Islam – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Did Putin Throw Biden a Political Lifeline or an Anchor? Wed, 09 Mar 2022 15:45:43 +0000  

When Russian Communist Dictator Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, he may have thrown Joe Biden a political lifeline. Or maybe an iron anchor. Biden’s approval ratings were in the basement, inflation steadily climbed, the southern border was overrun by illegal aliens, and desperate Democrats announced their retirement like rats jumping from a sinking ship. You know, to spend more time with the family.

Those Democrats had visions of a massive defeat in 2022 and 2024. Maybe they were premature now that we have a war in Europe. The old political adage is you don’t change politicians in the middle of a war—especially a possible world war. However, the U.S. is far from Europe, but that’s another issue.

If Biden is smart, the U.S. will stay out of another European war. We can support Ukraine and pressure others to do so, but let Europeans do most of the spending and all the fighting. After all, isn’t that the reason for the United Nations? If not, then what? No one elected America to be the protector, provider, and parent of the world.

It would be especially unwise for us to fight a war with foreign commies supported by U.S.  parlor pinks, fellow travelers, and media moguls. This will be Biden’s theme song during the next two years: Trust me to stand up to tyrants and lead us safely to peace in our time.

Communism is a political and economic philosophy (some would also say a religion) that calls for a classless society in which everyone shares everything equally. However, as history has proved, equally doesn’t mean equal. Communist leaders, as cunning killers controlling the economy, lived a life of luxury compared to the hoi polloi in the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Communism failed in every instance.

When the Soviet Union fell on December 25, 1991, many American pundits spoke of the “death of communism” in the old Soviet Union and their new “freedom.” But the death of Communism was greatly exaggerated.

The Soviet Union’s economic, political, and internal difficulties had festered for decades, and death was inevitable. The Soviet Union was dying on the vine, but they drove their tanks and newest weapons through Red Square in the Kremlin on May 1 of each year even though they couldn’t afford the gas to run them. Furthermore, Russia doesn’t have a Costco or Sam’s. And from the videos of the Ukraine invasion, it seems some of the soldiers may be too young to have a driver’s license.

However, full speed ahead, after all, war turns boys into men. No, war turns live boys into dead boys.

By February 1989, the Soviets had fled from Afghanistan like an aging philanderer jumping from a second-floor bedroom window ahead of an angry, armed, advancing husband. The failed Soviet occupation (1979 to 1989) to shore up the pro-Soviet regime was an incredible drain on the Soviet war budget.

The Soviets installed their puppet, Mohammad Najibullah, in Kabul and promised future aid against the radical Mujahadeen (“those who engage in jihad”) whom the U.S. continued to support in the civil war between radical Muslim warlords. Two major groups, the Taliban and Mujahideen, gained acceptance having originated when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and forcibly occupied it for ten years.

Soviet aid stopped in January 1992, consequently, the Afghan air force could not purchase fuel for their planes. The U.S. and Pakistan supplied the Muslim warlords with economic and military weapons, one of the reasons a third-world county managed to chase the mighty Soviet Union out of the nation in disgrace.

When the Taliban took control of Kandahar, Afghanistan in 1994, people soon realized that the Taliban were not benign rulers since they brutally punished those who did not follow Sharia laws.

The Taliban had been in power and governing Kabul, Afghanistan since 1996 when the U.S. in 2001 declared war on the nation. Two months after the U.S. dropped its first bombs on Afghanistan, the Taliban was defeated and forced to flee Kabul on December 6, 2001.

The Soviets had promised “absolutely all of the military infrastructure would be handed over to the DRA armed forces” when the Soviets withdrew their troops. While the Soviet departure from Afghanistan was shameful, it was not tragic, as was the U.S. departure under Biden. That hasty and badly planned departure caused a civil war and an emerging Islamist movement. The Taliban was shockingly successful in their swift success to consolidate power so soon after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

With the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Afghanistan’s Soviet-backed regime was toppled. Following that attack, Al Qaeda and the Taliban consolidated forces and seized most major cities, including the capital, Kabul.  The Taliban, Al-Qaida, Mujahadeen, and other Muslim sects are all led by Muslim fanatics but have many similarities and many Islamic differences.

Unlike the Russians, we left thousands of Americans and American friends to the mercy of the followers of Allah when we left Afghanistan in August 2021. Our departure precipitated a civil war among various Muslim groups. The Taliban retook Afghanistan’s capital almost twenty years after they were driven from Kabul by U.S. troops in 2001. When American troops moved out, Allah moved in and is still there as you read this article.

After spending $2 trillion of taxpayers’ money and nearly 2,000 dead Americans, the U.S. left Afghanistan (the graveyard of empires) where they found it—with the Taliban in control.

The Soviets kept their agreement (!) and left the promised war equipment in the hands of their Muslim friends. When the U.S. disgracefully left the same country, numerous weapons and vehicles were left for our enemy’s use.

While the Soviet departure from Afghanistan was a surprise in 1988, the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, shocked and thrilled freedom lovers everywhere. The ugly but effective wall separated communist East Berlin from democratic West Berlin for almost 30 years. Finally, all free people rejoiced as East Germans climbed over the rubble into free West Berlin. President Ronald Reagan’s robust demand for Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1987 to “tear down this wall” was successful in less than two years.

Gorbachev was the final leader of the Soviet Union as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991. Surprisingly, he slowly leaned away from Marxism-Leninism toward “social democracy.” The world was further surprised, shocked, even stunned when Gorbachev dissolved the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991, saying, “We’re now living in a new world.”

Wow, what a Christmas present to the world, especially people in Russia and the now-former Soviet republics.

The Soviet Union fell but Communism is alive and well. Even leading American politicians have a longtime love affair with Socialism/Communism. Furthermore, Americans are being led to their slaughter by self-serving leaders who pretend to be interested in their welfare when their commitment is to a New World Order.

Biden’s buddy in Moscow, by his invasion of Ukraine, has given careless voters a reason to think Biden should stay in office to lead in our war effort. But it’s not our war effort. And for sure, Biden is not a qualified leader—in war or peace. He is old and ill, and a compassionate nation will return him to the backwaters of Delaware.

Whatever happens in Ukraine, all Democrats and RINOs should be retired permanently. If not, we will live in the land of Bevis and Butthead, not Washington and Jefferson.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Peacefully If We Can; Forcefully If We Must But Require All Muslims to Repudiate Koranic Demands! Tue, 04 Jan 2022 18:35:07 +0000 It is long past time for America’s political leaders to face reality: true Islam is violent, vicious, vile, and vulgar. No, not those now skeptical Muslims who have adjusted to American freedom and have acquired a taste for pizza, hamburgers, movies, television, and blue jeans. The people in question are koranic Muslims who are dedicated, dangerous, and deadly people living among us.

And with the hundreds of thousands of unvetted, unwanted, and undeserving gatecrashers at our southern border in recent months, only a fool, a fanatic, or falsifier says there are no terrorists among them.

The nation is churning while the fuse is burning.

Up-front, let’s assume I’m a hater, bigot, know-nothing Baptist. Since that’s out of the way, it doesn’t change the facts above. I may be all as charged, but my facts are indisputable. While I agree with tolerance, it can never be applied to the truth. Truth is unrelenting, unpleasant, and unmalleable. Truth doesn’t change because you don’t like it, nor does it change because the truth-teller is unpleasant, unkind, unlikeable, unfair, or ugly.

