Israel – Don Boys Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trump’s Speech that Would Put Him Back in the Oval Office! Tue, 15 Feb 2022 19:49:51 +0000  

Only fools, drunks, and low I.Q. political consultants walk on the thin ice of political prognostication. You can now add this Baptist pundit.

The midterm elections are only a few months away, and if voters stay sane, don’t get drunk, or take drugs that fry their brains, and political thieves don’t steal the election, conservative Republicans will be in control of the House and Senate. That will temporarily stop the national descent in a handbasket to an undesirable destination.

That sets the stage for the Presidential race in 2024 that will damn, delay, or determine freedom for the free world. Let me be clear. I don’t care if Trump is elected or not, but we must have a president who puts American first, last, and always. His party, his personality, his pedigree, his parentage, his peccadillos, his place of worship, etc., are all relatively unimportant.

I have always had problems with Trump. He did many things I was delighted with; however, it is not too smart to antagonize voters, especially when it is unnecessary, unproductive, and unprovoked. He is loud, uncouth, and boastful, but he kept his promises to us. However, he has not been able to control a simple thing like his zipper during his adult life. If a man can’t or won’t control his zipper, can he be trusted with the nuclear football?

I believe a key to his future presidential success is how he handles the 2020 election. I think it will defeat him if he keeps singing the stolen election song. He must forget the past after having learned all its lessons. He should make one statement about past electoral problems and go on record of never dealing with it again. Tell the media the past is past. All informed people know of election irregularities in various states in 2020, but that is now ancient history. He should promise that the GOP will guarantee the 2024 election will be rigorously observed and never mention the 2020 election issue again.

And stand by his word to never discuss it. That will annoy the media, but they will get over it.

Then go out and defeat the Democrats so severely that it will eclipse the 1964 defeat of Barry Goldwater. The Democrat’s brazen theft of Lyndon Johnson’s 1948 senate race and Jack Kennedy’s father’s purchase of his 1960 Presidential race were both nation-changing, but Trump’s fair re-election of 2024 would be earth-shaking with astounding, long-time results for the globe.

Assuming a new Trump will be the candidate in 2024, I have written his stump speech that will put him back in office, or it could be modified and used by a Trump wannabe:

Fellow Americans, I want to introduce myself or, more correctly, reintroduce myself to you tonight. I was privileged to serve you for four years, and we had some impressive successes and some inglorious failures. I entered politics to make America great again, but my personal failures mitigated and hindered that objective.

There were many times when I did not talk and act like the leader of the greatest nation in world history. For that, I am sorry. I will even try to cease the crass, coarse, and crude cursing, at least in public.

I was careless in hiring people who were not qualified for the job or were impossible to work with for various reasons. I was unwilling to admit failure and felt a need to always have the most and be the best, the largest, and the most expensive. Frankly, such immaturity is an embarrassment. I recognize my failures, faults, and foibles that limited what I wanted to accomplish.

I am now a new man and will continue to keep my word to you.

Since a nation cannot be great if its economy is in disarray, I will make it easier to start and run your business. Taxes and regulations will be cut since free people can regulate themselves and have a natural right to spend their own money.

I promise to hire the best, conservative people I can find. I will not insist on the “right” proportion of women, Blacks, Hispanics, Jews, or bald-headed midgets. I may end up with a cabinet full of bald-headed midgets, but they will be trustworthy, competent, patriotic, hardworking bald-headed midgets wearing red caps.

Before considering any legislation or action, I will ask myself some questions: is this action Constitutional? Is it essential? If it is, do we need this action at this time? Can we afford this action? Will this action promote freedom? Is it family-friendly? In the scheme of things, is it the right thing to do? Will this action embolden our enemies?

I promise to look even closer at a proposed action if it is recommended by the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the World Economic Forum (WEF), any Soros-backed group, any liberal religious denomination including the National Council of Churches, and any leftwing EvanJellical groups.

You can be sure any proposed action will be rejected if endorsed by the famous Swedish environmental philosopher Greta Thunberg.

I suppose my biggest failure is the only one the leftists think was my biggest success—the production of the COVID-19 vaccines. I thought I was doing the right thing; after all, the federal health experts said it was right. We have been told for decades that vaccines are why Americans are so healthy, and I did not expect the “experts” to produce vaccines that are unsafe and ineffective.

Of course, vaccines make a mass of money for Big Pharma, but I am now conscious of that.

Moreover, I am devastated that vaccines were forced upon children and others in little danger from COVID. We now know of the tragic consequences that followed the shots.

Whatever you believe about the COVID vaccines, you can be assured that the federal government will never make medical decisions for you, nor will there be another government-ordered lockdown.

Furthermore, I will clean out the federal agencies that birthed the disastrous federal response to COVID. I suggest Walgreens, CVS, and Rite-Aid stores hire the disgraced, disappointing, and soon-to-be dismissed health officials to give shots on a part-time basis if they are dumb enough to continue the shots. Or they could be transferred to work in community health centers doing routine medical procedures after taking a refresher course.

With my purpose of putting America first, I will acknowledge those nations who are friendly toward us and those who are clearly unfriendly, even antagonistic. We will trade with China, Russia, and some African nations if it benefits the U.S.

We will not make political and economic decisions based solely on diversity.  After all, we never hear China, any African nation, or Muslim nation speak of diversity. While we want other nations to be successful, we will continue to make decisions so America will become its greatest.

During my term, one of my biggest mistakes was to endorse and promote the LGBTQ agenda, which I will no longer do. All Americans have all the rights of others as guaranteed by the Constitution, but the LGBTQ crowd wants special rights. However, that would be unfair to normal Americans. The Constitution and common law do not permit any group to be special. Homosexuals have a right to think their sexual activities are normal and even right. Still, others have a right to believe their actions are abnormal, as recognized throughout man’s history. However, whenever normal people suggest homosexuality is abnormal, abominable, and aberrational, the LGBTQ crowd finds it impossible to hide their hatred of the stated normalcy.

Furthermore, I will bring some common sense (and science) to the transgender issue. A man has a right to claim to be a woman and even call himself herself. Similarly, his friends have a right to think he is barking mad. Those friends will not be required to encourage or agree with his insanity. Moreover, no school will be permitted to teach such delusion, and any health official, hospital, or clinic that provides hormones or surgery to effect a change in gender of any person will be prosecuted by law.

For millennia, all societies have considered the mutilation of children on the same level as incest, cannibalism, and political progressivism!

It might be helpful to add some Bible from Genesis 1:27: “in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”—period. And 2:24 tells us a man will “cleave unto his wife,” not his neighbor’s wife, and not to another man, but to his wife.

Nor to his favorite goat.

I will continue to support the cause of Israel to exist within safe and secure borders but expect them to pay their own bills unless some action is directly related to the interests of the U.S. We will try to be fair with the group known by the uneducated as Palestinians; however, we will not support, defend, or be friendly to any Muslim nation that supports, defends, glorifies, or finances terrorist activities. That will eliminate U.S. support for most Palestinians.

Our foreign affairs will not be determined by oil production. If some Islamic nations, even some U.S. “friends,” don’t like American policies they can pour their oil on their pancakes each morning. Or they can go pound sand. They have plenty of that.

We will again pump oil out of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, North Dakota, Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, California, and a few other areas. Once again, we will be the number one oil and gas producer in the world, and our nation will transport billions of gallons each day in more than 200 U.S. pipelines consisting of 190,000 miles. Admittedly, occasionally some elk in Montana, scratching its rear may get its rump seared, but we’ll live with that tragedy.

With the additional oil and gas, thousands of Americans will be back to work, our homes will be heated cheaply, and citizens will not have to choose between filling their gas tanks and making a house payment.

