homosexuals – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 July is Strong, Aggressive Male (SAM) Pride Month Honoring their World-Changing Contributions! https://donboys.cstnews.com/july-is-strong-aggressive-male-sam-pride-month-honoring-their-world-changing-contributions https://donboys.cstnews.com/july-is-strong-aggressive-male-sam-pride-month-honoring-their-world-changing-contributions#respond Thu, 14 Jul 2022 18:54:38 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3122 Well, the sharp knives are out simply because of my title, but the facts are convincing to any honest, thoughtful, concerned person interested in truth—not an agenda from far-left field. I expect to be misjudged, misquoted, maligned, and misunderstood; however, I cannot be responsible for that since those depend on a reader’s mental ability, honesty, personal honor, and commitment to truth.

America has numerous special interest groups such as Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, athletes, homosexuals, normal people, unions, numerous religious groups, liberals, conservatives, and on and on and on. Each has a right to tout their successes, complaints, ambitions, etc. And all sane, honest, thoughtful people will agree that each group has an equal right to promote his or her own group. Of course, such promotions will have various degrees of success.

It would be shocking if a Hispanic did not think his culture was superior to all others. After all, that thought does not harm those in other groups who disagree with him. Blacks should be proud of their culture and shout their prowess in athletics, entertainment, and fashion except for the silly turnaround caps and trousers falling below the 38th parallel.

Well, I am a white male though I had nothing to do with it. Still, I am honored to be white and male although I can’t legitimately boast about it. I have also been ashamed many times of strong, and evil or stupid men, but alas, all groups have such despicable jerks.

I think it’s time to highlight the great achievements of strong males since they have been obscured, neglected, and denigrated lately by lesser men. Pseudo-intellectuals like using the term dead white males.

June is the special month for the Homosexual Lobby and the media constantly promotes their parades, special events, etc., and they have that right although I think it should be a month of shame instead of pride. But then, shame for sexual immorality is as old-fashioned as the automobile crank, ladies’ corsets, white wall tires, and the buggy whip.

Personal shame for personal conduct is as infrequent as white dinosaurs in Kentucky.

God prophesied this day in Jeremiah 6:15, “Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD.”

A person will not be ashamed unless there is a tried and true standard that reveals his failure. The Standard is still there; however, few are willing to recognize it. It is so stifling, so restricting such as “thou shall not commit adultery,” “thou shalt not lie,” and the like.

In our day, it is considered quaint to always tell the truth and always keep your word.

I remember the day when all people were ashamed if it became known they were living in adultery, had a baby out of wedlock, or were attracted to young girls. Moreover, everyone was horrified if someone sexually preferred his or her own gender! And no one boasted about such aberration and rebellion against community (and biblical) standards.

Alas, those days are gone and almost forgotten.

By the way, how do you like this new, liberal, permissive, even perverted lifestyle that has been inculcated in our people? Are Americans happier, safer, kinder, and more prosperous and productive than before our wokeness?

It seems no one is horrified or ashamed of anything today. Abnormality is shouted from the rooftops and public parades. Naked bodies with bouncing boobs and protruding members have been paraded all over America during June so now it is time for normalcy to parade—the Strong Aggressive Male!

July is Strong Aggressive Male month (SAM), a time of reflection on the accomplishments of strong males. Although if the radicals on the left are awake and not in a drunken or drug-induced stupor, they will spit, sputter, scream, and squall if any recognition is given to the greatest men in history. I would think any person who has benefited from past accomplishments would be willing to take a few minutes to recall, recognize, and even reverence great successes no matter who was responsible.

Therefore, speak up with justified pride since SAMs have given the world freedom, free enterprise, and the highest standard of living in world history.

I see no reason to reach back to antiquity to provide detail of great, strong, aggressive males like Noah whose commitment saved the human race. Additionally, Moses delivered the Ten Commandments to mankind, the foundation for all laws that provided stability, safety, and security to governments smart enough to follow them. So, while giving credit to such men, I will deal with modern strong aggressive males.

Sam will be my representative of strong, aggressive males. He is married to Sue who is submissive, unique, and equal—although with different strengths, uniqueness, and not equal in function to her husband, Sam. There is little doubt that many women possess far more desirable attributes than most men. What they don’t have is physical strength, especially in their upper bodies nor are they as competitive or aggressive. They don’t need to be if they fulfill God’s purposes for them.

However, in recent months it seems a vile virus has infected the minds of people, especially people who lean left, to resent any suggestion that men are men and women are women. Frankly, I like it much better that way. We are told that men have periods, get pregnant, have babies, and are as efficient and successful in the home as any woman.

What a ludicrous, dangerous, and insidious mental virus! While men and women are equal before God and man, they function differently to produce a happy, successful, self-perpetuating society. Women are usually lighter, shorter, much more attractive, and less hairy than men and have a vagina. Men are bigger, stronger, competitive, and more aggressive, and God’s plan has worked well for millennia. Until wokeism infected most everyone.

SAMs in history are insulted, ignored, and indicted by lesser people who could not qualify to shine their shoes or carry their baggage.

On June 15, 1215, some English barons twisted the arm of King John and forced him to sign the Magna Carta, a document declaring that kings had to obey laws like other citizens. Among other things, the charter guaranteed trial by jury and habeas corpus. All the barons were strong, aggressive males. Those men challenged, contested, and changed the concept of all-powerful despots making freedom and prosperity possible for every human on earth.

A strong, male Johann Gutenberg (died 1468) invented the printing press thereby changing the world. He should be a hero to everyone even if he had two heads and was a registered Democrat.

The Industrial Revolution occurred between 1760 and 1840 when the standard of living advanced for the first time in history! With various inventions, work done by hand advanced to work done by machines powered by steam and electricity instead of water and air.

About 1764 James Hargreaves devised a yarn-spinning machine called the spinning jenny that changed and improved millions of lives. That was followed by James Watt’s steam engine and with that, the world changed again. These inventors were SAMs.

Cyrus McCormick invented several machines used to mechanize farming making it quicker and easier and requiring fewer workers. In 1846, Elias Howe’s sewing machine made the production of clothing less expensive. In 1859 Edwin Drake completed the drilling of the first productive oil well in the United States, near Titusville, Pennsylvania.

Charles Babbage (died1871) was the English inventor of the first mechanical computers. Babbage is considered the “father of computers” since his groundbreaking work made possible today’s world.

Michael Faraday (died 1867) was an English scientist who contributed to the development of electricity. Without him, we would be sitting in the dark without heat or air.

