homosexuality – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Mitch McConnell is a Member of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot! https://donboys.cstnews.com/mitch-mcconnell-is-a-member-of-the-ancient-infamous-order-of-judas-iscariot https://donboys.cstnews.com/mitch-mcconnell-is-a-member-of-the-ancient-infamous-order-of-judas-iscariot#respond Wed, 27 Jan 2021 15:50:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2759 Senator Mitch McConnell, the shameful member of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot (AIOJI), revealed his true calling—traitor, whose main claim to fame is backstabbing. He confirmed to all that he is one of the oldest and most dangerous of the Swamp Creatures. He, Mitt Romney, Liz Chaney, and others (members of the same club) seem to be desirous, determined, and dedicated destruction of the GOP. No weeping here since I left the party decades ago because they were so similar to the Democrats. It is not healthy for our republic to have two political parties taking almost the same positions. The difference is only in the degree.

Since the AIOJI membership requirements are embarrassingly low, it is easy for shameless politicians to be accepted. I understand that membership is automatic for cutthroats, child molesters, traitors, turncoats, and terrorists. Those on the left are associate members without applying for membership. Any Republican or Democrat who votes for Trump’s impeachment easily and quickly qualifies for membership in the Judas Order with the entrance fee waived.

I assume all self-respecting decent people will shun such reprobates without fear of being labeled self-righteous.

RINOs have survived by merely being less offensive, less objectionable, and less obnoxious to ordinary people. While they are against abortion up to delivery, they are not against abortion. And they sure won’t fight about it. I think killing innocent babies is worth fighting about. RINOs and some Democrats agree that abortion may be worth getting mad and stamping your feet, and perhaps even holding your breath since aborted babies lose their right to breathe. But, one can make too much of a losing issue, we are told. Killing babies is not worth losing an election or causing the opposition to lose face. And Democrats can always be expected to push the Planned Parenthood agenda.

Under Biden and what’s-her-name, we can expect many more abortions (even internationally) with taxpayers financing them through taxes. There is no question about this administration’s leaders being card-carrying members of the Judas Order.

RINOs are proud to claim a pro-family position; however, they refuse to take a clear-cut position on same-sex “marriage” (the radicals get indignant when I put quotes around marriage, but they’ll get over it, and if not, who cares). When forced by pushy conservatives to be more explicit, the soft Republicans suggest that a long-term homosexual relationship is better than hundreds of one-night-stands. That statement is wrong on its face, but most homosexuals in a “long-time relationship” reserve the right to reserve one or two nights a week for “extracurricular activities” with the boys at the local bathhouse. The LGBTQ crowd is too dumb or too dishonest to admit that fact.

A fair, honest, and brave reporter asks, “Do you think homosexuality is evil under all circumstances?” I don’t know a reporter willing to ask that question, and I don’t know a politician who will answer in the affirmative. And none are willing to use the correct and biblical term sodomy. My Dad would have called them gutless wonders.

As a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, I used biblical terms such as sodomy, but you’ll note that I am no longer a member of that august body.

If you think Trump was soft on perversion (and he was), wait until the new administration gets into high gear. Any “loving” relationship will be legal and acceptable, like maybe polygamy, polyandry, polyamory, promiscuity, or perversion or even a “loving” relationship with your favorite goat could be permitted with the caveat that no force is ever used. Radicals tell us their perverted, permissive, and progressive position is realistic since there is no recognized, reasonable, and reliable standard upon which such moral decisions can be made.

Well, there is a standard, and it starts with an uppercase B.

Soft Republicans are willing to vote against men who pretend to be women; however, the reason is usually pragmatic—the cost of remodeling all the restrooms, the confusion, etc. But they never opine that it is a mental aberration for a man, with all the right physical equipment, to pretend to be a female. Moreover, most politicians refuse to admit that it is insane to expect taxpayers to pay for surgery to chop off healthy and perfectly working organs that suggest maleness.

There are already indications that children who have surgery and get gender-changing hormones realize they have been irreparably damaged and mutilated. Moreover, they have significant bouts with suicidal feelings. When this tragedy becomes common, irrefutable knowledge (as it already is with educated people), it will be interesting to watch the proponents of sexual mutilation defend their quasi acceptance of modern medicine. It is reminiscent of witch-doctors with beating drums around a jungle campfire, shaking their gourds as they ply their cures consisting of ground chicken bones, monkey livers, and hippopotamus blood—with a pinch of garlic.

The same “doctors” who defend gender-changing are the same crowd as physicians who support lobotomies, shock treatment, leeches, and bleeding. But not to worry, they are board-certified.

With the Biden team in place, we will see a massive effort to continue making race the center, the cause, and the culmination of everything. Biden’s lineage is Irish and French, but he may declare himself black and trace his Irish-French lineage to imaginary Irish Hottentots from present-day Cape Province, South Africa. Or better yet, he might trace his linage to France via the Ivory Coast where he could claim a direct linkage to slavery! Wow, what credentials.

We have seen many attempts in America where history has been rewritten to make all Blacks feel good about themselves. It is forbidden to laugh when we are told that Beethoven was black, King George III’s wife was black, and that the Pharaohs of Egypt were black, thereby giving Blacks credit for one of the most ancient empires on earth.

There is a kernel of truth to the black Pharaohs’ myth, but it does not encourage black superiority when the truth is revealed. Egypt was founded in 3300 B.C. and held black Nubia as a colony; however, in the eighth century B.C., the Nubians marched about 700 miles north to Thebes (Egypt’s religious center) and took control. However, Egypt was already well over 2000 years old, an ancient empire. The Blacks of Nubia ruled Egypt for sixty years under five “black pharaohs.” The black rule did not add to the empire; instead, it began to collapse. This is documented by The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical, and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt, which supports the contention that Egypt’s founders were of European racial stock.

The Biden team has committed itself to pay reparations to living Blacks for more than 200 years of slavery even though all Blacks don’t have a slave ancestor; moreover, many Blacks are wealthy; furthermore, none of us living today have any culpability in the slavery issue. Here is one good-old-boy who has no guilt for slavery or the mistreatment of anyone, anywhere, at any time. None. I’m embarrassed about slavery and embarrassed that some professing Christians were slave-owners, but I have no guilt.

Furthermore, let me suggest if the Biden-Harris administration promotes the lunatic lurch to the left, especially with these issues dealt with here, it will universally anger, antagonize, and alienate American taxpayers. Consequently, Americans will simply refuse to fund the shocking, shameful, and senseless government programs. The tax coffers will become empty as Biden’s head.

Some say the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot morphed into the Deplorable and Disgraceful Order of Benedict Arnold, but such people have only a cursory acquaintance with history. The AIOJI is still viable, vainglorious, if not a visible reality. Readers of the daily news see this every day as AIOJI members strut through Congress’ hallowed halls.