Just as we would not permit a church or group of churches to denounce, denigrate, then destroy our government, we will not permit any mosque to attempt the same. Any mosque found supporting terrorism or to have allegiances to a foreign government will be closed.

No nation is a nation without borders, so we will take control of our borders and send gatecrashers back to their homes. We will take the same action any sane homeowner would take if an illegal family forced down their doors and set up residence therein.

Finally, we will stay out of foreign wars by minding our own business. We will not kick our friends and kiss our enemies as some have done in the past. As always, our objective will be to Make America Great Again.

If I fail to keep these promises, I will resign from the office.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent, Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at for $4.99. Other titles at Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)

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Palestinians Have No History, No Coinage, No Culture Except What Was Absorbed From Arabs! Sat, 22 May 2021 02:38:34 +0000  

Bombs are falling, missiles are flying, and people are dying in the Middle East. As I write this, over 4,100 rockets have fallen on Israel from the “Palestinians” in Gaza and Lebanon. The long-range rockets that can hit Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and the Ben-Gurion Airport originated in Iran, which is the origin of the rocket technology.

Biden and what’s-her-name Harris have managed to destroy our economy, terrorize everyone with unproven vaccines (not safe and effective but dirty and dangerous), and destroyed the relative peace in the Middle East. The Hill opined, “Just over 100 days into office, President Joe Biden has drawn America’s enemies — Iran and its terror proxies — close to the U.S. administration, all while distancing from U.S. allies Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the peacemaking Gulf Arab states.”

The obvious is—well—obvious that Biden and Company are worthless, gutless, mindless, spineless, and toothless. Of course, I may be wrong since I don’t know if they are toothless.

The Biden administration promised in congressional testimony for a stronger and better deal with Iran, but his team is accelerating toward accommodation with the terrorist regime. However, American politicians voting for the Iranian deal is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Recently, the Wall Street Journal reported the Biden administration is considering “lifting terrorism-related sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran.” Even honest Liberals (a few still alive) admit that Biden’s weakness and ineptitude have brought this new acceleration of conflict to the Middle East.

When Israel began retaliating against the terrorist attacks, far-leftists in the U.N. and America’s congress demanded Israel stop defending herself!

Obviously, such people are leftist loonies. And apparently, not all the nuts are on trees, but tragically they appear to be multiplying in our government. Everyone has a right to be stupid but in this instance, American politicians have abused the privilege.

The world has been conned by Muslim leaders pleading the case for a separate nation in the Holy Land for the “Palestinian people.” Israel, desperate for peace, agreed to a two-nation arrangement whereby Israel and the “Palestinians” would coexist in the same land area, known as Israel. It is a trade of land for peace and a significant mistake, in my opinion.

The “Palestinians” will have land, but Israel will not get peace. Moreover, the “Palestinians” will be ruled by Muslim tyrants as they have been for generations. This truth is not admitted: Palestinians as a historic group do not exist. Displaced people exist, most of them Arabs, but the “Palestinians” have no history. In the beginning, Palestinians referred to anyone living in what is now Israel.

As war was approaching in 1947, many Arabs living in what is now Israel fled to neighboring Arab nations expecting to return in a short time since the Jews were vastly outnumbered. When Jewish victories multiplied, the Arabs, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire, stayed with friends and relatives in other nations.

John Bagot Glubb, the commander of Jordan’s Arab Legion, was quoted in the London Daily Mail for August 12, 1948, saying, “Villages were frequently abandoned even before they were threatened by the progress of war.” So, contrary to “Palestinian” propaganda, the Arabs were not forced from their homes.

Jewish leader David Ben-Gurion (and soon-to-be Prime Minister) sent Golda Meir to Haifa to persuade the Arabs to stay, and was unsuccessful since the Arabs thought they would be considered traitors if they stayed. Jewish officials warned fellow Jews of severe penalties if any Arab property was molested and enacted a law to guarantee that protection. That fact is never mentioned by bogus “Palestinians.”

As the fighting continued, the trickle of fleeing Arabs became a torrent, with more than 200,000 leaving, expecting to return when the fighting ceased. Israel declared itself an independent nation on May 14, 1948, and after May 15, an additional 300,000 Arabs fled the new state leaving about 160,000 Arabs in Israel. About the same amount of Jews entered the new nation as Arabs who left. Arabs who stayed became Israeli citizens.

The Arab quarter in Haifa became a “ghost town” by May 3. Even in November 1948, after the fighting had ceased, a village of 3,000 Arabs between Tel Aviv and Beersheba decided to flee.

Syrian Prime Minister Haled al Azm admitted that Arab leaders told the Arabs to leave Israel saying, “Since 1948, we have been demanding the return of the refugees to their homes. But we ourselves are the ones who encouraged them to leave. Only a few months separated our call to them to leave and our appeal to the United Nations to resolve on their return.” Again, the Arabs were not robbed of their land but fled as ordered by their leaders, as Jordan’s King Abdullah admitted in his memoirs.

Advocates for “Palestinians” refuse to discuss the Jewish citizens who were forced from Arab nations at that time. That number of displaced Jews following Israel’s independence was about the number of Arabs leaving the new nation. Many displaced Jews were forced to leave with little more than the clothes they were wearing. Of the 820,000 Jewish refugees, about 586,000 of them were resettled in Israel at great expense. The Arab officials confiscated their possessions and provided no compensation.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is the official voice of “the Palestinians,” and they demand all Jews leave Israel permitting Arabs to occupy the land. The Palestinian National Authority is officially recognized as a state occupying land in the West Bank and Gaza. But they want all the land. Their maps show all the land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan as “Palestine.” Much of the world has tried to get the PLO to agree to an Arab nation adjacent to Israel on land given by Israel.

That would mean Israel would only be nine miles wide in one area. Evidently, Jewish leaders are desperate or deceived or dumb to agree to such an arrangement, and for the record, Jewish politicians can be as stupid as American politicians.

Most people think of Palestine as being the region located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. That region is mostly Israel made up of 75% Jews, 21% Arabs, and 4% others. Israeli Arabs live in Israel as citizens and even serve in Israel’s legislature.

However, Jews are not even permitted in some Muslim nations and, when permitted, are often persecuted, being forced to flee leaving everything. Jews living in Muslim nations have been forced to pay an added tax (as were Christians) and always experienced subordination, degradation, and humiliation.

Everyone, Jew or Arab, living in what was known as Palestine was known as a Palestinian; however, since Israel became a nation in 1948 and the Arab’s massive attack, those Arabs who fled the new nation have been known as Palestinians. They pretend to be a people like Jews, Italians, Americans, etc.; however, this is all a pretend game.

Pugnacious “Palestinians are phonies, a political show, and it’s time to pull the curtain on the charade. Palestinians as a historic group have never existed, do not exist now, and will not exist in the future. Muslims may give themselves that label and, with the help of non-thinking leftists in the media, pretend to be what they are not; however, facts are stubborn and unbending. “Palestinians” are the only people in history that came into existence in a single day! Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist, admitted: “Why is it that on June 4, 1967 I was a Jordanian, and overnight I became a Palestinian?” He added that he did not mind Jordanian rule.

Shoebat and his comrades were Jordanians “until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians.” He was saying that when the Jews re-took their historic and biblical homeland, the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created out of thin air and promoted worldwide. The gullible media, too lazy to do the research, still spout the PLO line about the pathetic plight of “Palestinian people.”