Muslims must look in the mirror of truth and not get angry at the mirror because of an ugly image, and it is not the mirror’s fault.

Historically, Muslims have always played the numbers to their advantage. When they are few, they are acquiescent but become active, asinine, and authoritative when they arrive at about 12% of a population.

On November 7, 2021, the Detroit Free Press reported the six-member City Council of Hamtramck “will consist of all Muslims starting in January, another historic first for the metro Detroit city known for its sizable immigrant population.” Additionally, every elective city office is held by a Muslim!

Hamtramck, Michigan, with 22,000 residents, is the first Muslim majority city in America. It was a once-thriving factory town now struggling with one of the highest poverty rates in Michigan. Citizens are awakened each day at 6:00 with a call to prayer (and four more times daily) from the four mosques. Many of the business signs are in Arabic or Bengali. The city’s Polish Catholic population has shrunk from 90% in 1970 to about 11% today. The Polish culture is on the way out, and Sharia is coming.

Dearborn, like Hamtramck, is in the Detroit metropolitan area and is 44% Muslim who control over 100,000 people. Other cities across America are heavily Muslim. Get accustomed to the calls to prayer. They are in your future, and if you thought church bells were a nuisance, you will long to hear them again. Wait until you hear this every day.

Few suggest that the Taliban or Al-Qaeda control either of the cities. Still, only a fool says the influx of people of different religions, races, languages, habits, beliefs, etc., has not changed the area. The Polish polkas are drowned out by the five calls to Muslim prayer each day.

There are 3.5 million Muslims in America, with over 300 working in public office. And they are working at getting other Muslims in offices. Of course, that isn’t illegal, and most groups do that. Blacks do that; homosexuals do that; liberals do that; few conservative Christians do that. You know, you don’t want to appear too pushy, so when conservatives get elected, they “reach out to the other side.”  No one has ever told me why that is done; it’s almost an obligatory move by conservatives. Conservatives should hold all jobs, even menial jobs.

I wouldn’t choose a liberal to walk my dog.

There were 2,769 mosques in the U.S. in 2020, many of them hotbeds of radicalism funding terrorism here and abroad. Many are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, whose slogan is, “Allah is our objective; the Qur’an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish.” I agree with the last clause as desirable of all terrorists.

All U.S. Muslims should be required to repudiate the Brotherhood slogan. Upon refusal, they should be escorted to the nearest international airport and removed to the closest desert in the middle east. Or, more cheaply, they should be loaded on a slow freighter to one of Saudi Arabia’s 18 ports.

The books of every mosque must be looked at, and any funding of terrorists will require the U.S. government to freeze all mosque funds and close those mosques. All leaders involved in the funding will be jailed. Some might suggest such action could result in harassment of churches, but freedom of religion does not include the takeover of the American government to institute Sharia law.

The FBI or a special unit should immediately contact every U.S. mosque and require every leader (followed by every member) to swear an oath to an America-first position. I don’t suppose we could demand they swear to “help make America great again.”

Hey, it’s a reasonable thought.

Every Muslim in America should be required to make a solemn oath that U.S. law takes precedence over Sharia law and they are submitting to U.S. law. A nation divided cannot stand.

Every Muslim must repudiate jihad as taught in the Koran. The first example of jihad is found in Sura 2:191 of my Koran, published in Medina. It has an explanatory footnote to make sure even the dullest Muslim understands what the passage means. The passage commands every Muslim to fight (jihad): “Al-Jihad (holy fighting)…is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars (on which it stands). By Jihad, Islam is established…Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim.” Muslim theologians wanted to emphasize that message in a footnote to end the argument as to jihad—holy war.

The only Muslim who can be sure of entering Paradise is one who loses their life while engaged in holy fighting. Jihad is not trying to lose weight, getting along with siblings, working on your marriage, overcoming your temper, etc. It is “holy fighting” in the cause of making every nation on earth a Muslim nation.

World leaders refuse to admit that fact, but they can’t be so stupid to not know it. They simply don’t have the courage, commitment, and character to do the right thing since the “woke” thing is now popular.

We have many thousands of Muslims in America committed to the above, and gutless politicians will be damned soon by gutless citizens who were too stupid to demand responsible reaction to the Islamic attacks on America.

Every Muslim must agree that the sexual mutilation of little girls is bloody, barbaric, and beastly, and all who promote it, even Muslim medical doctors, should spend decades in prison. I would add at hard labor, but probably some bleating hearts might criticize me if I do. Can’t have that.

Every Muslim must agree that the Sharia death penalty for leaving Islam and converting to Christ is mistaken, maddening, and medieval. America was founded on freedom of religion, and a religion that depends on force does not believe in freedom. Muslims love to boast how they swept out of their desert tents to overwhelm all the middle east, even into Europe a few years after Mohammed’s death. They must be reminded they did it with the Sword of Mohammed while Christians civilized the world with the Sword of the Lord known as the Bible.

Every Muslim must agree that honor killings are clearly family murders, and any parent who kills a “wayward” child will hang by the neck or sit in “Old Sparky.” Often, a parent kills a daughter because she was raped, sometimes by a brother, and such parents are lowlife killers. I might add that such killers should be executed with a strip of bacon hanging from each ear. You know, as a final touch of class.

Every Muslim must agree with America’s position that Israel has a right to peacefully exist within secure borders as any other nation. That still leaves room for support of a Palestinian state where fanatics can continue to train their children to be suicide bombers.

Every Muslim must repudiate suicide bombings as twisted, savage, and insane with no justification. Moreover, America must stop supporting the “Palestinians” since they pay parents for their children to become morbid murderers.

Every Muslim must agree that women are special and should be treated kindly, gently, compassionately, tenderly with equal rights to any man. She should have the same standing in a court of law as any man and to require more female witnesses to prove a case whereas one man is sufficient is unlawful. Any divorce will be decided on the same standards for males and females.

Any Muslim who refuses to accept the above minor requirements will be dropped over the Arabian Dessert from the belly of a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. Oh, of course, wearing a parachute.

After all, Americans are not barbarians recently off a Middle East desert.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent,  Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)


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Is the Muslim Culture Superior, Similar, or Substandard to Ours? Tue, 09 Mar 2021 17:33:02 +0000 Taxpayers often support immigrants who arrive in America from other cultures, and those immigrants often demand that Americans recognize, respect, and almost revere the failed miserable cultures most of them left so willingly. They immediately adjust to our superior lifestyle and no longer pee into a hole in the ground or cook veggies sitting around a fire fueled by dried cow dung. They visit modern physicians instead of a version of the witch doctor with his bag of chicken bones and hippopotamus’ dung, prancing around a jungle campfire.

But most immigrants insist on clinging to their most offensive practices—no melting pot for them. They accept our opulent bounty but reject our obvious behavior, and they accept our cash but resist our culture. They have kept the cult in culture and removed the civil in civilization.