I believe McConnell, Romney, Biden, Harris, et al., get their instructions from the same source Judas Iscariot did.

Interestingly, when Judas was proved to be a traitor, he went out and hanged himself. Now, that is a little extreme, although it would have the same effect of being a benefit to society. I’ll be satisfied if the members of the Ancient Infamous Order of Judas Iscariot simply resign. If not, then sane voters should take care of that at the next election.

An honest election.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Fellow Baptist Says Jerry Falwell, Jr. Got His Dad’s Position But Not His Principles! https://donboys.cstnews.com/fellow-baptist-says-jerry-falwell-jr-got-his-dads-position-but-not-his-principles https://donboys.cstnews.com/fellow-baptist-says-jerry-falwell-jr-got-his-dads-position-but-not-his-principles#respond Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:56:30 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2428 The leftists, loonies, and lavender crowd smell blood—Falwell blood—and they, like a flock of vultures, are circling over Liberty Mountain ready for the kill. The tragedy is that Jerry Falwell, Jr. has not acted wisely and is responsible for some of the mess as this article and following articles will document.

However, just because some charges may be true or partially true does not mean the charges of nepotism, family feuds, giving political support to Trump’s candidacy in 2016 as payback for Trump’s lawyer effecting the destruction of “racy” photos of Jerry’s wife, fiduciary bungling, self-dealing in Liberty University construction projects, Jerry Jr. and his son dancing and drinking at a Florida nightclub, etc., are true. I will delineate those charges in future articles.

A recent article of mine dealt with Jerry’s support for GOP Congressman Denver Riggleman from Charlottesville for reelection next year. The congressman is a whisky producer who performed a wedding ceremony for two homosexual men who worked for his candidacy. Jerry endorsed him knowing he could have supported another candidate (even choosing a candidate) in the coming primary, but he chose to support the same-sex “marriage” congressman.

That is not the Falwell I knew for decades. As the Brits cried out for centuries, “The [old] King is dead; long live the [new] King.” But while Jerry got his father’s position, he did not get his father’s principles. Sad.

Jerry’s dad for sure would never support homosexuality. In fact, many Republicans stay out of primaries and permit each candidate to take his or her message to the GOP voters. Jerry Jr. decided to jump in very early to give his support after the county GOP refused to support his reelection! I predict Riggleman will become a Democrat following his reelection.

There is no question that Falwell made a hasty and dangerous political decision, but to justify his support of perversion by his immature nonsense about the Supreme Court having already made same sex “marriage” legal is embarrassingly shallow. Whatever the circumstances, any support, and in fact, the lack of condemnation of such a ceremony has no defense. Jerry blew it.

But then, Jerry and Liberty University have waded into these muddy waters before.

In 2014, many friends of Liberty were concerned that university officials (that means Jerry, Jr.) hired a homosexual advocate to teach students choreography in its presentation of Mary Poppins. Additional concerns developed when Brandon Ambrosino, a Liberty student, crawled out of the closet as a homosexual and was allowed to enroll as a graduate student in Liberty’s seminary program. That was a mistake.

Surely if God decreed the death penalty for sodomy in ancient Israel under a theocracy, He obviously would not want any kind of encouragement or support to them in our day of grace except to demand they repent and “sin no more.” For any Christian to give any encouragement to homosexuality is to support evil deeds. Dishonest critics will twist that to suggest that is a dog whistle for haters to mistreat homosexuals. As usual, they are wrong.

The Brandon Ambrosino article reported that Trey Falwell, Jerry Junior’s son, also a Liberty vice-president, “co-owns a gay-friendly hostel in Miami Beach known as the Miami Hostel! The article’s author reported that he spent a weekend at the establishment that displays the warning, “No Soliciting, No Politics, No Salesmen, No Religion.” Ambrosino called it a “flophouse” saying that one can stay at the hostel for $20.00 per night (in Miami Beach!). It boasts a bar/lounge and pool and provides bed sheets; you make your own bed. Parking garage is two blocks away.

The hostel website boasts, “You can hang out in the Jacuzzi or after you have had a few drinks join the club tour for that night with your friends. There is a liquor store connected to the hostel with almost anything you need for partying!”

A gay-friendly hostel that sells booze owned by a Liberty University vice-president! But it gets worse. It was allegedly funded by the President of Liberty University!

The Daily Mail reported, “A representative for Falwell Jr told BuzzFeed that he [Jerry] had loaned a company the downpayment (sic) to purchase the property on Alton Road for $4.65 million, but that Falwell Jr. himself was not a partner in the hostel.” Reuters reported, “Falwell [Junior] filed an affidavit in 2018 saying he used his own wealth to lend $1.8 million to the $4.65 million project….”

If so, Jerry is a participant, promoter, and pimp for perversion.

Jerry can contact scores of theology experts at Liberty who will validate that II John 1:11 warns all Christians, “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” Not only are Christians warned not to encourage perversion (or those who encourage rebellion against Christ), they are required to condemn it. Hebrews 11:7 reveals that Noah condemned the sin of his day but Lot refused to do so. Lot was “vexed” by the sodomites in Sodom but he was like many Christian Conservatives who would never support the LGBTQ crowd and they speak strongly for “family values” but refuse to say, “Sodomy is evil.”

It seems Jerry Falwell Jr. would never wave the LGBTQ flag but he will wave the white flag of surrender and say, “Can’t we all just—you know—just get along!”

No, Jerry, we can’t. Christians are required to take a stand and go to the heart of the issue: Sodomy is wrong whether by two men or two women. It is wrong for married couples. You call a news conference, admit your softness on the issue, even speak about your repentance for compromise, cut all ties with any support for perversion, and lead the charge in a battle against the LGBTQ crowd as your dad did.

After all, your dad may be watching and if not your Father is for sure.

Martin Luther’s attributed statement is germane here: “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the Word of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him. Where the battle rages there the loyalty of the soldier is proved.”

On the most pressing social/moral issue of our day, all Christians should stand with Luther and God. Pretty good company.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA TODAY for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Is Trump Pandering to the LGBTQ Crowd a Political Ploy? https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-trump-pandering-to-the-lgbtq-crowd-a-political-ploy https://donboys.cstnews.com/is-trump-pandering-to-the-lgbtq-crowd-a-political-ploy#respond Fri, 19 Jul 2019 01:08:03 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2385 President Trump knows better than to pander to the LGBTQ crowd, but listening to advisors, he has chosen to throw the homosexual lobby a bone not realizing that they will never be satisfied. They are not interested in a “bone”; they want to chomp on the hand that threw it. Anyone, with his ear to the ground, his eye on the ball, and with half his brain tied behind his back knows the LGBTQ crowd consists primarily of national bullies, brutes, and bigots. Trump will never be able to satisfy that crowd since they will only be satisfied when the debate is shut down, and no one has the courage or opportunity or legal right to question them about their unhealthy, unnatural, and unwise practices.