It is political humbug. Those identified as “Palestinians” are simply refugees from Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. However, millions of these people were born in refugee camps and have been convinced they are “Palestinians,” but they are not. There are no Palestinian people, or history, or culture, or coinage, or language, or uncovered artifacts. Their official flag only goes back to 1964. Palestinians don’t exist and never have. Muslims and media who promote the “Palestinians” are repeating a falsehood, resisting the facts, and are responsible for further bloodshed.

In 1948 through the early 1950s, displaced Arabs lived in wretched squalor in the refugee camps (supposed to be temporary) under the custodial care of the United Nations. Muslim leaders did not care about them until it became politically expedient to do so. Why didn’t Egypt, Jordan, or Syria joyfully absorb those refugees into their care and accept them as citizens? After all, they were the same people. Arab nations intentionally refused to help their own people. They simply did not care what happened to them, but now it is politically expedient to “use” this issue to express their hatred of Israel.

As a young man in the early 1950s, I remember seeing news reports of Muslims in filthy refugee camps and wondering why the United Nations permitted it to continue. Two generations have grown up in those camps, often seething with hatred and encouraged by political opportunists.

Israel was originally called the “land of Canaan” (Gen. 12:5), the “land of Israel” (1 Sam. 13:19), and the “land of Judah” (Isa. 19:17). First-century Jews had a thing about being under the thumb of the Romans (or anyone), so they seethed in constant hatred and rebellion against their oppressors. The Roman Emperor Hadrian (A.D. 117 to 138) was understandably (from his totalitarian view) displeased with the rebellious Jews. He wanted to erase the name of Israel and Judah from history and the face of the Earth.  He decided to ridicule them by renaming the land of Israel Syria Palaestina, identifying them with their hated enemy, the Philistines.

It is from the term Philistines that the name Palestinians has been taken. Emperor Hadrian knew that Philistines were ancient enemies of the Jews, and therefore the emperor showed his hatred and spite by giving Israel a new obnoxious name. The Philistines were not Arabs or Canaanites (and were, in fact, invaders from Crete), and there is no mention of Palestine until the first century with Hadrian.

Before the British set up the 30-year-long Palestine Mandate, Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih declared, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” If there was no Palestine, there were no Palestinians.

On March 23, 2012, the Hamas Minister of the Interior and National Security Fathi Hammad linked the Palestinians’ origins to Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula: “Who are the Palestinians?… We are Egyptians; we are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are part of you. Egyptians! Personally, half my family is Egyptian – and the other half are Saudis.”

In A.D. 135, Hadrian put down a Jewish rebellion by killing 580,000 Jews, leveling 985 villages and 50 fortified towns. That is why Jewish writers always refer to him by saying, “may his bones be crushed.” Psalm 83:3-4 probably prophesied Hadrian’s oppressive actions: “They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”

The “Palestinians” could have had their independent nation years ago, but they refused to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Their religion requires them to hate and kill any Jew “wherever you find them, and take them, and lie in wait for them at every place of ambush.” The PLO’s Charter still calls for the destruction of Israel. Muslim maps don’t even show Israel; moreover, their leaders have often promised to “drive Israel into the sea.”

Those Muslim leaders don’t have the ability, acumen, or aplomb to drive a go-cart.

Everyone has a right to be stupid but in this instance, politicians have abused the privilege as the rockets fall and innocent people die.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 18 books, the most recent being Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning!  The eBook is available here with the printed edition (and other titles) at Follow him on Facebook at Don  Boys, Ph.D.; and visit his blogSend a request to for a free subscription to his  articles, and click here to support  his work with a donation.)


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President Trump Failed to Keep His Promise about Jerusalem! Sat, 03 Jun 2017 17:23:43 +0000 My first trip to Israel in 1967 was exciting, electrifying, and extraordinary. It was shortly after the Six-Day War, and there were burned-out Egyptian tanks, half-tracks, and personnel carriers off every road outside Jerusalem. On the Golan Heights, I walked on recently cleared paths that still had unexploded land mines in the area. In fact, I walked very closely on those cleared paths. A machine gun was still maintained on a roof on a major street in Jericho. Beersheba and Hebron were still very tense especially Hebron. Because hatred seemed to hang in the air like a noxious fog, we didn’t linger in Hebron, especially at the cave of Machpelah where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their wives are buried. The streets of Bethlehem and Nazareth were crowded with excited people, but Jerusalem was the main object of my attention since it is the heart of Israel.

I spent a few days in Jerusalem walking around the city and leading my group along the top of the city wall. I remember walking alone after dark in the Old City without fear. I stayed in the Palace Hotel, not as elegant as the King David Hotel, but everyone was thrilled to have any guests–even “ugly Americans.” A Kennedy half-dollar would get anything done.

Jerusalem today is a city of 870,000 citizens including 37 percent Arabs although not one Jew is permitted in Saudi Araba! It is long past time for the U.S. to obey our law and move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. After all, the whole world knows Jerusalem has always been the capital of Israel. King David captured the city from the Jebusites in 1004, making it his capital. (By the way, where were all the “Palestinians” at that time?)

In 1995, Congress passed a bill that allowed the U.S. to recognize Jerusalem as the capital and move our embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy City. However, that has not happened because the law permitted the president to delay the move for national security reasons. Every president since then has been too cowardly to do the right thing. Maybe they forgot, but forgetting is bad news.

A few days ago, Trump “kicked the can down the road” as other presidents have done. He hopes to arrange a solution to the “Palestinian” problem. He not only kicked the can down the road but he kicked Jews and Christians down the road. The Jew has been the whipping boy of the world for thousands of years.

When the Jews were in their 70-year captivity in Babylon–500 miles from Jerusalem, their Temple destroyed, the sacrifices ceased, the priests silent–they sat on the banks of the Euphrates River and wept as they remembered Zion. David quoted those captive Jews saying, “We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof…If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.” They had lost their song but not their salvation. And they remembered Jerusalem.

We will see if President Trump will keep his word in six months and recognize Jerusalem as the undivided and eternal capital of Israel thereby telling the Muslim world they will not drag East Jerusalem into their orbit.

“Palestinians” have no history, no culture, no coinage, and no king list. Archeologists will never dig up artifacts revealing their past since they have no past. It is pathetic that people have bought into this myth. “Palestinians” are displaced Egyptians, Syrians, and Jordanians that have proclaimed themselves descendants of people who never existed before 1948. Of course, they are people who need help but their help should come from Jordan or Egypt. If they want a separate nation then the UN or the Arab League can carve out a piece of land from Jordan or the Saudi desert. Then, let’s see if they can do with that what Israel has done with the barren, rocky land they started with. It seems Arabs have little desire or ability to make the desert blossom like a rose.

But let us leave fantasy and return to Jerusalem.

Radical Muslims demand that East Jerusalem be turned over to them as their capital of a Palestinian state that would include Judea and Samaria. However, the Jewish leaders can’t be that stupid. But then, they have agreed to a two-state solution with a “Palestinian” state alongside Israel! Of course, Israel would have to surrender East Jerusalem and all of Judea and Samaria originally conquered by Joshua in 1400 B.C. Why would sane Israelis agree to give up their own homeland for a promise of peace from people who have callously, constantly, and consistently threatened to drive them into the sea?

Moreover, why didn’t the politicians who tell Israelis to be so forgiving and high-minded demand that the old Soviet Union return its vast territories it confiscated after WW II?

Furthermore, with the “Palestinians’” history of terror, intrigue, and peace-breaking, why would Jews trade their land (at one place only nine miles wide from the West Bank to the Mediterranean Sea!) for a nebulous peace? Additionally, why is Israel, who won the Six-Day War, negotiating with the enemy? Normally, the victor dictates the terms. Moreover, it is unusual for a victorious nation to give back land taken in a war, especially in a war not of their making!

