innocence – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Wow, Wholesome Innocence on PBS! Mon, 02 Jan 2017 16:07:36 +0000 During the holidays, Ellen had to use the desktop computer so she chased me out of the library and I went to work in the bedroom. The television set was on PBS (warning: to watch regularly will result in brain rot) and one of their never-ending fundraising drives was on. I find it interesting that the left often criticizes Christians (especially radio and television preachers) and Conservatives for raising money but leftists seem to do it non-stop. And most of us actually do something worthwhile with the raised funds. Also, note that all leftist websites have a button to “Donate” in a prominent place. I have no problem with that since no one is forced to give; however, it appears to be inconsistent for them to criticize us when they are masters at pulling Dollars from Dummies–new television show with Michael Moore as host!

But I digress from my point. The TV show featured music from the 50s with original musicians for the most part. In the 50s, I had trusted Christ and was busy working almost fulltime at a Gold Coast parking lot (on famous Rush Street) in Chicago’s entertainment-dining-shopping area and getting my education at Moody. I didn’t have the time or the desire to listen to secular music; however, I heard it on the car radio from time to time.

I put aside my work and watched the TV and heard many catchy, romantic, and often haunting melodies. I was taken back to the days of my youth while watching over-the-hill singers pressed back into formal attire as they belted out their hits of bygone years. Frankly, they were still very talented. I heard “Smoke gets in your eyes,” Unchained Melody,” “Blueberry Hill,” “Wheel of Fortune,” “Catch a falling star,” “Cold, cold, heart,” “Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight,” “Earth angel,” “Secret Love,” “Three coins in a fountain,” “Mona Lisa,” “Love letters in the sand,” “The Yellow Rose of Texas,” and many more. Almost all of them were sentimental love songs with a few nonsensical ones like “Lollipop.” And a few others such as “Sixteen Tons,” and “This Old House.” Not very romantic.

What struck me was the innocence of it all. I did not hear one objectionable word! Not one outrageous outfit. Yes, the producer was heavy-handed in his appeal to “preserve the history” and “continue the legacy” of that great era. But listening to his pitch was the price to pay for the music. This is not a defense or plea for secular music although I don’t think every song we listen to has to be “Christian.”

My point is the comparison of that music with today’s music! I really sacrificed to do this column because I listened to many of the top fifty pop songs of 2016! It was more secular music than I had ever heard! I did not hear one song that was uplifting, inspiring, romantic, or understandable! Not one was worth whistling or humming. It was as inspiring, inviting, and interesting as a walk through our county dump on a day in August.

Not once did I hear a singer or group of singers that were impressive. Where did all the talent go? Has yelling, snarling, and grunting supplanted talent? Why is it permissible for “singers” to use nigger in a wrong way but I am wrong to use it in a right way? I would really like to hear an answer to that question.

However, the innocence was experienced again the following night when I went to bed and saw two episodes of “The Dick Van Dyke Show” in color! Wow, the innocence, the talent, the simplicity, the humor was astounding especially as compared with any show on television at this time!

The two episodes were one laugh after another. The first show dealt with Dick’s wife having a baby and Dick’s certainty after leaving the hospital that they had the wrong baby! It turned out that the other family was black! When the couple came to Dick’s apartment to exchange babies, it was hilarious! (Could that be racist? Probably, since everything else seems to be.) The second show dealt with Dick’s boss’ bald head and his wigs. I sat there realizing that there was not one second in the two shows that was objectionable to any normal person. My, my but we have come a long way, baby.

The writing was excellent and the lines were delivered superbly. That proves that cursing is not required; that double entendres are unnecessary; and sexual issues are without justification other than to titillate the sexually immature.

I have met a few Christians who believe that everything must have a biblical emphasis and teach a spiritual lesson; however, I think that cannot be supported by the Bible. Everything a Christian does must be done to God’s glory and we should never be involved in anything that magnifies or seems to recommend sin. All kinds of games have nothing to do with Christianity but we can play them with friends and enjoy the good time, the exercise, the camaraderie, etc.

William Bouguereau, famous French painter, painted a masterful oil of a beautiful woman in a white dress with a small child in her right arm and a small sheep in her left arm. Its appropriate title is L’Innocence. Children and sheep are reminders of innocence–something missing in our time.

Today’s entertainment industry is scandalous, sordid, squalid, sorry, and shameful! Perversion is presented as common, even commendable, with numerous homosexual characters who are almost never depicted as incompetent, irresponsible, or immoral. The persistent positive presentation of perversion has been inculcated into the American mind resulting in a generation known for its ignorance, immaturity, and immorality.

An additional shame is that many church members will consider this subject and this writer naïve for even broaching the subject.

Would I prefer a return to the innocence of the 50s if it were possible? In a heartbeat!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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