Hispanics – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 July is Strong, Aggressive Male (SAM) Pride Month Honoring their World-Changing Contributions! https://donboys.cstnews.com/july-is-strong-aggressive-male-sam-pride-month-honoring-their-world-changing-contributions https://donboys.cstnews.com/july-is-strong-aggressive-male-sam-pride-month-honoring-their-world-changing-contributions#respond Thu, 14 Jul 2022 18:54:38 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3122 Well, the sharp knives are out simply because of my title, but the facts are convincing to any honest, thoughtful, concerned person interested in truth—not an agenda from far-left field. I expect to be misjudged, misquoted, maligned, and misunderstood; however, I cannot be responsible for that since those depend on a reader’s mental ability, honesty, personal honor, and commitment to truth.

America has numerous special interest groups such as Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, athletes, homosexuals, normal people, unions, numerous religious groups, liberals, conservatives, and on and on and on. Each has a right to tout their successes, complaints, ambitions, etc. And all sane, honest, thoughtful people will agree that each group has an equal right to promote his or her own group. Of course, such promotions will have various degrees of success.

It would be shocking if a Hispanic did not think his culture was superior to all others. After all, that thought does not harm those in other groups who disagree with him. Blacks should be proud of their culture and shout their prowess in athletics, entertainment, and fashion except for the silly turnaround caps and trousers falling below the 38th parallel.

Well, I am a white male though I had nothing to do with it. Still, I am honored to be white and male although I can’t legitimately boast about it. I have also been ashamed many times of strong, and evil or stupid men, but alas, all groups have such despicable jerks.

I think it’s time to highlight the great achievements of strong males since they have been obscured, neglected, and denigrated lately by lesser men. Pseudo-intellectuals like using the term dead white males.

June is the special month for the Homosexual Lobby and the media constantly promotes their parades, special events, etc., and they have that right although I think it should be a month of shame instead of pride. But then, shame for sexual immorality is as old-fashioned as the automobile crank, ladies’ corsets, white wall tires, and the buggy whip.

Personal shame for personal conduct is as infrequent as white dinosaurs in Kentucky.

God prophesied this day in Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.”

A person will not be ashamed unless there is a tried and true standard that reveals his failure. The Standard is still there; however, few are willing to recognize it. It is so stifling, so restricting such as “thou shall not commit adultery,” “thou shalt not lie,” and the like.

In our day, it is considered quaint to always tell the truth and always keep your word.

I remember the day when all people were ashamed if it became known they were living in adultery, had a baby out of wedlock, or were attracted to young girls. Moreover, everyone was horrified if someone sexually preferred his or her own gender! And no one boasted about such aberration and rebellion against community (and biblical) standards.

Alas, those days are gone and almost forgotten.

By the way, how do you like this new, liberal, permissive, even perverted lifestyle that has been inculcated in our people? Are Americans happier, safer, kinder, and more prosperous and productive than before our wokeness?

It seems no one is horrified or ashamed of anything today. Abnormality is shouted from the rooftops and public parades. Naked bodies with bouncing boobs and protruding members have been paraded all over America during June so now it is time for normalcy to parade—the Strong Aggressive Male!

July is Strong Aggressive Male month (SAM), a time of reflection on the accomplishments of strong males. Although if the radicals on the left are awake and not in a drunken or drug-induced stupor, they will spit, sputter, scream, and squall if any recognition is given to the greatest men in history. I would think any person who has benefited from past accomplishments would be willing to take a few minutes to recall, recognize, and even reverence great successes no matter who was responsible.

Therefore, speak up with justified pride since SAMs have given the world freedom, free enterprise, and the highest standard of living in world history.

I see no reason to reach back to antiquity to provide detail of great, strong, aggressive males like Noah whose commitment saved the human race. Additionally, Moses delivered the Ten Commandments to mankind, the foundation for all laws that provided stability, safety, and security to governments smart enough to follow them. So, while giving credit to such men, I will deal with modern strong aggressive males.