Furthermore, when Israel, seeking peace, permitted Hamas in 2005 to have Gaza, Muslim terrorists launched thousands of rockets into Israel. That trade of land for peace sure didn’t work then, so why now? One reason may be that Israelis are simply tired of living under the threat of constant attack. Another reason is leftists in the Knesset.

Also, which terrorist faction would control this “Palestinian” state? Fatah, founded by terrorist Yasser Arafat in 1965, controls the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) and retains control of the Palestinian National Authority (PLO) in the West Bank. Hamas, founded in 1987, controls the Gaza Strip and is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood with the stated goal of establishing an Islamic state in Israel–all of Israel. They have demanded that “Palestinian” refugees and their descendants from 1948 have a right to return to modern day Israel. Of course, that means that Israel would be inundated with potential terrorists and if they got citizenship the Israeli government would be voted out of existence with the first election when the new arrivals do with ballots what they could not do with bullets and bombs.

Muslims believe that when Islam conquers a nation, that nation forever must be controlled by Islam; so Muslims think they have a right to return to any land they ever conquered and must re-conquer it. So, the Muslims who left Israel during their wars want to return to “their” land; however, they lost the war and the right to their land. On the other hand, Israel has the Law of Return granting Israeli citizenship to any Jew from anywhere in the world who returns to Israel. But Arabs are not Jews. They have no right of return to Israel; however, they can return to the desert.

It seems that land for peace will become a reality but I predict catastrophic repercussions because of the history of the Muslim Jew-haters. After the Six-Day War, Israel offered land for peace and after a meeting in Khartoum, Sudan the Muslims gave their reply: No peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel, no recognition of Israel.”

It is time for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to say “no” to land for peace and to say it from their capital city of Jerusalem with the American Ambassador David M. Friedman standing beside him.

David, Israel’s greatest king, wrote in Ps. 122:6 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.” Christians love Jerusalem and the Jews; after all, our salvation came through a Jew!

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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President Trump’s First Speech–Don’t I Wish! Thu, 19 Jan 2017 22:57:11 +0000 My fellow Americans, to make America great again, I will lead this nation to implement the following principles, policies, and practices at home and abroad:

This nation will follow a new foreign policy that will help solve the problem of domestic terrorism. We will return to our roots and follow the wise advice of our Founding Fathers. We will no longer get entangled in foreign alliances. We will no longer meddle in the affairs of other nations nor consider ourselves the policeman of the world–nor the world’s banker. We will always consider our national interests first. We will not presume that we know what is best for other countries.

Since America was attacked by Muslim fanatics, we have aggressively gone after those responsible; however, we will no longer try to topple governments and set up democracies. Of course, we will always encourage liberty everywhere, but we will not carpet-bomb cities filled with innocent civilians. We do not believe “total war” where civilians are targeted or used as forced laborers is morally right or militarily justified. However, be assured that all culpable individuals will be punished as a deterrent to others.

Americans don’t hate Muslims or anyone else since it is wrong and unproductive to hate; however, we will no longer plead with Muslims, at home and abroad, to love us. We will no longer express guilt and self-loathing. Federal officials will no longer try to prove that Americans are not racists. It is up to Muslims to prove they are not terrorists!

I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security that no traveller will be mistreated; however, since all the attacks against us were done by young, Muslim men, we will do the reasonable thing and profile international travellers. The harassment of little old ladies, very young people, and handicapped persons will no longer be practiced. We will be alert for terrorists with special attention to those of Middle Eastern appearance with the understanding that most of them are totally innocent.

Moreover, any mosque that supports, defends, promotes, and finances terrorism, female sexual mutilation, or honor killings will be closed and their clergy imprisoned. Same for Methodists, Baptists, or whatever.

Additionally, I have authorized the use of troops on our southern border to secure that border and arrest, fingerprint, and photograph each illegal alien before he or she is deposited forthwith back to Mexico. All second offenders will be imprisoned and put to work on a Texas or Arizona work or chain gang. Furthermore, any American firm that knowingly hires an illegal alien will be heavily fined. Following a second offense, their business license will be revoked.

Furthermore, as of today, we have shut the welfare window. No more foreign aid to any nation. We may decide in the future that it is in our best interest to help some nation, but it will be temporary and as unusual as snow in July.

Furthermore, all UN members will be required to pay a reasonable and proportionate share of UN expenses. In the following months, my team and I will determine whether it is in the best interest for America to host the UN that is often hostile to our interests and the nation of Israel.

We will also start bringing our troops home from all over the world. They will be sent to foreign nations only in event of declared war or in the interests of the U.S. This is not isolationism but it is an “America First” policy. Any other policy is insane. Japan, Germany, and the 120 nations where our troops are now stationed must protect themselves. We have been there long enough.

As to the Middle East, we don’t know what is best! Israel has been a long-time friend of the U.S. and we will support their right to exist within secure borders, and support their right to defend themselves against those who want to “drive them into the sea.” We will not support a Palestinian state carved out of Israel but would support a separate state if it is carved out of surrounding Muslim nations. They must settle their own affairs, with or without the assistance of surrounding nations. I pray to the God of the Bible that they will solve their differences, but they will do so without U.S. meddling.

The U.S. will recognize what all informed people have always known–that Jerusalem is the eternal and indivisible capital of Israel and we will move our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem immediately. It is a fact that Jerusalem is the seat of the President of the State, the Prime Minister, their legislature, their government, and their Supreme Court.The UN wants Jerusalem to become the capital of both Israel and Palestine; however, no entity has the authority to determine, dictate, and decide on the internal affairs of another. East Jerusalem was taken from Jordan in the 1967 Six-Day War and the last time I checked, defeated nations have to accept the results of warfare. Israel defended herself and won–the Arabs lost. Israelis own the city as much as America owns the southwestern states of California, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico as a consequence of the Mexican American War ending in 1848.

As to our reliance on Middle East oil, we have already started drilling in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, and the coast of California and will begin to drill off the Atlantic Coast. We will try to be sensitive to the environment; however, I believe that people are more precious than plants or bugs or snakes or fish or spotted owls. Our drilling equipment may cause a caribou here and there to abort her young or a bear may singe its rear end on our pipeline, but we will live with those tragedies. American oil will flow. Moreover, we will immediately expand the mining of our vast coal supplies while being concerned with the environmental impact.

We will still buy oil from South America and even Middle Eastern nations; however, we will not buy oil from countries that support terrorists. They can pour their excess oil over their pancakes each morning for all we care. Or drink it! This government will no longer pretend that terrorist leaders, kings, dictators, etc., are gracious gentlemen, nor will American officials shake their bloody hands while smiling like idiots.

We will encourage American entrepreneurs by tax incentives and other measures to pursue the development of alternative fuels.

Individual households and businesses can be assured that taxes will be cut not raised while we pay off our national debt by eliminating the Department of Energy, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, and hundreds of unnecessary and overlapping commissions that harass and limit private enterprise. Government assistance will be ended or limited to only the neediest cases.

We have some difficult days ahead that will require an adjustment by all of us. Nevertheless, we see a bright future after a few years of sacrifice. This administration will keep you informed since you are the Boss. You fund our world travels and generous salaries as you do for all Federal employees. Regarding this issue, I have determined that I will pay for my own vacations unlike Obama who cost the U.S. about $80 million dollars for his vacations!

This administration takes our jobs seriously; therefore, we promise that any further bills that come to the Oval Office from the Congress must meet five criteria to qualify for passage: It must be constitutional. It must be necessary. We must be able to afford the proposed law. It must not expand government and limit individual liberty. The last criterion is that it must not undermine the family, decency, and general morality. If a bill does not pass those five criteria, it will not get the required signature.

