impeachment – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Treason at Our Southern Border–Impeach, Impeach, Impeach! Fri, 21 Nov 2014 17:38:17 +0000 What does a president have to do to get impeached? After Lincoln’s assassination, Johnson became president and was impeached for simply removing the Secretary of War from his cabinet; Nixon resigned rather than be impeached for the Watergate cover-up; and Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. Now enters Obama who has lied repeatedly and usurped authority he does not have and has now violated the authority of Congress by declaring 5 million illegal aliens to be free from deportation as the law requires! He has arrogantly, audaciously, and asininely stomped on the Constitution with the hobnailed boots of tyranny. If that does not demand impeachment, nothing does.

Obama has generous support for amnesty from the wealthiest liberal non-profits in the nation such as the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Open Society Foundations of the financier George Soros, and the Atlantic Philanthropies. For more than ten years those groups have given more than $300 million to immigrant organizations, “including many fighting for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.” Those groups and others are using money from U.S. sources to destroy America as we know it!

Even in normal times, it is insane for a nation to have open borders where anyone for any reason can enter without restrictions. Then when you consider a time of war, national pestilence, or terror, it is doubly insane to permit unrestricted entry into a nation. That’s about where the U.S. is today. With an astronomical increase in crime; with burgeoning welfare roles; with cities and states whining about empty coffers; with hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work and more to follow; we still have almost open borders! We might as well put up a huge sign on our southern border: “Terrorists and other illegal aliens Welcome! Follow the arrows to Tucson!” Maybe an additional sign promising “free medical care and education”!

Open border fanatics tell us that “The U.S. had open borders from its inception until 1882. It makes one wonder what the Founding Fathers would think of us today!” However, that is not the whole story because in 1882 there was much of America unexplored, uninhabited, and unavailable. We needed the people–farmers, smiths, merchants, salesmen, trappers, cobblers who came and fell in love with their new nation, learned English, and melted into the pot. But the pot is not melting today. It is now a salad bowl where many different peoples do their own thing and have no interest in the general welfare.

Treason is “any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance.” That means anyone, including leading politicians, who seeks to weaken our nation, worsen our economy, or wreck our system is a traitor. We must leave room for honest disagreement as to how to solve a problem but to disassemble a defense that has been utilized for a hundred years qualifies as treason.

Thousands of illegal aliens cross into the U.S. from Mexico carrying drugs, disease, and destructive plans to our nation. Others want to pick tomatoes and other vegetables; however if tomato pickers can slip in, so can terrorists. Yet, we have major politicians (including President Obama) who are so unconcerned, they are determined to give amnesty to those gatecrashers already here! That would be an invitation for even more illegals to rush north.

The current very negative consequences of immigration are largely because more recent groups aren’t learning English at the same rates as their predecessors. Harvard economist George Borjas suggests that “it’s not very costly anymore” for new immigrants if they don’t learn English because so many of them have formed communities that insulate them from other Americans. Therefore, they don’t need to learn English since they can function with each other. Illegal aliens get lost in a huge group of their own kind and don’t need to melt into the pot. They sit, soak, and sour in the salad bowl.

We should send a loud message to all politicians that it is time to take charge of our borders to clean up the mess: Build the wall; no amnesty; no more guest workers until the economy stabilizes; no more immigration for five years; fine businesses who hire illegal aliens; send the gate crashers home; arrest the “coyotes” who get rich smuggling illegals across the border; demand that our “friends” in Mexico stop playing the hypocrite and close their northern border as they have their southern border. It’s past time to get started.

First, we impeach the President!  Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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What Does a President Have to do to Get Impeached? Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:20:51 +0000 The U.S. Constitution provides for the removal of a sitting president through impeachment because our founders knew that all men have a propensity for evil. The first president to be impeached was Democrat Andrew Johnson who became president upon the death of Abraham Lincoln.

Johnson had removed his Secretary of War from his cabinet thereby violating the Tenure of Office Act that was later declared unconstitutional. He was charged with bringing into “disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt, and reproach the Congress of the United States.” The House voted overwhelmingly to impeach; however, the trial in the Senate was short one vote for conviction so he served his term as President.

Richard Nixon was accused of obstruction of justice and abuse of power and the House Judiciary Committee voted for his impeachment; however, he resigned his office and the full House did not consider the issue. Nixon’s sin was the cover-up of a bungled robbery of the Democrat National Committee offices by the Committee to Re-elect President Nixon. Of Nixon’s guilt of trying to obstruct justice and abuse of power there is no doubt and to keep from being drummed out of the Oval Office, he resigned, the first U.S. President to do so.

Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice on December 19, 1998. Sixty-seven senators were required to find him guilty but only 50 voted for impeachment. The five Republicans who refused to impeach him on both counts were all located on the political spectrum far left of The New York Times.

A blind and deaf man with the IQ of his ring-size knew Clinton was guilty but not one Democrat voted for impeachment! Gutless Republican Senator Alan Specter voted “Not Proven” but William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who was presiding, decreed that it was a “not guilty” vote.

Clinton went “scot-free” proving that a President can perjure himself and obstruct justice and not pay the price. Moreover, he is still loved and respected by the American public and has received up to $500,000 per speech since leaving office! Sometimes crime does pay–very well.

Our sitting President has done more mischievous and illegal acts than all the previous presidents put together; yet the weak, wobbly, worthless, witless Congress has refused to impeach him proving that they are as culpable as he.

Obama’s appointment of left-wing socialists and Communists are myriad, mysterious, and maddening to freedom-loving Americans. It seems there is a concerted effort to destroy this nation. Maybe the Manchurian Candidate wasn’t just a novel (1959) and subsequent movies.

It is astounding that Obama’s Attorney General was permitted to disregard American values and laws especially relating to gun running (Fast and Furious) without going to prison. His crime resulted in at least the death of one Federal Agent.

Moreover, the incredible, incendiary, and insane failure to seal the southern border is mind-boggling. Mothers with children are showing up demanding the right to invade our nation! Furthermore, hundreds of unaccompanied children are flooding the border as I write!

After thousands of Americans were killed in Iraq and many thousands maimed, we fled the nation and permitted the most vicious Muslim terrorists to take control of its major cities. At this moment, they are marching on Baghdad. It seems everything Obama touches turns to failure.

The scandal at the Veterans Administration where hundreds of vets were forced onto a waiting list to receive treatment is worthy of impeachment; however, he is given a pass since the VA was also a mess under other presidents.

Finally there is much speculation about his being impeached for his other high crimes and misdemeanors:

Many intelligent, honest people have serious doubts that Obama is even a U.S. citizen! He says he was born in Hawaii; however, there is evidence that he was born in Kenya. Why not remove all doubt and provide original documents to prove his birthplace? There is evidence that he traveled to Pakistan on a passport that reveals his true place of birth but he refuses to provide the documents.

He refuses to provide the information about his education at Columbia and Harvard. Is he concerned about his poor grades or would the documents reveal he was a student from a foreign nation? I don’t know but Obama could easily settle the issue by surrendering the documents. Moreover, Donald Trump has offered to give $5 million to Obama’s favorite charity if he reveals his school and passport records. What reason could Obama have for not doing so unless it is fear?

On September 11, 2012, an attack occurred at the U.S. compound in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. White House hacks immediately blamed the assault on a crude video that was critical of Mohammed and Islam. But now we know that it was an orchestrated attack by a Muslim terrorist group. Five days after the tragedy, White House spokeswoman, Susan Rice appeared on five major television shows to deflect the flak from angry Americans. She lied after Americans died. The White House and Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State knew from the beginning that it was not a simple demonstration that went awry but a concerted terrorist attack upon Americans and American property.

President Obama has repeatedly refused to answer whether the four dead Americans were denied help. Of course they were, but the White House and the State Department have sought to cover their behinds instead of confessing palpable guilt and their massive cover-up. Anyone with character would have resigned their leadership positions but Obama and Clinton refused to do so.

But it gets worser and worser.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walked away from camp in Afghanistan and went searching for the enemy without his gun! He is a deserter and, from the evidence, he colluded with the enemy. To equate him with brave soldiers who risk their lives every day is beyond the pale. He went after the Taliban and found them. After five years in “captivity” Bergdahl was exchanged for five top Taliban terrorists imprisoned in Gitmo. Reports reveal at that least six fellow soldiers were killed seeking to free him.

Obama was required by federal law to get permission from the Congress at least 30 days before releasing any Gitmo prisoners. He refused to obey that law. Someone needs to remind him that he is the President not the Emperor. He may rule but he doesn’t reign and he will rue the day when those freed terrorists kill more Americans.

Do the members of Congress know how to spell impeachment? Get to it. Or maybe this November’s elections will bring in better spellers. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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