Sam will be my representative of strong, aggressive males. He is married to Sue who is submissive, unique, and equal—although with different strengths, uniqueness, and not equal in function to her husband, Sam. There is little doubt that many women possess far more desirable attributes than most men. What they don’t have is physical strength, especially in their upper bodies nor are they as competitive or aggressive. They don’t need to be if they fulfill God’s purposes for them.

However, in recent months it seems a vile virus has infected the minds of people, especially people who lean left, to resent any suggestion that men are men and women are women. Frankly, I like it much better that way. We are told that men have periods, get pregnant, have babies, and are as efficient and successful in the home as any woman.

What a ludicrous, dangerous, and insidious mental virus! While men and women are equal before God and man, they function differently to produce a happy, successful, self-perpetuating society. Women are usually lighter, shorter, much more attractive, and less hairy than men and have a vagina. Men are bigger, stronger, competitive, and more aggressive, and God’s plan has worked well for millennia. Until wokeism infected most everyone.

SAMs in history are insulted, ignored, and indicted by lesser people who could not qualify to shine their shoes or carry their baggage.

On June 15, 1215, some English barons twisted the arm of King John and forced him to sign the Magna Carta, a document declaring that kings had to obey laws like other citizens. Among other things, the charter guaranteed trial by jury and habeas corpus. All the barons were strong, aggressive males. Those men challenged, contested, and changed the concept of all-powerful despots making freedom and prosperity possible for every human on earth.

A strong, male Johann Gutenberg (died 1468) invented the printing press thereby changing the world. He should be a hero to everyone even if he had two heads and was a registered Democrat.

The Industrial Revolution occurred between 1760 and 1840 when the standard of living advanced for the first time in history! With various inventions, work done by hand advanced to work done by machines powered by steam and electricity instead of water and air.

About 1764 James Hargreaves devised a yarn-spinning machine called the spinning jenny that changed and improved millions of lives. That was followed by James Watt’s steam engine and with that, the world changed again. These inventors were SAMs.

Cyrus McCormick invented several machines used to mechanize farming making it quicker and easier and requiring fewer workers. In 1846, Elias Howe’s sewing machine made the production of clothing less expensive. In 1859 Edwin Drake completed the drilling of the first productive oil well in the United States, near Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Charles Babbage (died1871) was the English inventor of the first mechanical computers. Babbage is considered the “father of computers” since his groundbreaking work made possible today’s world.

Michael Faraday (died 1867) was an English scientist who contributed to the development of electricity. Without him, we would be sitting in the dark without heat or air.

Henry Ford (died 1947) pioneered the use of assembly lines and mass production of motor cars, helping most Americans to own transportation.

Alexander Graham Bell developed his telephone in 1882 thereby pulling every American into one big family. The cell phone developed in 1973 completely changed the world similar to the printing press.

In 1879 Thomas Edison introduced the modern age of light when he invented the incandescent lightbulb.

At Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina on December 17, 1903, Orville Wright performed the first successful controlled human flight in history. Interestingly, the Scientific American sneered at the “alleged” flights of the Wright brothers in their January 13, 1906, issue, two years after they had flown their first airplane. Both brothers were strong, aggressive males.

Free enterprise, or the free market, has brought incredible possibilities to people fortunate enough to experience it. It is an economic system where private persons can form companies, buy, and sell competitively in the marketplace with a minimum of government interference. Adam Smith (died 1790) argued for an economic system based on individual self-interest led by an “invisible hand,” which would achieve the greatest good for all.

Soft, complacent males are doing their best to dismantle the Free Enterprise system that made America the most powerful, prosperous, peaceful, and philanthropic nation in the world. They go by the name of Socialist, Democrat, RINO, and moron. A better word is traitor.

After hundreds of years of contributions by various medical personnel, the first successful heart transplant was done by Christian Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa in 1967. The success gave hope to people worldwide, but today transplants are no longer news.

I am proud of strong aggressive males who led us into a world of production and prosperity, the highest standard of living in the world, etc.