I smile when new immigrants, especially Muslims, speak glowingly of what they left behind. I may even fall to the floor, holding my sides with raucous laughter. I have seen what they left behind. I have seen the tragedies of multiple wives. I’ve seen their televised instructions on how to beat their wives. I’ve heard them try to justify molesting teenage girls. I have walked their dirty streets. I’ve sat around their Bedouin tents and tried to drink their thick black coffee as they spouted anti-Semitic nonsense and the false Palestinian myth.

Those new Islamic immigrants have a right to be offended at my critique, criticism, and condemnation, but I have a right not to care.

In recent years, the U.S. brought thousands of rustics to our cities that have changed the culture of those cities. It can be observed in any major city, especially in Minneapolis, Detroit, Chicago, etc. Leftists tell us that Americans must devalue their culture so the new immigrants don’t feel unwelcome and out of place. Some major publications declare that downplaying our culture is necessary to bring cultural diversity to majority-white American towns with a very small percent minority population. Their pathetic pitch is we must never embarrass other cultures by suggesting our way is the best way or even a better way.

We are told that people from a better culture should modulate and subdue their higher standards to keep people from an inferior culture from knowing the differences causing them humiliation. However, unless we are idiots, everyone already knows the differences. All right, maybe a very sensitive person will not boast about his perceived higher standards but to purposefully distort reality to help someone save face is absurd, awkward, and asinine.

A quick look at Sweden, France, Germany, England, and others will easily prove that a massive influx of less developed people will change a higher culture almost immediately.

My culture is far more advanced than the culture of the Muslims as indicated when they tried to purchase my wife and daughters for ten goats or five camels, the normal price for that period. That happened in Syria and Jordan during some of my 14 tours of the Middle East. They wanted to purchase any blond woman in my group.

But it didn’t happen in Israel.

It is telling that such an incident never happened in Israel, where we spent most of our time. Is it because of a difference between the Muslim culture and the Israeli culture? Of course, there were some sophisticated Muslims whose homes I visited who would not make me such an offer because other advanced cultures had impacted them.

That same biased, backward, and bloody Muslim culture still mutilates little girls to keep them “sexually pure” for marriage to any lewd, crude dude willing to purchase them. Of course, the old dudes don’t pay as much for the small girls since they are not blondes. That culture teaches that any non-Muslim girl or woman is available to them, and they have expressed surprise when arrested for rape in civilized nations of Europe! They defend rape because they believe they have a right to those females! And some Muslims who don’t participate in the above refuse to condemn it, making them a part of the evil.

The Islamic practice of “honor killings” is enough proof for my premise of inferior cultures. It is considered acceptable, even expected, for a rape victim to be killed by family members. Not the rapist, but the raped is killed! Too often, a family kills a daughter who has been raped. I know of a case where a son raped his sister, and the girl was killed by her family, not the son/rapist!

The Koran commands Muslims in sura 9:4-5 to ambush the “Mushrikun,” who is identified in verse 6 as “the polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah.” That covers everyone who is not a Muslim! He is to fight in advancing the cause of Islam, not simply in a time of war or defense; all Muslims are to fight to advance Islam. Moreover, each Muslim is obligated to fight for Islam with enthusiasm, or he will be penalized at the last judgment.

Now you know why traditional Muslims are so contentious, confrontational, and cruel. They are on a “holy” mission to force Islam down the throats of every person on earth. They are taught to kiss the hand of the enemy (every non-Muslim) when they are in the minority but to break his fist when in control. We are in a clash of civilizations, not only a clash of cultures.

Western culture is far superior to Muslim culture shown by their celebration of the death of Mohammed’s grandson 1300 years ago. Ashura Day is an annual day that Shia Muslims mutilate themselves and their children. It is a very bloody and traumatic scene as scores of Muslims whip themselves and cut their heads open. Some do that to their small children. If you dare, look at the bloody scene and tell me that all cultures are the same.

Many Muslims want us to think living in mud huts, bathing in a river, marrying our nine-year-old daughters to old men, ripping out a young daughter’s clitoris, and peeing in a hole in the ground is an advanced culture. Or maybe another culture. No, compared with America, it is a substandard culture, not similar, and for sure not superior to ours.

No, thank you. I’m satisfied with my Western Christianized Culture with its admitted failures.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Traditional Muslims are Dishonest, Dangerous, and Deadly Whether in Iran, Iraq, or America! Wed, 15 Jan 2020 17:58:23 +0000 Peaceful nations have nothing to fear from backslidden Muslims (moderates) but traditional Muslims (whether Sunni at 940 million, Shiite at 120 million, or the other offshoots) are zealots with an obligation to convert the world to a massive caliphate. While the various sects have a hot, holy hatred for each other, they will temporarily suppress the desire to send other Muslims to Paradise so they can kill the infidels (non-Muslims) and establish a global caliphate.

Syria is a very unique country: primarily a Sunni nation with a strong Shiite minority. President Assad belongs to the Alawite minority, an offshoot of Shiite Islam that is supported by Iranian Shiites. This love affair between Iranian and Syrian Shiites is the reason the area is a bubbling volcano.

The Sunni sect thrives in most Islamic nations (Syria 85%, Saudi Arabia 90%, Egypt 90%, Jordan 90%, Turkey 65%) while the Shiites dominate Iran 90% and Iraq 65%. Hatred between Sunnis and Shiites going back to the death of Mohammed and his successor is currently expressed in the tragic Yemen (Iran’s proxy) war funded by Saudi and the U.S. with massive arms sales by the U.S. and Britain.

Saudi Arabia and the U.S. should stop the slaughter in Yemen and let Saudi and Yemen (Iran) settle their own religious and political differences.

An honest writer will always write the truth about Islam (and all things) and will never refuse to expose a lie. Fact: Islam is the Jonestown Cult without the Kool-Aid. It is dishonest, dangerous, and deadly.

Islam has a 1400-year history and has two “holy” books that clearly delineate what they believe; however, most people refuse to read them. Moreover, numerous Muslim scholars have expounded on their holy books so the dullest person has no excuse to be deceived into thinking Islam is a peaceful religion. People who believe that failed World History—in high school.

Moreover, they obviously know nothing about world events in the last 20 years.

And for college graduates to believe that traditional Islam is peaceful, requires a huge gulp of Kool-Aid.

Islam was started by an illiterate moon worshiper named Mohammed (spelled many different ways)—a pagan, slave-holding, sexist, thieving pedophile. If gasping Progressives will correct me, my apologies will follow.

Muslims have boasted how slowly Christianity gained prominence while Islam gained prominence so quickly. I pointed out that Christ’s basic message is love and Mohammed’s is hate. Christians used the Word while Muslims used a sword to conquer.

Muslims are still altering nations as free nations are being overwhelmed by Muslim immigrants who are swiftly changing the nations’ cultures. England is no longer England. France is no longer France. Germany is no longer Germany. And America is no longer America. Many don’t think that matters but I do. Moreover, we are fools if we don’t recognize the enemy among us.

I authored ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! in 2003 with second and third editions in 2009 and 2012 suggesting “the day [is] coming when our glorious Republic will only be remembered as a noble experiment between the great oceans. In kindness, we have permitted aliens inside our nation who have no intention of being absorbed into our ‘melting pot.’ They believe in the ‘salad bowl’ theory. Muslims will not adopt our ways and be assimilated into our culture. They are determined to change our culture, laws, and religion as they have in England, France, and other nations.”