Henry Ford (died 1947) pioneered the use of assembly lines and mass production of motor cars, helping most Americans to own transportation.

Alexander Graham Bell developed his telephone in 1882 thereby pulling every American into one big family. The cell phone developed in 1973 completely changed the world similar to the printing press.

In 1879 Thomas Edison introduced the modern age of light when he invented the incandescent lightbulb.

At Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina on December 17, 1903, Orville Wright performed the first successful controlled human flight in history. Interestingly, the Scientific American sneered at the “alleged” flights of the Wright brothers in their January 13, 1906, issue, two years after they had flown their first airplane. Both brothers were strong, aggressive males.

Free enterprise, or the free market, has brought incredible possibilities to people fortunate enough to experience it. It is an economic system where private persons can form companies, buy, and sell competitively in the marketplace with a minimum of government interference. Adam Smith (died 1790) argued for an economic system based on individual self-interest led by an “invisible hand,” which would achieve the greatest good for all.

Soft, complacent males are doing their best to dismantle the Free Enterprise system that made America the most powerful, prosperous, peaceful, and philanthropic nation in the world. They go by the name of Socialist, Democrat, RINO, and moron. A better word is traitor.

After hundreds of years of contributions by various medical personnel, the first successful heart transplant was done by Christian Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa in 1967. The success gave hope to people worldwide, but today transplants are no longer news.

I am proud of strong aggressive males who led us into a world of production and prosperity, the highest standard of living in the world, etc.

Leftists will not respond to this column other than to accuse me of being a hater, bigot, know-nothing, white supremacist, and of course, racist. While doing so, they drool with hatred toward anything Christian.

But then, I have been called worse things by better people.

By the way, all the above SAMs were strong, aggressive, white males! Don’t know how important that is but it is part of SAM’s amazing story.

I hear knees jerking all over the world. Left ones, of course.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Newsweek Hit Piece Attacks and Slanders Me Because of My Question to Pete Buttigieg! https://donboys.cstnews.com/newsweek-hit-piece-attacks-and-slanders-me-because-of-my-question-to-pete-buttigieg-2 https://donboys.cstnews.com/newsweek-hit-piece-attacks-and-slanders-me-because-of-my-question-to-pete-buttigieg-2#respond Wed, 15 Jun 2022 17:30:43 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3106  

Since June is Pride Month for the LGBT etc. crowd, I expanded and rewrote a 2019 column that produced late-night phone calls, death threats, and scores of hate-filled emails from the “peace-loving,” “all opinions have equal worth,” “fair-minded,” and always “compassionate” homosexuals.

No doubt, many homosexuals—maybe most of them—agree with the thesis of my article while disagreeing with my criticism of homosexuality which is still legal in America. Both homosexuality and my right to disagree with it are legally protected—for now. But the Homosexual Lobby will not permit any honest disagreement with their positions.

You know, like the knee-jerk response of some homosexuals to the Tampa Bay baseball players who refused to give credibility to perversion by wearing a rainbow version of the team logo on the team’s “Pride Night,” because of their religious beliefs. It seems everyone has a right to make up his own mind as long as you don’t imply that homosexuality is wrong.

The journalists at Newsweek had every right to accuse me, attack me, and even assassinate me (symbolically) but not use illegitimate and spurious and twisted information to do their job.

I’m not whining about Newsweek, just wanting to hold their feet to the fire. After all, they did spell my name correctly and pulled a good photo from one of my lectures at the University of North Dakota.

The Newsweek piece, about my article published on numerous conservative websites, was filled with errors. Even the first word of the headline was wrong! It yelled, REPUBLICAN PREACHER RUNS SHOCKING BLOG POST ABOUT PETE BUTTIGIEG, CLAIMS GAY PEOPLE DIE YOUNGER THAN ‘NORMAL PEOPLE.’ I have not been a Republican for decades, although I admit to voting Republican most of the time, I’m politically independent as a hog on ice.

Journalists, including news magazines like Newsweek, should try that sometime.

A quick phone call or email from the author would have kept him from adding to the escalating charges of fake news. All journalists are taught to verify the facts; maybe he was sleeping during that class.

The author called my article “Pete Since You Brought it Up, How ‘Gay’ Are You?” offensive, and of course, it was. It is impossible to deal with perversion (and politics) without being offensive; however, if we deal with the details, it would be disgusting.

The author suggests I was offensive because I mentioned that homosexuals don’t live as long as normal people. Well, that may be offensive, but it is also a fact according to Columbia University. Of course, they suggested homosexuals died early because of an anti-homosexual environment rather than their perverted practices.

Another widely cited study from Vancouver revealed, “life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men.” This was supported by a study done by Paul Cameron, Ph.D. It revealed the latest CDC report “tends to strengthen the overall finding based upon obituaries: that the lifespan of MSM [males who have sex with other men] is shortened two to three decades by AIDS and, possibly, other causes.”

However, the last study was done by a Christian psychologist who is viciously hated by the LGBT crowd. Cameron is allegedly biased by his biblical worldview, but somehow, homosexuals are not biased, blinded, and bigoted by their twisted lifestyle which they cannot defend. The Homosexual Lobby doesn’t understand that facts don’t lie, but that can’t be said about the radical left.

Most mainstream journalists like the ones in Newsweek deal in fantasy, falsehood, and fiction—not facts. They have an agenda that must be disseminated without regard for reality.

Homosexuals die about 20 years earlier than normal people because their lifestyle is really a deathstyle. The human body was not made to endure violent attacks—their use of illegal drugs; their autoerotic playtime; their bondage and sadomasochism; their fisting; ad nauseam—all shorten lives. After all, if eating fried foods will shorten your life, living the dangerous, diseased, and depraved life many homosexuals live will be more deadly than eating fried chicken.

The hit piece charged, “The former lawmaker [this writer] said it was his right as a voter to ask ‘how gay Pete is’ and if his medical records would be made public. Boys, asserting that ‘homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous,’ made a series of baseless claims and suggested Buttigieg should address them.”

It is interesting but common that Newsweek did not list any baseless claims, and they rejected my well-documented charges knowing few readers would discover their deception. And, yes, a politician must answer questions (most Democrats are sorry they did not ask about Biden’s health) but then maybe Pete has been given a No Obligation to Answer Card. That isn’t surprising since homosexuals have demanded and received numerous special rights from cowardly judges, legislators, college presidents, media personalities, and Hollywood.

