jihad – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Peacefully If We Can; Forcefully If We Must But Require All Muslims to Repudiate Koranic Demands! https://donboys.cstnews.com/peacefully-if-we-can-forcefully-if-we-must-but-require-all-muslims-to-repudiate-koranic-demands https://donboys.cstnews.com/peacefully-if-we-can-forcefully-if-we-must-but-require-all-muslims-to-repudiate-koranic-demands#respond Tue, 04 Jan 2022 18:35:07 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=3009 It is long past time for America’s political leaders to face reality: true Islam is violent, vicious, vile, and vulgar. No, not those now skeptical Muslims who have adjusted to American freedom and have acquired a taste for pizza, hamburgers, movies, television, and blue jeans. The people in question are koranic Muslims who are dedicated, dangerous, and deadly people living among us.

And with the hundreds of thousands of unvetted, unwanted, and undeserving gatecrashers at our southern border in recent months, only a fool, a fanatic, or falsifier says there are no terrorists among them.

The nation is churning while the fuse is burning.

Up-front, let’s assume I’m a hater, bigot, know-nothing Baptist. Since that’s out of the way, it doesn’t change the facts above. I may be all as charged, but my facts are indisputable. While I agree with tolerance, it can never be applied to the truth. Truth is unrelenting, unpleasant, and unmalleable. Truth doesn’t change because you don’t like it, nor does it change because the truth-teller is unpleasant, unkind, unlikeable, unfair, or ugly.

Muslims must look in the mirror of truth and not get angry at the mirror because of an ugly image, and it is not the mirror’s fault.

Historically, Muslims have always played the numbers to their advantage. When they are few, they are acquiescent but become active, asinine, and authoritative when they arrive at about 12% of a population.

On November 7, 2021, the Detroit Free Press reported the six-member City Council of Hamtramck “will consist of all Muslims starting in January, another historic first for the metro Detroit city known for its sizable immigrant population.” Additionally, every elective city office is held by a Muslim!

Hamtramck, Michigan, with 22,000 residents, is the first Muslim majority city in America. It was a once-thriving factory town now struggling with one of the highest poverty rates in Michigan. Citizens are awakened each day at 6:00 with a call to prayer (and four more times daily) from the four mosques. Many of the business signs are in Arabic or Bengali. The city’s Polish Catholic population has shrunk from 90% in 1970 to about 11% today. The Polish culture is on the way out, and Sharia is coming.

Dearborn, like Hamtramck, is in the Detroit metropolitan area and is 44% Muslim who control over 100,000 people. Other cities across America are heavily Muslim. Get accustomed to the calls to prayer. They are in your future, and if you thought church bells were a nuisance, you will long to hear them again. Wait until you hear this every day.

Few suggest that the Taliban or Al-Qaeda control either of the cities. Still, only a fool says the influx of people of different religions, races, languages, habits, beliefs, etc., has not changed the area. The Polish polkas are drowned out by the five calls to Muslim prayer each day.

There are 3.5 million Muslims in America, with over 300 working in public office. And they are working at getting other Muslims in offices. Of course, that isn’t illegal, and most groups do that. Blacks do that; homosexuals do that; liberals do that; few conservative Christians do that. You know, you don’t want to appear too pushy, so when conservatives get elected, they “reach out to the other side.”  No one has ever told me why that is done; it’s almost an obligatory move by conservatives. Conservatives should hold all jobs, even menial jobs.

I wouldn’t choose a liberal to walk my dog.

There were 2,769 mosques in the U.S. in 2020, many of them hotbeds of radicalism funding terrorism here and abroad. Many are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, whose slogan is, “Allah is our objective; the Qur’an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish.” I agree with the last clause as desirable of all terrorists.

All U.S. Muslims should be required to repudiate the Brotherhood slogan. Upon refusal, they should be escorted to the nearest international airport and removed to the closest desert in the middle east. Or, more cheaply, they should be loaded on a slow freighter to one of Saudi Arabia’s 18 ports.

The books of every mosque must be looked at, and any funding of terrorists will require the U.S. government to freeze all mosque funds and close those mosques. All leaders involved in the funding will be jailed. Some might suggest such action could result in harassment of churches, but freedom of religion does not include the takeover of the American government to institute Sharia law.

The FBI or a special unit should immediately contact every U.S. mosque and require every leader (followed by every member) to swear an oath to an America-first position. I don’t suppose we could demand they swear to “help make America great again.”

Hey, it’s a reasonable thought.

Every Muslim in America should be required to make a solemn oath that U.S. law takes precedence over Sharia law and they are submitting to U.S. law. A nation divided cannot stand.

Every Muslim must repudiate jihad as taught in the Koran. The first example of jihad is found in Sura 2:191 of my Koran, published in Medina. It has an explanatory footnote to make sure even the dullest Muslim understands what the passage means. The passage commands every Muslim to fight (jihad): “Al-Jihad (holy fighting)…is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars (on which it stands). By Jihad, Islam is established…Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim.” Muslim theologians wanted to emphasize that message in a footnote to end the argument as to jihad—holy war.

The only Muslim who can be sure of entering Paradise is one who loses their life while engaged in holy fighting. Jihad is not trying to lose weight, getting along with siblings, working on your marriage, overcoming your temper, etc. It is “holy fighting” in the cause of making every nation on earth a Muslim nation.

World leaders refuse to admit that fact, but they can’t be so stupid to not know it. They simply don’t have the courage, commitment, and character to do the right thing since the “woke” thing is now popular.

We have many thousands of Muslims in America committed to the above, and gutless politicians will be damned soon by gutless citizens who were too stupid to demand responsible reaction to the Islamic attacks on America.

Every Muslim must agree that the sexual mutilation of little girls is bloody, barbaric, and beastly, and all who promote it, even Muslim medical doctors, should spend decades in prison. I would add at hard labor, but probably some bleating hearts might criticize me if I do. Can’t have that.

Every Muslim must agree that the Sharia death penalty for leaving Islam and converting to Christ is mistaken, maddening, and medieval. America was founded on freedom of religion, and a religion that depends on force does not believe in freedom. Muslims love to boast how they swept out of their desert tents to overwhelm all the middle east, even into Europe a few years after Mohammed’s death. They must be reminded they did it with the Sword of Mohammed while Christians civilized the world with the Sword of the Lord known as the Bible.

