health – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ancient Jewish Health Rules Can Defeat the Coronavirus! Wed, 05 Feb 2020 15:49:49 +0000 The dreaded coronavirus has been connected to some nasty, even shocking culinary habits of the Chinese—primarily their consumption of snakes and bats. A shocking dietary reported this week in the Daily Mail revealed the barbecuing of a live dog in a Chinese market. Eating cats and dogs is considered perfectly acceptable and delicious by many citizens!

Chinese eat snakes, worms, and water bugs boiled and soaked in vinegar. The wealthier eat live scorpions soaked in strong liquor. Chinese connoisseurs delight in roasted bee larvae and fried silkworm moth larvae after a steaming bowl of ant soup. Others eat large water beetles, stinkbugs, and fly maggots. They raise the larvae of flies in heaps of rotting fish.

Live scorpions are placed on a bed of noodles and gourmets say they taste like potatoes. I’ll take their word for it.

The Chinese mainland has about 100 cockroach farms, and new ones are opening frequently. Even many Chinese were surprised when a million cockroaches broke out of one of those farms! This Great Escape made headlines around the world. Cockroaches are considered a succulent delight and are farmed like chickens in Georgia.

However, health experts reveal that the coronavirus is connected to bats that are considered a delicacy; a viral video has emerged online of a Chinese woman devouring a bat. A second video features a woman eating “bowl of bat soup.” There is little doubt these filthy creatures play a critical role in transmitting the deadly coronavirus.

After a careful review of the habits of ancient Jews, I suggest that Jews were thousands of years ahead of all nations, and a return to their diet and sanitary habits might limit or eliminate many of the world’s diseases.

Some uninformed health officials teach that Egypt was the medical center of the ancient world. This mistake was advanced by the ancient historian Herodotus who recorded that during the days of the Medo-Persian Empire, it was King Darius’ practice “to keep in attendance certain Egyptian doctors, who had a reputation for the highest eminence in their profession.” However, Egypt was not nearly as medically informed as ancient Israel. Egypt was more skillful in building (think, pyramids) than medicine, but Israel was far advanced of all nations in health issues.

An example of Egypt’s medical backwardness is their instructions on removing splinters from the flesh. It consisted of “worm blood, mole, and donkey dung.” However, Doctors S. I. McMillen and David Stern noted that dung “is loaded with tetanus spores” and “a simple splinter often resulted in a gruesome death from lockjaw.”

The ancient Egyptians’ prescription for skin disease was “A hog’s tooth, cat’s dung, dog’s dung, aau-of-samu-oil, berries-of-the-xet-plant, pound and apply as poultice.” (Ancient Egyptian, 1930, p. 92.) Other remedies included dried excrement of a child, hog dung, and a farmer’s urine. One recipe to prevent hair growth included lizard dung and the blood from a cow, donkey, pig, dog, and stag.

It was said that the urine of a faithful wife was effective in the treatment of sore eyes. It seems ancient Egyptians had a thing about dung and urine! Israel was not so backward.

The Encyclopedia Britannica’s conclusion regarding the Bible’s instructions on sanitary and medical practices is very revealing: “The Old Testament is a mine of information on social and personal hygiene. The Jews were indeed pioneers in matters of public health.”

The Jews’ strict regulations regarding sexual activity along with their sanitary regulations plus their treatment of infectious diseases were millennia ahead of all other nations. God gave specific instructions to Israel regarding human waste. They were to relieve themselves away from the living area and to carry a tool for covering excrement! People in third world nations still don’t follow that basic practice!

The Encyclopedia of Medical History declares, “The idea of contagion was foreign to the classic medical tradition and found no place in the voluminous Hippocratic writings. The Old Testament, however, is a rich source for contagionist sentiment, especially in regard to leprosy and venereal disease.” Maybe, just maybe, we should use the Bible to manage our personal lives, not because it is ancient but because it is accurate.

When one looks at the book of Leviticus for treatment of infectious disease he does not see dirty, dangerous, and deadly remedies and ingredients prescribed by Egypt and other ancient civilizations. In fact, the Pentateuch reveals awareness of germs and disease that “modern” medicine did not grasp for 3,500 years after the book was written!

For thousands of years, doctors denied that disease could be transmitted by imperceptible means; but in the 1860s, Louis Pasteur confirmed it in his Germ Theory of Disease. He proved that most infectious diseases were caused by microorganisms originating from outside the body.

Moses gave specific instructions to prevent the spread of disease from dung and dead bodies thousands of years before modern man understood the danger. Moses instructed Jews that diseases such as leprosy were dangerous to everyone and such infected people were to “dwell alone without the camp.” Leviticus 13:45 commands when an infected person came near an uninfected person, the infected person was to “cover his upper lip, and shall cry, ‘unclean! unclean!’” That was not unkind; it saved thousands of innocent lives.