Leftists will not respond to this column other than to accuse me of being a hater, bigot, know-nothing, white supremacist, and of course, racist. While doing so, they drool with hatred toward anything Christian.

But then, I have been called worse things by better people.

By the way, all the above SAMs were strong, aggressive, white males! Don’t know how important that is but it is part of SAM’s amazing story.

I hear knees jerking all over the world. Left ones, of course.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Illegal Immigration: America’s Seething Volcano! https://donboys.cstnews.com/illegal-immigration-americas-seething-volcano https://donboys.cstnews.com/illegal-immigration-americas-seething-volcano#comments Sat, 12 Jul 2014 00:44:56 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=829 Recent headlines blared, “Illegals now flooding U.S. Border” and some just-arrived illegal aliens asked, “Where do we go to get our amnesty?” Most of the illegals are unaccompanied children some of whom are delivered to relatives who themselves are illegal aliens and authorities do not ask their status! And the ACLU filed a suit demanding each and every illegal alien must have a lawyer and YOU will pay. The message sent to Central American nations is “If you get here, you can stay” so they come by the trainloads. And when they come they will be handed a bag of freebies: education, medical care, welfare payments, legal advice, etc.

Hispanic extremists continue to raise the ante to get as much as they can, after all we “owe” it to them. One sign demanded, “Give us FREE Health care, Jobs–no taxes, House, Food – You OWE us America! We will shoot more police in Arizona until we get FREE!” Has anyone but me asked why that person did not go to jail? Another sign demanded, “Citizenship for 11 million.” And “citizenship” means “Democrat” voters. And Republicans are too stupid to resist it.

This is incredible, indefensible, and insane yet our politicians and fuzzy Christian leaders seem to think it is acceptable and admirable instead of abhorrent and abominable. Furthermore, illegal aliens kill about 10,000 Americans each year–when they are not “picking tomatoes.”

Even in normal times, it is insane for a nation to have unrestricted immigration, and during wars, national pestilences, or terror it is doubly insane to have porous borders! That’s about where the U.S. is today. With an astronomical increase in crime; with burgeoning welfare rolls; with cities and states whining about being out of money; with millions of Americans out of work and more to follow; we still have almost open borders! We might as well put up a huge sign on our southern border: “Terrorists and other illegals Welcome! Follow the arrows to Tucson!” Maybe an additional sign promising “free education and medical care” with additional information for those with leprosy, dengue fever, tuberculosis, polio, and malaria!

Each year about 500,000 illegal aliens cross into the U.S. with many carrying drugs, disease, and destructive plans for our nation. In recent days Border Patrol agents have contracted various diseases, lice and scabies. Many illegals want to pick tomatoes; however if tomato pickers can slip in, so can terrorists. Yet, we have major politicians who are so unconcerned they want to give amnesty to the illegal gatecrashers already here! The President seems to be unaware that he is sitting on a seething volcano that is about to explode!

There are now more than 80,000 illegal aliens from terror-friendly or terror-supporting nations hiding in the U.S.! American citizens will hold elected officials responsible for terrorism resulting from their inaction, ineptitude, or incompetence relating to border security. America’s volcano is going to explode!

Since most immigrants from Mexico and South America have lower skills, they are more likely to request public assistance, gorge the public school system, overwhelm the health care industry, and spike the crime reports. Bigotry? Not at all. Just the facts. Did you know that 15% of California students are illegal aliens and 25% of inmates in federal prisons are illegals? They are not in prison for being gatecrashers but for committing crimes in the U.S.! You are funding them! Moreover, 75% of those on the most wanted list in L.A. are illegals.

A recent survey shows that about 40 million immigrants live in the United States. About 12 million are illegal aliens. In Texas, 58% of illegal households collect some form of welfare while nationally, 47% of illegals receive welfare. Illegal aliens will cost taxpayers about $113,000,000 this year!