And everyone, even some Conservative and even Christian websites are careful not to offend them by suggesting that perversion, like fornication, is always wrong, even wicked. The safe pitch is that each person can make his own decision about such issues and then we will all “live and let live.”

The almost universal message is to be very careful what you say about homosexuality. However, an American does not have to worry what he declares as long as it is truthful. Moreover, no one, especially a Christian, should be malicious, hateful, or even unkind.

Newsweek’s use of claims suggests that my assertion about homosexual promiscuity is not true when everyone with an I.Q. equivalent to his ring size knows it is true. It’s like saying some people claim the earth is round.

The hit piece suggested that homosexual promiscuity is dubious, so let me be clear: no honest, informed, and sane person disagrees, debates, or even sees a need to discuss the issue—homosexuals change partners as often as they change socks—almost.

A 2006 study of 2,294 homosexuals in the homosexual magazine The Advocate reported that 248 men admitted to having more than 300 sexual partners with fewer partners for the others.

The classic Bell and Weinberg study, produced with the help of the American National Institute of Mental Health, consisted of about 1100 men. That pre-AIDS report revealed that 83% of the homosexual men in their survey said it was likely they had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, while 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners. But it gets worse because 28% had sex with 1,000 or more partners!

Even if they are “married,” male homosexuals set aside a “night with the boys.” Of course, there are exceptions, but let’s say it all together now, “Homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous.”

The claim that homosexuality is not influenced by family or trauma was shot down by Neil E. Whitehead in the Journal of Human Sexuality: “It is simply a myth that there are no sociological data showing influence on adult sexual orientation.”

Newsweek reproduced significant points of my column, which added some much-needed juice to their article: “Purporting to cite ‘the largest study ever conducted,’ he said 23 percent of homosexuals ‘participate in golden showers.’” The writer was careless in his use of purporting. He used the wrong word because I did not purport—or claim or assert or allege to cite “the largest study ever conducted” that revealed that 23% of homosexuals “participate in golden showers.” I cited the report and received no rebuttal.

He was trying to denigrate the study without dealing with it, which is common among desperate people. The Gay Report was done by Karla Jay and Allen Young and involved 4,400 respondents. In that study, homosexuals admitted to their usual vile practices, and homosexual leaders criticized it from its publication. Critics never have revealed that the authors were “gay!”

It is much worse today. In a 2006 study of a group of “male S&M practitioners,” 47.3% admitted participation in “watersports” according to The Health Hazards of Homosexually.

Since Pete said: “I’m gay as a… I don’t know, think of something really gay, that’s how gay I am.” I want to know what he meant. No doubt some homosexuals are fairly strait-laced compared to others but just how “gay” is Pete? No one expects him to go into details, but on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most degraded, diseased, and dangerous, where is Pete?

Most people expect a national magazine to produce quality work but not this time. Newsweek’s source, the Friendly Atheist, is such an embarrassment it would make any honest reader run for a barf bag.

My article appeared on May 15, and was picked up by Joe.My.God. on the 17th, the Friendly Atheist on May 18, and was critiqued by Newsweek on May 21. Newsweek did not do any original reporting, just some ramblings from the Friendly Atheist and some of my brilliant comments. So, it was not a total loss.

The Friendly Atheist piece supports the would-be censors out there who want to eliminate bad writing. The blogger is Hemant Mehta, whose claim to fame is “selling his soul on eBay.” He titled his blog “Christian Bigot: Pete Buttigieg Can’t Be President Because Gay People Die Young.” Hemant is right in calling me a Christian but completely wrong using the B-word. Evidently, he is infected with the virus that makes leftists lash out rather than support their position. Accusations are much easier to make than answers and argumentation. Hemant probably doesn’t even know he is infected. Tragic.

Far leftists don’t seem to understand that an American can disagree with their agenda and not be a hater. Disagreement is healthy. It is good to challenge people to analyze an issue and produce their reasons for believing it. Facts are not emotional. Unstable, dishonest people often are.

He then accuses me of declaring that Pete would not be a good president, but I never suggested that. Far leftists have a difficult time reading or comprehending or telling the truth.

In response to my demand that Pete release his medical records, Hemant seems to run off the rails. He charged, “His bigotry [mine] isn’t worthy of a response, but it should be noted that Donald Trump never released his proper medical records.” However, the president is examined annually, and his medical reports are released.

Voters have an obligation to make decisions about a candidate’s total life: his family, education, associations, criminal record, politics, etc., when deciding whether to vote for him.

After many embarrassing gaffes, Hemant dug a deeper hole by writing, “The rest of the article is no better, with Boys arguing that we should know everything about Buttigieg’s sex life.” I did not write that we should know everything about Buttigieg’s sex life. As a voter, I want to know if his “gay” lifestyle will affect his effectiveness as president.

Buttigieg is in Biden’s cabinet, and will no doubt be a national candidate again so I still want to know if his lifestyle might affect his ability to serve Americans.

Hemant continued with his convoluted tirade by charging, “Boys doesn’t bring up how Donald Trump had an affair with a porn star (without protection).” Hemant failed (again) to research the facts. Had he not been so lazy or incompetent, he would have discovered many of my critical articles about Trump. I voted for him because the alternative was Horrific Hillary. Trump’s affairs were despicable, deplorable, dumb, and double dumb without protection— just as homosexual perversions are dumb and disgusting.

Finally, Hemant runs out of steam, takes a deep breath, wipes the foam from his quivering lips, and writes, “This is conservative Christian ‘logic’ for you. A gay guy in a monogamous marriage is somehow a threat to family values, but President P****grabber is somehow a man of virtue.” I wrote nothing about Pete’s “monogamous marriage,” and neither Hemant nor I know if Pete’s “marriage” is monogamous or not, although many studies do not reflect faithful monogamous homosexual “marriages.”

The national homosexual magazine, The Advocate reported in 2006 that less than half of homosexual “couples” were monogamous, a fact supported by the Male Couples Study and others.

It is a fact that homosexual “marriages” or live-in arrangements last two to three years, according to Male and Female Homosexuality, by Saghir and Robins and other studies.

Moreover, I did not refer to family values nor refer to Trump as “a man of virtue.” I doubt if Trump can spell virtue, but he at least did what he promised, something few presidents have done in a hundred years.

Is Pete traveling in the homosexual fast lane that always comes to a dead-end?