I first wrote that in 2003. It is far worse than I anticipated. European nations have never seen such a massive sea change in their culture as observed by the invasion of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. If American leaders would simply open their eyes, they could see the same thing happening here. It is almost too late to stop the massive shift in our national life.

There are 3000 mosques in America and 80% of them are controlled by the most extreme Wannabee sect in Saudi Arabia. It is interesting that there is not one church, of any kind, in Saudi Arabia! I have challenged Muslims and US progressives who are so sensitive about equality and diversity and fairness to help me start the Trinity Baptist Church in Mecca but I’ve had no response from the self-righteous hypocrites.

Most politicians are too gutless to read and acknowledge the facts. It is much easier to question my sanity, my sincerity, my ability, and my parentage than to respond honestly.

The Hamas Charter demands that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it”; therefore, all Hamas followers are obligated to drive Israel into the sea. The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei agreed, “Israel is a cancerous tumour that should be cut and will be cut.” It is significant that Psalms 83:4 revealed this hatred millennia ago: “They have said, ‘Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.’”

The biggest mistake and most dangerous mistake being made by the world’s leading politicians is their statement: “Radical Islamic terrorists are the nation’s biggest problem.” That is not true: Islam is their biggest and most dangerous problem. There is little to fear from a backslidden Muslim.

Yasir Kazi is not a backslidden Muslim but an American imam (Ph.D. from Yale) and former professor at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. He has taught that Christians are “filthy” in the sight of Allah. He compared us to feces and urine saying we are the “most evil of evils.” But that’s his mildest charge against us. This dude has been characterized by The New York Times magazine as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.” What else does that “conservative” teach? He tells his students to rape, steal, and murder any who do not convert to Islam, yet he has never been arrested!

Imam Mohamad Adam el-Sheikh, Ph.D. from Temple University, told the Washington Post that suicide bombings are acceptable “if certain Muslims are to be cornered where they cannot defend themselves…” He is also the head of the Islamic Judiciary Council of the Shari’ah Scholars’ Association of North America. Few Americans know that such a group exists. Sharia law is based on the Koran and the Hadith, the sayings and actions of Mohammed.

Many Muslims believe they should live under their religious law and not under state or federal laws. Some states have passed laws making it illegal for any court to consider any foreign laws in making decisions. Since Muslims consider sharia law as divine and cannot be changed, a major train wreck is ahead.

Zee News reported that a female Muslim professor at Islam’s most prestigious university said Muslim men are permitted to rape non-Muslim women and enslave them. “Allah allows Muslims to rape non-Muslim women in order to humiliate them, claims Islamic professor,” Try to find any US Muslim leader (even among the most moderate) who renounced and repudiated her claim.

Most people are fearful of criticizing, even questioning Muslims since they are a preferred, protected, and pampered class thanks to a gutless media and know-nothing academia.

World leaders have displayed political correctness and personal cowardice in dealing with Islam, becoming tools for Muslims to advance their cause. Such leaders will be recognized as cheerleaders for their own destruction. Leaders who are afraid of adverse public opinion and being labeled “conservative” (gasp!) or “Fundamentalist” (gasp! gasp!) are moral cripples who are not aware of their limp and crooked walk.

Such leaders, in crises, are as useless as a milking stool under a bull.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blog. Send request to for a free subscription to his articles, and click here to support his work with a donation.)

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Legitimate Questions for Muslim Members of Congress! Thu, 21 Mar 2019 21:41:12 +0000 I was always taught that honest, decent, civilized people could discuss any issue and remain calm, civil, and cordial; however, in recent years those on the left refuse to dialog or defend their outrageous beliefs but prefer to denounce opponents as bigots, fanatics, and racists (even when race is not a component). Leftists attack opponents because progressives cannot answer their valid questions.

Everyone seems to be supersensitive when any questions are asked of Muslims but why do they get a pass? Traditional Muslims have some very strange (even dangerous) beliefs and it is only reasonable to ask a Muslim candidate where he or she stands on beliefs that might be disruptive, dangerous, or even disastrous to our nation.

If a Christian Identity follower runs for office, we want to know how his belief will affect his or her political votes.

If a pacifist Mennonite runs for office, we have a right to know if he or she will retaliate if America is attacked and if foreign tanks will be permitted to roll down Pennsylvania Avenue and hoist a foreign flag over the White House.

If a KKK member becomes a candidate, we have a duty to ask his position on social issues and to repudiate his violent extremism. Well, we have made some exceptions such as Hugo Black, former senator and Supreme Court Justice and Senator Robert Byrd who served in congress for 60 years. No progressive leftist has suggested that Byrd’s photos and statue be removed from their place of honor in America.

In respect for equality, fairness, consistency, and the American Way, I wonder why they have not done so.

When Roman Catholic Jack Kennedy was running for President, he was often asked if his religion would conflict with his loyalty to America. There was fear that the Pope might have a dangerous access to the White House with Kennedy as President. Jack assured Americans that he did not speak for the Pope and the Pope did not speak for him. After he won (many say bought) the election, he humorously said that he telegraphed the Pope to pack his bags for his trip to America. There was no conflict; however, the concern was legitimate and the questions were rightly asked.

Thorough questioning of candidates is part and parcel of responsible journalism. It is incompetent, irresponsible, and immoral not to ask embarrassing questions of candidates. Piercing, probing, and persistent questions can keep Americans from electing thieves, thugs, and tyrants to political office.

The same would be true if Mitt Romney runs again (which I think he will). We have a right to know if the odd teachings of the Mormons are held by him and how they might impact his political decisions.

Americans would have every right to be assured that his religion would not negatively influence his performance as our leader.

If I as a Baptist, following a serious seizure of senility, decided to run for President, I would be expected to relate my views on immigration, homosexuality, abortion, capital punishment, welfare, gun control, etc. I would make my positions clear and admit that in event of a conflict with the U.S. Constitution and the Bible, I would support the Bible—and take my licks. The voters have a right to know what most Baptists believe.

Muslims are no exception.

Some Muslims may be as decent and patriotic as you and I and they are not a threat to anyone; however, it is Islamic doctrine that turns people into bombs. Americans have a right, even a responsibility to know of any Muslim (or otherwise) who may pose a threat to our nation.

Hence, I will try again to get some answers from Muslim members of congress—André Carson, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib. While they have a right (and the record will prove that I would support their right) to believe whatever they choose, they are not protected from justifying the possibility of the negative consequences from their beliefs. Since the three legislators are Muslims, I want to know if they believe what traditional Muslims believe since their beliefs will be reflected in how they vote. The following questions (all based on fact) can all be answered with yes or no.

Honest people will not permit the elected officials to equivocate on this matter. Calling me a bigot (which really is irrelevant to the issue) does not deal with the problem. We have a right to know the answers.

Will you repudiate the Koranic teaching that those who convert from Islam should be killed?

Will you repudiate the Koranic teaching that Jews are “descendants of apes and pigs”?

Will you repudiate all “honor” killings?

Will you repudiate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)?

Will you repudiate child brides?

Will you repudiate the attacks upon Israel by Hamas and Hezbollah?