It is obvious that the covering of the upper lip was to keep the infected person from coughing, sneezing, or spitting on non-infected people. On Oct. 9, 2014, it was announced that researchers found that a patient showing no symptoms of the disease “can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.” That is contrary to what major health officials were saying!

It was 1873 that mankind finally realized that leprosy was infectious instead of hereditary but then, Moses and the Israelites knew about it 3,500 years earlier! If a Jew was suspected of being infected he was examined by a priest who confirmed whether or not he was infected. If so, then he was to be removed from the living area until he was healed. That meant quarantine and while it was unpleasant and uncomfortable, it was not unreasonable.

Because of Israel’s advanced knowledge they were the only culture cognizant of infectious diseases with the knowledge of how to deal with them. They were the only group to practice quarantine until the Black Death (bubonic plague) smacked the face of Europe in the 14th century. Millions were dying of plague until church leaders in Vienna thought about the Bible’s plan to stop the spread of infectious disease. Officials required all ships entering Vienna’s port on the Danube to be isolated 40 days to ensure that none of the sailors or passengers was infected. Other cities followed the plan and the Black Death was stopped.

U.S. and world health officials must realize they are health officials not politicians dedicated to making everyone feel good, safe, and fuzzy. We must prohibit anyone from entering the U.S. who has been to any Asian or African nation unless they have been in isolation 21 days. That also includes our southern border where people are entering our nation daily without any physical examination. Even animals have to have shots to enter and kids have to have vaccinations to attend school. You think maybe we could be a little stricter with so many deadly viruses? It is time to act now. If the coronavirus reaches a critical mass, it could become a medical tsunami that will burn itself out after killing millions of people.

Ancient Israel told us how to stop infectious disease: confirm, contain, and confine the disease. Maybe physicians should add the Bible to their medical references.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Childhood Vaccinations: the Real Story! Mon, 09 Feb 2015 16:14:58 +0000 Childhood vaccinations are the responsibility of parents not health professionals who have a vested interest in selling as many shots as possible.

The health professionals who almost worship vaccines tell us that without vaccinations infectious diseases would have almost wiped out the world; however that is not true. Dr. Harold E. Buttram reported that the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company reveals that from 1911 to 1935 the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in America were diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), scarlet fever, and measles. Then by 1945, “the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95 percent, before the implementation of mass immunization programs.” It seems the greatest factors in this decline were “sanitation through public health measures, improved nutrition, better housing with less crowded conditions and the introduction of antibiotics.” That shoots down their best argument.

Some health care professionals charge that the vaccination of very young children has been the cause of many health problems in the past 20 to 30 years, with the mumps, measles and rubella (MMR) and the diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT) vaccinations especially dangerous. I would not consider vaccinating my child if he/she were sick or would I permit multiple shots at one time. Nor would I permit shots near birth or shots close together. Often, the reaction is far worse than the disease. That is the least I would do and I demand that my critics explain how such caution might harm a child. Delay is better than possible disease, damage or death!

This issue has not been settled but it could be if the medical establishment would only do some long term studies; but they refuse to do so. Dr. Harold Buttrum declared, “There are NO (NONE) long term (months or years) safety studies on any vaccination or immunization.” So, why not? If medical people are so sure of their position, then let them prove it with long term studies.

Could the intractable reluctance of the medical establishment to do the necessary studies be because of ego, stubbornness, pride, and money? Especially the money!

Parents should remember that if they agree to a vaccination the doctor is required by law to provide information regarding the vaccine benefits and risks before the shot. He also must keep a permanent record of all vaccinations given, and that information must include the manufacturer’s name and lot number.

If your doctor refuses to report a reaction following vaccination, you have the right to report to the government yourself. If your child is left permanently brain damaged or dies as a result of a vaccine reaction, you may be entitled to benefits under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.

If you express concern about vaccinations your doctor will probably assure you that “the doctor knows best,” and this is usually affirmed in an arrogant and authoritative fashion. If that happens to you when you express concern for your child, you must take the position that if you are going to err it should be on the side of caution since your child’s life is in the balance. Remind your physician that a study done at a Boston hospital revealed that 36% of hospital admissions were the result of physicians’ blunders! Then, if you are convinced that it is useless to discuss with him any further your concern of vaccinations you might inform him of the disparaging, disgraceful, and deadly facts relating to the care of patients by physicians and hospitals.