Every Muslim must agree that honor killings are clearly family murders, and any parent who kills a “wayward” child will hang by the neck or sit in “Old Sparky.” Often, a parent kills a daughter because she was raped, sometimes by a brother, and such parents are lowlife killers. I might add that such killers should be executed with a strip of bacon hanging from each ear. You know, as a final touch of class.

Every Muslim must agree with America’s position that Israel has a right to peacefully exist within secure borders as any other nation. That still leaves room for support of a Palestinian state where fanatics can continue to train their children to be suicide bombers.

Every Muslim must repudiate suicide bombings as twisted, savage, and insane with no justification. Moreover, America must stop supporting the “Palestinians” since they pay parents for their children to become morbid murderers.

Every Muslim must agree that women are special and should be treated kindly, gently, compassionately, tenderly with equal rights to any man. She should have the same standing in a court of law as any man and to require more female witnesses to prove a case whereas one man is sufficient is unlawful. Any divorce will be decided on the same standards for males and females.

Any Muslim who refuses to accept the above minor requirements will be dropped over the Arabian Dessert from the belly of a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. Oh, of course, wearing a parachute.

After all, Americans are not barbarians recently off a Middle East desert.

(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. Boys authored 20 books, the most recent,  Reflections of a Lifetime Fundamentalist: No Reserves, No Retreats, No Regrets! The eBook is available at Amazon.com for $4.99. Other titles at www.cstnews.com. Follow him on Facebook at Don Boys, Ph.D., and visit his blog. Send a request to DBoysphd@aol.com for a free subscription to his articles and click here to support  his work with a donation.)


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Sharia Would Lead to Total Control of Your Life! https://donboys.cstnews.com/sharia-would-lead-to-total-control-of-your-life https://donboys.cstnews.com/sharia-would-lead-to-total-control-of-your-life#respond Sun, 11 Jun 2017 21:59:53 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1831 In the last few days, concerned Americans across the nation have participated in “anti-sharia” protests. Those citizens have been criticized, castigated, and condemned for their “bigotry.” It seems bigotry is the word of choice when leftists can’t answer a charge against them. Hate is a four-letter word that they all know, use, and exude.

However, it is a fact, not falsehood or fallacy that dedicated, koranic Muslims want to live under sharia in America. It’s time to stop playing games and realize the reality: terrorists are beating at the gates of Europe and America.

King Jan III Sobieski is called the “savior of Western European Civilization” for fighting off the Ottoman Turks who besieged Vienna in 1683. Now, we invite the “Turks” into our nation and give them special treatment especially being very careful never to offend them. Muslims plan on another empire much greater than the original Ottoman–where everyone will live under sharia law. It is being formed in Syria, Iraq, and Jordan as I write.

The Ottoman Empire or Ottoman State was an empire that lasted from 1299 to November 1, 1922. It was succeeded by the Republic of Turkey, which was officially proclaimed on October 29, 1923. Turkey is supposed to be a secular state with freedom for all but in recent years it has evolved into an Islamic state. Turkey’s Parliament Speaker declared, “We are a Muslim country, and so we should have a religious constitution.” He added that secularism would not have a place in a new constitution. They would be ruled by sharia.

In 1915, the Turkish Muslim government massacred about 1.5 million Christian Armenians and forcibly expelled many more Armenians from the Ottoman Empire. To this day, the Turkish government does not acknowledge the genocide perpetrated against the Christians! It is a sorry fact that it is still illegal in Turkey to talk about what happened to Armenians during that time! It makes Turkish leaders uncomfortable to speak of so many innocent deaths.

Muslims don’t love death; they hate life. The West is never going to win the war of words with Islam. They only respect force. They laugh at our use of euphemisms for Islam: terrorists, jihadists, Islamofasists, Islamophobia. It is time to be more concerned about our good than Islam’s good. Muslims hold us in contempt when leftist politicians apologize and pay homage to Muslim national political leaders who are often atheists and carnal con men.

Most world leaders are like the three monkeys: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and maybe, just maybe evil will not visit them! What fools they are! True Islam is not just a religion. It is a total system of life: economic, social, legal, governmental, and religious. It is called sharia and has already infiltrated America.

In 2009, a Hudson County (NJ) Superior Court judge made a ruling based on sharia law! A female Muslim was sexually assaulted repeatedly by her former husband before and after their divorce. The judge refused the ex-wife’s request for a permanent restraining order based on the Muslim man’s “belief” and “practices.” The feeble judge whined, “…his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices.” Wow, where are the screaming feminists?

Furthermore, many American financial institutions have become sharia-compliant to attract Muslim wealth from the Middle East. Such institutions must donate a percentage of their annual profit to Islamic groups such as the radical Muslim Brotherhood!

If sharia law is accepted in principle, we are on a steep, frozen path to total destruction. First they expect us to accept it in family and banking issues, and then in social issues–honor killings, female sexual mutilation (now called “cuttings”), etc. I reported in my 2016 book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! that a majority (51%) of American Muslims agreed that they should have the choice of being governed according to sharia. Even more troubling is the fact that nearly almost 25% of the Muslims polled believe, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam.” Better read that again!

Muslims who accept the Koran are at war with us and Muslims who don’t, aren’t. However, many of the “good Muslims” give protection to the bad guys who only want to kill us. Have you noticed how silent American Muslims are following a terrorist attack?

Decent, moderate Muslim followers are hated and will be killed by the “true believers.” Many Islamic national political leaders are or were atheists (Assad, Hussain, Gadhafi, etc.) and knew they could be taken out any day by their bodyguard, driver, advisor, or best friend–unopposed, undetected, and unpunished.

Every true Muslim is a jihadist but not all jihadists will strap on explosives and kill innocent people. They will often encourage and not discourage or criticize the terrorists. Understand that western Muslims are not stupid. They know where they are living; so they adjust, accommodate, assimilate–until they have the strength to acquire control.

Anyone who disagrees with the above assessment of Islam is uninformed or dishonest.

It would be wise and safer to understand these words all mean the same: Islamic Fundamentalism, Extremism, Totalitarian Islam, Islamofascism, Islamonazism, Radical Islam, Militant Islam, and Jihadism. There are millions of Muslims who will not wear an explosive vest but they wear a smile when someone else blows up scores of innocent non-Muslims.

And those Muslims who don’t demand sharia and rejoice in terrorism aren’t Muslims at all, but instead blasphemous apostates that per the dictates of Islam must be executed. Those Muslims who do not get involved in jihad will be slaughtered by the true Muslims.

