justice – Don Boys https://donboys.cstnews.com Common Sense for Today Sun, 05 Mar 2023 04:46:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Rapacious Rape Requires Resistance! https://donboys.cstnews.com/rapacious-rape-requires-resistance https://donboys.cstnews.com/rapacious-rape-requires-resistance#respond Thu, 11 Oct 2018 03:06:25 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=2218 Wow, the screaming feminists came out of the woodwork, out from under rocks, and out of their ivory towers to vent their spleen about my column, “Brett Kavanaugh—“It’s Ain’t Necessarily so!” I’ve been called many vile things via email, phone calls, and on social media simply for an opinion that rape is rape only if there is resistance.

In my column, I took the position that a false accusation can destroy a man’s family, friends, finances, and future. All sexual assaults should be seriously looked at and any rapist should be executed as they were in bygone years in America and most nations of the world.

As a member of the Indiana House of Representatives, I introduced a bill that would put rapists in prison for life with no possibility of parole. I antagonized my friend the governor when I removed his authority to pardon future rapists. A reporter asked me why I introduced a bill that required life in prison for rape and I replied, “Because I know I can’t get the death penalty.” I did not win her vote as “favorite legislator of the year.”

With that background, I can hardly be accused of hating women or being soft on rape.

Most of the screamers took umbrage with my statement that rape “is having sex with a woman while she screams for help. No scream, no rape according to Deuteronomy 22:23-24. Did she bite his hand? Poke him in the eye? Women know instinctively how to protect their honor: screaming, shouting, slapping, spitting, slugging, and stabbing with a finger, pencil, or hat pin. Since she did not cry out or stab him, I will not believe her without a film of the event.”

A man called me and started screaming, “I’m a Ph.D. and have read the same books as you. The Bible passage you quoted requires death for both persons. What if she was too scared to scream? Have you ever been raped? Maybe she was unable to fight? Maybe she was a mute.” He went on and on but he refused to consider that no one should be found guilty without corroborating evidence. No one, not even a conservative.

“Cathy” called and sounded like an old friend. “Hi, Don. This is Cathy and I want to know what you meant by your Kavanaugh column.” I asked if we were friends or knew each other and she admitted we did not. I told her that her question was silly since I made it very clear what the column was all about: you can’t find a man guilty without corroborating evidence to prove guilt. And I was horrified that anyone would even consider such a thing. She used some very vulgar words to characterize me and hung up when I challenged her to tell me seriously if all women can always be believed. She called back in a few minutes and said, “Don, don’t try to make decisions based on a 3,000-year-old book.”

Well, everyone has to have a foundation for what he or she believes and I choose to believe the Bible as being the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and indispensable standard for my life. Now, because I believe in a perfect Book does not make me or all my decisions perfect since I am a flawed individual. But I do have a standard that helps me make minor and major decisions in my life.

So, the Bible and thousands of years of history support the fact that a rape victim must resist or there is no rape. My critics have presented all kinds of scenarios to prove the Bible wrong: what if she is incapacitated, she is deaf and dumb, she is too scared, etc. However, that’s covered in God’s command for the Jews to do justice for all under all conditions.

The Jews did not have police or prison system until the time of the Kings. Egypt did have prisons as per Joseph in prison after being falsely accused of rape. However, the Jews did have a justice system that included Cities of Refuge. Furthermore, Deut. 16:18 commanded Israel to appoint highly qualified judges to administer justice to the aggrieved and to enforce weights and measurements in each town. When they found anything wrong, they brought the offender before the magistrate at the city gate (where business was transacted and cases decided in the East), and the offender was punished by the officer on the spot.

The following verse warns judges, “Thou shalt not wrest judgment; thou shalt not respect persons, neither take a gift.” The judges were to do right to all and wrong to none. The judge’s personal opinion didn’t matter. The poverty or prosperity or position of of the accused and accuser were to be totally irrelevant.

Screaming feminists obviously do not believe in that high view of justice for all. Well, that’s not exactly true because if they were the accused, they would be quoting the Bible, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, and the Talmud. They would parrot even the U.S. Constitution in their own defense! Maybe even the babblings of ancient Druids to gain any support.

When rape occurred, the two principals were brought before the city fathers who compiled the facts, listened to the charges, heard the witnesses, and made a decision. If a maid were deaf, then of course, she could not cry out and she would not be complicit in any illegal sex activity. The rapist was then judged to be executed and was then stoned, the normal and the most ancient form of execution. The victim and any witnesses cast the first stones followed by other citizens. It was not vigilantism but an organized, methodical, and judicial procedure.

During the hearings, I believed Ford was honest but mistaken about her attacker. I felt sorry and pity for her; however, it is now my opinion that she is a liar and tool of evil, unprincipled Democrats. She lied about her fear of flying; she lied about being claustrophobic; she lied about the polygraph test; she lied about her ex-boyfriend’s credit card and charged $600 on it; and she lied about when her second front door was installed. My daddy the philosopher with a sixth grade education said, “Anyone who will lie will do anything.” Daddy was right.