Even if your physician is competent, the hospital has a 67% chance of misdiagnosis according to JAMA. Further remind him or her that one-third of U.S. hospitals admit that they give patients the wrong blood! Then smile and remind your physician that surgeons have been known to amputate the wrong leg, remove the wrong kidney and come to surgery drunk. Your anesthesiologist will probably not be drunk but he may sleep during your surgery! As you leave his office inform him that the Harvard School of Public Health reported on ABC that about 1.3 million people per year are injured because of hospital treatment with about 180,000 dying as a result! As you close the door, suggest that some physicians are as dangerous as Bonny and Clyde! Exit to look for another physician.

If your doctor refuses to talk intelligently with you about vaccines, then fire him or her. Monitor your child closely after a vaccination. Call your doctor if you suspect a reaction to a shot and if your doctor is not concerned, take your child to an emergency room.

You, not the medical establishment, are in control–for now. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Water—Great for Showers but not for Swallowing! Sun, 13 Apr 2014 01:42:47 +0000 I have plans to live beyond a hundred and be active all that time although I may get hit by a truck today! Following is some of the best information to take care of your health and live a long life. (Of course, I must add that my training is not in the health field. You might want to check with your doctor. That statement will keep the Federal thugs off my back.)

What goes into the body has an incredible effect on it, so we must be careful what we permit in the body. Since the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, it is a sin for a Christian to mistreat it. Most educated people know the danger of sugar, some meats, chemicals, dyes, preservatives, etc., that are detrimental to the human body. However, the most essential ingredient (except for oxygen) that goes into the body is water.

The Earth’s surface is covered with 70% water which is necessary for all forms of life so maybe the Earth should be called “Ocean.” About 96% is salt water found in the oceans and seas and only about 3% is fresh water and about 70% of that is used by farms and ranches. Of the remainder of fresh water less than 1% is available to satisfy every plant, animal, and person on Earth! Without water, there is no life.

From its beginning thousands of years ago, civilization has thrived around rivers, lakes, and major harbors. Mesopotamia is known as the cradle of civilization and was located between the major rivers, Tigris and Euphrates. Egypt depended entirely upon the Nile and the regular flooding of its banks. The World’s largest and oldest cities are located on major rivers, lakes, and ocean harbors. Without water, the world dries up. I believe the next big battle will be over water, not oil or land.

Water is the most necessary item on Earth. No living thing can exist without it; yet it is increasingly more difficult to find pure water. The reasons are the population growth, the expanding cities, and massive farms which are all producing a shortage of water and often resulting in contaminated water. (No, I am not an environmentalist nut.)

Since the human body consists of 70% water which is the most necessary element in our lives except air, I think our drinking water should be pure to help us function at our optimum level and provide a long life. However, it is difficult to get pure water.

The Feb. 18, 2014 issue of the journal Environmental Science & Technology reported that nearly half of water faucets sampled across the United States tested positive for the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease! It went on to add that Legionnaires’ disease is a severe form of pneumonia that causes chills, fever, headache, a cough and more. It can be deadly. Don’t offer me a glass of water.

The fact is that most of our water may be safe for showers (and that is debatable) but not safe to swallow—and drinking is more important than showers! (This is not a defense for dirt.)

Most towns and cities in the U.S. have impure water. Even rainwater isn’t pure since it falls through the polluted atmosphere. Moreover, most city water has been recycled and used at least 5 times! Water used in Pittsburgh flows down the Ohio River to Huntington, WV and is used by them until it passes on to Cincinnati then to Louisville and into the Mississippi on the Illinois and Missouri border, a distance of 980 miles. The Mississippi then flows south dumping its much-used water into the Gulf of Mexico after “refreshing” millions of hapless citizens along its path. Of course, the used, polluted water is “cleaned up” for repeated use; but West Africans say that filthy water cannot be washed. I tend to agree with them.

“But,” you say, “Chlorination cleans up the water.” No, it adds more problems. Author Joseph Price, M.D. says that before 1900 when chlorination started, heart attacks were unknown! He wrote, “The basic cause of atherosclerosis, heart attacks and most forms of strokes is chlorine. The chlorine contained in processed water.” People tell us that it is modern stress that produces heart attacks but early Americans lived with incredible stress–often dangerous Indians, bad weather, poor harvests, etc.,– without heart attacks.

Water is not only polluted, it is often poisoned! The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency discovered cancer-causing substances in every water supply it tested—79 different cities!

Some water systems even have transparent worms! William Witzke of the Witzke Laboratories in Modesto, CA said that 95% of the water analyzed was not fit for human or animal consumption. The U.S. Public Service said, “One out of every two Americans—over one hundred million people—are drinking processed sewer water.” Say what? That’s why we drink distilled or purified water.

It is time to take control of our lives, without becoming fanatics, and treat our bodies the way God expects us to treat them. Then you can plan on living to be a hundred–unless you step in front of a Greyhound!

Next column: “Fluoridated Water Makes Dirty Water, Poisonous!” Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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