I really don’t want to make Muslims angry after all, they may refuse to provide us another presidential candidate!

Boys’ sixteenth book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Fanatic Muslims Are the Enemy: Investigate All Leaders! https://donboys.cstnews.com/fanatic-muslims-are-the-enemy-investigate-all-leaders https://donboys.cstnews.com/fanatic-muslims-are-the-enemy-investigate-all-leaders#respond Thu, 22 Dec 2016 01:11:41 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1682 The U.S. is not at war with all Muslims but we are at war with jihadist Islam! Even German officials have finally recognized that fact.

Following the Muslim terrorist attack in Berlin this week that killed 12 people and injured 48, Chancellor Angela Merkel is feeling the heat from her party, some even demanding martial law! Police arrested a Pakistani who had been granted residence from Pakistan this year but they are not sure he was the driver of the truck. He has been released and police are seeking a Tunisian man whom German officials had interrogated three different times.  German state minister Klaus Bouillon said, “We must state that we are in a state of war.”

I predict that Merkel’s government is doomed because the Tunisian man who was refused asylum and is now being hunted throughout Europe, is a recent arrival from an Islamic nation. He got into Germany because of Merkel’s “open door” policy but was refused asylum; however, he was not deported. And her government will fall if the released Pakistani was really involved and was released to stop Merkel’s slide into political oblivion.

U.S. officials are willing to say, “We have a problem,” but are unwilling to say, “We are at war.” But we are at war whether or not U.S. authorities admit it.

Muslim terrorist attacks in America began in April of 1972 when ten members of a Nation of Islam mosque (NOI), a group led by screwy Louie Farrakhan, phoned in a false alarm and then ambushed responding officers, killing one. In July of 1973, Black Muslims killed eight people in cold blood including four children. There were many additional attacks by Black Muslims until July of 1980 when a traditional Muslim from Iran killed a man in Bethesda, MD followed the next month when another Iranian Muslim killed two people in Savou, IL.

In the following years, there were many individual Muslim attacks until February of 1993 when the first bombing of the World Trade Center killed six people and injured more than a thousand. In 2001, Islamic hijackers flew two airplanes into the Trade Center killing 2,752; another plane flew into the Pentagon killing 184 and another plane crashed in Shanksville, PA, killing 40 others. Most thinking people knew we were at war.

After a Muslim army officer killed 13 fellow-soldiers and wounded 33 others at Ft. Hood, Texas in 2009, it was time for sane, sensible, and stalwart officials to dump political correctness and recognize that Muslims who adhere precisely to the Koran are the enemies of freedom. The shooter believes that he is a Muslim first which means, like all faithful Muslims, he must make the nation where he lives an Islamic nation with sharia law. In a lecture to other medical doctors, he declared, according to the London Telegraph, that “non-believers should be beheaded and have boiling oil poured down their throats.” But religion had nothing to do with the killings, they say! Yes, I think we are at war.

His auntie said he had been harassed since the 9-11 Muslim attacks on America. She said, “Some people can take it and some people cannot.” Hey, this dude is a psychiatrist and a big boy who should have been able to take some teasing and taunting. Does not everyone in the military expect to be belittled, badgered, and bullied at some time during his career?

In July of 2015, a “devout Muslim” killed five innocent people in Chattanooga followed by the slaughter of 14 in San Bernardino by a “very religious” Muslim at a Christmas party. In June of 2016, an Islamic extremist killed 49 people at a “gay” nightclub in Orlando. Often the terrorists yelled about how great the Muslim god is. And the world is aware of Muslim terrorist attacks in Pairs, Brussels, Nice, Berlin, etc.

Would I be considered cranky or only crass or cruel to suggest that when the statement “Allah is the Greatest” is yelled just before opening fire, it might, just might be an indication of their motive? And could those 72 green-eyed virgins Islam promises to all “believers” who die as they take out “infidels” be somehow involved?

All this time US officials have been loath to use the term Muslim terrorist or Islamic terrorist but all sane people know the facts even if they are unspoken by gutless wonders in political positions.

Sooner or later, informed, incensed, and indignant Americans will demand that officials stop playing “Let’s stop the terrorists” and stop the terrorists, at least those here at home. When a mushroom cloud forms over an American city, Obama’s pandering to Muslims will be discarded as quickly as long johns in a Texas heatwave. However, it will be too little, too late and he will be known as the most incompetent U.S. President.

Islamists have declared war against the U.S. producing a clash of civilizations, cultures, and creeds. It is time for everyone to take sides. It seems Obama and his close advisors have taken the side of the enemy! They have appointed dedicated Muslims to important government positions! The loonies have taken over or is “loonies” too kind. Would “traitors” be more accurate?

It is time for our new President and Congress to take action first by recognizing the enemy as the enemy then ferret out Muslim moles. I suggest that:

We pull up the ladder. No more immigration from Middle East nations for a few years and at the same time, plug all holes in our borders. Send every illegal home after photographing and fingerprinting them and warn them that if they return illegally they will get a long prison term.

Every Muslim in the military be investigated for treason and when discovered they should be tried and imprisoned.

Every Muslim FBI agent should be investigated with the same results. We know of federal agents who have refused to wear a wire to secure proof on other Muslims and others have tipped off fellow-Muslims who were being investigated for criminal activity.

Muslim military chaplains should be investigated and removed from sensitive positions of influence unless they repudiate sharia and jihad which are illegal and unconstitutional.

Every Muslim chaplain in the prison system should be investigated for removal from service since the prisons are the number one place of recruitment into Islam.

Muslim pilots should be investigated and removed from their jobs if they are fanatical followers of Islam.

Any American who joins a foreign terrorist group should lose U.S. citizenship.

Every mosque must reject sharia and jihad or be dissolved with property and bank accounts confiscated.

Any religion that requires the death penalty for members who convert to another religion will be prohibited.

Sexual mutilation of little girls should be recognized for what it is: child abuse and any religion that preaches, promotes, or practices it should be prohibited.

Some will think I am too hard, harsh, and even hateful with my answer to the problem of terror, but no one will think that if a mushroom cloud rises over one of our cities tomorrow morning.

President Trump has promised to lead us to victory in this Islamic battle. We’ll see.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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MINOs: Muslims In Name Only! https://donboys.cstnews.com/minos-muslims-in-name-only https://donboys.cstnews.com/minos-muslims-in-name-only#respond Mon, 19 Sep 2016 00:57:49 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1565 While it is not politically correct, it is a fact that many professing Christians are Christians In Name Only. Would they be CINOs? They go to church a few times each year but they have no interest in the things of God. There are Muslims like that whom I call MINOs or Muslims In Name Only.