No doubt there are knees jerking all across America (left ones, of course) and those people can cast their vote for new leadership and their policies in the next election. Until then, learn to live with it. I am your President and will do as I have promised.

As we begin a new year and new administration, may I wish the best for you and your family. Meanwhile, I must get back to work building my beautiful wall! Thank you, and may the God of the Bible bless the United States of America!

Obama served under a physical handicap since he is without a spine. Trump does not have that problem but he is deficient in convictions, courage, or character. So, he will not make such a bold statement as the above.

However, he will be an incredible improvement over Obama; but then Bozo the Clown would also be an improvement.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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John Kerry Doesn’t Know: Palestinians Don’t Exist! Fri, 30 Dec 2016 04:42:03 +0000 Secretary of State John Kerry astounded, alarmed, and angered people around the world with his marathon speech dealing with the UN Security Council’s condemnation of Israel and Obama’s refusal to veto their nonbinding resolution. That was a total contradiction of a decades-old American policy. The resolution demands that Israel stop building settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank where about 600,000 Jews live.

Israel took East Jerusalem and the West Bank during the 1967 Six-Day War that was started by Egypt, Jordan, and Syria when they massed troops on Israel’s border. Iraq joined the battle later. In six days, little Israel whopped the Arab world, doubling their size and the area they took is called occupied territory under control of the Palestinian Authority. However, it has been traditionally true that the winner in a war gets to keep what he has won. Israel won; the attacking Arab nations lost. That should settle it.

But it gets worse. The resolution calls for the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) and the Jewish Quarter in the Old City to be occupied territory! If I know anything about Israel and Netanyahu, that is not going to happen. Well, maybe it will when shrimp learn to sing in harmony Israel’s National Anthem, “The Hope.” “As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart, With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion, Then our hope – the two-thousand-year-old hope – will not be lost: To be a free people in our land, The land of Zion and Jerusalem.”

No, not even if the shrimp learn to sing in Hebrew! Would just be another miracle, something with which the Jews are familiar.

Israeli authorities may give up Judea and Samaria for a perverted peace but never Jerusalem which is considered their eternal city made famous when King David conquered it in 1010 B.C.

However, Israel’s boundaries, biblically and historically, are from the eastern border of Egypt (the Sichor River, an eastern branch of the Nile) to the Euphrates River. Moreover, Israel has foolishly agreed to trade land for peace but there can be no peace since the PLO and Hamas refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist! In fact, their maps do not show the reality that the world knows to be true: Israel is a nation. So, Israel is willing to give up their claim to the West Bank in exchange for recognition as a legitimate nation with secure borders. The “Palestinians” would, in turn, be recognized as a nation of Arabs and would live in peace with Israel. When pigs learn to fly.

Israel should keep all land from the Mediterranean to the Jordan River as a united nation; and if the “Palestinians” want a nation then one can be carved out of Jordan and Saudi Arabia. There is plenty of desert land. However, Muslim nations don’t give a flip about the “Palestinians” other than to use them as a political tool to further their own cause.

The “Palestinian people” don’t exist as an historical group but they do exist as a political ploy used by the PLO and other Muslim extremists for their own selfish purposes. These “Palestinian” people are refugees from the Middle East whom the Muslim nations will not accept as citizens but will use as grunt workers in their fields and orchards.
The refugees are welcome as workers but not as citizens. By leaving the refugee camps, they better themselves as migrate workers but without any hope of citizenship from their “brother” Muslims. However, they have been and are being used as pawns to further the political agenda of their fellow Muslims. The workers are too dumb or fanatical to realize that fact.

Any honest person will recognize that there is no mention of “Palestina” in history before the Romans gave that new hated name to the province of Judea. This fact was admitted by Professor Philip Hitti, an Arab historian who declared, “There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not.” This fact is further confirmed by the Saudi Arabia Representative at the United Nations. “It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but Southern Syria,” also denying Israel as a nation.

Fathi Hammad, minister of the interior and national security for Hamas–a recognized terror group whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel, confirmed, “half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.”
King Hussein of Jordan was the only Arab leader that showed any sympathy toward what is called the Palestinian Arabs. In 1960 he stated: “Since 1948 Arab leaders have approached the Palestine problem in an irresponsible manner….They have used the Palestine people for selfish political purposes. This is ridiculous and, I could say, even criminal.” The King was correct.

I started going to the Middle East just after the 1967 Six-Day War (in which Israel sent the nine Muslim nations arrayed against them running for cover) and have been there 14 times. That doesn’t make me a Middle East expert but I became convinced that King Hussein, who died in 1999, was the most reasonable and kind Muslim leader in the Muslim world. He shocked the world when he recognized Israel as a nation in 1994 much to the chagrin of other Muslim leaders.

Unknown to the world, King Hussein wanted peace with Israel and secretly negotiated with Israel’s leaders and U.S. officials. The private talks took place in London at the home of Hussein’s Jewish physician. In 1970, Hussein kicked the PLO (Arafat) out of Jordan! It must be remembered that Arafat, while leader of the PLO, was an Egyptian, not a “Palestinian”; but then, no one is a “Palestinian.”

I corresponded with King Hussein in the late 70’s while I was a member of the Indiana House of Representatives. I also was a newscaster and commentator at a fledging Indianapolis television station. Since I went to the Middle East about every year I contacted the king about doing a television interview, and much to my surprise, he readily agreed. We set the date to coincide with my itinerary and I prepared to become an “international correspondent.” But alas, it was not to be. My trip was rescheduled because of terrorist activities and the king was out of the country when I was finally there.

Syrian dictator Hafez Assad (father of the present dictator) told PLO leader Yasser Arafat, “You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria.” Don’t you think the media should finally get the point: Palestinian people do not exist except as a political pawn? The claim that Palestinians are “fighting to regain their ancient homeland” is a bogus claim that no honest historian will support. By the way, we have plenty of Muslim states in the area and don’t need another one, especially at the expense of the one true democratic state–Israel.

Zuhair Muhsin, military commander of the PLO and member of the PLO Executive Council, clearly said “There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity… yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel.” I wonder if the media are listening. Maybe they can’t understand plain English.

Even Chris Matthews of MSNBC can understand that statement from a Muslim terrorist–well, maybe not, since Chris’ main activity is in his leg, not his brain. But we know John Kerry doesn’t understand.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Ebola: Ancient Hebrews Had Answer to Infectious Disease! Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:15:22 +0000 Informed health officials say that Egypt was the medical center of the ancient world. The ancient historian Herodotus recorded that during the days of the Medo-Persian Empire, it was King Darius’ practice “to keep in attendance certain Egyptian doctors, who had a reputation for the highest eminence in their profession.” However, Egypt was not nearly as medically informed as ancient Israel. Frankly, I think Egypt was more proficient in building (think, pyramids) than medicine. Israel was far advanced of the other nations in health issues.

For instance, Egyptian health officials gave instructions how to draw splinters from the flesh which consisted of “worm blood, mole, and donkey dung.” However, doctors S. I. McMillen and David Stern note that dung “is loaded with tetanus spores” and “a simple splinter often resulted in a gruesome death from lockjaw.”

The Ancient Egyptian provided prescriptions for skin disease as “A hog’s tooth, cat’s dung, dog’s dung, aau-of-samu-oil, berries-of-the-xet-plant, pound and apply as poultice.” Other remedies included dried excrement of a child, hog dung, and a farmer’s urine. One recipe to prevent hair growth included lizard dung and the blood from a cow, donkey, pig, dog, and stag.

It was said that the urine of a faithful wife was effective in the treatment of sore eyes. It seems ancient Egyptians had a thing about dung and urine! Israel was not so backward.