Yet, in light of the above facts, President Trump, surely with fingers crossed and his tongue placed firmly in cheek declared, “As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions that LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invites all nations to join us in this effort!”

Therefore, we now have national acceptance of perversion as well as popular support and “people of good will” are attempting to make perversion universally accepted!

Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen in their 1989 book, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s gave specific instructions how homosexuality could be mainstreamed. “Gays must be cast as victims in need of protection” Even if they are not the victim, they should pretend to be the victim. They were told to keep talking about “gayness” and make themselves look good and critics very bad. Stupid people have complied and a sea change has taken place. Wrong is now right, bad is now good, and corrupt is now correct.

Trump is listening to the wrong advisors. Isaiah will serve him better than any of his staff. He had better remember Isaiah 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.” Trump and others can promote evil but they will all be held to an account. Modern man does not want to hear a difficult truth but it is better to be disturbed by the truth than deceived by error. Those who defend perversion are out of step with God, decency, history, and common sense.

Christians and informed Conservatives are aghast at Trump’s support of the homosexual lobby who hates him with a white heat. Moreover, he does not need that vote to win in 2020. All he has to do is continue to keep his promises and build a substantial part of the wall.

No reporter had the courage to ask, “Mr. President, will you please provide three of the ‘outstanding contributions’ the LGBTQ (caution: very offensive video) crowd has made to America? That question will not be asked and I’m considered a bigot for stressing that failure of all mainstream journalists.

Even in light of the incredible public acceptance of homosexuality, the pro-family Conservatives have won the intellectual battle dealing with the LGBTQ crowd, but are losing the public relations battle. The homosexual lobby has been deficient, dishonest, and defeated in the major disputes in this quagmire. Informed people know that homosexuals were not “born that way”; that they can be converted to normal living; that many of them do recruit; that they are disease carriers; they are illegal drug users; they die much younger than normal people do; and are adding to the destruction of our health care system.

There is no argument that Conservative Christians have won the intellectual battle: homosexuality is abnormal, aberrational, and abominable. The battle is over (but the war is not won) and homosexuals are left with one arrow in their quiver: anyone who criticizes them or even questions their lifestyle is a bigot and hater. In that, the homosexual lobby has been very successful. They have made the issue one of “hate,” not of science, health, and morality. And the media and public are too uninformed to know they have been conned by the LGBTQ crowd.

Anyone familiar with logic or philosophy understands that a person’s motives have nothing to do with the reality of his assertions. However, homosexuals refuse to deal with the issue, and they are left standing with open mouth without any answers; and they concentrate on vilifying their opponents. That way, they are less embarrassed by their inability to speak to the issue.

It is my unsupported, unprovable but not unlikely opinion that Trump probably thinks sodomy is a disgusting, deviate, dangerous, even deadly practice; however, the LGBTQ crowd, while small, is powerful and has a large crowd of useful idiots who will jump when ordered, march when told to do so, throw a purse or shoe, cry on camera, and scream on cue.

Furthermore, Trump has a sordid past of disgusting, degrading, and debasing affairs (I hope they are all in the past) so he cannot legitimately discuss sexual turpitude without inviting deserved accusations of hypocrisy.

I suggest that there is an administration plan to deal with the homosexual lobby and limit their influence on the next election: Trump will support homosexual rights around the world while Vice-President Pence will speak out for pro-family positions even being lightly critical of perversion. In taking that approach, Trump throws a bone (again) to everyone. This ploy is convincing because Trump has a despicable past, yet individual Evangelicals justified their vote for him by claiming Mike Pence is a conservative, Evangelical Christian.

I know that’s true because that’s how I justified my vote for Trump along with my revulsion of voting for Hillary.

Trump is hoping that homosexuals will say, “Well, he is the most friendly President to the LGBTQ crowd so maybe he will come along with time.” No, they will not say that because they detest Republicans, Conservatives, free enterprise, family values, and an America-first agenda.

A nation’s ruling government has the primary responsibility of keeping citizens safe from aggressors and terrorists abroad and anarchist, traitors, and fifth columns within. These dangerous people are assisted in their treason by the very constitution they seek to destroy. Added to the above there is now the threat of our nation being destroyed by open borders. Open borders encourage terrorists, invite devastating diseases, increase Democrat voters, and will financially destroy America.

Homosexuality should not be encouraged for many devastating reasons. They are the most diseased group in the world and their continued repulsive practices may be as debilitating, dangerous, and devastating in the long run as an atomic bomb.

Previous US presidents have all been abject failures in this area. Beginning with and including Reagan, no president or his Surgeon General has been willing to go on record about the dangers of perversion. All have said, “Stop gaining weight!” “Stop using illegal drugs!” “Stop smoking!” But no one has been willing to say, “Stop your fornication and anal sodomy!” Had they done so we might not have a population of disease carriers.

The Centers for Disease Control reported in August of 2018, “New CDC analysis shows steep and sustained increases in STDs in recent years!” The report revealed almost 2.3 million new cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis were diagnosed in the United States in 2017, marking the fourth consecutive year of sharp increases in these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)! Gonorrhea diagnoses increased 67 percent overall from 333,004 to 555,608 cases. That’s in one year.

Obviously, there is a high cost to low living and President Trump is promoting such activity by supporting homosexuality! Sexual permissiveness has spread across America and the world like a malignant cancer leaving in its wake blasted lives, broken hearts, and blighted bodies and the official US government position is to encourage perversion worldwide.

At the rate America is decaying morally, the next president may have to change our national symbol from eagle to buzzard and if God does not judge America, some impertinent people will assume He will apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Trump, in supporting the LGBTQ crowd, has climbed out on a high limb and handed his enemies a saw. I hope they are too stupid to use it.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog.)

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Why Will No Reporter Ask Mayor Pete these Questions? https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-will-no-reporter-ask-mayor-pete-these-questions https://donboys.cstnews.com/why-will-no-reporter-ask-mayor-pete-these-questions#respond Sat, 22 Jun 2019 23:04:40 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2374 Journalists are supposed to investigate and interrogate political candidates but that has not been done by the main stream media for many years. Most of them have sold out and are like the ladies of the night continuing the oldest profession in the world. Of course, the journalists don’t dress like the ladies of the evening and they are not usually as crass and crude in deciding on payment for their services; other than that, the similarities between journalists and prostitutes are obvious.

The media can be very helpful keeping politicians’ feet to the fire by asking questions that reveal facts that voters need to make good decisions about a candidate. Some questions will be embarrassing to the candidates but that is a risk of their profession. The political candidate will try to evade revealing anything negative about himself or herself. Politicians learn very early not to answer a dangerous question but provide an answer beneficial to his candidacy. Petty, poorly trained, or prostitute journalists permit that evasion and refuse to ask follow-up questions that may embarrass candidates.