After my book, ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! (now available as an eBook) was published, I received an email from a Christian medical doctor in Pakistan. He praised my book and wished me great success with it. I should have asked him where he got the book because it is not sold in Karachi bookstores! He and his family had been converted to Christ and were the “last apostates” in their city. (Not sure what city but for sure it was Pakistan.) He told me that if the book were discovered in his possession, it would cost him his life! He also said that while he really liked my book, he disagreed with one thing: there are no moderate Muslims! The good doctor was wrong.

You must understand his circumstances then you will realize why he made the statement. He lives in a thuggish, tyrannical, and totalitarian nation. For sure, there are moderate Muslims in America. They have come to America and like the freedom, jobs, welfare, opportunities, pizza, music, jeans, movies, etc. They seldom go to the mosque and when they go, they do not listen or agree with what they hear. They are Muslims In Name Only.

MINOs do not believe they should be ruled by Sharia instead of American law as do 51% of American Muslims. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that violence should be used to implement Sharia in the US although about 25% of American Muslims do! But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe little girls should be sexually mutilated as most Muslims do, even to where 97% of females in Egypt have been mutilated! But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in a worldwide caliphate where Islam dominates every facet of everyone’s life. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that non-Muslims who ridicule the Koran or Mohammed should be violently punished as do almost 33% of American Muslims! But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe a Muslim who converts to Christ should be killed. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in violent jihad in spreading Islam around the world as taught in the Koran. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that the Koran is a perfect book but is filled with mistakes, contradictions, and generous doses of nonsense. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that a Muslim man has a right to sex with any non-Muslim female who can be considered a sex slave. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in unlimited immigration since they are desirous of job security and know to do so is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that sex with children is moral or marriage, even though it is Muslim as evidenced by Mohammed and other child molesters. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe in honor killings by parents of a child for “not being Muslim enough” or for dating a non-Muslim. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

MINOs do not believe that Jews are turned into pigs and monkeys as do many modern Muslim leaders as taught in Sura 6:60. But MINOs don’t say much about it.

What MINOs don’t understand is that when Muslims raise their flag over the state house or White House, they will be among the first ones killed. MINOs are hated by true Muslims. But true Muslims don’t tell MINOs that.

Koranic Islam (historic Islam) is America’s enemy that has clearly proclaimed ambitions to conquer or destroy America. If our leaders do not recognize that fact and act accordingly, they are like a man wading naked, waist-deep through a snake and alligator infested Everglade swamp–They are going to get bit.

We will all get bit, including MINOs; but they won’t say much about it–until it is too late.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Obama: Muslim Sympathizer, Spokesman, and Sycophant! https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-muslim-sympathizer-spokesman-and-sycophant https://donboys.cstnews.com/obama-muslim-sympathizer-spokesman-and-sycophant#respond Tue, 13 Sep 2016 23:46:54 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1560 One thing is positive that all honest people can agree on. Even if it can’t be proved that Obama is a Muslim, his record clearly proves he is a Muslim sympathizer, spokesman, and sycophant.

I could go on and on with many other indications that Obama uses every opportunity to denigrate, disparage, and deny biblical principles and promote, preach, and pander to Islam. It is not becoming for the President of the United States to be a shill for a brutal, bloody, barbaric, and backward religion even if he sincerely believes their principles.

Obama pontificated, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” I wonder if he knows the difference in slander and truth. Rather than answer our charges, the followers of Islam slander the truth-teller.

The President declared, “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.” Of course, Obama did not try to document his statement since we owe nothing to Islam. Muslims have cluttered our culture with abhorrent, atrocious, abnormal activities such as honor killings, female sexual mutilation, Sharia law, etc.

Obama said, “Islam has always been part of America.” Well, yes and no; it has been a source of conflict going back to our earliest days with the Barbary Pirates when they captured more than a million European and American sailors, and sold them into slavery or killed them.

The President opined, “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer.” Frankly, I have heard the call to prayer all over the world and I find it rather offensive and grating on the nerves, especially the pre-dawn call after a lengthy, late arriving flight to a Middle East nation.

The President really stepped in it when he said, “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” When most people in the world think of Islam, they think of burqas, bullying, badgering, beheadings, and burning innocent people alive. Plus, honor killings, mass murder, grinding people up in giant shredders, etc.

Obama authoritatively said, “I made it clear that America is not–and will never be–at war with Islam.” However, his buddies in Islam seem to think they are at war with the non-Muslim world, seeking a world caliphate. Isn’t it strange that Obama has never repudiated the caliphate!

He declared, “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism–it is an important part of promoting peace.” A little problem there. Ask anyone anywhere in the world who the terrorists are and they will tell you it is Muslims. Islam only talks of peace to provide them time to prepare for war. The velvet glove of Islam hides an iron fist.

Obama said, “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’” But the Koran also commands, “Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it.”

He also told Muslims, “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.” However, have you noticed that he doesn’t have time for Christians and never makes a Christmas statement? And I don’t think he has ever hosted a dinner, lunch, breakfast, brunch, or snack for Fundamentalist Christians. If so, he didn’t invite me.

The President asked, “Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK…Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith?” Evidently, what Obama knows about the Bible would fit into the navel of a flea. However, our public policy is determined by laws based on the US Constitution. We are not a theocracy.

Furthermore, the Bible never “suggests [that] slavery is OK.” The slavery in the Old Testament was basically indentured servitude. God “put up” with slavery since it was worldwide and gave instructions for Israelites who had slaves but He never endorsed, encouraged, or excused slavery. Moreover, a child was not to be stoned if he “strays from the faith” but if he were a glutton and rebellious child. Also, the stoning of a rebellious child was a threat and not one incident is recorded in the Bible or history of it being done.

Obama wrote, “I am not willing to…accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.” Obama does not know that the Scripture cannot be broken apart and one line is not less inspired than another line. That “obscure line” in Romans warns men not to “burn in their lust” for each other, in other words, not to slip between the sheets with other men.

Speaking about “gay” couples Obama said, “If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount.” He needs to be reminded that Christ told us during His Sermon on the Mount that the pure in heart would see God and “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” I don’t think that purity and righteousness are what the “gay” rights movement is all about.