Ford should be fired from her university position and get a job as a greeter at Target.


Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Fact: More Poor People are Executed than Rich People! https://donboys.cstnews.com/fact-more-poor-people-are-executed-than-rich-people https://donboys.cstnews.com/fact-more-poor-people-are-executed-than-rich-people#respond Sat, 29 Apr 2017 13:29:18 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=1790 Death penalty opponents have few arguments for their position; so, usually in desperation they whimper, “But more poor people are executed than wealthy people.” The hearers are supposed to fold their tents and go home because of the power of the argument. Not in the real world.

I have heard that argument many times on talk shows. Death penalty opponents suggest that in fairness, society should not execute people, especially poor people since no rich people have been executed in America with the exception of one mobster in 1944 and a drug kingpin in 2001! I tell them that more poor people are executed for murder because they commit more murders! After all, there are more poor people than rich people. It is also a fact that rich people don’t usually have the motives to kill as often. They have money, friends, and possessions so they usually only kill during very emotional times–hatred, jealousy, or revenge.

Of course, when a rich person kills another person, he or she should get the death penalty as poor people do. Yes, rich people can afford better lawyers than poor people, but that is a fact of life that must be accepted.

We are also told that more poor Blacks are executed than whites; however, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty does not discriminate against Blacks. Furthermore, a Stanford University study revealed that killers of Whites (whether the killers are black or white) are more likely to get sentenced to death than killers of black people (whether the killers are black or white). But Blacks who kill Whites were less likely to receive death sentences than were Whites who killed Whites. Doesn’t sound like discrimination to me unless maybe it is reverse discrimination!

It is also interesting that women commit about 13% of the murders in the U.S. yet less than 1% are executed. Maybe we can expect the screaming ladies of NOW to do something about this glaring inequality and injustice. Unless you look good in blue, don’t hold your breath until the feminists carry signs demanding, “Execute more women,” “Equality on Death Row,” or “Put more women on death row.”

We must demand that all people be treated like people whatever their color, gender, or social status. The answer is to mete out punishment fairly, not drop it altogether. A study by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) found that in 2005, “there were 16,692 cases of murder and nonnegligent (sic) manslaughter nationally; there were 60 executions.” That is not justice.

“But if we execute all the killers (2,943) on death row in the various states, that would be a bloodbath,” say the nonthinkers. However, we have a bloodbath going on every day. There’s a bloodbath in Chicago, Baltimore, and St. Louis; and almost all the victims are poor and black.

If there is going to be a bloodbath, let it be the blood of convicted killers–rich or poor. If the 50 states were to execute all 2,943 killers tomorrow morning at 6:00, it would sure send a message to other potential killers, wouldn’t it? Of the 2,943 convicted killers on death row, about half are white, half are black, and 2,888 are male, and 55 are female.

Authorities must also get the message that felons should be in prison, not on the streets. Streets are for people who obey and respect the law. Rebels, even poor rebels, belong in prison. But at least 30% of those arrested for violent crimes were on probation, parole, or on bail when the crimes were committed. We must send officials a message: keep violent criminals in prison until their sentences are served!

The U.S. Justice Department’s annual report revealed that two-thirds of those on death row had prior felony convictions and a full 10% of those killers had murdered before! That 10% should not have been permitted to prey on innocent people because they should have been executed after their first murder. You’ve heard of three strikes and you’re out, but it should be one strike and you’re dead. No second chance for killers–poor or rich.

Scores of people have told me on talk shows that an innocent person may be executed so we should do away with the death penalty, especially since most of them are poor. Well, since we live in an imperfect world, I’ll concede the possibility that an innocent person may be executed. But without the death penalty, there will be the certainty of many more innocent killings.

I have also heard the old canard that it is better to let a hundred guilty men go free than to execute one innocent man. Now, I’m not advocating executing innocent people, and the thought is horrifying, but it is an inane statement. We are comparing one innocent man to hundreds of other innocent people who would be killed if the hundred killers went free. Those on the other side of this issue don’t think.

Often the opponents of the death penalty affirm that many poor innocent people have been executed who could not afford top legal advice, so executions are unjust. As usual, they are wrong. They usually quote the Stanford Law Review to prove their contention, but they didn’t read the complete article! Professors Bedan and Radelet looked at 2,300 capital crime convictions since 1900 and said they thought 25 men were wrongly executed. The professors “believed” the men were innocent, but they did not prove their case. They even listed notorious cases such as Sacco and Vanzetti, Hauptmann, the Rosenbergs, etc., all cold-blooded killers and traitors whose cases were reviewed by various courts. The professors ended up admitting, “…in none of the cases…can we point to any state action indicating the belief that the person executed was innocent.” Evidently, my critics never read the full article.