Voters have a right to know just how “gay” Pete is.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” – John Bunyan

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Customers Will Turn the Other Cheek But Not Write Another Check for Evil! https://donboys.cstnews.com/customers-will-turn-the-other-cheek-but-not-write-another-check-for-evil https://donboys.cstnews.com/customers-will-turn-the-other-cheek-but-not-write-another-check-for-evil#respond Thu, 15 Apr 2021 16:51:44 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2832 According to the moderns, millennials, and malevolent, evil does not exist anymore. More subtlety and confusingly, they call good evil and evil good, and God warned us about that. He said, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil…”

The Homosexual Lobby has belittled, bullied, badgered, and blackmailed non-thinking Americans and Canadians into accepting, approving, and even applauding their deadly homosexual lifestyle. We are expected to believe it is only an alternative lifestyle. You know, you love one way. I love another. It’s still love and who can deny, debate, and denigrate love? However, it is “love that dare not speak its name.” It is so vile that decent people did not even discuss it in polite society until recent years.

Today, because of the successful con job by homosexuals, America has developed an infatuation with the rude, the crude, and the lewd; however, average citizens are waking up and speaking out in defense of centuries of common sense and Bible teaching. Astute people don’t (with the wave of the hand) turn their backs on thousands of years of civilization.

We are striking back and hitting pro-homosexual firms in their cash register. As Christians, we will turn the other cheek but not write another check to support evil. It is not very smart to fund your own demise. We don’t tip the executioner to use a sharp ax to expedite a clean cut of our neck as some did in centuries past.

I don’t drink Coke or eat Girl Scout cookies watching professional sports. I hope you will do likewise. Anyway, that kind of stuff might send you to Heaven quicker than your scheduled departure. I will survive not reading National Geographic after they promoted transgenderism; besides, they still haven’t heard that evolution is false, a failure, and a fraud. Another reason they should shut down their presses and quietly disappear. Moreover, we can survive very well without rushing to get Target’s weekend specials. Furthermore, I would not go to Disney if the entrance fee were a dollar.

I think it is more than a dollar.

I am sure many people who don’t identify with Bible-believing Christians will also get involved with boycotting Target, Disney, Proctor and Gamble, etc. No doubt, we will pick up a few stray nuts and others who loaf on the fringe of every group, but we will have to live with that. I am willing to admit that not all the nuts are in the Homosexual Lobby. Some are in the church lobby, carry a Bible, and wear a silly grin—and maybe a silver cross around the neck. For sure, not all nuts are on trees. No doubt, some of the Repulsive Radical Religious Right will get involved. However, we will disavow them with the understanding that it is still not illegal to be a religious nut in America—until they start mixing the Kool-Aid.

If Christians are silent, where will the pressure come from to do right? Some tell us that boycotts are ineffective, and when they fail, it only makes us look foolish. However, my boycotts always succeed because I know they are not living on my dollar. Nevertheless, I’d rather be perceived as a fool and a failure than a follower of the wrong side in this cultural war.

Christians have a responsibility to live daily lives so that those around us will know we do not support evil causes. We are in a war, and except for the final outcome, no one is guaranteed to be on the winning side of every battle. One thing for sure, I don’t want to be on the sinning side! Wars of principle must be fought even if there are battle loses; moreover, there have been some very successful boycotts by pro-family groups.

Target officials met with American Family Association leaders that produced a friendly but flawed, final, and fatal conclusion: Target will continue its insane, insensitive, and indecent policy of permitting make-believe women in real women’s restrooms and changing rooms! Target sees it as noble to provide admittance to restrooms for men who pretend to be women, and real women must live with it. Target officials are unconcerned with safety, privacy, and decency. Making people feel good is preferred over women’s safety!

The loonies have taken over. Such a business deserves to go belly up, and other companies—toying with twisted tolerance—may get the message that a gold star from the LGBT crowd is not worth going bankrupt.

The Target boycott should be permanent and stopped only after its burial. I won’t stop my boycott with rumors of its funeral, and after all, I believe in resurrection.

Christians are commanded to be salt and light in this world. The function of salt is mainly negative since it prevents decay, while the function of light is positive. Light always, without exception, drives away the darkness. Christians are failing this generation by not being the preserving salt and the prevailing light. Consequently, Americans are asking, “Where am I going in this handbasket?”

I think I know America’s destination.

As a Christian, everything I have belongs to God. I am a steward of all I possess and will one day give an account to God of how I used His resources. If the culture wars are won by the permissive crowd, it will change America forever. It will mean the killing of more innocent babies. It will mean general acceptance of immoral behavior that will destroy lives, damage our healthcare system, and deny Christians the right to express their faith in the marketplace. I refuse to leave such a society to my grandchildren without taking a stand–even if I fail.

We live in a society that refuses to recognize right from wrong; consequently, we must choose the right and oppose the wrong. However, opponents tell us that right and wrong cannot be established but are arbitrary. To those people, the Bible is not a guide for human behavior. After all, it condemns most people’s lifestyles; so shallow people think by not believing the Bible, they are free from its condemnation. The message from the media and many weaklings in the clergy is that God is dead, morality is irrelevant, and perversion is in everyone’s future. So, why fight it?

I choose to fight.

We will also have to live with some in the Christian community who will oppose our activities as being unchristian, unwise, and unnecessary. Furthermore, some asinine critics will use the Bible (which they don’t believe is trustworthy!) to tell us we are wrong! It is a misuse of English to call religious leaders leaders if they don’t lead! Usually, they are weaklings masquerading as leaders. Most Christians want a leader with hair on his chest, a working brain in his head, an understanding heart in his bosom, and a stiff bone in his back. Most loosey-goosey, effervescent Evangelicals are missing all four but do have a small yellow streak up their backs where a spine should be.

Astute, awake, and alarmed Christians will no longer be kicked around without expressing outrage by withholding our credit cards and cash. You remember cash; it’s a four-letter word not used much anymore.

Each person can use his influence to encourage others to apply pressure, kindly, of course. So business owners take note that Christians have learned something from Blacks, feminists, homosexuals, Hispanics, socialists, and others. We will be heard and will stop funding businessmen who kick us around as they accept our money; however, at the same time, we will never be unkind, unruly, untruthful, or unchristian—which includes attacking, looting, and burning.

When the next business owner decides to dance with the dandies of the LGBT lobby, we will not harass the business or try to force anyone to get involved. However, I will remind them that Target’s distress, decline, if not demise, was self-inflicted.

Don’t be neutral during the biggest battle America faces. Take a stand. Win or lose, I would rather lose standing with the right crowd than win standing with the wrong crowd. By doing the right thing, I will, in the end, be on the winning side.