Obama declared, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation,” and “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” Obama, like most politicians, seems to think just making a statement makes it become a fact. While only individuals can become Christians, a nation can reflect Christian values and have a Christian foundation.

Obama really fouled his nest when he said, “If all it took was someone proclaiming I believe Jesus Christ and that he died for my sins, and that was all there was to it, people wouldn’t have to keep coming to church, would they.” No true Christian would make such a statement. What the Heretic-in-Chief does not seem to know is that when a person has a New Birth experience with Christ, he or she is a changed individual. He or she wants to go to church to hear more of the wonderful story of faith. They prefer to hear and proclaim the Gospel instead of huffing and puffing on the golf course.

He declared, “We have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own.” That means any belief is as good as another so the stone age people still living in the Amazon or New Guinea where they worship spirts, snakes, the sun, and occasionally eat their fellow men are as viable as the faith of Christ! No sane person believes that.

He said, “I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.” In a sense that is true because there are many paths to the same place but it depends on where you want to go! Obama was speaking of Heaven; but Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Well, that settles that.

I think I have successfully proved that Obama is a sympathizer, spokesman, and sycophant of Islam. He never misses an opportunity to sympathize with Muslims; he often speaks for them as if he is a shill; and he appears to be a toady of Islam.

I rest my case.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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The Muslim Invasion: Interesting, Informative, Infuriating! https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-muslim-invasion-interesting-informative-infuriating https://donboys.cstnews.com/the-muslim-invasion-interesting-informative-infuriating#respond Sat, 03 Sep 2016 01:07:06 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1551 My new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! is an interesting, informative, and, for the politically correct, an infuriating read. My publisher wrote, “Islam, Muslims, immigration, Jihad, Sharia, and the war against our civilization, culture, and creed is a present reality. Gutless public officials are selling us short either by complicity with the enemy or due to a doctrinaire commitment to idiotic tolerance ideology. Whatever the case, citizens must stand up against the invasion now, before it is too late. The author suggests that the fuse is burning and the results will end in a complete upheaval of America and every free nation, unless we act now. Forget the lame stream media. Forget Obama. Common sense mandates, our very survival demands that we act NOW to keep America from going off the cliff.”

Well, I couldn’t have said it better!

In my book, I look at the big picture going back to the early days of Islam and tracing the inculcation of terror as a way of life. Muslims don’t love death; they hate life. They are reared in a culture of terror. They are pathetic individuals without hope in this world or the world to come, and need to hear and accept the message of the grace of God through Christ.

Immigration is the most pressing issue facing most nations on earth. But why not have open borders and unlimited immigration? What about amnesty, after all, shouldn’t everyone be interested in forgiveness and redemption? How can sanctuary cities be bad if God provided six Cities of Refugee in ancient Israel? What are the costs of unlimited immigration to average Americans? How will it change every-day life in America?

What is the truth about Mohammed? I provide information from Middle East experts not from alleged haters of all things Muslim. I also analyze the Koran and many hadiths to reveal the prophet of Allah as he was–a thief, a killer, and a child molester. Why are there so many mistakes in the Koran if it is a perfect book sent from Allah and why is it filled with mistakes, mishmash, and madness?

The US is in a Hundred Years’ War with Islam and your life will never be the same. I predict numerous terror attacks across America to where everyone will be fearful of leaving their homes for work, school, church, or shopping.

Sharia law is examined in detail and a study has revealed that 51% of Muslim Americans want to live under sharia, not local laws! I think those people should live under sharia if they desire, only that means they must move to Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. Well, I suppose they could try London, Paris, or Brussels if they like cosmopolitan living with a Middle East ambiance.

Jihad is clearly and forcefully taught in the Koran as an obligation for every Muslim and it is defined in koranic footnotes as “holy fighting in the cause of Islam.” A footnote on page 39 of my official Koran warns Muslims that “he who tries to escape from this duty, or does not in his innermost heart wish to fulfil this duty, dies with one of the qualities of a hypocrite.” So, it is not enough to literally fight and die for Islam, each Muslim must do so with gusto!

Every Muslim must participate in producing a world caliphate where sharia is universally observed. They envision a greater empire than the Ottoman Empire (made up of Turkish tribes) that began in 1299 and gasped its last breath following WW I after more than a 600-year rule. The modern terrorist attacks are designed to destroy the non-Muslim world to make way for a new Muslim order.

Muslim Invasion not only reveals the tangled, troubled, and terrorist world of Islam and the horror it produces but the book also provides some answers how to disentangle ourselves from this plague. We might use the neutral, placid Swiss as an example since they have taken steps to disengage from the acceleration of Islam by banning the full-body covering burqa; the refusal by the capital city of Bern to permit the building of a large Islamic center; and they further banned minarets from which the call to prayer is sounded.

Recently, two Muslim boys refused to shake the hand of their Swiss female teacher thereby causing a national uproar. Shaking hands with the teacher at the beginning and end of each school day is part of their culture and the Swiss were not willing to change it. One politician asked, “Today it’s the handshake, and what will it be tomorrow?” Great question. After a royal battle it was decided that all Muslim boys must shake hands with their teachers just as Swiss boys must do. After all, the Swiss have a right to maintain their culture and if Muslims (or Baptists) don’t like it, they can move back to Cairo or Nashville!

Everyone living in America, including Muslims, should proclaim, “America–first, last, and always!” Radical leftists will scream, “bigotry” but will not discuss the issue. Most sane, sensitive, and sincere Americans believe that we don’t have to apologize for putting our national interests first and wanting to keep America, America! It does not mean that we are, by nature, superior to everyone else, nor does it mean that we wish ill of anyone. We just believe we have a superior Constitution and Bill of Rights and want to keep it that way. We like what we have here although we would like to remove the crime, hatred, perversion, abortion, etc.; but it would be abnormal if we did not want America to continue to be America. No one suggests that we are perfect or close to it, but I prefer America to any place I have been. What is wrong with that? Let me prompt your answer: nothing is wrong with it.

We identify with America as we identify with our family. I don’t identify with your family but with mine. I don’t wish you ill will or failure. I just identify with my family. Because, well, because it is my family. As with a family, so with a nation. If that were not true, then there would be no nations. But then, maybe that’s exactly what the globalists want: one massive “family” in one big world with no boundaries where all cultures would be equal.

That is a horror story for the world and Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! seeks to discuss, debate, and defeat that possibility.