Yes, it could happen. It may have already happened, but it is unlikely with all the restrictions placed on the police, the emphasis on the rights of the accused, the jury trial, numerous appeals, DNA, and usually a long period on death row. Add to that the fact that most governors hand out pardons like campaign literature and are gutless “crybabies” who are super-sensitive to the bellowing and whining from leftist groups who have never seen a guilty killer they didn’t like.

Justice requires that no one should receive special treatment because he is poor, or rich, or sick, or young, or old, or famous, or infamous, or handsome, or ugly, or popular or hated.

Boys’ new book Muslim Invasion: The Fuse is Burning! was published recently by Barbwire Books; to get your copy, click here. An eBook edition is also available.

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Ferguson Riots: The Death Rattle of a Great Nation Marching into the Dark Night of Racial Wars? https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-the-death-rattle-of-a-great-nation-marching-into-the-dark-night-of-racial-wars https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-the-death-rattle-of-a-great-nation-marching-into-the-dark-night-of-racial-wars#respond Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:10:11 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=852 Michael Brown was a black thug, no better or worse than a white or Hispanic thug. As I reflect on this I think of a similar incident in Florida. If Michael Brown had a brother, he would look like Travon Martin. In both cases, non-thinking, bigoted Whites and Blacks jumped to the wrong conclusion. They praised the villains (Martin and Brown) and persecuted the victims (Zimmerman and Wilson). I will remind my readers that both Zimmerman and Wilson had blood running from their head wounds. They shot their assailant as any sane person would do.

Obama felt a need to jump into this affair as he did in the Martin case. Obama reproached the Ferguson cops saying, “There’s also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights.” That is correct; but there is no reason to assume, and for sure no proof, that excessive force was used and there is never a right to rob, resist, rampage, and riot. Obama should call for an unbiased investigation.

The U.S. Attorney General, himself an outspoken black racist, is in Ferguson with a cadre of Department of Justice workers who are investigating the incident. No, they are laying a foundation for a predetermined verdict! Holder has not been reticent to speak out on the matter of race. He called America a “nation of cowards” on racial issues in 2009. Holder has sent a signal that he wants the “correct outcome.” Because of his and Obama’s missionary zeal to “get” the white guy, it sends a signal to irresponsible Blacks to “do their thing.” Holder should do his duty for a change and investigate the Blacks who make a game of cold-cocking Whites. After all, that is a “hate” crime if any crime is.

The spineless governor, Jay Nixon, made an incredibly irresponsible and stupid statement when he declared, “a vigorous prosecution [of the shooting] must now be pursued” thereby absolving the thug and accusing the cop! What an idiot! I think he is a Democrat. Had he done his duty he would have demanded an unbiased, thorough investigation but fearful of a greater racial explosion, he took the cowardly way out.

The mother of Travon Martin, another black thug, has jumped into the fray with her two cents and it really wasn’t worth that. She tried to paint the two dead teens as victims of gun violence without admitting their complicity in crime. In a letter to Michael Brown’s parents she declared, “If they refuse to hear us, we will make them feel us.” Sounds like an ominous threat.

Travon’s mother along with Brown’s mother seems to have the same motivation–to get a pound of flesh and a pot of money when they deserved nothing but scorn for turning a tragedy of a son’s death and the destruction of an innocent man into a farce. Both families are an example of what a broken home and the absence of a strong father with biblical convictions can do.

Protesters have demanded justice for Brown, but they want justification for their own violence. To them all white cops are brutal beasts with a vendetta against all sweet, innocent, unarmed, college-bound blacks. Isn’t it strange that most of these black thugs who get themselves killed are always “innocent,” “a real nice guy,” “wonderful son,” etc.!

If a cop commits a crime, then he should pay the price. Everyone agrees with that but too many Blacks and almost all liberals would not agree that Blacks must be held to the same degree of accountably as everyone else. Special racial treatment for anyone is a perfect definition of racism.

The media is not interested in justice, only a good, on-going story. Most of them are gutless wonders who are lazy, incompetent, or are committed zealots to social engineering. That includes race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the NAACP. Of course, the Black Panthers are thugs that should be behind bars. None of the above seem to be concerned with the twelve people who were shot and killed in Chicago over the Fourth of July weekend! But then that was black on black killings.

I suggest that the police announce that there will be no protesting except during daylight and all protestors who refuse to disperse on the first order will be arrested and jailed.

Moreover, I suggest that the NAACP and similar black groups stop pandering to the haters and spend time and money helping black families stay together, kids stay in school, promote a work mentality, and preach Bible morality to everyone. The answer to hating, robbing, looting, shooting, racism, and violence is Christ. When men trust Christ, there is a change in their morals, mores, manners, and motives. Many of the protesters seem to have problems with all of them.

We’ve come a long way baby–in the wrong direction. The noise of the protestors (cursing, fighting, and chanting) is the death rattle of a once-great nation marching into a dark night of racial wars.