Should U.S. taxpayers be expected to finance illegal immigrants? I can defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants? “Thanks” to Republicans and Democrats, with amnesty just around the corner, immigrants will get on the welfare rolls and most will stay there. Have the loonies taken over the asylum?

I was told by a post office official in San Luis, Arizona their office has 11,200 post office boxes in a town of about 3,000 people because people living across the border in Mexico use them as a permanent American address to collect public benefits. Courtesy of YOU. Don’t you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that you go to work each day to support parasites across the border?

We must admit that if large numbers of Hispanics, legal or illegal, enter the U.S. it will relieve some of Central America’s social and economic problems, but what will it do to America’s? By what twisted logic are U.S. citizens expected to take their hard-earned money to provide for foreigners, especially foreigners who are criminals? Maybe it can be justified if you worship at the shrine of global government, but no thinking person does that, do they?

The pro-immigration people tell us that immigrants don’t take jobs; they make jobs and pay taxes. However, while that may be true in individual cases, it is not true in the aggregate. Illegals cost Americans ten billion dollars more than they pay in taxes!

We are told that Hispanics are needed to do work that Americans will not do, but a more correct statement is that they take jobs that Americans don’t want at the going wage! According to the Los Angeles Times, 2% of illegals are picking crops (while 29% are picking our pockets). When times get tough, Americans will work at any job to put food on the table. Don’t you feel good knowing that Mexican immigrants are working at very low wages to make more profit for agri-businesses? Fact is, for every 100 illegal aliens who get a job, 60 Americans will lose their job.

It is time for the U.S. to take charge of our borders, keep out illegal aliens, apprehend those now living in the U.S. illegally and demand that our “friends” south of the border stop playing the hypocrite and close make their northern border as tight as their southern border. It’s past time to get started.

The volcano is about to explode!
http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Is White Pride Always Wrong? https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-white-pride-always-wrong https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-white-pride-always-wrong#comments Wed, 21 Nov 2012 16:26:24 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=208 Each Wednesday I post one of my old columns that I hope will be interesting, informative and maybe inspiring. Today’s column is one of the most controversal that I have written:

We have observed environmental fanatics, in collusion with the Federal government, going to outrageous efforts to preserve the snail darter, spotted owl, and the yellow belly sap sucker; so is it unreasonable to preserve America as the land of the free and the home of the brave? Why is it commendable for Blacks, Hispanics, and others to loudly proclaim their ethnicity, but when a white person does so, everyone treats him like a bigot? Last night I saw video of a young Martin Luther King Jr. declare, “I am proud to be black. Black is beautiful. Someone needs to say it.” Why is it right for him to say it about being black but wrong for me to say the same thing about being white? I will expect an answer from my critics.

Non-thinkers/racists/liberals are now defending their racism by calling me a racist! That’s like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath! Not too swift but no one says racists/liberals are very sharp or honest people. They are fanatics and totally committed to their radical agenda.

This is an issue that no one wants to deal with–the proverbial elephant sitting in a formal living room and everyone pretends it isn’t there! While I don’t want to be identified with the white supremacist crowd or the clowns of the KKK, I do think it is not only right but also desirable to be proud of our heritage–whatever our heritage is.

Of course, there are times when we are embarrassed with what white people have done and are doing, but that would be true of every group. Does affirming that fact make me a racist? Overall, white people have contributed enormously to make the world a better place–yes, even Christianized white people–that is people who aren’t Christians but who have been influenced by the Bible.

The desire to keep America the way it is with our language, customs, religion, mores, etc., is admirable and nothing to be ashamed of. Why should we want a major shift in the racial ratio, language, customs, religion, etc.? The desire for keeping America in its present state is a reason to be skeptical of mass immigration. Of course, there is no question regarding illegal immigration although liberals and Democrats (but then I repeat myself) usually try to justify such criminal activity.

My being proud of being a white Christian does not reflect badly on those who don’t fit that description, and my love for my wife and family and my considering them the best does no harm and is no criticism of others who don’t agree. Just because you think your wife is more beautiful than mine and your children and grandchildren are the brightest and most loveable does not make you a bigot. You are simply wrong, since mine are! (I have their test scores and photos to prove it!) Most sane people would agree that that attitude is desirable and completely normal. It would be abnormal if that were not true.