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of Muslim Invasion, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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We’re in a Hundred Years’ War With Islam! https://donboys.cstnews.com/were-in-a-hundred-years-war-with-islam https://donboys.cstnews.com/were-in-a-hundred-years-war-with-islam#respond Tue, 14 Jun 2016 15:58:49 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1464 Our war with Islam has been ratchetted up a notch with the vicious attack in Orlando where 49 people were killed and 53 injured. This war was declared by Islam against us on 9/11/2001 but spineless officials aren’t sure the aggressors really mean it! So, we have not reciprocated and declared war against them! All Americans, not in a coma, know we are at war while major public officials stand around sucking their thumbs and weeping copious tears. Whether we declare war or not, I assert that we are in a modern Hundred Years’ War with Islam that is changing America (and all free nations) into unrecognizable entities. So we are losing the war simply by not acknowledging the war.

In Europe, the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453) and bubonic plague reduced the population more than 50 percent! France lost half its population during the Hundred Years’ War and Paris lost two-thirds of its population. The population of England was reduced by up to 33 percent due to plague during the same period. The war seemed to be incessant as France and England (each aided by various nations) fought for control of France. It became the most notable conflict of the Middle Ages.

The French used the crossbow that required little training but was slow to reload and prone to damage. The long bow required strength and skill and the English had been training their troops to fight using a new approach: during a battle, the English would dismount, find protection, and kill the advancing heavily armored French before they could get close enough to do harm to the English. The English longbows could penetrate French armor and kill their horses before the French could get close enough to harm the English troops. Later, firearms and cannons were introduced that changed the way all future wars were fought.

Europe was forced to make major changes in warfare and in everyday life because of the long war. Feudalism, which was the exchange of land for military and other services, was coming to an end. Peasants acquired more power since their labor was worth more because of the decline in the labor pool. Serfs moved to the growing towns and acquired skills in production of goods. The Pope lost his grip on the English as King Henry booted him off the island in the 1500s. Yes, life was changing for everyone and life is changing for you as Islam continues its invasion.

Europe was changed quickly in response to the war and the plague. Europeans knew that they had to look at life as it was, not as they wished it to be. They rejected what was not working; adjusted their thinking; started reading the new English Bibles of Wycliffe, Hus, and Tyndale (that transformed their lives); rearranged their economy; then moved into the Reformation and Renaissance. Nothing would ever be the same.

America and the free world are in a Hundred Years’ War but many officials refuse to admit it! Some leaders can’t even pronounce the name of our enemy that all sane people know! Some even allege that some major world leaders are even in collusion with the enemy for ideological reasons! Other leaders are simply spineless, in need of a spinal transplant! Whatever, the fact is we are at war with koranic Islamists because they declared war against the world in the seventh century. However, those of us who firmly believe that fact are said to be guilty of Islamophobia.

The U.N. has defined Islamophobia as a “deep misunderstanding of Islam [that] is fueling anger, hatred, and fear about one of the world’s great religions.” I think I can help the U.N. and it won’t require a U.N. conference or large consulting fees paid to me. Islamophobia is a non-word that was contrived to suggest that anyone concerned with the Muslim threat is somehow unreasonable, unfair, and maybe unstable. The U.S. media assumes that all sensitive, sane, and sensible people would recoil from Islamophobia similar to a mythical vampire recoiling from sunlight. However, that is political correctness run amok.

We are urged not to judge all Muslims by the acts of a few extremists who target civilians. The U.N. rejects “widely held views that Islam is incompatible with democracy or irrevocably hostile to modernity and women’s rights.”

Of course, everyone knows that Islam has always been incompatible with democracy. Muslims will cooperate and use any and all democracy to further their cause of a world caliphate; but their minds are closed tighter than a miser’s wallet where freedom is concerned.

As to women’s rights, is there any doubt where koranic Muslims stand? You will note that American Muslims are not demanding a change in the treatment of women in Muslim nations. Female circumcision (read: sexual mutilation often performed on little girls with a dull blade and no anesthesia!) is common even in Germany, Austria, England, and Netherlands. Women can’t vote where Muslims rule. Then you have disparity in inheritance laws, discrimination in courts, and degrading wife beating, etc. Islam is not female friendly.

The mistreatment of women comes directly from Mohammed’s life and teachings: there are more women in hell than men; prayers are interrupted by a black dog, an ass, or a woman; if a wife is difficult, withhold sex from her and then beat her if needed; Mohammed took his female slave to bed; he took his son’s wife as his own; he had a nine-year-old wife; etc.

Sounds as if Mohammed was in fact “irrevocably hostile to modernity and women’s rights.” And if U.S. and U.N. officials were informed or honest they would know that Muslims worldwide are obligated to emulate the lifestyle of Mohammad as well as obey the Koran.

Egyptian judge Kamal Aboulmagd is quoted as saying: “In Islam and in Islamic literature there is no such thing as ‘a holy war.’” The confused judge added, “This is [a] Western invention that was attributed to us, I don’t know how and why and when.” Well, let’s check out whether that is an accurate statement. Anyone who reads the papers or watches television knows that Muslim clerics in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, etc., are convinced that “holy war” is a reality. Jihad was not “attributed” to Muslims by wicked, hateful Americans. It is a core teaching of the Koran and Hadith and no matter if Muslim leaders say otherwise, that wouldn’t make it so. U.S. media people who declare that jihad is benign are little more than pathetic prostitutes.

You might ask the people in Paris and Brussels and Orlando if they think holy war is a reality.

My Koran was published in Medina so it is as authoritative as you can get and it clearly teaches “holy war” or Jihad in sura 2:190 and many other places. To be sure that the dullest of Muslims understand the meaning of that verse, Muslim theologians added a footnote on page 39 that hammers home the truth: “Al-Jihad (holy fighting) in Allah’s Cause (with full force of numbers and weaponry) is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars (on which it stands). By Jihad Islam is established….Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim….” End of Jihad discussion!

John Esposito, a major cheerleader for Islam, said. “The message at the end of the day is clear, the message is simple–Islam is not the enemy, religious extremism is.” John is wrong. At the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, Islam is the enemy! No, all Muslims do not follow the Koran so they are decent, law abiding Americans; but koranic Islam is the enemy.

The U.S. is not at war with terror, but with a religion/culture that has promoted terror from its beginning. We are involved with a clash of civilizations that may not end for a hundred years! In other words, we are involved with a Hundred Years’ War that will probably result in the destruction of some nations.