Welcome to a new brave world where right is wrong; up is down; in is out; and bad is good and justice is demanded–if you are black.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Ferguson Riots: Principled People Repudiate Rioters! https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-principled-people-repudiate-rioters https://donboys.cstnews.com/ferguson-riots-principled-people-repudiate-rioters#comments Wed, 20 Aug 2014 19:21:11 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=850 America’s melting pot is seething and about to explode. Two generations have been taught that Blacks are special because they were slaves more than a hundred years ago. Because of that they are to be considered a special group and not held to the same standard of others. That is classic racism.

We are watching lowlifes in Ferguson, Missouri turn a serious local incident into a witch hunt and a national campaign of racial bigotry that would make the most rabid Kleagle (organizer) of the KKK blush with shame–with abundant help from the Moguls of the Media.

While consisting of 14% of our population, we know that about 60% of black births are illegitimate but we must not discuss it. We know that prisons are full of black criminals but that is embarrassing. We know that many black areas are so dangerous even police officers are fearful to enter.

But Blacks were slaves. No, they were not. Not one person now in America was a slave. It is time to realize that the disgraceful time of slavery in the U.S. (a product of Whites and Blacks) is not an excuse for affirmative action, parasitic welfare, violence, immorality, looting, vandalism, school absenteeism, etc. Many of us would find slaves in our ancestry if we traced it because slavery had no racial boundaries.

I am so weary of racial bigots making race an issue when it is not an issue. Let’s ask the honest question: Did the suspect (whatever his race) do the dastardly deed or not? People with character will stand with truth not with emotion–even when a friend or family member is the culprit.

How can America be racist when we have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black? Furthermore, more than 40% of all federal entitlements go to black Americans and that’s more than three times the rate that go to Whites. Moreover, the top entertainment “stars” are black as well as being among the wealthiest of Americans.

Every American has a constitutional right to discuss, disagree, and debate anything in America. I have always defended that right. However, no one has a right to shoot at police, throw bottles and Molotov cocktails, burn, loot, and destroy to express their views. Only thugs do such things and since I don’t like thugs, I suppose I’m a thugaphobe.

It is always tragic when someone is killed and more so when it is a young person; however, even young people must be held accountable for their actions. In the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Michael Brown, known as the “gentle giant,” was killed by police officer Darren Wilson on August 9 and the streets have been full of protesters and looters. Armed rival gangs are involved and at least two people have been shot. Many protesters were seen with guns. The protest area has been called, a “battle zone.” The governor has called out the National Guard and a midnight curfew was imposed. The pot keeps simmering.

Even though the “teenager” was unarmed, he was 6’ 4” and weighed 292 pounds, had just robbed a store, and was walking in the middle of the street with a friend. According to reports, a police officer told them to move to the side of the street. The officer did not know about the robbery. There was an altercation and Michael fractured one of the office’s eye sockets and tried to take his gun. He failed and was shot six times; however, more than a dozen witnesses confirm that he was charging the officer. The officer shot six times (not knowing whether he hit him or not) and Mike finally fell dead in the street. A county autopsy revealed that marijuana was in his system. The “gentle giant” had problems with decision-making.

The protesters say they want “justice” but they really want the blood of the officer who was defending himself and following police protocol. They are demanding the death penalty for the officer! A police official was intimidated into releasing the name of the police officer although everyone knew it was putting a target on his back. So much for profiles in courage! A television station even showed where the officer lived, putting his life in additional danger.

A thousand people marched and Black Panthers chanted: What do we want?– Darren Wilson! How do we want him? – Dead! Such people are scum. Others chanted, “Time to kill a cop!” The New Black Panthers led a large crowd of “useful idiots” in chanting, “Black Power, Black Power.” Why aren’t those lowlifes in jail?

Missouri State Highway Patrol Captain Ron Johnson was placed as head of the police response team and seems to be a qualified black officer; however, he made matters worse by hugging and commiserating with the protesters! A rookie cop knows better than that.

During confrontations with police the protesters refused to disperse and police fired tear gas thereby breaking up the crowd of hundreds of people. Principled people know that many of the protesters are simply thieving looters who would have been shot 80 years ago. Looters have historically been shot!

Decent, law-abiding citizens will always defend the right to protest in America but no person with character will defend the looting, burning, robbing, and shooting of people. When the explosion happens, such people–the protesters and their supporters–will have bloody hands. That goes for Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, NAACP, and cowardly politicians who made racist decisions for personal benefit.

Principled people will repudiate the violent protesters in Ferguson and honor a courageous police officer who did what he was trained to do.

(Next column: “Ferguson Riots: The Death Rattle of a Great Nation Marching into the Dark Night of Racial Wars?”