For sure, win or lose, I will not be on the sinning side.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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If Blacks Deserve Reparations, So Do Gays, Fundamentalists, Jews, and Others! https://donboys.cstnews.com/if-blacks-deserve-reparations-so-do-gays-fundamentalists-jews-and-others https://donboys.cstnews.com/if-blacks-deserve-reparations-so-do-gays-fundamentalists-jews-and-others#respond Thu, 25 Jul 2019 17:25:43 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2387 The stage is set: everyone can probably qualify for reparations—not only living Blacks but even “gays” and I!

According to The New York Times, the New York Police Department apologized recently to the gay community for the 1969 raid of the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village of New York City. In 1966 it became legal for LGBTQ people to be served liquor in New York City but “engaging in gay behavior in public (holding hands, kissing, or dancing with someone of the same sex) was still illegal.” New York voters wanted such activities to be forbidden and illegal as decent people have for millennia.

In recent years, normal people have been bullied, badgered, and blackmailed into accepting homosexuality as normal, even desirable. Even so, the “Stonewall riots” did not require an apology since the police were doing their job and were resisted by patrons of the inn. Sodomy was illegal and the inn was selling drinks without a liquor license—law breakers. Police also found bootleg liquor and arrested 13 people, some bar employees.

When the nine police officers tried to close the bar, a lesbian fought with them and it went into the streets where others got involved. As she was shoved into the paddy wagon, she challenged bar patrons and bystanders to get involved. They did and hundreds of people rioted and tried to set fire to the bar where police and a journalist had barricaded themselves waiting for reinforcements. Police were pelted with bottles, rocks, and a parking meter that had been torn from its foundation.

But we are led to believe by people without knowledge or commitment to truth that the bar patrons were peacefully defending their rights. For police officials to apologize for police actions at that time is sad, shocking, and shameful.

There were six days of violent clashes in the neighborhood between bar patrons and police officers; however, almost every media story makes the homosexual lawbreakers the good guys and police as the bad guys. More fake news—so, what else is new?

This resistance by homosexuals is widely credited with spurring the contemporary “gay” rights movement at home and abroad; however, it is dishonest to make homosexuals look like victims and the cops as venomous and villainous.

One veteran of the riots told ABC News, “We were fighting for our lives.” No, they were fighting for the right to commit sodomy.

And they won because sodomy is now legal in America and now they are fighting to force approval, even acceptance and maybe some applause by normal people.

One Democrat presidential candidate has suggested that “gays” should be paid reparations for past and present discrimination! So where does it stop?

Well, it shouldn’t stop until I get paid; after all, we Fundamentalists have been reproached, ridiculed, and rejected for at least 50 years because we believe the Bible is the only authoritative standard by which mankind should live. We believe it is the inspired, inerrant, and indispensable Word of a sovereign God. Movies have ridiculed us with depictions of Elmer Gantry types and most television productions show preachers as effeminate, unlikable, even despicable, deceitful, and never dynamic persons. Never handsome, articulate, intelligent, or impressive.

I’m unfairly called a Bible-thumper but I seldom thump my Bible and if I do, it isn’t really hard. And it is always the King James Version.

No wonder I have a complex.

If reparations (for long-past mistreatment) can be justified, then why shouldn’t Jews demand payment from Egyptians who kept them in slavery for hundreds of years? Some black extremists tell us that Egyptians were black so that makes a whole “black” civilization slaveholders! That means we have two “victim” groups who are involved. A “black” civilization kept the whole Hebrew nation in slavery for 400 years! So, all Blacks everywhere owe Jews everywhere.

Blacks (or any group) are striking matches in a roomful of gunpowder by insisting on reparations since all sane people know they are unacceptable, unworthy, and unworkable.

The allegation is made that present day America has benefited greatly from the slavery of 150 years ago; and consequently, it is only reasonable that we should pay the descendants of those who “built this nation.” Hold it. If that is true, then how can one say that only white Americans have benefited? Haven’t Blacks also benefited? After all, American Blacks, as a group, have more money than many of the nations of the world! Their income is more than twenty times what they would have if their ancestors had never been sold into slavery. Therefore, if present day Whites have benefited from slavery, so have present day Blacks.

The whining black reverends tell us that reparations were paid to the Jews for mistreatment during WW II and to the Japanese for their internment during the war, so why no payment for Blacks? But the payments to the Japanese and Jews went to the actual deserving people who suffered.

The demand from Blacks for reparations says to Blacks, Asians and others that Blacks simply can’t make it on their own. They want permanent “victimhood” status. Others must push them up the ladder. Many of the “others” are people who have more baggage than the aggrieved Blacks. After all, immigrants from totalitarian countries come here from totally different cultures, not speaking English, and they often surpass modern day American Blacks who don’t have the disadvantages that Asian and other newcomers have!

Anyone want to explain that to me?

I suggest that black leaders stop using the race card to enlarge their bank accounts, enlist more followers, and expand their egos. They should spend their time helping build the black family structure and help improve black/white relations. (Some of those black reverends might even do some preaching since they are supposed to be preachers.) They would do well to be honest and admit that many problems in the black community have not developed from slavery or mistreatment by “Whitey” but by the personal failures of black society.

If slavery was the main cause of black problems, then why would those problems have been less dramatic 60 years ago than they are today? Sixty years ago, there were fewer problems among blacks than today. There is a 75% black illegitimacy rate but in 1940, it was only 14%! In 1960, “only” 23% of kids were born to female-headed homes but today it is 62%! And there, I believe, is the major cause of black problems.

Over three years of data from 2011 to 2013 reveals 38.5% of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. And Blacks make up only 13% of our population. Furthermore, the data shows “93 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.” Hey, if black lives really do matter, why is it that so many Blacks are killing Blacks?

There were almost 6,000 Blacks killed by other Blacks in 2015 and “only” 258 Blacks were killed by police that year. One death is too many but this focuses on the real problem.

Many of the crimes in America come from “33,000 violent street gangs, motorcycle gangs, and prison gangs [that] are criminally active in the U.S. today.” The most recent figures provided by law enforcement are “46 percent Hispanic/Latino gang members, 35 percent African-American/black gang members, more than 11 percent white gang members, and 7 percent other race/ethnicity of gang members.”

So, if black problems are a legacy of slavery, why would the numbers have been better 60 years ago? Could it be a problem of choices, commitment, and character? Put the normal, biblical family back together and we will see a major change in white and black households.