The AP reported Osama bin Laden as saying, “In essence, this war is a religious war.” Osama was right and right is right no matter who says it and wrong is wrong if the U.N. and every media person in the world say it. Our “War on Terror” is a Religious War that may last a hundred years. Our future is not between war and no war but intermittent war and continual war. Plan on it!

Many will be disturbed by that statement but it is better to be disturbed by facts than deceived by falsehoods. The free world will live with terror from now on, even more than a hundred years!

Boys’ new book, Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! will be published next month by Barbwire Books.

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When Men Burn Women Alive, We Hang Them! https://donboys.cstnews.com/when-men-burn-women-alive-we-hang-them https://donboys.cstnews.com/when-men-burn-women-alive-we-hang-them#comments Fri, 08 May 2015 14:29:29 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1094 Back when Great Britain ruled much of the world, including India, Sir Charles Napier conquered Sind in the lower Indus Valley. He dealt with widow burning by simply placing a scaffold beside every funeral pyre. “When men burn women alive we hang them” he said. Widow burning stopped in Sind and there was peace for many years. Englishmen and Americans had a backbone in those days, but that essential part of the anatomy has been systematically bred out of most British and American leaders.

It’s time, past time, to realize we are at war with Islam but that won’t happen until our president gets a spinal transplant. When I say that the President is “not all there,” I am not referring to him mentally because he knows exactly what he is doing. I mean that he was born without a backbone which forces him to walk to the left. And he does much bowing especially when he is in a desert environment!

There are many things about Islam that are not debatable although lackeys of ecumenicalism say differently. It is a fact that Islam is based upon deception; therefore, anything one of their clerics says is to be suspect. Many times the Koran reveals that Allah is the best plotter or deceiver. Sura 8:30 admits that “Allah is the Best of those who plot.” Therefore, Muslims are permitted to lie if lying will save one’s life; to advance the cause of Islam; to produce peace or reconciliation; to persuade a woman; and on the occasion of a journey or expedition. A Muslim can be very sincere and even pass a polygraph because he thinks it is not wrong for him to lie. Our leaders had better understand that systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and if our politicians don’t recognize this, thousands could die. They believe treaties and agreements are tools for the cause of Islam.

It is a fact that Muslims believe Jihad is physical fighting in the cause of Islam. Muslim leaders distort the meanings of words and lie to moderate the teaching of Jihad; but the official Koran published in Saudi Arabia lets the cat out of the sack or the camel out of the stall. It says in a footnote on page 39: “Al-Hihad (holy fighting)…is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars (on which it stands). By Jihad Islam is established….Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim.” Muslim scholars thought a footnote was needed to explain the passage in the Koran. Just so you don’t misunderstand: Jihad means holy fighting in the cause of Islam. And eighty percent of U.S. mosques promote, preach and plan Jihad! It is a fact that every true Muslim must seek to make the nation where he lives, a Muslim nation and that is accomplished through peaceful conversion, immigration (legal and illegal), an extremely high birthrate, and Jihad.

It is a fact that true Muslims believe that Islam will conquer the world and produce a world caliphate. In my official Koran there is a footnote that explains Surah 61:6 that plainly records the future of Islam: “….and all mankind will be required to embrace Islam with no other alternative.” On the following page another footnote reveals that Christ will return as “a leader of the Muslims” and “kill the pigs” (Jews) and “all mankind will be required to embrace Islam with no other alternative.” A worldwide caliphate is what Middle East Muslims are attempting to bring about at this time.

It is a fact that all true Muslims believe the above, even the “moderate” Muslims. It is a fact that Muslims are not to be friends with non-Muslims although they may feign friendship to produce conversion. Surah 5:51 commands Muslims “Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.” Muslims say that they can kiss the hand of an unbeliever until they are strong enough to break it.

Most Muslims in Europe want to live under Sharia law and even in the United States 39 percent of Muslims prefer to be judged by Sharia, while one in eight believe parodies of Islam should be punishable by death! Fifty-eight percent said Americans should not have a right to criticize Islam! Those are your neighbors!

I am not ashamed to expose barbarians. Barbarians can’t be insulted. We are told that all Muslims are not terrorists and that is true; however, all Germans were not Nazis but that didn’t stop a worldwide blood bath. The free world is in a Hundred Years’ War with Islam far more lethal than the one in the 1300s and 1400s and at this time, our side is losing!

It’s time to recognize that there is a Trojan Horse within our walls filled with a dedicated, determined, and dangerous enemy.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Hate Mail From One of My Muslim Fans! https://donboys.cstnews.com/hate-mail-from-one-of-my-muslim-fans https://donboys.cstnews.com/hate-mail-from-one-of-my-muslim-fans#respond Sun, 13 Oct 2013 20:55:21 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=631 The natives are getting restless! Hate mail from the peaceful followers of Mohammed has accelerated in recent weeks as they respond to my book, ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse!, my website, Muslimfact.com, and my weekly columns. Two common denominators: vicious, vile, and venomous hate and classic examples of non-thinking.

Following is a response to my column, “Why Are U.S. Moderate Muslims Not Protesting Sharia and Jihad?”

I was accused of “malicious lies” because of my charge that koranic Muslims cannot be moderate. He asked, “How cam (sic) you justify making such dishonest, idiotic generalizations about me?” He asked if I could read his mind. No, I can’t and it’s a good thing since I would be exposed to kaleidoscope of pornography based on his correspondence. Here’s my premise: if a person accepts, and follows the Koran, then he is obligated to practice jihad and world domination by Muslims. By definition, such a person cannot be “moderate.”

He asked, “How do you know what I believe in?” I know because I know what the Koran teaches. He suggested that I needed to be “committed to a psychiatric ward.” I will skip another vulgar reference and jump to his charge that I believe all Muslims are a “cloned species that share a single identical thought!” If he is a devoted follower according to the Koran, he does share a single identical thought: Islam is the only valid religion and it must rule the world. Anyone who asserts that that statement is not accurate is either truth-deficient (see how politically correct I can be?) or is dumb as a box of rocks. Opps, I just backslid again.

He asked if I had supernatural powers and of course, I do not; however, I am closely connected to One who does. And we’re friends and I spoke to Him today!
He yelled, “I am an individual and you have NO CLUE AS TO WHAT I BELIEVE OR SUPPORT!” Oh, but I do since he claims to be a dedicated Muslim who swallows all the mistakes, madness, and mishmash in the Koran.