Most politicians, in all parties, are afraid of the truth. They will flirt with it, but never follow truth all the way. They will spin the truth, play with it, distort it, but never follow it to its conclusion whatever the results. Real journalists are supposed to resist, report, and even ridicule that gambit.

Since a preponderance of evidence clearly proves that the homosexual lifestyle is deadly, shouldn’t all people of goodwill seek to help them out of it? And homosexuals can be helped since there are no biological causes. The American Psychiatric Association admitted as recently as August of 2015, “to date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology [cause] for homosexuality.”

No honest, informed person declares homosexuals are “born that way.”

Dr. Lisa Diamond, a top researcher of the American Psychological Association tells LGBTQ activists at the close of her lecture, “I feel as a community, the queers have to stop saying, ‘Please help us. We’re born this way, and we can’t change’ as an argument for legal standing…and that argument is going to bite us in the a**, because now we know that there’s enough data out there, that the other side is aware of as much as we are aware of it.” That’s from a lesbian!

Practicing homosexuals, because of many factors in the home, environment, associates, media, etc., made a choice to enter the dark world of perversion. Pete Buttigieg is no exception and having made that choice and the choice to offer himself as a candidate for president, he needs to inform us how his abnormal lifestyle may affect our nation if he is elected.

Obviously, if a pacifist runs for office, a real reporter will ask where he stands on the death penalty and what he would do if America were attacked again by a foreign nation.

A Socialist running for the presidency will have reporters pointing out the many failures of Socialist nations and how a Socialist is simply a Communist without a gun. Honest journalists would never try to hide the innate dangers of Socialism unless they are socialists also.

If a Baptist runs for the presidency, surely an honest journalist would ask if he or she would require all cabinet members to be Born Again and require all appointees to be baptized in the Reflecting Pool at the National Mall. And he should be asked if the White House would become a smoke-free and booze-free zone.

A Roman Catholic candidate should be asked how much influence the Vatican or the College of Cardinals would have in any religious matter that might have any bearing on them.

A Jew running for president would be asked where he stands on the Middle East and his stand on the “Palestinian” problem.

Should an Adventist become a candidate, any honest journalist would ask him if he would work on Saturday in event of an international crisis requiring his presence in the War Room. And if he would require vegetables only at all White House dinners.

If a fanatic snake handler from Appalachia becomes a candidate (and I am not sure the Democrats don’t have one running this year) would he take his sack of snakes into the White House? While I strongly believe in religious freedom and my range of social relationships is wide, I would not want snakes in the Peoples’ House.

If a Muslim runs for president, real journalists would ask if Sharia should ever supersede U.S. laws; will he repudiate killing of apostates; will he repudiate jihad which is holy fighting in the cause of Islam; will he agree that Israel has a right to definite and secure borders; will he repudiate “honor” killings; will he repudiate and prosecute female sexual mutilation of little girls; and would he support my right to found the Trinity Baptist Church in Mecca? After all, we have permitted over 3,000 mosques to be built in the U.S. Furthermore, there is not one church in Saudi Arabia.

Since a “gay” Indiana mayor is running for president, journalists should ask him some questions that bear on that office; however, their cowardice and fear of being politically incorrect will keep them from asking these very legitimate questions of Pete Buttigieg.

Pete needs to say if it is possible to believe that homosexuality is a diseased, dangerous, even deadly lifestyle without being a hater? If it is true, as experts have concluded, that homosexuality is dangerous, then is it not true that Pete’s critics are showing love not hate?

Pete has boasted that he is very “gay” and voters have a right to know what that means. Just how extreme is that since it could reflect on or impact the office of president? However, it is very interesting that the LGBTQ crowd complains that Pete is not “gay” enough.

Will Pete assure the voters that there is no possibility of blackmail i.e., pictures of him in a very compromising position?

Since homosexuals are seven times more likely to use illegal drugs, will Pete repudiate their illegal drug use to heighten sexual pleasure, and will he demand prosecution for those who use illegal drugs?

Since many homosexuals have a urine and feces fetish bringing them into contact with numerous lethal bugs, will Pete repudiate that unhealthy practice to save lives? And possibly save the health care system from bankruptcy?

Advocates for perversion refuse to accept the current stats that refute their narrative but they can hardly say homosexuality is normal. It is abnormal to get pleasure from contact with body waste and in spades when that involves another person. Homosexuals use human organs in an abnormal way so no one should be surprised when the results are tragic. They insist on trying to get out of life what God never intended to be there, thus contracting many more diseases. Usually, the taxpayers are expected to pay their medical bills.

Homosexuality is a public health issue and not simply what two same sex individuals do in the privacy of their bedroom. One has to pay when he plays but why should I pay when you play?

If Pete is elected president of the USA, will he respond the way many homosexuals do by giving priority to homosexuals in his appointments? Any chance of any Fundamentalists like me getting a top cabinet position? I would be willing to accept Secretary of Education or Secretary of Energy and would have either one totally disbanded in 60 days. Would sure help reduce the deficit.

Since homosexuals live shorter lives because of illegal drugs, abusive sexual practices, etc., will Pete assure the voters that he will not participate in any sexual practice that might limit his ability to serve his term if elected?

However, no journalist is willing to ask Pete these very important questions since journalism is dead and truth lies in the street gasping for breath.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys wrote 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! and is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.)

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How Sane, Sober, Sensible People React to Homosexuality! https://donboys.cstnews.com/how-sane-sober-sensible-people-react-to-homosexuality https://donboys.cstnews.com/how-sane-sober-sensible-people-react-to-homosexuality#respond Fri, 16 Jun 2017 17:45:35 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1833 Incredibly, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson chose to recognize June as “LGBTI Month” to uphold the “fundamental freedoms of LGBTI persons to live with dignity and freedom.” This act also permitted U.S. embassies and consulates around the world to positively promote perversion during June.

And the white flag went up again!

It is good that President Trump did not follow the example of Obama and declare June the month to honor the homosexual crowd; he only permitted surrogates to do so. I’m afraid that the President will approve, applaud, and even abet the practice of homosexuality. He carries a white flag with a rainbow inset just for that crowd.

When Tillerson was president of the Boy Scouts, he was the major player in corrupting the Boy Scouts by removing the ban on homosexual scout masters! Now, he continues to advocate for perversion in the State Department. Just what we need: more corruption.

Of course, this continuation of Obama’s advocacy for abnormality is pitched as showing love, tolerance, and compassion; but it is not love or tolerance or compassion to support people in a lifestyle that will destroy them! How is that love?

America has been bullied, badgered, and blackmailed into accepting the homosexual lifestyle as normal if not desirable–but it is a deathstyle. Furthermore, many professing Christians and church leaders have swallowed the pathetic pitch of perversion. That makes them come under God’s judgment as Isaiah proclaimed in Isa. 5:20, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.”