I suggest black politicians and black reverends have much work to do before they try to lay guilt at the feet of Whites. In fact, let me be very clear: Here is one white Christian male who is guilt-free. I have never done any harm to any Black, and I treat all people as people.

I am embarrassed at the white involvement in the slave trade (as Blacks should be of black involvement) but I harbor no guilt. None, zero, zilch.

It’s way past time to stop the silliness because if reparations are paid to anyone, we will have the biggest tax protest movement ever in America.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog.)

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Pete, Since You Brought it Up, How “Gay” Are You? https://donboys.cstnews.com/pete-since-you-brought-it-up-how-gay-are-you https://donboys.cstnews.com/pete-since-you-brought-it-up-how-gay-are-you#respond Wed, 15 May 2019 14:31:52 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2349 In the south, it has been traditional for a young lady (debutante or “female beginner”) of high status to “come out” into adulthood. It’s a formal rite of passage into society of an educated, wealthy, sophisticated young lady now ready for the privileges and responsibilities of adulthood. It is a recognition of her availability of being a wife and mother—in that order. This coming out takes place at a ball and elegant dinner. During the evening, the debutante displays her ability to walk, sit, dance, and eat without tripping over her gown or dropping a croissant down the front of her dress.

Homosexuals also have a “coming out” but not as elaborate as the southern ladies. Most southerners pay little or no attention to the social elites’ fancy affairs since they are busy making a living. However, arrogant homosexuals seem to think that all of us want to know about when they “became aware of their sexuality” and feel a need to announce it to the world. As if we care.

Pete Buttigieg is mayor of South Bend, Indiana and is “married” to Chasten Glezman, a teacher at Montessori Academy near South Bend. Pete calls Chasten his “husband” but since that is asinine, aberrant, and not accurate, I will refer to him as his “lover.” I do that knowing I will be reminded that Time magazine gave him some credibility with a cover photo of Pete and his lover. However, Time’s rush to gush is typical of the leftist media who are willing to promote anything that is anti-biblical, anti-common sense, and anti-decency.

Glezman admitted that he and Pete met online, had their first date in South Bend in September of 2015, then he “moved to Indiana and started living with Buttigieg in 2016.” Obviously, they lived together before “marriage.”

In December of 2017, the “couple” announced their engagement and were “married” in June 2018 in the Cathedral of St. James (Episcopal) in South Bend. (That says much about everyone involved.) Following their ceremony, the couple stopped by for a short visit at a LGBTQ Pride Week block party; and then went to their wedding reception where they danced the night away with 200 guests.

Their ceremony was livestreamed on YouTube and featured a reading from Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority opinion in the landmark 2015 same-sex “marriage” decision that made perversion legal if not moral.

I don’t hate Pete or his lover or any other homosexual, but I will not give them a pass when they or others suggest that “gayness” is not perversion, that it is normal, maybe even admirable. Nor is it bigotry to explain to uninformed readers what “gayness” is. However, with my demand to know the extent of Pete’s “gayness,” I will become the object of ridicule and rebuke, and rejection. Maybe, even more death threats. But if you love homosexuals more than you fear retaliation, you tell them the truth.

And this article will be rejected by some of the sites that normally publish my articles—for telling the truth! No doubt, I will be held in more disdain for revealing the disgusting things that homosexuals do than the homosexuals who do those disgusting things! You can expect the homosexual crowd to have a hissy fit because of this article. That is as predictable as tomorrow’s sunrise.

To emphasize my point: Pete and his lover chose to make their perversion a very public matter. They really worked at it. Pete said, “I’m gay as a—I don’t know, think of something really gay—that’s how gay I am.” Remember, Pete brought this up so I, as a voter, have a right to know just how “gay” Pete is. After all, he wants to be President of the United States and I want to know where he stands on important issues.

Since studies show that about half of homosexuals were seduced into perversion by age 14, I wonder if Pete would totally renounce and repudiate such a revolting practice. Just a simple disavowal with appropriate disgust thrown in will suffice.

All homosexuals are aware that their lifespan is about 20 years less than for normal people so voters should know that a homosexual president may not live to finish his term. Moreover, 70% of homosexuals admit to having at least one STD plus they are infected with other contagious diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc. About 20% of homosexual men are infected with HIV and about half of them do not know it. Don’t voters have a right, even an obligation, to know a candidate’s health status since the candidate’s health is always an issue? Is a homosexual candidate an exception? If so, why?

Will he release his complete medical records?

Since homosexuals do many dangerous things it seems wise, considerate, thoughtful, and loving to suggest they cease such dangerous activities. After all, we strongly suggest that one should not smoke, eat much red meat, not drink, and not gain weight since those are deadly activities. Why is it unreasonable, unkind, or untoward to demand the same of homosexual candidates?

Pete admits to using marijuana while at Harvard and wants to make smoking weed legal, but does he still use marijuana, use tobacco, drink hard liquor, overeat, lose sleep, and refuse to exercise?

Homosexuals are notoriously promiscuous as reported in a six-month study of daily sexual diaries by Corey and Holmes in the New England Journal of Medicine. In that study, homosexuals “averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year.” It is known that even the most devoted and long-lasting homosexual relationships are usually not monogamous. Each partner normally reserves a night out each week to “play the field.” Will Pete admit that that is too “gay”?

Studies show that almost all homosexuals practice oral sex and about half ingest semen which is as dangerous as ingesting raw blood exposing them to hepatitis A and B, gonorrhea, and HIV. Moreover, about 90% of homosexuals practice rectal sex and two-thirds do so on a regular basis. Furthermore, 17% of homosexuals admit to rubbing or ingesting the feces of homosexual partners. Will Pete admit that too is too “gay”?

About 23% of “gays” (according to the largest study ever conducted) participate in golden showers where they urinate on each other, splash each other with urine or drink urine. Now, it is a person’s own business if he has a taste for urine, but we have a right to know what Pete thinks about that. Is he “that gay”?

Will Pete repudiate the 41% of “gays” who practice fisting where one rams his fist into the rectum of his partner? Or, at times, they use carrots, bottles, flashlights, (even gerbils!) or other objects often requiring a trip to the hospital for removal. Surely, Pete will repudiate that.

Will Pete repudiate the 90% of “gays” who practice rimming which is so disgusting that I won’t continue to explain it? In doing research for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer!, the owner of a chain of homosexual bathhouses told me that often the same man is “rimmed” 20 times in a single night. Will Pete repudiate such a disgusting practice?