Do you believe Israel has a legal and moral right to exist behind safe and definite borders?

Will you repudiate Mohammed’s marriage to six-year-old Aisha?

Will you repudiate the 51 percent of Muslim-Americans who say that Muslims should have the choice of being judged by sharia courts rather than courts of the United States?

Do you consider obeying the Koran more important than following the U.S. Constitution?

Do you believe that followers of other religions are going to Heaven?

Will you repudiate a man having multiple wives?

Do you believe that imams who advocate violence or finance terrorism should be imprisoned or deported?

Do you believe homosexuality is sinful and should be illegal?

Do you believe that the nearly one-third of Muslim-Americans who agree that violence against those who insult Muhammad or the Koran is acceptable, should be deported?

Do you believe that the 38 percent of Muslim-Americans who say that ISIS beliefs are Islamic or correct, should be deported?

Do you believe that non-Muslims are “dogs,” “donkeys,” and “cattle” as recorded in the Koran?

Do you believe that all mentally competent Muslims are required to practice jihad which according to the Koran is “holy fighting in the cause of Islam.” My official Koran published in Saudi Arabia reveals this truth, as do the New Encyclopedia Britannica and the Dictionary of Islam.

A problem arises when Muslim apologists declare that wicked people have twisted passages in the Koran to justify dangerous ideas. That is not true. Footnotes in official Koran translations make it clear that jihad, sharia, right to lie, and fighting Christians and Jews are the reality. Moreover, their top scholars support those facts.

Terror is a fact of life for almost everyone on earth. The fuse is burning and America and the world are holding their breath. We are in a lifetime conflict with Koranic Muslims. The fuse is burning and the clock is ticking!

And I want some honest answers to legitimate questions. If Americans don’t face the truth and ask and receive answers they will end up like a man wading waist-deep through the snake and alligator infested Everglades Swamp. And I don’t mean they will get wet.

They are going to get bit.

Boys’ book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is available; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Hypocritical Democrats Charge Trump With Anti-Semitism While Giving Muslims a Pass! Thu, 01 Nov 2018 15:28:35 +0000 I have noticed in recent months that President Donald Trump has been blamed for disastrous weather, racism, mass shootings, a hostile citizenry, radicalizing more people than ISIS, and now anti-Semitism that resulted in murder of innocent Jews in the presumed safety of their synagogue. However, that opinion is obviously biased partisanship on the part of political opponents and radical leftist media—but then I repeat myself.

No one wants to really discuss hatred of Jews as expressed from the local mosques to the haters in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Jordan, et al. While all reasonable people believe in free speech, even offensive speech, no sane person can defend Muslim leaders who belch out poisonous pronouncements against Jews and Christians. Why the inconsistently? Of course, those on the left are notorious for their inconsistency.

When Mohammed pointed his toes upward as he anticipated seeing his assigned 72 green-eyed virgins, his followers began fighting for leadership of the nascent religion. He died (some scholars say poisoned by his favorite wife, Aisha) while cursing Christians and Jews and his invective had poisoned his followers. He had often proved his animus toward Jews and Christians by killing those critical of him. One such critic was Kab, a Jewish poet and Mohammed had him killed. Following the murder of Kab, Mohammed ordered, “Kill any Jew who falls into your power.”

As he built his army, having been booted from his home town Mecca but now in control in Medina, Mohammed discovered that Jewish towns were an easy and rich target. He and his holy robbers started attacking their settlements, especially those that specialized in gold and silver. Mohammed continued to raid Meccan caravans with sporadic success. Back at Mohammed’s hometown of Mecca there was concern that he was “getting too big for his britches,” so they attacked him. In 627, the Meccans were besieging Medina and the Battle of the Trench followed. Some Jews helped in defense of the city, but most were neutral. Mohammed questioned their loyalty, and after the battle, he had all the Jews in the crosshairs. He said that the judgment of God was, “the Jews shall be killed.”

During the night, ditches were dug across the market place of the city. In the morning, Mohammed ordered the male captives to be brought forth in companies of five or six at a time. Each company was forced to sit in a row on the edge of the trench (mass grave) and each captive was beheaded. The bodies were cast in the trench. Some of the women were given to his troops and others sold into slavery. The butchery lasted all day and into the night with the killing of more than 800 Jewish men. After the killing spree was over, Mohammed relieved his stress by sleeping with Rihana whose husband and all male relatives had just been beheaded! War is so stressful! And civilization marches on.

Of course, the above massacre (admitted by Muslim and Western historians) was very profitable. After Mohammed squirreled away his normal 20% of the booty, the rest was divided among his followers. And he got more followers. After all, ladies, loot, and land were available for the taking, and they took.

The above massacre is denied by some uninformed or dishonest Muslims, but it is a fact of history recorded in the New Encyclopedia Britannica: “Some of the evidence against him such as his connivance at assassinations and his approval of the execution of the men of a Jewish clan, are historical matters that cannot be denied.”

With the beheading of over 800 Jewish men following the Battle of the Trench, Muslims tried to make the most from a very bad experience and suggest that it was a battlefield decision. We are told the Jews were the enemy and suffered the brutal results of war but not so. The Jews were not involved in the fighting. Mohammed simply was not satisfied with their lack of enthusiasm for the battle. He hated Jews and so do his followers today.

The Koran is rife with hatred for Jews. Sura 2.88 says, “Our hearts are covered. Nay, Allah has cursed them on account of their unbelief; so little it is that they believe.” Sura 5.51 commands, “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends.” Sura 5.60 reveals that Allah turned Jews into “apes and swine.”

Through the centuries, Muslims have made a conscious decision to only tolerate Jews and Christians. Often, they also humiliated them by forbidding them to ride horses (jackasses and mules permitted); their homes and houses of worship could not be as high or as elaborate as Islamic buildings; and often Jews could not hold public office. Over the course of more than ten centuries, the use of a special badge to mark Jews was to subdue and humiliate them. In the middle ages, Catholic bishops and, eventually, Nazi leaders did the same thing in occupied Europe.

Benny Morris writes that one symbol of Jewish degradation was the phenomenon of stone-throwing at Jews by Muslim children. Morris quotes a 19th-century traveler: “I have seen a little fellow of six years old, with a troop of fat toddlers of only three and four, teaching [them] to throw stones at a Jew, and one little urchin would, with the greatest coolness, waddle up to the man and literally spit upon his Jewish gaberdine [outer coat often worn by Jews]. To all this the Jew is obliged to submit; it would be more than his life was worth to offer to strike a Mahommedan.” (Morris, Benny, Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881–2001.)

Speaking at a conference on anti-Semitism in Israel recently, the UK’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis said something that would not normally be expressed among liberal interfaith circles in Britain: “The threat to Judaism and Jews from the world of Islam is one which can only be cured from within the world of Islam. And the leaders of Islam have to take a stand.”

Thus far, the Islamic stand on Jewish persecution has been like a chicken with two broken legs.

The hadiths are even more vicious than the Koran in anathematizing the Jews as revealed by Schweitzer and Perry: “They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odor emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent.” (Schweitzer, Frederick M. and Perry, Marvin, Anti-Semitism: myth and hate from antiquity to the present.)