It shocks my critics to hear that homosexuals don’t exist; only heterosexuals who refuse to live as God intended–one man with one woman in marriage totally faithful to each other for a lifetime. However, those of us who believe that are said to be ignorant, insensitive, and intolerant when we are really observant, obedient, and orthodox.

Homosexuality has long been recognized by normal, decent people as a perversion of reality. It is abnormal, aberrational, and abhorrent and has been for millennia. Only a few years ago, this was not even debated except by a miniscule subculture of deviates.

Homosexuality is obviously unnatural when you compare male and female bodies. Two people of the same sex simply do not fit. Homosexuals must “work around the system” to do their “thing” and their “thing” is diseased, degenerative, dangerous, and deadly. About here, my critics will scream and throw a hissy fit instead of answering my objections to a perverted lifestyle.

I concede that many famous people have been and are bisexual or homosexual but that proves nothing other than some famous people make very dumb decisions. Famous homosexuals include Alexander the Great, Drew Barrymore, Leonard Bernstein, Raymond Burr, Ellen DeGeneres, Jodie Foster, Alfred Kinsey, Don Lemon, Leonardo da Vinci, Lindsay Lohan, Rachel Maddow, Barry Manilow, Michelangelo, Marquis de Sade, Shepard Smith, Tim Cook, Anderson Cooper, Socrates, Jim Nabors, and on and on and on.

When the sodomites of Sodom tried to take Lot’s two heavenly guests, the angels struck the whole crowd with blindness. Sodomites are blind to this day! When homosexuals say, “I was born this way,” they are right: they, like everyone, were born sinners. They say they can’t change; however, Bruce Jenner, a man who dresses like a woman, says he has changed. Why isn’t it very wrong to change Bruce from the way he was born?

It is interesting that most homosexuals are or have (like Bruce) been married, sometime for many years, even producing children. It’s also interesting that most people applaud his change but get indignant when we insist that homosexuals can and should change. Thousands of homosexuals have changed from abnormal to normal without chopping off sensitive body parts. They make that change with reparative therapy; will power; or a new birth experience with Christ–which is more permanent and quicker; it also guarantees eternal life.

From my conversations with homosexuals, I have been told that they could not be sexually normal if they tried to be. Many of them have “tried” but failed. Often, that failure is one reason they turned to the same sex. That is no excuse but it is an explanation.

Another explanation for homosexuality is almost half the homosexuals were seduced into perversion before they were fourteen-years-old. For that reason, we should show some patience with them. Conservative talk show host Tammy Bruce, an admitted lesbian, wrote: “Almost without exception, the gay men I know (and that’s too many to count) have a story of some kind of sexual trauma or abuse in their childhood—molestation by a parent or an authority figure, or seduction as an adolescent at the hands of an adult.”

Classic studies prove that homosexuals become “that way” through various human experiences from a smothering mother to an absent or aloof father to molestation and seduction–with an enormous boost from the media and public education. There is plenty of blame to go around.

In recent years, it is not enough for perversion to be acceptable but now it is demanded that the blessings of the state and church be conveyed upon their “marriage.” But same-sex “marriage” is like Grape-Nuts–neither grapes nor nuts. Same-sex “marriage” is sinful, stupid, and senseless. It is also contrary to nature and to the Scripture.

That brings me to fundamental and evangelical Christians. We are often caricatured in the press, accused of being uneducated, closed minded, bigoted, and even haters. Almost weekly, the media accuse us of being homophobic because we don’t believe homosexuality is normal, desirable, or acceptable. Nor should it be legal! Because we take that position, we are said to be haters. And we are supposed to fear homosexuals.

Look, I don’t hate or fear anyone. I’m a lover; however, I believe that homosexuality is perversion and there are not enough change agents, civil rights adjusters, third rate psychologists, homosexual lawyers, state and federal agents and prosecutors of “hate” laws who can change my mind. No wiggle room.

Because most of the media are too unfair or too slow to understand this correct take on homosexuality, should I instigate a riot to teach the dummies a lesson? Should I fly a plane into a building to express my anger? Maybe I could get Jerry Falwell, Jr., Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, Jim Dobson, and a few hundred Christians to race through Washington streets overturning cars, burning buildings, and harming innocent people! I think not. You see, Christians don’t act like that. People without character and biblical principles do.

I demand an answer from my critics: if homosexuality is permissible then why not accept bestiality, pedophilia, sex with the dead, and polygamy? How about some honesty and candor! Who decides where to draw the line?

God drew the line centuries ago when He decided that Adam and Eve were to cleave to each other all their lives in total faithfulness. Then Christ warned us to not even think illicit thoughts!

It’s dangerous, deadly, and possibly even damming to cross God’s line.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Defending Homosexuality is a Tragedy Within a Tragedy! https://donboys.cstnews.com/defending-homosexuality-is-a-tragedy-within-a-tragedy https://donboys.cstnews.com/defending-homosexuality-is-a-tragedy-within-a-tragedy#comments Fri, 25 Apr 2014 13:28:08 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=765 Society has fallen in love with discourtesy, darkness, and deviancy and fails to realize that this abnormal love affair will end in death. Even some Christians defend it! It will mean death to individuals, the family, the culture, and the nation. Go visit the ruins of Sodom. I have tried to make a contribution to ameliorate the problem without much success.

The committee hearing room at the Capitol Building was packed, mostly with the media and opponents to my bill to reinstate sodomy as a crime as it had been in Indiana for about a hundred years. My opponents all had their allotted time to oppose my bill and one was a professor at Indiana University. He said that homosexuals “only wanted to be left alone.” I laughed.

In defense of my bill I told him that sodomy should be a crime again to give police officials authority to stop the cruising in city parks, sex in public restrooms, and discourage molesting of little boys. I ended by saying that homosexuals want much more than to be left alone. “They want respectability. They want to move into a house in the suburbs, park matching Volvos in the driveway and be accepted as normal people; but that won’t happen as long as Christians live in this state.” In recent years, homosexuals have demanded and received not only acceptance and approval, but even applause. We are told it is even commendable and courageous to practice perversion! And even Bible-oriented church leaders have joined the chorus!

Obviously, I was wrong! Evangelical church members are leading the parade for same sex “marriage” and doing it claiming they are true followers of Christ. However, sodomy is a tragedy and Christians’ defense of that sin is a tragedy within a tragedy.

Never has so much been surrendered by so many to so few. This surrender proves that when Christians’ faith and a controversial issue are at odds, weak Christians fold. After all, one must be modern, cool, and “with it.”

It’s a fact, “The Times They Are A-Changing” (just listened to it all the way through for the first time!) especially in the area of courtesy, courage, and commitment. To their credit, the Homosexual Lobby has performed an absolutely incredible coup d’état in about 20 years by changing America’s attitude about sodomy. Sodomy was defined by Noah Webster in the 1800s as a “crime against nature.” The 1833 Encyclopedia Britannica identified sodomy as “The nameless crime, which was the disgrace of Greek and Roman civilization.”