The Encyclopedia Britannica’s conclusion regarding the Bible’s instructions on sanitary and medical practices is very revealing: “The Old Testament is a mine of information on social and personal hygiene. The Jews were indeed pioneers in matters of public health.”

The Jews’ strict regulations regarding sexual activity along with their sanitation regulations plus their treatment of infectious diseases were millennia ahead of all other nations. God gave specific instructions for Israel regarding human waste. They were to relieve themselves away from the living area and to carry a tool for covering excrement! People in third world nations still don’t have this basic knowledge!

The Encyclopedia of Medical History declares, “The idea of contagion was foreign to the classic medical tradition and found no place in the voluminous Hippocratic writings. The Old Testament, however, is a rich source for contagionist (sic) sentiment, especially in regard to leprosy and venereal disease.” Maybe, just maybe we should use the Bible to control our personal lives, not because it is ancient but because it is accurate.

When one looks at the book of Leviticus for treatment of infectious disease he does not see dirty, dangerous, and deadly remedies and ingredients prescribed by Egypt and other ancient civilizations. In fact, the Pentateuch reveals awareness of germs and disease that “modern” medicine did not grasp for 3,500 years after the books were written!

For thousands of years doctors denied that disease could be transmitted by imperceptible means but in the 1860s Louis Pasteur confirmed in his Germ Theory of Disease that most infectious diseases were caused by microorganisms originating from outside the body.

Moses gave specific instructions to prevent the spread of disease from dung and dead bodies thousands of years before modern man understood the danger. Moses instructed Jews that diseases such as leprosy were dangerous to everyone and such infected people were to “dwell alone without the camp.” Lev. 13:45 commands when an infected person came into the vicinity of others who were not infected, the infected person was to “cover his upper lip, and shall cry, ‘unclean! unclean!’” That was not unkind and saved thousands of innocent lives.

It is obvious that the covering of the upper lip was to keep the infected person from coughing, sneezing, or spiting on non-infected people. On Oct. 9, 2014, it was announced that researchers found that a patient showing no symptoms of the disease “can still transmit a virus like Ebola by air if droplets containing the virus are transmitted to another person by a sneeze or cough.” That is contrary to what major health officials have been saying!

It was 1873 that mankind finally realized that leprosy was infectious instead of hereditary but then, Moses and the Israelites knew about it 3,500 years earlier! If a Jew was suspected of being infected he was examined by a priest who confirmed whether or not he was. If so, then he was to be removed from the living area until he was healed. That meant quarantine and while it was unpleasant and uncomfortable, it was not unreasonable.

Because of Israel’s advanced knowledge they were the only culture cognizant of infectious disease with the knowledge how to deal with them. They were the only group to practice quarantine until the Black Death (bubonic plague) smacked the face of Europe in the 14th century. Millions were dying of plague until church leaders in Vienna thought about the Bible’s plan to stop the spread of infectious disease. Officials required all ships entering Vienna’s port on the Danube to be isolated 40 days to ensure that none of the sailors or passengers was infected. Other cities followed the plan and the Black Death was stopped.

U.S. and world health officials had better realize they are health officials not politicians dedicated to not making anyone angry. We must prohibit anyone to enter the U.S. who has been to any African nation unless they have been in quarantine 21 days. That also includes our southern border. People are entering our nation daily without any physical examination and no shots. Even animals have to have shots to enter and kids have to have vaccinations to go to school. You think maybe we could be a little stricter with the deadly Ebola virus? It is time to act now. If Ebola reaches a critical mass, it could become a medical tsunami that will burn itself out after killing millions of people.

Maybe Obama should sign an executive order forbidding the Ebola virus to enter the U.S.!

Ancient Israel told us how to stop Ebola: confirm, contain, and confine the disease. Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Israel, the Apple of God’s Eye! Mon, 10 Dec 2012 02:22:47 +0000 Sennacherib ruled the Assyrian Empire (704-681 B.C.), expanding and improving the ancient city of Nineveh located on the East bank of the Tigris River opposite the modern city of Mosul, Iraq. Nineveh had a population of almost 150,000 people, making it the greatest city in the world. Feeling invincible, Sennacherib conquered Egypt and then attacked Jerusalem but God killed 185,000 of his soldiers. He had not learned a lesson from the Egyptian exodus: Don’t mess with Israel because they are the “apple of God’s eye” (Zec. 2:8.)

However, another empire was gathering influence down in the river town of Babylon about 55 miles south of modern Baghdad between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Babylon was ruled by King Nebuchadnezzar II who became a Jewish proselyte after losing his mind for seven years.

Nebuchadnezzar ruled Babylon from 605 to 562 B.C. and he conquered Jerusalem in 597, taking into captivity the craftsmen, smiths, warriors, and intellectuals. Daniel (a young man of purpose, prayer, and prophecy) and Ezekiel were among the captives. Daniel played a major role in Nebuchadnezzar’s administration and Ezekiel was a prophet who compared his friend to Noah and Job!

In 586, Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem again and the captain of his bodyguards ordered that Solomon’s Temple, the royal palace, and all homes in the city of Jerusalem be torched. The surviving inhabitants of the city (a total of about 50,000) were taken captive to Babylon. Jerusalem was totally destroyed! It should be noted that about 100,000 Jews still occupied Judah while Jerusalem’s leaders, intellectuals, and craftsmen were sent into exile for 70 years.

Babylon defeated, destroyed, and demoralized Jerusalem and surrounding cities; but payday was coming for Babylon in a few years.

It was 539 B.C., that mighty Babylon fell to the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great who diverted the Euphrates River that flowed through the city. Upstream from the city, he channeled the river into a large basin, thereby permitting his army to wade waist deep down the riverbed into the city. The Babylonians could have easily frustrated Cyrus but they were having a drunken party given by King Belshazzar. He and his officers thought that there was no way any army could capture the impregnable city on the Euphrates. That night proved that drinkers are not the best thinkers.

When Cyrus the Persian defeated Babylon, he killed Belshazzar, grandson of Nebuchadnezzar. Cyrus is perhaps most widely known for allowing the exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem to build the Second Temple in 538. Following Babylon’s defeat, Darius the Mede was appointed by Cyrus to rule Babylon as recorded in Daniel 6. The prophet Daniel, past 80-years-old, had his lions’ den experience during the rule of Darius.

When Cyrus permitted the Jews to return to Jerusalem, he even returned the sacred, golden vessels that Nebuchadnezzar had taken in his conquest of the city and he helped finance the rebuilding of the Temple! It was finished in 515. Zerubbable led 42,360 Jewish exiles back home; very few out of an estimated one million that then lived in the former Babylonian Empire! What a trek south through 500 miles of desert! But they were going home after 70 years.

Darius the Great ruled Persia from 521-486 and his is son, Xerxes I, ruled from 485-465 and was killed by a bodyguard. Xerxes I is the Bible’s King Ahasuerus who ruled Persia and chose Esther as his queen in 473 B.C., after Queen Vashti refused his command to parade her beauty to a large host of drunken men. She knew that drunks are often skunks, however the king was angry and embarrassed at her refusal. After all, he controlled a world empire yet he could not control his own wife! He didn’t like his buddies and underlings snickering at his impotence. So he chose Esther as his queen, but did not know that she was a Jew.

Haman was a Persian official who hated Jews, especially Queen Esther’s uncle who was a minor government official. Haman devised a plan to kill all the Jews in the empire but when Esther discovered the plan, she risked her life by asking the king’s help without his permission. She bravely said, “If I perish, I perish.” Ahasuerus granted her access and discovered Haman was not a worthy official and had him hanged upon the very gallows that he had built for Esther’s uncle who had angered Haman by refusing to bow to him.