Evidently my critic professes to be a dedicated Muslim who does not believe in jihad and sharia but that’s impossible! He did not try to answer my following statement that all Muslims must not only believe but practice jihad: “My Koran was published in Medina so it is as authoritative as you can get and it clearly teaches ‘holy war’ or Jihad in sura 2:190 and many other places. To be sure that the dullest of Muslims understand the meaning of that verse, Muslim theologians added a footnote on page 39 that hammers home the truth: ‘Al-Jihad (holy fighting) in Allah’s Cause (with full force of numbers and weaponry) is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of its pillars (on which it stands). By Jihad Islam is established….Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim….’ All Muslims must be active in jihad and sharia. End of discussion!”

I believe that Islam has a problem similar to Christianity: most followers are dumb as a sack of hair from the sweepings at the local barbershop. They don’t know what they believe.

He declared, “I am not protesting sharia and jihad because those corrupt creatures from your species have made their choice to behave as hateful, violent, bigoted, intolerant, prejudice and corrupt AS YOU!! They share the exact same hateful views as you do, YOU HAVE EVERYTHING IN COMMON WITH THEM.” It seems he didn’t read my paragraph above and claims that I believe in jihad and sharia!

He charged, “I uphold a much higher set of decent values and morals. I am not an evil, corrupt, lying, deceitful creature like you and your sharia buddies. And it is not my job as a Muslim to be the worlds (sic) baby sitter (sic) to every evil scum that’s (sic) spawns (sic) on planet earth sharing your corrupt values.” I discovered in that statement that I am a friend to sharia and that I expect him and other Muslims to be a babysitter!

Continuing his diatribe, he wrote, “If Muslims were obligated to play the superhero and clean up all corruption from earth then there would be no need for Hell in the after life (sic).” I did not charge in my column or anywhere else that Muslims are obligated to “clean up all corruption” on the earth. However, they should clean up their own house before they try to convert me.

He was wrong about stating that Hell is supposed to clean up the corruption that was on earth. Hell was made for the Devil and his angels and for those who have never accepted Christ as Savior. Furthermore, he was wrong in declaring that the purpose of this world was for God to split the world in two parts. He did not get that from the Bible.

My critic opines that God has split the world into people like him and “Immoral, corrupt, evil, hate mongering, narcissistic, prejudice, deceptive, violent, intolerant creatures like YOU and your religious extremist, fanatic, sharia friends who use lies to create division, hatred, discrimination who maliciously accuse innocent people like me.” There again I am connected to “sharia friends.” And “Islamic extremist friends.” Seems as if he has been sitting under the desert sun and has fried his brain. He is not thinking normally.

But then, maybe he is smoking those funny cigarettes.

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Egypt: How Do You Spell Hypocrite in Arabic? https://donboys.cstnews.com/egypt-how-do-you-spell-hypocrite-in-arabic-2 https://donboys.cstnews.com/egypt-how-do-you-spell-hypocrite-in-arabic-2#respond Thu, 04 Jul 2013 01:48:52 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=544 Each Wednesday I publish one of my earlier columns that I hope will be informative, instructive, inspiring, and maybe infuriating. The following column was published in 2012:
Egyptian President Morsi and other Middle East Muslim leaders have been lecturing the U.S. about freedom, yet they demand a worldwide law prohibiting any criticism of Islam! Maybe Morsi really doesn’t know the meaning of freedom. I assure you that the largest Christian group in Egypt could teach him the definition.

Coptic Christians make up 10% of Egypt’s population although they were the major religious group at one time. They can trace their history back 19 centuries. Following the Arab Spring, the Copts have been fleeing to the freedom of America, most being young professionals and businessmen. If they have money, they are leaving Egypt for the Promised Land–America. I know another group that fled Egyptian oppression a few thousand years ago!

Morsi had words of praise for Obama’s strong decisive and quick support for the Arab Spring revolutions, while normal, sane people realized that the Arab Spring (what a misnomer!) would become the Arab Winter. The outraged Muslims protested, rioted, set fires (some to themselves), burned our flag, and killed our ambassador! If that is Spring, what about Winter?

It seemed the Middle East was aflame starting in Tunisia (Dec, 20, 2011), then to Egypt on Jan. 1, followed by riots in Algeria then to Libya. It seemed to be contagious as protests hit Yemen and even friendly Jordan. The fanatics (not freedom-fighters) were on the march and some U.S. politicians praised them as the “good guys.” Some fools even expected democracy! A Muslim democracy is an oxymoron.

All informed observers knew the rebels were fanatics (except for some tagalong idealistic Islamists) and their success would be far worse than the dictators they overthrew. We saw it with ruthless Gaddafi (who had become more toothless than ruthless) in Libya and Mubarak in Egypt. And we are about to see that same thing in Syria. At least those dictators kept the peace, protected (to a measure) religious rights, and showed some sensibilities about U.S. government interests. After all, we sent them boatloads of money, and while those Muslim leaders may have been authoritarians, they weren’t idiots.

Morsi added that he believed that Americans supported “the right of the people of the region to enjoy the same freedoms that Americans have.” He did not promise to guarantee the right of his fellow Egyptians to change religions from Islam to Christianity; however, it is very legal for a Christian to convert to Islam! How do you spell hypocrite in Arabic? He also stood by his previous assertion that neither a woman nor a Christian would be a suitable president. Wonder why the radical U.S. media did not rip into him like a school of hungry piranhas attacking a piece of fresh meat?

Even worse is his support for the jihadists: “The Quran is our constitution. The Prophet Muhammad is our leader. Jihad is our path. And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.” And yes, I know Muslims try to convince us that jihad is “an inner struggle,” but my Koran, published in Saudi Arabia (can’t get more authoritative than that) says in a footnote that jihad is “holy fighting in Allah’s cause.” Morsi is a dedicated, dangerous, and devious fanatic who should not be trusted when quoting the multiplication tables.

He is an arrogant jerk but he does have plenty of chutzpa (Yiddish for audacity–not sure if Arabs have a parallel word) to expect a billion dollars of U.S. aid to keep his government from sinking into the Mediterranean Sea where fanatical Muslims want to put Israel. Not sure about the secret bank accounts.

If Muslims try to enforce Sharia law on the U.S. and limit or remove our First Amendment freedom of speech, no doubt they will be met by many true freedom-fighters who also believe in the Second Amendment and will thusly send the Muslims to meet the fictitious 72 virgins sooner than they expected to fulfill their “most lofty aspiration.”

Copyright, 2013

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