Today, one is anathematized if he even uses the words “sodomy,” “degenerate,” or “pervert.” And while “same sex marriage” was not even considered possible, even worth discussing by decent people only five years ago, one is considered unloving, unkind, uneducated, and uncivil if he advocates the quaint notion that marriage is only between a man and a woman. And he is super-quaint if he holds that marriage is for a lifetime! He may also become unemployed for his belief in biblical decency. Yes, times are a-changing.

Guide is a homosexual magazine that published a pro-pedophile editorial in its July, 1995 issue. It referred to pedophiles as “prophets” of sexual freedom! The editorial opined: “We must listen to our prophets. Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children’s sexuality. . . . Surrounded by pious moralists with deadening anti-sexual rules, we must be shameless rulebreakers (sic), demonstrating our allegiance to a higher concept of love. We must do it for the children’s sake.”  Of course, always “for the children’s sake.” Hand me a barf bag!

Love is not the justification for marriage. If that were true then three or four people can be married since they “love” each other. Or, a man could “love” his goat but few sane people would approve such an arrangement. Why could not a man marry his son thereby circumventing estate taxes? While sane people find that possibility abhorrent, it can be justified with warped, wicked, and wanton thinking. After all, the most persuasive case against incest is the danger of reproduction.

But then, who knows? Many professing Christians or church members would come to his defense! And therein lies the rub. The reason the Homosexual Lobby captured society (especially the media, education, and government) is because church members have become unprincipled, uncaring, uncourageous, and are now unnecessary. Many Christians have no problem with “the love that dare not speak its name.”

Christians have been bullied, badgered, and blackmailed into accepting the homosexual lifestyle or is that death style? However, the Bible condemns this perversion; furthermore, it also condemns those who defend perversion: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil…” (Isaiah 5:20). That’s where we are today.

So, the problem is not only with moral perversion but the cowardly capitulation of Christians who remain silent about the evil or even defend it! Above all, they must be perceived by their friends as loving, modern, cool, and hip. Such “Christians” should be kicked out their churches if they do not repent. It seems that some civic clubs have higher standards than some churches.

A good illustration of this principle was recounted in a Chattanooga area church where a mother was required to choose between her church (where she had attended for 60 years) and her lesbian daughter. The daughter had successfully advocated to make government benefits available to same sex “spouses.” Her family supported her homosexual advocacy. Church officials met with the mother and two other relatives and told them “They could repent for their sins and ask forgiveness in front of the congregation. Or leave the church.” Well finally, a church that practices church discipline. Of course, for doing so, they are called “unloving,” “haters,” and “bigots.” That’s easier than dealing with the issue.

The lesbian daughter whined, “Literally, they’re exiling members for unconditionally loving their children – and even extended family members.” Her dad told CNN, “Loving her daughter and supporting her family was not a sin.” Dad declared, “There was nothing to repent about.” He added. “They certainly couldn’t judge her on that because that was between her and her God, and it was not their place to judge her for that.”

I am not without sympathy for the family; however, Scripture must rule, not sentimentalism. Principled people do what is right even when it hurts. The family was not being judged for “unconditionally loving” but for defending perversion. Moreover, it was the church’s place or right, even obligation, to make a judgment. The family refused to repent and left the church.

The church was not demanding that the family turn their back on their daughter but to turn their back on her sin. There is a difference. We don’t make decisions about right and wrong depending on our relationship to a person.

For Christians to defend and declare homosexuality as acceptable rather than denounce it is a major tragedy within a tragedy.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Shallow Christians Support Perversion by Silence! https://donboys.cstnews.com/shallow-christians-support-perversion-by-silence https://donboys.cstnews.com/shallow-christians-support-perversion-by-silence#respond Mon, 21 Apr 2014 14:31:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=763 Seneca was a Roman statesman, orator, philosopher, and one-time tutor to young Nero. As Roman Emperor in A.D. 65, Nero turned against Seneca accusing him of being part of a plot against his reign and convinced him it would be noble for him to commit suicide. No, it was a nutty thing to do but he was just as dead whether noble or nutty.

Commenting on the decadent Rome of his day, Seneca declared, “All is full of criminality and vice; indeed much more of these is committed than can be remedied by force. A monstrous contest of abandoned wickedness is carried on. The lust of sin increases daily; and shame is daily more and more extinguished. Discarding respect for all that is good and sacred, lust rushes on wherever it will. Vice no longer hides itself. It stalks forth before all eyes.” Wow, sounds like a Baptist preacher describing America and Canada!

Remember that Seneca was cognizant of the vile, vicious, and vindictive Nero and the decadent Empire but he could have been commenting on present day America since “vice no longer hides itself. It stalks forth before our eyes.” Christians promoting and practicing, rather than protesting homosexuality show the deep and dreadful depravity of human nature and reveals a sad, somber, and serious corruption of modern churches.

The Homosexual Lobby has viciously beaten many Christians into submission with the hammer of “bigotry,” “homophobe,” and “hatred.” They do that because they can’t win in a civil discussion or debate. Such pathetic Christians don’t understand that one’s underlying character is revealed by the people, practices, and principles that he or she defends and supports.

This new morality can defend perversion, adultery, thievery, even murder; but racism, “homophobia,” and certitude are terrible sins! The world doesn’t mind your good works but when you are certain about truth and express it, that is when they go ballistic. However, most Christians are not certain about anything except not wanting to be ridiculed, rejected, and repudiated. So they keep silent thereby giving approval to homosexuality, fornication, adultery, gluttony, anger, hatred, pride, etc. Many of those weak Christians will be horrified to know they are guilty of those sins by their silence!

Charles Spurgeon, the greatest preacher (and Baptist) of the 19th century aptly said, “If we can acquiesce in anything which is not upright, we are not upright ourselves, and our religion is a lie…. One by one the moral precepts are thus broken by the sinners in Zion…We may do this by smiling at unchaste jests, listening to indelicate expressions, and conniving at licentious behaviour in our presence.” He added that if we do that, how dare we make a loud and public profession of our Christian faith.

The great preacher reiterated what the Bible teaches: if one acquiesces, approves, and applauds sin, that person becomes a partaker of that sin. II John 11warns “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” That is true whether it is the sin of fornication, thievery, or sodomy. If you defend it then you are part of it! We are known by what we stand for and what we stand against.

Martin Luther once said: “If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.” Homosexuality is the battle today that many Christians are fleeing rather than fighting.

Isaiah 5:20 warns, “Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil…” I recommend that warning to all Christians who think their feelings and their experiences are more important than truth. They are not and we must stop accepting what everyone else believes and rest our convictions upon the Scripture. Moreover, supporters of homosexuality must repent because they not only acquiesce, approve, and applaud, but take pleasure and delight in the wickedness of others.