Surely, Pete will repudiate the 37% of homosexuals who practice sadomasochism, the 90% of homosexuals who use illegal drugs, and the 66% who admit to restroom sex.

Franklin Graham was right when he said about Pete, being gay is “something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized.” In declaring that fact, Graham was showing love and concern for the mayor because God judges sin—all sin even the sin that shouldn’t even be named. Perversion results in judgment with horrible, eternal results.

If you haven’t noticed, they are no longer “gay” in Sodom.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for eight years. Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available here. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D. and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

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Unpleasant Truth is Not Always Hate Speech! https://donboys.cstnews.com/unpleasant-truth-is-not-always-hate-speech https://donboys.cstnews.com/unpleasant-truth-is-not-always-hate-speech#respond Thu, 14 Sep 2017 15:22:20 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1905 It is an unpleasant truth to hear that babies are babies from conception and to terminate (kill) them is in fact the taking of innocent life. That means doctors, nurses, parents, pregnant females, consenting males, and hospital workers have blood on their hands. Health personnel who try to distance themselves from killing babies are like the pimp who declares he has nothing to do with prostitution.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that most public schools have turned out to be ignorance factories although taxpayers have dumped loads of money into them for more than a hundred years. Incompetent teachers teach inaccurate curricula to inattentive students producing incredible results. Obviously, America’s public schools are failing when the average U.S. college freshman reads at a seventh grade level, according to an educational assessment report. Furthermore, an investigation of six Baltimore schools revealed that not a single student passed the state’s proficiency test in the subjects of math and English!

It is an unpleasant truth to know that our universities have been taken over by barbarians with Ph.Ds. Professors seem to think that they have a license to promote the most outrageous things without regard to truth, common sense, the Bible, the law, and university rules.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that the movies, music, and moguls of the media are controlled by lowlifes who will do anything for ratings and resultant power and money.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that professional sports have been hijacked by brutes without brains and are a deplorable example for everyone, especially the youth.

It is an unpleasant truth that homosexuals don’t exist, only heterosexuals that reject common sense, refuse biblical truth, and repeat the horrific sins of Sodom resulting in His judgment. They defiantly tell anyone who will listen that they were “born that way”; however, that is a fairy tale. They tell us they cannot change but, of course, numerous former homosexuals have been converted and are living normal, decent, and productive lives.

Moreover, if homosexuals can’t change, how can pedophiles change? Of course, that is where we are going and I predict that child molestation will no longer be a crime! Furthermore, if Bruce Jenner can change then why can’t homosexuals change?

It is an unpleasant truth that transgenders are not people with the wrong genitalia but have a warped, confused mind. There is no such thing as a female in a male’s body or the other way around–except when a woman is pregnant with a male child. Moreover, physicians who chop off children’s body parts or who give altering hormones to children are detestable child abusers.

It is an unpleasant truth to know that same sex “marriage” is not marriage at all and is, in fact, a rejection of millennia of a legal and biblical foundation for the family and an act of perversion that is repulsive to sane people requiring the judgment of a sovereign God.

It is an unpleasant truth that adultery and fornication are terrible evils that most Americans are committing but do not believe they are sins and don’t even try to justify them! It seems adultery and fornication are so common and have become “accepted” sins. Many Americans don’t even know that a few years ago, Americans could go to jail for those sins of immorality.

G. K. Chesterton wrote in 1926, “It has been left to the very latest Modernists to proclaim an erotic religion which at once exalts lust and forbids fertility. The next great heresy is going to be simply an attack on morality, and especially on sexual morality.” Bingo! We’re there now and those of us who speak out against it are called haters, narrow-minded, holier-than-thou, etc., and those are the nicer names we are called!

It is an unpleasant truth that humans don’t have to be mastered by their sexual desires and feelings as are animals.

It is an unpleasant truth that not all church members, even those who are “good” people, are going to Heaven since Christ said that no one would be there unless they trusted in Him and His saving power.

I would rather have truth in hate than error in love but I strive for truth in love. Unpleasant truth is not always hate speech.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Does Criticism of Homosexuality Prove Hate? https://donboys.cstnews.com/does-criticism-of-homosexuality-prove-hate https://donboys.cstnews.com/does-criticism-of-homosexuality-prove-hate#respond Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:08:22 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=508 Every Wednesday I publish one of my earlier columns that I hope will be informative, instructive, inspiring, and sometimes infuriating. The following column was first published in 2010.


I am weary of Christians and Conservatives who are so politically correct that they permit their critics to get away with accusing them of being haters because of their opposition to homosexuality. Only non-thinking fanatics make such obviously untrue, unfair, and unscriptural assertions. After all, critics of perversion have history, the Bible, and most national cultures in their support.

A question should be asked of our critics: Are they actually asserting that someone cannot be critical of any issue simply because of problems with the issue itself, rather than problems with the people who espouse that issue? Or, is that simply a way to not answer us? Is it not possible to be critical of Obama’s radical, socialist agenda without being a racist? Can I not disagree with Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Martin Luther King, etc., without hating Blacks? So is it not possible, just possible, that I am convinced that homosexuality (perversion, degeneracy, sodomy, etc.) is not commendable for many reasons other than “hating someone who loves a little differently” than the mainstream? After all, I am at least as sincere as my critics so should not tolerance be extended to me? Surely if tolerance is offered to people who climb into bed with the same gender then tolerance should be extended to sincere Christians.

Recently I replied to a homosexual who prefers to be called “gay” and I would also prefer that if I were a pervert but the word gay has been twisted to mean what it does not mean. He characterized my facts as “poison” and said that it almost caused him to vomit. He called my objections to his lifestyle “sick, disturbing, pathological stuff,” like seeing “photographs from Auschwitz.” He claimed that he became physically ill.

Those Lads in Lavender are very sensitive and often present themselves as paragons of virtue. We are told that homosexuality is not evil or an abomination as the Bible teaches but a noble lifestyle reminiscent of the “Golden Age of Greece.” In that “Golden Age,” about half of the population were slaves, women were chattel, and leaders ascertained the future by the entrails of a chicken. Golden Age indeed.

He informed me “Homosexuality is a beautiful, joyous thing. Something that today’s young people celebrate and take pride in.” He encouraged me to get psychological and spiritual help. Now, read the following facts as to homosexual practices and you decide who needs the help. This information along with through documentation can be found in my book, AIDS: Silent Killer!

Research journals and classic studies have revealed:

*Anal intercourse between two men has been the most common activity of homosexual men. All honest, informed people know that it was also the driving force of the AIDS plague.