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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What Does a President Have to do to Get Impeached? https://donboys.cstnews.com/what-does-a-president-have-to-do-to-get-impeached https://donboys.cstnews.com/what-does-a-president-have-to-do-to-get-impeached#comments Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:20:51 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=801 The U.S. Constitution provides for the removal of a sitting president through impeachment because our founders knew that all men have a propensity for evil. The first president to be impeached was Democrat Andrew Johnson who became president upon the death of Abraham Lincoln.

Johnson had removed his Secretary of War from his cabinet thereby violating the Tenure of Office Act that was later declared unconstitutional. He was charged with bringing into “disgrace, ridicule, hatred, contempt, and reproach the Congress of the United States.” The House voted overwhelmingly to impeach; however, the trial in the Senate was short one vote for conviction so he served his term as President.

Richard Nixon was accused of obstruction of justice and abuse of power and the House Judiciary Committee voted for his impeachment; however, he resigned his office and the full House did not consider the issue. Nixon’s sin was the cover-up of a bungled robbery of the Democrat National Committee offices by the Committee to Re-elect President Nixon. Of Nixon’s guilt of trying to obstruct justice and abuse of power there is no doubt and to keep from being drummed out of the Oval Office, he resigned, the first U.S. President to do so.

Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice on December 19, 1998. Sixty-seven senators were required to find him guilty but only 50 voted for impeachment. The five Republicans who refused to impeach him on both counts were all located on the political spectrum far left of The New York Times.

A blind and deaf man with the IQ of his ring-size knew Clinton was guilty but not one Democrat voted for impeachment! Gutless Republican Senator Alan Specter voted “Not Proven” but William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who was presiding, decreed that it was a “not guilty” vote.

Clinton went “scot-free” proving that a President can perjure himself and obstruct justice and not pay the price. Moreover, he is still loved and respected by the American public and has received up to $500,000 per speech since leaving office! Sometimes crime does pay–very well.

Our sitting President has done more mischievous and illegal acts than all the previous presidents put together; yet the weak, wobbly, worthless, witless Congress has refused to impeach him proving that they are as culpable as he.

Obama’s appointment of left-wing socialists and Communists are myriad, mysterious, and maddening to freedom-loving Americans. It seems there is a concerted effort to destroy this nation. Maybe the Manchurian Candidate wasn’t just a novel (1959) and subsequent movies.

It is astounding that Obama’s Attorney General was permitted to disregard American values and laws especially relating to gun running (Fast and Furious) without going to prison. His crime resulted in at least the death of one Federal Agent.

Moreover, the incredible, incendiary, and insane failure to seal the southern border is mind-boggling. Mothers with children are showing up demanding the right to invade our nation! Furthermore, hundreds of unaccompanied children are flooding the border as I write!

After thousands of Americans were killed in Iraq and many thousands maimed, we fled the nation and permitted the most vicious Muslim terrorists to take control of its major cities. At this moment, they are marching on Baghdad. It seems everything Obama touches turns to failure.

The scandal at the Veterans Administration where hundreds of vets were forced onto a waiting list to receive treatment is worthy of impeachment; however, he is given a pass since the VA was also a mess under other presidents.

Finally there is much speculation about his being impeached for his other high crimes and misdemeanors:

Many intelligent, honest people have serious doubts that Obama is even a U.S. citizen! He says he was born in Hawaii; however, there is evidence that he was born in Kenya. Why not remove all doubt and provide original documents to prove his birthplace? There is evidence that he traveled to Pakistan on a passport that reveals his true place of birth but he refuses to provide the documents.

He refuses to provide the information about his education at Columbia and Harvard. Is he concerned about his poor grades or would the documents reveal he was a student from a foreign nation? I don’t know but Obama could easily settle the issue by surrendering the documents. Moreover, Donald Trump has offered to give $5 million to Obama’s favorite charity if he reveals his school and passport records. What reason could Obama have for not doing so unless it is fear?

On September 11, 2012, an attack occurred at the U.S. compound in Benghazi resulting in the deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. White House hacks immediately blamed the assault on a crude video that was critical of Mohammed and Islam. But now we know that it was an orchestrated attack by a Muslim terrorist group. Five days after the tragedy, White House spokeswoman, Susan Rice appeared on five major television shows to deflect the flak from angry Americans. She lied after Americans died. The White House and Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State knew from the beginning that it was not a simple demonstration that went awry but a concerted terrorist attack upon Americans and American property.

President Obama has repeatedly refused to answer whether the four dead Americans were denied help. Of course they were, but the White House and the State Department have sought to cover their behinds instead of confessing palpable guilt and their massive cover-up. Anyone with character would have resigned their leadership positions but Obama and Clinton refused to do so.

But it gets worser and worser.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walked away from camp in Afghanistan and went searching for the enemy without his gun! He is a deserter and, from the evidence, he colluded with the enemy. To equate him with brave soldiers who risk their lives every day is beyond the pale. He went after the Taliban and found them. After five years in “captivity” Bergdahl was exchanged for five top Taliban terrorists imprisoned in Gitmo. Reports reveal at that least six fellow soldiers were killed seeking to free him.