Paul warns in Rom. 1:32 “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” A similar Old Testament verse in Ps. 50:18 declares, “When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him….” By consenting with him means you have become his willing accomplice even helping him carry away his loot! The Apostle Paul commands in I Tim. 5:22 “…neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.”

It is sinful to encourage evil as defenders of perversion are doing and when those Christians who have made their bed with the spiritually dead complain of the stench it will reveal what fools they are.

When the end finally arrives, we will not remember the ranting, reviling, revolting words of our enemy, but we will remember the silence of our Christian friends in the battle against perversion and for purity.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Christians Should Support the Neutrals in the Cultural Wars! https://donboys.cstnews.com/christians-should-support-the-neutrals-in-the-cultural-wars https://donboys.cstnews.com/christians-should-support-the-neutrals-in-the-cultural-wars#comments Fri, 21 Mar 2014 18:46:56 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=744 In the cultural wars relating to sex, there are three possible approaches: One is a pro-family position and the second is a pro-homosexual position, and the third is a neutral position. I am almost always critical of a neutral position; however, while I prefer for people to support family-friendly firms, I will patronize those firms that appear to remain neutral.

If I know that by purchasing an automobile from John, he will then take the profit and pay for his girlfriend’s abortion or fund his same sex “marriage,” I would be complicit in his sin by knowingly providing the funds. I will also tell others what John plans to do with funds received from a sale. We are told that it may be acceptable for a person to not purchase from an offending firm but for others to join him in a boycott makes it wrong. That would mean that something done by one person is legitimate, but when done with others, it becomes sinful!

Is it permissible to use our Christian influence in an attempt to make abortion illegal and to prosecute those who break that law? Is that not coercion? If God expects us to impress lawmakers to make abortion illegal so that fewer babies will be killed then surely it is all right to simply join together to acknowledge God’s law regarding perversion. That is legitimate coercion.

It doesn’t seem smart or scriptural to support those who would destroy our nation and damn future generations. Love for future generations, if not love for the truth, should compel us to make a difference. I ask the question that Jehu asked erring King Jehoshaphat, “Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD?” Will you help the evil and hinder the good?

The Apostle Paul was involved in a boycott at Ephesus as recorded in Acts 19 because he preached that the pagan gods were false and people should not worship them. The silversmiths were fearful that they would suffer poor earnings if Paul continued his ministry because they knew that was the result in other cities. Does anyone suggest that Paul should have gone to another city or changed his message because the local Chamber of Commerce complained of poorer pagan god sales? I think not.

Every American has the right to make business decisions based on many criteria: price, availability, quality, service, and other more controversial criteria such as race, sexual preferences, etc. We know this has been happening for many years as many Blacks choose to patronize black firms and I don’t fault them for that; after all, I frequent Christian firms when I have the necessary information–white and black. I noticed recently that Blacks have their own television networks that feature black films and shows. Hey, that’s America; however, I wonder if it would be acceptable to suggest that there be an Asian network, Eskimo network, etc.

Of course, we know that homosexuals zealously support homosexual firms. That is perfectly acceptable. Literally, I would fight for their right to do that because I believe in free enterprise and genuine freedom–the freedom for people to make even stupid decisions.

The above being true, I will sometimes patronize people with whom I disagree. I prefer to purchase goods and services from people who are born again Christians, who attend a Bible-preaching church, who give generously to Christian and conservative causes, who live decent lives, who vote very conservatively, and who are patriotic. I don’t find many who fit all my criteria but I patronize those that more closely match what I’m looking for.

With high technology it is unlikely that we would need to apply pressure by marching on a business when it can be done much easier and quicker. We organized STOP (Stop The Oppressive Persecution of Christians) on Dec. 24, 2013 and had an immediate response from almost every state and two foreign countries. When I send out an alert suggesting that we do a little nudging of a particular business, we can produce a hundred thousand nudges on the offending business in a few hours. Hopefully that firm will appreciate the nudges; and feeling the heat, will see the light and at least become neutral in the culture war. If they don’t back off from their anti-family activity, we will not patronize them and ask our friends to do the same.

A pro-family group produced 470,000 signatures to Home Depot’s CEO asking the firm to be neutral rather than pro-homosexual; however, the spokesman was rebuffed and the CEO reaffirmed the company’s position to be very supportive of the homosexual agenda. That CEO and the board members must be dumb as a box of rocks because the homosexual crowd is less than 3%; however their support is growing daily. To be safe, why not simply keep their personal and corporate mouths shut about the culture war? From their perverse perspective, are they saying that they are putting their convictions above cash? I am arguing for the same thing with Christians!

Yes, committed, concerned, and cognizant Christians will patronize pro-family firms and those that remain neutral and boycott all others who have publically announced support for homosexuality.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

Copyright 2014, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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I’m Offended and I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore! https://donboys.cstnews.com/im-offended-and-im-not-going-to-take-it-anymore https://donboys.cstnews.com/im-offended-and-im-not-going-to-take-it-anymore#comments Sat, 21 Dec 2013 02:26:10 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=674 I’m not easily offended but in recent months I have become very offended. After all, if homosexuals, Indians, Blacks, Hispanics, sports nuts, radical leftists, atheists, media moguls, and others can be offended, then I have that right also. It has become axiomatic that the right not to be offended is in the U.S. Constitution; however, I have read our Constitution, memorized some of it, studied it, but cannot find in it the right not to be offended. Maybe it’s in the same place the Court found the right to an abortion and the right to homosexuality.

I wonder if being a Bible believing Christian disqualifies me from being offended. Maybe I’m not permitted that luxury. Whatever the answers to the above, I want to go on record to the world that today I am not just offended, but very offended. I may even stomp my feet and hold my breath!

I’m offended that everyone is so panicky about offending Muslims, Methodists, and Manichaeists but consider it open season on Fundamentalists. From Atheism (which is a religion although it doesn’t have any holidays except April Fools’ Day) to Zoroastrianism, everyone seems to be very “touchy.” Well, I’m also “touchy” and I want everyone to know about it.

I’m offended that the God Haters (note the shameless use of the title of my eBook!) are offended by a manger scene while I can’t be offended by movies and television shows that present fornication, adultery, and perversion as accommodating, affirmative, acceptable, if not admirable; and at politicians whose first and most important qualification seems to be the ability to lie? I mean, I’m really offended.

I’m offended by homosexuals and the media who bully, badger, and blackmail decent people to accept, even approve, perversion?

I’m offended that perversion has been accepted as normalcy and those of us who believe it is wrong (as sane people have believed for thousands of years) are considered to be abnormal and haters.

I’m offended that radical leftists can spew out vile, violent, vicious vitriol with impunity against Christians but a Christian like Phil Robertson gets fired from a television show for stating his opinion about immorality. (I think it was not only opinion but facts, but then leftists can’t deal with facts.)