*Oral sex is another common practice of homosexuals and we now know that it is a dangerous practice.

*About 40% of homosexuals admitted to participating in fisting which is the insertion of the hand and arm into the rectum of a “lover” after greasing the hand with shortening, etc.

*About 20% of homosexuals admitted they participated in “golden showers” or “water sports” where they urinated on a partner.

*25% admitted to sadomasochism or torture. Often one man chains or ties his partner and then whips him in a sexual frenzy. The Sacramento Bee reported that a workshop was offered to San Francisco homosexuals teaching how to be involved in sex-torture without killing each other.

*90% admitted to illegal drug use. They sniffed amyl nitrite which allegedly prolongs sexual ability and excitement. Therefore, they are felons.

*17% admitted to eating and/or rubbing themselves with the feces of partners! Moreover, they are also dumb.

*Hospitals, especially in large cities, reported that it is common to remove bottles, flashlights, carrots, light bulbs and other objects from the rectums of men. So they are super dumb.

Hey, don’t look at me like that. I only report the perversion; I don’t explain it. Such practices are dumb, dirty, deviant, and dangerous, even deadly and go on nightly often between complete strangers. Note “strangers” comes from the word, “strange.”

About 46% of homosexuals have had sex with minors even though it is illegal in all 50 states even if the youngster is a willing participant. Classic studies have revealed that homosexuals always prefer young boys to older men and about half the practicing homosexuals were seduced into perversion before they were 14!

It is my position that homosexuality is not a sickness or a quirk of the genes but an evil abomination as taught in the Bible. While many things contribute to homosexuality, it always results from a choice made by individuals. Frankly, homosexuals don’t really exist; only heterosexuals who choose a perverted lifestyle (deathstyle)!

Fundamental and evangelical churches teach that homosexuals are sinners as are all mankind and are in need of a Savior. We believe that homosexuals must, like everyone else, recognize their sin, repent of sin and receive the Savior. When they experience the New Birth, there will be a transformation in their lives and they can break the bonds of their sins.

Toleration of sexual perversion is the first stage of national decadence. The U.S. has already skipped into Sodom; now we are galloping into Gomorrah. Is judgment shortly coming to this nation?

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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An Old Dog Knows Whether it is Being Kicked or Stumbled Over! https://donboys.cstnews.com/an-old-dog-knows-whether-it-is-being-kicked-or-stumbled-over https://donboys.cstnews.com/an-old-dog-knows-whether-it-is-being-kicked-or-stumbled-over#comments Fri, 09 Nov 2012 21:07:15 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=196 An old, mangy dog knows whether it is being kicked or stumbled over, but many Christians don’t know the difference! While dedicated Christians are responsible for the founding and direction of this nation, we are now being pushed, pelted, persecuted, and prosecuted by unfair, unethical, even unlawful politicians at all levels of government.

A county official in California wine country told a pastor, “We don’t want your kind out here” The county leaders want no more churches and no church expansion of the only church in the county! That pastor should use his influence to put that official in the unemployment line and not in a position of authority. It’s time to kick back–and kick out.

I’m tired of being kicked around by homosexuals, who plead for tolerance, but now demand acceptance of their evil lifestyle–even respectability! I have discovered that if you give homosexuals an inch, they will take a yard–a school yard. It is strange that that crowd demands toleration but refuses to be tolerant of my beliefs. It is obvious that they don’t know the meaning of the term! Or they are hypocrites, maybe both. Whatever, it is time for Christians to kick back and inform homosexuals that as long as Bible believers are around, homosexuality will never receive acceptance or respectability. No hate, just an exercise of our rights to choose what we believe and with whom we will associate.

We have been kicked around by huge retailers who take our money then undermine our nation by socialistic programs and support of sinful lifestyles. When companies such as Home Depot, Target, Sears, Disney, J.C. Penney, American Airlines, Apple Computer, Ford, Kraft, Nationwide, Pepsi, and many others aggressively support the homosexual agenda, it is time for Christians (and all sane people) to kick them in the rear. Wallet pain is the worst kind of pain.

A principled person does not need to be prompted to do what is right. It should not be necessary to get people to sign a petition not to shop at “gay” supporting stores. Company CEOs have every right to have their company support whatever cause they want although they will be held accountable by their Board of Directors and shareholders for plummeting stocks; but we have a right to refuse to patronize them. I will spend my money wherever I choose; after all, this is still America, isn’t it? Surely the Federal government would never tell us to spend our money a certain way, would it?

Moreover, company CEOs that choose to get in bed with homosexuals should not be forgiven by consumers. This is a personal and controversial decision but I have made it: no forgiveness. Usually a company’s “repentance” and change of corporate pro-gay support follows a free fall of their company stock. Then they “see the light,” repent, and refuse to support the “gay” crowd. Do what you want but I prefer to support those stores that make decisions on principle–not principal. Hit the others in the cash register!

Yes, I’m tired of being kicked around, and I’m kicking back. In fact, I have an overwhelming desire for two chicken sandwiches and a peach milkshake.

I am tired of being kicked around by state and federal government officials, wishing to appear so tolerant, compassionate, gracious, and loving when they are actually unprincipled, unlawful, and unreasonable tyrants. They show high levels of arrogance and ignorance by demanding Christian colleges provide for abortion in their insurance coverage. It is encouraging that many Christian institutions are kicking back and have sued the Federal Government for their tyrannical demands. However, it is not just churches and other Christian institutions that must resist this tyranny but individuals as well.

A Christian businessman cannot be complicit in killing innocent babies. They must kick back and refuse to obey federal orders even if they are dragged into court and finally into prison. It is not only Christian organizations that have rights, but individuals as well. Maybe when a hundred hospitals and a thousand churches are closed by their leaders’ refusal to knuckle under to federal control, then most Americans will realize that we are governed (ruled) by petty tyrants. Additionally, when thousands of principled business owners are arrested and jailed, the world will know that this once-great, free, independent nation has become a police state ruled by a tin-pot dictator.

School officials in Massachusetts kicked all sane, concerned, conservative people in the rear with their plans to give free condoms to 12-year-old children, and all of us who oppose the plan are said to be fools, fanatics, and facists. Public school officials are attempting radical indoctrination not education, so pull children out of public schools and put them in Christian schools (or home schools) and fire as many corrupt public educators as possible.

It is my opinion the children should not even know what a condom is!

Obviously, the squirrels haven’t gathered up all the nuts yet.

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