Obama was required by federal law to get permission from the Congress at least 30 days before releasing any Gitmo prisoners. He refused to obey that law. Someone needs to remind him that he is the President not the Emperor. He may rule but he doesn’t reign and he will rue the day when those freed terrorists kill more Americans.

Do the members of Congress know how to spell impeachment? Get to it. Or maybe this November’s elections will bring in better spellers.

http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”

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Prison for Creationist Because of Tax Fraud or His Religion? https://donboys.cstnews.com/prison-for-creationist-because-of-tax-fraud-or-his-religion https://donboys.cstnews.com/prison-for-creationist-because-of-tax-fraud-or-his-religion#respond Thu, 19 Dec 2013 19:13:32 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=672 Everyone knows Lady Justice is blind but now we know she is bigoted as well! Case in point: Dr. Kent Hovind was sentenced to ten years in jail. Kent argued that his ministry was tax exempt and cited the IRS code to support his case! He wrote to the IRS many times asking them why he was wrong if, in fact, he was wrong. They never responded! Arrogance? Incompetence? Whatever the reason, an American citizen could not get a reply from the very people who should have been able, even eager, to help him.

Kent’s enemies have painted him as a greedy tax resister when he has said repeatedly that he has always paid any taxes he owes. He could not get any response from the IRS nor did the judge, prosecutor, or anyone else inform him why his ministry was not exempt from taxes as are hundreds of thousands of similar organizations. Therefore, he has spent six years in the Big House. That’s where they send killers, traitors, rapists, child molesters, armed robbers, and other Very Bad Guys.

Well, not always. If you are a celebrity entertainer, liberal politician, or sports figure, you can usually get probation; only a slap on the wrists. Sometimes a fine.

Note that Senator Ted Kennedy, while driving drunk, with a young woman in his car, drove off a bridge and swam away leaving her to die a slow death as she used what oxygen was available. Justice? He sat in the U.S. Senate the rest of his life and some fools actually took him seriously. My friend, Kent Hovind is still in prison!

Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank, an admitted pervert, confirmed that his Washington apartment had been used as a callboy headquarters by a male prostitute for a year and a half until late 1987. So, Barney’s lover-boy was using his apartment as a callboy ring to make a little money on the side. Barney did not go to jail, and did not lose his seat in Congress. I’m not sure if he passed go and collected $200.00. Maybe his lover can tell us that. However, Kent Hovind sat in prison while Barney retired from Congress from making laws that you are expected to obey.

The late Massachusetts Congressman Studds plied a sixteen-year-old male page with liquor and seduced him, and tried to seduce two other male pages. After admitting his seduction of the male page and taking him on an 18-day trip to Europe (where they had sex every two days) Studds was reelected to Congress 6 times! He didn’t spend a day in court or jail! He sat in Congress but Kent Hovind has spent six years in federal prisons.

But it gets worse!

Andrew James of Vermont molested a four-year-old at least ten times, admitted it and walked away with probation and a $22 fine! He had three other convictions and Judge David Howard could have sentenced him to life in prison and a $50,000 fine. The judge is a jerk!

Mark Hulett, a 34-year-old, pled guilty to aggravated sexual assault on the daughter of a friend from the time she was 6 to age 10! The prosecutor asked for 8-20 years in the slammer but Judge Edward Cashman gave him 60 days! That esteemed judge has esteemed rocks in his head.

I could bore you with numerous cases of schoolteachers who took advantage of their position, seduced students, and walked away with probation, although usually the men go to prison and the females go free! And have you noticed that screaming feminists are not demanding equal treatment between male and female predators?

There are recent cases where rapists and killers walk away with probation and Kent Hovind sits in prison for ten years! Folks, there’s gotta be more to it than meets the eye. Your Federal Government wanted to “get” an outspoken Christian and they did. All right, so Kent made a mistake in judgment, and even if he is guilty, don’t sane people think his sentence is excessive? After all, didn’t Kent tell them he would pay any taxes they showed him he owed? Is it possible that they got him, not for taxes, but for religion? The Feds didn’t like his outspoken brand of Christianity.

Yes, Lady Justice is blind, dumb, stupid, and bigoted as is obvious in the case of Dr. Kent Hovind who sits in prison as I write this piece. And if it could happen to him, it could and might happen to you or me. Maybe Bible believing Christians should do as Chinese Christians and keep a small bag packed with personal things waiting for that ominous knock on the door. “We’re from the Federal Government and we’re here to get you.”

The feds “got” Kent and it’s past time for him to be released. Maybe the Pensacola judge or IRS agent could take his place in prison. Well, it could happen; after all, it is a time of miracles.

(Rewrite of 2007 column)

Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.