I’m offended at megapastors and television evangelists who distort, denigrate, and even deny the Bible to build a personal empire while living as drunks, deviates, and dopeheads!

I’m offended by loosey-goosey Evangelicals who polish Obama’s apple trying to make him look “religious” while they pretend to wear the mantle of Old Testament prophets.

I’m offended by educators who threaten children who bring a toy gun the size of a quarter to school and expel students who only draw a picture of a gun!

I’m offended at stupid educators who arrive at school each day and park their brains at the door along with their common sense.

I’m offended by the incredible incompetence of public educators from Kindergarten through graduate school.

I’m offended that over a million unborn babies are butchered annually in America and those of us who want to protect helpless children and women are considered cold, callous, and cruel!

I’m offended that an animal-rights group has filed a lawsuit seeking “legal personhood” for chimpanzees in the state of New York, the state with the nation’s highest abortion rates!

I’m offended that robbers, rapists, and racketeers walk our streets while the bandits, boozers, and bunglers in Washington are praised, pursued, and pampered.

I’m offended by PETA and other animal fanatics for trying to shame me for believing that animals are not children when PETA kills 2,000 dogs and cats each year!

I’m offended that the media and self-seeking politicians have made Nelson Mandela into an international icon when he was a Communist terrorist and traitor to his own nation.

I’m offended that politicians quickly lead our nation into foreign wars that are no threat to us and then are not called to an accounting in their desire to force “democracy” upon uneducated, uncouth, and unresponsive people.

I suppose I am naïve to think that there is an antidote for my offense-propensity and no doubt it is silly to think decent people will be treated fairly by others. But I’m a believer. I also believe Muslims will actually become peaceful; the Middle East nations will become Gardens of Paradise where civility, kindness, justice, and biblical principles will prevail; Obama will be impeached, then become Born Again and become a missionary to Pakistan; Taiwan will retake Red China; Pepsi will sell for a nickel again and any day they’ll find Jimmy Hoffa, Judge Parker and Amelia Earhart playing Monopoly in a Bronx yogurt joint?

Yes, I’m as easily offended as anyone and I’m not going to take it anymore. You ask, “What are you going to do about it?” Well, I’m not sure but I’m offended that you asked.

And to the drooling New Atheists and the God Haters (there, I did it again) out there, I wish even them a Merry Christmas and if that offends them, too bad. They’ll get over it.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch my eight-minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota as I challenged New Atheists to put up or shut up.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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I Will Not Obey the Law! https://donboys.cstnews.com/i-will-not-obey-the-law https://donboys.cstnews.com/i-will-not-obey-the-law#respond Wed, 17 Apr 2013 03:03:14 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=429 Each Wednesday I publish one of my earlier columns that I hope will be instructive, informative, inspiring, and maybe infuriating. The following column was first published in 2008:
Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not then be false to any man.” If you can’t be true to self, can you be true to anyone? Of course, in being true, we must be true to the Scripture. That will cost us dearly.

One must be true to himself as well as to the truth. Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand (a Lutheran pastor in Romania) were that kind of people. I met them in the 1980s when they came to Indianapolis three or four times. I heard his story, bought his book, saw the scars on his back where he was tortured by the Communists in a Romanian prison, and became a great admirer of them both. Few people know how he became a Christian activist.

In 1944, the Soviets took control of Romania and began to establish a Communist government and when they tried to control the churches, Richard began to minister illegally to the “underground church.”

He and Sabina were at a meeting where 4,000 priests and ministers of all denominations had gathered. Soviet Dictator Joe Stalin was the honorary president of that group. Many speakers spoke about how Christians and Communists can get along with each other. After a few minutes of antichristian rhetoric,  Sabina nudged Richard in the ribs and said, “They are spitting on the face of Jesus. Go wash the shame off His face.” Richard said, “If I speak against the Communists, you will no longer have a husband.” His wife replied, “I do not wish to have a coward for a husband.” She was true to self, the Scripture and the Savior.

Richard slowly arose from his seat, went to the microphone and shocked his friends and co-laborers by advocating only loyalty to Christ. He would not coexist, cooperate, or compromise with Communists. He was arrested in 1948 and again in 1959 and spent about 13 years in prison, three of those years in solitary confinement, and was tortured by his captors. Sabina was also arrested and spent three years in a labor camp. They were both people who lived by the truth.

I don’t profess to have the courage, character, or commitment that the Wurmbrands had but there are some things I will not do. I will not permit the government to run my ministry or control my beliefs.

No person, or entity or authority will ever control my ministry for two reasons: the First Amendment and the Bible. Many Christian leaders in other nations seem to think that they don’t have the obligation to be militant since they have no legal protection; however, Christians are to be responsibly militant wherever they live. They should be wise, discrete, and in the case of Muslim nations, secretive but Christians must be Christians under all circumstances.

When it becomes illegal to preach, teach, talk, or write anything negative about homosexuality, Islam, abortion, etc., I will break that law. It is appalling that there are not a hundred Baptist preachers in jail in Canada at this time. Have they all lost their voice? Here’s what they are saying: “It is unfortunate that we can’t teach the truth about perversion, Islam, etc., but since we can still preach the Gospel, I’ll go along with the new laws. But if they ever tell me not to preach Christ as the only means of salvation, I’ll….” Sure. What kind of nation are they leaving for their children and grandchildren? I will preach against homosexuality, abortion, Islam, etc. if it means a loss of everything including my freedom.

When a judge tells me, as one told a preacher/friend in Canada, that I cannot preach about a particular issue, I will tell that judge that he has no jurisdiction in this matter! And go to jail. The incredible gall of a judge to tell a preacher what he can preach! A non-thinker yells, “You think you are special and above the law.” That’s exactly right!

When I was a member of a Select Committee during the summer of 1978 at the Indiana House of Representatives, we were commissioned to look into the school lunch program; WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program; and the matter of day care licensure in the state. I listened to the head of the day care state licensure group make his pitch for the safety of children, quality pre-school care, etc. then I told him and the committee that licensure protects no one and provides no guarantee of quality. In fact, I was at that time administrator of a large Christian school in Indianapolis and also ran an unlicensed day care that fed into our pre-kindergarten program. He said, “You church people seem to think that you are special and don’t have to submit to state controls like everyone else.” I leaned into my microphone and said, “You are exactly right and if you don’t like it go change the state and federal constitutions.” We remained unlicensed, unbothered, and uncontrolled.

We must be true to self and the Savior whatever the circumstances, the crowd, or the consequences. Otherwise, we are a tragedy in the making. I decided at age 22 that I would do what I’m convinced is right if I lost everything and spent my last days in prison. I still believe that and am prepared to disobey any law (and take the consequences) without whining about suffering for Christ.

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