. It was a popular show as its copycat television shows such as American Idol have been in recent years. Most of the Amateur Hour’s nascent contestants went down in flames deservingly so, but a few of the winners went on to have success such as Gladys Knight and Pat Boone.

It’s amateur hour on the 2020 election cycle with many of the Democrat candidates having disqualified themselves by their personal lives (lack of character) or insane, inane, and inept political positions they have espoused.

Former Texas Congressman Robert O’Rourke, known as “Beto” did diddlysquat in Congress and lost his recent senatorial race to Senator Ted Cruz. O’Rourke was arrested for burglary and leaving the scene of an accident in the 1990s. He is known for writing erotic verses about cows, and eating dirt after his loss to Ted Cruz. (I would have eaten crow or humble pie, but not dirt.) Beto fed his wife feces telling her it was avocado. That says much about him and his wife.

Evidently, Beto thinks of himself as a wit and he may be half right. He supports abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and will consider reparations. He has apologized for many zany and dumb statements, even for being born.

Joe Biden, considered the frontrunner, is almost sure he will run in 2020 but Joe has decades of heavy baggage from plagiarism to historical incompetence to aggressive dealings with girls and women. Joe is known as “Handsy” and “Creepy Uncle Joe.” The Gawker website published photos of what it called, “groping moments.” The leftist media usually does not call him to account but instead Joe is said to be “adorable” and a “classic Irish politician.”

Joe is also careless with his unscripted remarks telling an Indian-American man, “You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.” Joe has apologized for some of his dumb statements and for being a male but not for being born, as Beto did.

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is a front runner, although at his age, he will be limited how fast and how far he will “run.” However, everyone knows he will continue running to the left. Bernie told his supporters via email, “Our campaign is about transforming our country,” but that’s what scares me. He would abolish ICE. He wants a free America transformed into a socialist state such as Laos, Venezuela, or Cuba. Bernie does not admit that a socialist is a Communist without a gun.

Senator Cory Corker is a first term unmarried senator from New Jersey adamantly trying to convince his critics that he is not “gay.” He proves it by dating a high-profile beauty. Booker supports Medicare For All, the Green New Deal, abortion, LGBTQ rights, gun control, and would pack the Supreme Court.

Senator Kamala Harris was Attorney General of California and has the reputation of sleeping her way to the top of the heap. She was openly the mistress of Willie Brown, former mayor of San Francisco. Kamala lied about smoking weed in college while listening to the “music” of Snoop Dogg and Tupac. It was untrue because Harris graduated college many years before their albums were released. She would pack the Supreme Court and consider reparations.

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts (born and reared in Oklahoma) entered the presidential race and released her tax records, challenging President Trump to do likewise. She supports “universal childcare, relief for student loan debt, universal health care by way of ‘Medicare for All,’ free public college, and a wealth tax….” Warren has plans to abolish the Electoral College, abolish ICE, pack the Supreme Court, and she supports reparations. The senator lied about being an American Indian to gain a position at Harvard. I wonder if Warren will denounce tenure as she did her Indian heritage. Warren no longer claims Native American heritage although she is often called Pocahontas by a very famous person.

Most of the Democrat candidates support reparations which is paying Blacks who may or may not have a slave history for the period of American slavery. Would recent black immigrants receive payments, and would recent Asian and European immigrants be forced to pay their share? What about payments to black millionaires? The candidates are as silent as a graveyard.

The Green New Deal, brain child of Congressperson Alexandria Cortez, has been backed by all the candidates except John Delaney of Maryland. Cortez is a lightweight completely over her head when discussing any subject, with the exception of bartending, her previous job. I literally cringe whenever Cortez speaks about anything. The Green New Deal would include guaranteed jobs, a push for “net-zero greenhouse gas emissions,” and a super ambiguous promise of “access to nature.”

Candidates like Senators Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, and others maintain strong pro-choice voting records, but they don’t speak of abortion; it’s always reproductive rights, pro-choice, etc. Not one of the 2020 candidates attended the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), this year. AIPAC is a major lobbying group that advocates for Israel and hosted major leaders such as Vice President Pence and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Democrat candidates, while not supporting Israel, do support the “Palestinians,” whose television station called last week for Muslims to “Scatter the enemies’ body parts, make the skulls fly in the sky.” Hamas was launching missiles into Israel’s cities at the time of the telecast.

While the GOP in 2016 had some losers in their ranks, the Democrats are a gaggle of losers. I considered listing the primary candidates in order of their chances to win on their merits. But since the candidates have so few merits, it is impossible to list all of them in last place.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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