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Dr. Kent Hovind: From the Pensacola Jail! https://donboys.cstnews.com/dr-kent-hovind-from-the-pensacola-jail https://donboys.cstnews.com/dr-kent-hovind-from-the-pensacola-jail#comments Wed, 15 May 2013 18:23:51 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=464 Each Wednesday I publish one of my earlier columns that I hope will be interesting, informative, inspiring, and sometimes infuriating. The following column was published in 2006, and Kent Hovind is still in prison! I have no doubt that he was a target of leftist tyrants in the IRS and other totalitarian agencies.
In my recent column dealing with my friend Dr. Kent Hovind who is probably the most effective creation/evolution apologist in America, I compared his problems with some early Americans who opposed British-imposed taxes on the thirteen colonies. While there is no question that both Hancock and Hovind actions were similar in that they were tax-related, they were not the same.

From the Escambia County Jail Dr. Hovind told me on Dec. 10 that he is “not a tax protester”; he simply insists on the Federal Government enforcing the laws as they are written. Some will say that he is trying to pin a nicer label on himself; however, I don’t think so. He told me “The tax laws very clearly give some ‘exceptions’; and some ‘exemptions’ for certain individuals and certain ministries, including 508 (c) (1) (a) church ministries.” He told me “I have corresponded with the IRS on numerous occasions asking them exactly what laws apply to 508 (c) (1) (a). However, they never responded to any of my letters. The agents themselves testified that they did not ever respond to any of my letters.”

That is astounding and outrageous! Repeatedly he sought clarification and received no help! Do IRS officials think they have no obligation to correspond with lowly peons who pay their salaries? Is this arrogance, defiance, or obstinacy? Or all three? This fact is not known by Kent’s critics. Some critics are so filled with loathing and hate that it will make no difference. They are very pleased to see a creationist in jail whether he deserves it or not! Yet, many Christians take the same position!

So the Hovind case involves a taxpayer who disagrees with Federal authorities (not a Federal crime) and requests clarification of those laws. And it should be added that many attorneys and tax experts agree with Hovind! So, why didn’t the government answer his questions and why didn’t the trial judge speak to the exceptions in the code?

Furthermore, he told me that he never boasted about beating the tax system. Then either David Gibbs was wrong because that is what the papers reported or maybe the news accounts were wrong. Even if he did boast about beating the system, that isn’t a crime in itself. It is not a Federal offence to boast, belittle, or even beat tax laws (as long as beating the laws is done legally by use of legitimate tax shelters, trusts, etc.) I have heard Kent say two or three times that he pays all taxes that he owes. He does not recommend tax protesting.

Kent told me that he “believes that everyone should obey the tax laws—including the government.” Do Gibbs, Horton, and Kent’s other critics see anything wrong with that statement? Why not hold the feet of Government officials to the fire? Haven’t they been aloof, arbitrary, and arrogant long enough? Why not chain them down with the laws they are supposed to obey? Or is it now a one-way street where only citizens are held accountable?

It is interesting that in Assistant U.S. Attorney Michelle Heldmyer’s closing argument, she said, “Nobody likes to pay taxes, but we do because it’s the law, and he is not above the law.” I want to remind that attorney that Federal officials are also required to obey the laws! Too often, government officials, in a desire to put another notch on their gun will deliberately skew the facts, lie, manufacture “evidence,” misquote an innocent victim, etc. since after all, “he is obviously guilty.” While we don’t have any evidence that happened with Kent’s trial, it has happened many times.

Most Americans have an innate sense of fairness, and don’t like seeing an ordinary citizen mistreated, especially when some rapists and killers walk away with probation! Surely if violent felons can walk free with probation then it is only reasonable that Kent receive the same consideration. Just last week, a black entertainer was charged with tax fraud–12 million dollars, yet he is still free on bail! Kent is in jail. It is also interesting to note that the entertainer still has his passport and is free to travel. It is such imbalance and unfairness that make so many American citizens critical of the judicial system.

I do not question Hovind’s motives. I do not believe he has ever been motivated by greed. After all, for many years he has permitted people to duplicate his videos and pass them on to other people! Obviously, avarice is not part of his nature.

He did not try to hide what he was doing about taxes. I understand, in tax matters, intent is very important and while no person on earth can always ascertain another person’s heart, I am as certain as possible that Kent is genuine.

Assuming he is correct about the IRS code, I think he was unwise to risk his and his wife’s freedom as well as his ministry. However, there is a possibility he will be considered a hero in a few years for standing for proper enforcement of laws. Some of the very people who are critical of Dr. Hovind think Henry David Thoreau was a highly principled man!

Thoreau, in 1846, was arrested in Massachusetts and spend some time in jail for refusing to pay a poll tax. His friend Ralph Waldo Emerson visited him, and peered through the bars, and asked, “Henry, what are you doing in there?” Thoreau replied: “Waldo, what are you doing out there?” I wonder if Kent feels that way? Maybe in a few years some of us on the outside today may realize that we should have been on the inside with him.