It is no surprise that Jews are being persecuted today since that is their history. They have been the scapegoat for various plagues, natural disasters, drought, and any anomaly of nature. Muslims must share much of the blame for the vile, vicious, and vulgar treatment of Jews, but few are willing to put Muslims under the bright light of truth.

Instead of casting stones at President Trump, it is time to cast a few questions at the brutal, bloody, barbaric, and backward religion of Islam. The Democrat leadership should ask the Council on American-Islam Relations (CAIR) the following questions since they speak for all Muslims in America:

1. Does Israel have a right to exist as a free nation within secure borders?
2. Do you consider Jews to be “apes and swine”?
3. Will you repudiate all vicious statements made by anyone against Jews?
4. Will you repudiate the shelling of Jerusalem by radical Muslims in Gaza?
5. Will you challenge and renounce the statement in the Hamas Charter that declares, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it”?
6. Will you denounce the former President of Egypt who said in 1967, “Israel has continued too long… the battle has come in which we shall destroy Israel”?
7. Will you disavow the President of Iran in 2012 who said, “Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be ‘eliminated’”?
8. Will you disavow, dismiss, and denounce the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s 2012 statement that “Israel is a cancerous tumour that should be cut and will be cut”?

If CAIR refuses to make it clear where they stand on mistreatment, malevolence, and murder of Jews all over the world, then most people of goodwill will consider them sanctimonious hypocrites and the enemy of all people of goodwill.

And I suggest that the Democrats and media moguls stop blaming President Trump for everything including sun spots, leprosy, El Niño, black holes, and dandruff.

Today’s news report that Barbra Streisand accused Trump of making her fat. I kid you not!


Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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U. S. Immigration, a Ticking Time Bomb! Tue, 24 Apr 2018 01:30:17 +0000 London (some call it Londonistan) is having a massive crime wave with rape up 18%; theft up 34%; murder up 27%; gun crime up 16%; knife crime up 31%; and youth homicide up 70%! Yet, in light of those facts, the London Muslim mayor says it is the “safest [city] in the world”! Of course, Muslims are permitted to lie if the lie advances the cause of Islam!

When Sadiq Khan was first elected mayor of London, the back slapping, non-stop parties, and the popping of champagne corks were ubiquitous but the rejoicing has stopped as reality has set in. Their “See, we aren’t racists since we elected a Muslim mayor” crusade has flopped. Khan can’t run a city with his Muslim prejudices, principles, policies, and practices. London is fast becoming a Muslim city!

Even British singer and author, Steven Patrick Morrissey stated that London “is debased” and that “civilisation is over.” All the attacks in London have been done by non-white criminals! A newspaper headline screamed, “London is ‘DEBASED’ Morrissey rages at Sadiq Khan after violent epidemic”!

Islam has caused problems in other major European cities in Germany, France, Sweden, and others. Recent headlines screamed, “Forty per cent of residents in Sweden’s now 61 no-go ‘troubled areas’ fear for their safety when walking outside after dark.” And, “Migrants turn Germany’s streets into warzone. Two groups attack each other with machetes in Duisburg.” France is having riots because Muslims take over and fill major streets each Friday to pray.

And the same movie is coming to America.

U.S. borders have been leaking like a sieve for generations and we are reaping what we have been sowing. It is not healthy for a nation to have unrestricted immigration; and during wars, national pestilences, or terror, it is doubly insane not to have strong borders! With a massive increase in crime, burgeoning welfare rolls, cities and states whining about being out of money, and hundreds of thousands of Americans out of work we still have non-thinkers who demand almost open borders! We might as well erect a huge flashing sign on our southern border: “All illegal aliens are Welcome! Follow the arrows to Tucson!” We could add an additional sign promising “free medical care and education”!

The Border Patrol catches over 300,000 illegal crossers at the southern border each year and often those immigrants bring with them disease, drugs, and destructive plans to the U.S. During fiscal year 2017, the Border Patrol apprehended deportable aliens along the U.S.–Mexico border who came from 84 countries that are not in the Americas! Only 42.1% of “deportable aliens” caught along our southern border were Mexicans.

Furthermore, there is a massive amount of Fentanyl coming across our southern border. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid 50 to 100 times stronger than heroin which is the number one killer drug in America. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, nearly all of the fentanyl in America is from Mexico. A border wall would stop or at least slow down this killer drug.

Most illegal aliens come to America to work in agriculture; however, if farmers can come, so can fanatics. Most of the illegals are not from Mexico, but they are coming through Mexico. With that in mind, President Trump wants to give amnesty to 1.8 million illegals that came as children! That was not what he promised to do.

Many Americans don’t realize that we are sitting on a bubbling volcano that is about to explode, or to change the metaphor, the ticking time bomb is about to explode! It seems few citizens have read what immigration has done and is doing to European nations such as Sweden, Norway, England, France, and Germany.

There are an estimated 100,000 illegal aliens from terror-friendly nations hiding in the U.S. and Americans will hold national politicians, especially the GOP, responsible for terrorism resulting from inaction, ineptitude, or incompetence relating to border security. Observant people know that our immigration situation is a ticking time bomb about to explode!

Should American taxpayers be expected to fund illegal immigrants? Informed people can defend the position that we should not finance legal immigrants! But, it’s too late because the Washington Post reported the Obama administration gave about 541,000 Social Security numbers to illegal immigrants under his original 2012 deportation amnesty for Dreamers! We have insensitive, insane, and incompetent officials in Washington.

But you knew that.

Boys’ book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Prissy Princes of the Press Censored Me! Thu, 21 Sep 2017 01:11:05 +0000 When my book ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! was published, the Chattanooga Times Free Press asked for a copy and agreed to do a review a few days before I was to do a book signing at the local Barnes & Noble store. The paper, one of America’s best and most conservative, backed out of the review although they had reviewed two other books of mine positively. They danced all around the issue, but simply did not want to offend local Muslims.

They also refused to do a review of my book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! Can’t imagine why.

The same paper permitted a local Muslim to accuse Cal Thomas of bigotry comparing him to Jew-haters in Nazi Germany! What chutzpa! A Muslim “spokesperson” accusing a highly respected and talented Christian journalist of bigotry! That’s like a skunk accusing a rabbit of having bad breath! I wrote in defense of Cal but the editors refused to publish it.

Later, they ran a cartoon showing an “Evangelical Zealot” standing on the chest of a hapless and helpless Muslim as the “zealot” crams “Fundamentalist Christian Dogma” down his throat? For those who did not understand the cartoon, the heading informed readers the gist of it was “Converting the Muslims.” Again, I came to the defense of Truth but the editors refused to make a correction.

I called the editors and publishers and challenged them pointing out historical truth but they refused to budge. One editor did admit that the cartoon was a mistake but evidently, they didn’t have enough paper and ink to permit me to write a correction! It was a matter of courage or lack thereof.

ABC News commissioned me to write an article for their website dealing with creation and evolution since there had been much coverage dealing with the subject in various journals. Evolutionists had been hammered and major university professors had begun to ask embarrassing questions making evolutionists uneasy. Consequently, major journals cranked out hysterical propaganda pieces to do damage control for the Americans United for Separation for Church and State (who recently had their annual meeting in a New Jersey telephone booth), PAW, National Center for Science Education, ACLU, and assorted atheists, agnostics, and associates who bow before the idol of evolutionary science.