The King’s Jew-killing order had already been sent to all the provinces authorizing the Jews to be slaughtered on a specific day and Persian law did not permit any changes in their laws. However, the king permitted another law that gave information to the Jews so they could defend themselves on their day of slaughter.

So the Jewish nation was saved (again) in 473 B.C. because a Jewish queen had courage, character, and convictions. Jews today celebrate this miraculous deliverance at the Feast of Purim.

Artaxerxes, the son of Ahasuerus, ruled from 465 to 424 B.C. Under his rule, Ezra returned to Jerusalem with exiles in 458. Nehemiah led another group in 445 and succeeded in building walls that protected the Second Temple and the returned Jews who were now home. Artaxerxes provided the timber to build the walls!

The Jews were back in their land faithfully serving the one true God, having constructed the Second Temple and rebuilt the city walls. Meanwhile, the Greeks in Athens had built their Parthenon, a pagan temple to Athena.

Jewish History should send a message to even the dullest of tyrants: Don’t mess with Israel, the apple of God’s eye.

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Lesson of History: Don’t Mess With Israel! Wed, 05 Dec 2012 03:05:42 +0000 You may get away with messing with Texas but not with Israel!

At Israel’s beginning, Abraham went to Egypt for food during a famine instead of trusting in Jehovah. His whole family (70 of them) ended up there and within 400 years they became a mighty nation. Then, a new Pharaoh came to the throne that was not favorable to the Hebrews. He made them slaves and sought to kill all newborn males. Moses grew up in his palace as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, after she found him beside the Nile River, and he became the heir-apparent to the throne of Egypt. The very thought of a Jew sitting on the Egyptian throne was breathtaking.

Moses, at 40, refused the power, prestige, and possessions of Egypt and identified with his people the Jews, and spent his next 40 years in desert training. He led Israel from the land of bondage to the land of blessing when he was 80. When they fled Egypt, each family was commanded to kill a lamb and put the blood over their doors and everyone would be safe when the Angel of Death passed over that last night. The Egyptian homes all experienced the death of their first-born sons while the Hebrews’ sons were unharmed. Christians memorialize that incident when they sing, “When I see the blood, I’ll pass over you” referring to the Death of Christ.

The Jews left Egyptian slavery and returned to the land of promise; and since that time, Jews have celebrated that night of deliverance by observing the Passover. The story of their deliverance has been remembered, rehearsed, and retold as it is memorialized with the statement, “Next year in Jerusalem.” Meaning, wherever they were at the time, maybe next year, they would be back in their homeland. During the observance of the Passover, (either seven or eight days) the celebration begins with the Seder (meaning order) meal, symbolic of their deliverance from Egypt.

“The Festival of the Unleavened Bread” is celebrated with the first two days of delicious meals called Seders when the Egyptian Passover is remembered and memorialized. Six more days of celebration follow the first two. On the eve of the Passover, each home is searched to remove any vestige of leaven. According to Exodus 12:11 the meal was to be eaten “with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD’s Passover.” They were to be in a hurry to leave bondage! According to Exodus 13:3, they were to “keep it a feast by an ordinance forever.”

The “Festival of the Unleavened Bread” begins with a hard-boiled egg dipped into saltwater. A rabbi was once asked why Jews eat eggs on Passover. “Because eggs symbolize the Jew,” the rabbi answered. “The more an egg is burned or boiled, the harder it gets.” Seems that way.

During the Seder, the family recalls their Egyptian slavery by eating matzo, known as the “poor person’s bread.” Bitter herbs, called “maror,” are eaten which symbolize the bitterness of slavery, and a sweet paste (charoset) representing the mortar which the slaves used to cement bricks. They dip vegetables into saltwater, and it recalls the tears the Jews shed during their servitude. Roast lamb or goat is a main portion of the meal.

An extra cup of wine is at the table for the prophet Elijah. It is almost electric when a child is sent to the door to open for the prophet who will be the messenger of messianic times ahead.

The whole celebration is to remind them of their slavery and the goodness of God in delivering them, not because of their greatness but because of His goodness and grace.
Israel was overshadowed by the greatness of Egypt, the grandeur of Babylon, the growth of Nineveh but they had what no other nation had going for them: They were the “apple of God’s eye.” Judah was caught in the middle of the constant struggles among the three powers, but Jews survived while the others did not. Will Durant wrote, the “Jews who are as old as history, may be as lasting as civilization.” Obviously.

Jehovah was faithful in showing His grace by delivering the Jews from slavery and He will further show his faithfulness with the construction of the Third Temple on the Temple Mount, the most important and contested 35 acres on earth, claimed by Muslims and Jews! Hummm, that will be an interesting development! Muslims have not learned the truth that you can’t mess with Israel but they are destined to learn that truth the hard way as did Egypt.

While the Passover reminds Jews of their release from slavery, it should be remembered that Pharaoh and his army were destroyed as the Jews were delivered.

The message of the Bible and history is: Don’t mess with Israel.

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Jews Weeping Beside the Euphrates River! Mon, 03 Dec 2012 02:28:25 +0000 Mighty empires waxed and waned in the land between the two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates) as Abraham, the father of the fledging nation of Israel died leaving his sons and grandsons to fulfill God’s promise of making them into a great nation.

With passing of time, powerful nations demonstrated hatred toward the little embryonic Jewish nation along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean. Powerful nations such as Egypt, Nineveh, and Syria were followed by a new threat that appeared on the stage of history: Babylon. The Amorite king, Hammurabi (ruled 1792-1750) first created the short-lived Babylonian Empire about 1792 B.C. but it quickly faded after his death. The only thing remembered about the empire is the famous Code of Hammurabi.

Bible critics suggest that the Hebrew prophet Moses got his laws from Hammurabi, and if so, so what. Even a pagan king can have some great ideas; however, Moses had something Hammurabi did not have: information from Jehovah! Of course, the earlier an event in history, the less reliable is the date. Moreover, all experts admit that the Mosaic Law was far more gentle and humane than Hammurabi’s.

Until about 600 B.C., Babylon was ruled by various powers in the region. Then, the empire became almost unstoppable. About this time, Zoroaster was teaching in Persia, Buddha was born in India in 563 (and later abandoned his wife and son) and the Roman Republic was founded in 509 B.C.

The Babylonians conquered and destroyed Nineveh and the Assyrian Empire after it had been weakened repeatedly by civil war. The Jews in Jerusalem were swiftly backsliding into all kinds of wickedness and were finally attacked by Nebuchadnezzar II, the head honcho of the Babylonian Empire. In 586 B.C., he returned to Jerusalem and took the best, the brightest, and the bravest Jews into a 70-year Babylonian Captivity leaving only the poorest of the poor to occupy the defeated, destroyed, desolated, and almost deserted city.

In captivity, 500 miles from Jerusalem, the Jews sat beside the Euphrates River, hung their harps on a willow limb and cried, “We wept, when we remembered Zion.” The recently defeated Jews had been marched from Jerusalem to Babylon and often promised, “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither.” However, with time they came to enjoy the “good life” and adjusted to the captivity. In Jeremiah 29:4-9, the prophet had told them to “make the best of it” and accommodate themselves to the conditions of a protracted exile without being assimilated with the pagan Babylonians. Of course, Jeremiah knew what followed the end of their captivity.