Massive immigration should be halted for a few years although I think exceptions should be made for those Americans who marry foreigners. In addition to temporarily halting or limiting immigration we should raise our standards requiring new citizens to sing in English all the verses of “America, the Beautiful” and whistle the National Anthem at the same time–with a mouthful of saltine crackers! Well, maybe not quite that extreme, but almost!

Hey, if unlimited immigration is good, then let other nations take in the immigrants who are “yearning to breathe free….” If it is noble, kind, and compassionate to take in an unlimited number of foreigners, then let the other advanced nations get the blessings of immigration. Furthermore, if immigrants are offended when I sing patriotic songs, fly the American flag, and pray to Christ, then tough luck. This is a big world so they can find somewhere else to live. There is plenty of empty space on the Arabian Desert!

If America continues as it is: permitting massive legal and illegal immigration we will eventually become a banana republic—without bananas and without a republic!

It is not racism to suggest that the racial ratio of America is being changed, and while some think the change is good, I don’t. Why must white people apologize for being white? Is there an advantage for losing national “whiteness”? Because we think being white is just as good as being black, brown, etc., is that prima fascia evidence that we hate other people? What is the advantage of changing the national hue?

Blacks, Indians, Latin Americans, etc., should be proud of their race, after all God made them that way. So would you mind if I believe that Whites should feel the same about being white? Would the racists out there forgive me for pointing out that white Christians (along with some scoundrels) came to this continent and discovered a land of forests, swamps, and tribes of warring Indians? There were no roads, no businesses, no churches, no hospitals, and no factories. Our ancestors drained the swamps, built log cabins and churches, planted crops, dug copper, coal, gold, and silver from the ground, built railroads, attempted to civilize the warring Indians (and made friends of the friendly Indians) and established a land of freedom and incredible opportunity like nowhere on earth. My critics will point out the mistakes and excesses which I am willing to admit; but I will add the many failures of the Indians and others, proving mankind’s fallen nature.
Moreover, I will point out that for thousands of years nothing had been done to develop the land, forests, rivers, and mining opportunities. Indians lived as they had for more than a thousand years, sitting around their campfires while their children and elderly died unnecessary and often early deaths.

Additionally, why make America into another Hispanic country? Aren’t there enough Hispanic countries as it is? There are far more nations populated by people of color than white nations. Why not have a mainly white nation here and there around the globe? Why do we need another Spanish-speaking or Islamic nation? Moreover, those who emigrate here should learn to speak English! That is the least they can do. Teddy Roosevelt suggested that any immigrant who did not learn English within five years of his arrival should be shipped back home! I agree.

Justin J. Moritz, a white, retired police officer, with no criminal record was refused a patent for “White Pride” by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office because it “is considered offensive and therefore scandalous.” There is no justification for the USPTO to reject a patent for “White Pride” after approving Black Pride, African Pride, Asian Pride, Chippewa Pride, Gay Pride, Indian Pride, and many other “prides.” Can anyone defend such offensive policies and obvious discrimination? Only a racist would defend such a practice and only a fool would try.

I have defended minority people and groups all my life. I have demanded that people be treated like people. If all people are treated with respect, kindness, thoughtfulness, and graciousness, then everyone benefits. I do not endorse or support the NAACP because they are racist in seeking the benefit of “colored” people. Why not seek the advancement of people? Need civil rights leaders be reminded that the “Jim Crow” days are long gone? If we seek the advancement of everyone, that will cover Blacks, Hispanics, Whites, Indians, etc.

All my adult life I have detested unfairness, discrimination, narrow mindedness, political correctness, and cowardice. I am ashamed to say that national and state politicians, plus those in academia and the media, plus many evangelical Christians are guilty of all the above.

I await the slings and arrows from my critics and will appreciate some answers!


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