Galloping to the rescue of beleaguered evolutionists came Time, Newsweek, USA Today, New York Times, and others spouting untrue, unfair, unscientific drivel to con the gullible public into believing the humbuggery of evolution and that those who advocate creationism are Bible thumping fanatics. (I almost never thump my Bible and when I do, it is not really hard.)

Evolutionists trotted out weary accusations against creationists, implying all are “Fundamentalists” (gasp!), always denigrating them, often suggesting a belief in a flat earth! Really desperate evolutionists even suggested that we carry a bag of rattlesnakes to church each Sunday! I am shocked, shocked that educated scientists would stoop so low. This is further proof, if it is needed, that many scientists are asinine, arrogant, and audacious bigots in defending their religious philosophy called evolution. Of course, bigots are as easy to find in a secular university as a bowling ball in a bathtub.

With the above vicious libel of creationists, ABC News, after commissioning me to write an anti-evolution piece for their website, refused to use it because I was “too militant!” No, I was too accurate and had too much sting. They wanted a mild piece so they could point to it and say, “See, we are balanced. We provided a forum for the other side.” But they did not want a challenge to the evolutionary myth.

Evolutionists must never be presented as fools, fanatics, fakers, and frauds but creationists can be presented as inept, incompetent, and insane! That is dishonest and the major media moguls wonder why they have been abandoned by thinking people! Even an Oxford professor can understand the reason.

But the censorship continued.

I wrote the editor of Pulpit Helps, a major Christian publication with which most preachers are familiar. My concern was with a review done by the editor about a book of sermons by Martin Luther King, Jr. I enclosed a column that dealt with King that they could publish providing some fairness and balance. They refused to publish my column. The correspondence was very revealing and by no means unusual:

To the Editor:

I just read your message to me regarding Martin Luther King, Jr., and of course, we can disagree about King. I have fought for that privilege (to disagree) in Fundamentalism and Evangelicalism for 35 years.

However, I am surprised and amazed and somewhat disappointed that Pulpit Helps would be fearful of facing the truth of any matter. It is one thing for secular journals to worship at the shine of political correctness and another for Christian magazines to do so.

You mentioned that you were in high school when King was killed so you have grown up in an atmosphere where King has been idolized and almost beyond scrutiny especially in the public schools and the media.

You wrote, “I wanted to view King’s life in a balanced perspective and have an accurate view of him as a man, civil rights leader, and preacher.” You surely must be kidding! You did not do that in your review. Did you have “balance” in your review when every word was positive? You wanted accuracy when you praised his preaching and never mentioned his heresy! I assume that your reading of King was very limited; maybe only to the book you were reviewing!

You also wrote, “Neither do I agree with those who demonize him.” Is telling the truth demonizing him? You know, I believe between the two of us, I have a much more balanced, fair, and accurate view of King. I think some good came from some of his work while enormous harm also resulted. Unlike many conservatives and many haters, I think King was right in the bus boycott and I believe that because Blacks should have equal rights to public facilities (since they pay taxes) as do Whites. Blacks should not have been subjected to back of the bus status and colored water fountains. However, private businesses are something else altogether! The government has no authority (power yes, authority no) to tell a private businessman how he must run his business. But of course, that is another issue.

You said, “Since the piece in Pulpit Helps was a book review and not an article we will not print your submitted article.” Of course, that is a classic cop-out! Surely, Pulpit Helps is interested in balance, truth, and accuracy.

You did not deal with the various criticisms of King in my article. Please note that your book review dealt with King’s preaching. While you might like the particular book you reviewed, surely you were obligated to reveal to your readers that the book did not reflect King’s preaching and his beliefs. King was a life-long Liberal who rejected the virgin birth, deity, and resurrection of Christ. Do you take the position that one can reject those doctrines and be a Christian? If so, you have removed yourself from mainline, orthodox Christianity!

Remember that the Apostle of Love in his second epistle told us not to even bid one God speed if he did not hold to the doctrine of Christ. Do you disagree with John or do you disregard John? And to disregard means to disobey! It seems you are more impressed with the writings of King than you are of John! At this point, you are defending King and disobeying John! King often spoke publicly to radio and television audiences of Christ and “faith” but never did he challenge men to place faith in the propitiatory work of Christ to experience personal salvation! He did not because he did not believe that was essential for one to have eternal life. I assume you and the folks at Pulpit Helps do believe it.

You did not deal with King’s many adulterous affairs as he admitted to Parade magazine. How can you do a book review of such a man without one word of caution, without one word of suggestion to readers that further research might be helpful? And to emulate his life would be disastrous.

Do you think the fact that King was murdered wipes out the many sins in his life? Do you think that because Blacks were mistreated during that period, that fact somehow excuses his sins? Are you suggesting that because he made some positive contributions, his doctrinal errors and his wicked life should be overlooked?

Does King get special treatment because he was black or because he was murdered or because he was a preacher? What drives you and others to give him the “kid glove” treatment? Why not treat him fairly, honestly, and accurately? Why do you and others seem to have a mission to protect King’s image? Why not tell the truth as you do, I assume, in other matters? Question: If David Duke wrote a book that was true, fantastic, a classic and an incredible contribution to American literature, would you review it without mentioning that he was a former KKK member? I think not.

Another question: Bill Clinton writes a classic bestseller. Not one paragraph in it that any honest, fair, and informed person disagrees with. Would your review be totally positive without mentioning that he had been a moral leper, had been impeached by the House, had lied under oath, and had sold or given valuable information to the Chinese Communists, etc.?

Brother, why not treat people like people, not as white, black, rich, or poor? Just people. Why make decisions based on how you and the magazine will be perceived rather than on the merits of the case? Does truth matter anymore?

You refused to deal with King’s thievery of his Ph.D. dissertation at Boston University and many of his other writings that were plagiarized from others without even a suggestion of giving credit. If you did not know about that, it is inexcusable. If you did know about it and refused to mention it in your review, that too was inexcusable.

You did not even try to deal with King’s love affair with Communist Party functionaries during his very public life. Note that he was not simply involved with Communists but with Party activists! He hired many Communists to run various field offices and even refused to fire them when he was told by his politically sensitive friends that such action would be wise. Your selective quote of his regarding Communism does not cancel his ardor for the Communist Party members with whom he climbed into bed.

King was a Black opportunist who used people: Blacks, Whites, union leaders, the media, etc., to further his own cause. You have helped perpetuate his false image by burning incense to him with your book review. I am disappointed in Pulpit Helps not being willing to stand for Scriptural truth regarding separation from doctrinal error as well as separation from personal immorality.


Don Boys, Ph.D.

Christ said that He was the Truth so how can anyone, claiming to know Him, be careless with the truth?

Censorship is alive and well in America.


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Mindset of Malicious Muslims Manifested in My Mail! Sun, 30 Jul 2017 21:16:48 +0000 Most non-Muslims don’t understand that many Muslims who attend their mosque weekly don’t understand what is going on. They don’t totally understand their religion and for sure don’t understand Christianity. They can quote the Koran in Arabic since it has been drilled into them but have no idea what it means. Moreover, Islam is not only a religion but also a total way of life that impacts their social, family, financial, legal, as well as their religious life. Islam brings them no peace, only hatred of “unbelievers.”

