incest – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Universities Specialize in Sizzling Sex! Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:50:31 +0000 Universities used to be places where students struggled with English, math, science, accounting, etc., with occasional breaks for a football or basketball game. Not anymore. There are numerous non-academic distractions, discussions, and debates that (after four years) produce frivolous, foolish frauds leaving with a degree that they can hardly read–literally! But they sure know how to spell s-e-x!

The University of Chicago is sponsoring a Sex Week that it promises will go “far beyond typical sex education” with workshops including “Great Oral Sex with Tea Time and Sex Chats,” “Anal 101,” “The Perfect Vagina,” “Sex Ed for Kids” and a play titled “Genitalia the Musical.” Over $5,000 from student fees will fund the event. Included will be instructions on how to take nude photos. The University was founded by American Baptists with a gift from John D. Rockefeller (a Baptist) on land given by Marshall Field. I’m surprised that American Baptists have not torn that school down one brick at a time.

At Yale’s Sex Week, a porn star stripped down to bare breasts and attached devices to her breasts as an example of sadomasochism. She led another student around the room in handcuffs. Those “educators” also encouraged an open discussion of incest, bestiality, prostitution, and consensual pain during intercourse! Sex Week is so “educational,” it has been adopted at Harvard, Brown, Duke, Northwestern, University of Illinois, and the University of Wisconsin.

Tufts University got tough and decided to come down hard on sexual activities in dorms: they outlawed sex in dorms–if a roommate is present! After all, it interferes with their studying, sleeping, etc., so no sex unless the roommate is absent. One university official said that the university did not want to impinge on the sexual rights of students, but after all, there must be a limit. Yeah, a limit.

Informed people are aware that the media, professional organizations, and especially academia are preparing America for a society where anything goes, especially if the word, “consenting” is added. Note that it used to be “consenting adults.” Not now. We are told that children have a right to sex, even sex with family members! We are being “softened up” for the day when anything is accepted. We are almost there now.

To “help” with sexual performance, the University of California sponsored an event entitled “Is There a Buzz in Your Bed,” which has the goal of teaching students about “various sex toys” and different ways “to play as a couple or alone.” Well, at least the radical professor will not be teaching economics, the Constitution, basket weaving, etc. But then, the class will not help students get ready to work. Play, yes–work, no.

Other mindless courses are taught at the University of California such as “The Psychology of the Lesbian Experience.” California is bankrupt but the taxpayers are funding such nonsense.

But, it gets worse. The University of Minnesota is sponsoring a seminar for “orgasm aficionados and beginners of all genders” to discuss their sex lives. The Minnesota school says the seminar is for all, “whether you want to learn how to have your first orgasm, how to have better ones, or how to help your girlfriend.” Not to be outdone, Illinois University is bringing a porn star to teach a sex orgasm workshop! Every tax dollar should be withdrawn from those schools.

Dirty Bingo seems to be the rage in some universities where, under the color of “safe sex,” students have a lot of “fun” and win sex toys as prizes. At North Carolina State University, the prizes are purchased from mandatory student funds. A university spokesman said “Dirty Bingo offers “a new innovative way to do safe sex education on campus.” Yeah sure.

At a national meeting of Women’s Studies, in Denver, a professor described herself as “a self-identified queer, fat, vegan.” She refuses to drink milk because of feminist principles (ah yes, a principled feminist professor). She said, “Dairy is a feminist issue. Milk comes from a grieving mother….no human can be free while other species are oppressed.”

Loonies are running universities and you are paying them to do so either with tuition or taxes. Maybe both.

From the nation’s heartland, the University of Missouri will have a class that examines the deployment of erotic desire, love, and sympathy as political, economic, and textual strategies, and analyze the gender dynamics involved in such deployment.” It is a class dealing with “sibling incest.” Isn’t that nice? They’re showing an interest in family values! Scumbags.

The University of Michigan has a class called “How to Be Gay 101”; however, it’s said that kids are “gay” by birth. If so, why must they be taught how to be gay? Is this how they look? Feel? Act? They say they can’t help being “gay,” then why would one need to be taught how to be “gay”? Really!

Again, the University of Michigan’s course “Topics in Literary Studies: Ancient Greek/Modern Gay Sexuality” has students reading a “wide selection of ancient Greek (and a few Roman) texts that deal with same-sex love, desire, gender dissidence, and sexual behavior.” Oh, goody! How educational! That seems to rival Swarthmore College’s class of “Lesbian Novels Since World War II.” Wow, how exciting. I sure didn’t have such courses when I was in college. It’s no wonder I’m so uncultured, uneducated, and unqualified; however, I’ve never been unemployed!

Cornell University offers literature students a challenging, exciting course, “Bodies Politic: Queer Theory and Literature of the Body.” Students will discuss, “How do concepts of perversion and degeneration haunt the idea of the social body?” and “How are individual bodies stigmatized, encoded, and read within the social sphere?” Well, I’ve always wondered about that, myself. Maybe I could monitor that course.

Harvard University (founded by Bible-believing Christians!), one of the most prestigious and expensive Ivy League schools in the nation, granted official school recognition to a BDSM sex club. BDSM means “bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism”! No big deal since other major schools such as Yale, MIT, Tufts, Columbia, and the Iowa State University all have S&M clubs. I suppose they think if they’re going to play rough, they need to learn the ropes! Or chains. Harvard is also the site of an “incest-fest” party which a prominent hall hosts each winter.

Some shallow parents want their children to be taught in a sexually charged atmosphere since we are living in a sexploited age, but that’s like working in a bar so they won’t be alcoholics.

The above examples of “miseducation” will not help graduates pay their light bills but it will teach them to have “fun” in the dark. Isn’t education great!

If one is finally graduated from one of these so called universities and maintains some dignity, discernment, and decency, they can sing full-throatily, “Free at last, free at last, Praise God almighty, I’m free at last.”

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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