Thoreau took a stand against slavery and what he considered an unjust war with Mexico. He wrote, “Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.” Maybe, just maybe some of us should be on the inside looking out rather on the outside looking in.

One thing is sure: State and Federal officials had better understand that they are not above the law and must start enforcing laws equally. Moreover, they should be more concerned with what is right rather than what is legal. “Right” never changes while man-made laws are in constant flux.

Fair minded citizens are getting weary of seeing celebrities walk free or getting a slap on the wrist while Christians are punished with glee, often when there is no guilt!

Yes, Lady Justice is blind but it is outrageous that she is also bigoted.
Copyright 2013, Don Boys, Ph.D.


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Muslim Scholar Rapes, Burns, Crushes and Kills His Five-Year-Old Daughter for Fear She Lost Her Virginity! https://donboys.cstnews.com/muslim-scholar-rapes-burns-crushes-and-kills-his-five-year-old-daughter-for-fear-she-lost-her-virginity https://donboys.cstnews.com/muslim-scholar-rapes-burns-crushes-and-kills-his-five-year-old-daughter-for-fear-she-lost-her-virginity#comments Wed, 06 Feb 2013 17:12:29 +0000 http://donboys.cstnews.com/?p=322 I’ve had it up to here. Enough is enough. It is time to recognize that traditional Islam is backward, bloody, brutal and beastlike. Moreover, I am weary of people who can’t get indignant over the “honor” killings, genital mutilation of little girls, and the creeping of sharia law in America. It is not wise to generalize, but generally speaking, Muslims who follow the Koran as a holy book are dangerous, deceived, and deadly people. And it’s time for our government to act.

U.S. Muslims are waiting until they have the influence to strike and they will strike. Only uneducated fools say otherwise. Islamic leaders have already demanded sharia law in the U.S., Canada, and Britain. Sharia is not only a judicial system; it is a barbaric way of life that every Muslim must follow. Muslim ferociousness has been common for more than 1400 years in other nations. A few years ago there were a few Muslim political leaders that were at least somewhat reasonable, but not today. Even Turkey is slipping swiftly into the radical Islamist orbit where Muslim fanatics rule. Must I remind my readers of the dominoes falling all over the Middle East as I write?

Do you remember the fall of the Shah of Iran? The Shah was hated by the leftists in America and Europe. Well, we got rid of our friend in 1979 and he was replaced by radicals who seized 52 Americans and terrorized them for 444 days until the day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated. You think maybe the weak-minded Muslim leaders connected the dots? Under weak, whining, and whimpering U.S. leaders, we have seen Bahrain, Algeria, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, and Egypt fall into the abyss of Islamists and as I write, Syria is being bombed back to the Stone Age and will be ruled by fanatics. North Mali has fallen to Islamists and French troops are trying to keep them from taking control of the south. Within a year, Iraq and Afghanistan will each be an Islamist extremist paradise–again, although stained with American blood.

I will not take the space to prove the Koran clearly teaches hate against Christians and Jews and even commands killing of such people. Yes, I know that there are many Muslims who profess not to believe that, but then, they are not dedicated Muslims, or they are lying. Muslims are permitted to lie if it advances the cause of Islam.

This week a news report revealed that Fayhan al-Ghamdi, a famous Muslim cleric who often appears on Saudi Arabia television, has admitted to torturing, raping, and killing his five-year-old daughter because he was fearful she had lost her virginity! What a nation and what a religion! This is the nation that views women drivers as being “unchaste” while they promote, permit, and practice all kinds of wickedness under the color of a “peaceful religion.” Some fools have said that this has nothing to do with Islam when it has everything to do with Islam.

The child-rapist-killer cleric is a highly respected Islamic scholar but I think he is not a scholar but a scumbag. The barbarian not only raped his daughter but “raped [her] everywhere” according to a social worker at the hospital. The girl died from injuries relating to a crushed skull, broken ribs, a broken arm, a broken back and severe burns. In addition to being brutally beaten with a cane and cables, medical reports say that the child had also been raped repeatedly.

The killer was arrested (after all there are some limitations even for barbarians), tried and found guilty and served three months in prison and paid a $50,000 fine that was blood money for the mother’s family. Had the victim been a male, his fine would have been $100,000! Yes, it is Saudi’s business how they handle their sharia “justice” system run by imams, but it is a dirty business that no civilized nation should have anything to do with. In the “enlightened” kingdom of Saudi Arabia, a Muslim cannot be executed for murdering his wife or children! That nation is our friend! I’m not interested in having such friends. They will probably be the next “friend” of the U.S. to fall to the most extreme Muslims, but how could it be more extreme than this revolting crime?

Meanwhile, I can think and wish about having the opportunity and privilege of getting justice for the innocent girl. I would be honored to show her rapist-killer-father some biblical justice.

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