They have no guarantee of Heaven unless they kill unbelievers as they kill themselves. They don’t love death but they do hate life.

Muslims hate me because of my two books critical (but truthful) of Islam, my columns, and appearances on talk shows where I simply tell the truth. My most recent book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! details the danger of unvetted Muslim immigration.

Muslims love to hate me as their phone calls and emails prove. One of their big problems is that they can’t read or comprehend the written word. Recently I was accused of misrepresentation of a Muslim’s faith; however, everything I said was based on whether or not he was a koranic Muslim. If he is not, then my column did not apply to him. If he is not a believer and practitioner of the Koran, then I commend him for not being an extremist and we can move on. However, he seems to be a dyed-in-the-wool Muslim who is either ashamed to admit it or too dumb to know what day it is.

Catching his breath, he declared, “I want some peace in the afterlife free from filth like you that create nothing but lies, hatred and evil. You and your sharia friends don’t deserve to be in Heaven, you have ruined this life already for many of us and I am not going to be your salvation so there is your answer as to why ‘Moderate Muslims are not protesting against evil filth like you’ Its (sic) because we don’t want you ruining Heaven for us as well.”

Again, I have “sharia friends” that I don’t know about! Maybe he will explain. Moreover, if he wants “peace in the afterlife” he had better get on his knees and place faith in Christ.


The above makes a point and if he knew anything about me, he would know that I have been involved all my adult life in trying to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. I have spoken to hundreds of youth camps, Christian schools, public schools, churches, rallies, etc., trying to help youth and their leaders. As a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, I was involved in making laws that sought to protect young and old people. I wrote extensively against preachers, even Baptists, even friends of mine who molested little boys and girls. I testified at the Maryland legislature on the subject of clergy abuse of children. I wonder what he has done besides kneeling in his mosque (that separates men from women) each Friday?

Of course, my critic is too uninformed to know that the KKK (the “Hooded Order”) was not a Christian group. It was a group of Democrats who feared and hated Blacks and used fear and violence against Blacks and Republicans. The KKK was born in 1865 in Pulaski, VA by six former confederate soldiers and mushroomed with the excesses of the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. Some of us in the south call it Lincoln’s War of Northern Aggression against the genteel South. No doubt, some erring Christians were members of the KKK even though no Christian should be a member of any secret order.

Winding down, he closed his tirade with, “SHAME ON YOU, WHAT COMPLETE TWO FACED, DISGRACEFUL HYPOCRITE TO HUMANITY YOU ARE!” I have noticed that Muslims yell more than most normal people. Maybe they have spent too much time in the desert sun. Finally, he wrote, “Now we know who the liar is and the SICK VIOLE (sic) HYPOCRITE.”

Being a very sensitive and perceptive person I think maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t like me.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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It’s Tolerance or Survival: So Surveil all Mosques! Thu, 22 Jun 2017 19:20:39 +0000 It is past time to stop pretending: Islam is determined to take over America and put us under sharia. They are working on that plan as I speak via sperm, speech, and sword. They are multiplying like rabbits while our growth rate is static. They are using free speech to deceive, defile, and destroy us. They are using the “sword” or violence to take control. Americans can expect more and more terrorist attacks as has been experienced in England, France, etc., no matter how many military victories we have in the Middle East.

It’s time to surveil all mosques in America. It should have been done following the attack on September 11, 2001. But President Bush assured us that a “peaceful” Islam had been hijacked. Of course, those who knew history knew that was not true. After all, no worthy religion would teach violence, even murder, but Islam does.

It is shocking that world leaders don’t understand the very basic teaching of Islam. While there are many Muslims who are not violent and do not desire a world caliphate, there are millions who do. And it should be remembered that those who do are the true Muslims! Every Muslim on Earth is obligated to make the nation where he or she lives into a Muslim nation under sharia.

Almost no national politician is willing to declare that fact. Such leaders need to grow a spine or seek other employment.

The Muslim terrorists are not an aberration of Islam; they are the epitome of Islam and the teaching of Mohammed’s life. Islam has not been “hijacked.” Islam is peaceful to non-Muslims only until it is strong enough to take power; however, they often kill their own children–to protect their family “honor” and they do it with grieving hearts!

In kindness, we have permitted aliens inside our nation who have no intention of being absorbed into our “melting pot.” They believe in the “salad bowl” theory where they sit, soak, and sour–often at our expense! Muslims will not adopt our ways and be assimilated into our culture. They are determined to change our culture, laws, and religion as they have in England, Germany, France, Sweden, and other nations. They are trying to use the freedoms of our Constitution to abolish our Constitution!

Bigots and haters will scream, “bigot” and “hater,” but informed, honest people are reading the newspapers and know what is happening in America and European nations. People who don’t have their heads in the sand know that koranic Muslims have declared war against the U.S. producing a clash of civilizations, cultures, and creeds. Koranic Muslims recognize every non-Muslim and even other Muslims not of their cult, as the enemy. They will be patient and even accommodate, acclimate, and acquiesce when they are still in the minority to achieve their goal–a world caliphate.

Of course, there are a few Muslims in the U.S. and Egypt who are asking for a reformation in Islam; however, they are in the minority and they are considered phony Muslims to be killed at the appropriate time. I respect those Muslims for their courageous stand. You don’t hear about reformation from terrorist groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Fatah, and the head-chopping monsters in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Even if Islam has a major Reformation, it will not really change the terrorists.

Let me be clear about world leaders who think Islam is benign and no threat to a nation: Such leaders are liars, wimps, traitors, or are dumb as a box of rocks. Or, all of the previous.

So, what do we do to protect our nation from destruction? Surveil all the mosques! But what about freedom of religion? We won’t have freedom if we don’t stop Islam from taking over. No group or person has the right to destroy our Constitutional Republic. Dedicated Muslims are using our freedom of religion to destroy our freedom of religion!

U.S. officials should investigate every mosque and check out every Muslim cleric. Any who have any association with terrorists should be sent back to the desert from which they came. Any who are guilty of approving terror, advocating terror, or accomplishing terror should go to prison. In light of world terrorism, every Muslim cleric should be required to sign a loyalty statement to the U.S. with dire consequences for lying. I’d be glad to do that.

Federal officials should be sitting in every mosque every Friday and arrest any person who defends, promotes, or commits terror. Those same agents can then go to the Baptist Churches on Sunday and do the same thing. I would be thrilled to have a couple FBI agents in my congregation each time I preach. After all, federal agents are going to Hell, as is the bum on the street and the Wall Street banker. Everyone needs to know Christ as Savior. Agents can listen to liberal preachers also, but then they might die of boredom since the liberal preacher has no viable message.

I predict that U.S. officials will not surveil the mosques and the terrorist attacks will accelerate to where they are almost monthly. Americans will not learn to live with frequent terror and may retaliate against the truly innocent Muslims who secretly think the Koran is false, Islam is a farce, and Mohammed a faker.

After another major attack comparable to 9-11, champagne and caviar RINOs and progressive Democrats will abandon the mantra of “peaceful” Islam as quickly as they shed long underwear in a Texas heatwave.

I hope it won’t be too late.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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