Herodotus, a Greek historian born about 450 BC, wrote, “Babylon surpasses in splendor any city in the known world.” He described the city as a huge square 14 miles on all four sides. It had 100 gates of bronze that were still standing when Herodotus was there about 400 B.C. He claimed the outer walls were 56 miles in length, 80 feet thick and 320 feet high! Wide enough, he said, to allow two four-horse chariots to pass each other. The city also had inner walls which were “not so thick as the first, but hardly less strong.” The walls went 35 feet underground thereby frustrating any tunneling under them. There was a large water-filled moat just outside the outer wall. It was impossible to conquer Babylon but Cyrus did the impossible.

Babylon fell to the Persian Empire under the rule of Cyrus in 539 B.C. The Persian Empire stretched from Ethiopia to India connected by more than 3,000 miles of well-built roads. The most famous road was the Royal Road built by King Darius that stretched about 1,600 miles from Sardis in Turkey to Susa, capital of Persia. Herodotus wrote of this road, “There are royal stations (every 3.4 miles) and excellent inns, and the whole road is through an inhabited and safe country.” Maybe the first Interstate!

Persia was also famous for its efficient postal system, the world’s first, prototype to our Pony Express. At the royal stations there were fresh horses for relay riders to carry the mail from one end to the other. Common travelers made the 1,600 mile trip in 90 days but the “Persian Express” did it is less than a week! About like U.S. mail from coast to coast–today.

Herodotus described the Persian mail system and it functioned exactly as the Pony Express did in America. The famous historian said of those Persian riders, “These are stayed neither by snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness from accomplishing their appointed course with all speed.” Evidently, Americans took the Persians’ slogan as well.

Cyrus was very generous with all religions, especially the Jews. He understood that religion is “glue” that holds a state together. Within a year he gave permission for the Jews to return to their homeland and even helped finance the journey and the rebuilding of their city and Temple. Mighty Babylon was on a downhill slide and by the time of Strabo (at the end of the 1st century B.C.), the site was in ruins and by 500 A.D. the whole area was a swamp. In recent years, the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein (who envisioned himself as another Nebuchadnezzar) sought to rebuild Babylon; however, he was hindered because his “friends and associates” hanged him by his neck–until dead. Babylon is in the same condition–dead and buried. Many say it will be rebuilt.

When Captain Titus attacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the city fell and the Second Temple was destroyed, beginning the period of the Second Exile. The Jews would be scattered throughout the world. In the land God gave to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the Jews would have little influence for the next 1900 years. However during most of this Second Exile there have always been some Jews living in Jerusalem.

Such has been the Jewish story but they were never destroyed. Some Jews were assimilated but not as a nation. Enough of them stayed true to biblical principles such as worshiping Jehovah, abhorring pagan gods, keeping the Law, observing the Sabbath, circumcision of their sons, etc., to always be a separate nation wherever they were living. They are a strong, separate, and sovereign nation today much to the chagrin of Muslim Jew-haters who want to “drive Israel into the Sea.” Pharaoh tried that and he ended up in the Red Sea.

May all tyrants end that way!

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This Baptist Fundamentalist Supports Romney for President! Wed, 31 Oct 2012 03:47:11 +0000 In 1960, I opposed Jack Kennedy for President because I liked Nixon’s policy positions much better and I had some concern for Kennedy’s Roman Catholicism. The media non-thinkers called us “bigots” who had that concern; but a moron knows that what a man believes will affect his actions as President. It is amazing that anyone would disagree with that. When Kennedy was elected, he did not send a telegram (remember those?) to the Pope telling him to pack for his move to America and his office in the White House would be ready for him. Of course, we did not think the pope would be coming to America but how would the new president be politically influenced by his religion? It was a very legitimate question. A deeply held religious belief will always influence a person’s actions and decisions.

President Harry Truman was a Baptist, but not a very good one; however, what he learned from his church, his grandmother, and his Bible sure affected millions of people on earth, especially Israel. When Israel declared itself a nation on May 14, 1948, Truman was the first world leader to recognize the new state (within eleven minutes of its birth!) against the advice of all his advisors except one. He did it knowing that leading Democrats and most of his close advisors and both the State and War Departments (remember that?) were against the recognition. His religion formed his decision and impacted the world. Yet fools tell us a man’s religion doesn’t matter!

Now we come to Romney. He is a Mormon and has every right to believe what he chooses. Remember that his family is and has been Mormon for generations. Of course Mormonism is a cult, and Billy Graham was way off base when he tried to “uncult” it. Neither Graham, nor anyone else, has the authority to do that. Mormonism has always been identified as a cult by even mushy Christians and I’m not sure how necessary it is to point out some of their beliefs. But I will.

Mormons believe that any human can become a god, and they teach that Adam was actually God who took on a body and this Adam-God (Michael the Archangel) had a physical sexual relationship with the Virgin Mary producing the baby Jesus (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 218, 1857). Another bizarre doctrine of the Mormons is that Satan and Jesus are brothers. Additionally, all Mormons will have their own planets to populate with their numerous wives! While those are considered weird beliefs, they would cause no harm to our nation.

No doubt Graham’s promotion of Romney gave a clear signal for all Christians to vote for Romney. I am delighted with that result while I am dismayed that Christians would rally to a candidate simply because Graham supports him. That is the herd instinct that I have been so critical of in others. Many Christians have enormous respect for Graham’s worldwide ministry. While I respect his early preaching, clean life, and punctilious financial record, I have always disagreed with his willingness to accept support from outspoken unbelieving ministers, including Roman Catholics, in his city-wide campaigns. Most Christians will disagree with me, even questioning my motives, but I can live with that.

Christians should be informed on the issues and the Bible. No informed Christian can vote for Obama for many, many reasons. He is a compulsive liar, a man who can tell four lies in a sentence of five words–like Bill Clinton. Obama is a Muslim sympathizer (at least) who has not repudiated Sharia law. In fact, he has been unable to say, “Muslim terrorist” as if it is an untrue statement. He bows to Muslim leaders and betrays Christians, kissing our foes and kicking our friends. He is a strong advocate of abortion on demand funded by taxpayer dollars. Then he hit the bottom when he decided to publicly champion same-sex marriage.

Black Christians are fleeing Obama because of the homosexual issue. They were thrilled to have a Black in the Oval Office but cannot support him further because he climbed into bed with the perverts. Those black leaders should be congratulated for their courage. I think they should have refused to vote for him at any time under any circumstances, but that’s another matter.

It is neither fair nor accurate to compare Romney with loony Communist nuts like Jim Jones or the cultist David Koresh who was shot and incinerated along with 54 adults and 28 children by the U.S. Government for their cultic beliefs. Being weird or cultic does not justify federal murder of U.S. citizens.

Romney believes some weird things; however, he will not be our pastor, but our president. I think he is a man of character, totally honest, very intelligent, a hard worker, with unusual experiences, a strong family man, moderately conservative–all that Obama is not.

I have very close, long-time friends who refuse to vote for Romney and will cast their vote for a non-winnable candidate. They would say that their decision is based on principle but it is a flawed principle. We have always elected flawed presidents! The question is: who is less flawed and will lead America to give us a few more years of relative peace and security? I am convinced that the U.S. and the free world are going over the cliff but Obama will drive us over at 100 miles per hour. Romney may provide a respite from galloping socialism, frantic money printing, our cop-of-the-world attitude, the approaching depression followed by rampant inflation, the butchering of babies, and turning American into Sodom with Gomorrah as a major suburb.

Martin Luther declared, “I’d rather be ruled by a competent Turk than an incompetent Christian.” I would rather be “ruled” by a principled Mormon than a prevaricating Muslim.

Here is one Baptist Fundamentalist who will vote for Mitt Romney. I doubt that he will move all federal offices to Salt Lake City and make the Mormon top honcho his Secretary of State.

Come to think of it, the top honcho could do a better job than Hillary.

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